enchantedthemes · 6 years
For the network iii theme how do I add the filters to the individual member boxes? I know you explained it in the coding but I'm really confused about where abouts to add it in and in what format... could you explain it more? Super sorry if this has already been answered I checked your faqs but couldn't see anything ^^;
hi! I’m not quite sure I can explain it more than I have already but I’ll give it a try haha. you need to put the filters for each individual member in this line 
. the name of the filters themselves depend on what you named them before in the bolded part
filter name
so for example, if the member needs to be filtered by ‘filter’ the
line for them would look like this
notice how there’s no dot before ‘filter’ in the box classes?
this is how filters generally work on all page with filters - not only mine but other makers as well. I hope this helped a little!
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                    he’s sneaked inside the building to gather more information about minji’s new target.  but what he doesn’t expect is for the ceo to stay even in the wee hours of the morning.  daeshim figures it’s better to pretend he’s an employee rather than attempt to kill him.  the man doesn’t feel particularly  normal.  ❛  good evening, sir,  ❜  he says, bowing politely.  ❛  are you just about to leave?  ❜  //  @eunxe  liked  for  a  starter! 
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yuebyulyi · 6 years
‘i’ll go to bed when i’m ready, so fuck off.’ [from Carter]
Byulyi frowns. Her eyebrows scrunches together when the message pops up on her phone screen, her lips puckering into scowl. Her fingers flies across the mobile’s keyboard in a flurry of movement. 
‘wtf i was worried for your health since u haven’t been feeling well lately!!!! SLEEP EARLY AND SLEEP NOW YOU THICKHEAD’
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@eunxe reblogged this for a starter.
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lips were set in a pout as he felt the other's fingers curled gently around his wrist, leading him....wherever.  he was used to this;  getting talked into going places with others and them guiding him around despite the fact that he always had his white cane in one hand.   ❝ where are you taking me? ❞   he questioned lightly.  sure, he could see the silhouettes of different shapes, he was still unable to travel along on his own which wasn't something he liked much  -----  because there were times where he did want to go for a walk on his own.  man, he should really invest in getting himself a guide dog.
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michikikomori · 6 years
{ * email sent to : | @eunxe }
Michiko was annoyed. It was a Saturday, not only she was stuck at work, when she could be at home, playing video games or working on her latest invention but everyone and their families thought it would be a good idea to get sweets and coffee. And to top it all off, someone called off and now they’re short one person! Everything at this point was annoying, Michiko. The people who were staring at her and her coworker to hurry up, all the drinks and food that they were getting and the fact that people were just being so rude in general. Yeah, their third person, who is also their shift manager had to go to the back and make orders. There was seriously nothing that they could do at this point. 
As she called out someone’s drink, they asked about their food. “It should be coming out soon! We just have a long line of drinks and food right now.” She said as calm as she could. And as soon as they left to go sit down, she looked over to Sooyoung and flashed her an annoyed look. “I’m going to throw cup all these people if they don’t stop asking about their food.” She said loud enough for her to hear.
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huntaer999 · 6 years
  eunxe liked this for a starter!
"Are you taking his side against me?"
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kngchan · 6 years
“I’ll buy you coffee if you hold my hand for five minutes.”
He looked at the other and let out a low chuckle, a grin showing on his lips as he hold out his hand, taking the oportunity to tease the other.  “If you wanted to hold my hand you just needed to ask! You didn’t need to bribe me coffee .”He holds the other’s hand and hums, intertwining their fingers.  “There you go, you are holding my hand. Happy?”
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minxygi · 6 years
@eunxe​ - Eunae has chosen to continue. 
Yoongi blinked as she held out her hand, he took it after a moment. For some reason, he didn’t think it was going to be that simple yet her hand was in his now. “I can’t ask to hold your hand when it’s wrapped in someone else.” He mumbled as he tried to play off how embarrassing the fact he hadn’t just asked was. He lifted the straw to his lips again sipped from his iced tea, once he brought the straw back down he glanced around. He wasn’t sure where to go from here, “Where to next since it’s just us now?”
