#so sorry this took so long to fulfill but YES thank u anon i am healthy and happy 😌
exchangestudentnova · 5 months
I just read your Yandere vampire OM brothers and I was wondering what about yan vampire Lucifer and MC who has a blood clotting problem like they cut their hand or whatever and the blood keeps pouring nothing you dramatic bit still like Woah u good??? (don't feel forced to do this btw, also I love ur writing!!!)
hey anon!! I sorry for being this late to your request, I hope my writing is a fine apology for that.
Haemophilia is one such genetic disorder where the person's blood doesn't clot easily. Although it is a reccessive gene, you were born with one. It did not pose much threat to you due to the advances in medical treatment keeping you alive for so long, so you never worried too much about it.
You did worry about it when you were asked to come to Devildorm for one year. "One whole year?? How am I supposed to survive there!?" You somehow managed to purchase almost months and months of medicines in your little suitcase, but ofc you were bound to run out of supplies in the far future.
Today was one such day. You counted the leafs of medicines left, and all of them were empty. You were being reckless by not keeping an eye on the medicine, and now you have none. Worried, you were trying not to panic in your small cozy room. After taking deep breaths, you came to a conclusion that asking Lucifer to help in this situation would be the best. With that, you went to the kitchen to fulfill Beel's craving of eating your handmade food.
The pot boiling with water and the sound of you cutting the vegetables filled the kitchen. "You called for me? Sorry I was busy with some student council work" you turn your head towards the source of the sound, a soft smile conquring your lips as you meet your eyes with him. He, with a click in his step and his long, black clock hanging from his broad shoulders came up to you and engulfed you in a hug. " how have you been MC?" he spoke in your ear as you continued your chopping. "I am well Lucifer, and yes I did call for you. I need to go back to the human world."
"But why?"
"Because I need to- ouch!"
You took your eyes off of the food to look at Lucifer, which was a bad idea because you now have a cut on your finger from moving the knife wrong. It hurt a bit, but to Lucifer, it seemed as if you have lost half of your body's blood.
"How could you be so careless!? Show me your finger" You could see that his eyes have started to dilate, his fangs have started to appear. Yet he is not even thinking about drinking blood. Instead his eyes, althought appearing to be bloodlustly, are actually filled with concern.
"Did you eat your medicines??"
"Ah, about that...." you told him about not having them, and he sighed. "Well wait here, I have some with me. Don't move from your place and stop cooking" Before he left the kitchen he spoke some words and created magic that collected the blood dripping from your hand. Now you had a small bubble of blood floating in the air that was oozing out.
Lucifer came back within two minutes and handed you the medicine. " Thank you so much Luci, but what will you do with this bubble of blood?" He just gives you a knowing look and brings his tongue near the bubble. You blush slightly as he savours the exotic taste of your blood, the medicine acting fast and stopping the bleeding.
" Why are you blushing MC? Your blood is only for me to taste. Now sit down, grab a dessert from the fridge, and let me finish dinner"
PS: anon you did not mention if Lucifer and MC are in an established relationship or not so I tried to write it in a way that you can insert a romantic/platonic relation between them^^ and also thank you for supporting my writing I appreciate it^^
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volterran-wine · 1 day
Hiii! This is the same anon that was asking if you got my marcus headcanon/story request or if it got lost but it was basically asking how if by some divine miracle marcus decided to entertain someone else romantically what would that look like? ik u have done similar headcanons before but for this one Im thinking abt the slowburn ANGST that this new relationship would face and all the push and pull that would inevitably happen :)
♝• 𝐀 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
Ah yes, dear Anonymous, I do have this one in my Inbox already but another requester took the last story slot before you were able to grab it. It was first come, first serve, so I am sorry if there was any confusion.
However, there is another issue with your request. One I have not spoken about in depth on my blog before, so please do not feel singled out because I am replying to you;
You speak of Slowburn, a genre that needs at least 15+ chapters of fanfic to make it believable and an actual Slowburn in my opinion. In my longer fanfics I try to hit around 2500 to 4000 words a chapter to make them substantial enough. If I were to write an Imagine/Story with that trope I would have to condense it to around 1500 words (the average length of my requested stories), which means I would have to utilise time skips―which defeats the Slowburn trope.
If I were to sit down and write a 60 000 words request it would take up a large part of my time, something I cannot afford.
Moving on from your request now dear Anonymous, the next part of this is a more general PSA. I will get some longer Marcus Headcanons your way as a small apology from myself 🖤
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I may be on medical leave right now, but I am slotted to return to work in October. Requests of this size would take away from all my passion projects as well as other requests for the blog.
A fair amount of times I have received highly detailed and long requests for fanfiction, the kind of stories that would take many chapters to fulfill. I will never do those. Those kind of requests are the same as asking me; "Nathalie, could you please spend six months of the year on my request?" And frankly, I do not have the capacity to do such a thing for the fandom―nor do I want to.
