#etzel (fe)
erikensa · 1 year
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lewyn baby
(you can find the 2018 version here but dont do it)
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fefuckability · 3 months
ROUND 1: Do you want a man who reads during sex?
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Feel free to comment/rb with your reasoning!
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fecipherfullart · 1 year
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Artist: Tomohide Takaya
Source: Twitter
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
CRASHES THRU THE WALL hello it's rai im sorry to all my thread partners for the suddenness of this but you know how it is it is 00:00 on the 19th day of our lord and here i am to drop etzel and reserve nel in his place please and thank youUUU DEEP BREATH
Etzel has been dropped and is now available!
Nel has been reserved!
You have one week (4/26) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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galaxiarts · 8 months
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Inktober Day 11: Wander
"The spell slinger Etzel vanished after the war as quickly as he came, His wanderings took him around the world for years to come."
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fire-emblem-poll · 5 months
FE popularity polls
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nelithic · 11 months
 toa annifoursary (hehe) munday.
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: rai
Pronouns: anything
Birthday (no year): may 17
Where are you from? What is your time zone? us east coast, so est
Roleplay experience: .................. i have to count every time. i think around 18 years now?
Got any pets? nope
Favorite time of year: autumn! november especially
Some interests and things you like: rping is 75% of my life so it embodies most of my free time. otherwise, running and playing ttrpgs, playing games, reading
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i can shake my eyeballs
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? genshin impact, pokemon, i might sign myself away to hsr tomorrow. i'll give just about any good old turn-based jrpg a try when it comes out
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: flying & raichu ---
How did you get into Fire Emblem? had to have been right before graduation from undergrad, i walked into gamestop and saw fire emblem: fates had just released. decided to give it a shot on a whim. my best friend at the time had played awakening, so i decided to get into the series. binged the rest of it just about straight through from there, starting with fe6
What Fire Emblem games have you played? all except ( ree forgets this every time ) the jugdral games HAHA also still halfway through new mystery
First Fire Emblem game: fe fates: birthright
Favorite Fire Emblem game: fe6: binding blade
Any Fire Emblem crushes? probably endless ksjnglskg. nishiki is maybe the closest i think. oh and lucina.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: lucina. i don't think i ever s-supported anyone elSE - Fates: nishiki - Three Houses: uhhhhh was it felix? or was it dimitri idr. i think it was felix - Engage: gregory
Favorite Fire Emblem class: NOMAAAAAAAAD
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? i've been told mage > dark knight which seems to check out with the fact that my boss insists that my d&d class would be warlock with eldritch being as my patron
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? probably black eagles tbh
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? i'm not sure what qualifier this is based on ksjlskgml i'd like to believe leif? but probably closer to veronica or soren ---
How did you find TOA? well.
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Current TOA muses: caeldori, nel, rosado
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? felix. for a while after i dropped him i thought i had run the gambit with him in terms of narrative i wanted to explore and figured he was going on the top shelf. but the last half year or so he's been wanting to come back...
Have you had any other TOA muses? YIKES, have i. felix, sety, idunn, volug, leif, yuri, kurthnaga, ephraim, lucius, etzel
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? most common ones are probably the Sad Sack Sages ( hi etzel, sety ), fiery boys with hearts of gold ( felix, leif ), and dark paladins ( nel, felix ). i also really like chaotic neutral trickster types, but aren't usually confident enough in my ability to write for them haha
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? action scenes for sure. any scene where there's external momentum driving things forward and giving a sense of momentum and urgency. also just anything that lets me worldbuild or exploring facets of worldbuilding hehe
Favorite TOA-related memory: that's a hard one. probably the final week of arcadia, our first lore event. all the teams ended up in boss battles, but they weren't the guaranteed staple of lore event endings like they are now. it just kind of happened because that's where the stories ended up. the collaborative scene-building and sense of camaraderie in the fights against gricenchos and gofannon are still unmatched for me to this day. they felt like dynamic scenes right out of a lord of the rings movie
How do you pronounce TOA? as the letters haha tee-oh-ay
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? i have constant delusions. i've been saying since ferp that i want to play eltshan someday and never have LOL. bringing lester into toa. bringing zeiss to toa. i have a url saved for lyre. it kind of feels wrong not having a single muse from either jugdral or tellius HAHA
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lenaylias · 6 months
8, 13 for the FE asks? (If you'd like! And if I'm not way too late!)
They're not too late at all, thank you so much for asking! 💜
For 8: Lyon is my favourite character from the series, I'm terribly fond of him! I also really like Sara, she's almost exactly like the characters I'd make for myself when I was that age and with her name being so close to mine to, she feels almost nostalgic in a way. Not to mention that I think her powers, and her connection to Manfroy and Canis are really interesting! Otherwise, Etzel is my favourite Archanea character, and Luthier is my favourite from Valentia. For Genealogy it's Deirdre, I adore her a lot! Sephiran and Nasir are my favourites from Tellius. Bramimond is one of my favourite characters to, and I love Knoll a lot as well. Eirika is my favourite of all the lords, I really love her! And I'm very fond of Robin to, when I was younger I didn't often play games, often because I felt like I couldn't really connect to my character. But Robin was just the sort of person I wanted to play as, and helped me really get into the series more.
