#esp when youre like oh but look how gay eddie looks
qprstobin · 11 months
Every time a fic says something about how Steve doesn't clock as queer to people and half the time this leads to people being like wary of him in gay clubs or something I'm just woebejdk please be so serious rn. Look how well dressed that fucker is. He matches his shoes with his outfit and wears little polos. He third wheeled his best friend and his girlfriend for years. None of these make him queer but people acting like there haven't been gay rumors about him from the moment he hit middle school are lying to themselves.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hellfire’s Mama fox; Eddie Munson x fem!oc Chap. 6.1
*Author’s note*
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDDIE MUNSON!!! One year ago today you came onto the show and literally stole ALL of our hearts. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the whole chapter done but I’d be damned if I didn’t at least post up something in honor of the one year of season 4 of Stranger things for his debut. So to any and all readers out there enjoy part one of this chapter and I hope to have part two up in like a day or so.
Now this chapter specifically is set in Eddie’s POV cause one I said it could be and two it’ll really show just how much Eddie cares for Roxxi and it really needed to be from his POV esp. this chapter after what happened in the last chapter. 
Warnings: Flirty Eddie MAJOR FLIRT AND TEASE!! Some mentions of angst, mentions of suicide (past event not current in this timeline), fluff, SMUT (the next part will be some MAJOR smut so underaged blogs or bot blogs you’ll be blocked I’LL BE CHECKING)!! 
Chapter 6;
The Bard and the Elf-witch’s anniversary
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*Eddie’s POV*
The rest of the week went by in a blur.  Even though she says she’s fine, I knew Roxxi still kept thinking back to her encounter with her cousin Steve Harrington.  God if only I had known, hell I’ve been over to Family video throughout the summer and I didn’t even see Harrington once whilst I went in there to rent Wayne and me a movie.
It was Friday and as unfortunate as it is, I had begged Roxxi to take a mental health day.  She didn’t need the stress of Fridays piling up on her with all that’s been buzzing on her mind.  And as promised (more like forced) I had agreed to come to class and take notes for her.
Truthfully I hated leaving her alone when she got this way. The last time she was like this after an encounter with Steve, she had slit her wrists in her own bathroom.  Had I not gotten there in time, I—I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened.
“Eddie, you alright man?” asked Gareth.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about Roxxi.” I said picking out a pretzel from my bag and popping it into my mouth.
“You still wanna go through with Hellfire tonight?”
“Of course. You know the rules. Just didn’t feel right leaving her alone today, that’s all.”
“Still going off about you know who?” asked Jeff as he sat down with his lunch.  I hummed with a soft nod.  “Say isn’t yall’s anniversary coming up or something?” I perked up.
“Already? Jesus Christ last year it felt like a fucking eternity for it to come.”
“Maybe you can cheer her up on your anniversary. You always seem to make her day brighter every September the 21st.” Gareth said.
“What’s September 21st?” Dustin’s voice soon spoke up as he and Mike finally joined out table.
“Eddie and Roxxi’s anniversary.” Gareth told them.
“Wait so you guys—are you guys really married or is it like—” Mike started off but I flicked a pretzel at his head.
“No you little shithead.” Not yet anyways.  “Today marks the first time Roxxi and I met back in the sixth grade. She wore a Queen t-shirt, which I’ll praise her for. Her hair was done in a tight-knit ponytail and she had in her hands her journal which had various band and solo artist names written all over it. All ranging from Queen to REM, to Elton John and Bowie. Even Fleetwood Mac made the cut. She sat down at a table far in the corner, looking like a lost little fox kit. But that’s to be expected when someone goes from the 4th to 6th grade.”
“Wait she what?” asked Dustin incredulously.
“Oh yeah. Back in the day she was like a female Einstein or some shit. So much so the school board thought she could skip the 5th grade entirely and go straight into sixth. Which made her a target to some of the sixth grade bullies.”
“And one day I saw her being tossed around by said jerk wads. They were literally tossing her around in the alleyway between there and the high school.” Gareth first started out the tale I’ve always told of my meeting with my One.
“So gathering my courage, I preformed my best Gollum impression and made the boys piss themselves and run like cowardly dogs.” Jeff said.  “But then, just as I was about to ask if she was alright, she looked up at me with those hypnotic, piercing (e/c) eyes of hers.”
“And it was then I knew,” both he and Jeff struck themselves in the heart finishing my tale.
“I was hooked.” They both finished together, to which the whole table began to laugh.  I smirked snidely before standing up and chuckling alongside them as I sat myself between both Jeff and Gareth.  Placing my hand on their shoulders, I looked between the two of them before quickly pulling them both up.  I wrapped my arms over their necks bringing them close as I told them.
“And without the two of us, there wouldn’t be a Hellfire for you guys. And without her, you guys wouldn’t have become my lead bass and drummer for Corroded Coffin. So be thankful that I met her that day, for without her, there’d be no us. So show some respect to your DM’s first meeting, okay?”
“Yes Eddie.” They both shuddered nervously.  I smirked and gave them a playful slap in the face as I gathered my shit up.  
“Now if you all will excuse me, I have some planning to do before Monday. Hellfire’s still happening, 3pm sharp. Don’t be late.” I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the library for some quiet time planning on how to make this anniversary more special than all the others in the past.
