#Fall of Giants
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Ethel and Fitz, this is probably the most toxic ship I ship, but their chemistry was great
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atna2-34-75 · 10 months
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Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, The Fall of Titans (1588-90)
Guido Reni, The Fall of Giants (anonymous copy, late 17th c.)
Eugenio Cajes, The Fall of the Rebel Angels (1605)
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
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flowers-and-fichte · 9 months
since barely anybody writes fics for actual books i'm filling that void.
how many of you have read the century trilogy by ken follett? i have (currently almost finished with book 2) and i love it so fucking much. if you haven't, and you like actual books and/or historical fiction, give it a read. the fics will be for characters from that series.
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justjustjustholdme · 1 year
‘All his life he would cherish the memory of an endless caravan of camels alongside the railway line, the laden beasts plodding patiently through the snow, ignoring the twentieth century as it hurtled past them in a clash of iron and a shriek of steam.’
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puba24 · 9 months
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Some ideas of grown up Hogarth in Gravity Falls :3
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egophiliac · 6 months
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I've had a beast of a cold for the last few days, but I wanted to get this out before the new year! while I've sort of made my peace with my first take on Lilia's UM poster, I really wanted to do a version with the new context that chapter 6 gave us. because. c'mon.
(don't worry, Lilia can carry ALL HIS KIDS AT ONCE)
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shorthaltsjester · 11 months
watching the sdcc panel and i am just very :) about how sweet their answers to “what are some of the micro moments from the game that have stuck with you the most over the years?” are. taliesin saying what the fuck is up with that which was the first like The Party Gets To Know Each Other moments of c3. travis saying asking his wife if he could kiss her in campaign. marisha going way back to the cannonball competition in campaign one. ashley choosing the beauyasha date but also just the silly goat noise matt made. liam adding onto that to compliment matt roleplaying grass so well and then saying his favourite moment was writing a story for laura and reading it to her as caleb for jester. and then matt saying that was his answer, and that his favourite moments of the game are when they find ways to give gifts to each other whether tangible or not. and sam saying his favourite moments have less to do with the story and is more so when he can just. see his friends across the table from him. when marisha perches and when laura and ashley are (badly) drawing dicks and liam saying he loves when sam sneezes and ashley tells him to stop it and just. yeah. they Are an extremely popular online powerhouse, but i’m so happy that they’re also friends building a world together out of gifts to and love for one another.
like i Am so enamoured with the characters and the world of exandria but the moments when you can feel the love that those people have for each other reach out from behind the stained glass of their performances (to steal a metaphor from brennan lee mulligan) are so extremely special and i am endlessly grateful that they decided to share their silly little home game with the world.
#it’s just the. laura and travis’ characters always being supportive of one another when they’re facing hardship#taliesin and marisha consistently making characters who challenge one another and still protect each other relentlessly#all of them being so fond of ashley’s characters always and literally seeing them light up in c1 episodes when ash got to join in person#sam and liam always making characters who offer one another reprieves into kindness that they don’t always get in the campaign setting#liam making orym after falling in love with keyleth as vax#marisha making laudna after matt’s storytelling with delilah and choosing vex as her body double#ashley using ‘i would like to rage’ and matt having kord ask her where she finds her strength#laura and matt always weaving these deeply complicated and emotional interactions between a daughter and a father#the gasps and yells and clapping when matt makes cool sound effects or reveals a map or breaks/ends on a cliff hanger#them ending both campaign 1 and 2 with ‘what a great/nice story’ and travis saying ‘let’s do it again!’#and it’s like. yes yes i love the comics and i’m a fan of tlovm but . seeing this well produced thing that somehow mimics#the feeling i get sitting in my living room laughing with my roommates about my ranger’s giant rat failing to climb stairs#it’s very special it’s very sweet#critical role#sdcc 2023#taliesin jaffe#travis willingham#marisha ray#ashley johnson#liam o’brien#matthew mercer#laura bailey#sam riegel#cr cast#critical role cast#my posts
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bananafire11 · 5 months
More godzilla minus one doodles (ft. Legendary)
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jaysdoodlehell · 1 year
Starscream Prompt of the Week: Family
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Some thoughts on TFP Starscream:
Even tho Starscream seems egotistical, and rude to those around him, he is not a total aft. I genuinely think he cared about his family... and who I even talk about here? His Seekers of course. He is proud, when he gets to mention he was the Commander of the Energon Seekers (and as people may just say, he likes to brag, I won't agree with them 100%). He also doesn't want to have the dead spare hand of, likely, one of his Seekers, when Optimus shots off his own (he's probably forced to it later, as he has no choice, cause his hand is probably lost forever in the shadowzone, but KO did a great job with making it exactly the same, so kudos to him). Let's not forget, that Seekers comes in trines, and he probably really hates being alone (even tho in aligned novels, he is responsible for the death of at least Skywarp), but look at him thrive with a glimple of his old life, when he gets his small armada, and even Megatron tries to treat him better at the end of season 2. And it's so easy to look at my points, and be like "Jay... that doesn't have sense at all!", but it is exacktly like that with Starscream.
He is not a black-or-white character, and to properly analyse him, you have to sit down, and look at what prolonged, unidentified trauma does with ones brain... You have to look at the context of the situation, what happened to him already, what other characters around him did. What he thinks they did. All of this matters when looking at Starscream. And all of that gets harder, as he is a character that backstabs himself because he overthinks everything too much... as if, he didn't have his two trusty advisors anymore to help... But I got lost in my interpretations, when the prompt is so clear...
