#once again Aya realizes she never had a chance
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
I think there was an ask about Aya met Misaki again, and Saruhiko is jealous. So how about doing it with ReiSaru post RoK, when he truly found a place where he belong. What do you think Aya's thought when she met Saru again that time and seeing for herself the person who Saruhiko mentioned back then. I really love how it was mentioned in lsw that time, that Saru seemed to recalled smtg happy, there was to have recalled something happy when he said this and his eyes flashed blue light
I think this would definitely be eye-opening for Aya, just seeing Fushimi attached to someone besides Yata (and I wonder how she would feel about the fact that Fushimi did kinda choose someone ‘up to his level,’ like with Yata she lost to Yata’s overwhelming energy and honesty and now here Fushimi ends up with Munakata who’s an incredibly singular genius type). Maybe her school gets caught up in some Strain thing and S4 comes to help, she recognizes the uniforms as being the same that Saruhiko was wearing that time he confronted her on the bus and she finds herself wondering if he’s there. Afterward she wanders around the school a little as the S4 boys are getting everything cleaned up, just trying to see if he really is here. 
She gets outside and spots Fushimi off in the distance, immediately recognizing the way he slouches past everyone. She finds herself running after him, not sure if she wants to yell to him or what it is she would say if they came face to face, she just wants to see him. However as she gets close she sees Fushimi’s talking to someone and she finds herself stopping, looking at the guy Fushimi is talking with. She can tell from the uniform that this person must be important and she wonders if this is that ‘current boss’ Fushimi was talking about that time on the bus. Imagine she finds herself just stopping and watching how Munakata and Fushimi interact, Fushimi’s mostly giving a report but they’re just chatting a little too, Munakata praising Fushimi and being a little doting because the danger’s over and there’s some time to relax. Aya is surprised to see how relaxed Fushimi looks from when she last him, it’s not like how he was with Yata but somehow she can tell this isn’t bad either, like Fushimi is looking at this person as if he’s worthy of Fushimi’s respect — and she can see it again, some bright blue reflected in his eyes that wasn’t there before, and even though she can’t really see what’s so special about Munakata she’s absolutely certain that this person is the cause of it, the person who changed Saruhiko. 
Maybe Munakata spots her then and goes over to ask if she needs assistance, the moment he looks at her Aya feels like this unmistakable sense of presence that makes her step back a little. Fushimi suddenly clicks his tongue as he recognizes who it is and imagine Munakata so intrigued to meet a member of Fushimi’s family, like so this is your cousin. Fushimi wonders if Aya wanted something and Aya tries to put on a calm face as she says nothing, she was just wondering if Fushimi was still with these people. Fushimi says he told her to stay out of ‘this’ world and Aya asks if Munakata was the one who brought Fushimi into it, is this the person who told you to change the world that you don’t like. Munakata is so flattered that his words resonated so strongly with Fushimi-kun as Fushimi rolls his eyes and is like this doesn’t have anything to do with you, you can leave. Aya keeps looking between them, Fushimi being his usual blunt self and Munakata just accepting it all with a smile and she finds herself thinking suddenly about the ‘King’ she heard about in jungle, she doesn’t really know even now what that means but looking at these two she somehow can’t help but feel that yes, this guy is Saruhiko’s King.
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chika-the-terrible · 2 years
More Isu AU ideas again, since I can’t seem to stop myself:
Roth calls Jacob his Lion because of Jacob’s bravery but also because of how Jacob likes to lay around like a cat
Sometimes when Roth tells stories, he accidentally trails off into his own past. Jacob, curious, doesn’t interrupt and just listens. It’s one of the few ways he gets to know more about Roth, after all
It’s Jacob who makes the first move to take them into a real relationship, beyond being friends. He’s not inexperienced but he’s never been with a human before, so he’s pretty nervous when he brings it up the first time. And while Roth is dramatic, he doesn’t make the first move because he wants this to go at Jacob’s pace. He doesn’t wanna scare Jacob away
While Jacob’s not much of a storyteller or a reader, he’ll gladly let the children gather around him or even get in his lap as he takes out a book to read. The Isu aren’t much for creative writing and so he falls back on human works most of the time. And, if he’s in a really good mood, he brings the old stories of Kassandra and Alexios and Bayek and Aya and Eivor to the forefront. Even the Blighters can’t get enough of the stories when Jacob starts telling them and so they gather around as well
Jacob loves picking Roth up. He does it to other people, too, but Roth’s the one that gets the treatment the most. Jacob not only picks Roth up to carry him around like a doll but he also enjoys sweeping Roth off his feet, whether in a small twirl or in a bridal carry, and Roth can’t help but laugh when Jacob does such things. He never knows what the Isu man is going to do day-to-day and Roth just lives life one day at a time
Roth doesn’t keep the underbelly of London out of Jacob’s reach. He shows Jacob what’s going on, with the child labor and working conditions and housing, because he wants Jacob to see that being a human is different for everyone. Not all humans end up in the same position as Roth, many go their entire lives in squalor and never claw their way out. And then there are those like Starrick, far higher up in the food chain who try to repress the poor, and Roth doesn’t like them even though he works for Starrick. The shock of realism of human society really makes Jacob think for a long while
Roth’s Blighters, of their own accord, tend to do their best to take in any street kids who need help. There’s not much they can do about the factories but they at least bring in the kids they can find and so the children have a chance to get some food and rest until they can find a more permanent place to go, to which most of them stay as part of the Blighters because they have nothing else. Roth fully supports this and doesn’t stand in their way when it comes to their philanthropic actions, and soon enough Jacob gets to see the kids for himself. It’s the first time Jacob meets human children and they’re just as amazed with his size as he is with theirs, but the connection is made when Jacob sits down, making himself smaller, and asks if they’d like to hear a story. Jacob quickly becomes a daily visitor of the children, making sure he stops by at least once a day to check on them and cheer them up if need be, and the children love when Jacob comes around
Evie is surprised to realize, after being reunited with her brother, that he wasn’t too worried about her. Not until Roth told him the truth about Starrick, at least. He had been having too much fun to really be concerned except for a little guilt every so often, and while Evie chastises him for shirking his ambassador duties, she can’t help but smile at his happiness. It had been a long while since Jacob had been truly happy and she’s glad to see that he’s happy here, with Roth and the humans he had become friends with, and it’s part of the reason why she advocates for them to continue as ambassadors to England. She wants her twin brother to stay where he feels happiest
After the attack, Jacob attends the funerals and wakes of all the Blighters who lost their lives, just as if he had lost a comrade in battle. But he doesn’t attend in his military regalia, instead dressing in a new set of mourning clothes commissioned for him. He may not have known the Blighters that had died but they were still his friends and had helped him save his sister from a worse fate, so he owed them a lot, and he wanted to mourn them just as humans do. Mourning in Isu garb would make him stand out and Jacob didn’t want to disrupt the funerals and wakes for anything. They deserved only the best for their services
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @bucketfullofocs​ ⟭
[Aya @ Sanji] Aya holds up a book, the title Love Affair with the Sea embossed on the front cover in gold atop an image of an open ocean. "Do, um, do you remember this?" She asks Sanji, offering the book to him. "It's, um, it's one of the first books I recommended to you, when we first met. That, um, that feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?" She giggles softly, a gentle smile spread across her face.
Aya never regretted her decision to go to the bookstore that day. Even if the initial after was chaotic, she could never regret meeting Sanji. He's changed her life for the so much better, showing her a world she was once so afraid of. She felt brave whenever he was near. She felt loved, cherished, like she really was a princess when he was near. And she hoped he felt the same - that he felt loved, cherished, when she was near.
"I, um, open up the book." She prompted, watching him with bright eyes. Inside, nestled neatly among the pages, was a ring. "I, um, I realized - I have an engagement ring, but, um, but I wanted you to have one, too." A band of white gold, the ring was inlaid with mother of pearl, a small white diamond capping it off. She had picked it carefully, pretty and matching to her own but without stones or such that would get in the way while cooking.
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“Oh, wow. . .” The sight of the book alone had him breathless, the memories of that day rushing back and hitting him full in the chest. She was right — it had been a wonderful and messy and exciting five years, but the way he felt about her made it feel as if it had been much, much longer. “How could I forget? I don’t know what it is, but it feels like I’ve known you my whole life.”
He took the book into his hands, the pad of one finger tracing each and every letter of the title. It seemed silly that when he purchased the book, he felt it was too daunting a read. It wasn’t so much that he was incapable of understanding it, but he simply didn’t have the time. He had too many people to feed, to many dirty dishes to clean and too many people to kick sense into. But now that he looked at the book, it wasn’t as intimidating. A book filled with their memories would have been a thicker, fuller novel in his not-so-humble opinion.
The thought made him chuckle. Maybe, some day, someone could write of their whirlwind romance. For now, he would enjoy all that he had because she did make him feel loved. He was blessed to have her, a woman so kind and thoughtful and forgiving.
“Open it?” He blinked through the haze of his thoughts before he flipped the book open. The ring helped ease the pages open, his breath catching again. Cheeky! Sneaky! Oooh, he was going to get her for this later. Luckily for her, he had been hit too hard with emotion to do more than let out a little sniff. “Aya-chan, you didn’t——!”
She did, and he didn’t know what to do with himself.
Sanji took the ring from its place between the pages, eyes growing glossy at the sentiment. He had been so sure for so long that he had ruined his chances. He had made a stupid, silly mistake and it had almost cost him the love of his life. Yet here they stood, together, both of them with a ring that represented their endless efforts to listen and learn and love.
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“It’s gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as you, but. . .” He breathed in deep, but it was still shaky and broken. Sanji didn’t mind. The heavy beating of his heart, the fluttering breaths and the swell of emotion came because he loved her, and he knew for an undeniable fact that he always would.
Book closed, Sanji set it aside and delicately placed the ring into Aya’s hand. “I know it’s silly, but would you put it on me?”
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7deadlycinderellas · 4 years
If the summer of our lives could just come again, ch 38 (Final)
Holy shit I made it
AO3 link
The air outside Oldtown is humid and warm. There are so many flowers that the whole town smells perfumed. Shireen almost squeals in delight, and Jojen’s never seen anything like it. Gilly and little Sam are delighted too, even the tiny handful of Baratheon men her mother had assigned to accompany and protect them seem enamored of the sunshine. It’s lovely enough that Shireen almost wishes that Brienne hadn’t left them to return briefly to Storm’s End, then perhaps to Tarth, or to Casterly Rock. She deserved it though, Shireen thought, she had more than upheld her vows and done her duty, both to Uncle Renly and herself.
“I never knew the sun could be this warm,” Sam whispers, turning his face to the glowing orb in the sky.
Jojen stares over the horizon, his face rendered almost blank by wonder.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this far from home, even when we went north.”
Gilly had smiled and nodded. When they reach the edge of the city, they park their horses outside an inn who says they have space for a small group of travelers. Shireen retrieves the pack with her writing, it’s bulging at it’s seams, and suddenly Gilly takes the lead.
“How do you know where you’re going?” Shireen asks, barely able to keep up.
“I just do,” Gilly insists. Shireen shrugs at Jojen, then takes his hand and tries to catch up.
They had stopped in Dragonstone, for just a few moons, to see her mother. Shireen couldn’t quite put to words where their relationship truly sat now, but she was grateful that her mother no longer looked at her as though she was a monster for existing. Maybe they would never be close, but now she would not be the one who told her how to follow her dream, to live the life she wanted.
And with the impending responsibility of Storm’s End in her future, Shireen is perfectly at ease with taking this time for herself.
The city sprouts up on both sides of the honeywine, winding cobblestone streets under their feet. And then, it appears in front of them. The collection of domes and towers that made up the Citadel.
Gilly’s steps stay fast, stay certain, and Shireen suspects that she knows exactly where they are going. Past the green sphinxes was easy enough, but Gilly seemed to know each and every turn to find the library.
The library does it’s best to take Shireen’s breath away. She gazes up at the tall stacks and the high ceiling. She feels Jojen go still beside her, and realizes he must be as enraptured at her. She overhears some of the acolytes in their robes talking, something about the seasons, and tires to listen.
One of the acolytes looks up and opens his mouth as if to tell them that they can’t be in here. Gilly doesn’t give him the chance, but walks briskly past, pulling little Sam by the hand, to the acolyte at the fourth table in line, a portly young man who hasn’t even raised his head at the noise yet.
“Spring lasted only a little more than a year, and the stars say everything’s still in motion and if this keeps changing….”
He looks up. Gilly smiles. The young man knocks over his ink well.
Shireen feels a smile on her face too, though she’s not quite sure why.
Ned tries to wipe the sweat from his face when his daughter enters his room. It’s too hard for him to move very much anymore, but he tries not to let her see. Wolkan, the new young maester sent from the Citadel, tells him it won’t be long. And while the days he has are getting harder and harder, he keeps finding himself wishing for just a few more.
Arya’s spending her evening sitting with him, on his left side. All of his children have spent the time they can by his side, but even though he would never admit it, Catelyn had always been right; Arya was always the child he was closest to.
“Tell me of Winterfell, daughter, “ Ned asks, and Arya puts down her book.
She smiles.
“Meera taught Arra to hold her bow this morning. Her hands are too chubby the draw the string yet though. Last I saw, Gendry was giving her a piggyback ride around the courtyard while the others were training.”
She smiles wider, briefly, at the thought of Gendry swinging the little girl around, making her laugh and squeal. She teased him horribly about how he was so grouchy around everyone, except, it seemed, for mouthy girls.
“The guards are training again, now that we have enough of them and enough laborers. They even let me join without complaint now.”
Ned coughs.
“I do wish I got to admire you in action with that blade again.”
Arya pats her thigh, where Dark Sister still has it’s place in her holster.
“Sansa’s working on her cloak, she’s embroidering it with a red wolf. Ygritte’s still working with Val to finalize their plans. “
Ned smiles at her stories.
“And what of Winterfell itself? Is it still healing well?”
Arya’s face is wistful.
“It’s going on. The crew sent from King’s Landing have been doing their labor as ordered, though the chains make it difficult. We’re not sure how to make it safe without it though. Summer’s come in like a cart racing downhill. It’s been warm and sunny nearly every day, not even any summer snows yet. All of the flowers and the strawberries too are in bloom, even that peach tree that Maester Wolkan rooted in the glass garden has fruited.”
Ned’s face is starting to look wane and tired, so Arya slows. He coughs once, and tells her,
“Keep going. I’ll listen as long as I can.”
