#erp is 23 months
Guilds of the Hollow
18+ Warriors roleplay server!
This server is 18+ only for the comfort of our adult members! With that 18+ rating in mind we do not allow any kind of erp!
This server is based around a Wattpad story I've been playing around with. This world idea is based kind of off the Disney Fairies franchise, and the territory off of Pixie Hollow, wherein each season has its own territory. The clans here refer to themselves as "guilds" in name, but still function the same as clans in their code and hierarchy system.
Each guild in this world is named for the season in which they live, and each guild is in charge of three holidays a year. Rather than the traditional gathering every full moon, each full moon is greated with a holiday organized by the clan in which their month falls. The Great Oak at the center of the territories is the only place to experience all four seasons, and as such that makes it a little easier to tell who organizes when.
Time here moves in real time. Each full moon holiday will fall on the real world full moon. We do keep track of the moon phases and the dates for each of the major moon phases (full, half, and new) in the server, and a server wide event will be set up the week leading up to the holiday gatherings to give plenty of warning. Everyone is encouraged to join these, as the holidays are meant to be for the entire clan to enjoy!
These clans have been at peace for ages now thanks to their holidays. With that in mind, there's not much planned in terms of drama between the four, and we fully understand that that may be a bit odd or off putting to some! Still though, we'd love to see you there and would love to explore this idea with anyone willing to give us a chance! :heart:
Right now, almost all high ranks are open. The Summer leader is the only one taken, but we definitely need people to help fill those out! Admins there are myself and Bun, so it's run very similarly to here, and we have a very similar submission system there as here wherein it's via docs.
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Uh, you doing okay Jaxon? Do you still want to continue with our ERP? -Kayla Shea almost 23 years old, only 3 more months left till July, 3 weeks, 467 mins, and 40 seconds.
I'm doing fine, I just don't know how to continue the RP when all you gave me is"yup".
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findjobseasy · 4 months
[ad_1] Job title: Customer service s AJ | SAP projekty | Automotive Company: Manpower Job description: Náplň práce Hledáme kandidáta/ku ideálně z korporátního prostředí customer service, se zkušeností s projekty v oblasti... z korporátního prostředí customer service - zákazníci v oblasti automotive znalost ERP systému, ideálně SAP AJ na velmi dobré... Expected salary: 40000 - 50000 per month Location: Olomoucký kraj Job date: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 23:37:39 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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aswinrjkrishna · 8 months
ERP And Cost Cutting
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Mr. Rajat was shocked when his home electricity bill touched Rs. 30000 for the second time in a row. He was finding it hard to cope with the scaling costs. He had to find the reason why this was happening and to find ways of dealing with it. He looked for any electricity theft, faulty meter and looked at the consumption patterns. He scouted for best possible solutions to manage this crisis he had landed up in. He began talking to his family about switching off lights and fans when not in use. He monitored how long the air conditioner was on, how long the water motor took to fill the tank and so on. With constant monitoring, his bill was at Rs. 28000 the following cycle. That was some improvement however not what he desired. So he began looking for other options and chanced upon Solar power. He had to make a huge investment to cater to the needs of his house. He lived in a large independent house with at least 7 rooms. But he was willing to make the investment to see how things can improve. He had almost all of his electrical needs from solar power and depended very little on the power supply from the service provider. He eagerly awaited the first bill for the month after he had installed the solar power and wolla! It was a bare minimum of Rs. 149, he had never seen his bill so low. Since then, his bills have not been more than that. He was also able to share extra power generated from the solar.
Want to know more about ERP software in Chennai?
Well, what has Rajat’s story got to do with ERP and cost cutting? Let us analyse what Rajat had actually done and how his decision had helped him. His problem was escalated electricity bills, he first tried to handle it internally by making a few changes but that did not give him the desired result, therefore, he attempted to bring in a system that can solve his issue. His decision to opt for solar electrification of the house yielded the most desired outcome. While the initial investment was a huge one, he was able to beat the escalating bill costs and also generate more power that could be shared.
Business houses start looking at technical solutions when there are issues such as escalating costs in running the business, inefficiency at all stages or in more than one, gaps in communication and when profits are not as expected. When companies opt for a software based solution, they are looking for help in the areas mentioned above. When there are desirable operational improvements that help the business an ERP is always rated as a successful one.
Let us now look at some statistics that industry research provides us on ERP and its impact on efficiency. Aberdeen Group (known for its research on industries) reported that ERP reduces operation costs by 23% and Administrative costs by 22%. This is a very important observation, because the cost effectiveness of a system can help the business not just save up money but make way for expansion and growth as well. Imagine the operational costs being slashed down by 23%, that’s a huge amount of money that is available for the company to use, may be for upgradation or may be reinvestment or at the most, repaying of loans if any.
