#also she said Kim reminded her of my dad as a teenager which is a Lot of Information to take in
Flower of Evil: Episode 2
we’re starting with a very bad blonde wig 😭💀
for a second I thought he was going to do something cute and then realised he was practising a happy face (in a bathroom his wife can just walk into…) she does not deserve this!!! love her or leave her weirdo
I was about to say we haven’t seen any cooking yet and sure enough. we’re cooking now !!! 🦀
the baby throwing shots at her mom’s skills lmao </3 😭
the grandma lying dead with a cut fruit plate oh the killer was ruthless….. leave old people alone 😭😭😭
Um I felt bad for the journalist but what is this flashback
Put that stone down!!! my god teenagers are evil sometimes
okay put that hammer down babes even though the journalist is trying to use the disgusting ‘we were just kids doing kid things’ excuse
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my double identity man you might not be a murderer (emphasis on MIGHT) but you sure do teeter the line <3
i cannot believe i was the person who watched any and every detective procedural while eating lunch not flinching and now a kdrama (which is so sanitised!) bruised thumb is making me flinch.
why do I think his motive for killing the chief of the village was to protect the girl. HEAR ME OUT! they’re keeping the details really hazy, they’re making him look like a serial killer or someone predisposed to this because he’s weird (?) and his dad BUT this is a kdrama so they’ll probably give him a benevolent reason.
Or, I’m totally wrong and he’s a serial killer.
His Samsung phone. 💀 First of all these phones look SO good but it reminded me of that weird Apple rule where they don’t let bad guys have iPhones. I guess Samsung is pretty chill it.
Idk about anyone else in this show but I’d die for Eun Ha. My little baby 😭😭😭
people in Korea must really love egg tarts because how are they in every show I watch?
y’all he kidnapped a young girl’s doll and threw her in the trash (killed her) 💀
i heard lipstick and i think it’s the social worker
also the senior detective choi is kinda cute (this title will be taken! if found to be deceptive)
just as I said this he’s fighting with our girl and being DUMB. like you’re a police officer, if someone gives you new evidence, follow it ?! 😭 fighting with her because he got the bare minimum like look at the thumbprint ON the will
don’t spill important details to people till they identify themselves babe!!! but also the double identity man’s identity has been stolen ??? what
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lmaooo one thing a murderer who thinks they’re too smart or too safe is divulge details that will point a big sparkly giant arrow on their head (the social worker)
WHY would you agree to let your prime suspect wear makeup babe I feel like she’s going to try and run 😭
She killed the old lady because it took too many stairs to her place !!!? (#real) but also she’s the one climbing them in heels like ??? i knew they focused on the shoes a bit too much.
she killed her because of the stairs oh god 💀 the motives up until now have been so bad 😭 first (attempted) it was because they wanted the assets in divorce now daily exercise….
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the detective is me because wdym you killed her because of stairs
lmao she’s having a I’m a sociopath monologue and they cut straight to the detective’s husband.
GIRL someone tried to murder our double identity man. What is going on? first getting stones thrown at you, now getting stabbed 😭😭 it is BAD for him
girl she (the old lady killer) got her sociopathy smacked out of her in 2 slaps 😭
I guess the detective and double identity man are a match.
he might not be normal but he gets patient’s rights! don’t disclose a patient’s prescription pharma mom
Raincoats are unnecessarily terrifying
for a second I was like why is your restaurant empty and then remembered maybe this guy owns it
idk why the detective gives me kim jisoo vibes
and that’s a wrap
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Grandma watches Kinnporsche ep 5
It’s been about 5,000 years but Grandma and I are finally back on our Kinnporsche bullshit after I showed her the first 4 eps back in…idk, May? June? They’re all tagged “grandma watches kinnporsche” if you want to find them on my blog, I’m too lazy to hunt them down rn lol.
THE POINT BEING: Grandma was totally into the show, but Covid, vacations, work schedules, family happenings, etc. meant we didn’t get as much time to hang out with just the two of us over the summer. But last night we had the whole evening together and she was down for more KP so I fired up the TV while we ate dinner. We rewatched ep 4 bc it’s been so long, so we only had time for ep 5 after that, which sucked bc it ends on a cliffhanger oops lol
Here’s a collection of her ep 5 reactions:
She was really impressed by that scene where Porsche breaks down in the bathroom, I thought she was gonna cry. She said it reminded her of a thriller movie (she loves those lol).
This specific shot made her gasp out loud. Porsche visuals winning again 😌
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We get to the super dramatic, devastating scene where Kinn and Porsche try boning other people. I’m in my feelings, heart full of the Cinema™️, and then there’s that moment where Kinn rips his slutty red robe off and I look over just in time to see MY 85-YEAR-OLD GRANDMA go “MMhmMm” in the most salacious way possible. I had to pause the tv I was laughing so hard.
In the same scene, Grandma starts shaking her head and laughing when Kinn drags that guy off the bed all the way over to the window for no reason. I ask her what’s funny and she says “I don’t think he knows what windows are for” 💀
The Vegas/Porsche friendship montage got her GOING. She thought Vegas was gonna kidnap Porsche or something, and then it’s just Vegas wooing him instead which was apparently worse lol. “He shouldn’t hug men like this, it never ends well.” I was like “Grandma he hugged Kinn like that too” and she said “exactly!”
In that scene with Porsche waking Kinn up, when Kinn leaned in like he was gonna kiss Porsche Grandma’s eyes went SO BIG, she totally thought he was gonna go for it. I asked her if she thought they should’ve kissed and she said “well it couldn’t make things worse could it?” Which, okay, point lol
She loved the little scenes with Porsche and Chay together, she said it reminded her of her and her older sisters (they both died before I was born, but I’ve heard a ton of stories about them from her).
Y’all I think she’s a Kinn anti 😂 she can’t stand him right now, he’s gonna have to really redeem himself for letting Porsche get beat up. I asked her who she wanted Porsche to end up with and she said Pete seems nice (“after he wipes that baby powder off”) so congrats PetePorsche lovers you got another one
Next up, Grandma watches Kinn and Porsche go fishing and try bondage 🤙🏻
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jungshookz · 3 years
teeny tidbits: emma comes home past curfew & y/n's not happy about it
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➺ genre; kindergartenteacher!taehyungiverse!! honk honk humour!! sixteen year old emma reminds y/n of herself and she doesn't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing
➺ wordcount; 1.5k
➺ p.s. this takes place far faR off into the future!! i just thought it'd be nice to see emma as a spunky teenager :'))
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the sound of the front door rattling at four in the morning would usually be something that would terrify pretty much anybody, but for you-
"oh, come on!"
it's really just another day in the life.
"em's home," taehyung reaches over slowly to pat your stomach and wake you up (as if you haven't been up waiting for the past four hours), his voice laced with sleep as he rolls to the side, "i'll go open the-"
"nope." you reach over to turn the lamp on before flicking the covers off and stepping out of bed, adjusting the strap of your tank top before pointing a finger at taehyung, "you're not opening anything."
"okay, well-" taehyung pauses before propping himself up a little to frown at you, "wait, what?"
"you know, i cannot believe her-" you snap, pulling your hair up into a bun as you hurry over to the window, "it's like she likes to be grounded! i told her she could go out with her friends as long as she came back before curfew, but no-"
"well, it's not that late, is it?" taehyung tosses the pillow he's hugging to his chest aside before turning to look at the clock sitting on his bedside table, "it's only- oh. it's 4:18."
you unlock the latch on the window before digging your fingers underneath it and pulling it up with a snap, watching as emma rushes out from the front porch at the sudden noise
"why, good morning, miss kim!" you call out, leaning down against the edge of the open window with a bright smile, "now i can rest well knowing you weren't murdered tonight."
"the door's broken or something!" emma strategically ignores your snarky comment, placing a hand on her hip before sticking her hand up in the air to flash you her keys with a jingle, "my keys aren't working!"
"oh, your keys are fine, sweetheart." you let out a sigh before scrunching your nose, "i triple-locked the doors. better to be safe than to be sorry, right?"
"okay, well-" emma pauses, scratching the back of her neck before gesturing towards the door, "are you gonna open the door for me or what? i really have to pee-"
"you could always take a squat and pee in the bushes." you point out, emma's jaw dropping slightly before she lets out a scoff
"are you serious? i'm not taking a piss in the bushes-"
"well, i guess you should've thought of that before coming home four hours past curfew!" your tone changes as soon as you get to the point and even from here you're able to make out the slight twitch of panic that runs through emma's body
"don't be ridiculous, i'm not four hours past curfew-" emma grumbles, turning to pull her phone out of her purse and glancing at it before pausing for a second and then looking back up at you, "i'm... four hours and twenty minutes past curfew. so take that!"
"you know, i was just being nice and i rounded down, but if you wanna say you were four hours and twenty minutes late, we can definitely say you were four hours and twenty minutes late-"
"mom!" emma whines, stomping her foot down on the ground as she shoves her phone back into her (your!!) purse hastily, "you can't just- are you seriously not going to let me into the house?! you're gonna make me sleep out on the front porch?! i can't- what if the coyotes get me?! if the coyotes get me, you're gonna regret this decision so bad-"
"the only thing that's going to attack you in this neighbourhood are the little girl scouts who won't leave you alone until you buy, like, ten boxes of cookies from them-"
"i'm sixteen, mother!" emma cuts you off with another whine and you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of your daughter throwing a tantrum on the front lawn, "i'm grown! i should be allowed to go out with my friends and come home whenever i want!"
you thought you were 'grown' at sixteen too
(spoiler alert: that was not the case at all.)
obviously you love your daughter more than anything in the world but you hate that she inherited one of the traits that you're not fond too of: your stubbornness
and look, of course you know that she's getting older and that she should be allowed to go and have (safe) fun with her friends but this isn't the first time she's broken the rules and knowing her, it certainly won't be the last time
and it doesn't help that taehyung always gets to play good cop and you have to be the bad one!!!
like last time when the two of you caught emma climbing into the house through one of the windows and she ended up getting stuck - instead of reprimanding her for coming home late again, taehyung just laughed and immediately went over to help her out
sure, the sight of your daughter flailing around trapped in a small window was hilarious, but someone had to be the serious one in the situation (1) she lied to you about just having a chill night with her friends because you're pretty sure a chill night doesn't involve body glitter and the faint smell of vodka on her breath! 2) she climbed up the side of the house like a maniac and could've gotten seriously injured????) and of course the responsibility to do that fell onto your lap
taehyung's also just not very good at disciplining which is why you usually gently push him aside and take the lead and it looks like it's time for you to turn on your i'm not mad, i'm just very disappointed in you act once again
"you're going to wake your brother up if you keep screaming like that, and you know how fussy he gets when he doesn't get a good night's sleep-"
"he's the world's sleepiest baby, i could blow up fireworks in his room and he'd be fine- dad!" emma's eyes immediately light up when a sleepy taehyung suddenly pops up next to you and you raise a brow when he nudges you aside gently, "oh my god, thank god- mom's literally being insane right now, you have to let me in-"
"what time did you say you'd be home?" taehyung interrupts, "because i think we agreed on midnight when i dropped you off at hope's apartment..."
"i-" emma presses her lips together before letting out a little scoff and rolling her eyes, "okay, yes, we- i said i would be home by midnight, yes." she sighs before suddenly perking up again, "it's not my fault, though! no one goes home before midnight, it's so lame- hope's dad lets her stay out as long as she texts-"
"ah, texts! let's talk about that! didn't you say you'd text us to let us know where you were if you weren't home by midnight?" taehyung points out, crossing his arms over his chest before reaching up to stroke at his chin to feign deep thought, "because my phone hasn't gone off all night... has yours, darling?" he hums, turning to glance at you
"nope!" you chime in with a helpless little shrug and you nearly crack a smile when you see emma reach up to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration, "my phone has been dead silent. no texts. not even an emoji!"
"you hear that, emma? not even an emoji." taehyung tsks, shaking his head in disappointment, "you know what this means, don't you?"
"i'm grounded for two weeks, i know-"
"two weeks?? oh, you're grounded for a month." taehyung pauses for a second before looking down at her again, "and! and you have to change all of your brother's diapers the whole time you're grounded. also, i just want to let you know that he had sweet potatoes for dinner and you know how gassy he gets after a helping of sweet potatoes-"
"a month?!" emma roars and your eye twitches at how high her voice goes, "you can't ground me for a month, lucas is throwing this huge party next weekend and i have to be there! are you kidding m-"
taehyung slides the window back down before emma gets to say anything else and he turns to face you with a grin before opening his arms slightly, "well?? what did you think??"
"i think... that was probably one of the sexiest things you've ever done for me." you laugh lightly, happily giving him a quick kiss when he leans in for one
"duly noted." taehyung beams before letting out a quick sigh and then turning on his heels to head to the door, "okay, i'm going to go let our daughter into the house now because i don't think my hydrangeas are going to survive being peed on-"
🎙️give emma some diaper changing tips (talk to my characters/send in a message!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles! mini series!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this one!)
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saltymiraculer · 4 years
Ceremonial Kisses (Part 1 of 3)
Part 2
So I decided to try my hand at the “Marinette, the princess of China” trope and see how I did! Tell me what you think?
Also, the first chapter is going to be fluffy, the second chapter’ll have a sprinkling of salt, and the third chapter will be a mix of piles and piles of salt and some fluff. Be warned!
“I’ve got a big, big, big announcement for you today, class!“ Bustier chirped, clapping her hands to get their attention. “China’s princess will be coronated in a week and a half, the day she turns 18, as many of you know, and one class from the school will be selected to travel to China and watch the ceremony. Guess which class it was?“
“Uhhh…Mme. Mendeleiev’s!“
“Ooh, M. D’Argencourt’s? They’ve wanted that trip for weeks!“
“No, class, it’s ours! In three days, we’ll board the plane to Asia and have a few days to sightsee and explore, then attend the coronation on the second-to-last day!“
“Wow! Why our class?“ Kim asked.
Marinette knew exactly why. Marc had told her that the entire school was sick of Lila’s lies and wanted to enjoy the coronation without her butting in in the middle of the assembly to tell a ‘story’ about herself.
But she couldn’t just say that.
“You know, I actually know the princess,“ Lila said, immediately drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “But her identity is being kept a secret for now. That’s how we landed the trip!“
“Wow, Lila!“
“That’s amazing!“
“So cool of you.“
“They know that’s stupid, right?“ Alya stage-whispered, earning a glare from Lila’s new puppy–more commonly known as Kim. She shrugged. “I’m just tellin’ the truth!“
Alya, who was now her only other supporter next to Nino (and technically Adrien, but she’d discuss that later–it was very complicated), had decided to Google Lila’s name during a sleepover and found…some rather incriminating Facebook posts.
After that, she was 100% team Marinette and an amazing friend, along with Nino, who had decided that he needed a theme song. No one knew why.
But they loved him anyways!
So while Bustier was rattling off facts about Chinese emperors and kings and queens, Nino was showing them his latest idea to expose Lila.
“Okay,“ he started. “First, we go to China. Then we do our sightseeing and shit, and then. I did some research, and we can ask the princess questions if we’re with a national news channel. Alya’s blog counts. For real, we can talk to the princess of China. And we ask her if she knows Lila.“
“Brilliant plan, Nino. I wonder how the princess will react to a few teenagers in the middle of a crowd of famous people.“
Nino frowned. “The princess is only, like, 17. She’ll probably notice us, Als.”
“Oh, that reminds me, your birthday’s on the same day as the coronation, Marinette! Weird, isn’t it? That you and the princess have the same birthday?“ Alya asked, pulling out her phone and swiping through something.
“Huh, yeah. You’re right. Maybe we can invite her to my birthday party?“
“Ooh, the wiki page says she likes custard buns, and I’m not sure how they know that,“ Nino chuckled. “but make sure to stock up on those.“
“Noted,“ Marinette said drily as Bustier turned to them with a condemning look on her face. “Alya! I hope what you’re doing on that phone relates to the lesson!“
“China’s princess’s identity is being kept a secret because the last two were sent death threats, dangerous items, highly innapropriate items, and several other things that prompted them to not reveal the princess until it was necessary.“
“C-correct, Alya. Good job.“
“Nice!“ Marinette mouthed, high-fiving Alya, who flipped her phone around to reveal a website about the princess.
The final bell rang as several of the students cheered. One school day until the trip over, three more to go. Alya swung her bag over her shoulder and bumped Marinette’s elbow. “We goin’ to your place to hang out?”
“Yeah, my dad’s out anyways and mom closed the bakery for the afternoon. let’s go!“ Alya took Nino’s hand and walked the short distance to Marinette’s house. They entered and immediately felt something off.
Ah, there it was.
Sabine was leaning over the counter with a cup of very strong-smelling peppermint tea beside her. She was rubbing her temples and muttering to herself in rapid Mandarin.
“Maman? Are you alright?“ Marinette asked worriedly. Alya and Nino stood by the door–they had only seen her like this once before, when her cousin had been run over and killed.
“Yes, dear, everything’s okay, it’s just–there’s something I need to tell you.“
“Oh, no, did something happen to someone?“
“No, no, everyone’s just fine. I can’t not tell you without there being serious problems.“
“So what is it? What’s so important you had to close the bakery?“
“You’re the princess. China’s princess. The one nobody knows about.“
“I’m what?!“ Marinette screeched, grabbing at her hair. “I’m the heir to the throne of the most populated country in the world, and you waited until a week before the coronation to tell me?!“
“Holy shit.“ Alya and Nino said simultaneously. Sabine stared at them, likely just realizing they were there.
“Oh. They know now, too. Perfect, that’s just what we need, a reporter knowing who–“
“Maman! Alya wouldn’t tell a soul, I know she wouldn’t.“
Sabine turned to Alya. “I’m sorry, dear, I’m just stressed. With that trip to China in a few days and all that, we’ll have to close down the bakery for about a week.”
“And we never close down the bakery.“ Marinette finished, putting a steady hand on her mom’s shoulder. “But I know just the person to run it while we’re gone.“
As she was about to say who exactly would run the bakery, Nino backed into the door, wide-eyed.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. My best friend…holy shit.“
“Nino, I know this is a lot, but we’ll have to stay calm,“ Alya said, grabbing his hand. “So we don’t spill her secret. That’s top priority, all right? Don’t–tell–anyone.“
Nino sighed. “Sorry, babe. This…“ he turned to Marinette. “Do you have any cookies?“
Marinette grinned and led them into the kitchen. “Of course! Chocolate chunk or raspberry frosted?“
“Raspberry, all the way!“
“There’s the Nino I know!“
After a quick cookie interval, Marinette pushed her plate away and sighed. “Anyone up for an impromptu sleepover? You all left a bunch of your clothes here the last few times.”
“Marinette. If you know us, you will know our answers.“ Alya said solemnly.
“Hell yeah. Wanna go choose which terrible rom-com to watch this time?“
They ended up settling on The Kissing Booth, one of Marinette’s personal favorites (”To lighten the tension, you know?” Alya had said. “Although the tension in here probably weighs the same as an obese hippopotamus at this point.”) and made a bowl of caramel popcorn, with a tiny bag of sea-salt Skinny Pop for Nino.
“Sugar on popcorn is a crime, man. I ain’t touching that.“
“You’ve tried it once, Nino.“
“Yes, and I hated it. Is there anything else to be said?“
So they spent the next two hours in a blanket fort that was made almost entirely of throw pillows laughing over Elle and Noah and Lee being idiots, with a few highlights such as the iconic “Ninth grade skirt, eleventh grade body” scene, where Alya snorted and said “You know, Lila’s skipped so much school, might as well be ninth grade brain, eleventh grade work.”
“Too true,“ Nino agreed. “The other day, she called Chloe’s mom Aurora Bourgeois. That was a pretty major mess-up.”
“Shhh! Let’s just watch the movie!“ Marinette said, effectively quieting them down.
They watched the rest in silence with the usual laughs., ending up falling asleep halfway through the second movie, snuggled up on their respective couches. Marinette mother shook them awake the next morning, telling them to take showers and eat breakfast and get dressed and for god’s sake, Marinette, finish your homework.
“Crap, crap, crapcrapcrap! Nino, we’re going to be late if we don’t get ready fast!“ Alya shouted as Marinette ran up the stairs to change. “Can I use your shower, M?“
“Sure!“ was the muffled reply.
After about 10 minutes of running around and shoving waffles in their mouths, they grabbed their bags and ran off to school.
They burst through the door in the nick of time, the bell ringing just as they plunked down their things.
Bustier wasn’t there five minutes into the class, so they started talking.
“Marinette, you have to listen to Nino’s latest track, it’s–“ Just as she was about to describe Nino’s latest track, a bouncy-ball the size of a walrus snashed through the wall, nearly taking off Kim’s head.
There was a cackle from outside. “I am Gradack! You will all feel the same sorrow that I did!“
The fight was over relatively fast, and everything was calmed down and restored before their next class. Turns out Chat Noir didn’t show, so Marinette had to ask Alya for assistance.
In hindsight, she probably should have picked a better place to transform.
“Tikki, spots on!“ After she transformed, she was about to go to Fu to get one of the Miraculous, when she heard a strangled gasp.
“My best friend is the princess of goddamn China and Ladybug? What the fuck?! Who are you? How did I not know? When did–“
“Alya, I know the feeling, but you can’t tell anyone. Got it?“
“Well,“ Marinette paused to think. “Yeah, I guess. I trust him enough. Now, take this and transform!“ she tossed Alya the hexagonal box, and after a quick transformation, they ran off to defeat the saddened graduate of an akuma.
As she said, it was an easy fight.
They comforted the victim with four minutes (each) to spare, then ran back to the locker rooms to transform back.
                                                   Time Skip!
It was the morning of the flight to China, and she was ecstatic. Of course, she had to get up at 3:45 in the morning, but it was worth it–the flight took off at six in the morning, of course.
She could see the logic of wanting to arrive at 12:00, but she would’ve much preferred a red-eye.
Then she wouldn’t have had to stay up all night reading, because no way in hell would she just wake up at 3:45 in the morning.
The alarm would’ve had to go off for hours.
But back to the morning, she poured herself a sasquatch-sized mug of coffee, with about a gallon of cream and enough sugar to put an entire city of diabetics into shock, she started getting dressed.
Trudging around and haphazardly pulling out shirts, she finally decided on a simple red-and-orange flannel, a white t-shirt, and a pair of cropped jeans.
The she downed the rest of her coffee with an apathetic “Bottoms up!” and slapped her cheeks.
She grapped her suitcase and walked outside to where her mother was typing away on a laptop in the pitch-black night.
“Mom, why are you up?“
“Because I have to drive you to the airport, that’s why. And no alarm would be able to wake me up at 3 in the morning.“
“Preach. I’m ready to go, so can we get in the car now?“
After driving to the airport and saying goodbye to her mom, she walked into the airport and immediately saw the group of sleepy teens (and a certain disheveled teacher) leaning on their suitcases, trying not to fall asleep.
Nino and Marinette were already there, their eyelids drooping. The only person who looked properly awake was Sabrina, who was–inevitably–holding a saucer out to Chloé, who was sipping from a teacup.
Alya rolled her eyes and walked over to Marinette and Nino. “Who’re we missing?”
“Kim and Rose. They’re carpooling, so they should be here any minute.“
Just as Marinette had said, a few seconds later, Rose and Kim walked into the airport. Kim was still wearing pajama pants.
                                           Another Time Skip!
“Marinette.“ Alya groaned, shaking Marinette’s shoulders. “Marinette, wake up, we’re here.“
Marinette’s eyes fluttered open. “No. Five more minutes.”
“Everyone else is already off the plane!“
“Shit. Let’s go!“ Marinette said, jumping up, grabbing her purse (which she had recently learned concealed a kwami) and scrambling out the door.
Alya picked up the mini-backpack she now carried (which held Trixx, cookies, and some grape jelly) and followed her out the door.
Almost as soon as they stepped off the plane, they heard a loud wail.
“Great. She’s back on her bullshit.“
“I just can’t believe she would steal that, Lila! It’s so unlike her!“
“M-maybe, but there’s p-proof! Look!“
“Oh, great, what did we do this time?“ Alya asked exasperatedly. They watched as Lila held out the remains of–from what they could see from a meter away–a sketch of an orange mermaid gown with a black lace collar, ripped into quarters and laid out on the ground.
Marinette gasped beside her.
“That’s your dress, isn’t it?“
A small tear made its way down Marinette’s face. “It was going to be for you,” she said softly.
Alya threw her arms around Marinette and rubbed her shoulders. “It’s okay, sweetie. Once you’re princess, we’ll sue her for all she’s worth.”
Marinette detached herself from Alya and wiped her eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Alya.”
Nino stormed up to where Alya and Marinette were standing with a furious expression on his face.
“That fox,“ he seethed. “that bitchy little fox of a liar stole your drawing.“
Marinette chuckled wetly. “Yeah, we know.“
“Are you okay? I know how important they are to you.“
“I’m fine, Nino, and o–who the hell are you?“ A man in an oddly formal suit was standing next to her, holding out a small red envelope.
Marinette plucked the envelope from his fingers, opened it, and read the contents. She looked up and nodded at the suit-wearing guy.
“Good. In that case, Miss Dupain-Cheng, I’m going to need you to come with me.“ Alya and Nino immediately stepped in front of her in a protective shield.
“She’s not in trouble, is she?“
The strange man looked surprisingly amused. “Not at all–but you might want to come with us, too. You as well, headphone-boy.”
Nino put a hand on his chest and gasped in offense.
“Nino. He’s going to drive us to the palace. You’re coming, too, ya doof!“ Nino made a noise of realization and followed them out to where a black limousine was waiting.
They climbed in and drove off.
About five minutes into the drive, he moved his foot to the side, accidentally kicking a black box.
Just as he was preparing his final goodbyes, it sprung open, and inside was a junk food lover’s heaven.
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pradaksj · 4 years
7 Rings | 02
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♛ pairing: taehyung/reader
♛ genre: richboy!taehyung | blackmailer!reader | infiltration au | future smut | angst.
♛ rating: mature
♛ word count: 9,990+
♛ warnings for this chapter : explicit language, usage of alcohol (legal)
♛ (please read) author’s note: This chapter basically goes back in time to the day in which Y/N finds out about her mother, but instead we now get a glimpse of tae’s life so there is not much y/n in this chapter !! Just to let y’all know so you don’t get confused :)
♛ summary: In desperate need of money, you and your best friend come up with a plan to infiltrate one of Seoul’s richest families, the Kim family. The plan was simple, garner some money and disappear, but of course things don’t always go as planned. Especially not with someone like Kim Taehyung.
━ ❝ Whoever said money can't solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve 'em.❞
♛ chapter index/masterlist || series masterlist
Chapters⇢ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08
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Friday Morning.
“In today’s news, the Kim family’s multibillion dollar deal has been officially confirmed. Their partnership with Hyundai is estimated to bring in at least seven billion in revenue to Korea’s economy over the next 5 years. Both parties have agreed to terms that will lift…”
Kim Taehyung stared at the coffee shop’s mounted TV as he waited in line to order, feeling as if it was already too early to be stressed out. The weary feeling of 4 hours of sleep was beginning to manifest itself, irritation slowly beginning to take its form. Honestly, it was a feeling he found himself feeling quite often these days. In a few years, the responsibility of a billion dollar empire would be under his hands, something he wasn’t exactly looking forward to. The images of his dad shaking hands with Hyundai’s CEO appearing on the TV, the man was basically hailed a hero. Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at the sight.
One could say his relationship with his father was not only distant but … complicated. As Taehyung grew up watching his dad’s empire become almost unstoppable, it also meant that he was always away from home. Though for the most part, Taehyung didn’t mind. His mother was everything a child could ask for, compassionate, hard-working, and never failing to provide her almost endless unconditional love for the young boy.