“The word from the Citadel,” Arya continues. “Is that these seasons are pasing unusually fast. Word might be if the speed keeps up, a future season might not even last a year…”
Arya keeps talking and Ned falls asleep. She stays with him in the quiet, before standing to leave.
That night, with the images of a fruitful summer drifting in and out of his mind, Ned passes away into the night.
The memorial is held, Winterfell grieves, and another Lord Stark joins the hall of his ancestors in the crypt.
And in the summer afterwards, is when the departures begin.
Meera and Bran are the first. Arra can sit upright in a saddle by herself now, but Bran still rides behind her to save the use of a pony.
“It’s going to be so strange being here without you three,” Arya says, helping Arra put her hands on the front of the saddle and hold on correctly while her father takes the reins.
“It was going to happen sometime,” Meera admits, mounting her own horse. “It almost feels like I’ve been putting off my own responsibilities. I shouldn’t do it anymore.”
“And you’ll always be able to find us,” Bran tells his sister, tilting his head towards the summer sky, where his ravens fly free above Winterfell, ready to depart. “May be a bit of a trial keeping them from getting shot at first, but I think I can handle it.”
Summer is waiting patiently beside the road for the others. When Meera’s horse steps close, he raises himself up on his hind legs with enough gentleness that her horse doesn’t spook. She rubs his snout and his tail wags, eager to be back in the wild. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to live as close as he did in Winterfell, but perhaps a single wolf could find a home in a swamp. And even if he ended up fleeing for the forests near Moat Caillin, he would still be close enough. Bran would always be close enough.
“Wait,” Arya says, stepping forward to Meera. She removes a wrapped item from her pack.
Meera’s eyes go wide.
“You’re giving us the catspaw’s dagger?”
Arya nods. She gestures at herself, Dark Sister on her hip, and back to Jon, who’s standing back a bit and explaining to younger man in an overlarge guard’s uniform about Longclaw.
“There’s no reason for us to hog all the Valyrian steel left in the north, and we know you’ll keep it safe.  Besides,” she twists and looks where Bran and Arra have pulled up on their horse beside them, “Your House played a role in the war, even if it’s not one most people will remember from history. You deserve an heirloom to commemorate.”
And also, she thinks, this dagger nearly killed Bran once. It makes sense for him to help keep watch over it.
Arra reaches out for her aunt’s hand, calling out “aya,” the closest approximation her baby voice can manage. Arya squeezes her chubby hand and kisses it, before standing back up beside her husband and the other Winterfell men to watch them go.
Catelyn had bid farewell to her second youngest son earlier that day, for it was time too to prepare to leave Winterfell with her daughter, and for them to depart for Casterly Rock.
“I almost feel like I’m superfluous to you,” Catelyn admits as Sansa finishes the stitching on her gown, “You’ve got everything so well handled.”
“Nonsense, Mother,” Sansa admonishes, “I had to get married twice without you. I may not be able to do it with my whole family- but I’d like at least you to be there. Besides, if you’re planning to return to Riverrun, this will cut your travel time in half. “
That had been a surprise to all of them, that after Ned’s passing and Robb being officially recognized as Lord Stark, that Catelyn had expressed desire to return to her childhood home.
“My brother is lord now, my father gone. My uncle has earned some rest in his older years, and I would like to ensure that my home will prosper. I think I’ve gone a good job here, and I’ve loved raising every last one of you, but I am not truly a Stark, and without Ned, I do not feel like I truly belong here.”
And to all of the Starks, it’s actually Jon who she admits this to first, a consequence of the strange sort of ceasefire their relationship has become. He did his best to be understanding, though he does tell her that he spent much of his life feeling the same way.
“Even if you continue feeling that way, I feel like the Starks will always welcome you.”
The day Sansa and Catelyn leave Winterfell is the sunniest of any of the summer days so far.
“Hail one of Bran’s ravens if you need us. Especially me, if I need to filet your husband. I didn’t get to the last one, so I want first dibs.”
Sansa snorts wildly while embracing Arya. She’s dressed in a practical traveling gown, her bow once again strapped to her back. At her feet, Lady sits, waiting.
Arya pats her shoulder, and adjusts her quiver.
“Remember to keep your string well waxed. Meera always told us that was the most important part of maintaining your bow. And don’t get rusty. Just because you’re going to be a Lady of a great house now is no reason to let your skill degrade.”
Arya’s taking her chance to lecture Sansa on propriety. Sansa already feels like crying so she lets her.
When the party departs, Catelyn doesn’t look back, but Sansa does. Lady yips beside the party, running along the green grass in great bounds. She leaves her childhood home with one eye in the past, but her whole mind turned to the future.
In the coming moons, Val and Ygritte work out the numbers.
“The farmers have begun to work upon the New Gift,” Ygritte tells Jon that night in his chambers, “But the sheep and goat herders prefer the land north of where the wall stood. The animals have adapted to the land there, the cold and wind, it’s necessary for their coats and appetites. And the hunting clans, they’re always going to prefer living in the wild land where the beasts they hunt aren’t in as much competition with men.”
And Jon knows that Ygritte too, would always prefer the wild land.
“We’ll help them then,” he tells her, “We’ll lead them and help them resettle. With Rowan and the trees, we won’t have to be as divided as we once were. All of this land can truly be the north.”
Ygritte nods, and cuddles into his chest, and that night, they both dream of snow and caves.
The plan has been set for a while, and some of the Free Folk have already left to stake out their futures. Robb had wanted to stop them, to do the resettling in a more orderly manner, but Val had shaken her head. While most of the Free Folk were willing to obey laws, they were not willing to wait for lords to tell them how and when to live.
Rickon had been among the first to forge his path north, along with Roland, the young warrior who had stolen him away.
The night before the next departure, Jon finds Arya with Gendry during supper.
“You two can still back out if you want,” he tells them, “I wouldn’t put the both of to hardship again, especially if you’re thinking of starting a family.”
Arya shakes her head, but it’s Gendry who answers.
“Come on Jon, you know the two of us aren’t meant to live our lives in a castle giving orders or being ordered around.”
“And if you’re so concerned about this mission being dangerous when it comes to our futures and starting a family, have you talked to Ygritte about it?” Arya interjects. “Wildlings have been having families in the wilds over the wall for centuries, and I’m sure she’ll have opinions.”
Jon looks abashed, and tells the both of them that they will be ready to leave at sunup.
It does become a topic conversation in Arya’s quarters that night.
“We haven’t really talked about it, since the battle,” Gendry admits, slipping into bed and curling behind her. “Is children something you want? And if you do, are you alright with raising them on the road or in a northern village instead of in a comfortable castle?”
Arya grins, and pushes back against him, nestling further into his arms.
“Considering the number of times we ended up like this after the battle, without my access to my tea...I’m surprised it’s not a question that we’ve been forced to deal with already. I...I always thought the instant we slipped up, I’d have one on me.”
Part of her wonders how Ygritte had avoided it too. Perhaps she knew the herbs, but Jon’s stories didn’t suggest a lifestyle conducive to regular brewing of tea.
“That is always what I thought too,” Gendry admits, playing with her hair “You get it pushed into your mind that it can happen any single time...and then you start to think you want it, and it doesn’t.”
Arya smiles, thinking of seeing Gendry with Arra, thinks of how happy she was with her as well. She feels her eyes falling closed at her husband’s touch, but forces herself to answer.
“I’d be perfectly happy to have a whole pack with you in the wilds of the north, live in a little village, teach them to hunt and make weapons and tend sheep...but we’d play it by ear. If they needed to grow up in a castle, we could always come back, find a place here willing to harbor an upjumped bastard and a wild, improper lady.”
They both laugh, because they know that neither of them are those people anymore.
“We could come back to Winterfell, or visit Shireen when she ends up in Storm’s End, or go finally meet Davos’s wife and sons…” Gendry mumbles as they drift off to sleep. Arya watches his face briefly, childlike in the ease of sleep, and wonders again how she got so lucky to find him again.
In the light of the sunrise, Jon gathers the party to leave Winterfell. Ygritte gathers the people they are guiding, and is preparing them while Jon bids Robb and Val farewell. Val moves to speak to the Free Folk with Ygritte when Robb tells Jon.
“You may think you have no place here Jon, but you will always be welcome.”
Robb embraces him as well as she can with his one arm, before pulling back.
“And-” he tilts his head towards where Arya and Gendry wait, “If there are any new Stark cubs… from either of you, you better bring them to Winterfell, at least to show them where they came from.”
Jon sniffs a bit when they separate. Robb had always treated him as a brother, and Jon feels like he might as well be sixteen again, leaving for the Night’s Watch.
“Rule as Father would have wanted you to,” Jon tells him, before turning to join the others.
There’s one more person who’s supposed to join them, but Jon’s not sure how she will. He enters the Godswood, looking about. It’s easy enough, Rowan has made herself a nest underneath one of the old oak trees, and right now is sitting, face serene in the summer sun.
“Are you still joining us Rowan?” he asks her. She nods without words at first.
“In time, I want to feel the sun a bit longer.”
When they cross through the gates, Ygritte admits to Jon,
“It was fine to get to see a castle...but I’m glad to be returning north.”
Arya upon her horse, turns at one point to her left. Her ear still bothers her, but out in the wild, it’s different. It’s both quieter, the buzzing especially isn’t as bad out here, and so much of the world here is alive. She remembers Bran talking about reaching out with his ravens in the Neck for the first time, how everything seemed to breathe and to speak. The unbalance feels different in the wild, with creeks babbling and birds chirping instead of people chattering. But she turns towards the buzzing, and one bit of her silent spot becomes a flash of gray.
Nymeria, guarding her human’s vulnerable side. Arya smiles, and in the distance, spots the flash of white fur showing Ghost also running alongside. They both stop in their tracks and turn to howl. And far behind them, Arya can just make out a howl in response. Their brother, calling out farewell from behind the castle walls.
The road is gentle at first. When they reach the land of the Gift, they pass a few small settlements that have begun to farm, and there is little conflict. With everything in bloom for summer, foraging and hunting is easy enough for the group, and at night, the sky is clear enough that all the stars can be seen with ease.
Some nights, Rowan comes through the camp and whispers with Ygritte all the secrets of the stars that the children of the forest held. For even while she had had her fill of the south, Ygritte was still prone to gazing at where man had never gone.
Jon tries not to ask too much of the weirwoods, as abundant as they are here in the north, because they’ve done so much for man already. But sometimes the whispers still speak to him, warn of danger, though they often don’t see it as much. When he tries again to thank them, they almost seem to laugh.
The wall still stands, though it is clearly weeping. Jon has no idea if it will ever truly fall, has no idea what would even happen if it did. Would it slowly shrink and disappear, or would it be diminished, piece by piece, until the whole structure collapsed under itself?
Castle Black is empty, a relic of only a few years. Arya leads scouts through the remains, Dark Sister at her side, to clear it out and find any survivors, or squatters as it may be. They find none, but they do find fallen. Thankfully, the residents of the north are well used to building funeral pyres now, and saying words for people they don't know.
Soon the structure become a quality shelter before it becomes time to move past the Wall. The old barracks are opened up, but in summer, most choose to sleep in the outbuildings and battlements, in the open air.
“This would be a good location for a trading post,” Ygritte comments, “Even an inn, if there’s an enterprising sort among us.”
“Eastwatch used to trade with wildlings, even though it was forbidden,” Jon tells her. Ygritte’s idea is a good one, he thinks. There’s structures already in place, it’s central and easy to find from both sides, and already built to be defended.
The crowd is in one of the training yards, and both Arya and Gendry are in the middle being dogged by children. There’s a pack among them, young children who were hidden away on Bear Island and who’s mothers want to raise them in the land they came from. Children who only saw a bit of the action, and are desperate for stories.
They both look oddly comfortable, Jon thinks, being surrounded by young ones. He’ll have to mention Ygritte’s suggestion to them if their adventuring ever needs to take a slower pace.
That night, the sky is initially clear, but eventually takes a dark turn and a summer snow dusts the structures of Castle Black while the traveler’s sleep. In the morning, they might regret not taking the black brother’s barracks, with their large hearths, but before the snow, they had wanted the freedom of sleeping in the summer night.
Jon is jostled awake in his bedroll once the sky changes by Ygritte returning from her night-time stargazing with Rowan. Snowflakes dust her fiery hair.
“It’s snowing,” she comments. Jon chuckles, turning on one side to face the open window, “I could tell,” he responds.
She’s curls up behind him, and Jon can practically feel her eyes on him, even though he can already feel the pull of sleep beckoning back to him.
“Rowan said something to me,” she admits, “about humans and our names.”
“What was that?” Jon asks, one eye open.
“How the have a way of coming to suit us-”
Jon lets out a long snore and Ygritte realizes she’s lost him. She rolls onto her back, staring at the ceiling, blocking where the stars would be. The snow is so light, it will probably be gone by morning. Though she is alone, she continues her last thought.
“Jon, of the snow,” she whispers.
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hq-vbc · 5 years
it’s you part 14.5
part 14.4 < part 15
it’s you masterlist
word count: 2690 (usually I don’t do this but this time, the writing part is longer than the others)
a/n: okay, final part of part 14! sorry that it took so long to finish it, I hope you enjoy reading it! I wanted to add more but it was getting too long and I think I’ve added everything that is important anyway :))
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“everything’s alright now?”, oikawa asks with a smile.
you nod, letting out a deep breath.
“sorry, I was just so overwhelmed right now and happy and sad at the same time and then everything that I was holding in came out and-“, your boyfriend interrupts you. “there’s absolutely no need for you to apologize in any way, it’s okay. better cry than breaking down”, he assures you lovely, brushing your cheek.
for a moment, you appreciate the time you have with oikawa. being in his arms, having him around and knowing he loves you.
“it’s getting late”, you let him know, “do you want to continue listening? you have classes tomorrow, I can tell you the rest an other time.”
“absolutely not! you’re struggling and there’s no way I’d let you by yourself when you feel so conflicted right now.”
you mumble a quiet “thank you” and try your best to hold in your tears.