How does ERP help reduce Operation costs?
For businesses that work out of different locations and have various departments coordinating different things, one centralised ERP system can be a great way to integrate the business, have all information in one place and that is readily available especially at times of decision making. This is one of the most crucial aspects of an integrated system, it has all information ready in just one click! The entire supply chain can be mapped on the ERP and in a manner that is unique to the business needs. There does not have not have to be a one size fits all kind of solution.
Improved communication systems:
With the ERP integrating the geo locations and paving way for better communication at all stages, the entire chain of communication is enhanced. ERP is said to have enhanced easier  exchange of business information, which means information flow amongst departments is transparent and effective. This plays a great role especially in industries where information from one department is important for another. The same information is available to all, this is another important factor that enhances communication, often systems fail because of either lack of communication or because of inadequate information.
Automated reminders for payments
Small businesses that depend on payments for rotation of funds and cannot employ someone exclusively to follow up on payments benefit because the system generates reminders on payments that are pending or overdue. All you have to do is to set the time frame for the reminders to appear. Once payments are made, the system recognises the payment against that particular invoice.
Getting rid of error-prone documentation
When you opt for a process automated system, manual errors get reduced to a great extent. This by itself can help businesses in containing misinformation and miscommunication. For any business to thrive, there is a need for a robust documentation system at all phases of the business, an ERP can provide that platform that can be made error free.
When all business functions are integrated and centralised, it unifies the information available thereby minimizing duplication or we may say even eliminating them altogether. So this is another way of making the system error free.
Smooth Inventory and supply chain management
Manufacturing and many other businesses that need to keep track of the inventory software have a great advantage by adopting an ERP. From the stage of procurement of raw materials to the packaging of finished product to the sale of the product can be mapped in such a perfect manner. The owner of the business can look at all these stages remotely by connecting to the software. ERP raises alarm on product shortages and can indicate gaps in the supply chain. Thereby alerting the business owners on areas that need focus.
With a system that tracks every little movement in the process, it helps the business understand inventory needs, identify gaps, assess losses wherever that happens and identify wasteful expenditure if any. All processes become well documented with an effective ERP.
Strengthened Customer Relationship management
Customers are an integral part of any business especially in the B2C businesses. Data of customers is a treasure for the companies. ERP can align and keep all customer data in one place for all departments to access. Apart from that, enhanced customer relationships can elevate the experience customers have with the business organisation and thereby contribute to the customer satisfaction and loyalty.
How can Gway help you?
Gway specialises in tailor-made ERPs for businesses, which map your unique business needs.
With its specified business solutions, Gway has helped its customers to move from progressing businesses to profit making enterprises. Their agile style of functioning helps connect departments in the best possible way thereby helping the business thrive. Customers have experienced their operational costs improve and have found the integrated systems to be effective as well.
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Affordable Sage X3 Erp Software Program For Production Management
The price is simpler to handle if you go for a cloud-hosted ERP resolution, nevertheless. Cloud ERP solutions sometimes function on a month-to-month sage x3 fmcg subscription, so you’ll be billed over time. Either method, the counter to this disadvantage is the long-term value financial savings having an ERP system provides.
Just remember, these could additionally be designed for firms of all sizes and may be more expensive in consequence. ERP pricing varies tremendously due to a big selection of cost elements, including the variety of concurrent customers, add-on modules, implementation charges, upkeep, and worker training. Some plans can be found for as low as $20 per 30 days per person while others begin at over $5,000 per month. Over the course of possession, anticipate to invest between $25,000 to $150,000 on an ERP system on your small business.
The ERP consultant will coordinate with different company branches to make certain that any upgrades of the system satisfy their needs. They will then put together an indication to ensure the relevant firm administration understands what has been accomplished. Some corporations could solely concentrate on the financial side of an ERP, some solely on the useful side, whereas others might concentrate on solely offering technical support to your group. Wide geographic presence 23 places of work all over the world and product and providers can be found in additional than one hundred sixty international locations.
The initial setup is a little bit of a trouble as properly, which is the biggest disadvantage of this solution. After answering a somewhat intensive questionnaire, you’ll be contacted inside 24 hours to debate your company’s necessities in larger depth earlier than getting an estimate. In many instances, you won’t be able to buy the software immediately from SAP; you’ll need to undergo one of their partners or resellers.
Beginning in 1994, Shawn has spearheaded the company’s development to turn sage x3 fmcg into the most important Sage provider in Western Canada.
