userhoney · 5 years
The bar was a lot more crowded than she thought it would be, so when she saw an empty booth, she jumped at the chance to snag it. Literally. Another player might have scowled as she stepped on their foot to get to a place where she could finally sit. Except. The booth wasn’t empty. She opened her mouth to apologize, but found herself cut off. Her guild? Honey blinked, trying to figure out what about her told the other player she was a recruiter. 
“Um, sorry? I thought this booth was empty, I didn’t-- why do you think I’m a recruiter?” It wasn’t what she has meant to ask, she should have just apologized and walked away, and yet.
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Location: Any Bar
Players: Reaper +  Open
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All Reaper wanted to do was enjoy a little peace and quite with a drink before heading back home for the night. She had specifically found a booth near the back of the bar to avoid the bustle at the front of the house. She had only just taken a sip from her glass of whiskey when a figure slid into the booth across from her. 
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
“Look,” the brunette started, fixing the poor soul who had interrupted her quiet with a pointed scowl. “Before you start with some piss poor attempt at selling me your sorry excuse of a guild, don’t waste your breath. I’m not interested.” She finished, draining the remaining whiskey in her glass before slamming it back down rather loudly against the table top. Reaper raised an arched eyebrow as she realized the figure was still perched in their spot across like her voiced ad gone in one ear and out the other. She felt her eye twitch. 
“Can I help you?” 
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userhoney · 5 years
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Madelaine Petsch - social media
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userhoney · 5 years
Honey was worn from the battle, from flitting around the Revenants base as she tried to heal all of her injured guild mates. Her usual open demeanor wearing away under the stress, at the horror of seeing people torn open and having to stitch them back together. This place wasn’t real, but it was hard to remember that when the pain everyone felt was real to them. But she still had a few healing potions she promised to drop off at the clinic. It looked like Venus had been by to do a bit more than dropping off potions. Honey’s face fell further once Venus spoke. “It’s... yeah.” She paused, usually one to try to look on the bright side, but failing to see it in all the gloom of the boss battle. The glass potions bottles clinked together as she placed the box on the floor and leaned against the wall next to the other mystic. “it really doesn’t get any easier, does it?”
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Location: clinic ( somewhere lool)
players: open @veliastart
Venus released the breath she held; stepping outside behind the clinic. With the battle complete and the next level open. She was even busier; glad she was able to get those extra baskets of supplies out to as many guilds and players as she could — now the real world began. If you were fortunate enough to belong to one of the five guilds. Once injured in the battle you had the option of returning to your guilds infirmary to get patched up.
not everyone was so lucky. Smaller guilds were forced to rely on the limited healing available by their healer( if they even had one in their party)
Solos were left to fend for themselves. Either counting on the graces of a mystic willing to help them, or seeking that medical attention on fifty- two at the hospital. Venus struck an agreement with a local clinic. One, that she and volunteers could bring the wounded after a battle if they didn’t want to go to the hospital. Pooling their resources in a time of need to help as many people as they could.
Now, five hours after the battle. She was exhausted, every muscle in her body tight; screaming for some kind of relief. Leaning against the wall, a slight frown on her face as she pressed her body against the cool bricks. Her limbs thanking her for the special treatment as she clutched her crystal.
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“ I really hate this place sometimes.”
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userhoney · 5 years
players: honey + @sloanandrews location: floor 25 ( centria ), revenants hq
Lavender, chamomile, mint, lavender, chamomile, mint, lav-- Honey’s train of thought stopped abruptly, the herbs she was trying to remember for the healing bath already forgotten. Damn it, now she’d have to check her research again. But-- right, the reason she stopped, was that...? Hela’s door? Open? Honey stuck her head in, curious, as the other girl hadn’t been at HQ in quite a while. If she was being honest--then again, when wasn’t she? Perhaps when she was being polite, however-- she’d been all nerves since she noticed the absence. It wasn’t like Hela to cancel one of their sleepovers without a little forewarning and it had been weeks. Weeks! “Hey! Where the Hel-a have you been?” Honey had meant for it to sound like a reprimand, but. Well, she couldn’t resist. “Wait, are you--?” her eyes quickly tracked over Hela, each bruise and cut standing out stark against her skin. “What happened to you? Was it the dinos? Why did you come to me? I was healing at the front lines all night.”
