#{ ic: fuyuki }
mythcaels-a · 4 months
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❝  Are  you  up  to  no  good  ?  ❞  There's  a  playful  glint  in  the  snakes  eyes  as  they  follow  any  movements  from  @curmoritor.  Lips  quirk  upwards  into  a  wide  grin,  hands  that  had  been  originally  clasped  behind  their  back  instead  move  so  that  he  can  clap  them  together  so  suddenly.  ❝  If  you  are,  would  you  like  a  helping  hand  ?  I  am  a  bit  bored,  you  see.  ❞
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futurefind · 7 months
ritsuka has bags under her eyes, flecks of chocolate stuck to her hands and cheeks and even a little bit in her hair? how did that happen? either way, she was clearly up all night making chocolate for everyone. her eyes are bright, though, as she hands rea her gift. "happy valentine's day!" (for fate!rea!)
Holiday Asks / Always Accepting // @voidfragments
The older woman seems like she's in better shape— at first. Like she's low on sleep, perhaps, but not like she's similarly made everyone in Chaldea chocolate for another year in a row.
She brightens when she sees Ritsuka and—
Starts, stunned with surprise at the chocolates shoved under her nose.
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"Fujimaru!" she cheers, a few beats later, when her brain finally decides to catch up with her senses. "Gosh! Thanks so much!"
She tucks it away (with a quick and dirty anti-melting preservation spell) before pulling out another package and handing it to Ritsuka in turn.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" she beams right back. "How about next year we make everyone chocolates together...!" A playful wink. "I know the staff's favorites...!"
(Citation needed.)
(And then, belatedly, with Rea going from a stunned bunny to a cat that got the canary:
"Have you given Mash her chocolate yet~?")
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naive-petals · 2 years
It was him, the closest the young master ever had to a father figure was before her again, she was only half paying attention to the conversation going on as she stared in shock. Having the opportunity to speak she wanted to call out to him before stopping.
“Doctor romani?” The kindness the young kitsune was used to seemed gone, and even how confident the other was, it couldn’t be him. Yet the question then remained, who was possessing his Body?
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feizm · 1 month
h hi. demon slayer oc. first post after being forced to download the app again :333
Meet Reika Fuyuki ! A Kinoto ranked Ice Breathing user, who's all about having fun and playing around with her friends. Despite being.. a bit reckless at times hhhehhhhhffff shes a silly goober pls like her thanks
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udeta · 5 days
I have a small question, will there be a biography/information about your other characters? I am very interested in Yume, Mira, Yamato (I slightly forgot the name of the third one, I'm sorry😭)
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HAI!!! Thank you for the question 😆 I’m really glad you are interested in my ocs...!! I’d like to briefly explain about Yume, Mira, Yamato, and Fuyuki! ↓
【Skater ocs】
… A roller figure skater. She was good at all sports, and never devoted herself to any one discipline in particular.
However, she instantly became interested in competitive skating when she knew that a shy and quiet girl from the same university was a world-class ice figure skater. Impure motives, but she finally had a dream she could be passionate about!
… An ice figure skater. Shy and quiet. She is basically a clumsy but she is proud of her passion for ice figure skating, which is second to none.
Rumor has it that she has one crazy girl fan from the last convention... She has never had much interest in anything other than ice figure skating. But now. She has a feeling that something in her is about to change…
【Mountaineer ocs】
… He was in the photography club in high school. He was suspicious and NERD, but when he met Fuyuki, he discovers the joys of the outdoors.
As a university student, he knew that Fuyuki was repeatedly climbing mountains recklessly on his own. With his grandfather's treasured camera in hand, he challenges to climb mountains with his best friend!
… He aspired to be a soccer player until he was in high school. However, after his father (a mountaineer) was injured, he began to challenge the mountains that his father could not summit.
Not wanting anyone to accompany him on this dangerous climb, he became increasingly estranged from his friends. But there was one guy who just wouldn't give up! The guy said:
“I'm the only one who can follow you and capture you climbing!”
Thank you for reading!! And below are some doodles ↓
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justdalek · 7 months
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Here’s the next gen cast of p5!
More in for below cut
Hikari Kitagawa
Daughter of Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke Kitagawa
Arcana: Pentacles
Persona: Comnena
Was the “final contract” creation of Satanel, William, and Gorokichi before they reverted back to their first form (Arsene, Captain Kidd, and Goemon)
Is training to be both a professional ice and roller skater
Pottery is her hobby
While stoic, she can be a bit of a troll if given the opportunity
Leader of the Phantom Crusaders
Is closest with Ren
Yes, her tricolor hair is natural, no dyes
Kaito Takamaki
Son of Makoto, Haru, and Ann Takamaki
Arcana: Swords
Persona: J.L. Casey
Was the “final contract” creation of Celestine, Agnes, and Lucy before they reverted back to their first forms (Carmen, Johanna, and Milady)
Aspiring thespian, master dancer
He loves over dramatizing events
A crybaby, but he can pull his own in a fight if he has to
Powerhouse and moral booster of the Phantom Crusaders
Closest to Haru
His tricolor hair, like Hikari’s, is all natural
Minato Sakura
Adopted son of Futaba Sakura
Arcana: Wands
Persona: Hayden
Futaba discovered he was living in an alleyway behind her house to escape his foster family who mistreated him
A music prodigy, he plays cello, violin, string bass, piano, flute, and baritone
Rather snarky in behavior, but has a very present caring side
Him, Futaba, and Sojiro have family dinner on Saturday nights
He is the navigator for the Phantom Crusaders
No one knows why he wears gloves, but he never takes them off in front of anyone, including Futaba
Fuyuki Izumi Kitagawa
Taken in by Morgana, later adopted by Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke
Arcana: Cups
Persona: Holliday
Was physically stuck in Mementos and later a Palace for over a year before Morgana found them and dragged them out of the Metaverse
It was because of that rescue that the original Phantom Thieves discovered that the Metaverse had somehow opened back up again after sealing itself nearly two decades ago
It’s unknown how they got into the Metaverse, but Fuyuki thinks it might’ve had something to do with their parents kicking them out after a fight
Stays with the Kitagawas post rescue and is eventually adopted by them
Isn’t sure what they want to do, but they do love hanging out with their new friends and learning about the good of the world after living in so much negativity
Strategist of the Phantom Crusaders
Sometimes has a very weird ability where when they fall asleep, they will wake up in a Metaverse variant of the Kitagawa house and has to have somebody get them back to the real world
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keroradio · 3 months
CD drama 5 and the last in the Pekopon Shinryaku set, can you believe it?
