#ethel leckwith
tagthescullion · 4 years
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The Century Trilogy Characters: Ethel Williams
This lady is the most bad*ss character I’ve ever read about, strong, independent, and proud. You go, Ethel, you’re what’s right in this world
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klstheword · 5 years
Dan Stevens & audiobooks
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Many of you will already know that Dan has narrated, or rather performed, more than 30 audiobooks as well as numerous and varied radio dramas & readings.
However, many do not know or realise what a masterful grasp he has on languages, dialects, accents and the ages of the characters, whether they be man or woman, boy or girl.
I am listening, again, to “Fall of Giants” by Ken Follett which has one of the broadest range of characters, each one of which is amazingly “inhabited” by Dan.
Below is a very long list of characters in that book - and remember each is portrayed differently by Dan which makes it such an enjoyable “listen”. It is an amazing performance and I truly hope that one day he will find some time to provide us with more audiobooks to enjoy.
Those who already enjoy these works will need no convincing, and they will have many favourites, as do I, especially work such “My Dear I Wanted To Tell You”, “The Invisible Ones”, “History of A Pleasure Seeker”, “Wolf Hall”, “War Horse”.......and more
Dewar family                       Vyalov family
Senator Cameron Dewar   Josef Vyalov, businessman
Ursula Dewar, his wife.       Lena Vyalov, his wife
Gus Dewar, their son.         Olga Vyalov, their daughter
Rosa Hellman, journalist.    Ilya, thug
Chuck Dixon, school friend of Gus’s.     Theo, thug
Marga, a nightclub singer                        Norman Niall, crooked accountant
Nick Forman, a thief                                 Brian Hall, union leader
Real historical characters
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President       William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State
Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy
English & Scottish
 Fitzherbert family
Earl Fitzherbert, called Fitz                      The Duchess of Sussex, their rich aunt
Princess Elizaveta, called Bea, his wife.  Gelert, Pyrenean mountain dog
Lady Maud Fitzherbert, his sister.            Grout, Fitz’s butler
Lady Hermia, called Aunt Herm, their poor aunt
Sanderson, Maud’s maid
Mildred Perkins, Ethel’s lodger      Lord “Johnny” Remarc, War Office Minister
Bernie Leckwith, Independent Labour Party secretary
Colonel Hervey, aide to Sir John French
Bing Westhampton, Fitz’s friend.
Lieutenant Murray, aide to Fitz
Marquis of Lowther, “Lowthie”, rejected suitor of Maud
Mannie Litov, factory owner
Albert Solman, Fitz’s man of business
Jock Reid, Independent Labour Party treasurer
Dr Greenward, volunteer at the baby clinic
Jayne McCulley, soldier’s wife
Real historical characters
King George V     Queen Mary
Mansfield Smith-Cumming, called “C”
Sir Edward Grey, MP, Foreign Secretary
Sir William Tyrrell, private secretary to Grey
Frances Stevenson, mistress of Lloyd George
Winston Churchill, MPH.H. Asquith, MP, Prime Minister
Sir John French
FrenchColonel Dupuys, aide to General Galliéni
General Lourceau, aide to General Joffre
Gini, a bar girl
Real historical characters
General Joffre, commander-in-chief of French forces
General Galliéni, commander of the Paris garrison
German & Austrian
   Von Ulrich family
Otto von Ulrich, diplomat.        Susanne von Ulrich, his wife
Walter von Ulrich, their son, military attaché
Greta von Ulrich, their daughter
Graf (Count) Robert von Ulrich, Walter’s second cousin
Gottfried von Kessel, cultural attaché
Monika von der Helbard, Greta’s best friend
Real historical characters
Prince Karl Lichnowsky, German Ambassador to London
Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg
General of Infantry Erich Ludendorff