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userhoney · 5 years
okay FOLKS we’re gonna do a good ole fashion clean up! a lot of my threads are outdated rn but with the recent plot drop im ready to plot til i drop (shut uP you know it was funny) so like this boi and i’ll message you!! 
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userhoney · 5 years
Honey was out looking for--funnily enough-- honey. There was an NPC beekeeper that showed up every third weekend in the marketplace to sell their honey and she’d missed the last time they were in town. It wasn’t exactly a priority, but she had closed her shop down for lunch to make sure she could grab a few jars. When she reached the crowded marketplace, she grimaced at the crowd she’d have to wade through when she heard a familiar voice behind her. 
“Xena?” Honey grinned at the other player and tilted her head to the side. “What kinda potion you looking for? Maybe we can tackle this crowd together,” she suggested hopefully. Xena was the type of player who parted groups of people without so much as a glance. 
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location: floor 25, marketplace 
open: to all 
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Xena dreaded the marketplace. It was crowded, noisy, and filled with a bunch of moronic guilds that seem to forget any self-awareness. Her back clinging to the wall, her arms crossed across her chest. Watching the groups in front of her. “Can’t even buy a potion here anymore. Ridiculous.” She mumbled to herself, though anyone next to her would be able to hear her. 
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userhoney · 5 years
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Vanessa and Madelaine dancing behind the scenes of Riverdale
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userhoney · 5 years
To be frank, Honey was only in the armor shop to check out the competition. Unfortunately, she didn’t think hers would ever be as good as the game-produced armor, but it was worth a shot. There was always a learning curve when it came to a new craft, but this wasn’t some burly old man telling her that she’d never be able to build an armoire half as good, these pieces were technically perfect, built by a machine. There was no way to live up to them, but Honey could at least check out which pieces she’d be able to make for her guild herself. She was turning over a light breastplate-- that was supposed to survive the biggest hits without a dent while still being incredibly light-- when she heard tinkling metal hit the ground.
Honey turned and half knelt to help the other player pick up the merchandise before they could get in trouble, but found that the bracelets had already been picked up and were on their way back to the display. She awkwardly straightened out of her odd stance. “Uh, those are nice,” she blurted out. “What are they for? This place has everything, don’t they?” She asked, lifting the breastplate still in one hand.
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Players: conejita & open @veliastart Location: Nova, a shop that specializes in armour that looks like modern clothing
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One thing that Conejita never liked to do in real life was go out shopping. Somewhere in these three years, though, that changed. Maybe it was the lack of modern attire but there was just something so refreshing about perusing through racks of dresses and jackets, all perfectly tailored thanks to the very algorithms that kept them trapped. 
It was also much easier to steal in-game than it was irl. Granted, she mostly stole small accessories and trinkets. Dropping a pair of archer-specific bracelets (they helped center a shot from any angle, according to the tag), the blonde crouched down and picked them up, placing one back onto the counter while pocketing the other. She turned around as she stood back up, not realizing someone was nearby.
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userhoney · 5 years
“ if i am then i’m a big ass snake.” she scoffed unbothered by the other player pointing their staff in her general direction.  the good thing about being in the martial arts class… patient defense. she wasn’t a huge fan of the muggy heat on this floor or the bugs. still it was a good idea to get to know her surrounding, if for no other reason then to get more information about prima ( and what was up with this waterfall.) it still struck her as odd, to have it right smack dab in the middle of this floor- could it be a distractions? sure, what was the likely hood that they would have to fight another water creature? slim, but it was better to be over-prepared than not prepared enough.  skittles tilted her head from one side to the other. watching her for a moment longer. “besides the snake were here first so you’re in their territory.” she posed nodding her head towards the woman’s staff. “you mind pointing that thing at something other than me? i might take it the wrong way.”