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xlikemilk · 6 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE & DETAILED PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. when you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
tagged by: @boihands tagging: @the-fires-dead, @prkxjw, @defjc, @leevdonghun, @hanbamjvng, @diaphonovs, @enokh, @haloet, @theseelenine, @eunxe, @hyunani, @henzhaos, @kwxn-m, @dxsiderivm, @jajjangs, @prvttysins, @nevstcries, @sxgaboo, @inkedflwers, @fountainbled, @jackwngson, @rousepalette, @biipark
NAME: Kim Yerim
AGE: 19 SPECIES: Human GENDER: Female ORIENTATION: Bisexual PROFESSION: Adult shop clerk, Theft, pickpocket
[ PHYSICAL ASPECTS ] BODY TYPE: Petite HAIR: Dark brown and short EYES: Dark brown SKIN: Fair-skinned HEIGHT: 158CM
[ FAMILY ] SIBLINGS: None, only child PARENTS: Mother (deceased), Father (widower, estranged) CHILDREN: None ANY PETS?: No, but she’d like one
[ LIKES ] COLORS: Pinks SMELLS: The ocean/seaside, sunscreen, petrol, puppy breath, leather & that carnival scent; a mix of cotton candy, fried food and cigarettes FOOD / DRINKS: Pizza & cheese fries, pink lemonade, cream soda & milkshakes ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [] || rarely [] || no [x] (has only ever tried beer, doesn’t like it) FAVORITES: Sleeping, eating, playing video games, dancing, singing in the shower, painting her nails, spending your money, swimming, exploring (read: getting herself lost), hitting on your dad, binging Netflix & rollar skating
[ OTHER DETAILS ] SMOKES?: yes [] || no [x] || occasionally [] DRUGS?: yes [] || no [x] || occasionally [] DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [] || no [x] EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes [] || no [x] || almost/detained []
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univcrsty-a-blog · 6 years
1) NAME: Francis Hyunwoo Choi
2) NICKNAMES: Fran, Hyun
3) HEIGHT: 5′9”
4) ORIENTATION: Homosexual (with straight tendencies; i love girls omg) 
5) NATIONALITY: Filipino/Korean/American
9) FAVOURITE SCENT: Citrus and fresh 
11) FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Don’t really have one...
12) FAVOURITE LOCATION: California Bay Area
14) AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 4-5 Hours on weekdays, 6-7 on weekends
15) DOG OR CAT PERSON: Neither...
18) DREAM TRIP: Honestly, I like where I am now...I travel to Korea once in a while but ya. I’m pretty settled.
19) BLOGS CREATED: this one LOL
21) RANDOM FACT: I love organic chemistry!
TAGGING: anyone who wanna do!!!!
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@eunxe reblogged this for a starter.
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his dark hues flickered towards the other, though there were a few spots his eyes did dart to every once in a while before he narrowed his gaze for a short moment.  after that, he turned his attention to the other, dark hues shooting to the other's own similar pair.   ❝ you got some blood on you. ❞   he pointed out casually.  he reached up to fix the hat on his head as well as fixing his mask over his mouth and nose.   ❝ not really all that careful, are you? ❞
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michikikomori · 6 years
BOLD any bad habits that apply to your muse
Muse: Michiko
Swearing | Fingernail chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self-criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama seeking | Secret teller | Spitting |Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the bottle | Yelling | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing | Stealing | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free loading | Littering | One-upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary aggression | Talking during performances | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over-critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly prideful | Competitive
Tagged by: @astraeignis Tagging: @seyoou @shadowraiths [ Anthem ] @icarove [ Wonsik ] @eunxe [ Sooyoung ]
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cyjxe-a-blog · 6 years
@eunxe liked this for a starter.
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the corners of his lips quirked up in the slightest and his arms folded across his chest as he looked at the other.   ❝ you scared? ❞   he teased, his tone almost smug.  he didn't know the other well, but for som stranger reason, it seemed to him that the other was scared of doing something like this  -----  something that could get one of them hurt, or even killed.  but he was someone who did it, despite the fact that he could get seriously injured or it would be the last thing he does on earth.
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