#especially where the dwyns are concerned
bluerosesburnblue · 6 years
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Extremely late to the party, but I finally finished reference drawings of my Hogwarts Mystery MC, Seren Dwyn, and her hopefully not dead bro. Sorry if the colors are weird, I had to manually adjust them when I switched computers
Assorted Information under the cut
Seren Dwyn
Full Name: Seren Aisling Dwyn
Birthday: July 29, 1973 (yeah, it’s just my birthday. I got lazy)
Blood Status: Half-blood (and 3/16 Siren)
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-Faroese (lives around the shore of Malin Head, outside of Ballyhillin in County Donegal)
Wand: Acacia wood, Unicorn Hair core, 12″
Boggart: Has two. The Voldemort boggart, which represents her fear that Jacob wasn’t the person she thought he was, and Jacob as he was before he left telling her that she was a disappointment that shouldn’t have been born. Only Professor McGonagall saw the latter the one time it appeared, the Voldemort one showing up more often in Year 3 as that was the fear at the forefront of her mind at the time
Favorite Classes: Care of Magical Creatures (!!!), Charms, and Herbology (aka her chill out class)
She and Jacob were pretty much raised as Muggles due to the fact that their father was a Squib and disowned from his pureblood family and their mother was a Muggleborn from a Durmstrang-covered nation and so grew to resent magic as she received little education on its workings
So, like, they went to Muggle school until Hogwarts and knew of most things magic and Wizarding World, especially with their limited interactions with their father’s mother, but they were mostly removed from Wizard culture
Jacob’s nickname for her is Rinn, because it potentially means the same thing as Seren and is phonetically similar to the last part of her name
Her first bit of magic was hiccuping up floating balls of water when she was less than a year old. That was when Jacob knew she was going to be talented at magic
Her favorite candy is peppermints
Was just barely a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Like, six seconds over time. The hat was insistent that she go to Hufflepuff, but Jacob told her he wanted her to go to whichever house was best for her, not just his house. It took the hat a while to convince her that Hufflepuff was the right house for her
She’s loyal to a fault, but also has no personal ambition. Literally everything she does is for the sake of people she cares about. No dream job, no future plans, nothing. She also has a strong sense of justice/fairness, which comes out as both a strong desire to help others, even at the expense of herself (literally most sidequests) or knocking others down a peg when they start acting unfairly and hurting others (most interactions with Merula)
That said, she’s really creative and treats magic like a science. She experiments with it, and is extremely gifted in magical theory. Prefers to understand why a spell works as opposed to how, and once she does she casts it extremely well
Starts out at Hogwarts as extremely shy and skittish, which just gets worse the more people compare her to Jacob. Bucks up a bit during second year, starts getting more sarcastic in third year, and completely snaps after the Vault of Fear. She comes back in fourth year Much Angrier, with less of a filter, and a bit more Punk™ (but not much)
Literally snaps because she can’t stand how Dumbledore is treating the situation. Constantly reprimanding her and then unfairly awarding her? Not just gathering a team of Curse Breakers and sweeping the school over the summer when no one’s around like she suggested? Yeah, no, she lost all respect for him and may or may not get it back depending on where future story updates go
“Well damn, if everyone wants me to be Jacob 2 I may as well give them what they want” but she knows the rules so well she manages to break them in spirit without breaking the letter and weasels out of trouble most of the time because she never technically broke the rules and does so out of spite
That said, it’s still Seren, and she’s a genuinely nice person and a snarky dork, she’s just no longer taking unfair punishment lying down and lost all sense of self-preservation
Seren cares too much about other people, but hides it behind a facade of snark that occasionally comes across as a bit dismissive at times
Very stressed, acts chill, but breaks down when she knows people aren’t looking. It’s hard dedicating your childhood/teen years to finding your missing brother
Loves magical creatures. Loves them. Fire crab? Sooo cooool. Bowtruckle? Aw heck yeah little buddy you go! Murtlap? Oh, what a sweetheart. Sickleworth??? Mine now!!!
