sternenhxmmel · 9 years
Jaejoon furrowed his brows, his lips forming a frown. He didn't like that detail at all and he had no intention to hide that. Raising his hands, he cupped Fuyuki's cheeks for a moment, thumbs brushing over his skin, before he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend's forehead. '... there'll always be people who have a problem with something that isn't a problem. As I said, I don't mind. You being a Strain doesn't change anything.'
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The ends of his lips tugged a bit upwards at those words, and once again, Fuyuki’s expression melted into the same smile that he always wore around his beloved. Staring into the other’s artificially blue ones, the silver-haired male finally let out a soft sigh while he shifted slightly, not once loosening his hold around the other as he simply flopped down onto the sofar while pulling Jaejoon with him, so that both of them ended up laying next to each other. 
The movie was long forgotten by now, and the fact that they hadn’t turned the volume up only made it easier to ignore what was happening on the screen. 
“My family is quite the traditional one, where the members claim that they are really open-minded and what not - until they found out that I’m a Strain. Seeing that I was of age already back then, it was easy for them to kick me out. It’s only thanks to my aunt’s help that things turned out better than it would have been, though. She was also there for a cousin of mine who also turned out to be a Strain. I dare say that she is the only one in the whole family who is actually open-minded and accepting of things that are new to her.” Gently, the older male reached out to gently trace his boyfriend’s cheeks with his fingers, his touch light and caring, as if he was trying to memorize each and every inch there was. “It’s a pity that I lost contact with her, though. The last thing I heard was that my cousin came here to Shizume City as well, and that my aunt left the family as well because they made life hard for here there for sharing a different opinion and all.”
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traumfxnger · 9 years
[txt] thanks. [txt] huh, is that so? [txt] maybe we should hook up. [txt] .. [txt] yeah, no, forget it. bad idea. [txt] you'll be fine, too. one day, we'll both be happily married. i'm pretty sure of that.
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[txt] Sure thing.
[txt] ...yeah, no, I dunno.
[txt] I mean, how about a bet? If neither of us have found anyone in five years, we can still see whether things work out between us.
[txt] Though I still think we’d be better off as good friends - no offense =u=
[txt] Yes, that’s the ideal situation of course.
[txt] Let’s keep each other up to date if there are some changes, hm?~
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
Of course, that information came as a bit of a surprise. It, however, didn't change a single thing about the way Jaejoon saw Fuyuki, or his feelings for him. If anything, he was intrigued now. 'Mind control ... that sounds dangerous. And actually kind of interesting.' He hummed idly, musing on that for a moment. 'I don't mind you being a Strain, though. Why would I? You're still you.'
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He would be lying had he said that he wasn’t relieved about the fact that the younger male’s opinion didn’t change in the slightest. Expression softening visibly, the silver-haired male leaned in once again to press another tender kiss onto his boyfriend’s lips before he continued talking. 
“Well, to be honest, I’m not too familiar with that ability yet. The only times I used it was in emergencies, like, when I was twelve and tried to get away from a group of drunk people. That’s how I discovered this ability in the first place.” And, being confused about what he did, he ended up consulting in his parents about it - even going as far as to demonstrate what he could do. It was too late now, though, to think back on his mistakes, not to mention that there wasn’t anything he could do to undo everything anymore. “The shield is always up though - or rather, I need to focus to actually pull it down, as strange as it sounds. But seeing that it actually protects my mind, I guess there’s no harm done in keeping it up.” 
There was a moment of silence. “...there were people who minded that. And they knew me for far longer than you did.”
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
{ quinn to jaehyuk } [txt] Hey, baby ♥ [txt] This is your daily reminder that I love you ♥♥♥ [txt] Meet me at the coffee shop later? I'll be there around the same time as always~
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[txt] !!!
[txt] I love you too! Lots and lots! ;u; ♥♥♥
[txt] And of course - there’s no way I wouldn’t want to.
[txt] See you later, dear! ♥
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] Home, duh. [txt] [attachment: address]
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[txt] I’ll be there in a few.
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] Maybe it was. [txt] And maybe you should come over, then, and do that.
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[txt] ...
[txt] Where are you now?
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
Darling. That term of endearment echoed one moment too long in Jaejoon's head, almost making him miss his cue to give the other a response. A little confused, he blinked down at Fuyuki, before he said, 'Some of my closer friends are Strains, and some of my Clansmen are, too ... so I don't really have an opinion, I think. They're just people, too.' Lightly, he tilted his head. 'Why are you asking?'
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Hearing that might have eased his nerves slightly, and his expression softened slightly as he looked up at the older male with a smile gracing his lips. “That’s better than a bad opinion, I guess,” he mused before stealing another quick, brief kiss from his boyfriend. “Well, it never came up, but I thought you should know that I’m a Strain as well - registered and all. My abilities are more on the passive side, though. Like, mind control and psychic shield?” He scratched the back of his hair slightly. “The latter is something used to protect my own mind, like, preventing others from taking over, you could say. And mind control only works as long as I can see the other people.”