The only time an Imagine Request evolved into something bigger was a story surrounding Jane and Alec's turning, and the only reason I felt comfortable doing that was because I knew I could incorporate a lot of the writing into their dedicated fanfic. That and it was early on in VolterranWine's existence.
I am an adult well into my twenties with a full time job I'm returning to, a home I own that needs upkeep and renovations, aging parents I want to spend time with, and a group of IRL friends I try to see at least once a week, I want to get a cat. When this blog was made it was during lockdowns and I was partially laid off, life simply is not the same as when I was creating around the clock.
What I am trying to say, is that I cannot dedicate my entire energy reserve to requests like that, I do not have the spoons most days to do that.
Thank you, if you made it to the end of this monstrosity of a long post. Thank you for the support, but even Volterran-Wine gets tired.
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nanobyting · 2 years
Hey hope you are healthy and happy. not sure how your prompts work. May I please request the "you look like you were jealous" with Adler and Bell but Bell is the jealous party???
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green eyed monster. (nsfw-ish but its bell imagining someone else sleeping with adler) || subtle smut sentence starters (not accepting)
oh anon you picked the best person to be jealous
They were in that room together again. Park and Adler. She wanted to know what they were saying - what they were doing. Why did they close the blinds? What could they possibly be talking about that they had to be away from everyone else like this? What did Park get to know that she didn’t get to..? 
You’re a spy, Bell, but let’s keep it outside the building, not inside. Understand?
No. No. She doesn’t understand when it comes to him. Park would approach Adler with a hushed voice, say she needed a word with him, and he’d always give Park this odd look in his eye - like he didn’t even want to talk, like they’ve had whatever conversation this was a hundred times already, and yet - and yet - he’d take her to the back room and they’d shut the door and close the blinds.
Sims and Lazar never batted an eye about it. They even tried to keep Bell away from that room, especially when she looked like she was about to just press her ear against it.
“She’s too young for him, isn’t she?” Bell asks as she fidgets in her seat, biting her thumbnail and bouncing her leg rapid fire underneath the table. Her eyes were set on that damn door.
Did he have Park on her knees? Was she choking on him? Was he marking her? Smearing his seed on her face and messing her makeup?
“Who is?” Sims asks in return, glancing to her while Lazar contemplated his hand. The three of them were playing Rummy. Trying to distract Bell, but she was hardly paying attention - no, somehow, she could play the game, barely give it a glance as she played her cards - but her eyes were still on the door and her mind was still thinking of impossible scenarios.
What if he had her bent over the desk? What if he was enveloping her? Would he call Park a good girl? Say that Park is better than her? That she’s useless and all he really needed was Park?
“Park,” Bell says and Lazar finally glances to her and barks out in laughter, his hands slamming against the table with a loud bang.
“Don’t tell me you think Park and Adler are a thing,” Lazar snorts in his fit of uproarious laughter.
“No,” Bell lies as her fingers clench around her cards, imagining Adler leaning over Park’s naked body while he was still fully clothed and had her legs spread. “I was just - she’s too young for him, first of all.”
“They don’t really get along outside of the workplace,” Sims says. 
Are they biting and scratching each other? Is it just stress relief?
“What - so you’re saying Adler would go for someone that young?” Bell’s eyes are wide, in the way that Sims knows he has to answer carefully or else Bell will have another episode where she gets so lost in her head and only Adler can really pull her out of those.
“I’m not saying anything,” Sims retorts, “but -”
“But - ”
The door opens.
Bell’s head whips towards it and sees -
Park coming out first. Perfectly pristine. Makeup still intact. Not a single hand laid on her. She looks annoyed. She glances at Bell and frowns, then turns away to go to her station. What’s her problem?
Then - her heart hammers and she sits up straighter - Adler comes out with his eyes downcast towards the manila folder in his hand. Not a single hair out of place. His clothes weren’t wrinkled in any such way that implied he had taken it off or bunched it up. There were no lipstick stains to be seen. He was relaxed, but in a way that she knew he was paying attention to everything around him.
She knows that he knows she’s staring at him, waiting for him to look at her. Everything is so calculated with him.
It feels like forever before he closes the folder and tucks it away safely in a drawer with a lock. Then, he looks up and scans the room before his gaze finally lands on her.
He regards her for a minute.
Tilts his head.
Reaches for a cigarette in his jacket.
Bell immediately stands up, slapping her cards down on the table just as it was her turn and Sims groans at how she had won with that hand - but she doesn’t care about winning a card game. She hurries over to Adler, green eyes peering into those sepia sunglasses of his. She thinks she can see the hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips.
Adler hums and motions for her to follow him outside as he lights his cigarette. She follows like a dog, lapping at his heels, being taken outside as if they were going for a walk.
The cold air hits her and she realizes she’s forgotten her jacket inside, but the door is already closed behind her and she doesn’t want to leave Adler after he’s called her. She hugs herself and stares at him as he blows out a puff of smoke into the air.
