#especially if ur an ADULT hating on these characters like. i am side eyeing u very suspiciously
butterscotch-brigade · 11 months
the hatred for judo (the bluey character) is so funny to me. shes a 6-7 year old girl who was kind of mean in her first ever appearance but she gets better and apologizes at the end and is forgiven. and yet u have so many ppl outside of the show who HATE her so so much. even tho she reappears in future episodes and shows character growth ppl still hate her for the Horrible Crime of *checks notes* Being A Bossy Impatient Child for all of five minutes
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Age gap crush anon back. You’re so sweet oh my lord I don’t deserve you for real I’m balling my eyes out reading your post. I do agree with you and I know deep down that you’re right and all about him and his character. But the problem about finding other fish is that I’m like deathly self conscious and self hating of my body because of a long standing eating disorder that’s come and go through the years. It was so unbelievably difficult to open up to him and get naked and be vulnerable in front of him and I only did that because I trusted him deeply (stupid now I know). I don’t think I could ever ever let anyone see me like that again. Like it was especially hard to pursue a relationship with him and get naked in front of him because his ex girlfriend was GORGEOUS like model gorgeous I’m not kidding she did modelling on the side. And he’s not exactly a model (haha not to be harsh) but he’s like just a little out of my league (I found out later he is far out of my league with his glasses off wow). But now I’m like ok well fuck guess I’m back to dying alone because I’m not fucking doing this again. Like I don’t anyone to ever see me naked again I feel disgusting. Especially if he knew he was going to break up with me when we had sex on Saturday. That makes me feel so dirty and violated. I know this is probably just me being way over dramatic but this is what ED’s can do to you :/
Aw lovely my heart is breaking for you, this is so much for you to be going through!!
Honestly do really sympathise with you on the eating disorder front, I've been riddled with eating disorders for probably close enough to 12 years, so the whole of my adult/teen life basically.
Also like i am meaning this in the nicest way possible okay but no one is ever in or out of someone's league because
MGK and Megan Fox
Serge Gainsborough and Bridget Bardot
Litterally any woman who has given any youtuber/streamer nerd a chance ever..
Idk my point is when you're looking at finding a soul mate or whatever, physical attraction is important but you don't get to decide what a person likes about you or should find attractive about you.
This guy, even if he's gone and disappeared now, finds you attractive, not just attractive but hot as fuck. That hasn't changed just because he's done this. Him doing all this is a him problem i promise you, not a you problem.
And idk, I started a reply to this last night and fell asleep without posting it, so I lost everything I wrote and I can't remember if I already said this in my last reply or if it was in the reply I wrote last night but like,
All the stuff we talked about before about confidence and feeling right with someone, that doesn't change when you take all this forward with you in the future.
The right person is going to make you trust them and they're going to make you feel not only okay being naked with them but like, good and hot. And I know its difficult to believe now, especially because him just dropping you is going to play into all the nasty things your Ed says about you, but like, there are good people out there who will care about you deeply and treasure you and be literally ecstatic that u might also like them back.
Its hard to get your head around when your Ed and ur past trauma is telling you that no one's going to accept you or love you or find you attractive, or that people are out of your league. But leagues don't really exist, B finds so many of the things I think are unattractive about me, incredibly hot. Like I detest my nose and he says it's one of his favourite things, I don't like my legs and I think they are chunky but he loves them and literally can't keep his hands off them. And like idk what your taste in men is like right, but try and look at all the men you find attractive and notice their flaws because there will probably be a fair few of them. Idk I don't hold men to the same standard as I hold myself, men who are a bit ugly have my whole heart, men who have like a slightly lazy eye, or who wear glasses, who have something kinda awkward about them, or like are a bit too skinny or have a little bit of a dad bod lol, like the old men I find attractive are not generally silver foxes that the whole population unanimously agrees are sexy. And that's because everyone has their own individual taste and this differs from person to person and like you can't predict it and even though beauty standards and the industry will push a certain look that's the perfect look, you'll find most men aren't smitten by it just because they are told to. Sure you get some who follow fashion trends and treat women the same way they treat shirts and accessories but that's not as common as you think.
Most people are attracted to their own set of physical traits and personality. Which is somet I alwas thought was bullshit as a teenager but like quickly realised as an adult that like, men basically want someone they can be themselves around, that they can laugh with, like a girl who actually finds them funny. And like, you seem like someone who needs someone who like, Idk has critical thinking skills and uses his brain and like is empathetic and patient. And guys that are like that don't tend to be shallow and think in leagues. The right guy isn't gonna make you worried about all this stuff because when you get those little doubts he'll reassure you.