It additionally helps integration with Microsoft Office and other productiveness tools. Enterprise resource planning particularly constructed for small businesses offers your company an affordable, easy-to-use, and secure method to manage business processes, financials, and sales in real-time. Software streamlines your work throughout multiple sage x3 fmcg areas, from back office accounting to front-end buyer help. Both small and midsize firms can profit from using one ERP software program resolution to cowl quite so much of business operations. IBM Sterling is an open, integrated platform that leverages advanced technologies like AI and blockchain to attach with the supplier ecosystem.
He is all the time open to talk about expertise and digital transformation topics onLinkedInorTwitter. Or the ones that are likely to acquire capabilities that may be transactionally completely different from different entities. For example, IFS isn't the best match for constraint-based manufacturing.
Our prospects boast Fraxion effortlessly scaled with their enterprise and so did the time savings, which translated to saving the equal of 2-6 full time salaried positions. This frees up priceless sources that may now be utilized to other crucial areas of your organization. Sage X3's deployment choices embody on premises, as a service in the AWS cloud or in a partner-provisioned cloud. Sage X3's power is in midmarket manufacturing and distribution. Oracle NetSuite ERP doesn't have strong implementation and reseller choices, although this has been altering. It's limited within the functionality it provides for the enterprise wants of extra complicated manufacturing, distribution, digital information interchange and retail conditions, in accordance with the Third Stage Consulting Group report.
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
I've watched this video maybe 30+ times. Can't get enough of her sweet little voice that's just starting to communicate with us.
Today has been a truly luxurious day full of nothing. NOTHING! It looks like it should be snowing outside yet it's 51 degrees.
I took my kid to daycare, came home and instead of immediately doing my lifts, made breakfast for myself. Then sat down with my coffee and baby and caught up on Tumblr. Then put the sleeping babe down and took a short nap until she started fussing (like maybe 15 minutes later). Then sat down with her some more while she passed back out in my arms while I browsed homes for sale in the Philadelphia area. Then started a load of laundry and put clothes away. Then had more coffee and snuggled with my cat. And on and on the relaxing day goes!
As this is my last Friday of maternity leave, I'm so happy to have an empty to-do list* allowing me this guilt free day of sitting and snuggles. Such a welcomed change of pace :)
*Because I've busted my ass the last few weeks getting everything for Christmas done on top of single-handedly herding two kids under two who now like to cry when the other one does. Love that they're bonding at least?! 😂🙃
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banshees-switch · 3 years
10, 11, 23, 29, 46, 49
10. So far i've had a lot of fun with sitting in eachother's laps. Oh I also love pretty much every variation of horny snuggling!
11. There's a lot of light to medium bdsm stuff I haven't had a chance to try but I have a feeling I'll really enjoy, as well as some roleplay stuff
23. I usually keep it trimmed quite short, I can't ever really be bothered to keep it completely shaved though
29. Hard to say exactly but it was probably earlier this year when I had been on progesterone for a little over a month and hadn't quite realized how hard it kicked my libido back into gear. I was casually flirting and borderline erp-ing with some friends of mine online and didn't realize just how horny it was making me until I was already whimpering and humping at nothing.
46. Not really, I make a lot of noises but they're quiet noises.
49. I have this one fairly elaborate fantasy that's stuck with me for a while about being the loyal right hand to my dark mistress (where the blog title comes from), serving her with everything I have, either personally, or by helping her with the many servants in her domain. And of course I have a passionate rivalry with my queen's other most trusted advisor that is *this* close to boiling over and ending with us fucking against the wall. A lot of other fantasies end up getting tied up in this one
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Colette Berends (1934 - 2012) performer, beautician, fabric artist.Berends was raised in Zwolle, Overijssel, Netherlands. After a few years of window dresser, she went to Amsterdam and found work in a nightclub as a travestie, and later appeared at Madame Arthur in Amsterdam and Paris.
She had breast augmentation in 1956, and made the transition to regular night clubs, and sang and danced in clubs all over Europe and North Africa. She completed transition to Colette with surgery from Georges Burou in 1971. Two Moroccan gynaecologists certified that she had all the external characteristics of a woman. Three months later, with the help of the noted endocrinologist, Dr O de Vaal, she was able to have her birth certificate re-issued.
“Some people said: the most remarkable fact is that you remained precisely the same person, but now it looks more natural. Indeed, I remained the same. Some transsexuals totally reject their past. They tear apart old photo albums in order not to be reminded by the past. However, I have also lived before my surgery and in some way I was happy too. This is not bothering me too much. I am as I am, I do not impose anything on myself. Sometimes they say: as a woman you have to behave such and such. Nonsense. Even should I have a male characteristic. I don’t know if I have one - then it is like that and that makes me not unhappy.”.
She continued as a performer until she was 48. This gave her the money and the time to take holidays all around the world. Colette then returned to Zwolle, despite the fact that she and her past were known there. At first she opened a beauty salon, but became known for her artistic work with tapestries, for which she has won many awards.