After school I went over to the payphone to give my Queen a call and to check up on her.  The phone rang a couple of times, my heart racing hoping she’d answer until I heard the click and her voice came on the other end.
“There’s my gorgeous girl.” I said leaning up against the payphone.
‘I take it that school went okay?’
“Babe, it’s school. It never goes okay with me. Boring lectures and even boring-er teachers.”
‘And this is why you’re failing English. Boring-er is not a word.’
“All words are made up Mama, isn’t that why we have our own English language while the British supposedly have theirs?”
‘Touché I’ll give you that.’ I grinned victoriously.
“But I’m sure you had a more fun day than me. At least you didn’t have to deal with O’Donnell’s nagging voice for a day.”
‘Just sat around, cleaned up a bit, watched some TV.’
“See you got to have all the fun.” I teased and I knew she was rolling her eyes at me statement.
‘I also finished that last bit of leftover pizza from last weekend. So if you were looking forward to that, sorry.’
“No worries. I’m already planning on having something else for dinner.” I lowly sung out seductively twirling the cord around my finger.
‘Eddie Munson! You eating me out does not equal a meal!’ I couldn’t help but smirk.  Oh man she was so easy to fluster sometimes.
“Actually sweetheart what I was going to suggest was some Benny’s but maybe I should go with your idea. After all you are better than any burger or milkshake they could ever make.”
‘I walked right into that one didn’t I?’
“Yes you did.” I heard her groan as I let out a chuckle. “In all seriousness, you’re okay right?”
‘Yes love. I am. You were right, I just—needed to take a day for myself. But that doesn’t mean this should happen more than three times. Remember we’re graduating together.’
“I know, I know. This will count as day 1. After Hellfire, I’ll pick up some Benny’s and then I’ll be home okay?”
‘Sounds good. Kick some ass and wow the guys tonight.’
“As always. But you know it’s not the same without my Dungeon Mistress.”
‘Get home sooner and maybe we can make up our own campaign. One on one.’
“Oh babe don’t tempt me.” I heard her chuckle.
‘Okay tough guy, I’ll see you whenever you’re done. Better get going it’s almost three.’ I looked down at my watch and saw that she was right.
“Shit! Okay babe sweet you love you so much buh-bye!” I hung up the phone and quickly raced towards the theatre to start the campaign for the day.
As promised, after the campaign was over I drove to Benny’s, picked up our order and then drove back to the trailer.  I parked the van and right there on the porch I saw my beloved feeding one of the local stray cats that come by our trailer.
Ozzy, a skinny black cat with orange eyes was a favorite of ours.  He came around just shortly after Roxxi had moved in with Wayne and I, abandoned by his own mother so Roxxi took it upon herself to feed him and take care of him.
“Honey, I’m home.” I sung out as I held up the food.  She and Ozzy turned to me and Ozzy let out a loud meow in hello.  “Hey to you too Ozzy, hadn’t seen you in a while. Hope you’ve been making good choices.” He let out another meow as he raised a paw in the air to the bag of food.
“Ozzy, if I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times.” Roxxi started off as she picked him up.  “You do not eat people food, it’s not good for you.” He let out another low meow as he squirmed in her arms wanting to be put down.  “Now go eat your wet food like a good kitty.” She reprimanded as Ozzy went back to the can of wet food and ate from it.  “What are we gonna do with him?”
“No idea. I swear in another life he must’ve been human.” I said shrugging as the two of us went inside.
“I wish we could take him in as our own cat.”
“Me too babe but you know Wayne’s allergic to cats.”
“I know. And I don’t want the old man to be held up because of something he can’t control. It’s just with Halloween around the corner, I worry for his safety.” I set the food down and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her neck.
“He’s resourceful, and cunning. Just like his mama.” She smiled softly as I pecked her cheek.  “Now c’mon, let’s eat.” We headed to the kitchen and gathered our food before heading to the couch and turned on the tv.
“So how was the campaign tonight?” she asked.
“The boys didn’t expect that twist you suggested to me. Totally threw them off and fucked their entire gameplan they had going.” She smirked softly.  “And speaking of campaigns, your upcoming Halloween one, you still gonna do it?”
“Uhh duh!” she said as if she were answering a dumb question.
“I just wanted to be sure you weren’t pulling my leg when I saw your holiday campaign folder. You got it all done and checked out? Sure you don’t need me to have a quick peak?”
“I already told you Eddie, no peeping toms at my Halloween campaign. Now did you managed to find your Beren character sheet?”
“Yeah. Finally after digging through my locker I managed to find it. Still haven’t found his figurine though. Jesus I wish I knew where that went.”
“Maybe I’ll talk to Sinclair about it. I’m told his sister’s been getting into the game and made the guys current figurines. Maybe she can make you a new one.”
“Ahh yes, Sinclair’s infamous sister. Wonder if we’ll stick around to see her enter High school?”
“Don’t go talking like that Eds. We’re gonna get out of here, and then every summer we might just visit and reunite with the Hellfire gang. And who knows, maybe Henderson could take over as DM when we go.”
“He does show much potential. Though the kid needs to get his ego in check, I swear that tone of his is gonna get him into trouble one of these days.” I pulled her close so her back was against my chest before laying a kiss to the top of her head and looked down at her wolf tattoo.
