#eun jiwon fluff
sechssstan · 4 years
Eun Jiwon: Getting Close
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To be honest, you had no interest in knowing Jiwon personally. This was because 1. you are only partnering with him for one project, 2. you doubt you would have anything in common with the rapper.
As faith would have it, the day he stepped into the meeting room, you were lying if you said you weren’t slightly attracted to him. 
The way he showed up in his most natural state, with his hoodie and sweatpants that fits him so well. How he greeted everyone in the room personally and took the time to learn everyone’s name. 
”Jiwon, nice to see you an hour late,” someone said, probably your client. 
”You didn’t specify which timezone. I’m on time in Hongkong”, you watch him joke as he took a whirl on his chair. 
You looked at his direction again and snickered but quickly kept quiet when you read the room. 
This, however, didn’t go unnoticed by Jiwon. He looked at you, before sipping on his iced coffee and focusing on the proposals spread in front of him. 
The meeting ended and he sat around as he waited for his manager. Everyone left and you were cleaning things up. He looks at you, hesitated, but then decided to just go for it.
He coughs, “hey, do you play Mobile Legends?”
You looked up and then around to see if he was talking to you, “I don’t, sorry!”
He clicks his tongue, “oh that’s too bad, could use a team mate,”
You nodded and continued packing. You noticed from your peripheral, you see him resting his head on the table, tapping the table anxiously. You weren’t too sure what came over you, “I have the app though, if you still need a team mate,”
You saw him turned so fast, you were sure he may have gotten a whiplash. 
“Okay nice, let me send you an invite!”, he quips. “Wait, what’s your number?”
So, that was how the two of you are now at the edge of your seats, fighting a battle, killing enemies as you two got over excited. Both of you didn’t even notice Jiwon’s manager coming in.
“Jiwon, we got to go now!”, his manager hollered. 
None of you reply, focusing on the game that the two of you were almost losing. 
“Jiwon, schedule in half an hour!”, his manager nagged. 
“OMG OKAY!” the both of you shouted, surprising yourselves and his manager. 
The game finally ended with your team losing and you both finally heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Good game,” he said, smiling at you
“Good game,” you replied. Jiwon took his belongings and left and you continued packing up.
The comeback approaches close and your team were having meetings nonstop. It was tiring, exhausting and you decided to go for a coffee run. You sat by the window as you waited for your order. 
Your phone dinged and you see a text from Jiwon.
“LOOK OUTSIDE!” you read.
You did, and you see Jiwon waving across in his favourite black hoodie. Your eyes followed him as he walked into the cafe. He naturally took a seat at the empty seat in front of you. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” you quipped. 
“Yeah well, meeting was boring,”
The two of you got to talking. It was definitely out of your character to click with anyone this fast. Let alone a celebrity. There was something comfortable about Jiwon. The way when you both talk. it’s never about work. It was almost the most random subject. Like, would you rather on the moon or Jupiter. 
It’ll be a lot to say your coffee run had to end so quick. Your supervisor called and you had to lie and say the queue was crazy long. 
“I gotta go! Nice talking to you!”, you hurried, with the many cups of coffee you had to carry back. 
JIwon looked at you for a short while, shoved his belongings into his pocket “wait, I’ll help you! I forgot I left my keys at the practice room!”
You looked at him inquisitively, but thankful because you were sure to spill at least one cup. Also, because this meant that you have more time to talk to him. 
The walk back to the office was delightful. You like the random banters and the fact that you managed to convinced him how disgusting cheesecakes were. 
“It’s mushy and.. it’s cold.. I won’t stop till you admit that it’s horrid.,”
You opened the door to your meeting room. You entered and distributed the coffees to everyone with Jiwon behind you handing over the cups. 
“Thank you!”, you said.
“Yeah, no problem, I left something anyways,”
“Mobile Legends later like we planned just now?”
He opened his mouth, “oh hell yes!”
You waved at him and he took his cue to leave. You sat at your seat and watched him leave. You saw Jiwon turning right to the lift. You were sure, the practice room was to the left.
