#especially if it starts unhinged and gets weirder from there in ways I could never have guessed
scribe-cas · 11 months
You can't just drop that you have an absolutely unhinged fact and not share it. So give up the weird fact, do eet.
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Okay fine I will give in
Okay, so.
I think my weirdest fact, just off the top of my head-
Has to be probably that the wendigo species lactates regularly. Like, with no prompting, pregnant or not. A tie between that and the fact that angels do not have genitalia, but instead, a small star system between their legs.
The wendigo one is weirder so that’s the one I’ll elaborate on.
Okay so
The reason for this is because at one point, some of the species were not given the option to go out and hunt fully grown humans. They were aggressive, harder to catch, and more willing to burn things down to be rid of any monsters.
However, murdering a child (while usually considered bad form anyways) while far easier to do, because you could simply go in, pick up this barely sentient being, and then get rid of it as long as it didn’t start screaming, didn’t provide them with nearly enough food to last off of, and the entire species of demon was slowly dwindling and dying out because of that.
So certain wendigos (there’s not a defining factor yet, although I’m thinking it’s those who were afab?) just somewhat regularly produce milk, because evolution’s solution to this was:
If you can’t kill the adults, but the children don’t give you enough meat-
Steal away a child, and then raise it to become an adult.
They, as wendigos, could essentially raise us like livestock.
And for a while, that was exactly what they did. Like as a species, collectively.
Now, things are a little different, as while we do have much more advanced weapons, we aren’t exactly using fire to light our homes and we definitely aren’t going to throw a lantern into one of our massive industrial sized buildings, because god forbid we have to build that shit again- we just won’t do it, we’ll go get a gun or something. Therefore, adults have become easier to hunt again, especially what with all of the cameras and gadgets that we now use to watch our children with- we have baby cams and the doorbells that let us see what’s at our door and household security systems- it is way easier to run face first into a car and just have an adult go missing than it is to actively scrounge up a child unless they’ve got particularly neglectful parents.
But, the milk gene never went away or dwindled off. It usually stays somewhat out of the way, but often flares up when a wendigo is under times of duress and stress.
Wendigo milk, designed to produce humans good for food, is actually massively full of nutritional value, increases our capacity to build muscle mass, assists our digestive system, and usually tastes vaguely sweet to encourage drinking. (Although the flavor from wendigo to wendigo is different, it’s really neat)
Most wendigos don’t struggle with this as much, but the more time you spend on earth/around humans, the more actively their systems think they need it. Usually, this isn’t an issue- but for some demons who choose to spend the majority of their time on earth, it can get uncomfortable if there’s no pressure release, but usually a nursing pump does the trick to minimize discomfort. You just then have. Milk lying around
This, shockingly enough, ties into multiple plot points of mine- none of which are important to the main story, technically? It doesn’t change anything drastically other than kinda one main detail and then a few background details. But I think its funny because it’s essentially an Easter egg for my friends and I, because all of them know this fact from when I was originally working on the series.
Anyways if you’d like more elaboration I am happy to give it, but for now I will put a cap on my rambling so that you can digest this unhinged mess first. /lh
Hopefully you don’t hate me for this, if you do, I’m sorry LMFAO I know my characters to a near uncomfortable level
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specterchasing-a · 3 years
I'll Stick With Being Human || Milo & Eddie
TIMING: 2015
LOCATION: White Crest High School
PARTIES: @wickedmilo​ & @specterchasing​
SUMMARY: Milo and Eddie wind up together in detention... again. Eddie talks about believing in vampires, but Milo’s not buying it.
Realistically, Milo knew smoking during the detention he was being given for smoking wasn’t a very smart idea. But he wasn’t good at making smart decisions, and where was the fun in following the rules? If he was in trouble for smoking on school grounds, then what did he really have to lose by smoking on school grounds? A genuine question, one he was confident he knew the answer to. Besides, he had a lookout this time. A friend he had met on multiple occasions during his after school adventures. It seemed they both had a habit of getting caught out, but clearly their punishments were doing nothing to deter them. Every now and then another student would join them, people would come and go. But Eddie seemed to be a constant, and he was grateful for that fact. Pushing the window open as far as he possibly could, he knew from experience they probably had ten minutes before a member of staff returned to check on them, so he sparked up, glancing back towards Eddie who was peering through the glass in the doorway. 
“You can’t be fucking serious.” He muttered, in response to his company's previous statement. They had shared many conversations about ghosts and ghouls, Eddie being a very avid believer in the supernatural. He was more than willing to humour him, especially given how well it managed to pass the time. But vampires? Vampires might be pushing it. He exhaled a breath of smoke, laughing easily as he pulled a nearby desk towards where he was standing. Clambering to sit on it, the height didn’t give him much of an advantage, but it allowed him to better direct the smoke outside. “What, you think they sparkle?” He teased. He couldn’t say he knew very much about ‘vampiric’ lore, beyond what he saw in modern mainstream media. No doubt he was about to learn an awful lot, but he was never going to walk away with the same level of conviction. How could he? “Don’t you think if vampires existed, people would have figured that shit out by now? Hey- keep watching the hall, dude! If I get another detention because of you, I’m taking you down with me. You know that, right?” 
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Eddie never learned how to keep his mouth shut. Teachers issued warnings, but he couldn’t resist the urge to give voice to whatever thoughts he deemed important enough. More often than not, his chatty nature landed him in hot water, not that he minded. With Milo around, detention wasn’t all that bad. With most of his fellow students, Eddie understood the importance of keeping his cards to his chest. If he mentioned ghosts or other such creatures to them, it was more than likely that he’d wind up ridiculed—or worse. That wasn’t the case with Milo. Sure, he liked to tease Eddie about his theories but mostly he just listened. Eddie appreciated that about him.
As soon as Milo offered his rebuttal, Eddie rolled his eyes. The scent of smoke stung his nostrils, inspiring a grimace to form. “Ease up, Summers. If you get caught, it’ll be thanks to that stench, not me,” he warned, but quickly directed his gaze toward the hallway to be safe. As far as he could tell, the coast was clear. Eddie’s arms folded over his chest as he leaned against an unoccupied desk. “The whole point is that people already know about vampires—just not, y’know, everyone. And, no, they don’t sparkle… probably.” Admittedly, Eddie didn’t know enough about vampires to relay any facts with unshakable conviction, but that didn’t dissuade him from his belief. 
“But, if you look at an obscene number of deaths in White Crest dating all the way back to the 1700s, you’ll notice a pretty obvious pattern of neck punctures and exsanguination. You can’t tell me that doesn’t seem pretty fuckin’ weird to you.” Eddie eyed him pointedly as if daring him to argue. “I’m right about this, I know I am. I just… have to figure out how to prove it conclusively, is all.”
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Milo pointedly exhaled a breath of smoke, blowing it towards the open window before turning to watch as it was pulled outside by a barely existent breeze. “A smell doesn’t prove anything.” He countered. “So long as they don’t see me smoking, it isn’t like they can do shit.” That probably wasn’t true, but he would much rather believe it was. “The whole point is sooo not that people already know about vampires,” he laughed, allowing himself to be drawn back into the conversation. He often liked to tease Eddie about his beliefs, though it was all in good nature. There was no harm in the way he saw the world, and if he was being entirely honest, more often than not, he was genuinely interested to hear more. He wasn’t the type of person to admit that, so he continued their discussions with playful jabs, and questions intended to catch out his friend. As far as he could tell, Eddie didn’t mind. 