Although this story is set around Christmas, it's being posted more or less on the opposite side of the year, but that's fine (^.^')
Having said that, I've noticed there's no middle ground for how these go; either I finish it in a day or so, weeks before it's scheduled to be posted or I'm still finishing it the night before. This was one of the latter, a lot of different things happened, some are still being wrapped up, and then I lost an evening I expected to be able to work on it dealing with a couple of stressful people, one of whom I feel bad for, but am also really starting to resent (-.-)
And there were a few lines that were hard to understand (Keroro's croaky voice is cute, but sometimes it's hard to tell what he's saying)
Either way, it's finally here, and is going to last for a few days, so I;m excited to share it
N: Christmas is for being with a person you love, just who decided that? But sometimes you'll be alone, listening to the radio in quiet, don't you think that sort of Christmas Eve is also nice?
(Broadcast start-up)
623:It's Christmas Eve night, the snow falls all around from the sky, could those be tears from Mr Santa who is so busy that he's away from his beloved? What a thing to think on Christmas eve! Mutsumi's My radio, tonight is special Christmas installment! Let's get right into reading a hand selected poem from our listeners, Inner Tokyo City's Nacchi-san
723: Ah, th-thank you! Good evening!
623: Good evening! Nacchi-san, where and with who are you listening to the radio, this Christmas Eve?
723: In-In my own room, wi-wi-with my friends
623: Are you a bit nervous?
KYK: Pull yourself together, Natsumi-san
Moa: Please do your best! You could say, shout it all at once?
MMK: I had planned to spend Christmas Even alone with Fuyuki-kun, I thought, why am I here? UMMK: At this rate we won't be able to do our "Confess our love in Tokyo" plan
623: Spending Christmas eve with your best girlfriends seems fun too
723: Ye-yes! I'm happy that I got to talk to you, Mutsumi-san
623: Thank you, well then, let's dedicate tonight's drawn poem to you, Nacchi-san On a sacred night A figure gently approaches If you listen closely See, you can hear it
K66: Sergeant Keroro's Original Strange Dopamine
723: Ah, st-stupid frog
K66: Pekopon Invasion CD number 5: Original Strange Dopamine, Christmas Jack, yes sir!
Keronians: Merry Christmas!
K66: Now, we've finally begun! Broadcasting on Christmas eve, Christmas eve: Snow falls all around from the sky, could it be dandruff from Mr Santa who was too busy to take a bath? If that's the case, take a day off!
On that note, I'm the house drudge Sergeant Keroro, yes sir!
TMM: I'm the late bloomer Tamamacchi!
G66: Oh, Uh, I'm Giroro
K66: You're so stiff, Girocchi! Look, this time be more charged up! Yes!
G66: Ha! Charged up, ha! Charged up, ha!
K66: You don't understand this is radio
966: Hurry and finish so we can get to the first song
K66: Roger, yes sir! Director Kururu! Let's get it started!
D66: Uh, Keroro-kun!
K66: Ah, and we can't forget about tonight's star, tonight we're giving the always inconspicuous Lance Corporal Dororo, will have plenty of conspicuousness
D66: E-he-he I'm a regular respondent of the show, Dororo, good sir, I have a bit of confidence in my material, good sir. First is an ice breaker: I don't want a Christmas cake like this, instead of a candle wick-(1)
K66: On that note, tonight's featured song is the opposite of a Christmas one, Pekopon Invasion Ondo!
G66: Wait, why are we playing an ondo song for Christmas?
K66: Then let's go!
(Pekopon Shinryaku Ondo Plays)
K66: (sigh) Well, that's it for the start, then?
TMM: Mr Sergeant, you're the best!
G66: However, are there really Pekoponians who'll listen to this sort of radio at Christmas?
K66: That's a key point of the plan, yes sir. The only ones listening to the radio on Christmas eve are lonely Pekoponians who don't have a lover
TMM: You said it
K66: And so, if we help them with that loneliness now
723: I can hear them
K66: We'll win their hearts, then we can promote our Keroro goods, and increase our invasion funds. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year To You! That's my plan, yes sir
TMM: How shady! It's a black Christmas!
K66: Gero gero gero gero
723: Really, what are they up to? My dedicated poem reading from Mutsumi-san~
Moa: Uncle, even on Christmas eve he's dedicated to invading Pekopon, you could say, no rest for the poor?
966: Ah, whoops, the mike was still on
K66: Gero, Seriously?
KYK: Ignoring that, they're really funny
K66: To recover the mood, let's go to tonight's randomly drawn poem:
On a sacred night A figure gently approaches If you listen closely See, you can hear it
A reindeer sneezing! On that note, now we have a commercial, then after the commercial, this episode's extra special guest
(Afro Gunsou Plays)
K66: Releasing soon! Making it's way to improve your life, the eagerly anticipated giant figure: 1/1 scale Sergeant Keroro!
966: Even the resonance sound is spot on
G66: I want one too
TMM: I also want one~!
D66: I too wou-
K66: OK! Now resonate together with me! Kero kero kero kero kero kero
723: Right now, they're probably in the underground base again Let's go!
FYK: Sis! Don't!
MMK: Ah! Fuyuki-kun! Would you like to be alone with me?
FYK: Ah! Nishizawa-san, welcome!
723: What happened, Fuyuki?
FYK: Right right, look outside the window! In the sky, there's a giant UFO!
723: What!?
Moa: Ah, that's a Satan Claws spaceship! (2)
723: Satan Claws?
Moa: They're fearsome alien race, and a rival clan to us Angols in regards to destroying planets you could say, villain introduction?
723: So they've come to destroy the Earth?
MMK: Oh-no~! They ruined the mood
KYK: If we don't stop them right away-
FYK: What kind of aliens are they? Those Satan Claws
Moa: Right, uh...They look a little like Pekopon's Santa, but....
K66: Still, we've kept you waiting, yes sir. Our program's extra special guest is, amazingly, Mr. Santa Claus, yes sir!
(Everyone cheers)
K66: Welcome, yes sir. Mr Santa
D66: I thought Mr Santa only wore red coats, good sir
G66: I notice that guy is red & slimy, and his face ends in body hair that looks like a white beard
TMM: He has a violent appearance
966: I thought he'd be riding in on a reindeer
(Unsettling noises)
Moa: It really feels like one, you could say mark of authenticity?
