#esp after giving him hea----
sageispunk · 5 months
now if i said this is how fontaine kisses....
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: very soft, almost didn’t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if you’re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but that’s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
He’s extremely introverted and demi, he’s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
“I used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.”
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, he’s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
He’s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes. 
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly. 
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too". 
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but he’d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, he’s very open about how he doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
He’s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after he’s already realized he’s into you
“Would you like to have a chat with me?
 Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.”
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine event’s painting lesson) 
“Heh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspiration”
“By the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.”
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, he’s very curious and open to experiments, doesn’t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other ppl’s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously won’t be loud and expressive, but if he’s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane. 
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesn’t know him, he’d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. It’s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isn’t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that it’s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, he’s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
“No, I’m not displeased. On the contrary,” he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. “It’s a somewhat interesting development on a… matter that’s been perplexing me for some time.”
“Huh? And what is this matter?” you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
“Well, it… depends. Do you see me strictly in… ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.”
“Oh?” you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. “No, I’d be interested in your other… capacities.”
“Well, in that case I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m attracted to you.”
“I wouldn’t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.”
“The attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If you’re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.”
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
“Anything for science, my prince.”
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you don’t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you. 
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Yes. But I feel a little dizzy, I’m not sure why.”
You smirk.
“It’s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.”
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
“Oh. That makes sense, I suppose.”
“I guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?” “Do you want to go on?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “But I would like to have some time to prepare.”
You think that this “time to prepare” is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
“Hey, are you sure you’re not moving too fast?”
“Do not patronize me,” he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. “I am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, it’s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.”
“Oh, such a romantic,” you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
“I didn’t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.”
“Then why make an effort now?”
“Because…” he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. “Of the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.”
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
“It makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didn’t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!”
You can’t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and he’s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment you’re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But it’s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
“You have a theory on why, surely.”
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
“Yes, but I’m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“The mood we started with was experimental biology, I don’t know how you can ruin that,” you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. “Baby, if I didn’t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldn’t go after you at all, don’t worry, you can talk.”
“Well, it’s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, there’s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. I’ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but it���s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.”
“Oh, you *are* a romantic, huh,” you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
“Do you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I can’t help, but react?”
 “Of course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Don’t you like it?” you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
“It's complicated,” he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. “I enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about what’s to come, but I’m also acutely afraid to disappoint.”
“Don’t worry, baby.” you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. He’s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. “You can’t disappoint.”
“Of course I can,” he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, soft  hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
“This mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,” he’s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
“Albedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as “imperfection.” They would just think it’s cute.”
“Is it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?”
“Being anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,” you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
“I can’t argue with that, I’ve seen it too often. I suppose there’s no such thing as perfection for a human.”
“No, there is.”
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it. I’ll make sure of that.”
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
“Are you okay, little prince?”
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
“Yes. A little dizzy, but I’m fine. You can go on.”
“Are you sure you’re not too overwhelmed?”
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
“No. And I think I’m forming a theory.”
“Oh? I have to hear this,” you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
“At first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art can’t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,” he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. “A transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.”
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
“See, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?”
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest you’ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
“You really think so?”
“Of course, my prince.”
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
“Please,” he whines when you break up to catch the air. “I need to feel this, please…”
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But it’s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless “oh-oh-oh…” escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. “It’s too much, maybe I was never meant… to feel…”
“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. “You’re so beautiful and you’re doing so good for me. Just let go.”
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
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dhampirwomen · 2 years
if the vampire academy show gets multiple seasons, i really hope it changes the direction of the rose/adrian relationship bc i can’t think of any good reason to write a show where a black woman is villainized and used as a plot device for her white oppressor's manpain. regardless of your personal feelings on rose or adrian, the concept of a narrative where the black heroine is put in a bad position at the end of her own story to set up more angst for her white ex-boyfriend is a bad choice, for both meta and story reasons.
