#esha does music
robert-deniro · 4 years
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Emraan Hashmi in the music video for ‘Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon’
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Forsythia Félice ferch Helyg
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Nicknames: Thia
Born: 5th March 1903
Nationality/Ethnicity: Welsh; French on her mother’s side
Blood status: pureblood
Gender identity: Girl, she/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Face claim: Eleanor Tomlinson
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP-A (the activist)
Strengths: ambitious, independent, friendly, cheerful
Weaknesses: a bit absentminded sometimes
Interests/hobbies: painting, writing, plants, making music
Height: 1,69 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Hair: red
Eyes: green
Skin: pale
Style:  Edwardian, Gibson Girl
Wand: Chestnut, Unicorn hair, 10 inches, flexible
Chestnut has an affinity for both Herbology and working with Magical Beasts, both playing an important place in Forsythia’s life. Combined with the Unicorn hair, the wand is perfect for an owner concerned with all manners of justice, which ties into her involvement with the Werewolf Registry and trying to improve things for Werewolves, at least legally.
Animagus form: fox
Patronus: fox
Patronus memory: making music together with her family
Boggart: her mother
Riddikulus: her mother turns into a potted plant
Amortentia (what does she smell?):   cigarette smoke, hair gel, sandalwood cologne, plants
Amortentia (what does she smell like?): earth, moss, fresh air, oranges
Magical abilities: none
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Best subjects: Herbology and Potions
Worst subjects: Flying class
Third-year options: Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes
N.E.W.Ts:Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts,Herbology, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Astronomy
Quidditch position: Neither plays Quidditch nor enjoys watching it. She sometimes attended matches Esha played in, but only if the weather was pleasant
Extracurricular: Music, Frog choir
5-11: French Boarding school
11-18: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
16-18: voluntary work; interviewing werewolves for the Werewolf Registry
18-23: collecting data and writing a book about plants and their magical properties
24 onwards: owner of the shop “Plant and Pot”, selling plants, plant manuals and pottery
Camille ferch Helyg née Beaumont (mother): Forsythia is her only daughter. Camille tried to mold her into what she perceived as the “perfect daughter”, only allowing her to interact with a preselected group of people, dressing her up and parading her around. Forsythia could barely escape her mother’s eyesight, the only exception was during school time, and even then her mother might appear at school from time to time, since she belonged to the Board of Governors. Forsythia didn’t like her mother’s controlling behavior and finally had enough when her Camille tried to arrange a marriage between her and a suitor she deemed to fit into the planned out life of her daughter.
Oberon Owen ap Helyg (father): There was barely any relationship between Forsythia and her father. Oberon would always support his wife in her decisions. The only bonding time he had with his daughter was when he’d listen to her playing the flute or singing. These would be the only situations he praised his daughter.
Orion Rhydderch ap Helyg (brother): Forsythia only ever saw her brother  in the holidays, when she would return from France and he from Hogwarts. He finished Hogwarts before she started going there, and he would move to Spain in Forsythia’s second year. They only ever started developing some kind of a relationship in 1921, when Forsythia had moved away from home. They never became close, although he saw Forsythia as his little sister he was partly responsible for, Forsythia never saw him as a brother.
Aquila Pryderi ap Helyg (brother): Although he finished school in 1911, he wouldn’t move out and was therefore more present in Forsythia’s life than Orion. Forsythia looked up to him, he became an important presence in her life. But with time came the realisation that he would never help her stand her ground against their parents, he didn’t want to displease him. He even tried telling Forsythia to just wait and see what was to come, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. The illusion of being able to rely on her big brother finally shattered in the final argument at the dinner table, concerning Forsythia’s elopement with a pureblood man she didn’t even know. Her parents tried to coerce her into agreeing, and when she looked to her Aquila for support, he just quietly looked at his plate. Then and there she decided to get out of that house and ran away the same night.
After her father’s death, she and Aquila got in touch again, and she somewhat made peace with him. His death hit her hard, since she felt like she had lost the only one of her close family who at least wasn’t entirely against her.
Chetan Acharya: Her first real friend outside of the acquaintances she had made through her mother. They met in Hogwarts, where Forsythia was the local plant nerd and Chetan needed help choosing some plants for a potion he wanted to brew. He would introduce her to other perspectives than those she saw at home, so it is no wonder she ran away to stay at his place, at least before she could afford her own.
Esha Acharya née Chatterjee: Forsythia and Esha got to know each other when Forsythia tried to be Chetan’s wingwoman and helped him court Esha. Esha and Forsythia would become close friends as well, and Esha playing was about the only reason you could name to get Forsythia to consider going to a Quidditch match. Being close with both Acharyas, she was always welcome to crash or surprise visit their family home, even becoming godmother of their child.
Eli Zabeth Fawcett [ @carewyncromwell​  ] :  Forsythia paid him a visit when she was visiting America to collect data on the local flora. She was excited to meet a friendly face and a new conversational partner, especially someone who shares her passion for music. Eli talking about his job as an actor definitely moved Forsythia to start getting into moving pictures (“ >>The Mute Musician
Love interests:
Tamara Ua Addams (wife): The two of them met during Forsythia’s years of interviewing werewolves, Tamara being one of them. They were already living together in their shared cottage before they got together, to save money, but it didn't take long for the two of them to realise their feelings for each other. Tamara was an Auror and is an unregistered werewolf, when she can’t make it to work because of the full moon Forsythia helps create a cover story.  Tamara proposed in 1927, they got married in 1930. After the war against Grindelwald, Tamara would resign from being an Auror and instead started working in Forsythia’s store.
Pets: an eagle owl named Brunhilde
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gayathreya · 4 years
an ode to maara/bommi
[soorarai pottru spoilers]
so i’ve watched it and i LOOOVE it, easily in my top elite list of fav suriya films. there’re many things i love about it; maara’s persona and characterisation, his relationships with the people around him, the suffocating elitist atmosphere of the film, the music, visuals,
but my mind keeps coming back to this specific relationship and it’s my fav aspect of the movie. one that i’m not alone in echoing cos i’ve seen maaany people say likewise. i’d like to gush about them.
maara and bommi were just.. SOOO GOOD together???? i have a very small list of suriya romances i actually care about onscreen and this easily skyrocketed up. cos most of the time, it’s either i really like the heroine but the romance in the film isn’t that great/gets little scope (e.g. ngk, where i like sai pallavi but come on their marriage was trash cos ngk is a trash cheating and manipulative fuckboi, or anushka in singam, which is fine i guess but the third film soured me on all the characters), or it’s a case of me really loving the romance itself but i’m not having loads of feelings about whoever is paired up with him (e.g. ayutha ezhuthu, which is an all time favourite suriya romance highlight on screen and it was fantastic, but esha deol’s character was not at all a standout character on her own even if i enjoyed watching them together).
so there’re many a times the problem for me where either the romance doesn’t work, or the woman opposite him is not fleshed out enough. in comes soorarai pottru and i was DELIGHTED with their individual characterisations and their relationship dynamic cos finally here u have a romance depicted on screen where they’re both essentially treated as equals by the narrative even if the story is naturally centred on maara completely because the film is about him.
bommi is her own person and it’s established immediately the moment they meet, which is the exact reason why maara falls for her in the first place despite her roasting him all the time and after that too. she stands on her own, doesn’t need ~a man~ to help elevate her or achieve what she sets out to do. and she does all this without the help of the protagonist. her character is not dependent on maara in the slightest. she’s easily more successful than maara for the entire film until the end, and her personality isn’t overshadowed by her husband cos she pretty much has her own shit to run and holds her own opposite him. even when maara initially gets his dream off the ground, bommi isn’t relegated to a lower bar within the context of the film where her only role is to support him, but she works at expanding her own business/franchise and meets maara as a respectable equal in his venture as a food vendor, which even maara is surprised by but pleased about. she outright meets him in their shared field of interests and expertise, and maara never once treats her any less or jokes about her proposal.
and of course whenever they came together..... i gotta say, it was pretty hot lol. their emotional scenes had A LOT of weight. their physical scenes were certainly sexy and hot i could def watch them kick it up a notch. i don’t really find suriya has much chemistry with many of the heroines he’s paired up with but somehow he seemed comfortable with aparna enough to do loads of sexy staring, gazing, looking sexual, etc, and actually looked good playing a character who was not just in love with his wife, but who also was physically attracted to her, which is what completely sells the relationship and makes it look organic on screen. it helped that the visuals/lyrics depict him as more submissive in their love too (i thought both veyyon silli and kaattu payale had pretty obvious more sub vibes on behalf of the man, or the more serious bit where he comes back home exhausted and seeks comfort), it really works very well. i adored their scenes and it always works for me when suriya plays more subby characters in his romance because....... because. interests. *coughs* he is Good Boi (tm). he is Sub (tm). plus the physicality of maara/bommi shown is not only sexual, but they had softer moments too which made it all the more endearing. more than once, maara hugs her for solace or when he’s distressed and it’s very sweet and gentle, or the little quick scenes where he puts his hand on bommi’s head. those were all very cute moments and stays with u even though it’s short. it was a lovely sight to see in films where your usual hero/heroine barely even touch each other, or when they do, have no vibes or connect at all, while the physicality here is both sexual and also paired with emotional influence.
the only thing i really had an issue with is the lack of a proper resolution or dialogue after their big fight. i know some people have pointed out the fight itself was not something they liked because he hit her, but i didn’t have an problem with that tbh. it was a natural progression of maara’s character as he was steadily failing repeatedly, getting steadily angrier as he struggled to control it, and thinking she called him a loser was the snap. it worked quite well imo because the narrative also establishes pretty fast he regrets what he did and he immediately goes to look for her, finds her gone, and spends the next how many hours searching everywhere while looking very upset. so i don’t view it as a glorification or justification of his action since we are shown he knows he fucked up. but that being said, it was never mouthed explicitly. i felt their reunion was too quick and too easy and i would’ve liked an explicit line from bommi calling him out on that, and maara explicitly apologising for it and saying openly he messed up big time with her. that was the only part about the relationship i was disappointed by and i wish it was worked in better cos i don’t require a whole conversation or exposition dump, but even a few extra lines would have been nice in the scene he finds her again and runs to once again seek wordless comfort and apology.
>>> ETA: HE DOES NOT HIT HER. i’m adding this lil para here cos i’m uncomf with how many notes this post got spreading this misinfo i wrote myself which i’m wrong about. my first watch i did not catch it and thought nothing of it, but then i saw people saying he did and was talking about it and when i rewatched it, i agreed. but now, after multiple watches, i want to note i’m back to my initial instinct, which is that he doesn’t. maara pushes her by her chin/throat, and he then smacks the plate of food bommi has hard. it’s obvious when u pay attention to the speed and angle the plate flies off to the left, as well as the sound of the metal clang. the only explanation is maara slapping that away and not bommi flinging it. i do urge people to not continue spreading it without fact checking at least, considering sudha in an interview herself had a convo with someone and she agreed with the use of the word ‘’restrained’’ in how maara reacted during the fight, which wouldn’t make sense if he outright slapped her. this also makes it in character for bommi, who doesn’t seem to be the type of person in the narrative who would have just taken that with no fall out after.
SO YEAH despite this one thing, i really, reeeeally loved this relationship and romance and individual characterisations that had their own journey and arc but also were tied down to the same path that they don’t drift away within the frame of their movie and their own goals. this was a married couple shown right with individual personalities and ambitions, and not a woman who was fused to the hero of the movie and only there to meet the commercial requirement of a love track in a film. plus of course uhhh they were really hot together. i’ve mentioned that, right.
cos they were hot
and they should have made out for me
and i would have liked to witness more of them being any kind of physical since suriya and aparna were really nice to look at. O_O
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A Family of Five- Part 9: A Family of Five, Not Including The Dogs
Calum and Harlowe’s marriage hasn’t always been easy, but it has always been filled with love. This is a collaborative experience with In Sorrow and In Joy. Dad!Calum. Black OC.
CW: Over the course of this series, there are mentions of pregnancy, therapy, and postpartum depression. There is also 18+ Content (Smut)
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No one has my permission to repost my work of fiction. This includes translations as well. 
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"How did you and Dad meet again?" Esha asks, setting her plate into the dishwater. The topic only came over dinner because Koha was talking about the next step with Davon. This comes at no shock, seeing as the pair has stuck out not only the last couple of years of secondary schools but also the distance of Davon at university. This sparked discussion about Calum and Harlowe, though most of the focus stayed on him. Until now, of course.
"I've told you this story so many times before," Harlowe laughs, sealing the tupperware top over the leftovers. It's a shock there ever are any with three kids. But Te Koha, now at 21, has moved out within the last year, so it's one less mouth to feed regularly. Esha will be going off to college at the end of August. That will just leave Nikau, the baby at 10, in the house. It's going to be too quiet without them. Never mind the fact that there's three dogs. There's less ruscus from the dogs now, as they've gotten older. They play a little, still like their walks, but at home it's time to lounge around, be the kings and the queen of the castle.
"But I haven't heard it Momma," Nikau pleads, handing his plate to Esha. He's a spitting image of Calum, the same fat cheeks, big brown eyes, and pouty lips.
"It's better when you tell it," Esha agrees, pressing a kiss to Harlowe's cheek. "Are those the last of the dishes before I start 'er up? Last call or your hand washing your dishes," she calls out to the house.
Harlowe shakes her head. There is no denying Esha on Harlowe's part. She'd be hard pressed if she wanted to even try. Between the personality and the soft and full cheeks and shade of brown, softer than Harlowe's hinting more to a caramel. Te Koha brings in the last of the dishes. "You don't have to yell. Mom does enough for all of us." He grins, skin dark like hers, grinning. "Still love you though."