723: Could it be this is
FYK: Satan Claws?
MMK: What? This is bad
Moa: We're in trouble, if a Satan Claws gets angry, you could say a critical situation?
KYK: We've got to let them know!
K66: Huh? I just had a bad feeling Oh? What's going on, Mr. Santa? If you're make a gloomy face
TMM: See, smile more, smile!
K66: Should I try tugging on your beard?
TMM: I'll try bopping him on the head
SC: unsettling noises
K66: You're in a bad mood today, aren't you? I guess you're dropping off presents
SC: more unsettling noises
TMM: Ah, this must be his bag of presents!
K66: Oh! Then in that case, let's check inside the bag!
G66: Hey! You can't just go searching through people's things-
K66: I'm just looking. Right Mr. Santa?
TMM: Ah, I wonder what could be inside~
K66: Ooh! First is something from Asakusa....a key holder?
TMM: And here we have a....cell phone strap
D66: These are sweet potato dango from Kumamoto
G66: Are these Christmas presents?
K66: Oh! Here we have a parcel from an electronics shop in Akihabara
TMM: Is it a game?
K66: No, it's a massager, yes sir
G66: Are these supposed to be presents for children?
SC: (garbled noises)
TMM: He's saying something, Mister Sergeant
K66: Hm? What is it, yes sir?
SC: Butt-fire-cracker (3)
K66: What? Whaaat!? B- bu-
G66: B-Butt-fire-cracker?
TMM: What does that mean?
K66: What do you think it means? A fire cracker in your butt
SC: Butt-fire-cracker
K66: Gaaah~!
1-We'll see a finished joke in the second part, but it's a word play joke; the basic structure is saying "I don't want this (Christmas thing)" then describing and alternate version where it could be summed up in a set of words that are pronounced the same way as the original thing. Unfortunately, we get to little of the joke to tell where it was going
2-I'm not sure exactly how it's supposed to be romanised and I changed it several times before settling on this
3-This was way before season 6, Kero Zero contradicting Tamama not knowing now, and the shapeshifting blobby guy. The name gives you a good idea of what it is, but apparently it actually was a thing associated with the later half of the Showa era as one of those childhood experiments that is a bit messed up when you look back (sort of like the infamous setting an anthill on fire with a magnifying glass).
Basically, children would get a small firecracker, stick it in a frog's butt and then light it so the frog would explode, hence the Keronians being freaked out by it, even though they could probably just pull it out....and they survive explosions all the time
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madi345234 · 2 months
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These are my oc’s they are mha Oc’s
Kurai Yami💜:they/them, they are 6,4 and 18 years old, their quirk is “werewolf”. They can turn into a werewolf during battle and they get poisonous claws only when put at full potential
Koroko Noa🩷: she/her. She is 5,4 and 17 and a half years old,her quirk is “cupid”. She can make people fall in love with her/with each other making them distracted or in her control with a powder she has on her hands, but she cannot make herself fall in-love with others
Maruko Bakugo🧡: he/him, he’s 5,9 and 18 years old, he is the older brother of Katsuki Bakugo, he has the same quirk as his younger brother but 3 time stronger causing katsuki to get jealous sometimes,but the explosions are so strong that he has to wear gloves to protect his hands
Fuyuki Todoroki🩵🤍: she/her, she is 5,6 and 16, she is the twin sister of Shoto Todoroki. She has a burn on her arm from covering shotos eye from the boiling hot water but it still got him. She has the same quirk as shoto but on opposite sides, the problem is she can only use her ice because her fire is way to strong, so she only says she has an ice quirk
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zodiacoracle · 7 months
I wish I still had that rough draft of Fuyuki meeting Kyurem (dragon). I haven't seen it for years by now and I probably lost it in one hardware failure, but I still think back to it sometimes. No idea what was written in it exactly though. Nostalgia aside, I think was an evidence I have One Taste, namely Sad Ice Critters.
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theotherackerman · 1 year
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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, A Song of Ice and Fire
NOTES: Please check trigger warnings. Okay? Thanks. There will be more trigger warnings but this was an awful hard chapter to write. There was little joy in it as it one of my more darker chapters. I debated multiple times, rewrote it so many times that I lost count. In the end, I did what was best for the story. Hopefully you agree. Things will continue to be dark and we will lose more characters as time goes on. However, there will be some lighter times mixed in there. Please mind the trigger warnings. It was seven pages in google docs.
TRIGGER WARNING: Child death, suicide, murder, war, death on page
This was not how Yui saw this happening. 
They had to do something. They had to stop the ice from reaching here. They had to get Fuyuki out of here. Keiran could convince Meadow to carry the boy in his claws or at least Yui hoped Keiran could. She did not fully understand the connection between dragon and rider. She didn’t think she ever would.
Just as she thought this day would come much later. 
It  was here. 
Ice was getting too dangerously close to the Ten Kingdoms.
This way, they would push what was coming for them back. It would kill a lot of people if they did any other way. Yui would kill no one who need not to die tonight. 
Sending the servants through the secret tunnels that were under the palace was the easiest. Yui had woken them all from their beds. She had shoved her son into one of the servant’s arms. 
So here, Frieda and Yui stood in the tunnels. 
Frieda didn’t even look like she was there. Her eyes were so glassed over. 
“You should go,” Yui told her as she patted her on the face. 
“Where? There’s nothing to be done. I’ll take care of myself,” Frieda took a deep breath. She cut her hand with a knife, allowing her blood to drip into the vial. “Is that enough?”
Kiyomi nodded. It would have to be.
“She’ll forgive you,” Frieda gave a broken smile. “I’m sorry, Yui. I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to continue. If the ice touches here ....if the Tyburs get ahold of me…there’s no reason for me to continue on.” 
Yui simply nodded. 
“I will have honor in my death. Honor for once,” Frieda walked back into the palace.
Yui nodded before setting off on her own mission. 
She shouldn’t have been surprised to see her sister waiting for her when she exited the tunnels. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Kiyomi asked as she held Fuyuki's arm in her hands.
“Let go of my son,” Yui hissed. 
“He may be your son but he’s my heir. You have no right to send him away. Are you planning to usurp me, Yui?” 
“You need to let go of my son,” Yui pulled her dagger from one of the pockets of her dress. 