AND a guy like that is going to be so good at helping you get used to making decisions and advocating for yourself. And like also won't be bothered by the fact that you get uncomfortable and awkward making them. B makes 90% of the decisions in our relationship and honestly I think it's v sds of him lollllll. This guy youve been seeing has obviously been pretending to be a bit someone he isn't because the way he seemed at the beginning he didn't seem like the kind of guy to care about making decisions idk. I guess the thing is if he's being the way he has been you're not right for eachother and he's definitely not the right person for you!
But there will be a right person for you. Unfortunately the only way you end up finding the right person is by finding the wrong person first and having your heart broken :/
Sending you lots of love angel ❤️❤️
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taechaos · 3 years
Idea series oc sneaking Tae in the house after he had big fight with his father about something (your choice if it's smutty or fluff or angsty) with a peek of a vurberable Tae? Honestly i think he would change the topic as soon as he started it and prob with sex.
Anyway I'm really interest in their family dynamic since I remember don't know if it was in part one or two that you mention they have really religious parents? And seeing how harsh their dad is with Taehyung it have me wondering how is his relationship with the mother and ocs with both parents, despite everything the seem really distant from their kids, maybe thats why Tae and YN find comfort in each other. OC is the first real bond Tae made with someone so maybe that's the reason of his fear of being replaced and his obsession with her, and ocs mother probably don't pay that much attention to her so that's why even after the incident she still want him to be there. At this point I'm just rambling I'm sorry. And this ask is all over the place, started with a request and ended questioning characters life 💀💀. Sorry hehe.
when i read this yesterday i was literally blown away by this like hOLY shit your analysis is so in-depth at first i was like damn do my characters have more than oNE DIMENSION?? WHICH IS RLY FLATTERING BUT I THINK ITS JUST UR WORDS THAT MADE ME SOUND SMART 💀💀💀 the ending is chef's kiss tho made me bust a lung SHFJJD thank you so much for taking the time to write this its honestly so fucking amazing. hopefully u can see more of their family dynamic in this drabble :)
Rays of sunlight slither through the cracks in the blinds of the living room, allowing Taehyung's father enough light to scan the newspaper he holds in his hand, with the musical, happy chirping of mockingbirds filling in the silence. All of these beautiful signs of nature and peaceful rotation of the earth makes Taehyung tense up even more.
The moment he got back home from buying drugs, his father greeted him in monotone with a, "would you sit with me for a moment?" and he hasn't spoken since. The zipperbag in his pocket crinkles every time he shifts in his seat, making him cringe momentarily before he starts nervously fidgeting again.
This is so awkward and yet equivalent to hearing: we need to talk. God, why is he so silent?
Clearing his throat, Taehyung stands just as his father flips a page with a lick of his thumb. "I'm going to my room really quick."
"Oh." When will his step-mother return? She's his only hope as he sits down while avoiding looking at his father, whose gaze is set on the black and white printed pages.
It's only a minute later when he talks without diverting his gaze.
"Your sister is in her room, researching her major to get a headstart on a typical syllabus."
"Smart," he comments with disinterest and nibbles on his upper lip.
"Taehyung, how was your attendance in college?" he folds the newspaper and curiously peeks at his son, who is doing a poor job at hiding his nerves.
"It was alright–"
"Lying is a sin, son," his movements are aristocratic when he leans his chin on his fist. "Don't lie."
"I'm not," he stammers and his eyes flicker, "it was bad at the beginning of the year, but I fixed it."
His father pinches the bridge of nose where his frames lie. "I love your sister, Taehyung," he sighs and takes off his glasses, "I want her to do well. I've given up on you, but her? She can accomplish great things if you're not there to influence her. You're a bad influence. Are you following me?"
Taehyung nods dumbly with a racing heart before registering his words and shaking his head. "What?" he blurts. "I used to help her with her homework all the time–"
"You were home once every month."
"Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I didn't see her," he coldly says. That's not entirely accurate, but it is true that he saw you more than he saw his parents before he started living here again. For you.
His father is taken aback, offended as he scoffs, "You avoided me and your mother, and yet have the face to stay in our home?" He stands up and passes the coffee table that was Taehyung's only barrier to hover over him with distance. "I expected so much more from you, but you can't even do the bare minimum. An adult without a stable job, respectable girlfriend, and embarrassing grades. I'm ashamed to have raised such a boy, for I can't even call you a man."