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] Oh my god. [txt] Are you going to continue being this sappy? [txt] I'm not sure what I want. Aside from kissing you again and then some.
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     “...saying things like that. How unfair.”
[txt] Maybe. Maybe not. I’m sure you’ll find out.
[txt] Mhh.
[txt] If that was an attempt to seduce me then you’re doing a good job already.
[txt] ...I want to kiss you too.
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] That's a very weird logic you have there. [txt] I don't know. You've been nice to me so far. Nicer than some of the guys I dated before. That should count, right? [txt] What now?
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[txt] I never said that my logic isn’t weird~
[txt] And you somehow managed to find your way into my heart. As sappy as that sounds.
[txt] Uhm.
[txt] Well what do you want?
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] FIRST YOU BEAT AROUND THE BUSH AND THEN YOU COUNTER ALL BLUNTLY. UHM. UHM! [txt] I mean that sounds nice and all. [txt] But we barely know each other. [txt] Aren't you worried I might turn out to be a horrible person or something? Or a horrible boyfriend.
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[txt] You started it!
[txt] ...I knew that there would be a but(t).
[txt] If you were a horrible person, you wouldn’t have bothered finding Saki again. Or me.
[txt] Aren’t /you/ worried that I might turn out to be a horrible person, though? Despite being a Blue Clansman and all?
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] None of that really answers my question, does it? [txt] What do you want?
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[txt] Well. Maybe I did end up skirting around a little.
[txt] ...
[txt] What a blunt question. 
[txt] You. Dating you. Being with you. Protect you.
[txt] Does that count as an answer?
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] I obviously don't regret it, either. [txt] ... [txt] What do you want now, Mizuki? Where is this supposed to go? [txt] If ... you're only looking for a quick adventure, please don't bother. I'm tired of this kind of thing.
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[txt] I don’t just kiss people for a “quick adventure”, Tsubaki.
[txt] Friends? Yeah, sure, but I’m not completely satisfied with that.
[txt] Friends with benefits? Not gonna happen - you deserve better.
[txt] I didn’t think that you’d be interested in me.
[txt] I was genuinely happy when I received your chocolate.
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
'... I'm sorry ...' Jaejoon replied, and he felt genuinely bad for being the way he was even now. 'I just want to be good for you ... and make you happy.' Fuyuki's words were reassuring but he supposed these things weren't as easy for someone like him. He sighed softly before he smiled softly and leaned in to kiss his cheeks. But even afterwards, he remained this close, lips just shy of touching the Strain's cheek again. '... I only want you, too.'
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Almost instinctively, his arms tightened their hold around the younger male’s frame as he leaned in to bury his face into the crook of Jaejoon’s neck. By now, he had long stopped paying attention to the TV, far too focused on the male on his arms as he pressed a few fleeting kisses along the side of the despondent’s neck to then face the other again. “You already are good to me, darling. And you make me happy beyond words.” A blissful sigh escaped him as he leaned in to connect their foreheads again. There was only one thing that he had never mentioned to the raven-haired male, and maybe now was actually a good moment to bring that up. 
     “Say... what is your opinion on Strains?”
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
[txt] It was. Frustrating. [txt] But I get it. [txt] I don't know. Maybe it's easier this way.
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[txt] It was frustrating for me as well.
[txt] Mhh.
[txt] Alright, then this way.
[txt] I don’t regret kissing you. I only regret having to leave so abruptly.
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
{ tsumi } [txt] So should we talk about us. Uh. That thing that happened. I mean, we can also not talk about it if you like that better. [txt] Chances are you're not even going to read this so. Uh.
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It had been a mere coincidence that he noticed the message on his mobile phone, and as soon as his eyes spotted the name of the sender, Mizuki was quick to pick up the device in order to check the text he had just received. 
[txt] Hey!
[txt] Yeah, I think we should. Sorry again about last time for leaving so abruptly. Emergency or not.
[txt] ...
[txt] Do you want to meet up later or would you prefer talking about it now?
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sternenhxmmel · 9 years
Jaejoon couldn't have agreed more. Only the thought of someone wanting him in this way still felt like it was just one of his more pleasant dreams, but having Fuyuki so close and feeling his breath on his lips made him realize over and over again that this was reality. With another sigh, he closed his eyes and curled his arms tighter around the other to tug him even closer. '... I really hope I don't mess this up. You deserve so much, Fuyuki ...'
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He released a soft chuckle upon hearing that, not wasting a second to lean in and press another lingering kiss to the despondent’s lips. “And here I thought that your worries might have eased a little,” he murmured out fondly, his smile not once fading from his lips as he gently tucked a few raven tresses behind his boyfriend’s ear. “Just be yourself, okay? I’m pretty certain that there will be moments when I do something wrong, but... we’re both in this together, okay? So it’s fine to make mistakes, because we have each other’s back. Not to mention that my opinion is still the same - I only want you...~”
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