#eva babbles
taehyungsgrowl · 2 months
starting ahs:apocalypse from the beginning… real ones know 👊🏽
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asexualbookbird · 10 months
halfway through iron widow and i am just now remembering i do not like mecha anime
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lesbiankiliel · 1 year
edit: for legal purposes this is a joke
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Don't mind me, I am just trying to find a fc for my old MCU oc, Veronica, so I am seeing how she would work out with Stephen Strange.
Eva Green has the right vibe for how I envisioned Verona and her personality. The only thing is, I need to consider that Veronica has a twin, who is paired up with someone else and has a distinct personality that doesn't truly suit the way Eva suits Veronica.
mmmm I might have to make them sororal twins instead of identical.
Never the less, I am pleased with Eva Green as a fc, so I am probably keeping her for my Veronica.
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bringmefoxgloves · 2 years
@ispyspookymansion kora has corrected me (thank u so much bestie <3) and i apologize to everyone for introducing a mandela effect that i pulled on myself via the most recent saw gif set i reblogged..... i somehow truly thought diana was blonde..... what the fuck @ my own head. that girl had brown hair. 
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hinasho · 2 years
watching smthg, that has a large number of a-list celebs in it, only for the c-list actor that probably only has 5 seconds of screentime before getting killed off 
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cameronspecial · 2 months
dad!rafe or dad!drew comforting a teething baby plssss
Nom Nom Monster
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.4K
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There is no denying that Evalyn is teething. She leaves a trail of drool everywhere she crawls and tries to chew on everything she can reach. Drew swears he saw her trying to teethe on Oscar’s tail. Y/N didn’t believe him. While he has been assured from the internet that Eva is not in immense pain, he doesn’t like the idea of her being in discomfort from her new teeth coming in. 
He stands still as Y/N sets their baby girl back into the baby carrier, not facing Drew. A big slob of saliva comes out of the baby’s mouth as she uses the material of the carrier to rub her gums. Her mother coos at her, placing a big wet kiss on her nose. She babbles and flings her arms and legs out in excitement. The parents continue their walk after having stopped for Drew’s bathroom break, talking about everything and anything. At this point, the fabric under the infant’s mouth is soaked and the mushy material doesn’t provide her any comfort. She begins to wiggle around, wanting to get out of the sling. Drew rests his large hand on her stomach to provide her some comfort until he can sit down to take her out. Y/N sees her family’s new need and points toward an empty bench. He nods. He takes her hand and leads her to the seat. She helps him take out Eva, watching as he places her on his lap. He brushes the infant’s hair back as she reaches out for anything to put in her mouth. He can hear his wife rustling through the diaper bag to find a teething ring. “Shit,” she whispers. “I forgot to pack her a teething toy.” He brings her temple to his lips, “It’s okay. We’ll figure something out.” Drew knows that forgetting small things like this can cause Y/N to spiral into thinking she is a bad mom, so he does everything he can to comfort her. 
A wet sensation covering his finger causes their brainstorming period to cut short. He looks down to see that his daughter shoved his finger into his mouth and slobber is now dripping down his hand. He sighs. Boy is he glad that he had gone to the bathroom and washed his hands before it was used as a teething relief. He rolls with the punches and helps soothe his daughter by running the pads of his fingers over her gums. He guesses it works because she begins to chew on it like crazy. Drew looks at Y/N with a smile, “Looks like our little nom nom monster found a better chew toy.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 months
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i’m so obsessed w these
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cassynite · 5 months
family reunion from hell!!!!
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@transprincecaspian @amatres Everyone wants to see my failgirl failing I see!
I've talked about this occasionally on the discord but Faith Plays Dumb is set about a year and change after the events of WOTR. Evaethi Arvanxi, the daughter of Sparrow's former master and the woman Sparrow had to impersonate for years, shows up at Heaven's Edge to see Sparrow again. It features Sparrow confronting the old dynamics she was forced to exist in, confronting the pain of her past, and Daeran and Sparrow's First Big Fight.