He doesn’t say anything until she’s shivering.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
She lets out a soft laugh. “I left my jacket -”
“Not that,” Adler interrupts, finally turning his head to look at her and she feels the warmth of his gaze and stops shivering right then and there. “You look like you were jealous.”
She blinks, surprised. It isn’t often he calls out when she’s jealous - not like this at least. He usually laughs at her when he notices - when he mentions his ex-wife and her demeanor shifts; suddenly asking if he loves his ex-wife still, if they keep in touch, if they - if they - There’s something threatening in his stance - as if - as if he wants to know what made her jealous because - because he wasn’t around? Does he think that she was jealous of - of something other than him?
It makes her knees buckle at the thought. To even think that Adler, too, was jealous just because - just because she was and he wasn’t sure what made her so. So - does that mean nothing is going wrong with Park? If he hadn’t even thought about how going into that room with Park would make her feel?
Bell grins, sheepish and giddy all at once and she notices how it makes Adler’s fingers twitch around his cigarette.
Or - or is he just checking on her? They’ve been friends for so long. He’s rejected her at every point. No, of course he wouldn’t be jealous. What did he have to be jealous about? She’d often say she’d do anything for him. How she’d give her whole life for him. Her loyalties for him would never be so easily broken. Then, she upsets herself - how could he get jealous when he knows how she feels and -
His hand cups her chin and lifts it up - when did her gaze fall? - and she naturally leans towards his touch.
“I was,” she breathes, the air rattling her rib cage as her heart was already threatening to punch through it, “I was jealous.”
“... Park.”
Bell tries to turn her head away and she gasps when he tightens his grip on her chin and keeps her face still. “Because - because you and her - you two always go in that room and I don’t know what you guys are talking about and you close the blinds and it makes me think that you - that you - “
“That I?”
Her bottom lip quivers as she pouts up at him, but his expression doesn’t change from its usual nonchalant aloofness; though, she swears that he seems amused now. His thumb presses down on her chin and forces her mouth to open.
Flustered, she tries to pull away and slap at his arm, but he adjusts his grip then to grab her jaw and pulls her forward as he blows smoke in her face. He squeezes and it instinctively makes her gasp, breathing in the smoke - and she pushes on his chest because she quit smoking and he knows that.
“Finish what you were saying, Bell.”
Her cheeks harden against his fingertips as she clenches her jaw, looking up at him pitifully. He only loosens his hold on her when she finally speaks - mumbling, really.
“That you two were..” She huffs harshly. “That you two were having relations.”
“... Relations,” Adler repeats incredulously.
They’re both silent and he squeezes her jaw again.
“Agh, that you two were fucking!” She shouts, her hands gripping Adler’s wrist. He’s stunned for a moment, especially with how upset she actually seems about this.
Adler finally snorts in response and he looks like he’s trying to hold back from laughing. He lets go of Bell’s face, lowering his hand, and her own hands follow after it as they continue holding his wrists.
“You really need to get your head out of the gutter, Bell,” he says, and she keeps her eyes downcast as her cheeks burn. “Imagining your co-workers having sex?” He mockingly clicks his tongue.
She doesn’t say anything, sulking as her fingers loosen around Adler’s wrist to only holding onto his sleeve like a petulant child. She can feel his gaze burning into her as he continues smoking.
“Park isn’t my type anyway,” he says after awhile, making her peek up at him.
Bell seems to brighten up at that, just a little bit, as she quickly shakes her head. “I - I was just telling Sims that Park was too young for you.” 
“... Young?”
Bell stares at him.
Stares into him.
He finishes his cigarette and drops it on the ground to grind it under his heel. “Let’s head back inside,” he hums, turning her around and ushering her back inside.
“You’re shaking like a leaf, kid. You should’ve gotten your jacket.”
“Let’s get you some warm tea before you head to bed.”
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servantofmischief · 6 years
I am so sorry! I promised I would have it up sometime during last week, but I lost track of time and had a lot to do, but here you go, Fluff-Anon! 
When Uta had proclaimed that he’d go on an art trip for a whole year, his friends had supported him. They knew that this was something really important to him, and now that there was a somewhat steady peace between ghouls and humans, he had the chance at fulfilling this dream.
Itori will readily admit that she felt a bit bummed after he had been gone for a while, when she realized she had to celebrate her birthday without him. To his credit, he did make a phonecall to congratulate her and at the moment it had seemed enough. Then, once they had ended the call and she had been left alone in her bar, she had felt lonelier than ever.
She doesn’t feel any better now, when it is Christmas Eve and her bar is nearly empty because most people have someone to celebrate with. And she does not, because her partner in crime is halfway across the world. She keeps up the act of cheery barmaid for as long as she can, consoling herself with the fact that she is going to close the bar early tonight. No one is going to come and drink until the wee hours in the morning tonight. It is hard to keep the act up though, until it is near closing time.
And Renji enters the establishment.