“You would become a kinslayer?” 
Yui scoffed. “I’ll become one before the night is over whether or not you let him go.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“It means exactly what you think it means. You’re not getting out of here alive,” Yui replied as she prowled forward. “Now let go of my son.” 
“Do you know what type of energy you will bring into this world if you kill me? Do you have any idea what that will do?” 
Yui didn’t reply. She simply moved a step closer to her sister. 
“That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want that magic. What have you done, Yui?” Kiyomi’s eyes went wide. 
Pulling the vial from her dress, Yui dumped the blood onto the dagger. 
“My….you’ve done it, haven’t you? You’re going to unleash his powers to set the Tyburs back. If you kill me here, your son won’t survive.” 
A dragon roar echoed. 
The signal. 
“I’m sorry,” Yui said as she looked at her son before she plunged the dagger into her sister’s heart. “He was never the one. Mikasa is,” Yui whispered into her sister’s ear. Kiyomi’s eyes went wide. 
Then all hell broke loose.
Ice and fire tore through the palace, ricochetting throughout. The palace was scorched and frozen at the same time, destroying all that was in its path. The magic continued out into the courtyards before going up into the air.
Yui felt her life force drain from her body. She knew her husband was feeling the same.
It had been nineteen years since they had used blood magic to bind.
Tonight, they set it free. 
Mikasa felt like she was on fire while also feeling like her blood had turned to ice. 
Her skin was too tight.
She had changed the nightgown at least five times. 
It didn’t help. 
She was still too hot. 
Still felt like something was waiting to burst out of her skin. 
It had been the middle of the night. Sasha and Annie had been asleep beside her but awoken once she had thrown the sheets off.
She couldn’t breathe. 
They called her name as she stumbled down the stairs. 
She clawed at her skin, scratching it. Trying to find some relief for this burning, this tightness. It was too much. 
The summer air should have been cooler, should have offered some sort of relief. It didn’t. 
Why did her skin feel so tight? 
What was lurking under her skin? 
Tighter and tighter her skin felt.
She couldn’t stand this.
She clawed at her neck again, drawing blood.
Desperate to breathe.
Desperate to be rid of this feeling.
She wanted death. 
Then Mikasa erupted.
Ice and flame shot from her body. 
She burned. 
The flames burnt away her clothes. 
Ice covered the surrounding ground. 
Mikasa screamed. 
Kayda came to her side, not affected by the flames. 
“Perzys zaldrīzi sēnagon kostos daor,” a voice Mikasa did not recognize spoke to her. 
Fire cannot kill a dragon.
The flames ceased.
Mikasa fell to the ground, everything went dark.
Eren and Armin arrived in one of the courtyards. Jean and Marco were there waiting for them. 
“What is happening?” Eren asked.
“I don’t know. I just know a lot of armor is missing along with weapons. Something is happening at the front gates we have to get you———“ Marco’s words were cut off as an arrow went directly through his left eye.
He fell to the ground, deceased. 
Jean screamed as he fell to his knees, trying to get his friend up. “NO! MARCO! GET UP!” 
But it did no good. 
Marco was gone.
“We need to get Eren somewhere safe. Has anyone sent word to the Ackermans?” Armin asked as he pulled on Jean. “There’s nothing you can do for him! Get up! That’s an order!”
Jean struggled to his feet. “I…I don’t…”
“Jean! You are assigned to help guard me! Now where can we go?” Eren shook Jean as he asked.
“Don’t say it out loud, just take me there. Hurry up!” Eren pushed Jean in front of him. 
Jean couldn’t help but glance back at Marco’s body as he led Eren and Armin away.
Mikasa didn’t know where she was. 
She didn’t know how she got there.
It was somewhere strange.
Dragons were screaming. 
Mikasa covered her ears as the earth shattering screams continued.
She took a deep breath and tried to remember what she last remembered.
That was the last memory Mikasa had. 
Now she was here.
Wherever here was. 
The screaming had ceased, the ground had stopped shaking.
All Mikasa saw was a man holding a sword. A man who looked like Eren. 
He plunged the sword into Mikasa’s heart.
As he pulled the sword free, the blade was on fire. 
Once again, Mikasa fell to the ground. 
“Lightbringer,” Mikasa muttered as she looked at the man with the blazing sword.
“I see your father’s family taught you well,” a female voice spoke. 
Mikasa rose from the ground, turning towards the voice. 
Her mother. 
Yui Azumabito looked exactly as Mikasa remembered her. 
Tall, long black hair that cascaded down her back, brown unyielding eyes. Regal, strong, and beautiful as ever. 
The only difference was there was a faint glow to her mother, something that hovered around her. 
“Mother?” Mikasa’s voice cracked.
Yui rolled up her sleeve. The tattoo that Mikasa shared with her mother, her aunt, and every member of the Azumabito family was there. 
“You have questions. I don’t have time to answer. You need to remember certain things. That is how Lightbringer was made during the first Long Night. It will not come into being the same way for the second time. You are not the sacrifice. You are the song of ice and fire,” Yui’s hand rested on her daughter’s shoulders.
“I…that does not make sense. Mother, what is going on?” 
“The prince has raw magic. He can work around the stone deceiver. But you need to wake up. You can’t stay here. Wake up, Mikasa. Remember you are not the sacrifice. You are the song. Teach him valyrian, especially dohaerās . He’ll need it.”
Yui’s form flickered for a moment. Mikasa wrapped her hands around her mother’s wrists. 
“What does that mean?”
“If you remember nothing else,” her mother said as her form disappeared. “You are the song, not the sacrifice.”
The dragons screaming returned. 
The earth quaked.
Then Mikasa watched as her mother plunged a dagger into her aunt’s heart. 
A gasp came out of Mikasa’s mouth before she began to scream.
Annie and Sasha jolted up from their places in the chairs on either side of her bed. 
Mikasa was propelled forward as she sat up. 
Levi rushed into the room while Kadya was at the window, scratching her claws on the glass. 
Mikasa opened her eyes as she breathed heavily, the screaming ceased. 
Kayda calmed at the window.
“Mikasa?” Levi asked as he approached her bed slowly. 
Mikasa looked around the room, taking it all in. 
She took several more deep breaths. Her throat felt raw, scratchy. 
“I’m sorry,” she muttered. “Could I have some water?” 
Sasha scrambled over to the pitcher of water next to the bed and filled a glass. She gently handed it to Mikasa.