I took her tattooed arm and raised it up before lifting my other arm which had the fox tattoo and had our forearms placed together.
“It really was a great idea meleth nin. Especially when we have the other’s animal spirit tattooed on us.”
“If you ask me, you’re more of the fox than I.”
“Oh c’mon Eddie you’ve seen the foxes that come out every now and then. They’re full of energy, hyperactive and above all extremely dorky but they do it so adorably. If anything maybe I should just call you Papa fox instead.”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a dork?” I asked offensively but in a playful manner.
“I said adorably dorky.” Well I wasn’t gonna take that lying down.  Without a word, I stood up and walked briefly away from her, my back facing her as I crossed my arms over my chest.  “Eddie? Eddie come on. I didn’t mean anything by it!” oh she was too cute whenever she pleaded like that.  “Eddie please don’t be mad, I’m sorry okay? I just—” that’s when I made my attack.
With a cry I quickly gathered her up in my arms and carried her towards the bedroom and dropped her on my bed.
“You big, sneaky, son of a—” I then pounced on top of her, my body hovering over hers as I pinned her arms above her head.  I noticed how her breathing hitched and I knew her heart was racing.  I gave her a devious smirk before lowering my face down to her neck and kissed her pulse point, the one spot I knew got her every time.
I softly growled as I kissed and nipped at her neck while I felt her squirm underneath me and she let out her sweet little mewls that always got me.
“I am the only wolf in this pair,” I whispered huskily into her neck.  “Ever question that again,” I kissed down the right side of her neck.  “And the Big, Bad Wolf will come for you. And he’s not so merciful, especially towards beautiful girls.” After a few more kisses on her neck to fully drop her guard, I made my real attack.
I blew a raspberry right into the right side of her neck that she had now fully exposed to me.  She let out a screeched laughter as I felt her legs kick under me but I placed my hips down to hers to pin her fully as I continued to deliver my raspberry attack to her soft, sensitive neck.
“Eddie! EDDIE NOHAHAHA! STOHAHAP!” she spoke through her laughter.  God I swear no drug on earth could compare to her laughter, I could get hooked on it forever. “NO NOT THAT! NOT THE WOLFIE NIBBLES AHEHEHE!!” oh yes the wolf nibbles my darling.  Along with raspberries she loved hated whenever I could give her some ticklish nibbles.
All across her neck and shoulders and even her collarbone I gave her nibbles, raspberries and ticklish kisses (with kissing sounds included). Finally I decided to take pity on her and cease my attack leaving her a panting mess.
“What….was that….for?” she whined softly as she tried to catch her breath.
“What? Can’t I show my best girl how much I love her?” I asked nonchalantly.
“That was mean Eddie!” she whined sadly.  “You tricked me and then tortured me.” Aww my poor sweet girl.  
“Okay maybe I did go a bit too far, forgive me?” I asked with a head tilt and cutely nudged my nose against hers as I stared deeply into her eyes.
“Will you give me snuggles and no tickles?”
“I swear.” I said crossing my heart.
“Then I forgive you.” I smiled and gave her a sweet kiss to her lips before rolling on my back and brought her close to my chest, her face burying just above my heart.  I kissed her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her, my thumb stroking her bicep softly while my other hand stroked through her hair.
Jesus Christ how did I ever get so lucky to get a girl like this to fall for me? She truly was an ethereal Elven princess who fell for the lowly Bard Ranger.  And come Monday, I’m gonna make this the best anniversary she’s ever known.
Monday soon came.  The one thing that sucks about today is that we’ll have to spend most of our anniversary at school, but on a brighter side at least I don’t have to worry about not having one class without her today.
I got up as early as I could and started to prepare us breakfast. Now I’m no gourmet chef or anything like that, but I do know how to make a mean Munson Supreme (eggs sunny side up, bacon, and orange juice).  After setting up the table with some wild flowers I had picked up outside in a cup as the center piece, I heard my girl’s footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“Good morning my Queen.” She looked at the table then up at me before asking me.
“Is it today?” I nodded as I took one of the flowers from the center piece and held it out to her.
“Happy anniversary Roxxi.” She took the flower and sniffed it softly.  She came up to me and kissed my cheek lovingly.
“Who would’ve thought on a Monday you’d get up this early and do all this?”
“Ye have little faith in me my beloved. I’m wounded.” She giggled as she shook her head.
“But I love it Teddy-bear. And I see you’ve made your Munson Supreme.”
“Only the best for my girl.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close and nuzzled our noses together.  I forced myself away from her and pulled out her chair for her to sit down.  She thanked me and I pulled her chair in as I gathered up and prepared her breakfast on a tray.  “If you had stayed in bed a bit longer, I could’ve served you breakfast in bed.”
“Woke up to feel that my teddy bear wasn’t beside me anymore. You know I sleep better with you by my side.”
“Same goes for me Foxy Roxxi.” I winked at her.
“Your animal nickname is much cuter.”
“Yours is adorable. And sexy if I might also add.” She rolled her eyes as she began to eat her eggs.
“Agree to disagree.” Even though I didn’t want to, I nodded to her.  “So, besides school, any plans you’ve got for us tonight?”