“Probably?” He raised his eyebrows, his eyes shining as he took another hasty drag from his cigarette. “Look, every small town has weird deaths. Come on, I mean small towns are already fucking weird. No matter where you go there’s some urban legend, or cryptid living in the woods. It’s just shit people made up to entertain themselves before tv became a thing.” Pausing to think for a moment, he wasn’t sure how to explain the puncture wounds. Then again, he had never seen proof or done any research. For all he knew, Eddie’s information was biased. “What about the vampires in Victorian London? You know those creepy stories of people climbing out of their graves? I read an article about that once, the vampire even made the papers, but everything had a logical explanation. Stuff wasn’t exactly reliable back then. People were confirmed dead all the time when they were just… I don’t know, taking a nap or something. And you think animals don’t go for the neck sometimes? Or people don’t get carried away with their kinks?” He grinned, watching to see if Eddie became flustered, or took the comment in his stride.
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At the mention of kink-related deaths, Eddie let out a huff of laughter. “What a way to go,” he mused with a smirk, trying to ignore how warm his cheeks suddenly felt. With how sex-obsessed boys his age were, Eddie quickly learned the importance of seeming comfortable discussing the subject. Still, he much preferred talking about vampires; he understood them better.
“Look, I’m not saying that mundane reasons for puncture wounds don’t exist, y’know, they do, but what if that’s not always the case?” Eddie’s shoulders raised along with his eyebrows. “Not to sound completely unhinged, but maybe—just maybe—Vampires don’t want people to know about them and, over the years, they’ve been covering up the truth with logical explanations. They’re immortal, they’ve got plenty of free time to do so.” 
Eddie glanced back at the hallway to make sure Milo remained unspotted, quickly returning his attention to him when all was clear. “And who’s to say that logical explanations and the supernatural can’t coexist? The same result can occur even with vastly different triggers. If we hold on too tightly to what we understand, we’ll never find out how massive and diverse the world really is.” 
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Milo laughed, smoke unfurling on his breath. “I’m sure there are worse ways.” He pointed out, tapping ash onto the window ledge before sweeping it away with his hand. He could see the faint blush on Eddie’s face, but did nothing to draw attention to it. He was more than satisfied by his answer, and making him feel self conscious would be far more malicious than a few playful comments about sex. “I mean, even if the puncture wounds aren’t coming from something mundane, I’m just saying it’s a bit of a stretch to assume mythological creature, you know?” Laughing again, he took one final drag of his cigarette before killing it and throwing it outside. It would only land on the grassy bank two floors below, nobody was ever going to notice. “It’s too late,” he teased. “You sound unhinged, but that’s why I like you.” 
Sliding off of the desk, he made a point of dragging it back to where it previously had been, deciding to wait before closing the window so that the smell of smoke had longer to dissipate. “You know, I get it. If I was a vampire I wouldn’t exactly want people to know.” He admitted, thinking about it very briefly before continuing. “But don’t you think like, with technology and shit like Twilight, people might start to notice if vampires were actually out there?” Grinning easily as his friend began to talk in his usual way, passion lacing his tone as he fought to sound reasonable and profound, he took a seat back at his allocated desk. He couldn’t hide the affection he felt, and couldn’t deny the fact that Eddie did sound reasonable, and profound. But he wasn’t about to give in so easily. “What’s the scientific explanation for Edward sparkling? That’s the real fucking question here.” 
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At the mention of his theory being a stretch, Eddie responded with an indifferent shrug. “To reach the truth, sometimes a little stretching is necessary.” He thought about his ability to see and hear ghosts, how no reasonable explanation for that existed. It seemed a little far fetched to think of himself as an anomaly. Others had to be out there. 
“You sound unhinged, but that’s why I like you.” Eddie blinked in surprise at Milo’s comment, a slow grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “Careful, or I’ll take that as a greenlight to unload my even weirder theories.” He liked Milo, too. On a few occasions in the past, he thought about asking if they could hang-out outside of detention, but could never muster up the courage to go through with it. Regardless, he had no trouble considering him a friend.
“I mean, people have,” Eddie replied enthusiastically. “If you look online, there’s plenty of people discussing the existence of vampires and there’s no way they’re all bullshitting.” As soon as Milo sat down, Eddie took a trip to the desk next to his and seated himself. His knees tucked under the metal bar connecting the chair to the flat surface of the desk so that his attention was solely on his fellow delinquent. “There’s even talk of slayers; people born to hunt vampires. Just because the media refuses to cover something, doesn’t mean it’s not out there.”
When the conversation circled back to Edward Cullen, Eddie laughed. “Who’s to say? Maybe vampires just have a thing for glitter. But, in reality, they probably don’t get a chance to sparkle for too long before they burst into flames.” He went quiet for a moment, deep thought furrowing his brow. “Y’know, I read a lot about supernatural beings and, with some, I can’t help but think how cool it would be to be like them, but vampires? Mostly, I feel bad for them.”
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“I don’t know if scientists would agree with that logic.” Milo teased. “But every YA author out there is screaming. You should write a book.” Laughing easily at the mention of wilder, and weirder theories, he wasn’t surprised Eddie had them. And he would be lying if he said he wasn’t secretly interested in hearing more. But instead, he matched his friends grin, tilting lazily back in his chair. “We can save those for double detention, they sound like they might take more than an hour to get through.” 
Raising his eyebrows, at his friend’s following comment, he shot him a pointedly skeptical look. “You have been on the internet, right? Are you sure these aren’t just people trying to will their fantasies into existence? Do you know how many girls cry themselves to sleep because they aren’t about to marry a vampire who sparkles in the sun?” Turning slightly as Eddie took the seat beside him, he picked up the pen he had abandoned to smoke, tapping it absentmindedly against his desk. “Wait, so Van Helsing is also out there?” He was feigning disbelief again, making out he didn’t genuinely want to know, but he had a feeling Eddie recognised that. They had spent far too much time together now for him to buy into the disinterested act. “I’ve never actually heard anyone talk about slayers before.” He admitted. “Not in the context of like, conspiracy theories.” 
His eyes shining as the conversation inevitably circled back to Edward, it felt good to make Eddie smile. Regardless of why they were both in detention, it wasn’t exactly a great way to spend an hour of your time afterschool. Eddie made it bearable for him, and he liked to think he did the same in return. “Burst into flames like an explosion? Or is it not that dramatic? I like the idea of being incredibly extra. If you’re gonna go, why not do it in a burst of fucking flames.” His smile faltering as the joking began to ease up, there weren’t many things he considered during their conversations about the supernatural. He listened, he laughed, he encouraged. But this was interesting, why would anybody take sympathy for a creature that was historically supposed to be bloodthirsty, and out of control? What lore did Eddie know? “You do?” He asked curiously. “Why? They get to live forever, and have cool powers, right? Doesn’t sound so awful to me.” 
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Eddie had very little interest in fiction, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t dream of one day knowing enough about the supernatural to write books. Most people would disregard them, but he hoped that some would take him seriously. “I’ll make sure to get into even more trouble than usual,” Eddie promised, not that it took much effort from him.