She’s loved Augureys ever since she was a kid. They’re her favorite magical creature
This love extends to normal animals but they don’t teach that at Hogwarts
Named the bowtruckle Jacob because she just wants her big bro back, dammit
She has a plush baby seal from when her family went to the aquarium when she was a toddler. Jacob used to do a voice and pretend the toy was alive to cheer her up as a kid. She still sleeps with it
Her owl, Arlo, is actually Jacob’s owl whose care she took over when he disappeared. The rest of her pets were found around Hogwarts, and she has her friends take them home over the summer because her parents would KILL her if she brought four animals home
While she’s good at Transfiguration, she kinda hates the class most of the time. Anything involving turning living creatures into inanimate objects or vice versa just skeeves her out so much and opens up WAY too many existential questions
That said, her favorite teachers are Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Kettleburn
She likes Professor Sprout well enough, but she’s her Head of House and Seren has a crippling fear of disappointing others, so she’s constantly worried that Professor Sprout secretly hates her
She doesn’t share a lot of personal information with the gang. She would if asked (usually), but since Jacob was her only friend growing up and he knew this stuff already, she never really thinks to share
She will never tell anyone her middle name because she’ll die before any of her friends find out her initials are SAD
The gang kind of considers her Team Mom/Team Big Sister because of her proclivity for taking care of everyone’s emotional states. Ironically, she’s the youngest person in the group, though no one in it is aware (because she’s never shared her birthday and at this point refuses to because she doesn’t want anyone making a fuss over it, especially since it’s not like any of them will see her over the summer to celebrate it)
Seren gets kind of protective over her friend’s siblings. Percy doesn’t like her much due to her chronic disregard for rules, but she still looks out for him. Fred and George think she’s cool but can also be a killjoy sometimes. Ron and Ginny both adore her. And if Penny’s sister Beatrice ends up in Hufflepuff and Seren’s a Prefect? “Oh boy, Penny, I’m stealing your sister she’s mine now!”
The gang has a minor freak out when they find out that Seren “Frequently an Irish Stereotype” Dwyn is actually only half-Irish and hates potatoes
Madam Rakepick makes her really uncomfortable... because she sees too much of herself in her. Rakepick kinda represents a “who you could be if you were an arrogant asshole” and Seren, being very Hufflepuff, wants to be anything but arrogant
Rakepick really does like Seren, or at the very least thinks she has potential, and has ever since Seren’s response to dueling Ismelda was to immediately disarm her and go into a leg sweep. Rakepick’s gotta respect a kid willing to fist fight if it helps their cause
Seren has no desire to be a Curse Breaker and chafes a bit every time someone tells her she should be one. Breaking curses is just a necessary part of finding Jacob. She doesn’t particularly care for it
Her courses are geared towards Curse Breaking, but it’s more because she has ZERO plans for her future beyond locating Jacob and at least it’s something she’s good at
She stole Jacob’s old sweaters at the start of year 4. It’s not like he’s using them. Team sweater vest all the way
Had she gone to Ilvermorny, her house would unquestionably be Wampus. Girl gets things done, especially once she gets over her shyness, but the fighter potential and defiance was always there as evidenced by the way she kicked Merula’s ass for harassing Ben and Rowan in their first year
5′3″ and steadily getting angrier every year
A lot of people think she just blindly worships Jacob, but she really doesn’t. She’s aware that he was a pretty flawed person, she just doesn’t care. He was good to her and she loves him and that’s all that matters
Jacob Dwyn
Full Name: Jacob Caradoc Dwyn
Birthday: December 15, 1968
Blood Status: Half-blood (and 3/16 Siren)
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-Faroese (lives around the shore of Malin Head, outside of Ballyhillin in County Donegal)
Wand: Maple wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 10″ (broken before expulsion)
Boggart: Seren’s nearly drowned body that he can’t resuscitate*
Favorite Classes: Flying, Charms, and Transfiguration
Five years older than Seren but only four years above her in school due to where their ages are in relation to the cutoff date. Would’ve been in the same year as the prefects
Seren’s nickname for him is Jay, or Jayjay if she’s trying to be annoying/cute. Jake just never caught on for him
His first real bit of magic was accidentally charming a room full of people while singing in a school pageant when he was four. He’s been afraid of singing in front of other people since, despite having a really good voice
