#ester butterfly soup
scaredyart · 3 months
there’s barely ANY content of these guys, I had to
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I love them sm
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starg1rl-123 · 8 months
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balls-on-my-face · 2 years
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would you even try?
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amarionetista · 2 years
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    Lorraine estava sentada no chão do vestiário do clube de baseball, seu tornozelo doendo tanto que ela sentia vontade de chorar, apesar de se esforçar muito para não fazê-lo.
   Meia hora atrás ela estava com as outras garotas do Death Bagels tentando o seu melhor para acertar uma das bolas que arremessavam contra ela. Foram necessárias tantas tentativas, mas enfim conseguiu, quando a bola arremessada por Akarsha voou alguns metros pelo céu Chryssa gritou para que ela corresse até a primeira base.
    E ela fez, correu verdadeiramente rápido, mas vacilou no último segundo. Seu pé deslizou e ela caiu, todo o peso de seu corpo despencando contra sua perna direita.
   As garotas correram até ela, formando um círculo em volta dela. Ester se abaixou para ver como Lorraine estava, seus ombros tremiam enquanto ela segurava seu tornozelo.
   Ester disse alguma coisa que ela não conseguiu entender e todas se afastaram, deixando que Ester a levantasse e a levasse até o vestiário.
 — Fica aqui. Já volto. — Foi tudo o que Ester disse antes de sair, a deixando sozinha lá.
   Ficar aqui? Como se ela pudesse ir para algum lugar com seu tornozelo daquela forma.
   Então a porta foi aberta novamente e Ester reapareceu, em suas mãos uma grande bolsa de gelo. Ester se abaixou perto dela e, com muito cuidado, ela tentou retirar o tênis de Lorraine.
— Me avise se doer.
   E é claro que doeu para um caralho, Lorraine sentia que até mesmo sua dor tinha dor, mas ela mordeu os lábios para não deixar nenhuma exclamação de dor escapar.
    Uma vez seu pé estava livre do tênis e da meia Ester pode ver o quão feio estava a lesão. Seu tornozelo estava inchado e tinha uma marca roxa que começava do tornozelo e ia até o peito de pé. 
— Vou colocar gelo agora.
   Assim que o frio tomou conta da região, Lorraine estremeceu, era uma pequena sensação de alívio misturada com a dormência que o gelo causava em sua pele.
    Ester se certificou de que a bolsa de gelo estava bem equilibrada no lugar lesionado e então se sentou ao lado de Lorraine, apoiando a cabeça em seu ombro. 
— Desculpa por atrapalhar o seu treino… mas obrigada por cuidar de mim.
   Ester bufou, então se afastou, uma expressão mal humorada marcando seu rosto.
— Você é minha namorada e está machucada. Não peça desculpas por isso.
   Lorraine segurou a mão de Ester, entrelaçando seus dedos, então a trouxe para perto e beijou cada nó dos dedos de Ester.
— Na próxima vez eu prometo ficar só no banco torcendo por você.
— Na próxima vez eu vou te ensinar o jeito certo de correr pra não me assustar assim de novo.
   Lorraine tentou rir, mas assim que o fez o menor movimento fez a dor aguda tomar todo o seu corpo.
— Você ainda quer que eu jogue? Eu fui péssima.
— Isso é verdade…— Ester comentou enquanto apanhava seu caderno de desenho na mochila. — Mas é divertido ter você lá.
    Dessa vez foi Lorraine que deitou sua cabeça no ombro de Ester, ela assistiu em silêncio enquanto a namorada traçava os primeiros detalhes de seus desenhos no papel.
— Eu amo você. — Lorraine disse.
   Ester sorriu e beijou carinhosamente sua testa em resposta.
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I love butterfly soup I really do but what the FUCK was that entire Thing with min and ester,,😭
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laisychips · 16 days
ppkm!! :3 took away Akarsha's space buns while drawing
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enjoy my art i tried 😼😼
pinterest: laisychips
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brianna-lei · 2 years
Butterfly Soup 2 Asks #1
It's that time again...I-just-released-a-game-and-am-answering-questions-about-it Time!
I get way too many asks to answer individually, so I've consolidated some commonly-asked ones along with a few I thought would be fun to answer!! Sorry if your ask isn't in here!
I put all the lore/character questions first and all the "real world" questions (like about the merch shop) at the bottom. Obviously there's spoilers below so if you haven't played Butterfly Soup 2 already go do that!
What was Akarsha thinking when she confessed to Noelle that it was her brother who sent the chat message and not her? Did she think Noelle would remember? Or did she know Noelle wouldn’t?
