#even after seeking answers to my persistent questions about my boytoy he is still elusive. i’m still learning new things about him. insane
kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
so while i’ve been moving & not in the best position to draw real polished stuff, i’ve been digging through the dialogue files of sos awl, and basically there’s dedicated a dedicated file just for the stuff your child overhears about individual NPCs (one for your son and one for your daughter)
a lot of extremely juicy tidbits, everyone in town is airing their dirty laundry in front of your child i guess!! the naughty, normal, and shy personalities usually overhear different things… not to mention the sons lines slightly vary from the daughters, and there’s different lines per chapter. and the lines carry different nuance in japanese and english, in AWL vs AnWL vs SE vs SOS AWL. so many possibilities…
a bunch of the secrets for individual npcs are just “What?”. this infuriated me because the first block of “What?” on the list starts with Nami and Rock, both of whom I am absolutely dying to know more about, and they are both victims of this mysterious plague pretty consistently
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my first thought was that they were lines cut from the original, but after checking the message files for AWL (in english and japanese) they always said “what?”..
so if your child says “what?” often, just know that they’re probably trying to tell you an npc secret so obscure that the game itself has silenced them !
i kinda wanna organize the existing secrets/comments by character and post em, lmk if that would interest you or if seeing this stuff would ruin immersion/be boring. there’s so much lore that feels Buried but so tantalizingly close to the surface to me and now knowing how it works it feels like you would be unlikely to see it all even if you married everyone (unless i’m missing something)
anyway here’s some brainless rocks (free secret,! he is the only ‘human’ in AWL aware that he is inside of a video game)
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