#estevao raphael
akaisenhatake · 2 years
'little accident'
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@hphm-jeniferltheman here u gooo, i hope u dont mind that i made a whole ass comic for it 😭
rendered vers of the first page:
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another bonus
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 2 years
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Daniel, Avery,Estevao, or Aaron... Pick a side
Is it hot in here or it is just THEM??? 🤔
TYSM for the Art trade and HPHM MCs of @akaisenhatake 💘💕
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stupendousbookworm · 2 years
id like to hear more daniel and ara romance hcs u have, her chaotic friendship with avery and frenemy relationship with estevao.
Daniel and Ara:
They're like, the embodiment of the "opposite's attract" saying. The most annoying kid in the school, and the most sweetest kid in the school. It was quite unlikely, but once both of them started talking, they realized they had a lot of common interests anyways, Ara's quite horrible at herbology, whereas Daniel is like the best at the subject. perhaps he ends up being her tutor? i like to think that they make loads of flower crowns together as well <3
Avery and Ara:
They're the most chaotic duo in Hogwarts. both their names start with 'a' and both their aims are to wreck havoc. People are lowkey afraid of them when the sit in a corner, whispering something back and forth. They often play the most ridiculously great pranks hogwarts has ever seen, and also maybe might have an entire war with tonks and tulip. anyways i think that they'll definitely be best friends, because they have such similar interests!
Estevao (the bitch boy) and Ara:
Look, they quite frankly hate each other. Both of them exist to spite the other, and they often try hard to irritate each other. I can see Ara calling him short every single day, and Estevao calling her a brat, and they would have a whole ass argument then and there, which involves estevao throwing a first year across the room, and ara making him go sit in the time-out corner
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catohphm · 2 years
id like to know their relationship with estevao if you don't mind, esp cato considering they're both ravenclaws 👁️
Thanks for the ask @akaisenhatake! With what you told me about Estevao, this is gonna be a tough one! Let's start somewhere.
Cato would find Estevao's behavior and mannerisms off-putting. It would be unlikely for them to get along. Definitely not the first person you would want to sit down to tea to with.
However Cato is a respectful Ravenclaw and he won't talk rubbish about Estevao. Of course there are the intrusive thoughts in Cato's, but his curious mind would try to use them as fuel to understand why Estevao's behavior is the way it is.
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yoselin-uyu · 2 years
♧ 👁️👁️
HellooOo !! Thanks for asking !!! (ʃƪ^v^)
You're my: (/^-^(^ ^*)/
Beloved friend !!! That ILSM !!
How I met you: (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I cant surely remember when, BUT i bet you where one of the firts members of this fandom that i knew from there art but didn't talk to you couse for me you where like a god untouchable !! [In a god way]
Why I follow you: (灬º‿º灬)♡
BECOUSE YESS i mean you are such an AMAZING artists !!! And a SUPER great AND lovely person that supports his friends !!
Your blog is: 🖤❤️🔥
Your URL & icon is: ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ
AGAIN GOTIC VIBES, are you okey ? I mean its looks WAY SO COOL the hand melting ? with the red bg WOW but— are you fine ? AND THEN we have the AMAZING art of @stupendousbookworm of our lovely Daniel, he looks so cute and adorable in her artsyle, she sure is a wonderfull artist ! (Sends hi's and love for you ara ♡)
A random fact I know about you: ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
That you are a supportive friend !! Your art is so professional !! The color, the shades, the lighting, the anatomy YOUR CHARACTER'S and original art is so good my dear lovely friend !!
General opinion & random thought I have:
That you are a person that this fandom likes a lot !! I remember when you helped me design my fnafsb character THANK YOU so much i still have it and smile every time i see it !! Although we dont talk a lot, almost nothing XD you are a great friend tkysm for being here !!
Oh and Estevao !! Good looking ! But i wanna know more about it can i know ?
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hematoniarpg-blog · 7 years
İlk doğanların ‘’ilki’’ olduğu rivayet edilir. Çektiği ruhsal eziyetler o denli çoktur ki, fiziksel acı hissetme yeteneğini kaybetmiştir. Kehanetlerinde asla yanılmadığına inanılır. İlk Doğanlar içinde büyüyle bağlantısı olan sadece odur. Iasus’a derin bir aşkla bağlıdır.
Diğer ismi; Ahelia Romana.
İlk doğanların en güçlüsü olarak bilinir. Kaybedilen ilk savaştan sonra Kardeşlik’ten ayrılmış, Lilith’den uzaklaşmıştır. Kriz anlarında her zaman müdahale etmesine rağmen, sonrasında verdiği kararlarla yüzleşmekte hep sorun yaşar.
Diğer ismi; Belenos Lisbona.
