#eternal fluttercord
heebiejeebiesart · 2 years
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Alicorn Fluttershy🫠🦋
(Mimicking the G4 style is ADDICTIVE okAY?!?🤡)
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ashleyfableblack · 8 months
Be like Fluttershy. Be tiny but fierce, big-pegasus-style and stake that claim.
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"It is a common practice among modern pegasi- and it is thought, alicorns- to express interest in a potential romantic partner through an ancient act known as 'feather-marking'. In this, the pegasus slowly passes by their chosen partner, ruffling their wings. This ruffling of their feathers releases tiny magical particulate from glands along the radius and ulna. These 'scent-markers' are easily detectable by other pegasi and indicate the pegasus' claim upon the potential mate. This act is followed up with a sharp smack across their target's flanks, giving them a concentrated dose of their scent to ward off any potential rivals."
-Sir Attenbirdo, 'The Gryphonia Royal Guide To Avian Equine"
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cometcrystal · 3 years
half my fav ships i dont see ever having kids at ALL and half my fav ships i see both parents climbing into the hospital bed so they can both cuddle the infant at the same time but only have the 1 kid they dote on way too much AND half my fav ships i see as having eternal children once theyre grown and married there are just so many children in their hosue
category 1
category 2
category 3
sorikai (jesus christ. i hc them having at least 7 kids)
kyan (but they 100% suck as parents they are such bad parents)
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intersex-ionality · 5 years
Hey you mentioned MLP in a blog post. I haven’t watched in a season or two. Who are your favourite characters and ships? Also do you have any favourite cartoons or recent favs? I love cartoons.
Okay, so, I’m one of those Absolute Shitbags who legitimately thinks anything after Season 2 (and quite a bit of S2 itself) is Cursed and shouldn’t exist, so please take every single thing I say here with not merely a grain, but a full on block of salt.
The series finale was shameless pandering, and I absolutely worked on me. AppleDash grow old on a farm together? Pinkie Pie finally gets to be the head of a giant party family just like she always wanted? Rarity is a sexy widow who wears giant feather boas? Fluttercord!!!?!?!?!!! I cried during that final song and I’m not afraid to admit it.
That said, the last two seasons were... messy. Mostly unfortunate, with the occasional gem.
The movie, however, is fucking spectacular. I loved every second of it, and I hope that the upcoming capstone film is even half as beautiful. Capper Dapperpaws is the greatest fursona in human or pony history so I also hope he shows up again.
In terms of shipping, I was always more into Twilestia and Lunestia than any of the more common ships. The Alien And Immutable Goddesses Who Have Only Eachother thing was always appealing. And I mean, you know, hot for teacher is such a classic trope. Neither of those ships makes sense past about S2, however, so since then I’ve been more arbitrary. I go where the fics go, rather than deciding on fics based on the attendant ships.
Except for Starlight/Trixie. That ship is eternal and I will die before you take it from me. Evil Communism Pony literally put Shitty Thieving Con Pony in charge of the emotional health and wellness of her students so that they could work together as BFFs 5 ever, and shitty con pony stepped up and took care of those kids so hard, that’s so much character growth for everyone involved.
In terms of current favourite toons, I am a strong believer in the dragon prince. If you don’t find the whole Destined Child Leader Who Is Morally Righteous And Should Be The True King angle off putting. I know that’s a major criticism that a lot of people have.
Hazbin Hotel and the associated Helluva Boss are also really good, if you’re okay with adult animation rather than children’s animation. They’re vibrant, witty, unapologetically queer, and just a ton of fun.
The next instalment in Tales of Arcadia is coming out soon, and while I was definitely more of a 3 Below fan than a TrollHunters fan, I’m extremely hype for it.
To be honest, as much as I love western animation, I haven’t got many recommendations right now. I don’t have regular TV, and web-released shows aren’t usually.... great.... and they have weird fucky schedules. It’s hard to stay invested.
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Next up, pony.  I got a bit spoiled by a leak or preview or something on Derpibooru before the episode even aired.  So apparently Big Mac is gonna be trying to drown his sorrows or something this episode, and by the title likely from Sugar Belle breaking up with him.  Well let’s see what really goes down in The Break Up Break Down.
* A watched stove never bakes.
* Oh no.  Given the mess on the walls and ceiling and Spike preparing to try and get something to cook faster by turning the heat up this is looking like an incompetent-Spike episode.  Those can be... painful.
* He’s calling for Discord to speed things up?!
* The call of the neeeeeeerd.