She spent the last 30 years of her life with the same boyfriend, Ton. She died at age 77.
Colette Berends. "Van jongen tot vrouw met allure". Zwolsche Courant, 21 maart 1986. Online at: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/Colette/Web%20Files/Van%20jongen%20tot%20vrouw%20met%20allure.htm. English translation: “From boy to women with style”. http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/Colette/Article1/Article1-English.html.
Jolanda Jansen. “Colette houdt ons voor het lapje”. Telgraaf, 9 februari 1991. Online at: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/Colette/Web%20Files/Colette%20houdt%20ons%20voor%20het%20lapje.htm. English translation by Puck Berends: “Colette creates unexpected delights”. http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/Colette/Article2/Article2-English.html.
Taarna. “Fiber art - Colette Berends”. Pinterest. http://pinterest.com/taarna/fiber-art-colette-berends.
“Colette Berends - Textielkunst van Colette Berends “. www.coletteberends.exto.nl.
I Am a Woman Now. Michiel van Erp (dir) with April Ashley, Marie-Pierre Pruvot, Colette Berends, Jean Lessenich, Corinne van Tongerloo. Netherlands 80 mins 2011.
Berthi Smith-Sanders. “Colette Berends 13.10.1934 – 23.4.2012”. Berthi’s Weblog, 11-05-2012. http://berthi.textile-collection.nl/2012/05/10/colette-berends-13-10-1934-23-4-2012.
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fleetingfigures · 5 years
Reintroducing: Saerno Glista!
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After a brief hiatus from Tumblr, I’ve decided to give this blog a little facelift, as well as revamp Sae’s introduction! ~General Info~
Race and Gender: Male Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Height: 6′1″
Age: 23 Summers
Nameday: 6th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
Languages: Common Eorzean
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned
Body Type: Slender with slight muscular toning
~Early Life~
The Black Shroud
Cedarwood, La Noscea
Audrey Glista (Older step-sister),  Eadwynn Glista (Stepmom), Eluric Glista (Stepdad). Saerno does not know of his biological family.
Saerno doesn’t remember much of his life before being adopted by the Glista family, however, what he does remember he has fond memories of. He spent most of his days being homeschooled by his father, Eluric, who, in addition to being a tome salesman, was also a member of the Arcanist’s Guild. Once Saerno was old enough, he would eventually also join the Arcanist’s Guild.
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Researcher. Takes up odd part-time jobs in cities he travels to in order to actually make money. Occasional mercenary work when especially strapped for cash.
Homeschooled and learned the summoning arts from the Arcanist’s Guild. As Saerno grew older, he’d eventually travel to Ishgard, wherein he studied for a period of time at both the Scholasticate and Astrologian’s Guild.
Place of Residence:
A small apartment in Shirogane, as well as a room within the Rengeki Company’s halls, also located within Shirogane.
Makes fine money from his research and part time jobs; however, Saerno is prone to splurging often, and finds himself needing money more times than he’s comfortable admitting.
~Personal Life~
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Sexual Orientation:
Romantic Preference:
Marital Status:
Still visits his parents from time to time, and is in still on good terms with them. He occasionally contacts his sister through letters, but ever since her sudden marriage years ago, she has drifted from the family. Outside of his family, Saerno has many acquaintances he has met through his studies and travels, as well as close bonds with those within his guild, Rengeki.
In Love:
While Saerno does hold a love for all things dramatic and romantic, he cannot fully hold back his more snarky and blunt nature. He will often take the initiative in intimate situations and has a hard time relinquishing that role, given his slightly domineering nature. Once you have his trust, however, he will cling on tight, and express his deepest emotions within your presence.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded /open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
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Very expressive when talking. Tends to play with his hair when concentrating.
- Astrology/Stargazing, - Painting, - Reading and Studying - Playing with his summons - Collecting Allagan Trinkets
- Sweets - "Cute" Things (his definition of cute varies from the common one.) - Learning - Drinking and relaxing - Antiques - Interesting Conversations - Constellations - Romance Novels - Teasing - Jokes and Pranks - Theatre - Festivals
- Ignorance - Close-mindedness - The cold - Clubs and busy bars - Getting dirty - Yarzon - Unproductivity
Is bad at:
- Dancing - Not Talking - Remembering where things are - Stopping his mind from wandering
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
~Skills and Experience~
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While Saerno Prefers to rely upon his expertise on arcanima to dispatch those who stand before him, he is not defenseless when robbed of access to it. Thanks to years of delving within ancient ruins and dealing with not so savory individuals, Saerno has carved out himself a skill set for a slippery, underhanded fighter.
Research Expertise:
Saerno has studied many subjects throughout his education, but his true passion lies within the study of civilizations that have been lost to time, particularly the ancient Allag and their wonders of aetherochemistry.
