#even ​my mcdonald’s sprite sitting by my bed is amused
greekgrad12 · 3 years
we don’t talk much but i’ve just got to say (i hope that ur okay) 
It was 3 am and Annabeth couldn’t breathe. She was drowning, and there was no son of Poseidon there to make an air bubble for her. 
read on ao3
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susssoo · 4 years
Midnight trip to McDonald’s
Pairing: Park Jaehyung and Younghyun Kang
Genre: fluff, college au, late night antics
A/N: I really wanted to write something with just Jae and Brian, so here you go. Enjoy ;)
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If Younghyun could ask for anything in the world, right now, it’d be a burger. Specifically from McDonald’s.
It’s an odd request, he knows, but it’s 2 in the morning, he has several deadlines he has to meet before Friday, and he’s freaking the fuck out.
And the only thing that could make him feel better is a burger, from McDonald’s specifically.
And he knows only one person who’d be willing to take him.
Park Jaehyung.
He closes his laptop, and places it to the side. He searches for his phone through a mess of papers spread lazily across his desk, after hours of frustration. But when he finally finds it, he sees it’s only at 12 percent and groans inwardly.
He’ll have to charge it later, because right now he only wants one thing and one thing only.
A burger, and to see his boyfriend.
Okay, so maybe two things.
He goes to his contacts, clicking on Jae’s and pressing call.
After it rings a couple times, someone finally picks up.
“Jaeeeeee~” Younghyun says sweetly over the phone.
“BriBri, It’s 2 in the morning, shouldn’t you be sleeping?” He questions.
“I’m hungry, and I can’t finish this stupid fucking project and I need food and to see you right or I might actually break something.”
There’s silence for a moment, before Jae speaks once again.
“Okay, I’ll be there in five.” He remarked, Younghyun could hear him over the phone shuffling around, probably searching for his keys and a hoodie.
“Thanks Jae, I love you.”
“I love you too, meet me outside the dormitory.”
After that, the call ended, and Younghyun practically beaming.
He quickly stood up from his chair, nearly falling over as his limbs protested him after being seated for nearly 10 hours.
He ignored it, grabbing his keys and a hoodie and making his way to the front of the campus.
Younghyun had been sitting in front of the campus for half an hour and he was beginning to think that Jae had fallen asleep, but not a moment later, a tall, lengthy blonde could be seen sprinting towards him.
Jae immediately engulfed him in a hug, apologizing profusely for being so late.
“I’m so sorry, as I was walking to the front, I saw security so I was basically running around like a fucking mad man trying not to get caught.” He huffed out, wiping the sweat on his forehead away with the back of his free hand, as his other arm was wrapped comfortably around the younger waste.
Younghyun cackled at the elder and his antics.
“Don’t worry about it, at least he didn’t see you, that could’ve been a shit show.”
“You’re telling me, I nearly had a heart attack!” He exclaimed, making gestures with his hand.
The two stood there for a moment, in comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s presence.
“So, McDonald’s?” Jae said, breaking whatever trance the younger had been in.
“Fucking please.”
The pair had decided they were going to walk, since Jae had forgotten the keys to his car (typical Jae, but he loved him regardless of his forgetfulness) and Younghyun didn’t even have one at the moment.
They spent the walk talking about nothing in particular, hands eloped in the others, enjoying the frigid night.
“God, You’re such an emotional drunk. Clingy too.” Jae provoked.
Younghyun scoffed, hitting the older on this chest playfully.
“I am not!”
“Really? I specifically remember after Youngjae’s party, you cried the entire way back to campus, and then when we got to my room, you were upset because we didn’t get McDonald’s and then you started crying again, so I had to turn on animal planet until you eventually knocked out. You almost threw Youngjae’s espresso machine at Wonpil!” Jae retorted, before breaking out into bouts of laughter.
“Okay, but that’s because he called me a bottom! I’m not a fucking bottom!” He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You in bed the other night moaning my name said-“
Younghyun stopped walking, glaring at the older.
Jae threw is arms up, surrendering.
“I mean, no, of course not.”
The younger broke out into toothy grin, and resumed walking once again.
Nearly 20 minutes later, they finally arrived a McDonald’s. It was empty, besides the cashier behind the counter, wearing a bored expression. They entered the building, and walked towards the counter to place their orders.
“Hi, welcome to McDonald’s, what can I get for you today?” The employee forced a smile onto their face, but their weary tone betrayed them.
“Hm, can we get two large cups, with two Big Macs and 10 piece McNuggets, with a side of fries.” Younghyun replied, digging into the pockets of his sweatpants for his wallet.
“Sure, will that be all for you?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Alright, that will be 15,470 won.”
Younghyun handed her his credit card. She took it, swiping through the machine behind the counter and then handing it back to him, with a receipt, and two large cups.
The two walked towards the drink machines, Younghyun filling his cup with a sprite, while Jae got himself an iced tea. They both made their way to a empty table near the back of the restaurant, and sat down across each other.
“Thanks. Honestly, I really needed this.” Younghyun blurted out, looking at the older thankfully.
“You don’t need to thank me Bri, you know I’d do anything for you.” Jae responded, a smile making its way onto his face.
Younghyun grinned, enveloping the others hand into his own.
10 minutes later, their food is finally ready. Jae gets up from the table, going to the counter to grab their food.
Younghyun’s mouth is practically watering, hungry would be an understatement of words, he’s ravenous.
Jae sits back down, placing the tray on the table.
He immediately grabs his burger off the tray, quickly unwrapping it, and taking a bite.
The younger leans back in his seat, letting out an unintentional moan.
“It’s so fucking good.” He says, mouth still full of food.
Jae stares at him for a moment, amused, before beginning to eat his own food.
They eat their meals in silence, because when Younghyun is really invested in something, there is no breaking his concentration, and he’s really invested in this burger, as he’s already finished with half of it.
Jae smiles to himself, Younghyun looks so adorable, even with a face full of food.
30 minutes later, Younghyun has finally finished his meal and is now sitting in the booth, half asleep, hunched over the table.
Jae still has half his fries left, but it doesn’t seem like he’ll be able to eat much more as his stomach is practically bulging from his sweatpants.
He looks up at the younger, and sees his current state.
“Yo Bri, you good?” He asks, putting all the trash onto the tray.
“I’m tired, that was really good. It was so good it took all the energy out of me, and now I want to sleep” He murmurs, still hunched over the table.
Jae cackles, before getting up to throw the thrash away.
He walks back over to the table, carding his fingers through Younghyun’s hair.
“Well, we’re about to leave. You want to sleep with me tonight?”
Younghyun only nods, getting up from the booth and lacing his fingers into the elders.
They leave the restaurant, and begin walking back to the campus in silence. Although he may not say it all the time, but Younghyun truly does adore his boyfriend. And it’s moments like these, that only makes him adore him more.
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