Also Evaethi. It definitely features Evaethi supposedly trying her best!
Snippet below the cut:
"It's you!" she keeps saying. "It's you, it's you, it's you--Eva!" I thought you were gone forever. I thought I failed you. The emotion, full and warm and only slightly thorny, presses into Sparrow's lungs and up her throat, leaving no room for words. She only presses her head against the thick wool of Evaethi's scarf and holds her tighter. Warm, real, alive, and healthy. She never could have hoped for more. Evaethi is as uninterested in ending the embrace as Sparrow, and happily babbles into Sparrow's ear while she holds onto her. "Gods, you're still light as a feather! And what's with those feathers, huh? You're lookin' half-bird these days! Next thing you know you'll start growing wings and ripping up your fancy dress--that color is so bright! Is that the fashion in Mendev? You'd think they'd like things darker, what with how cold and dreary it is--but you're a lady now for real, aren't you, that's what [name] and [name] were saying when we came up this way, that you were lady of the house--I knew you'd manage it, Eva--" "My wife's name is Sparrow." Daeran's voice cuts through the never-ending chatter and silences Evaethi. "I'm sure you're aware of that already, are you not? Since you lived with her for many years as she kept you from assassination attempts and having to dance with undesirable nobles at balls?" Evaethi lets go and steps back, leaving Sparrow cold. "I'm sorry, who're you?" She doesn't sound angry, but then, she's never been the kind to get angry. Daeran, on the other hand, looks glacially furious. Sparrow steps in between them, placing a hand on Daeran's sleeve. "Evaethi, this is my husband, Count Daeran Arendae. Daeran, this is my--this is Lady Evaethi of House Arvanxi." "Charmed." Daeran's gaze is cold and sharp as seaglass; he does not even nod to her, a slight of station that would have left anyone of noble birth insulted, but which Evaethi does not seem to notice. He places one hand over Sparrow's on his arm, the touch almost enough to soothe the nerves jangling ever since Evaethi let her go. "And what business do you have at Heaven's Edge?" "To...to visit?" Evaethi's expression takes on a familiar turn--that of a kicked puppy, who is unsure where the hostility came from or how it connects to her. If it continues, there will be tears, but her voice doesn't have that familiar warble when she responds just yet.
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lesbiankiliel · 1 year
aight sweden send eva & ewa to liverpool, you don't even need to hear the rest of the songs
this is it
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jadedbirch · 6 months
The Three Musketeers (2023) - Part 1: d'Artagnan
Directed: Martin Bourboulon
Starring: Vincent Cassel, Eva Green, François Civil 
First of all, you do not know the struggle we had to go through to even get our eyeballs on this movie! Only die hard Dumas idiots like me would have even bothered 🤦🏻‍♀️. Finally, we had to buy it from AppleTV. Anywho, below is my live blog of the latest French nonsense! I make a point of tutoring myself watching as many 3 Musketeers adaptations as possible, regardless of the psychological damage, and I kind of have high hopes for this one despite the fact that I can already tell they cast more for 20 Years After than for The 3 Musketeers. But I'm willing to pretend there are no good, young actors in France (because there's no other way to explain these casting choices) for the sake of my own sanity. The rest of my babbling and movie spoilers will be below the cut!
I see we start the movie in 1627, which already makes me laugh 🤣. The book famously starts in 1625 and then they time skip a year and a half into the future because I guess Dumas remembered that the war starts in 1627. Alex was the king of inexplicable time skips and I see the movie has chosen to stick to history rather than literary canon 👌🏻.
Everything is cold, dark, and wet. I have no idea what's going on, or who this blond woman is, or why d'Artagnan is coming back from the dead. But I'm always in favor of immortal abominations 😈.
It does entertain me that Eric Ruf, who played Aramis in an earlier French adaptation, plays Richelieu in this one. Nice touch.