Military Experience
Saerno was briefly forced into conscription under the Garlean Empire after he had been caught snooping around their activities within Azys Lla. However, he defected after a few years, attaining the rank of Lux before doing so.
~RP Preferences~
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Open to Most Themes:
Though, that is with proper context. While I am comfortable with many topics, without the proper build up or IC interaction, I many not be as receptive of the idea as I should.
I am not opposed to the subject, but if you are looking for an immediate hookup, I am not interested. As stated above, I enjoy my RP to have some sort of story or lead up.
Lasting Connections:
I very much enjoy to keep contact with my RP partners, and would be interested in creating future interactions for our characters! If I left a good impression, feel free to add me as a friend or shoot me a /tell if you're looking to continue or start anything.
Data Center/WU/Tells:
I’m on Balmung, which is on the Crystal data center. If you’re wishing to RP with me, send me a message here on tumblr, or a /tell expressing what it is you’d like to set up! I’m usually not much of a public face, so WUs may be hard as I’m not around many crowded cities, but if you do find me, feel free to do so.
~RP Hooks~
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Academically Inclined:
Being a graduate from the Scholasticate, as well a currently active aetherologist, Saerno is open to most queries and discussions centered around more advanced topics.
While working for the Rengeki adventurer's guild does put food on his table, Saerno makes most of his money from offering his services to any and all who would need them. Whether it be for simple work as a sellsword, research upon a topic, or the retrieval of a rare object, name a good enough price, and Saerno might just be yours.
Recognize me?:
Saerno has made his rounds throughout the land, and is bound to run into an old acquaintance or two. Perhaps you remember him as a classmate from Ishgard? An old childhood playmate from Limsa? Or maybe a one-night stand months ago? Whatever it may be, feel free to ask OOC in a /tell if you're hesitant on approaching!
More present within my Caard linked below!
~ Contact Me! ~
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DM me here on tumblr, but I can give my Discord handle if that’s more your speed (obviously through a tumblr dm first). Here’s my Caard! ( https://saerno.carrd.co/ ) [if the link doesn’t work, try opening it in a new tab] It has links to my refsheet and is a general catch all for most other RP needs. I work off of EST (UTC -5) and am usually active more so during the late afternoon leading into the night.
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this-charming-graph · 4 years
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US Daily Yield Curve and Spread as Predictor of Recession
The T10Y2Y spread inversion predated the 1980 recession by 17 months The T10Y2Y spread inversion predated the 1981 recession by 10 months The T10Y2Y spread inversion predated the 1990 recession by 19 months The T10Y2Y spread inversion predated the 2001 recession by 34 months The T10Y2Y spread inversion predated the 2007 recession by 23 months The T10Y3M spread inversion predated the 1981 recession by -7 months The T10Y3M spread inversion predated the 1990 recession by 15 months The T10Y3M spread inversion predated the 2001 recession by 30 months The T10Y3M spread inversion predated the 2007 recession by 23 months
Raw Data: https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/T10Y3M%20yield%20spread%20data.csv https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/T10Y2Y%20yield%20spread%20data.csv https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/recession%20data.csv https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/yield%20curve%20rates%20data.csv https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/US%20treasury%20bill%20yield%20curve%20rates%20data%20yearly%20averages.csv
Code: https://github.com/rosesolow/this-charming-graph/blob/master/yield_spread_analysis.py
Data Source:  https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y3M https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y2Y https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/TextView.aspx?data=yieldAll https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/ERP-2012/pdf/ERP-2012-table73.pdf
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lavender-hemlock · 5 years
the be honest meme. - ALL OF THEM! -From ya know who.
Breathes. I am going to kill you. Everything of the honesty meme is under the cut you absolute fruitcake @kazexvoss . 
1.     What would prevent you from following someone?
Possibly if that person isnotoriously opinionated and hateful towards any opinion that opposes theirs.That’s about the only preventive thing. Just unbearable and toxic people. 
2.     Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
Sure, I think aesthetics aregreat outlets to demonstrating outside of screenshots and prompts what yourcharacter is about in an array of colors, art, or examples. It’s beautiful.
3.     What current rp trend do you hate? Taken.
4.     How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
Hahah- I don’t, but I would probably compare it to my lovefor literature and writing if I had to. I’m writing stories and adventures.
5.     Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
I don’t have a preference!
6.     Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why?
I write female muses because it is simply easier for me to put myshoes in the shoes of a female muse. For obvious reasons I should hope. However,I have written with a male oc in the past. I want to, just haven’t found theright dynamic yet for ffxiv. I had a male Au Ra by the name of Xathun- but nowhe is simply my retainer that brings me stuff he deems is shiny. 
