tumblingletters · 6 years
Emerald Genesis Chapter 06
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“Not sure about redheads.  Dreadful temper.”  
                                                                                   - James Bond
Chapter 6: Asuka Strikes and Shinji Strikes Back
           Somewhere south-east of the shores of New Yokosuka (Old Odawara) Captain Misato Katsuragi had taken Shinji Jordan, Toji Suzahara and Kensuke Aida on a small “date”.  
           “Wow!”  Kensuke cried out holding his video camera and taping everything that he could see, “A MIG-55 Transport Helicopter.  I never thought I’d get to see one of these things, much less fly in one!  It’s great to have a friend like you, Shinji!”
           “He’s never happier unless he’s near military stuff,” Toji pointed out while he adjusted his white and black striped hat.
           “No question,” Shinji smiled.  
           The helicopter passed by a few clouds and came out to the ocean where Kensuke cried out, “Wow!  One…two…three…five aircraft carriers and four battleships!  And there’s the Super-aircraft carrier ‘Over the Rainbow’!  That’s a vintage model from just before the Second Impact!”
           After the helicopter landed and Kensuke had set about taking his camera and viewing everything that he could see, Shinji had observed that he was pretty much like a kid in a candy store.  Probably the one thing that would have made him even happier would be if he was allowed to pilot one of the airplanes but, of course, the chances of that would be none to negative.  
Toji on the other hand was happy by the fact that he was allowed to come on this trip with Misato.  He even bought a stripped cap for the occasion that he so proudly proclaimed would never take off.  
           It did occur to Shinji how odd the situation was that Misato and Shinji were going on this military operation to deliver the power cable for the arriving Unit Two and yet here they were bringing along civilians on it as if were a school field trip.  He quietly smirked at his own observation when he thought that all they needed was a packed lunch.  
           There was a good strong wind blowing over the deck of ‘Over the Rainbow’.  So much so that it blew off Toji’s special cap that he was chasing like a parent after their child at an amusement park.  
           “Stop damn you!”  He kept calling.
           Until at last the cap landed at the feet of someone. Toji was glad until one of the persons feet had lifted and stomped down on the cap.  
           Shinji was watching the event unfold in front of him when Toji developed an annoyed look and tried to grab at the cap that was being held down onto the flight deck by a girl in a yellow sundress.  Giving her a better look, Shinji did see that she was rather cute with her red hair that flowed down to the center of her back. She had blue eyes very similar to Shinji if only a few shades brighter.  Her expression was slightly arrogant with the way that she grinned as if she were saying to the world “I’m always right because I’m so super and you’re all so stupid.”  
           The only peculiar thing that Shinji had noticed right away was the fact that at the top of her head where her hair was tied up there were a pair of red sync nodes that looked as though they were being used as hair clips.  If Shinji were to look back on it in retrospect he would have made the connection that the sync nodes on her head almost looked like small horns.  
           “Why helllllll-o, Misato.”  The girl in the yellow sundress said.  
           “Been a long time, Asuka.”  Misato greeted in return.  “My you’ve grown.”            “Ah-huh.”  The girl named Asuka answered.  “And I’m not just taller my figure has filled out too.”
           “Let me introduce you.”  Misato presented.  “This is the designated pilot of Evangelion Unit Two.  The Second Child.  Asuka Langley Sohryu.”
           Then, just as if it was on cue, a good high wind blew across the flight deck and blew up the hem of Asuka’s yellow sundress to the point where Toji, Kensuke, and Shinji could actually see that she was wearing white panties.  
           The redhead began to burst out in obscenities of German as she slapped Toji and Kensuke but when she came up to Shinji he blocked her oncoming slap as easily as catching a ball.  
           “You really shouldn’t do that.”  Shinji said.  “It really wasn’t our fault.”
           “Why not?  You’re the pervert who was looking!”  Asuka protested.
           “And I’m the idiot who thought it was smart to wear a sundress on a windy flight deck?”  Shinji asked.
           Asuka’s face fumed and she raised her other hand in a surprise slap attack across Shinji’s face.  
           “Hey!”  Toji interjected.  “What’d you do that for?”
           “That’s my fee.”  Asuka stated in arrogance.  “Quite a bargain if I say so myself.”
           “Well in that case here’s mine!”  Toji said as he pulled down his pants and flashed himself at Asuka.  
           Aghast at what she saw she began to spout German again and gave Toji a second slap across the face.  
           “So then, now that that’s out of the way which one is the famous Third Child?”  Asuka asked but she looked over at Toji whose face already had twin red hand-shaped welts on his face.  “Ack nein…please don’t tell me it’s him.”
           “Its okay, Asuka.”  Misato smiled and pointed to Shinji.  “It’s him.”
           “This jerk?”   Asuka sneered.  “They say he’s American but he looks Japanese to me.”
           “I was born in Japan but I was raised in America.”  Shinji corrected.  
           “That figures.  You act like a Yankee jerk.”
           This girl really did get Shinji’s hackles up and he answered back with, “I’d rather be an Yankee jerk than a Kraut cunt.”
           “Shinji!”  Misato cried out.
           “VAT?!”  Asuka cried out as she raised her hand to slap him again until Misato stepped in between the two of them.
           “Okay children.”  She commanded.  “Let’s just cool out, okay?”  
           “Fine.”  Asuka groaned.
           “I’m fine with it as long as someone finds a proctologist on this ship to take the stick out of her ass.”  Shinji quipped.  
           “That’s enough, Shinji.”  Misato said sternly.  
           “You still haven’t changed have you, Katsuragi?” A voice called out.
           “KAJI!”  Asuka squealed like a fan girl at her favorite music artist.  
           Shinji looked back at Misato who developed a look of overwhelming dread when she looked at where the voice came from. Looking in the same direction Shinji found a rather scruffy looking man wearing a shirt that had the first few top buttons undone and a tie that was loosened a little far.  He had long brown hair tied up into a shaggy pony tail. His face had a good growth of beard stubble across it.  But then there was his expression that could only be described as being like a used car salesman: sneaky and sly.  As if he were trying to think of a way to screw everyone over while still keeping on a pleasant “have a nice day” smile on his face.  
* * *
           The group had headed down to the ships’ mess hall but to say that there was tension in the air would have been such a grand understatement.  From what Shinji was seeing it looked like there was going to be a real smack-down about to erupt.  The man named Ryoji Kaji was leaning forward and giving Misato the eye like a man trying to pick her up for a good night lay.  
           “So, do you have a boyfriend right now?”  He asked.  
           “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Misato said with a sour expression on her face while she looked off into the corner to avoid eye contact with Kaji.
           “I’m hurt.  Ow.”  Kaji feigned his pout but then turned to Shinji who was sitting on his side of the table with Asuka between them.  “So I understand you’re living with Katsuragi.”  
           “Yeah, I am.”  Shinji answered.  
           “Tell me is she still so wild in bed?”  Kaji smirked.  
           All around the table everyone developed a shocked look while Misato looked like she needed air while her face was turning to the same shade as a cherry tomato.  
           Shinji responded in good humor.  “Yeah.  We nearly broke the bed last time.”  
           “You do realize that she sleeps on the floor, right?”
           “Yeah, that’s what I mean we nearly broke through the floor into the apartment below us.”  
           “SHINJI!”  Misato cried out.  
           “Nope.”  Kaji smirked. “She hasn’t changed a bit, has she Shinji Jordan?”
           “How do you know who I am?”  Shinji asked.  
           “I ought to know you.”  Kaji pointed out.  “You’re pretty famous in the defense business.  The famous Third Child who piloted an Eva in his first battle with no training.”  
           “Oh that.”  Shinji shrugged.  “Beginners luck, I’d say.”  
           “Luck has nothing to do with it.  It’s your destiny.  It’s your talent.”  