Cute, you thought
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sechskiesatnight · 5 years
Fluff Prompt List 💖
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Send me a number and a member and I'll write you a short imagine 🐰
You can submit on tumblr or curiouscat~ 💫
So far I have done:
#6 "What would you do if I said that I might have burnt dinner?" with Jaijin here
#7 "Im too drunk to do this. You come over here" with Jiwon here
#12 "I like the way your hand fits in mine" with Jiwon (submitted by anon) here
#13 “You can call me whenever you want... Even if you don’t have a reason to.” (submitted by jiwonsssi) here
#3 "Stop smiling at me like that, I am trying to concentrate" with Jiwon (writing)
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jekkionfire · 5 years
Under the Moonlight 🌙
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Pairing: Eun Jiwon x You
Tags: Fluff, smoker Jiwon, comforting?
A/N: a short drabble inspired by beautiful moon that was tonight and extreme loneliness hahah There's a hint of sadness but hopefully by the end you feel all fluffy and soft.
Moonlight was shining brightly through your bedroom window. It was slightly open and night noises filled your room; cars driving by, someone talking passing by the street. Sound of summer rain hitting the window slowly makes you drift away from your dream.
You slowly wake up from your dream, but you still lay with eyes closed, enjoying the comfort of your bed. You hear some shuffling at the opposite side of the bed. After that, a warm hand gently touches your cheek, long slim fingers placed on the side of your head, thumb slowly caressing your cheek.
After a little while the hand from your cheek moves away. Cold air hits your cheek and that makes you open your eyes. But moments later the same hand travels to your head, gently caressing your hair. You see him shifting closer to you and suddenly feel a soft kiss on your forehead. His warm lips makes you close your eyes again, completely relaxing your body.
"I love you, jagiya." he says, with his slightly husky voice.
He laid there alongside you, softly playing with your hair. After a while you feel his lips on your forehead again. But then suddenly the warmth of his lips leave you, and so does his hand. You continue laying down, not finding energy to move yet, as you feel the bed beside you shift. You hear his foot hitting the floor and quiet footsteps fading away out of the room.
You continue laying still in the bed, slowly feeling the bed sheets become cold beside you. It slowly makes you wake up. You start wondering where did he go to. Why did he leave you. And why is he not coming back. It seems like an eternity since he left and  these thoughts are not leaving you, making your body leave the comfortable bed to go look for him.
You enter the living room, which is dimly lit by the moonlight. You see Jiwon standing in the balcony, smoking. You decide to go up to him, but stop at the doorstep, quietly admiring the beautiful sight that is in front of you. He was just standing there, leaning on a windowsill with a cigarette between his fingers, wearing loose pj pants and a tank top... But he looked so lost in his thoughts, that you didn’t dare to disturb him. 
The coldness from rain made you shiver, which brought you back to your senses. It wasn’t necessarily cold, but you were standing outside in only an over-sized t-shirt for who knows how long. You lost track of time admiring Jiwon’s presence, getting lost in your own thoughts. You slowly go closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Why are you not sleeping?” he asks, turning to face you.
“I want to ask the same” you say in return, while taking one of his hands into yours, locking your fingers between his. You lift your head from his shoulder to look into his eyes. 
After a moment he says “Let’s cuddle.” His eyes look tired and sad, his request sounding a little needy. 
“Is something wrong?” you ask as you lock your hands around his waist. He hugs you around your shoulders, but doesn’t say anything, just leans his head on yours.
“Jagi.. whatever is bothering you, you can tell me. And it’s okay too if you don’t want to talk about it now… Just know that I’m here to listen whenever you want to. About whatever you need to.”
You see a smile appear on his face. “Thank you,” he whispers. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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sechssstan · 4 years
Eun Jiwon: #19
“Get over here, you idiot.”
//hello, sorry this took so long! I hope it’s worth the wait! -Admin Sya //
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Tired. Exhausted. Drained. 
This has been you for the past few days. Your work was coming down at you, submissions were nearing and you just want to cry. It didn’t help when you reach home only to see the dishes undone, trash not taken out and the house messy.
You weren’t usually this sensitive but today was too much for you. Any little thing could set you off. All you wanted was to come to a clean home, have a nice calming hot shower and maybe sleep the night away. 
You just sigh and slowly put down your bag and rolled your sleeves. You sucked in the deepest breath and headed to the sink to do the dishes. You could have just leave it there, but you didn’t want to. You know it’ll bother you. 
As you wash the dishes, Jiwon came up in his hoodie, slipping in his used bowl. 
“Oh, you’re back! Thank you!”, he says and then rummaging through the refrigerator.  Like you said, if it was any other day, you would have just washed it. You feel the heat rising, the frustration building. 