“okay so... I’ve told you about how akaashi and I became best friends. obviously, we were quick to decide on the same high school. fukurodani high it was. unfortunately, we were not in the same class, but that wasn’t an obstacle in our friendship. akaashi decided to play in the volleyball club. however, I wanted to look for another club. sure, we‘re best friends and all but I thought some space in between would had been nice, you know? I went to the cooking club instead, sounds pretty boring but at that time it was the best decision I could make, living alone and all. well, akaashi joining the volleyball was probably the best decision he could have made in high school because that’s how we met bokuto. you should have listened to him talking about that super cool player in the club! seriously, I’ve never heard akaashi talking that much”, you chuckle remembering how much akaashi actually looks up to bokuto.
“I can see why. akaashi seems more introverted and I’m sure that bokuto managed to inspire him in a way no one else could have. after all, bokuto is easy-going. he’s the kind of person to befriend others easily and in my opinion, he’s stupidly honest, too, but you can’t be really mad at him just because”, oikawa adds cheerfully.
you totally agree: “I know right! one time there was this boy at my school who had to hand me notes because I was sick and bokuto witnessed everything, thinking my classmate was confessing to me! he then screamed across the whole school that I don’t even have time to date and the boy could never give me what I ‘deserve’. it was so embarrassing, I felt the whole school looking at me and I was never able to talk to that boy ever again”, you sigh.
“I can totally imagine that!”, oikawa laughs: “but this just shows how precious you are to him.”
“you are right. I’m glad that the three of us became friends. you know, since akaashi was a setter, bokuto always wanted to stay longer with him to practice as much as possible. usually, akaashi and I always walked home together so I ended up staying late as well. bokuto often tagged along and that’s how we befriended each other. at some point, it was just natural for us to be together. just like any other friendship, our bond grew over time. it especially strengthened because of two accidents. one of them is the accident with aya. as you’ve said before, bokuto befriends others easily and up to this day I wonder if I should be happy about it or curse it. aya was, or more likely is, obsessed with akaashi. we guess that she must have noticed him in a volleyball match but we aren’t sure. aya transferred to our school, really sudden at that. anyway, it seemed like she had a hard time approaching others but it was just a facade. bokuto befriended her because she was often alone. we also didn’t mind her being around us. bokuto was also pretty fond of her, encouraging her to tag along with us, be it at lunch, breaks, club activities or going home. aya enjoyed it, even wanting to join the volleyball club as the manager but at that time, the team already had enough.”
“weren’t you jealous of her? I mean you emphasized a lot now how naturally the three of you became friends but now it sounds like aya was a problem rather than an enrichment to your friendship”, oikawa interrupts.
you smile at how attentive your boyfriend listens to you: “I noticed how she always dragged me away whenever I was in the middle of bokuto and akaashi. she also visited akaashi’s class pretty often, even when our break was only 5 minutes long. furthermore, she’s the same age as bokuto that’s why she saw him more often, being in the same school year as him. I noticed how she did a whole lot more to befriend the two than I did. she put a lot of effort in them but never tried to do the same with me. occasionally, I took the initiative, asking her to have a girl’s day or something because I was kind of excited that a girl joined our small circle but I was always rejected. it made me anxious and I seriously struggled. I doubted myself, thinking what I was doing was not sincerely enough. I just had to put more effort in everything, you know? anyways, aya often went home with us but by coincidence I was informed that she actually lives somewhere else and that she was always walking in the opposite direction with us. that made me wary, especially because she always followed akaashi. bokuto and I always had a bit more to walk together so on one day, I decided to talk about my problems. about how I’m afraid of losing them to aya or how I may be replaced. bokuto assured me that there’s no way the two of them would ever forget or neglect me, that I’m just a little worry wart. I believed in his words. I believed in them so much that I didn’t even realize how the next accident happened.”
oikawa scoffs.
you only look at him confused.
“I feel like whatever happened must be because of aya and it already makes my blood boil”, your beloved one tells you.
nodding at his assumption, you continue the story: “as I’ve said before, she was alone but it was just a facade because in no way bokuto would have let someone be alone when that person is in reach. she actually made lots of connections at school. she was even quite popular but neither akaashi nor bokuto nor me noticed it. the three of us were living in our little world, not even paying attention to the rest”, you let out a sigh, starting to shiver at the thought of what happened next.
oikawa takes your hand into his, brushing his fingers softly against your skin.
“my nightmare became reality. for some reason, I couldn’t see bokuto and akaashi that often anymore. I didn’t notice it right away but suddenly, they were always surrounded by others and whenever I got the chance to be with them at school, I noticed glances all around me. I ignored it. I tried my best but it only got worse. I heard people whispering not so nice things about me. every time something like that happened the names of my two best friends were mentioned. I started to link their names with the actions that made me feel uneasy. suddenly, the whole school was judging me for only being with them, that’s how I noticed how popular bokuto and akaashi actually were. I mean, akaashi got the looks and bokuto the personality. I knew it but I wasn’t aware of that, if it makes sense. I had to realize it in a rather negative way anyway. the whole school got manipulated by aya. my classmates started to gossip about me even more, like how arrogant it was from me to keep these two by myself, how I must think that I’m better than the rest. aya spread lies, saying that I alway tried my best to get rid of her and treated her like dirt. rumors began to spread about me and the line between truth and lies got blurry. I didn’t even know what was right anymore even though the talking was about me. rumors do that to you, they make you question yourself and suddenly, you don’t even know who you are anymore. in an instant, no one talked to me anymore. aya had the whole school in her hand and she used it against me. school became a place that took my whole energy. it was exhausting to get up to go the same place that drained you every day. I couldn’t even seek help because of the relationship to my parents. my teacher even told me that I was probably just interpreting too much in the words of the others. I distanced myself from akaashi and bokuto. obviously, they tried to approach me several times but whenever I saw them, I felt my heart racing. my hands were shaking and I could only think of how to escape from them. sadly, this lasted longer than I remember.”
oikawa takes you into his arm. “I’m so sorry that you had to experience that.”
you feel his soft hair against your ear.
“it’s not your fault.”
“even if it’s not, it happened and it breaks my heart to know you were afraid of being with the people you appreciate so deeply.”
oikawa kisses your forehead: “I will make sure that you never feel that way again. I mean, I got the looks and personality and I’m dating you, so don’t worry about me. I will always be by your side because that’s how awesome I am.”
you could only smack your boyfriend: “decide whether you want to cheer me up or push your own ego.”
the two of you start to laugh, filling the dark, depressing room with happiness and comfort.
“so? does your every lasting drama end?” oikawa asks, not letting go of your hand.
“it does, but it wasn’t easy. somewhere in between, aya actually confessed to akaashi and that’s how things got even more out of hand. aya already manipulated the school and my feelings but that wasn’t enough for her. especially since akaashi rejected her. she stopped bullying me passively, she put more effort into letting me know how much she despised me. once, she humiliated me first in the morning. it was a winter day in January and she purred ice cold water all over me. my whole uniform got wet and I didn’t have any spare clothes so I had to sit in class with my wet uniform. my underwear was looking through and I was shivering from the cold the whole school day. no one even tried to offer me a hand, they acted like there was not a problem. akaashi and bokuto noticed me but I was too afraid at that time to talk to them properly so I just ran away. aya really pushed me to the edge. I never talked back or defended myself, that’s how little my confidence was but I think this just comes naturally? I mean, you just get more aware of yourself and your flaws, especially when everyone else is pointing them out. well, one time, for one time I talked back to her and it made her furious, she was about to slap me when bokuto luckily got in between. I’ve never seen him so disappointed. I couldn’t run away from him, so he took my hand to drag me out of that situation. he fetched akaashi and from that point on, things turned for the better. the three of us talked about the whole situation. I talked about my feelings more honestly and how aya must have manipulated the school and me. I told them how afraid I was to be with them and how exhausted I was of everything. akaashi confessed that he was afraid of aya, too, since she’s been following him ever since. he told us how aya followed him to his house, how she even talked to his parents and how she told them, she’s his girlfriend. it even went as far as her coming to his home occasionally whenever akaashi had practice so she can become more friendly with his parents. neither akaashi nor me felt safe anymore because of aya. bokuto obviously didn’t notice much since he was preparing for college and being only aware of that so late hurt him deeply. bokuto never said it out loud but he must have felt guilty since he did the first step by welcoming aya. in addition, he was already in his third year while akaashi and me had one more year to go. it broke his heart to leave school soon when right then we needed him the most. that’s how we promised to go to the same college and well, here we are. we wanted to make up the time we missed because of what happened. since aya had to leave, too, akaashi and I felt more comfortable at school. we never left the other because of how worried we were. we ignored the others and built our own world again, step by step. we did our best to go to the same college as bokuto. akaashi and I were overjoyed when we were accepted and couldn’t wait until college started. there was nothing that motivated us as much as being together again. unfortunately, things got a bit out of hand and now, there’s this mess in our friendship.” and with this said, you end the story. “I don’t really know what to do anymore because if we lose bokuto for real I... I just-”, you are at lost with words and can feel tears leaving the corner of your eyes. you can’t help it but after remembering so much about your friendship there’s no way you could not be this emotional.
oikawa lets out a deep sigh.
you don’t respond.
the air in the room is heavy and you wonder if your boyfriend had to endure this heaviness the whole time without you noticing it?
“I can’t believe that because of one person the three of you had to endure so much. it must have been painful”, oikawa comforts you, putting your head on his shoulder.
you let your tears roll down even more.
the room is filled with your sobs and your boyfriend strokes your head slowly.
“it’s hard, I can understand. you must be hurt and scared and I can totally understand that, too. I don’t have the right answer to this whole situation but I appreciate you telling me this, trusting me to this extent so thank you”, oikawa’s voice is low and calm, he takes his time to speak. he sincerely thinks about what to tell you. he wants you to feel understood and doesn’t want to rush the whole thing. it breaks his heart to have you crying in his arms right now because you feel so hopeless. it shatters his heart since he can’t come up with a solution.
“you probably know what people say, right? ‘communication is the key’. what you three should do is to talk personally, not over text messages. if you want and if the others allow it, I can stay by your side. maybe there’s even more behind bokuto’s actions than you think. there isn’t a right choice to pick for this situation and no one of you guys are at fault. you three were just unlucky with how things developed but you can work it out, just like in high school. I will also make sure to be by your side. I won’t leave you alone and I will always be there.”
you nod, appreciating oikawa’s presence.
“I’m really happy that you told me so much about yourself. I feel like I’m more connected to you”, oikawa whispers in the dark room.
the two of you lay down, oikawa hugging you. doing that, you can listen to his heart beat and start to calm down. from time to time your boyfriend gives you a kiss and thanks you for opening up and telling you over and over again that you’re not alone. the whole scenario repeats until the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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chiagappy · 5 years
Imagine in the Edo period, Josuke being the illegitimate child of a foreign king and a geisha who served under the emperor in Japan.
Tomoko would have been shunned by her own family and much worse by her own people for her betrayal to the king. So she fled the kingdom with the help of another geisha Aya, advised by her sympathic father to take her to a shrine in hopes they offered her sanctuary. It was the Kishibe Shrine, which held close connections with the Higashikata household throughout decades. They were received with no hindrances, only that she agreed to have her child be raised and serve the shrine, given the Higashikatas came from a lineage of samurai and trade merchants. 
Tomoko agrees with the terms and earns her stay despite the ridicule and resentment thrown her direction. She knew she would never see her family again, nor her lover, but she prayed for her child's survival. She decides to name her child Josuke once he was born.
Years pass and she manages to adjust to her duties as well as raise her child, with the guidance of Nanase Kishibe and Grandmother Kishibe. Soon enough Josuke was able to read and write at the age of 3 and perform small laborious tasks by 5. He was a fast learner, however he often wore his heart on his sleeve, a weakness when it came to all the shrine maidens and children that would whisper words about him. Avoiding him. Calling him a blue-eyed demon. A cursed child. Josuke couldn't understand it whenever it happened, but when it did he would find his mother in anger, if not weeping into her palms whenever she thought that Josuke fell asleep.
Because of those moments, he knew that he had to be strong for his mother because he was going to be a samurai someday and restore their honor.
So he worked harder with each day passing and honed his skills and strength that exceed most of his disciples in training. He was unmatched and quite popular, given his exotic features, with the shrine maidens and commoners in the nearby village by the time he reached his age of coming.
Josuke took no interest in romance as much as he did in having companions, as he viewed them as a distraction from his duties, but he couldn't deny his curiosity when he overheard Nanase talking to his mother about her nephew arriving at the Kishibe Shrine soon. She spoke highly of him, as she used the words "gifted" and "clairvoyance in prophetic readings," it was assumed he would be a good attraction to the shrine and bring in travelers from all over Japan.
He was apparently the same age as Josuke as well, causing Josuke to anticipate this new arrival. Soon enough, a carriage arrived the following day. Josuke couldn't partake in the welcoming, as he had to attend sword training, but he did steal a glimpse of a white robe with golden lining and evergreen hair. He knew he shouldn't have stopped what he was doing just to see him but he ended doing so as he stalked outside of the room where Nanase's nephew was- a large room, half of it sealed with a netted metal fence-like screen, similar to a confessional booth. Josuke slowly enters the room with cautious steps as he sees the boy in the white robe, sitting with legs folded on the floor jotting down words into a scroll on the other side of the room.
Curiously Josuke walks a little closer only to accidentally step on a creaky floorboard that draws the other's attention. Josuke was stunned to see emerald eyes piercing back at him as the other asked "who are you? You are not allowed to be here." Leaving Josuke to stutter an poor excuse and making the other laugh in response. It was a surprising bloom of a strange companionship.
Josuke would constantly visit Rohan afterwards, being Rohan's only friend and an annoying one at that according to the clairvoyant. They would pass their time over chrysanthemum tea and Josuke would be the first to ask about his day and his duties. He learns quickly that Rohan shares prophets and has built a reputation in accuracy according to locals and nobles alike. They called him Heaven's Door, because he was able to stop tragedy or bring fortune to those who seeked it. However when Josuke asked about who he served and his family, Rohan would refrain from doing so and dodge it all together, asking Josuke about himself, if not, asking if he could bring him items whenever he traveled out of the shrine; as he was never allowed to set foot out of the boundaries. Josuke never dared to ask him the reason behind it or insisted on him leaving because it was assumed that Rohan was an important figure. So to this Josuke promises to Rohan that one day they will be able to travel outside the shrine together when he's a full fledged samurai so he can protect him from any danger. Rohan was speechless at his declaration, but decides to harshly joke on Josuke on how he would never hire such an oaf of a samurai like him, despite the butterflies filling his chest at those words.
The time they shared was short yet they felt like they  had known each other for years, and slowly but surely they grew closer, unaware of the tragedy that befalls them next.
