#especially sprite^2s
superxstarzz · 2 months
guys I love the sprites sm I wish they were used more
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hskinhome · 1 year
hi!! can i get a shufflemancy for my davepeta canon in general, and another one for my relationship (not romatic dw 👍) with jasprose? if you cant do two shufflemancies just the general canon one is fine ^^
Sure thing! I’ll do your timeline first, then your relationship with Jasprosesprite^2! It'll be under the cut as well!
Seventeen / MARINA
No, no, I'm not your little slave
No, I don't twist and turn that way
Only got bad things to say
You're always asking what is up, up with me
You were highly rebellious, sometimes at the cost of your friendships. They didn’t always think the best of you, but you didn’t want to be controlled by their thoughts and opinions.
I Am Not Alone / Steam Powered Giraffe
I'm taking the time now to do the things
That I couldn't do before
I can do it by myself now
But it's comforting to know you're always there
You were emotional support to Jasprosesprite^2, and she was also there for you. You helped each other through challenging moments, especially when figuring out your identity as sprite^2s.
I hope these help you, so please let me know if they do!
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Oh..hi Roomie!
Important drive thru questions:
Which BTS member:
1. Orders for you at the drive thru?
2. Let's you order (but drives)?
3. Let's you drive and order?
4. Orders from your lap, leaned out of his seat on the passenger side?
5. Can't make up their mind where they want to go but "doesn't want" to go wherever you suggest?
6. Begs to go that one specific place?
7. Goes to the Sonic and tries to order something NOT on the menu?
8. Would have sex with you, in the drive thru?
(Orrrrr maybe just fondle and fool around with you. Regardless of time of day OR crowd?)
Aaaahh, not the drive-thru! 🤣 I got so excited about this one! Hope I do our special drive-thru experiences justice, Roomie! Now, let's see what's on the menu...
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Q: Which BTS member orders for you at the drive thru? A: Hobi
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"Two #2s," Hobi calls out to the speaker, "one with a Diet Coke, and one with Sprite." He drums his fingers on the steering wheel and turns to you with a funny grin. "Both, animal style." The broken speaker squawks some sort of message to you. Hobi smiles and says, "Thanks!" As you roll forward, you blink at him owlishly. It's not a hard order, but how did he know? "I guess I internalized it somehow," Hobi reflects, nodding and readjusting his rearview mirror. He turns to you, sunk and sullen in the front seat, Hobi picking you up from work in the middle of a blah kind of day. "How about you call in, and we eat these parked up at the arboretum?" he asks. "Would that make you feel better?" You smile at him, and it's lucky that he has the wherewithal to slam on the brakes when you lunge forward to kiss him, surprising the attendant at the the window. Hobi's sunshine will always, always make you feel better.
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Q: Lets you order (but drives)? A: Jin
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"On that little bacon cheeseburger, can you add lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, aaaaaand---" You scan the Five Guys condiments menu just to make sure you haven't missed anything. "Hot sauce?" you finish. "Sure. So that's the little bacon cheeseburger, the little cheeseburger, two drinks, and two Cajun Style fries," the speaker repeats. "No, one Cajun style, and one regular," you clarify. You turn to Jin, who just watches you with a fond smile. "We need to mix it up. So much spice in the Cajun fries," you add, scrunching your nose. "A perfect order," Jin tells you. "Especially with you leaned over me like that." He reaches for your chest, fondling your tits and licking his lip at your visible cleavage. "Mmm. Maybe I should cancel my order and just eat you instead," he jokes, eyes nearly making griddle marks upon staring at your boobs. "What was that? Cancel the order?" the speaker asks. "NO!!" you both yell in starved unison, before turning to each other and laughing so hard that you miss the total amount due.
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Q: Lets you drive and order? A: Jimin
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"Can't wait for them spicy nuggs," you chirp, dancing a little in your seat. Jimin just smirks at you, the radio playing the latest sexy banger in the background. He strokes his leg as he watches your hips curving, even if it is just for some late-night meal that you decided to get on a whim. "So cute," he mutters, delighted in the way you're enjoying yourself. "You'll change that opinion of me once you watch me down these nuggets," you say. Jimin laughs. "Visual evidence of meat going down your throat? I don't think that would change my opinion at all," he points out, unclicking his seat belt. "What are you doing?" you ask smiling at him. He wiggles in his seat, too. He looks ahead at the long line of cars. "Just getting more comfortable," he tells you innocently.