“And that’s where we divert from the previous years. This is a special anniversary for you my darling, you won’t know what I’ve got planned for us.”
“Okay I see you. Very well, I’ll trust you on this Eddie. But if you take me somewhere just to murder me, I’ll come back and haunt your ass.”
“Damn you caught me. My ultimate plan was to kill you by cuddles and tickles.” She playfully glared at me.  I cheekily grinned at her before blowing her a kiss as we continued our breakfast.
We did our morning ritual as always and once we were backed up ready for school, I quickly raced out and opened the door for her as I extended my hand for her to take.  She thanked me again as she got into the van and I shut the door behind her.  I went back around to the driver’s side and told her as I started the engine.
“Okay sweetheart, pick our tunes for the week.”
“Sorry did you say week?”
“You usually never let me take control of the radio for more than 2 days.”
“Like I said, we’re doing things differently this year. Now pick which mixtape shall be ours today.” I watched as she took out her mixtape box from under the seat and dug through it until she found the first ever mixtape I ever made for her when we first began dating.
She placed it in and soon ‘Stand by me’ by Ben E. King started playing.  I saw her tap her tall and index fingers along the side of the door to the beat of the cello blaring from the radio.
“There’s no one on earth I would ever have done this for. Not a single metal band song at the time.” I told her.
“It’s still so sweet that you did that. Thankfully by the next one you gave me, you had included some stuff from your bands.” She said taking my hand in hers.
“All cause you said you’d be open to hear some of their love songs. Sure some of them aren’t the normal slow, love ballad but the lyrics ring true.”
“Follow me now and you will not regret. Leaving the life you led before we met. You are the first to have this love of mine. Forever with me till the end of time.” she said quoting Black Sabbath’s love song N.I.B.
“Jesus is there anything more sexier than you quoting Sabbath to me?” I reversed the van at a normal speed before putting it in drive and drove at a normal speed.
“Is the Eddie ‘the Speed’ Munson actually obeying traffic laws?”
“I could easily put this van in park and follow through with my fake murder plot against you.” I playfully threatened her as I gave her the look.  She stuck her tongue at me and gave me a cheeky wink as I drove us towards the school, all the while our hands reconnected and I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb.
As usual school went on the long, boring path it always did every Monday.  However this time during lectures in secret, I secretly passed notes to Roxxi telling her how beautiful she looked, how smart she was, all the basics and plus a little bit more.
Along with the secret note delivery service I provided for each class, I also did my best to take as many notes as possible as well as praying to whomever above that they wouldn’t give us too much homework tonight, I got places to take my lady tonight.
When school was finally over, I guided Roxxi towards the theatre and right as we came to the doors she asked me.
“What are we doing here Eddie? We don’t usually come to the theatre until weds. to compare notes for the next campaign.”
“I told you my love, for our anniversary, things are different.” I snapped my fingers before the doors opened on their own (thanks tech geeks for staying afterward to help with this).  Her eyes widened at the doors magically opening on their own.  I held my hand to her and we walked in together.
Inside our D&D table was halfway set up with both our figurines of Beren and Lúthien standing side by side along with the D20 dice and a candelabra all lit up.  I stopped her just short of the table while I came around to my throne, my hands leaning against the table.
“Lúthien the ethereal, Elven white witch, Princess of the Border Forest, you have braved through many hardships, battled demons the like of which no one in our company could ever imagine. And now, now you must face another quest. The quest of Two Lovers, and you will be the deciding factor in which path both Beren and yourself will travel. What say you my fair lady?” I spoke in my DM voice.  She pondered as she looked between me and our figurines.
“What are the stakes?” she asked.
“A voyage of passion, bliss and a union of a bond the like of which had never been seen before. Or you end up taking them down a road of darkness, suffering and agony so horrifying and so unbearable that not even being trapped in a troll-hoard could compare to what could happen to our two lovers.”
As always when she was in deep thought, she took the ends of the right side of her hair and twirled it in her fingers.  Even with the short curl, she still managed to twirl the multi-layered strand of hair around her finger.  She then looked up at me and said in a firm, determined voice.
“Give me the D20.” I smirked and grabbed it before tossing it at her.  She caught it straight into her palm and observed it.
“You get three shots. Don’t waste them.”
“Three shots? Pretty humble of you Dungeon Master, either that or very reckless of you for allowing me some additional help.”
“Let’s just say the three rolls you make will decide the whole quest itself for our Lovers. Now milady, take your first shot.” I sat down upon my throne with my arms cross over my chest as she held the dice between her hands.  She first had it roll between her palms before I saw her shake it up and then tossed it across the table.
The dice bounced and skipped across the table board until landing on 13.  Not bad for a first roll.
“Lucky 13, not bad for the first roll. The start will be fairly easy for our lovers to come across.” I took the dice and threw it back at her.
“You sure you’re not going easy on me today?”
“When it comes to D&D, I never kid around my fair lady. Let’s see what your next roll shall be?” she did the same thing again but this time she shook the dice up a little bit longer than her first roll before letting it go.  With a skip and a leap, the dice rolled until it began to spin around and landed on 8. I hissed softly as I gave her a pained expression.
“Guess I went down the wrong path?” she asked.