“Yeah, I know it’s not always smart to believe what you read on forums, but some of these people really sound like they know a thing or two.” Eddie needed some of the claims to be genuine. If they weren’t, it meant everything he knew was built on lies. 
When Milo feigned disbelief, Eddie responded with raised brows and pursed lips, still unable to completely erase his grin. “Yeah, they’re like, total badasses who do everything they can to keep vampires off the streets. They’re basically superheroes.” But, no matter how much Eddie wanted to root for slayers, he couldn’t find it in himself to want all vampires to die. Most of them didn’t ask to be creatures of the night, it seemed wrong to paint them all as villains.
“Your guess is as good as mine but, now that you mention it, I hope there’s some flair.” Eddie should have hated detention, but Milo actually gave him a reason to look forward to it. They didn’t have a lot in common, but they kept each other entertained. Eddie didn’t know many people who made him laugh like Milo did, it was nice. 
“I dunno,” Eddie said when the laughter died down. “If you ask me, the whole immortality thing sounds like a raw deal. They’re destined to outlive everything they love. And then there’s the whole needing to drink blood to survive—what if they don’t wanna hurt anybody? But, y’know, they have to or they die slowly and painfully. No more sunlight, no more normal life, just shadows and blood. I don’t think there’s a superpower out there that would make a life like that worth it, do you?”
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“I feel like you don’t need any help with getting into trouble,” Milo pointed out. “But then neither do I so I guess I’ll see you same time next week?” Humming quietly in response, he smirked at Eddie, unable to help himself. “You said that, not me.” There was no harm in checking out forums, of course. And it seemed to make his friend incredibly happy, but he wasn’t about to ruin their dynamic by being supportive. “Anyone can sound like they know a thing or two, I could probably convince you I’m a doctor with all the useless knowledge my parents have forced on me over the years. But please don’t let me anywhere near medical equipment, you know? I’m a liability.” Laughing at the idea of slayers being superheroes, he had only ever seen one trashy Van Helsing movie, but his mind decided to conjure the image of its serious, angsty protagonist proudly wearing a bright red cape. “Maybe don’t tell the slayers that, they probably have better fashion sense...” 
Clicking his pen so that he could doodle on the desk as he listened, he found himself drawing a stick figure with fangs. He was tempted to surround the figure in flames, but the thought made him feel a little guilty. Maybe he had been spending too much time with Eddie. “I feel like if there was flair, the viral videos would be endless.” He pointed out. “If we’re really going with vampires being legit it’s probably quiet, and highkey depressing.” A frown creasing his brow as he added a cape to his miniature vampire, he began to colour it black, needing to make it clear it wasn’t a tacky superhero rendition. “If they stick with other vampires then maybe the immortality isn’t so bad.” He murmured thoughtfully. “But yeah, I guess maybe the other stuff doesn’t sound so great. I think I’ll stick with being Human. Can’t come to detention if I have to avoid the sunlight, and then who’s going to keep you company?”
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Eddie grinned broadly at the mention of seeing Milo again the following week. It felt nice to have a schedule involving arranged meet-ups, even if they were obligated to be there. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he mused. Milo launched into a short speech about the importance of credible sources and, as much as Eddie hated to admit it, he made a fair point. “Okay, yeah, you’re not wrong, but I’m not giving them permission to remove my appendix. I’m just reading what they have to say about Vampires, so I’m probably safe unless a creature of the night decides to give me a graded pop quiz on their species,” he explained with laughter bubbling beneath his words. “Maybe, but I kinda hope they don’t. They already have superpowers, why would they need to top things off by being fashionable? That’d just be unfair.”
Eddie’s gaze landed on Milo’s doodle, the sight prolonging his grin. If it had been drawn on paper rather than a desk, he would’ve liked to have kept it. “Yeah, I think humanity’s the way to go,” he agreed as he finally looked back to his friend. “I look forward to wasting my mortality with you by spending it in detention.” Maybe next time he’d see about making plans beyond school property. 
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #203
"The Bad Trainer, The Mammoth Ride, Arden and Splender”
-The figure gets clearer and it's obviously a pokemon trainer, he has a garbage bag tied to his waist-
[Doc] What? Can't I play my part as a dragon to the hilt now and again? I have a fair and naked maiden and a baby to defend.
[Sweet Alex] Oh, it's someone helpful. Good job.
[gem] -swims over to her pokemon and start petting them and giving them berries-
-The trainer scowls at the group before noticing the vulpix in Lie's arms in his arms-
[Trainer] - Where did you get that vulpix?
[Herabrine] Why is it any of your business?
[Trainer] - Because that's my Vulpix...  Give it back!
[AVulpix] Growls-
[gem] if it's your then how did she catch it
[Doc] Cranes hir head over near the human. - Nope. Push off. I remember you.
[trainer] Takes a step closer- Give me my pokemon!
[AVulpix] Opens their mouth and blasts off a burst of ice which creates a sheet between it and the trainer-
[Doc] Uses the tip of hir snout to give him a shove - Get lost.
[Trainer] Throws a punch at Doc-
[Doc] Is punched but doesn't move. - That's all you've got? I think you're out of your league buddy.
[Herabrine] That's a gentle puff of air compared to Cp I'm sure
[gem] -growls- if she was able to catch it that mean you let it go which mean it's not yours anymore now get lost before you do something you will regret
[Lie] - Leave, this pokemon was taken from you because you abandoned it!
[Sky] Can I eat him? -Bored tone of voice-
[gem] that's my job
[Alexsezia] You can do the huge mouth thing like the normal Enders Sky? That's kinda terrifying.
[Sky] If I want to, definitely. Feels a bit weird but probably looks weirder. Kinda like unhinging your jaw, but.. Excessively.
[gem] and I have a jaw that can break though any bones try me trainer or should I say former trainer
[Doc] I don't know how this game would handle someone actually dying....
[Alexis] - Go away kid, adults are having relaxing time
[Doc] But I'm still pissed at you for trying to cook your poor Feebus.
[Trainer] - It was a worthless fish!
[Doc] You're the one that's worthless.
[gem] no pokemon is useless
[Alexis] - My boyfriend rather likes it
[Sweet Alex] And he actually takes care of his pets. You're a meanie head.
[Herabrine] Rolls her eyes- you tell em Alex...
[Deer] - Leave or we'll call Officer Jenny
[Sky] Or I'll eat you, if she's not fast enough. -grin-
[gem] sky that's my job
[Sky] You're not the only one who eats people, Gem
[Alexsezia] Look kid, we're nobody you want to tangle with. Just walk away.
[Trainer] Growls but turns around and storms off-
[gem] true
[Doc] Jerk. Fuck people who are mean to animals, honestly.
[Lie] Gently cradles the vulpix-
[gem] I am more confused how he was so chill with a dragon in his face
[Sky] Probably dragon like animals here?
[Deer] - Well considering all the different types of creatures here...
[Doc] But they usually don't talk...
[Lie] - Who cares, at least he's gone now
[Sky] True, true.
[gem] exactly that and my looks well I have never seen any Pokémon that even closely looks like me
[Alexsezia] How is Feebas anyway Alexis? Learned any moves yet?