Taehyung abruptly stands but he continues, "If you can't even pay rent, go back to that landfill you came from."
"I have to pay rent to live with my family?" He's livid and his hands shake by his sides; they're taking you away from him because what? He isn't the son they wanted him to be?
"You've made it clear that the only thing keeping you here is my daughter," he blindly points at the closed door of your room, "and you will have to try much harder to see her again. Get your life together, and you can come back."
Taehyung's face is heated with anger from the injustice. "What the fuck?! This is such bullshit; you're kicking me out?"
His father frowns at his language, growling, "Taehyung! I will not let you drag her down that path with you. When you stop destroying everything you touch, I'll gladly let you live here."
Destroy? He hasn't done any harm to anyone—especially not you. He knows he's self-destructive, but it doesn't extend to his environment. If he fails, it's his failure, but his father takes it personally instead of encouraging him to do better.
The importance of reputation and success in this family enrages him; he's aware that he's not much of an affectionate person either, but a little love wouldn't hurt to witness in the household.
Instead of defending himself or speaking his mind, he obliges bitterly.
"You need to get laid," are his last words before he slams the door and opens the zipper bag to pop a pill. Ecstasy isn't so fun when you're not around, but he can use the distraction. It's been a bad day.
He flips off a stray cat idling around the garden before casually leaving the property.
Studying isn't fun for you, never has been, never will be. Though you hate every second of it, it does give you something to do to make time pass faster. You've been tutoring yourself about things you'll learn sooner or later anyway, but you guess it doesn't hurt to have to study less when the time comes.
You check the time. It's approaching night at 9 PM, and your father wouldn't protest against a break now, hopefully. He only suggested that you should start studying, but you know what his suggestions really mean.
Do it, or get shamed into doing it with subtle glances.
As if that isn't enough, he constantly checked up on you throughout the day. He wasn't exactly giving you a choice, which irks you.
But that's done and over with, and there's a more pressing matter at hand: where is Taehyung? You heard bits and pieces of the argument, but you couldn't get the whole scoop. You worry he's going to go back to his old habits of never being here, rarely seeing you. He would've been hanging out with you six hours ago out of routine... It can't just be you being clingy. Something happened.
You: are you coming home tonight?
The response takes a few minutes.
taehyung: nop
taehyung: but i am coming to ur room
taehyung: cuz ik u cant sleep without me 😖
You: actually the opposite but ok lol
You: when are you coming
taehyung: whenever u want uwu
You: uwu...?
You: just come before it gets too late
So that was a lie. It's 1 AM and still no word from Taehyung. Okay, maybe you're just being clingy now, but it's unlike him not to be clingy. Maybe he wanted to cool off for a long time after his tak with your step-dad, or simply wanted to hang out with his friends after spending all of his time with you.
That makes sense. What doesn't is the slide of your window and shuffling of your curtains. You instantly sit up in your bed and clutch your blanket closer. You watch a silhouette enter your room as you pick up your limp, your tense muscles relaxing only when you recognize the intruder. You put down the lamp with a click of your tongue, ignoring the relief in your pounding heart.
"Hey," he stupidly grins at you. He looks disheveled, clothes untucked and wrinkled, and from the little light you have, you can see his redshot eyes.
"There's also the door," you remark sassily. "Are you um... high?"
He shrugs and crawls in your bed, dismissive as usual. You both make an effort to keep your voices quiet.
"I talked to mom earlier," you ease into the discussion until he butts in.
"That's great."
You roll your eyes and prop an elbow to look down at him. His head lies on his hands while staring at you, mood strangely upbeat. He's definitely high.
"She was a little sad about something, and I know it involves you. I heard you talking to–" You're interrupted with a lingering peck, a little rough in its force but not unwelcomed.
"I've missed kissing you. Shouldn't you be asleep, by the way?"
Recovering from the unexpected attack, you reply, "It's not that late. I don't have to wake up early."
"You shouldn't ruin your sleep schedule," he tucks a hair strand behind your ear without taking his eyes off of you. "Staying up is hard to stop once you start."
"Yeah, you're a great example," you joke with a quiet giggle. Whispering with him feels intimate in a heart fluttering way. His heart pangs with a feeling he can't put a finger on. "You didn't answer my question."
"Don't play dumb, I'm really curious. What happened with dad?"
