#yes shes a bunny but shes also a flower that grows super tall
konfizry · 1 year
Something clicked today. 
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Shaded Aster. The pew-pew gun-gun Shionne returns with in Pelegion. 
Like. You know how her first gun is called Noble Rose because that’s the kind of person she is. (like, you know, character’s equipment gotta align with the character’s vibes and theme and all, ‘specially the important pieces, nothing groundbreaking about that ofc). So like Noble Rose because of the way Shionne carries herself with haughtiness and poise and, well, the thorns. 
And like, an aster, as I keep forgetting, is a flower (aside from being a dude from DotNW), right? 
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Thing is, that’s the flower Shionne is  --probably maybe but also absolutely totally 100% in all likelihood somehow-- named after. the Japanese name for that breed of flower is pronounced shion, like uh. yeah it’s right there.
. And like, these two pieces of info only connected in my brain today as I emerged from sleep. funny how slow on the uptake i can be sometimes.  
Anyway I just think it’s cute! Despite the circumstances in which Shaded Aster is obtained. symbolism and whatnot.  Alphen says in the skit that follows the Cooldown Hug animated cutscene that he’s glad got to see the real her (or to really connect with her or whatever). Like. Beyond the rose. maybe there’s a smaller, more approachable little blossom that hides in the shade IDK.  Also the name aster comes from the ancient greek word for star. and like, she uh. has part of an astral spirit inside of her so maybe that’s uhhhh... purely a coincidence but also maybe not!
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Sweet, Like Daisies
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Pairing:  Usagiyama Rumi (Miruko) x Gender Neutral Reader
Story Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff / Humor
Story Warnings: Some cursing and flirting, but mostly just cuteness that could rot your teeth.
a/n: This is my art of the bnharem Discord server SFW collab, with the theme of Flowers! I decided to base my part around Daisies, which represent innocence. Rumi can be a cute and fluffy bunny just as much as she can be super fierce and I love her to death. This story also marks my beginning of writing for characters other than Bakugou! I will be posting them on this blog. If there’s anything you’d like to see, lmk! (♡´౪`♡)
Thank you so much to everyone in the server for this wonderful experience! I had so much fun and I can’t wait for the next one! 
*。Collab Masterlist *。
--Full art piece--
“Let’s go, let’s go! Don’t tell me you’re all tuckered out already!”  
“Rumi, you gotta- oh damn, my legs are on fire! What is with this hill?!”  
Coming to a stop as you pulled yourself up onto a boulder jetting out of the hillside, you flopped to sit onto your butt, rubbing your burning thigh vigorously. It was a miracle that you had even made it this far, your body not exactly used to these physically challenging hikes that your girlfriend just loved to drag you on. They were easy for her, considering that she was not only one of the top pro heroes in the country, but her quirk gave her incredibly strong legs and just overall physical strength. Her bunny legs allowed her to hop over any difficult obstacle, but you? All you could do was drag yourself along, barely keeping up with her by the skin of your teeth.  
“Don’t be a wimp! You’re almost there!” Squatting down at the edge of her current perch, Rumi had that typical wicked and expectant grin on her face, a few loose strands of her white hair falling around her forehead and cheeks. “You got this, Carrot!”  
“Carrot… Out of all nicknames, why did you have to pick that one.” With a huff, you pulled yourself up to your feet, using the roots and rocks to help you up the steep incline.  
“Oh, because I could just eat you up, of course!” Rumi gave a teasing scrunch of her nose, one of her long rabbit ears giving a twitch in satisfaction of her response. You, however, immediately grew embarrassed, losing your footing. Scrambling to catch yourself, you got secure again before turning your glare up towards her, your face burning fiercely as she laughed at your reaction. She had a talent for making you so embarrassed you could barely stand it, but really, who could blame you?  
Rumi was witty and intelligent. Confident and strong. Beautiful and caring. There wasn’t an ounce of timidness in her, which is not what people would expect when they hear the word ‘rabbit’. They would think quiet, reserved, innocent, fearful, and adorable. She was adorable, to be sure, but none of those other qualities showed themselves. Actually, they showed themselves in you.  
Before you had met Rumi, you were very shy, easily overwhelmed and lacking in confidence. And still, somehow, this bright and extravagant woman had taken great interest in you, building you up higher and higher until you were finally beginning to see the sun for the first time in so many years. She pushed you to better yourself, to grow stronger and happier in your own skin, and although what she encouraged was hard, it was worth every moment and struggle.  
Even if she could make you so flustered you’d want to go hide under a rock sometimes.  
“Rumi! Stop that, don’t try to embarrass me while I’m climbing, I could fall!”  
“You dumbass, ya think I’d let you fall? Never!” When you finally got close, Rumi reached down and took hold of your forearm, waiting until you got your own grip on hers before she helped to hoist you up. Her effortless strength astounded you as always, but you didn’t have much time to admire it, as she began to move down the past the instant you were steady on your feet. “C’mon, Carrot, move that tush!”  
Sighing heavily in exhaustion, you forced your burning legs to walk forward, wiping your dirt stained hands on your similarly dirtied khaki shorts. “We’re almost to a resting point, right?”  
“Yes. There’s a nice little clearing here, we can take a break!” Rumi lifted her arms up over her head, giving a drawn out and satisfied groan as she stretched. Nestled at her lower back, her white fluffy tail puffed out and shook in the same moment, bringing a smile to your lips. She was just so incredibly perfect, and you couldn’t help but feel so lucky.  
After walking for a while in silence to enjoy the sounds of nature, Rumi came to a stop, starting to maneuver her way through the trees and brush. “We have to go off the path a bit. Watch out for spiders ‘n shit. And stinging nettle. I’m not gonna rub that ointment all over your body if you fall in it again!”  
Remembering the painful experience of falling face first into a batch of stinging nettle the last time you went hiking, you were sure to observe your surroundings thoroughly before following her. The brush and twigs scratched and poked your legs uncomfortably, but your thick hiking boots helped you to trudge through it without much problem. When you finally breached the edge of the forest into the clearing, you had to squint a bit from the brightness of the morning sun, bringing a hand up to shield your eyes.  
When your eyes finally adjusted, you found yourself standing at the edge of a large field of wildflowers and tall grass, which swayed with the cool spring breeze. It felt so heavenly against your hot and sweaty skin, and the brilliant view of the hills and trees in the distance brought a smile to your lips. Being out in the wilderness wasn’t exactly your favorite thing, but you could admit that it truly was beautiful.  
“How’s this for a resting spot, eh?” Rumi quite literally knocked you back into reality with a rough, playful nudge to your side, grinning up at you. “Will this do, your highness?”  
“Hey, don’t patronize me like that! I get tired, I don’t have thighs of steel like you do.” You took her hand tenderly in yours as she grabbed it, your fingers lacing instinctively.  
“Excuses! C’mon, let’s sit under that tree, it has shade.” Leading you forward as always, Rumi nearly had a skip in her step, her white hair bobbing in its high, messy ponytail. The tree that was chosen was a lonely one, growing out in the field alone. With all the extra room, the roots were large and snaked in and out of the ground like tentacles, and lush green leaves were at full bloom. It was comfortable and beautiful.  
Shrugging off your pack, you rested it up against the tree trunk next to Rumi’s, pulling your water bottle out of the side pocket to take a healthy swig. “This really is a nice area, Rumi. How’d you find it?” Sitting down in the grass beside her, you offered her the water bottle, which she took.  
“I’ve been hikin’ this trail awhile. It’s challenging, so not a lot of losers try to take it, only those that are strong enough.” After taking a sip of water, Rumi leaned her head back, squeezing the bottle so water trickled lightly onto her face and top of her head. “It is warm today, though! Especially for being spring.”  