His first reaction to being told that he was going to be an older brother was “Oh boy new friend!!!” The first time he met Seren he let her grasp his finger and told her he was gonna be the best big brother ever
He then started hating her for a few months because she just would not. Stop. Crying. And her room was right next to his so he heard it constantly
Warmed up to her when he realized that she was just scared of loud noises and would sing her to sleep after that (and she’s the only person who he’s comfortable singing around now)
*His boggart comes from a moment when Seren was three and he was supposed to be watching her but was so caught up in his own adventure he didn’t notice her get too close to the cliff edge and she fell into the ocean. He jumped in after her but she was completely submerged and her leg was stuck in some seaweed. She definitely would’ve died if a nearby Merrow hadn’t pulled her out. And he didn’t know CPR (he was eight) so he was lucky she coughed up the water herself. The event traumatized both of them. Seren was afraid of going into the water for years and Jacob got super protective of her and developed a fear of being unable to save her, which is what his boggart represents
Firmly believed that rules should never prevent you from doing the right thing, which would really inform most of his actions at Hogwarts
Has two main goals in life: become a cool detective and go on a world tour with his family (though once he’s estranged from his parents for good it becomes go on a world tour with Seren)
Loves liquorice and liquorice wands. Was known to eat whole bags of them at once
Was a true hatstall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, but was ultimately placed in Hufflepuff because he would throw away everything in a heartbeat to benefit someone he loved, he valued loyalty above all else,  and preferred to do things on his own merit rather than cheating. He got a rush from genuinely overcoming challenges
That exhilaration when he overcomes challenges led to him really loving puzzles and mysteries of all kinds. In a way, Seren was half-right when she speculated that his reasons for looking for the Vaults was that he wanted to overcome a complex puzzle. It was why the search became addicting, but not why he started looking in the first place
He was notably impatient and had a habit of acting without thinking through consequences a lot. Honestly, Seren was a good part of his impulse control and he took a lot more risks at Hogwarts than he would have if she was there
His witty and cunning side tended to get him into trouble, too. Boy had a hell of a sarcastic streak and never could keep himself from snapping back at people who made snide remarks at him (looking at you, Snape)
Say what you will about his bad habits, but he was a very good brother to Seren. Their parents were always pretty distant so he became the emotional support that she needed. He’d let her sleep with him when she got scared during thunderstorms, would hold her whenever she got upset after being teased in school (and helped her with her homework as much as he could), and at one point climbed up onto their roof without a second thought when she got herself stuck up there by an accidental use of magic... and then he realized that he didn’t know how to get either of them down. He played games with her until their parents came home and got them down
The entire faculty was aware that he would gush about his sweet baby sister if given reason to. Most of them already knew who Seren was before she started at Hogwarts because of it (”Hey Professor Sprout, what plants would be good to mail to my sister? She loves flowers!”)
The only way I can reconcile a Hufflepuff!Jacob going on a search for the Vaults is that he thought something in them/someone looking for them was going to pose a threat to either the student body or Seren, so that’s what I’m going with until proven otherwise
Honestly there were a lot of reasons people thought that he was certifiably insane. Beyond raving about Vaults that most people didn’t believe existed he:
had a tendency to just Not Sleep when he was working on a project and was known to down bottles of Wideye Potion and then not sleep for days. He always looked tired in his later years
got really twitchy when he didn’t sleep, so he was always nervously fidgeting in his later years
was so impatient that he’d jump off of part of the Grand Stairwell to get around faster
once had a serious craving for fish (due to his Siren blood, which neither he nor Seren are aware of) and ran into the Great Hall in a panic, grabbed cod with his bare hands, and then ate it while jogging out of the room. This was one of Angelica Cole’s few interactions with him and one of the only times Bill Weasley ever really saw him in their 1 & 1/2 overlapping years (”Seren, your brother was weird.” “Yeah, I- ...yeah. That sounds like Jacob.”)