"You're pushing it,just like your Papa Bear."
"What about me?" Calum asks, walking into the kitchen the dogs following behind him.
"Your child," Harlowe teases, "likes to push my buttons too."
"How do we know he's mine?" Cal grins.
Te Koha walks over, patting Calum on the shoulder. "I think it's evident enough," he laughs. Te Koha definitely got his height from Harlowe's side though, all the men are well over 6 feet. He is no exception as he towers over Calum.
"Please Momma. Please," Nikau begs, leaning against her legs.
"Okay, okay. But first," Harlowe says which earns a groan from Nik.
"If you say get ready for bed," he sighs.
"You have to get ready for bed." Nikau gives a big huff, almost folding his arms across his chest and then deciding against it. The fleeting glare of Harlowe's eyes makes him realize he can't. His mother is not the one to front on too much. "You have that field trip tomorrow and you have to be up early. It's kind of a long story. Since you asked, you're going to get the full version, uncut, director's cut."
"Okay!" Nikau runs out of the kitchen. Koha follows behind him- trying to get a hug before he leaves. Sissy follows behind the both of them. She's really the only one that has the energy to keep up with the energy of Nikau. Pepper's getting to the point where she trots around but doesn't have the get up like before. Jack was never the one to run around a lot. He got excited for the walks, for the treats, but overall is pretty healthy. But the age is clear in all of them
"Please tell me you're not going to give completely unedited version," Calum chuckles. "He may be too young for some of those details."
Esha gags next to Harlowe. "That's an image I'd like to erase from my mind."
"How you think you got here?" She asks with a laugh.
"A stork," Esha responds.
"If that's what you want to think, go for it." Harlowe is not going to be one the burst that bubble.
"Thanks for dinner, Mom," Koha says as he returns from upstairs, hugging me. He comes over every Sunday for dinner with us. Once he started working in welding and doing neon work, things took off for him. He had to fly with it. It was hard letting him go, her first baby to fly the coop.
"No need to thank me," Harlowe says softly, wrapping her arms tightly around him. She knows that she's holding on a tad too long when Calum starts rubbing her back. "Thirty more seconds," she laughs before releasing Te Koha.
Calum and Koha hugs before Esha gets hers. "How come you're not like this with me?" Calum asks in a whisper.
"Because I didn't birth you. I just married you," Harlowe says. "It was a privilege to marry. It's an honor to have kids." Calum laughs kissing her temple. She's right. He knows that down in bones. But he's glad to have that privilege. The dogs get their goodbyes too before Koha leaves.
Esha clings to Harlowe, head resting on her shoulder. "It's not the same without him here."
"You do have a whole other brother to annoy," Harlowe laughs, rubbing her back. She rests her head on top of Esha's. "But I get it. The house is shrinking."
"I know, but remember when we still lived in the States. I was painting and spilled the red all over your manuscript."
"Yes! I 'bout had a heart attack!"
Esha laughs. "But Koha took the blame for it but made me do his chores for a week. Even though I hated touching the trash, I did it because I was terrified."
"I knew you were the one that spilled it. He didn't even get in a lot of trouble."
"I figured that out later. But we got even because after we moved, I covered from him breaking the picture frame."
"I had no idea who broke that. It could've been either one of y'all," Harlowe laughs. "Thought it might've broken during the move."
"We didn't even ship any glass," Calum counters.
"You grow three kids and see how your mind ends up. You're lucky I still remember my own name," she huffs.
"Sometimes you don't," he snickers.
"You lucky Esha holding me back or else."
"Or else what? You're going to forget my name too," he taunts.
"I wish I could forget your name sometimes. Maybe I'd remember what I was going to say for a hot second."
"You too are disgustingly in love with each other and as much as this makes me want to vomit, this also makes me, like, envious," Esha states, shaking against her mother. She's still wrapped into Harlowe, tucked under her mother's arm. Part of her hopes she finds something like that. To be so disgusting in love with that it matters what no one else thinks about. She knows beneath all the taunts her mother would go through hell for Calum and her.
The two of them pile up onto the couch.  Harlowe passes through the living through to check on Nikau. Pepper lays near the front door, eyes watching. "Poor girl," Harlowe whispers. There are pictures of the chocolate lab mutt watching over Koha, who's fast asleep in the rocker. The two of them ran around the block.  Koha wanted to take her with him when he moved but his apartment building didn't allow dogs.
She's able to hand the distant a little bit better now. Harlowe knows it still hurts her heart every time he leaves. Koha talks about moving into a building that allows a dog. It's a bit more expensive though; Calum and Harlowe offered to cover the difference. He won't have it and Davon needs a better location for his work. So things are in a tough spot for the moment. "Pepper," Harlowe calls, paused at the stairs. She twitches her ears, but doesn't move. Esha settles down beside her, gently petting her.
Jack takes advantage of the empty space now and curls up with Calum. "You know the dogs shouldn't be up on the couch," Harlowe says to Calum.
"When have I ever listened to that rule."
"You're such a softie."
"Someone has to be with your hard-ass around." The only response is a roll of her eyes. She ascends the stairs. Much to her shock the bathroom door is closed. It opens though before she can close the distance.
"Turn to the left?" Nikau asks. After redoing the bathroom, there is still some things to get used too. Harlowe nods. He nods and then closes the door behind him again. She waits, then catches the rush of water hitting the tiles.
Back downstairs, she settles in next to Calum, placing Jack on her thighs. He seems very unbothered by her presence. However, after a few second's he walks into Calum's lap. He's always been a bit more keen to Calum. Calum taps away at his phone for a second. Before leaning over, a kiss pressed into Harlowe's temple. "I love you even if he doesn't."
Harlowe shakes her head, her laughter short and mostly silent. "I'm not offended." Esha's still consoling Pepper when Nikau finally descends the stairs, dressed in pj's. He takes over Jack's previous spot. "Now will I get the story?"
She plays at his tight corkscrew curls and nods. "So, many moons ago,"
Nikau interrupts. "How many moons?"
"That," Harlowe chuckles, squeezing his side a little, "is not important. It was many moons ago before we moved here, to Sydney. Papa Bear was living in LA, making music, getting all the girls," she teases.
Calum groans, burying his face in Harlowe's shoulder. "Do not fill my son's head with lies. She's lying Nik."
"It's not a lie," she shrieks. "You know girls were practically falling all over you."
"So what if they were, it's not important here," he returns.
"So you admit you had girls lining up for you?"
"Let's just say, I knew I had options." He grins. "But not one compared to you." His lips press into the crook of her neck. "I love you," Calum breathes as if the air is leaving his body for the last time.
With her hand, she taps his knee. "I love you too. But back to my story, Auntie and I went out to LA for a girl's trip. She had just finished her master's; I was still working retail in Virginia but was in the midst of looking at places to go to school for my first master's. She wasn't a partier, but I was. While walking around, looking for some bar that I wanted to go to, we ran across one that was having an open mic night. Auntie wanted to check it out; I wasn't sure about it. I figured we weren't having much luck my way, so why not?
"So we head inside; I order a drink. We're just listening, laughing, joking amongst ourselves. The announcer steps onto stage and notes that one performer couldn't make it, so they were going to open the stage up to anyone. I wasn't going to read anything. I was two drinks in by this point. I had hit a lull in writing and wasn't producing anything I felt particularly proud of; the stars did not feel too aligned for me. But she insisted, and insisted, and insisted. Finally, I get my hips out my seat and walk up to the mic. I can hear her cheering in the crowd, shouting my name, "Whoa, go Harlowe!'' She imitates in a quieter whisper, as the sound comes flooding back to her eardrums. Nikau watches the far way look taking over his mother's eyes. Her fingers are still brushing over his back but slowing.
"I get up and read a few pieces. It goes better than I anticipated though. What I hadn't realized is that someone in the crowd was particularly intrigued by me." Nikau looks across to Calum, raising his eyebrows at his dad. Calum returns the gesture with an added wink.  "I walked up to the bar to get another drink. The place is kind of packed, so it took a minute before anyone ever even saw me standing there. As I'm waiting to be seen, someone slides up next to me. I don't think much of it, maybe they're just ordering a drink too. So I wait for a moment and then they start talking to me. 'I really liked your work.'" Harlowe lowers her voice to imitate Calum's grovel and cadence. She fails of course. But it matters not how accurate she is. Calum laughs at the attempt. She continues on. "I have no clue who it is until I look up. Lo and behold, it is Calum freaking Hood, talking to me."
"Did you almost have a heart attack?" Nikau acts with a chuckle.
"I surely did! I knew who he was; I had listened to the band's music. But never in my twenty-four years did I think that I would run into him. I try to play it cool, ya know? I can't let him know that I'm freaking out on the inside."
"She failed horribly," Calum interjects.
"Are you telling the story or am I?" Harlowe asks. Calum holds his hands up in surrender. "I tried to play it cool, right. We talk for a little bit; I tell him I'm just visiting and a bunch of other stuff; he even pays for my drink. Such a gentleman. It's flirty, but nothing serious. I go back to the table where Auntie and I are sitting and we flip out. Our night is coming to a close and before we can stand from our table; Calum comes back over. I am flustered, thinking, What does the likes of him want with the likes of me? I wasn't anything special, just a girl looking to have some fun in the little three, four days I had out in California."
Calum speaks up again. "You were hot and clearly talented. I wanted a lot to do with you."
"Gross, Dad" Esha huffs. "That's just gross."
"What happened next?" Nikau asks.
"We exchanged numbers. He told me and I quote, 'Call me if you want to see more than just the flashing lights of LA.' And I knew exactly what he meant."
"And you fell for that, Mom? I am disappointed."
Harlowe laughs, looking over to see Esha with Pepper's head in her lap. "Let a hot guy with tattoos and a leather jacket approach you with the prettiest eyes you've ever seen, you'll fall for whatever bullshit that falls out of his mouth too."
"That's twenty-cent," she reprimands. The swear jar has long stood in the family but is never seriously used once the kids got older. "But just because he was in a band and famous doesn't mean you should've fallen for that line."
"What line should I have jumped his bones with then? "Hey, wanna come see my band" is that the line I should've fallen for?"
Esha scrunches up her face. "Okay, that just sounds pretentious. I'm so glad you didn't use that line, Dad. Kudos to you. But I still can't believe how easy it was."
Harlowe smiles. "Let someone with tattoos and a leather jacket come home with you. We'll test just how easy it is."
"Oh, that's so not fair. It's different now."
"Time may be different, but I assure you people are not."
Esha laughs, "So I totally shouldn't tell you all about Jen then."
"Oh we'd love to hear about Jen," Calum teases.
"Mom's story first," Nikau protests. "And then Esha."
"I've done it to myself," Esha says.
Harlowe continues on. "Now where was I? I called the next day. And well, that's kind of it. We became friends, of sorts. I wound up going to school out there too the next year. We dated, for a long time. Had Te Koha, got married, then Esha came along, moved to Sydney and then we had you. And now here we are."
"It can't be that simple," he pouts.
Calum reaches over. Nikau carefully climbs over Harlowe into Calum's lap. Jack curled up into his Calum's side long ago, freeing up his hands for the moment. "Me and your mom had our issues and fights. But at the end of the day, it all leads back to this, the five of us being a family, not including the dogs."
"It's hard to picture the two of you not being my parents. Or fighting. You guys don't fight. Like you get mad, but I've never seen a fight," he insists.
"I'm a lot mellower now," Harlowe says. "With Te Koha, it was way different. We were still working on other issues. It might not have always been the prettiest sight for him." She hopes Koha knows she'd take it all back. She'd redo everything if she knew then what she knows now.
Calum nudges her. "They're not shouting matches if I didn't yell back." There's a shit-eating grin on his face.
"I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But you aren't either."
He nods. "She's right," he addresses Nikau. "I wasn't perfect nearly 25 years ago, and I'm not perfect now. But I am better, so is she. Besides, we're too old and tired to argue anymore."
"Mom could probably argue in her sleep," Esha interrupts.
"Not proud of that," Harlowe admits. She's had to get better about voicing herself without yelling. A hard trait from her childhood having always felt like she was looked over. "But I'm much older. I've been a parent for a lot longer. That was hard being a first time parent and then your fiance is gone most of the day, or for months at a time. You almost feel like you're alone. It gets to you; I'm hard-headed and stubborn too like Papa Bear. He tried to get me to move here when we found out Esha was coming. But I was terrified. My parents couldn't really help being on the other side of the country; his parents were halfway across the globe. I was terrified of having to find work at a new university. After a year or two after Esha was born, I felt like I was going insane it felt like. I needed help, a lot of help. We tried therapist after therapist, eventually, I broke down. It was bad. I felt like such a horrible mom."
It hurts less now to admit that, Harlowe thinks. It's just the truth of the matter. The reality she was matched with.
"You're a good mom," Nikau counters.
"Thank you, baby. But I'm okay. It was just the truth of my situation. I'm better now. Besides, I ever tell you, you were a miracle baby."
He shakes his head. "No."
"Yeah, you are. I had a lot of problems when I was pregnant with Esha; delivery was an ordeal. Doctors told me it was a miracle that I lived, others were telling me I would never get pregnant again. It was a lot. I wanted three kids, so badly. So, so, so badly. It was rough, a lot of trips to the doctors. Eventually I just felt useless, unfit. When I finally broke down to Papa Bear in that bathtub, he knew he had to do something. We sold the house in LA, moved in a temporary place back on the east coast. My family helped me, but it was still kind of stressful. Eventually we moved here, found a therapist that was right for me.
