#or their activism is about as sturdy as a wet napkin
xythlia · 1 year
ngl some tswift songs are good, but I just don't really like her & I think it has more to do with this insane parasocial image she has plus it left a bad taste in my mouth when an old moot back on my lurker blog was being racially attacked by other swifties (when she was a swiftie herself so I saw all this go down on my dash before she deleted bc of all this) & tons of other black fans of hers were like begging on here for her to say literally anything about the 2020 blm protests or just condemn the ppl throwing racist insults at fellow fans & she just.... didn't. just straight up checked out & left them to deal with it & whined about being pressured, which led to those black fans getting even more racist shit hurled at them by white fans & them getting blamed for her leaving tumblr. That really really left a bad taste in my mouth like how are u folding like a lawn chair against even the slightest pressure to take a firm stance on something? especially after the whole scene in her documentary crying about wanting to be more politically active & "on the right side of history" ok when are u gonna do that then? bc she didn't do it during tour stops in tennessee this year either, where the anti drag bills are the worst, despite parading drag queens around like show dogs in her rainbow capitalism music video a few years ago. that would've been a great time for some of that political activism to show up but instead it only shows up when it's about her & when it's convenient for her. she's nothing but a fence rider bc she doesn't want to isolate portions of her face base (which is gross considering how many of them are literal neo nazis). Plus she's not even a milquetoast feminist & her song the man isn't some feminist anthem because it's not about getting rid of the so called "man on top" or creating equity it's about wanting that place on top for herself without necessarily changing any of the bad things that man gets away with bc she wants to get away with it too. That's not feminism in the slightest. Not to mention it's impossible to ethically become a billionaire, which she's projected to be soon. Who makes all the million different cash grab vinyls & merch? what do they get paid? certainly not a fair amount if she's contractually ending up with the lions share of profit to be on track to become a billionaire. how much fucking pollution does she create by flying private from tour stop cities back to new york every single day to have dinner? the reason a lot of people dislike her is literally because of all that shit, it's not about internalized misogyny it's the fact that pretending to be some activist while being the most spineless person alive yet constantly being praised for it is fucking insane & people are allowed to point that out without constantly being accused of only disliking her because she's a woman. That's irrelevant to the conversation tbh & really infantilizes & undercuts the people trying to hold serious conversations about why nobody should look to celebrities as a cornerstone of their activism when celebrity activism usually looks exactly like that, whishy washy bullshit
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littlev1234 · 5 years
Fandom: Carole & Tuesday
Pairing: Carole/Tuesday
Words: 1,764
AO3 Version: PopSocket
Note: So at first I thought the present Carole gave Tuesday was a PopSocket, and I got a lot of cute ideas for that concept. Thus this fic was born.  
“It’s way past your birthday, and, well, you can see the state it’s in, but…”
Despite the wrapping paper’s scuffs and tears, Carole’s fingers are gentle as she unwraps the little box. Tuesday’s heart thuds faster, and it is somehow louder in her ears than when she’d been sprinting to the train minutes ago.
Carole opens the box flaps and pulls out a tiny replica of Tuesday’s Gibson guitar. Its stunning details gleam in the light, and attached underneath is a circular piece of plastic.
Blue eyes shine with building tears. This gift had gone through so much. Carole had gone through so much, for her, for their friendship.
At her mother’s home, Tuesday had many pretty trinkets decorating the bedroom, but they were just that: decorations. Meant to fill the space, and devoid of meaning. The guitar PopSocket is the very opposite of that. Her guitar is an extension of herself, and music is how they met. Having a miniature version of it that the brunette had carried with her through thick and thin—it has infinitely more value than just its store price.
In the end, no water spills down her cheeks; instead, a smile blooms across her face. “Thank you.”
As they discuss what to sing for the competition, the blonde carefully sticks the PopSocket to the back of her phone. When she looks up, she catches Carole watching her before the keyboardist quickly glances out the window.
“Ugh, I could sleep forever,” Carole groans and plops onto the nearest bench. Legs weary, Tuesday sits down beside her and releases a long breath. Today was a busy day. Last-minute shopping, apartment chores (that they’d been neglecting for a tad too long), rehearsals.
They should head home soon, but having a breather is too tempting right now.
While the taller girl rests her head against the bench back, Tuesday pulls the tie out of her hair and shakes out the wavy tresses. Then she sits back too. Her body aches with exhaustion, but her mind remains active as she glances around.