“Not the best but I won’t say it’s the worst. Your last chance, and who knows maybe you’ll get lucky. I’ve seen it happen before when it comes to the wire.” I rolled the die between my fingers before tossing it back at her.  She and I looked at each other and I gave her a slow nod.
She took a deep breath in before holding my d20 to her lips and began to shake it up.  She had that die in her hand for a full straight minute before finally letting it go. It flew across the table as I slowly rose from my throne to see where this would all end.
The d20 soon began to slow down and start to pick where it wanted to go.  I was at first seeing low numbers which made my heart race but then by a miracle, it landed on crit-hit 20!
“CRIT HIT!!!” She exclaimed.  I threw my head back laughing as I threw my arms up in the air rejoicing. At least by sunset we’d get to the best spot in town and then end it all with a bang.  I came around towards her and narrated.
“It all began where it left off;” I took Roxxi into my arms as hers wrapped around my neck.  “Beren and Lúthien after leaving their company to set off on their own adventure together, they were settled in their cabin, Lúthien by the fire in her grand chair built by her husband. Beren had been noticing how his wife hadn’t been acting like herself. So he proposes; ‘My beloved, set your needlework aside. We’re going on an adventure today.’”
“‘Meleth nin,’ Lúthien says.” Roxxi soon joined my narrating. “‘We have seen many of the world already, what more is there to see?’”
“‘Unlike previous adventures we are not seeking the glory of treasure or seeking out new lands. But the pleasure of viewing the world with my wife. Will you not give me that?’ Beren asks his beloved Elven Queen.” I said as I stroked Roxxi’s cheek, gently brushing aside some of her tri-colored strands out of her face as I stared into her eyes.
“‘It does sound tempting.’ Lúthien begins to ponder. She looks at her husband and begins to understand why he is doing this for her.” She placed her hand against my cheek.  I turned towards her palm and softly kissed it.  “‘Yes. Yes we deserve an adventure. Not for value or glory, but for love. For our love.’” I smiled and I leaned forward and kissed my Lúthien.
“‘Then let us saddle the horse and be on our way.’” I said as I gathered up my D&D stuff and blew out the candelabra before taking Roxxi by the arm and the two of us raced towards the van.
We quickly got in and I started the engine as her mixtape resumed playing.  But she quickly ejected it out and began to find a new one to listen to.  She popped it in and soon Foreigners “I wanna know what love is” soon came on the speakers.  This was the 2nd mixtape I made her, that I had added some metal love songs to from not only mine but the bands she was starting to love at the time.
“So where did you find Beren’s figurine at? And how did you get my Lúthien figurine as well?” she asked me.
“Turns out I left Beren at the last summer session we ever had at Gareth’s place. He told me last week how he had found it when he and his mom were doing some fall cleaning. As for Lady Lúthien, I have my ways.” I gave her a cheeky wink as I drove us to our first destination.
We first started off with dinner at the old 1950’s diner that I took Roxxi on our very first date.  I still remember how she wore that cute black skirt with rose petals stitched across it, and a gorgeous blouse to match.  Boy did I look underdressed but bless her heart she thought she overdressed.
Nonetheless she was a vision, and I knew right then and there I had to hold onto her and not fuck this relationship up.  Fast forward to seven years later (three of them being just when we finally started dating) and we’re still together.  Sure we’ve had our ups and downs especially this past year but we’re taking it one day at a time.
“Shall we get the usual?” I asked her.
“Whatever you want babe. I’m game for anything.” She replied.
“But this is for you Roxxi, now if you want something different I will give it to you.”
“You know you don’t have to go out of your way for me sweetie.”
“Spoiling my girlfriend on our anniversary is not going out of my way.” I reached out and took her hand.  “I want to do this.” She softly smiled at me as coming up to our table was the same waitress who served us on our first date, an old lady named Rose.
She was like your average 70 something year old woman, however unlike every old lady who cowers everytime I make a public appearance, she saw me like her own grandson (whose supposedly a metalhead like me who lives out in San Francisco).  She always told me to get my hair out of my face so Roxxi could see my eyes better and to always pay for the date.
“That time of the year again kids?” she asked us.
“Don’t you know it. Sorry we couldn’t do it last year Rose.”
“No worries dearies, shall it be the usual?”
“Yes. But instead of the chocolate milkshake can we get the oreo mix?” Roxxi answered.
“Absolutely sweetie, two chicken sandwiches and fries and one oreo milkshake coming up.” she took the menus from us and went over to the kitchen.
“An oreo milkshake?” I asked.
“The Dairy Queen up in Indianapolis had something called an oreo blizzard and it changed my life forever. It’s basically a milkshake but has oreos in them. When I took notice that they had some new milkshakes and an oreo was one of them, I had to do it.”
“Hope it’s better than your oreo and peanut butter idea. I still can’t believe you talked me into trying that.” I shuddered remembering that god awful taste.  Now I like oreos and peanut butter as much as the next guy but combining them together, gross!
“Oh that’s rich coming from the guy who still drinks pickle juice whenever he gets the chance.” She mocked.  When there’s absolutely nothing left to drink and all you find is some leftover sliced pickles, a rotten tomato and expired celery, you tell me which would you choose.  But truthfully it wasn’t half bad when I got past the third sip.