"I was still fighting to see if I would have a third kid. Even the doctors here thought it was a coin toss. Nothing seemed to be working. I had truly given up hope. I was thankful and so happy for Koha and Esha, but it still hurt that I wouldn't have that third baby. I kinda stopped going to appointments; wasn't taken the medicine like I should've. Things had just gotten better but also worse. I thought I was pregnant at one point. But I just couldn't bear going to the doctor's for them to tell me it was all in my head. Grandma Joy dragged me to a doctor's appointment after rescheduling and rescheduling and putting it off. She kept telling me that something was happening if only I'd go to the doctors. I just didn't believe it."
"But she was right?" Esha asks.
Harlowe nods. "Of course she was, when isn't she? She asked the doctors to do an ultrasound; she seemed so nervous and excited. I was holding my breath. I was praying I had imagined anything. And then there you were, on the screen." She gently taps the end of Nik's nose. "Inside my belly. I cried, like bawling, sobbing. Snot running. Joy and I were a fucking mess. Calum walked in and I knew it was real. "
"Forty cents," Nik says sternly.
"Sir, yes, sir. I'll get right on that."
"I'm sorry you went through all that Momma." Nikau's cheeks are flushed with tears.
She kisses his forehead. "Don't be; it gave me you."
"Damn, now I'm crying," Esha huffs before walking over to Harlowe. She slides in next to her mother on the couch, head slotting in space between chest and shoulder.
"That's twenty cents, missy," Harlowe laughs. Sissy pops her head up. "Not you, baby. Not you."
"Does Te Koha know about this?" she asks.
"Yeah, he knows. He asked too many questions for us not to tell him," Calum offers with a laugh. The silence lingers for a while before it's broken.
"Esha your turn," Nik says.
She groans. Why did she open her big fat mouth? "She's just a friend right now."
"With tattoos and a leather jacket?" Harlowe asks. Esha can hear the tease dripping from the words.
"I reserve the right not to incriminate myself," she returns. To redirect from her embarrassment, Nikau suggests a movie. Everyone agrees. Harlowe knows that soon though, Nika will be fast asleep. Not before long, his head drops, startling him until he drops into Calum's chest.
"Out like a light," Calum whispers.
After the movie, Nikau's placed into bed. Esha heads out to a friend's house for a party. The house is silent. The dogs are sleep too. Harlowe falls across the bed, releasing a sigh. Calum lies across the mattress, arms draping across her. His torso is bare. She can see some of the tattoo on his ribcage. It's one of the old poems she wrote about him when they first started dating. He got it tattooed about a year ago. Fans have speculated what it is, but neither of them have confirmed it. There's no real need.She runs her fingers up his arms, tracing over the black ink. "You know you're an awesome mum right?" he asks in a whisper.
"I try. That's all I can do."
He finds her forehead, a stretch upwards before planting several kisses. "And you do very well. I'm so proud of you. So," he punctuates the word with a kiss. "So. So. Proud. I know it's not been easy, but with every battle you made it out on the other side."
"I had your help. You were there. You literally are the reason I'm still fucking alive. If you hadn't have moved us, I don't think I would still be walking this earth."
"You're strong. You still would be."
"Listen to me," she starts, sitting up, his arm falls to her lap. "I literally would not be right now in front of you. I felt so alone and so useless but you were there, the entire time. You helped me help myself and that honestly makes me so grateful to have you."
Tears are collecting on his lower lash line. "I saw your hurt; I saw your pain." He sniffles as she brushes the tears from his cheeks. "I had to do something. That's all I was thinking, I can't lose my wife. My kids can't lose their mother. I didn't care if I had to fight hell or high water; I was going to help you whatever way I could. I am so thankful to wake up next to you every day, even when you roast me and nag me. I'm just so grateful you are here. You could've left me 23 years ago. You should've left me; I was being such an asshole, cutting you off like that. But you fucking stayed. You stuck it out through harassment, online hate, rumors. God, the rumors," he sobs into her thighs.
"Sshh, it's okay." She knows what he's referring too. A lot of nasty comments were said when it got publicized that she was pregnant with Koha before any type of engagement or marriage. Calum proposed a few weeks later, after being nervous for months. A lot of people attacked them saying that he only proposed because he didn't want his children to have a broken home. That one tore him apart; he flew back at the comment with a huge paragraph about how much he loved Harlowe and wanted to do right by her. For some it worked, for others, even after decades of being together, they're not convinced.
"Breathe, baby." His shoulders shake beneath her fingertips. "Hey." She tries to coax him up. The cotton of her shorts become wet, her thighs damp with his tears. Her fingers gently scratch over his scalp and nape of this neck. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here."
It's a few minutes before Calum collects himself and sits up. She grabs the tissues for the nightstand and wipes his face and nose. "I cannot and will not let you slip through my fingers like that again."
Her focus is locked in on cleaning his face. But Harlowe nods. "I know. I believe you."
"Your shorts," he sighs.
"My shorts literally do not matter. C'mon." They walk into the bathroom. The water drips into the porcelain sink basin, and over the washcloth. He leans against the counter, fingers playing at the hem of her shirt. "I love you; I am in love with you. I am not going to stop love you. It's a choice I am happy to make over and over again."
"I love you too." Harlowe presses the damp cloth to his puffy cheeks. She has never and will never get over how much she can pinch and squeeze them. Right now is not the time though. She restrains herself. "I am in love with you. I have never stop loving you and will never. Even when you're dead and gone, I will love you and nag you for leaving me alone with three kids and three dogs!"
Calum pulls the damp washcloth from my hands and wraps his arms around my waist. "I give you every right to nag me when I'm dead. Though I can't promise I can defend myself." Calum spins us, so I'm up against the counter. He cleans her thighs.
"You do realize I've had piss, shit, blood, and vomit on me. Mother of three kids. Snot is the least of my worries."
"I know," he grins, tossing her a clean pair of shorts from inside the bedroom. "I really just wanted to see your ass jiggle as you change."
"All you have to do is ask. It's not like you have to make excuses anymore."
"It's more fun to make excuses."
Before stepping in the clean shorts, she makes a dramatic show of shaking her bottom in his face. Calum laughs. That's his wife. But he wouldn't have it any other way. It would be boring if she weren't the way she was, if she weren't so loud and boisterious. If she weren't willing to fight every instinct that tells her she's a bad mother. Calum realizes his life, while it tried and tested him, is full because his heart is full.
Harlowe struggles just a little to get the shorts up. Three kids have given Harlowe the hips of her mother, but she does her best to keep in shape. Her body before was long gone after Esha and after Nikau she hasn't bothered trying to chase the old photographs. She settles for just being healthy. That's all she needs to keep up with a 10-year-old now.
She was nervous though after having Te Koha that Calum wouldn't find her as attractive. Her skin had already started to sag just a little, the stretch marks lined her body aggressively. There was no hiding it. Sometimes there was shame, staring her in the mirror. It was shame telling her to she needed what was before. But Calum was always there, always a voice to break through the clouds.
"Let's watch Moana again," Calum suggests, arms encasing her waist. He walks them back to the bed, lips ghosting over the skin of her neck.
"If you fall asleep, I'm taking video and putting it on twitter. And it doesn't get deleted this time. Deal?"
"Deal." They climb into bed and she huddles into his side. Their family watches Moana or Black Panther as a pick me up movie. Koha and Esha were obsessed with Moana, especially after Calum surprised the kids by dressing up as Maui. Nikau was hooked after his first viewing. There are have many videos of Calum with the kids wrapped around him as he sings.
Barely half an hour into the movie, snores hit the air. She called it and with a shake of her head, she finds her phone. Calum, once a rock when he slept, has become more of a lighter sleeper since having the kids. She's grateful that reaching across to her nightstand doesn't wake up. With the camera trained on him, she films for a few seconds. The snores are clear as they escae him.  
Twitter is a hot buzz of activity. Her mentions are littered with her and Calum's handle. It's not unusual for the pair. But Harlowe can see something has happened. She only spends a few minutes to draft the tweet before scrolling the mass of tweets.
Calum's new twitter&insta bio are the fucking cutest, one user gushes. She clicks onto Calum's profile. It takes a second before the full profile loads. Bassist in 5 Seconds Of Summer. Dog father of 3. Human father of 3. Husband to Harlowe. "Speak--" Tears fill her vision for a second. His now matches her, for the most part. She avoided added his name when she said wife leaving it at the capital C. The thing that really gets her is the last part. It's part of the poem he tattooed onto his ribs. She wrote in a buzz, watching him and the band work one day.
They hadn't been officially dating. Though everyone called them the old people couple. It was a testament that still rings true for them. She told Calum that she felt like his soul was blue and not in a bad way. He just had a calming aura about him. He didn't talk a whole lot. But he did have things to say. He just always wanted to make sure that his words were properly together first before he spoke.
Harlowe wanted him to just speak. She watched the way his brows knitted together, his eyes flickering between Michael and Luke discussing the progression. It was like he wanted to say something but was holding it back. She rushed to grab a piece of scrap paper from the center table, amongst all the scribbles of their ideas. She grabbed Calum's pen from his hand and started writing. The letters were sloppy, too big and not fully formed. It slanted down the page because it lacked lines.
Calum was shocked by her sudden outburst, the pen being snatched from his hand. But he could see her wheels turning, how she couldn't get the words down fast enough. He didn't say anything. Harlowe just wanted to him to speak; she could feel the words he was not saying. She was feeling words that she couldn't say but wanted too. It overflowed onto three pages worth.
Harlowe's phone buzzes, snapping her back to reality. It's a text from Esha. Then another one comes through before it shakes with her contact photo lighting up the screen. "Is everything okay?" she asks. There's more panic in her voice than she likes.
Calum reaches out, awake when he heard the first text come through. He thought it was his phone.
"Nothing's wrong, Mom. Did you see Dad's new bios?" The background is loud. Her voice is just barely reaching over the receiver.
She exhales, squeezing Calum's hand. "I just did. Also, I didn't think you kept up with your old parents."
"I have to," she laughs. "I have to help keep you guys hip. But did you see his reply?"
"Reply to what?"
"He replied to someone, Ma. Go to his profile. Swipe to the left to see his tweets and replies. That hasn't changed in the decades twitter has been around."
"I'll check it. Do you need one of us to stay up and grab you after the party?"
"Mom, I'm like three blocks away. I'll be okay."
"Girl, does it-"
"Besides," she interrupts. "Madeline drove here and she's a few beers in. I took her car keys. I'll walk back with her."
"There's plenty of leftovers. If you text me before you leave, I can heat them up for you two."
"Okay. I'll be back by 1 at the latest. Love you."
"Love you too. Be safe and text me!" The call ends; Harlowe is sure Esha didn't hear her.
"Esha?" Calum questions.
Harlowe nods. "Madeline is spending the night, drunk I suspect. Also, you fell asleep. The video is already posted."
"Go figure."
"She called gushing about some twitter activity on your part." Harlowe swipes over, as instructed, to his replies tab. There it is, the recent reply that reads, Raising 3 kids, 3 dogs & keeping my wife happy was a lot more important than my social media. But I figured it was about time that I updated it.
Harlowe scrolls up to see the original tweet, It's been how long? And Calum finally remembered how to update his twitter bio.
Calum pretends to be interested on something on his phone when Harlowe looks up to him. She kneels on the bed, phone dropping to the mattress between then. Her lips are soft against his cheek, then his temple, and finally sealing over his lips. "Have I told you I love you today?"
"Once or twice," he grins. His kiss is short, though his hands travel to her thighs and squeeze. Blindly in their kiss, Calum sets his phone onto the nightstand next to his side. Harlowe straddles his waist, sinking slowly down onto his lap. The boxer briefs and cotton shorts are a thin barrier between them.
The house alarm beeps, calling out that the front door has opened. Calum is slow to move his hands away from Harlowe's heat. But she pushes at his bicep. "It's probably Esha."
"I never heard a text come in." His lips ghost over her collarbones.
"Well it sure as hell wasn't Nik sneaking out and back in."
Calum moves off her when she pushes at him again. The alarm clocks read an angry red 12:30.  There's no doubt Esha is not sober. Harlowe uses the bathroom first, door open. There is little need to close it because Calum comes in to wash his hands, gargling quickly with mouthwash.
"Alright, so good cop bad cop our drunk daughter and her friend or just good cop this?" he laughs. The answer is obvious but he knows his wife. She's worried because there was no text. Before sliding into underwear and robes, Calum stops Harlowe, her face already contorting.
"She made it home. That's all that matters."
"I know. I'm a worrywart."
"It's alright. You care." Listening from the top of the stair, the house fills with giggling and Esha shushing. As they descend Harlowe sees Madeline falling into Esha; Esha's using the wall to help take some of the weight off her.
"Sorry I didn't text," Esha sighs. Her eyes are a little glassy, but she doesn't seem too far gone. "I got too caught up in that last game of beer pong. But we fucking won!"
Harlowe hooks Madeline's other arm around her shoulders. "I'm proud. So naked lap for you guys?"
"Hi Mrs. Hood," Madeline giggles.
"No ma'am. You ain't raise a quitter," Esha says.
"Was Jen there?" Calum asks, working on heating up the leftovers for them.
"She left early," Esha pouts. There's a moments pause as both women settle Madeline into the chair. Esha collapses into the seat next to her. "She had an amazing perfume on. We need to go to the mall. I need it."
"Looks like it was a fun party," Harlowe laughs.
Esha rests her head against the wood of the table. "This is so cool. I thought I was melting for a second."
She's definitely drunker than Harlowe and Calum figured. But she's still mostly coherent. Always a good sign. Harlowe grabs both of them an extra tall glass and filling it up with water. "Drink up, girls. You're going to need it."
"Thanks, Mrs. Hood," Madeline giggles, bringing the glass to her lips. Esha stares at her glass for a moment before lifting it to her lips.