The river slides quietly by in the distance. Among the bustle of city life, she hears snippets of conversations between people and obedient noises from AI. She tunes into the familiar background noise for a while. Eventually she looks at Carole again.
The other had fallen asleep. Eyes closed, she breathes deeply through her slightly parted mouth.
Considering Carole had to clean up half of Tuesday’s attempts to clean the apartment, it is no wonder she’s more tired. She deserves a few minutes of rest.
The blonde reaches into her purse and retrieves her phone. Ignoring the screen, she turns the device around and traces the mini Gibson’s edges with a calloused finger.
She starts opening and folding the accordion part of the PopSocket. Its mindless amusement entertains her until Carole shifts, and suddenly there is a hand lying on Tuesday’s thigh.
Emitting a soft squeak, Tuesday tenses. Her eyes shoot up to her friend’s face. The other is clearly still asleep, if the snoring is any indication. Thankfully, Carole moves again, and her hand ends up on the bench between them.
She waits until her warm face has cooled down to wake her companion.
Chest-rattling coughs wake Tuesday from her nap. Bundled under two blankets, she huddles further into her cocoon and grimaces at the drying sweat stuck to her skin. A wet rag slides off her forehead. She has to breath in through her mouth; God, the things she would do for a clear nose.
She strains her ears for signs of Carole. Finding none, she searches for her phone and finds it tangled between the sheets. She checks the time.
It’s mid-afternoon. Where is Carole? Her foggy brain takes a moment to remember the answer. Right, she said something about going to the laundromat.
It’s silly, and maybe childish, but she suddenly wishes her friend (crush?) would show up through the door right now. Her mother did always say she became clingy when sick. (“Just rest, Tuesday, and you’ll be fine by yourself. You’re not going to have someone to take care of you forever, so it’s best to get over it now. I won’t coddle you.”)
She could call for Ziggy, but the owl clock just doesn’t feel like enough.
Shame curls in her empty stomach. Her gaze strays to the PopSocket. She runs her thumb over and over the high-quality plastic, and she finds an odd comfort in its smooth texture.
Carole will be back soon, Tuesday reminds herself. She holds her phone against her chest and lets sleep overtake her once more.
Tuesday opens the PopSocket so she can lay the phone on its side. After going to the camera app and putting it in selfie mode, she scrutinizes her appearance. Is she wearing too much lip gloss? Is her blouse too fancy for this restaurant? Oh, there are some hairs out of place!
She hurriedly runs her fingers through golden locks. Despite her nervousness, she wears an excited smile that won’t leave. Any minute now Carole will walk through the doors, and their first official date could begin.
As she smooths down her bangs, her mind runs through various scenarios. Pulling out the chair for Carole, holding hands under the table, giggling over gossip, recalling fond memories, sharing a milkshake—
The blonde startles out of her imagination and spots Carole approaching. Her mouth turns dry.
Carole is beautiful. Always is, but now Tuesday can finally say it without holding anything back.
The house feels bigger than she remembers. At first she stands by the doorway, as if she is merely a guest, and then she migrates to the dining room table. The security AI greet her; their metallic voices seem to echo in the quiet.
She hasn’t been back here in two years. After the elections, her mother hardly spoke to her. When they did speak, it was cordial, if strained. Valerie had at least acknowledged her independence and genuine drive for music.
However, there are still things unsaid, things Tuesday needs her mother to know. So she pushed herself into returning here. According to the AI, a meeting Valerie is in is going overtime, which means it will be a while before she arrives.
Antsy, she can handle sitting only for a few minutes before standing. She wanders through the first floor briefly and then heads to the second.
The door to her old bedroom opens without a sound. Everything looks just as she left it; someone had even been regularly dusting. The bed shows not a crease, and no smudges blur the dresser mirror’s surface. Stuffed toys rest on the bed. Her gaze lingers longest on her old, filled notebooks stuffed at the end of her bookshelf.
…she wants to look at what’s written inside them, but not today.
Sitting on the bed, she focuses on keeping her breaths even. She reaches into her purse and presses her fingers against the little guitar on her phone. Whatever happens today, she has a home to go back to.
Footsteps approach. Not clicking heels or sturdy flats, but the soft press of loafers.
“Spencer!” she greets as her brother enters the room.