Akarsha thought Noelle would remember. In Akarsha’s mind, that incident was so conspicious and embarrassing, there’s almost NO WAY Noelle would forget it. To Akarsha, this was practically her telling Noelle directly, “I have a crush on you.”
Unfortunately, it was much less memorable on Noelle’s end because she didn’t see Akarsha in that way and genuinely did believe it was just her brother typing nonsense at the time. And it doesn’t help that it was buried in months’-worths of Akarsha’s wacky messages.
When Noelle doesn’t really respond to her confession at the assembly, Akarsha has two theories:
Noelle remembers, and doesn’t like her back
Noelle doesn’t remember (unlikely)
And she doesn’t know which one it is.
You guys are going to hate me for this, but because they’re Disaster Gays it takes them YEARS after that to become official.
As I was writing the assembly scene I kept thinking: If only Min could possess one of them for 10 seconds and just blurt out “I like you, will you go on a date with me”! It would’ve saved them literal years of confusion and turmoil...
Why was Akarsha in handcuffs at the end of the game?
You’ll understand when you’re older. Don’t worry about it!
It was so out of character for Noelle to start crying over Akarsha when she got hurt!
Noelle is so emotionally repressed 24/7 that when something jabs her unexpectedly, she sometimes loses control and it all starts rushing out like water out of a pressurized tube. That's why she randomly starts crying when Chryssa praises her in the first game.
So in my opinion, if she suddenly thought Akarsha was possibly dead or seriously hurt, she'd react how she did (as corny as it is)! I think that part also got colored by something that happened partway through development. My dad fell and hit his head on something so hard that he nearly died! So when Akarsha falls and hits her head, I think I see it as a lot more serious and scary than most players do.
This actually reminds me of a bit I’ve had in my head for many years now! When Noelle's in college, it's her first time in an environment where Asians are a minority. So she doesn't have asian food for a long time, but isn't aware that it's bothering her.
One day Min drives over to her college and takes her to H-Mart, and when they walk in Min goes "ok I know it's Korean and not like Chinese or whatever" and out of nowhere Noelle starts crying
Why do Noelle's joints crack every time she sits or lies down?
Because she’s stiff and doesn’t exercise enough. It’s harmless but whenever Diya hears it, she’s like :(
Is Ester’s webcomic based on/a reference to (webcomic here)?
Nope! Ester was inspired by a few friends of mine, including one who worked on her stories at school in a notebook. Her webcomic’s plot is based on a story idea I had at her age.
Are you SURE X character doesn’t have autism/ADHD? It’s so obvious!
My original answer to this years ago was “I didn’t intentionally do any research on either of those conditions, and I wasn’t aiming to portray them specifically.”
Well..........A while ago, I finally properly started doing research, and a lot of what I learned about autism sounded eerily relatable. So I took every autism diagnostic test I could find online and they all said I was autistic. I’m like 75% sure I am, but at my age I’m not sure I’ll ever get a real diagnosis.
So maybe all my characters are accidentally neurodivergent because I am? I feel like Diya is for sure because I gave her a lot of traits I relate to that I now know are signs of autism.
What are Akarsha and Noelle’s kids like? Do they have any pets?
I think I'll keep it secret for now, sorry! But I saw this comment on Reddit once and this is their family on April Fool’s day. Akarsha is the one faking a heart attack and Noelle is the one making the soup
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Before they had kids, Akarsha and Noelle got the most fucked up old cat from the shelter because Akarsha felt sorry for him. He’s affectionate toward them, but he’s rude to their guests like Diya/Min and hisses at them for no reason.
How does Akarsha's parents feel about her and Noelle dating?
Before Noelle and Akarsha started dating, Akarsha's parents really liked Noelle. She made such a good impression on them at the birthday party that she became their Favorite Friend, so they'd ask Akarsha about her a lot.
One day Akarsha watches an LGBT+ movie with her parents and thinks "Since they like the movie so much, they'll be okay with my sexuality!”
Akarsha's dad is cool with it, but her mom isn't. She says those things only work in movies, and that those people aren’t happy in real life. She blames Akarsha's dad for constantly saying fruity things and in the same breath goes "Everyone thinks girls are hot! That's just normal"
She and Akarsha's dad have a few arguments over it and after Akarsha's dad claims he'll go on a "hunger strike" (???) she does come around. She ultimately becomes a very supportive Ally who sends Akarsha random news articles about gay celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres
So by the time Akarsha and Noelle actually start dating, Akarsha's parents are onboard with it. They end up being the family Noelle always wished she had
Real world questions
When is the online store coming back? I’m hoping to reopen it within the next couple months! I’m hoping to restock Min’s jacket and the charms, and I wanna add new prints and plushies of the main four. If anyone has manufacturer recs for any of these that they’re willing to share, please let me know!