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Q: Orders from your lap, leaned out of his seat on the passenger side? A: Taehyung
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"Two! Oreo! McFlurries!" Taehyung yells, his chain grazing your thigh. You stifle the laughs that keep bobbing to the surface, tickled by that cold chain on your skin, as well as by the way Taehyung's wild eyes are staring at the screen. "Apple pies?" the speaker crackles back at you. "NO! TWO! OREO! MCFLURRIES!" Taehyung practically screams, so frustrated that he scratches his head. "Oh, sorry, ice cream machine is down," the speaker crackles back. Taehyung whimpers and mashes his face into your thigh. You laugh and call back, "Alright, thanks anyway." Taehyung mumbles as you drive, something about "all I wanted after a long day" and "don't ask for much" and "this was the one thing". You stay silent, letting him have his pity party, because he's been so generous when you've had yours. When he realizes you're back on the road, he sits up and looks at you. "Where are we going?" he asks. "DQ," you say. You raise your eyebrows. "They have Oreo blizzards." Taehyung mashes his face into your thigh again, peppering you with a flurry of kisses. "Thank you! Ah, I love you, jagi. You're the best."
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Q: Can't make up their mind where they want to go but "doesn't want" to go wherever you suggest? A: Yoongi
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"Ugh, really?" he whines, still not moving after the light has turned green. It doesn't matter. It's nearly 3 AM, and no one's on the road. "It's one of the only places still open," you laugh. He sighs. "But Taco Bell is barely food, let alone Mexican food." You purse your lips together, trying not to laugh through this whole conversation. "OK, well the only things around here that are still open are Taco Bell, White Castle---" Yoongi interrupts you with another long, dissatisfied groan. "IHOP---" "They don't have a drive-thru!" Yoongi complains. The light turns yellow again, and you can't help but chuckle at Yoongi's melancholy frown. "What if we start with what you want to eat?" you ask. "What are you in the mood for?" He shrugs. "I dunno. Jalapeno poppers?" You brighten and smile to balance out that frown. "Jack in the Box is still open, too," you suggest. Yoongi beams at you. "Perfect." He lightly takes his foot of the brake, but you gasp. "Yoongi!" He looks up and sees that the light has turned red again. "Ugh, really???" he whines again, making you cackle.
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Q: Begs to go to that one specific place? A: Jungkook
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"What's the place? What's that with the burgers?" he asks, bouncing up and down in the passenger seat, both hands balled into excited fists, tongue tip sticking out of the corner. "That barely narrows it down," you chuckle, as you drive. "Uh, they also do those big milkshakes?" he tries. "We really should have figured this out before getting in the car," you laugh, watching him stare at each car that passes you by. "They do paper bags?" he asks, "Y'know, with those lines?" Now you're getting somewhere. "Lines," you say, thinking. "What color are they?" "I dunno. Pink? Or orange?" Your head snaps up. Orange. "Whataburger?" you ask. Jungkook's eyes widen, and he nods fervidly. "Yeah! What's That Burger!" he tries, making you snort. "A burger and a strawberry shake, right?" you ask, and he nods fervidly again. "Two burgers and shakes coming right up," you say, clicking on your left signal to make a U-turn. "Did we pass it already?" Jungkook asks. You look to your left, and you see that the Whataburger is right next to you, the entrance just on the other side of the median. "Nice!" Jungkook exclaims, leaning over and smooching you. "You always understand me, jagi."
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Q: Goes to the Sonic and tries to order something NOT on the menu? A: High Namjoon
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"Uhh, OK, I want..." Namjoon hangs out the back left window, words slipping out of him so lazily. You crack up as you remember how badly he wanted to be the one to order, but obviously, not the one to drive. His long arms reach out for the giant, lit window, almost as lit as he is. He clutches the metal where the speaker sits. "Do you have steak??" he yells. "No, sir, we don't," the speaker says back, for the eighth time. "Our menu choices are just above you. You can refer to that menu when placing your order." Namjoon's red eyes look back up at the menu. "Right. Right. Man, you have so many drinks." You guffaw. "It's kind of what we're known for, sir?" the speaker responds. "OK, uhhhh... wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute, uh, can I get..." He hums. "A PATTY MELT?" he screams suddenly, earning a giddy squeak from you, and a squeal of feedback from the speaker. "No, sir, please refer to the menu above you." Not wanting to run out of patience, and not wanting to get spit in your food, you roll down your window and take over. "We'll have two All-American dogs and two extra long cheesy tots, please," you answer. "Yessss!" Namjoon exclaims happily. "That's exactly what I wanted!" The person taking your order sighs with relief. After sharing your total, they quip, "Be right out." You roll up both windows for the wait, as Namjoon asks excitedly, "You think they'll bring the skates?" You smile at him in the rearview mirror. "Want me to ask?" He shakes his head. "No. I think they're mad at me." You turn around and smile at him. "Tell you what. When we get home, let's scarf these hot dogs down..." And then you eye him. "And then I'll scarf your hot dog down?" Namjoon's eyes widen. "Deal!"