“Thank you,” she said as she took a drink. 
“How are you feeling?” Annie asked as she sat down on the bed.
“Tired,” Mikasa muttered as she handed the cup back to Sasha. 
“You've been asleep for a fortnight, Mikasa,” Levi informed her. “We’ve been at your bedside, feeding you honey and water.” 
“What? No. I…I couldn’t have been,” Mikasa looked down at her hands. 
“You’ve lost some weight. We were getting worried that you’d never wake,” Sasha spoke softly. “Your body…it was cold. Then you were sweating. You tossed and turned like you were fighting something in your sleep.” 
“A lot has happened while you have been asleep,” Annie said. 
“Besides my body catching on fire and then raining ice?” Mikasa muttered as she looked away. 
“You remember that?” Levi questioned. 
Mikasa nodded, “I do. I remember my skin feeling tight. I remember going outside. I remember all of it. Even whoever said perzys zaldrīzi sēnagon kostos daor.”
Sasha, Annie, and Levi looked at one another. 
“Mikasa, no one said that. It was just us three there. I made the guards and knights fall back,” Levi informed her. “Why would we say fire cannot kill a dragon?” 
“I heard it. Right before I hit the ground I heard someone say perzys zaldrīzi sēnagon kostos daor.” 
“Another thing to research now,” Annie sighed. 
“What else do you remember?” Levi asked.
“Dragons screaming. The ground shaking. My mother,” Mikasa sighed.
“Mikasa, your mother….”Sasha trailed off.
“What? What about my mother?” 
Levi took a step closer to Mikasa. “There was an attack in the Ten Kingdoms. Your parents….your brother, they didn’t survive.” 
The air left Mikasa’s lungs, tears fell.  “Meadow?”
“Here. Arrived a few days after you….fell asleep. There’s more…but you need rest.”
“Is anyone else hurt?”
“No. Everyone is fine. There’s just….we’re at war. Again. There was an attack on King’s Landing. Kenny and Kuchel went there immediately. I’ve remained here to take care of the North.”
“Eren…is he…”
“Eren is alive and well. All of the Jaeger family is. We’ve lost several guards and knights. The small folk are outraged. The Minor Houses are trying to control it but it’s not going well. Seaflames and Blaze are reminding them that dragons make kings, not men. You don’t need to worry.”
Mikasa nodded, unconvinced. 
“Meadow may be willing to take another rider. That’s why Kenny thinks Meadow has returned,” Levi changed the subject. 
Mikasa nodded again. It would be her child should she and Eren have any.
“You should know…we have not told anyone about what happened that night. Let’s keep it that way until we know what’s going on,” Levi commanded.
“I’ll get you some real food. Niccolo came here with the Arlerts. I’m sure he’ll make something delicious just for you,” Sasha said as she patted Mikasa on the shoulder before leaving the room. 
Annie stayed sitting on the bed next to her. “Don’t leave us like that again,” she muttered as she moved up the bed. Her head resting on Mikasa’s shoulder.
“I won’t,” Mikasa replied. 
“Don’t make promises you cannot keep,” Annie replied as she held Mikasa’s hand. 
“It hasn’t…I’m numb to it right now,” Mikasa muttered. 
“I know. When you’re ready, I’ll be here. Sasha will be too.”
Mikasa didn’t speak. She just took a deep breath. 
Fritz rebels were swarming the streets, trying to make it towards the keep.
Pieck wouldn’t allow it.  Even with just leather armor, she, Marcel, and Porco fought.
Thrusting her sword up through the rebel’s throat, blood sprayed her as she cut through soft tissue. 
The gurgling noise got to her as the killed them. 
But now was not the time to think of that.
One wrong move and she would be dead.
Dragons roared from up above along with streams of fire.
“FALL BACK!” Hange screamed at the top of their lungs.
Pieck fought her way through, Porco and Marcel behind her. 
Then she heard the scream and turned.
She watched as Marcel’s arm was severed.
“KEEP FUCKING GOING!” Marcel screamed as he continued to fight. 
“I’m not leaving him!” Porco called.
Porco and Pieck watched as a sword went through Marcel’s chest.
“NO!” Porco called. 
Pieck pulled on him, dragging him back through the gate into the courtyard. 
Porco shoved Pieck off of him.
“Porco…”her words trailed off.
“I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!” He said as he shoved her away from him. 
Pieck stumbled backwards. 
“Dracarys!” was heard overhead as a rain of fire fell upon those still on the streets. 
Finally feeling up walking, Mikasa went to see Meadow. 
Meadow was only slightly smaller than Blaze, seeing as the other dragon was older. 
As Mikasa approached, the dragon raised his head from his resting spot in the garden. 
He knew her.
The sound the dragon made reminded Mikasa of a whine. 
She stumbled towards the dragon, realizing that it was true. 
Her father's dragon would not be here if any of her family was still alive. Meadow would have protected her mother or brother even if her father had fallen. 
Finally reaching him, Mikasa held her hand out. The dragon butted his head into it. 
Collapsing to the ground, Mikasa fell into tears. 
Another whine came from Meadow. Gently, the large green dragon nudged her body closer. She couldn't wrap her arms completely around his neck due to the massive size, but she threw her arms around him. 
The amount of guilt she now carried. 
She should have got to know her family better.
She should have asked for more time with them.
She should have made more time with them.
Instead, she clung to Meadow.
Kayda approached, resting her head on Mikasa’s back. 
“We’ve lost a great deal of armor,” Hange reported. “Half my soldiers are out there without armor. We lost Marcel today due to that.” 
“Let them having the fucking south. Retreat to the North. Take those who are loyal to us and stop playing this fucking game,” Kenny spoke as he sat on the edge of Grisha’s desk. 
“It is not the worst idea,” Zeke muttered under his breath. 
“Or take that fucking throne to the North. If that’s what matters the most,” Kenny offered.
“Do you think the Tyburs or Kiyomi are funding these rebels?” Grisha asked as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Kiyomi was destroyed when the palace was. She is not doing anything,” Kuchel spoke up.
“Which leaves the Tyburs,” Grisha answered. 
“What happened in the Ten Kingdoms?” Hange asked. 
“We do not know. What information I could piece from what I saw….some sort of magic explosion. There was not much left of the royal family. All the servants had been removed from the palace. Fuyuki was as well but he ran back into the palace. There was fire, ice. Once the servants returned, Kiyomi, Fuyuki, Kieran, Yui, and Frieda were all deceased. There wasn’t much left of the bodies of Kiyomi, Fuyuki, Kieran, or Yui.” 
