#especially if its members of marginalized communities a celebrity is claiming to uplift that are criticizing them
xythlia · 1 year
ngl some tswift songs are good, but I just don't really like her & I think it has more to do with this insane parasocial image she has plus it left a bad taste in my mouth when an old moot back on my lurker blog was being racially attacked by other swifties (when she was a swiftie herself so I saw all this go down on my dash before she deleted bc of all this) & tons of other black fans of hers were like begging on here for her to say literally anything about the 2020 blm protests or just condemn the ppl throwing racist insults at fellow fans & she just.... didn't. just straight up checked out & left them to deal with it & whined about being pressured, which led to those black fans getting even more racist shit hurled at them by white fans & them getting blamed for her leaving tumblr. That really really left a bad taste in my mouth like how are u folding like a lawn chair against even the slightest pressure to take a firm stance on something? especially after the whole scene in her documentary crying about wanting to be more politically active & "on the right side of history" ok when are u gonna do that then? bc she didn't do it during tour stops in tennessee this year either, where the anti drag bills are the worst, despite parading drag queens around like show dogs in her rainbow capitalism music video a few years ago. that would've been a great time for some of that political activism to show up but instead it only shows up when it's about her & when it's convenient for her. she's nothing but a fence rider bc she doesn't want to isolate portions of her face base (which is gross considering how many of them are literal neo nazis). Plus she's not even a milquetoast feminist & her song the man isn't some feminist anthem because it's not about getting rid of the so called "man on top" or creating equity it's about wanting that place on top for herself without necessarily changing any of the bad things that man gets away with bc she wants to get away with it too. That's not feminism in the slightest. Not to mention it's impossible to ethically become a billionaire, which she's projected to be soon. Who makes all the million different cash grab vinyls & merch? what do they get paid? certainly not a fair amount if she's contractually ending up with the lions share of profit to be on track to become a billionaire. how much fucking pollution does she create by flying private from tour stop cities back to new york every single day to have dinner? the reason a lot of people dislike her is literally because of all that shit, it's not about internalized misogyny it's the fact that pretending to be some activist while being the most spineless person alive yet constantly being praised for it is fucking insane & people are allowed to point that out without constantly being accused of only disliking her because she's a woman. That's irrelevant to the conversation tbh & really infantilizes & undercuts the people trying to hold serious conversations about why nobody should look to celebrities as a cornerstone of their activism when celebrity activism usually looks exactly like that, whishy washy bullshit
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