“Ah, well I can relate to those losers, I shouldn’t be on this hill either-- ACK, hey!” Suddenly, you were sprayed in the face with water, perpetrated by a very annoyed bunny.  
“Don’t belittle yourself like that! Be proud, you killed that fucking hill!”  
Grumbling from defeat, you ran your hand down your face to wipe the water away, glowering at your lover as she glared right back up at you with a pout that boarded on adorable. Calming down, you smiled, nodding in agreement. “Ah, sorry, sorry. You’re right. I should be proud of myself.”  
“You should! My baby isn’t a loser.” Leaning up, Rumi placed a rough kiss against your cheek, her hand pressing against your other to make sure you couldn’t flee. You’d never want to, of course, so you let her punish you with the kiss, which was followed by a much more tender one before she set you free.  
Smiling, you turned your attention to the grass around your legs, which was peppered with daisies and dandelions. You felt so calm and at peace in the silence of nature, and with your lover by your side, you were feeling quite… soft. That’s the only way you could describe your current emotions, so you soaked in it for a while, leaning back and supporting yourself with your hands.  
After a while of peace, you leaned forward again to give your arms a rest, turning your attention back to the flowers around you. Carefully, you began to pluck the daisies out of the ground, making sure to keep their stem long. As if in a trance, you slowly began working on winding the stems of the flowers together, growing too focused on your work and the rustling of the wind to notice that you were being watched closely. In fact, you were so startled by Rumi’s voice that you jumped, nearly crushing your delicate flower arrangement in surprise.  
“What’cha makin’ there, Carrot?”  
“Erm… uh, a flower crown. I guess?” You brought both ends of the strip of flowers together to check the size, finding that it still wasn’t quite long enough to fit an adult head. “I used to make them as a kid. It’s been a while since I’ve been near so many daisies.”  
With another sly smile, Rumi leaned against your side, resting her head on your shoulder. “Oooh, how grossly cute and sweet! Should I start calling you Baby Carrot?”  
“W-what?! No, no, don’t do that, you’re gonna make me want to puke. Why don’t you call me something normal like… babe or hun.”  
“Oh, don’t be such a killjoy!” After giving you a playful nudge to the arm, Rumi turned her attention to the flowers around you both, plucking a daisy from its stem and bringing it up to her nose. “Y’know, for such a cute little flower, they have an awful smell. But damn, they’re tasty.” To your horror, Rumi chomped the entire bloomed flower head off the stem, making you yelp in disgust and cover your mouth.  
“Rumi! That’s a wildflower! You can’t just eat it!”  
“Hm?” Rumi looked up at you curiously, batting her long lashes in confusion. “I eat flowers all the time. I love their taste! They aren’t bitter to me at all. Restaurants sell them!”  
“Y-yeah, but baby, they wash them first at least…” You felt your stomach churn as she picked up another flower, dousing it with water from your bottle. “Rumi! Don’t be a smart ass!”  
“What, this one’s not for me!” Smirking, she held the now soggy and dripping flower up to your lips, making you cringe backwards with a sour expression. “Open up!”  
“No way!” You covered your mouth with your hand, knowing that she would shove it in at the first opportunity. “There’s no way I’m eating a flower! At least not one that hadn’t been cleaned or anything properly! You have the stomach of a rabbit, you can handle it, I can’t!”  
“What, you scared of getting worms?!” She poked you on the nose with the flower, leaning more against you. “You won’t get anything that’ll kill you!”  
“I would, I just know it!” With a final wave of your hand, Rumi took the flower away, tossing it over her shoulder and back into the grass. “You wasted it?”  
“Putting water on it made it soggy, I ain’t gonna eat that! Hey, show me how to make one of these!” Scooting around to face you, Rumi gazed down curiously at the still unfinished crown in your lap. “This shit is stupid; it has to be easy!”  
“Well, it’s kind of hard, you have to be pretty gentle with the flowers. Here,” You plucked four daisies with a long stem, handing them to her before you plucked two more of your own. With detailed instruction, you showed her exactly how to twist and wind the stems, but you could see that she was already struggling with the delicate procedure. The frustrated pout was permanently plastered on her fair face, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowed. Still, she was trying and as focused as she could be.  
“How the hell are you doing that so perfectly?!” Rumi eventually snapped, leaning over you a bit to really see your almost finished crown up close. “Look at that! It almost looks fake!”  
Laughing softly, you finished off by connecting the two ends of the crown together, holding it up a bit to look at it clearly in the sun. “I told you, I’ve done this before. It’s not that big of a deal, babe. Here,” Turning to face her, you plopped the flower crown onto her the top of her head between her ears, making them flatten out backwards in immediate embarrassment and the tickling of the flowers against the sensitive skin.  
Cheeks flushing dark, Rumi scoffed, glaring up at you as she resisted the urge to reach up and rip it off. “Get this thing off of me, I’m not some damn fairy!”  
“Aw, but you look so adorable with it on.” You couldn’t resist the wide smile on your lips, especially as Rumi only grew more flustered, her ears snapping up in agitation and making the flower crown bend a bit, though it didn’t fall from her head. “It just makes you look so cute and innocent!”  
“I’m not!” Rumi scooted herself closer so that she was sitting right up against your crossed legs, letting hers rest on either side of your hips. “Call me cute and innocent again and I’ll make you regret it!” As if it were a punishment, Rumi reached up and plopped her sloppy excuse for a flower crown onto the top of your head. The instant it landed, it broke apart, showering you with crumpled daisies. Unable to help it, you began to laugh, which only grew harder as Rumi began to rage and stutter. “Dammit! Fucking flowers! This is why I just eat the damn things! Stop laughing at me, Carrot!”  
Covering your mouth, you gave a defeated shake of your head, holding your other hand up in defense. “I’m sorry, Rumi, it was just too funny! And so cute!”  
Before you could even find the time to react, you were tackled down into the grass, immediately smothered by the feral animal before you. Latching onto her instinctively, you were at her mercy as she gripped your face with both hands, squishing your cheeks and forcing your lips to pucker, even as your laughter continued.  
“I told you! You call me cute, you’re gonna die! I-” Suddenly, the flower crown slipped off the top of her head and onto your face, framing it perfectly. The shock silenced you immediately, staring up at Rumi in surprise. She was just as perturbed as you were, but after a moment her wonder broke into a grin, chuckling as she released your cheeks. “Look who’s all cute and innocent now! Ya dork.”  
Not bothering to remove the crown, you smiled softly, reaching up to caress Rumi’s cheeks tenderly. “No one in this entire world is cuter than you, baby.”  
“Says the person with a flower crown on their face and daisies stuck in their hair. Hey!”  
Rumi’s ears parted again as you took the crown off your face, placing it carefully on her head again to where it wouldn’t fall. This time, instead of getting angry, Rumi’s cheeks flushed again, and a cheeky smile stretched across her lips. “You aren’t gonna give up, are ya?”  
“Never. Besides, innocence is a great look for you. Just please don’t eat anymore daisies.”  
“Nah, flowers aren’t all that appetizing. I think I’m in the mood for some Carrot, instead.”
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Catch me if I should fall
Summary:  “I, Hugh Everhart, swear to my best friend Georgia Rawles that if something happens to her, I will take care of her loved ones as if the same blood ran through our veins, as long as the sun and the sky shall endure.” He ignored his broken voice and put his hand over her fist, “But I also swear that I will never let her die. If she should fall, I will catch her.”
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26427151
I want to start by saying this fic is dedicated to my mother @dawniebb. She basically introduced me to the wonderful headcanon about how Georgia and Hugh were best friends and she actually asked him and Simon to take care of Adrian if something happened to her. Thank you for saving me from my cursed theories. 