“Ren-chan!” She jumps at the chance for a distraction from her depressing thoughts and feels a little less lonely when he sits down in front of her. Once everyone is gone, and the door is locked, she offers him a choice between wine and coffee. He grunts, and the answer is obvious. He can’t hold his liquor for shit, of course he wants coffee. She pouts, calls him a party pooper, but lulls the coffee machine to life.
“What brings you here, Ren-chan? Aren’t you going to celebrate with Touka-chan, Kanekicchi and Ichi-chan?”
“No one should be alone on Christmas.” Renji says, thanking her as she sets a cup of coffee in front of him. She fills herself a glass of wine, because even if Renji is here right now, she needs something stronger than coffee.
“Oh, were you thinking of me? How sweet of you, Ren-chan!” She gush, but he gives her that look that tells her he knows she is putting up a front. And she’s tired of faking smiles tonight anyway.
“Am I so transparent now?” She asks, smile falling off her face.
“Hn.” She takes a sip from her glass, mulling.
“You’re also invited over. Touka thought you might be lonely tonight.” Renji informs her and the redhead huffs.
“Contrary to what everyone else believes, I do have other friends than you and U-chan.”
“Are these friends real?” She glares at him, actually upset by his comment because no, they are not.
“Be quiet!” But he doesn’t keep quiet, surprisingly.
“Are you okay?” To have Yomo Renji, of all people, notice how she’s not her usually cheerful self, is kind of sad, but she explains to him how it feels kind of weird, and lonely, that for the first time for as long as she can remember, she will not be celebrating Christmas with Uta. Itori never once celebrated any birthday or holiday before she met the mask maker, so everything feels wrong, but she had honestly been excited on his behalf when he told her he had found the chance to go on this trip. A trip that would let him experience all kinds of art. Even though she knew he would be gone for quite some time, she hadn’t thought it would feel this bad.
“But he was so excited, it was almost like when we were kids again. He’s been wanting to go on this kind of trip since he figured out he was good at art, that he loved doing it.”
“For what it is worth,” Renji says as he stares into his coffee, “I think that you supporting him meant a lot to him.”
“I’ve always supported him.” Itori says quietly, grip tightening on her glass. “From when we were kids, I’ve always had his back. Hey, Ren-chan?” The male turns his head to look at her, and his eyes widen at the sight that meets him.
“Am I being stupid?” She asks, tears falling from her eyes. She doesn’t even bother attempting at stopping the waterfall. She’s kept this bottled up inside for so long, she’s wanted someone to talk to, but she’s had no one she felt like she could confide in. When humans and ghouls considered each other enemies, when the Clowns had been active, she had distracted herself with orchestrating the tragedies that took place, but now that they live in peace with humans, there are no more fights to create and watch over.
“Uh…” Renji doesn’t know what to say and that makes Itori laugh as she cries.
“I am stupid, aren’t I? I’m stupid for loving him! He’s going to find someone on this trip who is an artist like him, and he’s going to stay with them in whatever-country! Even worse, he might bring them home!” As he embraces his friend and tries to calm her down, Renji also sends a text-message to Touka to tell her he might be late.
Uta himself is feeling a bit lonely as well. There is a museum that is open today, but considering what day it is, it will probably close early. He’s still in bed in his hotel, it’s still early, but in Tokyo it is probably late by now. It is still better to call now though, than in the evening because he is sure no one will answer him then. He takes a shower and dresses himself, before heading out. The people outside are running around, carrying bags and boxes and nearly yelling into their phones. They are stressed, because Christmas is upon them and they must finish the last preparations before they can celebrate and Uta thinks about what his friends back home is doing right now. Back home, Renji is probably with the Kaneki household, Uta muses. Nico is probably scouring the streets for the one, the Nishikis are probably doing some kind of form of experimentations, Naki and Miza are having their hands full with their new family, most likely, and Itori…
Itori is most likely alone in her bar.
Uta misses her. A lot. This trip is fun, but it’s lonely too. He never expected to feel like this… the trip is fun, he just shouldn’t have gone all alone. And the coffee is awful. No one can compare to :Re, but it’s all he’ll get until he returns. He enters a café, asks for a cup of coffee, and pops in his earphones as he takes a seat by a table. He dials Itori’s number, hoping she’s got some time for a video-call and when she doesn’t pick up immediately he thinks that she’s either perhaps busy or asleep. He’s about to give up when she does answer. Her hair is covering half of her face and her eyes blink sleep from them.
“Oh my, did I wake you?”
“U-chan? What time is it?” Itori squints at her phone.
“Well, it’s almost noon here.” He quips.
“Where are you now? It’s two in the morning here.” She yawns.
“I’m in the states.” She brightens, eyes twinkling as he sleepiness is soon forgotten.
“How is it there? Are the Christmas decorations just as over-exaggerated as they are in the movies?” He laughs at her excitement and nods.
“Almost. They take it very seriously.”
“Ara, U-chan! Bring me a souvenir!”
“Do you have a gift for too, then?” She rolls her eyes and reaches out to beside the bed, before appearing on screen again, holding a small package.
“I have your Christmas gift right here, not that you’re here to open it in time.”