“I have some things to talk to her about too, so I hope you don’t mind me waiting with you.” He crosses the room to sit in her desk chair, and they chat the minutes away. She reminds herself to invite Spencer over to her and Carole’s apartment sometime.
Roddy leans over the table to hand Tuesday’s phone back. “There you go. Some of your apps kept running even when they were closed, so I fixed some settings. Your phone’s battery should last longer now.”
“Thanks.” She makes sure to accept it with her right hand; her other fingers are still wet with pizza grease. Carole hands her a napkin, which she gratefully accepts. Meanwhile, Gus slouches further in his chair and rubs his full stomach.
“You’ve had that PopSocket for a while, haven’t you?” Roddy casually notes.
Tuesday nods. Regardless of how well she took care of it, it was inevitable that it would be nicked and lose its luster. “Carole gave it to me right before the Mars Brightest finale.”
Carole leans against her girlfriend’s shoulder to examine the little guitar. “I should get you a new one. It’s looking pretty beat up.”
The blond hums, neither agreeing or disagreeing. Logically she should get another one, and she doesn’t need it to feel connected to Carole anymore. But the sentiment behind it makes it hard to let go of.
Gus sighs with a nostalgic smile on his face. “To think, only a few years ago you two were nobodies. I did a pretty great job, if I do say so myself.”
“I helped. A lot, actually, considering I work for Ertegun too,” Roddy mutters.
“Girls, look behind you. That’s a nice sunset,” Gus abruptly remarks.
The young adults turn to look out the floor-to-ceiling windows. Between buildings, bold oranges and soft pinks saturate the sky.
“It’s pretty,” Tuesday comments.
“Yeah…it is a pretty sight,” Carole agrees.
When the guitarist turns, she notices the brunette is watching her instead of the sky. Warmth spreads through Tuesday’s chest.
Carole takes her phone and opens the PopSocket. “Let’s take a selfie, Tues.”
Thanks to the guitar attachment, it’s easier to hold the phone up without it slipping. The sunset beyond the restaurant’s windows makes a lovely backdrop to their smiling profiles.
Instead of taking the photo immediately, Carole turns her head and kisses her on the cheek. Tuesday’s mouth opens in surprise. Click.
Her girlfriend wears a toothy grin as she shows the selfie to her. “It’s cute! You’re so adorable when you’re surprised.” She stands and heads over to the other side of the table, where Gus and Roddy had watched the proceedings with fond looks. “Don’t worry, we’re not leaving you guys out. Let’s all take a selfie together.”
“That’s all right, I’m terrible in pictures…” Roddy attempts to dismiss, but the phone is thrust in front of him anyway.
“I’m tallest, so I’ll take the picture,” Gus offers, and she hands it to him.
Tuesday glances at the PopSocket between his fingers. It has served her well throughout her journey, and even if she doesn’t have it for much longer, she will never forget that day on the train. She walks over to the others, squeezes herself between Roddy and Carole, and tries to stifle a laugh as Gus struggles to take a non-blurry selfie.
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How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Eating Socks
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/how-do-i-get-my-dog-to-stop-eating-socks/
How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Eating Socks
Dear Bark: Our adorable dog Mercury eats everything in sight—mostly small socks, but also napkins, toys, food wrappers and so much more. We’ve tried to train him to “leave it” and “drop it” and sometimes it works, but usually he becomes possessive of whatever it is and will choke down said item like a snake. Recently, he had emergency surgery to remove a sock. He’s now restricted from most of the house so we can keep an eye on him. What do you advise?
       —Mercury & Co
Nobody wants their dogs to be picky eaters, but we do want them to be discriminating enough to draw the line at things that are not food, since a) it’s dangerous for them to eat socks or the other things Mercury has ingested, and b) it’s a considerable financial strain to have a send-your-vet-to-Europe dog. Here are some suggestions to minimize both the danger and the expense, and to hopefully stop your dog from eating dangerous items.
Up your prevention game. Helping Mercury stay safe (and keeping yourself sane!) will always involve some management. You’re doing the right thing by restricting his access. To keep Mercury’s insides free of items that should remain on the outside, keep his favorite inedibles out of his reach. I’m not suggesting that you Marie Kondo your home to the point that visitors think your dog is the only thing that “sparks joy” for you, but known offenders have to be unattainable.