When he was younger though, his father seemed like an unattainable hero, an inspiration, and at some point it was a relationship he longed for. He often felt guilty whenever he’d hear kids in his school mention not having a father figure in their lives, either due to tragedy or other unspecified reasons. He was lucky enough to have his father in his life … so then why didn’t it ever feel like it ? Not like he had a right to complain.
Without his father he wouldn’t have grown up in the world of luxuries as he was fortunately able to. You see, there was a reason why Kim Enterprises was plastered all over Seoul (if not all of Korea), and that was because they were the IT company. A multi-conglomerate holding company who owned stakes in almost every major company from South Korea that you could possibly think of. Their rise in power was truly undeniable.
The company had been founded just a couple of years before Taehyung had been born, originally starting off as an insurance company which had done small investments in prospect companies, slowly rising in their investment and stakeholder shares. At least that was the story Taehyung’s father told him growing up, never failing to remind him that he came from nothing, and for that reason Taehyung should be nothing but grateful, stating that because of him he’d never know what it was like to feel the stigma of being poor in his own home and the powerlessness that comes with it. And you see Taehyung had absolutely no problem with that because well… it was true, and there was no denying that. What bothered him though, was that those speeches never seemed to come out of a place of genuinity, but one of animosity. As if to remind Taehyung that without his father he was, is, and would’ve been nothing.
To a certain extent he respected his father, but he didn’t love him. There was no genuine relationship there, and he knows it may sound horrible to say, but Taehyung most definitely had his reasons. But some things were just simply better left unsaid.
“Hello? Next in line,” a voice (an annoyed one at that) interrupted his thoughts, as he failed to realize that the cashier had been calling out for him for who knows how long. Though he didn’t take her harsh attitude to heart, if anything sympathizing with her and what he assumed was a stressful job, and it wasn’t like he was making it any easier by being a slow-poke.
“Welcome to Seoul’s Magnificent Mocha, what can I get for you this morning?” she asked once he had made his way up front to the cashier counter. Taking off his sunglasses, he couldn’t but want to laugh at how quick her facial expression had changed. It was the face that people made when they recognized him. It was amazing what a simple baseball cap and some shades could do, he hadn’t even worn his black face mask this time. “Y-You—” she began to stutter her words, instead slowly pointing at the TV. He gave her a small smile along with a small nod as a way of confirming what she was trying to say.
“That would be me,” he smiled, “Can I get an iced Americano and um a,” he paused trying to remember what Namjoon had wanted, “strawberry iced tea. Both medium please,” he finished off the order clearly sounding very uncertain.
“It’s g-going to b-be um,” the poor girl was so nervous she couldn’t even tell him his total without stuttering, “15,000 Won,” He proceeded in handing her a 50,000 note.
“You can keep the change,” he winked at her before putting his sunglasses back on and politely dismissing himself towards the waiting area, quietly laughing at how quickly she facepalmed herself when he was out of her line of sight.
Taehyung always did have a special charm on people, plus he was good looking, and he knew it. He didn’t have any special talents, nothing he could actually proudly boast about. It would be dense of him not to acknowledge that the only reason he was so famous was because of both his status and looks.
There were many people who swooned over him such as the cashier, but there were also many who believed he was still the same old spoiled brat who was nothing but a troublemaker from four years ago. It didn’t help that gossip blogs were still using the same clips from years ago when he really was nothing but a troublemaker who liked flashing his expensive cars for the paparazzi, and purposely kept a high profile. He had been naive, nothing but an eighteen year old teenager who thought fame was better than anything else in the entire world. Four years later, now at the age of twenty-two, and he had long learned that fame was horrible. But he had changed and that’s all that mattered, right? A complete 180, if you will.
Those people didn’t know him, so what made them think they had the right to judge him? To act as if they’d do things any better if they were in his position. The only Kim Taehyung they ever knew was the one they’d seen through a screen. He remembered the first time his name had made its way on the headline of gossip blogs and the comments that came with it.
[Kim Taehyung, son of Kim Jeong  spotted out having a wild night out in Hongdae. Pictures leaked from last night with some steamy footage. Click here for more.]  
[+3,623,  -59] he better pray he doesn’t catch any STD’s while he’s at it ㅋㅋㅋ wouldn’t be surprised if he already has some
[+3,100, -100] i feel bad for his dad, he expects someone like this to run the fortune he’s worked so hard for??? he’s so young as well…
[+2,547, -57] leave him alone and respect his privacy
[+2,100, -23] ah he’s so cute!! whoever was dancing with him is one lucky lady!
[+1,022, -34] a brat like that doesn’t deserve the things he has
That night had only been the beginning to years of nothing but front covering gossip magazines and having his privacy invaded on a daily basis. People became invested in what he was doing with his personal life, his friends, who he was seeing, what he was wearing, and anything else you could possibly think of. He often wondered why, but he assumed it was the same reason as to why people continue to give someone like Kim Kardashian attention despite claiming to hate her. Because people want a glimpse of a world that isn’t their own, simply fascinated by the rich. That and their obsession for scandal only adds fuel to the fire.
With fame came pressure though, pressure to uphold an image for the family company, one his father fairly cared about these days. Hell, nowadays his dad gave him more attention than he ever did as a child, all because he knew that Taehyung was and is the future for Kim Enterprises. It was his father’s pressure that led to his current relationship with— ah speak of the devil.
[From: Sunhi]
[9:10AM] I know you see my texts.
[9:11AM] why are you ignoring me???
[9:12AM] hello???
“Taehyung! Your Iced Americano and strawberry iced tea is ready!” Taehyung rolled his eyes as he glanced through the several number of text messages, instead locking his phone and going up to grab the drinks.
Sunhi was the granddaughter of Hyundai’s CEO and had long been in the picture as early as Taehyung could remember. The two went to the same middle and high school, a one sided crush on her side forming at some point. It wasn’t until about a year ago after returning, that his father had basically forced him to take her out on a date citing that it was in his words, “good for business”. And well today the “good for business” approach had its results, the confirmation of a multibillion dollar deal.
The media loved the two together, hell, they were even labelled as Seoul's next generation’s power couple. Their names amassing a fortune worth billions behind them, their good looks garnering both of them ambassador deals, all in the meanwhile social media was the backbone of the phenomenon that was their so called “relationship”. Not that Taehyung considered it much of one, in his opinion it had stopped being an actual relationship a long time ago.
It wasn’t that Taehyung hated Sunhi, in fact in the beginning of their relationship he was smitten for her, but it wasn’t long until the spark burned out. “Wasn’t long” meaning a couple of weeks in and she actually turned out to be the real definition of a brat, the actual real-life manifestation of Blair Waldorf. Constant up and downs with her had quickly worn him out, and the constant badgering from the media only made things worse. But that doesn't mean he hated her, in order for him to hate her he’d actually have to care about her, and well in all honesty…  he didn’t.
Sometimes he’d ask himself why he was still with her considering the deal had long been confirmed even before today. Taehyung had been free to do what he’d like for a long time, meaning there had never been a need for him to have kept this going for so long, he just did. One must ask, why?
Maybe it was because he knew she was the safest option, the person everyone expected and wanted him to be with. Breaking up with her right now would only further his stress, something he definitely didn’t need more of. Plus she knew him from the surface, and he knew her from the surface, and maybe that was just enough. He didn’t need, or want, anything more than that from her or anyone else for that matter. Sunhi was just enough.
It wasn’t like she was using him for anything, especially considering she already has everything. But by being with her, he was satisfying others, he was becoming the person everyone wanted him to be, the person he always should’ve been.
Hell, who knows, maybe he could truly fall in love with her one day … though in the back of his mind he knew the answer to that.
“Took you long enough,” Namjoon complained as he turned on the ignition of the car. He glanced at the drinks in Taehyung's hands, dramatically sighing at the sight, “and you somehow still ended up ordering the wrong drink for me,” he sighed, grabbing the drink from Taehyung’s hands nonetheless.
“My bad, I had forgotten in the moment…” he shot an apologetic smile towards his newly dyed platinum-haired friend.
Namjoon was the son of another one of Seoul’s elite, but also Taehyung’s right hand man. The two had met during their freshman year of high school, but funnily enough the two originally hated one another. Now looking back at it, Taehyung could admit that the two had acted extremely childish over a girl who’d end up picking neither of them, but that was a story to tell for another day.
Luckily Namjoon seemed to enjoy the drink, no longer complaining about it during the ride to Lotte World Mall. The two needed to go buy some new suits for tonight's event in celebration of the brand new deal between Kim Enterprises and Hyundai. The paparazzi were definitely going to be there and with all eyes on him, Taehyung decided that he might as well look good.
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Friday Evening.
By the time Taehyung had returned to his place, he was both drained and exhausted, the idea of taking a nap and ditching the event seeming all too tempting. Namjoon this morning had felt the need to visit almost every high end store he could think of and try on the most useless things including scarves, gloves, and a whole bunch of other things. Basically going back and forth all across the mall whenever he’d regret not buying something.
He carried his bags upstairs to his room, ready to plop onto his bed and take a well deserved nap, but of course as always the universe seemed to work against him.
“I’ve been waiting for you!” he silently cursed to himself, asking himself why he thought it was a good idea to give Sunhi access to his penthouse. “Of course you went shopping without me, and to think I wanted to color coordinate,” she puckered her lips attempting to give him a small kiss on the lips, but before she could Taehyung had turned his cheek causing her to almost entirely miss.
She quickly composed herself acting as if that didn’t just happen, instead beginning to rummage through his bags, complimenting the things he chose while he just laid in bed slowly taking in deep breaths trying not to snap at her for coming unannounced. “So what exactly is that you came here for Sunhi…” he mumbled, failing to hide his annoyance.
She pouted, “Well you weren’t answering my texts, and I wanted to know whether you’d be going tonight…” she began to give him small pecks on his face, hoping that he’d show some kind of affection.
“I am, I am. I’m just really tired right now and in desperate need of a nap,” he responded, ignoring her obvious attempts to initiate things. His eyelids were half way closed, clearly ready to knock out at any second.
“Oh well I’ll just stay—”
“No, no. Just go back home, get ready, and I’ll see you over there okay?” his voice was much harsher this time, turning to face the other direction of his bed which was no longer facing her, a cold gesture on his part.
Sunhi sat there for a moment, feeling a mixture of both anger and disappointment. She wanted to say something, but instead crossed her arms, and let out a huff of air in response. Taking one last look at him before getting up from his bed and walking herself out. The same old feeling of being unwanted creeping into her mind, a feeling she knew all too well.
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Friday Night.
By the time he had arrived, Taehyung thought that the paparazzi would’ve grown impatient waiting for him and end up leaving, but as per usual he was completely wrong. If anything, him being late had only caused them to triple in numbers. Those men really had no shame, their camera flashes penetrating through the Mercedes Benz’s tinted windows.
“You let me know when you’re ready Mr. Kim,” his security guard said. Taehyung took a deep breath, fixing his YSL brooch before nodding to him, letting him know that he was ready. He was quickly greeted with a stammering number of questions.
“Where’s Sunhi?”
“Over here! Over here!”
“How’s your night been?”
Taehyung tried to not make any faces, knowing that even the slightest lift of the brow would be taken out of context, and that by tomorrow morning there’d be a whole bunch of rumors trending on Twitter. The only thing was that the paparazzi always knew how to push his buttons whether it was shouting something rude, roughly grabbing at him, and etc. 
At this point he just needed a drink to relax and take his mind off of these low life men who had nothing else better to do than to try and make a quick buck off his name.
“Finally! Took you long enough,” he heard, quickly spotting Namjoon the moment he entered the venue, wondering if he had been waiting up front for him the whole time.
“You didn’t have to wait for me you know? And plus it’s not my fault you had me running circles around the mall,” Taehyung said causing Namjoon to scoff in response, “Has he given his speech?” the “he” Taehyung was referring to was his father.
“I honestly don’t know,” Namjoon shrugged, who like Taehyung, never did like these kinds of events as they always had him wanting to knock out halfway through, the only thing he really did appreciate was the food they served. 
The two walked towards the bar which caught their attention much more than the cathedral-inspired venue, deciding that a drink was necessary to kick the night off right.
“Two gin and tonics please,” the bartender nodded, beginning to prepare their drinks. Taehyung watched the bartender pour gin into his jigger, curious as to how someone could memorize the recipes for so many drinks. “How many years does it take for one to learn the ways of bartending?” he asked the brown-haired man, an attempt to strike conversation.
“Ah well a simple gin and tonic is something every bartender should know like it’s the back of their hand,” the man chuckled, “but if you’re talking about something like hmm,” he paused for a moment, “something like a bloody mary perhaps.”
A bloody mary? Isn’t that just vodka with some tomato juice?
“It’s much more than that,” the bartender laughed at Taehyung who was slightly taken aback, not realizing that he must’ve said what he was thinking aloud. “Though those are the two the main ingredients, it includes salt, pepper, hot sauce, garlic, herbs,” Taehyung was now genuinely curious as to where the bartender was going with this, “It covers the entire range of the human palate from sweet, salty, sour, unami, and savory but you have to make sure it doesn’t taste bitter.”
He continued talking as he poured the tonic water onto the frosted drinking glasses, “A little too much of one ingredient or a little too less and the whole drink goes to waste. You have to find a balance,” he emphasized the last part, almost as if this went beyond drinks, “Someone who wants a bloody mary is someone who definitely knows what they’re looking for,” he concludes his sermon-like speech, intensely staring at Taehyung. Namjoon looked at the man like he was crazy, who the hell overanalyzes a drink to this extent? Taehyung on the other had a look of fascination on his face, instead returning the stare.
“Well … cheers!,” Namjoon breaks the tense silence by raising his drink, momentarily being left hung dry until soon enough Taehyung lifted his drink up as well, the two of them clinking their glasses before chugging the bittersweet drink down their throats.
“Ah there he is!” Taehyung turned around, watching as his father made his way towards him, right alongside Sunhi’s parents. The two gave each other an awkward hug, “You better have a good damn reason for being so late,” his father harshly whispered into his ear before pulling back, the famous fake grin that Taehyung had grown to hate still plastered onto his face. The man was an expert at saving face, like father like son.  
Taehyung remained silent instead politely greeting Sunhi’s parents before watching the trio as they made their way to greet other guests.
“I’m going to need a second drink,” he exasperated, causing Namjoon to let out a laugh. The bartender nodded, immediately beginning to prepare their drinks.
“I’m surprised Sunhi hasn’t gotten her claws on you yet, I could’ve sworn she was here earlier,” Namjoon mentioned causing Taehyung to shrug, his expression now dulled at the mention of her.
“I feel bad, I sorta snapped at her earlier, but she kept on nagging me, wouldn’t let me sleep in peace. I blame you,” he said, commenting on the situation earlier.
“Hey I’m not the one whose forcing you to be with her,” Namjoon remarked, causing Taehyung to shoot him a glare, his eyebrows now furrowed.
Instead he changed the topic, accustomed to Namjoon’s dismay of the relationship, “I just want to go home and sleep,” Taehyung yawned, the event was boring him more and more by the minute.
“Same he—” Namjoon suddenly stopped mid sentence, something more “important” now having caught his eye.
“You’re practically drooling, you do realize that right?” Taehyung deadpanned, glancing at the girl who had caught his friend’s eye. She was pretty, he wasn’t going to lie, but she seemed like someone who was quite stuck up to be honest. But he assumed that about everyone around here as it takes one to know one. “So are you going to just stand here and stare like a creep or …”
“You don’t mind me leaving you here?” Namjoon’s voice sounded a little too excited. Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, he wasn’t the type of person who couldn’t stand being alone. In fact, he enjoyed his own company sometimes, he had actually read somewhere that it was quite important for one’s own mental health.
“I think I need to go find Sunhi either way, or else she’ll be nagging me the whole night as to why I didn’t find her sooner, that and apologize for earlier,” Namjoon nodded, lightly patting on his shoulder before making his way to the woman who had caught his eye, trying his best not to gawk so much.
“Now where could she be…” Taehyung mumbled to himself, having now left the bar and instead walking around the venue, making a half-assed attempt at looking for his girlfriend.
Taehyung could feel his legs swaying left to right, the lack of balance he had was probably laughable to anyone who wasn’t him. He wasn’t drunk, at least that’s what he was telling himself. The way the world was spinning told him otherwise. In all honesty he had only asked for a couple more drinks after the second one, but nonetheless he always was a lightweight drinker to begin with. His bladder felt as if it was going to burst at any moment so instead of Sunhi being his top priority, going to the restroom now was.
He looked around, the signs on the doors now looking slightly blurry. He grabbed the handle to what looked like could be the men’s restroom harshly pushing the door open.
Everything happens for a reason… right?
“Oh my God, It’s not what it looks like,” Because what were the chances that he caught her right in the act, with none other than Jeon Jungkook.
Taehyung had seen this situation play out in so many movies and TV shows, whereas the boyfriend usually destroys everything in his way and immediately begins to throw punches at the lover, and yada yada yada. But for some odd reason all Taehyung could do was stand there and watch as she hurriedly tried placing her bra back on.
He couldn’t help but actually want to … laugh. Really, because what were the chances? What were the chances that instead of walking into what he thought was a restroom, he instead walked in on his girlfriend and Seoul’s biggest man-whore about to fuck in a janitor’s closet.
He glanced at Jungkook who had nothing but a giant smirk plastered on his face, not even bothering to put his shirt back on.
Taehyung gathered his thoughts… What was he supposed to do again?  
Nothing. There was absolutely nothing left for Kim Taehyung to do, but to turn around and walk away. And so that’s what he did, drowning out her pleads for him to stay, a small smile gracing his lips. He was finally free.  
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Namjoon must’ve left early because once Taehyung had returned back to the bar, he was nowhere to be found. He decided it was just best to leave before Sunhi could find him and start begging him to hear her out. After texting his security guard to meet him out front, he asked for a bottle of water and attempted at fully sobering up before he’d have to face several rapidly flashing lights in his face.
Did it end up actually helping? Fuck no. God, why did they have to park his Mercedes so far away. It was as if no matter how many steps he felt like he was taking, he was no closer to where he wanted to be.
“Smile for the camera man, come on!” The rapid flashes of light caused Taehyung to stumble his footsteps worse than before, the responses he gave to the multiple questions being thrown at him coming out more like mumbles and slurs. He knew that deep inside his brain was sending him signals on what to do, whether his body was listening was another story.
“Watch where you’re going man! Momma’s boy can’t handle his liq—” one of the paparazzo shouted at him while grabbing at his arm, and maybe it had been cause he was drunk, maybe because he was simply just tired, but in an instant Taehyung had felt his fist collide with the man’s face throwing everyone and everything into a frenzy. The questions and comments now coming out of their mouths at a lightning speed, some were cursing him out, others were pretending to praise him at an attempt to get him to say something, but none of it mattered because by the time he got into the car it was too late to take any of it back, and soon enough everything had gone black.
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Saturday Evening.
The hangover the next day was literal hell, Taehyung felt as if the inner surface of his skull was practically being thrashed upon, his eyesight struggling to cope with the rays of daylight that directly shone on his eyes. Not only that, but his mouth had felt so dry, however having to get up for water seemed like so much work to do considering how much his back was aching.
It was like the flu except it had been self-inflicted. He attempted to raise his heavy eyelids all in one go, just for them to immediately fall shut. He could feel the constant vibrating notifications from his phone, choosing to ignore it altogether as he figured it was probably Sunhi sending him several text messages. Even if it wasn’t her, he was too lazy to even stretch his arm out and disconnect his phone. Maybe he could sleep it off, he thought to himself, curling himself back under his thick duvet.
How was it that he was barely 22 and already facing the repercussions of intense hangovers when just a couple of years ago he could drink all night long and wake up the next day hangover free. It was as if with each passing year it just got worse, no wonder so many older folks didn’t get drunk anymore, they had learnt it the hard way.
And just as he was about to fall asleep, of course his stomach had to both lurch and gurgle like some kind of trapped animal. He groaned, swinging his feet around in bed like a kid who had just been told “no”. Sadly, he was going to have to force himself to get up and so he did.
Once on his feet, he immediately felt the room sway almost causing him to lose balance until he managed to grab onto his bedstead in order to keep himself standing. He yawned and stretched out his entire body, lowkey loving the sound of his bones cracking. Time to start a new day.
After brushing up, he began to prepare himself something quick to eat fearing that his stomach was going to lash out on him any moment and so he decided to make some scrambled eggs. Quick and easy. Right?
The rare occasions that Taehyung did cook were always 50/50, as in there was half a chance whatever he cooked would come out either decent or completely under/over cooked. The boy practically lived off of takeout, restaurants, and microwaveable food, but at this current moment he needed food and quickly at that. Today his eggs had come out slightly undercooked with some of the yolk still a little slimy, but it was edible nonetheless.
As he ate he was genuinely surprised at the fact that Sunhi didn’t ambush his home this morning, causing him to set a reminder on his phone to remove her fingerprint off of his security system as soon as possible. He scrolled through her long thread of texts that consisted of her going back and forth between apologizing, begging, and guilt tripping him, only causing him to roll his eyes and sigh.
[Incoming Facetime from: Namjoon 🐨]
Taehyung quirked his brow before clicking “accept”.
“Weren’t you the one who scolded me about facetiming without sending a warning text,” he laughed, it wasn’t like he was lying.
“Ah I know, I know, but I felt sorta bad for just leaving last night without saying goodbye, but a man has his needs,” Namjoon now sported a giant grin on his face, probably recalling last night’s events, “and well I thought you’d be in bed hungover, in need of a wake up call,” he joked only causing Taehyung to flash him the middle finger through the screen.
“Well I’m up,” Taehyung wondered if Namjoon knew, maybe Sunhi had told him or something. He quickly scratched the idea as he knew Sunhi was the type of person to try and keep everything under wraps … but Jeon Jungkook was not.
Jeon Jungkook.
Remember the small mention of Namjoon and Taehyung fighting over the affections of a girl only for her to end up choosing someone else. That someone else was none other than Jeon Jungkook, one of Upper Seoul’s biggest man-whores, if not the biggest man whore. If Sunhi was actually someone Taehyung loved, he probably would’ve punched that stupid smirk off of Jungkook’s face last night, but luckily he didn’t have to. Did Jungkook have it out for Taehyung? It was unclear to be honest. This definitely wasn’t the first time Jungkook has attempted at sabotaging him despite Taehyung clearly showing he could care less.
In fact the two before yesterday’s incident had actually been mutual acquaintances being in the same “circle” and all. That circle being the sons of the multi million/billionares of Seoul which included names such as Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin. Namjoon in particular was good friends with Seokjin, who in return was very close with Jungkook. Seokjin and Namjoon both being the “neutral” bridge between the two. So Taehyung wasn’t going to be surprised if Seokjin had in fact informed Namjoon of yesterday’s dilemma. It had been Seokjin who told Namjoon of Jungkook’s actions of the past such as leaking Taehyung’s location to paparazzi on a number of occasions, stealing brand deals under Taehyung’s nose, and many other things.
“I know that you know,” Taehyung chuckled out, causing Namjoon to let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh great, I was really not looking forward to beating around the bush and forcing it out of you,” he laughed, “well it looks like you got what you wanted.”
Taehyung’s nose crinkled in confusion, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh come on!—” Namjoon’s mouth curved into his famous dimpled smile, obviously trying (but failing) to repress his laugh, “Don’t act like you’re not the happiest man on Earth right now! You’ve probably been praying for something like this to happen for forever,” Taehyung’s face went sour, “You’ve needed an excuse to break up with Sunhi without you ending up being the bad guy for so long, and that’s why you probably haven’t even shedded a single tear since you found out,” he insisted causing Taehyung to let out a bitter scoff , mumbling a silent “That’s not true.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Tae—” suddenly the sound of something abruptly falling grabbed Namjoon’s attention, “Moni! Put that down! Uh I gotta go, just text me later alright,” and with that he clicked, presumably to deal with his white feisty Eskimo.
Taehyung glanced at the clock which read 3:25PM, a small nap wouldn’t hurt right?
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Sunday Morning.
So much for a “small nap”. Despite him having slept the whole Saturday off, Taehyung had woken up very early and in a good mood, ready to have himself a productive day.
He made himself breakfast that even a 5 year old could make: avocado toast with different slices of fruit and a simple protein shake. While letting his breakfast settle down in his stomach, he began to do his pre-workout stretch, with his goal in mind for today’s run being at least 6 miles.
After he was done stretching, he went down to the lobby making sure to politely greet his “neighbors”. They were the same people who kept tabs on him and sold him out to the press every chance they got, but not like he could lash out on them so instead he was forced to give them fake smiles along with stiff waves.
During his morning run, Taehyung took into appreciation of the crisp morning air which was both cold and dry. The view of the river brought him a sense of relaxation and before he knew it, he was done with his workout.
“What a beautiful day,” he had thought to himself as he walked back to his penthouse’s building, ready to take a much needed shower, but of course he should’ve known she was going to ambush him at some point because there she was, sitting in the building’s lobby.
Once she spotted him she immediately got up from the couch. He tried to quickly outpace her and get into the elevator, but she yanked on his hand preventing him from going any further.
“Stop avoiding me… please,” she sounded distraught which confused him. She certainly didn’t look distraught when she was getting her neck sucked on by Jungkook.
“Can we do this,” he pushed her hand off, “some other time. You’re gonna make a scene,” he scolded her. The two of them were in the middle of the lobby, and even though there seemed to be no one around, he could never be too sure.
“No because it seems this is the only way I could get your attention,” she muttered , “especially considering you removed my access,” causing him to let out a stifled laugh.
“Well that’s what someone does when they’re significant other hmm I don’t know cheats on them,” his voice emphasized the last words.
“I didn’t,” she quickly lowered her voice once she realized she had shouted that part out, “cheat on you,” she mumbled. “I was about to, but I didn’t,” she dramatically waved her finger at him.
“Yeah because I walked in on you?” he wondered if she knew how stupid she sounded.
“Well maybe if you showed me some affection every once in a while I wouldn’t have resorted to such acts!” What the two hadn't realized was that there was someone in the lobby quietly hiding behind a pillar, secretly recording the interaction between the two.
“Sunhi,” he ran his hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh, “can you just leave me alone? There is no fixing this, especially since this,” he made a motion with his fingers pointing to the both of them, “has been broken for a very long time.” And with the final word, he turned around and walked away, not bothering to look at her face which had now fallen from expression.
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Sunday Night.
“Kim Taehyung NASTY fight with girlfriend Sunhi. Click here for more.” was what the Twitter article headlined their argument, and of course the link provided the video of the whole thing.
[From: Namjoon 🐨]
[10:10] you really can be an ass [link to video]
[To: Namjoon 🐨]
[10:11] how!!
[10:11] i just told her the truth, at the end of the day no one can tell me that I was in the wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️
[From: Namjoon 🐨]
[10:12] you’d be surprised with what knetz have to say…
[10:13] them and the media are going crazy over you unfollowing her
Taehyung scoffed while unplugging his phone and rolling to the other side of bed now that his phone was at 100%.
[To: Namjoon 🐨]
[10:14] yea well idc.
[From: Namjoon 🐨]
[10:15] well at least ur out the relationship, that’s all that matters right 😬
[10:16] looks like ur back on the market … we all know how crazy that can get
Taehyung could feel himself become stiff at the last text. What was that supposed to mean? Maybe he was overthinking it too much…  
He was a different person now, he reassured himself. Before he could dwell on it any further he decided that it was best to just go to sleep.
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Monday Afternoon.
The next day Taehyung continued with his routine of making a somewhat decent breakfast, and running his daily number of miles, crossing his fingers that he wouldn’t be ambushed like the morning prior. Luckily he wasn’t.
The sensation of steamy water hitting his body was calming to him, the shower was very much needed. Trying not to get so lost in his thoughts, he began to sing the random songs that first came to mind. He’d been told by Namjoon on multiple occasions that his singing was good, but Taehyung at this current moment was just glad he lived alone. Namjoon, or anyone for that matter, would probably make fun of him for the song he was um … rapping.