“Yeah, well-“ Uta is interrupted when a waitress sits down his coffee on the table as she cheerfully tells him to enjoy his beverage.
“Cheery girl.” Itori’s voice has lost some of it’s cheer and Uta blinks. She’s slid properly beneath the covers again, and she’s pouting.
“Hm, yes.” Apparently that is not the answer the redheaded ghoul wants to hear, as her eyes darken. “But as for my gift for you, what do you want?” Changing the topic seem to work. He sits for a long time with her as she lists all the things she’d like and Uta realizes he’ll have a hard time choosing from her list. His cup is almost empty by the time she’s out of things she wants him to bring home to her.
“Hm, that’s a lot.” He says, taking on a thoughtful expression. “How about you come with me next time?” There’s a pause as Itori tilts her head, watching him.
“Will there be a second trip?” She doesn’t sound all that enthusiastic about the prospect, and Uta himself misses his friends and his shop.
“Only if you come with.” He says. He misses Itori, their nights in the bar, the easy conversations which seem a bit difficult to have over the phone. He misses being able to just head over and visit whenever he wants. Itori thinks back to what she had told Renji earlier, how she has admitted to him the feelings she holds for the mask maker, her inner conflict over what to do, wondering if there even is something for her to do. She had been so surprised when the stoic ghoul had actually embraced her. Renji is usually so awkward when it comes to comforting others and Itori’s never sought comfort from anyone.
“Do what you must.” He had told her. “Don’t worry about what’ll happen, do what you have to do to feel better. No matter what, I’ll be here to listen.” And then, when he left, she had gone to bed with a newfound courage. She had believed she had a few months left until she could say anything, to have some time to think through her words.
“If it’s you and me, I guess I could tag along.” She mumbles, hiding her pink cheeks behind her pillows.
“Good.” He smiles. “You weren’t alone today, were you?” He asks and she shakes her head.
“Ren-chan came by.”
“Oh? Did you celebrate together?” He can’t exactly say that he’s unhappy that Renji came by, but there’s a dark emotion brewing in the back of his mind at the thought of the two of them alone.
“No, we just talked for a bit.” Her cheeks darken and she casts her eyes down, avoiding eye-contact, and that dark emotion grows. It’s jealousy, he gathers, though he tries to reason with himself that he’s the one who left on this trip, and that he never once told Renji how he feels about the redhead. If Renji holds the same feelings, then Uta left the playing field completely open by leaving on this trip.
“How nice.” Uta hears how forced he’s own voice sounds. Itori must have picked up on it too, because she looks up at him, eyes wide in confusion. That’s what alerts him to the redness of her eyes, and he comes to the startling realization that Itori has cried. He can’t remember the last time she did that.
“Itori-san, what’s wrong?”
“You’ve been crying?” Her eyes widen some more and she is suddenly in a hurry to end the call.
“Nothing’s wrong! Hurry up and finish your trip and come home!” She says and the screen goes black. He blinks at the screen, before he gets up from his chair and dials a new number.
“It’s three in the morning-“
“Tough luck.” Uta growls. He’s feeling a bit angry now, and he’d rather not cause a scene as he pays for his coffee. Just because Japan promotes peace, it doesn’t mean the rest of the world does.
“I’m about to go back to my hotel. Stay awake, Raven, I need to have a chat with you.”
“It can’t wait four hours?”
“No.” There’s a steely undertone to his voice which Renji haven’t heard since they were teenagers, so he wisely keeps quiet until Uta reaches his hotel room. He uses that tie to wake up properly so he can talk properly to his friend, and perhaps make some sense out of whatever it is that made the mask maker angry.
“I heard you stopped by Itori-san’s place earlier.” Uta says the moment he shuts the door behind himself. Renji blinks.
“Yes, to wish her a merry Christmas.”
“Then why has she been crying? What did you do, Renji-kun?” The silver-haired ghoul frowns on the other end before sighing.
“We were just talking. She had an issue, and instead of bottling it up, she let it all out and told me about it.” Uta is the one who frowns this time.
“What issue?” He hasn’t heard anything about a problem Itori might have.
“It’s not exactly something I’m comfortable with telling you. Ask her yourself when you get back.” Renji tells him, running a hand through his hair. “It’s personal, so ask her about it when you return. I assume she’ll have everything sorted out by then.”
“No. I’m tired, this has nothing to do with me, enjoy your trip, call me when it’s actually appropriate to do so, like after eight in the morning.” Renji ends the call and leaves Uta pouting. True, he did call at an ungodly hour, but they could both have entertained him a bit longer. He’s curious about Itori’s alleged problem though.
Three days later, as Itori moves is cleaning up behind her bar, the door opens. She is about to tell whoever it is that has entered that she has closed, but nearly drops the bottle in her hands when she sees Uta enter.
“U-chan?” She nearly shrieks.
“Wha- Aren’t you in the states?” She’s more than just a little bewildered. This explains why there had been no phone calls after Christmas, but still, what is he doing here?