I love himeven if he brings me level 5 rocks.
7.     What’s your opinion on call-out posts?
I think they are both useful topoint out harmful individuals who have harmful or greedy intentions – andharmful because some call-out posts I believe are just posts to continue a potstir off the platform itself or off the drama seeping from another dms. Thereis a time and place for all things.
8.     Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. Taken.
9.     What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
I think exclusivity iscompletely up to those who choose to practice it. I only practice it on whetherI am comfortable. Very few people can make me feel uncomfortable- but my guthas yet to fail me in this. I will not RP with anyone who makes meuncomfortable or if they are just looking for ERP. I’m not about it.
10.   Have you everhad a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or assomeone who buys them?
I have not had a bad experiencewith commissions. I really need to seek out one.
11.   What do youknow now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started? Taken.
12.   Have you beeninvolved in drama? Do you regret it?
In this community, I have onlybeen involved in one instance. It was during my first few months joining FFXIV,super early on. A RPer tried to guilt trip me for not responding to them forone day. One day caused a lot of drama from someone else’s greed and possessivenature.
I don’t regret it. It just demonstrated another example for me to be wary of everyone’s intentions. Unfortunately. It isthat split-second decision that you want to think the best in everyone that brings the failure. Oops.
13.   Have you everthought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
I probably considered leavingRP when I was leaving a forum base that I had invested eleven or so years of mylife into. I had grown so much through it and watched as it died out bit by bitonly for trolls to really remain. None of the inspiration was there and noone truly seemed passionate about anything but bars. Taverns. 
I changed my mind when I joinedFFXIV. At first I played the game because it was something to do. I wasbored and things were dying down for me. I have loved the FF series for such along time, so I thought, why not? Screw the pay wall. I just played through AtRealm Reborn and focused that down in a binge. Over time I got the itch Iwanted to write, and that had propelled me right into the RP crew in Siren.Then that branched onto the Tumblr. Creating my blog has led me to meet such wonderful people along the way. 
14.   Do you think rphas had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
Positive for sure. RP helped meduring the years I was unsure who I wanted to be, what I wanted to express, andhelped me communicate more when I said so little. I was so much moreintroverted, and the writing RP brought was so uplifting.
The character, Haine, I madeyears ago is a force in my life that influenced my traits as a role model. She’llalways have a special place in my heart.
15.   How has rpchanged you personally?
I suppose this builds on thelast question, huh?
Without finding RP as anoutlet, I don’t think I would have been ready to embrace what I could be.Things could have been far worse in my life, and I like to think some of thetraits I had crafted Haine to be throughout the years helped me remain true towho I should be rather than what everyone wanted me to be- or knock me down tobe.
16.   If you couldchange one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
I don’t think I want to changeanything- I would just want to encourage others to write and express themselvesmore in their outlets. Which can be writing, drawing, aesthetics. You do you.The passion is my favorite thing to see in others.
17.   Have you eversent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
No. Why would anyone do that?
18.   Have you eversent hate to yourself on anon? Why?
Why… would anyone do that? Arethey okay?
19.   Do you deleteanon hate or post and address it? Why?
I am content to say I havenever received anon hate. Yet.
20.   Have you everfelt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
No. I refuse to put myself inthat position.
21.   Have you everfollowed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to? Taken.
22.   What would makeyou block someone?
I try to avoid blocking becauseI believe most things can be recovered- because if I put you on that block list,I am never looking at it. You’re gone. You must be very toxic to get put there-or annoying. There was that one guy…
23.   Have you everstolen something from someone else?
Does luck count? Because Iswear I stole someone’s luck once and it was the funniest thing I had everwitnessed.
24.   Have you everhad something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
Yes. I’ve had the alias Hainefor over ten years. I carried that name from my old RP community and thisperson that I used to call a good friend disappeared. She came back under a newname, and then I went on a hiatus. I come back, she’s going as the name “Haine.”She pretended she was just an anonymous person and not the friend I always knewbut playing stupid never was her skill.
I was… indifferent at first.Yet, it felt like a part of me was being violated. I knew her. It hurt. I hadmade Haine as this love child of my creativity. I tried to be reasonable butthen this person began to start discourse so it would go. “Did Haine do this?” “Whydid Haine do that?” It was confusing to always say “It was the other one.” Whenoften duplicate alias’ were not typical.
It was upsetting to say theleast, and after a while, as above it as I like to be- I started getting prettyangry. It was never pretty. I can regret a bit of it.
25.   Are you open toduplicates? Why / why not?
As in duplicates acrossservers? I do that! I had stared on Siren originally before I made a characteron Balmung before world visit opened up. I think duplicates are helpful in caseyou want to keep your strong attachments in both data centers.
26.   How do you feelabout vague posting?
Vague… posting?