. "Good night girls," Calum states. "Be sure to drink some more water before calling it in."
"Your parents are so cute together," Madeline says, a tad loud. It carries up the stairs.
"Ssh! Nik's sleeping," Esha shushes. "But thanks. They're disgusting together sometimes."
"You only say that because you're jealous."
"It's all fun and cute until you see hickeys on your mom's neck and you know your dad put them there," she scoffs.
Calum laughs, too loudly. Harlowe ducks, arms pushed into Calum's back to get him into their bedroom. They might still be visible. Though it would be a miracle for either girl to notice their own hands right in front of them.  "You could've blown our cover," Harlowe reprimands. "You'd make a horrible spy."
"Good thing my job is to be a dad and not a spy."
"Did you ever sneak around behind your parents back? God, your sneak skills are terrible."
"Never had to, really."
"Count your blessings."
"I'm counting on a lot more," his voice drops as he pulls his shirt over his head.
"Yeah, Z's because I'm tired and you're a terrible spy."
As he turns around, Harlowe notices the scratch marks she left from earlier. "Z's it is then," he chuckles, settling onto the bed and patting the spot next to him.
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maggotzombie · 4 years
ROOMIES: one. introductions.
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→ CHAPTERS LIST WORD COUNT: 2,3k A/N: Here’s something I’ve written a long time ago and decided to bring back to Tumblr. Also, Maya’s appearance is based on Esha Gupta.
THE FIRST one she meets is Shannon, in a club, of course.
As an Indian descendant, Maya's skin color is a light brown, just like the tan that girls look forward to when going to the beach; her hair is black and her eyes are brown. Sometimes, Maya's friends say she looks like Angelina Jolie because of her plump lips and body and, altogether, her appearance has an effect on guys that is incredible.
And that's why she meets Shannon. He approaches Maya in the bar with a grin on his face, so full of himself. "What a beautiful lady is doing at a bar by herself?" He asks, leaning on the counter in front of her.
First, Maya frowns, looking at him, then she chuckles. "Oh, honey, I think you're not paying attention; a girl like me is never alone," She says, winking at him.
Shannon clearly understands that as flirt and proceeds. "I'm Shannon, Shannon Leto," He offers his hand.
"Maya," She takes his hand and Shannon brings it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand.
"What brings you here?" Shannon asks, trying to chat.
"Drinks," The woman raises her glass.
Shannon chuckles. "To America," He adds.
"I am American," The woman rolls her eyes. "Yes, Indian descendant, but American."
"Mhm," He nods, taking a sip of his beer and opening his smirk again. "And how can I bring you to my bed?" Shannon asks.
Maya laughs loudly at his poor attempt. She gets up from her seat and moves closer to him. "Try harder," She says, clinking her glass on his beer bottle and moving away quickly.
The civil engineering student doesn't dare to go after her, he just watches Maya disappears into the crowd in stunned silence. He had never been turned down before.
And this is Maya and Shannon's first encounter.
It's not unusual for different courses to have the same classes. Economic and management courses are often paired together to have statistics classes. That means Jared (a management student) and Maya (an econ student) share the classroom two times a week, but she has never paid attention to him before.
Later the same week that she had met Shannon, the statistics professor gives the class a paper to be done in groups previously chosen by him. And guess who's in Maya's group? Yes, Jared Leto. It takes him, literally, a minute to hit on her.
"Maya, huh?" Jared opens a smirk to her. "How did I've never noticed such a cute girl in my class?"
She sighs, tired already. "Maybe because you've never looked at anyone else besides yourself?" Maya raises an eyebrow.
Jared's narcissism doesn't go unnoticed; the guy loves himself more than his own mother, probably.
He frowns, not failing in noticing her feistiness, but he doesn't have time to reply to the woman's comment because she's talking again. "You're Leto, right?" She asks and he nods. "Are you related to Shannon Leto somehow?"
Jared frowns, nodding again, slower this time. "Yeah, he's my brother. Why?" He tilts his head, mentally cursing his brother for doing her first.
The woman shrugs. "I've met him a few days ago," She says, looking back at the whiteboard. "You two are clearly related," She whispers more to herself than to him, but Jared catches it.
"Have you two..." Jared trails off.
Maya opens a smile while putting her notebook into her purse. "Oh, he wishes. And so does you," She says, getting up from her seat and leaving the classroom quickly.
Her friends think she's insane to have turned down both Leto brothers. Apparently, they are the most desired guys on the campus and turn them down is almost a sin to girls. Maya doesn't care about how crazy they think she is, the Leto brothers also have a reputation. And it is not a good one.
As good-looking guys, they can get any girl they want – well, not Maya, obviously, – and the affair doesn't last longer than one night, the 'luckiest' ladies get the second night and that's all. Never a call or a text. That is what Shannon and Jared Leto are: fuckboys.
"Oh my God," One of Maya's friend says, looking at something behind her. "It's them."
Maya frowns. They're at a party at the campus’ park, on the weekend, and she's with a group of friends, holding a red cup just like everyone else. She has a simple outfit; denim shorts, tank top, sandals and a Mang Teeka on her head, and the least makeup possible. Even that simple, she's able to draw attention.
"Whoa, they're coming this way," She adds.
Suddenly, all the three girls around Maya starts smoothing their clothes to look more presentable. Trying to understand the reason for that, the Indian girl turns her head around to see what her friend has pointed out seconds earlier. Shannon and Jared Leto are coming towards the small group of women with their sunglasses and bad boy style, making several other women glance at them as they pass by.
Maya rolls her eyes, watching them come directly towards her. She turns her body fully in their direction and waits for them. "Hey," Jared greets with a smirk.
"Really? The two of you at once?" Maya raises an eyebrow. "Who's gonna be the first? C'mon, hit me."
Shannon chuckles, amused by her. "You look pretty today. Not that you're less pretty on the other days," He says.
"I really am," Maya agrees, looking at him and then shifting her eyes to Jared. "Your turn."
"I've texted you," Jared starts. "About the paper."
"Yes, I ignored it," Maya nods. "It's the weekend, I don't discuss papers on weekends, especially when there's a text group for it and you text me privately about it. Anything else?"
The younger brother looks at the older and they share a small smile. "I play guitar," Jared says, looking back at her.
She raises an eyebrow again. "So?" Maya shakes her head slightly. "Was this supposed to be something to make me get super excited about?"
"Maya!" One of her friend's scolds, glaring at her.
"I am excited about it," Another friend says and Maya gives her a look.
"Shut up and listen!" Shannon says and this surprises Maya, who raises both eyebrows but doesn't say a word. Pleased with that, the man continues. "Jay plays guitar and sings, I play drums and we have some friends that play, too. We're throwing a small get together in our frat house tonight. If you're interested, just show up," He shrugs.
"Your friends can come along if you do," Jared adds quickly, making grins show up on her friends' faces.
"She will," Maya's friend assures, making both brothers smile.
"Excuse me?" She looks at her. "I can speak for myself, thanks."
"But will you?" Shannon asks, looking at her.
Maya turns back to him. "I'll give a thought about it," She says sincerely. "That's not a yes," Maya adds.
The older Leto nods, smiling and realizing it was the better he could get from her. After that, Jared and Shannon bid their goodbyes and leave the women, but are not so far away when they hear Maya's friends squealing and pleading her to go.
The rest of the party is almost unbearable for Maya because her friends won't stop bugging her to go to the Leto's party. It only makes her more unwilling to go, but at eleven, she walks into the frat house, wearing a loose sweater dress and ankle boots.
Guys turn their heads as the maroon-skinned woman passes by, displaying a smile on her pretty face. Only two of her friends are with her (the conditions to go is that none of them can have a one-night stand with the brothers) and the trio tries to walk further into the house.
Although Shannon said it was gonna be 'a small get together', the frat house is crowded and it is impossible to give two steps before stopping and asking people to move.
Halfway towards what Maya judged to be the living room, she runs into a guy. "Sorry," The guy turns to look at her and Maya raises her head to see a smirk forming on Shannon's face. "Oh, hey! You came!" He cheers.
"Well, yes," She nods. "A small get together, huh?" Maya raises her eyebrow and he smiles widely, now sure that is her thing.
He nods too. "Yeah. You should see the big ones," Shannon chuckles and she does too, which surprises him. "Hey, I don't see drinks in hands," He points out, looking down at the women's hands. "Here, take this, I'll get some for your friends too."
Shannon shoves his blue cup into Maya's hands and vanishes looking for drinks for her friends. The girl looks down at her hands to the cup's content, apparently, it is beer, but Maya smells it anyway, unsure if it is safe to drink from an unknown's cup.
Even though Shannon is a fuckboy, Maya doesn't think he's the type that drugs girls to get what he wants. So, she shrugs off and brings the cup to her lips, taking a sip from it. As quickly as he disappeared, Shannon comes back with more two blue cups and gives it to her friends.
"C'mon, we're taking music suggestions," Shannon says, taking her hand and dragging her across the house.
"What?" Maya asks, trying to follow him.
"Music suggestions," He repeats. "Did you forget that we play?" Shannon comes to a stop, right in the middle of the living room where the instruments are set up and Jared is hanging out with some friends. "Look who I've found."
Jared's blue eyes lands on the woman. "Damn," He says simply, taking his wallet out and handing Shannon fifty bucks.
Maya frowns, not liking it. "Did you two bet on me?" She asks, looking at them.
"Well..." Jared starts, scratching the back of his neck.
"Have you ever considered that I can leave at any moment?" Maya adds. "How 'bout now? C'mon," She turns around to her friends, ready to leave.
"What?" One of her friends asks, disappointment clear in her voice. "We just arrived."
"And now we're leaving," The woman says.
"No, no, no, don't go," Shannon rushes to stop her. "Sorry 'bout that, we're idiot frat guys. But, stay," He pleads.
"That you are," Maya agrees, pissed about their childish behavior but she gives Shannon a small nod, deciding to stay when she looks deep into his eyes. "Fine."
"Lemme introduces you to the guys," He says, motioning to the people sitting around. "That's Tomo, culinary; Vicki, Tomo's girl, veterinary; Emma, you know," Shannon says and Maya nods to the woman. Emma is a management student too, in Jared's class, therefore, she's in statistics class too. "Jamie and Stevie, something about computers, I don't know."
"Computer science," Both the guys reply in unison tiredly, making Maya chuckle.
"What do you want to hear, milady?" Jared asks.
"Oh, nothing," Maya says, sitting beside one of his friends. "I have no desire to hear your voice."
Stevie laughs at her comeback. "She's feisty."
She quirks an eyebrow. "And you know me for like thirty seconds to say I'm feisty, Stevie, something about computers?" Maya says, repeating what Shannon said when introducing him.
"Computer science," Jamie repeats.
"Oh, yes, that. Whatever," She shakes her head.
"I like you," Stevie, something about computers, decides and Maya smiles.
"Have you heard a song named Where the Streets Have No Name?" One of Maya's friends asks, making Jared look at her.
"Yeah, U2," He nods, opening a smile.
She nods. "Exactly, can you play it?"
"Sure I can, sweetheart," Jared opens his knee-weaker smile at her, making the girl sigh.
Maya rolls her eyes at her friends while the boys make their way to the instruments. Shannon goes to his drums, Tomo picks a guitar, Jamie picks an acoustic guitar, Stevie picks a bass and Jared goes for the microphone. He starts singing softly and the woman has to admit that he has a nice voice and, in a matter of seconds, everybody is chanting the song with them.
The smile and laugh of the Indian descendant is a victory for both brothers and she keeps doing it for the rest of the night. For her, it turns to be better than she thought it would be. Even having to turn down both brothers again, they are nicer than she thought they were.
"So, you're Indian," Tomo asks, looking at Maya.
"Well, fifty percent. My mother is one-hundred percent. I'm American, born and raised," She replies, smiling at him.
"Your dad?" Vicki is the one asking now.
"Totally American, white ass boy," Maya says, chuckling with both of them.
"How did they met?" She asks, interested.
"My mom was a dancer and my dad is a very successful entrepreneur. He was on a business trip and the Indian company or whatever it was that he was working with hosted a party. Mom was one of the dancers hired to entertain and make the Americans invest. She met my dad and... Me!" Maya chuckles again, opening her arms.
"Did he invested?" Jared asks, smiling.
Maya smiles at him. "I don't know, I guess," She laughs. "How about you?"
"I'm one-hundred percent Croatian. Born in Sarajevo then moved to America when I was 17," Tomo explains.
"Oh, nice," Maya nods. "And you're Australian, right?" She turns to Emma.
They chat during the whole party and Maya gets to know a little bit more about the brothers. They left Bossier City, Louisiana, with their mother, who raised them as a single parent, their father died when they were kids and they didn't get to know him. And the main reason for both of them to be there (in a university) is to make their mother proud of what they had become.
Maya starts to respect them for that and they start a different relationship after that. First step: acquaintances with more politeness on Maya’s part. Second step: very good friends.
Once Shannon and Jared realized Maya isn't gonna sleep with them at any cost, they accepted the fact that she's only a very good friend.
* * *
– two. lovers.
10 notes · View notes
quietya · 5 years
YA Books You May Have Missed: April-June Edition
I did this for January-March releases (which you can see here) and I’m doing it again! I’m rounding up some YA releases that have come out between April and June. These are all books that are on my personal radar, so it’s not a fully filled out list of ALL the books, but it’s a lot of them. And as usual, I’m avoiding bestsellers and really buzzy books as much as possible.