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Q: Would have sex with you, in the drive thru? (Orrrrr maybe just fondle and fool around with you. Regardless of time of day OR crowd?) A: Jimin
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High Namjoon is too hungry, but he'll take you up on that hot dog/hot hog offer and return the favor later. Jungkook's hands are already dipping his fries in his open milkshake by the time you pull away, but his hands will be in a different box soon. Yoongi still won't be able to decide if he wants to eat you or the meal first when you get home. Taehyung wants to finish that Blizzard, saving somce ice cream to play with (with you). Jin hates car sex, way too cramped for all the crazy things he always wants to do to you. And Hobi just thinks things have their utility and place; cars are for riding and driving, and beds are best for fucking, and he wants to get you back safely so that you both can do that the minute you're home.
But Jimin.
Jimin, so eerily quiet on the drive up. Jimin, so focused on the way you place your order, lips moving around the words you say. Jimin, so naughty, and yet so, so nice. As nice as the fingers that are crawling up your thigh as you pull up to the window. "Jiminie," you coo, shooting him a warning look as you move up in line. "What?" he asks, feigning innocence. Just as quick as he undid his seatbelt, he undoes your fly somehow, and his hands slip into your flesh. "Jimin!" you gasp. Before you know it, you hear the click of the parking brake, and your seat is all the way back. Jimin is writhing on top of you, cock wet and hard from touching himself on the ride over here, and watching you in your everyday glory, so naturally sexy in the way you do things, from keying on the ignition to rolling down your window just so. He slams into you, car rocking on its axles, your whimpers floating outside. You barely hear -- and care -- when the overworked attendant shakes your order at you and knocks on the half-opened glass of your window, bellowing, "Sir! Ma'am! This is a Wendy's!!"
More Important Questions
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FMP further Research + GoogleDoc
Google doc w/ images - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iivVfNwRtf3Ynu4FAW7dbY6c598ptQXdeDZSH4mr4lQ/edit?usp=sharing
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll 1865)
Alice in Wonderland (1951 Film)
The film Alice in Wonderland, directed by Clyde geronimi, Wilfred Jackson and Hamilton luske is directly based off of the books written by Lewis Carrol and is my main inspiration for my FMP. The mad settings and scenarios that Alice finds herself in are very intriguing and interesting to turn into visual media and while rather bizarre can be extremely entertaining to think about. The two books Lewis Carroll created have been turned into films, tv shows and animations several times now, with different levels of dark atmosphere and humour. The disney version, while rather odd is defintely more light hearted and the main version I wish to base my FMP from; especially the Golden afternoon scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0lbfEb8MMk (that shows off both the odd flora as well as the weird creatures in Wonderland) and then the scenes containing the Cheshire cat, seeing as this character is both visually interesting and rather odd to look at.
Kitbull Pixar Short (2019 Film) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZS5cgybKcI&t=2s
Directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson, Kitbull was a Pixar animated short based around small feline and large pitbull becoming friends and leaving their old lives behind for a better one together. It’s a very sweet film and hits emotional beats extremely well. Compared to the usual 3D animation style that Pixar uses for their films, Kitbull is 2D digital animation with backgrounds being based off of 3d renders and the characters being hand drawn. The design is very simple compared to busy backgrounds which shows how small the characters are compared to the rest of the world and it lets us focus in on their story alone.
Spottedleafs plan - fake gameplay  (2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr6JwQuMMTA
Created by the youtube channel Surdi Oscen. Inspired by an ‘Alternative universe’ to the book series warrior cat’s - specifically by this speedpaint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q22TVczvqA . There was a different version where a voice was used but it was scrapped so that the animation used a ‘ding’ sound to indicate speech and it was decided to give a better effect. It's based on Ib and other RPG horror games that used to be popular- music choice even being used from the lb soundtrack  .
I’m mostly interested in the style of the ‘sprites’ used in the video, as they’re much simpler than the close up character and the lineless art helps focus on the characters designs and makes it very easy to look at.
Night in the Woods (2017)
Night in the Woods is a really intriguing game about the main character, Mae Borowski’s, life once she returns home from college. It’s a narrative driven casual game that has excellent writing and character interaction as well as visuals, created by Scott benson and Charles Huettner. The game works really well with colour and also has a dream world that’s vastly different to Mae’s normal life which can help inspire the themes of imagination contrasted to reality.  
Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse (film-2018)
A new film made by Sony, the Spider-Verse is an amazing film that’s been able to create a very unique style of art for it’s filmmaking, blending 3D animation with 2D drawings to convey a look akkin to comic books, popping with colour and having great dynamic scenes with interesting visuals. This is another alternative universe based story, with many characters that have similar powers, back stories etc. all working together ;which leads to some odd and interesting character dynamics.
I find the art direction beautiful in this film and I’ll definitely try and incorporate some of it into my fmp if possible.
Double King (animation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_MSFkZHNi4
An animation created by Felix Colgrave, Double King is an interesting animation due to the fact it was basically planned as the actual process went on. 2D digitally animated, Felix colgrave basically went on with the story as he animated, so there was very little planning to it apart from what he came up with at the time of creating frames. Despite this, the animation is still a very good quality and wall the narrative isn’t completely clear it can easily be interpreted by whoever is viewing it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire (Film-2005) / Fantastic Beasts and where to find them (2016)
Based off of the books written by J.K Rowling I’ll mostly be looking to the harry potter universe for it’s creature designs and concept art, as there is a range of mythical beasts that could be used for inspiration in both character design as well as details in background to make an animation seem more alive.
 Skills and techniques
Concept art- http://www.animationarena.com/concept-art.html
Concept art and creature design - https://www.buzzfeed.com/jobarrow/the-original-harry-potter-creature-concept-art-is-utterly-br
Storyboarding- https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/storyboard-examples-film/
2D Digital Animation - https://www.slashfilm.com/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-animation/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/movies/a24676421/spiderman-into-the-spiderverse/
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suzanneshannon · 4 years
A Font-Like SVG Icon System for Vue
Managing a custom collection of icons in a Vue app can be challenging at times. An icon font is easy to use, but for customization, you have to rely on third-party font generators, and merge conflicts can be painful to resolve since fonts are binary files.
Using SVG files instead can eliminate those pain points, but how can we ensure they’re just as easy to use while also making it easy to add or remove icons?
Here is what my ideal icon system looks like:
To add icons, you just drop them into a designated icons folder. If you no longer need an icon, you simply delete it.
To use the rocket.svg icon in a template, the syntax is as simple as <svg-icon icon="rocket" />.
The icons can be scaled and colored using the CSS font-size and color properties (just like an icon font).
If multiple instances of the same icon appear on the page, the SVG code is not duplicated each time.
No webpack config editing is required.
This is what we will build by writing two small, single-file components. There are a few specific requirements for this implementation, though I’m sure many of you wizards out there could rework this system for other frameworks and build tools:
webpack: If you used the Vue CLI to scaffold your app, then you’re already using webpack.
svg-inline-loader: This allows us to load all of our SVG code and clean up portions we do not want. Go ahead and run npm install svg-inline-loader --save-dev from the terminal to get started.
The SVG sprite component
To meet our requirement of not repeating SVG code for each instance of an icon on the page, we need to build an SVG “sprite.” If you haven’t heard of an SVG sprite before, think of it as a hidden SVG that houses other SVGs. Anywhere we need to display an icon, we can copy it out of the sprite by referencing the id of the icon inside a <use> tag like this:
<svg><use xlink:href="#rocket" /></svg>
That little bit of code is essentially how our <SvgIcon> component will work, but let’s go ahead create the <SvgSprite> component first. Here is the entire SvgSprite.vue file; some of it may seem daunting at first, but I will break it all down.
<!-- SvgSprite.vue --> <template>   <svg width="0" height="0" style="display: none;" v-html="$options.svgSprite" /> </template> <script> const svgContext = require.context(   '!svg-inline-loader?' +    'removeTags=true' + // remove title tags, etc.   '&removeSVGTagAttrs=true' + // enable removing attributes   '&removingTagAttrs=fill' + // remove fill attributes   '!@/assets/icons', // search this directory   true, // search subdirectories   /\w+\.svg$/i // only include SVG files ) const symbols = svgContext.keys().map(path => {   // get SVG file content   const content = svgContext(path)    // extract icon id from filename   const id = path.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1')   // replace svg tags with symbol tags and id attribute   return content.replace('<svg', `<symbol id="${id}"`).replace('svg>', 'symbol>') }) export default {   name: 'SvgSprite',   svgSprite: symbols.join('\n'), // concatenate all symbols into $options.svgSprite } </script>
In the template, our lone <svg> element has its content bound to $options.svgSprite. In case you’re unfamiliar with $options it contains properties that are directly attached to our Vue component. We could have attached svgSprite to our component’s data, but we don’t really need Vue to set up reactivity for this since our SVG loader is only going to run when our app builds.