“Ain't got enough money to pay me respect. Ain't no budget when I'm on the set. If I like it, then that's what I get!” his sudden motions almost made him slip, but luckily he had caught himself just in time, “yeah,” he finished off the lyric despite his near death experience.
It was once he got out the shower that he was in for a surprise.
“7 Rings… really?” Taehyung’s towel almost fell from his waist because of his jump in surprise. Thankfully he had held onto it before it could completely fall. “I didn’t take you to be such an Ariana Grande fan,” Taehyung rolled his eyes to the teasing Namjoon.
“It’s the song of the summer for your information,” he interjected, “And how the hell did you even get up here?”
“Hmm I don’t know maybe because you practically forced me to get my fingerprint and memorize your code so that I would,” Namjoon mimicked quote signs with his fingers, “stop bugging you when I could open the door myself,” causing Taehyung’s stern face to quickly become one of dumbfoundeness.
“I’ll be in the kitchen making myself some food,” he playfully sighed before making his way out of Taehyung’s room.
Taehyung quickly lotioned his body, put on his overnight hair products, and threw on a baggy sweater along with some black sweatpants, assuming that Namjoon hopefully wasn’t going to try and drag him to go outside. He had a long week ahead of him which included photoshoots, interviews, meetings, and overall promotion for this brand new deal considering he currently served as the “face” to his family’s business.
“Wow making japchae, who put you in a good mood?” Taehyung laughed as he peeped over Namjoon’s shoulder, catching a whiff of the food he was making causing Namjoon to flash his dimpled smile at him.
“Well I have a date in a couple of weeks and so I’ve been practicing every chance I get,” he admitted catching Taehyung by surprise, “and before you ask, yes it’s the girl from the event on Friday.”
Taehyung tried to subdue his shock, “If I’m being honest I thought she was kind of a…” he contemplated his next choice of words, “um…”
“A one night stand,” Namjoon completed the sentence, a look of understanding on his face. “Well if I’m being honest I thought the same thing,” he cheeks reddened, “but she actually ended up being really sweet, and well I really li—”
“Okay I think I’m done hearing your little sap story that you haven’t even started,” he pretends to yawn, causing Namjoon to flash his middle finger at him which only makes him laugh, “Sorry I’m not a hopeless romantic like you.”
Namjoon scoffed as he stirred the noodles around, “So what? Deep down you know you’re one as well.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I’ve heard it all before. Why are you here again?” Namjoon flashed his middle finger again now causing Taehyung to laugh even harder than the first time.
“You sure know how to be rude sometimes,” Namjoon was now serving the japchae onto some plates, “and I’m here because one, I was bored, and two, because I was wondering if you were going to Thursday’s brunch,” the look on Taehyung’s face gave Namjoon the answer he was looking for.
“I completely forgot about that…”
“Why am I not surprised,” Namjoon sighed while giving Taehyung his plate of food.  
“It’s always the same old place, same old routine, and most importantly the same old people,” he made sure to emphasize that last part, “you’re telling me you don’t get bored?”
“I do, but look what happened last time, I met someone new!” Namjoon bragged, only resulting in Taehyung rolling his eyes once again. “You’re like the grinch, but for love I swear,” Namjoon groaned, mentally taking note that the pleasant look on Taehyung’s face meant he had done a good job at making japchae. As long as he followed the exact amount of ingredients and steps as he did today then his date would go along just fine.
Taehyung slurped the final remaining bits of food on his plate before responding to Namjoon, “I’m fresh out of a relationship Joon, let me enjoy being single for the time being.”
“In the media’s eyes you’re fresh out of a relationship, but you and I both know that you’ve been single for a very long time,” Taehyung stayed silent at Namjoon’s words, a sudden pang of guilt now hitting him as he recalled what he had told Sunhi in the lobby that past Saturday. Did Taehyung see Namjoon’s point? Yes, of course he did. Did it feel good hearing it? No, it didn’t.
“Well um guess what, she cheated on me. I remained faithful, which honestly,” he scoffed in between his words, “was the least I could do. So stop trying to paint me as some big villain,” he sneered.
“All I’m saying is that the Taehyung I know would have never even gotten into that relationship to begin with,” Namjoon silently muttered to himself, a dismissive look on his face, causing Taehyung to let out a sardonic laugh. As if Namjoon was a better person than he was?
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” he snapped, “You know I’m getting real tired of your little sly comments, as if i’m not going to catch on at some point, if you have something to say then grow some balls and say it,” Taehyung's voice echoed across the kitchen walls. Taehyung’s heart was practically pounding out of his chest, his jaw now completely clenched, glaring at Namjoon. The light atmosphere in the room had become stiff in the blink of an eye.
One would think that Namjoon would be shocked, maybe even angry at Taehyung’s outburst, but all he did was stare back, seeming completely unfazed, a pot that had been bubbling for quite some time between the two finally bubbling over. Withheld opinions, finally lashed out, “I’ll just never understand why you couldn’t break up with her from the moment your dad didn’t need you to date her anymore, or why you even got with her in the first place. All you did was waste her time and let her convince herself that she was in love with you knowing damn well you’ve never felt anything from day one. I mean even now she thinks there’s something worth saving,” he cursed, his voice now elevated up several notches, “And it’s the fact that you see nothing wrong with it that makes me sick!”
Taehyung’s face immediately fell, hurt by his friend’s words, but it didn’t stop Namjoon from continuing on, “I mean the Taehyung I knew would’ve never in a million years agreed to do something like this for anyone,” disappointment evident in his voice, “let alone for your dad,” he spat. “It just,” he pauses, “It just isn’t like you Taehyung. None of this is.”
Taehyung could feel his tough demeanor crumble, “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, so stop acting like you do,” he scowled.
“It’s just funny to me, years ago you’d talk about becoming nothing like your dad, but nowadays it looks like I’m looking at his clone,” Namjoon muttered, “You’ve changed Taehyung. You may joke around with me here and there, but I can tell you’re always holding back. You leave for a whole year to God knows where, and come back a completely different person, acting like your dad’s very own fucking puppet. You’ve closed yourself off. Like, like you’re mad at the world or something, or I don’t know—”
“And what, you want the old reckless Taehyung back?! The one who destroyed everything in his fucking path! Is that what the fuck you want?” his voice boomed, but even Namjoon could see it was merely a facade, the mixture of both guilt and sadness seeping through the cracks of his voice.
“Of course not! But the Taehyung standing in front of me is no better than the one before. You may not be as reckless as you used to be, but you’re definitely just as careless,” Namjoon condemned him, “And so then I think about everything and all I could ask myself is why? Why don’t you find something or someone, you genuinely love, something that makes you happy, not your dad, not the media, YOU.”
“Because I just don’t want to Joon…”  Taehyung looked away, ashamed to make eye contact, his voice had now become a mere whisper.
“And all I can think about is if it has something to do with —” Namjoon could see Taehyung physically tense up, “Taehyung what the hell happened that night?” he pleaded desperately.
“Just don’t Joon,” and with that Namjoon knew that even he was pushing the boundaries, deciding that it was best to just keep quiet, “I came back didn’t I? ” he harshly spat.
There was a pregnant pause, “I’m sorry,” Namjoon apologized, but was only met with silence. Taehyung got up from the kitchen chair, and placed his dish into the sink, harshly passing by Namjoon.
“Make sure you lock the door on your way out,” he muttered, before making his way upstairs into his room, leaving Namjoon standing in the kitchen by himself.
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Monday Night.
And so that night, Taehyung stared up at his ceiling thinking about what Namjoon had told him. He was hurt by his friend’s words, but he couldn’t deny that he didn’t understand where he was coming from …
But it wasn’t like Taehyung was a cold hearted person, or at least he’d like to think he wasn’t. Behind it all, he was still the same kind and polite person he’d always been. He was just more mature nowadays, finally growing up like he should’ve years ago. It was simply for the best.
So then why did he feel so wrong?
He felt conflicted, he felt guilt, but honestly he had been feeling guilty long before he got into a relationship with Sunhi. Maybe it was that same guilt he’s felt eating him alive for the past several years that’s made him close himself off to others. It was the same guilt that led to disappearing one night and not coming back until about a year later.
Feeling overwhelmed, he decided to get up from bed, and stepped onto his balcony just wanting to just look at the stars before going to bed. Tonight they had seemed to be shining extra bright, he attempted at counting each one, losing count mid way. 
He couldn’t help but reminisce about his childhood, when he and his mom would go camping at Noeul Campground at least once a year, and oh how the stars would shine like never before. The two of them making a game of who could come up with the best figurines using the stars. It was nights like these that he truly did miss her, but he knew she was watching over him. Forever and always.
“I know I haven’t talked to you in a while, I hope you’re not mad. I know it’s no excuse, but time nowadays just goes by so fast and well I’m coming to a point in life where I feel like I have nothing figured out. Like as if I’m not truly satisfied, and not truly well … happy. I just feel lost, Ma. I thought coming back here, I could put the facade that I was fine but,” he lets out a deep breath,”I’m just not. God I wish you were here, you’d know exactly what to say right now,” he could feel the warm droplets of water falling from his face, not bothering to wipe them off. “I’m so sorry Ma,” were his final words before stepping back inside, a peaceful slumber waiting for him in bed.
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Thursday Morning.
“Ah now this is what I’ve been looking forward to,” Namjoon grinned as politely grabbed the mimosa from the bartender’s hand. Taehyung made a motion with his hand once Namjoon offered him his cup, instead leaning against the bar watching as guests made their way in and out of the venue.
Taehyung and Namjoon had made up in the days prior, Taehyung sending a “btw the japchae was too sweet 🤭” text message, as a way of telling Namjoon that all was forgiven. Taehyung in return, reflected on Namjoon’s words, deciding that he was right, something needed to change.
“This place, it’s …” Namjoon expected a complaint out of Taehyung’s mouth, “really pretty,” he finished off, genuinely surprising Namjoon.
The venue resembled some kind of greenhouse, the arrangement of dangling flowers and potted plants, along with the rays of natural sunlight peeking through the glass exterior, and the minimalist design in seat arrangement truly was a work of art. The air itself felt crisp and fresh, he assumed it was because of the mixture of the plants’ scent along with the air ventilators.
“Wow, look who's in a good mood,” Namjoon teased him, Taehyung flashing him a small smile. Despite it only being 9 o'clock in the morning, he was glad he came. It was a brand new day, and he felt optimistic that things were going to start looking up for him.
“Ah well, let’s just enjoy it while it lasts,” he responded clearly joking around, “Let’s just say I thought about everything you said, and well I just want to start fresh. No more getting pressured into things, and being so tense about everything all the time, just me going with the flow,” Namjoon quirked his eyebrow, genuinely interested in what Taehyung had to say, “Whatever happens…” he pauses, “happens,” he finishes off, a grin now on his face.
As the brunch event went on, Taehyung continued to observe people, examining what they wore, the way they spoke, how they acted, as it usually told him a lot about a person.
“I’ll take a bloody mary, light on the vodka please,” Taehyung’s ears perked up at what he heard, a bloody mary? This early in the morning? He remembered the bartender’s words from a couple of days ago.
He tried to glance at the figure who was only a couple of feet away from him, sitting in one of the many empty seats aligned at the bar. He tried using his peripheral vision to try and make out a face, but sadly whoever this was, the angle that they were sitting along with their honey colored straw hat helped cover most of their face. The only thing he could see was that whoever it was, was a female and clearly a reckless one as a bloody mary was most likely going to result in an embarrassing stain.
He wondered if she was new around here, the way she was sitting clearly told him that she probably was. You see there were almost unspoken rules in the upper class, methods on doing things, and a high regard for appearance and well her posture wasn’t exactly… the best, and the blatant disregard for the all white dress code made him curious as to who she was. Like there was some kind of pull that made him feel the need to go up to her. She seemed … different.
“And you wanted to come at me for gawking last time! You can’t even see her face from here,” Namjoon’s undeniably loud voice interrupted his train of thought.
“Um any fucking louder and I’m sure the whole place will hear you,” Taehyung face was flushed, hoping the woman didn’t hear. Namjoon raised his hands in defense.
“Hm …” Namjoon stayed silent for a couple of seconds, before a mischievous look appeared on his face, “Hey well since you’re so keen about going with flow,” he mimicked Taehyung’s word’s from earlier, “how about you go get her number and see where things go from there,” he winked. 
Taehyung quickly shook his head, garnering a laugh out of Namjoon. “Since when has Kim Taehyung been too scared to ask for someone’s number,” he teased, “Come on you know you want to, I’ll even go find something else to do just in case she rejects you, I won’t be there to see it.”
He contemplated going up to her, what if she was just another Upper Seoul brat? Worse, what if Namjoon was right and she just completely shrugged him off? No, no one shrugged Kim Taehyung off. Namjoon's grin became wider once he saw Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow, and a determined look appearing on his face.
And so with that he decided he’d go up to her, maybe try and make some small talk. It wouldn't hurt , right? At least he wouldn’t be as bored as he was now. Slowly he made his way over to the seat next to her, trying not to look so much like a creep.
“I’ll take a mimosa please,” he ordered, the bartender nodded, “So you’re not scared of spilling your drink?” Taehyung quickly noticed how tense the woman became from his question, her posture going from relaxed to completely stiff. It wasn’t until she turned to face him that Taehyung felt taken back, his heart now pounding out of his chest, and the feeling of nervousness hitting him like a wave. As cliche as he thought it sounded, she was completely mesmerizing.
“Oh uh well,” she stuttered her words out bringing him a sense of comfort that he wasn’t the only nervous one,“um,” she was looking anywhere but his eyes, “No not really, I tend to be careful with things like this,” she explained now fidgeting with her fingers. 
Maybe it had been bad luck, but a couple of seconds later Taehyung suddenly now had red tomato juice mixed with vodka plastered all over his shirt. “Oh my God! I am so sorry!” she exclaimed. 
Several guests were now staring at the scene in front of them, the unknown girl now had a look of horror on her face, but instead of being upset all Taehyung could do was genuinely laugh. “I really didn’t mean to do that, oh my—”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he reassured her, slowly pushing her hand away which was uselessly blotting his white buttoned up shirt with a napkin.
“No it’s not, I really didn’t mean to do that, I just—” her face was as red as the spilled drink itself, her words coming out completely jumbled almost as if she was talking more to herself than him.
“And I’m telling you it’s okay,” he insisted, “I think you’ve done the most interesting thing around here in a very long time,” he then stuck his hand out, “I’m Taehyung,” he introduces himself, giving her a small smile along the way.
It felt like she was staring at him for an eternity with nothing but a doe-eyed look on her face, and he wondered what was going through her head. Was he really that intimidating? With several thoughts running through his head, the feeling of regret now creeped onto the back of his mind, maybe he shouldn’t have ever come up to her. What was he thinking? This was practically all his fault.
His panic came into a halt once he felt the touch of her hand now moving along with his, “I’m Y/N.”
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🧚🏻 a/n: here we goooo! finally kicking things off hehe, things should defiantly move faster from this point on, I just felt like it was important for me to establish both y/n and Taehyung’s personality, background, and all that good stuff before diving into the basis of the whole story. feel free to send me any theories, comments, asks, etc ! I shall update very soon. 
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years
BTS 8th Member - Profile
Name: Kim Y/N  Date of Birth: 16/09/1996 Ethnicity: Half Arabic and half Korean Nationality: Is British but after moving to Korea obtained dual citizenship (I don’t know if this is a thing but if it’s not let’s just pretend)
Appearance: > Navy Blue eyes > Dimples > 5″8 > Light golden tan skin > Curves and athletic > Looks Korean due to eye shape and Arabic due to eye colour. Mainly looks Korean but it is obvious she is half.  > Tattoos:  1) “Familia Super Omnia” (”Family Above All” written in Latin on left shoulder blade). 2) Initial and birthdays of her younger brothers on left wrist and older brothers on right wrist (Just her brothers... For now...). “No oppa I don’t love you that much I just often forget your existence.”  3) Matching tattoo with Hanbin of the Neverland stars on right shoulder blade.  4) Matching tattoo with Shinhye of a forget me not flower on their upper thighs.  5) ARMY written on both sides of her index finger because, “Now they can see my love from both angles,” cue Jin face palming.
Basic Information:  > Born in England moved to Korea when 11 years old.  > IQ of 162 and has an eidetic memory but terrible at remembering birthdays. > Can memorise choreography after seeing it once.  > Is a main singer of BTS, like Jungkook, and is Hoseok’s second dancer in command.  > Graduated high school after the first grade at age 16 (international age). > Was on the track and swimming team during high school and middle school. Could not attend practices as she had to work so much but the coaches still allowed her to be on the team as she was advantageous in competitions. She has always been first in every swim and track meet she competed in. > Was not able to go to university at first as her family couldn’t afford it. But when BTS and her company was stable and doing well she was able to get a physics degree from Seoul National University (mainly online classes due to schedule, they normally don’t allow this but they decided they wanted her to attend the school due to her IQ and status. She attended classes when she could and did exams at the school) Got her degree in one year.  > Speaks 7 languages: English, Korean, Arabic, Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese) Thai, Japanese. (Learnt Chinese, Thai and Japanese in order to connect with fans better.) > Can play the piano, guitar, can beatbox, can play drums and also the violin but doesn’t like playing the violin (will be explained later). > CEO of Jeonsa Corporation which is comprised of Almira’s (a restaurant franchise where her mother created all the recipes) and Jeonsa cosmetics.  > Became world’s youngest self-made billionaire at the age of 21 in 2017 (In this AU Kylie Jenner became billionaire at 22 and was the world’s fastest self-made billionaire).  > Terrible with feelings in general. > Is okay at showing affection with people but as soon as the conversation starts to get deep and emotional, she spazzes out.  > Drinks way too much alcohol and loves clubbing. > Only likes casual flings as she’s too busy and doesn’t want to commit. (For now...) > Even though she has more than enough money she won’t leave BTS as she loves what she does.  > At first didn’t want to join BTS (will be explained later). > Very charming and charismatic, flirts with anything that breathes.  > Hates her birthday. > Buys way too many cars and drives too fast.  > Owns a lot of real estate. > Terrified of bugs mainly spiders (will be explained later).  > Swears way too much and it triggers Jin.  Family:  Grandmother (biological fathers side) - Kim Soojin (17/07/1953) - Unemployed Grandfather (biological fathers side) - Kim Woosuk (23/08/1952) - Unemployed  They both allowed Y/N, Adriel and Adonis to live with them on days when their mother would work nights. Y/N mainly looker after them as they weren’t able to find much work in their old age. Some of the most precious people in Y/N’s life. Grandfather (Stepfathers side) - Kim Wonshik (30/06/1955) - CEO of Hanam Hospital (I made it up)  He thinks of his son’s stepchildren as his own grandchildren. He loves them very much. Whenever his grandchildren are free, he likes playing golf with them. Y/N at first was nervous that he wouldn’t accept her and her siblings as they were not fully Korean and poor. But she was surprised how much he loved and accepted them so easily. Mother - Kim Almira (21/03/1974) - Head chef at one of the branches of Almira’s in Seoul. She has not been able to be a part of her Children’s lives as she would have liked because when she was not working at the restaurant she was working somewhere else or sleeping. She often feels guilty at how much of her childhood Y/N has missed out. It also makes her feel grateful for having such amazing children. She often blames herself for Y/n being so emotionally closed off but it’s as if her daughter knows when she’s feeling like this and will take her mother shopping in Milan and Paris. A life that she didn’t even think was possible. Or even just spend the day helping her cook. And she thanks the stars for giving her 7 amazing children. Stepfather - Kim Haeil (24/07/1973) - Cardiothoracic Surgeon who met Almira at the restaurant. He quickly became mesmerised with the foreign beauty with the light hazel eyes. He often found himself stopping by Almira’s more and more often. Having little dates in the gardens halfway between the hospital and the restaurant. They fell in love quickly; He grew to love her kids that he saw when he went to the restaurant to visit Almira. He became protective over them especially Y/N who’s eyes looked far too old to belong to a teenager, seeing how much their family struggled he wanted to marry Almira a few months after they started dating and help them, he cared for them greatly. Y/N told her Mother that she didn’t want him to pay off their debt out of pity. They were working so hard what was the point if someone did it for them. She didn’t need someone to take care of them. In reality she was worried he would be like Insu. Y/N had no problem with Haeil, you hadn’t seen your mother so happy for years and you didn’t object to their relationship, however you didn’t need someone’s charity, which back then due to your pride was what you thought of it as. You also reminded your Mother that she had only known this man for a few months and asked her to get to know him better before considering marriage. Your mother although saddened by your inability to take the easy way accepted your decision. They waited until you had paid off all of your family’s debt before he had taken her back to their special garden and proposed to her there. It’s easier to call Haeil Dad than Insu. You love him very much at first it was weird having a father figure that actually cared and you never really got used to having a protective father who loved you so much. Biological Father - Kim Insu (13/03/1971) - Unemployed. Abusive to Y/N and Almira. When he would try to hurt her little brother’s Y/N would never let him. He never hurt her older brother as he claimed that his son never did anything wrong. Elijah probably hated him the most because of this, if he tried to protect his sister his father would just hurt her more. He felt powerless as he was not able to protect his younger siblings. As Almira was at work most of the time Y/N got the worst of his treatment. The only thing he cares about is money, women, alcohol and gambling. In England around Y/N had just turned 11 he got a divorce and left them, much to everyone’s relief. However, after you had started making a lot of money after debut and when the restaurant started doing well, he showed up in your life again. Your grandmother was so happy. He threatened to tell his parents the truth about what he did unless you paid him. The thought of your grandparents knowing what kind of a monster their son was sickened you so you struck a deal, he stays away from the rest of you family and spends two hours a week with your grandparents in order to get paid ₩250,000,000 every week. He accepted and now your grandparents are happy to be in their son’s life with you protecting them from the real him the best you can.   Stepbrother - Kim Jaejoon (23/07/1991) - General Surgeon. He met Y/N at the hospital when he went to visit his father and Y/N was dropping off food for her future stepfather that her mother had sent. He had recognised her from how his father’s at the time girlfriend had described her. Her blue eyes standing out in the sea of ordinary brown. He introduced himself to her and told her he was her mother’s boyfriend’s son (cringing inwardly at how awkwardly he said that). Y/N had just smirked in amusement at his awkward state trying to hold back her laugh and introduced herself. The more he talked to you the more he realised how smart you were. You could easily keep up with him when he talked about his job. He also met his future brothers that day when the two family’s got dinner together. It was surprisingly easy for the two families to integrate. He quickly grew protective of his future younger siblings. He wished that Y/N hadn’t been so stubborn and had let their parents gotten married in order to make things easier but understood that it was something she had to do and his sister is the most stubborn person he knows. He is very protective over his sister and often lectures her on her drinking and clubbing antics. He nags at her so much it’s ridiculous, fuck when he saw her first tattoo, he threw a fit it was hilarious. He can’t see her as anything other than that wide eyed teenager with sad blue eyes, she’s gotten to good at hiding that look. >Sister in Law - Jeon Haeun (12/08/1992) - Vascular Surgeon  >Niece - Kim Seoyeon (29/01/2018) - N/A  >Nephew - Kim Youngsoo (31/05/2019) - N/A  Full blooded Brother - Kim Elijah (17/03/1993) - Cardiothoracic Surgeon. He is very grateful to Y/N as she is the one that practically had to force him to go to university for medicine. He didn’t want to leave his family and he also knew that their family wasn’t financially able to send him there. Y/N told him that they’ll manage but he still refused. But when you told him that when he becomes a doctor and starts earning money he can provide for their family; he was determined to do this. He said that he would get part time jobs and send money, but you told your mother and him that you’d take care of everything and for him to focus on school. You had to cut back on a lot of thing but were able to get him into a student dormitory, a small and cheap one but that's all you could do, a food budget and a bus pass. He was very grateful and guilty. He was determined to succeed and help their family. But it turns out that you managed to do that before him. Years later he found out that after you graduated high school at 15 you had been offered a full scholarship to Seoul National University for medicine but you had declined as you had to help your mother provide for your family and pay off your debts. He was especially angry since he also went to Seoul National University (like all of your brothers who went to university) and felt like he robbed you of the opportunity. He got into a huge argument with you when he found out. After the fight you two drank and reminisced about the few good childhood memories you had. He babies you a lot and is very overprotective of you. Stepbrother - Kim Taejoon (27/04/1993) - Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon. He’s the kind of brother to randomly stop by your office and force you to lunch with him. He’s the cliché overprotective brother, glares at any boy that looks in her direction and hates basically everything she wear unless they’re baggy. A part of him hates Y/N’s noncommittal attitude to relationships because well that’s his sister and well eww but the other part of him is glad. Glad that his sister will never allow herself to get emotionally hurt but it also saddens him that she won’t ever open herself up to love. He coddles her a lot always texting if she’s had dinner and checking on her when on tour. As much as you complain when he coddles you love it. Full blooded Brother - Kim Adriel (18/02/1997) - Footballer plays for Liverpool, (I have no clue I legit searched premier league football clubs and picked the first one) is the youngest Korean ever football player to make it into the premier league (Don’t know). Lives in England most of the time. You are the most precious person in the world to him. He is a lot more intuitive that his twin brother and was able to find out sooner than Adonis about their financial situation. After finding out he started waking up earlier to make his grandparent’s breakfast to let you sleep a bit more. At first you protested but the thought of even an extra hour of sleep sounded heavenly. He felt so guilty about how he acted before he knew and so when he found out he sobbed in your arms apologising. And your heart broke you always wanted to shield him from that. When he moved back to England, he was very anxious at the thought of living far from you. He texts you every single day, needing at least some form of communication to stop him from worrying about you.  Full blooded Brother - Kim Adonis (18/02/1997) - Youtuber and is living in England. He moved back there when he was 16 in 2013. His channel had 500,000 subscribers but was not making any money. He played games online with different youtubers and became close with them. They explained how they make a living off of YouTube and he became excited at the thought of pursuing this career. While it was a risk especially with his family’s financial situation at the time, he knew he had to do it. While his entire family was against it, especially Adriel, you convinced your mother to let him go and used all the money you saved for a rainy day to buy him a phone and a plane ticket on the condition that he attends online high school. He lived with a family friend until he could start supporting himself. As of now has amassed seventeen million subscribers. He visits Korea whenever he can, if you’re there, to see you. He’s regretful about how much pressure he put on you in order to achieve his dreams but whenever you tell him how proud you are with that glint in your blue eyes he knows that you mean it. Adrien and Adonis are fraternal twins. When they were young, they were very close. However, when Adonis wanted to move to England to further his YouTube career, Adriel was vehemently against it. Not because he didn’t love his brother and of course he’d miss him but because of the fact that Adonis wanted to make their situation even harder than it already was. That he wanted to make his sister work harder than she already did on something he wasn’t even sure would work. Due to this difference of opinions Adrien and Adonis grew apart and when Adonis went to England, they didn’t contact each other unless you made them. However, after Adrien moved to England they began to reconnect and slowly but surely their relationship began to heal. Much to your relief. The twins are the most attached to you as you are both a mother figure and sister to them. There is an unspoken rivalry and tension between them and Jungkook as they all get jealous and territorial over you. Stepbrother - Kim Hanuel (25/06/1997) - Studying Law at Seoul National University. He graduated high school a year early, then attended university for a year before enlisting in the military as soon as he could. He wanted to get it over with so he could focus on his future without it looming over his head. He finished his university degree in two years with a bachelor’s in law. He graduated at age 22 (International age) which was the same age as most people who were graduating however he had the advantage of having completed his military service. He is the younger brother Y/N sees the most as he lives in Seoul. You have sacrificed a lot for your family and would do anything for them.
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sugarsugarmoon · 5 years
Dearly Beloved
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Summary: Your friend from high school, Taehyung, helps you out when you need a wedding date.