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, Chancellor
Arthur Zimmermann, Foreign Minister
Russian Peshkov family
Grigori Peshkov, metalworker      Lev Peshkov, horse wrangler
Putilov Machine Works
Konstantin, lathe operator, discussion group chairmanIsaak, captain of the football team
Varya, female labourer, Konstantin’s mother
Serge Kanin, supervisor of the casting section
Count Maklakov, Director
Mikhail Pinsky, police officer
Ilya Kozlov, his sidekick
Nina, maid to Princess BeaPrince
Andrei, Bea’s brother
Katerina, a peasant girl new to the city
Mishka, bar owner
Trofim, a gangster
Fyodor, corrupt cop
Spirya, passenger on the Angel
GabrielYakov, passenger on the Angel 
Anton, a clerk at the Russian embassy in London
David, a Jewish soldier
Sgt GavrikLt Tomchak
Real historical characters
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Party
Leon Trotsky
 Williams family
David Williams, union organiser
Cara Williams, his wife
Ethel Williams, their daughter
Billy Williams, their son
Gramper, Mam’s father
Griffiths family
Ponti family
Len Griffiths, atheist and Marxist
Mrs Minnie Ponti
Mrs Griffiths
Giuseppe “Joey” Ponti
Tommy Griffiths, Len‘s son, Billy Williams‘s best friend
Giovanni “Johnny” Ponti, his younger brother
David Crampton,
“Dai Crybaby”
Harry “Suet” Hewitt
John Jones the Shop
Dai Chops, the butcher’s son
Pat Pope, Main Level onsetter
Micky Pope, Pat’s son
Dai Ponies, horse wrangler
Bert Morgan
Mine management
Perceval Jones, Chairman of Celtic Minerals
Maldwyn Morgan, colliery manager
Rhys Price, colliery manager’s deputy
Arthur “Spotty” Llewellyn, colliery clerk
Staff at Ty Gwyn
Peel, butler
Mrs Jevons, housekeeper
Morrison, footman
Dai Muck, sanitary worker
Mrs Dai Ponies
Mrs Roley Hughes
Mrs Hywel Jones
Private George Barrow, B Company
Private Robin Mortimer, cashiered officer, B Company
Private Owen Bevin, B Company
Sergeant Elijah “Prophet” Jones, B Company
Second Lieutenant James Carlton-Smith, B Company
Captain Gwyn Evans, A Company
Second Lieutenant Roland Morgan, A Company
Real historical characters
David Lloyd George, Liberal Member of Parliament
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Winter of the World  (The Century Trilogy Book 2)
Prix- £0.99
Winter of the World est le deuxième roman de Ken Follett, une ambitieuse et profondément satisfaisante The Century Trilogy. Seul ou lu en séquence avec Fall of Giants et Edge of Eternity, c'est une épopée magnifique et envoûtante de conflits mondiaux et de drames personnels. Berlin en 1933 est en plein bouleversement. Carla von Ulrich, 11 ans, peine à comprendre les tensions qui perturbent sa famille alors qu'Hitler renforce son emprise sur l'Allemagne. Dans cette tourmente, la formidable amie de sa mère et ancienne députée britannique, Ethel Leckwith, et son fils étudiant, Lloyd, apprendront bientôt par lui-même la réalité brutale du nazisme. Il rencontre également un groupe d'Allemands résolus à s'opposer à Hitler - mais sont-ils prêts à aller jusqu'à trahir leur pays? Ces personnes sont étroitement surveillées par Volodia, un Russe avec un brillant avenir dans le renseignement de l'Armée Rouge. Le choc international de la puissance militaire et des croyances personnelles qui s'ensuivra balaiera tout le monde, de Cable Street dans l'East End de Londres à Pearl Harbor à Hawaï, d'Espagne à Stalingrad, de Dresde à Hiroshima. À Cambridge, Lloyd est irrésistiblement attiré par l'éblouissante mondaine américaine Daisy Peshkov, qui représente tout ce que sa famille de gauche méprise. Mais Daisy est plus intéressé par l'aristocratique Boy Fitzherbert - pilote amateur, amateur de fête et chef de file du British Union of Fascists. De retour à Berlin, Carla vénère de loin Werner Werner. Mais rien ne marchera comme ils s'y attendent car leurs vies et les espoirs du monde sont brisés par la guerre la plus grande et la plus cruelle de l'histoire de la race humaine.
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