#especially down in the ozarks and the bootheel
psychoticwillgraham · 2 years
me: ‘Missouri’s got hellhounds’
them: ‘what?’
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Natural events to take place in Missouri this August
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Step away from the office and go outside this August. This helps renew the mind and inspires creativity. Late summer provides a great deal of activity for wildlife, plants, and even space. This August you’ll need to be on the lookout for young skunks in the fields, turtles slowly crossing roads, and snakes hidden on trails.
The annual late-summer songs of the cicadas have already picked up at night in Kansas City. Expect to see squirrels in your neighborhood; they’ll gorge on food to puff up for winter. Deer will rub their antlers on trees to remove materials they no longer need and then they’ll lose their antlers in the colder months.
Also, certain plants fall prey to summer temperatures and pests and need extra attention. Berries will ripen and wild black cherries make for a sour ingredient for rum, jam, or syrup.
Read below to learn more about the schedules of animals, plants, and events in the sky coming up this month.
  Snapping turtle eggs | Wikipedia
Time of Year to See Baby Turtles
Snapping turtle eggs begin hatching this month. The common snapping turtle lives in habitats throughout Missouri. The turtles live anywhere near permanent water bodies such as farm ponds, marshes, swamps, sluices, and rivers. This reptile rarely causes damage to humans, but the snappers occasionally swallow up small ducks and goslings. They also enjoy chomping down insects, crayfish, snakes, and worms. Snapping turtles eating habits help keep aquatic animal populations in check.
Hatchlings emerge from their soft shells 55 to 125 days after the mama snapping turtle lays her eggs. Incubation lasts about 75 to 95 days, and hatchlings emerge between August and October. Sometimes they don’t emerge from their eggs until the following spring. Baby snapping turtles are only about an inch long when they crack through their shells.
The snapping turtle has a big pointed head, a long thick tail, and a small lower shell. These turtles have tan, brown, or somewhat black shells. They have strong jaws and long necks. If you need to move a large snapper – call a wildlife professional first. It’s not easy to handle these little dudes. Their bite can live behind a memorable scar or worse.
The alligator snapping turtle is a protected species. It only occurs in the state in small numbers. Hunters are not allowed to shoot or trap these turtles under Missouri law. The Missouri Department of Conservation urges hunters to identify common snapping turtles correctly before taking control action. The rare turtle’s upper shell has three prominent ridges, one along the center line and one on either side.
Drive slow if you see adult sized turtles or hatchlings this time of year. It takes several years for turtles to reach sexual maturity, making it challenging for snapping turtles to reproduce and survive.
The Annual Serenades of the Cicadas
At night when trying to go to sleep, you may have noticed the distinct, raspy calls of the cicadas. The bugs usually start their choir rehearsals during the hottest days of summer. Both female and male cicadas have membranous structures to detect sounds, but only males produce those distinctive calls. The winged insects have a variety of songs: for courtship, distress, calling songs, and songs to set up boundaries. Male cicadas can produce very loud calls that can damage human hearing.
You can find the insects in forests, wilderness, parks, and brush. For a fishing trip, cicadas make for excellent fishing bait.
The largest Missouri brood of cicadas is expected to come to Missouri in 2024. The last time this happened was in 2015. Cicadas have a life cycle average of two to five years.
Thirteen Lined ground squirrel | Wikipedia
Thirteen-Lined and Franklin’s Ground Squirrels Enter Gorge Fest Season
Time to fatten up for the colder months. Squirrels will appear in large numbers in neighborhoods and forests to scrounge for tasty treats. They forage for both plant and animals foods, including grains, cicadas, crickets, and grasshoppers. They eat until their body weight doubles with stored fat.
The Thirteen-Lined ground squirrel hangs out mostly in northwest Missouri; the species also lives throughout central United States. Franklin’s ground squirrels live in a smaller region. They also live in northwest Missouri. The animal lives north of our region and in northern Kansas.
Thirteen-Lined squirrels only appear above ground for about 3-4 months out of the year. Spring is mating season. The young are born in May. The young nest for about 5 to 6 weeks after birth, then they venture out of their home burrows to start their adult careers.
The squirrels will enter their nests in October. The rodent goes from the hyper-caffeinated creatures we see in the spring and summer months to a slower-than-sloth hibernator. During winter, squirrels breathe about every five minutes and have about 5 heartbeats every minute. They roll into stiff balls to assume their hibernation position.
  Eastern Copperhead Newborns Emerge
Watch your step outside. Eastern copperhead females give birth to their babies in August. Enjoy watching the slithery critters from a safe distance. Copperhead venom is mild compared to other venoms, but anyone who ends up with a snake bite needs to seek medical attention immediately. The odds of dying from a snake bite are low as long as people go to a doctor.
Missouri has two subspecies of eastern copperhead: the Osage copperhead, found in the northern two-thirds of the state; and the southern copperhead found in the southern third.