 It began with an innocent thought.
Josuke insisted to Rohan that they should both attend the Midsummer festival since this was a time of the year to celebrate, even for those in the shrine. Naturally Rohan refuses, deeming his safety and duties a priority but Josuke manages to convince him after telling him how there's a variety of art pieces he can witness. He knew how much Rohan loved paintings and carved trinkets so it was bound to interest Rohan! After much persistence,  he wins Rohan over and they both snucked out later that evening, hand-in-hand in long cloaks.
Rohan vaguely remembers the last time he was able to go to a festival like the one he was attending, and fell in awe with the sights and sounds of the town covered in lanterns and booths. He's never seen such an assortment of dancers and musicians parading the street in glee. He was especially impressed by the fireworks, very impressed that he clung on to the taller man the first time they had set off. Josuke couldn't help but find it endearing and relents from teasing the clairvoyant. They both secretly wished that this moment would last forever, unbeknownst to them that someone was keeping an close on the pair.
It happens the following day, where Rohan was to perform his divinations to a large gathering during the festivities at the shrine that he was struck with an arrow. The crowd was in disarray along with the Kishibe household members and shrine members present, while Josuke sought out after the intruder. He managed to catch them and before anyone had a chance to stop him, he plunged his sword into them and killed them.
He couldn't help himself after realizing that this intruder was hired by someone in the shrine. A traitor.
He had failed to protect Rohan, and even worse failed to uphold the honor he worked so hard to earn, now being stared at like the demon they thought he assumed he was behind pokered faces. He was placed under house arrest, barred and cuffed before being sentenced to death. He was told that an anonymous letter was shared with the Kishibe family, showing evidence that he had taken Rohan outside the temple warranting death for endangering the clairvoyant. Of course, Rohan begged on behalf of his life, admitting that he had strayed away from Josuke during the time, and agreed that he would never perform a divination if Josuke was not allowed to live, went as far as to threaten to take his own life if he had to. So the Kishibe family agreed to his terms but only if he agreed to never be allowed to see him again.
Josuke's heart broke at the news of this, wept more than he ever had in his lifetime- all the hardships he faced while growing up, his mother's passing couldn't compare to the amount of turmoil he felt at this moment. He had to figure out who was responsible for the assasination attempt, but first he had to tell Rohan before it was too late.
After several days passed, Josuke overhears that Rohan was to leave the shrine by the next morning and he manages to break his own thumbs to slip out of his handcuffs and find a way out of his cell- with the help of a neighboring inmate from the cell across from him. He reaches Rohan's quarters carefully so as to not get noticed by the guards and makes it in only to find Rohan lying in a futon with thick bandages over his chest. He softens at the sight and approaches closer, gently squeezing his hand on Rohan's. The latter stirs, barely conscious but sees Josuke's silhouette in the darkness of the room. He begins to cry, whispering to him to leave before he gets caught but Josuke refuses saying he missed him and he had to warn him about the traitor in the shrine. He proposes they both flee from the shrine as it would be safer for Rohan but Rohan refuses, telling him to leave despite his tight shaky grip on Josuke's hand. Josuke does what he thinks would be the best way to calm Rohan down and presses a kiss on his lips, successfully making him stop trying to push Josuke away. Rohan flushes immediately that Josuke quickly remembers that this was his first kiss- no their first kiss, Rohan being sworn into celibacy, and also shared with a man no less, but it didn't stop him from pressing more kisses on Rohan. He realized he was in love with the clairvoyant and that he had felt the same. After some time, they both regain their composure and Josuke continues to persuade Rohan to consider the idea about eloping together to a town outside the boundaries of the emperor's rule, they can leave behind their identities and do what they want together. He can do what he wants. Freedom.
And so they fled the shrine in the hopes of a new beginning. (I can go on but it would be rather long, that's all my sick brain could muster also please don't butcher me about history uvu;)
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spc4eva · 4 years
Mandokar: Chapter Three
Summary: Sena must conquer her first battle to fully understand what it is to be Mandalorian and not a princess. The First Trial looms on the horizon, but the galaxy is not a kind place.
Word Count: 15,610
Rating: M (18+) for the end duckies
Trigger Warnings !! :  Latter part of the chapter has brief details of sexual assault (not to the main characters) please use caution.
Author Notes:  Remember that Jedi and Nobility tend to have 'English' accents. Whereas Outer Rim and regular blue collar people tend to have 'American' accents. Definitely something people would notice.
Crossposted on AO3
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"What's going on with you and Aya?" Xivi asked during their routine practice. The girls were hanging upside down on the pullup bars seeing who could last longer. It was always Sena, but Xivi still tried to best her.
A month had passed since Aya began her minor infractions toward Sena. She'd been a lot more careful, especially to make a point not to use her full strength against her in combatives when they were stuck together, but there were times that the girl could've pulled her punches more. Rather than give her any satisfaction, she dealt with each blow and started to humiliate Aya when she had the opportunity to. Want to throw hard punches? Fine, Sena could dance around her like a squirrel beneath a clumsy troll. She could also strike just as hard, despite her size. The first time she'd planted a full on blow on Aya, she thought the girl was going to snitch. However, Aya kept her trap shut, thus Sena did as well.
On top of that, Aya continued to be annoying. Bumping her, tripping her, pulling her plait - anything she could do to get under her skin. Papa's words echoed through her head, words she had never heeded back in Genmaris. Be the bigger person. Never acknowledge those who bother you, in which case you'll hold the power, not them. So, she practiced her patience, each grinding, aggravating fiber of it and realized she did have power over Aya. Satisfaction would be derived from Sena throwing a fit and she had decided she wouldn't give her that luxury.
"Eh, she's still mad at me or something," Sena shrugged, trying to play it off and diminish the twinge of anxiety she felt each day wondering what Aya would try to do.
"Over inviting her to practice with us, still?" Xivi's voice hitched and she shook her head. "You should challenge her to a duel."
Sena snorted. "And lose?"
"Fair point," Xivi grumbled, almost forgetting that Sena would fail miserably at a hand to hand fight with the girl. "Well, if she keeps doing it, I'll fight her."
"Thanks, but it's not that bad."
"We're all vod . You didn't do anything wrong and if you did, she should challenge you for her honor, not skulk around and take her frustrations out on you. What happened to her buir sucks, but it's not like you shoved that in her face. She's being a shabuir because she's jealous of you."
Jealous? Sena blinked a few times. Was it really jealousy? She had just assumed that Aya was just hanging onto a grudge because she was hurting. Turning over a new leaf, Sena had not wanted to alienate her further by bringing this issue to the adults. "What makes you say that?"
"Because you're better at things than her. You're faster, smarter, and the teachers know that. Aya was never going to make a great hunter. Not before you got here and not since you've arrived. Then you show up, fast enough to keep up with Djarin, you have the teachers praising you, and y'know, it's history from there. I think she has a crush on Din, which is probably why she hasn't stopped."
"On that kriffing buckethead?" Sena chortled, watching as her friend swung her legs back down and touched the ground. What was there to like about Din Djarin? He barely talked and any brushes she had with him were curt. "I won again."
"We knew this was going to happen," Xivi grumbled, holding her head. "And why not? He's the top of the class."
Sena leapt down, sporting an elegant flip before sticking the landing like a loth-cat. Maybe there was attraction in mysteriousness, but Sena still thought he was annoying and not a good sport. They could’ve had a better rivalry if he didn’t act like he had a stick up his butt half the time.
"Show off," Xivi poked.
"But why do you say it like that? He barely talks to anyone, let alone me," Sena pointed out.
"Yeah, I know, but obviously Aya doesn't have a lot of brain cells or she would've realized you and Djarin are rivals," Xivi reasoned. "And he does talk to you more than most people."
" Lek , to be rude, not to profess his love for me."
" Vod of few words. Except for youuuu ," Xivi sang, clasping her hands together as she pretended to swoon.
" Ne'johaa ! You know it's not like that!" Sena hissed, cheeks burning beneath her bucket. "What about you and Kedth? You think I'm blind?" She tried to round the conversation on her friend, keenly aware that Xivi had been sitting next to the boy in class and doting on him. Sometimes he joined them for Mando'a studying and practice.
"I do like Kedth, but at least I'll admit it," Xivi snickered, hands planted on her hips as she made a silly, but mocking noise.
"I don't even know him! He's just all broody and quiet," Sena complained, trying to convince Xivi. While she enjoyed her rivalry with Din, because it kept her on her toes, she didn't know much more about him. In fact, she knew less about him than any of her other peers which she'd seen outside of class and trained with - with the exception of Aya.
"The two tops of the class, sitting in a tree, M-U-R-C-Y-"
Sena headbutted Xivi, taking her down to the ground where the girls scrambled in the grass, rolling around like playing pogs. A bit of giggling and squealing ensued as they fought for dominance, which was short-lived when Sena clamped onto her back and attempted to put her into a headlock. Xivi sat up and bashed her into the ground, winding her, before seizing the opportunity to throw her off. Tackling her down, Xivi restrained her, clucking in disappointment.
"You suck at combatives. You'll definitely lose if you fight Aya," Xivi told her as if it were glaringly obvious. "You should get your Ori'vod to teach you better."
"All Paz has to do is poke me and I'll break," Sena laughed.
"More like breathe on you."
"Alright, alright," she squirmed at the insults. Now this was just turning into a roast session. If it had been anyone other than Xivi, she might have taken offense. But from the first day, the two had clicked like a cartridge in a firearm, two bolts to be fired one after another. Finally, she was released and could sit up, frowning at all the grass stuck in her armor. Xivi stood up and wrenched her up to her feet, patting her off. "I'll get you back later. You know that I can sneak up on anyone in the Tribe and they'll never see it coming."
" Jai'galaar ," she brushed the shriek-hawk eyes on Sena's pauldron, painted in white. "Almost like you fly around when you're sneaking."
"One day we'll both fly. Once we get our jetpacks," Sena reminded her. Their Rising Phoenix drills weren't until next year, but everyone was still excited to start them and put all their theories and lessons into practice.
Returning home for the night, she was surprised to find that Paz wasn't lingering around. Instead, it was just her buir , set over the table with a simple dinner. Over the weeks, her tongue had become desensitized toward the spiciness, though nothing had been as hot as the first night where they'd intentionally over done the heat for a laugh. Now, she sort of liked the burn and the way it would clear her sinuses right up.
" Su'cuy buir ," she greeted, pulling her helmet off and going over to the sink to wash her hands. "Where's Ori'vod ?"
"Our for recon this week," Hux replied, waiting patiently for her to sit down with him.
"Oh he must be thrilled," she snickered, aware that Paz wasn't a fan of having to do stealth missions or having to navigate through landscapes and shoot azimuths. "Where did they go? It's not too hard to navigate around here. Unless you're trying to find a load of banthas instead of nerfs."
"Off plant. What are your plans for the weekend?" Hux inquired conversationally.
"Probably train with Xivi." Plans were loose and formed mostly on whim. Prior weekends mingled with a few other peers, but usually it was the same. Hang out, get some work done, talk about their academics, maybe shoot a little banter, but everyone was keen on keeping up with their work and not falling behind. Even young Terri was around often.
"Set in stone?"
" Nayc . Why?"
Hux creased a tempered smile at her, one that set her skin on fire and stood her hair on end. "Well, if you've got a little free time for your buir , I think I might have a few kal'e laying around."
"I'm free. All weekend. Never been freer," Sena informed him, her attempt to not seem hasty thwarted. Xivi wouldn't be upset if she wanted to spend time with her buir . She'd gotten to train with Paz often, trying to get better at her hand to hand combat, but Hux was almost always busy. Often he was gone on hunts to support the Tribe. Since being on the Kote , she hadn't been given another chance to show her buir how far she had come or train with him again. Now he was offering to play with knives with her. They hadn't done much knife combat in class yet, so getting ahead on this would be ideal.
" Jate . 0600 tomorrow morning. How are your classes going?"
The food was surprisingly savory today, mixed with root vegetables and rice. "Academics are easy still. I have learned quite a bit about land nav, which I also like. At least one Vizsla will have a brain cell devoted to reconnaissance."
Hux snorted into his ale, spewing a little. Clearing his throat, he spoke, "Nidak tells me you've been having a little trouble with one of your vod ."
Her spoon froze and she very carefully lifted her head to look at him. Nibak had noticed? How much did she know? Nibak hadn't mentioned anything to her. "We don't get along, but it's alright. When it comes down to the wire, we're still vod ."
"Cut the princess diplomacy out," Hux's voice was hard and stern, drawing her eyes back up. She hadn’t heard this side of him since Anaxes when he had spoken to papa. It was cold, all beskar and blaster fire, and unyielding. "If this vod is insulting you, then you must face her. Ignoring her shows weakness."
" Buir , I can't fight her. She's twice my size. I thought if I was the bigger person she'd stop eventually." But it had been a month. How much longer should she wait before it turned into something that ended up getting her hurt?
"You make Clan Vizsla seem weak by tolerating it. What will you do when you begin hunting and face foes much larger than yourself? You will always be small. Did that stop you when you fought the stormtrooper?"
Her face was heating, eyes glaring down at her food at her buir 's scolding. "But I can't fight her with a knife. If I ask her to duel, then I'll have to do it hand to hand."
"Then do it. What is the worst that happens? You fail, but defended your honor?"
These words hung over the dinner table, pressing a heavy weight on her shoulders, going against what her papa had taught her. Fight? Of course she would if it came down to that, but wouldn't it be a dishonor to lose outright? "Ok," she whispered, washing down the lump in her throat with the mulled juice. "I'll challenge her on Monday."
" Jate ," Hux sat back, lightening considerably. "When you do it, make certain that others can see. Throw your glove at her feet and demand a fight. She can do it there or at a later time. The decision is up to the opponent.
"Do not doubt yourself. Paz tells me you are a better fighter than you give yourself credit for. Confidence helps in fights. If you think you are going to lose, you'll lose before the battle has even begun."
That was easier said than done. For all the skill she had, it could be overwhelmed in an instant if she wasn't careful. Aya was much stronger than her and it'd only take one good throw for Sena to be indisposed for too long. If she fought, she'd have to rely on every ounce of her agility to tire the pink buckethead out. She must've been glaring at her food still, because Hux let out a small sigh.
