#Evangelion Fanfiction
freakshowfactory13 · 7 months
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Angel Shinji And Third Impact
So I made a Angel version of Shinji causing third impact to happen. The reason I made this is because I don’t see people make Angel Shinji Ikari AU content. I don’t know why because this idea would make great fanarts, comics, fanfics, animatics and Gacha videos. If this sounds interesting then why don’t we make Angel Shinji Ikari AU content everybody.
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satansleftnutcheek · 11 months
Starting to think that the key to being a staple “must watch” anime is to trick people into learning philosophy cause we’ve got:
Evangelion - come for the mecha fights stay to learn about the “self”, reality, and identity
Cowboy Bebop - come for the space cowboys stay to learn about what it truly means to live and to be alive
Trigun - come for the silly main character and cool fights stay to learn about pacifism, forgiveness, the sanctity of life, and the strength of hope
Fullmetal Alchemist - come for the cool science “magic” stay to learn about Plato, what is truth, and how to live a good life
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skyeventide · 22 days
I think the sickos in my internet would love Neon Genesis Evangelion. the problem is that the original series is 26 episodes of which about fifteen are nothing but basic character work and monster of the day stuff, where the monster is an eldritch angel that wants to trigger humanity's final annihilation, the characters are a turbo-depressed and abused teen boy whose mother is simultaneously dead, a giant robot, a cloned barely-responsive girl, and lilith progenitor of mankind, another turbo-depressed and hyper-aggressive teen girl, an army major in a leather miniskirt with daddy issues, her sleazy ex, a bitchy scientist with mommy issues whose mother is practically a supercomputer, the teen protag's turbo-depressed asshole father, a cabal of world leaders part of an evangelical death cult, school kids, and a penguin. and like it's really boring. and then it starts picking up around episode 18-20 and immediately turns into the single most genre-defining mecha anime of the 90's and possibly of all time that is also a fever dream, a story about the rapture, a religious acid trip, a really gay love story for one episode, and a massive world-destroying traumatic depressive spiral, with the most confusing stream of consciousness ending. which then got a sequel movie (actually a retelling of episodes 25 and 26), called The End of Evangelion, which is all of that but on steroids.
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pneumaticpresence · 4 months
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Fanfic ideas swim in my head like carp in a koi pond; aesthetically pleasing, but expiring when removed from their native habitat.
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takerfoxx · 1 year
One recurring Evangelion fanfic tropes that I'm really coming to enjoy are when AsuRei fics have Asuka discovering the absolute squalor Rei is made to live in and is all, "How DARE you allow yourself to be treated this way?!"
Usually followed by her dragging Rei back to Misato's apartment or her scrubbing the place clean herself.
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grayrazor · 5 months
You can almost make an internally consistent Studio Gainax Mecha Anime Unified Timeline, but the one hitch is that Gunbuster and Evangelion both start in 2015 and portray a very different status for Earth and Humanity.
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Maybe Nadia is the branching off point for both. In one timeline humanity investigates the Atlantean technology in the Nautilus and by 2015 has homing lasers, photon torpedoes, and degeneracy reactors. In the other timeline humanity finds the Atlantean base in Antarctica, investigates the body of Adam, and by 2015 has armored cyber kaiju.
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Maybe have the closed timeline loop of Evangelion Rebuild erase the Second and Third Impacts from history, returning things to normal by 2015...just in time for the Space Kaiju to invade.
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In any case, there's a pretty straight throughline from Diebuster to Gurren Lagann. When Lal'c and Nono draw on "hard work and guts" they're unwittingly tapping into the energy source that would later be scientifically codified and technologically harnessed as Spiral Power.
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Summary: Stranded on a parallel Earth, the Tenth Doctor finds himself mentoring a traumatized child soldier enlisted in a hopeless war to save humanity. With an endless number of mysteries in sight -- from the enigmatic alien invaders they call Angels, to the strange machines known as Evangelions used in the planet's defense, to the shadowy maneuvers of those in power -- the Doctor is drawn deeper and deeper into a web of mistakes and sins that threaten to consume all humankind. In time, he'll face the darkest question of them all: what if there are some worlds -- and some children -- even the Doctor can't save?
Author: philopoemen
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trashcornertully · 1 month
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Monster Prom/Evangelion cosplays
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joxmarf · 3 months
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Have you ever had the PERFECT idea for a fic and wished it poofed into existence? Then I got the perfect deal for you! Commission me and I will write the fic of your dreams! My Ao3 is joxmarf.
Shoot me a message if you’re interested! Reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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nothingenoughao3 · 3 months
Is there a dream fanfiction project you've always wanted to tackle but haven't had the chance to yet?
Actually, uh, yeah, I do! I even have an esoteric title!
The dream project is called "a wonder and a terror", in reference to Keanu Reeve's answer for how it feels to grow old. I want to go back and revisit most of the worlds I used to visit in fanfic. That would include Final Fantasy 7, Sorcerer Hunters, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Hellsing, Slayers, Gensoumaden Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Trigun, Gargoyles, and Generation X--aaaaaaaaall stuff I once obsessed over.
The thing is, I was writing/reading fic for those works when I was a teenager. And most of these works also feature teenagers, or very young adults. In a lot of cases, these shows are literally about child soldiers, or extremely young/inexperienced adults being forced to take on The Good Of The World.
The theme I'd take on in all these fics will be threefold:
What happens to child soldiers when the war ends and they grow up?
What happens to folks who thought they'd die on the battlefield who live long enough to experience aging?
What happens to characters who became powerful/famous under one gender identity who try to transition?
In addition to flipping characters' genders or their cis status, I plan on doing a LOT related to characters having chronic disabilities, physical as well as mental. And there will be a lot of shipping, many of it for ships I never explicitly wrote for in the past. (Specifically, I'm very glad that Barret/Cloud's time has come 'round at last.)
Some fics are already released on my account. "Entering King" is where I introduce the idea of trans man!Sanzo, which ties into some of the stuff I wanted to do for the Gensoumaden Saiyuki fics. My Gen X work is going to take place in the same canon already established here. Not a lot has been completed yet, but I do hold out hope that I'll get there!
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
So, I'm writing a 'Season finale' Chapter of my current fic and when I say that it's getting seriously Sci-Fi Horror vibes, I'm taking inspiration from
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thuktunflishithy · 5 months
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For my Godzilla/Evangelion fanfic
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 days
I had a spontaneous idea for a crossover fic between Evangelion and Doctor Who where the Doctor wanders into the Eva plot and within a few days has completely exposed the conspiracies, dismantled NERV, gotten the pilots away from the Evas and towards a licensed therapist or 7, and relocated Adam and the angels to their own planet so they can live in peace, foiling instrumentality in the process. Then he just leaves while the Evangelion cast are still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
I imagine the Doctor being 7, both because he has experience dismantling conspiracies and felling gods and because I like to thing Gendo and Seele would be absolutely furious over being singlehandedly foiled by a man who thinks question marks are a fashion statement.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 6 months
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What is you're favorite thing(s) you've created this year?
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In terms of art, this.
In terms of videos, this.
In terms of fanfictions, these.
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