“Okay kids here we are, fresh and hot out of the oven.” Rose sat down our meal as well as the oreo milkshake which I’ll admit it did look pretty good.  Two main oreo cookies stuck out above and were leaned up against the cup, and I could see both above and through the cup oreo crumbs mixed into the vanilla ice cream.
Roxxi took her spoon and dipped it first before holding it out to me.  I leaned forward and took a bite of the ice cream mixed with oreo crumbs and my god was that something I never knew I needed.
“Well? Pretty good huh?”
“That is the second greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Second? What’s the first? No wait don’t answer that.” I snickered as I dipped my fries into the shake before popping it into my mouth and we continued our dinner date in peace.
After paying up front and heading back to the van, Roxxi said.
“Now you said that my second roll though it was low, it’s not as bad of a path.”
“Ahh yes. Hold on I need to make a quick phone call real quick. You go wait by the van, I’ll be right there in a moment.” I pecked her cheek before quickly racing back towards the payphone at was at the corner of the diner. I dug through my pockets for the change and put it into the payphone before dialing up the number.  It rang a few times before he finally responded.
“Jeff, hey it’s me. Turns out Roxxi and I will be heading to your place after all.”
‘She rolled low didn’t she?’
“If she had rolled less than seven then we’d be at the library doing our homework. So can we come over?”
‘Yeah, you’re lucky my mom’s out of town and my dad’s visiting my sick grandmother.’
“See you then man.” I hung up the phone and walked back over to Roxxi.
“What was all that for?”
“Just to confirm where we’re heading off too next. Now like I said, unfortunately it’s not a fun or memorable activity but it must be done for the fun to continue. But due to your roll of 8, there is a catch to this.”
“Which is…..”
“We’ll need some assistance with that.” We got into the van and I turned on the engine before pulling out of the diner and drove us to Jeff’s place.  I pulled into his driveway and she said.
“Jeff’s house? Why are we here Eddie?”
“Unfortunately due to the date of which our anniversary on, I was forced to acknowledge that it was a school day and that in order for us to graduate, we do need to get our—homework done.” I shuddered at the end of my statement.  “Seriously, why couldn’t our special day always be on a weekend like Friday or Saturday. Hell I’d even take the holy day of Sunday, at least then the streets and shops wouldn’t be as crowded.” I felt her take my hand.
“Eddie Munson, have I ever told you how proud I am of your dedication these past few weeks?”
“You tell me every day. Besides I made a promise, and for our day I’m willing to really make this work. Which brings us here, study session with Jeff. But his house holds a special place too, remember?”
“Uhh—was it—no it…..no I don’t.” I smiled softly and ducked my head in before explaining.
“Middle school, talent show. You had done the cheer thing with Chrissy Cunningham, and the guys and I had our first live performance as Corroded Coffin. We came here after the show when you both won second place, which was bull! You should’ve won first!” She playfully rolled her eyes.  “We were out by his pool, and I looked at you and that was the moment that my feelings for you had changed. I no longer wanted to just be your friend.”
I stroked her cheek softly before brushing my thumb over her soft lips.  I felt her lips pucker up slightly as she kissed my thumb.
“You never told me that.”
“Was waiting for the right moment to confess that story.” She smiled softly at me before leaning in and softly kissed me.  I cupped her jawline and softly deepened the kiss but I had to hold myself back.  Just wait Eddie, you’ll get your chance tonight.  “As much as I would love to continue this, I don’t think Jeff would appreciate us having car sex in his driveway.”
“Yeah, and neither would the neighbors. Don’t wish to scar any kids with the van rocking.” I pecked her lips before reaching behind and grabbing our backpacks and we exited the van and headed up Jeff’s porch and I rang the doorbell.
He opened it up and allowed us to come into the living room. Jeff was in both our English and History class so we all agreed we could get those assignments done first before Roxxi and I would move onto our next two classes.
Now truthfully nothing really fun happened throughout this time frame cause I made a promise that today there’d be no funny business. If I got confused with something, Roxxi was there to guide me through it or explain it better than what was described on the paper.  At least until we started our math homework, that’s when Jeff came into play.
Being in AP Trig, he knew how to read numbers and formulas better than anyone.  So he helped us with understanding our math assignment until we had every last bit of homework completed.  And boy did my brain feel like it was put through the blender then spat out before being shoved down a toaster and be burnt into a crisp.
“So what’s next on you guy’s anniversary plan?” Jeff asked.
“None of your business, thanks for letting us crash here Jeff to do the boring stuff.” Roxxi playfully nudged against me before she said.
“We’ll see you tomorrow in English, Jeff.”
“See yah guys, and happy anniversary.” We both waved him off before loading the van back up.
“And finally comes my crit-hit reward right?”
“You are correct milady. And a good thing we got done when we did cause the sun’s just about to set and hopefully we’ll get there before it gets dark.” I turned on the van and backed out of Jeff’s driveway before punching the gas and sped off towards our final destination.
Pelennor fields.
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tsugarubecker · 5 years
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Ok, but there’s so much to unpack here??
First and foremost, Eddie’s pose? That is 1000% me when I’m flirting with someone. The manspreading/hand in lap placement? The smirk?? Flirt city population Eddie Kaspbrak.