wrt meta reasons why keeping things the same as spirit bound/last sacrifice is a bad idea, following the books faithfully would prob open the door to a lot of fandom antiblackness and sexism against rose as a character and sisi as an actor. rose is already an overhated character in book fandom and reviews bc of the rosdrian subplot, with many of the same people who don’t see an issue with adrian’s sexually harassing or objectifying rose calling rose an abuser, manipulator, gold-digger and a mix of sexist and racist slurs for not returning adrian’s feelings and/or for not being loyal to him. ofc this isn’t behavior that’s unique to adrian fandom bc all fandoms have sexism/racism problems, and i’m def not saying all adrian fans are anti-rose or that anyone is bad in any way for liking adrian. imo you can love/appreciate adrian as a character and still see that the va show is better off avoiding the books’ take on the rosdrian subplot. black characters- esp black women- always get more flack from fandom and their choices are judged more harshly, rose/sisi is already getting a lot of hate from racists who hate the show reality that rose hathaway is a black woman, and there’s no need to stoke the misogynoir flames even more by making rose “at fault” for how her dynamic with adrian plays out.
the show could write any number of new subplots where (assuming the show wants to keep the canon endgames intact):
(if adrian’s behavior is changed) adrian has unrequited feelings for rose for a while but they don’t actually date, he takes no for an answer after some flirting and his romance shifts to adrian/sydney once sydney takes a more active role in the plot
(if adrian’s behavior is changed) rosdrian date, but they do it in a casual, no-strings-attached way where they break up at some point before they get together with their endgames. there are no hard feelings between them
(if adrian’s behavior stays the same) rosdrian’s trajectory stays mostly the same but the breakup is abt rose getting some catharsis calling adrian out for objectifying her, which could kickstart adrian’s redemption arc. this option would prob be closest to canon, but rose gets a mini-arc that culminates in her standing up for herself against a royal who disrespected her and adrian realizes he needs to start acting better with women who are lower than him on the moroi social hierarchy, which would pay forward with adrian/sydney
this is just me floating a few options and i’d love to hear other ppl’s suggestions wrt how this subplot could go if y’all have any. but the most important point is: no matter what happens or how adrian is written, rose shouldn’t cheat on adrian and shouldn’t be written like the breakup is her fault, like she’s responsible for adrian’s feelings, or like she "owes” adrian a chance at any point. even if adrian is written like a legit nice guy and doesn’t coerce rose in the show, the main issue with the cheating plot is richelle m using rose as an “ex who broke his heart” plot device to give adrian more tragic backstory in a spinoff, without giving rose any of the detailed catharsis, recovery and healing she wrote for adrian in that new series. the va show, like the main series, is rose’s story, and it needs to stay rose’s story without sacrificing her character development or marring her hea so it can contrive more angst for a white supporting character.
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yazthebookish · 3 years
It's funny how people automatically assume book 4 and 5 are Nesta and Elain's when the text doesnt really support the latter. Apparently where Azriel goes, Elain goes because people can't seem to separate the two outside of the ship. SJM couldn't have possibly meant Nesta (book 4) and AZRIEL (book 5) when she made that comment. It has to be Nesta and Elain next.
I'm pretty sure when SJM made that comment, she was already done with ACOSF or almost done with it so it wouldn't be surprising if she knew who book 5 was going to be about (ahem, Azriel). Even if she didn't, who cares? It's not like she can't change her mind because she's done so before.
I really tried to see the appeal with Elriel but I can't, esp after ACOSF. You know that Friends episode when Ross and Rachel goes to the hospital to get an ultrasound and Rachel can't see the baby? That's exactly how I feel about Elriel.
Hope you have a good day.
Hello anon,
I hope you have a good day too Anon🤍
If ACOSF made one thing very clear, it's that Elain barely had any development and is not set up to be the MC of the next book.
Sarah said it's obvious who the next book is about, she won't give Elain this very little development and be like “yeah they'll know it's about her”.
Elriels happens in book 5 and then what? Book 6 is Vassa and Lucien? Why the hell would Vassa get a secondary POV in a full book instead of Mor. Elain is directly connected to Koschei, she'll be the key player in defeating him and not Vassa who will be stuck with him. Elain Will free Vassa and the other swans. Sure Vassa May land the killing blow but she won't need a full book for that, it's literally only one scene. Also, there's more to Papa Archeron's bargain with Koschei.
Sarah did say each book will focus on a couple and the logical answer from my opinion would be:
ACOTAR 5: Gwyn and Azriel
ACOTAR 6: Elain and Lucien
ACOTAR novella: Mor and Emerie (set up in Az's book)
This will wrap up the series nicely and everyone gets a HEA just as SJM intended.
Yrene had a very short appearance in the Assassin's Blade compared to Gwyn who had a significant amount of development in ACOSF. Yrene then turned out to be one of the MCs in Tower of Dawn and the main love interest even though we knew little of her unlike Gwyn. So, it's not the first nor the last time Sarah would add a new MC and love interest.