LOL d'Artagnan gate crashing the musketeer headquarters all "I'm not Soviet, the French do not stand in line!" Anyways, he's authentically obnoxious, which I like, although clearly also 20 years too old.
I feel like this is an AU that takes place before they invented soap and also dyes, which is hilarious because if they're going for historical accuracy, this is just what the plebs think looks "authentic". Why are these men all so dirty and old? At least they make fun of Athos being a thousand years old in the movie, but why is Jussac also so ancient? And still serving in the guards? Life expectancy back then was like 25, but surely no one would be serving in the army past the age of 50, which was like Ancient for the 1600s, even among nobility.
I must laugh at the fact that Athos straight up introduces himself to d'Artagnan as Athos de Sillegue, le comte de La Fère. So, I see we are just going to go there 🤭🤭🤭. This changes his story arc completely though, stay tuned for my whinging. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Absolutely incredible, legendary , A++, 11000/10: bisexual Porthos waking up in bed with a lady and a dude after a night of debauchery! Chef's fucking kiss! I forgive the fact that there are no young people in France.
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Aramis, so far is very Murder Kitten. I do wish he'd wash his face more and do something about his guyliner (I feel like he should have just committed to MORE MAKEUP frankly because the guyliner alone is odd), but c'est la vie, I guess.
Plus one point for Athos getting wrongly arrested, minus twenty points for making Athos a Protestant WTF? And in what world would a nobleman of Athos' lineage get sentenced to death for stabbing an unknown woman? This is all so silly! (I do have to give Milady points for just like fucking with him so fantastically. Plus one revenge point to Milady.)
Aramis torturing a guy to save Athos is honestly 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 11/10 Murder Kitten, automatic plus one point.
This is all incredibly Dramatique, as much as it strains credulity. I love it when modern directors decide that they can write better "action" than Dumas himself. I'm just sitting here screaming "Why would you have that conversation where anyone can hear you!" Minus one point.
I must say Constance and d'Artagnan have a much more believable romance here than in the book. Plus 5 non-creeper points.
(Please I can't stop looking at how old all these Musketeers are 😅😅😅)
Okay so they've also given Athos a BROTHER. Who is part of a Protestant conspiracy. This is all so fucking crazy, I don't even know what to say. Am I watching the musketeers or La Reine Margot? 🤔
Incidentally, the King also gets a brother! Everyone gets a brother! J/K at least the King really did have a historical brother. Athos just gets fucked with in this movie a lot. Automatic minus one point for unnecessary siblings.
WHY must you all insist on having these super SECRET conversations in the middle of a public square where literally anyone can hear you? Minus one dumbass point.
And now d'Artagnan must go to England.... Alone? Because it's more heroic this way? Ambushed by ghost squirrels in the woods? Oh no, that's just Athos, lurking in the woods, as one does. "All misery comes from love." Thanks, Old Man Lush.
This revisionist tale of Milady's past is all very convenient but I FUCKING HATE IT every single time they try to do this in modern adaptations. Let Milady Be Evil 2023! But I see that you will not. Listen, it's not "feminist" to turn the villain into the victim. I'm so tired. 🤦🏻‍♀️ These misguided attempts at feminism really do not do her any favors, she has a lot more agency as simply the Really Bad Girl who just wanted money and power. Minus 5 points for not letting Milady have any fun and minus another 10 points for giving her an abusive ex-husband!
As for Athos, IMO it's always much more compelling to let him be the guy who tried to kill his beloved wife for betraying him, than to make him the spineless man who turns her over to the authorities for Handwavium. Yes, it's pretty fucked up. But it's much more humanizing and makes him a darker, more interesting character. And I will always maintain that.
(This movie is so fucking dark, all the scenes take place at night or in some cthonic tunnels or prisons ffs have mercy on my eyes!)