           Upon hearing Kaji’s praises Shinji couldn’t help but notice how Asuka was giving him daggers.  She had the look of a child who saw someone else with a fancy toy that she had wanted but never got.  
           “Asuka.”  Shinji pleaded.  “Would you quit glaring at me?  People are going to think I just broke up with you.”  
           “Hmph!”  Asuka responded turning away from him.  
           “Well, I will take my leave.”  Kaji said before excusing himself from the table.
           “And I’m going with Kaji.”  Asuka added.  “Since he’s the only real man on this ship.”
           “And you know where to find me when you get disappointed, missy.”  Shinji chided.  
           Asuka turned and stomped off muttering something in German while Misato had her hands on the sides of her head as she looked down and muttered something that sounded like “nightmare”.  
           “So, what my dad said was right.”  Shinji commented.
           “What’s that?”  Toji asked.
           “Redheads have a bad temper.”
           “You got that right.”
           “Though that Mister Kaji is pretty interesting.”
           “He hasn’t changed at all that chauvinistic pig!” Misato snarled.  
           “Bad ex, I take it?”  Shinji asked.
           “You have no idea.”  
           That was when she came back.  
           “Hey, Third Child.”  
           Shinji looked over his shoulder and found Asuka with her hands on her hips and a very stern and sour expression on her face.  
           “You’re coming with me.”  She commanded.
           “Did Kaji disappoint you already?”  Shinji humored.  
           “No.  I have something amazing to show you.”
           “But you already flashed me.”
           Once again she spat out her German at Shinji before changing languages to say, “I want to show you my superior Eva.”  
 * * *
             Asuka had taken Shinji on a short helicopter ride from the Over The Rainbow to a ship that looked to be a converted super tanker with a massive tarp covering something on its deck.  All the while Asuka had such an arrogant grin on her face especially when she brought Shinji to the side of the great tarp covering and pulled it up.  Shinji looked inside and found Evangelion Unit Two.  He didn’t see much of it but he saw that it was red all over.  
           “Interesting color.”  He said.  
           “That’s not all that’s different about Unit Two.” She said as she led Shinji inside to get a closer look at the machine.  The thing was submerged in a pink liquid that Shinji had seen before with his Unit One back home.  He stood on a makeshift bridge that was basically wooden planks set on top of empty barrels that acted as floatation devices while Asuka climbed up onto the Eva and stood proudly like she was the Queen of the Hill.  
           “Unit Zero and One were the prototype and test type respectively.”  Asuka began. “The fact that Unit One synchronized with an untrained pilot like you is proof of that.  However, Unit Two is a little different.  My Unit Two is the world’s real first Evangelion.  Designed for actual combat it’s the final production model!”
           “Cool.”  Shinji said sounding very uninterested.  “By the way, is it lonely up there on your pedestal, Asuka?”
           “WHAT DID YOU SAY?”  Asuka shrieked as she climbed down from Unit Two.  She stomped her way up to Shinji and looked him in the eye and shoved her finger into his chest as she said.  “Say that again.”  
           “I asked if it was lonely up there on your pedestal, Asuka.”  Shinji repeated.  “Or did you want me to ask if it’s dark with your head up your ass?”  
           She raised her hand once again but before she could deliver the blow there was a great explosion followed by the ship rocking and the gangplank shaking back and forth.  
           “What the hell was that?”  Shinji asked.  
           “Undersea shockwaves.”  Asuka assessed.  “And pretty close by the sound of it.”  
           They dashed from where Unit 02 was being held to the guard rail on the ships deck.  They looked out and saw one ship explode in a plume of purple smoke followed by a series of waves as if something underneath was moving.  
           “So it’s an Angel.”  Shinji observed.
           “A real one?”  Asuka asked.  
           “I’m afraid so.”  
           That was when Asuka grinned like a mad scientist as she looked back at the tarp that covered Unit Two.  
           “Wunderva.”  She uttered to herself.  “Now’s my chance.”  
           She then turned to Shinji and said, “Wait here.”
           She then dashed away as if she were running the hundred meter dash.  Her yellow sundress flailing in the wind and the sharp motions of her legs and within a matter of moments she came back with a red bag that had the numbers “02” on the side.  She then yanked Shinji by the hand and took him back inside where Eva Unit Two was being stored.  
           Back inside the storage area she stopped on the makeshift bridge.
“Turn around, Third Child.”  She ordered.  “And don’t peek or you’re dead.”  
           Shinji shook his head as turned around.  This whole thing was pissing him off.  There was an Angel attack going on outside and yet this obnoxious German redhead was ordering him around.  
He then heard a few noises coming from behind him.  There was the rumpling of cloth, the pulling of a zipper, and the sound of plastic against plastic.  He turned his head and for a flash he saw Asuka changing clothes into something resembled his plugsuit.  In the next flash Asuka glared at him and cried out.
           “Don’t peek!  You pervert!”
           “And if it was Kaji?”  Shinji asked turning his head away from her.  
           “That’s none of your business!”  Asuka cried out.  
She pulled Shinji by the shoulder, turning him around and shoved a red plugsuit into Shinji’s arms.  He looked at it very confused and puzzled.  Looking back up at Asuka he saw that she was wearing the same kind of red plugsuit as the one that he was holding in his arms.  
“Well?  Put it on.” She said with that same arrogant smile.
           “Fuck no.”  Shinji said tossing the suit back at Asuka.    
           “What did you say?”  Asuka glared.
           “I said ‘fuck no’.”  Shinji repeated while he began to take his backpack off.  It was something that he had brought with him on this small excursion with Misato.  If NERV had taught him anything it taught him that one should be prepared for almost any contingency.  Then again, using the ring was much easier than carrying around what he had in his bag. He reached in and pulled out his blue and white plugsuit along with the new type of sync nodes.  This type was attached to a headband that would fit around his head.  
           “Oh, such a prepared child, aren’t you?” Asuka asked derisively.  
           “As opposed to you.”  Shinji said slipping on the sync node headband, unfurling his plugsuit and starting to undress in front of Asuka who began to blush the same shade of red as her suit.  She turned around, covered her eyes and spat obscenities in German.  
           Shinji hadn’t taken off his ring when he slipped his hand into the plugsuit’s sleeve.  After he pressed the button on the wrist controller he could see the lantern symbol bulging through the plastic but he knew that he would be the only one that could see it.  Otherwise Asuka would have made some kind of cutting remark about a boy wearing a green ring.  
           Seeing Asuka in her plugsuit Shinji was pretty sure of what insanity was going to happen next.  Then again given the situation it was the best course of action since none of the weapons that this small escort fleet had would even work on it.
           “I’m ready.”  Shinji said.  
           Asuka turned around and grabbed Shinji by the hand. That was when Shinji had enough. He yanked it out of her grip.  
           “Are you blind?”  Shinji spat.
           “Vhat?”  Asuka asked.
           “Are you blind?”  Shinji repeated.  
           Asuka was silent.
“Then why do you keep grabbing my goddamn hand?”  
           Asuka’s lips scrunched as if she took a large bite into a lemon and was still allowing the acids to slip down her throat.  
           “Okay then.”  Shinji said.  “I’d ask you what we’re planning to do but it is fairly obvious.”
           “Are you stupid?”  Asuka asked.  “We’re going to beat that Angel with my unit two.”  
           “Oh brilliant plan.”  Shinji rolled his eyes.  “With what weapons?”
           “The progressive knife should do it.  And if that doesn’t work I’ll kill it with my Eva’s bare hands.”  Asuka said proudly while she was working Unit Two’s controls to eject and open the entry plug.  “This will be an even more famous battle than yours.  Get ready for an amazing display of piloting, Third Child.  Just sit back and don’t get in my way.”
           “If you don’t want me to get in your way then why are you basically dragging me with you?”  Shinji retorted.  
           “Because I want you to see that I’m far more awesome than you.”  