Genre: SMUT and a little bit of fluff
Warnings: Masturbation, swearing, recreational alcohol use, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex (plz use protection irl), spanking, some biting, dom!Taehyung, brat!reader
a/n: sorry Triv. sorry mom. If digital headstones are a thing by the time I die, please put this gif on mine. I listened to “Earned It” by The Weeknd the whole time I wrote all the nasty stuff.
Word Count: 6473
Your best friend is sweet and kind. She is the most generous person that you’ve ever met, and she can make you laugh harder than anyone on this planet. She has cradled you in her arms as you cried over boys, and, when your dad nearly died of cancer, she was there with you in the hospital every day, coffee in hand, ready to listen or just sit with you.
You take a deep breath through your nose and remind yourself of all of this. You love her more than pretty much anyone on this planet, but in this moment you have never wanted to slap her so much in the whole time you’ve known her.
She has been planning and preparing for her wedding for over a year, and the date is only two weeks away. The extravagance of it isn’t really your style, but she’s one of those people that has been dreaming of her wedding since she was a little girl. She has a vision. 
At this present moment, you are surrounded by small cuts of lumber, empty vases, fake greenery, and tea lights. Your job today is to assemble the centerpieces. You sit in the middle of the room on the floor, surrounded on all sides by your craft supplies. She is standing just outside your ring of accoutrements, crying and yelling. You aren’t totally sure what she’s yelling about. Seating arrangements? Maybe someone canceled? Honestly, at this point it’s unintelligible, so you decide it’s best to just let her carry on.
“And you!” you hear, clear as day.
You look up from your project and see her finger pointing toward wear you sit on the carpet. You look behind you, half expecting someone else to be there; you’ve done nothing but help. You turn back to her and barely raise a finger to point to yourself and raise your eyebrows in bewilderment. You mouth, “me?”
“Yes, you! Who else would it be? God.” You know she’s just stressed, so you take a deep breath and clench your fists around the fake greenery in your hands. “When we first started planning, you said you were gonna have a date, and I’m sorry things didn’t work with Yoongi, I really am, but now the seating arrangement is fucked and the whole entrance of the wedding party is fucked. It’s fucked, y/n. Could you just ask Yoongi to go with you?”
“Just ask Yoongi?” you spit back, “You want me to ask the man who broke my heart? Tore it into a million little pieces, who is, mind you, already going to be at the wedding because he’s friends with your future husband, to be my date? So...what? So I can get my hopes up again when he’s nice to me, because of course he will be, and get my heart smashed again? Oh but your seating arrangement will be good, so I should just suck it up. Right. Sure.”
You’re standing now, having spilled tea lights all over the floor with the sudden movement. You are breathing heavily, fists clenched at your side, tears threatening to burst from your eyes. Things didn’t work out when you had told your workaholic boyfriend, Yoongi, that you wanted to get more serious, maybe move in together and consider marriage. You don’t think he meant to laugh at you, but he did laugh when you brought it up. He said that it was clear the two of you wanted different things, and he ended it with you. You clearly aren’t over him yet, and she knew that.
Your friends face softens for a moment. You can see the reality of what she said smoothing her features.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m just so stressed…” she trails off.
“Look, you want me to get a date? I’ll get a fuckin’ date. But I will not be caught dead on Min Yoongi’s arm.” You turn on your heel and let yourself out of her house, slamming the door behind you.
When all the rage fades, you realize what you’ve said that you’re going to do. You also realize that you left all centerpieces unassembled in the middle of the floor. You call your best friends mom and ask her to go over and finish them.
“I am already on my way over there, sweetie. But did I hear right that you are going to get a date for the wedding? Where?” she asks, genuinely concerned.
You know she isn’t trying to be hurtful but c’mon, I know guys! You think to yourself. I know so many guys. I know...Yoongi for one, and Hobi. Granted Hobi is marrying my best friend in two weeks. I know….oh! Jungkook! Jungkook will totally go with me!
“I know guys!” you respond to her with excitement in your voice. “I actually have to call the guy that I’m asking right now though, so I’ll talk to you later. Thanks again for doing the centerpieces.”
As you hang up, you quickly scroll through the names on your phone until you land on Jeon Jungkook. You tap out the message on your screen quickly and send it away.
You: Hey JK! I was hoping you might be able to accompany me to a wedding in two weeks. It’s out of town, so hotel. All expenses paid. Huh?
You put your phone down feeling optimistic. Jungkook loves to dance, and he’s a fun guy. Not only does he seem like a living human male who will go with you, you actually don’t hate the idea of going together with him. The excitement doesn’t last long.
Jeon Jungkook: y/n! Hey! I wish I could, but I’ll be back home in Busan. I’m so sorry!
You: No prob, buddy. I’ll go with Yoongi 😬
Jeon Jungkook: No! I won’t let you do that! He broke your heart. Let me give you hyung’s number. You remember Tae? From high school? He’s cool, and he’s free (he just asked me to make plans that weekend). Hit him up.
He sends you the contact. Kim Taehyung. You stare at the number for a long time before you type up a text, and you stare at the text for even longer before you send it.
You: Hi Taehyung, this is y/n. JK gave me your number, and he said you might be free in two weeks to be my date to a wedding. Nothing weird or anything! I just can’t go alone, and if I don’t bring a date, my friend is going to make me go with my ex. It’s a long story. Anyway, it is out of town, but your hotel and all your food and stuff would be paid for. Just let me know.
You exhale a deep breath after you hit send. You hope it doesn’t sound too weird or desperate or anything even though you are definitely both weird and desperate. 
Kim Taehyung: sure! I’m always down for an adventure.
You breathe a sigh of relief. Which is short-lived when you realize you don’t know anything about Taehyung anymore. You ran in the same circle in high school, connected by your mutual closeness to Jungkook. You text him back asking him to meet you for coffee, so you can go over the plan. The two of you decide to meet that afternoon, and the anxiety in your chest begins to loosen just a tiny bit. 
When you get to the coffee shop, you find a spot by the window in the big squashy chairs. You order yourself a latte and play on your phone, waiting for Taehyung. You hear someone softly clear their throat, and your eyes scan the figure in front you. You don’t mean to give him the up-and-down, you really don’t. But the man standing in front of you is not the same Taehyung you remember. You remember a scrawny boy with too much eyeliner (yikes) trying to act like a man while still dealing with all his teenage emotions.
Before you stands, perhaps, the hottest man you’ve ever seen. He is tall, taller than he was when you last saw him, and he is fuller too. He is no longer gangly and awkward. He has broad shoulders, firm pecs, and toned arms that you can see straining against the fabric of his tight black shirt. His black hair is long and messy, and tendrils hang down into his eyes. He has a smile on his face when your eyes finally meet his.
“Hi, y/n! It’s been so long!” he exclaims as he reaches out and pulls you into a hug.
You are shocked by the sudden touch and hesitate to put your arms around him. Even while he holds you for a moment with your arms at your sides, you feel comforted and safe. He smells like lavender and chamomile mixed with something else - maybe just his own skin.
When he lets you go, he looks a little embarrassed and backs up into his chair across from yours.
The two of you catch up about what you’ve been up to since high school: college, careers, failed relationships. You tell him all about what happened with Yoongi, but you don’t mention that you’re not over it yet. He tells you that his ex-girlfriend cheated in a one night stand with a girl at a club, and he had been pretty broken up about it.
You set your plans for leaving to get to the wedding early together. You have to be there on Thursday night because the bachelorette party was Friday and the wedding was on Sunday. He agrees, and you say goodbye to one another, this time without the hug. 
Thursday afternoon you are packing your bags making sure that you have everything when your phone rings. It’s your best friend, so you take a deep breath before you answer it, trying to stay as calm as possible since she is a total mess. “Good morning, my beautiful best friend and soon-to-be bride,” you say in a syrupy tone that she knows is facetious.
“I have bad news,” she huffs and without pausing she continues, “we booked the hotel when you and Yoongi were still together. So we only booked one room for you and Yoongi. So now Yoongi doesn’t have a room, and your date...Tae or whatever...doesn’t have a room either. And I know that I’m being insensitive right now, but you and Yoongi breaking up is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.”
She’s definitely crying and spiraling. “I mean...it wasn’t great for me either,” you attempt to joke, but she just sobs harder.
“Okay, okay. It’s fine. Yoongi will just stay with Hobi until Sunday, then on Sunday, you and Hobi are going to stay together anyway, yeah? So that problem is solved. As for Tae...I’ll talk to him, okay? No big deal,” you console her, unsure what you’re going to say to Tae.
She lets out a long sigh, but her crying seems to be evening out. “You’re right. Okay.” You finish the phone call and send a text to Tae.
You: So...funny story...youandihavetoshareahotelroomnowsorryokaybye
You toss your phone aside and finish packing your bags. As you are loading up the car, Tae pulls up. He looks just as good as he did the other day, wearing a loose t-shirt and gray sweatpants. He’s carrying a single leather duffle bag, and he has a huge smile on his face. He almost looks like he’s laughing.
The drive is only three hours, but it is long enough to be boring. You’re glad that you have company, and you and Tae crank up the radio singing along and laughing. You play car games together, and it is an overall good time.
When you get to the hotel, you are a little unsure of what to do or how to handle sharing a room with Tae. You slide the key in the door to the hotel room and exhale in relief when you see there are two beds in the room. You each take up your side and start to settle in.
When it’s time for you to get changed for bed, you awkwardly shuffle to the bathroom to change. Even though you normally just sleep in your underwear and a t-shirt, you put on a whole pajama get up because you aren’t sure how modest you should be with Tae.
When you come out, he’s scrolling through his phone. He looks up at you and gives you that warm, gentle smile again. How does he look so good just sitting on his bed playing on his phone?
“Hey, uh, so I usually just sleep in my underwear...but I can keep a shirt on if you want,” he says casually to you.
“Oh, uh, I mean, whatever you’re comfortable with. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable on my behalf, seeing how you’re doing me a favor,” you ramble out.
You wish you said no. As soon as it happens, you really wish you’d told him to keep on a shirt and a parka and snow pants and maybe also a ski mask. To say he is hot is the understatement of the century. His toned honey toned skin is smooth across his chest, taut over his muscles. His boxer briefs sit low on his hips, and your eyes follow the curve of his muscles from his stomach down past his waistline. 
You watch the muscles on his back flex as he climbs into bed. You lay your head back on the pillow, staring at the ceiling. What the fuck is happening? you think to yourself. You try to blink the images of his nearly naked body out of your head, but they are there even as you eventually fall asleep.
All day Friday you help set up for the wedding. Tae comes by and helps for a while, and, when it’s time for the bachelorette party, he says he’s going to go find something to do in town. The girls all go out, drink, and celebrate your best friend. 
After the bachelorette party, you are feeling light and drunk and, for the first time in a while, you feel your shoulders relax. You say goodbye to the other girls in the lobby of the hotel and head to your room.
When you get there, there’s only one lamp on, and the room is empty besides your bags. You are painfully aware of the silky material of your dress against your skin, especially without a bra on. You feel so hyper-sensitive with the alcohol coursing through your veins. You skate your fingertips up your arms and across your collarbone. You feel yourself soaking your panties, and your nipples are hard against the silky material.
Your head isn’t totally clear, and you slide the straps of your dress off and let it pool on the floor around your feet. You stand in the middle of the floor in nothing but your panties and your heels for a moment, barely touching your skin on your neck and down your chest and belly.
You lie back on the bed, fuzzy head telling you to take care of it. You lick your fingers and take one of your nipples between your index finger and thumb. You feel your hips buck a little bit, feet, still in your heels, planting on the bed. With the way your feet are planted, your legs are open wide, and, if you weren’t wearing underwear, your pussy would be on full display. You bring your hand down to your panties. You run your fingers along the waistband before passing your hand over your covered folds, barely applying any pressure. You have decided to take it slow. You haven’t been with anyone since Yoongi, and you have been too busy to even consider masturbating. Now, you have the time, and you are soaking through your panties. 
You close your eyes, and you see the way that Tae’s shirt fits across his chest, the way the rolled up sleeves accentuated his biceps, the way that his sweatpants yesterday left nothing to the imagination. You see the way his bare chest is broad and smooth, the way his underwear sit on his hips, bulge prevalent. You imagine the way he smelled when he’d pressed you into his chest. You want to drown in his smell. 
You slide your hand into your underwear, drawing languid circles on your clit, sliding your finger through your arousal and back up to your clit. You feel like you are not in control of what your body is doing and small moans start to slip out of your mouth. You feel “Tae” come off your lips over and over.
“What?” you hear from near the door, but you think it might be coming from outside of the room and can’t process its proximity because the things you are doing are overwhelming you.
A whimper that turns into a yelp followed by “oh my god” comes from within the room, and your eyes snap open. Tae is standing at the end of the bed, eyes wide, mouth open, frozen in place.
You scream and try to get up from the bed quickly, but you are drunk and wearing heels, and you lose your balance. Instead of getting away from him, you stumble toward him. He throws his arms out to catch you, steadying you as your mostly naked body presses against him. And you are mortified, but the scent of him makes your pussy clench. In that instance, you’re a little angry that you didn’t get to finish.
“Are you okay? How drunk are you? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to...I just...we’re both in here. I didn’t know. That’s my bed, by the way. But that’s neither here nor there. Are you okay?” he rambles, trying not to look at you.
You pull away from him quickly covering your chest as you run over to the other side of the room to grab a t-shirt and sweatpants. You throw the shirt over your head, and, as you try to put on the sweatpants, you realize you’re still wearing the goddamn heels. You throw them off as quickly as you can and pull the sweatpants on. When you look up from your panicked clothing debacle, Taehyung is looking anywhere but at you.
“Tae...I’m sorry. I’m just...I’m-I’m drunk, and I’m horny. I’ll go stay somewhere else.”
“Wait no…” Tae starts, but you are gone before he can even finish. You go to your best friend’s room, and she welcomes you in. When you tell her what happened, she laughs hard, pretty drunk herself. You agree to not talk about it any further.
Besides avoiding Taehyung, the next day and half go by smoothly. You are busy setting up for the wedding. The hairstylist and makeup artist take care of you before the wedding, and your friend’s mom brings your dress and shoes to you. You haven’t had to go back to your room for anything, but you are dreading sitting next to Tae at the reception. The dread is briefly overshadowed by the love and pride that you have for your best friend and Hobi during the ceremony.
The ceremony goes off seamlessly, and you are so happy for your friends that you forget for a little while to be embarrassed. When it’s time for the reception, you realize that you have to enter with Tae for the processional. He meets you by the doors, looking pretty annoyed. He doesn’t say anything to you, and he just offers you his elbow when it’s time for you to enter the banquet hall. You walk in holding his arm, faking a smile, and take your seats at the table, followed by the remaining bridesmaids with their dates.
Throughout dinner, Tae continues to ignore you. You think to yourself if anyone should be avoiding anyone, it’s me avoiding him, but you don’t say anything to him. At one point he gets up to go to the bathroom, and you sit alone, pushing your food around your plate.
“Is this seat taken?” you hear from an all too familiar voice. You force yourself to look up into his eyes, and Yoongi is staring back down at your with a smirk on his face. You don’t have the words to respond, so you just stare at him for a moment.
A deep voice from behind you says, “yeah, actually it is,” and then you feel a hand on your shoulder. Oh, so now he wants to pay attention to me. His hand feels like it’s burning your skin, and you want to lean into it.
“Oh sorry, man. It didn’t seem like you guys were together,” Yoongi says, confused but still confident.
“Yeah, well, we are. Why don’t we go dance, y/n?” Tae hisses through his teeth.
“I’m kind of talking to Yoongi right now,” you say to him.
“Yeah, that’s all good, but I really like this song. So come dance with me,” he insists, pulling your wrist a little.
“Yeah...okay fine,” you mumble as you take your napkin out of your lap. Yoongi is looking at you dumbfounded, and you shrug and follow Tae to the dance floor. He pulls you in and presses his body fully against yours. Is this some kind of weird possessive shit?
“So you’re going to ignore me all night and then get pressed when Yoongi tries to talk to me?” you snap, annoyed.
“First of all, you left me alone in that hotel room for two days, so who’s really ignoring whom? Why can’t you, for once, just be a good girl and do what I say?”
You can’t deny that the expression “good girl” coming from his mouth does something to you, but you are already heated. “Oh, yes sir. I’ll be the goodest girl because you just dragged me over here and are being an ass, so I better be good for you. Fuck off,” you spit at him, rolling your eyes.
“Well, you told me how Yoongi broke your heart. And you weren’t gonna tell him to get lost, so I did you a favor. You should be thanking me,” he spits out.
“What’s your deal, Tae? It’s not like we’re actually dating or anything.”
You swear he growls in his chest a little bit, then he spins you before pulling you back into his body. “Well, maybe I want to be,” he mutters.
Before you have a chance to talk, the MC comes on and asks everyone to clear the floor for all the first dances, father dances, mother dances, second-cousin dances. It goes on for so long that you decide to return to the table, and Taehyung follows you. You sit down, fully prepared to demand an explanation from him when the photographer comes up to your table.
“Can I get a picture of you two?” she asks with a bright smile.
You can’t bring yourself to say no to her cheeriness, so you agree, doing your best to smile for the camera.
“You know what would be really cute?” the photographer starts, and you feel the dread building in your chest, “if you sat in his lap.”
Oh my gods, ugh. You are incredibly annoyed, but you know that this innocent woman doesn’t understand the very weird situation going on. So you, once again, reluctantly agree. You climb into Taehyung’s lap, and the energy immediately feels different. He clears his throat behind you and slides his arms around your waist. While the photographer tries to get a better angle (why is she taking so long!?), Taehyung starts to slide his hand down your thigh.
“I heard you,” he whispers to you, smile still stretched across his face. “I heard you say my name. You can’t act like you don’t want me. I heard you.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask defiantly, knowing exactly what he’s talking about.
“You know what I’m talking about. You said my name. I’ve wanted you since the day I met you. I had such a big crush on you in high school, but you were oblivious. Now, you see me. Now, you want me. I heard you.”
As the photographer walks away, you don’t try to get up. You just shift a little in his lap. With the movement you can feel, very clearly, as if there was hardly any fabric between you at all, the outline of his cock, half-hard against your ass.
“Are...are you not wearing underwear, Tae?” you ask, feeling flustered, face hot.
“I tell you I heard you say my name while you were touching yourself on my bed. And you ask if I’m wearing underwear. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to take advantage of me,” he professes with a smirk.
You look around frantically to make sure no one heard him, but your head snaps back to look at him when you feel his fingers teasing the hem of your dress against your thigh. You can feel the movement causing a rush between your thighs, and you can’t focus on anything except the way his hand feels on your skin.
“Tae…” you whisper, trailing off.
“Say it, y/n. Say you want me.”
“We can’t do this here, Tae. There are so many people here,” you say looking around at all of your friends, who you would be mortified if they found Tae with his hand in your dress.
“If you say that you want me right now, I’ll take you upstairs, and I’ll fuck you like you deserve to be fucked,” he whispers, letting his hot breath run over your ear.
Shit. Shit. Am I doing this? Fuck it.
“Tae, I want you...right now,” you practically moan.
With that, he’s up out of his seat, adjusting his pants. He ushers you out of the hall with his hand on the small of your back. You clamber into the elevator, and, when the door shuts, he is all over you. His mouth is on your ear and your neck, your collarbone and the curve of your shoulder, you chest and the upper swell of your breast. He’s kissing every exposed inch like he’s been poisoned and the only antidote is in your skin.
The elevator door opens on your floor, and the two of your practically run to your room. He slides the key card in and flings the door open. He kicks it closed behind you, and he takes off his tie and begins unbuttoning his shirt. He turns around to look at you, lacing his fingers in the hair on the back of your head down to the nape of your neck. He’s big eyes are peering into yours, searching your face.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks in a deep rasp.
“Tae, you’ve already kissed my whole chest. Yes,” you say back with a bite to your tone. You can’t help but want to contradict him and push his buttons.
He smashes his lips into yours, a deep, hungry kiss. All of his annoyance and frustration seems to come out with his kiss too. He nips your bottom lip and pulls it a bit before letting it going. He goes right back to you, forcing his tongue into your mouth.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me now?” he asks when he pulls away.
“I don’t know,” you tease. “I guess we’ll have to see.”
“How is ‘babygirl?’ Is that okay with you?” he asks looking into your eyes again.
“Babygirl is fine,” you reply, “but I’m not your good girl.”
He growls at you from his chest, scrunching his nose. You feel the tension in your stomach building and you know that your panties are useless at this point they are so soaked. He leans into you, reaching around your back, unzipping your dress. You shimmy it off your body, letting it pool on the floor around your feet, just like you had down two days before.
You runs his fingertips across your skin from your collarbones over your breasts, gently catching your nipples, down your stomach, across the waistband of your underwear. He bends his knees, setting one on the floor, and he keeps tracing his fingers down your thighs, over your knees, and around your ankles. He presses his mouth to your hip and your thigh while he caresses the inside of your legs up to your thigh and back down to your ankle. Then he pulls the strap off both of your ankles from your shoes and pulls them off your feet. Your skin feels like it’s on fire with every touch from Tae’s fingers, and you feel your pussy clench around nothing with every move he makes. 
While still on his knee, Tae looks up at you through his lashes. He asks in a commanding tone, “Babygirl, if you need me to stop you just say red, okay?” And you nod.
“Now, are you going to be good for me while I lick your pussy?”
Your breath catches, and your heart pounds in your chest. “I don’t want to be good,” you sass, voice hoarse already.
His teeth bite down on the skin of the inside of your thigh. “Are you talking back to me, babygirl?”
You are too stunned to come up with anything clever, so you just nod.
He bites down again on your other thigh. “Use your words,” he commands.
You are so wet and so overwhelmed. He is too much for you already. “Yes, I was talking back to you,” you pant out.
He stands up from between your thighs, and you feel remiss that you let your brattiness get in the way of having him licking you. He whispers, “you’re being a bad girl.”
You stick your tongue out at him in response, unable to stop yourself. His hand comes up to your chin and holds your head so you have to look him in the eye. “Look at me,” he demands. “You better start behaving, you little monster.”
For some reason, him calling you a little monster does something to you. You don’t know if you’ve ever been this turned on. “I’ll be good. I’m sorry.”
You lean to kiss him, and he catches your lips in another bruising kiss.
“Lie down on the bed and take your underwear off,” he says as he stands back from you, palming himself through his pants, seeking some relief. 
Once you’re in position, he pushes your legs up, so your knees are bent. You are in the same position that you were just two days ago when he walked in on you. He whispers so pretty, then kisses gently on your clit and down your folds. He barely slides his tongue into your pussy, then drags it all the way up you, collecting your arousal on his tongue.
“So wet for me, babygirl.”
He takes his tongue and draws slow, steady circles on your clit while he brings his hand to your entrance and slides too fingers in. He immediately pushes them all the way in without letting you adjust, then he curls them upward. His lips wrap around your clit, and he sucks.
You groan beneath him. He feels like he knows exactly what your body wants and needs. He is intuitive to your body, and your head is swimming. Your skin is burning, and your hips start to buck, even as he uses one hand to try to still you.
“Tae, I’m going to cum,” you gasp.
“No, you aren’t,” he says against your clit, “you’ll cum when I tell you to cum. And do you know why?”
You shake your head, back arching up off the mattress.
“This pussy is mine. Your orgasms belong to me, understood?”
“Yes,” you whine, “please, Tae…”
“Say it,” he commands for the second time tonight.
You moan as he continues his unforgiving ministrations with his fingers and his tongue. “Fine. This pussy is yours. My orgasms belong to you.”
“Good girl,” he whispers and pulls his fingers out of you and pulls his mouth away.
“No, no,” you whine at the lost of contact
“You better start being good, babygirl. You better start showing me that you deserve to cum.”
You really don’t mean to say it, but your bratty side comes out again. You look him in the eye and defiantly say, “Make me,” crossing your arms over your chest.
He leans over your body and picks you up, flipping you over easily. He commands you to get on your hands and knees.
“I’m going to punish you, babygirl. Do you remember the word to say if it’s too much?”
“I remember, yes.” You crawl onto your hands and knees and push your ass toward him, taunting him. You have your legs spread, and with the way you have put your head down on the mattress, your pussy is on full display for him. He can see how slick you are for him and because of him. You can feel how swollen your clit is, and all you want is for him to touch you again. Instead, he brings his hand down with a smack on your ass. You hiss from the sting, but you feel yourself growing wetter somehow. You moan and push your ass further back toward him. He lands four more spanks on the same cheek, and it stings as he rubs his hand over the spot. He presses his lips to the tender spot, and then he presses his lips against your wet pussy before pulling away. 
You try to bite back the whine that is trying to escape your chest. You turn to look at Tae over your shoulder, and you should have just kept looking forward. His pupils are huge, and his hair looks like he’s been running his hand through it. His lips are swollen, and his cheeks are pink. You let out a moan at the sight of him. Desperate to cum.
“Please, Tae. Please let me cum,” you beg, feeling like you might cry.
“Turn around, baby girl,” he says a little more gently than his last commands.
You turn around, and he steps up right in front of you as you sit on the end of the bed. He puts his fingers on your chin again and angles your head up to him. He presses a gentle kiss to your mouth, and then he grabs your hands and brings them to his belt. You can see the outline of his cock through his tight black pants. You have never wanted a cock more in your life than you want his right now.
You unbutton his pants, and the flesh of his dick is right inside the zipper. So he wasn’t wearing underwear. You push his pants down, and he steps the rest of the way out of them. He takes his cock in his hand and strokes it. You look up into his eyes to wait for him to tell you what to do.
“Lie down, babygirl,” he says, and you immediately obey.
His eyes flash with realization for a moment. “I don’t have a condom,” he says in panic, his breathing quickening.
“It’s fine. Are you clean? I’m fine. Birth control. Just fuck me raw,” you can’t think and words are tumbling past your lips.
“I am clean. You’re on birth control? You’re clean?” he asks, slightly more coherent than you are.
“Yes to both. Fuck me raw, Tae, please,” you beg. You feel desperate and crazy.
He pulls your hips to the end of the bed, still standing in front of you. He drags his cock through your arousal, getting his dick slick before he presses against your entrance. He pushes slowly into you, and you feel every millimeter of him exploring every millimeter of you. You let out a loud guttural moan as he continues to push all the way in. He brings his thumb to your clit and pushes messy circles there, and you clench around his dick.
“Fuck, babygirl, you can’t do that. I’m not gonna last long anyway,” he says as he draws himself slowly back out of you and pushes back in slowly.
“Tae…” you pant.
“I know, babygirl. You have to hold on though. Remember your orgasm is mine.”
He starts to thrust in and out of you more urgently. He’s panting, hair falling into his eyes. His breath is ragged as he continues to rub unforgiving circles on your clit. He pushes his hair back with his one free hand, and his tongue darts out to lick the corner of your mouth. You feel yourself careening toward the edge, and you don’t want to disappoint Tae but also can’t stop it. You pant out his name again.
“Cum for me baby girl,” he whispers as he bites your ear lobe, thrusts becoming erratic. You tumble over the edge, warmth filling your stomach as your pussy clenches around him, and your mind goes black as your eyes pinch shut and all of your muscles contract. You let out a low, loud moan, and Tae is crashing like a wave too. He cums hard and moans a long moan, filling you with cum and continuing to fuck it up into you. His hips only stop when you have regained your senses enough to open your eyes.
After he pulls out of you, he disappears for a second. He returns with a warm washcloth. He sets to work cleaning you and then himself. He takes the towel back to the bathroom, and then climbs into bed next to you. “What can I do to take care of you, babygirl?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“I want to cuddle you, and maybe watch The Grinch,” you respond in a sleepy voice.
He gets you both under the covers, then pulls your body close to his. “I’ll try to find it, but we might have to watch something else,” he explains as he grabs the remote and flicks on the TV.
“Hey Tae?” you say after you settle on watching HGTV.