was kind of a mess just before he was expelled. His shirt was never on right, he was lucky he could even get his tie on, constantly forgot his robes, and he was using Reparo on his clothes nearly every day because they kept getting torn up with Vault related stuff
is farsighted, but refuses to get corrective glasses or fix the issue, leading to him squinting a lot when he reads and such. He just can’t freaking see
Also, it’s canon that he has godawful handwriting and can’t draw to save his life. Boy’s a living disaster sometimes
If he hadn’t gotten involved with the Vaults, he probably would’ve joined the Quidditch team as either a Beater or a Chaser, and likely would’ve also been the male prefect of his and Jane Court’s year
He and Jane absolutely hated each other, but the kind of hate that involves some belligerent romantic tension. The kind that would probably lead to an emotionally abusive relationship if they ever got involved when they were older, but mutual attraction was still there. It’s a good thing they never got to that point, but I could see Jane trying to sneak him a love potion in 6th or 7th year if he hadn’t gotten expelled
If you asked him about it, it’d take him a while to remember who Angelica Cole was. He’d need you to describe her. He was nice to her, but their interactions were limited and he was usually distracted by the time she started talking to him more
I actually have a hard time seeing him in a long-term romantic relationship with a British/Irish witch or wizard due to his reputation. I could see him with a foreign magic user, maybe an Ilvermorny alumni or something
I could very easily see his Ilvermorny house being Thunderbird had he attended school there because he’s always wanted to travel and always yearned for adventure. Not super relevant, just some interesting personality trivia
Also, he’s only an average 5′9″ at maximum height, but he’s taller than Seren and that’s enough for him
He got expelled about a week before his 15th birthday. The last time Seren saw him, he was hugging her while sobbing and just kept muttering “It’s gonna be okay. I love you. I’m so sorry,” over and over again. He was gone the next morning and Seren hasn’t been “okay” since
Both of them are trilingual at Hogwarts (English/Irish/Faroese) and may eventually learn Mermish in the future
Their mother taught them Faroese and their father thought it would be fun to do the same with the language of his country, even though he did not speak Irish himself
They make a lot of very similar expressions and have similar body language, which most Hogwarts professors picked up on fairly quickly (”Miss Dwyn, I know you’re lying. Jacob used to make that face when he was lying, too”)
Jacob’s patronus would be a Sea Lion* and Seren’s a Common Seal*
*I actually haven’t settled on whose is whose. Dunno if I want their patronuses to represent the caster or their sibling more
Seren is unable to cast a patronus unless Jacob is found alive. She cannot cast one before they find him and will never cast one if he is found dead or irreversibly evil/insane/corrupted
I was actually pretty against it at first, but I’ve gotten attached to the idea of both of them being Raven animagi, with Jacob being unregistered and Seren’s registration status up in the air right now
Both of them keep their eye color when they transform, which is much better for Jacob since Ravens tend to have similarly colored brown eyes
They also both have a chuckle that sounds like the clicking noise Ravens sometimes make
Being a Raven animagus makes Jacob’s tendency to transfigure things into black quills to hide them way more ironic
Assuming Jacob is found alive, in the future they end up starting a private investigation/private detective’s office where they take jobs that the Ministry has turned down. They get a bit of a reputation for not turning anyone away who needs help: human or not. Also espionage
If Jacob is found dead (and Seren does not also wind up dead) then Seren either takes odd jobs with no real purpose OR joins the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Beast Division, depending on the circumstances of Jacob’s death and how well she’s able to cope with it
Goodfuture! Jacob and Seren both get very good at Legilimency and Occlumency, Legilimency due to its uses in their profession and Occlumency due to paranoia arising from the entire Vaults incident. They practice on each other
Jacob is slightly better at Occlumency than Seren, Seren is slightly better at Legilimency than Jacob
Reading each other’s minds as much as they have leads to them being even closer than they were before. They now know secrets the other will never speak, and they can predict each other’s thoughts fairly easily. It also helped them work through Vault-based trauma
At some point they get really good at communicating wordlessly through magic. It freaks people out
Their siren blood does effect them, but I feel like that’s grounds for its own post
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Birthday gift for @bluerosesburnblue, about Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (our two OCs from it meeting). Though keep in mind, that I’m only on chapter two... So a lot of this is probably wrong. Maybe best to think of it as an AU?