We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett Release: April 2
Seventeen-year-old Revna is a factory worker, manufacturing war machines for the Union of the North. When she’s caught using illegal magic, she fears being branded a traitor and imprisoned. Meanwhile, on the front lines, Linné defied her father, a Union general, and disguised herself as a boy to join the army. They’re both offered a reprieve from punishment if they use their magic in a special women’s military flight unit and undertake terrifying, deadly missions under cover of darkness. Revna and Linné can hardly stand to be in the same cockpit, but if they can’t fly together, and if they can’t find a way to fly well, the enemy’s superior firepower will destroy them–if they don’t destroy each other first.
You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn Release: April 2
Annie Mathers is America’s sweetheart and heir to a country music legacy full of all the things her Gran warned her about. Superstar Clay Coolidge is most definitely going to end up one of those things. But unfortunately for Clay, if he can’t convince Annie to join his summer tour, his music label is going to drop him. That’s what happens when your bad boy image turns into bad boy reality. Annie has been avoiding the spotlight after her parents’ tragic death, except on her skyrocketing YouTube channel. Clay’s label wants to land Annie, and Clay has to make it happen. Swayed by Clay’s undeniable charm and good looks, Annie and her band agree to join the tour. From the start fans want them to be more than just tour mates, and Annie and Clay can’t help but wonder if the fans are right. But if there’s one part of fame Annie wants nothing to do with, it’s a high-profile relationship.
Descendant of the Crane by Joan He Release: April 2
Princess Hesina of Yan has always been eager to shirk the responsibilities of the crown, but when her beloved father is murdered, she’s thrust into power, suddenly the queen of an unstable kingdom. Determined to find her father’s killer, Hesina does something desperate: she engages the aid of a soothsayer—a treasonous act, punishable by death... because in Yan, magic was outlawed centuries ago. Using the information illicitly provided by the sooth, and uncertain if she can trust even her family, Hesina turns to Akira—a brilliant investigator who’s also a convicted criminal with secrets of his own. With the future of her kingdom at stake, can Hesina find justice for her father? Or will the cost be too high?
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman Release: April 2
Uprooted from the city, Violet Saunders doesn’t have much hope of fitting in at her new school in Four Paths, a town almost buried in the woodlands of rural New York. The fact that she’s descended from one of the town’s founders doesn’t help much, either—her new neighbors treat her with distant respect, and something very like fear. When she meets Justin, May, Isaac, and Harper, all children of founder families, and sees the otherworldly destruction they can wreak, she starts to wonder if the townsfolk are right to be afraid. When bodies start to appear in the woods, the locals become downright hostile. Can the teenagers solve the mystery of Four Paths, and their own part in it, before another calamity strikes?
The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston Release: April 2
Imogen Lovelace is an ordinary fangirl on an impossible mission: save her favorite character, Princess Amara, from being killed off from her favorite franchise, Starfield. The problem is, Jessica Stone—the actress who plays Princess Amara—wants nothing more than to leave the intense scrutiny of the fandom behind. If this year's ExcelsiCon isn't her last, she'll consider her career derailed. When a case of mistaken identity throws look-a-likes Imogen and Jess together, they quickly become enemies. But when the script for the Starfield sequel leaks, and all signs point to Jess, she and Imogen must trade places to find the person responsible. That's easier said than done when the girls step into each other's shoes and discover new romantic possibilities, as well as the other side of intense fandom.
White Rose by Kip Wilson Release: April 2
Disillusioned by the propaganda of Nazi Germany, Sophie Scholl, her brother, and his fellow soldiers formed the White Rose, a group that wrote and distributed anonymous letters criticizing the Nazi regime and calling for action from their fellow German citizens. The following year, Sophie and her brother were arrested for treason and interrogated for information about their collaborators.
In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton Release: April 9
After her father’s death, Ruth Robb and her family transplant themselves in the summer of 1958 from New York City to Atlanta—the land of debutantes, sweet tea, and the Ku Klux Klan. In her new hometown, Ruth quickly figures out she can be Jewish or she can be popular, but she can’t be both. Eager to fit in with the blond girls in the “pastel posse,” Ruth decides to hide her religion. Before she knows it, she is falling for the handsome and charming Davis and sipping Cokes with him and his friends at the all-white, all-Christian Club. But at temple Ruth meets Max, who is serious and intense about the fight for social justice, and now she is caught between two worlds, two religions, and two boys. But when a violent hate crime brings the different parts of Ruth’s life into sharp conflict, she will have to choose between all she’s come to love about her new life and standing up for what she believes.
In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natasha Deen Release: April 9
Nira Ghani has always dreamed of becoming a musician. Her Guyanese parents, however, have big plans for her to become a scientist or doctor. Nira's grandmother and her best friend, Emily, are the only people who seem to truly understand her desire to establish an identity outside of the one imposed on Nira by her parents. When auditions for jazz band are announced, Nira realizes it's now or never to convince her parents that she deserves a chance to pursue her passion. As if fighting with her parents weren't bad enough, Nira finds herself navigating a new friendship dynamic when her crush, Noah, and notorious mean-girl, McKenzie "Mac," take a sudden interest in her and Emily, inserting themselves into the fold. So, too, does Nira's much cooler (and very competitive) cousin Farah. As Farah and Noah grow closer and Emily begins to pull away, Nira's trusted trumpet "George" remains her constant, offering her an escape from family and school drama. But it isn't until Nira takes a step back that she realizes she's not the only one struggling to find her place in the world.
Last Girl Lied To by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn Release: April 16
Fiona claims she doesn’t remember anything about the night her best friend left a party early and walked into the ocean. But the truth is, she wishes she could forget. Trixie’s disappearance is ruled a suicide, but Fiona starts to believe that Trixie isn’t really dead. Piecing together the trail of a girl who doesn't want to be found leads her to Jasper, Trixie’s former friend with benefits, and Beau—the boy who turned Fiona down, who loved someone else, who might be happy Trixie is gone. The closer Fiona gets to finding out what happened, and the closer she gets to Jasper and Beau, the more she realizes that the girl she knew better than anyone may have been a carefully constructed lie—and she might have been waiting to disappear the entire time.
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala Release: April 23
Esha is a legend, but no one knows. It’s only in the shadows that she moonlights as the Viper, the rebels’ highly skilled assassin. She’s devoted her life to avenging what she lost in the royal coup, and now she’s been tasked with her most important mission to date: taking down the ruthless General Hotha. Kunal has been a soldier since childhood, training morning and night to uphold the power of King Vardaan. His uncle, the general, has ensured that Kunal never strays from the path—even as a part of Kunal longs to join the outside world, which has been growing only more volatile. Then Esha’s and Kunal’s paths cross—and an unimaginable chain of events unfolds. Both the Viper and the soldier think they’re calling the shots, but they’re not the only players moving the pieces. As the bonds that hold their land in order break down and the sins of the past meet the promise of a new future, both rebel and soldier must make unforgivable choices.
Love From A to Z by S.K. Ali Release: April 30
Zayneb, the only Muslim in class, isn’t bad. She’s angry. When she gets suspended for confronting her teacher, and he begins investigating her activist friends, Zayneb heads to her aunt’s house in Doha, Qatar, for an early start to spring break. Fueled by the guilt of getting her friends in trouble, she resolves to try out a newer, “nicer” version of herself in a place where no one knows her. Then her path crosses with Adam’s. Since he got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in November, Adam’s stopped going to classes, intent, instead, on perfecting the making of things. Intent on keeping the memory of his mom alive for his little sister. Adam’s also intent on keeping his diagnosis a secret from his grieving father. Alone, Adam and Zayneb are playing roles for others, keeping their real thoughts locked away in their journals. Until a marvel and an oddity occurs…
Belly Up by Eva Darrows Release: April 30
I’d planned to spend senior year with my bestie-slash-wifey, Devi Abrams, graduating at the top of my class and getting into an Ivy League college. Instead, Mom and I are moving in with my battle-ax of a grandmother and I’m about to start a new school and a whole new life. Know what’s more fun than being the new girl for your senior year? Being the pregnant new girl. It isn’t awesome. There is one upside, though—a boy named Leaf Leon. He’s cute, an amazing cook and he’s flirting me up, hard-core. Too bad I’m knocked up with a stranger’s baby. I should probably mention that to him at some point.
The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes Release: May 7
Kira Bennett’s earliest memories are of living alone and wild in the woods. She remembers the moment that Cady Bennett and one of her search-and-rescue dogs found her perfectly. Adopted into the Bennett family, Kira still struggles with human interaction years later, but she excels at the family business: search-and-rescue. Along with Cady’s son, Jude, and their neighbor, Free, Kira works to train the world’s most elite search-and-rescue dogs. Someday, all three teenagers hope to put their skills to use, finding the lost and bringing them home. But when Cady’s estranged father, the enigmatic Bales Bennett, tracks his daughter down and asks for her help in locating a missing child—one of several visitors who has disappeared in the Sierra Glades National Park in the past twelve months—the teens find themselves on the frontlines sooner than they could have ever expected. As the search through 750,000 acres of unbridled wilderness intensifies, Kira becomes obsessed with finding the missing child. She knows all too well what it’s like to be lost in the wilderness, fighting for survival, alone. But this case isn’t simple. There is more afoot than a single, missing girl, and Kira’s memories threaten to overwhelm her at every turn. As the danger mounts and long-held family secrets come to light, Kira is forced to question everything she thought she knew about her adopted family, her true nature, and her past.
Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen Release: May 7
Teriana is the second mate of the Quincense and heir to the Maarin Triumvirate. Her people are born of the seas and the keepers of its secrets, but when her closest friend is forced into an unwanted betrothal, Teriana breaks her people’s mandate so her friend might escape—a choice with devastating consequences. Marcus is the commander of the Thirty-Seventh, the notorious legion that has led the Celendor Empire to conquer the entire East. The legion is his family, but even they don’t know the truth he’s been hiding since childhood. It’s a secret he’ll do anything to protect, no matter how much it costs him – and the world. When an Empire senator discovers the existence of the Dark Shores, he captures Teriana’s crew and threatens to reveal Marcus’s secret unless they sail in pursuit of conquest, forcing the two into an unlikely—and unwilling—alliance. They unite for the sake of their families, but both must decide how far they are willing to go, and how much they are willing to sacrifice.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne Release: May 7
To Finn Voy, magic is two things: a knife to hold under the chin of anyone who crosses her…and a disguise she shrugs on as easily as others pull on cloaks. As a talented faceshifter, it’s been years since Finn has seen her own face, and that’s exactly how she likes it. But when Finn gets caught by a powerful mobster, she’s forced into an impossible mission: steal a legendary treasure from Castallan’s royal palace or be stripped of her magic forever. After the murder of his older brother, Prince Alfehr is first in line for the Castallan throne. But Alfie can’t help but feel that he will never live up to his brother’s legacy. Riddled with grief, Alfie is obsessed with finding a way to bring his brother back, even if it means dabbling in forbidden magic. But when Finn and Alfie’s fates collide, they accidentally unlock a terrible, ancient power—which, if not contained, will devour the world. And with Castallan’s fate in their hands, Alfie and Finn must race to vanquish what they have unleashed, even if it means facing the deepest darkness in their pasts.
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad Release: May 14
Fatima lives in the city of Noor, a thriving stop along the Silk Road. There the music of myriad languages fills the air, and people of all faiths weave their lives together. However, the city bears scars of its recent past, when the chaotic tribe of Shayateen djinn slaughtered its entire population -- except for Fatima and two other humans. Now ruled by a new maharajah, Noor is protected from the Shayateen by the Ifrit, djinn of order and reason, and by their commander, Zulfikar. But when one of the most potent of the Ifrit dies, Fatima is changed in ways she cannot fathom, ways that scare even those who love her. Oud in hand, Fatima is drawn into the intrigues of the maharajah and his sister, the affairs of Zulfikar and the djinn, and the dangers of a magical battlefield.
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta Release: May 14
Danny didn't know what she was looking for when she and her mother spread out a map of the United States and Danny put her finger down on Tempest, California. What she finds are the Grays: a group of friends who throw around terms like queer and witch like they're ordinary and everyday, though they feel like an earthquake to Danny. But Danny didn't just find the Grays. They cast a spell that calls her halfway across the country, because she has something they need: she can bring back Imogen, the most powerful of the Grays, missing since the summer night she wandered into the woods alone. But before Danny can find Imogen, she finds a dead boy with a redwood branch through his heart. Something is very wrong amid the trees and fog of the Lost Coast, and whatever it is, it can kill.
The Things She’s Seen by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina Release: May 14
Nothing's been the same for Beth Teller since the day she died. Her dad is drowning in grief. He's also the only one who has been able to see and hear her since the accident. But now she's got a mystery to solve, a mystery that will hopefully remind her detective father that he is still alive, that there is a life after Beth that is still worth living. Who is Isobel Catching, and why is she able to see Beth, too? What is her connection to the crime Beth's father has been sent to investigate--a gruesome fire at a home for troubled youth that left an unidentifiable body behind? What happened to the people who haven't been seen since the fire? As Beth and her father unravel the mystery, they find a shocking and heartbreaking story lurking beneath the surface of a small town, and a friendship that lasts beyond one life and into another...
Don’t Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno Release: May 14
Rosa Santos is cursed by the sea-at least, that's what they say. Dating her is bad news, especially if you're a boy with a boat. But Rosa feels more caught than cursed. Caught between cultures and choices. Between her abuela, a beloved healer and pillar of their community, and her mother, an artist who crashes in and out of her life like a hurricane. Between Port Coral, the quirky South Florida town they call home, and Cuba, the island her abuela refuses to talk about. As her college decision looms, Rosa collides - literally - with Alex Aquino, the mysterious boy with tattoos of the ocean whose family owns the marina. With her heart, her family, and her future on the line, can Rosa break a curse and find her place beyond the horizon?