"You are doing well, ad'ika . You have the promise of a great hunter, but the path is not easy and there will be those who think you weak. If you let those people walk all over you, you shall suffer in the long term. Being a hunter is not only a physical skill, but one regarding respect. You cannot let Aya hold her dominance over you and ignore it."
The more she thought about it, the more she realized she'd let it go on for too long. Trying to be the bigger person, thinking herself so smug in the fact that she ignored Aya... Only to be shocked that it was quite the opposite. Aya was making the fool out of her and Sena hadn't even realized it. Maybe that's why Xivi had brought it up, trying to get Sena to pick a fight without outright telling her that she needed to. Xivi was trying to be a good friend and she appreciated her vod's tactful approach, but her buir had laid it out to bear. Fight Aya or disgrace the aliit further. There was only one choice.
Complicated. Why is everything so opposite here? she wondered quietly, enjoying the rest of the evening with her buir , settling on the couch to watch some holovids and relax. He wasn't papa, but Hux filled the shoes as best as he could. Not once had he made her feel unwelcome and since the adoption ceremony, had called and treated her as his daughter. To outsiders, the affection shared between the both of them over the course of such a brief time might seem odd, but Sena didn't think so. He wasn't like papa at all, but he was the only father she had now and Sena wasn't willing to let him go.
She fell asleep against his shoulder, only waking up when she felt herself being set down in bed. "Alarm clock-" she mumbled.
"I'll wake you up tomorrow, cyar'ika . Go to sleep."
‘Wake you up’ in Mandalorian is never a gentle term. Even if your buir tucks you in and gives you a keldable kiss goodnight, not waking up on your own came with risks. Sena woke up to the sound of an alarm blaring in her room, the high pitched squeal resounding from her buir's vambrace. The noise was as wretched and piercing as nails on a chalkboard. She toppled out of bed, hearing his muffled chortling through his modulator as he stepped out of the room and she groaned into the carpet.
" Vaar'tur !"
"Dank farrik-" she rubbed her ears, which were still ringing, cursing Hux's name beneath her breath. Cursing was developing into a rather bad habit for her, but then again everyone cursed here. Over the weeks, she'd learned how to dress swiftly, how to deftly attach her armor, and lace up her boots with a single, good yank. Tucking her ears away, she plaited her hair and threw her helmet on, blaster in its holster, and trotting out, barely having time to react as he threw her a piece of fruit for breakfast.
Eating fast also came with Mandalorian territory and this meant forsaking all her courtesy lessons. Rubbing the juice off her chin, tossed the core in the trash and ran out the door after her buir. "Where are we going?"
He had a duffle bag over his shoulder, striding out behind the house and toward the plains which were blushed with the sunrise. Slanting shades of amber and pink wrapped the hills in a warm, lovely embrace. She saw it every morning, but had always admired the beauty of nature, even if it was opposite of Anaxes. She wished she could smell it, but resolved to filling her diaphragm with air before wooshing out a wistful sigh, chased quickly with a grin.
"Meeting up with Fos," he retorted.
"Fos-" Before she could ask the next question, she saw the unpolished armor of the mando in question, flanked closely by his ad ; Din Djarin. Groaning quietly, she kept close to her buir, leveling a narrowed glare at the boy. Great. Couldn't even have a weekend together, it had to be with them. She didn’t know Fos very well, but it was obvious that her buir respected him from the subtle posture and leveling of his helmet as the two squared off in an acknowledging greeting.
With a thud, he set down the bag and began opening it, unfurling blankets filled with various daggers, knives, and blades. Her eyes grew round like golden suns beneath her helmet, ogling the arsenal as if it had been made in Manda for just her. A few were for practice, hewn of wood and balanced properly to simulate a regular blade. Until this point, there’d been little blade combat, only getting to use practice ones once since her arrival. “Pick the ones you want.”
Unable to resist, she tilted her helmet toward Din. “You heard him, ladies first.”
Din just leered at her silently, stiff and unmoving.
Fos chuckled, “Definitely your ad .”
She took it as a compliment, straightening slightly, but decided to spare Din and also wanted to pick first. Bending down, she swiped up the two largest, which weren’t quite swords, but also were too slender, curved, and angled to be dirks. One was longer than the other, the smallest half the length. “Shoto and tanto,” Hux told her, making her grin widely beneath her helmet. She already had names in mind if she was allowed to keep them. “Take a practice dagger as well.” Obeying, she took one, holding her prizes as she waited for Din to select his weapons.
He contemplated a little longer than her, which made her chew her lip, wondering if she’d been premature and if there was a cooler weapon than the two blades she took. Eventually, he settled with a long vibro-blade which reminded her of Paz’s Bantha-Sticker. Rather than pit the two kids together, the broke off and her buir began to explain the weapons that she had chosen.
“The shoto and tanto are good weapons for kyramud , which you will make one day when you are a hunter. See the curve of the blades and only one side which is sharpened? … These are made for slicing and while they can penetrate the skin in a stab, they are not used in the same manner as a double edged blade. There are variants on grips, which you know the standard, but showed interest in the reverse grip or icepick grip. For these weapons, a reverse grip would be useful as you can deflect blows with the flat of the blade rather than the edge. It is going to take a considerable amount of practice to know both grips, but it’ll suit your abilities quite well as you’ve proven before that you have talent with assassinations. Image what you could do in close combat with these?”
She leaned into every word, clinging like a life raft in an ocean, as Hux continued to teach her about the purpose, applications, pros and cons of the weapons. Since they were blades, she still had to be careful about positions she put herself in. Given her acrobatic abilities, in tight areas, she would win. A blaster was more difficult to maneuver and if she got the jump, her enemies would almost always fall from a swift addition of a second smile. Eventually, they moved on to apply the grips, the standard coming easily as she’d used knives before and the icepick requiring a bit more finesse. Fortunately, only one side was sharpened, so she wasn’t too worried about cutting herself.
Rotating through different forms, strengthening exercises, and strikes the day listed on and they broke for lunch in the grass. For once, Djarin came and sat beside her as she picked at the grass.
“What did your buir mean you have talent with assassinations?”
Ah, so it wasn’t to have a normal conversation, he’d overheard Hux and was curious. Either way, she supposed he wasn’t being a little shit. “When my aliit found me the Empire was attacking my home. My ori’vod got a little lost-” she chuckled lightly, realizing now he didn’t have the more stellar sense of direction. “-and cornered. I snuck up on a stormtrooper and cut his throat, buying Paz enough time to shoot the others. Wasn’t the most graceful thing, but I’d managed to go unnoticed and launch myself at one like a feral loth-cat. Got right in between the helmet and chestplate.” She marked on her own neck where she’d plunged the blade, skin prickling with a twinge of adrenaline at the memory.
“ You managed to sneak up on a stormtrooper?” he was disbelieving, as if her story had been made up to make herself sound cooler than she was.
Beneath her bucket, she frowned and narrowed her eyes at the boy. “ Yes , I did,” she sneered back haughtily. “You asked what my buir was referring to. That’s it. I know how to use a knife somewhat already.”
Returning to his brooding, she rolled her eyes and set her chin on top of her knees as she gazed out amongst the moors, rolling like green ocean waves. “I’ve not killed anyone yet,” Din muttered, gloves plunging into the grass, tearing handfuls out at the admission.
Oh. That’s what it was about? “It’s nothing to boast about,” she shrugged, but knew she was wrong there. Mandalorians prized battle prowess and the ability to neutralize targets. Sena already had her first kill and it hadn’t been with a blaster, it had been up close and personal. “Anyways, who’s keeping count. Unless… you want to, in which case I’m already winning.” Her trademark, dopey grin unfurled beneath her bucket as the boy jolted up and snapped his visor toward her.
“That’s not fair. You had a headstart-”
“ Not fair ? You’ve been training way longer than I have. Should be easy for you to beat me as soon as we’re allowed to hunt,” she countered airly, puffing her chest up and being as indignant as she could to ruffle his feathers. “I’m only ahead by one.” A macabre game, but one that would happen either way. They’d kill people. Her intention wasn’t to be sociopathic and purposely go looking for folks to murder. No, it would lighten the burden of those they did kill, making it easier to cope with the fact that their hands would spill so much blood. And it amused her that she was technically already beating Din.
“You’ll be ahead by one for a while ,” he pointed out, their training still slated for at least a couple more years before the covert would even consider taking them off planet.
“Fine, if you don’t want to play-”
“I’ll play,” he interrupted tartly.
“Well, as of right now you’re losing,” she announced gleefully.
“You said-”
“Still winning,” she boasted. “Plus, knife kills are way harder. Blaster just takes a trigger pull, does the rest of the job for you. What I did requires finesse, talent, and grace.” Now she was just milking it, seeing how far she could go before Djarin got irritated and just left.
“Considering you can’t use most firearms…” he drew his rebuttal out, making her scoff at him.
“ Hey! One day when I’m bigger I will be able to!”
“Bigger?” he gave her a one over, as if that were out of the question and she’d be as big as a Jawa her entire life.
“ Ne'johaa , Djarin!” she squeaked, giving him a shove that unbalanced him and made him fall over in the grass. “I just have to grow up. I won’t be this tiny all my life.”
Sitting up, he returned the shove, easily sending her flopping to the ground. Quickly, the pushing devolved into an all out brawl, the pair toppling in the grass and scuffling as the adults did nothing but watch on with amusement. “You’ll always be smaller than me!” he grunted between parrying her strikes. There were no rules right now, so anything was fair game. She wasn’t play fighting with Xivi, she wanted to pummel Djarin into the ground.
He flung her off by driving his boot into her belt, jetting his leg up to propel her over his head. Sena adjusted quickly, able to turn in the air to land on her knees. A glove locked around her wrist, but she wasn’t willing to be dragged up so quickly again. She bunched the strength in her knees and headbutted Din’s bucket hard enough that her teeth rattled. Both sprung to their feet, Djarin threw the first open palmed strike, which she ducked beneath. She’d only get a few good chances to land a decent blow and his guard was much better than anyone else she had faced until this point.
Coiled like a serpent, she bided her time, turning blows rather than letting the entire shock of parrying hit her small frame. Paz had taught her that, telling her that parrying would hurt her more than glancing or diverting. Since she was light on her feet, she shouldn’t ever need to parry unless she was injured or cornered. Strike, strike, turn, strike. Then she saw it, the small opening which she could dive through. Jolting for it, she realized in horror that it had been a trick to bring her closer and she didn’t have the time to evade as Din leaned into his feint. Her palm still met his chest, driving a puff of air through his vocoder, but he caught her by the same wrist and threw her right to the ground.
The battle was lost, the impact squeezing every ounce of air from her lungs as she gasped like a fish out of water. Taking the dominant mounting position, he raised his hand in a strike, waiting for her to tap out. She squirmed a few times, but knew she had been beat. “ Fine! ” she relented, glad that he wasn’t putting his full weight on her.
What he did next absolutely surprised her, getting up from the ground and offering her a hand up. She accepted, easily wrenched up to her feet, able to hear the fluttering of her heart in her ears, breathing hard, but elated from the thrill of the battle. Her pride was a little wounded, but it wasn't as if she thought she would win. Din had years of training on her. Despite that, the fact he was top of the class made her want to best him to prove to her buir that she was an asset to Clan Vizsla, not some soft little princess. He was the biggest hurdle to leap, because Paz was way too far off from her capabilities. All her brother had to do was bear hug her and she couldn't lift a finger. Djarin was bigger than her (as were most people) but at least she had the confidence to stand toe to toe with him.
Lunch ended and they picked back up on their lessons for the remainder of the day. She learned quite a bit, but also knew that her skill would require repetition. Nothing could be earned in an instant. Silently, she was debating when she would slot the time after classes to keep her blade training, contemplating doing it after the sun had set and her work with Xivi was finished. After dinner she usually just had her tea, but Paz and Hux wouldn't bother her if she went outside in the back to practice. She could still get plenty of sleep and squeeze in a couple of hours to hone herself. Out of everything she'd done until this point - aside from running and obstacle courses - playing with the knives was her favorite.
"Keep those and maybe one day you'll be able to forge them of beskar," Hux told her, handing her the sheathes for them.
The shoto and tanto were made of durasteel, strong enough to rend some armor, but also requiring sharpening and care. They could be fractured or chipped more easily than beskar. Taking her new toys with her to bed, she took paint to the holsters and wrote their names on them in Mando'a runes; the shoto was Cu'Sith and the tanto Pog-Sticker. The girl was so excited, that she fell asleep with them in her arms, tucked into bed, forgetting to set her alarm again, dreaming about running through the forests of Genmaris.
Shrill screeches thrust her out of bed again, her buir huffing in mild disappointment as she didn't tangle herself in her blankets and fall out of bed. Either way, his icy eyes gave her a hard look before he left the room and she groused underneath her breath. Her disdain was short lived as she dressed up and scampered out of her room, catching the fruit, and scarfing it down before trotting after Hux. She wished every weekend was like this, with the exception of Din Djarin and instead being replaced with her brother. She had found comfortable positions to strap her blades onto her, equipped on her belt, where they would remain permanently. None of the other vod in her class had such amazing kal'e .
By this point, Sena had decided that she wanted to live and breathe everything about knives and blades. Her inability to use a good amount of firearms while she was still so slight led to her predisposition to ask an unrelentless amount of questions. Hux had her work with some throwing knives, the vibro-blades vibrating with power between her fingers as she tried to learn how to toss them, rotating the handle to her pads, and aiming to plunk it into the center of the targets. She wasn't any good at it, which was sort of aggravating, seeing that she wanted to be good at it, but Hux reminded her that perfection took lots and lots of practice.
When school came on Monday, she found herself still so overhyped with her amazing weekend, that the thought that she had to challenge Aya was in the back of her mind. Look at these cool new weapons! No one else had a shoto or tanto! She made certain to show her friends, but was careful not to say the name of her shoto, as it was an animal indigenous to Anaxes. Standing outside at lunch, Kedth, Xivi, Terri, and Oyiin were clustered around her, showing off their own vibro-blades, which all looked like little toothpicks in comparison to her awesome new swords.
"And what are you going to do with those, vaar'ika ?" Aya couldn't contain herself from butting in, drawn in by the comradery of the group - one that she did not share with them. Spiteful and teasing in her tone, the others tilted her helmets up and Sena knew why. By this point, it was no secret that Aya had been picking on her, though Xivi was the only one who had brought it up until the point. The others kept their mouths shut, knowing it wasn't their place to try and tell Sena how to approach the situation.