These snakes have a healthy diet of mice, lizards, frogs, small birds, and insects. Young copperheads use their yellow tail to attract small frogs, toads, and lizards into their mouths.
The snake is pretty common to the state, so it’s possible that if you’re out in the wild you’ll come face to face with a copperhead. All snakes native to Missouri have laws that protect them.
Copperheads bask on warm sunny days; they especially like morning sunlight. In the hottest months, they become nocturnal avoiding the sauna like conditions. In fall, they congregate at south-facing rocky ledges.
Kingsnakes are immune to copperhead venom and will eat them.
Skunks Ready to Party Like Its 1999
Smell something strange? In August, young striped skunks ready to show off their fur will head out into the open. At birth young skunks appear naked looking. They possess the beginning of the adult’s black and white markings. As it gets colder, skunks spend more time in dens. When it’s near freezing, skunks go into a drowsy mode, and they sleep randomly… but they do not truly hibernate like squirrels.
The cat-sized mammal prefers to live along forests, in brush field corners, along fencerows, and open grassy fields broken by wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. The skunk has several real estate options for dens including: stumps, caves, rock piles, cliff crevices, farming sheds, wood piles, and haystacks.
The disagreeable musk they wear protects them from intruders. They can aim their weaponized-tail and spray it at will. Prior to blasting off the stench, skunks warn intruders by stamping their feet and holding their tail high in the air.
Skunks travel all around Missouri. They are least likely to be found in the Bootheel where there isn’t enough high land for dens.
White Tailed Deer | Wikipedia
White-Tailed Deer Rub off their Velvet
Time to rub the velvet off the antlers. Male white-tailed deer will head into the woods to rub off the material.
Small buds form on the buck’s ears around April or May. As the antlers develop, a nourishing coat of blood vessels, skin, and short hair known as velvet covers and protects them. This material supplies nutrients and minerals to grow and strengthen bone.
The antlers reach full size in late August or September. The buck ritualistically rubs his antlers against trees to get the left over velvet off. This leaves the deer with clean, shiny bone antlers. The antlers loosen and come off during winter, which coincides with the end of mating season.
Rabbits and mice will gnaw on the fallen antlers to absorb the minerals contained in the bones. Age, nutrition, and genetics determine the size of the antlers. Check out the Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium in Springfield to see a large collection of antlers with detailed explanations on how the antlers formed along with rare finds. The resident Boone and Crockett Heads and Horns exhibit details the ways in which record-setting game animals came out of conservation and wildlife management systems.
Badger | Wikipedia
Badger, Badger, Badger
August is the season of love… for badgers. Badgers are not super common in Missouri, but they hang out throughout the state. They live primarily in the Central Dissected Till Plains in northern Missouri. They also have a thing for the Osage Plains in western Missouri. They also build homes near the Missouri River. They don’t like living in the Ozarks.
Badgers eat up mice, squirrels, lizards, snakes, birds, and turtles. An extensive poisoning campaign for burrowing rodents reduced the food supply for hungry badgers, which is one reason why their numbers have dwindled. Despite this, their conservation status is of least concern.
Badgers also enjoy munching on mushrooms. They eat different varieties of Funghi, as well as pig-nut tubers and insects — like dung and bark beetles.
They dig up series of dens across their home range. Badgers party at night and hit the snooze button in the daytime. During the winter, they occasionally leave their burrows unprotected to hunt for grub. They dig impressively fast to capture their prey. Badgers can move up to 15 miles per hour. They also are ferocious swimmers. They mate in late summer and give birth in early spring. The young stay with their mothers through the summer months.
Bats Take Flight for the First Time
Baby bats will soon take to the bat signal. They’ll learn to fly this month. You might spot them at dusk as they hunt for insects.
Eight of our 14 types of bats are Missouri Species of Conservation Concern, ranging from vulnerable in the state, to globally endangered, to extinction. Bats struggle to survive as they lose habitat territory, deal with cave disturbances, and die from pesticides. Another problem for bats: wind turbines. Wind powered energy unfortunately kills bats and birds. White-nose syndrome is also creating problems. The fungus likely came over to North America from Eurasia. The fungus infects the skin of cave-dwelling bats, disrupting hibernation and ending in death. The first fully developed case of white-nose syndrome was confirmed in Missouri in March 2012.
The bats usually mate in late summer or fall. During a cold winter in Missouri, some bat species may hibernate.
Bats are one of the few animals to regularly move in and out of caves. After eating insects outside their caves, they fly back and excrete organic nutrients into the cave ecosystem.
Shorebirds Migrate South
Shorebirds start traveling south in August. Many follow a path called a flyway. Some birds may travel a long distance each season. Shorebirds in Missouri include: American white pelicans, American woodcocks, lesser yellowlegs, and upland sandpipers.