He hums in response and pulls his eyes from the screen to look at you. “Can we like...go on a date soon?” you ask, suddenly nervous even though you’re both naked, cuddled in a post sex cocoon.
“I want nothing more than that...and we probably should since your pussy is already mine anyway,” he smiles a huge smile and presses kisses to your temple, cheek, and jawline. You snuggle back in and eventually fall asleep wrapped in one another.
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peyyyton · 4 years
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hi everyone! i go by river, use he/they prns, and this here is my boy peyton kang. i’m really excited to write with you all, so pls leave a like if you want to plot and i’ll get to you asap! i do prefer to use dscord ( gaylittlesan#7578 ! ) but i’ll reach out with ims and we can go from there <3 under the cut will be some info on pey!
━♡ guess the 24 YEAR OLD MARCH baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because PEYTON KANG is just as LIVELY as the month of MARCH. wait, why do they remind me of KIM JONGIN? beyond that, they seemed ALLURING & DETERMINED upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of RECKLESS & ABRASIVE though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX 1 / APARTMENT 9 / FLOOR 4 ; HE seems to have a lot going on with HIS job as BARTENDER / BUSKER. 
i don’t have a proper bio yet so pls bare with me T_T
born and raised in chicago, peyton is a 24 yr old march baby from a normal upper middle class family. he’s a pisces/aries cusp. no he is not okay.
he has 2 younger siblings and he is Very much an obnoxious older brother
his sister phoebe is actually tiktok famous (much to his surprise, she has a few million followers) and he’s been featured in some of her videos if ur familiar w the app .. maybe u recognize him
honestly he’s kind of a himbo fuckboy dudebro but he’s also a mama’s boy and he’s not intentionally mean usually or anything so like... give him a chance !!
he was super popular in high school and college, ur stereotypical star athlete. very charming, athletic, all the girls wanted him B)
as popular as he was, his parents are a little crazy. they’re both ‘functional’ alcoholics and ended up divorcing when peyton was eighteen. it was lowkey a huge mess and he hates thinking about it 🙈 his mom got custody and things r still a little awkward w/ dad but they stay in contact. kinda.
he was a bit of a troublemaker in high school bc of problems at home. he got into fights, snuck out, messed around, stupid teenage shit yknow. high school was crazy for pey but once the divorce was finally settled, he was in college and had the chance to mature a lot.
while he wasn’t getting into fights or doing extremely stupid shit anymore (just regular stupid shit), peyton was still ur basic fuckboy at university. he partied, slept around and uh. yes. he was in a frat at one point. he hated it LMAO
peyton was also on the school’s soccer team, which he had to keep his grades up for so he Does have a decent head on his shoulders even if he is a bit of a himbo. he has a good heart underneath it all i promise.
he ended up majoring in philosophy (which he rly had no idea what was going on most of the time) and tried to explore different things during college, but he never found anything that seemed to click. 
immediately after earning his degree, peyton decided to pack up his things and move to south korea on a whim in order to ‘find himself’. to do some soul searching, if u will. he has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and after being so adored in school, the world seems super fucking daunting to him. but he likes to hide his insecurities by being sexy. just cool guy things u know
he’s been in korea just for a few years now - currently he’s doing well as a bartender (yes he does brag about tips), and sometimes you’ll catch him singing and playing the guitar on the street when he’s bored out of his mind. he’s literally just some guy but he dresses and acts like he’s the dumbest coolest around and u know. sometimes he's right. but most of the time he’s just some guy
wanted connections / plots!
crazy exes!!! exes on good terms!! ex fwbs!!! all the exes
peyton has a one night stand w/ someone after a wild night and the last thing he expects is to find out they live in the same apartment complex
past + present hookups/fwbs in general. peyton IS a hoe
‘no u cannot get a free drink just because we live in the same apartment complex’
american friends? or just buddies he speaks english with
ride or dies!!! best friends!!! peyton was by himself and super lonely when he first came to kr so i’d love him to have some bffs that he can annoy n will annoy him back
peyton broke ur heart... and he said oops?
someone is making a Lot of noise after peyton has a very late and unpleasant shift and he is not happy about it
perhaps,, an online friend since peyton is from the states? maybe they’ve never actually met irl but have been close online for years. he’s not easy to open up, so ur muse could see a completely different side of him thru the screen :o
cousins/family friends that peyton could have had from when he visited korea growing up
ur not interested or impressed by peyton at all (doesn’t have to be romantic) and it hurts his pride just a little
peyton is actually bisexual, he just doesn’t have that much experience with guys. but maybe ur muse was/is the one to change that 🤨
love interests .. non-endgame ships.. i want it all!!!
ANYWAY that is all i have rn.. i will hopefully get out a proper plot page sometime soon, but for now you can check out peyton’s bare bones profile here if u so desire! if u read this whole post i literally owe u my life so <3 pls come plot w me <3
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vivalavi-daa · 4 years
Fav 2019 K-Dramas
2019 blessed us with many intriguing kdramas with unique stories, don’t you think? I’m bored during quarantine and decided to post this. Anyways, here are my favs:
1. Vagabond
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There, this picture says it all: this drama is fast paced, SO intense, and on fire. I love every minute of it! Vagabond is different than another k-dramas. I’m not lying when I say this drama literally makes me cry and scream. Sometimes I even had to pause in the middle of episode just to catch my breath lol. The plot is so well written and full of unpredictable storylines (which is what I love the most about Vagabond–that every episode always has a way to surprises me). Although, many viewers disappointed with how they ended Vagabond with a cliffhanger. I, too, really hope they consider making the second season to satisfy our curiosities. But either way, I don’t regret watching this drama. Not at all. Because this drama is too amazing
2. When the Camellia Blooms
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Unlike majority of romance k-dramas, this drama’s love story is centered around a young woman who raises her child on her own. I gotta say, this is one high quality k-drama. I could even judge it from its lovely opening video. Every episode always has meaningful messages behind it. The storylines are rich and presented in such a way that makes viewers immersed in the stories and emphatize with the characters. First, they make us understand Dongbaek’s dark past and her struggle as a single parent, then they make us emphatize with Dongbaek’s son who grow up without a dad figure. We also get to see the perspectives of her mom & Yong Sik (the lead guy)’s mom as mothers,  the issues faced by side characters, and conflicts that arise from triangle love story. In addition, they also involved mistery of murderer in the stories! Can you believe how many of these can we swallow in one drama? One time this drama is heartbreaking, then it’s heartwarming, another time it gets super dark. 
Also, what I find many viewers love from this drama is how Yong Sik cherishes Dongbaek and love her for what she is, which is why I concluded this drama is perfect for woman who feels insecure. Why? Because with the way Yong Sik endlessly convinces Dongbaek, he reminds us that every woman is good enough, deserves to feel loved and receive happiness. And I love him for that.
3. Her Private Life
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There is a reason why people said this is the perfect kdrama for fangirl, since the story is told from the perspective of a die hard fan (Sung Deok Mi). Those who have experienced being fangirls know how well this drama represent fangirls’ life: what fangirls do, and how fangirling affects our lives. It’s all displayed in such fun atmosphere that it’d give you good feelings while watching it. Personally, I am attracted to its opening video. It’s really catchy and reflect the fun vibes of Her Private Life. I really recommend this drama if you want to lift your mood.
But on top of that, Sung Deok Mi’s relationship with Ryan Gold is the major part of why I highly appreciate this drama!! Their relationship is unlike any relationship I’ve ever seen before. They’re very mature, respect each others’ dreams and what each other loves, always resolve conflicts through discussion. They portray the definition of a healthy relationship and I really admire that.
4.  Extraordinary You
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The word extraordinary isn’t used in the title for no reasons. The storylines are, indeed, extraordinary. It is a mix of comedy, high school romance, star crossed soulmates, fantasy, mistery, comedy and a glimpse of stories in historical settings at the same time. Thus, it’s not exaggerating when fans said “you don’t have to look for specific dramas, you can get it all here”.
The actors & actresses’ acting skills are superb and we can find so many funny & relatable lines here. But one of the best things about Extraordinary You is they place the second leads in the center of spotlight! Finally nice second leads get the justice they deserve. They portrayed how lead guy who’s rude and feels entitled to have his crush doesn’t have the slightest chance of capturing the woman’s heart. Instead, the nice second leads who show respects and always put the woman’s desire before his own are what woman find attractive. I highly praise this drama for that.
5. Crash Landing on You
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In 2019, we encounter many dramas with unique synopsis, including this one: a relationship between a North guy and a South woman. I have no doubt in Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin’s chemistry since the beginning. Their incredible chemisty makes every romance scenes look even more sweet and pure and sometimes cute. Although I wasn’t really engaged with the first two episodes, the next episodes gets more appealing and satisfying. It’s nice to see the progress of both lead characters’ development and how they help each other overcome their issues. Aside from Se Ri (Son Ye Jin)’s relationship with Jeong Hyeok (Hyun Bin), her relationship with the North soldiers and neighboors at millitary village are pretty adorable. Their interaction always give me warm fuzzy feelings and they’re what I miss the most from this drama honestly.
6. One Spring Night
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If you love Something in the Rain, I’m sure you’ll love this one too since both are the works from the same director. It has similiar atmospheres and similiar soundtracks vibes (both have really beautiful soundtracks by the way). Like Dongbaek from When the Camellia Blooms, the lead guy in this drama (Yoo Ji Ho) is also a single parent. I agree with fans saying this isn’t the kind of drama for everyone. This is more like slice of life and they aren’t in a rush to throw in conflicts as well as its resolution and I love it that way. Through this, they made it possible for us to process our emotions while the conflicts are presented.
The stories are also realistic: the issue experienced by the lead guy as a single parent, issue that’s arised from triangle love story, how pride and status mean for men, also a glimpse of abusive relationship, and the heartwarming sisterhood. And if we look closely, we could see how they tried to portray the influence of culture in the family and in the way they resolve a conflict. 
7. Catch the Ghost
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I thought the ghost from the title refers to an actual ghost but thank god it’s not. Here, ghost is a nickname for a criminal–the villain of the drama. Even when the story centered around the same villain from the firat until the last eps, but I wasn’t bored at all watching this. In fact, it is what made me engage with the stories and made me continue watching the next eps although I had assignments to do 😅. It’s just so, so exciting to watch. The stories are dark, sad, but funny at times. However, some viewers (including me) found the lead woman (Yoo Reung) annoying at first because of her selfishness. But I promise it’s still worth to watch because in the later eps, you’ll understand why she is the way she is which makes it easier to tolerate and even emphatize with her. She’s actually lovable, and her relationship with the lead guy (Ko Ji Seok) is really cute! In fact, Ko Ji Seok is one of my fav characters in kdrama land!
8. Class of Lies
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You know, I always love kdramas with unpredictable storylines. Just like what this drama has. I know the settings are set in high school but it is waaay too dark for a high school story. You can even see it from the picture that it has gloomy vibes. I thought it’s the typical high school kdrama about bullies or corruption but it’s truly exceeds my expectation. From the first episode, I already saw the potential of this drama and already hooked with the misteries. I felt so tense throughout watching the entire drama. I kept clicking the next eps to find out if things are getting better and if there is any clue to the misteries here. But I swear everytime I thought I figure something out, this drama always has surprises to give. So brilliant. I stan.
9. At Eighteen
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We could tell from the title that this drama must be related to the dynamic life of 18 years old teenagers. Considering this is the age where we explore ourselves, this drama portrayed how different teens could have different issues to face: trying to fit in at school, stand up against bullies, trying to be in top tier at school, trying to get good grades whether it’s to get into reputable colleges or to meet parents’ high expectation, trying to experience romance, AND exploring sexual orientation (actually this is the first kdrama i’ve watched that portrayed gay issues so I was like wow??). So, the stories aren’t only focused on the main characters, but the side characters too. Though I really adore the main guy in this drama: Choi Jun Woo. I even made an essay about why I think he’s an ideal guy lol. If you’re interested, here you go
Not only does this drama describe the issues faced by 18 yo students, but also the struggles faced by the teacher. It shows us how teachers can feel nervous too whenever he’s about to teach or deal with the students, how certain teachers care about the wellbeings of their students, not just care about their grades. I appreciate that from the drama, really, I do. This drama is calm, heartwarming, and meaningful.
10.  Love Alarm
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Tried to watch it because of Kim So Hyun, and I quickly got invested in the stories. I like the futuristic theme in this drama. The idea of a Love Alarm app itself is already interesting. Moreover, So Hyun has good chemistry with both guys. Though I don’t find both lead and second lead guys as my best type of guys, but I couldn’t stop watching it and I don’t regret watching it. Their lovestories are bittersweet which kept me looking forward for more. The last episode ended in cliffhanger though, typical Netflix series. If you don’t like uncertainty and want to watch this drama, I suggest you to wait until season 2 is released (yes, they announced there will be a season 2).
k-drama recommendation: 2/?
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sugar-kisser · 5 years
Kim Hongjoong « Kissing Booth (RW)
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orignal  warnings: none featuring: Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Yunho, Mingi, San, Jongho, & Yeosang word count: 4911
Life blooms once again after a frosty, but with very little snow fall, winter. You have been preparing a little booth for the upcoming school carnival in three weeks time. All winter you worked on your proposal which you then got approved from your school’s student counsel. You usually aren’t one to go and be so involved with school activities and spirit, but it’s currently the last semester of your senior year. All year you’ve tried your best to live the last year of freedom before enslaving yourself to college with all the work, anxiety, and wallet draining it comes with.
“Oh please won’t you help me with my booth?” You beg your best friend, Mary, a transfer Thailand student who you befriended after being paired up for a project in your photography class- you as photographer and Mary as the model.
“No!” She laughs, “no offense I’m not really about kissing people, especially from this school.” You pout in defeat. But hold up, hold up. Kissing people? From school? What? Well you actually had decided to do a kissing booth for your school carnival. A harmless kissing booth. Your intention is to find a big group of people, boys, girls, and nonbianary students from your school and just have a good time. There really isn’t any harm in kissing anyone, right? There shouldn’t be, no one is forced to do it. Your plan is for it all to be voluntary and if people don’t want to all of a sudden, not a problem for you. You understand if they don’t want to or have a sudden change of mind.
“How about this,” Mary starts seeing you dramatically pout despite her also rolling her eyes at you, “I will help you find people and run the second half of the booth so you can take your siblings around the carnival.”
“Really? You would do that?” You asked almost touched that she would even give up some of her time just so you can take your siblings knowing how much you’re wanting to bring them.
“Yeah,” Mary chirps, “but you can not complain about who I get. I get who I get.”
“Deal!” You laugh. The two of you finally part ways and you quickly hurry to your car and start it up. The drive home is peaceful and before you know it you’re pulling off to the side of the large driveway you share with the three other townhouses including yours. You enter through your front door and immediately greeted by four loud, giggly kids.
“Y/N!” They all cheer and begin jumping and climbing all over you. You pick up the twins, one in each arm and sitting on separate hips.
“Now why aren’t you two in school?” You ask looking down at your seven and nine-year-old brothers, Sammy and Johnny.
“Dad said we didn’t have to go!” Johnny declares before running off back towards their mini playroom they decided to drag from upstairs into the living room with the small tv on playing their favorite show, Paw Patrol. You take a deep sigh and look down the hall at your father’s study. He must of forgotten to send Sammy and Johnny to school; that or he never left his study last night. You look away with a sad feeling growing in your chest a little. You can only hope your father will grow past your mother’s dreadful passing. Ever since it happened three years with the birth of the twins he disappeared into his study and rarely leaves… leaving you to raise your four siblings.
You quickly swallow your sadness when you see your baby sister’s big eyes looking up at you as her head rests on your shoulder.
“How was your day, Areum?” You ask her with a big smile.
“Boring. You weren’t here to play,” she grumbles. You lightly sigh and smile at your only other sister. You feel bad because she’s not interested in the boys’s toys and wants to play with dolls or color with you but you have school five days a week, and you’re not even counting homework then.
“How about we go paint in the garage?” You suggest.
“I wanna paint too,” Jin, the other twin, pouts.
“Of course Jinnie,” you tell him and give them both small little kisses on their cheeks causing the toddlers to giggle. 
“Let’s go play outside!” You declare catching Sammy and Johnny’s attention. You set down the twins and all four kids rush to the back door to grab their shoes. You smile and walk into the kitchen and gasp at the sight.
“Hey!” You turn around and look at the kids who look like puppies who deny that they torn up the couch. You sigh and rub your face. 
“Please ask dad or me for help. Plus you had your lunch boxes to eat out of today,” you tell them, “we’ll go outside once I clean all of this up.” You turn and look at potentially three different cereals all over the floor and the dried milk on the counter, cabinets, and floor. You quickly get a broom and sweep up all the food and place it into the trash and even clean out the pantry from all the fallen food, which almost looked worse than the kitchen itself. You then move onto the milk and gently clean the cabinets before moving to the counter top and floor. You sigh and run the rag under water, ring out all the milk, and drape the rag over the faucet to dry. You brush your hair out of you face, head up to your room you share with the twins, quickly change into better clothes to paint in, and tie up your hair. You hurry down the stair case and see the four kids sitting on the couch watching Netflix.
“Okay, let’s go!” You announce and they all quickly jump off the couch leaving the tv on. You quickly turn it off and follow them out into the dimly lit garage. You hit the garage door button too high for the kids to reach. Johnny and Sammy quickly take a soccer ball out just past the garage and into the driveway to kick around. 
“Jin if you want to go play soccer before you paint you can,” You tell Jin as he watches his older brothers play. He smiles up at you before calling to Johnny and Sammy telling them he wants to join. “Come on Areum, let’s paint,” you tell your little sister. You both take a seat in the garage and Areum sits down next to you. You pull a canvas off the small table next to you and small water color paints and hand them to Areum. You reach for a water bottle and the small cup she uses to paint and fill it up just slightly and give it to her.
“Do you know what you’re going to paint?” You ask her.
“Nope. I figure it out later,” she cheerfully tells you, “I wanna watch you.” You laugh and turn to your large wood canvas that’s outlined and ready to paint. You pull down the red and white paint cans along with brushes and begin your project.
After a while your focus is broken as you hear the all familiar motorbike enter the driveway.
“Move for Hongjoong boys!” You call to your brothers who instantly gab their ball and hurry to the entrance of the garage, giving more than plenty of room for Hongjoong. Once the teenager’s bike is pulled into the garage of his house, across from yours, the boys hurry back out and begin playing again. You watch you brothers for a moment before your attention is brought to Hongjoong. 
Kim Hongjoong, one of the most popular boys at your school. He’s your age as well as Park Seonghwa, one of his seven best friends. They all play soccer or lacrosse as well as being in a choir-like club? Is that even the best way to describe it? Hongjoong and his seven best friends all have a talent for creating music and singing, so they have a club with them as the only members. So they easily have all the girls in school swoon. You on the other hand know Hongjoong semi-well considering you’ve moved across the street from him after your mother’s death. He and his family occasionally help you with your siblings. 
“Sammy, pass the ball!” Hongjoong voice calls as he hurries out into the driveway to kick the ball with the boys for a couple minutes. You smile as you watch before you turn to continue to paint. 
“Joongie,” Areum calls abandoning her still blank canvas to run up to the approaching boy.
“Arie,” Hongjoong smiles as he picks up the running three-year-old, “Hello Y/N.”
“Hi Hongjoong,” you turn and smile at the boy, “how are you?”
“Good. Got out of practice about half an hour ago. Do you need help with anything?” Hongjoong offers. You ponder a moment thinking over all you have to do but deny his offer as well as thanking him for it.
“Areum are you painting with your sister?” Hongjoong asks setting her down.
“I’m trying. But I don’t know what to paint,” she tells him as she shows him the blanket canvas.
“How about you paint me something?” Hongjoong tells her, “draw me the prettiest thing you can.” Areum lightly gasps and nods her head with a big smile.
“Okay!” Hongjoong smiles at her enthusiasm.
“Take your time on it,” Hongjoong reminds her before standing up fully from crouching down, “if you need me. You know where to find me.” You nod your head and wave goodbye to Hongjoong and he leaves your garage. He takes the ball from your brothers real quick but passes it back to them telling them goodbye before grabbing his backpack next to his bike and heading inside.
“Do you know what you’re going to paint for Hongjoong?” You ask Areum looking over your shoulder at her.
“Yes! But you can’t see!” Areum protectively hides her canvas.
“Okay. I won’t look,” you laugh and turn back to your wooden board and continue to paint in the first coat of red paint. You stand up from your spot and quickly grab your phone from the table and hook it up to your small portable speakers and begin to blast your music. You bop your head and even slightly begin to dance around to one of your favorite songs that happens to come on shuffle first.
“Areum dance with me,” you call to your little sister, crouching down to pick her up. You jump around with her in your arms causing her to giggle.
Hongjoong enters his room and when he hears the music coming from outside he approaches his desk that sits in front of the window, and he smiles as he looks out to see you dancing in your garage with your baby sister. Your younger brothers even join you and you set Areum down so she can dance on the floor with her siblings. Hongjoong stands, leaning up against his chair with his hands watching the five of you dance and have fun, admiring that you give your little siblings so much love while trying to maintain a school, social, and small work life. Hongjoong’s phone ringing takes his attention away from you, and he answers the phone after seeing Seonghwa’s caller ID.
The day of the carnival finally comes around and Mary had managed to get together a group of eight people which you thank them all. You were even surprised to see she managed to round up Seonghwa and Wooyoung for the job. You explain the rules and run down of the show and let them know they can back out at any time. You send everyone off to just hang out and you hear a familiar voice call after you.
“Y/N! I’m sorry I’m late. I made sure Mary had everything she needed for your siblings,” you turn to see Hongjoong hurrying up to you, an extremely shocked expression on your face. Three of the eight boys from the club ATEEZ? Wow, this might actually be a successful night. But Hongjoong? He’s one of the last people you would of expected to have joined your booth, personally you thought. 
“Hongjoong. I didn’t know you signed up?” You tell him.
“It was more of a last minute decision. Seonghwa talked me into it,” Hongjoong cheekily smiles while slightly scratches the back of his head.
“Oh,” you laugh, “well he can explain everything to you. I’ve got a couple last minute things to set up.” Hongjoong nods his head and heads over to his other friends who smirk devilishly at him.
“So you came,” Seonghwa smirks as Hongjoong puts his hands into his leather jacket, “you have a plan?” Hongjoong puckers out his lips and shakes his head.
“Oh this is gonna be good,” Wooyoung laughs.
“I don’t have a plan. But I know someone who does,” Hongjoong clarifies for the two boys who instantly shut up, but raise their eyebrows in interest, “you just gotta wait and see.”
“He’s got no plan,” Wooyoung mumbles crossing his arms causing Hongjoong to roll his eyes. The three boys continue in conversation with one another as you finally finish setting up the last little bit of your booth. You made sure the deck leading out onto the small stage had no liquid spills and that it was clear of all hazardous items except a table you could potentially and accidentally walk into if you’re not careful.
“Hey Y/N!” One of the girls calls for you. You turn to find a few girls Mary is friends with that you aren’t to keened about. But Mary is also a popular girl, so you can’t blame her for being friend with who she wants.
“Hana,” you politely greet, “what’s up?”
“I know I originally signed up to go first, but is there anyway I could change that?” She asks.
“Yeah, of course. What spot would you rather do?” You ask her.
“I think Jade and I want to switch spots,” Hana explains pointing to the girl to her right. You nod you head and quickly make the change.
“Not a problem. Jade that means you have about a minute before you need to go out,” you smile at her before walking over to check on everyone else.
“Why do I have to do this again?” Jade asks rolling her eyes while spitting her gum into a small trash can.
“Because I don’t want Hongjoong to think I’m a jerk. Y/N and Hongjoong go years back,” Hana explains as if the reason was obvious.
“But I don’t want Wooyoung to think I’m a jerk,” Jade counters.
“I’ll make sure he won’t,” Hana reassures her friend. Jade takes a deep breath before grabbing the blindfold from a stage hand who quickly approaches the girls. Jade walks back up to Y/N.
“Hey Y/N, do you mind if I tie the blindfold around you and take if off you to put on me? If any of that makes sense? I just don’t want to ruin my makeup or hair,” Jade explains. You find the request a little weird, but you want to make sure everyone is happy and agree to it. You hand your clipboard off to someone else and turn around for Jade to tie the blindfold around you.
“Good luck,” Jade snickers in your hear before pushing you past the curtains. You trip and fall onto the floor of the actual stage. Your body tenses in fear and embarrassment when you hear a bunch of people laugh and clap.
“Hey. I thought Y/N was running the booth, not one of the contestants,” Wooyoung states as he peeks through the cracks of the curtains from the other side of the stage.
“She shouldn’t be? Why is she out there?” Hongjoong asks hurrying up next to Wooyoung to take a look. Hongjoong could visibly see her shake.
“It’s now or never,” Wooyoung looks at him, “quickly go off the side right there.” Hongjoong bolts off the side of the stage and quickly approaches from the back of the crowd. Just as someone was about to walk up on the stage to help you up Hongjoong stops him and takes the stage instead.
“You okay?” Hongjoong asks while trying to mask his voice.
“Yeah. Just tripped coming out,” you answer nervously. Hongjoong takes your hands and helps you up.
“Don’t be nervous,” Hongjoong smiles looking at you.
“I’ve just never kissed anyone before. That’s all,” you answer him with a small shy smile, but Hongjoong had already known this. You were slightly known as someone who didn’t go around dating people especially with the life you live.
“You’re going to be fine,” Hongjoong whispers, not even trying to mask his voice.
“Hongjoong?” You ask. But instead of Hongjoong answer he lightly and quickly presses his lips to yours. You never thought you would find yourself kissing your neighbor, one of the few people who is there for you daily despite his own life. But maybe you should of seen it coming? When Hongjoong pulls his lips away, leaving you breathless, he pulls the blindfold off your head. You hair slightly stands up in serval different directions which he lightly laughs and pats down your hair. Everyone cheers around you which only prompts Hongjoong to take your hands and kiss your cheek before the two of you of you disappear behind the curtains and backstage. You pass by an almost fuming Hana, but Seonghwa and Wooyoung slowly clap.
“Didn’t think you’d have the balls Joong,” Wooyoung teases before turning to you, “he hasn’t shut up for weeks about this,” Wooyoung gestures to the booth, “and he hasn’t shut up about you for months. And I mean months.” Seonghwa quickly smacks the younger boy upside the head to shut him up.
“Excuse the child,” Seonghwa tells him before slightly leaning in, “but he wasn’t lying.” Hongjoong smacks him causing both boys to laugh.
“I am here! Don’t start!” Mary calls hurrying backstage, holding both twins and having Sammy and Johnny quickly following her.
“He improvised because Jade and Hana planned something,” Seonghwa tells her.
“So you’re telling me I missed it!?” Mary exclaims setting down the twins.
“You knew?” You asks.
“Well duh,” Marry smirks, “but thank god. Because look how cute you two are and your siblings already love him. It’s perfect.” You cheeks turn to a deep pink, but you’re quickly distracted by your siblings running to you.
“Hey guys,” You smile and ruffle each of their hair and give them all hugs.
“Y/N we wanna go play!” Jin demands.
“Guys. I can’t take you out just yet I still ha-“
“Don’t worry about it. I can take over from here. It’s why I came early,” Mary cuts you off, “well that and there was a whole plan, but I’m here now.” You laugh at your best friend before standing up to hug her.
“Thank you,” you tell her before turning around to your siblings. Areum already in Hongjoong’s arms.
“We’re ready,” Hongjoong smiles, only causing you to smile wider. You offer to carry Jin and pick up the small three-year-old when he nods his head.
“We’ll take good care of everything here. Don’t worry!” Mary calls after you six when you walk out.
“Don’t run too far ahead please!” You call after Sammy and Johnny who also immediately take off.
“They’ll be fine. I’ve got my eyes on the trouble makers,” Hongjoong jokes.