In our script, we use require.context to retrieve all of our SVG files and clean them up while we’re at it. We invoke svg-inline-loader and pass it several parameters using syntax that is very similar to query string parameters. I’ve broken these up into multiple lines to make them easier to understand.
const svgContext = require.context( '!svg-inline-loader?' + 'removeTags=true' + // remove title tags, etc. '&removeSVGTagAttrs=true' + // enable removing attributes '&removingTagAttrs=fill' + // remove fill attributes '!@/assets/icons', // search this directory true, // search subdirectories /\w+\.svg$/i // only include SVG files )
What we’re basically doing here is cleaning up the SVG files that live in a specific directory (/assets/icons) so that they’re in good shape to use anywhere we need them.
The removeTags parameter strips out tags that we do not need for our icons, such as title and style. We especially want to remove title tags since those can cause unwanted tooltips. If you would like to preserve any hard-coded styling in your icons, then add removingTags=title as an additional parameter so that only title tags are removed.
We also tell our loader to remove fill attributes, so that we can set our own fill colors with CSS later. It’s possible you will want to retain your fill colors. If that’s the case, then simply remove the removeSVGTagAttrs and removingTagAttrs parameters.
The last loader parameter is the path to our SVG icon folder. We then provide require.context with two more parameters so that it searches subdirectories and only loads SVG files.
In order to nest all of our SVG elements inside our SVG sprite, we have to convert them from <svg> elements into SVG <symbol> elements. This is as simple as changing the tag and giving each one a unique id, which we extract from the filename.
const symbols = svgContext.keys().map(path => { // extract icon id from filename const id = path.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1') // get SVG file content const content = svgContext(path) // replace svg tags with symbol tags and id attribute return content.replace('<svg', `<symbol id="${id}"`).replace('svg>', 'symbol>') })
What do we do with this <SvgSprite> component? We place it on our page before any icons that depend on it. I recommend adding it to the top of the App.vue file.
<!-- App.vue --> <template>   <div id="app">     <svg-sprite /> <!-- ... -->
The icon component
Now let’s build the SvgIcon.vue component.
<!-- SvgIcon.vue --> <template>   <svg class="icon" :class="{ 'icon-spin': spin }">     <use :xlink:href="`#${icon}`" />   </svg> </template> <script> export default {   name: 'SvgIcon',   props: {     icon: {       type: String,       required: true,     },     spin: {       type: Boolean,       default: false,     },   }, } </script> <style> svg.icon {   fill: currentColor;   height: 1em;   margin-bottom: 0.125em;   vertical-align: middle;   width: 1em; } svg.icon-spin {   animation: icon-spin 2s infinite linear; } @keyframes icon-spin {   from {     transform: rotate(0deg);   }   to {     transform: rotate(359deg);   } } </style>
This component is much simpler. As previously mentioned, we leverage the <use> tag to reference an id inside our sprite. That id comes from our component’s icon prop.
I’ve added a spin prop in there that toggles an .icon-spin class as an optional bit of animation, should we ever need. This could, for example, be useful for a loading spinner icon.
<svg-icon v-if="isLoading" icon="spinner" spin />
Depending on your needs, you may want to add additional props, such as rotate or flip. You could simply add the classes directly to the component without using props if you’d like.
Most of our component’s content is CSS. Other than the spinning animation, most of this is used to make our SVG icon act more like an icon font¹. To align the icons to the text baseline, I’ve found that applying vertical-align: middle, along with a bottom margin of 0.125em, works for most cases. We also set the fill attribute value to currentColor, which allows us to color the icon just like text.
<p style="font-size: 2em; color: red;">   <svg-icon icon="exclamation-circle" /><!-- This icon will be 2em and red. -->   Error! </p>
That’s it!  If you want to use the icon component anywhere in your app without having to import it into every component that needs it, be sure to register the component in your main.js file:
// main.js import Vue from 'vue' import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon.vue' Vue.component('svg-icon', SvgIcon) // ...
Final thoughts
Here are a few ideas for improvements, which I intentionally left out to keep this solution approachable:
Scale icons that have non-square dimensions to maintain their proportions
Inject the SVG sprite into the page without needing an additional component.
Make it work with vite, which is a new, fast (and webpack-free) build tool from Vue creator Evan You.
Leverage the Vue 3 Composition API.
If you want to quickly take these components for a spin, I’ve created a demo app based on the default vue-cli template. I hope this helps you develop an implementation that fits your app’s needs!
¹ If you’re wondering why we’re using SVG when we want it to behave like an icon font, then check out the classic post that pits the two against one another.
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A Font-Like SVG Icon System for Vue published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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