Oh dear, here we go again. Milady taking a Dramatique - and completely unnecessary - dive off a cliff. Only this time, we know she doesn't die because.... She can swim? And definitely will not have all her bones broken by that 1000 ft fall. Minus 20 points for lazy writing.
(My God, everyone is so dirty, you would think they never did their laundry in France 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Ironically, the only well lit scene takes place in what looks like the Notre Dame which is just very silly as that place is a sepulcher.
(Once again, we are advancing the plot by having super secret conversations conducted in the middle of the palace with an open door where anyone can see and hear you plotting 🤦🏻‍♀️ Minus one petty point.)
Okay, so poor Constance has been kidnapped, and our young hero (who is already a Lieutenant because he and his pals conveniently saved the King's life in a plot twist that was very necessary in other to return Athos to favor in this version) lies unconscious in the streets. They probably didn't even try to kill him this time because they know he's immortal. And speaking of people who just won't die, in a mid-credits scene, it is confirmed that Milady is indeed, very much Not Dead Yet. Surprise! The scene is now set for war in The Three Musketeers: Part 2: Milady.
In summary:
I tallied up my totally random points and ended up with a score of -51, which is Not Good, my friends.
Okay, so I've seen much worse? It's better than Atrocity in 3D, for example, which was just barely watchable as a film and as an adaptation. But they changed so much about the plot and some of the main characters, that it doesn't really feel true to the spirit of the book at this point, which is my main criteria for measuring whether an adaptation is successful. And the main reasons for that are because it's much darker and grittier and less fun than the novel. Which - Quelle domage!
I know that as an unrepentant Athos fangirl, I tend to be biased, so I was trying to be on guard (heheh get it?) for my own biases while watching this. But it's really difficult when Ya Boy is such an integral part of the novel as well as this particular adaptation. And so I must regrettably come back to what a shame it is that they've cast a 60 year old Athos (Vincent Cassel is 57 and he's a fabulous actor whom I've loved in many of his worlks), and I feel like they had to rewrite his character to be more age appropriate and less of the drunken asshole he is in Dumas' first d'Artagnan book. But that's the asshole I fell in love with, and will stan forever. Without him going around beating his servant, indulging his gambling addiction, and being a sarcastic pain in everyone's ass, it's just a completely different story.
Hot Eva Green!
bisexual Porthos!
d'Artagnan is given a much less creepy love story with Constance (and I assume he will also not be nonconning Milady in this adaptation)
The King and Queen are much more humanized and sympathetic here.
Visually really drab, everything is brown, everyone is dirty.
Very little humor unlike in the novel and some other adaptations.
EVERYONE IS WAY TOO OLD, which changes the feeling of the story significantly, and IMO for the worse, because these people are just not allowed to have fun, and subsequently, neither is the audience.
I will still absolutely be here for Part 2 because I am a masochist!
Grade: B- as a piece of art, but a C as an adaptation of the Dumas classic.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 1 month
little corner °𐐪♡𐑂°
welcome to this week's little corner babybees!!
let's see what sweetpea's from our community submitted for today! <3
destinity 2 blender work
first up we have some amazing blender work from our cherrybugs anon @bugeyedcherry!!
how amazing are these pieces :o
honestly so incredibly talented!! <3
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adorable art work pieces
we also have some adorablr art pieces that have been send it to be shown off! <3
first up is artwork done by @charliescornerofdainternet, how amazing is this :o you babybees are all so talented!! <3
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adorable art work pieces
the next piece of art work has been sent in by our 🌍 anon <3
this one reminds me so much of one of my favourite video games eva called 'night in the woods' :o it's so so amazing! well done you babybee! <3
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you babybees are so incredibly talented!! <3
you should be so so so proud of yourselves!! & thank you so so so much for sending in your art for everyone to see <3.
if you'd like to be apart of little corner, send in your pieces to the babble box with either your @ or your anon sign off! <3
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evita-shelby · 6 months
12 Days of Smuff: Day 9
Day 9:Sharing a drink + toys
Tommy x Eva as decided by my poll
Cw: female masturbation, ye olde vibrators of 1928(first electrical one!), accidental orgasm denial, reference of a sex related death inthe season 3 Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries ,Death and Hysteria
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It had been a long day.
