#ervaurem (law)
mathcs · 4 months
alone 'together' / @ervaurem
They'd gotten split up in the darkness at some point. But it wasn't anything to worry over. The two of them would run into each other again soon enough. It was far from their first mishap.
'I trust you.' Jude hadn't needed to tell him that, not at this point. It was one of the reasons they were even here in the first place. They'd made it this far, after all. Even if Law found himself alone. It'd be temporary.
The room was wrapped in black. There was no ceiling, and the floor was covered in shining purple hexagonal distortions. It was the same as ever ( the same, the same in all timelines ). At the center, something barely flickeredー
And turned around to face his friend.
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"Law...?" The name echoed softly with a familiar tone. "That was fast. It looks like that path led to the same door after all." His brows slowly knit together in worry as he stared. "But how're you holding up...? Are you hurt anywhere?"
Law wasn't alone. 'Jude' needed him to come closer.
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beyondbinaries · 3 months
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❝ @ervaurem ❞ ♡ ೃ༄
✧˚ · . A massive happy birthday to one of the sweetest and most amazing people on this hellsite, Shai! If you aren't already moots with them the heck are you waiting for? Talented, kind, fun to plot with, fun to talk with. Genuinely one of my favorite people on this website!!
Happy birthday, Shai, I know it's prolly a lil late but I wish you nothing but the best day/year ever. You deserve the whole world! I adore you and all the memories we've made thusfar! 💕
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pastel-archived · 11 months
◌・❀➵ @ervaurem // unprompted starter
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◌・❀➵ "Awbie, Awbie!" The pinkette hops to the other, proudly holding up a crumpled paper, "Mana found a treasure map! Do ya wanna go on a treasure hunt?" By found she means drew herself, but that's a secret.
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pastelfates · 4 months
◌・❀➵ @ervaurem
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◌・❀➵ "Is that fashionable here?" The prince asks the other. It was a strange predicament he had found himself in, away from his homeland surrounded by strange monsters and some of the ugliest clothes he had ever seen.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
@ervaurem Spring festitales starter, do your thing Law!
Truth be told, Asch felt like he was a little bit at a loss when it came to finding something to do around the festival. Spring Rise had plenty of things to do, sure, but nothing immediately was standing out to him. He wound up just wandering in the direction of the petting zoo. An odd place for someone like Asch, sure, but that just happened to be where he walked.
When he reached it, he was able to pick out a few of the people working there. Tear was one of them, and she was presently occupied with making sure various creatures were getting their fair share of pets. He wasn't about to talk to her, so Asch turned his attention to others working at the petting zoo. That was when he spotted Law. Truth be told, Law looked right at home among the animals there. The animals in turn seemed really interested in him. It was almost kind of amusing.
Sure. Why not, Asch finally decided. Maybe he needed to give some creatures some pets. So he walked closer.
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"Room for one more in the petting zoo?" He almost felt weird asking, but that was the whole point. People were supposed to come in and pet the creatures. He wasn't expecting anything else out of it apart from maybe conversation with Law.
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reneancia · 1 year
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" . . . " chestnut eyes stared downwards as the man fell into deep thought. at first simply on the past, then few improvements over time and then . . . musical instruments. And that now led towards Dohalim striding over towards Law's location and, from drilled in instincts, clicked his fingers for attention.
" if there are no prior arrangements or qualms surrounding assisting me on an excursion for an undisclosed reason and time, we are to head towards the market within such a fine capital. I would be incredibly thankful, Law."
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lunaetis · 7 months
@ervaurem asked :
"I hope you know what you're doing. I'm gonna be trusting you with this!" says Law, who doesn't even hide how nervous he is. ( law and eden shenanigans LEGGGOOO )
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  the TRAILBLAZER was keeping her footsteps as light and quiet as possible, with the other following in-tow despite how uncertain be might seem to be. golden hues were kept upon her TARGET which happened to be a gigantic creature she already forgot the name of. golden hues were observing its movement.