The white pelicans fly with their heads back on their body, not with their necks extended. They hang out in western Missouri. The woodcocks live in open forests, they prefer young woodlands near water, moist pastures, and forested floodplains. Lesser yellowlegs have bright-colored feet. The females tend to leave their chicks early, leaving the male birds to defend the young before they’re ready for flight. The upland sandpipers spend their summers mostly in the United States and Canada. They pass through Missouri on their way to South America during the winter months.
Purple martins will group together this month to fly to their preferred South American resorts away from home.
Wild Cherries Ripen
The wild black cherry, or rum cherry, makes for an excellent additive to rum or crushes down into a delicious red jelly. The fruit is found in the woods along streams. It has leaves with rounded teeth, fruit in grape-like bunches, and turns dark when ripe. Nature lovers will find the cherries statewide. The cherries turn from white or greenish to red before reaching the dark purple or black hue. The cherries are about the size of a pea and are rather sour to eat raw.
A mature black cherry tree is easily identifiable in a forest. The tree has broken, dark grey to black bark. It looks like burnt cornflakes. During the first decade of the tree’s life the bark will appear thin, smooth, and banded, resembling a birch tree.
The seeds of black cherries, apricots, and apples contain cyanogenic glycosides. Those compounds under the right circumstances convert into cyanide.  The flesh of cherries also has these compounds, but it does not contain the enzymes needed to produce cyanide, so the flesh is safe to eat.
A fallen cherry tree with wilted leaves needs to be cleared up so animals don’t eat the leaves and get poisoned. Black cherry is a leading cause of livestock illness, and grazing animals access to it should be limited.
Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers
For gardeners and farmers, taking care of certain activities this month will ascertain you have the best flowers, fruit, and vegetables.
Here are some tips to follow for gardeners:
Protect ripening fruit from birds by covering plants with netting.
Spray ripening fruits and roses to prevent brown rot fungus.
Roses do not need anymore nitrogen fertilizer after August 15th.
Thornless blackberries, red raspberries, sumac fruits, hawthorn fruit, wild grapes, and elderberries ripen now.
Cultivate strawberries. If using weed prevention, apply it immediately after fertilizing.
Spray peaches to protect against peach tree borers.
Sow seeds of beans, beets, spinach, and turnips now for the fall garden.
Cure onions in a warm, dry place for 2 weeks before storing.
Set out broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower transplants for the fall garden.
Plant lettuce and radishes now.
Feed mums, asters, and other fall-blooming perennials for the last time.
Do not be alarmed if lilacs have powdery mildew. It causes no harm. Common rose fungicides will work on it.
Divide and replant madonnas, bearded irises, lilies, bleeding hearts, and bloodroots.
Prune to shape hedges for the last time this season.
Order bulbs for fall planting.
August Pests & Problems
Fescue lawns struggle to stay in shape this time of year. Dead spots result from disease and summer heat. Patches need to be reseeded to overcome this. The Missouri Botanical Garden website suggests reseeding between September 1 and mid-October. If this also involves killing existing grass, start killing these areas in mid-August with glyphosate. Read herbicide labels closely for instructions and caution.
Tomatoes Struggle in August
Tomatoes decide to go haywire in late summer. Blossom-end rot is exceptionally common. As well as septoria leaf spot, fusarium wilt, late blight, stink bug, and spider mite damage. Some tomatoes will crack from water fluctuations or get invaded with bacteria. Tomatoes also get harmed by too much sun exposure. And hornworms will feed on the fruit. Place cages around tomato plants to shield them from hungry animals. Read up on tomato strategies ahead of time to protect the crops.
Another tip for tomato care: raised beds that are 18 inches high or higher are difficult for rabbits and other smaller animals to enter. It is also a good idea to have 6 inches or more of wood planks below the soil level. This prevents small animals from burrowing underneath the raised beds.
Plants Need Extra Water and Attention
Scorch is a common problem in hot, dry weather. Make sure to regularly water plants during droughts. Stressed plants are more susceptible to attack by insects and disease. Many plants will wilt or turn yellow without enough water.
Star trails captured during the Perseids Meteor Shower, Aug. 12, 2014 (Credit: Paul Tashlykov)
Perseids Meteor Shower
Keep your eyes on the sky. The Perseids meteor shower is visible starting in mid-July each year, with the peak activity between August 9-14. During the peak, viewers could see as many as 60 meteors at once. The Perseids associate with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The meteors are called the Perseids because they show up in the constellation Perseus.