With the holidays around the corner, Tommy was running himself ragged making sure there was a Birmingham to come back to after they returned from their holiday.
Today was his last day at his office in London and he intended to enjoy a quiet evening at home with his darling wife and three children.
He hadn’t been home all week, Eva had visited him in London while doing some last minute shopping and the gangster turned politician intended to make up for lost time.
The children were in school, his family away at their own homes and as far as anyone knows he was in 10 Downing Street as usual.
Perfect opportunity to surprise his wife.
He hears a strange whirring sound he assumes is a cleaning appliance as comes nearer and then he hears it.
Yes, a perfect opportunity, Tommy tells himself when he smells the incense burning in her sitting room downstairs and takes his Christmas whiskey with him down the hall.
Quiet moans and his name as she gets closer and closer to orgasm. She’s gotten bolder, his witch may be into fucking where they could get caught but never where the maids can hear them.
Especially when she’s pleasuring herself.
Did she think the appliance would cover the noise of her fucking herself at the thought of him?
The appliance also makes the lights flicker in the hall and the library, he’d have someone check the electrical again. Some of his constituents had lost their building when someone introduced their fancy new toaster to their kitchen.
But enough of that, rose incense was what she always burned when she wanted to fuck. Had she anticipated his early return?
Perhaps she had and was waiting for him to come and join her.
“Aren’t you afraid Santa’s going to put you on the naughty list, love?” Tom asks entering the witch’s sanctuary that smells wonderfully of sex and rose incense.
She’s spread with her knees drawn and her slip bunched around her stomach as she holds a personal massager she saw on a catalog to her pussy and plays with her tits with her free hand.
It’s a sight to come home to even if he dislikes the idea of having a fucking toy involved on their sex life.
He can claim it was a matter personal safety, but in truth he hated the idea that a piece of metal with a rubber handle could easily take his place in her bed.
What if I get lonely when you’re away? The witch had asked when he tried to stop her from buying it in London.
Use your hands like you’ve always done, woman, he had answered only for her not to listen and buy it anyways.
She is about to cum, he can tell by the way she shuts her eyes and her words turn to barely coherent babbles. Tommy hates to admit it is a well-made object as she only sounds like that when he fucks her, and regular fucking is the secret to his wife’s youthful glow.
Not that she is old, she is only 32, but the way she talks about her age you’d think she was approaching ninety.
He doesn’t notice the wire extending from the socket to the couch as he comes to join her at the loveseat moved closer to it. Well he doesn’t notice it until he trips over it and the toy flies off her hand and dies on the floor along with all the lights in the house.
“Jesus, fuck, Tommy!” Eva can barely manage to look at him having been so cruelly interrupted. “You could’ve killed me!”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Tom offers her the whiskey as he kicks the broken massager out of his way and joins her on the couch. “Naughty witch, gonna cost me an arm and a leg to get the wiring fixed before Christmas.”
“You like it when I’m naughty, besides I told you we needed it fixed when the hairdryer blew that fuse weeks ago.” She drinks while he makes himself comfortable. The fright and the interrupted climax needed it more than he did.
“We agreed to get it done this week when we’ll be going to visit your kin in Florida because you’re tired of the cold.” He reminds her as they go back to being Mr. And Mrs. Shelby who’ve been married for eight years and six months. “You were explicitly told not to plug shit in too many things at once, and I explicitly told you I don’t like you sticking electric appliances in your cunny. Remember the woman who died in Australia, Evie?
What would I tell the children when they ask how their mother died? That she fucked herself to death?”
“Oh, yes, that would look great on my obituary, Tommy.” Eva jokes and gives him a look that has him roll his eyes at her.
Of course, how could he forget that the toy left her ready to explode.