[Alexis] - It usually just swims around in it's little pond, sometimes it splashes
[Herabrine] Maybe they get visitors from other games rather frequently here? We're not the only digital entities in the multiverse.
[Doc] I thought the splash was a move? Or is it flail? Silver told me about a weird type of orange fish pokemon that evolves into a gigantic sea serpent. Just go's to show you never know what experince can turn someone into.
[Alexis] - True
[AVulpix] Is sliding around on the ice before it melts-
[gem] doc your thinking of magikarp
[Doc] That's it! I saw a picture online, it looks so silly. I would never have guessed.
[Deer] Sinks lower into the water again-
[Yaunfen] Yawns-
[Sweet Alex] So how are our creepypasta pokemon trainers faring?
[Doc] Honestly I think Deerheart talks to them more then I do. Since she's home more often. Aww, you getting itred little one?
[gem] they are hard to train and is mostly a mockery because they only know splash which does nothing but I have seen someone beat the whole game with just one
[Sweet Alex] That's really inspiring Gem!
[Deer] - They seem to be okay, but I still can't really get through to Strangled...
[Sweet Alex] Maybe I should hug him too?
[Doc] You're such a perfect cinnamon roll, never change. - Xe pats Alex's head lightly with one paw.
[gem] this is why I said no pokemon is useless if the battle is failing it's because of the trainer
[Doc] I agree absolutlely. They just need love and attention and tons of exercise.
[Herabrine] Is that why you're up at the asscrack of dawn jogging with yours lately?
[Doc] It's mostly the Goomy. Keeps it from trying to fight everything and everyone.
[Lie] - Sits back down with a sigh- Good Vulpix's
[Serperior] -gets closer to the regular vulpix-
[Doc] I don't know what to do with Strangled. But at least he isn't destroying the house. He just hates my guts.
[Herabrine] He hates the rest of you too.
[Doc] Gee, thanks.
[RVulpix] Hides away in Lie's arms-
[Serperior] -tries to nuzzle regular vulpix-
[RVulpix] Whines, it's very skittish and scared-
[Doc] Gem, I think the little fox is scared of your giant snake...
[gem] come here Serperior -serperior comes over and she pets them-
[Doc] Silver was having a similar problem, his Zweilus and his Sylveon don't get along at all.
[Lie] - I don't think that's the case, I think it's just scared of everything, especially after everything it's been through
[Doc] No I mean, it might be type difference too? Do grass types get along with fire types?
[Lie] - I don't know
[Doc] Lifts Yaunfen easily in hir paws and sits back on hir haunches to cradle them - This game is so complicated. I keep meaning to read up on this but never get more then one or two articles in.
[Glitchy] -Actually happens to be passing by, Shiny pokemon in tow.- Fire types have a type advantage, but if the pokemon in particular know eachother they can get along, but the grass type might be wary. -softly.-
[Deer] - Glitchy?  What are you doing here?
[Doc] Hey Glitchy! Come to replenish some PP?
[Glitchy] Just passing through? This kind of is part of my series... No, not today Doc. Just looking for a gift, is all.
[Lie] - A gift?  For who?
[Glitchy] One for Strangled, another for Purin. I already picked one up for Silver. -scuffs heel a bit- I was thinking of picking up a few eevees for shits and giggles too.
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[Lie] - Purin?
[Doc] How many Eevee types are there Glitchy?
[aven] speaking of pokemon aven was looking to catch one
[Alexsezia] What was she wanting to catch?
[Herabrine] Something that isn't a water type!
[aven] bagon
[Glitchy] Another pokepasta. -pause- ... Not sure if she actually still counts, honestly....
[Glitchy] Well, currently there's about 8. Of course if you count glitched, you could have a lot more. I have a full set but really keep Flareon most.
[Glitchy] Why?
[Doc] Why would they not count as a pokepasta?
[Glitchy] Well she ended up taking the place of someone in the next generation and stopped their shit, I liked her. She was pretty cool. Gave me a Lopunny.
[Doc] Oh, so she's an NPC in one of the games?
[Glitchy] Takes the place of one, yeah.
[Glitchy] Hard to explain, really. But yeah. -Waves hand a bit- I'm here to hunt down gifts. Probably going to hop to a different gen after this.
[gem] like which one?
[Yaunfen] Tries to climb farther up on Doc
[Glitchy] Gen 4. Or, I could do any of the games just after this one like Emerald, Fire red or Leaf green...
[Doc] Yeah, I feel you... - Xe clambers out of the water and lays across a large stone. Xe puts Yaunfen up a bit so they can crawl all over their parent to their hearts content.
[Yaunfen] Crawls up into Doc's mane to settle down-
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[Yaunfen] Flops closer-
[Glitchy] Been meaning to check out the Ranger games too...
[Sneasel] -Walks over to Doc to look at hir, head tilted-
[Alexsisezia] What's Ranger?
[gem] I use to have the first pokemon ranger game
[Doc] Looks back at the pokemon - You're an odd little one.
[Glitchy] A different version of the games but with different mechanics. No pokeballs, but there's this little device that lets you temporarily befriend a pokemon. Sounds very inefficient, honestly.
[Sneasel] Snee. -Pats Doc's face-
[Doc] Good pokemon. Anybody got a berry?
[Sweet Alex] I like befriending critters, sounds like fun
[gem] I do -holds one out for doc to take-
[Doc] Thanks- Xe slides a paw over to pinch it in hir claws and offers it to the sneasel, which has much smaller, but much sharper claws of it's own.
[Sneasel] -Scrutinizes the berry a bit before taking it and popping it into it's mouth- -Approving nod, turns and returns to Glitchy-
[Glitchy] If you want to try it, I could probably hunt down a catridge and a system. I like using those first so I don't find a messed up game.. -Shudders-
[Sweet Alex] Messed up?
[Herabrine] You mean like BEN's haunted copy of Majora's Mask, don't you?
[BEN] Shudders a little as he's feeding Hyrule-
[Glitchy] In a way, yeah. My game was pretty fucked up too. Really badly damaged games make me.. very sick. My own game was really glitchy. Really, really glitchy.
[Doc] A little bad code is fine, too much is nauseating, I agree. I once made the mistake of taking pixels from a deteriorated game. I was really sick. Scared the fuck out of me. I was homeless and friendless at the time.
[gem] -sink to the bottem on the spring and lays there before starting to make planet necklaces again while below the water-
[Glitchy] Honestly, considering the state of my game, I'm lucky I'm solid and wasn't any worse off than my eyes...
[Doc] Aww. I would have fixed it for you. You know I live to mend broken pieces.
[Deer] Notices that Yaunfen is fast asleep and giggles a little-
[gem] -the first one she makes looks to small to be worn but looks like its made of stars- hmm -puts it on her head like a flower crown it fits perfectly-
[Doc] Has been fanning hir tail tip to dry the hair and puts the warm fluff over hir baby. There's a bit of a rumble as xe purrs softly.
[Lie] - Do you think the guys are okay?
[gem] -starts to make crowns and make a one that looks the planets look like flowers and come up quickly to put it on lies head before going back down-
[Lie] Is surprised by the sudden weight on her head-
[gem] -is making more at the bottom of the spring-
[Herabrine] We'll come back to them all worn out from drinking and fighting and sprawled all over the damn spawn.
