#escpecially since just last night i had another Episode of not-hypoglycemia-but-not-Not-hypoglycemia
hauntedselves ยท 7 months
one of the feelings i hate most is feeling anxious with no clear reason. like, if there is a reason to feel anxious, ok, i can deal with that. but just anxiety for anxiety's sake? ugh, what am i supposed to do with that?
another feeling i hate is the autism "something in my routine is changing and i don't know how to deal with it". the only cure for that is time to get used to the new routine, which sucks when you're feeling the anxious-stressed-Off-SomethingIsWrong mix of Fucking With Autism Routine. i don't want to wait for me to get used to it, i'm feeling Bad and i want to fix it now!
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