           Shinji followed Asuka into the Entry Plug.  He knew that she really was a moron if she was going to go through with this and he had to be there in case she really did mess up in however dozens of ways possible.  She may be a bitch but he wasn’t about to let her get killed.  
           Upon climbing in and the entry plug closed up Asuka began to speak the instructions. “LCL Fullung.  Anfang der Bewegung.  Anfang des Nervenanschlusses.  Auslosung von Linkskleigung.  Synchro-stat non!”
           The internal computers began to click and turn on. The screens were changing color but then everything stopped and a single red word appeared over and over again across the inside of the entry plug.  The word was “FEHLER”.
           “Fehler?”  Shinji said aloud.  
           “It means ‘error’, stupid.”  Asuka grunted.  “It’s thought noise.  I told you not to disturb me.”            “And what did I do?”
           “You’re thinking in Japanese, aren’t you?  If you must think do it in German!”  
           Shinji giggled.  “Actually, I thinking both Japanese and English but I’ll try.  Du Hast Mich.  Du Reicht So Gut. Ich liebe Dich, mein Schatz.”
           Asuka’s eyebrows rose before she barked, “Dummkoft!  Nevermind! Switch language to Japanese.”  
           The moment she gave the instruction the word Fehler was gone and the screens began to show what was outside the Eva.  
           “Evangelion Unit Two.  GO!”  Asuka commanded and the Eva began to rise out of the pink liquid and push against the gigantic tarp like a sleeping giant.  
           “Abort!”  The voice of the Admiral came through the entry plugs internal speakers.  “Stop the Eva Activation sequence!”
           “Don’t listen to that moron, Asuka!  Go for it!”  Misato cheered.  
           “What’re you doing!?  That Eva and its pilot are under my jurisdiction!  You’re violating my authority!”
           “Who gives a damn about your procedures?  This is an emergency!”  
           Shinji had to roll his eyes and smile upon hearing the back and forth argument between Misato and the Admiral.  It made him think of two ants fighting over a cube of sugar.  
           “Oh dear lord.”  A voice came through the speakers.  “Unit Two is still using the B-type equipment.”  
           “What?”  Shinji asked. He looked at the back of the entry plug. Right behind the pilots seat there were the printed words of B-TYPE EQUIPMENT.  “If we fall into the ocean we’re screwed.”  
           “Then we won’t do that.”  Asuka answered back.  
           “Brilliant.”  Shinji muttered.  
           “Shinji, are you in there?”  Misato asked over the intercom.  
           “In a word, unfortunately.”  Shinji answered back with a laugh in his voice before he turned to Asuka.  “Okay, time to kick some ass.”  
           “No need to tell me twice.”  Asuka smiled as she took the controls and the Eva leapt through the air like some great hero out of an old world legend.  And it landed feet first upon a nearby destroyer, pinching in its roof like it was aluminum.  All the while the Eva still held onto the gigantic tarp like it was a cloak making it appear like a superhero out of a comic book.  
           Shinji looked to the internal clock.  
           “We’ve only got fifty-eight seconds left of power.” He reported.
           “I’m aware of that!”  Asuka snapped.  “Stop side-seat driving, Yankee!  Misato, move the power cable onto the flight deck.”
           “You got it, Asuka.”  Misato answered.  
           Through the entry plugs monitors they could see the waves and wakes of the underwater monster maneuvering between the ships like it was looking for something among the different ships.  
           “Now, let’s play hopscotch.”  Asuka said.  
           Shinji looked at her and then at the ships.  “Oh you’ve gotta be shittin’ me.”  
           Unit Two leapt once again, this time it threw off the gigantic tarp.  If Shinji were standing on the flight deck of one of the nearby ships he would have been awestruck by seeing this great machine being able to fly through the air. It seemed so absurd by the sheer fact that the Eva was so many tons in weight and yet it could leap so easily.  
           It wasn’t really hopscotch as Shinji saw it. It was more like leapfrog.  
           Within a few jumps they were close to the aircraft carrier.  
           “Eva Unit Two coming in for a landing!”  Asuka announced.  
           The Eva landed upon the flight deck of the aircraft carrier making it tilt and sending several of the fighter planes into the ocean before at last coming to a balance.  A fair distance away the wakes made by the Angel were coming in rapidly. Shinji wished that he could use the ring but all opportunities were gone the moment that Asuka had yanked his hand and tried to show off her “superior Eva”.  
           “Switching to External Power.”  Asuka announced and the countdown stopped.  “Switch completed.”
           With the power problem taken care of, Asuka had made her Eva draw out its progressive knife.  It held it out like a street gang member ready to have a knife fight. Looking towards the incoming waves and wakes they saw the Angel arise out of the waves.  Its body was long and pale beige similar to the skin of a beluga whale.  Sitting atop of a ridge there was that tiny skull that Shinji had seen before in the face of the Angel that he had fought.  It was a round circle with a long downward protrusion like a fang while sitting in the center of it were two black dots like dolls’ eyes.  
           “Shit, that’s huge.”  Shinji uttered.  
           “The bigger they are…”  Asuka smirked.  
           The Angel leapt out of the ocean like a flying fish.  It’s body covering the entire flight deck of the super aircraft carrier.  Its weight caused the might ship to sink further down until the water had nearly reached and splashed up upon the deck.  The sudden shock had caused Unit Two to loose its progressive knife but the Eva was too busy struggling against the sheer weight and will of the Angel.  Its mass had shoved the Eva to a section of the ship where there was a small vehicle elevator.  The Eva’s foot tripped into it and that sent it and the Angel tumbling into the ocean.
           “Asuka!”  Misato called out.  “It’s impossible to fight underwater with the B-type equipment.”
           “You know what they say you never know until you try.”  Asuka retorted.  
           “Yeah and they already tried it.  That’s why it’s impossible.”  Shinji interjected.  
           “Oh butt out, Third Child.”  Asuka growled.
           The Angel swam and wriggled its head from left to right.  All the while Unit Two held on for dear life as if the Angel’s face was the only thing holding it from death.    
           “The cable’s about to run out!”  Misato shouted through the cockpit speakers. “Brace for the shock.”  
           Within seconds, the Eva snapped to a stop and floated while the Angel swam away like the one catch that had gotten away from the fisherman’s hook.  
           “Ferdunt.”  Asuka grumbled.  
           Even with the sheer adrenaline rush of fighting the Angel, Shinji couldn’t help but look out of the cockpit windows and look at the sunken city streets and buildings below.  Each of them crumbling and rusting from the salty and slightly polluted waters.  Even though it really wasn’t the time to reflect upon it, Shinji couldn’t help but feel a little saddened by what he saw.  That was when he thought about how it was the fault of the Angels that the city was a sunken wreck.  He turned his attention back to the open ocean looking for signs of the son of a bitch.
           Instantly, there was a pop-up window showing a magnification of one area within the screen.  It was the Angel approaching the Eva with speeds that would rival a shark.
           “Here he comes.”  Shinji whispered.  
           “He won’t get away from me this time.”  Asuka grunted as she took hold of the controls but the Eva did not respond.  “What? It’s not moving!”
           “Told you, it’s B-Type Equipment.”  Shinji repeated.
           “What’re you going to do?”
           “What am I going to do?”
           “You’re the famous Third Child.  So do something.”
           “Oh so now you need my help, don’t you?”  Shinji rolled his eyes but then snapped his attention back to the screens and saw the Angel was only a few hundred meters away.
           Its mouth opened wider than any oceanic beast that was or ever had been.  Within the gum lines of its jaws were several rows of long dagger-like teeth.  A long, thick and pink tongue led the way to a red core that hovered at the back of the Angel’s mouth as if it were its uvula.  
           “T-teeth.”  Asuka shivered.  
           Within seconds the jaws of the Angel had come down upon the Eva like a worm on a hook.  It shook its head from left to right so vigorously that it knocked Shinji from where he was and threw him over Asuka’s lap.  