Are you going to make a Butterfly Soup 3?
I have an idea for a third game, but there’s a couple other projects I’m busy with (and am pretty excited to show you guys!) so I won’t be making it for several years. 
Is it alright if I write a fanfic of Noelle and Akarsha’s wedding/smut/my headcanon of the characters being trans/etc etc etc ?
Write whatever you want! Just please be mindful of younger fans and make sure to tag sensitive content appropriately. And don’t ask me to read it because I can’t! I’m legally not allowed to.* *EDIT: Okay, this was a bit of an exaggeration, but I've heard that it's a bad idea for a variety of reasons! So it's a can of worms I'm not going to open as a creator
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Butterfly Soup 2 out tomorrow😩😩😩
So, in celebration, here are some of my hopes for it :)
1: obvi some more DiyaMin fluff and relationship stuff.
3: more of the baseball team/club!! I absolutely fell in love with them all but we didn't see them a lot :(
4: ChryssaLiz! ChryssaLiz. CHYRSSALIZ👹👹
5: I really REALLY want to know and see more of Ester! she's like one of my favs and yet there's no content for her and it seems no one cares about her😔😔
6: I want to see more of the killer whales and maybe even have the other team members that aren't Hayden and Jun illustrated :)
7: And last but not least, of course, more amazing comedy from it! legit this is one of the only games I have genuinely laughed at :)
thank you for coming to my TED TALK >^w^<
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icepoptrio · 2 years
Brianna Lei posted a statement on Min's chapter.
(Please note that this isn’t meant as an attack on Brianna Lei or her work. I’m not trying to discredit Butterfly Soup or its sequel, I’d just like to talk about a specific part of one game.)
The issue wasn't that she tried to call attention to antiblack sentiment as a nonblack person, it was how she went about handling the topic.
I’ve seen a few comments now try to explain that Brianna Lei is exploring Min's actions rather than excusing them, and that Min’s behavior is a very real sentiment. While that’s not untrue, it’s also ignoring that a large portion of the criticism of Min's chapter has come from Black people. We’re already well aware that antiblackness is a problem in various other diasporic communities because we're the ones who have to deal with it. It’s not an issue of misunderstanding, people are upset because the chapter was not well written.
If the desire to treat the topic of antiblackness with the seriousness it deserves was sincere, then:
The same scene wouldn't have been full of slapstick humor breather breaks. 
Ester and Chryssa would have been developed past being crutches for non-Black characters’ emotional growth, especially since Ester being half-Chinese was barely mentioned in a story about Asian-American identity until it was time for another character to be racist towards her.
There would have been more focus on Min actually being upset that she messed up instead of concern about people "finding out” she was racist after her coming-to-terms moment.
Min wouldn't have been instantly forgiven for making heinously racist comments (especially since her racist attitude in the chapter was meant to parallel her abusive father who does not end up forgiven by the end of the story), especially not by Ester – the target of said behavior – who was said to give her a “pitying look” for how hard she was trying Not To Be Racist, compared the situation to researching her fictional OCs, and then went to help Min prank her friends with no hard feelings.
Min-seo wouldn’t have had a situationally nuanced understanding of colorism when the characters had that shoehorned conversation about the evils of skin bleaching.
The discussion of Min's gender and the Diya/Min love confession would've been moved to a more appropriate section of the story.
The scene would've had more than one sensitivity reader.
We know what Brianna Lei was attempting with that scene, and she mishandled it. No one's trying to ruin her life, and it's fine if people are unhappy.
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mordeiswrld · 1 year
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starg1rl-123 · 5 months
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guess what bitches I’m back
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blueecitrus · 4 years
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hello! i have a butterfly soup discord server that isnt very active but its very fun! we have an ask feature so you can get answers to all those burning questions you have for the ladies of butterfly soup, heres the link: https://discord.gg/9pfnsAh
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akarshaholic · 7 years
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is she real or
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melkizv · 3 years
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more noelle ester headcanon! They’re so cope
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noelleisqueen · 6 years
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LETS GO LESBIANS, LETS GO art by brianna-lei
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laisychips · 2 months
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more butterfly soup fanart i made!! HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT @brianna-lei
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