This fic was in the back of my head during two weeks, I think, when you were worried about the support Hope Called Themselves the Renegades would have, and I wanted to cheer you up with this. But I didn’t had the inspiration to actually do it until now. Kinda late, considering HCTTR blew up, AND IF YOU HAVEN’T READ IT YOU FUCKING SHOULD. 
I still wanted to give this to you tho. My sister Nodrian told me it was a good idea. Dime que esto no tiene la misma energía que un niño dándole a su mamá un dibujo que hizo en el kinder xd
Also #Nodriannoleasesto. Spoilers. Sorry.
Also x2 I took inspiration from Tightrope, a song from The Greatest Showman soundtrack. I’m obsessed with it, I’m sorry, I can’t help it.
Also x3 this is very self indulgent
Age of Anarchy 
Year 20, Month 5
Hand in my hand and you promised to never let go,
we’re walking the tightrope.
High in the sky,
we can see the whole world down below.
We’re walking the tightrope.
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?
Well, it’s all an adventure
that comes with a breathtaking view.
He had heard of Bunny before. Evander and Tamaya had an encounter with her not so long ago when they were investigating some robberies that occurred in an area near the headquarters. She always stole jewelry or food. Bunny was not dangerous. 
But she could jump. 
Simon probably would have turned invisible to distract her and catch her off guard, Evander would blind her with one of his lights, Kasumi would stop her with a wave of water, Tamaya would throw lightning at her… but Hugh could only chase her and pray that she would get tired before he did.
They reached the bridge that connected the west and east side of Gatlon City. The sea was just below them.
Georgia passed over his head. Just in time.
Bunny was in the air when Georgia grabbed her by the wrist. The girl began to squirm and screech like a rabbit caught in a hunter’s trap.
“Not so fast, Bunny,” Georgia exclaimed. “Now—” she held out her hand, “—be a good little girl and give me that.”
Hugh caught up with them. He leaned against the bridge railing, under the dim light of a post, to catch up on air. Secretly, of course.
Bunny was not a little girl, she was already past fifteen. Yes, she was less than five feet tall and had the most crooked and huge teeth he had ever seen but that didn’t mean anything. Georgia needed to stop treating criminals like they were misbehaved children from daycare.
Although he had to admit it was fun watching her do it. It always made them mad.
“Never!” screamed Bunny.
“I know that it is not yours. It is not correct to steal things from older ladies who open their homes to you,” Georgia said as if it weren’t some general knowledge that stealing was wrong.
“That lady hates me! She hates me!” and bit her hand.
Georgia winced but didn’t let go.
“Hey, no biting!” Hugh ordered.
Bunny turned to see him, more furious than ever. “Nobody gives me orders, Captain.”
Then, Bunny kicked him in the chest and pushed him out to sea, letting out a more maniacal laugh than he’d ever heard come from a human.
He realized what had just happened until Georgia’s hands grasped his. At that precise moment, the violent waves that were under him crashed against the foundation of the bridge and Hugh felt a chill run down his spine.
Metal does not float.
Georgia brought him back to land and floated beside him. There was no sign of Bunny anymore, but he knew where she had headed.
“We need to go after her,” he muttered.
Georgia crossed her arms. “Not today, Captain. Let her go.”
But they couldn’t let her go. They both knew they could help her if Bunny let them, why wait for the next time they see her?
What if there was no next time?
He was about to tell her all that, when Georgia out of nowhere kicked him between the ribs slightly harder than usual. “Next time stay away from bodies of water,” she said reproachfully.
Hugh laughed and held the spot where he had hit him. “Yes, mother.”
Georgia was unfazed.
“I’m serious. What would have happened if I hadn’t held your hand? You do not know how to swim!” She took him by the chin to force him to turn to see her. “You could have died!”
He jerked out of her grip. Georgia sighed. She massaged her temple as she slowly sat down on the dirty pavement, frowning, and with her jaw clenched. 
She knew he didn’t like it when people touch his face like that.
“But … I didn’t die,” Hugh said. “What’s this all about?”
She turned to see him with teary eyes like she didn’t recognize him. “Are you not afraid of your own death?”
Hugh scoffed. “Are you?”
Georgia looked away. It can’t be.
You are afraid?
“I have to confess to you, Hugh. Death has terrified me too much lately.”
He sat by her side. Georgia leaned on his shoulder without thinking twice, invading him with familiarity.
“It’s just… well, I guess you’ve noticed that Adrian gets super nervous every time I go out,” Georgia explained. “And I have told him many times not to worry, that I will return safely. I even tell him that phrase— ”
Oh, he knew that phrase by heart. “Not even the darkest of nightmares, the loneliest of nights, or the worst of troubles—” he said.
“Can with the boldness, bravery, and joy of Lady Indomitable!” Georgia finished with a raised fist. “You should get yourself a catchphrase like this. It would be good for your brand.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Georgia went silent again. “The thing is, no matter how many times I tell Adrian I’m going to be okay,” she murmured sadly, “he’s still scared.”
“And you get scared too?”
“It’s not that,” she assured. “I know that I am the best and you all would be dead by now without me, but honestly, the five of you are already adults.” She gave a soft laugh from underneath. ”You’ll be just fine without me.”
He took her hand discreetly. They were smaller than his. And warmer. I wouldn’t.
“But Adrian… he’s so young,” Georgia continued. “He couldn’t live without me and the worst thing is that I couldn’t live without him. I get nervous at the slightest sign that he’s in danger. Like yesterday, when Kasumi bought him that lollipop, remember?”
Of course, he remembered.
“You stayed all afternoon watching Adrian eat the lollipop in front of the TV,” he replied, trying not to laugh. “Tamaya told you to stop harassing him.”
“Even Simon asked me if I didn’t think I was exaggerating. Simon! The one who told Evander when we went to the beach that if he didn’t put on sunscreen, he was going to get skin cancer and he was going to die right then and there!”
“In his defense,” Hugh said, “you can get skin cancer if you don’t put on sunscreen.”
“He wanted him to put on sunscreen at midnight. Do you know what the definition of ‘night’ is? It is the time of day when there is no sunlight.“
“But you agreed with him and forced Evander to put on sunscreen anyways,” he commented.
“In my defense, motherhood changes you.”
Silence returned.
The positive side of having been on the same team for the last ten years and spending entire nights silent to not give away their location is that there were no longer any awkward silences between them.
Georgia started playing with Hugh’s engagement ring. “Are you excited for your wedding? Because I am.”
“Are you trying to change the subject?”
“Maybe.” She took it off and put it on herself. “Are you excited?”
“Of course. Tomorrow is the big day.” Georgia gave it back to him like nothing. “I hope you already wrote your speech.”
“Obviously. I don’t think I should walk you down the aisle though. I will look much better than you.”
“That’s debatable.”
They had barely managed to get suits for him and Simon. Casually, the father of Kasumi’s new friend was a minister and had agreed to marry them off. He had even lent them the backyard of her house, where he had beautiful rose bushes and a well-kept lawn.
They were all very excited. Evander was about to physically fight with Adrian because they both wanted to be the ones who hold the rings. In the end, Adrian won, not only because Georgia wanted Adrian to deliver the rings so badly, but also because Evander was no longer a lovable nine-year-old and wouldn’t have the same impact. He was even starting to grow facial hair. Tamaya told him that he was going to have to shave for the ceremony and that if he didn’t, she would personally take care of removing every last hair from his body.
Simon managed to please Evander when he told him that he could be his best man. Kasumi would be the maid of honor. They had bought her a secondhand pale pink dress, but on her, it looked like it had just come out of a magazine. The five of them wanted Tamaya to be the “flower woman”, but she flatly refused. She wanted to be a godmother and walk Simon down the aisle. She was not going to settle for less.