           “Get off my lap, you pervert!”  Asuka shrieked pulling at Shinji’s face to get him off of her.
           “Oh for god’s sakes, not now!”  Shinji yelled back before pulling back and crouching near the pilot’s seat.  
He kept looking around the cockpit screens and only saw the inside of its shut mouth with the red core floating just out of hands reach of Unit Two.  Looking at the teeth of the Angel something had clicked inside of Shinji’s head.  He began to hear a melody in his head.  
           Duh duh... duh duh... duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh...    
           “Hey, ever seen ‘Jaws’?”
           “What’re you babbling about, Third Child?”  Asuka demanded.
           “I know what Shinji’s talking about.” Misato said.  “And I have an idea.  Admiral, I need your cooperation.  Here’s the plan.  We’ll sink the two remaining battleships, the Illinois and the Kentucky, in line with the umbilical cable as a trap. When the Eva opens the Angel’s mouth the ships will in.  Once inside, both ships will fire their bow cannons and self-destruct via remote control and thus destroying the target.”  
           “Preposterous!”  They heard the Admiral say.  
           “Preposterous maybe but not entirely impossible.” Misato answered back. “Shinji.  Asuka.  Do you understand the plan?”  
           “Got it.”  Shinji said maneuvering himself closer to the pilot controls and placing his hands upon them.  
           “Hey!  Don’t pilot my Eva without my permission!”  Asuka protested slapping her fists against Shinji’s back.
           “Will you concentrate on the problem at hand?” Shinji growled.  “Or do you want to die today?”
           They heard Misato give the order.  “Reverse the cable!”
           There was a severe yank backward.  The cable was being reeled back up the super aircraft carrier and it was pulling the Angel up to the surface and the sinking battleships were only a minute away.  The time to defeat the Angel was coming close.  
           “Hey, are you rubbing against me on purpose?” Asuka yelled.  “Cut it out you dork!”  
           “Jesus Christ!  Will you shut the fuck up!?”  Shinji spat.  “Concentrate goddamn it!  We have to open the mouth!”
           “Just don’t get any funny ideas.”
           “Whatever.  Just do it.”
           Asuka placed her hands upon Shinji’s.  
           “Open! Open! Open! Open!”  Shinji thought while grinding his teeth.  
           Within the Angel’s mouth, something had happened, Unit Two began to move its eyes opened and within its black sockets two pairs of glowing slits had shone through.  One hand went for the roof of the mouth while the other went down to the jaw. They push and pushed open the mouth until the Eva was not only free but it was wide enough for the sinking battleships that were only seconds away.
           “Smile, you son-of-a-bitch.”  Shinji smirked.  
The ships rammed through cracking away its teeth and making the creature look as silly as a man trying to shove more than one hot dog into its mouth.  
           “FIRE!”  Misato cried out.
           The battleships fired its cannons and the creature began to bubble from within like a popcorn bag ready to burst until at last it exploded in an underwater cloud of pink and purple.  On the surface of the ocean there was an upward eruption of water and at the top of it was Eva Unit Two that flew up and out like a child’s bath toy that had slipped out of grip.  At last it landed face first upon the deck of the aircraft carrier.  With its umbilical cable lost in the explosion its battery coming to a halt with a dying whir.  
 * * *
             At the docks of New Yokosuka (Old Odawara) the damaged Eva and the damaged fleet were pulling in.  Shinji, Asuka, Misato, Toji and Kensuke had already disembarked and had come back onto land where Doctor Akagi was waiting for them. Misato had an armful of printouts that she handed to her.  
           “My-my-my.  Looks like this one put you all through the ringer.”  She observed.  
           “I should have anticipated it.”  Misato apologized.  “But at least we collected a lot of valuable data.”  
           Doctor Akagi looked it over.  Her eyebrows rose.  “Misato.  This data is important.”  
           “Why’s that?”  Shinji asked.  
           “It appears that you two broke your synchronization ratio record.”  Doctor Akagi answered.
           “But only for seven seconds.”  Misato added.  “Must have been because of the danger.”
           “Or because we were concentrating.”  Shinji countered.  “But there’s something that was weird about that whole thing.”
           “What’s that?”  Misato asked.
           “The way the Angel attacked.  It’s like it was looking for something.”  
           “Could have been Unit Two.”  
           Shinji shook his head.  “I doubt it.  If it was looking for Unit Two it would have done more than just bit into it.”  
           “Oh well.  One more mystery that probably won’t be solved today.”  
           As the two of them were conversing about it, they didn’t notice how Asuka kept looking around everywhere like a little girl looking for her father.
           “Hey, where’s Kaji?”  Asuka asked with anticipation in her eyes.  
           “He took a powder.”  Misato sneered.  “He’s probably back and the headquarters by now.  That jerk.”  
 * * *
             “My goodness that was an eventful trip, wasn’t it?” Kaji remarked looking away from the window of Commander Gendo Ikari’s Office.  “Was it caused by this?  I wonder.”
He stepped closer to Gendo’s desk where there was an abnormally thick case that had all kinds of warning stickers on it, including “Biohazard”. Gendo had opened the case and a mist wafted out of it and the two of them looked down at its contents.  
“Quite amazing that it has restored itself this far.” Kaji observed.  “It’s frozen but still alive.  So this is the key to the Human Instrumentality Project, right?”
“Correct.”  Gendo confirmed.  “This is the first human being.  This is Adam.”  
“By the way.”  Kaji said. “On my way here I met someone who has an interest in you.  He also has come bearing a gift.  He wanted to meet you directly but in light of circumstances he felt it best to meet you through me.”
“And who is this individual?”
Out of the shadows behind Kaiji came a very tall man with purple skin, yellow eyes, pointed ears, slicked-back black hair and a pencil thin mustache.  He was dressed in a black suit with a yellow tie and carried a yellow case.
“I shall tell you after I give you this.”  He said as he set the yellow case on the desk.  Upon opening it Gendo Ikari looked inside and found a yellow lantern and a ring.  
“What am I supposed to do with these useless trinkets?” Gendo asked.
“You see so little potential in anything.”  The strange man had stated.  “But I knew that you were the best candidate because my ring could sense the fear within you.  It can see into your mind.  You fear the old men that may stop your goals.  You fear that you may fail in your endeavors.  You fear you will never see your wife again.  And that fear will give you power.  And that will be channeled through these.  Give me your hand.”  
Gendo wasn’t a man who took orders very well but something compelled him to lift his hand to the purple skinned man who grabbed his wrist, took the ring out of the case and shoved it onto his finger.  There was an eruption of yellow light and Gendo Ikari found himself wearing a skintight uniform with a strange symbol on his chest and the ring was glowing with that same yellow light.  
“What is this?”  Gendo asked.  
“This is a weapon of fear.”  The purple-skinned man answered.  “My name is Sinestro.  And you are now part of my corps.  Now say it.”
“In blackest day, in brightest night,” Gendo uttered, “beware your fears made into light.  Let those who try to stop what’s right, burn like his power…Sinestro’s might!”  
 * * *
             Meanwhile, back at Shinji’s school, Toji, Kensuke and Shinji were sitting at their desks discussing the events that happened out at sea.
           “She may have been cute but she was a real bitch” Toji observed.  
           “Yeah, I’m certainly glad that’s over” Kensuke added, “and we won’t have to see her again.”
          ��“But Mister Big Shot here will have to work with her.  I really feel sorry for him.”  
           “Your condolences are much appreciated, Toji” Shinji grinned.  
           No sooner had the words been said that the door to the classroom had opened and the three boys looked and with shock, horror and revulsion they realized who it was when the young girl with flowing red hair passed the front rows to the chalkboard and wrote her name in German and Japanese.  She turned around with a very pleasant smile.  
           “I’m Asuka Langley Sohryu” she introduced, “charmed huh?”