“You didn’t need to do that earlier,” you quietly tell Hongjoong after a minute.
“What do you mean?” Hongjoong stops walking and you stop as well.
“You didn’t need to save me from that embarrassment. I know I’m one of the last people you’d ever want to be with,” you explain to him.
“Y/N, what are you talking about? I actually had this whole night planned. I mean Hana and Jade went and messed it up a little. But I don’t regret what I did. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Hongjoong counters, his face dropping in slight doubt.
“You even say he’s soulmate from other life time,” Areum states and Hongjoong bewilderedly looks at Areum and then looks at your wide eyed expression.
“Areum where did you hear that?” You ask her.
“Your diary,” she giggles.
“You said I’m your soulmate from another life time?” Hongjoong smiles, instantly finding something to tease you about, but at the same time trying to save his own sanity of falling deeper in love with the girl standing before him.
“I- I mean. I wrote it thinking we wouldn’t be soulmates this time around. But I don’t know…,” you start, “I guess is was just because of how easily we connected and how well we are around each other. You know, I’m pretty sure I wrote that during one of my sleepless nights.” You try to save yourself from this, but Hongjoong doesn’t seem to let up any time soon.
“So you think of me as a soulmate,” Hongjoong repeats taking a step closer towards you. If you thought your cheeks earlier were a deep pink, they’re now red and almost on fire.
“Can’t deny it now. You’re stuck with me,” Hongjoong giggles before taking your free hand and pulls you along to a booth Sammy and Johnny have been patiently waiting at.
“Alright who want’s a toy,” Hongjoong asks as he sets Areum down on the floor.
“You came to the right booth kids,” Yunho, one of Hongjoong’s other friends leans over the table to greet the kids, “Mingi get the rings!” Mingi, Yunho’s best friend and another from the ATEEZ music group, gathers up a bunch of rings for the kids to throw.
“So I assume the plan worked,” Yunho leans off to the side for the kids to have room to throw the rings. Hongjoong picks up Jin and Areum and places them on the table to help give them an advantage due to their height. You might as well dye the color of you cheeks pink at this point in the night.
“Ahhhh it did!” Yunho cheers. 
“How many people knew about this?” You ask, not really directed at Hongjoong or Yunho.
“Way too many. I couldn’t count them on both of my hands,” Mingi calls as he stands closer to the bottles to watch the kids throw them, “Yunho most of these kids have better aim than San and Jongho.” Mingi states as Johnny lands his second bottle, Sammy trying to land his second, and both the twins just landing their first. Yunho looks behinds him and laughs seeing the messy of the other rings on the floor.
“What prizes do you guys want?” Yunho asks the twins when they run out of rings first. Areum points to a small little kitten which Mingi retrieves for her immediately, and Jin looks around and before he could pick Mingi pulls down a small Paw Patrol toy.
“How about this? Hongjoong is always singing the song,” Mingi laughs.
“Look Jinnie it’s your favorite too,” Hongjoong points and Jin thanks Mingi for the toy.
“And what would you two like?” Yunho lays his arms and practically his chest on the table to be eye level with the boys.
“I want the dinosaur please!” Johnny points to the little dinosaur at the top.
“And you?” Yunho looks over to Sammy.
“The penguin please!” Sammy points to the baby penguin. Yunho smiles and pulls down both toys and hands them over.
“You guys should go play San and Jongho’s fishing game!” Mingi tells them before leaning down to the kids, “they have candy.” The instantly cheer and you and Hongjoong stare at the cheeky boys in disbelief. 
“Hey we’re just trying to promote,” Mingi shrugs his shoulders. Hongjoong and you follow the kids who are tracking down the fishing game booth.
“There!” Jin points before taking off towards the booth.
“Well you must be Y/N’s famous siblings!” San crouches down to greet them, “Hongjoong always talks about you guys.”
“Are you here to play?” Jongho asks crouching down holding four fishing poles for them.
“Yes please,” Areum tells him. Jongho hands everyone the poles and San even moves the pool closer to them.
“Pick up three fish,” Jongho explains holding up three fingers.
“They better not be put on a sugar high,” you tell the two younger boys.
“We would never,” San cheekily smiles at you causing you to laugh.
“I caught one!” Areum giggles pulling up a fish. San reaches down and takes the fish off her hook so she can get her second fish. The other boys quickly collect their three fish as well as Areum. Jongho quickly prepares their four little bags of candy before handing them over. The all thank him and San goes to open his mouth.
“We’re going to go see Yeosang. We’ll be on our way,” Hongjoong stops San who smiles brightly before waving at the kids. Hongjoong guides you and the four kids towards the mini ferris wheel in the back of the carnival.
“They let Yeosang be in charge of this?” You ask looking over at Hongjoong.
“Nah. He’s just helping the kids on an off. A professional is operating it,” Hongjoong laughs before looking at the kids, “you guys wanna go on the ferris wheel?” They all nod their heads so Hongjoong collects their candy bags and stuffed toys and calls Yeosang’s name. The blonde haired boy looks up from his phone and waves at them. Hongjoong points to Yeosang and send the kids running his way.
“Why do I feel like you planed this entire thing? Almost like the entire carnival was set up for them?” You laugh taking a seat next to Hongjoong on a bench next to the ferris wheel.
“Well,” Hongjoong starts, “I knew whether or not you were going to do a booth your siblings would come, so I begged, and I mean begged, for the boys to have booths for younger kids so they could play and have fun. I knew they if they had fun you would be happy.”
“Well thank you,” you tell him and boldly grab his hand, “it really means a lot.”
“I do really mean all of this,” Hongjoong tells you, “I’m just afraid you don’t see me the same.”
“Are you kidding?” You laugh, “Hongjoong. I’m so touched that you’ve done all of this just for me and for my siblings. How could I not just fall in love?” Just those eight small words that formed one simple sentence sent fireworks off in Hongjoong’s heart.
“Y/N!” Sammy’s voice calls from the top of the ferris wheel. He sit’s with Areum and just below them is Jin and Johnny. All four of them waving. You and Hongjoong wave back at them.
“Y/N,” Hongjoong calls to you as you watch the ferris wheel move again and watch the excitement in your little sibling’s faces.
“Yeah?” You turn to face the boy who now is turned more on his side on the bench.
“How about we go on a picnic tomorrow. The little ones can come if they want. I don’t mind. But as a real date?” Hongjoong offers.
“I would love that,” you smile.
After your siblings got off the ferris wheel you decide to call it a night since it was already an hour past all of their bedtimes. You take your siblings home, Hongjoong following behind you on his motorcycle to make sure you all got home safe. He even helps you put them all to bed and make sure their teeth are brushed from all the candy they ate. After you walk Hongjoong to the door and the two of you stand at the doorframe, Hongjoong just outside and you just inside.
“Thank you again for tonight,” you tell him, “and thank you for helping getting them to bed.”
“You know I always love to help you,” Hongjoong smiles and the two of you stand in silence for a moment before Hongjoong takes a step closer to you. He reaches out for you cheeks gently and places a feather light kiss to you lips for goodnight.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Hongjoong smiles when he pulls away. He waves and walks down the porch of your front door and to his house. You slowly raise your fingertips to you lips and smile, still barely feeling his lips on yours. You close the door and head to bed yourself.
Hongjoong opens the door to his room and closes it behind him, flipping on the light. He tosses his keys and his jacket onto his bed before looking over at his desk, something catching his attention. He walks up and picks up the canvas Areum had drawn for him a few weeks ago. A childish portrait of you was painted on the canvas with the words “soulmate from life” and Hongjoong smiles brightly. Finally figuring out what Areum meant when she wrote it down. Now he for sure knew himself. If they were soulmates in a previous life, nothing was going to stop him from being Y/N’s soulmate in this life.
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joontier · 4 years
“One-Love”| CH. 3 - Wealth in Volumes
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–> Summary: Love translates to zero in the tennis scoring system – the only thing keeping the scoreless player on the court is his love for the game.
–> Pairings: jung hoseok x female reader; kim seokjin x female reader
–> Rating: NC17
–> Genre/warnings:  FLUFF ASDFASJLDKF; a day in the life of a rich ass family basically; your cliché teenage crush feels; swearing; y/n forgetting her own period sksksk; Hobi being a slight perv; suggestive language; 
–> Words: 6.7k
–> A/N: good lord this hasnt been proofread bUT MY IMPATIENT ASS COULDNT WAIT; dunno how i managed to poop out 6.7k but here ya go i guess
“One-Love” Masterlist
Chapter 3: Wealth in Volumes
A sigh escapes your lips when there’s nearly no space left from the condensation that has formed on the container lid from all the patterns you’ve drawn for the past few minutes. Hoseok has never been this late before and neither did he miss a day at school. First period is starting soon and you’re starting to worry if something came up.
Hoseok arrives exactly two minutes before first period. The boy looks disheveled with unkempt hair and the top button of his uniform left open to complete the look. Hiro Yamada lets out a loud whistle the moment Hoseok steps in class. “Damn Hobi, never knew you were the kind to take quickies this early in the morning!” The boys snicker at Hiro’s comment while the girls vocally express their disgust towards the crudeness of it all.
“Seems like a tempting idea, whatcha think, _______?” Nadia whispers from behind, chortling louder when you miss at your attempt to smother her with your book. Hoseok seems disinterested by Hiro’s remark, but his lips curve into a small smile as he replies, “Jealous?” as Jimin and the others lose it at Hoseok’s response.
The daily classroom chaos continues, only ceasing when Ms. Chamber enters the room and greets the class a good morning. She’s a substitute teacher that will temporarily take over your Business & Management subject while your actual teacher, Mr. Santiago, is on his sick leave. It’s eerily quiet when she steps in, but your class is usually like this with relatively new teachers.
“Mock research paper.”
Three words is all it takes before a collective groan erupts from the class, complaints and protests, easily drowning out Ms. Chamber’s gentle voice. She taps a whiteboard marker against her desk. “Hey! I know, I know…” she sighs, resting against the table. “Try to think of it this way, you’d have additional reference for your papers next year, plus you have three months to accomplish this.”
The rest of the class continues to groan in objection. “On the bright side, I’ll let you work with partners. Go and take your pick.” Exhales of relief are heard throughout the room. Turning around to face Nadia, you wriggle your eyebrows suggestively. No spoken words are needed to express your intentions of choosing her as partner. She declines though, much to your surprise. You raise an eyebrow when Nadia nods her head toward Hoseok who’s sitting quietly beside you. Then she points to the Tupperware on your lap. You sigh. “Besides, I’m sick of your useless ass! I’m not flanking this subject because of you.” “Hey!” you cry indignantly at the accusation. She shrugs you off, giving you a double thumbs up before standing from her seat to approach someone else.
‘It’s now or never’, you think, contemplating on how to approach your seatmate. Without much thought put into planning, you place the container on his desk. He looks at you with wide eyes then onto the Tupperware in front of him. “Be my partner?” His eyes turn into small crescent moons at your proposal. Before he tries to look at what’s inside the container, your hand stops him.
“But before anything else, I didn’t get to say thank you for yesterday…”
“Yeah, for your cheering and all… I don’t think I would’ve survived the game if it weren’t for your support. It really helped me. A lot.”
“______. Listen to me. You survived and won because you’re you, okay? You are a smart player. And besides, like I said, if it were easy, I would’ve done it instead.” He snorts, those tiny dimples above his mouth peeking out to say hi.
“Now what do we have here?” he asks, trying to look through the condensation on the lid. “It’s bibimbap. I’ve heard once that it was your favorite. So I made it for you this morning… It’s probably gone cold now and I know you don’t like eating food that’s gone cold so I can just take this back if…” your hands are slowly creeping up the container, and this time it’s he who stops you.
“______ it’s fine. You really didn’t have to but I truly appreciate this. Thanks.”
No other word comes out of your mouth but the monosyllabic expression. You probably should’ve been used to it at this point, after staying long enough at Thames. The subtle normality of everything for them that is extreme to you is something that will most likely take some time to get used to. The expensive cars, the more extravagant hobbies…hell, the tuition fee alone was enough to make your knees turn to jelly.
You and Hoseok both agreed to start the paper as early as possible so here you were on a Saturday morning, trying to figure out the maze that is Hoseok’s residential village. To your luck, Hoseok suggested that you come over to his house to talk over your assignment, else he would’ve lost himself in the mess at your home.  
“Which street was it again? Your father asks, diverting your attention from the mansions lined up along the street. “Uh, it was Harrison I think…” you recall, grabbing your phone to check the address. “I’ve been here a few times before for Hobi’s training but the clubhouse was just a block away from the village’s entrance. Now, I’m not even sure if we’re still in the same country.” Your lips press into a firm line at your father’s lame attempt at a joke, but you also had a hunch that you had driven yourselves out of the village, or worse – straight to another one.
Your father rolls down his window to see the street signs clearer, also on the lookout for potential help. Driving over to the side, your dad puts the blinkers on as he tries to assess the directions that Hoseok had previously given you. “I’m pretty sure we followed it,” he mumbles, taking another glance outside the car’s window.
Before you offer to try calling Hoseok, a van behind you honks and stops beside your car. When they roll their window down, you instantly recognize the pair, Tita and Adit who both work for Hoseok’s family. “Sir Hoseok told us you were nearby. We figured we might see you on our way home.” Tita says, waving at you while Adit tells your dad to tail them.
A street and a relieved sigh from your father later, your dad finally drops you off in front of the house and a black steel gate slides open at your arrival, revealing a contemporary wonder of a mansion. “Remember to always be on your best behavior. I’m sure the Jungs are nice and all, but don’t take advantage of it. Please don’t touch anything, god knows what sort of eccentric antique they might’ve spent their money on. And no funny business!” He repeats your mother’s endless reminders that by the time he finishes, you’re already standing outside the car, fingers tapping against the car door impatiently. “Yes dad, I knowww-“ His eyes squint at you, “Fine, but don’t come home crying when you’ve accidentally broken something worth more than our lives combined. You’re selling your own kidneys, kid.”
With a curt wave, he rolls the window back up and drives away. Tita waits by the gate to walk you to the front door. Suspicions confirmed, this house spoke wealth in volumes. She chuckles at you as you take your time with every step, pebbles crunching underneath your weight while your eyes marvel the alluring abode. Waiting for you by the threshold, she beckons you over with a wave. “Sir Hobi has been waiting for you all morning.”
You quicken your steps, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She must’ve thought it strange to have you gawking all over the place. You’ve gone to Nadia’s place a few times, but there really wasn’t anything to compare since she lived at an apartment, albeit a luxurious one, it was still different having an actual house and property. Considerably, foreigners didn’t exactly have rights to own residential property in the country which is why it came as a surprise to you that Hoseok lives in this elite village, more so when you realize he resides in an actual estate.
The mansion is beautiful beyond description. With the interior looking like an actualization of a designer’s 3D floor plan, your eyes take a good sweeping look at the place while Tita asks you to take a seat as she calls for Hoseok. You wonder how lovely it is to come home to this every day. It’s spacious enough to practice a floor exercise yet somehow it feels homey with the serenity that comes with the place, despite being situated at the heart of the city. You notice a perfectly mowed courtyard outside the glass walls and the glistening water of the swimming pool at the far edge.
A lady carrying a glass of water and something else wrapped in a plastic bag. Placing the glass on the table, she kneels to where your feet are rested and unwraps the bag. She pulls out a pair of disposable slippers, slips them on your feet and takes your shoes away before you could get a word out.
“_______!” Hoseok calls from above before scurrying down, his own slippers flicking against the staircase noisily. His arms reach out for a hug but pulls them back just as fast, realizing it would’ve been too awkward this early in your friendship (that he secretly hopes will blossom into something more). You don’t put much thought into it, waving at him in greeting instead. “Have you eaten breakfast yet?” You give him a nod in reply.
“Oh…you should eat breakfast again then!” You decline his offer, assuring him that you just had a heavy breakfast. Okay, you may or may not have grabbed a single sandwich off someone else’s plate on your way out, after spending too much time trying to look presentable. Hoseok won’t have any of your protests, so he drags you to the kitchen by the hand, “Hobi!” There’s a slight chill that runs through you when his skin touches yours, his slender fingers enveloping your short ones.
Hoseok leads you to the dining room where there’s enough food prepared for a family of ten. He checks each container then back at you, inspecting your features like he’s morphed into Gordon Ramsay. Hoseok is still holding your hand by the time he brings you to the kitchen and quite frankly you don’t want him to stop.
Another lady in the identical scrub suit greets him as you both enter, her lips forming a small smile when she sees your hands together. Her eyes meet yours when she asks Hoseok if he needed anything. “Just wanted to see what ______ wanted to eat.” Your head shakes to say ‘no’ but Hoseok sees this as the complete opposite. “She’s just shy.” You send her an apologetic smile when he drags you once more around the marble countertop to face a four-door fridge that towers the both of you easily.
This damn thing is a whole supermarket! The stored food could make up the whole color wheel. He points out five different cheeses, fruits cut into bits and stowed away in containers, multiple bottles of water, milk, and juice. Hoseok even lets you inside their pantry, where stacks of food and beverages make up at least seven full shelves inside. To Hoseok it seems like he’s just offering you food, but to you it feels like he’s taking you to the grocery.
The curious voice at the back of your head is telling you to give in to the temptation but your mother’s voice appears out of nowhere, her voice ringing in your ears – “They’re nice, but don’t abuse their generosity.” Your stomach grumbles, voicing its opinion so you settle on a compromise. “Um, there already seems to be plenty of food at the table and unless they’re for someone else…” “Are you sure? Mom felt homesick so she cooked all of those this morning. Although I doubt you’re familiar with Korean food – they can be a bit spicy. I know you don’t like spicy food.”
Your heart warms at the thought of him remembering the little things but then you recall how his mother made all those just because she felt homesick – your mom won’t even cook two dishes for dinner and Mrs. Jung is out here cooking a whole feast for no one in particular just because she wants to lift her spirits. “I don’t like spicy food but it doesn’t mean I can’t handle it,” you start “and I’m sure you mom’s cooking is lovely.”
“Breakfast it is then.”
You agree on Mrs. Jung’s specialty – her kimchi fried rice while Hoseok asks the lady for bibimbap. She nods curtly, returning to the kitchen to reheat the food. When the lady serves Hoseok the steaming bowl of his favorite dish, Hoseok consequently whispers in your ear, “Don’t tell them, but I like yours better.” He follows that with a roguish wink. You blink owlishly in return, unsure whether your cheeks are burning because of the steam from the bowl in front of you or because of Hoseok’s comment.
The lady serves Hoseok a steaming bowl of bibimbap, to which Hoseok consequently whispers in your ear, “Don’t worry I like yours better.”
Hoseok tiredly rubs at his eyes, deeming he’s done enough schoolwork for the day, taking a turn on his swivel chair. When you check the time displayed on the upper right corner of your laptop, it’s been three hours since breakfast with Hoseok. And, surprisingly, the amount of schoolwork you’ve done is twice as much as you achieve when you’re partnered with Nadia. You’ll have to rub this in her face on Monday.
Hoseok’s habits had prevailed over your cramming and you’re glad that time had passed in productivity. Then again, you had been too shy to open up about other topics when he’s right beside you, typing away furiously the whole time. When you take a glance on his screen, it seems like he’s already written a whole page while you’re stuck with a paragraph that screams disappointment.
“_______, you okay?” You hadn’t realized you’ve been staring at your paragraph of shame for so long.
“Uh, yeah, of course.” Closing your laptop quickly before he gets a peek, you move your own chair away from his desk, stretching out your limbs. Suddenly, you feel an all-too-familiar ache in your lower abdomen and you panic, checking the mini calendar on Hoseok’s desk. Damn, how could you not have realized it’s the last week of the month? And on top of all that, you had to be in another person’s house of all days, wearing a bloody dress! (pun may or may not have been intended)
“Um, can I use your toilet for a minute?”
He looks your way and nods. You panic a little bit when his eyes never leave yours, ensuing a staring contest between the both of you. A beat passes and he shrugs at you, returning his attention to his phone.
You don’t realize you’ve been holding in your breath when he door finally clicks behind you. Twirling in your dress, you search for any stain. There’s a small one, perhaps a few inches long, the red taint an obvious contrast against your yellow dress.
Grabbing a roll of tissue nearby, you place a few sheets under the water until it’s wet enough. Hastily, you rub it against the stain until the tissue tears into pieces. You repeat the process, jumping in victory when the stain starts discoloring. You even squeeze a dollop of liquid soap on your dress in the hopes of making the stain go away.
All your efforts prove to be in vain when the stain doesn’t lighten any further than the very visible brownish spot at the back of your dress.
Your hands are turning red from all the scrubbing and your chest is heaving with painful, ragged breaths that come forth. The tissue breaks apart for the nth time now and you try to grab more sheets but your eyes are already blurry, wet, fat tears coating your cheeks.
God, you’re so fucking stupid. How could you not have foreseen something that happens to you on a monthly basis?! All the tell-tale signs were there: abdominal pains, ache, sensitivity… you feel yourself sliding down the wall in embarrassment, an unwanted loud sob escaping your lips.
You hear footsteps padding along the wooden floor of Hoseok’s bedroom. No, please. “________?” You don’t answer. You don’t want to answer. Another sob escapes your lips. “_______, I’m coming in, okay?”
Hoseok instantly crouches down when he sees you sitting on the floor. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You still don’t answer; instead, you look away as you fiddle with your fingers. “You know you can tell me anything right?” He adjusts his legs, now fully seated on the floor. You both stay there in silence, before Hoseok pulls your head to rest on his shoulder, he can’t see your face like this, what could’ve possibly made you so upset, so he just holds you there, his other hand blindly reaching your face to wipe at your cheeks.
Figuring there’s no other way out of this, you gather up your courage. “I-I am on my period…” Your voice is small, yet it reaches Hoseok’s hearing perfectly clear. He still doesn’t get what’s possibly made you cry while on your period. Some girls tend to be more emotional than usual, perhaps, head tilted to the side as he recalls his lessons on human anatomy.
You can practically feel the clogs in Hoseok’s head so you give him a little more detail. “On my back, there’s…something. And I don’t have any extra clothes – gosh, this is beyond embarrassing. You must think I’m gross” Hoseok finally catches on, body stiff at the realization. It wasn’t like he was disgusted (because that would be totally immature) but it was more of lack of knowledge on how to approach situations like these.
He asks if it’s okay for him to call Tita so you can tell her what you need but not before reminding you that such natural process of life was nothing to be ashamed of. “Besides, better late than pregnant, right?” He scurries away afterwards, informing you that he’s going to be picking a nice outfit for you because you’re both going out to meet his mother for lunch at one of his favorite restaurants.
You both decide to sit on a nearby bench as you wait. There’s room for at least four people yet Hoseok decides to sit right beside you, your thighs touching, the proximity not lost on you. Surprisingly enough, you don’t feel any awkwardness lingering around, instead, you feel more secured with him beside you like this. Both basking in comfortable silence, save the buzz of the people walking around, Hoseok notices an elderly couple stand close by and he stands abruptly, offering the seat to them. The old lady gushes over him and praises how courteous the young man was. Hoseok stands by your side and looks around the area while the same lady closes the distance between you two. “He’s a keeper,” she whispers, sending a wink your way. Opening your mouth to clarify that you two are just friends, a loud ring from Hoseok’s pocket startles you.
“Hi mom! Yeah, we just arrived…she’s here beside me…what? Okay hang on…” He pulls the phone away from his ear as he presses on the speaker button on the screen. “You’re on speaker now, mom.”
“Oh, hi! _________, sweetie are you there?”
“Hello Mrs. Jung!”
“Great. Um, I’m really sorry about this darling but I really really need to finish this meeting. Hopefully it’ll end in less than an hour though, I hope you don’t mind. I really wanted to take you kids out to lunch today, but if you’re really hungry you can go ahead…I’ve already made reservations at Samwon under Hobi’s name…”
Your eyes widen at her proposal, head shaking vigorously to say no. Surely, it’d be rude to not wait for the person offering you a free meal right? “I really don’t mind waiting Mrs. Jung. Besides, we’ve had plenty of your lovely kimchi fried rice this morning so…”
“Ah, it’s really nothing love, well, at least, if you compare it to my brother’s restaurant. But anyways, I have to get back to the meeting now. How ‘bout I’ll have Hobi treat you to some ice cream or froyo or a something to snack on while you wait, alright?”
“You really don’t have to Mrs. Jung!” Your protests fall into deaf ears.
“Oh shush, darling. Don’t worry about it! And please, call me Auntie from now on, alright?”
“O-okay auntie.” You’re unable to control the slight tremble in your voice from the pet names she’s used and on making her call you auntie. You’re even surprised that she even apologized for not being able to make it on time. Hoseok ends the call soon afterwards. “Come on, I’ll treat you to my favorite frozen yogurt.”
There’s a sudden increase of mall-goers so Hoseok’s hand reaches out to grab yours, another wave of electricity shoots up your arm. Jesus. You’re pretty sure you’re old enough to not lose him in a crowd like this, so all this hand holding isn’t exactly necessary. Not that you were complaining though. You just hope, this time, you’re reading the signs right. The last time this happened, you ended up heartbroken and friendless, and you weren’t willing to go through the same pain again – not with Hoseok who’s genuinely nice and smart, and all the good things you can think of.
You cling onto his hand nonetheless, the crowd increasing because of lunch time. On the bright side, with your heartrate rapidly increasing, you get to miss out on cardio.
Arriving at a small outlet with ‘Sour Sally’ written on top of the shop, Hoseok pulls out a chair for you to sit on while he ponders on the menu plastered on the wall. What in god’s name have you done in your past life for him to torture your poor heart like this. You gaze at Hoseok, he seems unperturbed by his actions while you on the other hand… you internally applaud yourself for maintaining such calm demeanor but in reality, there’s a raging turmoil of emotions inside your head.
Following where his eyes are glued at on the wall, you try to distract yourself from the dangers of a brooding crush. God, you can’t possibly like like him because he opened the door for you, or pull out a chair for you, right? Were you really this…deprived? Just thinking about it gives you a headache. But then again, Hoseok is everything every woman could ever ask for. He’s polite, funny, courteous, smart, and he absolutely adores his family. Admittedly, he’s fucking wealthy too on top of all that but you don’t stick around him because of his money. Then again, it’s the 21st century and life isn’t getting any easier. In case you have a family in the future, it would be nice to know you’re children will be secured for quite some time. Wait, why are you thinking about families in the first place??
You barely notice Hoseok waving a hand in front of you. “Hello? Earth to ______?” he chuckles, his brackets shining under the lighting. “Oh yeah sorry!” you squeak. “You’ve been spacing out since morning, you sure you’re okay?” He bends forward a little, your faces merely inches away from each other. “You know you can talk to me right?” Searching for any doubt in your eyes, he tucks a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
Fucking hell.
Does he even realize what he’s doing to you?! Your cheeks are practically on fire right now. You’re falling way too deep at an alarming pace. “You know you can talk to me right?” His words echo in your presently empty brain now, unable to think about anything rational. How are you supposed to talk to him when it’s him you want to talk about?
“Do you want anything from the menu? I’d personally recommend my own usual, but I’m really not sure about your froyo preferences…”
“Um don’t they have anything smaller than these?” you ask, pointing to the cups display for size references. “Nope, none really. I guess we can share if you don’t mind, I’ll just get one of the bigger sizes…”
“Good enough for me.”
“You have any particular flavor or topping in mind?”
“I really haven’t been to this place. So I guess I’ll have what you have.” You reach for your purse, grabbing cash amounting to half of the frozen yogurt. “What are you doing?” Hoseok points to the bills you’re holding. “Um, paying for my half?” The boy in front of you shakes his head in refusal, pushing the money towards you.
“It’s on me, _______. No more arguments. Consider this a da-“ Hoseok chokes on his own saliva purposefully, unableto finish his sentence. “A-a day in your cycle right? Don’t girls usually eat ice cream when its that time of the month? I mean this isn’t exactly ice cream, but it’s still frozen right? Ha ha ha. Okay, I’ll just place an order now.” He turns around abruptly, feet quickly moving towards the counter.