It wasn’t going to be the wedding of the century, but it was the perfect wedding for him.
“You have to promise me something.”
He turned to see her. Anything.
“If something happens to me, I want you and Simon to take care of Adrian.”
The answer escaped his lips immediately. “No.”
“Excuse you?”
Hugh shook his head. “I’m not going to promise you that.”
“Why the hell not?” Georgia asked, angrily.
“Because nothing is going to happen to you. Not if I can stop it.”
She rolled her eyes. It wasn’t something she did very often. “Wow, so heroic. Do you want a medal? Come on!” she exclaimed, holding his arm tightly. “It doesn’t cost you anything. Pinky promise, okay? “
“Lady Indomitable, you are already a thirty-year-old woman,” he scolded her.
“What, you can’t promise things for pinky anymore when you turn thirty or what?” she asked. playing confused.
He clenched her jaw, fighting to stay immune to her words. “No, you can not.”
“That’s debatable. The good news is that I’m twenty-nine. Come on … Or I’ll tell Simon to send you to sleep on the couch.”
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “I’m already sleeping on the couch. Tamaya doesn’t let us sleep in the same bed, she says it wouldn’t be very Christian of us.”
“Okay, if you pinky promise me what I told you, I will convince Tamaya to let you sleep in the same bed as Simon, deal?”
A tempting offer. But he couldn’t accept it.
Hugh could promise many things. He could even lie about promising many things. However, he couldn’t lie to Georgia, much less could he promise her something that he wasn’t going to keep.
Because nothing was going to happen to her.
“I’m not going to promise you that,” he sentenced. “You are going to raise Adrian. And when Simon and I have kids of our own, they and Adrian will be like siblings, and they will play in the backyard of our great mansion, and I don’t know, probably they will wear matching Christmas sweaters.”
“Our kids like… siblings?”
“Yes. We have discussed it,” he replied. “We want to have children. You know, adoption.”
“Oh, adoption, yeah…” Georgia mumbled. “I thought it was a weird way of asking me to be a surrogate mother.”
She raised her eyebrows. “And is this a strange way of offering yourself as a surrogate mother?”
“Stars, no. Although I make very hot babies.”
“That is so wrong,” he replied with a laugh.
Georgia was laughing. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. “It was so wrong, I’ll never use that adjective to describe a baby again.”
Georgia took his hand again. The question he asked hit him like a bucket of cold water. “What would you like me to do for you if you died?”
He couldn’t. He couldn’t lie to Georgia.
“I don’t like to think that I am capable of dying. I am indestructible.”
“Indestructible, not immortal,” Georgia stressed. “We are not gods.”
He gazed at the stars. When the entire city had electricity again, it would be difficult to speak to those who were now watching them from above.
He had to see the stars while he could.
“I wish we were. That way we would never die. ”
Georgia sighed and squeezed his hand lovingly. “Dying is not why we all think it is. I believe that real death is being forgotten.” She looked up at the stars too. Her dark eyes were illuminated by the moonlight. “That’s what I truly fear.”
He would have liked to tell her that he too was afraid of that death. To tell her that he was also absolutely afraid of being forgotten, and not at all of the idea of becoming another star in the sky.
But it would be lying.
And he couldn’t lie to Georgia.
“You’ve convinced me. I’m going to make you the promise you want.” Georgia squealed like a little girl and hugged him quickly. “But if I’m going to promise something, it has to be… stylish. With big words.”
“Wow, a ritual oath. I like it.”
The two of them sat across from each other. The only thing that was heard for a while was the sea waves. It no longer gave him the creeps at all. Hugh thought carefully about what he was going to say and Georgia couldn’t help but smile.
How could she find the beauty in such a morbid oath?
“Ready?” he asked.
Georgia straightened up and extended her little finger. “I was born ready.”
Hugh locked his pinky with hers. It felt like they were back to being the teenagers they were when they first met. They had both changed a lot. Georgia had longer hair, stronger muscles, and a less scared expression. However, she still had the same perfect smile and kind eyes as when he first saw her.
He wondered how he had changed.
Georgia got tired of waiting.
“Look, I’m feeling nice today, so I’m going to promise the same back to you, all right?” Georgia asked. “I’ll go first. I, Georgia Rawles, swear to my best friend Hugh Everhart, that if something happens to him, I will take care of his loved ones as if the same blood ran through our veins, as long as the sea and the mountains shall endure.” She gently placed her other hand over his fist and added, “But I also swear that I will never let him die. If he should fall, I will catch him.”
Hugh was left speechless. He could feel the tears about to come out of his eyes. Get a grip, Captain.
Georgia noticed immediately. “Are you crying?”
Hugh removed his mask and wiped away a tear. “Modern men are not afraid of their feelings.”
“What a sentimental softie.”
But she also had tears in her eyes.
Why were they like that?
He put the mask back on. It was his turn.
“Okay. I, Hugh Everhart, promise you— “ Shoot. “Um, I don’t want to copy you. For what would you like me to say instead of ‘mountain and sea’?”
“How about… the sun and the sky?”
It was perfect.
“Well well.” He took a breath. Here we go. “I, Hugh Everhart, swear to my best friend Georgia Rawles that if something happens to her, I will take care of her loved ones as if the same blood ran through our veins, as long as the sun and the sky shall endure.” He ignored his broken voice and put his hand over her fist, “But I also swear that I will never let her die. If she should fall, I will catch her.”
And if I ever break this promise, I have no idea what the hell I would do. 
Suddenly, a knife tore through the air violently and slammed into the light pole. They both broke free and backed away. Georgia was immediately on her guard, prepared to smash the face of anyone who dared throw the knife at them. Hugh leaned closer to get a better look at it. It had a dark green handle and a golden point. There was a folded paper at its end.
He opened the letter. Nightingale had more chaotic handwriting than usual.
Captain, the Savior has learned that Sandman has been the one who gives him nightmares and has sent a plague to finish him off. They need help right now.
“Indomitable,” he called her. “Look.”
Georgia took the letter from him. Her eyes widened. As soon as she finished reading it, they both turned to see each other.
Ace… Alec knew David had given him away. And he was going after him.
He had to do something.
“See you at headquarters.”
Georgia got in his way. Her face was more serious than ever. “No, I’ll go,” she sentenced.
“What? No, you won’t.”
“You will not arrive there running. Not on time,” she assured. “They need help right now.”
Hugh looked away. “But—”
“Hey, hey.” Georgia grabbed his chin again, with a love that only she had. “Remember. Not even the darkest of nightmares, the loneliest of nights, or the worst of troubles…”
He sighed and smiled for her.
“Can with the boldness, bravery, and joy of Lady Indomitable.”
She squeezed his nose playfully. “See you at headquarters.”
Hugh watched her fly away at top speed until she disappeared in the dark. He turned and ran back to headquarters. The rest of the team needed to know what was happening.
He could lie to everyone. But she couldn’t lie to Georgia.
Hugh had already made a promise. And he had to fulfill it.