 Next time:  
Carrol’s Voice:  After a very disastrous battle, Misato devises a plan so that Shinji and Asuka must work together but Shinji finds the situation to be very compromising since there’s too much at risk for his secrets to be learned.  Will he still keep it hidden and manage to defeat the Angel with this new partner?  Find out in the next chapter.  
But I still think she’s a bitch.
Misato’s voice:  Hey, don’t diss my pilots!  And by the way there’s going to be fan service.  
 Neon Green Evangelion: Chapter 7 – Moving in, Close Calls and Dancing
© Green Lantern - DC Comics
© Neon Genesis Evangelion - Studio Gainax
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tumblingletters · 6 years
Emerald Genesis Chapter 7
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“With friends like this who needs enemies?”  
                                                                                   - Unknown
Chapter 7: Moving in, Close Calls and Dancing
           Shinji was walking to school with Toji and Kensuke.
           “Man, did you hear all the talk going around?” Kensuke asked.  “All everyone is talking about is Asuka.  Asuka. Asuka. Asuka.”  
           “Yeah, but it is generating great revenue for all those pictures you two are taking of her” Shinji observed.  
           “But they’re totally clueless” Toji said, “At least her pictures don’t reflect their personality.”  
           “That reminds me,” Kensuke beamed, “Toji, we need to get to school quick.  We got a lot of customers waiting.”  
           “Right,” Toji said sounding a little listless, “See you there, Shinji.”
           “See you.”  Shinji waved while the two of them dashed on ahead.  
           No sooner were they gone that a voice cooed to Shinji that was both lovely and dreadful.
           “Halllooooo” The voice called out.
           Shinji turned and saw Asuka coming towards him. She was dressed in the blue and white school uniform and her back slung over her shoulder in a very tough-guy sort of pose.  
           “Guten Morgen, Shinji” she greeted.  
           “Guten morgen, Asuka,” Shinji greeted back, “dich zu sehen.”
           “Not bad, Third Child” Asuka complemented.
           “Yeah, the internet is such a fine thing.”  
           “And you should appreciate your good fortune for talking to the most popular girl in school.”  Asuka said this when she came up to Shinji and sharply flicked his forehead with her middle finger.  
           “I’ll appreciate my good fortune when I win the lottery,” Shinji grunted while he rubbed his forehead.  
           Asuka ignored Shinji’s quip and immediately changed the subject, “Hey, the other one is here isn’t she?”
           “Other one?”  Shinji asked.
           “What are you?  Stupid?  I’m talking about the First Child, of course.”
           “Ah, Ayanami,” Shinji nodded, “she’s over there.”
           He motioned to a bench where the blue haired girl named Rei Ayanami was sitting alone reading a book.  Asuka went over to the bench and stood up on a low brick wall. Her shadow blocking Rei’s reading sunlight.  She moved herself down the length of the bench to get back into the sunlight and continue to read but Asuka stepped off the low brick wall and stood on the bench overshadowing Rei.  
           “Hello,” She smirked in her normal arrogant sort of way, “you must be the pilot of the prototype, huh?”
           Rei said nothing.
           “I’m Asuka.  Asuka Langley Sohryu.  Let’s be good friends.”  
           “What for?”  Rei asked as flatly as a robot.  
           “Because it would be convenient, don’t you think?”
           “If I’m ordered to do it then I will.”
           This response caught Asuka so off-guard that her eyebrows raised and she whispered to herself, “Weirdo.”  
           “Takes one to know one” Shinji remarked passing the two of them before his cell phone rang.  
           He picked it up and heard Misato’s voice.  
           “Shinji,” Misato ordered, “Bring Asuka and Rei to headquarters at once.  An angel has been sighted off the Ki’I Peninsula.”  
           “Got it” Shinji said hanging up his phone and reported to Asuka and Rei, “That was Misato.  We got an angel coming in.”  
           “Wunderva!”  Asuka grinned, “Time for my first battle in Japan.”          
           Shinji only rolled his eyes.  
 * * *
             The Eva’s were dispatched from their launch bays and taken into the air by specially designed carriers that would drop them in on the target like paratroopers.  Only Eva’s Unit One and Unit Two were taken.  Unit Zero was to stay behind as back-up.  While the two of them were in the cockpits of their Eva’s on their way to the intercept point Misato was giving their briefing.  
           “The recent Angel battle has severely damaged our Angel Intercept System,” Misato explained, “Only twenty-six percent of our defense capability has been restored.  In addition, our operational capability for actual combat is virtually nil. Therefore, we’re going to have to intercept the target at the water’s edge right before it makes land.  Unit’s one and two will mount a coordinated attack in a series of waves.  In other words, close in and take turns.”
           “Got it,” Shinji acknowledged.  
           “This sucks,” Asuka moaned, “my first fight over Japan and she won’t let me handle it solo.”
           “Oh, would you get the sand out of your panties and concentrate?”  Shinji barked.  
           “What’d you say, Third Child?”  
           “Look, this isn’t a field of honor, it’s a war,” Shinji explained, “It’s not about winning medals.  It’s about winning battles.”  
           “Well, let me tell you something, Third Child. Just don’t get in my way.”  Asuka huffed, “Really, your selection as a pilot must have been a joke.”
           “Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you” Shinji quipped.  
           “I’m so gonna kick your ass when this fight is over.”  
           “Save that energy for this fight.”  
           With that the Eva’s were dropped down at the intercept point.  They fell to the ground like heavy children’s toys but they didn’t break upon impact. Instead the two of them landed feet first crouching down into the sand with a small cloud rising at their feet. At the same time large utility trucks backed up and gave the Eva’s their weapons.  
           Looking out to the water they saw a great breech of water like a whale bursting to the surface.  Instead, they saw the Angel.  The thing was shaped like a man’s body as if it was crafted by a child: no head only a curvature of the shoulders and arms in a downward arc.  And two very short legs.  In the center of what would be called the “chest” there was a bony circle that was divided like a yin and yang symbol: two holes with an s-shaped crack dividing them.  
           “Watch and learn, Third Child,” Asuka declared as she had her Eva take its bladed spear and charge directly for the target. “Cover me!”
           “Dumbass rookie” Shinji grunted.  
           Eva Unit Two leapt high into the air like a character out of a Chinese martial arts film, it swung its spear high over its head and brought it cleanly down upon the angel splitting it in half like chicken breasts.  
           “No way was it that easy” Shinji uttered his skepticism.  
           “You shouldn’t be so surprised, Third Child,” Asuka strutted, “A battle should be clean and elegant without waste.”  
           “You really are a marvel, Asuka.  You can strut while sitting down.”  
           “Shinji! Asuka!  The target is not dead!”  Misato called out through the COM.
           The two pilots looked and saw something change in the bony sphere in its chest.  It changed from its yin and yang configuration to one of a simple gray sphere with three holes in it like the sockets of a skull.  The halves that Asuka had so cleanly cut had begun to move and reshape themselves into twin beings.  One was orange and the other was gray.  Each one had the bright red core in its chest below the bony circle.  
 * * *
             Asuka and Shinji found themselves back at Headquarters in the debriefing room watching replays of the battle and the aftermath while one of the operators went through a transcript of the battle.
           “At ten-fifty-eight and fifteen seconds a.m. Unit One was attacked by Target A which split off the target submerged two kilometers off Suruga Bay.  Twenty seconds later, Unit Two was attacked by Target B.”  
           On the screen the final pictures were of Unit One submerged in water with its legs sticking upward like football goal posts. The same could be said of Unit Two only it was buried in the hills of a nearby farm.
           “We have a comment from the chair of Project E.”
           Doctor Akagi’s voice boomed out, “THIS IS PATHETIC!”
           “At eleven-oh-two a.m. U.N. forces made an attack with an N2 mine.  They succeeded in burning off twenty-eight percent of the target’s structure. However, this is a temporary measure. The second attack is only a matter of time.”