So what do I think family is was for Starscream? It was his pride, his power, his confidence. He was respected, and he got his back covered. I think he mourns the lose of them. Lack of safety, lack of respect, it twists him up, and people tend to forget about that sometimes... especially when often all he needs to be better is someones attention, and respect. Not only plain power hunger drives him, as many would say at the first glance. Because maybe that power hunger now, has it's core not in him being egocentric, but in the real want of having a glimpse of his old life, craving for safety, and normal treatment, that he doesn't have anymore. He probably doesn't even recognise where his wishes of being a leader come from, as it is often the case with traumatised people, but all his wishes are actually to be liked, and respected again, to be safe again, and to be treated as someone... again.
Because honestly... imagine TFP with all of Starscream's Seekers, loyal to him. He would be unstoppable (if not for the plot... making him loose, because Hasbro said so... of course, but that's a topic for another time).
Thank you @starscreamweek for doing this events. I wasn't sure if Starscream's fandom is alive anymore, and I'm positively surprised. It's good to be back after 10 years...
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hamletthedane · 21 days
Coworker: You know, you were talking about that book the other day at lunch, and I kinda wanted to read it.
Me: What book?
Coworker: The Hobbit.
Me: You’ve never read the Hobbit?!?!? Did you get it??
Coworker: I started last night and I’m already almost to the end…..I’m starting to feel strangely sad thinking about all the time I wasted being “too cool” to read for pleasure when I was younger. I wish I had known about this book when I was a teenager - it would have changed my life, I think. There’s just something about this story that I really love. It’s, like, comforting??
Me, trying not to get emotional: Yeah…the Hobbit really does that to you.
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viscountess-aberowen · 9 months
Turn of Fate
Fandom(s): Winter of the World, The Century Trilogy (Ken Follett)
Summary: '[Fitz] went to the door. "And it would not please me int he least if that great office of state were to be held by my Bolshevik!" With that he walked out.' Or: Fitz' impulsivity leads to even more regret.
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 533
AO3 link
No sooner had Fitz slammed the door behind him, the immensity of his mistake set on his mind like a weight. 
He’d always been unable to control that emotional impulsivity he’d so often criticised in others. After half a lifetime of blotching relationships on that account, he should have been able to at least repress the sudden urge to hurt those who cornered him into such situations. 
His first instinct had been to blame Ethel for shocking him in such a way, but the voice of his subconscious spoke over it: the truth was that the blame had always been on him. 
It was him who had cornered her into shoving their child –no longer a boy– in front of him at whatever opportunity she could find.
The boy had been the centre of his emotional unrest, if he was honest. Seeing a face so alike his own in appearance yet so foreign had all but transported him to that afternoon in Ty Wyn thirty-something years ago when he had selfishly –for there was no other way to think of it– thrown a pregnant and heartbroken Ethel out of his life. A choice he’d regretted on more than one occasion since.
He’d caught glimpses of the boy as he grew, with his mother working in the same set of buildings as he did, but he hadn’t been face-to-face with him since that fateful time he’d run into Ethel going down a staircase over two decades ago.
Boy had been with him that time, he recalled. The memory of his dead son did nothing to alleviate his inner turmoil.
What a tortuous turn of fate that the son he’d priorised had perished while the bastard he’d neglected had returned home a commemorated hero.
In spite of all reason, the idea that Lloyd Williams was alive and well filled him with joy. It was a shame that the boy would dedicate his life from now on to destroying Great Britain’s traditional values. Still, Fitz couldn’t find it in his heart to wish the boy ill.
An intrusive thought of turning back and apologising crossed his mind but Fitz vanished it immediately. Not wishing the boy dead was far from acknowledging any relation between them or even building a bridge of communication to the possibility of getting close to him, or Ethel for that matter. He was growing soft in his old age.
He felt let down with himself after the whole ordeal. He shouldn’t have been so harsh. If only Ethel hadn’t brought Boy up, or if she hadn’t alluded to the affection for her that he’d tried in vain to bury over the past thirty years, then perhaps Fitz would have reacted in a much more measured manner.
He shook his head, probably looking like a madman to anybody around him. 
He was done blaming others, he told himself. Yet his pride wouldn’t let him turn back.
He hoped, he really did, that someday perhaps, he’d be able to meet the boy –the man now– under better circumstances. But not yet. Not while he was mourning his firstborn. Not when so much as speaking to Lloyd felt like he was trying to replace Boy.
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smolboiremy · 2 months
Was doom scrolling through snap shorts and found this
They found me 😳
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gtzel · 6 months
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The First few episodes of my webcomic are out! Be sure to check out the rest on webtoon it really helps >>>
And lore stuff: https://www.tumblr.com/zelda1410/737995533557383168/so-lorei-came-up-with-some-for-the-boy-in-the
And if you like the story check out the written version: https://www.wattpad.com/1314657780?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_writer&wp_uname=Zelda1410&wp_originator=KzJ0kOauqzDPCXPQtCwOIpBw%2F3B2SAySLVEwbU33U2zBJpfaMKzun2yKfq5808tn%2Bw1Q2h1sIhr%2BLFhrOvC%2FBEEiIRQEvVrony%2FLyvGE4hmbLpmTTFaulAcmv%2BxwEOMW
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your move, idiot
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puba24 · 10 months
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Did some emotions to try the design of grown up Hogarth :3
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spkyart · 11 months
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au where genya survived the final battle and its now living his best life and everyone cares him
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