Second - Richie’s face? He looks like he’s clamping down hard on his own teeth, trying to force any jittery facial expression down. Any desire to smile, any desire to meet Eddie’s eyes. He looks like he’s grinding his teeth into dust. He can’t let any of them, least of all Eddie, know that he’s delighted that this is how the hammock fight was resolved.
Next point, and it’s the big one. Richie’s hand is on Eddie’s thigh. I repeat. Richie’s hand is on his mf thigh. Richie who canonically in the book glances around to make sure no one is watching before hugging Bill? Because he was afraid of seeming gay? That very self-same Richie Tozier has his comic book open in such a way that his hand is gently grazing Eddie’s thigh??? Thighs are 100% intimate/personal space, just try to tell me otherwise. You’d think Richie-I’m-Gonna-Check-Before-Hugging-Bill would hold his comic book off to the side to avoid any potential confusion. (Esp with him being bullied/called gay for even being overtly friendly to another boy at the arcade.) But he doesn’t. That is purposeful. He can’t help himself. Could you if your crush was that close??
And on that note. Eddie just lets him?? Good luck trying to convince me that that’s not intentional because - spoiler alert - ya can’t. You can’t not notice that someone is touching your thigh. And you especially can’t not notice that when you’re approximately 13 or 14 and full of confusion/excitement about sexuality/romance. Ya notice that shit. Someone touches you, it’s electricity - esp somewhere that is part of your vulnerable/intimate personal space. At any age, but esp when you’re young & inexperienced & curious. So Eddie left his leg exactly where it was i n t e n t i o n a l l y! He was like oh dang Richie’s hand is touching my thigh guess I’ll just leave my leg right exactly where it is and not budge it even an inch
There is so much chaotic gay teen first crush energy in this photo I’m about to fucking explode
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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janiedean · 5 years
Mood lightener ask, I am intrigued by book recs from you since you mentioned something about a dinosaur series a bit ago? Color me intrigued so top five books you'd recommend for people who enjoy ASoIaF?
okay so, I’m taking the dinosaurs out first because... well. hahah.
the dinosaur lords is ABSOLUTELY a thing you might wanna try out if you like asoiaf for reasons, BUT I’m warning you, the author died before finishing it (unless he wrote the last three but didn’t have publishing contract for the second part of the six-books plan but no one quite knows and no idea) so most likely you’ll never get a conclusion, warning you beforehand so that’s why I’m putting it outside the top five. BUT IF YOU LIKE ASOIAF YOU SHOULD STILL TRY IT because:
the author was a friend of grrm’s and it shows;
it’s literally asoiaf except people go around on dinosaurs;
there’s at least a couple characters who are totally asoiaf homages (there’s a dude named jaume who’s basically jaime and loras’s lovechild I SWEAR HE IS HE’S EVEN THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL KINGSGUARD) but not in a way that makes it look like plagiarism;
admittedly it takes a bit to find its rhythm, but when it does it’s really good because the worldbuilding is amazing and like... it’s basically fictional medieval europe with dinosaurs but to a really good degree and the representation is a+++, in the sense that idk one of the main four is obv. irish romani (or what irish romani are in that universe), a few are def. catalan, the french guy is really so french you wanna die, the italian dude actually comes from the oldest university in the realm, there’s people from russia/greece and the protagonist is basically some three eastern europeans countries thrown in one character but not stereotypically, like the guy is obv. a mix of russian/polish/mongol and he’s really a good character in that sense, there’s germans too, spanish ofc, like it’s really good in that sense
there’s an entire supernatural angle with ARCHANGELS WHO MIGHT BE ROBOTS which is honestly intriguing and a+ and I just wish the books hadn’t finished just before going deep into it
if you also want lgbt+ rep............. well, two out of the three supposedly straight characters are irish romani dude and the protagonist and I can 100% assure you that everyone I dragged into reading those books agreed with me that in each single scene they have together (ie: most of them) they’re gayer than Actual Gay People in these books, but other than them half of the cast is bi, the gay sex is better written than the straight sex (forreal there’s one of the few actually.... sexy m/m oral sex scenes I read in published fiction???), their sexuality is not the whole of their personality but it’s fairly stated that most of them are Really Not Straight and it’s really done well;
actually THE ENTIRE KINGSGUARD IS GUYS WHO FIGHT VERY WELL BUT LOVE ARTS AS WELL AND THEY ALL SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER EXCEPT THE TOKEN STRAIGHT FRENCH CHARACTER THAT THE JAIME AND LORAS LOVECHILD HAS A CRUSH ON and ngl I thought they would end up fucking at some point if the books went on so... XDDD anyway a+++ kingsguard >>> the one in asoiaf;
ngl at some points there’s some badly written sex scenes (the straight ones lmao I’m 99,9% sure milàn was not that straight himself) and it’s not half as complex as asoiaf and doesn’t have as many characters but it has the same scheme except with dinosaurs, archangels being robots and three people are straight and two of them are in love anyway;
so tldr I greatly recommend the dinosaur lords if you want something similar to asoiaf, don’t expect an ending, enjoy dinosaurs and a lot of nice rep for everyone. also Y’ALL HAVE TO SHIP ROB AND KARYL WITH ME BECAUSE THEY’RE RIDICULOUS.