"A lot of things happen with dad," he shrugs, "sometimes we play catch–"
"Taehyung," you give him a pointed look, and he giggles.
"You're right, he'd never play catch with me." He groans as he stretches in your bed before trapping you with his arms on either side of you in one motion. You don't know what he's trying to do, but you watch him above you in amusement. "No offence, but when is your mom not sad when my dad is around?" he laughs with a huff.
"That's rude, Tae," you remark seriously, "she's happy when you're around."
Taehyung's smile falters like yours, his happy guise crumbling when he says, "Are you?"
"Pfft," you roll your eyes, "What do you think? I was up waiting for you."
Ah. That's not a very good influence.
"I'm here now," he whispers, "go to sleep. It's okay, I won't do anything, I know you worked hard today."
You agree with a yawn and nod. But even in your sleepy state, you can read the room—Taehyung is especially attentive of his tone and volume aside from being so tense. "Are you alright?"
"I'm in and on ecstasy," he falls back on his former spot, "I can't not be alright."
"Taehyung, I haven't seen you all day–"
"Yeah, because I didn't want to be here," he looks at you dead in the eye, "and I don't want you to be here."
You blink rapidly, slightly shaking your head in confusion, "What are you saying?"
"Move in with me."
He's met with cold silence, so he persuades persistently, "Don't you want to get away from here? You'll have so much more freedom with me, and I can help you with your assignments and everything. It'll be perfect."
"I— do you... Where?" Taehyung is high and he doesn't know what he's saying is what you believe because this is so out of the blue, so irrational, but he describes it like it's utopia; you are not completely against the idea.
"I have enough money from drug dealing to rent an apartment, and you can tell dad that you want to move out to be like an adult or whatever, that you have a stable job, without mentioning me," he rambles, and his dilated pupils are more noticeable up close; it slightly puts you off.
"Wh-what about mom?"
He scoffs, "If she wants out, she can get her second divorce. Don't worry about them; after all, they're apparently the only real adults here," he relates back to not being worthy of being called a man. You shift away from him little by little. "Just trust me."
The phrase is triggering for you, a reminder of the time you were tricked into trusting him moments before your trauma. "We'll talk about this when you're sober," you meekly say, avoiding eye contact.
A wicked smile grows on his face, "I can't wait, princess."
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
ok wait after u sent me that ask i have to know ur top books!!! dw if u don't feel like it but i would love to hear them 🌷
This is so sweet and considerate! Thank you Eva, you gave me 5 so I’ll try to keep it to that # as well 💖🐰 off the top of my head:
🌷 The Stormlight Archive series, especially the second book, Words of Radiance. Stormlight is like 4 books + 2 novellas right now, and is projected to be 10 books and ???novellas eventually. And on top of that each main book is 1000+ pages and while you can read Stormlight on its own, most of the other books by the author, Brandon Sanderson, are part of this larger fictional universe called the cosmere. Each series takes place on a different planet, and if you are invested in the whole cosmere, there’s Easter egg references to other series in other series. So like! While I rec these books often, most people understandably don’t take me up on it wgshshh 🤭 Sanderson’s non-Stormlight books are all MUCH shorter but also much more flawed imo. Like I wouldn’t count him among my favorite authors were it not for Stormlight. anyway I’m a die hard fantasy fan so the length didn’t deter me, and I picked these up because a friend told me the world building in these books was genuinely unique instead of the typical very lazy maps composed of like. Fantasy Russia and its hostile mysterious neighbors Fantasy General East Asia and Fantasy Africa lol. and she was right! The world building is exquisite and refreshing and almost every character is canonically of color. They live in a society with an eye color based caste system and it’s.., so hard to sum up this massive series with four main characters and a ridiculous(ly fun) amount of plot lines, so I’ll cut this short and say 1) the first book, The Way of Kings, is highly expository but the ending is so so worth it, and if you enjoy the ending you’ll find merit in continuing with the series 2) Words of Radiance is my favorite book so far partially because I haven’t read the newest, Rhythm of War, yet, and also because it’s the book with the most scenes that solidified Kaladin Stormblessed (one of the main characters) as one of my favorites of all time. Another one of the best things about this series is how Brandon Sanderson portrays mental health in very natural ways, and it makes Kaladin’s growth so incredibly soothing to follow (I MEAN. He has low points that sometimes hit too close to home, but it makes you root for him harder) he really is just. Truly my definition of a hero, if we wanna get cheesy about it, and I had to pick one solid example. I love him so much this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg as to why 😭!