You stopped whatever you were doing, closed the tap forcefully and stormed away. This shocked Jiwon. He never seen you this angry, if he were to be honest, he didn’t see why you were so angry. It’s just a bowl, he thought. He followed you to the bedroom. 
“What was that for?”, he asked, clearly oblivious.
You didn’t want to do this. Not tonight. You were too tired. 
“What did I do wrong?”, he asked again.
You stopped on your tracks, your frustrations now reaching its’ peak.
“Nothing! You did nothing! That is what is wrong! Why can’t you for once helped out around! I’m not asking for much, but is it so hard to at least throw the trash?! Or do the dishes?!” you started yelling
Jiwon was shocked, surprised. You never were this livid before.
“It’s your off day and you can’t even help? Let me guess, you were gaming the whole day! SHOCKING!”, you retorted.
Jiwon purses his lips, hands in his pocket. Your words were true but why did it hurt? 
“You know what, I don’t need this! Just leave me alone!” you continued and then headed for the shower.
You took off your clothes, setting the shower temperature. You stood under the hot shower for a while as the hot water calmed down your nerves. You let the water run for a little longer and when you feel like the stress of the day is washed away, you finally stepped out. 
You put on your pajamas, lit your favourite vanilla scented candle and settled into bed. You hear the front door close and didn’t think much. Jiwon knocked on the door before entering. 
He didn’t say anything, but took his pillows and the extra blanket. He knew you were angry and he didn’t want to aggravate it. He didn’t even look at you and quietly took his stuff.
Jiwon headed for the door, “where are you going?” you asked softly
He finally looks back at you, “You said you needed space. I’ll be at the guest room. Rest well,” 
You rubbed your temples and sighed, before taking your pillow and throwing it at his direction, “Get over here, you idiot.”
Jiwon looked at you confused, uncertain. He didn’t want to make you anymore angry than you were. You tapped the empty spot beside you ushering him to come over. He did.
He settled in warily beside you. You looked at him, “I’m sorry for shouting at you. I’m also sorry for saying hurtful things to you. It’s just that, today was a bitch. When I came home, it was a mess. And you, you weren’t helping with the situation. I’m sorry for displacing my anger at you,”
He nodded his head and took your hands. “I’m sorry too. I know I don’t help around a lot. I thought I’ll do the dishes later after I’m done. I’ll pick up my weight more. Thank you for everything!”
“I guess we both made mistakes today,” you whispered and cuddled closer into his open arms. Jiwon took you in his arms and you fit in so perfectly. Jiwon softly pat your sides and kiss the top of you head as you lay your head on his chest.
His soft rhythmic heartbeat, his gentle pats, the comfort of your bed slowly lulled you to sleep. How lucky you are, to be able to sleep your stress away like this?
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sechssstan · 4 years
Eun Jiwon: I Love You
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//Requested by an anon! Hope this is fun to read! This is a lil too long, may have gotten carried away. Nonetheless, enjoy//
You and Jiwon are two completely different person. You get overwhelmed easily, you cared for people more than they do for you and when you loved someone, you loved. You never hesitate, you go hard and fast.
In the case of Jiwon, Jiwon takes time. He’s meticulous and he calculates everything in his life. He doesn’t get phased out by anything and when he feels, he tries to suppress.
So it didn’t come off as a surprise when you told him you loved him for the first time, only for him to purse his lips.
“I want to say it when I really mean it. It’s not that I don’t, but..-” he struggles to find his words.
You placed a hand on the sides of his face gently, “hey hey look I understand. I’m not pressuring you to say it, but I just want you to know that I love you,” you softly whispered, your hands still caressing the sides of his face.
He looks at you, thankful for your understanding but you could also see the hint of sorry in his eyes.
You knew he wasn’t ready to say it, but you can’t help yourself. You need to tell him that. Your love for him was filling you up and you felt like you could burst if you didn’t say it. Maybe it was his suaveness, or maybe it was the way he treated you. Or was it the way he made you feel like you are the one thing that matters in his life? Or was it the unexplainable feeling you feel spreading through you every single time you see him? You weren’t so sure.
After that day, you tried your best to not pressure him. When you text, you would use the heart emoticons to replace your I Love Yous, and when you’re with him, you try to not use the word love so often. You don’t want to pressure Jiwon into anything or worse, make him feel uncomfortable.