Rendered speechless, you just nod in reply. Seconds after he left, you’re still nodding thinking about what just transpired moments ago. He couldn’t have meant it as a date, did he? He did point out about Aunt Flo making a visit today. Perhaps, he meant dare? Who knows if he had been dared to treat someone out? You know you’re blindly grasping at straws here so you just try to divert your attention, and of course, you fail miserably at that as well.
Hoseok takes his wallet from his back pocket and hands a black card to the register. With a few nods, the staff swipes the card through the payment terminal and hands it back to Hoseok. ‘Sugar daddy Hoseok. What a fucking sight.’ Your shoulder devil whispers, drawling out every syllable like her final words. She has your shoulder angel in a headlock, arms flapping around attempting to remove the vice-like grip on her neck.
Thankfully, you manage to get ahold of yourself before Hoseok returns with a large cup with two spoons on either side. “This is the best froyo ever!!” He exclaims, buzzing with excitement. You oblige when he tells you to take the first scoop. You’ve only had the dessert once before this and after that incident, you were totally unwilling to have it for a second time. The first froyo you had was so bad which pretty much clouded over any positive review the dessert had.
Surprisingly enough, Sour Sally’s wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Sure, it looked unappealing at first with the amount of toppings Hoseok included but you reckon it wasn’t so bad after all, plus it looked like a healthier option than ice cream. Hoseok chuckles at your sudden interest and takes his phone out, pretending to respond to someone’s message but he quickly presses on the camera button, snapping a photo of you enjoying the frozen dessert.
He smiles when he goes over the photo, saving it as his home wallpaper.
Once you finish the final scoop of the yogurt, Hoseok asks if you can both visit a store he’s been meaning to drop by. There’s really nothing else you wanted to do anyways so you say ‘yes’, resulting to Hoseok excitedly clapping as you exit Sour Sally’s.
You both walk towards the opposite end of the mall, the area prominently less crowded than where you came from. You don’t wonder why. You just passed by Gucci, Versace, and Louis Vuitton on your way and now you’re greeted by Hermes, Alexander McQueen, and Balenciaga when you rounded the corner. You’re not even surprised at this point. In fact, when he told you that he wanted to shop for new shoes, you had already expected this was where you were heading when he made you wear a full Chanel two-piece ensemble that his sister “barely” wears.
Hoseok makes a beeline to Balenciaga. Of course - the boy was basically its brand ambassador. When you enter, some of the staff greet him by his name. “Mr. Hoseok, welcome back!” They astonishingly greet you with the same level of enthusiasm with Hoseok. You figure it’s probably courtesy of Hoseok’s fashion choices. He tells you to look around while he approaches someone who looks like the store manager.
The manager and Hoseok already seem to share the same brainwave and without talking, the former leads to Hoseok to a corner where the sneakers are displayed. Realizing you were probably looked awkward, standing stiffly by a display, you let your feet move you around, stopping to look at a few hung clothes.
While carding through the clothes, you discreetly check the price tags, your stomach dropping every time. 1,500 dollars for a bloody jacket?! They had gold sewn into the denim perhaps? Or diamond - encrusted collars? A girl’s voice startles you from your supposedly ‘discreet’ inspection. “Can I help you with anything, miss?”
“Oh, I’m just looking. It’s my friend who’s doing the shopping.”
“Oh, okay. By the way, I’m not sure if I should be doing this, but you seem so nice and approachable compared to the other girls that usually visit our shop… I really like your outfit and I think you and Mr. Hoseok look really cute together,” she squeaks before walking away to tidy a few displays. When she meets your eyes again, you send her a small smile and you see a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
You hear Hoseok call you over, colossal shoes occupying both his hands. “Which colorway should I pick?” You do a double take at the pairs he’s holding up. They honestly looked like a stack of pancakes that toppled over. Undoubtedly, they definitely looked striking, like a rebellious fashion statement. He holds up his left hands, clutching onto a brown pair with shades of blue and red and his other hand holding another with hues of green and white.
Choosing the one on his left hand, Hoseok nods in agreement mumbling something about how great minds think alike. He tells the manager to get him one in his size. The manager complies and, in the meantime, Hoseok brings you to a display near the one you were checking out earlier. He asks you to help him pick out an outfit to go with the shoes. It doesn’t take much for Hoseok to decide on choosing the clothes. You tell him your honest opinion that he would literally look good in anything, resulting in a rosy-cheeked Hoseok heading to the register to check out his items.
Soon after Hoseok collects his purchases, his phone dings, so he puts down the three bags before fishing his phone out of his pocket. “Mom says she’ll be there in five. Shall we?”
Three floors and a long walk back to another of the mall’s annexes later, you finally arrive at Samwon Garden. “Hi. We have a reservation under Hoseok Jung.” The maître d goes over the list, brows soon furrowing in confusion. “I’m really sorry Sir, but the table reserved for you had been given to another customer an hour ago. We only allow an extra of fifteen minutes when your name gets called. If you’d like, I can write your name on the list again, but that would probably take another thirty minutes before you get seated.”
“Oh, really? I guess…”
“Mr. Hoseok!” A man in a suit approaches you with hurried steps. “Mr. Hoseok,” he repeats with a breathy laugh. “I truly apologize for that. Please come with me, your private room is ready.” The man lets you take a few steps forward as he momentarily stays with the maître d. “That’s not how you treat the nephew of the owner of this restaurant, unless you want to lose your job today.” He whispers harshly, and your eyes widen. You’re unsure if Hoseok heard that but he seems too preoccupied with the other staff that welcome him to the restaurant.
The manager rushes forward after scolding the maître d. He offers to carry Hoseok’s shopping bags and leads you two to a secluded area. “Your food is already being prepared Sir,” he bows, setting the bags down and pulling out the chairs. “Is there anything I can get you miss?”
“A glass of water would be nice, please.” “Of course, Ma’am. Would you please excuse me.”
Hoseok’s mother arrive a few minutes later. Once again, she apologizes for making you wait. The three of you don’t waste any more time, going straight to eating. “I love your outfit, dearie,” Mrs. Jung compliments, flipping the searing meat on the grill. “Um Hobi actually made me wear this.” Confused, she looks at her son for an explanation. “She uhh…Her um…she had to change, lady problems…” Her mouth forms an ‘o’ in realization, thankfully picking up quickly. “Are you okay sweetheart? Do you take painkillers? They have great ice cream here; I’ll have it served for dessert later.”
She bombards you with questions that you don’t get the chance to answer all of them. You assure her though that you’re fine, that Hoseok has helped you plenty earlier this morning. She beams at her son, even teasing him that he’ll be the best boyfriend any girl could ever wish for. Hoseok turns crimson at his mom’s teasing, stealing the slice of meat she’s been cooking as revenge.
The three of you continue eating and sharing stories like that for almost an hour. For the most part, she’s mainly told you of Hoseok’s most embarrassing moments, sharing at least ten years’ worth of blackmail content. Hoseok, who’s sat beside you the whole time continues to crumble in his seat with every story. Your stomach was aching so much, both from laughing and eating. After the ice cream dessert Mrs. Jung promised you, she calls for the bill. Trying to stop your eyes from bulging out of their sockets, you look away from the receipt – 400 dollars staring back at you in big, bold numbers on the narrow sheet of paper. You wanted to cry.
Mrs. Jung says she doesn’t intend to stay any longer for she has another meeting to attend to today so she leaves you both with a kiss on the cheek and a reminder to drive back home safely. “Shit, I think I ate too much!” Hoseok sighs, rubbing at his tummy and letting out a loud burp in the process. Both of you stare at each other for a second before bursting into peals of laughter.
Yours seem to die down far longer than Hoseok’s and he takes the time to truly take youin today. He was nervous for the most part, that he had to admit. He tossed and turned in his bed last night, seemingly unable to sleep when the thought of you coming over has preoccupied his mind. He’s even tried drinking two glasses of warm milk, read a chapter from his history book, and in complete desperation, he’s even counted sheep, literally. It doesn’t help either that he woke up incredibly early today, only acquiring three hours of sleep the previous night.
He’s cleaned his room when he came home from practice yesterday and he’s cleaned it again this morning, not that his room needed cleaning anyways. He also asked his mom if she could help him cook breakfast this morning to which she happily agreed. So, the whole ‘homesick’ thing was only half a lie. Well, it was because she was homesick that she made way too much, but the idea was initially Hoseok’s.
He wasn’t supposed to drag you to breakfast that morning but the treacherous grumble of your stomach told him you were still hungry so he held your hand and showed you around the kitchen, asking you what kind of breakfast you’d prefer. Hoseok particularly enjoyed having your hand in his and he knew he was talking too much earlier that day but he had to divert his attention to prevent his hand from trembling.
When he heard you sniffle in the toilet earlier, he panicked; worried that something might have happened to you out of the blue. You wouldn’t take your eyes off the floor from embarrassment and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around yours. It wrenched his heart to see you sob like that, so he just kept you close until you finally told him your dilemma.  
He totally understood that it was a natural occurrence for girls and even reassured you that it was totally nothing to be embarrassed about. He didn’t ask you for any word after that, immediately sending one of their house helpers to help you out. He didn’t have the guts to go through his sister’s toiletries so he left that dilemma with someone who could handle the situation better aka Tita. He did pick out an outfit for you to wear though, going through endless hangers of Dawon’s clothes.
Picking something comfortable and warm, he pulls out this Chanel turquoise wool tweed two-piece and a white top to go under the blazer. ‘This’ll probably look cute on her,’ he thinks, carrying the set to Dawon’s beloved vanity mirror and spraying an adequate amount of her Estee Lauder perfume all over the clothes. When he grabbed the ensemble, he was thinking something along the lines of a fluffy-cute-girlfriend style going on but when you came out of the bathroom, he found it impossible to take his eyes off you.
Turns out, the white top he gave you was a crop top, the garment exposing a little bit of your midriff. And those shorts! Jesus! He’d taken a mental note to spoil you with Chanel if…when you become his. He’s already seen you in shorts during practice before but he really didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of it all. Your skin contrasts beautifully against the bluish-green wool, and it’s hem is enough to display your toned thighs and calves in all its glory. Years of tennis had definitely done you well.
He turns away, internally scolding himself for his behavior. He feels sick for having perved on you like that, pushing away all the indecent thoughts before they consume him whole.
His heart was soaring the whole time you sat next to him inside the car, the whole scene making him giddy. You were quiet at first, Hoseok being able to steal glances during red lights. Moments later, when Celine Dion came in the radio you were belting out the lyrics to “My Heart Will Go On” with notes he’s never heard before. The boy even pulled over just to capture this iconic moment with his phone, not long before you goad him to join you as you both scream like lunatics inside the vehicle. His voice teacher will be disappointed, surely, but it all worth it just to see you this happy.
Hoseok knew he was falling in deep. Being with you just felt…right. Even with you doing the most mundane of tasks, he found you incredibly endearing. It was driving him close to madness. He wanted to ask you to be his, to make him the happiest guy on earth, for the rest of his life. Most times it felt like he was crazy for thinking about this while you both still had a life ahead of you - that it was too serious to think about for a teenager, but then he ponders on his cousin’s wise words. “What’s the point of being in a relationship if it’s not going to end in a wedding?”
“What are you thinking about Hobi?” you question, putting him out of his thoughts.
It was your turn to ask him this time as you can’t tell why been staring at you for the past minute. “Nothing,” he chuckles, scratching the back of his head. “Ah! Which reminds me, wanna check out the new laser tag place they opened last week?” You’re unsure about this, after having eaten like a starved caveman, but with Hobi looking at you with a pout, you can’t say no.
“Come on,” you give in. “We gotta burn everything we ate for lunch!”
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Party Time!
I completely forgot to post this! I am so sorry @notsoangstymiracublog!
A Party-Crasher fix it fic.
“Do we all understand the plan?” Nino looked to his squadron of boys.
The mission today was to get Adrien out of the house to hang out with his friends. It was going to be a boy’s day in but then Mylene reminded Ivan that reminded everyone else that they were meant to be planting trees today like they promised. So while they were going to be around the girls it was for a good cause and Adrien actually got to escape his bummer house for a bit.
Also, with Adrien’s dad being out of town it was the one time they could get away with it so the window of opportunity couldn’t be squandered.
Thus the plan was set in motion. They bribed and lied there way into the house and then absconded with Adrien over Ivan’s shoulder as they bolted back out the door. “It’s for a good cause!” Nino shouted back at the bodyguard as they got closer to the gate.
They were almost home free!
“Guys!” Adrien said, “What are you--”
The gate started to close. “Faster Ivan!” Kim yelled as he made it out on the other side.
“I have cargo! I can’t go that fast!” Ivan yelled back as he sprinted as fast as he could with a teenage model over his shoulder.
“COME ON! COME ON!” Max and Nino were now also out the gate, albeit barely. How was Ivan going to fit through an opening that small? If he got there in time at all.
“Toss him!” Kim held out his arms, “I’ll catch him!”
“No! Do NOT throw me!” Adrien yelled, “Please, Ivan, do not throw me!”
“You’re almost there!” the boys were shouting nonstop. Then the gates closed with Ivan and Adrien still on the other side.
“Ivan! Come on man!” Kim groaned. “I totally would have caught him!”
“You did good, Ivan.” Nino assured him. “Maybe you can scale the fence--”
Too late for that. The Gorilla was upon them now and plucked Adrien from Ivan’s shoulder. “Okay, I know how this looks,” Nino started, “But I swear we were stealing him away for a good reason.”
The Gorilla only frowned, unbelieving they were doing anything of the sort.
“I’m sorry sir,” Max approached this time, “But we do actually need Adrien for a project. You see, our class is taking the day to help the environment and planting trees along the Seine. If anything, Adrien’s appearance would be great for his self image and the Agreste brand by having him do volunteer work.”
The Gorilla softened a bit at this but still held Adrien back from them.
“That is a noble effort but why didn’t you just explain that instead of kidnapping me?” Adrien asked from behind The Gorilla.
“More fun this way.” Came Kim’s cheeky reply.
“If we promise not to man-handle Adrien and that we will have him back at a reasonable hour, can he come?” Nino pleaded.
The Gorilla looked between the boys and Adrien in conflict.
“We could also offer you this.” Max held an action figure through the gate bars. “What do you say? You can even come with us! Keep an eye on him if you need to.”
The Gorilla nodded before taking the action figure and hitting the button to open the gate again. Adrien, Ivan and The Gorilla left and made there way to the spot where they were supposed to meet the girls. Having the bodyguard around wasn’t part of the plan but honestly his attendance wasn’t bad. He acted more as part of the background then anything so having him around wouldn’t change a whole lot.
“There you boys are!” Alya sighed as she hefted a tree into place. “We were starting to think you had bailed on us.”
“Never. Just had to break Adrien out first.” Nino pointed to the group.
“Looks like you didn’t do a good job. The warden tagged along.” Alya nodded to The Gorilla.
“He’s fine. He might actually help get these trees planted faster. The man is ridiculously strong.”
“Then let’s stop burning daylight and get these trees planted. I have everyone in teams so we can get done faster. Me and Nino. Ivan and Mylene. Alix and Max. Rose, Juleka, and Kim. Adrien and Marinette.”
“Playing matchmaker again?” Nino smirked at Alya.
“You think I’m going to miss any kind of chance to help those two get together? No way.”
Adrien walked over to where Marinette was standing and helped her pick up the tree sapling to put in the waiting empty planter.
“It’s nice that you got to come help out.” Marinette told him. “We were really only expecting the other guys to show up.”
“They came by to collect me...in rather dramatic fashion.”
“What did they do?”
“Ivan tossed me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and hustled me out the house with the others.”
“Yes! The gate was closing and Kim was telling Ivan to throw me.”
“Oh my,” Marinette dissolved into laughter, “Did he?”
“No. Thank goodness. We didn’t make it out of the gate before it closed but the boys were able to convince my bodyguard to let me come out.”
“What about your dad?”
“He and Nathalie are out of town so Gorilla is the one in charge of making the decisions.”
“Lucky for you, huh?”
“Yeah. I like it when Gorilla is the one in charge at the house. He is there to protect me but he is also far more lenient in letting me out to go do stuff. Especially if he can come along.”
Marinette watched as The Gorilla picked up two trees at once and dropped them into the planters. “Any plans after this?” Marinette asked. “Cause the girls and I were gonna go out for juice if you wanted to tag along.”
“That’d be great.” Adrien beamed.
They finished planting all the trees early thanks to the boys’ and The Gorilla’s help. In the end all of the boys ended up coming along to get juice. They crowded the tables outside and chatted freely as they relaxed.
“Adrien?” Everyone looked up as Wayhem ran up to them. “I knew it was you! I thought you weren’t allowed out of your house.”
“Hey Wayhem, sorry, I don’t have my phone on me or else I would have texted you. My other friends kidnapped me from my house to help out with an eco-project. Now we’re relaxing. Care to join us?”
Marinette scooted over so Wayhem could sit down at their table. Alya looked like she was about to say something but Marinette stopped her. Marinette may want to be close to Adrien but she didn’t need to be by his side every second of the day. Besides, they did spend the entire afternoon working together. That was more than enough.
After juice Adrien was able to persuade The Gorilla to let all of his friends come back to the house to hang out. It took many action hero figurines and a promise to stay in Adrien’s room before he did but he agreed nonetheless.
Arriving inside everyone spread out around Adrien’s room to play video games, climb the rock wall, blast music or just about anything else. Adrien himself had parked himself in front of the foosball table. He was tempted to square off on the gaming console against Marinette but decided he would like to win at something first before being absolutely pulverized. At some point Kim went swimming in Adrien’s tub which was strange but not nearly the weirdest thing he’s ever done.
As the day got later and everyone was mellowing out they all crowded on the couch and surrounding floor to watch a movie. The Gorilla was kind and ordered a bunch of pizza for the kids as well as a plethora of other snacks as dinner time rolled around.
They ended up watching a bad horror movie that everyone but Marinette, Mylene, and Nino was enjoying. Alya got in one last nudge at Adrien by placing him right next to Marinette so that when she got frightened by the movie he’d be there to comfort her.
Soon it was time for all the kids to go home. The Gorilla had been very open but even he couldn’t keep pressing his luck by letting everyone sleep over. Adrien bid all his friends goodbye and went back up to his room. It had started out rather strange but today had morphed into one of the most fun experiences of his life. He could only hope he got the chance to have another day like today soon.
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honeypiehotchner · 6 years
dancing on my own -- part seven
I’m back when I really should be doing homework. But I can’t help it. Every time I tried to do work, I just saw Rob. So here’s this.
Words: 2,162 (wow, hello)
Summary: Karaoke night. That’s all I’m saying.
Warnings: the fluff will probably kill you
“So, karaoke.”
Bri raises her eyebrows. “Yes. Karaoke.”
“What am I singing!” I laugh, shoving her shoulder.
Bri shrugs. “Ask the teenager.”
I nearly roll my eyes, looking around for my little sister. She’s been back in the green room with us since mom and dad left to get lunch – I also kind of told her to stay so they will get a little lunch date. Besides, she hasn’t met everyone yet, so this is a perfect time to do that.
I find her after a few seconds of looking – the green room isn’t that big – and to my surprise, she’s listening to the band have a little jam session.
She’s heard their music before, mostly from me playing it in the car and whenever I’m home helping out around the house. But she’s never listened to them really in depth. Judging by her face, though, I’d say she likes their sound.
I glance back at Briana, shaking my head as I try not to smile. I can’t help it. Seeing Anna have fun and smile with people that I love and that I know have genuine hearts makes me so warm inside.
Short story, because Anna hates when I talk about this, but she hasn’t had the smoothest childhood or experience with friends. She’s incredibly wise and mature for her age, probably at the fault of having an older sister like me who kind of threw herself into being an adult right when she turned sixteen, but still. She’s always gravitated toward the older generation or kids who are more mature. And if you know anything about middle and high school, then you’ll know it’s hard to find kids who are like that. So to see her hanging out with genuinely good people that I love, and to see them having a good time with her…
It makes me really happy. That’s all.
I make my way over to them at the ending of a song, Anna clapping and playfully saying, “Encore!!”
“Hey sis,” I tap her shoulder. Everyone’s eyes naturally fall on me, and I try not to blush when I see Rob smiling in my direction. “I need a song for karaoke. And you’re more knowledgeable in pop music than I am, so…”
She chews on the inside of her cheek, thinking. “Do you want old or new?”
“Something that’ll have a karaoke track we can pull up,” I laugh.
She narrows her eyes for a second, but then I see it when she has the perfect idea. “Oh, I’ve got a good one.”
I raise my eyebrows.
“‘Style,’” she grins. “By Taylor Swift.”
I remember the song clearly. My eyes widen in surprise, having not thought of that at all before. “That’s perfect! Thanks girl.” I pause, glancing around at the band. Everyone has gone to messing with their instruments, but I catch Rob staring and give him a teasing look that causes him to grin, letting out a small laugh. “I see you’re corrupting my sis into the Louden Swain world.”
Rob shrugs. “It’s nice to have an audience who doesn’t really know our stuff.”
“Which makes me mad!” Anna interjects, then looking at me. “Their stuff is so good!”
“I tried to tell you,” I laugh, messing with her hair. “Okay, off you go. I need more music.”
“What song?” Rob asks suddenly.
I take a deep breath, thinking for a moment. “‘Like The Heart Goes,’” I finally say. “It’s one of my favorites.”
His face falters for a second, probably not expecting that, but they begin playing it anyway. I look over my shoulder to see Briana discussing something with her handler, so I decide to join Anna on the couch, listening to my favorite band play my favorite song.
After the rest of my solo photo ops and autographs, it is time to get ready for karaoke. Anna wanted to go see the vendors room, so she is there with mom and dad. Thankfully, they agreed to stay for karaoke, mostly wanting to see what all it’s about.
 Also, thankfully, they agreed to let Anna be up front in the madness while they stay back and watch. I promised to keep an eye on her (which I always do).
But as I stand here in front of my bathroom mirror, Kim and Briana on opposite sides of me also getting ready, I find my brain unconsciously drifting to Rob.
We have ‘Style’ playing in the background to remind me of how it sounds and all, and every time I hear the lyrics, I think of Rob. I can’t help it. And I can’t tell if Anna chose the song because she could sense something, or just because she likes the song – she’s a massive fan of Taylor Swift, among many other artists; the girl has a music taste with zero boundaries.
Either way, singing it at karaoke is going to be interesting.
“Hey, Bri?”
I pause, bringing the mascara wand away from my eyes. “Do you have a red lipstick I can borrow?”
She grins. “Of course I do.”
There isn’t really a theme for karaoke tonight, or if there is it must be leather and badass. Everyone is head-to-toe in black, most of us in leather jackets. I have my black heels on with my leather jacket and black crop-top. The red lips and messy hair have me looking, and I quote from Kim, “Sexy as hell.”
I take it as a compliment, despite the many predicaments Hell on Supernatural has been in.
We’re all onstage with the fans, dancing and having the times of our lives. It isn’t long before I’m scheduled to sing.
Rich announces me, the track starting after he says my name.
“Sing with me if you know it,” I nearly plead the crowd, smiling when they scream. “Midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights.”
They’re singing with me, louder than I expected. I look to Anna, grinning as she sings with me from the audience with the biggest smile on her face.
 “Fade into view, it’s been a while since I have even heard from you,” I try not to look at Rob too pointedly. “You’ve got that James Dean, daydream look in your eye and I got that red lip, classic thing that you like.”
“I said, “I heard—” Oh! “That you’ve been out and about with some other girl.” Some other girl…” I shake my head. “He said, “What you heard is true, but I can’t stop thinking about you,” and I said, “I’ve been there too a few times.”
“And when we go crashing down, we come back every time ‘cause we never go out of style.”
By the end of it I have completely given up on not looking at Rob. The first time I did, he grinned wider than I’ve ever seen him smile, so from there I just kind of…kept doing it. His smile almost seemed playful, like he wanted me to continue singing to him like that. So I did.
I don’t know why. I’m so much better than this. The last thing I need to be doing right now is flirting with Rob. If that even counts as flirting. I don’t know.
After karaoke we all split off to our rooms – some people (Rob, Rich, and Matt) go off to go photos with fans – and end the night feeling both satisfied and exhausted.
I take a shower, just to wash off because I don’t feel like washing my hair before I put on a big hoodie and some shorts to sleep in. It’s not late, though, in my standards, so I’ve been texting with Anna.
As it gets closer to midnight, I hear a knock on my door. Thinking it’s most likely Bri or Kim, I scramble to open it.
I stare.
“Can I come in?” Rob asks.
I open my mouth to protest, having spent the past hour convincing myself that singing ‘Style’ was a bad idea and that I should not sing ‘Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around’ tomorrow either. Bad idea. Completely.
But when he stands in front of me, those bad ideas don’t seem so bad.
Oh, I am so whipped.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” I move back to motion for him to come in, which he does, standing around awkwardly like he isn’t sure if this was a good idea.
My nerves are mutual, it seems.
“What’s up?” I ask. “I don’t have a couch, so I guess just…” I gesture to the space on the bed next to me.
I don’t have to worry about it being too awkward, though, because he kicks his shoes off before I even finish speaking.
I smile as I watch him climb into bed next to me. He leans back against the headboard, and he won’t look at me, which is strange. He closes his eyes a second later.
“I’m sorry.”
I furrow my eyebrows. “Are you okay?”
He chuckles then, opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling. They’re glassy. “Funny thing is, I should’ve asked you that more often.”
“Oh, Rob,” I frown. “I’m not mad at you, you know.” I grab a pillow and hug it to my chest, resting my chin on top of it.
“I know,” he says. “I’m mad at myself.”
“Well don’t be,” I pause, “but why are you?”
“I was…an asshole.”
I laugh, shrugging. “You were a little bit of a jerk. But you’re human. I get it.”
“You are incredibly forgiving for someone who has been put through hell by this world.”
“Grudges weigh me down,” I breathe, speaking truthfully. “It’s easier to learn the lesson and forgive. I think it’s healthier.”
“Did therapy teach you that?” I listen to his tone, but it is nowhere near as malicious as it was last night. This is softer, almost curious.
“Oh god, no,” I laugh. “I forgave you on the plane ride home to therapy. I’ve never been able to hold grudges for a long time. Therapy just…taught me to forgive myself as quickly as I forgive everyone else.”
He finally looks at me. “Therapy really helped you.”
I try not to smile. “That obvious?”
“You’re so…strong. And wise.” He pauses, studying my face. “You were before, but it’s different now.”
“I’m really happy,” I offer. “If that’s what you’re trying to get at.”
He smiles then. Finally. “I’m glad. You deserve to be happy.”
“Hey, so do you,” I nudge his arm playfully, causing his smile to widen. “What about you? How’s the girl?”
“Lily?” He chuckles, but it doesn’t sound good. “She, uh…she ended things a couple weeks after the con.”
My eyes widen. “Oh, Rob. I’m…I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he chuckles again, but I can tell it still hurts. “She told me she just thought my heart wasn’t all there,” he shrugs. “She could tell I liked her, but my heart was somewhere else. Her words. She’s a poet, if you can’t tell.”
I laugh, trying to lighten the conversation. “I can tell. But what did you think about what she said?”
He shrugs again. “I told her she was wrong. That I’d make it up to her. But she said I didn’t need to.” He pauses. “She’s in New York now, working in publishing and stuff. She said she thought with her gone I’d realize what she meant.”
“Rob…” I murmur, resting my hand on his arm without thinking. “I’m so sorry.”
He takes a deep breath, smiling as he rests his hand on top of mine. I try to ignore the warm feeling. “It’s okay. I think I’m starting to realize what she meant.”
He pats my hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. “I should go. You’ve got a full day tomorrow.”