🌷Jane Eyre. Silly frivolous teenaged girl that I am this book swept me off my feet when I first read it and I condone every problematic aspect of it❤️ (I DONT ofc but like! I love drama and being played like a fiddle by narratives and the book delivered on both fronts! And it couldn’t have without its unsavory plot twist soooo 😙💖) (the hate this book and especially one specific character gets is funny to me just because like. Hate for the former (imo) usually stems from people taking the book too seriously while simultaneously missing the point (JE and du Maurier’s Rebecca (highly influenced by the former) are oft considered loose Bluebeard retellings for a reasonnnn!) and hate for the latter is usually just like. Warranted and then taken over the top like... he’s just a fake funny little man you guys :( and the book would’ve been boring if he wasn’t so twisted and out of touch and passionate ): not to mention I do personally in a mean ish way think it’s funny how for some people this character is one of the worst examples of men they can imagine. Like good for Them! I don’t want them to have lower standards for horribleness in people But also omg 🤭 it just reminds me of how... irony of all ironies, I’m semi frequently told I’m too harsh on real life men and then when I love twisted ones in books (for being funny and entertaining and good solid characters) I like. get the most interesting side eyes (whether figurative or literal) bwjswnhshe anyway I have nothing against Austen, I definitely enjoy her, but from what I’ve read so far, I prefer the Brontës a lot more... I need adventure! Show me horror show me rot etc etc❤️ also I’m. A stupid sucker so the fact that the book was Charlotte Brontë’s attempt to write a plain looking lady protagonist and to make her praiseworthy and virtuous and worthy of spellbinding romance makes me... 💗💓💕
🌷Keturah and Lord Death — Martine Leavitt. I haven’t seen it officially stated anywhere but to me it’s p clear this book is a retelling of/highly inspired by Godfather Death (the Grimm tale) Very simple, predictable but effective plot, and the characters are just. So much fun. From my url you can probably tell I love stories in which women (or anyone but you know. Death and the Maiden is its own trope for a reason) outsmart/face off against death. If they also k*ss, when done right, I think that’s swell as well.
🌷A Thousand Splendid Suns — Khalid Hosseini. By far the heaviest book I will mention in this ask, and I don’t rec it willy nilly for that and a few other reasons. It’s a forever fave to me because I read it at the exact right time in my life, where I was like... noticing a ton of things irl and things at home were tumultuous, and when I saw very similar things unfold in this book while I was being silenced and made to feel crazy by the adults around me, it meant so much to me to see reality as I was experiencing it in real time reflected back at me via this novel. The context of the story is wildly different from my own life and the stakes the characters face are far higher, and it is if I remember right mostly a novel about the horrors of war, which isn’t something I pretend to have any firsthand experience with, but! It was legitimately cathartic to read when I read it, and it especially meant a lot to me at the time that the author was a grown man. Not to mention how my mother is not and never has been a reader, and somehow the one and only book I ever managed to get her to read was this. Hilariously she got mad at me for only (“only”) reading depressing things (there’s... a grain of truth to that but she doesn’t need to know! 🤫) but also... she was hooked I could tell! (I got all tmi explaining this one gag I’m so sorry)
🌷A Slight Trick of the Mind — Mitch Cullin. Retirement-era Holmes! Holmes as an old man! A sad old man who keeps bees!! It’s the novel the movie Mr. Holmes was based off of (haven’t seen it yet) and I was not expecting it to get me all sentimental like it did 🤨😪 but anyway it’s like. A prolonged character study and explores some of the most interesting (to me, anyway) parts of Holmes that are only lightly touched upon in canon, like his occasionally huge follies when navigating his few close relationships and how he copes with them afterwards, his fatigue at the random injustice of the world, how he’s often mistaken both by characters that surround him and people irl as a man without feelings, etc etc. like there’s no Dr. Watson or Mrs. Hudson in this book, and the people he interacts with are almost entirely original characters, but as I listened to the audiobook it barely occurred to me to miss Watson and Hudson (I know! 😦) and the author’s original characters interacted with Holmes so believably that I sometimes forgot they weren’t ever Doyle’s. Def recommend to any flexible Holmes fan that’s not a total stickler for canon (though you don’t actually have to know much about Holmes to read this book and enjoy it! 🐝)
🌷Sleepless — Sarah Vaughn + Leila del Luca. I began with the longest book, so let me end with the shortest. It’s a 2 volume long graphic novel series and that it’s so short is the only long standing, legitimate complaint I have of it! Gorgeous art, really effectively written romance, a dark skinned girl who gets to be the proactive, lively protagonist and stunning, pined after love interest at the same time, a cast of characters that is majority of color, the perfect %-age of drama and angst etc etc. if you can find it via your library or online or smth, you can knock it out in one sitting and leave the experience eternally altered in the funnest way 👁👄👁
Honorable mentions: The Botany of Desire — Michael Pollan, Troubling Love — Elena Ferrante, The Girl from the Garden — Parnaz Foroutan
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thaliamccn-blog · 5 years