I will catch you if you fall.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: My 22 Goals for 2019
Goal #1 — Spend More Time Doing What I Love I think we only have about 60% of the boxes unpacked, but the best part is all nervous energy is gone and I don’t even care that we’re sleeping on a mattress on the floor or that our stuff is strewn all over the house.  In another week or so things will be in their place, we’ll have a proper bed to sleep in and I’ll have found the hairdryer. Moving is super stressful, but all the hard stuff is over now {well, the HH does still have to put the treadmill together but that’s his problem, not mine}. 😉 Goal #2 — Garden, Garden, Garden The color pallet for the front garden at the new place is going to be blue, pink, white and green. I’ve already ordered 200 white, and 200 pink tulip bulbs as well as 500 tiny grape hyacinth {muscari} to plant in the front flower bed. {Don’t you think that’s a dreamy color combination?} Now all I need to do is hunt down 9 blue hydrangea plants and about 36 baby gem boxwoods and I’ll be good to go. Oh, and maybe one or two pink common hibiscus for the tall corner in the front. And then HEY… I can settle in for winter and worry about the rest later. 😉 Also, I thought I’d mention that Botanical Interests is offering 30% off seeds right now in case you wanted to do a little late fall/winter sowing. {I’ll be planting a bunch of poppy seeds just before the first hard freeze}. Goal #3 — Plant an Orchard {Calling it Quits on this one.} I never did get around to planting an orchard, but Lemon and all but 2 of her babies survived the journey and the new place has a plum tree so that part is good. And, I think there might be room for an espalier tree or two at the back of the new house so I may get an orchard after all. But, it wouldn’t be planted until next spring. Goal #4 — Gussy Up the Potting Shed Done! I left the potting bench but took the party lights with me. Goal #5 — Grow Enough Extra Vegetables, Eggs and Flowers to Earn $1500 at my little roadside vegetable stand. It was totally my intention to grow a ton of fruits and vegetables to sell at the farm-stand when I made my list of goals for 2019 last winter, but then we moved. So, that whole goal was sort of a bust. The new peeps wanted the vegetable stand, and we were happy to leave it for them since it was made specifically to match the front of the house, so hopefully the tradition will continue. Goal #6 — Finish Every Single Unfinished Rug Hooking Project in My Pattern Bin + 10 Things from back Issues of Magazines/Books I’ve Been Meaning to Make.  I finally finished the turkey rug I’ve been working on the past few weeks along with a few other things and I was able to upload them to my Etsy shop this weekend. I also hooked another pumpkin and a cat head and will try to get those listed along with some new wool bundles later this week. I still have a ton of things to hook if I’m going to meet my goal of clearing out my pattern bin, but I think once November and December roll around, the HH won’t be able to pry me off the couch because I’ll be in full on hooking mode and I’ll be able to finish all my rugs by the end of the year. 73 rugs in my pattern bin {now down to 34} 183 hooked flowers {finished 133, now down to 51} 10 “things” from back issues of magazines {finished 0} Goal #7 — Create 12 New Rug Hooking Patterns {with at least half of them being large ones} DONE! So far this year I’ve added 12 new rug hooking patterns and 13 beginner rug hooking kits to my Etsy shop. New rug hooking patterns I’ve created and added to My Etsy Shop this year: Tullia and Thomas Turkey Double Nantucket Whale Runner Miss Henny and Penny Miss Penny Simple Kitty Primitive Flowers 2 Fat Cats Annabell’s Big Day Old Fashioned Double Tulip Fat Brown Hen Busy Little Bee Queen Bee Rug Hooking Kits Busy Little Bee {in 2 different colors} Folk Art Heart Small Nantucket Whale Primitive Crow Miss Robin {in 2 different colors} Simple Kitty Primitive Flowers Sunflowers A Basket of Spring Posies Fat Brown Hen Chicky’s Garden Goal #8 — Split and Stack 2 Cords of Wood for Next Winter  All that firewood! We sold it. 😉 Goal #9 — Do Something with the 5,002 Photos on My Phone Current number of photos on phone is 10 million. Goal #10 –Lose the Muffin Top I went out for a walk yesterday and guess what I spotted… A little hello from Mrs. HB. Hahaha! I still think it’s weird there are people walking the streets and picking their teeth. Why can’t they do this in the privacy of their own homes? WHY!? WHY!? I just don’t understand. *The shoes are made by DuckFeet style: Jylland {you can get a $30 off coupon HERE}. Someone always asks.  Goal #11 — Run, Walk or Crawl a 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon Hey! I have picked out not only a 5k Turkey Trot but a half marathon as well. Looks like this goal will be wrapped on Thanksgiving. Saaaweet! Goal #12 — Read or Listen to 26 New Books {17 down, 8 to go} I finished Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and highly recommend it. And also requested a few more audiobooks. Currently on Request: I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron Mr. Churchill’s Secretary by Susan Elia MacNeal The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Books I’ve Read or Listened to So Far This Year: Marilla of Green Gables #1 Still my favorite The Great Alone #2 The Aviator’s Wife #3 Before We Were Yours #4 Secrets of a Charmed Life #5 Where’d You Go, Bernadette #6 Carnegie’s Maid #7 The Gown #8 Unbroken #9 The Alice Network #10 The Shape of Mercy #11 Will’s Red Coat #12 Big Little Lies #13 Bunny Mellon  {Doesn’t count because it was my second time} On Writing {Doesn’t count because it was my third time} Walden Finder’s Keepers Delicious! Following Atticus Goal #13 — Try 52 New Recipes. 24 down, 30 recipes to go. OCTOBER. October is going to be my month for cooking! Goal #14 — Clean Up 52 Old Recipes on the Blog 9 down, 44 to go. I’ll get crackin’ once fall {and cooler temps} come around. Goal #15 — Fill 100 Canning Jars 48 down, 52 to go. I won’t be able to get any canning done in the next few weeks but I am planning on getting some jam on the shelves for us to use on toast as well as to give away this Christmas. I’ll probably need at least another month to get settled in though. Oh! And get this. The new house has a root cellar… AND the perfect spot for storing canned goods. 😉 I’ll have to show you the space when I get some time. So far this year I’ve I canned: 7 jars Peach Jam 7 jars of Strawberry Jam 15 jars of Carrot Cake Jam 15 jars of Spiced Pear Jam  4 jars of Almond Pears. Goal #16 — Finish Furnishing Our House So here’s the funny thing…. Even though we sold the old house and a boatload of furniture, I am still keeping this goal. I already have my eye on some pieces for the family room and then all I need is a new bed and we’re good to go. The new place is much smaller than the old one and so getting the entire house furnished by the end of the year, is going to be a snap. High five for downsizing. Goal #17 – 52 Dates with the HH {28 down, 24 to go} We went to a fancy-schmancy restaurant to celebrate.  😉 Goal #18 — Take One Adult Education Class Done {I’ve taken 3!} I’m keeping the first class I took with my neighbor top secret for now {Mel know’s what it is though} 😉 Spoon Carving Class with Heather. Mini pottery lesson {I loved it! and now I want to sign up for a full class} Goal #19 — Secret {for now} Holiday Project The big reveal will be on Friday, November 1st. So now you know why I had to push back the date on the big reveal. I have all the supplies on hand to get started and my practice piece done, but I still have boxes to unpack and the need to get the majority of the house in order before I start on the main holiday project as its going to need it’s own little assembly line set up. Goal #20 — Create 12 Wowie Zowie Party Platters 5 down, 7 to go. Finally! I made some pickety bits. 😉 Goal #21 — Visit 12 General Stores 8 down 4 to go. So far this year we’ve visited: Chase’s Daily {I think it should count} Squam Lake Marketplace Harrisville General Store Dodge’s Store in New Boston, New Hampshire Zeb’s General Store in North Conway, New Hampshire Dan and Whit’s in Norwich, Vermont Hussey’s General Store in Windsor, Maine Goal #22 — Compete with Carole….. Get on My Front Door Game On I can still compete with Carole from afar, right? Once we get closer to Halloween I’ll hang Mrs. HB’s spectacular Halloween wreath she sent me. But for now, I’ll settle for a few pumpkins and a swag of Indian corn on the door. Front Door Bling I’ve Made So Far This Year to Compete with Carole: Late January : Valentine Heart Late February : Shamrock Late March : Giant Carrot May: White wave petunia hanging basket June/July: Tin Star and Flag Bunting August : Sunflower September: Indian corn and pumpkins ************** How about YOU? What are your goals for 2019? If you told us about them HERE, check in! We want to know how you are doing. Because seriously, it’s so much easier to get those goals checked off your list when you have people rooting for you! 🙂 Have a great day everyone, Mavis You can read more about my 22 goals for 2019 HERE. Have a Great Day! The post – Week 38 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month. This content was original published at One Hundred Dollars a Month and is copyrighted material. If you are reading this on another website it is being published without consent.          Comments So many questions…. *did Girl go with you? *oh no! Like ... by tia in boise A series on HOW you got rid of stuff would be helpful -garage ... by Anne The grape hyacinth image is lovely and reminds me of the ... by Mel Me too. I have been busy but somehow I must have missed that ... by Ginger Ha-ha! Yes, will HH be firing up the grill. by Ginger Plus 5 more... Related Stories – Week 39 of 52 – Week 37 of 52 – Week 36 of 52 #12GoalsForTheNewYear
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/my-22-goals-for-2020
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johnnys-silky-hair · 7 years
"I will be okay as long as you don't ask me to smile."