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Honey swiftly pulled her staff back once the other player mentioned it. “Oh, sorry about that. I just-- still a little spooked, I guess.” She was relieved to see another human instead of a slippery crawly venomous snake and despite her drawing on the other player first, it really was just out of fear. At first, at least. She sighed, “Well let’s just hope that if there are any snakes, they don’t come back home until we’re well out of the way. Are you up here for the water too? Or just wanted to see the view?”
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userhoney · 5 years
her response caused him to sigh inwardly, he’s gonna have to up the ‘normal’ english. he was certainly right about her being cute though, and he didn’t mean physically, that didn’t matter to him, he just meant her whole demeanor was less brash than others he knew. mars scoffed out a laugh an shook his head, finding a solid path of rocks to cross the stream with and joining her on the other side, a mixture of hopping and dancing as he crossed them. “wasn’t calling you peach, i was calling you a peach, there’s a difference.”
he glanced down at a fairly large rock before sitting on it, “so you mean to tell me that in this entire game, this world designed to kill us, you’re most afraid of snakes?”
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Honey’s cheeks pinked. “Oh. Okay, then. As long as you weren’t-- not that Peach is a bad person, but-- I just didn’t see the uh, resemblance.” Or the brash recklessness that the other player cloaked herself in. 
It looked like Mars was here to stay, since he was making himself comfortable. “I-- well not most afraid, but just because there are bigger things out there that can kill me, that doesn’t mean that the little things can’t do the same if they’re determined enough.” Honey shrugged and knelt down to continue collecting her spring water. “But now that I think about it, I can’t really remember seeing any animals around here. Which you would think might be a gathering place for them, you know, water and all.” 
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userhoney · 5 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. | for @sloanandrews
Their first impression of your muse: oh no, isn’t she the one who left circus? I mean she left, that has to mean something, right?
Current impression: I can’t believe I actually have a friend here, someone who knows my name and would actually notice if I go missing for a few days. Probably even send out a search party. 
Are they attracted to your muse?: She thinks Hela is attractive, but doesn’t think she’s available. 
Something they find frightening about your muse: When necessary, she will kill other players. It’s something Honey has had to come to terms with, but she still isn’t sure she could do the same. 
Something they find adorable about your muse: How she’s willing to have sleepovers when Honey asks (if she’s a bit too scared to spend the night alone)
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Yes.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic:  platonic dates! all the time!!
One word my muse would use to describe yours: warm
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Nope!
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: yes! all the time! 
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userhoney · 5 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. | for @padmeonline
Their first impression of your muse: she seems way too nice to be in Catalyst it doesn’t-- oh shit this is the best croissant i’ve ever had?
Current impression: She’s so sweet and caring and she was really understanding about that thing with Radish why can’t she be my mom
Are they attracted to your muse?: She thinks she’s very pretty but in her head she’s already been categorized as a Mother Figure
Something they find frightening about your muse: She hasn’t seen Padme in a light other than endearing
Something they find adorable about your muse: How sweet she is to members of other guilds, even if they’re not from one of the “good” ones. She seems like she’s always willing to extend an olive branch. or a slice of freshly made bread
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: No, but she would do everything in her power to help her.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic:  a friend date? definitely! 
One word my muse would use to describe yours: hope (not hopeful, but the embodiment of hope)
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Not! in a million! years!!!!!
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: of course! she probably waited until Padme initiated hugs first, then she went in. kisses? maybe on the forehead/cheek/etc
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userhoney · 5 years
✵ for noir and herc lol
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. | for @playernoir 
Their first impression of your muse: Wow she’s pretty. And she can fight.
Current impression: Bitter. I can understand that she’s upset, but she probably pays more attention to me now than she ever did at Blood Oath.
Are they attracted to your muse?: Definitely but she doesn’t have a chance in hell.
Something they find frightening about your muse: Her anger. Honey doesn’t think she would do anything to outright hurt her, but she wouldn’t help her if she was in danger either. 