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hello <3 i am diana ( u can call me di if u like ) and i am nineteen, a libra, go by she/her pronouns, n reside in the est timezone !! somethings u should kno about me…i am a girl group stan first and a human second ( stan loona stan twiceblackvelvet stan fromis 9 stan weki meki etc etc ). i am a sansa stark enthusiast and love lana del rey with my whole heart. so that’s basically me !! and now, onto thalia under the cut like this post n i’ll message u to plot!! my discord is we just wanna have some fun !#5522 if u wanna talk there, or i can message u on tumblr im’s <3
↪ son naeun. she/her. cis female. ╱ i thought i saw thalia moon getting questioned by the police. the twenty-two year old is in their third year at west bridge studying fashion design. they were at manon’s party because manon was wearing one of her designs. do you think they had something to do with her death? + eyes stained by glitter and mascara, the feeling of isolation among a crowd of people, smoking a cigarette with a glass of red wine. ◜ diana. 19. est. she/her. ◞
ok i’m gonna do my very best to keep this short because whew,,,, i’m a rambler asjdhkdjh 
i guess i will start off by saying she’s aquarius sun scorpio moon...so that’s some indication of her personality ajksdshdh,,,
she is bisexual
here is her pinterest so u can get 2 know her aesthetic <33
now onto some backstory
her father owns a development company (basically think bart bass from gossip girl but she is not chuck bass because he’s gross) and her mom is a socialite
she was raised in a wealthy family on the upper east side (nyc). she is an only child, so she grew up weaned on expensive items and became a bit materialistic because of it
because she was an only child people assumed she was always the center of attention but the truth is her parents were very neglectful of her...n she grew up to be pretty emotionally stunted whew she literally cannot deal with her emotions but we’ll get to that
her parents never really wanted kids, they just had thalia to present a family-friendly image, so they used her whenever the cameras were around
during her high school years her father ran into a bit of legal trouble because of a building he owned that burned down. he had buried the story, but word was beginning to come out again (yes i’m ripping off gossip girl ASHDKJH)
her parents divorced because of the scandal, among other things. the two of them constantly fought ever since thalia was a child, but her mom decided to remove herself from the scandal while she still had the chance (which is exactly what her moms father, aka thalia’s grandfather, told her to do)
after the divorce, thalia was left in her father’s care
during the scandal, she began to lash out and rebel against her father specifically, but he threatened to take away her trust fund if she did not behave herself. he needed thalia’s help in maintaining his image
so she agreed to stop lashing out publicly, but still continued her lifestyle on the lowkey
she always managed to get herself into trouble, but also found her way out of it one way or another
thalia took an interest in fashion design early on in her high school years and was able get two internships while she was still in high school
after the divorce, she barely ever saw her mom. not that it mattered because she didn’t see her much in the first place, but her mother ended up remarrying suddenly became a family person, leaving thalia to feel extremely bitter
as all negative things did when it came to her father, the scandal blew over and the truth went unnoticed yet again
when it was time for her to go to college, her father basically told her now that she was an adult he did not care to see her much anymore. he said her trust fund was still in place and to not hurt his image, otherwise he would take it away, but he basically severed ties. this is why she decided to move away from her home in new york city and go somewhere she thought she could be more lowkey
she hates her parents, especially her father and wants to make her own money and stop relying on her trust fund, but she’s also too materialistic to give it up...rip
and here we have some quick words about her personality:
thalia is very closed off and has a hard time trusting people
she is not necessarily shy, but feels she is often misunderstood, which is one of the reasons she is never at the center of any social event and likes to hangout along the sidelines instead
thalia is always down to try new things, she is literally up for anything. she’s the type of person who gets bored easily, so she’s always seeking the next thrill
i would not say shes mean (she can be) but she just doesn’t have the most welcoming personality, and maybe she can come off as intimidating (that’s up to ur characters of course)
her view on the world is very negative, she’s most definitely a cynic
the party/manon incident:
thalia was at the party because she asked manon to wear one of her designs. due manon being extremely popular, thalia figured she could get more recognition as a designer by asking her to wear one of her designs
she attended the party to see how people were reacting to her dress, and also because she probably would have attended anyway
she wouldn’t have exactly considered manon a friend, but manon was one of the few people thalia didn’t mistrust, so when her dead body was discovered, thalia was definitely taken aback
thalia was definitely under the influence of something, so she probably doesnt remember that night all too well
when it came to the pact, thalia was quick to agree to it. her father’s one condition for her to keep her trust fund was to stay out of trouble. she knew he could probably have saved her from the mess, but she did not want to have to seek his help
