#esp with how long it took me to fill it 💀
nanobyting · 2 years
Hey hope you are healthy and happy. not sure how your prompts work. May I please request the "you look like you were jealous" with Adler and Bell but Bell is the jealous party???
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green eyed monster. (nsfw-ish but its bell imagining someone else sleeping with adler) || subtle smut sentence starters (not accepting)
oh anon you picked the best person to be jealous
They were in that room together again. Park and Adler. She wanted to know what they were saying - what they were doing. Why did they close the blinds? What could they possibly be talking about that they had to be away from everyone else like this? What did Park get to know that she didn’t get to..? 
You’re a spy, Bell, but let’s keep it outside the building, not inside. Understand?
No. No. She doesn’t understand when it comes to him. Park would approach Adler with a hushed voice, say she needed a word with him, and he’d always give Park this odd look in his eye - like he didn’t even want to talk, like they’ve had whatever conversation this was a hundred times already, and yet - and yet - he’d take her to the back room and they’d shut the door and close the blinds.
Sims and Lazar never batted an eye about it. They even tried to keep Bell away from that room, especially when she looked like she was about to just press her ear against it.
“She’s too young for him, isn’t she?” Bell asks as she fidgets in her seat, biting her thumbnail and bouncing her leg rapid fire underneath the table. Her eyes were set on that damn door.
Did he have Park on her knees? Was she choking on him? Was he marking her? Smearing his seed on her face and messing her makeup?
“Who is?” Sims asks in return, glancing to her while Lazar contemplated his hand. The three of them were playing Rummy. Trying to distract Bell, but she was hardly paying attention - no, somehow, she could play the game, barely give it a glance as she played her cards - but her eyes were still on the door and her mind was still thinking of impossible scenarios.
What if he had her bent over the desk? What if he was enveloping her? Would he call Park a good girl? Say that Park is better than her? That she’s useless and all he really needed was Park?
“Park,” Bell says and Lazar finally glances to her and barks out in laughter, his hands slamming against the table with a loud bang.
“Don’t tell me you think Park and Adler are a thing,” Lazar snorts in his fit of uproarious laughter.
“No,” Bell lies as her fingers clench around her cards, imagining Adler leaning over Park’s naked body while he was still fully clothed and had her legs spread. “I was just - she’s too young for him, first of all.”
“They don’t really get along outside of the workplace,” Sims says. 
Are they biting and scratching each other? Is it just stress relief?
“What - so you’re saying Adler would go for someone that young?” Bell’s eyes are wide, in the way that Sims knows he has to answer carefully or else Bell will have another episode where she gets so lost in her head and only Adler can really pull her out of those.
“I’m not saying anything,” Sims retorts, “but -”
“But - ”
The door opens.
Bell’s head whips towards it and sees -
Park coming out first. Perfectly pristine. Makeup still intact. Not a single hand laid on her. She looks annoyed. She glances at Bell and frowns, then turns away to go to her station. What’s her problem?
Then - her heart hammers and she sits up straighter - Adler comes out with his eyes downcast towards the manila folder in his hand. Not a single hair out of place. His clothes weren’t wrinkled in any such way that implied he had taken it off or bunched it up. There were no lipstick stains to be seen. He was relaxed, but in a way that she knew he was paying attention to everything around him.
She knows that he knows she’s staring at him, waiting for him to look at her. Everything is so calculated with him.
It feels like forever before he closes the folder and tucks it away safely in a drawer with a lock. Then, he looks up and scans the room before his gaze finally lands on her.
He regards her for a minute.
Tilts his head.
Reaches for a cigarette in his jacket.
Bell immediately stands up, slapping her cards down on the table just as it was her turn and Sims groans at how she had won with that hand - but she doesn’t care about winning a card game. She hurries over to Adler, green eyes peering into those sepia sunglasses of his. She thinks she can see the hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips.
Adler hums and motions for her to follow him outside as he lights his cigarette. She follows like a dog, lapping at his heels, being taken outside as if they were going for a walk.
