vegetasei-week · 4 years
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Vegetasei Week Day 8 Good Night I couldn’t decide which version to chose. Dreaming Kakarot ;)
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day8 Cuddles and Purring What a lovely picture! Someone seems to be sleepy after a long day and loves to be carried by Gine. It is cute!
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Eighth prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Sunday 24th May - Cuddles and Purring
YAY! I finished another one ^^
Gine is taking a sleepy baby Raditz to his nest ♥♥♥
I hate repeating myself, but thanks to this stalker and this stalker’s followers, I have to. NAKED DOES NOT EQUAL SEXUAL. There is nothing sexual going on in this picture. On Vegetasei, it is normal to be naked. Saiyans have a different culture, they are ALIENS. They never had stupid puritans ruining their society like humans did.
If you think this picture is sexual in any way then you have something WRONG with your head. I recommend therapy.
I’m not going to stop drawing what I love and what I believe in. Deal with it and leave me out of your issues.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 7 Initiation Ritual Saiyan society in old times maybe had other rules. Its cear said that they had not a high population on Vegetasei, so this theme might not be so out of the blue like one could think. Fiction and Fantasy are free, dont mistake it with RL!
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Seventh prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Saturday 23rd May - Initiation Ritual 
WARNING! Incest coming along~
Honestly XD This is ME we’re talking about. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
I know some people are freaked out by the idea [psshhh-] but for those of you that don’t care or even share this kink, please enjoy the uncensored version on my Ao3 or in my Boxer & Rice.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 7 Family A big lucky pack! Its nice to see them all together in happiness. A great work with all that saiyans!
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Seventh prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Saturday 23rd May - Family
I apologize for the yucky sketch ORZ
Gine is finally revived, Cumber came back to the present, and Bardock’s circle [family] is now complete!
I hc that Cumber is Toma and Bardock’s first born, Raditz is their second born. And Goku is Gine and Bardock’s first born. All three cubs were carried by Bardock. All the Saiyans in my AU are intersexed so yeah, pregnancy can happen to anyone, and I do not believe in the science behind ass babies XD To each their own.
Bardock, Toma, and Gine are all the cubs’ parents. There are no such things as half brothers, or cousins or uncles for that matter. 
Why Cumber? Well, the guy is just way too similar to Raditz and I had to use the opportunity ^^; He’s introduced as an ancient Saiyan in heroes, but that’s only because he was [in my AU] ‘kidnapped’ and taken to the past by Fu. Same happened with Shallot and Jiblet. [Sorry, I don’t like spelling it as Giblet]. I actually haven’t seen heroes so idk much about it, just enough to make up my own little version ^^;
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 7 Leisure What a wonderful time they both have! There might be a lot of wonderful starsigns in the sky over Vegetasei. And for sure nudity is not the same as Sex!
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Seventh prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Saturday 23rd May - Leisure
[Can you find the hidden penis?]
I’m not taking any chances with tumblr so I’m censoring their nipples. Uncensored version will be on my Ao3 and Boxer & Rice.
Background images are from Pixabay, a free use image website. I only modified them.
Have a Turles and a teen Raditz star gazing. This was inspired by ‘A Pirate’s Tale’. You can read it here:
Or here:
When Raditz was young [15-16 in human years], Turles took him as a ‘pupil’, taught him some tricks in fighting and how to hide his ‘weaker’ emotions. They became good friends and would often hang out, tell stories, swim in a nearby lake, stargaze, etc.
All this without Bardock ever knowing.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with my hc’s about Saiyan culture and Vegetasei, nudity is a very common thing among Saiyans. The planet is burning hot, and Saiyans really don’t need the protective layer of clothing. That and they absolutely DO NOT have the nudity/sex taboo that humans have. So please keep in mind that this is an alien race and their culture is very different from ours.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 6 Lovelife When using the links, remember it is NSFW! What a wonderful, playful Lovelife the both are sharing with their mate Bardock!
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Sixth prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Friday 22nd May - Lovelife
I made 2 sketches for this one, and couldn’t finish either of them >< The sketches depict Bardock’s love life with his mates. First pic is of him and Toma, second pic is him with Gine ^^
These are just sneak peaks, because tumblr has a great big ol’ TREE TRUNK UP ITS ASS. So the full version of the sketches will be posted on my boxer & rice page, and on my Ao3.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 7/8 Leisure/Grooming and Bathing “Waiting for your mate’s arrival” If you want to see this NSFW content of Gine, check the link^^ https://twitter.com/LaJelenB/status/1264001544095178752?s=20 Thank you for supporting us! I think a lot of people would like to change places with Bardock now when seeing Gine waiting like this.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
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Vegetasei Week Day 3 At Work I know it is more a sketch, but I hope that some people might like it anyway^^”
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week
Day 5/6
We are so glad that Amartbee joint us with this amazing work! Thank you!
We all can enjoy now this wonderful 2 page Story!
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 5 Royal Family A great sight on Vegetasei. I think we all can imagine how King Vegeta is telling his boys the laws of their kingdom and the duty to their people.
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Fifth prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Thursday 21st May - Royal Family
I was able to finish this piece! :D I also remembered to add the hidden penis X3
After Vegetasei is restored and all Saiyans are called to return, King Vegeta and his cubs enjoy the spectacular sunset and colorful mountains of their new planet.