Lilith ve Iasus ile birlikte İlk Doğanlar ve Sekiz Ölümsüzlerin çekirdek üçgenini oluşturur. Güç skalasında da onlardan sonra ikinci sıradadır. İnandıkları Tanrı’dan başka, alaycı bir yapısı vardır.
Diğer ismi; Alex Rozanes.
Fiziksel mücadele ve savaş ile birlikte anılan İlk Doğan’dır. Buna rağmen, sürekli kendisi ve kardeşlerinin vahşete yönelik uygulamalarını içten içe sorgular. Kendisiyle baş başa kaldığında vicdanını dinlese de, bunu uygulamalarına yansıtmakta hep zayıf kalır.
Diğer ismi; Arel Gaon.
Alexandros’un aksine bütün canlılara ve evrenin kendisine büyük bir şefkat ve bağlılık besler. İlk Doğanlar ve Sekiz Ölümsüz içinde en merhametli ve fedakar olandır.
Diğer ismi; Chatzkel Bezalel.
Görev ve sorumlulukların adamıdır. Iasus’un öğrencisi, takipçisi ve en sadık adamıdır. Tek başına karar almaktan ziyade, Sekizlerin aldıkları kararları harfiyen uygulamayı tercih eder. Özellikle de Iasus’un.
Diğer ismi; Rigan Kane.
İlk Savaş’tan sonra Kardeşlik ile bütün bağını kesip insanların arasına karışmış, etkisiz ve sakin bir hayat sürmüştür. Karanlık’ın çökmesiyle Iasus tarafından geri çağırılır.
Diğer ismi; Elias Crespin.
O da İlk Savaş’a Chayil gibi tepki vermiş ve aynı şekilde Karanlık sırasında geri dönmüştür. İnsanların düşüncelerini istemsizce duyabilmektedir ve müthiş lezzetli şaraplarıyla ünlüdür.
Diğer ismi; Giovanni Marcelli.
Belak’ın çocuklarının en güçlüsüdür ve babasını tahtından eden de odur. Ena ile evlidir. Bilinen en güçlü Karanlik Alim olduğuna inanılır.
Diğer ismi; Alastor Decoux.
Yeza’nın kardeşi ve karısıdır. Başkalarının bilinçlerini bloke edebilir ve eğer yeterince zayıflarsa yönlendirebilir.
Diğer ismi; Amarande Decoux.
Bitkilerin, toprağın ve bereketin üzerinde hükmü vardır ve diğer kardeşleri gibi o da bir karanlık alimdir. Belak ile savaştıkları zamanlarda, Xavi ile aşk yaşamıştır.
Diğer ismi; Lysandra Decoux
Hep Yeza ile denk olduğunu düşünse de kardeşi tarafından her seferinde yenilmiştir. Denizlere ve yeryüzüne hükmeden karanlık alimdir.
Diğer ismi; Balthasar Cetus Decoux.
-Lina ve Aina/Artemis ve Apollon:
Okçu ikizler olarak bilinirler. Lina deli denebilecek kadar dengesizken, Aina aklıselimi ve sükuneti temsil eder.
Diğer isimleri; Roverinae Oriel Decoux, Creon Leo Decoux.
Davi gibi şaraplarıyla ünlü, Lilith gibi acı hissetmeyen karanlık alimdir. Onun acıya bağışıklığı sarhoşluğundan gelir. Sürekli anlamsızca sırıtmasıyla tanınır.
Diğer ismi; Despin Decoux.
Erdem, sağduyu ve savaş sanatındaki yeteneğiyle ünlüdür. Vahşetten uzak, haklı savaşları sever.
Diğer ismi; Akkie Myrena Decoux.
Yeza’nın kardeşleri içinde zanaatkar olandır. Karanlık ilimleri kullanarak aydınlık, estetik, kullanışlı, iyi amaçlara hizmet eden eserler vermesiyle ünlüdür.
Diğer ismi; Dimitris Endre Decoux.
Savaşın kötü yüzünden keyif alır. Yıkıcı, vahşi ve katil olarak bilinir. Kendi kardeşleri içinde bile pek sevilmez. Özellikle Olia’nın Baal’den nefret ettiği söylenir.
Diğer ismi; Estevao Charles Decoux.
Lilith’in güzelliğini kıskanarak kendini ona benzetmiştir. Karanlık ilimlerdeki ustalığını kullanarak bunu yaparken, sadece saç ve göz renigni orijinal halinde bırakmıştır. Lilith’e duyduğu kin çok büyüktür.
Diğer ismi; Eugina Filia Decoux.
Mare gibi neşeli ve hareketlidir. Onunla nirlikte zaman geçirmeyi ve heyecanlı aksiyonlara girmeyi sever. Ledda ile bir olursa ölü bilinçleri geri getirme gücüne sahiptir.