“Black magic. Kieran had to have been doing black magic,” Carla replied.
“For what? My brother knew better than that. We’ve been through this already,” Kenny sighed. 
“I’m not worried about the Ten Kingdoms. I’m worried about who is giving the rebels funding and weapons!” Grisha shouted as he pounded his fist on his desk.
There was a stack of letters that Eren had written to Mikasa on his desk since he had found out that the princess had been struck ill. Then he found out about her parents and brother, all deceased. So he had written her another letter of condolences. 
Yet he couldn’t bring himself to send them.
News had arrived that Mikasa was awake. 
He could send them. 
He could give her something to look forward to.
But did she even want to hear from him? 
There was crying coming from Zeke’s room next door. 
Eren had heard that Marcel had not survived. 
Someone had stolen a fair amount of armor from the armorer before the attack a fortnight ago. 
“CORN!” Midnight yelled. 
Fenrir whined. 
“Neither of that is helpful,” Eren muttered as collapsed backwards on his bed. 
Fenrir licked his face before laying down next to Eren. 
“Should I send her the letters?” 
“YES!” Midnight yelled. 
“Should I be taking advice from a bird?” 
“YES!” The bird screeched in response. 
“Are you going to deliver them?” 
Eren sighed. He would have to go get a raven then. 
There was going to be a scar on his back, Jean realized as he looked in the mirror. It was just a scratch. The Maester had already treated him. 
Sobbing was coming from the room next to him. 
He shouldn’t have been surprised. 
He had heard that Marcel hadn’t survived today’s attack. When he had been guarding Zeke’s room just a bit ago, he had heard her crying then. 
The battle had been won today, thanks to the dragons. But it didn’t mean the war was over. 
Not being able to stand the crying anymore, Jean went over to Pieck’s room. He didn’t bother to knock. He simply slipped into her room. 
Pieck was curled into a ball in the middle of her bed, her face facing the wall. 
Jean sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry.” 
“Why do you only come in here when I’m crying?” her voice cracked. 
“I…it’s the only time I know you won’t tell me to fuck off or go fuck myself,” he muttered.
Pieck snorted a laugh. “How’s your back?” 
“Fine. Nothing but a scratch,” Jean replied simply as he continued to move his hand in circles on her back.
“I’m sorry too,” Pieck muttered.
“For what?”
“Marco. I didn’t….come find you. I’m sorry.” 
Jean’s hand stilled. He hadn’t talked about Marco. Though the thought, the sight of his body always lingered in the back of his mind. He didn’t think he would unsee his friend’s dead body there. 
Pieck rolled over so she was facing Jean. 
He looked down at her bloodshot eyes as she slowly sat up. He gently place his hand in his lap as Pieck rose from the bed. He heard the door shut and lock before she returned to her bed. She sat down beside him. 
“Stay?” She asked him. “I just…we don’t have to do anything. I just don’t…Porco blames me. I’m burdening Zeke with my tears, he’d never say that. Hange is going out of their mind…I just…”
“So I’m your last choice then?” 
Pieck frowned as she turned so her body was facing him. Tentatively, she reached up and placed her hands on either side of his face. Slowly, she leaned in. 
Her lips were almost brushing his. 
They just stared at one another.
Who would be the first to give in?
Who would be the one to close the distance? 
Who would be the one to finally admit they wanted this? 
In the end, they both moved at the same time. Their lips crashing against one another. It was years of pent up energy, of listening to the other deliver pleasure to someone else when in reality, they wanted it to be the other person. 
Pieck started moving backwards, pulling Jean on top of her on the bed. 
They both needed this.
A release.
A distraction. 
Sleep was something Mikasa wasn’t sure would ever come to her again.
It was late but it evaded her.
She felt completely depleted of energy. 
Did that matter? 
Not in the slightest.
Sleep would not come. 
Maybe it was because she had slept for so long.
None of that was restful.
Dreams about erupting volcanoes, Lightbringer’s beginnings, dragons screaming. It had all haunted her.
There was one thing she hadn’t told Levi that she had seen. 
Her parents and brother’s death. 
She had seen her mother become a kin slayer. She had seen her stab Kiyomi. The ice and fire had erupted there just as it had out of Mikasa’s body. 
The apology Yui had given had not been to her sister but to her son. Because magic was powerful and destroyed everything in its path. 
It was a last effort.
Yui had whispered into his sister’s ear as she died, words Mikasa had not been lucky enough to hear. 
Now that would haunt her.
“You look like shit,” Levi said as he looked at Mikasa, standing in the doorway.
“Thank you,” she muttered as she looked down at her hands. 
“You’re losing weight. You need to eat more.”
Mikasa looked up and glared at him. “Are you not going to ask me how I am?” 
Levi scoffed as he came into her room. “I know how you are. You feel guilty because you feel nothing for your family dying. Because you never knew them, not really.”
“Did you?” 
Levi shook his head. “Not really. So how did you do that?” 
“Do what?”
“Conjure magic like that. I’ve never seen anything like that. I had Vulcan scorch the earth so there was no trace of it.” 
“I don’t know. I..I’m not sure I could do it again if I tried,” Mikasa confessed. 
“Whatever that was…..it was powerful.” 
Mikasa looked back down at her hands. 
That show of power had come from her mother killing her aunt. Kinslayer. Her mother was a kinslayer. 
That was worse than being a bastard. 
It was the worst thing a person could be. 
Mikasa felt the tears welling up in her eyes again. 
“There’s something you’re not telling me,” Levi noted. 
Mikasa choked on a laugh. “I’m sure there’s many things you don’t tell me. I’m tired of it, Levi. I’m tired of the secrets, the lies. That’s all this has become. People are dying. We’re back at war. We have an enemy across the sea. Who knows what will happen to the Ten Kingdoms now?” 
“Kiyomi’s bastard will get crowned. He’s a direct bloodline. The only person who cared that he was a bastard was Kiyomi. Kenny already paid him a visit. Trade agreements and military agreements remain the same. No one knows what happened in that palace. It could have been the Tyburs for all we know.” 
Mikasa shook her head. “It wasn’t the Tyburs.” 
Slowly, Mikasa looked up, her eyes meeting Levi’s. 
“Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. Whatever happened over there isn’t our problem. Our problem is we’re short on armor, we have a rebellion going on in the capitol. That is our problem. I’ve already sent them as much armor House Braus had,” Levi sighed as he sat down in one of the chairs. 
“Sasha should be in the forge then. I’m sorry for taking her…” 
“Stop. It wasn’t you. Besides, we can’t reforge that much armor in such a short amount of time. House Braus has already been hard at work but it is still not enough. We don’t have enough blacksmiths, one isn’t going to change that.” 
“Should you be in the capitol then?” 
Levi shrugged. “I don’t know. The last time we were at war….I don’t remember much of it. I was five when it started. Mother flew off on Seaflames along with Kenny and your father.” 
“Four dragons would be better than two,” Mikasa muttered. 
“I don’t think you can mount a dragon without falling off. Give it time. Gain your strength back.” 
Mikasa looked at Levi, really looked at him. There were dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. His hair was messier than usual, he needed to shave. Mikasa never saw the toll that being the head of the house, head of the North, took on him until this moment. 
“You should rest,” Mikasa told him.
“So should you, hāedar.”
Little sister. 
It had been a long time since Levi had called her that. Mikasa had first thought he was using it for cousin, Levi had corrected her when she was younger.
Mikasa had never been just a cousin in his eyes. 
She was his little sister.
A fact that she had not thought about until this moment. 
“Goodnight, lēkia,” Mikasa said as pulled her blankets closer and slid into bed.
Levi blew the candles out, then closed the door behind him as he exited. 
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mythcaels-a · 5 months
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❛ And what are you doing ? Something fun ? Can I help you ? ❜
@mundanemiseries gets a one - liner.
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number1mongrel · 1 year
OKAY SO. Originally I didn't have much about my AU because I was focused on other stuff, it was just very driven by my annoyance that people write Enkidu like they're Gilgamesh's conscience, or are overall less awful than Gil, and I wanted to see more things where Enkidu, not Kingu or Gil, gets to be 'the bad one'. Or not even bad, but moral in a way that's harmful to humans. Because in FGO they don't consider themself 'a person', they consider themself A WEAPON, and a weapon's intent depends on the intent of its user. But then you said to keep talking and I spent an entire shift thinking a lot about this AU SO ANYWAYS!
At first Enkidu and Tokiomi seen almost perfectly suited. Tokiomi is the perfect mage and master, who made every effort to prepare for this Grail War, and whose victory is certainly assured. Enkidu is the perfect Heroic Spirit and Servant, they are unspeakably powerful and unfailingly loyal. But both of them are wearing masks, with Enkidu masking so hard that they believe that they're incapable of liking individuals at all. So it's only natural that they feel absolutely nothing for Tokiomi, right? They're a weapon and nothing more. And Tokiomi makes absolutely no effort to really get to know Enkidu or learn about them, so one could say that they make an unstoppable combination, and one could say they're incredibly professional together. But at the same time. Kayneth and Diarmuid have more of a relationship here. Kiritsugu and Artoria have more of a relationship.
Anyways, you remember that one bad end in the Fate route of Fate/Stay Night where Saber betrayal-kills Shirou, and then they're both really confused about why they even did that, and it's because you missed basically every affection flag for Saber somehow, which should be impossible? That's how Enkidu and Tokiomi's partnership ends. It's going absolutely fantastic, they actually seem to be winning better than anyone else they're about to get the Grail, Enkidu hasn't even consciously meant to betray Tokiomi, and then they just. Murder Tokiomi because Tokiomi completely failed to build ANY sort of relationship with his servant, and it's always the Master/Servant pairings that actually get along who succeed.
Because Enkidu was telling themself that they were the perfect weapon. But that's not true. They tell themself they've lost the capability to care for individuals, but in Fate/Strange Fake they still care for Gilgamesh, and come to care for Wolf. So even as they're telling themself they're the perfect weapon, things are going on in the back of Enkidu's mind that they're not fully registering. Things like how much this world BOTHERS them, with the knowledge of things like pollution, deforestation, extinction of animal species, melting ice caps, the ozone layer(since this is the 90s and the ozone layer is probably still An Issue--in our time it's actually repairing itself!) And there's also how Enkidu is now summoned and remaining inside a city, rather than remaining on the outskirts with their master. And their master, as I've said before, is not a Wolf that knows nothing about the Grail War and just wants to live. It's Tokiomi, who lives in the middle of the noise and buildings and cars, and who very very much DOES want to win the war. And while this is happening, Enkidu is just watching all the betrayals and tragedy going on around them, The Perfect Servant, The Perfect Weapon.
And when they're standing in front of the omnipotent wish-granter, either the last Servant standing or the last one aside from Saber, they snap. And the Grail grants their wish to fix all this in the worst way possible, because a lot of Fuyuki's buildings are now destroyed--they're incredibly thick forests and savage wild animals now, and living there is an incarnated and half-feral Enkidu, who is becoming a local cryptid in Fuyuki, and who the Clock Tower is having a HELL of a time covering up. The Fuyuki Fire was easy, just blame a gas leak or something--how the hell do they cover up SUDDENLY TREES??? They try and cut it down again but Enkidu is having none of it, so they just assign Kirei to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get even more out of hand.
Enkidu had no interest in corrupting Kirei, I don't think, so Kirei never grew a backbone and just stepped down from the Grail War when Assassin was defeated. But upon seeing the awesome destruction Enkidu and the Grail caused, he ended up speedrunning his corruption arc. I'm not sure if Enkidu stays in the woods as The Local Cryptid, or if we get the inherent comedy of Kirei trying to accommodate a feral clay being with horns in the Orphan Basement for ten years. Anyways I think Kirei and Enkidu, like Kirei and Gilgamesh, both want to see the fully manifested Grail do its Grail thing, only instead of making it so only The Worthy can survive in the new world, Enkidu has gone full Eco Terrorism.
And that is my 'Tokiomi Summons Enkidu' AU. I'm not sure who is Archer instead of Gilgamesh, but presumably that's who Kayneth ends up summoning(It's probably not Gilgamesh, because Enkidu needs to be miserable. Or maybe it is Gilgamesh and Tokiomi keeps going 'no, you can't battle the King of Heroes, I need you doing These Things' and it just adds to the misery).
Sorry Diarmuid, maybe it's better this way.
