#especially since there's no kanji for her name like. you know but. come onnnnn
konfizry · 2 years
Something clicked today. 
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Shaded Aster. The pew-pew gun-gun Shionne returns with in Pelegion. 
Like. You know how her first gun is called Noble Rose because that’s the kind of person she is. (like, you know, character’s equipment gotta align with the character’s vibes and theme and all, ‘specially the important pieces, nothing groundbreaking about that ofc). So like Noble Rose because of the way Shionne carries herself with haughtiness and poise and, well, the thorns. 
And like, an aster, as I keep forgetting, is a flower (aside from being a dude from DotNW), right? 
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Thing is, that’s the flower Shionne is  --probably maybe but also absolutely totally 100% in all likelihood somehow-- named after. the Japanese name for that breed of flower is pronounced shion, like uh. yeah it’s right there.
. And like, these two pieces of info only connected in my brain today as I emerged from sleep. funny how slow on the uptake i can be sometimes.  
Anyway I just think it’s cute! Despite the circumstances in which Shaded Aster is obtained. symbolism and whatnot.  Alphen says in the skit that follows the Cooldown Hug animated cutscene that he’s glad got to see the real her (or to really connect with her or whatever). Like. Beyond the rose. maybe there’s a smaller, more approachable little blossom that hides in the shade IDK.  Also the name aster comes from the ancient greek word for star. and like, she uh. has part of an astral spirit inside of her so maybe that’s uhhhh... purely a coincidence but also maybe not!
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