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Well, considering MI8 is Tom's last I kinda doubt they wouldn't give him a happy end? Esp. after the last two movie's kept repeating the Option of going away and getting out (with Ilsa)🤔 And since they actually had him move on from Julia on-screen, I'll keep my fingers crossed they will let Ilsa be his happy end cause DAMN, THEY BOTH DESERVE IT!😭 Btw, I just saw some claims about a possible spin-off movie about Ilsa?😱😱 Haha, sorry? That parallel literally shot in my head right away(TBC)
(TBC:) Lol, yeah, sadly Kara's reaction to the suggestion was nowhere as good as Ethan's😖😭 But uff, imagine post-finale!Kara sitting there with Mon and him being melancholic and either of them saying how they wish they had just run away together all those years agoand maybe him asking again or her telling him if he asked again, her answer might be different this time before someone(Alex or J'onn?)interrupts their talk?😭 But ohhh, yes, Luthor definitely saw it and even pretty much (TBC2) (TBC2) confirmed Ethan was in love with Ilsa when he talked to her in Fallout😍 Ah, Yeah, sorry, but I think the missing thing was just the explanation of the island being full of highly sensitive alien detectors which is why Kara (and Mon) has to take pills which render her DNA temporarily human🤔 Oh, and Mon saving Kara from capture ala Ethan/Ilsa first meeting but not telling her anything about how/why he's there(Mon just fits Ilsa's mysteriousness better with his future stuff IMO)(TBC3) (TBC3) And haha, no, this is nowhere near thought thru😅🙈 About writing it..Hmm…Dunno🙈 (Jup, just gotta find a way about why HE came from the future to help Kara instead of Brainy/Lena helping😅🙈 Uhh, I suppose? Like I said, haven't thought it through yet😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈) Oh man, but tbh, I did kinda expect her to erase at least one anyway, considering how many message I wrote😅🙈🙈 And haha, okay then😊😊🙈🙈 Still, sorry for the "spam"! …You don't have Discord, do you?🤔(8 messages)
I know but then again look what kind of ending they gave Tony... T_T But yes, the fact that McQ specifically brought Julia back so that he could put that past relationship to rest completely AND he did it without killing her off gives me a lot of hope. YES THEY SO TOTALLY DESERVE THEIR HEA!
Oh yeah, I think I remember reading that McQ acknowledged Ilsa was so good she deserved her own movie and he's talked about it with Rebecca but he also mentioned that Rebecca deserved to have a completely original starring role made just for her so... I guess we'll see what happens after MI8?
...See, you just described an insanely easy AND YET STILL BETTER way the show could have ended! YES I'M STILL BITTER!
Luther probably knew the second he saw Ethan's expression and UGH, that conversation with Ilsa, it hit me right in the feels. BUT HER REACTION. HER REACTION WAS BASICALLY "I understand your worries but I'm like him and he's like me so the best thing I can and should do is come along and help instead of making him think he really does need to protect me" HITS ME EVEN HARDER.
True, Mon-El fits Ilsa's role better (plus Kara and Ethan have that "must save the world!" martyr thing in common) and I don't believe you about it being "nowhere near thought through", I hope you realise that. XD (You'll figure it out, I have faith in you. =P)
She got annoyed with you giving her so many messages, huh...
I do have Discord actually but I haven't used it in a while. Do you and if yes, do you want to 'move' our conversations there? At least there's no Tumblr secretary in Discord... as far as we know...
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bonenzone · 7 years
IF the spoilers are true. IF.
Then WOW! Damon and Caroline are giving up their HEA. I wonder why? There has to be a reason to that. For Damon to give up Stefan and Elena, not really surprised he’d do that especially after episode 14 he made it clear he’d do anything for those two but why compel them to forget him and the supernatural? To protect them and keep them safe, I get it for Stefan since his life will always be in danger due to the cure. Is that why Caroline is also giving Stefan up?
Opening Ending for KC is happening. Something we all had predicted due to TO and the ratings. I do wonder what’s gonna happen to Elena, at first I was like well Matt/Elena are happening, but it looks like SE get an opening ending too.