OH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! yeah, enkidu is very calm and gentle in strange fake even before they realize gil is there- because they're in an environment they're comfortable in and they have a master they can understand. while they chide gil for being a tyrant it's not really like they have a personal ideal to not kill people or anything like that- they just think of themself as a weapon, and if no one tells them what to do, they have to figure out themself what they want to use their weaponry on, and what they want to protect
also gil handshake enkidu sensory overload in gross modern stinky city
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Here I present you your local ice breather, Shiina Fuyuki!
Hope you like it!
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zippysleepy · 10 months
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He took me a while but it was worth it lol, his name is Fuyuki, witch means winter is Japanese, witch makes sense because he's a ice dragon that usually stays in human form. I really love how he came out tho :]
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grollow · 1 year
Hi FlightRising mutuals,
If you want some of this stuff, send me an ask with your name. If you're my mutual, I'm not asking anything in return for it. Just let me know.
The stuff in parenthesis is for me to know where it's at. ssdsgdgg
Frigid Crown (Fuyuki)
Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe (Fuyuki)
Colored Ice (Skin) (Quiet)
Map Kit (Max)
Gem Thief (Max)
Tree Warden's Garb (Max)
Snowsquall (Accent) (Fiona)
Luminous Sundrapes (Lucifer)
Ancestral Runes (Accent) (Lucifer)
Druidic Emblem (Tsabaki)
Chillspike Crown (Aoi)
A Little Universe (Accent) (Lyrebird)
Surgestream Coat (Cowl)
Ethereal Planet (Accent) (Avalla)
Starlight Cloak (Yaakova)
A Night in the Clouds (Accent) (Borealis)
Fourpoint Serpens (Accent) (Branwen)
Celestian Shimmer (Skin) (Keylis)
Circus Mage (Accent) (Nelist)
Oxyacetalyne Flames (Accent) (Tempest)
Ancient Stonewarden (Skin) (Oyukikoth)
Starwood Bloom (Skin) (Raisa)
Colored Ice (Accent) (Phantom)
Opalesque (Accent) (Desideria)
Snake Eyes (Accent) (Leontes)
Rose Rot (Accent) (Acrobat)
Maple Breeze (Accent) (Remliel)
From the Ashes (Accent) (Twilight)
Searing Emblem (Brilliance)
Conflagrant Kit (Brilliance)
Welder's Mask (Brilliance)
Shining Deity (Letherii)
Lampyridae (Accent) (Saphronis)
Hewn Philosopher's Veil (Musette)
Goodnight Moonlight (Accent) (Musette)
Pebble Collector (Accent) (Kasinda)
Bottled Wrath (Accent) (Morningstar)
Lampiona (Skin) (Raavasadi)
Ephiphyllum (Accent) (Basava)
Cympbidium Splendor (Skin) (Fallout)
Triple Happiness (Melicertes)
Autumn Galestorm (Accent) (Orion)
Cnderleaves (Accent) (Champagne)
The Night's Lament (Skin) (Elysium)
Potash Peace Keeper (Accent) (Cassandra)
Abyss Pearl (Skin) (Aurora)
Toxoplasmosis (Accent) (Dendrobatidae)
Highland Scavenger (Scoryl)
Mistral Sing Along (Accent) (Scoryl)
Electrician's Crown (Dervish)
Electrified Sash (Dervish)
Electric Ruler (Accent) (Dervish)
Voltaic Stormclaws (Kaiju)
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justdalek · 7 months
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Part one of the Phantom Thieves for the Crusaders au
More info + Gor(e)o Akechi below cut
Ren (Amamiya) Kitagawa
Husband of Ryuji and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: The World
Persona (Main): Arsene
Still the Wildcard
Has the ability to physically curse anyone in and outside the Metaverse when it opens up again
Works as a Child Service agent to help properly rehome children who were put up for adoption
Became a vigilante hero to save kids from abusive situations after the Metaverse shut down (prior to its second opening)
He is happy to be a model for Yusuke or a consultant for Ryuji
Hikari is closest to him due to his calm demeanor
The only time he lost his temper in front of his daughter was when she was rushed to the hospital after a bad battle in Mementos and Morgana did not inform Ren what actually happened until a few days later (he thought Hikari went missing)
He is still very much a troll when he wants to be
Ryuji (Sakamoto) Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: Chariot
Persona: Captain Kidd
Fully lost his right leg after a bad car accident shattered his femur bone (Ren nearly sued the other driver out of sheer anger that Ryuji couldn’t get his leg back once and for all)
Became a Paralympic for Japan’s track team
He has won 2 gold and 3 silver medals before retiring to become a track coach for one of the high schools
He loves racing Ren in the evenings and being Yusuke’s model in the early morning
Was surprised that Hikari took an interest in skating, but was fully behind her (he fell many times on the ice)
Nearly became a helicopter parent because he was worried that he’d end up like his father, but Ren and Yusuke made sure to remind him that he is not a repeat and that Hikari needs her own space
After the Metaverse opens again, he has the ability to generate electricity by himself, causing several accidental power outages
Yusuke Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Ryuji, father of Hikari
Arcana: Emperor
Persona: Goemon
Uses his art to inspire people to be their best self
Cried happy tears when Ren and Ryuji asked to take on his last name
Created a self portrait of the current Kitagawa family after Hikari’s arrival (with much encouragement from Ren and Ryuji)
Had a rather hard time bonding with Hikari at first due to remembering how rough his own life got with Madarame, as well as wondering if he is living up to his mother’s expectations
That changed when Hikari (and later Ryuji) had an honest conversation with him about how he’s doing fine and that he shouldn’t be thinking too hard about it
Hikari gets much closer with him after that, and especially after she takes an interest (later hobby) in pottery
Very much makes sure that his family has all Japanese traditional outfits for the proper occasions (especially Ryuji)
Yusuke gains the ability to generate ice after the Metaverse opens a second time. He has to be mindful about his body temperature as he could accidentally freeze an entire floor or person he comes in contact with
Goro Akechi
Arcana: Justice
Persona: Robin Loki
The last remnant of his soul that somehow existed after Dr. Maruki’s reality/Palace was destroyed
He has only one goal: Destroy the Metaverse permanently
His personas are a mutated fusion since Akechi hasn’t fully passed on
Joins the Phantom Crusaders under the guise that he is a mentor for them
Surprisingly becomes a sort of uncle figure to Hikari and Fuyuki
Loves to get under Ren’s skin
Yes, he’s still petty
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