The morning was bright and cold. You were awaken by the sound of hard rain hitting the windows. You unwillingly wake up but smiled when your stretched arms tapped a warm body. You sat up on your bed, happy to see Jiwon sleeping soundly. You got up and headed for the kitchen, The weather called for hot chocolate and hot soup.
You switched on your playlist, setting it aside as you slowly prepare the ingredients you need. Your favourite pop sound played and you used the bread knife you are holding as a microphone whilst you slid from one end of the kitchen to the other in rhythm with the music.
Unknown to you, the clanging of the pots and your not so melodious voice stirred Jiwon up. He woke up and was displeased that you were not beside him. He figured you were in the kitchen. He headed for the kitchen only to see you in his t-shirt that were too big for you, most probably his sweatpants and your hair in the most messiest bun, doing the most ridiculous performance ever.
He stifled a laugh as he leaned against the wall of the kitchen entrance. The more he watched you sing and dance, the harder it was for him to keep his cool, It was too funny. But, he liked seeing this. For so long, he never felt this. What is this? As he continued to watch your antics, he slowly realised that this is what he wants in his life. To wake up to this, to be able to spend mornings like this with you. You weren’t even doing anything graceful but he couldn’t take his eyes off you. His heart wasn’t beating fast, but he felt relief, comfort.
How can looking at you like this make him feel like his life is complete? Is this love, he thought. He lost it when you cracked your voice trying to sing in the singer’s original pitch.
You jumped, startled at the sudden laughter, “how long have you been there?!”
Jiwon covered his mouth,”long enough. You should sign up for the audition at YG,” he says as he walked over to you.
You caught on to what he was implying and smacked his back playfully. “Anyways, good morning and here’s hot chocolate for you,”
He took it from you, drinking it, “this is good, thank you.”
Jiwon hopped and sat at the counter as he watched you cooked. “I know you don’t like mushroom soups so I made you chicken soup,”
You poured some onto a bowl and passed it to him. He shook his head. He pointed at his mouth, “feed me.”
You shook your head, “what a baby.”
As the contents of the bowl emptied out, you decided to wash the dishes. You walked away, only to be trapped in between Jiwon’s leg as he hooked his legs on your waist. You squirmed to get out, “babeeee, I need to do the dishes!”
He tightens his wrap around you. He took the bowl out of your hands, placed it beside him on the counter and held both sides of your face gently.
You weren’t sure what to expect but you were kind of nervous. You feel the heat spreading on your cheeks.
Jiwon looked into your eyes and you tried to look away, “hey look at me,” and you did.
“I love you,”
You felt your surroundings go silent, your heart racing so fast as if it’s gonna come out of your chest. You definitely weren’t expecting this.
“I know you were disappointed when I didn’t say it back back then, but I want you to know I mean this. I love you. I can’t imagine not waking up to see you. I can’t imagine not being by your side, laughing with you, making you smile. I want to see you dancing and singing everyday. Like today.”
You tried to say something, but you were too overwhelmed. You could only afford to look deep into his eyes. You know he meant everything be said.
“I.. I love you too,” was what you could manage, before Jiwon closed the gap between the both of you and brushed his lips gently against yours.
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sechssstan · 4 years
Sechskies: Love Language
//both of us shared our input and opinions to bring you this! Hope yall like it! For myself, request is still open! Thanks for the support guys!//
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Jiwon’s love language are mainly words of affirmation and sometimes, quality time. Having gone through a divorce once, definitely changed his views on love. He appreciates it when you randomly send him encouraging texts. You’re doing great babe. You look so good today. Go crush the recording! I love you! I’m so lucky to be with you! Words like these means a lot to him, especially when it’s from you. Being a celebrity is no easy feat, but having you continuously supporting him makes him feel secure. 
Spending time together with you is also a must for him. He always feel apologetic to you for not being able to go out on dates with you like normal couple. But, you don’t care for it, because even if it’s just watching TV together or doing your own things in each other’s presence, it’s more than enough for the both of you. On days where he’s free, he would make sure to bring you out. Anywhere you want to go, anything you want to do. 