He’ll make it up to her later, when the repairmen leave and she sees how expensive her little toy was.
He should deny her relief, as punishment, and he does. “Naughty girl’s don’t get to cum.”
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nautiscarader · 8 months
Tristeva-Kink 24 please.
"Here… let me show you…", Evangelyne's sweet, caring voice sent shivers down Tristepin's spine as much as her cries and moans.
She cupped his cheeks, not to give him a kiss, but to direct him to a much more delicate place, where the brave warrior would have to pass a difficult test.
"It's-it's that.", Eva whispered, pointing her finger to her swollen clit.
"Do, do I press it? Oh, is it like one of those treasure-activation buttons?"
"No!", she quickly replied, "I mean, you can brush it, but be gentle…"
"Brush…, like,with a brush?"
Evangelyne giggled.
"Well, that could be fun, but start with just fingers…", she quickly corrected him, tracing it with the tip of her middle digit, her gentle moan stirring something primal inside Tristepin.
"Oh, wait! I know how can I brush it!", he suddenly exclaimed, and before Evangelyne could react, Pinpin, slid his tongue across her folds, ending on her clit.
Next thing she knew, Eva fell back, arching as pleasure shot up her spine, strengthened by Tristepin's strong grip on her thighs, as he continued his rough licks.
"Does it work? Eva?"
Pinpin leaned from between her legs, finding his girlfriend with her tongue stuck out and stupefied expression plastered on her reddened face, as she babbled her answer amidst her orgasm.
"Yesh… very… good."
Tristepin returned triumphant to her core, licking and sampling her sex, not sure if he should admit he simply got inspiration from eating ice cream with cherry on top…
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I’m Retiring
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I’m sorry everyone. But my mental health is getting worse and my story au is danger. Even though I knew we’re gonna win the KOSA battle, I realize that I need to keep my Solar Opposites stories secret now. And my family life too. So, I’m gonna finish my story Wrath of Ophelia Solar Opposites Movie AU privately but not online from now on… I’m sorry…. It’s the only way I can save my stories… and the Solar Opposites too… and the best part is… They’re staying with me outside of online! Even Janiz, EVA, MAX, Lili and Kimber!
Korvo: Congrats buddy!
Terry: Nice one man!
Yumyulack: Family sticks together man! We’re still with you!
Jesse: Let’s do this! Together!
Lili: *happy babble*
Janiz: Alirght!
Kimber: Good joy!
Evil Terry: Fuck Yeah!
Pupa: Yay!
Sonya: Yipee!
AISHA: Let’s do it dummy!
EVA: Family is forever too!
MAX: Yipee!
But… I’m afraid… this is goodbye to all my friends and watchers… @themagicwolf6677… I’ll still continue to use Monica and Phoebe in my stories… but sadly not online anymore…. Thank you so much for your amazing enthusiasm… I knew your Solar Opposites Stories… even the Dungeons and Dragons one… is gonna be great… @king-of-squishmallows… your artworks are gonna be great… keep doing Solar Opposites no matter what… @avaveevo… I’m sorry but I can’t do the Solar Opposites stories online anymore… but I know you’re gonna do great on your SO stories like Ultra Opposites and New Solar Opposites…. Because you know why? You never needed me! You never did! You got this because you know why? You’re smart, funny, courageous… and cool too! You can do this! Even without me! You watch amazing videos and remember lines, you’ve done wonderful OCs! You can do this! I just know it…. Thank you for being a good friend… keep fighting and being brave to keep Tervo alive…. Even offline… no matter what…
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And I’m sorry but I have to my Solar Opposites AUs offline from now on… including Wrath of Ophelia, Mighty Solars, Unleashed and Misadventures of the Solars too… thank you all for being amazing watchers… I hope you all understand why… and before I sign off… permanently… here is one final surprise…
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taehyungsgrowl · 7 months
on some real shit, i’d rather be lost in the lights fr 😔☝️
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