"Stick pigs," Sena answered darkly, holding her tanto in an icepick grip. "Want to be the first?"
Everyone was astonished by her uncharacteristically menacing words. Sena was typically lighthearted and goofy, mild mannered, and helpful when she could be. She did have a bit of a temper when it came to friendly rivalries with her peers, but she'd always chosen diplomacy over threats until this point. Buir had been right - cut the princess shit out.
Aya was just as taken aback, eventually finding her words as she barked a laugh in an attempt to brush it off. "Got something to say to me, Vizsla?"
" Lek , I do," she shoved her tanto back into its sheath with a loud click, sauntering forward with her shoulders thrown back. Reaching for her right glove, she pulled it off in the slowest, most methodical manner she could - one single finger at a time - before throwing it down at Aya's feet. "I challenge you to a duel for insulting the honor of Clan Vizsla. Name the time and date." Despite the calm voice, her heart was beating erratically and she could have sworn everyone could hear her heavy mouth breathing. She was going to lose, but she couldn't let that show.
Flabbergasted that Sena had finally snapped, Aya's visor just tilted down at the glove. Finally, she laughed again. "Today after class. Out by the obstacle course."
" Koor ," taking her glove, she returned amongst her friends, face billeting with heat beneath her helmet as she tried not to feel absolutely sick. The beat down was coming and even her buir 's words about being more confident didn't change the fact that she was half Aya's size.
Xivi slapped her on the back reassuringly. "Kick her shebs today. Maybe she'll get her head out of there."
"Just tire her out. She might be bigger than you, but she's got no stamina. You could run circles for hours," Kedth added, squeezing her pauldron. "'Bout time. Xivi and I were talking about catching Aya after class one day. Glad you challenged her."
"You were?" Sena blinked a few times, some of her nerves slipping away.
" Lek ! She's been insulting you when you did nothing wrong," Kedth hissed, crossing his arms over his chestplate. "We're all vod . We help each other out. She's been pushing Terri around too."
Terri nodded slowly. "I think she just likes to push those that are a lot smaller than her. Hut'uun. "
She had not been aware of that, but felt her frown deepen beneath her helmet. Beating on Sena was one thing because they were closer in age, but Terri? Terri was 10! All the pity she'd once felt for Aya was gone. Even if there were churning emotions that estranged her from the rest of the group, that didn't give her the right to take it out on the smallest in her class. Empathy could only go so far and the rest of the vod were getting fed up with the behavior. At least, this way, Sena could save Aya the embarrassment of getting her shebs kicked by multiple people.
"If you get the opening, give her a good one right here," Oyiin tilted his head up and pointed to the base of his jaw. "You know how to plant your strikes. That will take her down."
For the remainder of lunch, her friends gave her pointers, which considerably bolstered her confidence. They thought she could win! It was true that Aya was out of shape in comparison to her, so maybe she could just wear her down to the point where one good hit would render the fight. According to the rules of a duel, there was only a loss if one of them was rendered unconscious or forfeited. This meant that bones could be broken and the fight could still continue. Word spread like wildfire, though the mandos in Paz's class were still out on their recon.
By the time class ended and Sena was pumping herself up for the fight, all of her classmates had mustered out by the course. But not only just them. Thak, Nibak, Fos, Hux, Bhone, the Armorer, the Smith, and Rhenx were also in attendance along with Lolli and a few of the children, including Zim. In a moment, all the confidence she had shattered into a million pieces as she comprehended how important this fight actually was. Half of her had been expecting that it was just going to be her 10 peers watching, not their teachers and parents.
"Hey, good luck today," Djarin stopped her before she headed down the hill, giving her a hard look. Those were the nicest words she'd heard from him.
"Gonna kriffing need it," she snorted, wringing her hands together before approaching where she was gonna get her shit kicked in.
Her buir motioned for her to come over, her chest tightening as she trotted up to Hux and gazed up with wide, horrified eyes. He crouched down in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "No matter what happens today, you defended the clan's honor," he reminded her, bumping her helmet with his. "You are not a hut'uun ."
He had to have felt her shaking, the palpable fear rolling off of her, thankful for her bucket to hide her paling face and sagging ears. Removing her weapon belt, she handed it off to him and approached Aya who was waiting between the small crowd that was gathered. Towering over her like a mountain to a hill, Sena stepped up to the plate.
"Can still withdraw your offer, naar'ika ," Aya offered smugly.
"Scared?" Sena spat back indignantly.
"I'm not pulling my punches today," she growled.
They both turned around, walked three paces, faced each other and the fight began. The words of encouragement and tactics her friends had given her were running through her mind. She'd taken down a stormtrooper. Aya wasn't as big as that soldier. Anything was fair game. Patience was not her opponent's virtue and it was obvious the pink buckethead wanted to throttle her into the ground. Light and limber on her feet, Sena darted around her, dodging punches and open palmed strikes like a dragonfly in the wind - impossible to catch, illusive, and swift. There were noises around them, cheers, comments, and taunts. But she heard nothing.
Only the calm buzz in her ears, the hyperfocus as she predicted Aya's clumsy moves. Strength might be on her side, but she did not practice. The months leading up until this point were Sena's advantage as well as the wrath which propelled the other girl forward. Seeing only red when there was much more to observe. The minute plants of Sena's toes as she glided on the grass, once rolling out of the way, another time evading a grab as if she were made of mist. Aya was getting slower, expending too much energy in trying to catch a ghost and each movement Sena observed and calculated. They were done in sloppy rotations, harping upon the forms they would use in class. There was no independent thinking or tactful readjustment. Aya was only using what she had learned, rather than fighting with instinct.
The moment came, the desperation creeping into Aya's weary muscles as she charged at Sena. Bunching her muscles, the Anaxian was coiled like a nexu ready to pounce - and she did. Vaulting, she sprung over Aya as she tried to throw herself down to meet Sena's crouching form. Her left boot planted on the pink bucket like it was a swaying tree branch in Genmaris. The impact unbalanced her opponent, causing her to fall; Sena flipping gracefully like she had after dropping from the pull up bars with Xivi on multiple occasions. Sticking the landing like a loth-cat hopping down from its perch, she rounded and drove with breakneck haste. Aya was stumbling to her feet, a hand placed on her knee as she panted. Her helmet tilted up and Sena saw the exact location Oyiin had told her about.
Sena threw her first punch.
Her fist cracked back after connecting with the exposed jaw of Aya. Pain exploded in her knuckles, but she didn't pull back. Swaying, Aya dropped like a stone, thumping onto the ground, groaning and still choking for air. " Ori'jagyc, " Sena declared, turning around, aware that she had won. She had kriffing won. How the hell was that possible? Her eyes went down to Zim as he squealed in delight, pointing and babbling loudly to Lolli. "Zim’ika, wha-" her words were strangled out of her throat as a bicep curled around her from behind. Lifted entirely off the ground, she kicked futilely as her vision began blurring immediately.
Shouting ensued and she was dropped to the ground, her chest heaving as she drank in the air, confused as to what had just happened. Hux was bent over her, snarling in Mando'a and she saw why. Craning her head, Aya had been thrown to the ground again as she sobbed loudly, being reprimanded by Thak who had peeled her off of Sena.
"You have lost! Attacking an opponent from behind in a duel is cowardly!" he was snarling, the rage that Paz once warned her about, bubbling over. It was true. She had never seen her teacher this furious before, his words lancing into the air with vindication enough for all the spirits in Manda to hear "How dare you! You insult the honor of the Tribe and our ways!"
But rather than listen to him continue to berate her, she felt her attention drawn back up to her buir . " Kandosii! Kandosii !" her repeated, just loud enough for her to hear, but with fervor and insistence. The earnesty and depth of his words tethering her back to reality, grounding her. "I'm so proud, cyar'ika. So proud."
Tears formed in the corners of her eyes at his praise, nodding into his helmet as he squeezed her shoulders. Silently, she let them slip down, her heart still beating rapidly, blinded by the water in her eyes as he continued to mutter to her.
"You will make a great hunter, cyar'ika, " he insisted, bringing her up to her feet, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Everyone had remained, much to her chagrin, and she hoped they hadn't heard her sniffling. She hadn't been crying because she was upset or hurt by Aya's last grab, but because she was utterly overwhelmed by her emotions. Between the shock of her win to her buir 's congratulations, she had brought honor to Clan Vizsla and it almost made her heart explode with pride. For the first time in her life, Sena felt as if she truly belonged. Surrounded by all her vod , by her adopted father, and finally having purpose, she was soaking her face with tears beneath her bucket. Sena had never wanted to be a princess and get married and waste her life away in a gilded cage. She had wanted this. Acknowledging that it had cost all of Anaxes for this to happen - hurt.
"We knew it! We knew you could beat her!" Xivi bowled into her, drawing her out of her buir 's grasp and squeezing the life out of her.
"That was Kandosii! " Terri squealed. "The way you flipped over her! And how you were so evasive! I didn't know you were so agile!"
"She can do all sorts of tricks," Xivi gushed. "I think there's a nexu under that bucket, not a Sephi."
"Nice strike!" Oyiin had trotted over, pretending to plant the punch that had won the fight. "Told ya it'd knock her out."
"Thanks. Thanks all of you," Sena told them with her hoarse, choked up voice. "I honestly thought I was going to lose."
"What?! Why would you think that?" Terri squeaked in astonishment.
"Because she was so much bigger than me-" And Sena had been afraid, so afraid that she'd be broken beneath Aya's strength.
"Size isn't everything," Kedth reminded her. "You just proved that. You brought a lot of honor to Clan Vizsla today. Too bad your ori'vod wasn't here to watch that."
Sena wished Paz had been there, but shrugged her shoulders and grinned beneath her helmet. "There will be many more battles in the future he can witness. Maybe next time I'll actually get to use my kal'e ."
"Djarin's got to watch out now. Sena's gonna be vu'traat . Gonna give everyone a run for their credits," Oyiin jested, eliciting a braw bit of laughter.
"She trains like vu'traat ," Xivi admitted grudgingly. "How many hours a day do you train after school?"
"Until bed, but that's because I had a lot of catching up to do and I'm still smaller than everyone," Sena told them sheepishly. Her win had been a fluke in her mind. Any of her friends could easily best her because they were in much better shape than Aya was. Din had proven that just over the weekend and she wasn't bloated headed enough to think that Aya was a huge accomplishment - though she was preening in the fact that she had actually done it.
She lingered with her friends a bit longer before returning home, where Hux taught her how to make uj'alayi . Instead of normal dinner, they had the cake to celebrate, her buir pointing out what she had done correctly during her fight. Still riding the high from the fight, she went out at dusk to practice her kal'e. Moonlight slanted over the moors, casting a long shadow in front of Sena as she went through her forms; slashing, turning her grips, maintaining proper spacing of her legs.
Slicing moonbeams with durasteel, she bathed in the glow, the wind in the grass tickling the calves of her boots. Turning swiftly, she paused when she saw the ethereal starlight glancing down on unpainted beskar. Lowering her shoto and tanto, she stood like a solemn sentinel in the night, wondering why he was there. Rather than get any answer, only the wind sighing through the grass murmured a repy, punctuated by a nerf's moo.
Peace shattered by the cattle, Din took a step toward her and stuck his hand out. "Want to see something?"
She cocked her head at the invitation, staring at his hand, wondering what it meant. Finally, she sheathed her weapons and took it. Pulling her away from the covert, over the soft rolling hills, and far from the protection of their people they ran. Past the crowds of cattle and toward the moon's face they went. Sena should have been more nervous about going so far away, about getting in trouble with her buir for straying. But she was with a vod , nothing could go wrong, could it? He was top of the class.
Cresting a large hill, she glanced down toward a pool that reflected the stars on a mirror smooth surface. Sliding down the steep sides, they approached the edge of the pond, which shimmered a pale milky white as if it were filled with star dust and moonlight. There was a single tree off to the side, shading part of the water, branches spindling out like knobby fingers flecked with verdant leaves. This was the first tree she'd seen in months.
"I come here sometimes," Din told her, letting go of her hand. "You're from Naboo, so I thought you might like to see water again."
While the water was a welcome sight, she was more enthralled with the tree. No words escaped her lips as her breath pelted against the inside of her helmet. She began walking toward it, her feet quickening until she was running. Colliding with the trunk, she pressed her steel cheek against it and shuddered, wishing that she could feel the kiss of the wood on her face. When her chest had stopped heaving, she glanced up and located the nearest branch. Bunching her muscles, she jumped, gripped the branch and swung herself up and over. Landing neatly on top of it, she began to climb higher and higher, reaching for the moon. At the summit, she stood to her full height, grinning widely beneath her helmet.
Sucking in a deep breath, she let out a howl into the air, like those ones that Cu'Sith would make in the woods. Djarin froze beneath the shadow of the tree, having observed her weave her way up.
His petite vod was baying like some kind of wild animal, the moonlight turning her long dark braid nearly white as it basked her. She had conquered the tree, just as she had defeated Aya. In the way she had fought and the way she had slipped up the tree with feral grace and dexterity unlike any human he'd watched. Din didn't know what a Sephi was other than the fact that they had pointed ears. He'd heard of Naboo, because Gungans lived there and people liked to joke about them. Whatever the Sephi were, they did not move like humans - Senaar did not move like a human.
She howled again, making him flinch. This was his hideaway. His place to calm down and practice if he couldn't sleep. After watching her fight Aya, without so much as being touched, he'd decided he would show her. Now, he was glad that he had, her joy palpable even from where he stood down below. After the third cry, she began to maneuver down and made his heart jump up into his throat when she hung from a high branch, swung back, and then launched herself. The height was enough to break a man's knees upon impact. Senaar listed downward, before colliding with the ground. There was no grunt of pain, nor cracking of bone. Palm against the grass, her legs absorbed the shock of the impact and she remained for a brief moment before standing; unharmed.
"Thank you," she told him, still breathless and his readers picking up on the pure bliss in her modulated voice. "You don't know what this meant to me. To see a tree again, after-" her tone cracked and she glanced back, staring at it.
After whatever that had happened to her had brought her here amongst the Tribe. Din knew the answer, because he'd noticed it in her. The other children in their class had been raised Mandalorian. After hearing her tell the story about killing a stormtrooper, he knew that they were more alike than he cared to admit. War had taken their homes from him and so he had wanted to share this little space away from the rest of the covert.
"You earned it today, vod ," he shrugged, trying not to seem as if he cared too much. The last thing he needed was his rival to think there was more to this than a casual favor between kindred souls.