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                " didn't you say you fought a lot of monsters before ? " her line of vision flicked towards her partner-in-crime for a moment, jabbing her gloved thumb towards the creature with a shrug of her shoulder. " then that shouldn't be a problem for you, right ? and you were the one who said we need its core. " to which she assumed to be a glowing thing within its chest area.
                maybe taking this monster with just the two of them wasn't a GOOD IDEA, but it's not like bad ideas had ever stopped her before.
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sapphiren · 1 year
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"Sky Dragon: Wing Attack!" She uses her Sky Dragon Slayer magic to assist Law with defeating their foes, causing them to make quick work of the ones left. In the time they have travelled together, Wendy has become more willing to use the more offensive side of her powers, specially so as to not place Law in any unnecessary danger.
Shortly after the fight is over, she is quick to head to his side, checking on any injuries he might have to apply her healing magic. "It's good that you aren't too injured... this should be quick. Just stay still for me, okay?"
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@ervaurem // starter call
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riftdancer · 2 years
‘you know i love you,  right?’ ( law to leia aaaaaa )
send ‘you know i love you,  right?’ for my muses reaction
No matter how much time has passed and with every new incident; life rifts them apart; words go unspoken; emotions erupt in the heat of the moment--no matter what happens, their relationship strengthens... That be it NEXT or not, in truth, nothing was strong enough to tear this duo apart. And speaking from experience, not even a certain organization.
Their only weakness was each other, one could say after witnessing the two dance around one another with their obvious feelings. It was unbearable, but it was something the two needed to resolve on their own. Even if it was a (understated) long game.
It had been years now, no longer were they dealing with newly found affection and adoration towards each other. Now...now it was only familiar and sometimes in varying degrees. Although they don't speak of it often enough, it's insinuated with great variety that certainly wasn't limited to: acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, gifting, and so forth. After all, they were Heroes, and though civilians safety comes first and foremost, the two couldn't help but prioritize the other's safety and well-being when it came to one another.
It was love, spoken profoundly and wordlessly.
But that isn't to say hearing it was unwelcome, however it felt...more intense. Law's words warmed her cheeks and set butterflies to metaphorically flutter in her stomach. They don't say it enough to each other directly, but when it's spoken, it never fails to catch her breath.
She loves him.
Truly, she does.
And would it be silly if her emotions got the better of her? Here and now? With a single tear well up at the corner of her right eye? "Ah, sorry! Sorry." she easily chuckles his worry away. Law was always such a sweetheart. "I'm fine, promise."
Her reassurance was strengthened with the gentle grasp of her hand on his. Interweaving their fingers, she caresses his calloused knuckles with her thumb as her emerald eyes remain locked on teal. With radiant warmth, she beams at the wolf while leaning in. Murmuring to Law, as if she was letting him on the world's greatest secret, "I love you too."
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divinitysheart · 2 years
@ervaurem "You are worth something..." ( law to bff rex )
The words cause Rex to form a wide smile across his face, by the Architect what had he done to gain such a cool and genuine friend like Law? Because whatever he did, he's glad to have done it. For it really did seem like Law knew just how to lift his mood.
" I.. Dude. “
Maybe in most cases the word dude wouldn’t be the most common thing to say in reply, let alone say it so fondly. But in this case? It’s the way Rex finds himself talking to Law while being completely comfortable. How could he not be? He has his best bud reassuring him that he’s worth something when Rex had let the voice in the back of his head that contained some of his more insecure and worried thoughts take control of his mouth.
“ ...Thank ya Law. Not just for uh, reassuring me I’m worth something but for being my friend. Ya mean a lot to me y’know, you’ve helped me learn and grow whether you meant to or not. Ya taught me that I just need to live with the past and not just let it haunt me, in which I’m trying to get better at not letting it haunt me still but it’s progress! “
That’s not even it honestly, it’s just that there’s so much to say that he’s not sure what to say first at this point. But anywhere is a good place to continue on telling his best bud how much he appreciates him Rex reckons.
“ Oh and on top of that, you’ve saved my ass quite a few times when I wasn’t paying too much attention so thanks for that as well! The way ya fight is hella impressive and super cool! It’s always awe inspiring dude, and I’m always so glad to be able to fight right by your side. “
And honestly in general, being by the others’ side was fun in general, whether it be on the battlefield or just as they toured around Alrest the two of them always seemed to make it fun somehow even if it’s just by simply talking or even camping.