Birthday by Meredith Russo Release: May 21
Two kids, Morgan and Eric, are bonded for life after being born on the same day at the same time. We meet them once a year on their shared birthday as they grow and change: as Eric figures out who he is and how he fits into the world, and as Morgan makes the difficult choice to live as her true self. Over the years, they will drift apart, come together, fight, make up, and break up—and ultimately, realize how inextricably they are a part of each other. 
I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn Release: May 28
Kimi Nakamura loves a good fashion statement. She's obsessed with transforming everyday ephemera into Kimi Originals: bold outfits that make her and her friends feel like the Ultimate versions of themselves. But her mother disapproves, and when they get into an explosive fight, Kimi's entire future seems on the verge of falling apart. So when a surprise letter comes in the mail from Kimi's estranged grandparents, inviting her to Kyoto for spring break, she seizes the opportunity to get away from the disaster of her life. When she arrives in Japan, she's met with a culture both familiar and completely foreign to her. She loses herself in the city's outdoor markets, art installations, and cherry blossom festival -- and meets Akira, a cute aspiring med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot. And what begins as a trip to escape her problems quickly becomes a way for Kimi to learn more about the mother she left behind, and to figure out where her own heart lies.
The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos Release: May 28
Ruby Chernyavsky has been told the stories since she was a child: The women in her family, once possessed of great magical abilities to remake lives and stave off death itself, were forced to flee their Russian home for America in order to escape the fearful men who sought to destroy them. Today, these stories seem no more real to Ruby than folktales, except for the smallest bit of power left in their blood: when each of them comes of age, she will have a vision of who she will be when she dies—a destiny as inescapable as it is inevitable. Ruby is no exception, and neither is her mother, although she ran from her fate years ago, abandoning Ruby and her sisters. It’s a fool’s errand, because they all know the truth: there is no escaping one’s Time. Until Ruby’s great-aunt Polina passes away, and, for the first time, a Chernyavsky’s death does not match her vision. Suddenly, things Ruby never thought she’d be allowed to hope for—life, love, time—seem possible. But as she and her cousin Cece begin to dig into the family’s history to find out whether they, too, can change their fates, they learn that nothing comes without a cost. Especially not hope.
The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg Release: May 28
Glimmering like a jewel behind its gateway, The Kingdom is an immersive fantasy theme park where guests soar on virtual dragons, castles loom like giants, and bioengineered species--formerly extinct--roam free. Ana is one of seven Fantasists, beautiful "princesses" engineered to make dreams come true. When she meets park employee Owen, Ana begins to experience emotions beyond her programming including, for the first time... love. But the fairytale becomes a nightmare when Ana is accused of murdering Owen, igniting the trial of the century. Through courtroom testimony, interviews, and Ana's memories of Owen, emerges a tale of love, lies, and cruelty--and what it truly means to be human.
These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling Release: May 28
Hannah's a witch, but not the kind you're thinking of. She's the real deal, an Elemental with the power to control fire, earth, water, and air. But even though she lives in Salem, Massachusetts, her magic is a secret she has to keep to herself. If she's ever caught using it in front of a Reg, she could lose it. For good. So, Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly by Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire. Evidence of dark magic begins to appear all over Salem, and Hannah's sure it's the work of a deadly Blood Witch. The issue is, her coven is less than convinced, forcing Hannah to team up with the last person she wants to see: Veronica. While the pair attempt to smoke out the Blood Witch at a house party, Hannah meets Morgan, a cute new ballerina in town. But trying to date amid a supernatural crisis is easier said than done, and Hannah will have to test the limits of her power if she's going to save her coven and get the girl, especially when the attacks on Salem's witches become deadlier by the day.
The Beholder by Anna Bright Release: June 4
Selah has waited her whole life for a happily ever after. As the only daughter of the leader of Potomac, she knows her duty is to find the perfect match, a partner who will help secure the future of her people. Now that day has finally come. But after an excruciatingly public rejection from her closest childhood friend, Selah’s stepmother suggests an unthinkable solution: Selah must set sail across the Atlantic, where a series of potential suitors awaits—and if she doesn’t come home engaged, she shouldn’t come home at all.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal Release: June 4
If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends. And if they want to catch the killer, they'll have to step into the shadows to see what's lurking there—murderer, or monster?
If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann Release: June 4
High school finally behind her, Winnie is all set to attend college in the fall. But first she's spending her summer days working at her granny’s diner and begins spending her midnights with Dallas—the boy she loves to hate and hates that she likes. Winnie lives in Misty Haven, a small town where secrets are impossible to keep—like when Winnie allegedly snaps on Dr. Skinner, which results in everyone feeling compelled to give her weight loss advice for her own good. Because they care that’s she’s “too fat.” Winnie dreams of someday inheriting the diner—but it'll go away if they can't make money, and fast. Winnie has a solution—win a televised cooking competition and make bank. But Granny doesn't want her to enter—so Winnie has to find a way around her formidable grandmother. Can she come out on top?
Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian Release: June 4
It's 1989 in New York City, and for three teens, the world is changing. Reza is an Iranian boy who has just moved to the city with his mother to live with his stepfather and stepbrother. He's terrified that someone will guess the truth he can barely acknowledge about himself. Reza knows he's gay, but all he knows of gay life are the media's images of men dying of AIDS. Judy is an aspiring fashion designer who worships her uncle Stephen, a gay man with AIDS who devotes his time to activism as a member of ACT UP. Judy has never imagined finding romance...until she falls for Reza and they start dating. Art is Judy's best friend, their school's only out and proud teen. He'll never be who his conservative parents want him to be, so he rebels by documenting the AIDS crisis through his photographs. As Reza and Art grow closer, Reza struggles to find a way out of his deception that won't break Judy's heart--and destroy the most meaningful friendship he's ever known.
When the Ground is Hard by Malla Nunn Release: June 4
Adele Joubert loves being one of the popular girls at Keziah Christian Academy. She knows the upcoming semester at school is going to be great with her best friend Delia at her side. Then Delia dumps her for a new girl with more money, and Adele is forced to share a room with Lottie, the school pariah, who doesn't pray and defies teachers' orders. But as they share a copy of Jane Eyre, Lottie's gruff exterior and honesty grow on Adele, and Lottie learns to be a little sweeter. Together, they take on bullies and protect each other from the vindictive and prejudiced teachers. Then a boy goes missing on campus and Adele and Lottie must rely on each other to solve the mystery and maybe learn the true meaning of friendship.
Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan Release: June 11
When a powerful viceroy arrives with a fleet of mechanical dragons and stops an attack on Anlei’s village, the villagers see him as a godsend. They agree to give him their sacred, enchanted River Pearl in exchange for permanent protection—if he’ll marry one of the village girls to solidify the alliance. Anlei is appalled when the viceroy selects her as a bride, but with the fate of her people at stake, she sees no choice but to consent. Anlei’s noble plans are sent into a tailspin, however, when a young thief steals the River Pearl for himself. Knowing the viceroy won’t protect her village without the jewel, she takes matters into her own hands. But once she catches the thief, she discovers he needs the pearl just as much as she does. The two embark on an epic quest across the land and into the Courts of Hell, taking Anlei on a journey that reveals more is at stake than she could have ever imagined.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante Release: June 11
Seventeen-year-old Marisol has always dreamed of being American, learning what Americans and the US are like from television and Mrs. Rosen, an elderly expat who had employed Marisol's mother as a maid. She never pictured fleeing her home in El Salvador under threat of death and stealing across the US border as "an illegal", but after her brother is murdered and her younger sister, Gabi's, life is also placed in equal jeopardy, she has no choice, especially because she knows everything is her fault. If she had never fallen for the charms of a beautiful girl named Liliana, Pablo might still be alive, her mother wouldn't be in hiding and she and Gabi wouldn't have been caught crossing the border. But they have been caught and their asylum request will most certainly be denied. With truly no options remaining, Marisol jumps at an unusual opportunity to stay in the United States. She's asked to become a grief keeper, taking the grief of another into her own body to save a life. It's a risky, experimental study, but if it means Marisol can keep her sister safe, she will risk anything. She just never imagined one of the risks would be falling in love, a love that may even be powerful enough to finally help her face her own crushing grief.
All of Us with Wings by Michelle Ruiz Kiel Release: June 18
Seventeen-year-old Xochi is alone in San Francisco, running from her painful past: the mother who abandoned her, the man who betrayed her. Then one day, she meets Pallas, a precocious twelve-year-old who lives with her rockstar family in one of the city’s storybook Victorians. Xochi accepts a position as Pallas’s live-in governess and quickly finds her place in their household, which is relaxed and happy despite the band's larger-than-life fame. But on the night of the Vernal Equinox, as a concert afterparty rages in the house below, Xochi and Pallas accidentally summon a pair of ancient creatures devoted to avenging the wrongs of Xochi’s adolescence. She would do anything to preserve her new life, but with the creatures determined to exact vengeance on those who’ve hurt her, no one is safe—not the family she’s chosen, nor the one she left behind.
Patron Saint of Nobody by Randy Ribay Release: June 18
Jay Reguero plans to spend the last semester of his senior year playing video games before heading to the University of Michigan in the fall. But when he discovers that his Filipino cousin Jun was murdered as part of President Duterte's war on drugs, and no one in the family wants to talk about what happened, Jay travels to the Philippines to find out the real story. Hoping to uncover more about Jun and the events that led to his death, Jay is forced to reckon with the many sides of his cousin before he can face the whole horrible truth -- and the part he played in it.
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi Release: June 18
Sana Khan is a cheerleader and a straight A student. She's the classic (somewhat obnoxious) overachiever determined to win. Rachel Recht is a wannabe director who's obsesssed with movies and ready to make her own masterpiece. As she's casting her senior film project, she knows she's found the perfect lead - Sana. There's only one problem. Rachel hates Sana. Rachel was the first girl Sana ever asked out, but Rachel thought it was a cruel prank and has detested Sana ever since.
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho Release: June 25
Eighteen-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret--she's a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt. But after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy, being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her better judgment, she violates the rules of survival to rescue the boy, losing her fox bead--her gumiho soul--in the process. Jihoon knows Miyoung is more than just a beautiful girl--he saw her nine tails the night she saved his life. His grandmother used to tell him stories of the gumiho, of their power and the danger they pose to humans. He's drawn to her anyway. With murderous forces lurking in the background, Miyoung and Jihoon develop a tenuous friendship that blossoms into something more. But when a young shaman tries to reunite Miyoung with her bead, the consequences are disastrous . . . forcing Miyoung to choose between her immortal life and Jihoon's.
Technically, You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson Release: June 25
When a guy named Martin Nathaniel Munroe II texts you, it should be obvious who you're talking to. Except there's two of them (it's a long story), and Haley thinks she's talking to the one she doesn't hate. A question about a class project rapidly evolves into an all-consuming conversation. Haley finds that Martin is actually willing to listen to her weird facts and unusual obsessions, and Martin feels like Haley is the first person to really see who he is. Haley and Martin might be too awkward to hang out in real life, but over text, they're becoming addicted to each other. There's just one problem: Haley doesn't know who Martin is. And Martin doesn't know that Haley doesn't know. But they better figure it out fast before their meet-cute becomes an epic meet-disaster . . .
The Virtue of Sin by Shannon Schuren Release: June 25
Miriam lives in New Jerusalem, a haven in the desert far away from the sins and depravity of the outside world. Within the gates of New Jerusalem, and under the eye of its founder and leader, Daniel, Miriam knows she is safe. Cared for. Even if she’s forced, as a girl, to quiet her tongue when she has thoughts she wants to share, Miriam knows that New Jerusalem is a far better life than any alternative. So when God calls for a Matrimony, she’s thrilled; she knows that Caleb, the boy she loves, will choose her to be his wife and they can finally start their life together.  But when the ceremony goes wrong and Miriam winds up with someone else, she can no longer keep quiet. For the first time, Miriam begins to question not only the rules that Daniel has set in place, but also what it is she believes in, and where she truly belongs.
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 2 Reaction + Review
Episode 2 gives us a new outlook on Riverside and its denizens, seen through the interesting perspectives of two very different characters. There’s a siege - and what a fitting word, because this episode did succeed in delivering the feel of tension and confinement, while still having a very emotional focus.
Oh, and the Duchess continues to be delightfully cunning in her side of things, of course. 
Tremontaine S3 E2 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
I’m adjusting to extra hours at work and commute so my TremonTEAM stuff got delayed :\ Will finish up on this week’s challenge soon!
Rest of the reaction/review under the cut - spoilers abound.
BOY. You guys know I’m a sucker for found families, right? So daaaamn this episode made me feel for Riverside and its sense of community hard. And then on top of that, Reza. Reza is making me cry. Maybe I cried. A bit. Sssshhhh.
Okay, let’s get to it. Woo boy. This is just gonna be a long vent about my feels for Reza though???
REZA, the crazy rich dramatic magical unicorn long-haired swordsman prince boyfriend of ur dreams the Ambassador from Chartil.
So, okay, Reza spent this episode alternating between mourning-ex-boyfriend and murder-avenger. Because apparently some people??? Kill other people??? To cope??? (jfc is this my contribution to this fandom. memes?)
But man, memes aside, I wanted to bundle him up and tell him it’s fine, Vincent just decided to fake his death and run off to God-knows-where. Vincent is fine. Vincent is being... Vincent, just without a sword and so he’s probably a lot more broody, away from Riverside. Dammit, Vincent.
Reza’s grief and anguish really set the tone for the episode. Here was this man, who basically admitted he followed his old lover in this foreign land. He just lost that lover, and was told that the way the man died wasn’t even the way he must have wanted to go.