           “This is your fault!”  Asuka accused Shinji, “You totally screwed up my debut battle.”
           “Well, can’t say you did much better,” Shinji pointed out, “Thought you were so cool.  Watch and learn she says. Well I was watchin’ know what I saw?”
           “Now Shinji,” Kaji tried to quell the situation, “there’s no need for that.  And at least now we’ve got time to regroup.”
           “Alright you two,” Commander Fuyutsuki commanded, “what is your job here at NERV?”
           “Piloting the Eva?” Asuka asked sounding very mousy.    
           “Wrong!”  Fuyutsuki bellowed, “It’s to defeat the Angels!  NERV does not exist to make grotesque spectacles like this. Therefore, you two will learn to work together!”
           “Why should we?”  Shinji and Asuka asked in unison.  
           “Enough!”  Fuyutsuki shouted before excusing himself.  
           After he left Asuka asked Kaji, “Why does everyone get so angry here?”
           “Adults have a thing about creditability.”  Kaji answered smoothly.  
           “Hey,” Shinji asked, “Where’s Misato?  Shouldn’t she be here with us for this debriefing?”
           “She’s clearing things up.  It’s the duty of the person in charge to take responsibility if anything goes wrong.”  
           Shinji winced, “I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes right now.”  
 * * *
             Shinji was walking home in the high heat.  He wiped his forehead and noticed how much sweat was coming off of him.  It occurred to him that he should take a cold bath once he got home and home was the best part about living in Tokyo-3.  It was the one place where he was away from that damn redhead Asuka.  
           Coming upon the apartment complex that he called “home” he did notice that there was a moving truck with the DHL logo on the side of it driving out of the parking lot.  Shinji figured that someone must be moving into the apartment building.  
           He came to the apartment door, walked in and called out, “I’m home.”  But then whispered to himself, “Not that anyone’s home, anyway.”  
           He was taking his shoes off when he looked up and noticed boxes upon boxes with that DHL logo on them.  
           “What the hell is all this crap?!”  Shinji called out.  
           “Hey, don’t call my stuff ‘crap’, Third Child.” An all too familiar voice said. “These are my personal belongings.”
           He looked and found Asuka Langley Sohryuu leaning nonchalantly against a nearby wall, dressed in a pair of shorts, a yellow tank top, a towel around her neck and drinking Coke.
           “What the hell are you doing here?”  Shinji demanded.
           “And what are you still doing here?”  Asuka asked in return.
           “Still here?”  
           “It’s obvious isn’t it?  You’ve been replaced by the new model.  Misato will be living with me.  Of course, that would be the most logical choice when you consider my superior abilities. Although, I’d rather live with Kaji.”
           “Sure you would, Lolita.  And where’s my stuff?”
           “Over there.”  Asuka pointed to a box that had Shinji’s stuff piled into it as if it were going to a garage sale.
           “Hey, why are Japanese houses so small, anyway?” Asuka asked, “I couldn’t even get half my stuff in my new room.  And Japanese sure have no sense of privacy.  How can they live in a room without locks?”  
           “The Japanese way is to consider the needs of others before one’s own.”  Misato said stepping up behind Asuka.  “And it looks like you two are going to get along just great?”
           “What?”  Shinji and Asuka asked in unison.  
           “This is your training,” Misato explained, “You two are going to be roommates.”  
           “Say what?”  They asked again in unison.  
 * * *
             Misato had brought Shinji and Asuka into the dining area and had laid out the briefing to them.  
           “There is only one way to destroy the seventh Angel,” She began, “execute a simultaneous two point attack on its core while the Angel is separated.   In other words, an attack on the two halves by two Evas with perfectly synchronized timing. Coordination between the two of you will be vital to the success of this mission.  To that end, I want the two of you to live together from now on.”  
           “WHAT?!”  Asuka bellowed, “A boy and a girl should never sleep under the same roof after the age of seven!”
           “And where’d you pull that rule out of?” Shinji asked.
           “What’d you say!?”  Asuka demanded.  
           “Quiet!”  Misato demanded slamming her fist down on the table in the same authoritarian position as a judge calling order in the court.  
           Auska and Shinji backed down.
“The Angel is currently regenerating itself,” she explained, “and it will begin its second assault in six days.”  
           “But it’s…impossible” Asuka moaned in protest.  
           “We have a way of making it possible.” Misato pulled out a small music disk, “The master attack pattern will be choreographed by using this music.  If you use it and work perfectly in sync you will destroy both targets.  We begin now and we attack in six days.”  
           Shinji looked to Asuka.  She turned her attention to him and then snapped her look away from him with a very audible, “Hmph!”
 * * *
 The big room where the television resided had been converted into a training area as well as a sleeping area.  The sleeping area mainly consisted of two pillows, two blankets and two bed pads.  The training area on the other hand made Shinji think of a game that he played as a young boy:  Dance Dance Revolution.  There were two pads laid out on the floor that had red dots. Whenever pressure was put upon them the pads would light up.  Set up between these two floor pads was a machine similar to a karaoke machine where the music would play.  Finally on either side of the karaoke machine were two scoreboards and two traffic lights.
Misato explained the drills, “You will each stand upon one pad. You will try to match your movements to the music via wireless headphones and to when the red circles light up.  The scoreboard will tell you how well you’re final synchronization score.  The traffic lights will tell you if you’re doing well: green is good, yellow means you’re not doing well and red means you need help.”
           Shinji had been in a quiet panic that whole night. It was not only because of the prospect that this detestable redhead was moving into the place that he had considered to be a private sanctum from the rest of his crazy life but it was also the very real possibility that in the course of moving in she may have stumbled upon his Lantern battery.  This was why the coordination drills were such a problem because Shinji had trouble concentrating.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, each time they failed Asuka would start yelling obscenities at Shinji in German.  
After a few hours of this, dinner became an uncomfortably quiet affair.  Shinji tried to eat slowly and not make it seem like he was in a rush.  Upon finishing dinner and putting his dish into the sink he walked casually to the place that used to be his room.  Moving past the stacks of boxes, he got down upon the floor and looked down into the space between the floor and the bed.  The lantern was still wrapped up in his old shirt. Breathing a sigh of slight relief he pulled it out from under the bed and out of the shirt before touching his ring to the face of it.  After a small flash of green light burst out of the lantern he wrapped it up again and stowed it away beneath his bed.  Looking at the ring he clenched his fists and made his own resolution for the situation.
           “Hell with Asuka and this plan,” he thought, “I’m going to go defeat the Angel with my ring.”
           Upon concentrating, the Lantern’s uniform formed over his body, he opened the window and was about to fly out when he heard a noise outside his door.  A hand had reached into the handle and was about to open it.  Quickly he retracted the uniform and found Asuka standing there.
           “What?”  Shinji asked.
           “What’re you doing in my room, Third Child?”  Asuka demanded.
           “Came in to get some stuff that was left behind,” Shinji said with half-truth.
           “I saw a green light coming from in here.” She explained.  
           “Night light.”
           Asuka cocked an eyebrow, “Aren’t you a little old for a night light, Third Child?”
           “Hey, with all these boxes around here, I’m going to need one so I don’t break a foot or a toe.”  
           “Whatever.  Misato said it’s your turn to do the dishes.” Asuka reported.  
           Shinji shook his head, “Okay, I’ll be there.”  
           “Yeah, you do that while I go have a bath.”
           After Asuka left, he breathed another sigh of relief that she didn’t catch him in the act.  He started to wonder if there would even be an opportunity to get away from her so that he could use his ring and defeat the Angel.  He went underneath the bed, pulled out the lantern that was wrapped in his shirt and took it out to where his box of stuff was and hid it underneath it all to avoid suspicion.  