Well disappointed in Bonnie’s ending. Death? And not even to unlink the spell, magic overwhelms her. Bonnie should be alive, getting married, having kids, the Bennett line should be growing. Instead she’s dead, Enzo’s dead. Only thing that’s good is that the antis who been wishing death on Enzo and Bonnie will probably get nothing. Damon gonna leave MF for good, no cure for him either. So antis ships, the ships they wanted Bonnie or Enzo to die for will not happen. What a spit in the face from Plec and Williamson. 
I’m still mad SC gets the big wedding. I’m mad that DE gets a vision of their happy ending. I’m mad that Bonnie’s ending is a funeral again. Enzo lost everything. Tyler’s ending is still crap. Abby you know won’t be there. 
Isn’t Stefan always going to be in danger though? I feel like compelling him only puts him at more risk. Looking back they have been covering his tracks a lot (Caroline compelling the witnesses to his crimes, etc) to set up this human life but it’s a world where vampires exist… I don’t know if making the assumption he and Elena will be fine is enough, esp due to some of the people they’ve crossed paths with.
KC, yeah, that’s no surprise. We were all over that. 
It does sound like a mess and you aren’t alone in being angry but let’s hold out hope. I’ve seen so much misinterpreted (mostly by anti’s) this season only to see it play out differently on screen. This week everyone was making their peace with Enzo letting Bonnie go, Bonnie moving on with someone else and this entire season’s setup being thrown away. If you really look back we have had hints at this (esp 8x09 with Bonnie telling Enzo she’d become a vampire if it only meant she got an eternity with him) and with the Bonlena unlinking not happening it’s not like this is a total surprise, I think we all just hoped it would be handled … better.  I almost feel like that’s our fault that this point. 
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herotheshiro · 5 years
i don’t think i ever posted abt it here but i’ve been sort of following the raws for this manhwa called stigma ... i really like the art and its vibe (after catching up on the raws a few months ago i literally was inspired to write an au for one of my OC universes that i actually have a mostly complete story for (by that i mean i have a beginning, middle, and ending. that’s like ... rare for me). the au’s plot is completely different from stigma’s though, it’s just the vibe i was trying to emulate) but the story is kind of like meh for me bc 1. idk korean and there’s no eng translation to my knowledge so idrk the story so i can’t really get that into it and 2. the story is basically one of those typical ones where character a is stuck in an abusive relationship/situation cycle (rape/sexual favors here) and b saves them from it which like ... i’ve seen a lot of already and i don’t particularly enjoy them/seek those kinds of stories out so. it also takes place in the u.s. so they /have/ black characters which like cool but i’m not 100% on how well they treat them re: characterization and within the plot (although i guess i have to give them kudos for actually /having/ poc characters that stick around and also are not antagonists bc that is nonexistent in east asian media)
anyway it just ended today and the ending was super cute although i am also confused bc literally like 1-2 ep ago the asian mc was still dealing w his abusive ex or whoever he was and the most recent interaction literally had him being raped by the ex (idk korean but that was my interpretation of the ep) and then i guess suddenly the ex decided to leave him alone forever bc this ending happened w no other mention of the ex. there wasn’t really like a solid concrete conclusion imo so that’s why i was like ‘ok i guess they’re suddenly gonna live HEA now cool’. anyway i literally had to put my hand up in victory seeing the last few panels of the last ep ... i think this artist is really good at depicting emotions through their art and the layout of/within the panels so even though idk korean i can still appreciate the story. unfortunately since stigma is an eng title and a very common word in english media it’s difficult to google the source (so it also doesn’t have a baka updates pg) but even after finding the artist’s twitter it doesn’t look like they have any other works out ...
anyway i wish i could find a pic of that last panel w/o a watermark bc i am almost tempted to make it my background ... tbh i kind of wish they ended w the asian mc just putting his head on the love interest’s shoulder rather than them kissing bc it still would’ve had the same effect (they’re together, happy, and at peace now) and also i am a strong believer of the ‘you shouldn’t need to have your characters kiss to show they’re in love’ but ya know ... i guess since it’s marketed as a BL w sex you gotta include kissing and sexual content bc even w that sex scene in the last ep i was like ‘is this really necessary ...’ but it was a cute ep! the raws site didn’t label it as the finale but even reading the ep i felt a sense of finality esp since it was establishing that they’ve been living together a while and also they have a dog so you know the domesticity has settled in and then also the scene where the asian mc was obviously being like ‘i don’t feel like i deserve this good life etc etc’ but the love interest being like ‘nah i love you bro’ ... when the ex showed up again in that recent ep i was concerned the author was gonna keep dragging the story on so i’m pleasantly surprised that that ex appearance didn’t really go anywhere and finally the asian mc settles into his new life.