In the End
Rapunzel wanted to befriend this girl, Seren—who was mysteriously looking for her own brother, while Rapunzel was doing the same thing—and who seemed like the strongest person to ever exist... but she wasn't sure how. Seren just seemed so... intense. And she was so focused on finding her own sibling, that sometimes Rapunzel felt bad that there were times she herself cared more about the Vaults than Jake. But even though Seren seemed so adamant about nothing but her quest… she had many friends: Something that Rapunzel didn't have at all, save her boy friend, Ronan... So that sort of put Rapunzel off, too.
It probably wasn't very Ravenclaw of her—since with her intelligence, she should have believed she was worth something for that... if nothing else—but Rapunzel couldn't help feeling there was something wrong with her, for not having friends: That just something about her genetic makeup drove people away. But if she was such a good friend with her cat Tree—who was such a good judge of character—maybe she could manage it with Seren, as well. So getting over herself some—since wasn’t self-consciousness selfishness in its own right?—Rapunzel went and knocked on the door to the Hufflepuff Common Room:
Something that was very Muggle of her to do, she knew—and she wasn’t even sure it would work—but the blue-haired girl did so all the same.
Thankfully, it only took a few raps on the door for the Hufflepuffs to hear it and for Nymphadora Tonks to answer it with a smile on her face …
Which slightly disappeared when she saw it was Ravenclaw, their rival House that had come calling, but it quickly came back.
“Hi. What can I do for you?” Tonks asked with nothing but pep in her voice—which somehow made Rapunzel wonder if her and her friends had been doing something mischievous. If so, she wished them the best of luck with it.
“…I was wondering if I could talk to Seren Dwyn?”
Unlike Tonks’ hair—that was a gorgeous baby pink and very welcoming right now—Rapunzel thought her blue locks were probably more sad looking than anything:
In fact, her hair surely looked as though it was getting whiter and whiter with her nervousness.
But it was what it was.
At the question, Tonks’ eyebrows squeezed up in concentration—and it wasn’t hard to guess that she was thinking about the Vaults, and that maybe Seren had asked another’s help with them—but upon giving it a moment, Tonks replied: “Actually, conveniently, she’s right behind the door here. And she seems ready to meet you, so I’ll send her your way.”
Which Tonks did:
She seemed to literally push Seren out the door—though the brunette seemed none the worse for wear for it—and then she and Rapunzel were heading away.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Seren asked rather exuberantly. Seren had been wearing her robes when she’d joined Rapunzel. But maybe in realizing how hot it was on this floor, she quickly took it off—revealing a blue outfit underneath—when she began speaking.
“…That’s, perhaps, something we should keep quiet. So, can we wait until we get to the Room of Requirement?” Rapunzel whispered into Seren’s ear.
And when Seren nodded ever so slightly at the question, Rapunzel saw it as her cue to continue leading them away.
Rapunzel wasn’t sure if Seren knew about the Room of Requirement or not—all she’d done was raise an eyebrow when it had been mentioned—so Rapunzel thought it best to take Seren there and unlock the room herself, just in case.
And just like that, they were getting close to the room that had magicked Rapunzel’s homework for her when she’d lost it one time.
“Please… give us a room where we can confide in each other secretly,” Rapunzel requested of the room, just as her feet touched where the door would be the moment it became corporeal.
A few beats passed—to which Rapunzel and Seren looked at each other meaningfully, wondering if something was wrong—but the door to the Room opened, and then Rapunzel and Seren were scampering into it.
And deciding not to make Seren wait any longer, when they were free of any eavesdropping ears—because she hadbrought her on a strange adventure—she took a deep breath, and laid her heart out on the line, digging her nails into her arm as she did so.
“This is going to sound… mad to you. And you may not even believe me… But I also have a brother named ‘Jacob’—Jake, really—who went missing. And it had to do with the Cursed Vaults for him, too… Though I don’t know if it was before or after 1984. I think something’s wrong with me… making me not remember.”