A deterrent such as a citrus or bitter apple spray might work and if it does, make use of it. (Honestly, since they rarely seem to be effective with such eager eaters, I’d be surprised if it did, but would feel irresponsible if I didn’t give it a mention.)
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Provide extra enrichment. Some dogs develop a habit of swallowing things out of boredom; a dog looking for something to do often explores with his mouth, and for some, ingestion of the treasure is their next logical step. Adding stimulation to his life can help with this, so, as much as you can, add more fun and activity to Mercury’s days. Consider new activities such as agility or nose work, more walks or outings, short training sessions throughout the day, play sessions or car rides.
Another option is to feed him via sturdy enrichment toys. He needs to be able to chew on things that he can’t swallow or that are digestible if he does eat them. Kong Extreme toys in the largest size are a good choice for many dogs. Stuff one with wet food and freeze it, then give it to Mercury. Since he is so voracious, this requires thoughtful consideration. Run every possibility by your veterinarian and supervise Mercury whenever he has such an item.
And, while it’s not the quick fix we’d all like, more positive reinforcement training can also help. Improving his response to “drop it” and “leave it” is important so that his possessive behavior (you can’t take it away if it’s in my belly!) doesn’t lead to harm. Start working on these cues with items he’s not very excited about and that are too big to be swallowed. Use the tastiest treats you can find so it’s worth it to him to do the right thing. Trading up (“give me that mediocre item and I will give you this far better one”) is a great way to improve this behavior.
Another training strategy: since seeing you head toward him prompts your dog to swallow things he shouldn’t, instead of chasing him down, encourage him to move away from items that pose a risk. To do this, toss a handful of treats to another spot in the room so the dog has to get up to get them. Then retrieve the item while he munches away.
Increase his exercise. Though not the cure-all it is sometimes made out to be, there is no doubt that exercise can help. Dogs who are tired and content from a hard effort, preferably off leash, are less likely to get into whatever trouble they are prone to find, and more likely to sleep.
I know how hard this problem can be, especially if there are small children at home as they tend to leave things out and about; if there were an easier way, I would share it. Paws crossed that some of these tips work for you and your sweet Mercury enjoys the world in safe ways from here on out!
Source link Dog Training
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Lunch Box: Best Lunch Box 2018 (Buying Guide)
Lunch boxes are not just to keep your food safe as you carry it anymore. Nowadays, buying a lunchbox entails several factors like chilling or heating capacity, the make, durability, and of course the price. You don’t want to eat food that’s not fresh anymore, right?
We summed up the top 5 best lunch boxes in the market today. Get ready with your checklists as these products are sure to tick off what you are looking for in a lunch box.
1.  Packit’s Freezable Lunch Bag
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Number one on the list is the Packit’s Freezable Lunch Bag. This original bag revolutionizes the use of lunch bags. Known for its built-in freezable gel liner that chills like a fridge, Packit keeps your lunch or snack cooler for a more extended period of time. The patented cooling technology makes it a much-in-demand in the market.
Packit’s Lunch Bag is ideal for long trips, work, school, picnics, and sports training. It spares you from buying ice packs to sustain the quality and taste of your food. It is perfect for sandwiches, refreshments, water,  deli meat, veggies, fruits, yogurt, and other perishable foods. The cooling capacity of this lunch bag allows you to take home the leftovers. Thus, helping you reduce waste and save money.
If you have kids, this is a smart alternative for conventional lunch box. To maximize its cooling power, fold it flat then store for 12 hours or overnight in the freezer. In the morning, the bag’s walls will be frozen and ready to be your portable chiller. The zippered closure locks in the dry, cold air inside.
Packit’s Bag is made up of soft, non-toxic poly canvas material which is PVC, formaldehyde, BPA-phthalate, and lead-free.  It has a roomy interior which allows ample space for packed lunch. For easy handling, use the buckle handle to attach it to a backpack, sports bag, or even to your infant’s stroller. Cleaning is hassle-free. Just spot clean the exterior and hand wash or wipe the interior thoroughly then dry before freezing it.
2.  PWR XTREME Insulated Lunch Bag
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Coming in at the second spot on our list of the best lunch boxes is the PWR XTREME Insulated Lunch Bag. Keep your foods safe and warm with the PWR XTREME’s leak-proof foam insulation lining. Its large size will allow you to stack more containers and or water bottles compared to other bags. If you need extra space, the side mesh pockets expand to fit more significant items like 20-ounce water bottles or 6-inch smartphones. There is also an easily accessible front zipper pocket for your other small belongings.