Diğer ismi; Flavian Jason Decoux.
Evrenlerde düzeni ilk kuran varlıktır. Uzay-Zaman varlığına hükmedecek kadar güçlenmiş ama sonunda yoldan çıkarak bir zorbaya dönüşmüş ve Lo’nun daha önce kehanetinde bildirdiği üzere oğlu Yeza tarafından tahttan indirilerek uzak boyutlara hapsedilmiştir. Lo’nun ilk öğrencisidir.
Karanlık ilimlerin mucididir. Sekiz Ölümsüz’den önce değilse de, tam olarak ne zaman varlığa geldiği bilinmemektedir. Belak ve sonrasında İkinci Kuşak Alimleri oluşturan Yeza ve kardeşlerini eğitmiştir. Evrenleri durmaksızın sarsan mücadelelere asla şahsen karışmamış ama öğrencilerinin kararlarına da kesinlikle müdahale etmemiştir. Kehanet yeteneğinin tek dengi Lilith olarak kabu edilse de, ondan da üstün olduğu defalarca kanıtlanmıştır.
Dört Başmelek’in eski lideridir. Belak tarafından yaratılmıştır. Yaratıcısının yoldan çıkmasıyla isyan ederek, hem kardeşlerini hem de bilinen evreni terk eder. Moskova Savaşı’nda birden ortaya çıkana kadar Lo tarafından korunup kollandığı ve yetiştirildiği rivayet edilir.
Başmelekler içinde Lucifer’dan sonra en güçlüsü ve onun gidişinden sonra liderliği eline alandır. Belak’a olan sadakati dışında hiçbir manevi yönü yoktur.
Dengesiz, şiddet ve vahşetten zevk alan bir Başmelektir. Michael’dan farklı  olarak, Belak da dahil hiçbir şeye veya kimseye sadakati yoktur.
Başmelekler içinde en ağır başlı ve bilge olandır. Kehanet yeteneği varsa da, Lo, Lilith veya Kahin kadar gelişkin değildir.
Türünün ilk ve tek örneğidir. Kökenleri belirsizliğini korumaktadır. Öldüğü anda istemsiz olarak ve rastgele yeni doğan bir bebeğin vücuduna sıçrar. Kontrolsüzce, seçme şansı olmadan yaşadığı binlerce hayatın getirdiği sayısız travma yüzünden, çok dengesiz bir ruh hali vardır. Lilith’e akıldışı bir aşkla bağlıdır ve bu sebepten, Iasus ile kadim bir rekabet içerisindedir.
Diğer ismi; Keith Flanagan.
Arek Sibrian:
Kıyamet öncesinde, Kardeşlik tarafındaki insanların lideridir. Her durumda, doğaüstü şekilde şanslı olmasıyla bilinen bir mutanttır. Kıyamet’ten hemen önce Melek Gabriel tarafından saldırıya uğrar ve Moskova Savaşı’na katılamaz.
Ian Catling:
Dünyanın en pahalı ve yetenekli kiralık katilidir. Gençliği Wu-Dang Manastırı’nda bir Tao keşişi olarak geçmiş, orada yakaladığı huzuru kaybettikten sonra modern dünyaya dönmüş ve Kardeşlik tarafındaki insanların safına geçmiştir.
Sadakat ve fedakarlığın simgesi haline gelmiştir. Lilith kadar güçlü kehanetlerde bulunur ve soyunun Lo rahiplerine dayandığı iddia edilir.
Diğer ismi; Jiannis Perez.
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
sorry for the late birthday gifts :') but here they are @yoselin-uyu & @lisindrw
im glad i get to draw for you both again. just wanted yall to know i cherish you and love ur art <3 hope u enjoy the gifts!
avery & joshua, the extroverted gryffindor gals
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joseph & estevao, the fine men of slytherin and ravenclaw
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talbott and joslyn, the absolute lovebirds
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i had fun drawing them and totally did not ditch my projects and comms again for this
also sorry daniel you wont be joining em
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happy belated birthday once again ❤
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
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im sorry but they look like cousins if u ask me 😂
but anyways estevao getting all the juicy info to send back to the camp be like
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
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bonus vv
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just warmup sketches since im still busy with comms ;; hope u like it
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
fanart for @merul-a
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bonus vv
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its not often you'd find a lad who makes r ocs 😔❤
okay ill sleep now i swear
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
sorry lads i haven't got much to post but here have this sketch
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it was supposed to be some kind of ball dance yada yada shit and estevao is teaching daniel how to dance, so he doesn't go around and step on everyone's shoes every chance given
dunno if ill finish it but if i do then ill show it
the estevao n daniel brainrot is strong
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
What happens to your MC's post Hogwarts?
hm well its kinda hard to explain because i play with timelines, 2 timelines to be exact. But the canon route is Daniel working as a mazoologist while suffering from immense ptsd and trauma and Avery working in the Ministry, though its never clear what career she took. She also suffers from several mental issues but let's be honest here: who in Hogwarts didnt? as for Estevao, well he died and his death isnt important to explain.