He chose to die, over me. He chose to die. Why hadn’t Vincent come to Ambassador House? Why hadn’t he come for a real doctor, or just for help and succor? Why hadn’t he— 
The thing is though, Vincent chose to ‘die’ because he lost his sword arm. Tess was the one who called the shots then, to have the arm removed so he could survive the blood poison. But like the others said when it was happening, Vincent would rather have died than live without his sword arm. Yes, maybe Vincent didn’t have a choice in the matter to even consider going to Ambassador house for help, but really - this is Vincent - if he had a choice then, would he have gone to Reza or at least instructed Tess and the others to bring him there for aid? I doubt it.
And then he started walking around Riverside and thought of the what-if’s.
He had never been free to join at Vincent’s side, not in Chartil. [...] Here, in the fiery night, men and women in every configuration of couple and trio danced together, shared wine and cakes, and ducked into alleys to kiss and make merry. If Vincent were alive, would Reza have been brave enough to do the same with him, in Riverside?
Vincent/Reza is my ship, okay. The first time I read about these two I already thought “Don’t get attached, they’ll end in tragedy and you know it” and whoops there it is there’s my heart on the floor broken and shattered haha. Leave me alone with my painful feels.
Okay, venting aside, I loved his interactions with the rest of the characters, namely Tess and the Riversiders. Gosh, I didn’t realize how interesting he and Tess together could be until it happened. The guy is properly moping around the place but still trailed after Tess and the other ladies like a big sad bodyguard.
He saw that they were indeed in trouble, and then decided he should do something, or at least stay and help, in this place Vincent called home. Him going back to military commander mode might do him some good after all. His suggestions might have been pointless so far but it’s good to keep occupied, right?
TESS, my queen + The Riversiders
The image of fierce Tess the Hand, “fat and beautiful” walking through the streets with purpose, drawing a knife from her thigh as she approached a corner? YES. ALL THE YESES. We need a movie or a series just so I can see this visualized because I loved that little scene so much.
She found Reza, was unfazed by the fact that she arrived to a murder scene, took him in, and her heart broke to keep the truth from him. She hates that Vincent was making her keep up with the lie, but she refused to break a promise. I love her.
Tess has properly risen to be somewhat like a leader figure in this community this season. Of course, Riverside claims it has no leader, but they do have people who are looked up to and respected more than the others, I guess.
And in this invasion of her home, Tess is simply unyielding. No, they are not giving up one of their own, no matter how much they might hate him too. No, they are not going to surrender. What should they do? SIEGE PARTY. They should fucking party and show those City folks that Riverside doesn’t give a fuck.
“But bring us together. Remind Riverside what we are. Show them bastards they can’t put us down. We’ll fire up all the hearts, play music in the streets, drink what we like. Screw them.”
According to Reza’s analysis, they should give a fuck real soon, but not right now, the ladies said. Party first, apparently.
Reza asked that they explain how Riverside functioned, if there was no leader; the women stared at him. Did Riverside have no mayor or representative to the City?
No, Riverside did not.
It was anarchy, Reza had realized with dawning horror. 
Haha, oh Reza. Yes it is anarchy. But there’s some semblance of order there, I promise. Riverside is still a community and they didn’t even need a leader to organize the siege party. It’s one woman’s idea, a few others agreed, and they were able to get the word out and everyone contributed and they had their own little festival in the island. Instant potluck.
Riverside might be a dangerous, dreary place but damn the people know how to party.
*fans self* Can they. Stop this. Flirting. Oh gosh. I can’t.
Actually no, I can. Please proceed. Keep it up. These interactions are giving me life, clearing my skin, paying my bills, watering my crops, etc.
This episode, Diane gave Esha a little warning about Davenant possibly being on the hunt for her. Diane asked if she could protect herself, and Esha assured that yes, she does.
PLEASE TELL ME WE’LL GET MORE ESHA+SWORDS???? If there is an Esha ship I love more than Dianesha, it’s Swordsesha.
I only have this to say:
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I want Diane to fuck him up.
Well. We all want Diane to fuck him up... and we all know Diane will fuck him up so. *shrugs* I’ll just wait. Let’s believe. #TeamDuchess is ride or die, guys.
Oh yeah, there’s also Florian and Rafe. Florian is really upset. Like, ‘I will fuck Rafe Fenton in all corners and surfaces of the City to forget my ex’ type of upset. Let’s see where he goes this season, I guess? Hey, at least my boy Rafe is getting some quality time for the meantime. I’m still more invested in the Rafe-and-The-School thing than with the Florian thing for now.
Up Next: Diane has a new paramour
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nolatheboogeywoman · 5 years
Who You Think You Frontin on Man Man?
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The second Kendrick Lamar’s “Humble” premiered, there was no way that critics would allow K-dot’s “I’m so fucking sick and tired of the photoshop” line go unchecked. While timelines flooded with praise of the song and clips of the visually arresting video, many were unapologetically vocal about what they perceived to be the run-of-the mill hotep misogyny. The scene paired with this contested line also raised a few brows and pursed a few lips.
It shows a split screen that allows a beautiful video model to transition from a glammed-up vixen to a bare-faced plain Jane-esha. Hair, painstakingly straightened, stretched, and slicked into an edge-annihilating bun becomes a black thicket of 4b-ish curls hanging down the side of a caramel hard candy face; an adorable face peppered with insignificant bumps and the occasional dark spot. The false lashes are gone and have taken the defined brow and contoured nose with them. The sparkly white choker is returned to the costume shop. Her glam-top, which is nothing but two patches of fabric that either are or are made to resemble the hide of some wild creature becomes a plain wifebeater.
Some critique Lamar’s method of honoring the “natural” body, claiming that he uplifts one group by degrading another. I have not heard an argument to convince me that this is the case. But, I am also biased. The filtered faces, tucked tummies, and surgically enhanced bottoms have worn me out as well. I’m not here to oppose cosmetic surgery; nip and tuck away. I also don’t care to judge those who use image altering tools on social media. However, in an attempt to avoid shaming groups of people, are we ignoring problematic and unhealthy belief systems that may undergird one’s desire to alter her body? I wonder if we have completely outlawed flaws and/or the parts of us that we have been trained to identify as flaws.
Some feminists voiced a few attractive arguments. In the “Somebody Gettin’ Fired” episode of The Read, podcast queen, Crissle admits that the song knocks and she never felt compelled to commit any mental energy to dissecting its moments of misogyny, however in his request for a return to “natural” beauty, Lamar misses the opportunity to highlight a woman “who [doesn’t] already fit every standard of beauty that we have for women of color…someone who actually risks something by going outside without weave and makeup.” Using a conventionally pretty model to admonish the rampant obsession with achieving physical perfection is an argumentative fail and calls attention to the woke black man lacking any knowledge or concern for his female counterpart, or any counterpart for that matter.
In her piece featured in The Conversation, Lauren Rosewarne recognizes Lamar’s sense of entitlement. She writes, “[i]n requesting an afro, in yearning for some stretch marks, Lamar is still asking women to fulfill his wants.” I can get with this critique because it is nothing but the truth. Lamar does not ask women to strip themselves of unhealthy and unattainable aesthetic expectations for their own liberation from a stifling system of beauty rules. He calls for this change in beauty culture because he is tired, because he has a preference that he would like to see realized on a larger scale. Women’s empowerment seems to be an afterthought.
Lamar insisting that he “still will take you down right on your mama couch in polo socks” is heavy with condescension. One wonders if Lamar questions why we have created a social environment in which so-called aesthetic shortcomings have the power to negatively impact someone’s life. He seems to say,  pimples and unlaid edges don’t mean a damn thing, I’m still tryin’ to fuck. Am I supposed to find solace in this?
The split screen scene suggests that when it comes to women, Lamar is only concerned with their bodies; the inclusion of this scene is made even more odd given the subject matter of the song. “Humble” expresses Lamar’s disappointment in his rap counterparts. He calls himself the sandman, which positions him as a cultural gatekeeper; he decides which rappers are worthy enough to exercise their lyrical artistry.
He turns his nose up at the drug dependent emcee and claims that his music comes from a more authentic space. Hip hop fans expect and often desire their rap favs to investigate the hip hop landscape and declare themselves the leader. The all-male scenes imply that he only invites men to the conversation regarding his concerns with the current state of rap music. Even though women have a crucial role in the birth and preservation of hip hop, I’m not necessarily offended by homosocial spaces, in fact, I think they are necessary. I do however have a problem with “Humble’s” inability to intellectually interact with women.
If Lamar wishes to incorporate women into the discussion, he fails to call out problems that plague female rappers. By only commenting on women’s bodies, he places women in an ancillary space. Women function as mere accessories that decorate the world of hip hop rather than artists that cultivate that world.
We see this unfortunate thinking in other parts of the video. One of the more metaphorically intense scenes features Lamar surrounded by a sea of bald men nodding their heads, suggesting that Lamar requests a cerebral connection with his male peers, one that is raw and unfiltered. Lamar never interacts with women in this way. For the most part, sections of the video that feature women are unoriginal stock rap scenes that draw the eye to tits and ass. The only female scene that strays from the norm is the salon scene, in which Lamar and a group of women sit under hair dryers, but once again, we enter the world of beauty.
Now, please don’t confuse my criticism with hate. Humble was on repeat for a good week and a half. I’m listening to it as I write this article. When you read this article, I will probably be in my bathroom blasting “Humble” at full volume, as I give a sad concert to my imaginary friends. I never want to encourage listeners to dismiss Lamar, but asking him to examine some of his harmful artistic decisions is crucial.
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auyonreviews · 5 years
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So the Dhamaal franchise wasn't really known for it's witty comedy. Nor did it attain the cult status of the Golmaal series. That probably made Inder Kumar swap stars. Sanjay Dutt for Ajay Devgn. Adding Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit to the madness seemed to have come across as a masterstroke. But there is one thing the film misses out on. It's getting slapstick right. It suffers from lack of great humour and a plot that is disjointed and there is no connect between the individual stories. And then everyone suddenly reaches the destination. The film has a great ensemble of actors but doesn't have the story to back them. Too much VFX and CGI only makes us dislike the film even more. I am not really sure why Ajay Devgn signed up to star in this film, let alone produce it. Madhuri Dixit does roll back the years in some sequences, but that's about it. Riteish Deshmukh, Arshad Warsi and Javed Jaffrey, the Dhamaal constants do get some funny scenes but they are few and far between. The music is just a rehash of old tunes and the late entry of Esha Gupta and Mahesh Manjrekar does nothing for the film. I would suggest watching Gully Boy once more..That film has more Dhamaal than all the 3 Dhamaals combined. . . Rating-1/5 . . #myview #totaldhamaal #slapstick #comedy #reviewoftheweek #foxstar #skipthewatch #moviereview #dhamaal #bollywoodreview #filmreviews #bollywood (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMSPS0Fbjp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ejqgo4eeks3z
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bollywoodleaks00 · 4 years
Watch the daily breakdown of Ajay Devgan's 2017 film here
Watch the daily breakdown of Ajay Devgan’s 2017 film here
Baashashaho Box Office: Ajay Devgan, Ileana Dikruz, Emraan Hashmi, Esha Gupta and Vidyut Jamwal’s 2017 film Baadhasho released amid high expectations. The film had a good star cast and music. Rashk-e-Qamar’s song became a huge hit and helped give the film a great start. 12.03 crores.
However, word of mouth does not really support the film and it failed to show a healthy trend at the box office.…
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
17 French Love Quotes To Warm Your Heart
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/17-french-love-quotes-to-warm-your-heart/
17 French Love Quotes To Warm Your Heart
Esha Saxena Hyderabd040-395603080 August 30, 2019
When it comes to weaving together words that capture the true essence of love, the French seem to have got it just right. Often considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world, French is a Romance language that originated from Latin. To the non-native ear, French sounds even more musical. This language is ardently dedicated to euphony and melodious intonation. To celebrate the beauty of this language, we have put together 17 love quotes in French that will both melt your heart and make you think.
17 Beautiful French Love Quotes For The Romantic In You
“Je t’aime plus qu’hier moins que demain” – Rosemonde Gérard English Translation: “I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.”
“En sa beauté gît ma mort et ma vie.” – Maurice Scève English Translation: “In her beauty resides my death and my life.”
“Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.” – Blaise Pascal English Translation: “The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”
“Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry English Translation: “Love does not mean gazing at each other, but looking together in the same direction”
“L’amour est la poésie des sens.” – Honoré de Balzac English Translation: “Love is the poetry of the senses.”
“La passion est toute l’humanité, sans elle, la religion, l’histoire, le roman, l’art seraient inutiles.” – Honoré de Balzac English Translation: “Passion is in all humanity; without it, religion, history, literature, and art would be rendered useless.”
“Vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre.” – Molière English Translation: “To live without loving is to not really live.”
“On n’aime que ce qu’on ne possède pas tout entier.” – Marcel Proust English Translation: “We love only what we do not wholly possess.”
“La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve.” – Alfred de Musset English Translation: “Life is a long sleep and love is its dream.”
“J’entends ta voix dans tous les bruits du monde.” – Paul Éluard English Translation: “I hear your voice in all of the world’s noise.”
“Je viens du ciel et les étoiles entre elles ne parlent que de toi.” – Francis Cabrel English Translation: “I come from the sky, and the stars only ever speak of you.”
“L’esprit s’enrichit de ce qu’il reçoit, le cœur de ce qu’il donne.” – Victor Hugo English Translation: “The spirit grows with what it receives, the heart with what it gives.”
“Aimer, c’est vivre; aimer, c’est voir; aimer, c’est être.” – Victor Hugo English Translation: “To love is to live; to love is to see; to love is to be.”