she feels weird being apart of this pact, considering she probably doesn’t trust most of them, but she also didn’t know what else to do
plot ideas (if i remember i’ll strike them out when they get taken):
step siblings - either side of her family, her mom remarried and her dad definitely could have so i would looove step sibling plots. they can b on friendlier terms, or hate each other, literally anything would work
party buddies - this is pretty basic and self explanatory, but someone thalia can go out and have fun with. their friendship is most likely surface level, or prob started that way, but it’s possible they became deeper friends (maybe thalia opened up one day when she was most likely under the influence of something)
ex-fling - thalia is definitely the non-committal type so i doubt she would ever have an ex bf or gf, but it could still have been a serious un-labeled relationship, or just an ex fling. they could be on bad terms, good terms, still have feelings, not have feelings, u name it
unrequited crush -  ur character could have feelings for thalia, but being the way she is, she doesn’t feel them back. this could develop into thalia eventually having feelings for ur muse, or not, whatever we want! OR thalia could have a crush on someone who does not like her back. maybe they’re even more emotionally unavailable than she is, or they simply do not like her back. we could plot this out however
current fling/“friends” w benefits - someone she is currently seeing/sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, or maybe they’re ready to take it to the next level. maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t. i put “friends” in parenthesis because she probably doesn’t have many friends
enemies w benefits - imagine the tension!!! they started out hating each other, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. i think it would b cool if they kept it a secret, they don’t want anyone else to know. this could develop however we want
ex-friends - someone thalia used to consider a close friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason n maybe they hate each other now. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how
sibling-like friendship - someone thalia sees like a sibling. they’re there for each other and look out for one another, always have each other’s backs
dynamic duo - could be thalia’s current best friend. i would say she probably doesn’t have many friends, but this person is prob one of the closest people to her and has actually managed to break down some of her walls
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other. they don’t necessarily have to be friends, but they get along and maybe they talk more in private
rivals - they hate each other for whatever reason. maybe it’s jealousy or their personalities just clash, but for whatever reason they do not get along. i love a good enemies plot. they can just b nasty to each other!!! 
safe haven - *mini drug tw*  i did not know how to label this so i apologize for the name. but i think it would b cool if someone helped thalia out during a bad night. she typically saves herself from bad situations, but one day she couldn’t and luckily ur muse was there to help. maybe she drank too much or did too many drugs or mixed the two and ended up rly bad. either way, i would love for someone to have helped her from a tough time. she would probably feel really confused and guilty and like she owes them. maybe ur muse can manipulate her bc of it and make her do things bc she owes them, or maybe they genuinely had good intentions. i would also b down for a plot about thalia helping out someone else’s muse from a sticky situation!!
bad influence - i would loveeee for thalia to be a bad influence on someone. someone she can corrupt in a way, or just lead down a bad path akshkjhd and get them to try new, and not-so-good, things
good influence - someone to be a good influence on thalia. someone who brings out the best in her and tries to steer her down a better path
partner in crime - someone who does crazy, illegal shit w her. someone who is always down for the next adventure n they have crazy memories together
model/muse - someone who models thalia’s clothes. they could simply just be her model, or maybe they could also double as her muse, someone who inspires her best work. there can b romantic feelings there or it can b totally platonic !!!! but i think someone who models for her would be super fun
photographer - someone she partnered with to take pictures of her designs. it can be a strictly mutually beneficial business partnership, or maybe it spiraled into a sort of friendship where they bring out the best in each other (work wise) and stick together for their different projects.
childhood friends - someone who knew thalia when she grew up. maybe they knew about her weird home life, or maybe their friendship was set up by their parents. maybe they were just friends out of their own free will, but grew apart when they grew older. the possibilities are endless
roommates - they could be on good terms or bad terms. maybe thalia coming home at odd hours of the night doesnt sit well with your muse, or maybe they dont have an issue with it at all. maybe they are starting to get along and hangout more because of being roommates
tldr: thalia is an emotionally unavailable wealthy aspiring fashion designer who has issues with her parents and likes getting into trouble
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nostradamusfart · 3 years
about me + the blog !
hi there !! you can call me kris :)
here are some things about me & this blog (in no particular order) <3
about me
~ i'm a 23 year old trans dude (he/him), LFG
~ i'm currently in college !