           He came to the kitchen and started to wash the dishes.  During the repetitive activity it occurred to him that he would still be in the same situation as before with Asuka that he would still need to coordinate a two-point attack on the Angel and even though he had come a long way on his construct training he wasn’t sure if he could do something like that just yet.  Even if he were to attack the Angel in its weakened state, no doubt there would be NERV personnel around keeping an eye on the creature.  And to have Shinji show up in a Green Lantern uniform and defeat the Angel would raise far too many problems.  
           Misato was drinking her beer in her usual gulping manner and smiling after she gave a small belch.  Shinji had to smile too because despite the dire situation she still managed to be so carefree.  
           Then, out of nowhere, there was a high-pitched scream pierced through the air over them.  Shinji wanted to look to see where the scream was coming from but he was washing a knife and he knew that if he turned his head there would be the very real risk of him cutting himself.  Besides, he knew that the scream belonged to Asuka and he wanted to see how this little incident would turn out.  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that the plastic hallway curtain was wrenched back and there was Asuka standing stark naked with a look of pure terror on her face.  
           “There’s some sort of weird creature in the bathroom!” She cried out.  
           Within a moment of her shock the warm-water penguin had waddled past Asuka as if it wasn’t at all phased by the appearance of this redheaded stranger or her outburst.  
           “That’s just Pen-pen.”  Shinji said setting down the knife he was cleaning and he turned around to find Asuka in her uncensored form.  He began to blush when he saw how incredibly beautiful she was.  Her skin was so smooth without a single blemish upon it. Her figure was like an hourglass. Then there were her breasts.  So pert and perky.  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing a girl naked who wasn’t a photograph or a computer image.  
           Asuka quickly noticed that Shinji was staring. Her face went as red as a beet and she burst into rage with a swift roundhouse kick to the side of his face. Shinji spun and fell over onto his side grasping at the numbing pain in his face.  
           “You pervert!”  Asuka shrieked, “Idiot!  Letch! Unbelievable!  This is why I hate boys!”  
           With that she stamped back to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.  
           After a few moments, Shinji got back to his feet still holding the site of his face where Asuka had hit him.  He then went over to the freezer where there was the ice. Grabbing a handful of it he pressed it against his face.  
           “Honestly, if it weren’t for her attitude she would be cute,” he commented aloud.
           “Well, you are getting more honest with each other,” Misato observed.
           “Yeah, like the families on Jerry Springer.”
           “Nevermind.” Shinji shook his head remembering the difference of cultures.  
           Misato smiled, “I think that’s a good start, wouldn’t you say so, Pen-pen?”  
           The penguin only squawked.  
 * * *
           During that whole time of training Shinji and Asuka had to do everything together: eat, breathe, train and sleep together. The worst part to Shinji was that he had to dress up in a similar outfit as Asuka.  She wore a spandex singlet with a pink shirt over it that had red musical notes over it.  Shinji’s, on the other hand, only had a powder blue shirt with green musical notes on it.  
           Life had continued on like this for three days. From sun-up to sun-down they worked on those pads trying to synchronize their movements to the music.  It was just like Dance Dance Revolution to Shinji only he was more used to playing by himself or with someone who was better at the game.  
           And it was on the third day that events had reached a boiling point.  
           They were in the middle of training when the doorbell rang but neither one had answered it.  They simply continued on with their training going step by step by step. And always messing up and making the machine deliver that awful error noise that had dampened their spirits a little more each time they heard it.  
           The door opened and they were greeted by their friends: Toji, Kensuke and Hikari who were followed by Rei and Misato.  
           “What are you two doing?”  Hikari demanded.
           Shinji and Asuka had answered in unison; “It’s all Misato’s fault.  We have to do everything together.”  
           “It’s true,” Misato explained, “its part of their training.”
           “Whew!”  Toji exclaimed.  “And here I thought you had betrayed us, Shinji.”  
           “And I thought you two were living in sin,” Hikari expressed her relief.  “So how are they coming along?”
           “Take a look,” Misato instructed.
           Once again, Shinji and Asuka fell out of sync and the machine made that error noise.  
           “SHEITZ!”  Asuka shrieked before throwing her headphones at Shinji, “How can Misato expect me to synchronize with someone like you?”
           “Hey, at least I’m trying,” Shinji countered.
           “Yeah, you’re trying at losing.”  Asuka snapped back.
           “Oh yeah?”  Shinji countered, “If I’m trying at losing then why are you falling out of sync first?”
           Asuka let out a frustrated grunt, “It’s because you’re just useless!  No wonder your father abandoned you.  Personally, I think you should have been an abortion!”
           “Asuka!”  Hikari gasped at the atrociousness of her acid tongue.  
           That was the last straw, Shinji stood up and looked at Asuka in her infuriated blue eyes before he balled up his hand and allowed it to fly against Asuka’s face in the form of an open palm.  The crack against her cheek was so audible that it reverberated between the walls of the apartment.  The redhead was so thunderstruck that she held her cheek and looked at Shinji dumbfounded by what had happened.  
           “Apologize,” Shinji demanded.  
           Within a matter of seconds, Asuka’s eyes narrowed, her eyebrows scrunched together, her lips pulled back into a snarl and her teeth were grinding.  That was when Shinji discovered how unprotected he was when Asuka’s leg came swiftly up and landed between his legs.  At first he could only feel Asuka’s foot hitting his pubic bone but he could also feel a pair of very soft egg shaped objects between the hardness of Asuka’s foot and his own body.  Then the nerves came back online and the surge of pain went from Shinji’s groin and shot upward into his abdomen.  He doubled over and fell to his knees.  The pain was at such intensity that he could barely hear Asuka scream “I can’t take this anymore!”        
           “Asuka!”  Hikari called out.  
           “Wow,” Toji observed, “that must have really hurt.”
           “Shinji!”  Hikari hissed at the injured boy, “Go apologize to Asuka!  You hit her and made her cry!”
           “Why should I?”  Shinji wheezed trying to work his way through the pain.
           “Yeah, leave him alone class rep.  He got kicked in the balls.  Let him recover before you bust them a second time.”
           “I think all of you should be going for now,” Misato said.  
           “Sure,” Kensuke agreed, “Come on everyone.  Let him recover.”
           With that, the three of them had left.  
           Misato came to Shinji’s side and helped him roll over onto his back.  
           “I’ll get you some ice,” She said sounding like a concerned nurse.  
           Within moments she came back with an ice bag that she carefully laid between Shinji’s legs.  She sat down next to the boy while the coolness of the ice cubes soaked through his singlet and soothed his ache.  
           “I’ll call Ritsuko for your injury,” Misato said. “But I do think that Hikari is right that you should apologize to Asuka. But then again I think she should also apologize to you.  Not for what you did to each other but because you both need to work as a team.”
           “What if she doesn’t want to work as a team?” Shinji grunted.  
           “Then I’ll just have to switch operations to have you work with Rei.”  Misato answered.  
           The moment that she said that the door to the big room was thrown open and Asuka cried out, “NO!  YOU CAN’T!  YOU BITCH!”
           Shinji looked and guess that Asuka was there the whole time but then she slammed the door and he heard the front too open and shut as well.  
           “Oh no,” Misato exhaled, “Looks like we might have to switch to Rei.”  
           “Nah,” Shinji grunted rolling over to his side and getting to his feet but still bending forward as if he were a crippled old man in need of his cane.  “I’ll go apologize to her.”
           Going out the front door and getting his shoes Shinji wondered why he was doing it.  The girl was such a bitch to him and pretty much everyone else.  Not to mention the damage that she did to Shinji’s potential future children but something compelled him to go forward and find her.  After getting his street shoes on he went out to the balcony and found Asuka dashing down the street towards a corner convenience store.  
 * * *
             The walk to the convenience store was a long one given how Shinji had to basically hobble his way from the apartment to the elevator and to the corner convenience store.  Thankfully, Asuka was still there, she was crouching down in front of an open refrigerator section.  He wasn’t entirely sure of it when he approached her but he thought he heard Asuka quietly sobbing.  