I missed the perfect opportunity to add Vegeta and Tarble’s carrier :( And I hate myself for forgetting. Oh well.
Background is a modified picture of the rainbow mountains of Danxia, China. When I saw them the first time I immediately thought: Vegetasei, this is VEGETASEI.
Sunset is also a modified picture, I only colored in the suns; Aro and Eyo [names belong to Laci_Taleweaver on Ao3].
Pictures are from Pixabay, a free use image site.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week  Day 5 Royal Family
What a great majestic portrait! We <3 it!
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week  Day 5 Royal Family So we really could catch a look on the Saiyan Queen! I think we are more happy about that than Vegeta on this picture. Thanks for the support!
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 5 Tradition Today some of the literary works. We are very glad to have such creative heads in our rows.
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 4 A Day in the Market Place Its wonderfull alive to see all that saiyans running around and their reactions are great. We appreciate every variation of fanfiction except for Shota and Loli.  So you are very welcomed!
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Fourth prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/ 
Wednesday 20th May - A Day in the Market Place
Another work in progress. And this one I’ve had lying around for like 3 years! I planned on going all out with this one, and I hope I’ll be able to do that :P
Headcanon; nudity is a very, VERY common thing on Vegetasei, given that Saiyans don’t have the nudity/sex stigma that humans have, and Vegetasei is very, VERY hot. There’s nothing sexual about nudity among Saiyans. If a Saiyan wants to be sexual, nude or clothed, he’ll have his tail raised up in a specific way, like straight up in the air in a nice arch, exposing his tail gland. Or if he’s in heat, out and about, spreading his hormones everywhere, or even pregnant, THAT is considered sexual. But nudity all by itself? Nah. Wearing clothes is actually the weird thing. Or a status thing. Like royals always wear their armor.
What’s going on.
Let’s start with Bardock. He’s carrying Kakarot [for those of you not familiar with my hc’s, Bardock is the carrier for all his three cubs. Toma is the source of Cumber and Raditz, and Gine is Kakarot’s source], and he’s getting ogled at by two Saiyans sitting at a table. Pregnant Saiyans are extremely attractive because of all the hormones they are producing. Another hc of mine; Saiyans are VERY scent oriented, even more than visual.
Gine is growling at the ogling Saiyans, his puffed out and angrily waving tail means Gine is about to tear them a new one for daring to stare at his mate while said mate is carrying Gine’s cub. Saiyans are extremely protective of their pregnant mates, especially when they’re pregnant with their own ‘flesh and blood’ cub.
Toma is chasing a young Raditz [in Earth years, Raditz would be 15 years old], trying to stop the playful cub from causing mayhem.
Raditz is chasing a bachi. 
Bachis are companions [’pets’ in human terms], and very expensive. When mature, they produce a sweet nectar during the end of the rain seasons when flowers blossom. Wild bachis live in colonies and have giant hives where they collect nectar. Saiyans, especially poor families, risk stealing their nectar and get stung for it. The sting causes extreme swelling of the affected area, pain, and reddening. It’s treated by healing tanks, antidotes, or by itself, lasting a couple of cycles. Bachis are very intelligent. They understand the basic concepts of trading and errands, making them reliable companions for shopping sprees, and carrying out chores.
This bachi happens to be Prince Vegeta’s companion.
That day, Nappa had taken a young Prince Vegeta [4-5 years old in human terms, and very mature for his age] to the Marketplace to do some errands and whatnot. Vegeta decided to take his companion with him, and now his companion is fleeing for its life.
What happens next?
Raditz manages to capture the poor insect-like creature and tears its head off with his teeth. Vegeta runs to his fallen companion and is left in awe at the savagery of this third class cub. He is so struck by Raditz’s display that Vegeta becomes obsessed with him.
Raditz sees the young Prince and offers him a piece of the bachi for Vegeta to eat, not knowing that this is a Prince nor that he just killed his companion. Raditz is a bit slow in the head ^^
Toma finally catches up to his cub and gasps when he sees Raditz being so casual with a royal. 
Nappa is furious about the whole ordeal, and Toma starts apologizing profusely for his cub’s behavior, while Gine and Bardock approach them to see what’s going on.
That’s the scene I’ve had in my mind for 3 years and I finally was able to put it into words XD Vegeta and Raditz’s first encounter <3 
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 4 Celebration What magic are they using? It looks very passionated and I have the feeling, they even put a spell on us with watching this wonderful work!
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
Vegetasei Week Day 4 Happy Meal NSFW! Check out on twitter for more! Its a really nice meal, Im sure lots of saiyans would like to taste ;) https://twitter.com/Usagi19871/status/1263149298083979264?s=20
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vegetasei-week · 4 years
The whole Team of Bardock! What a great scene!
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 Third prompt for Vegetasei Week! https://vegetasei-week.tumblr.com/
Tuesday 19th May - Teamwork
So, so, so sorry for this awful sketch. I didn’t have time to digitize this pic :( But I will in the future ^^;
Bardock and his team, training or something. Not much to say about this. I only wanted to draw Bardock’s Planet Elite Force for once ^^ I love them so much.
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