#even as Fushimi grumbles and talks back and Munakata looks at him all fondly
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
I think there was an ask about Aya met Misaki again, and Saruhiko is jealous. So how about doing it with ReiSaru post RoK, when he truly found a place where he belong. What do you think Aya's thought when she met Saru again that time and seeing for herself the person who Saruhiko mentioned back then. I really love how it was mentioned in lsw that time, that Saru seemed to recalled smtg happy, there was to have recalled something happy when he said this and his eyes flashed blue light
I think this would definitely be eye-opening for Aya, just seeing Fushimi attached to someone besides Yata (and I wonder how she would feel about the fact that Fushimi did kinda choose someone ‘up to his level,’ like with Yata she lost to Yata’s overwhelming energy and honesty and now here Fushimi ends up with Munakata who’s an incredibly singular genius type). Maybe her school gets caught up in some Strain thing and S4 comes to help, she recognizes the uniforms as being the same that Saruhiko was wearing that time he confronted her on the bus and she finds herself wondering if he’s there. Afterward she wanders around the school a little as the S4 boys are getting everything cleaned up, just trying to see if he really is here. 
She gets outside and spots Fushimi off in the distance, immediately recognizing the way he slouches past everyone. She finds herself running after him, not sure if she wants to yell to him or what it is she would say if they came face to face, she just wants to see him. However as she gets close she sees Fushimi’s talking to someone and she finds herself stopping, looking at the guy Fushimi is talking with. She can tell from the uniform that this person must be important and she wonders if this is that ‘current boss’ Fushimi was talking about that time on the bus. Imagine she finds herself just stopping and watching how Munakata and Fushimi interact, Fushimi’s mostly giving a report but they’re just chatting a little too, Munakata praising Fushimi and being a little doting because the danger’s over and there’s some time to relax. Aya is surprised to see how relaxed Fushimi looks from when she last him, it’s not like how he was with Yata but somehow she can tell this isn’t bad either, like Fushimi is looking at this person as if he’s worthy of Fushimi’s respect — and she can see it again, some bright blue reflected in his eyes that wasn’t there before, and even though she can’t really see what’s so special about Munakata she’s absolutely certain that this person is the cause of it, the person who changed Saruhiko. 
Maybe Munakata spots her then and goes over to ask if she needs assistance, the moment he looks at her Aya feels like this unmistakable sense of presence that makes her step back a little. Fushimi suddenly clicks his tongue as he recognizes who it is and imagine Munakata so intrigued to meet a member of Fushimi’s family, like so this is your cousin. Fushimi wonders if Aya wanted something and Aya tries to put on a calm face as she says nothing, she was just wondering if Fushimi was still with these people. Fushimi says he told her to stay out of ‘this’ world and Aya asks if Munakata was the one who brought Fushimi into it, is this the person who told you to change the world that you don’t like. Munakata is so flattered that his words resonated so strongly with Fushimi-kun as Fushimi rolls his eyes and is like this doesn’t have anything to do with you, you can leave. Aya keeps looking between them, Fushimi being his usual blunt self and Munakata just accepting it all with a smile and she finds herself thinking suddenly about the ‘King’ she heard about in jungle, she doesn’t really know even now what that means but looking at these two she somehow can’t help but feel that yes, this guy is Saruhiko’s King.
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