* Normally I’d shrug at the greeting card company conspiracy spiel, but the CMC already proved that the poison in the legend exists.
* Should I be worried that they cut to opening just as Discord did something to the pie?
* I will now be officially disappointed if this episode doesn’t have Discord getting twitterpated at some point.
* The Lord of Chaos just described himself as a “realist”.
* Huh.  Spike is a Fluttercord shipper.
* Spike, don’t make wagers involving eternal servitude.
* Derpy is taking the package.  I think I see where the breakup is gonna come from.
* So.  The label ink smeared.  The “bell” was clear, but the “sugar” wasn’t.  And now Sweetie Belle is complaining about not having a special somepony.  Oh joy.  A comedy of misunderstandings approaches.
* Also, the mailponies don’t use addresses or anything like that?  You just slap a mark on there and hope they get the gist?  Or maybe Big Mac is illiterate and... no, that might explain the pictograph “address” but not the mailponies not questioning it at all.
* I suppose Spike would count as a former Dragon Lord.  Sure, his reign only lasted a couple of minutes, but that was still long enough to issue an order and hand over the reins of power to a chosen successor, so *shrug* it counts.  Not sure about him having been a great one though.
* “Love is about spying in the bushes.”  Well, to be honest it does seem to be something that pops up frequently.
* On one hoof I’m still expecting this to be a big misunderstanding.  On the other claw if it is this episode really passed the line of plausibility for that.
* So as the “I knew that stuff was alcoholic” comment is far to obvious and easy, I shall instead claim that (non-alcoholic) cider is obviously Big Mac’s comfort food.
* Honestly this feels like a totally appropriate time for the zoot suit to make a comeback.
* Wow.  Uh, I did not need to see Discord writhing like that while talking about “only loving yourself”.
* Wait, Discord knows somebody to help Big Mac rebound?  Who?!
* Wow, Sweetie, rude.  Even if I can’t really blame her for not wanting the non-existent admirer to be Snips or Snails.
* You know, it’d be kinda funny if they did find a kid with a crush on Sweetie.
* Discord tried to hook Big Mac up with a fictional undead girl.  O Celestia, does Discord have a waifu?
* *facepalm* Why oh why is Big Mac actually taking advice from Discord.  Oh well, here go shenanigans.
* Yeah, sorry.  The plausibility line was crossed.
* Huh, not even trying to hide those two being lesbians now.
* Oh hey, Cranky got a wig that doesn’t suck again.
* Well it was nice of Big Mac to apologize for taking his anger and frustration out on the wrong Belle.  Now he just has to hope the right Belle doesn’t kill him for breaking up with her.
* And the Fonz has jumped the shark, ladies and gentlemen!
* Just gonna lay all the potential morals out there, huh?  Well, other than “don’t be a red-pill creep”.
* Didn’t picture her as the snorting while laughing type.
* Did Sweetie just propose a threesome?  Goin’ a bit fast there, kid.
* Well I dunno if Discord has a waifu but apparently Spike does now.
And that’s the episode. To mention the plus sides first, some of the comments by the characters could be funny.  But I just don’t like this type of story.  So yeah, it wasn’t so bad it was painful, but I don’t feel the need to see this one again.
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ashleyfableblack · 8 months
Li'l bit of graphite love as Flutters and her beau tie on engagement tokens. Kindness n' Chaos n' Hug Life with one of my fave couples who have ALL the Big Love. 💛🐴🐉
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
Because gender norms are for less-evolved creatures. 💓
Sometimes even The Lord of Chaos likes to feel pretty and Flutters doesn't mind her hubby putting a lil' strut in it on an afternoon of running errands. 💛🌈💛
🎶 He's a Brick... House... He's Mighty, Migh-Tay Just a-lettin' it ALL hang out 🎶
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
More of my art love for Fluttercord!
When folkes give your partner the business, don't be afraid to give 'em hell. Be like Fluttershy. Be tiny but fierce. 🔥💛💓💛🔥
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
Love- When you find that special someone who appreciates your specific flavour of weird.
More art for one of my favourite li'l loving couples in Equestria.
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
🎶 Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low 🎶
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo 🎶
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-Stereo Heart by Gym Class Heroes
Art by Me
A bit of love for one of my favourite couples in Equestria.
Love is beautiful and often brings out the most beautiful parts of us all, even when we cant see them ourselves
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ashleyfableblack · 3 years
More Tea Time for couples as Twilight n Chryssi invite Fluttershy n Discord over for a few drinks and some frank discussion about their relationships.
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Ain't love Just grand? 💜💙💚💛❤
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