Soulmate!AU | Female Reader
Genre: Angst, slight fluff
Member: Lu Han
P.O.V: First person.
Warnings: This is kinda long. Maybe one or two curses but that’s it.
A/N: Is really important to the story that you guys know that this is from the point of view of a children who is growing up! That’s why she talks so much about her mom, and then she started to describe things better etc. English is not my first language so please let me know if there is any spelling mistakes.
*NOT MY GIF* This gif is adorable btw!!!
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I always saw stories about people saying “I was the last of my friends to found out my soulmate.” or “I always wondered how having a soulmate was like.” But it was never like this to me. I found my soulmate even before I had conscious about what a soulmate was. 
 “Honey, go say hi.” My mom said while trying to jerk me off of her leg while I hide behind her. 
I was staring at a very good-looking boy and he seemed to be my age. He didn’t hide behind his mother legs different from me. He bravely stared at me with curious eyes.
“Mom, she is different.” He said while looking up at his mom. Something about the way he sounded while saying it made me really angry, and I looked at my mom with an angry frown as if I was asking her permission to make trouble. “Smile, Y/N! Don’t be like that!” She said obviously denying my ask and I looked at him again. 
I walked at him with heavy stomps and raised up my left hand, he examined my hand and smiled when he holds it, then I carried him to my room. Everytime my mom brought other kids here it was because she wanted me to play with them, and I did it even when I didn’t like the other person, just because I wanted to obey my mom. I just wasn’t really good at smiling and looking nice.
While I pushed him towards my room I feel that he was really heavy -what was weird because he looked really skinny and tall- but it was probably because he was walking really slowly.
“Did you heard them?” He said while pointing to the back when we got inside my room.
“What?” I never pay attention to what my parents or anyone older say to each other. When they talk to each other is like they got inside their own world’s and I am an outsider.
“They said that our soulmate something’s is already acting up so soon.” He said happy but he didn’t seem to really understand what he was talking about.
“What thing?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t hear.” I shrugged and put a bunny on his hands. 
 “You shouldn’t listen to anything adults talk to each other.” He looked confused and I interrupted him before he asked why. “This is Pun. He is a boy-bunny and he needs to see the doctor.” I explained the blue stuffed bunny on his hands, that looked purple because it was dirty. Pun had his better days. 
He put his finger on the eye spot in the left side of the bunny, were should have a pink button. Already guessing why it need to see a doctor. “Why is it a boy? It was a flower on its ear.” He said while I was searching for the doctor, also known as my pink bear with lipstick. 
“What one thing has to do with the other?” I sat with my legs crossed and taking all my toys out of the box and he sat next to me. 
 “Flowers are for girls, duh.” I glared at him for this “duh” he didn’t seem to know that if was offensive. 
“Why so??” I didn’t agree with him, but maybe it was something from here and my mom said I shouldn’t be rude to the different things they do in this country to ours. 
He frowned like if I just said something stupid and he kept squirming his lips like if he was going to say something but didn’t know what 
“You’re weird.” I made an exaggerated sigh with his answer, he clearly was the stupid one here, not me. 
 He jumped a bit when I suddenly got closer to him and grabbed a bunch of his hair. I held his wicks to the front. It looked kind of cute. 
“See? I made a flower right here and you still are a boy!” He just exclaimed an annoyed “Yah” while brushing my hand out of his hair, but he didn’t have anything to say in his defense. He got angry because I won. 
We played for hours. But we argue all the time. He didn’t let me put make up on him, he said I was too ugly to be a princess when I wore my special dress and he even made fun of my height when I told him I was his age but he was a lot taller.
“Luhan, let’s go home. ” His mom said from the door interrupting us as we fight. 
We looked at her and when we looked at each other again we didn’t look angry anymore. I didn’t like him but we were playing right now, he could go a little bit later. 
 But I didn’t say that, I felt like he was waiting me to ask his mother if he could stay because he kept looking at me as he got up. 
“Say goodbye to Y/N, Luhan.” She said. Oh, his name was Luhan. We didn’t ask all this time. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.” He said shyly and he also noticed he only found out my name now. He bowed and I only waved slowly at him, remembering later that I should have bowed too.
“Mom, that was the most annoying kid I ever met! He said-” I was complaining while sitting in my bed while my mom was bringing my blankets.
“You say that about everyone, Y/N” She said while smiling and putting my legs back in the bed so I could lay down.
“But this one is seriously the worst. He say an lot a of dumb things.”
“But he is really handsome isn’t him?” My mom jokingly wiggled her eyebrows and I stopped talking to think about it.
“He kinda… Looks like a princess.” I said with a much softer voice and my mom jerked her head to the back from laughter.
“Yeah, I guess he does looks a bit like a girl. Don’t tell anybody​ I said that.” My mom said putting a finger in front of her lips and blinking.
My first day at school a lot of people surrounded me to ask a bunch of questions. My mom said that it would happen because it was really common but it still scared me.
Everyone asked about where I was from, how was the place where I was from and also, if it’s true that I already found out my soulmate. Even the teacher asked about the soulmate thing and it was super weird. All of them always made sure to tell when they meet their soulmate, even when I did not ask.
“Woooow! I meet mine when I was 21!”, “I meet mine when I was 16”, “I meet mine when I was 13.” I meet mine when I was still a baby.
My mom said that she was meeting a friend of hers that also had a baby so we both could have a play date.
She put me at his side when suddenly me and Luhan started crying a lot, and when they looked we had tattoos on our wrists that wasn’t there before.
The tattoos should be the first thing we said to each other. And the tattoos were “Aaaaaa” because we were crying.
Luhan was from my class, what was even worse! They pushed us together, screamed “Kiss! Kiss!” and teased us saying that we were dating, but we weren’t even friends yet. And some of them didn’t like that I was from other country and they picked on me.
I cried in my mom’s lap when I got in home while telling her about it. Then her cellphone rang and I heard Luhan’s mom asking if I was okay, because Luhan was crying a lot and he didn’t knew why. I didn’t understand.
After a while I started to get a lot of scars and bruises that I didn’t knew how I get them, and my mom told me that whenever Luhan got hurt, I would get hurt too.
“Whaaat?? Why??” I asked indignant, that sounded so unfair. My mom laughed at my face and I felt even more angry.
“Because you two are soulmates! If you get hurt, he get’s hurt. If he get’s hurt, you get hurt. You two are made for each other.”
“I don’t want to have a soulmate then! If he dies i will die too?” I whined and my mom’s smile faded.
“No, but you will be alone.”
“My dad was your soulmate too, mom?”
“Yes, it was. Of course.”
Luhan always told me everything he found out about the soulmate thing, but he always knew about it after I did already. Even when I told him “I already know” he kept talking as if he was super smart.