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quality time. Jaijin most definitely enjoy time spend with you. To him, every second he’s spending with you is precious. Jaijin would always make time to go for a walk with you in the evening. It’s his only uninterrupted peaceful time with you. The evening wind, the stillness of the park, the evening rush. Just the two of you strolling in the park brings out the peace in his already so hectic life. Being part of his life would also mean being involved in his artwork. More often than not, you are his muse. He would ask you to pose for him so he can paint a portrait for you. A typical day would be Jaijin painting, and you reading or watching TV. It might not be much, but it’s this kind of mutual understanding between the 2 of you that he appreciates so much. You realised that a quality time together don’t always mean fancy dates or nights out. Sometimes, the best time spent together is at your own comfort in your pajamas with the person you love, Jaijin.
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soft boi Jaeduck love language is physical touch. Hugs, kisses, holding hands, touching you. He enjoys displaying his affection to you both in public and private. If you both are out on a date, he would definitely interlock fingers with yours. Sometimes, he would randomly give you kisses on your cheeks whilst you both are waiting in line or on the escalator. When he reach home, the first thing he do is to hug you tightly, as close as possible. Being with you physically is one of his favourite things to do. Just being able to hold your hands makes him feel secure and when he kisses you, it feels as if it’s only you and him against the world. Jaeduck loves surprising you with hugs and kisses, especially hugs. Jaeduck’s hugs are always warm, soft and full of love. 
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definitely acts of service. He appreciates it when you offer to drive for him especially if it’s the day after a packed schedule. When you offer to make breakfast for him before an important day, he thought that he was the luckiest man on earth to be with someone like you. Suwon would always be thankful when you would help tidy his workspace. He loves that you would do it on your own. You most definitely didn’t have to tidy it up, but seeing you put the effort made him realise how precious and significant you are in his life. When he comes back from a concert at 2am and sees you wait for him with massage oils and heat packs, he know that you are the one for him. 
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sechssstan · 4 years
Eun Jiwon (HC): Married to a non-celebrity
//an anon requested a non-specified headcanon. so I felt like doing something with domestic fluff because I’m a sucker for it. Hope you enjoyed! -Admin Sya//
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-very chill loving marriage tbh
-let’s be real, it’s not his first time. But for you, it is. Sometimes you have unrealistic fantasies like waking up to a trail of roses or maybe breakfast in bed, and it upsets you that Jiwon as a husband isn’t up to it. 
-but, when he comes home each time, tired, exhausted, sleepy from the work, you are the first thing he wants to see. Each time, he won’t even change out of his clothes but instead, he will go up to you and hug you so tight and kiss your forehead. 
-Jiwon isn’t the most romantic husband ever, but he fulfils his responsibility well. He never made you cried, he was there for you, he compliments you, do his part around the house.
-That’s when you realise, being married isn’t always flashy or like in dramas. He loves you in his own way, and he will continue to do so.
-A lot of lazy days. This includes netflix and chill. Gaming with him, sitting at the balcony with a cup of coffee as you both admire the sunset, just laying with him discussing deep topics. 
-H never really talks about you on TV or on his social media (hell this guy don’t ever update his ig). He wants to protect you, or at least let you live a normal life. He wants you to have your own freedom and not just be “Eun Jiwon wife”.
-But, this doesn’t mean he is embarrassed of you. When you two go out on dates, he does normal couple things. Jiwon likes going to the movies with you and he likes bringing you to new eateries and you both have your own rating system. Dates with you makes him feel normal and he enjoys every moment of it.
-When people recognise him, he would acknowledge them and also introduce you. “This is my wife,”, he would say as he gestures to you.
-His family definitely adores and loves you. You bring out the best in each other and they never seen Jiwon loved someone as much as he loved you. Sometimes, when Jiwon is busy, his mother would call you up and ask you to go out on a date with her. It could be just for lunch, or an outing the whole day. If Jiwon heard of this, he would pass you his card and tells you to spend as much as you want. 
-also, he loves loves it when you attend his concerts. His mood would soar through the roof each time. Will actively search for you and when he finally found you, he will point and wave at your direction. He likes it when you interact with the fans or team up with them to troll him or the members, it makes him the happiest.
-both of you have a special routine for after concerts. You would drive Jiwon home. When you reached home, you would draw him a bath and you would do your preparations. Burning candles, making him tea. As soon as he comes out, you would bring out the massage oil and massage him. His shoulders, his backs, arms, till he fall asleep. 
-Being married to Jiwon was uncharted territory and it scared you before. But now, it is your oasis. It’s the best feeling in the world. Idol or not, he’s Jiwon. Your Jiwon. You never want it to be any other way. 
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