“ Guess what I’m saying is that I really REALLY appreciate you and all the time we’ve been able to spend together dude. And I’m really glad you ended up on Alrest y’know, ‘cause if you hadn’t of well, then we wouldn’t have met. And now that would be just sad honestly, ‘cause we would have both missed out on an amazing friendship had you not ended up here! “
Yeah, Law has to go home eventually but it’s okay, for even if he’s physically gone, he’s left his mark on Rex’s memory so he wasn’t going to ever be forgotten anytime soon. Not if he could help it.
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mathcs · 4 months
@ervaurem / we know where this came from
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When he's gone ( because of the mistakes you made ).
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When you still regret ( the words you can never take back ).
When you remember him ( you always will ).
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swordsxandxsakuras · 14 hours
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8 shows I could watch 500 times
(Left to right) Bar Rescue, Hell's Kitchen, Blue Lock, Haikyuu, Law and Order, Invincible, Demon Slayer (duh!), and Justice League Unlimited
Tagged by: @deathblossomed
Tagging: @shrymped // @ervaurem // @whirling-fangs // @4heroes // @brotherhoodwarlord // @praeteritus-memories // @wolfvirago
and anyone who wants in.
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pastel-archived · 10 months
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pastelfates · 5 months
Talk about some of your favorite experiences on this website if you feel comfortable doing so! I'm meaning favorite threads, partners, muse experiences, etc. You've gone through a lot of hardship across multiple blogs yet you never give up and you keep doing what you love so I figured it'd be nice to talk about the positive stuff that helps you to keep going despite all the trouble.
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◌・❀➵ Okie so this is gonna be long post so everyone grab a drink n some snacks! I just wanna start with that if it wasn't for my mutuals I have no idea where I'd be, ya'll have been with me through so much and some of the hardest times of my life and I can't thank everyone who has stayed enough.
➵ @morifactory ➵ Eddie and Serina meeting! Also the Riba and Serina and Riba ikea thread/ All our Carbon and Serina threads hav a place in my heart. And Talia w the blond bois! Also so far Kiki and Esmee has my heart. And ya know our first scarvi ocs and our stardew ocs. Me and Lena hav a lot of connected ocs
➵ I'm gonna count this as a thread bc it was a thread of asks but Mana once had multiple sections of the bee movie sent to her and it was absolutely hilarious. Committed to the bit with the url /frankiebeestan at that time.
➵ @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord ➵ LISTEN I care so much for Nellie, Mell, and Sunny's lil friendship (i hav a half typed starter for them in drafts shh), and Mana and Kariom's friendship is very special to me bc sobs Mana feels v comfy around him which means a lot bc she rarely fills comfy around ppl.
➵ @ervaurem ➵ Listen the family stuff with Law and the sisters is my weakness. It's been since 2021 that the fam has existed and I heccin cri. The treasure hunt thread has my heart,,
➵ This one is fairly recent but with @riftdancer, @ofstarsandskies, and @mathcs the whole Jude is evil arc has been so much fun so far!
➵ This was more so on discord but the relations have made their way to tungle but @pyonpyonpyon, @forgottenluck, @talesofourworlds, @mathcs, and @broadswordandpistol the sad boi drinking hours,, it was so cursed and sad at the same time, and it was such a highlight to me.
➵ @strebcr ➵ Can I say all of them? Just Streber and Mana have had so many good threads! Mana loves her new frog and just aaa
➵ @maligncntchain ➵ again with just recent threads but the two were cute and just silly gremlin uses the power of treats to not be immediately under the control of pecharunt was v funny to me
➵ @archivisim ➵ Sobs special place for the lil series of thread/asks we had just recently. Their similarities really just came through and they are hopefully gonna be more comfortable around each other!!
➵ @hxroic-wxlls ➵ cris it was like forever ago but the thread with Sunny and Luigi was so wholesome and I want you to know Sunny thinks Luigi is v cool. Also Mana and Simon has a v somft relationship i adore. the lil drill necklace he gave her for her birthday is one of her prized possessions.