[Lie] - Hopefully CP doesn't try anything
[Alexsezia] I'd be just as concerned with Mb....
[Lie] - Good point
[gem] -makes another that looks like fish and water drops and puts it on hera's head  quickly before going back-
[Sweet Alex] Thankfully Gk is usually too busy playing with Endrea's babies to make mischef...
[Herabrine] What the Nether?
[Deer] - He certainly does love them
[Doc] Who knew he'd make such a fantastic uncle?
[Herabrine] Snorts- Unclebrine
[Glitchy] well, if that's all you've got to ask I should be going now..
[Lie] - Oh come on Hera, I bet if they could swim you'd play with them just as much
[gem] -makes one that looks like a bow and arrows and puts it on alexsezia's head-
[Doc] Glitchy? What do you do when your pokemon get burned? Is there something special?
[Alexsezia] That's weird... um, thank you Gem.
[Glitchy] A brn heal should work. Do you need one? I keep some on hand because flareon likes to burn everything .
[Doc] Yes please. In fact, if you can get me examples of the different healing medicines I'll trade or make you whatever you want for them.
[gem] your welcome -makes one that looks like it's made leaves and vines and put's it on deer's head-
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[gem] -makes one that looks like cookies and hearts and put's it on sweet alex-
[Glitchy] I couldn't accept anything, strangled would probably lose it. I'm already a filthy packrat as is. The bags are bigger on the inside so you can put shit like bikes in here. -starts taking out different potions, status healing things, and revives, handing one of each over while saying what they are for-
[gem] -makes one that looks like lighting and doctor crosses and puts it on doc-
[Doc] Thank you Gem. And if you're sure Glitchy. I can just make copies so I'm not leaving you poor for the giving. - starts clicking around-
[Glitchy] If I think of anything i could need I'll be sure to ask.
[gem] your welcome -makes a candy base one and put's it on yaunfen-
[BEN] Is rocking Hyrule- There, all fed and changed
[hyrule] dada wa-er baff
[BEN] - No, how about a horsie ride?
[hyrule] wa-er baff
[BEN] - How about the horsies?- Starts heading outside
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - Horsies- He heads for the horse pen, the sight of the animals making his heart ache a little for Epona
[hyrule] baff
-A horse trots over to them and sniffs at Hyrule-
[BEN] - See?  Look, a horsie
[hyrule] baff
[Nia] Comes out- BEN, it has been a couple days...  And babies really should be bathed every day...
[BEN] Groans- Nia, I'm not giving him a bath
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - No Hyrule, come on, let's get on the horsie- He enters the pen and carefully climbs onto the horse so as not to jostle his child
[hyrule] dada baff
[BEN] - Shhhh, no, now come on, I know you like to go fast- He urges the horse into a gentle trot
[hyrule] -is pulling at bens shirt- baff
[BEN] - Hyrule, no- They end up riding out past Lie's house and towards the village
[hyrule] baff
-There's a bit of a commotion as a giantic mammoth charges past BEN, there's someone clinging desperately onto it's back-
[BEN] Moves quickly to keep the horse under control- The fuck!?
- The mammoth turns and gives a light buck, kicking up it's giant feet as nimbly as a pony-
[BEN] Looks to see who's on it's back-
[Steve] Looks elated and determined with a clump of hair in each fist-
-The mammoth stops suddenly and turns to BEN, it's eyes are bright as stars under the hair-
[BEN] - Don't you fucking dare I will not hesitate to drown you, you overgrown ball of fur!
[Steve] No! It's okay! He doesn't mean any harm!
[BEN] - Normally I'd be laughing my ass off over this, but you ALMOST RAN INTO US!
[hyrule] dada baff
[Steve] Sorry. We were just playing.
[Mammoth] Pats BEN's head with it's trunk tip-
[BEN] Growls at it-
[Steve] Just laughs - You want a turn?
[hyrule] -trys to reach up ad grab the trunk-
[BEN] - NO! I'm trying to take Hyrules mind off of things
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Lets Hyrule play with the tip of it's trunk.
[Steve] Oh, is he stinky again?
[BEN] - No, he's not!
[Mammoth] Snuffles and draws back with a pained expression. - Chuff!
[hyrule] -takes the trunk and wiggles it back and forth-
[Mammoth] Eyes watering-
[BEN] - Come on Hyrule, let's keep riding
[Steve] Yeah.... that's stinky-
[hyrule] -lets go of the trunk- wa-er baff
[Mammoth] You really need to get used to the idea of bathing him...
[Steve] Agreed.
[BEN] Almost falls off of the horse- THE FUCK!?
[Mammoth] Big grin with huge square teeth. - Looks like I haven't lost my touch... Your face was priceless.
[BEN] - Fuck off
[Steve] You're just mad cause he suprised you.
[BEN] Glares-
[hyrule] dada
[BEN] Attention immediately on his son as he speaks more quietly- Yeah?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] Okay.... we'll go. We just needed to blow off some steam. I'd stay out of the village for now.
[BEN] - What did you do?
[Mammoth] They need some space...
[BEN] - And no, Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[Steve] We told them about what happened to our NOTCH, and that meant telling them about Markus...
[BEN] - And I wouldn't want to see this, why?
[Steve] There's not much to see. They kinda split up into quiet groups to discuss their feelings. It's pretty subdued.
[BEN] Grumbles- No fun there
[Mammoth] We're you expecting a full scale rebellion or something?
[BEN] - Something
[hyrule] -sees the pond aqua is in and points to it- wa-er
[Mammoth] They do trust me and Steve you know.
[BEN] - No Hyrule
[hyrule] wa-er
[BEN] - How about we try Lightning again?
[hyrule] -points again- wa-er
[Flicker] Wanders up, She has three tiny creepers in her arms- Lord? Father?
[BEN] - Light-ning
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Oh... sure, hang on. - The mammoth curls down and reforms into TLOT with a bit of fog fading around his boots.
[Steve] Gets gingerly down from his shoulders.
[BEN] Watches with interest as he rocks Hyrule a little-
[Flicker] I can't speak for the others, but I'd like to meet this... Markus. And I could use a bit of a hand...
[Creepers] making lots of unhappy fizzing sounds.
[TLOT] Of course Flicker. On both counts. What's wrong with them?
[Flicker] Upset tummies. I think they snacked on something they shouldn't have but I don't know what it was.
[BEN] - Don't they only eat dirt?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] I have one of Doc's basic healing potions... - Fumbles a bit for the bottle-
[TLOT] Well fertilizer... and dirt...
[BEN] Groans- Hyrule....  No.
[Steve] Helps Flicker tip a bit of the liquid into each of their tiny frowning faces.
[hyrule] baff
[Creepers] tis tis tis
[BEN] - Come on, let's keep riding Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[BEN] - What can I give you that would make you stop saying that?
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] Facepalms-
[hyrule] wa-er baff dada
[BEN] - How about no?
[hyrule] baff baff
[Arden] Is pacing around the spawn with a small phone - Why are you telling me this now?! When I'm.... Out of town! And I can't do anything about it?
[Splender] Is taking Pinwheel on a walk and notices Arden and tilts his head at Arden-
[Arden] Yes I know, I'm sorry we haven't talked much apart from chat... my webcam has been.. broken.