.... wow, and you asked me the top five. lmaaaaao. anyway, given that the dinosaur lords will not be in the top five, I’ll go and advise you to read:
IAN TREGILLIS’S ALCHEMY WARS, which is not like **fantasy** but it’s alternate history where the netherlands win the colonial wars in the 16th century because they figure out how to make brass androids and they use it to basically destroy the british and drive the french to canada while they conquer the US instead of the british. it’s a trilogy, it’s completed, it’s flawless and features: FRENCH CATHOLICS VS DUTCH CALVINISTS WITH THE FRENCH WANTING TO TAKE BACK PARIS, PREDESTINATION VS FREE WILL IN THE ANDROIDS DISCOURSE, REHASH OF 16TH/17TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY DONE GREATLY, the greatest female character of genre literature since grrm (berenice GUYS BERENICE IS THE BEST GOD I LOVE HER SFM), the evil antagonist who’s a gal cersei wishes she was (like she’s terrible but she’s competent), the davos-like french general who knits in his spare time and the protagonist is the cinnamon roll-est android ever I love him sfm OH and the one time I cried because of a catholic fictional priest. guys tregillis is an a+++ top notch writer who has no time to waste with fillers and knows how to write a story even if HE HATES ME AND HE WANTS ME TO SUFFER and like... alchemy wars is really really good give it a go k?1,5. tregillis also wrote another alternate history trilogy, the milkweed tryptich, which is basically ‘the nazis create the x-men to win the war and so the british counteract by evoking ctuhulu and it goes exactly as it promises’. now: I have a love-hate rship with that one because the last book is narratively working but I hate everything it chose to be for reasons also i wanna punch the protagonist in the face, but thesuperevilgirl is totes the cersei of the situation and her brother has.... some srs jaime moments lmao he’s also my favorite ofc god klaus ily so much, and it has... some... well... ENGAGING choices lol I mean i loved book one and two and the third I did reluctantly but it could be an option? anyway ian tregillis is amazing and y’all should read him bye
the curse of chalion by lois mcmaster bujold has, as the amazing soul who recommended it to me pointed out, a protagonist that manages to be jaime and theon and partially sandor put into one. IT AMAZINGLY WORKS. the plot is kiiiinda more straightforward if you know spanish history bc the moment you figure out it’s the fantasy version of how castille and aragona united you know where it heads, but it has a lot of nice twists, also some a+ lgbt+ rep tho not as much as the dinosaur lords and the protagonist is.... really great I love him XD also ngl the fact that it ends fairly nicely is a balm so I’d try it, there’s other books in the same verse but I haven’t gotten around to read them yet
... guys stephen king’s dark tower is my fantasy favorite series EVER like ever, I love asoiaf and brienne is in my heart and she’s my true rep but nothing will top TDT for me ever for reasons and while it’s a completely different thing I still recommend it. caveat: I hate the last book with a vengeance and I think king fucked up the last two thirds real bad, but..... hey, it’s finished and the rest is 100% worth it. also jaime is totally the lovechild of the male protagonist and the other male-coprotagonist who are also my #1 ship ever in history so I’d give it a go ;) ;) ;) also while eddie’s my fave roland deschain is honestly the kind of character that you can only bow in front of like if I ever made an oc one hundredth as good as roland is in conception and execution and everything I’d feel like I accomplished everything I need in life. IT’S WORTH IT. TRY IT.
terry pratchett’s discworld: yes, it’s 41 books. yes it’s a lot. but you can read them by cycle which makes it a lot easier, they’re fun (the first three are a bit meh but the rest is all top notch I swear), they’re sarcastic and witty and delightful and it’s a++++ fantasy and I’ve been wanting to do the asoiaf au for ages sigh but anyway if you don’t want dark and grim but also want a+++ narrative, good satire about how our world sucks and a lot of fun at the expense of our pop culture (guys the book about their version of australia is a hoot and there’s a leonardo da vinci!!) GO FOR IT. IT’S AMAZING. also your life isn’t complete until you read about sam vimes and the local version of death speaking in capslock and being a cat person. also charles dance plays one of the mains in one of the tv adaptations and he was delightful xD
this is going to gain me rotten tomatoes, but....... grrm’s shared series wild cards. that he has going on with fifteen other writers including the aforementioned tregillis and milàn.yes, it’s like 28 books by now. no, it’s not perfect by all means and certain arcs are a total wtf and you don’t even have to read all of it, but especially grrm’s characters in it are obvious templates for asoiaf people (the powerful and amazing turtle is dark sam tarly and jay ackroyd is basically jaime without the incest and the extra good looks while lohengrin is brienne’s spiritual twin except for the looks), the shared worldbuilding is great, the alternate history story where buddy holly didn’t die and some of the protagonists organized a concert for him bc he was poor as hell was genius, and while a lot of the older stuff is dated and most likely was progressive for the eighties and would read a bit wonky now they always were super-inclusive, it has a bunch of nonwhite/nonstraight characters (esp. in the last books but there were also in the old ones, and the longest-standing gay dude since the eighties got a husband in the last trilogy!!! it was so ;_;), the alternate history is really good imvho and if you enjoy asoiaf you probably would like most of wild cards. if you want a reading order I made one here. xD
here you go sorry it took me one hour to answer it but IT GOT LONG XDD
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