27.   Do you followpeople even if they don’t follow you back?
Of course! Someone I followdoes not have to follow me back. I love their content and I want to stay tuned!That is the entire point! If they follow back, it is just equally delighting.
28.   Do you readpeople’s rules before following or interacting?
If they have rules, yes. Ithink it is very important to have OOC communication to express what you willallow or what you find inappropriate.
29.   What is youropinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
I don’t.. understand.
30.   How have youresponded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Doyou use it at all?
I don’t follow tumblr trends enough toknow?
31.   Is theresomething you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone becauseyou think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something youhad to ask someone to explain?
OH! I think I did this once. Beingnew on Tumblr awhile back, I did not understand a lot of things. So some of theterms was lost on me. I think I remember asking what on earth a “mun” was. Itwas lost on me.
32.   Have you everexperienced discrimination?
33.   How do you feelabout personal blogs following your rp blog?
The more the merrier! I thinkthat makes it more flattering to see. It makes me think that something on myblog had to be nice for someone to want to keep up on their personal blog.
34.   Have you evercried while writing a reply?
Oh go- Yes. Recently. The plot lines that make me feel things are the best kind. Happy, excited, nervous, bittersweet, thrilled. I love it. 
35.   Do you readother people’s threads or do you only read your own?
I read other people’s threads,and my own. I read mine several times because I figure it can be better. I love reading thewriting of others.
36.   What’s onething that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you? Taken.
37.   How do you feelabout tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what istriggering content and what isn’t?
I don’t feel anything for themor tag them.
38.   What advicewould you give to someone new to rp?
 Embrace what you want to be and do not divert from what youare comfortable with. Feel free to go to public places and watch others work.If I know the person who is new to RP I would usually offer to be their partnerto get them into the cadence.
This exhausted me. I felt things throughout this journey of asks, and through it all I give to you- 
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orphieus-ffxiv · 5 years
Things I like my RP partners to know!
Like to be called: Orphieus/Orph/Orf or Rick by close friends. Gender: Male (He/him very much preferred but I don’t mind they/them sometimes!) One thing you should know about me: I’m an Australian trans man! I love my boyfriend very much!! I don’t talk much and am generally bad at communication, but I’m trying to get better! I love to make friends and meet new people! If you ever need help with anything art or in game related I love to help!! I love hearing about other people’s characters and OCs. Please show me your art of your OCs!! I’m shy, but I can get friendly very quickly, and if I ever say something that makes you uncomfortable please let me know!! I have a horrible memory at times so if I forget something please remind me. I really like joking around and sharing memes! You can go months without talking to me and I promise I’ll like you just as much as I did however long ago!! ♥ Ask me about my Burt!!
One thing you should know about my character(s): Almost all of them are off-model because I like to give them my own designs!! Most of them are fairly friendly and open. Feel free to ask me about them if you’re curious!
First language: English!
RP Blog: Contains OOC Posts | Does not Contain OOC Posts | Single Muse Blog | Multimuse Blog | Aesthetic Blog (It says RP blog, but I really just reblog and post art sometimes. I do answer IC questions sometimes! If you want to know anything about my characters don’t be shy to ask!) Age Range: Under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+
Am I ok with NSFW?: Yes | No | Depends (I’m 99.9% fine most of the time with discussing NSFW and sometimes drawing smut stuff, but I’m much too shy and nervous to ERP. I’m also asexual and I’m not at all comfortable taking NSFW past our characters.)
My favorite most common thing to RP is: Angst (big fat maybe) | Fluff | Smut | Crack | Action | Slice of Life | Plots | Events | Canon Lore | Non Canon Lore | Other (I really like talking about Alternate Universe stuff! :D I’ll gladly RP all sorts of genres but I prefer non-serious, lighthearted stuff!)
OC friendly?: Yes | No | Depends (I love sharing OCs and I love talking about them!!)
Yoinked from: @zahkis-ffxiv
Your turn!! (but only if you want to): @rolanberrycheesecake, @smol-nevi, @imperialnuisance, @the-false-ser-toes, @shroudwayman, @ffxivtribehydrae, @grapecatte, @sacha-desyreffxiv, @fireiistarter, @keelime-xiv
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heiress-incognito · 5 years
Vallencia Lotus - I Like RP Partners to Know
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I like to be called: Moony
My favorite colors are: Pink and blue~
Gender: Girly stuff!
One thing you should know about me (or several):
I am VERY enthusiastic about new partners or plotting and having ideas and such. But I am shy to approach others and have too less time for everything. My answers (on Discord) can vary from rapid in three minutes to seven months. I am so very very sorry about that, it’s nothing personal. It’s just a stupid girl not being able to manage her time and too many hobbies.