For 13: Oh yes, there are honestly quite a few! Firstly, I'd really love Manaketes to return. They're really iconic and I adore them so much, so I hope they come back soon. Summoners are another class I'd adore getting to see again, I think they offered something so mechanically unique that is so much fun to use. And the lore surrounding them is so fascinating to. I'd also love to see Grandmaster return, getting to have a mage that had more supportive abilities like Solidarity and Rally Spectrum is exactly the sort of class I like. I loved that they didn't have beneficial magic, or the highest magic growths for offensive casting, but were still effective while being more supportive. And lastly, Enchantresses were always a class I adored, and their whole aesthetic was very neat. So I'd love to see them return to!
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Fire Emblem Cipher Archanea Series 13 HN/N Cards
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Hi all~
Like mentioned, I’m trying to update my blog and make it a little easier to navigate. In this post, I have a full set of Archanea HN/N cards from B13 available for sale for $5.00 and includes 24 cards shown in the pictures above.
Additionally, I have extras of some cards for sale as well. I’m selling my HN cards for $0.50 and my N cards for $0.25.
Below is a list of the available HN/N cards (pictured above) and how many are available* (and their rarity):
B13-052 HN Marth *locked
B13-054 N Caeda x3
B13-056 N Abel x8
B13-057 HN Frey *locked
B13-058 N Frey x9
B13-059 N Jagen x9
B13-061 N Cain x7
B13-062 HN Gordin *locked
B13-063 N Gordin x7
B13-065 N Draug x6
B13-067 N Norne x7
B13-068 N Darros x6
B13-069 N Castor x8
B13-071 N Lena x8
B13-072 N Rickard x8
B13-074 N Athena x6
B13-076 N Linde x4
B13-077 HN Jake *locked
B13-078 HN Horace x2
B13-079 HN Etzel x1
B13-080 N Etzel x7
B13-081 HN Gotoh x3
B13-082 HN Nagi *locked
B13-083 HN Gharnef x3
*Some cards are locked to the full HN/N set and will NOT be sold separately.
Shipping from the states. Shipping will depend on location and prices are around $5ish but will include tracking. International shipping will need to be estimated based on size of package and location. International shipping might not come with any tracking.
If you’re interested or have any questions, just shoot me either an ask or message! ^^
Thanks for your time and reblogs would be greatly appreciate. It’s hard to get attention on tumblr and the FE tags get flooded often and my post might not get noticed! ><
(Apologies for poor pictures! If you want to see any specific card alone and up close, just let me know!)
Last Update:  January 9, 2023
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starlitcrows · 4 years
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wait for me, my love.
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erikensa · 6 months
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ending the year with (winter) etzel
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fefuckability · 3 months
ROUND 2: I have been informed there might be a dead wife in this equation? Discuss
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
Etzel has arrived!
Welcome to the Officers Academy! You have been assigned to the Knights of Seiros.
Please remember to follow the Masterlist and all your fellow colleagues. You have been granted the Blizzard and Heal spells to start your journey with. We look forward to seeing the growth of your true potential.
May the Goddess light your path.
- Mod Bren
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summonerruoste · 5 years
Day 13 - Mystery of the emblem character
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pangtasias-atelier · 2 years
You mentioned that you like imagining Caineghis as being bottom-heavy. Do you imagine any other characters winding up like that?
There are like a good amount of fe characters i enjoy bottom heavy. It does change a lil bit but for like a general reference of which I like bottom heavy the commission series is basically how I still prefer and imagine each character's body type
But like for those not shown,
Freyr (particularly in his thighs cause nice big thighs very good)
Duma, Etzel, Rennac, Abel, Homeros, Galzus, Perceval, Dart and probably several others that escape my mind lol
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imagine-femblem · 6 years
5, 18, 30 for the numbers ask! ^
Favorite ABC skills, Animations On/Off, and Units I want in heroes:
My favorite skills are Steady/Warding Breath, Renewal, and the Tactics. I have a very bait heavy, enemy phase playstyle, so literally one in 50 of my Units has an offensive build. The Breath skills are raw cancer for Aether charging, Renewal allows for Ardent Renewal to exist and lets a unit fight without Aether, and I only ever build mixed teams that huddle together, so the Tactic skills are literally made for me. Special shoutout to Fury/Quick Riposte/Ploys for 2nd place. For SS, I love Flashing Blade the most, as it enables super cheesy strategies without eating the A slot.
I play with animations off for grinding, and on for story/content I pay attention to. It’s tedious to sit through when I want optimal runs, but I do enjoy the models, animations, and hearing the voice lines.
I want a LOT of units in heroes. Many heroes DESERVE to be in the game, such as Marcus, while others are people so iconic that it’s a shame they aren’t already in the game; like Lethe. I don’t agree with IS’s system of giving out Alts, catering to FatesAwakening, or letting Units like Veronica into the CYL, but that’s just my opinion on it.
Personally I want to complete my little harem of favorite units, so I want:
EtzelRoss/EwanKnollCharlotteNyxBennyBradyAstrid RathWolfKliffIlyana RhysGatrie RD MistNiime Hugh
A special request I would have is for the game to include everyone for Tokyo Mirage Session, even though it’s a bit *out there*, it’s still a FE game and should be treated as such.
Honestly I would prefer if IS stops making new heroes and powercreeping the game, and focused on updating old heroes to have boosted BST, releasing TT and other limited units in banners, etc.
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