The cold air hits her and she realizes she’s forgotten her jacket inside, but the door is already closed behind her and she doesn’t want to leave Adler after he’s called her. She hugs herself and stares at him as he blows out a puff of smoke into the air.
He doesn’t say anything until she’s shivering.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
She lets out a soft laugh. “I left my jacket -”
“Not that,” Adler interrupts, finally turning his head to look at her and she feels the warmth of his gaze and stops shivering right then and there. “You look like you were jealous.”
She blinks, surprised. It isn’t often he calls out when she’s jealous - not like this at least. He usually laughs at her when he notices - when he mentions his ex-wife and her demeanor shifts; suddenly asking if he loves his ex-wife still, if they keep in touch, if they - if they - There’s something threatening in his stance - as if - as if he wants to know what made her jealous because - because he wasn’t around? Does he think that she was jealous of - of something other than him?
It makes her knees buckle at the thought. To even think that Adler, too, was jealous just because - just because she was and he wasn’t sure what made her so. So - does that mean nothing is going wrong with Park? If he hadn’t even thought about how going into that room with Park would make her feel?
Bell grins, sheepish and giddy all at once and she notices how it makes Adler’s fingers twitch around his cigarette.
Or - or is he just checking on her? They’ve been friends for so long. He’s rejected her at every point. No, of course he wouldn’t be jealous. What did he have to be jealous about? She’d often say she’d do anything for him. How she’d give her whole life for him. Her loyalties for him would never be so easily broken. Then, she upsets herself - how could he get jealous when he knows how she feels and -
His hand cups her chin and lifts it up - when did her gaze fall? - and she naturally leans towards his touch.
“I was,” she breathes, the air rattling her rib cage as her heart was already threatening to punch through it, “I was jealous.”
“... Park.”
Bell tries to turn her head away and she gasps when he tightens his grip on her chin and keeps her face still. “Because - because you and her - you two always go in that room and I don’t know what you guys are talking about and you close the blinds and it makes me think that you - that you - “
“That I?”
Her bottom lip quivers as she pouts up at him, but his expression doesn’t change from its usual nonchalant aloofness; though, she swears that he seems amused now. His thumb presses down on her chin and forces her mouth to open.
Flustered, she tries to pull away and slap at his arm, but he adjusts his grip then to grab her jaw and pulls her forward as he blows smoke in her face. He squeezes and it instinctively makes her gasp, breathing in the smoke - and she pushes on his chest because she quit smoking and he knows that.
“Finish what you were saying, Bell.”
Her cheeks harden against his fingertips as she clenches her jaw, looking up at him pitifully. He only loosens his hold on her when she finally speaks - mumbling, really.
“That you two were..” She huffs harshly. “That you two were having relations.”
“... Relations,” Adler repeats incredulously.
They’re both silent and he squeezes her jaw again.
“Agh, that you two were fucking!” She shouts, her hands gripping Adler’s wrist. He’s stunned for a moment, especially with how upset she actually seems about this.
Adler finally snorts in response and he looks like he’s trying to hold back from laughing. He lets go of Bell’s face, lowering his hand, and her own hands follow after it as they continue holding his wrists.
“You really need to get your head out of the gutter, Bell,” he says, and she keeps her eyes downcast as her cheeks burn. “Imagining your co-workers having sex?” He mockingly clicks his tongue.
She doesn’t say anything, sulking as her fingers loosen around Adler’s wrist to only holding onto his sleeve like a petulant child. She can feel his gaze burning into her as he continues smoking.
“Park isn’t my type anyway,” he says after awhile, making her peek up at him.
Bell seems to brighten up at that, just a little bit, as she quickly shakes her head. “I - I was just telling Sims that Park was too young for you.” 
“... Young?”
Bell stares at him.
Stares into him.
He finishes his cigarette and drops it on the ground to grind it under his heel. “Let’s head back inside,” he hums, turning her around and ushering her back inside.
“You’re shaking like a leaf, kid. You should’ve gotten your jacket.”
“Let’s get you some warm tea before you head to bed.”
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