The PWR XTREME is made up of high-quality nylon that is resistant to tears, punctures, and stains. It is also waterproof and easy-clean. Just wipe the lunch bag using a wet cloth, and you are good to go!
The double-sewn top handle and 48-inch shoulder strap provide versatility and convenience in carrying the bag. You can also easily attach and detach the strap belt with the quick-release plastic thumb clips.
With the PWR XTREME Insulated Lunch Bag, you can now conveniently eat healthily and pack more food on-the-go!
3.  BALORAY Lunch Bag
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Next in our list is BALORAY Lunch Bag. Not your ordinary lunch organizer, but also a tote bag where you can put some of your stuff for travel, make-up kit, and even use as a grocery bag. Baloray lunch organizer’s simple yet stylish black and white striped design make it appropriate for any gender, even for kids. It stands 8.45 inches in height to give more space for two lunch boxes and fruits for dessert. The 6.5 inches width provides more room for sodas as well or a bottle of water.
Baloray boasts the interior insulation feature of this lunch bag wherein it can store the warmth of your food for 4 hours long, just in time to catch up its warmness before lunch break calls. The outer design shows its convenient zipper design giving out a smooth opening and closing experience. It also has an extra pocket where you can put table napkins or any personal stuff you need to bring. This lunch bag is sturdy and lightweight. Baloray assures sturdy bag padded handles that you can also bring through arm carry. It is made up of high-quality oxford cloth, and the insulation is made of non-toxic aluminum foil and is BPA free.
4.  Mier Adult Insulated Lunch Bag
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Fourth on the list is the Mier Adult Insulated Lunch Bag, a sizeable Double Deck Cooler Tote Bag for men and women.
This functional and reusable lunch box has two spacious compartments - the upper section for warm and dry food such as fruits, sandwiches and chips, while the bottom section for cold and wet items like chilled drinks and juices. Bringing a variety of food to work or any outdoor activity is now easy and spill-free!
The Mier Adult Insulated Lunch Bag is 10.2 inches long, 7.9 inches wide and 11 inches tall, it is ideal for packing food in large quantities. Apart from the top and bottom compartments, which can quickly access through a 2-way zipper closure in the front, this bag also has a front zipper pocket to keep utensils and napkins. On both sides of the tote, left and right, are small side pockets to store your other accessories. A detachable shoulder strap lets you transport the bag around with ease.
The interior of the Mier Adult Insulated Lunch Bag is PEVA insulated and is exclusively made of eco-friendly materials to keep your food fresh and safe. The handle strap is made of soft PU material and is both water and fade resistant.
Moreover, cleaning this bag is as easy as it can get. All you have to do is wipe out the mess, and it is once more as good as new.
Durable and fashionable, you can count on the Mier Adult Insulated Lunch Bag, large Double Deck Cooler Tote Bag, to keep you full all day long. It comes in three colors - Black, Blue and Navy.
5.  InsigniaX Insulated Adult Lunch Box
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Our fifth featured product is the InsigniaX Insulated Adult Lunch Box for men and women. This bag is amazingly spacious to carry your meals for the whole day, or better yet, food to share for two!
Sturdy at 8.4 by 6.3 by 9.1 inches in height, width and length respectively, this InsigniaX Lunch Box can accommodate two regular-sized bento containers when you head on to work or nine twelve ounce cans on your next trip to the beach. You can tuck smaller items on its front and side mesh pockets.
The InsigniaX Insulated Adult Lunch Box is made of non-toxic 600D polyester and other BPA-free materials to ensure safety and freshness of your food all day long. Its contents can stay cold inside the bag for up to 5 hours when packed with ice, and warm food stays warm, credit to Insignia’s signature PE foam lining and aluminum foil insulation.
Furthermore, this lunch bag is designed to withstand heavy load. Reinforcing its promise of durability is a detachable, adjustable strap strong enough not to snap while you’re out and about. Plus, it has high-quality zippers, so everything stays inside the bag. You can carry it on your shoulder or with your hand using the top handle.
The InsigniaX Insulated Adult Lunch Box is highly recommended that the manufacturer would offer Money Back Guarantee if you’re not 100% satisfied. Though we’re sure, you will never need it.
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