➵ I know I posted a lot of newer stuff so I'm gonna bring up a thread from like ages ago?? 2018-2019 to be exact, the days I wrote non-seriously. I had a thread with two people over a skit in a game and it was just peak. Also that blog is still around (not deleted) so anytime I wish I can see the silly threads that bring me so much joy.
➵ Again on older threads, and while this one isn't on tumblr it is canon to Mana history. She has unapologetically set a bakery on fire with no remorse. That event also had like the first actual set appearance of REGRET and her lil maze which honestly makes me v happy bc REGRET is one of my all time favorite ocs. And Symonne's maze was there too, really care for that Ivar and Sync interaction in the rpg horror house w the fake Jude and stuff
➵ FAVORITE PARTNERS / People I adore seeing on dash
@ad-simul , @archivisim, @broadswordandpistol, @opscurus / @cpirits , @canidgrit, @castelias-comeups, @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord, @electricea, @ervaurem, @forgottenluck, @historias-multorum , @hxroic-wxlls, @kaizokugaris, @lightfallls , @maligncntchain , @morifactory , @nobuverse, @ofstarsandskies, @pinklocksoflove, @riftdancer, @talesofourworlds / @outofthisgxlaxy, @soulsbetrayed,
➵ I love seeing you all on dash, your threads are all peak and I just wanna say tysm for being moots with me and allowing me the opportunity to be a part of the stories you unfold for your characters. I am forever thankful to you all for everything and to the all of you have stayed with me despite how awful things have gotten, thank you for never giving up on me and seeing something in me when even I wasn't able to. You all are the reason I'm still here, continuing this hobby I love to my core. I hope I can be around for many more years to come and that I will continue to have you all by my side.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
[ src. ] “What, not even going to thank me for saving your life?” ( law to (1) grouchy asch haha! )
"Who the hell said I wanted you to save me?"
Grouchy? Oh, definitely, and for a great number of reasons. The memories were shrouded in haze to a degree, but he did remember fighting off Oracle Knights. Or... Oracle Knight replicas? He hadn't been completely certain either way, but knowing Van? It wasn't unlikely that they'd been replicas. He remembered the pain, the swords going through his back and torso. Then the release, and knowing that he was leaving everything to Luke.
The thing he remembered next was more confusing. Warmth... like a flame. Lorelei? No, it couldn't have been. If Luke had done his job, then surely the aggregate sentience of the seventh fonon wouldn't have needed to do anything to Asch. So why did he remember that warmth? And if he wasn't on Eldrant anymore, then where?
Lacking any concrete knowledge of where he'd apparently wound up was adding to his grouchiness. What Asch did know was that this stranger had come across him and evidently saved him. Did he even deserve to be saved at that point? Asch had done his job. He'd done everything that was required of him, including finally dying even if it wasn't the way the Score had predicted. So who the hell was Law to expect thanks for saving a life that probably didn't deserve it?
Asch's frown deepened as he looked at his savior. In all his years, Asch had never seen clothing anything like what Law was wearing. His build seemed like that of someone that fought with their whole body. Just what kind of a place had he wound up in?
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"Do you always go out of your way for complete strangers? What the hell even made you think it was a good idea to save someone you don't even know?" Asch figured that was reasonable enough to ask. Surely Law couldn't have been so trusting of a complete stranger that he thought tending to a wounded one was a good idea. Or... maybe he was just that kind. Just that willing to take a chance on someone he didn't know. It seemed like such a Luke thing to do, and that irritated Asch.
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
Confess your secrets to me and I'll tell you what you need to hear
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this does not have to be the end of you
you did not deserve that, you did not deserve any of that. one of these days you will feel safe again, you will open your heart and you will find it everywhere. do not be afraid - there is so much love and warmth searching for a way to get to you.
Tagged by: @bravewolfvesperia (Gomen I got to this late) Tagging: @iirvings, @ervaurem (Law), @talesofourworlds (Ivar the coffee accomplice), @mathcs, and anyone else who saw the Great Coffee Saga
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