“Renji-kun told me that something was bothering you and that I could help, so I came back.” Renji had never said he could help, but Uta had come home anyway, because he is worried. He is worried that Itori kept something bottled up, that she didn’t feel like she could confide in him, and that whatever is troubling her caused her to cry. Itori frowns. She thinks it is sweet of him, to cancel his trip and come home the moment he learns that she is troubled.
“Ren-chan said that? When?”
“I called him after we spoke on Christmas.” Uta answers and the redhead groans. Renji has for once not kept quiet. The one time she needed him to actually be quiet he blabbers like a gossip-loving teenager.
“What did he tell you?”
“That I should ask you yourself when I came back, because you would probably have it all sorted out by then. So, have you sorted it out?” Never mind the fact that Uta should still be gone for another four months, Itori thinks. Of course she hasn’t sorted it all out yet, with only a few days having gone by since she decided to actually spill the beans, so to speak.
“Obviously not. Lock the door.” She rolls her eyes and beckons him to come sit by the bar-counter. He does as told and waits for her to explain everything.
“It’s not a problem, not really. It’s just something that’s followed me for years.”
“Do I have to kill someone?”
“I doubt you will.”
“I can still kill, just point me in the right direction.”
“I don’t need anyone to die. If it was that simple, I’d do it myself.” She huffs and fills him a glass of blood-wine.
“Hm, true that. So, what’s bothering you?”
“Ah, they are a hassle, aren’t they?”
“Terribly so.” She agrees as she wipes the counter. Uta raises a brow, because usually when he visits and locks the door, she comes around and sits beside him. What is on her mind, he wonders.
“What’s on your mind, Itori-san?”
“I’m thinking about how to tell you this, without making everything complicated.” She tells him, ducking beneath the counter to rummage through the tiny shelves there for something, Uta doesn’t know what.
“You’re making this far too difficult, Itori-san. Just tell me and I’ll help you figure out a way to deal with it.”
“Absolutely sure of that?” She asks him, peering up from beneath the counter and he nods.
“Of course.”
“Okay then. Come here.” She stands up and motions for him to come closer as she smiles at him.
“You ready?” He nods. She leans even closer and whispers in his ear.
“I. Love. You. U-chan.” The expression on his face nearly makes her burst out laughing. His eyes are wide, his mouth hanging open, his expression a mix of disbelief and shock. She moves back to continue to clean up after her customers and lets Uta process what she’s told him. He doesn’t move for the longest time, but she doesn’t worry too much. It’s not like he showed a negative reaction to what she just told him. She does worry that she might have broken him a bit, but then again, that is an amusing thought too. She is about to turn off the lights and just leave him in the bar when he pulls out his phone and dials a number.
“Renji-kun, good evening. Also, what the fuck?!” This time she does laugh, and Uta spins in his seat, pointing at her.
“And you, you can’t laugh now!” His voice actually cracks and she curls in on herself, nearly falling over. They will have to talk about this later, have a good and long discussion where they figure out what to do, what they want to do, but right now she is more than amused with the display of the mask maker freaking out.
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jooheongif · 6 years
it's theory anon,hi!!how are YOU?i'm really good rn thanks:)) thank you for your kindness again,i'm really happy i could somehow help to help you feel even a tiny bit better and hope you're doing well now,too(and it's ok to not rest on your day off but it's also ok to do so if that's what you feel is right for you atm!).about the mf(ilm), i thought the same thing, it felt like a parallel universe type of story!i also really love plotlines about friendship, (again cont.i'll try to be briefer!)
(i’m so sorry i wrote a rly long reply so i’m gonna put this under read more !!)