[Splender] Steps closer quietly, keeping pinwheel out of striking distance of Arden-
[Arden] What do you mean I can't tell anyone... this is amazing! Yes, I'm aware you almost got killed....
[Arden] Oh... yeah, I guess that would be bad, but... okay... okay... dammit... You're killing me here Ever... No, I don't know when I'll be back.
[Splender] From behind Arden- Who are you talking to?
[Arden] Hang on... I'll... call you back... I need to think about this anyway... fucking hell... - clicks the phone shut and runs his fingers through his messy red hair. - Splender... he's just a friend. Someone I met online a few years ago...
[Splender] - What was he telling you?  You're not as happy as usual...
[Arden] His.. girlfriend is into some really weird shit... fuck it, it can't hurt for you to know. She made some kind of monster and it burned their house down.
[Splender] - Oh dear, we should go help them then!
[Arden] There's nothing to help, they ran from it and left it in the dust. They're safely away but still... it's pretty horrible. Even though I know it was dangerous as hell... I almost wish I could have seen it...
[Splender] - Well...  Would you like to see your friend?
[Arden] No, it's okay... we've never actually met in person. And I don't want to just pop out nearby. Somehow I don't think his girlfriend should know about all.. this... Especially if she's preforming exorcisims on herself.
[Pinwheel] Bites Splender's tendril-
[Splender] - Are you sure?  It wouldn't be difficult at all...
[Arden] I think I'd be guilted into bringing them back here, and that would be bad...
[Splender] - Alright...  You said one of them was performing exorcisms?
[Arden] Yeah... she had some kind of inhabiting spirits. She's been making shells and filling them with the unwanted visitors in her mind. I thought it was just a psychosis but.... Ever seemed so genuinely scared, and after everything I've seen....
[Splender] - What do these shells look like?
[Arden] Different things. Birds, human shapes, one's kind of like Lapras without the shell. They're like animal shaped bags.
[Splender] - Interesting...  Can they talk?
[Arden] No. I think that was intentional...
[Splender] - Hmmm, oh well, either way, be happy.  Sour emotions don't taste very good.
[Arden] I'm happy they're safe. Fuck, I'm happy I'm safe.
[Splender] Laughs a little- Zeke is always really happy when you're around, his happiness is thick and rich
[Arden] He is a really good friend. He's shown me such amazing things.
[Splender] - Stick with him and he could probably show you more, just, don't ever run from him,, promise?
[Arden] Run from him? Oh-okay...
[Splender] - Promise me Arden
[Arden] Is rather intimidated by Splenders earnestness - I-I promise...
[Splender] Gives off a burst of happy energy- Good!  Now a promise is a promise so don't you dare go breaking it!
[Arden] Has a inadverdent flash of what Splender could do to him and swallows, - I wouldn't dare. Hey... um... I read something about your big brother and.. do you mind if I ask you a question about him?
[Splender] - Go right ahead!
[Arden] That old story about Slenderman taking peoples organs out and bagging them individually and then hanging the bags high in trees....? Was that actually him, or just a serial killer? And if it was him, why? Does Insanity get to him too sometimes?
[Splender] - Yes he does do that, either to scare any remaining victims or to act as a warning.  You can only do the same thing for so long before you start trying to figure out ways to spice it up a bit.  He doesn't do it as often anymore since he usually gives the organs to EJ now.  Plus it made the humans super wary of the woods, wondering just what could do that
[Arden] Shivers- no shit... I thought it was partly to show how tall he is by putting something super out of reach without leaving ladder or tree climbing marks or broken branches.
[Splender] - What else would you like to know?
[Arden] Do I even want to know who Ej is and why he would want human organs?
[Splender] - EJ was originally human like you, he was a med student who was, as far as he can remember, sacrificed to some sort of cannibalistic god
[Arden] Oh... I have experience with paranormal stuff, not so much with creepypastas. What do you guys normally do when you encounter monsters? Is it just a live and let live thing?
[Splender] - Most will leave my brothers and I alone, and others learn that the other pasta's are under our protection and so will not mess with them, this includes the proxies as well
[Arden] Did you already know about the manwolves that attacked my group?
[Splender] - I believe Offender mentioned them, tore them apart and made sure none escaped...  And then did his thing to them
[Arden] His thing...? Oh... No! I don't want to know! -shivers-
[Splender] - That's alright, I understand- He pats Arden on the head with a belled tendril
[Pinwheel] Bites at Slender twice in rapid succession-
[Pinwheel] Hisses at Arden-
[Splender] - Pinwheel no!
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For The Greater Good
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Another request from @monstersandmagicians. Reader is in Durmstrang with Gellert Grindelwald and helps him with his experiments on other students. WARNING: Torture and manipulative relationship. You’ve been warned.
You stood in an empty storage room, the only other occupant, a young boy no older than fifteen, was unconscious on the wooden floor. He was only a year younger than yourself and the boy you were waiting for, but that didn’t change a thing in Gellert’s eyes. If anything, it made him believe that this was more justified. In Durmstrang, boys were taught to be perfect pureblood gentlemen and the girls were taught to be perfect pureblood ladies, and one thing that pureblood gentleman did not do was shove pureblood ladies in the hallway and then expect her to apologise. He especially does not do this when Gellert Grindelwald is lurking in said hallway. You had stumbled away from the boy and began making your to the girls dorm rooms, when Gellert had pulled you aside and into an unused classroom.“ What was that?” He had snapped at you. You took a step backwards and started playing with your hands, studying them as if they were the most amazing things ever.“ I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gellert.” You whispered, willing away the tears welling in your eyes.“ That boy, Y/N. Why didn’t you deal with him?!” You sucked in a breath.“ It’s not something I’m supposed to do. You know what the girls are taught here. We can’t talk out of turn!” Your voice raised with every word in exasperation as you finally looked at him. His expression was dark, but there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes.