idk if stigma will ever get an eng translation bc it seems like another one of those low-key not particularly mainstream korean manhwas so it’ll prob never get enough attention to warrant being translated into eng (esp now that it’s over). i hope it does get one someday bc i do genuinely want to understand the story and bc the art is nice !! so ppl should appreciate it even if the subject matter is kind of fucked
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herotheshiro · 5 years
so i’m finally reading the full ending note of from points of three and 
are you fucking w me? the original version of the story had an endgame of all three of them in a relationship ?? i know the author was like ‘i don’t want to overstep what i’m able to do so i’ll just go w a more cliche ending instead (i.e., 3 ppl in a triangle but only 2 get together)’ which like ok i get it but we could’ve had it all .......
also i love the note from the author being like ‘if you ever meet someone like heejae irl, they are trash and should not romanticized’ ... DRAG the snake bastard !!
author: i actually didn’t originally plan for sunyool to get a love interest. i made up haeyoung on a whim and then i ended up liking him me: ...JUSTICE FOR SUNYOOL.........
me looking at the ending gifts from other artist: i’m so glad ppl loved sunyool .......
i only looked at the creator’s note after i was looking through some of the chapters (which was after seeing a scene on IG lmao) and i’m realizing i honestly don’t remember too much abt the story i.e., the development of heejae and jisuh’s relationship. now that i know that the story was really centered around these 2 and the power dynamic bw them, and not particularly the threesome of heejae/jisuh/sunyool i think i might read this story a little differently now than i did back then. although even back then i acknowledged that sunyool basically got thrown to the side fr once heejae and jisuh verbalized their feelings for one another ... i mean i would’ve been aware of the power struggle plotline/story bw jisuh and heejae even w/o the author stating it, and i might’ve even said some stuff abt it in prev posts on this blog. but the fact that that was the explicit intent of the story changes it a little i guess? hmm
also as i’ve noted several times before, i never actually finished reading from points of three so when i finally actually read the ending chapter (i was jumping around) in its entirety just now i was like ‘oh this ending... seems a little anticlimatic/mellowed out’ (i had known back then how it ended so it wasn’t a surprise or anything) but then again it was after months of breakup and jisuh and heejae’s power struggle kind of coming to a head (i had also skipped rereading the entire section where jisuh and heejae are a domestic couple so i was coming right off of bdsm stuff) ... and it did make sense to be like ‘this is just me [jisuh] giving him a second chance ... if he strikes out again then it’s over fr’ rather than HEA esp since they both have kind of weird views of having power over the other beforehand (bruh ... when i was reading jisuh’s dialogue being like ‘i’m pleased i made you miserable. it’s weird to say but seeing you cry over me makes me happy’ ... i was like YES... JISUH YOU GO MAN... if y’all remember, i was supportive of jisuh’s revenge plot so lmao). but also the entire epilogue showcasing a bdsm session bw jisuh and heejae post-main-story ... good shit man
i don’t actually know if i’ll ever take the time to really sit down and read through from points of three from beginning to end. while i appreciate how the author used its plot elements to tell a story, it’s a little intense for me rn tbh and i prefer more mellow emotional stuff like idk running anime. i remember i was really into from points of three back when it was still releasing the main story’s episodes and even now i will still pretty confidently say that from points of three is prob one of the better written manhwas out there but i just don’t know abt getting into it again at this point in time. i really do want to finish it fr bc i do like the story and i think the author deserves to have their story completed but ik i’m prob gonna see the story and characters differently than i did like 1-2 yrs ago (i.e., i prob won’t see the story as a perfect one ... but i mean that’s natural. there’s no perfect story, every story has its flaws) and that’s always something you kind of don’t want to happen. also i did enjoy reading abt the author noting the ways they used plot things to depict certain storylines (like bdsm as a frame for the power struggle and how it illustrates jisuh and heejae’s developing relationship), but having to be aware of subtexts existing and purposely done by the author exhausts me and makes me feel like i didn’t really appreciate the thing enough if i didn’t really see it so that’s another factor (like i felt bad that i didn’t really realize the subtexts of running anime until like way after i had finished it). i know that’s like... an extremely academic way to look at stuff but it’s been ingrained in me to think critically like that re: creative writing so ... (sighs) 
maybe one day soon though !! 
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