2. friendship is beautiful and i feel oftentimes underappreciated(but not mx!there they go again being amazing) so i love the concept. personally i like not knowing what exactly the producers were thinking because having my own interpretation of something and seeing other ppl have their own fills me with wonder,like,that's art!so many people think so many different things and no one's wrong i love it!!your thoughts about them appreciating everything they've done so far,you're absolutely right(cont) 3. i hope they are able to bc everything's so hectic for the.i get lost just looking at their official schedule,i don't know how they do it but i also hope they are aware of all these things bc those are all mindblowingly huge accomplishments in my opinion and i just want them to feel like their hard work is worth it,yknow?(is this comprehensible?)and i know they feel pressure because as you said the business is nasty but yea i hope at the end of the day they can feel like (cont.???again 4. everything they've put so much of themselves into is worth it,i love their energy and fierce determination and i just don't want them to lose it but maybe as you said feel less pressured..but then the only way would realistically be to make sure they get awarded in the Real World so we're all doing our best in the system&hating it as you said:/ they just mean so much to so many people i want them to feel that too!i try to contain myself but here i go again! sorry it's so long AND i have more(con 5. also!thank you for your big reply and sharing your thoughts i mostly just agreed with (but you're right so what else can i do),i don't have mbb friends to vent to and fanperson(is there a gender neutral term for fanboy/fangirl?) over mx with and this is really nice and fulfilling(again,if i'm boring you,you can just delete the messages and not reply!) so THANKS!it's great to strive to be a better person but i feel like one(you) should also acknowledge the good things they're already doing(cont?) 6. you showed such pure kindness and really melted someone's(my) heart and that's a Big Deal!djkghddgwe can agree that we both inspired each other :') also please i feel like you're such a wonderful soul and you really deserve every bit of gratitude and appreciation i managed to express(i feel a lot moreprobably) so!yeah!reminder that you're lovely and deserve to be appreciated and i'm also very,very happy you're here!you made my day brighter for the 2nd time now wow!thanks! i hope you and(cont.:() 7. your gorgeous heart are taking good care and enjoying your day/night! and this cb!i really like it i haven't had time to listen to the entire album but jealousy!is a bop honestly it's my type of jam and the choreo is stunning and so are their voices!iwas so skeptical about the lyrics(they could've been like hero or stuck and those made me a bit >:/ honestly) but i really should've known they wouldn't fail me in any way ever!i can't wait to hear the rest of the songs i hope you enjoy them too!bye
hi theory anon, it's nice to hear from u again ! firstly, i am so sorry for the slow reply to this ! but im rly glad to know that u are doing good :-) i'm doing ok too thank u !! how are u ? kfjjfdsjfdf sorry that u had to read my tags but thank u for saying that !! i just feel so guilty when i do nothing bc im absolutely terrified of time passing too quickly ? just the thought of letting a few minutes go to waste is overwhelming ? even though i know it's not rational to think like this but ??? theres just this constant feeling that im running out of time so i try to get rid of it by always doing smth ?? and feel bad when i dont ? idk ?? but anyway im working on it and ill be ok ! sorry..not to be dramatic and tmi and all that kjdfdj istg this blog gives me too much freedom to say...too much :( (hope the internet folks that collect metadata never read the garbage i write bc..yikes they aren't gonna hav the best time) anyway..yea. what a paragraph to start off this reply :( sorry for the honesty and saying so much all the time btw :( not that being honest is necessarily a bad thing but ! idk every time i write smth i suddenly feel extra self conscious and feel like deleting it bc im rly embarrassed and always end up having big regret later when i reread anything ive typed up !! but i just keep writing them anyway bc...idk ?? i'd rly hate it if someone got discouraged from sharing their thoughts/worries/feelings which i think is a rly important human thing :( so  yea im rly embarrassed w anything i write but i'll keep doing it anyway bc i'm all for that kind of stuff and sometimes i know its not easy and it takes someone a lot to share that and its a good thing and i dont ever want anyone to feel discouraged from doing that ! anyway i just felt like i rly needed to say all of this..but pls dont feel obliged to reply to this mess !! anyway back to mx ! you are right :( i also hope mx feel like what they've done is worth smth w/e their definition or standard of that is :( like.. all of the hard work they've put into being mx it certainly means so much to fans but i hope all the hard work they've put into being mx also means smth to them at the end of the day and they are happy w what they're doing and what they've achieved so far :( and yes we'd love mx to always be rewarded in the real world :( though we love them and we want to get them a win, i know that everyone has their commitments, means and different circumstances and we can only do so much :( but even if u think its just a small contribution, everything adds up and counts and i know that all mbb hav contributed in some way in helping them get another win for this cb ! there are some mbb who can't buy albums or streaming passes and things and i hope they don't feel bad for this :( even if all you can do is watch the mv once or twice, even if you could only vote, i hope you know that it all counts and matters !! abt mx's schedule, i get tired just by looking at their weekly one idk how they can even put up w it all ?? after this they'll hav their japanese album and things and then they'll have their concerts and on top of all that apparently [some of them are also studying] ????? they are so hardworking :( HOW do they do it !! just..thinking abt their schedule is overwhelming !!! also pls dont think that you're boring me or anything like that :( im so thankful for any msg i receive and the fact that u actually took the time to type out smth to send to me ?? im so grateful ?? u are never boring !! honestly even if u sent me a stainless steel dishwasher manual w the page length of like..23 bibles, i'd still love u for it and i'd prob read all of it :( btw thank u sm for saying all those kind things !!! receiving kindness for