“They probably told you first because you are a girl. It’s more difficult for them to talk to a boy about it.” He said and I rolled my eyes. Why do I even talk to him?
“Why do you think that?” He shrugged as always.
“Y/N, why are you so angry?” This is something I heard a lot. I always frown in confusion by their question and they always jump in surprise thinking is an angry frown.
“I am not angry!” I sounded angry while saying that.
I remembered my mom telling me about how I should smile.
“Luhan, do you think I should smile more?” The only friend I have is my mom, and I am sure she would say yes, obviously. So the only person left to me to ask is him.
He kept silent while playing with Pun and I waited while he thought about it. 
“I don’t know.” He cocked his head to the side. “You look uglier when you don’t smile, but is kinda of funny when people are trying to make you laugh and you don’t.” 
I threw one of my big bear plushie - remember myself to apologize to him (my plushie) later- at him and felt my eyes tear up with rage. 
He is always telling me I am ugly, if he is my soulmate means someday he will be my husband. He should think I am the prettiest girl in the world. 
He looked at me and I hide my face so he wouldn’t see me cry, but he already knew because when I cry he cries too, so he ran to my direction and tried to hold my face but I didn’t let him. 
“Are you crying?” He kept asking while trying to hold me but I kept brushing him away. “You know I am!! Don’t be stupid!” He holds my face with his two hands and I tried not to look at him, but I saw his tears on his cheeks, that it was kind of my tears. 
His face also looked like if he was sad, but he didn’t know why I was crying and I didn’t want to tell him. “A boy can’t let a girl cry.” He is only worried about his boyish things again. 
“But you are the one who is making me cry.” I pushed him and he let me go, this time I could feel the way he felt hurt. 
“My dad is going to feel so disappointed on me.” He said looking down and I felt guilty. When my mom is disappointed with me I feel terrible, so I know how he feels. 
I dried my own tears with the back of my right hand and patted his head with my left hand. He probably felt happy when I did that, because I felt a better sensation on my heart and then he laid his head on my lap. But I was different of happiness, it was better. 
“I’m sorry.” He sounded robotic while saying and I felt guilty. “You don’t need to smile more. If you don’t want to… ” I sighed feeling relief, and then he was sleeping. 
When his mom came searching for him it was embarrassing, she put her hand on her mouth and called my mom, and both of them screamed-whispered that it was really cute. 
“Smile, Y/N! Smile!!” My mom said while holding a camera to take a picture.
Luhan always complained a lot about everything, but today he was even more grumpy. He was literally pouting to me.
“What?” I screamed out of nowhere at his face when he was staring at me, my intention was scare him but it didn’t work out.
“You, were smiling to other guys. You don’t smile with me and he is not even funny.” He said and I frowned. He is annoyed at me because I was smiling​?? My mom love it when I smile.
“So what?? He is funny, didn’t you see what he did?” I was talking about a boy younger than us called Chanyeol, he was always screaming and jumping around and everyone agreed that he is funny.
“But they say a girl looks prettier when she smiles, why are you trying to look pretty to other guys when you are dating me?”
“Why do- uh?” I was going to start a discussion about why would a girl be trying to look pretty by just smiling but I got shocked. Since when am I dating you??? Why and who said that???
He kept waiting me say something but I just stay there with my mouth open and eyes wide and he started to feel embarrassed.
“Stop that you look ugly with that face.” He said looking at the ground and I fixed my face for an annoyed one but still surprised.
“We are soulmates so this means we will marry, so we should date. My dad said that. So you should smile just to me.” He said pouting and walked away from me.
I stayed there and again my mouth slowly was opening in an “O” and I tried to hold my smile. My mom will be so happy. All day I smiled while remembering it, but I tried to hold in the smile every time a boy was near so he wouldn’t complain.
“Luhan, shouldn’t you propose to me like the princes do?” I asked him when he were in my room.
“What princes?” He said from my bed.
“The ones from the movies.” I was in my closet searching for my princess dress.
“Because I am not a prince.” He said smiling and I rolled my eyes, he is always trying to be the cool one.
“If you will marry me you will be one day” I said putting my dress over my normal clothes.
“You are not a princess.”
“That’s because you didn’t propose me yet! I’m waiting. ” I said laughing and stomping my feet on the ground and he laughed too, and it was not a mean laugh!
“Okay, I will be real man and propose you! Huh… Which one of them… Should I, do you want me to do?” He said and I could see he didn’t know what to do, but he didn’t wanted to show.
I ran to my DVD sections while humming and brought all of them to the bed.
“What is your favorite one?” Luhan asked and I love when people asked it.
“Is Cinderella!” I said jumping and showing him Cinderella’s DVD.
“Then I could put a shoe on you and that’s it!” He said excited as well.
“…No. After that they would dance too…” I said and blushed imagining. I don’t want to dance with him, it would be too embarrassing. Our faces would be too close.
I looked down while passing the DVD’s. My face was blushing just from seeing Snow White and Aurora, because they would involve kiss…
“WOW! YOU LOOK SO MUCH LIKE AURORA!” I screamed when I saw her face in the DVD.
He is so beautiful and he is always laying on my bed. No wonder why I always thought he looked like a princess.
He made an angry face. “But she is a girl!!” He said taking the DVD in his hands.
“Ah, well, but she is pretty right? You should take that as a compliment because I like princess so much.” I said taking the DVD out of his hands, I don’t want to fight right now. Not when he decided to propose me and I can finally be a princess.
“You look like Peter Pan too! Woow! You look like everybody!” I said when I spot the DVD and this time he seemed happy.
“Peter Pan is nice.” He smiled taking the DVD out of my hands and I kept looking through the others DVD’s.
“Wow, lucky you to be so pretty. I wish I looked like someone too.” I said to myself hoping he wouldn’t listen.
“You are pretty. You could be Wendy.” He said and I smiled.
“But she is not a princess.”
In the end he kept saying that if Cinderella was my favorite then I should be Cinderella.
He took one of my shoes, knelt down and we both pretended to be surprised when it fit. We chose to let the dance to the day of our marriage. And every time someone asked how we started dating we told the Cinderella story.
We never kissed each other, we never hugged. We already held hands but it was uncomfortable, he held my hands because he said that he needed to do that because he was manly. And then he broke up with me.
He said “I found out that you don’t need exactly to date your soulmate, I heard about some people who married other people’s, so we don’t need to be dating!”
We were only dating because we felt like it was our obligation. But I didn’t knew he dated me because of it, I just realized now that he said that while smiling. And then run to other girl.
I told my mom that and she was so angry she almost called his mom, but I said I would be sad if she did so.
I wasn’t sad, I was angry. Or a mix of that, I don’t know.
I remember that he looked at other girls and always said things like “why don’t you do that to your hair? Why don’t you put make up? Why don’t you light your skin? Why don’t you wear that?” And all those things.
I don’t want somebody who cares about looks to be my prince. Princes are always super kind and only think that the princess is pretty if she is pretty on the inside too.
Everyone started to look down on him on school and he was super romantic saying he didn’t care about what everyone said because he liked her.
But it’s okay. There is princess with no princes, they are just strong princess.
Even if we both hate to admit, we are friends. I really hate everything he says, he says a lot of stupid things but for some reason we are alway talking to each other. We are not close friends, we are not best friends with love/hate relationship. We are just two people who knows each other and talk to each other to complain about things.
I was laying in the floor of my room and he was laying on my bed.
I was thinking about all the stories about my mom and my dad. All the nice soulmate stories. She said she was confused in if she should tell me or not. She said I was too young to talk about soulmate but I was already feeling everything.