Some Catholics refer to the Perseids as the “tears of Saint Lawrence.” The saint was burned alive on a gridiron on August 10. The canonical date of the saint’s martyrdom is 258 AD. The story goes that the shooting stars are sparks of fire and that during the night of August 9-10 — its cooled embers appear in the ground under plants, which are known as the “coal of Saint Lawrence.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/08/01/natural-events-to-take-place-in-missouri-this-august/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/08/01/natural-events-to-take-place-in-missouri-this-august/
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Joe’s Weather Blog: A late next week payoff (SAT-3/10)
Nice early blog for you today as I’ll be heading to the Snake Saturday parade on the northside later this morning. Roughly 50-100,000 people will be excited that it’s not snowing, like it was last Snake Saturday. It’ll feel coolish with temperatures in the 40s for the parade and a breeze, but it’s better than last year…that’s for sure. Thankfully it’s not Sunday…today will definitely be the better of the two weekend days.
Today: Increasing clouds and seasonable with highs well into the 50s to near 60°. SE winds of 10-15 MPH. There may be a few sprinkles out there too at times
Tonight: Cloudy with some rain showers likely. Temperatures will remain mild for the evening (50s). A cold front till move though very early Sunday and that will start to send temperatures down into the 30s by daybreak
Sunday: Clouds…dreary…colder with highs around 40°. Some spits of rain…even some snowflakes mixed in are not out of the question. There may be more wet snow flakes in north central and NE MO. Worst case…some grassy accumulations. Highs near 40°
Monday: Clouds early then some clearing but chilly with highs in the 40s
We’re going to get a good dose of typical March weather in the region this next week…cold at first and rather mild towards the end of the work week. As a matter of fact some 70s are very possible either Thursday or Friday…and depending on the timing of the next cold front there is a chance we can hit the 70s next Saturday for St Patrick’s Day. Right now however I’m not as bullish for next Saturday because of the timing of the next cold front coming later next week. 
Today will be a changeable sky day…clouds will be increasing as the day moves along. The visible satellite picture shows this cloud cover moving through the region…
We’ll see how fast we can warm up today before the clouds really impact things. Here is a look at radar to keep an eye on what’s happening.
Meanwhile I’m keeping an eye on an upper level wave that is moving through the northern Plains today…
See that little curl through SE MT…that is the wave that will be dropping into the Plains today then sliding into MO tonight>Sunday. That little curl represents a cold pocket of air aloft. It will be coming right over KC tonight into Sunday and then sliding into the MO bootheel later tomorrow.
IF it would come farther westwards…more towards Salina or Manhattan…that would put our area more in the favored region for precipitation. As is though…it appears central MO will have a better chance of seeing 1/10-1/4″ of moisture as opposed to our area in KC and westwards. We may get something overnight…but it probably won’t be much.
The morning run of the NAM model…might be a bit bullish with the rain totals in central MO…but you get the idea as far as our area goes at least…
As far as what form of precipitation this will take…that’s where things become more interesting as areas east of KC have a chance of seeing at least some grassy area accumulations in a rain>wet snow scenario. Odds favor areas more towards central MO for this…but basically from around 65 highway eastwards…there may be some snow accumulation.
Areas east of KC…will be watching the thermometers Sunday morning because IF it’s snowing and 35-36°…probably no big deal BUT if it’s snowing at 32-33°…that could be an issue because with the core of the colder air aloft coming right through the region…that means that the snow may fall harder on the MO side than anything that happens from KC westwards. Here is a look at future radar at about 10AM Sunday.
That’s a nice swath of potentially accumulating snow towards the east of the Metro especially.
IF the upper level storm is farther west…like I mentioned…then everything gets pulled to the west including the snow potential. Something to watch on radar on Sunday.
Let me show you the forecast off the NAM model for this upper level wave…we’re going up to about 18,000 feet or so.
You can see how it comes right on top of KC.
As I mentioned despite the storm coming on top of us…the better precip should be on the MO side as opposed to on the KS side.
I wanted to show you the current drought report…and compare it to last year for the same 1st week of March…there is a difference between last year and this year. Last year we were actually in worse shape compared to where we are this March (so far). When the bar is on the right side…that’s the current report.
  Now let’s do the same thing on the KS side…this year is much worse compared to 2017…so sort of a total reverse between MO and KS
  and for what it’s worth…not encouraging from the NAM model for the next 3 1/2 days…
After the system tonight>Sunday…nothing is expected till next weekend. That next system bears some watching. GFS would be setting up for the 1st severe weather outbreak in the Plains…while the EURO really isn’t that bullish. It will depend on the next cold front and where it set’s up and moves towards next Saturday. So that day could be a day to pay attention too…and yes…that’s St Patrick’s Day.
This is not the time of the year where you really want to get to involved in the weather a week away though, especially when it comes to severe weather potential. No skill in this.
Our feature photo comes from Kellie Lewis Cobern down at the Lake of the Ozarks. It was taken this morning.
Have a great day…
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2018/03/10/joes-weather-blog-a-late-next-week-payoff-sat-3-10/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/03/10/joes-weather-blog-a-late-next-week-payoff-sat-3-10/
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