He knew what was expected of pureblood women and knew that it was something practically beaten into you. But he also knew that you didn’t agree with that. He began taking steps towards, causing you to back up until you hit a desk. He was now only inches away from you, the tips of your shoes touching his. You looked back down at your hands, unable to look at him when he was standing so close.“ Look at me, Y/N.” You couldn’t. There was no way you could.“ Y/N.” He warned. You shrunk back as far as you could go, still not looking at him. You heard a sigh and felt a gentle hand on your chin, pushing your head up so you were looking at him. His eyes held nothing but compassion.“ We can get revenge.” He whispered gently. You shook your head.“ There’s no need. It was just a push.” He smiled at you sweetly, leaning in closer, still looking directly into your E/C orbs.“ Now, now, we both know that he has to pay for his crimes. He was rude, Liebling, and he needs to be taught a lesson.” There was no point in arguing, it seemed. He was going to win, no matter what. You gulped and nodded.“ Okay, Gellert.” Now his smile turned into a terrifying grin. You were beginning to regret agreeing with him already. To your surprise he leaned down further and kissed your forehead, then wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, resting his chin on top of your head. After you got over the shock, you wrapped your arms around him and loosened up a bit.“ Gutes Mädchen.“ He cooed, his lips brushing against your H/C hair. That was how you ended up in an storage room with the unconscious fifteen year old. You had bound to a chair with unbreakable vines using a simple charm. You kept staring at the boy, waiting to see if he would awaken, but you knew it was unlikely. The door behind you opened and you whirled around, trying to think of some excuse that could explain this situation, but calmed when you saw a familiar head of blonde curls. Gellert stood in the doorway with a smirk on his lips and fire in his eyes and a bag in his hands. He quickly shut the door behind him and locked it with a flick of his wand, something you had forgotten to do.” Schatz, why didn’t you lock the door?“ He asked in a sweet tone. You blushed and looked away.” I forgot, Es tut mir Leid.“ You mumbled, too ashamed to look into his eyes. He walked towards you, discarding the bag on the floor, and placed his hand on your arm, rubbing it in a comforting manner.” It’s fine, Liebling. We all make mistakes.“ You smiled slightly and felt yourself becoming calm. He continued this action until you were completely relaxed, then turned to the boy tied to the chair in front of you, still unconscious. He smirked at the boy and without taking his eyes off him, asked,” How did you manage to knock him unconscious and get him here, Schatz?“ You smiled at the nickname and replied,” With a simple sleeping potion.“ He turned to you with an eyebrow raised in question, so you elaborated.” I slipped it into a little flask of pumpkin juice he carries around.“ You pulled said flask out of your pocket and shook it, the pumpkin juice and sleeping potion mix sloshing around at the motion.” I then levitated him here. Thankfully he was walking through the hallway just outside when he drank some.“ You continued.” I also took his wand.“ You picked his wand up from where it lay on the floor by your feet and presented it to Gellert. He smiled at you and moved his hand from your arm up to your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb.” Danke, Liebling. Where would I be without you?“ You giggled at the compliment and pressed your cheek in slightly to his hand. A quiet groan ruined the moment. You both turned to the boy and watched him slowly regain consciousness. Gellert turned to you quickly and gave you a small kiss on the cheek, which quickly burned scarlet, and whispered in your ear,” Leave this to me, Schatz.“ He then turned to the boy and took a few steps forward, so that he was towering over the boy. He then leaned down so that they were eye level and waited patiently for the boy to become aware of the situation he was in. This happened quickly. The boy began to panic, before locking eyes with Gellert.“ What is this? Why am I here?!” He shouted, trying to act intimidating. You saw straight through the act though, as did Gellert. He was still leaning towards him patiently as he began to speak.“ It’s Piotr, isn’t it?” His voice came out as soft as a Hippogriff’s feather.“ Is that your name?” The boy didn’t reply, instead he began glaring at you.“ You!” He roared.“ You’re that wench from the other day! The one in the hallway!” Gellert’s patience suddenly disappeared, and he dug his fingers into the boy’s brown, slicked back hair.“ Yes, she is the lady from the other day. The one you foolishly harmed.” Gellert growled, pulling Piotr’s head forward by his hair, causing him to wince.“ Since you’ve refused to answer my question and you’ve insulted a lady, you’re punishment will be severe.” He chuckled darkly and turned to you.“ Liebling, can you remove the contents of my bag?” He asked sweetly. You nodded and retrieved the bag, pulling out it’s contents and placing them on the floor beside him. Each object was weirder than the last. First, a small vial, filled with a thick, brownish liquid that gave off an unpleasant odour. Next was a small, open bag that was filled with weird little pieces of what felt like tree bark, but it didn’t look like tree bark. Each of the little pieces were a vibrant red and looked shiny, almost like glass. After this was a bottle with another unfamiliar liquid. This one was clear and seemed to be moving by itself. More and more objects were pulled out, each foreign to you, until you pulled out the last object. At first glance, it was a simple gold chain with a pendant hanging from it, but a closer look at said pendant showed that it was identical to the necklace Gellert himself wore, with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows as the pendant, except instead of silver it was gold. You stared at it for a moment longer before placing it with the others. Once that was finished, you tossed the empty bag aside and watched Gellert pick up the vial, study it, then pull of the lid and turn to the boy with an unhinged smile on his face and jam the vial into his mouth. Piotr’s eyes widened as the liquid was forced down his throat. Once the vial was empty, Gellert pulled away and you both watched as Piotr began dry heaving and shaking. His veins seemed to be popping out and his eyes began to move in frantic motions, sheer panic overtaking his features. You learned quickly that each of Gellert’s items had a different effect. The first seemed to cause his blood flow to slow at an alarming rate, the second caused him to burn from the inside, the third caused must’ve kept him alive for all of Gellert’s other torture items. If he wasn’t using his items to hurt the boy, he was using curses. Some you recognised, like the Cruciatus curse, others you had never heard of. Gellert must have sound proofed the walls, because the screams were loud enough to alert Hogwarts of this events. The boy writhed and shook in his chair, screaming and sobbing as he tried to spit out the liquids and pieces, but to no avail. Gellert made sure he swallowed everything. You couldn’t believe what you were witnessing, what you were aiding. Finally, after what must have been two or three hours, Gellert ran out of items and spells to throw at the boy. Both were gasping for breath. Gellert lost his from yelling at him, Piotr from the ongoing torture. Your friend suddenly stood up straight and looked Piotr dead in the eye.“ Now,” He lulled.“ What have you got to say to dearest Y/N.” The boy’s head lolled in your direction as he managed to garble out an apology. Gellert beamed at him.“ Well done! Now, don’t struggle.” Piotr’s eyes widened once more. Before he could protest, Gellert muttered a charm and he was out like a light. You looked at the spot on the floor where Gellert’s paraphernalia once lay. A shining gold caught your eye. The necklace was still there. You picked it up and studied it once again.“ Gellert?” You called. When you looked away from the gold chain, you saw that your friend had already made the vines holding Piotr to the chair disappear, and he was now on the floor. Gellert looked into your eyes first, then at your hands.“ What’s this for?” You asked, dangling it in front of him. He smiled at you again and took it out of your hand.“ This, Liebling, is for you.” You? Why would it be for you? He noticed your confusion and continued his answer.“ We’re a team now, Y/N, so why not match?” You chuckled at the thought of wearing matching necklaces and received a laugh in return.“ So,” Gellert began, after the two of you calmed down.“ What do you think?” You hesitated for a moment, before nodding. Gellert grinned with pride and stepped closer, motioning for you to turn around with his finger. You turned and held your H/L hair away from your neck. He slid the chain around your throat and closed the clasp at the back. You let your hair fall back down and twirled to face your partner in crime and took his hands in yours. There was no going back now. You two were in this together. Thank you @monstersandmagicians for another great request. Hope you liked it. I used Google Translate again, so sorry if the German is incorrect. Liebling- Darling Gutes Mädchen - Good girl Schatz - Treasure Es tut Mir Leid - I’m sorry Danke - Thank you Requests are open!
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dialogue-with-varyu · 7 years
SUPERNATURAL THE ANIMATION: A Dissection of Dean’s Failed Characterization & Design (PART 1 - The Technicals)
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I have a lot on my chest about the anime that I couldn’t really get into in both of my last posts since the topic of what makes the anime series so cringe-worthy is a very intricate one, making the explanation of it all become a SERIES OF ESSAYS. So please read my previous installments before getting into this one because I will be referencing those a lot:
But anyway, let’s talk about Dean. I’m gonna talk about Dean.
I will talk about Dean because Sam was portrayed pretty okay in the anime and it’s really Dean’s characterization that strikes a chord with a lot of fans of the original Supernatural series. (However I will consider a separate Sam essay to those in favor of it.)