Thankfully, Rapunzel didn’t get the suspicious or disbelieving look that she had thought she would here—that she maybe deserved—but instead, Seren had put a hand under her own chin and was “hmm”ing.
It was very Ravenclaw of her, if Rapunzel said so herself.
“That’s really sad, that you don’t remember when your brother was taken. I’m sorry! I can’t even imagine how much pain I would be in, if I didn’t even know when my Jacob disappeared… It makes me think a memory charmmust be in play here. Have you thought about having someone like Madame Pomphrey take a look at you?”
Sighing, as she sat down in front of a table—that had a newspaper about how to locate missing siblings on it?!—Rapunzel ran a hand down her face, before she decided to go full-on Muggle and maybe (unfortunately) lose Seren along the way.
“I have considered it… Except that there are ways to have your memory tampered with in the Muggle world, too—I know this stuff because I’m Half-Blood—and my family fears non-witches and wizardsmight have done something to us… And ironically, if Muggles have messed with your memories… you don’t want to make it seem like you’re noticing it to them.”
Even with the Vaults, Rapunzel was concerned that this was mostly some sort of government conspiracy—had they learned of Hogwarts?—that would end with her and her family at the bottom of a sea, with cement tied to their feet… Not that they wouldn’t have been able to escape that, but still.
At that, Seren’s heart seemed to go out to Rapunzel even more, if that was possible (with something in her eyes that seemed to hint that she knew a few too power-hungry world leaders herself).
She put a reassuring hand on Rapunzel’s shoulder—that she was only too greedy to lean into—and said, “Oh, man. That’s horrible if it’s true. And you can reallybet that I’ll help you now…
“But I also feel like—if that’s the case, and you’re not letting the ‘government’ see your emotions—you’ve been keeping too much bottled up about your brother and need to cry. So why don’t you go ahead and do so now?”
In the back of her mind—while she appreciated Seren’s sentiment—she found the notion that she could just magically turn on the emotions she had turned off (for anyone but Ronan) kind of ridiculous… And yet that was exactly what happened.
Rapunzel ugly cried—sounding like a screaming flamingo here and there as she did, she was sure—as tears stained her face… but finally she got it all out, and did feel better for it.
She’d been ignoring just what she’d lost with her brother too long now, and she wouldn’t do it anymore.
“Remember that anything’s possible, Rapunzel. Especially at Hogwarts, where there are hidden rooms and staircases move. Maybe it isn’t even connected to America, where you live… If you’re missing your sibling, I wanna help. And maybe by doing so, it’ll help me find my best friend, too.”
Rapunzel, through her tears, saw Seren reach her hand out to her in a pinky swear.
And Rapunzel readily took it for what it was: a sign of companionship for them, too:
And to show that this friendship wasn’t one-sided, Rapunzel handed Seren some Wizard Card misprints, that we’re all dated with the year Jacob disappeared and the ones that Jake could’ve.
She also promised Seren that she’d enlist the genius Ronan’s help, to which Seren answered she’d do the same with her own friends.
Seren smirked at her, and Rapunzel had never felt safer.
They were going to do this.
Author’s Note: So, I sort of had to tone Rapunzel down for this--because otherwise the two girls would essentially have the same story, doing the same stuff (I also had to make crap up, like Rapunzel thinking Muggles are involved in her case, to keep that from being true). But oh well:) Liz, you sort of did that with Sanya in the Kingdom Hearts X comics you did with our characters for me, so it’s totally fine that I’m doing the same for you here.
And it is sort of fitting, that Rapunzel is just starting out exploring the Vaults in this--and Seren is the seasoned veteran with it--since you started this game before me (and are ahead of me), and got me into it:)
Also, “Ronan” in this is the boy version of Rowan. Since you have the girl version of her. And I made the name Ronan, since... once again, we’re not supposed to be the same characters with the same story here. So even though that’s clearly who my Ronan’s based on, I’m saying my Ronan and your Rowan aren't the same character;) 
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