#eternal slaves
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twistedlilangel · 26 days
𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞, 𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖑 🗡️
Standing completely naked in front of someone, revealing your entire body and all its scars plunges you into an intimidating atmosphere of intimacy and complete exposure.
But have you ever tried to undress your soul, letting someone into the depths of your mind and revealing your true, concealed inner self?
Disclosing your darkest desires, hardest experiences, and all the thoughts swirling in your head?
Letting someone take of your mask and reveal the truth about yourself, not only the beautiful parts but also the repulsive ones?
You feel absolutely vulnerable yet simultaneously liberated.
Because if someone chooses to love you despite seeing this dirty truth, then you truly know that it's all real.
Maybe someday you’ll learn to love all your twisted and broken parts the same way.
Then your souls be entwined for eternity 🖤
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Bolt Thrower - Eternal War
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my-fancy-hat · 3 months
me at the club last night sobbing drunk af because of denji
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saitamasgreencactus · 2 years
I love how Dream‘s just 120 pounds of soaking wet and still he manages to be intimidating and incredibly sexy, like Tom singlehandedly carried the whole show on his back.
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littledreamling · 2 years
Listen, I love Hob and his incurable hope, but I’d be lying if I said that the concept of Dark!Hob, a Hob Gadling that realized that his immortality isn’t tied to his morality, a Hob Gadling that figures out that it’s his desire to keep living that keeps him alive and nothing more, a Hob Gadling that decides that a life of soldiering and banditry and (later in life) white collar crime is far more enjoyable than trying to walk the fine line between goodness and safety, wasn’t extremely interesting to me. I need more explorations of mob boss Hob, of hitman Hob, of professional criminal Hob, because he can keep his faith in humanity while simultaneously using his inability to die for personal gain and the gain of others
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shipperwolf1 · 2 years
Emet-Selch spent 13 millennia committing just. So many atrocities. Oh god the war crimes. The planetary genocides. The oppressive empires. The monster-creations.
Just. So many atrocities.
And then he took one look at this mysterious "hero of the Source", the Warrior of Light, clocked us as being the shattered reincarnation of his long-lost bestie/lover, and went "I think I'll ease up on the atrocities. As a treat."
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sapphic-schizo · 3 months
i kinda hate the whole quest line in baldie's gate with wyll's father and i think i also broke it a bit (spoilers) i talked to mizora when she offers the deal to trade his life for wyll's servitude and i was like uh no that's a shit deal and any father would give up their life to prevent their son from being a demon's servant for eternity i'm fine with letting him die tbh and then councilor florick gave me her pissy little spiel about how evil wyll is for killing his father or whatever (like who was it that trusted gortash this whole time in the first place hmmm??) and gave me the book about the stupid dragon but when i went to rescue the people from the underwater prison instead of just killing wyll's dad mizora summons a bunch of exploding spiders that i guess were supposed to kill him but they were laughably easy nd i just took the damage with my fatass bear body and we all got out safely and then mizora acted like wyll had accepted her deal to begin with and kept hanging around like we were all buddies like NO get tf out of here cringelord you tried to kill him!! like why make it possible to rescue him after big evil mizora says she's gonna kill him why not just make her kill him outright she's supposed to be some big scary bad guy but she makes herself look like an idiot at every turn it makes no sense
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mannequinentity · 2 months
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Each scar on his body tells a story that he remembered so vividly. He's grateful for each and every one of them in terms of much appreciative he is of being alive now.
It gave a unique introspection of himself compared to living in hedonism, where the belief itself made him stagnant personally with little to no self-improvement. He believes the idea of that lifestyle forms delusion and grandeur with lack of self-awareness, because of one's selfishness of their desires satiated so desperately.
It's not for everyone, and it's definitely not for him, as he was an insufferable personality in that cesspool of endless satisfaction.
Manny learned to appreciate the struggle of advancing past adversity. Living without the slavery of self-indulgent made him dissatisfied under modern society; a place plagued with indulgent where people tend to be materialistic over miniscule objects that don't have real impact in their lives.
In the past, he used to sprint life like it's a competition. He ate food like a pig, eyes fixated on men and women's attractive figures, drank away to avoid any uncomfortable truths.
Now he savors the taste of food and goes to sleep easily after stargazing on top of the roof. And lastly, try to drink water as much as he can so his human body can keep up.
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avianii · 5 months
I hate having responsibilities
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sisterofoblivion · 7 months
So. Many. Conflicting. Feelings.
Gah I love Aizen, too, the evil shithead. Someone in a fic described his eyes as tea water and I'm not getting that out of my head anytime soon-- I realize I have not taken my second dose of meds. Ah. Rambling.
What I ACTUALLY came here to say was like YEAH Aizen nearly took over the entire everything with the Danger Marble ™️ but I'm telling you if someone had fed him an American McDouble, he woulda been heckin' screwed.
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christ-our-glory · 2 years
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Sin, of any kind, is unholy. Although every sin will keep us from heaven if we embrace them (Hebrews 10:26-27), not every sin calls you to be “put to death” over them. Sins such as homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), adultery (Leviticus 20:10), bestiality (Exodus 22:19), murder (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:12), etc., are all called for those who have committed them to be put to death. God takes sins seriously, which means that Jesus, being God, also takes them seriously. When nearly all of mankind drowned to death in the Great Flood, or when people were burned to death in Sodom and Gomorrah, Jesus was neither absent nor contrary to such decisions. Thankfully, God also takes grace and atonement seriously as well. We are told in Romans 6:23 that “the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Sin leads to death but, thankfully, because “God so loved the world” “He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Sadly, many Christians remain forever stuck with faith without repentance. They remain "attracted" to their sin, even though they don't practice it. They say they are in Christ, while also dwelling in their sins within their minds. Remember Christ’s words: “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Mortify your sin — no matter where it may reside; don't merely set it aside. God saw fit to put to death His only begotten Son in your place. He died on that cross so you may live. Therefore, put to death your sinful desires and be a slave to Christ; no longer be a slave to sin but now be a slave to righteousness (Romans 6:8-18). Repent of your sins and believe in the Christ who has died for you.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
If another white christian tells me that white christians freed the slaves I'm gonna go back in time and push the first tiktaalik back into the fucking water
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tmarshconnors · 11 months
“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”
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Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, prose poet, and cultural critic.
Born: 15 October 1844, Röcken, Lützen, Germany
Died: 25 August 1900, Weimar, Germany
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mnstcrbnll · 11 months
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...some people really overthink a lot, huh.
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louisdelac · 11 months
hob's entire purpose on this earth being to get studied like a bug by dream... literally hurts so bad to see someone living out your dreams like that.
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