“Je t’aime parce que tout l’univers a conspiré à me faire arriver jusqu’à toi.” – Paulo Coelho English Translation: “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
“Elle avait dans les yeux, la force de son coeur.” – Charles Baudelaire English Translation: “She had in her eyes, the force of her heart.”
“Je pense toujours à toi.” – Unknown English Translation: “I always think of you.”
“Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour.” – Anna de Noailles English Translation: “Nothing is real, but dreams and love.”
These gorgeous quotes are great to text to your beloved. But, what about some basic French to impress them? Here are a few popular French phrases that you can pepper into your everyday conversations to woo your partner.
10 Popular Romantic French Phrases That You Should Know
“Je t’aime” English Translation: “I love you”
“Tu me manques.” English Translation: “You are missing from me.”
“Mon/ma chéri” English Translation: “My dear”
“Qu’est-ce que je ferais sans toi?” English Translation: “What would I do without you?
“Tu me rends fou.” English Translation: “You drive me crazy!”
“Tu es ma joie de vivre.” English Translation: “You are the joy of my life.”
“Je veux être avec toi.” English Translation: “I want to be with you.”
“Mon amour pour toi est éternel.” English Translation: “My love for you is eternal.”
“Veux-tu m’épouser?” English Translation: “Will you marry me?”
“Je veux passer ma vie avec toi.” English Translation: “I want to spend my life with you.”
Wasn’t that a treat for your soul? There is something about French, a certain je ne sais quoi that makes it widely considered to be one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Which one of these French quotes were you able to connect with the most? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Esha Saxena
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/french-love-quotes/
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shakeel786blog · 6 years
1921 Review – Bollywood Hungama
Horror can never go out of fashion, despite the fact that many horror films in recent times like DOBAARA, RAAZ REBOOT, THE FINAL EXIT, MONA DARLING, ALONE etc haven’t done well. Vikram Bhatt, the horror expert of Bollywood, who made several scare fests in the past has now come up with 1921, as a follow up to the 1920 franchise. So does he manage to give a chill down the spine this time? Or does he fail in giving audiences a scare? Let’s analyse.
1921 deals with a couple’s battle with extreme paranormal activities created by a ruthless and cursed spirit. Ayush (Karan Kundra) is from Mumbai (then Bombay) who plays the piano really well. The kind hearted and rich Wadia (Vikram Bhatt) tells him to go to the city of York in United Kingdom to learn music. He offers to sponsor Ayush’s fees and in return he has to be the caretaker of Wadia Manor in York. Ayush hence goes to UK. In the mansion, he starts having piano sessions where listeners are asked to pay him if they wish. Wadia’s niece Mehar finds out about it and confronts Ayush. A scared Ayush begs her for forgiveness. She asks for a private piano session and attempts to seduce him. In the ensuing madness, Mehar is accidentally killed. Ayush is petrified as an evil spirit starts to haunt him. At this point, he learns about Rose (Zareen Khan) who can communicate with the dead. He asks for her help and Rose readily agrees as Ayush’s music has helped her heal old wounds. What happens next forms the rest of the film.
1921 comes at a time when audiences have in a way seen it all when it comes to stereotypical horror films. Vikram Bhatt himself has made several such flicks and in that aspect, 1921 doesn’t offer anything new. Few sequences do give a scare but that’s about it. The romantic track is lackluster and sans any sizzle. There comes a point in the first half when Ayush reveals the truth to Rose by writing a letter and Rose too shares things about her life to Karan in a letter. This bit is quite nice and also the intermission point that raises curiosity. But things go downhill in the second half.
Vikram Bhatt’s story is intriguing till the point that all the cards are not laid out on the table. Once that happens, it turns out to be disappointing as it gets too complex after a point. Vikram Bhatt, Tanya Pathak and Esha Desai’s screenplay is routine and nothing extraordinary. Vikram Bhatt’s dialogues are filmy as always. Vikram Bhatt’s direction is ordinary and doesn’t bring any novel value. The horror bit is underwhelming. Even the masses, for whom the film is primarily targeted, will give it thumbs down as even they have been watching Hollywood horror films in dubbed versions and they are much ahead than a film like 1921.
Zareen Khan gives a fine performance and gets a chance to display her acting prowess. She is in much better form here than in her last release, AKSAR 2. Karan Kundrra gets a bit over the top but has a good screen presence. The actor playing Nafisa leaves a mark. The actor playing Vasudha and Dina Shaw do a good job. Vikram Bhatt is strictly okay in the cameo.
Harish Sagane’s music is disappointing. Music plays an important part in the film as Ayush is shown as a reputed performer. Also his music heals Rose. But the songs don’t do justice to this aspect. ‘Sunn Le Zara’ and ‘Aanewale Kal’ are a bit memorable. The rest – ‘Kuch Iss Tarah’, ‘Yaara’ and ‘Tere Bin’ are forgettable. Sangeet and Siddharth Haldipur’s background score is dramatic.
Prakash Kutty’s cinematography is alright. Kuldip Mehan’s editing is tacky. Iain Andrews’s production design brings alive the bygone era. The film is shot in some beautiful locales but using the same location again and again takes away the sheen and brings to the fore the low budget element of the film.
On the whole, 1921 is a routine horror drama that offers nothing new. At the box office, it may find some audience during the weekend but later on, it will find it difficult to sustain.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Stage Makeup Tutorial
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/stage-makeup-tutorial/
Stage Makeup Tutorial
Esha Saxena February 27, 2019
If you are a performing artist in theater, dance, or music, I’m sure you understand the importance of stage makeup. It plays a crucial role in setting the tone, visual aesthetic, and character creation in any production. You need stage makeup to clearly convey expression and emotion to your audience. However, stage makeup can be insanely challenging, and that’s why productions usually hire professional stage makeup artists to do the job. Whether you are a newbie or have been given the task to do someone else’s on-stage look, it is essential that you learn the basic art of applying stage makeup.
We’ve put together a simple stage makeup tutorial that will come in handy for all you performing arts peeps.
How To Apply Stage Makeup – A Basic Guide
Unlike daily makeup, stage makeup aims at highlighting all of your facial features under the brightest of lights. Creating a bold base that is designed for heavy duty and long-wear is absolutely critical. Remember: the key to stage makeup (like in theater itself) is to be as dramatic as possible to make your (or the actor’s) presence felt on the stage.
What You Need
With these elements in your makeup box, you’ll be fully equipped to fit into any role:
Contouring palette
Eyeshadow palette
Makeup brushes
False eyelashes
Tutorial – Step By Step Tutorial With Pictures
Step 1: Apply Foundation
Start with a fresh, clean face. Do the usual prep – cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and priming.
Now, apply small amounts of foundation on your face with a makeup sponge or a brush, building it up as you go. The trick is to blend the formula into your skin really, really well, especially concentrating around your hairline and jawline. Harsh, unblended foundation lines are a big no-no when you are on stage.
Step 2: Apply Concealer
Once you have evenly blended out your foundation, it’s time for the concealer. If you have dark under-eye circles, start by applying a slightly warm, yellow-toned concealer to balance out their purple tone. Blend it in before applying a more natural shade over it and blending that out as well. Next, cover up any spots or blemishes using a stick concealer.
Step 3: Apply Powder
Using a fluffy foundation brush, finish off your base by applying a powder. Then, set your face with plenty of translucent powder to ensure your skin does not shine on stage, and everything stays in place when you sweat.
Step 4: Contour Your Face
Contouring is a crucial part of stage makeup as it helps to give your face a chiseled look under the bright stage lights. Contour using a dark bronzer under your cheekbones, temples, and jawline.
Step 5: Do Your Brows
It’s time to fill in your eyebrows. Use a brow pomade or a pencil to fill in any sparse areas. Then, apply a brow gel to keep them in place. This is an especially important step in stage makeup because very light eyebrows can look invisible on stage.
Step 6: Apply Eye Shadow
It is essential to prime your eyelids before applying stage makeup. Blend a light brown eyeshadow into your crease line followed by a darker brown in the outer corner of your crease. Next, take a gray eyeshadow and blend it into your crease, taking it down to slightly below the outer corner of your eye. Now, blend a warm bronze color into the center of your eyelid and towards the inner corner of your eye. Finish off by highlighting with a very light, shimmery eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eye and your brow bone.
Step 7: Finish The Eyes
Winged eyeliner looks best on stage as it extends and accentuates the shape of your eyes. Apply a dark, liquid eyeliner on your top lash line. To create the wing, simply extend the line upward past the end of your lash line. The wing should curve upward at the same angle as your lower lash line.
For your bottom lash line, use a gel pencil eyeliner. Next, take a small brush and apply a very concentrated line of dark brown eyeshadow just above your crease. Blend in the eyeshadow to create an intense look. Then, apply a thin coating of eyelash glue to your false eyelash, wait around 30 seconds for it to dry a little, and gently apply it as close to your natural lash line as possible. Once your eyelash glue has completely dried, apply a thick coat of black waterproof mascara to your upper and lower lashes.
Step 8: Apply Lipstick
Use a long-staying lipstick in the color of your choice.
Step 9: Apply Blush
To finish off the look, apply some bright pink blush on your cheeks. The best way to apply blush is to smile and blend in the blush into the apples of your cheeks.
Stage makeup is quite heavy and needs to be taken off properly at the end of the day. Check out the next section to find out how to remove stage makeup the right way.
How To Remove Stage Makeup
Wearing elaborate stage makeup can take its toll on your skin and removing it the right way is an essential step in maintaining your skin’s health. Stage makeup is not designed to stay on your face for very long periods as it can clog pores and cause breakouts. So, depending on how much makeup you are using, you may have to use a more heavy-duty, professional makeup remover than you usually use. Also, make sure you wash your face thoroughly at the end of the night.
That was our take on how to apply basic stage makeup in nine simple steps. Learning how to do the basics will always come in handy for performers as the talent at small venues is often expected to do their own makeup. We hope this tutorial helps you in achieving the perfect look for your next performance. Have any more questions? Comment below, and we’ll get back to you!
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Esha Saxena
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/stage-makeup-tutorial/
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
11 Pictures Of Alicia Keys Without Makeup
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11 Pictures Of Alicia Keys Without Makeup
Esha Saxena December 31, 2018
Fifteen-time Grammy Award winner Alicia Keys is celebrated not only for her sensational talent and charm but also for spearheading the empowering No Makeup Movement. The singer, who has dabbled in several musical genres, is no stranger to high-fashion and fabulous makeup. However, she shocked the world when she decided to quit applying makeup altogether. Deciding that she does not need to please the entertainment industry, she chose to stop hiding behind makeup and bare her true self to the world. We’ve put together 11 pictures of Alicia Keys without any makeup. Read on to find out more about this phenomenal woman.
Alicia Keys Without Makeup
1. The All-Natural Portrait
This breathtaking picture of the talented singer-songwriter took Instagram by storm when she posted it with the caption, “The pain taught me how to write, and the writing taught me how to heal.” Her fans flooded her feed with appreciation and praises for embracing her true self.
2. The One With The Bandana
Alicia Keys is known for her strong sense of style. Here’s a picture of her slaying it with absolutely no trace of makeup and still looking like a total diva. One fan commented on the photo saying, “It’s so refreshing to see a famous woman exemplifying natural beauty.”
3. The Floral Goddess
This gorgeous picture of Keys reveals her fresh, bare skin. There is no hint of makeup or filters, and she still manages to glow like a radiant ball of light. She posted this on her Instagram handle to announce the re-release of her poetry book Tears for Water.
4. The One With The Oversized Jacket
Alicia Keys loves making a fashion statement with jackets. She looks fierce and stunning in this Balenciaga jacket with absolutely no makeup, paired with a trendy pair of hoops.
5. The One Where She Kicks Off Her Holiday
Keys posted this picture on Instagram when she was vacationing in Egypt with the caption, “There’s so much to see, there’s so much to know, so much to uncover, so many ways to grow.” One thing is confirmed – Alicia Keys has her priorities sorted, and she looks effortlessly beautiful in that floppy sun hat.
6. This Girl Is On Fire
This candid photo of the singer looks like it could be the cover art of her song ‘Girl On Fire.’ It goes like this – Looks like a girl, but she’s a flame so bright, she can burn your eyes. Do you agree or do you agree?
7. Makeup-Free Magazine Cover
Keys posed makeup-free for the cover of Allure in January 2017. There’s something insanely charming about this picture, and it could be the fact that her smile is extremely genuine.
8. The One Where She’s On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
While most celebrities would take a good long while to get their makeup on-point before a big TV interview, Alicia Keys flaunted her naturally-dewy complexion in a fabulous black tube dress. She looks like she’s lit from within, and that’s what makes this photo stand out so much.
9. The Glorious Diva
Keys posted this picture on Instagram with the caption, “Here’s to the goddess within all of us.” She does look like an actual goddess, and the braids complement her outfit perfectly!
10. The One With The Chic Braids
Here’s a picture of the songstress with the cutest braids accessorized with golden beads. She’s slaying it with her signature hoop earrings and a smile that could end wars.
11. The Bed-Time Selfie
When Alicia Keys shared this picture with her fans, one fan commented saying, “Please never go back to makeup. You look so natural, so beautiful, so good and healthy!” [sic] We couldn’t agree more!
In an earnest essay on Lena Dunham’s website lennyletter.com, Alicia Keys talks about why she quit wearing makeup. She wrote, “I don’t want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing.” It is truly inspiring for the large number of women and young girls out there struggling with low self-esteem and body image issues. Ladies, there is nothing better than embracing what you are born with and loving yourself wholly (flaws and all!).
That was our round-up of 11 pictures of Alicia Keys without makeup. What is your take on the No Makeup Movement? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/alicia-keys-without-makeup/
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