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
Estavo dressed up as Dio from part 1 of JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure, I think he would look cool in his clothes 😎
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
Heeeey 1,9,45,50))0
thanks for askingggg <3
1. What's their full name and what does it mean?
daniel julieus clark : there's no particular meaning to his name honestly. julieus clark was the name of his deceased father.
avery junior clark : as you already know from my chapter 39 post, avery wasn't her biological name, but instead Alice. she chose this name because of an old story book her dad used to read during bedtime where her favorite character's name was Averine.
estevao raphael : the last name 'raphael' was given by UK's R Leader himself. Its unclear whether he gave him the last name as to claim him as his son.
9. Favorite teachers?
daniel julieus clark : you might think he's weird, but he actually really likes professor snape. yeah sure he might've bullied him and multiple students and rather strict practices but he managed to ace his exam because of it. another few favorite professors of his is professor flitwick as well as professor sprout. and maybe professor rakepick for a short while.
avery junior clark : professor sikander. she absolutely loves joining his class considering they share almost the same chaotic energy. she also likes professor mcgonagall, though she finds most of her class sessions 'boring'. oh, and lets not forget professor kettleburn.
estevao raphael : he's probably one of the only few students who likes going to professor trelawney's classes. reasons for it are unclear but its certain that he may use it for his advantage.
45. What quote best defines them?
daniel julieus clark : 'fear not the dark, for we bloom in the womb before greeting our light.'
avery junior clark : 'there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.'
estevao raphael : 'here in the forest, dark and deep, i offer you eternal sleep.'
50. What would their amortentia potion smell like?
i kinda dont want to answer this solely because im not a big fan of the love potion lol. but i guess the quickest way to answer this is that daniel would smell a lot like forests, avery would smell like clouds and rain [i dont even know what clouds smells like], estevao would smell like something burning, with a woody scent to it.l
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
Hello, 3,20,22,34,47 and 49 please
thank you for the ask :]
ive already answered Q3 & Q20 here
22. Who is their main love interest at Hogwarts?
daniel julieus clark : can't answer this. it used to be merula but i think they're better off as mutuals. he will remain alone post hogwarts.
avery junior clark : she has a polyamorous relationship with talbott and victor, though that only happened post hogwarts. (i thought about shipping her with merula recently but pretend i didnt say that)
estevao raphael : he doesn't get a love interest either as he dies [in canon route]. though i've considered him having a relationship with ismelda, but most of the time just platonic affection.
34. What's their theme song?
daniel julieus clark
y1-y6 : foreverland - lilypichu
y7 : idgaf - boywithuke
avery junior clark
y1-y6 : perfect - one direction
y7 : moon halo - honkai impact 3rd
estevao raphael
y1-y7 : black out days - phantogram
47. What is their opinion on Patricia Rakepick?
[now keep in mind that i've changed rakepick in my canon a lot, so their opinions on her may seem more neutral - friendly]
daniel julieus clark : he trusted her, as a professor and a guardian. most of his positive perspectives on her came from jacob due to how much he mentioned about rakepick. though the trust was broken after her reveal to be working for R, he didn't believe she was entirely evil. rakepick's gruesome death left him traumatized, but it's also where his corruption awakened.
avery junior clark : rather neutral, though she's always confused to whether rakepick is trustworthy or skeptical. left traumatized after rowan's death eventhough rakepick wasn't the one that killed them. her opinion on rakepick remained negative ever since but she does feel a bit of pity for rakepick.
estevao raphael : also neutral. since they're working as a team she has to keep watch of him during her stay so he doesn't do anything stupid....... or was it the other way round?
49. What's been your favorite side quest so far?
honestly, i haven't played hphm for a long time so i dont really remember anymore. but i think the chinese fireball sidequest is still my favorite. there's another one only for hufflepuffs where two hufflepuff students share candy together, it was really wholesome.
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
the clownery all started when i made a joke about crackshipping them
and now im emotionally attached to these bi icons
they're not canon but reality can be whatever i want it to be
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closer vers below, klik if interested vv
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daniel in the froggy jacket for fun festival event
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i can go cry in peace and sleep now, i still do the asks dw.... i already have the answers ready just gotta find the motivation and time to draw the mini sketches
i get really motivated on wrong things at the worst timing and its fucking annoying sometimes 💀
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