"We should head back. It's late," Sena pointed out, visor still tilted in the direction of the tree as if she were afraid it would get up and walk away. She offered her hand to him, just as he had done upon entreating her to trust him.
Din's heart fluttered a little before he took it.
"Pack up your arsenal," Paz ordered his vod'ika , shining his helmet and the new beskar cuirass that he had set on the table in front of him. They had to look damn good today. It was an important day for her and as her mentor, it would also be pertinent that he looked just as stellar. His eyes trailed fondly toward Senaar, a smile creasing the corners of his lips as she went through her blades. The kriffing brat had so many now. Mostly because their buir kept giving her more, arming her to the teeth. Even if she'd been too small to use rifles and shotguns a few years ago, she'd grown into her skin and hiked up a few inches. Naturally, as an Anaxian, she was light boned and slender, but she was of a more average human height, growing like a weed overnight.
She had repainted her helmet, taking the same dark sherwood green as their buir , framing her visor with shimmering gold paint. Marked upon the crown were golden teardrops, reminiscent of her people's Goddess Marks. Now, her vambraces were also of beskar, inky green and gold, adorned with a hidden blade on the inside of her forearms. Buttons for the Kote , a whipcord launcher, and poison darts. A pistol on her bandolier, framed by her shoto and tanto. Leather had since been replaced with durasteel, painted like her helmet and embroidered with more tears. Her pauldrons had golden Jai'gaalar eyes, which winked at Paz.
His vod'ika was growing up. The young man could've shed a tear for how far she had come and how impressive he thought she was now. All fangs and claws, with kriffing knives tucked in nearly every crany imaginable. She was obsessed , giving each one a stupid name, mostly ending in '-Sticker'. Around her thigh was a band of throwing knives and a ragged, slightly fringed cloak of pine green. While similar to their buir' s, she had told him her inspiration was Anaxes and the forest surrounding Genmaris - an homage to a planet and people that no longer existed.
"Think I've got it all," she told him, her voice not half as squeaky as it had been when they’d met outside the palace gardens.
"Check again. I'm not coming back here because you forgot some kriffing tiny kal ," Paz snorted, loading his heavy blaster and standing up to begin strapping on his armor. " Buir has given us the Kote to do this. I've got the fobs for your hunt."
"That knife wasn't tiny last time! I literally forgot Pog-Sticker," she snarked, crooking a finger in his direction, patting the tanto fondly.
"I don't know how you forgot that one, it's basically your left arm," Paz retorted, bickering with the 16 year old.
"Well if someone didn't insist I take my belt off for hand to hand combat practice-" she returned with just as much bite as him, causing him to roll his eyes at her.
It was all in good nature. Neither of them were often authentically pissy with each other. Sibling banter. To them it was endearing, even if it just seemed like a bunch of hissing. "Will you two shut up? Get out of the house. I need some peace and quiet from you!" Hux poked his head out of his room to grouse at the both of them.
"Why? Have a lady friend coming over?" Sena went right for the kill, Paz trying to hide his chortling behind his hand.
" GET OUT !" Hux thundered, closing his door before his children devolved into malice filled laughter in the karyai .
They both picked up their travel packs, saddling them over their shoulders before heading for the door. Sunlight was quickly filtered by their visors, the village humming with activity as various students in Sena's class were preparing to go out for their First Trial. Each was shadowed by an older mando, be that their buir or an ori'vod like Paz. Fortunately for them, they didn't have to share a ship since Hux owned the Kote . On their way to the landing area, they passed Din and Fos. Paz chuckled as Sena flipped off her friend, which caused Djarin to just stare forlornly, wondering what in Caraya's Soul he had done to deserve that. Sena was just a brat and now had a terrible habit of flipping off all her friends, to include Paz as well.
"So when are the two of you exchanging riduurok ?" he teased, aware that she was sensitive about any subject that encouraged romance.
Sena sputtered underneath her helmet at the suggestion. "Zim’ika will have a heart attack if I marry anyone other than him. Y'know, I promised," she answered, deflecting entirely. The kid loved her to death, the moment he’d set eyes on her bucket, deciding that Sena would forever be the female of his dreams. Paz thought it was amusing, because while it was cute now, Sena had no idea what trouble she was in for when he was actually an adult.
"Come now!" Paz bellowed, hooking an arm around his sister's shoulders and drawing her in as they walked. "You're getting to that age now. The birds and bees-"
She groaned loudly, trying to worm out of his grasp, but he was much too strong and had mastered the ability to keep her from slipping his hold like an eel. "Stooooop. I already hear it enough from Xivi. Not you too!"
"Xivi is clever, that's why. You must've given a few of your brain cells to her over the years," Paz rumbled, pressing his vambrace to lower the dock to the Kote .
"I'm a Vizsla. Everyone knows we each only have one," she retorted glibly, her stupid smile audible in her voice.
"And to think you were so bright-eyed and bushy tailed when you got here," he feigned wist, shaking his head as he clucked.
"You corrupted me, ori'vod . It's all your fault," she blamed as they started up the platform.
Dropping his arm from around Sena's shoulders, the both of them turning to see who'd called their names. At the base of the gangplank stood Hyvhast, one of Paz's peers, in muddy brown armor highlighted by stripes of moss green. " Oya! " he bid with a wave, wishing them a triumphant hunt. Paz was aware that there were ulterior motives, his vod having expressed interest in his little sister. Growling quietly under his breath, he slammed the door shut in his friend’s face.
Humming to herself, Sena trotted off to toss her bag onto a bunk in the crew quarters. Paz used the captain's quarters since he was in charge in their buir 's stead. He was a full hunter now, having passed his Second Trial. Keeping a close eye on his vod'ika , he'd watched her improvement and growing into her own skin. Every Mandalorian was different, which had been hard for her to accept in the beginning. Smaller than her peers, weaker strength wise, to the point where she wasn't allowed to shoot anything more than a pistol on the range - he'd known it had been difficult to swallow at first. Still light boned like a shriek-hawk, she'd passed the most worrying bit of her training.
Understanding where her talents laid, Senaar had dug her heels in and became the unofficial blades specialist of the Tribe. Her love of kal'e the subject of loving teasing amongst the Tribe. Jokes included that any child she had would be born holding daggers. Even if she was disinterested, she was coming of age and becoming the fixation of many available bachelors. Once she passed her First Trial, she would be open for hunting - or as non-Mandalorians considered it - courting. Ironically, none of them knew the exotic creature beneath the helmet, aside from the fact that she was 'Sephi'. She was precious and Paz was keen on protecting her from any unwarranted advances or overinsistent suitors. Most were his age, which made him even more disdainful over the fact that they were interested in at 16 year old like that. But aside from Djarin, she was top of her class and favored by Elder Rhenx the Alor .
He might've teased her about her relationship with her rival and peer, but Paz decided he liked the quiet Djarin better than half the hunters that were asking for his blessing when they returned from the Trial. The other teen was hyper focused and talented and absolutely atrocious at expressing how he felt. Paz had long suspected that Din might like his sister, but the idiot hadn't done anything aside from ask Paz for some hand to hand combat lessons, trying to glean Vizsla life a little better. He knew that Djarin wasn't expecting the copious amount of yelling that occurred in their karyai or the verbal assault he faced from the grouchy head of the clan or from Sena, whose favorite thing to do, was complain about everything . Apparently, she was much more mild mannered in class.
Sena's blatant disinterest in suitors pleased him and Paz might've had something to do with that, telling her she had ages to get married and settle down. She wanted to be a hunter. Her head wasn't filled with romance, it was filled with blood lust. Again, he might've... uhm, helped with that, but he was her ori'vod . To him, no one was worthy of the princess beneath the beskar'gam . Plus, he doubted most of the Tribe could actually handle living with her and were just attracted to her prowess.
"Paaaaaaazzzzz," she shouted for him in the cockpit, her voice echoing throughout the ship.
Leaving the captain's quarters behind, he climbed into the cockpit to see her sitting in the pilot's seat. Her helmet was cocked on the edge of the dash, dark lashes framing vibrant eyes on copper tan skin.
"Where's the Guild we're going to? Planet?"
Ah, right. He'd forgotten that he had stowed the inactive fobs. They would need to check in with the Guild before officially being sent off. To keep from too many members of the Tribe showing up at the same Guild, they had coordinated who would get which planet. "Dadrus."
"Solid," she muttered, starting up the ship, flipping a few switches, before her gloves settled on the controls and they squeaked from the tightening of her fingers. Taking the Kote off the ground, she began moving to get them out of atmo. "Any idea what these bounties are?"
He shook his head. "They're handed out randomly as not to show favoritism toward a specific group," he informed her, plopping down in the co-pilot seat. His job was to step in if needed, but Sena had to fly the ship, navigate them to the right planet, pick up the job, do the job, hand it in, and then return back to the covert with her reward. "Depending on the bounties, they pay more if you bring them in alive. Sometimes they don't care, but we'll throw them into carbonite either way."
Bounties were quite popular right now amidst the war for the galaxy. None of that was their business, but plenty of others had bets levied and people they needed to find. They wouldn't be bothered by the Empire as long as they flashed their fobs and mentioned being on Guild business. Paz hated encountering them, his blood rushing at the thought of what they had done to Anaxes. There was no doubt that Sena felt the same way and wouldn't be opposed to gifting more stormtroopers with second smiles on their gorgets. Such a beautiful planet and culture, erased, because they wouldn't submit to the Empire's will. Were there any other survivors aside from Sena?
Leaving the grassy moors of Vorp'ya, they broke atmo and Sena began plugging in coordinates. She listed through the hyperlanes, mapping the correct coordinates to start for the other Outer Rim planet, frowning at the calculations coming back. It would take them four days to reach Dadrus at the quickest the Kote could move. She attempted to find a swiffer route, to map between lanes, but couldn't pull any quicker numbers.
"Fuck," she grumbled.
"It'll be four days then," he shrugged, wondering why she was so bitter about it. Dadrus wasn't right next to them and it wasn't uncommon that hyperspace might take a few days.
"I made a bet," she continued grumpily.
"With whom?"
Sparing a glance back from her molten gold eyes, he knew. Her rival: Djarin.
"What did you bet?" Paz was actually impressed, but that quickly faded.
"Nothing more than bragging rights," she groaned as if that were the worst thing in the galaxy. Out of all the kriffing things they could have bet, it was just that? Maybe Din thought it was worth it, because Sena had such a huge amount of pride that losing would get under her skin for months - maybe even years.
Idiot, Paz complained silently. "Who knows how long of a trip he's got to make it his destination. Four days isn't that long."
"In addition to wherever we have to go to collect the bounty and then return it to Dadrus. Then we've got four days to return to Vorp'ya," she reminded him astutely. "At the very least, I expect we're going to be out 10 days."
"Then we'll just have to keep ourselves busy, won't we, vod'ika ?"
Punching the hyperdrive with the petulance of a Foundling on the brink of a tantrum, she muttered to herself.
"What, spending some bonding time with your ori'vod that grim of a prospect?" Paz pouted.
The angsty look she threw at him made him laugh. "It might be depending on what the hell you're going to tease me about."
"I'll lay off about Djarin," he promised, but crossed his fingers behind his back. "Come back down to the karyai . I've got a surprise."
Highly suspicious, his little sister followed him out of the cockpit as the ship chugged onward using auto-pilot. Plopping down cross legged onto a pillowed seat at the table, she folded her arms and waited expectantly. Cracking open the cooler, he pulled out growlers of ne'tra gal. She arched a dark brow at him. "Before the mission?"
"We've got four days," Paz pointed out, placing them on the table and retrieving a set of cups. "Let's play a game."
"Of course there's a catch," she narrowed her eyes at him, drawing the offered cup over toward her. "So, what's this game?" Taking a dagger out, she used the hilt to pop the cap off of the growler in front of her, the ale hissed slightly, frothing but not touching the rim of the container.
"Truth or dare," he challenged, opening his growler. " Ni dinu. "
"I've already opened it!"
"Looks like you're playing," Paz shrugged nonchalantly.
" Shebs ," she muttered, pouring herself a cup. "What are the rules then?"
"Truth, you ask a question. If you refuse to answer it, then you have to finish your cup. Dare, you have to do the dare. Again, if you refuse it then you have to finish your cup."
"Then why wouldn't I just do dare everytime?" Sena pointed out.
Paz laughed, but did not elaborate. "Start then."
"I dare you to open the dock."
Sena just leered at him, her bright eyes blinking slowly. "WHAT THE KRIFF! How am I supposed to do that?!" she roared, seizing her cup as she began to chug it.
"You said dare," Paz chortled in his minor victory.
"You're the worst."
"I pick... truth."
"So what's going on with you and Voomri?" she piped, her voice becoming sickly sweet as she inquired about a female mando that Paz, most certainly, did not like. Not that this mattered, because Voomri would spare every moment she had doting on him, all but hanging on him in an attempt to start the hunting cycle with him.
Paz growled, picking up his cup and draining it. "Your turn."
"You know where this is going, vod'ika ."
"I dare you to go for a swim in hyperspace."
The game continued like this, the both of them too stubborn to answer questions or relent in their impossible dares. Smacking his sister much sooner than him, she sagged over the table, a hand on her brow as she propped up her face, eying the other half of her ale dubiously. "Truth," she groaned.
Squirming delightedly in his seat, he placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward to grin at her. "Do you like Djarin?"
She gave him a venomous glare, picking up her drink, considering it for another moment. "Like how? Can I ask questions?"
"Enough to date."
"Why are you going to pummel him if I say yes?" she retorted snidely.
"Answer the question."
"I don't like anyone that way. I'm not interested in relationships like that currently," Sena answered honestly. "He's my friend, so yes, I like him. Not to the extent you're worried about. Although, I give you full permission to kick his shebs because it would be funny."
"Dare," he decided, pleased with the answer he had gotten.
The absolutely malicious glint in her eyes, lighting them like fire, made his stomach twist disconcertingly. "I dare you to run laps around the Kote . 3 of them, in full beskar'gam ."
This was the first dare that either of them could actually participate in and if Paz opted for a drink, he'd be labeled the loser. Curling his lip, he pushed himself up to his feet, swaying slightly, before considering his ale again. He did not want to run at this moment. No, his stomach complained at the idea. Hissing a few expletives beneath his breath he began his laps, the carbonation in the ale making him burp a few times, bile rising in the back of his throat. He finished the laps, the ship wasn't too big, but it still unsettled his insides.