But I haven’t really seen a lot of people put into words about makes them feel the way they do. So what’s the problem with Dean?
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While I understand this distinction, I think that we can all agree that the overall interpretation of Dean suck balls and I’d like to argue that:
rather than misinterpreting Dean’s character, the writers were more focused on one of Dean’s major facades and ran with it.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
First, I’d like to address the elephant in the room: Why an anime series?
Why did Supernatural garner enough attention to GET an anime series? What is so special about Supernatural AND anime that a large group of creatives and investors were willing to marry the two?
Honestly, that question is big enough for another essay on it’s own. But the bottom line is:
Anime is watched for the melodrama.
Nuance and subtitles are more akin to live action film since the culture around the different intricacies of a story have larger factors that contribute to it. (i.e, it doesn’t matter what’s written because an actor may just ad-lib it, Murphey’s Law, etc.) 
So basically, when you have an animated show what you see is what you get by convention. There really is no use arguing over what is canon and what is not because, unlike an actor, decisions and change of mind can’t be attributed in the moment when it comes to character performance. People are more likely to question the mindset of a decision behind a scene when it’s animated more often than leaving it to the death of the author.
But it’s because of this that anime often has namely traits of exaggeration: screaming characters crying about their passion in the heat of battle, long ass internal monologues, “-dere” archetypes, the works.
Which means that anime characters are usually walking talking hyperbolic symbols. (Whether or not you enjoy this is usually the deciding factor between anime fans and those who are not.)
And this ties directly into Dean. 
Because Dean in the anime series is an exaggeration of himself from the original show.
Rather, an exaggeration of one specific facade:
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The facade Dean pulls up in season one episode 1. The fake Dean that tends to overcompensate his insecurities with bravado.
WHY this scene in particular is one that actually makes sense. 
Mostly because this scene IS a if not THE root scene that cemented Dean Winchester’s starting point launching endless possibilities of character traits to be explored for seasons to come. It’s a highly impacted scene that’s very memorable, both in it’s first impressions and as a point of reference for his development. 
I infer that the writers of the anime series saw this and built upon their own impressions of it. Namely, they saw this facade and thought this was the True Dean Winchester. (Which, to those who have watched past season 2, know is very far from the truth.)
So how did they write Dean Winchester?
Dean Winchester is perceived to be like a generic anime bad boy
(I say “perceived” since by all means the Supernatural anime is a reinterpretation with very deliberate changes.)
What I’m talking about are those “thug” type bullies in every school centered anime show.
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And while I make the claim that the writers may have built off of the scene from the pilot in painting a picture of Dean’s character in their heads, I’m also led to believe that this decision to have Dean come off as a “thug” is less of a conscious choice...
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...and more of a conventional one.
Because nothing fits Fake Bravado Dean like Generic Anime Thug Dude when it comes to a script laden with anime-like tropes.
(To make a more compelling dissection of the writer’s true interpretation of Dean SPECIFICALLY would require me to rewatch and analyze ALL of the anime’s original standalone episodes.
...for the sake of brevity and the fact that I don’t want to rewatch any of the anime’s episodes in it’s entirety because I can’t stand even 5 seconds of this animated drivel I Am Not Going to Do That unless a lot of people ask about it or if people just wanna see me suffer.)
But okay, it’s sort of weird to gauge the errors of Dean’s characterization when this anime series nearly follows the original show’s 1st and 2nd season’s storylines verbatim. 
Now that I think about it, it’s even weirder to be so allergic to an interpretation of a character when the source material is being 99.9% faithfully adapted--especially with the same lines and set up. So what gives?
What makes anime Dean’s characterization so off from the original to a drastic degree?
The “mischaracterization” is greatly tied into Dean’s character design and the way he emotes--which affects him greatly on the narrative of the anime series as a whole.
I already criticized the character designs in the lack of coherence in color design as well as execution narratively, but the latter still stands to be a huge major problem since it does just that. 
Affect the narrative. 
Which means it also affects the characters and the themes.
Which ties back again to Dean being perceived as an anime thug. 
And I know this because Dean makes the same goddamn faces as an anime thug.
(In this case I’ll be referencing Space Dandy since I can’t find generic anime examples of side characters that embody this profile despite this stereotype and it’s mannerisms invading vast amounts of shows. However anyone who has seen enough anime will know what I’m talking about. And again, the “look” given by the artistic nuances/techniques of the character design of the anime series is not very original.)
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You know what, as an aside I’m just going to throw in the fact that Space Dandy’s “look” is very similar to to the spn anime down to the BL shadows in which Dandy is compared with Redline
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And that Jessica is totally generically designed
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Anyway, this extends further than Dean’s facial expressions alone. 
It extends to his wardrobe which totally starts to unhinge Dean’s persona. oddly enough. 
So here’s a round of nit-picking
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Why in god’s name is Dean wearing sunglasses indoors? He already went through an entire spiel about ineffectiveness at night
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and it’s not like having it indoors makes it any less ridiculous. And yes, he does wear them again in later seasons both unironically and ironically
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But these cues of character insight (that people have written far better meta for) is in the context of later seasons and I highly doubt the anime production team could’ve predicted any of this so I’m just going to have a giant ????? over this.
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Back to this awful screenshot again. 
But seriously, anyone shirtless in the snow deserves to die of hypothermia. 
Dean is the last person to feel comfortable with minimal clothing due to years of sexual harassment/assault from CREATURES more often than not
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Even more so whenever Dean is naked, it’s used more for vulnerability over titillation:
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I hate this stupid screenshot. 
It is awful, why? Because anime characters rarely stray from their trope mannerisms unless the story calls for it, or the animators dedicate some time to create impressive sakuga for novelty’s sake. If Dean has body language like this now, that mean’s he’s likely going to exhibit it again no matter what the context is in terms of story or character.
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Leading to this abomination. 
I know what you are doing. I get it. I KNOW. 
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This...this shit I can’t forgive. This is so absent-minded it physically hurts me. I can’t be the only one bothered by this.
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Addendum: I don’t even really care if that’s NOT the impala (in this episode of the anime Sam and Dean were thrown into the backseat of a police car.) I still don’t think Dean would EVER exhibit this sort of body language in any car. 
It also still doesn’t excuse the lack of variety in Dean’s emoting and body language as a whole. You could do so much storytelling in his body language (since Jensen Ackles is a master at that) but they instead chose to stick with a template of a character and never strayed from it.
But...I digress.
Incidentally of all places Yuri!! On Ice has closer character designs of Sam and Dean that for some virulent reason exists (Also incidentally, if you so much as breathe the title of YOI you will be immediately blocked I am not joking around. Don’t test me.)
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As does Yami Shibai
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So it’s not like a competent/more modern design tailored to anime is impossible. 
It is very possible. So if you have your defense that the character designs of the spn anime are inherently horrible BECAUSE it’s supposed to “look anime” you’re probably just suffering from media illiteracy.
However, again, I made claim that the “style” of the Supernatural anime character designs are not what make it fail. 
It’s the execution of nuances that killed it--both visually and narratively. And I still stand by that.
To form examples, that means more design redraws!!!
However, the redraws this time around will have it’s own separate post since the inner working of what can make or break a design will be discussed and demonstrated there.
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