#esp considering my dad had a mullet in high school
yeetlegay · 2 years
Grandma watches Kinnporsche ep 5
It’s been about 5,000 years but Grandma and I are finally back on our Kinnporsche bullshit after I showed her the first 4 eps back in…idk, May? June? They’re all tagged “grandma watches kinnporsche” if you want to find them on my blog, I’m too lazy to hunt them down rn lol.
THE POINT BEING: Grandma was totally into the show, but Covid, vacations, work schedules, family happenings, etc. meant we didn’t get as much time to hang out with just the two of us over the summer. But last night we had the whole evening together and she was down for more KP so I fired up the TV while we ate dinner. We rewatched ep 4 bc it’s been so long, so we only had time for ep 5 after that, which sucked bc it ends on a cliffhanger oops lol
Here’s a collection of her ep 5 reactions:
She was really impressed by that scene where Porsche breaks down in the bathroom, I thought she was gonna cry. She said it reminded her of a thriller movie (she loves those lol).
This specific shot made her gasp out loud. Porsche visuals winning again 😌
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We get to the super dramatic, devastating scene where Kinn and Porsche try boning other people. I’m in my feelings, heart full of the Cinema™️, and then there’s that moment where Kinn rips his slutty red robe off and I look over just in time to see MY 85-YEAR-OLD GRANDMA go “MMhmMm” in the most salacious way possible. I had to pause the tv I was laughing so hard.
In the same scene, Grandma starts shaking her head and laughing when Kinn drags that guy off the bed all the way over to the window for no reason. I ask her what’s funny and she says “I don’t think he knows what windows are for” 💀
The Vegas/Porsche friendship montage got her GOING. She thought Vegas was gonna kidnap Porsche or something, and then it’s just Vegas wooing him instead which was apparently worse lol. “He shouldn’t hug men like this, it never ends well.” I was like “Grandma he hugged Kinn like that too” and she said “exactly!”
In that scene with Porsche waking Kinn up, when Kinn leaned in like he was gonna kiss Porsche Grandma’s eyes went SO BIG, she totally thought he was gonna go for it. I asked her if she thought they should’ve kissed and she said “well it couldn’t make things worse could it?” Which, okay, point lol
She loved the little scenes with Porsche and Chay together, she said it reminded her of her and her older sisters (they both died before I was born, but I’ve heard a ton of stories about them from her).
Y’all I think she’s a Kinn anti 😂 she can’t stand him right now, he’s gonna have to really redeem himself for letting Porsche get beat up. I asked her who she wanted Porsche to end up with and she said Pete seems nice (“after he wipes that baby powder off”) so congrats PetePorsche lovers you got another one
Next up, Grandma watches Kinn and Porsche go fishing and try bondage 🤙🏻
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