She said that when she was 13 her tattoo showed up on her wrist, her tattoo is “Are you going to eat this?” And she said she was already in love with him just with the thought of him being the kind of person who would ask a stranger for its food.
She met him when she was 23 at the subway and she was holding a sandwich while waiting for the train. She was looking through her purse searching for her cellphone when somebody stopped in front of her and said the magic words -as she describes- while pointing at her sandwich.
 She said that if it wasn’t her soulmate she would abruptly say “of course I will”, but when she realized it was her soulmate and saw how super handsome he was she opened a big smile, put her sandwich inside her purse and said “Yes, i will. But if you are hungry you can eat me out for dinner. Or eat a dinner with me, you choose.”
After that she said that my disgusted and surprised face was exactly my father’s one, and that we looked a lot a like. My mom even told me my father felt the same pain as her when he took her virginity and that he cried, that was when I screamed at her to stop telling me.
So my mom is super flirty and nasty and my dad was innocent and a goofy who loved to eat. It sounded like a cute combination to me.
But me and Luhan.
Well, one day I just woke up and I already knew Luhan for years.
Everybody laugh when they see “Aaaaaa” on our wrists.
It would be nice if it had romance, but we don’t like each other.
“Luhan, you think that if we didn’t meet when we were babies, if we meet when we were grown up…” I felt he looking at me curious “we would have fallen in love?”
He laughed. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?” I frowned confused about why would he be so sure.
“You’re not my type.” He sounded so disgusted while saying that it actually hurt me. I don’t like him, of course, but it was still rude.
“Well, when you like someone things like ideal types don’t matter. If we are soulmate this means we would fall in love anyways.” I said scared to sound cheesy.
“How do you know that?” He asked in his usual annoyed tone.
“Because I’ve fallen in love for someone who isn’t my type before.”
“You shouldn’t even have a type.” I rolled my eyes. If he even thought about things.
It annoyed me to see how Luhan was desperate to find a girlfriend other than me.
He was good-looking, it was not hard even for girls who had soulmate to give their soulmate up for him.
But it never worked. Or they got back to their soulmate or they just didn’t work out with him.
And every time you felt him looking at you and considering you two together he looked away, and you wondered what was wrong with you for him to deny you so much.
His despair was no joke, to the point that when after dating a lot of girls, and I mean a lot, when he got frustrated over so many break-ups he decided to marry.
I was on their marriage and i was fucking mad. It was not news the fact that i was always serious and looked angry all the time, but this is a really good reason.
This is a joke.
I watched her walking down the aisle in his direction, his face did not look happy. It was not the look of a man who knew he was going to have a good life full of love. It was not only because you loved romance and cute stories.
That should be me.
We are soulmates, that means that we were born to die with each other​, we are perfect to each other and we have the same soul.
But he never wanted to try. There was those moments when he randomly was looking at me with caring eyes, felt jealous over my male friends, smiled just after seeing me smiling, complimented my looks. So why not?
I always thought​ that i should be patient. If we are soulmates the destiny will make whatever it need to do so we can be together, I don’t need to try.
But then, I just blinked and they kissed each other already. Now she is Mrs. Lu.
“Y/N, smile. Don’t be like that, that’s rude.” My mom whispered at my side.
My lips trembled as I tried to force a smile, but the more I tried to smile more my lips hurt to force down and I felt pathetic. It makes me almost cry.
“I can’t take the risk to ruin the broom’s make up.” I whispered back. My mom made a sad face and patted my head, but I brushed her hand away so no one would notice me.
It's been years since I last saw him. But I still felt his sadness and pain and he felt mine, so we kept contact. I always was asking him what was wrong because I felt his pain very frequently. We all can guess why.
We meet again and it was Christmas, I meet his two kids, a boy and a girl and I didn’t have kids to show him. I didn’t wanted him to think I never had no one so I said I only dated but never married because it didn’t work out.
I never moved out of my house, he was the one who moved out.
My mom passed away and I kept everything in the same way it was always.
He was surprised and amused when he got back, I didn’t even remember seeing him looking this purely happy from a long time.
We sat on the balcony while his wife and children’s were inside the house.
Me and him still fight so much, but this time doesn’t sound sincere like it was always. Now is just those funny forced fights because… We missed it.
We look just like an old couple of married grandpas and we know.
“Look at our mother’s face!” We both laughed while I pointed at the picture in the album. Both our mom’s holding us next to each other when we were babies. Showing the recent marked small wrists with “Aaaaaa” and our mother’s happy faces while we cried.
“And this one is because my mom was super happy that it was the first time a bruise you had showed up in me!” I explained the photo. It was me sitting on the ground with my knees purple and my angry frown while I pouted. I didn’t understand why my mom was taking a photo that time but now I am grateful.
“Your classic angry face! I missed it” He laughed pointing too and I ignored the “I missed it” part.
“This one is my favorite!” I jumped in my seat with this next pay photo. My face was pout and confused, all red and full of tears while Luhan slept on my lap and my hand on his hair.
“That day was so cute.” I smiled passing my hands in the photo, suddenly feeling aware about how old we are.
“Yes, I remember. You consoled me after I made you cry. ” He half smiled while shaking his head in denial.
“That was when I first had a crush on you. I just didn’t admit to myself. ” He said and I wided my eyes in surprise. But did not said anything and put the next photo, I could feel him frustrated as I ignored his confessions.
After that it was a photo of me with my princess dress and him at my side with our arms linked. I was smiling in that photo and I was the one who asked my mom to take it. I said it was a “Prom photo” I don’t remember why,. It was the day Luhan and I started dating, with the Cinderella proposal and everything.
We didn’t say anything anymore as we looked at all the photos, we just enjoyed them. But it was only photos of our childhood.
When the album ended we kept looking straight to the front in an awkward silence. I started to feel angry again. I wanted him to apologize. I could have been happy if he had given me a chance, I never asked for a chance either. I am just angry things are like this.
“Dad, dad, she doesn’t want to give me back my car!!” His kids ran next to us. The little boy was pointing at his sister who was playing with the little car the boy won for Christmas.
“If you don’t learn how to share Santa will not give you presents next year!” He said with a caring voice and the boy whined.
“You uglie! Cars are not toys for girls.”
“Why not?” The sister screamed and Luhan looked at me with wide eyes, open mouth and a hand of his heart as who said “Are you seeing this??” And I jerked my head to the back from laughing.
“Girls can do everything boys do.” Luhan said and I shaked my head positively. All those years talking to him worked.
“Boys can do the same things girls do too, right?” He asked and sighed in relief when his dad confirmed.
 I looked at Luhan with caring eyes happy that he couldn’t see me.
“Did you see that? She was just like you back there!” Luhan said when they ran back to inside the house.
“I saw it! I was so proud.” I said and he smiled.
“Soulmates, that’s why.” He whispered probably to himself.
“I should… ” He started talking and didn’t end his sentence, and I asked him again worried because I felt a pain I’m my chest. “I should have stayed with you. I really belonged to you. What was I thinking?” He whispered and rubbed his face feeling tense.
I blinked and layed back on my chair. “Yeah, you should. ” I hesitated but pated his head. I felt my eyes tear up, with his tears. But he hold them back.
“I love you, okay? I always did. I should have said sooner.” He said with a bitter smile without looking at me. I felt like crying from frustration.
His wife and two kids were in my house, in my empty house that i spent alone missing him all my life, and now he says he loves me. I felt like hitting and cursing at him, then hugging him and asking for everything to start again.
“I always loved you too. I still do.” I tried to smile but I couldn’t.
I wanted to find out how was his relationship with his dad, I wanted to talk to him about why I loved princess so much, I wanted to have my first kiss with him and I wanted to have kids with him too. I wanted him to think I was the prettiest in the world and I wanted him to be the reason I would smile more. But it was too late.
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