Something they find adorable about your muse: Her pouty face when she doesn’t get what she wants.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Honey isn’t big on sacrifice, but she would help Noir out if it was possible.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic:  it doesn’t seem likely 
One word my muse would use to describe yours: angry.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: no, never. there’s no point in violence against players unless it’s self defense.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: at one point in time she would have wanted to, but now she’s too scared to go near her.
for @playerhercules
Their first impression of your muse: He’s a strong leader, someone who can lead us to the end. 
Current impression: Mostly the same
Are they attracted to your muse?: Yeah but who isn’t tbh???
Something they find frightening about your muse: He doesn’t seem to have much tact and that can cause problems for negotiating with other guilds.
Something they find adorable about your muse: She hasn’t really seen a softer side of him just yet, she just sees him as a leader.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: If it was the only way for Revenants to go on and make a difference, she would.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic: he seems too important, but she would love a platonic date to pick his brain and get to know him better
One word my muse would use to describe yours: powerful.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: she wouldn’t dream of it.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: she might hug him after a particularly harsh battle if she forgot herself and her manners. 
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userhoney · 5 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
Current impression:   
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
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userhoney · 5 years
          noir hummed when honey answered her, very obviously only half listening – and that was being GENEROUS. she didn’t want to hear anything that someone who could so easily switch on someone who practically became their family had to say. “ oh, yeah, he seems like a great guy. ” she tried to hide her scoff, but it was difficult. you know who WAS a great guy ?? JUPITER. she couldn’t imagine abandoning him and jumping ship so quickly. “ glad you’re enjoying yourself, though. ”
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Honey’s bottom lip wobbled, and she tried to keep herself calm. “I just... I didn’t fit in at Blood Oath. This feels like a better idea for me,” she said, her voice low, trying not to let Noir’s obvious distaste for her cut too deep. It only made her feel as though she made the right choice. If her username wasn’t hovering above her head, would Noir have even known it? “We’re not enemies. I didn’t join Circus or.. or Catalyst. If we found ourselves on the battlefield again, I’d still have your back. I’m just trying to get out of here. All of us. The Revenants are dedicated to that.”
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userhoney · 5 years
Jal had been lurking around the floor, doing their usual - following people who seemed to have an idea of what they were hoping to find. When they saw Honey, they knew she was bound to find someplace where there would be high quality potion ingredients. Soap and potions weren’t the same, but they were close enough to pique Jal’s interest in following the redhead.
Once it seemed she settled down, the solo player emerged from behind a couple of trees, ready to look like they’d just stumbled across her. “Oh! It’s just me,” they said, raising their hands. “Not a snake. See? Hands.”
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“Oh thank god,” Honey gave a sigh of relief and lowered her staff. It was rude to point a weapon at a friend. Acquaintance? Honey liked to think they were friends. “I’ve never been happier to see hands. Or you, Jal.” In an unsubtle move, Honey looked for Trouble behind the other mage. “And where’s your other half today? Or well, furry other half.”
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userhoney · 5 years
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Climbing probably would have been easier, maybe even safer, but Nightingale was afraid of heights. Not like ‘oh wow this is really high’ more like ‘I would rather walk five hours out of the way than climb more than five feet high.’ It was an irrational fear, and she knew it was extra, yet she still walked all the way around to find a different way up. By the time she finally heard the stream of water, leaves were tangled in her hair and tiny scrapes and cuts covered her bare skin. When she burst through the grass, she didn’t expect to see another player and the surprise was evident on her face.
“Whoa! No, definitely not a snake!” she laughed as she attempted to comb leaves out of her hair, “I’m just Nightingale, a really freaking tired mystic. Nice to meet you… ummm… what’s your name?”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Honey chuckled, lowering her staff. “That makes two of us. Uh, tired mystics, I mean, not Nightingales. Although that would be pretty awkward, right? I’m a Honey.” She pointed to the username above her head. “I mean, you can call me Honey. Do you, uh, want to sit? I know the trek up hear isn’t an easy one.” .
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