~ my pfp is a lovely gent named yagrum bagarn for anyone curious
~ i'm not too familiar with different personality types (so these may not be entirely accurate) but my mbti type is entp and my enneagram is 5w6 ! i think anyway it’s been a few years shdnfnnfbv
~ i'm kind of awkward (and a bit of a yapper if you can’t tell) and i don’t have a lot of internet friendships BUT i do like interacting with people !! i tend to be quite busy so i may not respond to asks or messages super quickly ! i do like getting them, though, so feel free to just say hi :) i try to be very friendly !
~ this is a side blog !! my main is @istoleyoursweetrolls so if you see that, that’s me! people ik irl follow me there LMAO so i actually don’t post much of my own writing and stuff on it. BUT I am bad at using tumblr so i may accidentally use it when replying to people and stuff. i don’t really know how sideblogs work tbh so just know, that’s me
~ i LOVE TES (Morrowind especially!) and various manga & anime :)) most of what I talk about is csm, jjk, witch hat atelier, dunmeshi, hgsn & fire punch. but i like a LOT of stuff and I tend to really fixate on one thing at a time (so you’ll definitely know what I’m losing my mind over based on my reblog and posting habits lmao). most of my tesposting is on my main blog though!
~ feel free to talk to me about the stuff that I like! I’m always happy to discuss. and feel free to recommend stuff, too! im busy, so it might take me a bit to get around to it, but i would certainly appreciate it
~ my manga read list is long and it grows longer every day. currently reading: black lagoon
~ my all time favorite character is togata fire punch. shocker ik the tguy likes togata.
~ but I have a lot of favorite characters tbh. im a big yoshida fan. im a sukuna fan (I KNOW). my fav witch hat character is olruggio, followed by qifrey & agott. i could never pick a fav dunmeshi character they’re all perfect thanks. everyone in dorohedoro. yoshiki my princess i could never hate u. im sure I have a lot more.
~ do I kin shinji? maybe I do. none of ur business
about the blog
~ this blog is mostly sfw but it might not be sometimes. idrc if minors interact with some stuff (like theories or analysis or whatever) but i might talk about adult series/themes so i don’t really feel comfortable with minors interacting with that sort of stuff. i’ll put warnings on what I think might not be appropriate, and I’ll try to keep an eye on who’s interacting with what. just please follow my warnings ok? i don’t wanna block people for interacting with inappropriate stuff but I will if I have to.
~ hate will absolutely NOT be tolerated- if i see any racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, etc. comments, you will be blocked immediately. i want people to feel comfortable and safe on my blog, and if you do anything to hurt and belittle others, you can't stay.
~ ~ THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE. block the ‘spoilers’ tag if you don’t wanna see them, but most of what I post will be spoiler-y probably so please keep that in mind before you decide to follow me.
~ i tend to focus a lot on one thing at a time. that being said, my fave characters are always dear to me, so im happy to talk abt any of them whenever. still, if you follow me bc I talk about one character a lot, just don’t be surprised if the blog takes a 180. like if you follow me for my yoshida posts don’t be too shocked when i start posting a lot abt like dagoth ur or something LMAO
~ might write stuff. mostly analysis, maybe a theory, maybe a fic or two (i like character studies so most will probably be like that! headcanons, maybe some fun fluffy stuff on the side. we’ll see if I feel comfortable posting that though lol!)
~ im a trans guy so any x reader stuff will be somewhat gn, but usually with m!reader in mind. ill tag it if gendered terms are included, and i likely won’t write any f!readers (if I write x reader at all tbh which i *probably* won’t).
~ this is important: because my schedule is hectic (and bc i am a very casual writer) i won't really take requests- i don't think i would ever get to them and i don't think that's super fair to anyone. BUT feel free to send me ideas or thoughts or headcannons !! i would love to read your ideas and maybe they'll inspire me too :)
ok that’s all I can think of! lol bye for now :)
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