I accept the subject change with a nod. “I do. Hey, are we singing?”
“If you want to,” he shrugs, trying not to grin. “But I’d like to.”
“Okay,” I smile. “We can practice tomorrow.”
“Okay,” he grins. “I’m going now.”
I laugh loudly. “You’re still sitting on my bed.”
“I know, I know.” He finally moves, sliding off my bed and grabbing his shoes from the floor.
I walk him to the door, pulling it open for him.
He’s barely halfway out before he turns around, holding out his arms. “Hug?”
I grin, stepping into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. His arms move around my waist, holding me tightly.
“I missed you like hell,” he whispers.
I try not to laugh as I nod. “I missed you like hell, too.”
I push back from the hug, both of us really needing to get some sleep tonight. He kisses the side of my head, his hands lingering on my waist for longer than they should.
Then he turns and walks down the hallway.
And I shut my door and squeal.
Tags: @itsfunnierin-enochian @sirraxa @sherlockedtash88 @shanghai88
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paw-patrol-kiddo · 7 years
2017 for my regressive side
Well guys, this is it; we’re really already at the end of 2017! Hard to believe, ain’t it? Well, I normally don’t do year review thingies, bu’ I figured I should probably do one this year, mostly cause this year’s been the best out of all the years of my life- and that’s saying a lot. I mostly wanna cover what this year has held for my regressive side, also with bits of stuff that happened in my big girl life!
If ya want, I’d love if ya made one of these posts about what this year held for your regressive side and you tagged me in it! Chances are, I’ll be reading it and replying very quickly! 
Anyways, time for the year review! It begins below the cut!
This year’s held a lot of things for my regressive side; a lot more than the previous years. I’m going to try and cover everything, for every month of the year!
January held my fifteenth birthday and also marked four years since I started liking diapers nonstop again, which ultimately led to me beginning to age regress. I discovered that it seems my regressive side is most active this month, something that’s really helpful to know for obvious reasons. I attempted to indulge in my regressive side discreetly to cope with stress, as I was still hiding this whole thing at the time and seldom spoke about it to Kaiya, my younger sister. I also remember that the month before, I stopped identifying as a chireb, and was trying to find a new label for myself, but was failing. This was frustrating to me.
I don’t really remember a whole lot about February! Not much that I can note, that is. Thinking about it, this month is kinda a blurry, confusing mess if that says anything; I just can’t remember a whole lot from it! I think either this month or the month after was when I gave up on finding a label and just settled on the generic age regressor term.
March held quite a bit of things for my big girl side; I began playing baseball, got my own room at last, and mourned the loss of a big part of my preteen and early teenagehood when Club Penguin shut down. Even with more privacy for my regressive side and my life in general, I mostly forgot about my regressive side around this time and moved on with my life.
April doesn’t hold a lot of notable things for agere, either. I do know that starting four months before, I started feeling other ages in my identity (I feel all the ages I regress to in my identity. Like, I feel like them and at times, that for example, I’m a 7-year-old trapped in a teenager’s body. It’s not a fun feeling) and I accepted two without a problem (10 and 11), but I continued to deny and push aside another age I felt, thinking it seemed too young. After all, I was content with my youngest being two-years-old; or so I thought.
I wanna say May started getting a bit tough. As the spring season of baseball drew closer to the end, of course, my regressive side began trying to rise from the depths. The little girl inside me wanted attention and more space. She couldn’t keep sitting back and hiding forever.
The most I could do for my little self was watch toddler and little kid shows in private, play with my toys, play children’s games online, and color. Not a whole lot, clearly, and I was still self-conscious of a lot of this. I am sure this is the time where I began feeling trapped regarding all of this. 
June began to show signs of easier times. Baseball finally ended for the summer, which of course, led to the “Well dang; what am I gonna do with my life til the fall season?” moment. My regressive side, of course, took the wheel for most of the summer at this point. Hiding this was becoming very hard; I had to find some way to cope, some way to be open, anything. My little side could hardly take it anymore; this month or the next month marked four years since she first stepped into my life and you can only hide yourself for so long before it becomes too much (I had been making an effort to hide for a year or two before then).
Towards the end of the month, I finally reluctantly accepted the fact I seemed to regress to age 1 and 4 days later, I finally gathered the courage to make this blog, something I had thought about for a year, but could never do it. I told myself if I regretted it, I could just delete it, no problem; that was what I was expecting I’d end up doing. 
But instead, with a place I could be little, the trapped feeling began to ease. I was scared, of course, but also relieved and very happy. In fact, I was so happy that when I went to the bathroom shortly after a brief flood-reblog, I had to happy stim for a minute or two before I could actually do what I came in there for. I gave Mom and Kaiya the link to this blog. I’m sure making this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year- and I’ve made a lot.
Making the blog reminded of my love for diapers, which brought back a memory of when Mom sneakily bought some for me the summer before. Talking about it here was really hard at first and took a lot of courage, but if you can’t tell, I can do it without flinching or hesitating now. After a quick chat with Mom, I decided at last, I’d finally try them whenever Dad left the house for a few hours (shout-out to the anon who sent that ask after I posted about it, you’re amazing and I hope you had a wonderful year. We need more people like you. Also, I started happy stimming when I reread the ask before linking it here).
Also, I rediscovered Small Elephant (I received the lil guy as a gift a year before and played with him once, but never got too attached to him) around this time and idk what exactly happened or how it did, but apparently, I ended up attached to him and I still am. He’s my lil vacation/severe weather evacuation buddy now.
July was a blast! I finally tried out my diapers shortly after Dad left to help out at a vape and tattoo shop he volunteers at and by the time I finally changed out of my first diaper, I had officially decided I was wearing them for the rest of my life (not as in 24/7, but... I’m sure ya know what I mean). The only problem is that because I was used to seeing what all the a/b/d/l community advertised, I ended up developing a rash the second time I wore and had to learn how to take care of myself properly mostly by myself with the occasional help from Mom and the internet (and literally now is when I see everyone from that community talking about the proper way to do things...).
The day I tried diapers out, I tried out regressing to age 1 to see how I’d like it and well, the rest is history. ;) 
Kai relearned of the diapers this month (read it once somewhere on my blog according to Mom, then I had to tell her about a sample pack on the way, and then Mom had to have a conversation with her about it in the car when they were the only ones in there) and said she was cool with it and briefly even began joking about the whole age regression thing (in a friendly way, mind you).
I told Kim, my older sister, about my regression, and she took it wonderfully, of course. I also told a friend of mine about my regression and liking of diapers, who also took it just fine and showed a lot of support for it. 
I began to indulge more and more into this and I even had a friend who also age regressed by the end of this month (Rayyyyyyy~). 
I went to Florida with Mama, Kai, and a former (? I don’t even know anymore, honestly) friend of Mama’s and it held some interesting adventures there, too! I took Small Elephant places, regressed at the beach twice (@ Kai, psst. Remember when I trapped you in that hug and almost sunk us into the ocean? Well, there’s your reason why), got a Winnie the Pooh book from Goodwill, and indulged in some tasty smiley fries one afternoon! Clearly, this month is one of the best for my age regression. The little girl inside was happy; I was no longer feeling trapped.
August was pretty wild. Small Elephant came with me to Georgia; I don’t think he got to come along on any adventures outdoors, however. I got a jack-in-the-box style toy with a mama kangaroo and her baby joey inside. I also regressed at some point at our cabin and enjoyed running around outside just before a storm blew through. Mom chose to tell someone about my age regression without my permission (talk about a thought to occupy yourself down the lengthy lazy river) and thankfully, that person was fine with it. I was thinking about telling her not too long before, funny enough. I’d prefer permission and a warning before telling someone, though, aha.
I got two “0+ months” pacifiers that month from Mom and literally spent 2 hours sucking on them, save for when I briefly stopped to switch; needless to say, my TMJ relapsed very quickly after around six months of absence of symptoms, aha.
My ex broke up with me (I got with him back in May), despite promising that no breakup would happen 3 days before. This was mostly a good thing, though; no more worrying about how and when to tell him about the diapers and age regression! I’ve been single since and content with it. The thought of telling my future boyfriend(s) this is terrifying, but maybe he’ll be fine with it. Maybe I’ll even meet someone who also likes diapers (nonsexually, mind you) and age regresses as well! I imagine that’s a once in a blue moon thing, though.
We also told Dad about my regression and he took it fine, something that surprised me, as I was genuinely not expecting it. Mom didn’t tell him a lot and eventually, decided to back off for a bit temporarily after mentioning that I “liked to act like a 7/5-year-old sometimes” and that I liked pacifiers and wanted one (this was after I got mine). According to Mom, he didn’t respond to the pacifiers thing and honestly, it’s still kinda scary (if it’s the no reply I think it is, I got him to do it back in October and it’s really unsettling). I don’t know what it means and I don’t think I want to know. He still doesn’t know about the pacifiers to this day. It’s wild.
September held its own adventures. I finally rediscovered an old bag of Mom’s (I mostly remember it because she had it when I was an ‘’actual’’ toddler) and what’s inside? A baby bottle I held on to for three years from when my parents had me treat Puzzle Piece as if he were a baby, thinking it’d rid of my age regression tendencies (if anything, I think this just fed it tbh). I planned to wash it and perhaps try it out or look into a new one.
This also held a notable visit from my older sister. She was told about my liking of diapers and you probably guessed it, her response was coming to my room (I panicked and ran away while she was on the way to the living room after Mom called her in there), giving me a hug, and saying, “I love and support you no matter what you do”. My sisters are great if you can’t tell, and I also mean that outside of agere.
The night before the diaper reveal, Mom noticed me lying on Kim while she rocked the recliner one evening and Mom offered to rock me someday while Dad was gone, something I accepted pretty quickly. I got Mom to rock me for the first time ever two days later. Mom also told me that Dad was fine with the rocking, hence why I was rocked literally right next to him at some point, and he even said he could rock me someday. I don’t think I could do that, though; age regression related stuff is really hard to do around him, and I’d be too worried about his back (he has a bad back).
That month, the day before the rocking part took place, I finally gathered the courage to actually refer to her as “Mommy” on here, along with “Daddy” for Dad. It honestly feels so good to do. I just find it sad I was so scared to use those words at first thanks to the kink/sters. I refer to those two regularly by those titles, mostly to try and reclaim those words as innocent, pure words I call my parents occasionally, rather than terms that are tainted with reminders of ki/nk. Mommy’s easier to use, because I’m closer to Mom than Dad (as of late, that is), and also because “Mommy” isn’t as corrupted as “Daddy”.
I got a Pooh Bear sleeper the day of my second baseball game of the fall season. It’s soft and it makes me feel like a toddler; the only problem is that it’s so easy to overheat in it (which really sucks because I’m hypersensitive to heat and can’t handle getting really hot) and sleepers take up a lot of room in a dresser.
Oh, and this month, Mom called me a nick name she uses for me quite a bit now; “My baby”. Out of all the nicknames I know, I never thought of that. I still melt when she calls me it tbh.
October was a mix, really. I don’t remember a whole lot involving this, really. Rocked by Mom again, got another sleeper, and witnessed Kaiya prove that she was okay with the whole diaper thing by insisting she was fine with it, actually going to the adult diaper aisle with us at Wal-Mart (she stayed a bit away from us, though), and when the cashier bagged the diapers up, she moved so dang fast and had them hidden in no time. I know this because I watched her load other stuff into the cart and she was much more relaxed. I did see her look into the cart at some point before we went to check-out, so perhaps she memorized what the package looked like so she could hide them? Idk if she remembers it or if she’d even want to talk about it, so... Who knows
Towards the end of the month, something began happening. I don’t know what, but it eventually led to me becoming depressed again for a little while, but we’ll discuss that in a few minutes. I discovered I was so indulged in my regression I actually forgot aspects of myself and chose to take a break for a week the next month. I came back feeling better about agere and somewhat better about myself in general. I still don’t understand what happened, but it hasn’t happened again since. Hopefully, it’ll never happen again.
November was a pretty miserable month for me tbh. Has a few good or at least neutral parts, mostly in the beginning, of course. One of these is that I discovered that I can go so deep into my baby mindset (I refer to my 1-year-old self as a baby for brevity) that I’ll chew on things without a thought and well, perhaps that other part’s a bit tmi. I also finally tried out my bottle one evening; very comforting and relaxing.
In the middle of the month, I struggled with accepting that perhaps I did need meds after all (spoiler: I definitely need them) and stress from this, a fixation on childhood trauma, and chores, which were gradually becoming stressful instead of enjoyable, began building up. I began to fall back into a depression, something I was in denial about the entire time.
It was this time that I noticed I was having a harder time regressing, something that was terrifying to me. I was scared that perhaps my regressive side was going dormant; one of my biggest fears is that I stop regressing for good and I was scared that was what was about to happen. That was, until one night, I had an involuntary episode briefly. I didn’t think much of it and went on with my night as normal once it concluded. I don’t know why I didn’t become concerned; involuntary episodes are rare for me, after all. But then, I thought I was about to have a block, so I guess that’s why I thought nothing of it.
I tried my best to cope with everything, but it was futile. One night, just witnessing the dog we were dog-sitting have an accident and having to take all three by myself while they all cried and tried to get out just made me snap, I guess. I fell deeper into my depression, began craving to be an actual baby/young toddler again for the first time in a couple of years, and briefly began having involuntary regression episodes every night. Wearing a diaper to bed and having Small Elephant with me every night for a couple of nights, drinking from my bottle one night, spending more time with my pacifiers, and easing up on everything I could helped pull me out of it.
I still don’t understand what exactly happened, but I hope it never happens again. Also, I guess this confirms that I have involuntary regression episodes when I’m overly stressed. Hopefully the next time this happens, my regressive side will keep me afloat, like it always has.
December was pretty good! I got rocked again by Mom while I was being bottlefed by her, got a new bottle and a toddler snack, and got more toddler snacks later on that day (again, Kaiya moved them to another bag quickly before Mom gave me the bag with them inside). Dad learned about the bottles and snacks and thankfully, is alright with it. I wish it was the same way with diapers. He still doesn’t know about me wearing diapers behind his back, as you probably guessed, and it will stay that way for a while. 
I think I kinda cheated another depressive episode, but? It never came. I was just really grumpy and easily upset for a while, to the point of punching my bed and stomping, which I hardly do (heck, I still am as of right now, but it’s calmed down some). I wish whatever my brain’s doing would stop, because it’s getting rather annoying and I’d rather not spend any longer whining frequently and worrying about getting upset to the point of punching or kicking my closet door off its hinges or something. :’)
Christmas was great; I mostly got big girl gifts (see: My new camera) or at least neutral gifts (see: My stim toys and maybe my Pikachu necklace), but I did get a few things that appealed to my regressive side, like a set of five different Paw Patrol puzzles, a penguin plushie with my name written on its tummy (glitter and everything!), and an Animal Jam playset thing!
To end this year off, I got a sippy cup, one of my most-wanted regression items around that time. Now, if only I could actually bring myself to wash my bottle and sippy cup in the dishwasher (they’re top rack safe)... I guess I can start off the new year washing them after I listen to Bring Me to Life or maybe while I’m listening to it, hee hee hee.
As you can see, I had a pretty wild year full of adventures and experiences! You know what? Why don’t I mention some folks who played a role in making this year the best?
Mom - Mom, I think you know how you’ve helped. You’re literally a big aspect in this post. When I was 12, I thought I’d never have your support about all of this, but now, here we are. You’re my mommy and I’m your baby and I always will be. I love you.
Kai - Sis, I think you see your role here, too. I thought you’d never support me, either, but here we are. Thank you for being cool with the diapers and everything else and always being respectful about it. I love you. Also, sorry for almost drowning us that time
Kim - You don’t get on Tumblr anymore, but I figured you deserved your own spot here, anyways. You haven’t gotten to see a lot, but you’ve still been very supportive of all this. Thank you for being fine with it and loving me for who I am, no matter what I choose to do. I love you. Also, I still can’t get over the fact that you seemed to do so good with little me that one time and you didn’t even know I was regressed at the time and you literally treat me how you treated regressed me all the time, but I still can’t get over it
Ray - You were my first friend who also age regressed. Tbh, I’ve admired ya from afar for like, a year before we started talking, but I was always scared to talk to ya. Thank you for being so supportive, helping me out and offering help for things occasionally. Also, thank you again for the regression moodboard ya made in the past for me! I still think about it a lot, and have looked at it so much that I’m pretty sure I have it ingrained into my brain.
Bug - We haven’t known each other for long, but I wanted to say thank you for taking an interest in me and being my friend. You’re adorable and so sweet (and so is your fursona. I love seeing other people’s fursonas, ahhh). My bumblebee plushie told me to tell you he said hi~
Leah - We haven’t known each other for long, either, but you’ve been so sweet to me the entire time we have. Thank you for the times you’ve checked on me when I didn’t seem to be doing so well. We need more people like you. Honestly, your kindness is goals for me; I’m always wanting to be kind at all times and you’ve got that perfect amount, it seems.
All my other followers - I can’t list all of y’all, so I figured y’all should get your own honorable mention in one go~ Some of you I’ve known almost as long as this blog has been around (6 months!), some of you I’ve only recently gotten to know. I don’t know why y’all followed me, but I appreciate it. Thank y’all for following me, sticking around, and just being all-around cool. Y’all are adorable and lovely and I love y’all (and so is everyone else who got a specific mention. Yes, I love you guys, too).
I think 2017 is the best year for my age regression by far and the best year of my life in general. I’ve learned things, laughed, cried, shook from excitement and fear, grinned, and stimmed in many different ways for many different emotions. I can finally be myself without feeling as much shame. An autistic, ADHD teenage girl who is occasionally in diapers and often feels more like a little girl than a teenager sure is an interesting thing to be, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I don’t know what 2018 could bring, but I am ready for whatever it throws at me, whether it be pie (fun fact: I have never eaten pie before), problems with other people about this, or a pack of diapers.
To all my fellow age regressors, I hope 2018 brings you lots of happiness, acceptance for who you are by others and yourself, and anything you may want for your regressive side, whether it be more toys, a sippy cup, or a lot of marathons for your favorite cartoon/anime/TV show. Even if it’s hard for you right now, it will get easier; I promise.
Happy new year!! Stay little/tiny/smol.
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beyondspock · 7 years
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Leonard Nimoy, the actor immortalized as Spock in the original Star Trek TV series, died Feb. 27 at age 83. His son, Adam Nimoy, told the Associated Press that the elder Nimoy had died in his Los Angeles home, surrounded by his family; the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Although he was best known for the pointed ears and arched brows he wore as the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock in the TV show and Star Trek films, he also wore a variety of make-ups in other programs, particularly Mission: Impossible. We asked artists and performers to share their thoughts on the man and his make-up.
Joel Harlow
I met Leonard on the 2009 Star Trek: He was a gentle, kind man and a consummate professional. Like I’ve said many times, even if you don’t know Star Trek, people know Spock. To make Leonard up as Spock was truly an honor—it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
He was a professional and a perfectionist. He’s lived with those ears his whole life, so he knew how they should be. I did the ears six different times; we did tests and we had fun doing them. At the end, he paid me probably the biggest compliment of my life: He said these were the best ears he’d ever had.
It’s a sad day, especially since we’re working on the third installment of the Star Trek reboot. I pulled everyone together in the shop and we had a moment of silence for him. We wish him a good voyage.
Craig Reardon
I remember being excited and pleased to see a nice photo collage published in TV Guide magazine back during the show’s original run, showing Nimoy being made up as Spock. Not as many photos as I might have preferred, but at least three, I’d say. Fred Phillips was doing it, of course. Nimoy had consented to shave off half his eyebrows for that, and I believe the upward ends were penciled in, though I’m not certain.
Fred was of another generation: his dad was one of the founders of the make-up union, and Fred worked in silents as a kid. I got to talk with him, or basically listen to him talk, for well over an hour, years ago. … What I love about that generation is that they’d show up with the ubiquitous hardwood box and manage to pull out of it just about any kind of make-up required by any kind of script. By the time the ’60s rolled around, there was a gradually increasing call for prosthetic reinforcement, though Fred was adept at using painted effects. Some of his efforts in this regard have been criticized, even ridiculed. I don’t think that’s always fair. In fact, I think if many of today’s make-up artists were similarly limited to only graying hair with cosmetics and face painting for age, they’d immediately realize that it ain’t so easy.  But there were also what I call theatrical conventions for depicting age which were acceptable even by the ’60s.
… What I love about Spock between the lines, as it were, is that older world of make-up it evokes, as a single job. For instance, the base color was Max Factor’s Chinese! Actually a quite yellow ochre. And if you were going to try to recreate a classic Mr. Spock, the indispensable element of his totally non-realistic eye shadow was good old Factor Blue Grey, one of Factor’s limited range of lining colors, as they were called, which came in little brass-colored tins. … The old Factor lining colors were somewhat stiff and waxy, hard to get going at times, but they lasted well.
… I did see the actual, original dental stone mold for Nimoy’s ears, over at Fox when John Chambers generously and kindly invited me, as a 14-year-old kid, to come visit there in September 1967. It was very simply labeled in black marker, “Nemoy [sic] Ears.” Imagine that! That’d be a prize mold, if anyone has it today. (And if it survives.)
Steve Buscaino
It was great working on the first film with him and making his ears. What’s more iconic than those ears? I was proud that he made a comment to Joel that those were his best ears. I thought it was interesting, too, doing that make-up and thinking about Fred Phillips doing the original ears and John Chambers making the molds. [Doing the ears] was a great homage to heroes, John Chambers and Fred Phillips—I felt like I was stepping into their shoes a little bit. Fred gave me the original ears years ago.
Daniel Roebuck
Daniel RoebuckHaving grown up a fan of Star Trek, when l learned that I would be on Next Generation, I was so excited. Then to find out [that] in the episodes I would be standing next to Leonard Nimoy as Spock, I was euphoric. Mr. Nimoy was one of the greatest character actors our industry has ever borne. To lay claim to the creation of an American—albeit Vulcan—icon is something an actor couldn’t even dare to dream possible. His passing simply reminds us that television will never be the same again.Michael KeyIt feels strange to not have Leonard Nimoy with us. I’ve been watching him all my life. Star Trek was my favorite TV show in the ’60s when it first aired. When I was a teenager working in a convenience store, I sold Leonard a pack of cigarettes. He had a cool, confident vibe about him that day. Nimoy was our executive producer on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. I remember him on that film as having a quietly commanding presence, with nothing to prove. There was a naughty story being told then about Kim Cattrall, who played Valeris. Supposedly, she was so taken with her Vulcan make-up, she hired a photographer to shoot nude photos of her. As the story goes, Leonard caught wind of it and sent word to Kim to be in his office in one hour with the photographer and the negatives. I can’t say for certain that it happened but it’s a great tale. Leonard occasionally was involved in the Star Trek television shows in the ’90s. It was always special when we had Spock on the set. An important part of Star Trek has passed with him.Nimoy Make-ups Over Time
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fruitsaladaf · 4 years
Coming of Age C.A.R blog
Seoul Searching (2015)
Seoul Searching, a film directed by Bensen Lee covers the typical themes of a coming of age film but specifically for Korean teenagers. Themes of assimilation, identity,and  cultural differences. As these themes translate throughout the film an underlying issue is presented, the detachment assimilated teens have from their own cultures.
 First off, I feel like when it comes to detachment from culture there are two types of detachment, by choice or forced upon in a way. For example in the film we meet the character of Klaus Kim who comes from Germany. In the calligraphy class scene we also know that he in a way understands that as immigrants his parents worked hard so that he could pursue more ambitious dreams, but while he knows about the sacrifices that his parents made as Korean immigrants, he never really understood them. As he went through camp, the more he learnt about his culture as well as other people's assimilation experiences, the more he actually understood the sacrifices his parents had to make. Although their reason for leaving Korea wasn’t clearly stated, Klaus at some point calls his parents thanking them for everything they’d done and for the sacrifices they’d made. In a way Klaus is an example for the kind of assimilation that happens by choice, while he could’ve learnt more about his own culture he chose to assimilate to the lifestyle of Germany and had never really understood his parents' situation till he went to camp. On the other end there is Kris, who was kind of forced into assimilation by her own situation of being an adoptive child to a non-Korean family, that is why she never really got the chance to learn about her own culture and language. As she goes through camp, her wish to learn more about her motherland grows as she goes and looks for her biological mother with the help of Klaus. At the end (after camp)  while both had gone through two different types of assimilation they both decided to stay and explore Korea to learn more about it. For the other students the detachment of their own culture is clear when Mr. Kim asks them what it means to be Korean, they either can’t answer the question or answer it according to the way their lifestyle had nurtured them. A good example of this is the way that Mike always answers according to his military background. 
There are so many different themes that can be analyzed from this film but those were the main ones that I could relate too personally. I feel like ever since I came to SFSU I got a chance to connect with my culture once again. As an immigrant myself I had to assimilate to American culture quickly since my mom would be getting married to an american man (I’ll refer to him as my dad cause I don't like saying stepdad), so I had to try to learn english as soon as possible to do well in school and to communicate with his family, and moving to monterey bay away from the only Latino family that I had in America made it even more difficult to keep in touch with Latino culture since the people around me were predominantly white skateboarding /surfer/dirt biking peeps. As I went through high school when I tried to connect with other Latinos at school I was always too “white washed” for them which always left me a little embarrassed. Then coming to SF and seeing the diversity and the way that many people are really proud of who they are and their culture really pushed me to try to connect with my own culture again as well as learn more about the beauty that many other cultures hold. I know this was a lot but this film really resonated with me in that sense. 
Minding the Gap (2018)
Minding the Gap is a Hulu Documentary directed by Bing Liu that tells his story as well as that of his friends Keire Johnson and Zach Mulligan. Some of the main themes deal with coming of age, domestic violence and overcoming cycles. 
Truthfully at first I wasn't too sure as to why we had to watch this film (I certainly enjoyed it), and part of me is still a bit unsure but one of the biggest themes portrayed by this documentary is how the world around us shapes us into who we are. I shared the stories of Bing, Keire and Tyler who all had pretty similar childhoods, because of the way their fathers would beat them and how they would use skateboarding as an escape from their own lives. I think it shows the different directions that one could go under those circumstances. It also shows the way that a person has the ability to break a cycle to build a better future like Keire who left his town at the end, a way showing how he was chasing something bigger and better for his future. Bing moved forward by making this documentary and seeking something better. Tyler moves forward by turning his life around in order to be a good father for his son. They all grew up in a broken environment and didn’t really know what they wanted to do in the future, the one thing these 3 men were certain of was that they wanted something better. Seeing each of their stories play out and seeing the growth they had gone through from when they first met to who they came to be was interesting, like their whole lives playing right infront of my eyes. It also showed the effects of abuse and what it can do to people when that’s a norm. In a way it also shows another cycle that can be broken through the generations who seek something better for thir future and a way to cope by talking about it. I think a scene that broke my heart was when Bing was interviewing his mom and she said something along the lines of whatever helps him move on she will talk about even if it hurts her. I feel like it shows that people are more open to talking about abuse to move forward for a better future.
Personally the beginning when it was mainly focused on skateboarding and their friendship it kind of reminded me of some friends from back home in Monterey, as previously stated in my Seoul Searching segment where a lot of friends for back home were pretty into skateboarding culture and surfing culture. Second of all, the idea of moving forward towards something better is something I can relate to as well as breaking unhealthy family cycles. Most of my childhood before coming to America was pretty messed up because of the things I saw when I was little, and my mom wasn’t even sure about who she was because she had me at the age of 15. She came to the US to build a better life and to get away from the toxic environment we lived in, I was 6 when she came here. I’ve always thought of my mom as an amazing mom but the more that I grew older the more I understood why she left me at my grandmas when I was little, she’s turned her life around and now i'm happy that my baby sisters will get a chance to grow up in a good loving family. It really reminded me of my moms story and how she wanted to overcome things to move forward for a better future.
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