           He had hoped to approach her quietly but it was as if she could have heard him coming the moment he stepped out of the apartment when she said to him, “Don’t say anything.”
           Shinji said nothing.  
“I know that you’re sorry.”
           “Took the words out of my mouth,” Shinji responded.
           “But I will tell you something else,” She said upon standing up, “I’m going to put Rei and Misato to shame!”
           “Why? We’re all on the same team.”  
           “You’re being too simple even for a male.  It’s my pride and honor that’s at steak can’t you understand that?”
           “Somewhat.  But I hope the people will understand if we fail.”  
           “We won’t fail.”  
           And so the training continued.  
 * * *
             It was the final day.  The attack would be the next morning.  Shinji and Asuka had both been training hard day in and day out until at last the two of them had reached perfect scores on that infernal training machine.  There was such relief on both their parts when they had finally reached perfection with the drills and they could finally relax.  
           On the night before the attack Asuka had come out of the shower wrapped in a towel and a second towel on her head.  
           “Where’s Misato?”  She asked Shinji.
           “At work,” Shinji answered from the big room where he was lying on his small cot of a bed.  He had one earbud still playing the same song he heard for the past six days. “She called earlier and said she’d be there all night.”  
           Asuka grinned, “So that means we’re all alone tonight, huh?”
           Shinji rolled over to look at Asuka still wrapped in her towel.
           “I would get into that with you,” he said in jest, “But I’m still recovering from that kick you gave me.”  
           “Aw, poor baby,” Asuka said making a mockingly soothing tone, “Would you like me to bring you a glass of warm milk and a teddy bear before going sleepy-bye?”
           “Sure, and a sponge bath would be nice too.”  
           “Hmph!”  Asuka said.
           She gathered up her blanket, bedding and pillow and crossed over to the next room but before closing the door she stared down at Shinji.  
           “This door here is the Wall of Jericho, Third Child.” She stated, “And if you cross it, you’re a dead man.  Now time to go to bed, children.”  
 * * *
             Shinji slept with his MP3 player playing that one song over and over again like a student making last minute studying before the exam in the morning.  It must have been during the middle of the night when he heard some rustlings from Asuka who went to the bathroom.  He paid it no mind and tried to sleep but then he was woken by a heavy thud in front of him.  
           He opened his eyes and found Asuka sleeping in front of him.  She was wearing a simple loose yellow shirt that had such a low cut to the neck that he could easily look down and see the curvature of her breasts once again.  He wondered if she was awake or not.  That was when he decided to play a small trick on her to get her back for the groin kick.  
           He leaned himself closer to her and decided to wake her up with a small kiss.  His heart raced so much that he could feel it beating within his ears and then there was his own arousal fueled by what his eyes saw and his own male hormones.  Even though he wasn’t even attracted to this bitch of a girl he couldn’t help his own arousal.  
There was only an inch left when he stopped.  He saw a trickle of a tear rolling from her closed eyes down her nose and to her cheek.  Her lips were moving as well.  At first they only moved but no sound came out.  On the second time that they moved, Shinji heard Asuka’s voice in a low murmur that sounded so vulnerable and child-like:
           Shinji only smiled while he pulled back and rolled over, “So, there is a human being in there after all.”  
 * * *
             “The target has broken through the final defense line at Gora,” One of the Nerv Operators had reported over the communications channel.  
           Shinji was sitting in the cockpit of his Eva, his stomach in knots about whether or not this fight would succeed or not.  He looked down at the emerald ring on his right hand and thought to himself that if all else fails he would use the ring to fight the enemy.  But it would have to be his last resort.  
           “Here it comes,” Misato stated over the COM and added with true conviction, “we won’t fail this time.  Now then, Asuka.  Shinji. Spread your AT fields as soon as the music starts then follow the operation choreography.  Are you two ready?”
           “Ready!” Asuka and Shinji said in unison.  
           “The target has entered the mountains,” An operator reported.
           “Full power and maximum speed, got it, Shinji?” Asuka had asked.  
           “I know,” Shinji answered rather annoyed, “We’ll be finished in sixty-two seconds.”  
           “Target is entering ground zero,” The operator reported.  
           “Detatch external power cables,” Misato ordered.
             TIME REMAINING:  00:01:10
             “Eva launch!”  Misato ordered.
           And with that order the Evas had launched to the surface and the music began.  The two flew into the air with the same grace that would have rivaled ballet dancers or gymnasts.  In perfect unison they threw down their weapons at the angel who then split apart into the same two halves that had humiliated them only six days previous. They made their attacks with gun weapons without causing any damage to the target but damage was not the goal in this part of the operation.  Only to draw the targets attention which they both did when they began to fire volleys at Unit One and Unit Two.  To this both Evas retreated backward doing one backflip over the other.
             TIME REMAINING:  00:00:32
             The two Evas hid behind a large steel wall that popped up out of the street.  It protected them from one of the angels’ attacks.  They came out from behind it firing another set of rifle shots at them. But the angels retaliated by slicing through the steel wall like scissors through tissue paper.  The Evas retreated momentarily while a barrage of missile attacks launched from hidden cannons within the buildings and mobile U.N. armaments stationed in the nearby hills.  
           With the angel distracted the Evas came up and gave them both a swift uppercut and a good roundhouse kick which sent the monster flying backward and combining itself back into one body again.  That was when the Evas flew up and came down upon the target each with one foot out aiming at their red cores.  
           The foot of Unit One and Two made contact and made a shoving slide against the Angel towards the hill like a baseball player sliding towards home plate.  
             TIME REMAINING:  00:00:05
             The cores were damaged and with only one second on the clock they both exploded.  The operation was a swift and almost flawless success.  At least that’s how it looked to those who were watching the battle deep inside NERV.  They all watched the light of the explosion fade away and the dust settling around the crater where the Angel was defeated but to their embarrassment they found Unit One and Unit Two lying on top of each other.  
           It was a mystery to Shinji when he found Unit Two lying across the back of Unit One.  He managed to climb out of the Entry Plug but he stopped when he heard a phone ringing.  Looking to where it was coming from he saw part of the Eva opening up and there was a simple phone receiver sitting upon a plastic base.  
           He picked it up, “Hello?”  He asked wondering who was calling him.
           “YOU JERK!”  Asuka’s voice screamed at him, “What’re you doing under my Unit Two!?”
           Shinji’s eyes went wide with surprise when he saw a holographic projection of Asuka’s upper body projecting out of the phone receiver’s base.  He had often heard of holographic phones but this was the first time of seeing it but his amazement took a backseat to being yelled at by Asuka.  
           “Hey, you fell on me!”  Shinji yelled back.  
           “You’re the one who lost timing first, Dumpkoft!” Asuka spat back, “You’re really slow. What were you doing last night?”
           “I was image training for today’s battle!”
           “Liar!  I know you tried to kiss me while I was sleeping!”
           “You were awake!?”  
           “MEIN GOTT!  I was just kidding!  Did you really kiss me?!”
           “No!  I didn’t!”
           “Pervertieren!  Lechzen! Teufel!  I can’t believe you!”  
           If either one could have seen the faces of those who were watching the whole scene at NERV’s operation center they would also see their director shaking his head and saying how these kids were embarrassing the organization again.  
 Next time:  
Carrol’s Voice:  NERV decides to try to capture an unhatched Angel inside an active volcano.  So they send in a specially outfitted Eva into the depths of Hell itself.    
Misato’s voice:  And don’t worry there will be lots of fan service.
Carrol’s Voice:  Aren’t we being gratuitous with that?  
Misato’s voice:  Shut up. The fans love it.  
 Neon Green Evangelion: Chapter 8 – Into the Fire
© Green Lantern - DC Comics
© Neon Genesis Evangelion - Studio Gainax
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