Speaking of hobbies, I love gaming, reading, drawing, and writing. So yeah, that’s where my time goes. And boyfriend. But I do everything and finish nothing, so I bad, very bad, even if I love you and everything.
One thing you should know about my muse(s)(Or several):
Vallencia (Phoenix) - She is a workaholic. If you start to hang out with her, she will be very wary and just wants to go back to work. So, if you have any idea, give it a try and maybe be a bit persistent, she’ll warm up soon. Or maybe one can even combine it with work to get her out of her office, since she has been an official at Maelvaan’s Gate, so she had been on inspections or even hunting for slave traders!
Camilla (hidden character of this blog / Mateus for now) - She’s a villain. She has her own set of morals and her ambitions might never be clear. Careful if she lures you to go out eating with her with her sweet sweet smile, though. You’ll be left with the bill in the end.
Everena (soon-to-move-here character / Mateus) - Lovely girl from the country island! She is absolutely cheery and doesn’t back down from any fight. She is the easiest to get roped into ANY kind of RP. Look out for her body languages, though, I have some set motions linked with her emotions~
First language: German
Second language: English, Vietnamese
RP blogs/Main Blog
@celestialspark - Main blog, multifandom, and ooc
@heiress-incognito - This one, a sideblog, soon with all my characters
@everena-lisleth - Evey’s blog, but since I can’t handle two separate main blogs, she’ll move here soon
@lufiiineorzea - FC’s screenshot blog
https://twitter.com/Leodea_ - Twitter but mostly in German with nothing interesting in fact
Age range:  under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ |  70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw (Depends on character and plot, nsfw of all kind ... just keep in mind as for ERP that both Valli and Evey are taken - and Milla just ... doesn’t.)
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs are fine (need to plot first) | other
OC friendly?: yes | no | depends
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
Tagged by: @ssytxiv Thanks! Tagging: I’m very late to the party, so as for the people I’d like to get to know ... I don’t know! Please feel free to do it and tag me, so I can get to know you!
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altani-jhungid · 5 years
Things to know about RP partners:
Fill in
I like to be called:  Cleaver, Altani, Chels
My favourite colour is: black and green and pink!
Gender: Female
One thing you should know about me: I go through various moods with rp.  Sometimes I’m down to rp everyday all day and other times I take a 6 month hiatus with very little notice
One thing you should know about my muse: Altani is a meanie!  She’s not very nice to people unless they earn it.  K’lyhia is silly and loves everybody, and it takes a lot to get on her bad side
First language: English
Second language: That’s it just English
Age range:   under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 |  30+ |  70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no (sort of?  Like I’m down for most 18+ themes, just not erp/smut) 
My favourite/most common thing to RP is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other
OC friendly?: yes | no | depends
RP blog:  does | doesn’t contain OOC posts
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
Erp just said, "Mama" for the first time.
Sure, it was prompted but STILL! It was so clear and perfect and made my heart immediately explode.
We're on our way!!!!
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aerochat482 · 3 years
Grant Langston Eharmony
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EHarmony's New CEO Grant Langston Shares His New Vision OPW INTERVIEW - Dec 23 - eHarmony is now easier, quicker and more open. Grant is the new CEO of eHarmony and describes how the company has changed in the last few months, and what's to come.
Grant Langston Eharmony
Grant Langston Eharmony Email
EHarmony CEO Grant Langston visited the Wall Street Journal to discuss the results of a recent poll by the online dating service that indicates what makes people happy and frustrated in relationships.
EHarmony CEO Grant Langston visited the Wall Street Journal to discuss the results of a recent poll by the online dating service that indicates what makes people happy and frustrated in relationships.
Grant Langston
CEO and Board Member
As the former CEO of eHarmony, Grant brings 20 years of matchmaking expertise and passion to the logistical space at Warehouse Exchange.
Jonathan Rosenthal
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman
30 years of operating and investing in Logistics and Supply Chain; Expert in warehousing, drayage, technology implementation, and transportation
Dan Pimentel
Co-Founder and CFO
25 years of finance experience with concentrations in consumer products and retail operations (brick and mortar and direct to consumer). Experience includes global ERP systems implementation.
Jason Clardy
Director of Operations
Grant Langston Eharmony
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20 years of operations experience in various aspects of the Logistics and Supply Chain industry including drayage, line operations and terminal operations.
Rich Moran
Strategic Advisor
Former CEO of Accretive Solutions, Managing Partner at Accenture and Partner at venture capital firm Venrock, Rich brings decades of experience in leading organizations and building businesses.
James C. Cabral
Chief Revenue Officer
Grant Langston Eharmony Email
With more than 20 years as an executive in high growth private equity backed companies, James brings deep experience in building and scaling sales organizations in technology enabled and marketplace business models.
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