the 3rd time is rly !!!!!!! and once again i've done nothing to deserve it :( i dont even know what i can say to you that will ever be enough to thank u again or to top what u hav already said ! if there was like a...maslows hierarchy of kindness of smth, ur at the very top of that triangle and anything i say will never be as kind as what you have said !! for you, i can agree that we both inspired each other :-) but really thank u so much from the bottom of my heart :( i hope you know how kind and lovely u are too ! if nobody told u this today, i wanted to say that im rly grateful to know u and i'm happy that you're here !! thank u again for being so kind and thoughtful and for making me smile !! :( same, i havent properly listened to the whole album either bc ive just been letting it stream in the background (but i dont count that as a proper listen unless i listen w headphones tbh) ill give it a good listen one day ! also im a repeat 1 kind of garbage person until i feel the need to listen to a new song ?? and rn jealousy to me is a song that gets better w every listen ??? shes too powerful atm :( one day ill listen to another song but today is not that day ! Actually.....I think jealousy is my fav mx song ???? before this cb i didnt hav a fav bc i couldnt pick the song i liked most out of blue moon/blind/fighter/incomparable. i was just gonna base it off the one w the most play count out of those 4 but now i know its jealousy ! what are ur fav mx songs ?? btw i know im always saying that anything mx releases is always a masterpiece no matter what, but in all seriousness its ok if u didn't like smth they released. i don't think it makes u any less of a mbb if u didn't enjoy a certain release or if u only liked one aspect of a thing but not so much the rest of the thing. anyway not to sound so...stale and commonplace but for lack of a better word/sentence, at the end of the day your own reactions and feelings to a piece of art like music...it's all just subjective isnt it ?? not liking that thing doesnt mean that its not a masterpiece or its any less of a masterpiece to someone else either so !! it's ok !! anyway this is rly....ive written a lot and its all over the place and incoherent probably :( i'm sorry !! feel free to reply whenever u feel like it, or no pressure on never replying at all btw ! also feel free to disagree w anything i say ! thank u sm for talking to me abt mx bc ive also got no mbb friends so !!! thank you :( theres so many times where i rly want to start a conversation w someone but im too scared and also i've got no clue abt how to initiate conversation ! and the times when i do manage to...i get stuck on how to keep the conversation going ? but when i figure smth out then im coming for u @ friendship !! i hope u had a good weekend and that you got some rest and that ur doing ok wherever u are !! until next time, take care ❤️❤️❤️
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Hiya, may u plz request a 10 & 25 with The8? If you need suggestions just ask and I can give some~
thank you for the offer babe!! i hope you like it!!!
10. I will leave a gift for you to wake up to every day until you realise how much I love you25. I lost myself in the heat of the moment, I lost you
The house was still. No signs of movement were seen. The living room, the bathroom, the kitchen – you could hear a pin drop.
Until “Fire Truck” rang out from your nightstand.
“Good grief, I can never catch a break,” you muttered while blindly stretching your hand and tapping your screen furiously with your index finger to see where it would eventually hit the “stop” button. You drifted off for another few minutes before being abruptly waking up to the noisy doorbell that someone had to repeatedly press.
“IT IS ONLY EIGHT AM; WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT ME TO BE AWAKE?” You threw off the covers and grumpily shuffled to the door. The person was still relentlessly ringing your doorbell until you threw open the door.
“Can I help you?” You immediately straightened your posture when you saw who it was.
“Y/N,” Minghao smiled shyly. “Minghao… What brings you here? And why did you press on the doorbell for five minutes straight?”
He merely shrugged. “You were always a heavy sleeper.” You shifted your eyes away from the casual mention of your quirk. He no longer had the right to do that.
“Just get to the point why you’re here.” He sighed, revealing his folded arms behind his back. You stared at the wrapped gift. He smiled amusedly. “You forgot, didn’t you?” You looked back at him with your eyebrows furrowed. He laughed at your confused state and gestured with the box, “Happy birthday, Y/N.” You got out your phone and unlocked the screen. Sure enough, the date of your birthday blinked back at you. “Oh… It is, isn’t it,” you put away your phone back in your sweats. You took the gift and moved to close the door. “Thank you… I didn’t expect to get anything today. Well, I should go–”
“Wait. Y/N.” He stepped forward and held your door. Your eyes flickered from his hand to the hesitance that stressed over his features. “Um… yes?”
He opened his mouth for a second before blurting out, “I’m sorry.” You were uncertain whether it was the grumpiness of not having your coffee yet or talking to someone who you avoided for months, but your brain was having trouble taking in anything. You fully faced him and resolutely stated, “We’re done here, Minghao. You made it crystal clear six months ago.”
He gulped. “I wasn’t right in the mind… I lost myself in the heat of the moment. And I lost you.” “Don’t you think it’s a little too late to be saying these things? If this was six days after, maybe I would have reconsidered. But I can’t do this. You can’t keep expecting me to keep up with your intense mood swings all the time. I can’t do it.” Your vision started to blur. “I deserve better than that.”
Minghao wouldn’t back down. “I know… but I’ve been reflecting back on it all this time. I was stupid to only approach you this late, but… I will leave a gift for you to wake up to every day until you realize how much I love you no matter how long it takes.”
You let out a small laugh out of disbelief. “Minghao, you can’t be serious.” “Does it look like I’m joking?” His stare hardened. “I’ll… think about it.” You slowly shut the door. Right before it fully shut, you heard a whisper so soft you might have missed it if you closed it any quicker.
“I still love you…” And the door clicked.
aaaa ok this turned out to be longer than I thought and I’m super mentally exhausted rn so it’s probably really crappy but i hope this fulfilled what you requested anon!! Send me more “I never meant to hurt you”!
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