Offering him the prettiest and smuggest smile she could manage, she said, "Truth," again.
"Do you think Djarin likes you? In the aforementioned manner," Paz hissed, holding his rebelling stomach.
Her brows pushed together and she frowned deeply. "How the kriff would I know? He's the quietest person in my class."
"But if you had to guess?"
"Maybe? I really can't say for certain. I've never really thought about it."
"You haven't thought about it?" Paz's voice hitched.
" Lek , I'm not hormone riddled. You humans age differently than Anaxians," she snorted, picking up her ale and taking a few mild swigs.
"What do you mean?"
"Anaxians don't reach maturity until their second decade of life. If you... ahem, catch my drift," she blushed slightly at admitting such a thing to her brother.
Paz's gums flapped and he felt incredibly uncomfortable in that moment. "Didn't need to know that... Really didn't need to know that-" he muttered loud enough for her to hear. Now he couldn't get the images out of his mind, standing up abruptly, picking up his growler and stomping away. He locked himself in the captain's quarters, bringing the ale to his lips as he felt even more disgusted with himself. It had all been in good fun until he realized even he had been sizing up his sister, considering the expansion of their clan. Running his hand over his face, he flopped back onto the bed and groaned.
Dadrus was an unimpressive, dustball planet. One of the first she'd been to since becoming Mandalorian and not at all her type of place, which would've been green, blanketed in trees, and with mild weather. Instead, the air was arid, made her skin parched even beneath her helmet, and the suns glared at her as if she had slapped its girl's ass in the cantina and got away with it. It was a small livable area on the gas giant and an even smaller outpost village that sat nestled between the amber and gold canyons. The Guild establishment was settled in a nook in the center of the town, the only thing worth traveling to on Dadrus. Otherwise, the planet might've been empty save for a few souls who were looking not to get captured for some sort of war crime. Place like this, the Empire would never bother with.
The bell on the cantina door tinkled pitifully as the Mandalorians entered. One dark green, shadowed by an impassive and impossibly large dark blue figure. All activity guttered to a halt, heads turning anxiously to look at the pair that were marked with the same Jai'galaar eyes on their pauldrons. Didn't get visitors often, let alone two Mandalorians. Usually they traveled alone, not in pairs. None of them knew that the two were just teenagers, because it was in the way they walked; tall, erect as if they were about to snap to attention, and with feral prowess indicating their years of training. From the visors, eyes then followed to the weapons. The female had an arsenal of knives and blades, whereas the male saddled himself with a heavy blaster and a few other smaller firearms.
He nudged her, motioning toward the back of the room where Jace nearly spat out his spotchka. They were going toward him. Well, he was the official leader for the Guild on Dadrus, so he shouldn't have been too surprised that they'd be bounty hunters looking for pucks. Draining the rest of his cup in his anxiety, he motioned for the bartending droid to bring a double - stat. Interlacing his fingers on the table to keep them from shaking, he listened to the dull metallic ring of each boot's footfall before the Mandalorians were standing at the end of his table.
The female reached into a pouch, all but slamming the unactivated fobs in front of him. "We're here for work," he wasn't expecting the accent. It was crisp, clear, and definitely not from round these parts. Outer Rim folks all had a certain accent, hers was cultured and smooth like velvet, despite the shift in it from the modulator. Jace leaned forward, earning an aggressive leer from the bigger mando. Was nice to hear such a pretty accent, but he wasn't looking to get throttled by the blue guy.
Swiping the fobs, Jace flipped through them and nodded his thanks at the droid who brought over his second spotchka. "These are all claimed," he muttered. "Where did you get these?"
The female glanced over at the male, her head tilted, maybe confused?
"Do you have any other work?" the male's voice was deep like rolling thunder.
"I have a few," Jace sat back and considered them. A pair like this could really be used for anything, not just a small fry job. "Tell you what, mandos, I'm in a gracious mood today. I've got one puck if you're willing to take it, but it's on Tatooine and deals with the Hutts."
"What does it pay?" the female inquired, his heart clenching at the sound of her voice again.
"Well. As long as you bring the bounty in warm. Leaking? That'll be fine. But alive," Jace picked up his spotchka and took a deep swig, eying the green mando while he did so. He saw an obsidian braid swaying and wondered what might be underneath that helmet.
"We'll take it," she didn't deliberate with her partner, holding out a black glove expectantly.
Jace found the puck in his stash and activated it, taking the three fobs they'd had that were no longer any good. Those were pitiful bounties anyways for a set of Mandalorians. They'd be better suited for walking amongst the Hutts and not being bothered. Jabba would probably entertain them, since he liked Mandalorians. Plopping it in her hand, Jace smiled fondly, "Happy hunting."
"Why are all these kriffing planets hot as fuck?" Sena complained loudly to her brother as they stepped off the dock into the hangar of Mos Espa. Visor adjusting rapidly to the light to cut the difference from the darkness of the Kote , she glared at anything and everything around her. She liked warm planets, not scalding ones. Despite there being a habitable zone in Tatooine, it was hotter than the devil's armpit and wearing full armor was not comfortable. Dadrus had also been slightly unpleasant, but now she was beginning to think that it was absolute paradise when held next to Tatooine. Plus, the Guild Master had been kind of cute. Ugh, she'd literally just told her brother she wasn't interested in anyone that way and now some random human had garnered her interest?
"The Outer Rim isn't known for being the most favorable place to live," Paz reminded her, but also groused quietly at how hot it was. Tatooine left much to be desired aside from the climate, to include the absolute rabble that littered the planet. They were Mandalorian and wouldn't be bothered, but he disliked the atmosphere here, the casual slavery, and the disdain toward life as if it were something to be taken for granted. This wasn't exactly the place he'd wanted Sena to go for her first hunt, but she'd snatched the puck up before he could stop her and he wasn't going to argue with her in the cantina on Dadrus. Not in front of other people. Any gripes could be taken behind closed doors unless they were life threatening.
"Should be easy. Pick up the quarry, shove him into cryo, then double back," she reasoned, spotting the mechanic who governed the bay they had landed in. "Hey!"
The old man froze beneath the shadow of the Mandalorians, dropping the wrench in his hand and paling. Bending down, Sena picked it up and offered it back to him, the small bit of courtesy confusing him. "W-welcome to Mos Espa," he greeted, taking the wrench and rubbing the accumulated sand off on his coveralls. "What can I help you with today?"
"We're just docking for the day. How much will that cost us?" Sena asked, gesturing back to the Kote.
"If you leave before morning, won't cost you more than 200 credits. "
That seemed like a lot, but then again Sena hadn't really bought anything off planet before. Their allowance was 1,000 for fuel, food, docking and other miscellaneous necessities. If this bounty went without a hitch, then they would be getting a lot more for the scum bag in Hutt palace. Hearing the word palace again was odd, but this place was nothing like her old home.
"Here's half now," she fished the credits out and put them into the mechanic's hand before locking up the Kote with a few buttons on her vambrace. Thinking that it was hot from within the shelter of the hangar, she was immediately dismayed the moment she walked into the sandy streets and felt the sunlight billeting off her dark armor. Sweat pooled beneath her flight suit, against the back of her neck, and rolled down into unpleasant crannies. Holding the fob in her hand, she followed the quiet pinging while her head remained on a swivel.
Everything was earth toned. Despite being a miserable planet, there was actually quite a bit of activity. Folks of multiple races meandered the streets in robed attire, a wave of gritty activity as they plucked along on daily activity. Her eyes noticed the people with collars, eyes cast down, going about their business though they were considerably more demure than most other locals. Slaves. Her lips curled beneath her helmet in disdain, recalling what papa had once told her about those who used slaves rather than paying people for honest work. They were despicable. No one, not even pilfering Jawas, deserved to be treated like a disposable object.
Paz had mentioned that Tatooine was a shitty planet and with each step, she continued to wade into the trash and find things she didn't like about it. From the old durasteel domes that were stained from whipping sandstorms, marred by scars of the sunlight stripping it of its dignity. Everything here was for purpose, not appearance. With water a high commodity, people would typically resort to sonic showers to clean things, which was sort of gross in her opinion. At least, Vorp'ya had its rainy seasons and was never truly parched like Tatooine. Grass had to grow in for the nerfs to graze on, their population growing ever larger.
They cut their way through the crowd like butter, folks shuffling out of their way as if so much as touching the Mandalorians would burn them. Sena wasn't taken aback by this, people were terrified of Mandalorians and eyed the arsenal of weapons each of them were decorated with. Did it make her feel lonely? No, she had the whole Tribe back on Vorp'ya, her friends, her vod, her best friends. There was nothing to be desired and she had a job to do to prove her worth to the Tribe. She wouldn't let her aliit or the Elders down.
The Hutt palace wasn't exactly what she'd call a castle. A big, cylindrical dome with a few black rings toward the top which were windows set inward, strong enough to withstand the storms. While it was quite large, she thought it had a phallic shape to it and was unimpressive and nondescript. No, compared to Genmaris Castle it was a lewd joke, more akin to a run down outpost in the forest than a place where important people should dwell. Through her academics, Sena knew that the Hutt Clan was not a force to be reckoned with lightly. They were slavers and crime lords, with no qualms in dispatching anyone they disliked. Fortunately, they were fond of Mandalorians and their success in retrieving bounties, so Sena was hopeful that they wouldn't run into too many issues.
Beep... Beep... Beep...
Inside the palace. Well, she'd been expecting it, eying the pair of Niktos by the door who gave the two of them brief glares before jerking their heads in approval and letting them through. Smoke buffeted their helmets upon entrance, the haze a swirling combination of whatever the patrons were dragging between lips and a machine near the jazz playing band. Lively music filled the air, but did not disperse the blatant profligacy that filled the cantina chamber to the brim. Slaves were everywhere, identifiable from the metal shock collars around their throats. Servers ferried drinks between tables, some playing sabacc, others engaged in deep conversations, and eyes immediately distinguishing the mandos through the murk, almost as if they weren't truly there, and their eyes were playing tricks on them.
Upon a stone plinth was the ugliest creature that Sena ever had the luxury of laying eyes on. Once that title had belonged to Rathas, but now she'd decided that Jabba the Hutt was a much more suitable champion. A big, lumpy mass of molted green, brown, and tan with piercing orange eyes, slitted pupils blown as he picked up a tiny, live, and miserable creature which squealed for dear life before disappearing into the sticky maw of the Hutt. A shiver lanced down her back, a pair of scantily clad slaves tethered to him by chains. They looked absolutely petrified, as if they might be the next thing to disappear into his gullet.
There were dancing platforms where various female slaves swayed to the music and gripping poles. Clearly, they weren't doing it for pleasure, their collars a little smaller as not to impede them from their work. Lecherous eyes trailed them, some of the customers and guests muttering about what they wanted to do to them and if maybe Jabba would let them if they paid. The absolute filth being translated through her helmet made her want to vomit.
Paz brushed her arm, reminding her to keep moving, and not get distracted. Steadying herself, she placed her palm on Cu'Sith's pommel and felt her heartbeat ease back down to normal. While she wanted to murder everyone in this room, aside from the slaves, and paint a beautifully macabre mosiac with crimson (and whatever other colors of blood there might be) - she knew they couldn't. Not only were they vastly outnumbered, but killing anyone in here without permission would mean turning the Hutt Clan against them and the Tribe. Too much of a risk to free a few slaves. They weren't there to be heroes.
Approaching Jabba, he turned his repugnant eyes toward them, his impressively wide mouth curving up in what could only be described as a slimy smile. A protocol droid stood beside him as he spoke, translating the Huttense, "Welcome Mandalorians. Jabba is most pleased to see you amongst his ranks today. He asks what he can help you with today? Are you looking for work?"
Sena drew out her tracking fob. "We have a quarry that has led us here," she informed him curtly, keeping voice under control and thankful for the modulator to cut the edge off of her bitterness in having to deal with this monster. Pressing the identification button, the silhouette of their charge sputtered in a crystalline holographic view; a Twi'lek male in his early 30s.
Jabba considered it and then wobbled the top of his slug-ness. He didn't really have a neck which could discern what was his head and what was his body, but she supposed it was as much of a nod as she would get. "Jabba says that your quarry is here in one of the back rooms. You are permitted to collect him as long as no one is disturbed."
Sena put the fob back into her pouch and gave a discreet nod, unwilling to thank the creature. Turning away, she trotted along through the back halls and toward the rows of chamber doors. This area was akin to a hotel, where bounty hunters could stay whilst in Jabba's care. Lighting was subpar, yellow like piss, and casting a sickly glow against the rusted walls. Down the hall, she stopped where the fob indicated, glancing to see if there was anyone nearby. A few scampering slaves, who ducked away and ignored them, a passing Nikto, but no one who had any interest in bothering them.
From her pocket, she removed a lock pick, giving Paz the signal to let her handle this on her own. Sena could use her stealth to her advantage, but Paz wasn't gifted in the same talents. He'd trundle right in and give her away. He would post outside whilst she took care of business inside. Didn't take long for her to find the right combination. She'd practiced on Paz's door just to annoy him by putting random bugs in his bed. He hated bugs.
Slipping in like a shadow, she pinned herself to a wall and slowly removed her kal'e from her belt. The lights were off except for one on the nightstand, allowing for her to drink in the surroundings before deciding what she would do. Her head cocked, a strange slapping and wet noise garnering her attention. Creeping forward, her feet rolled heel to toe to prevent any noise. Her light weight allowed for an even more soundless approach as she cut the corner slightly and her stomach dropped into her feet.
Caged in the corner was a young woman who was barely clinging to life as her captor gripped her by her slave collar. Head bent back at an uncomfortable angle, Sena could only watch on in horror as he pummeled into her, each wet slap punctuated by a terrible whimper from the woman’s mouth. The animalistic grunts, the absolute disregard for the slave’s deteriorating health, her skin marked by bruises and lesions, slicked with sweat and blood.
Finally finding her feet, she stepped forward, each rolling of her heel to toes silent. Not that the bastard would have even heard her, fixated in his conquering. She raised the pommel and collided with the back of his head.
The Guild Master had said leaking was fine. Her lip was peeled back in a wolfish snarl that the quarry couldn't see, groaning as blood trickled down the back of his head. A hiss escaped the door for a second time and Paz stomped in to see what the commotion was. Immediately, he went rigid, observing the barely breathing form of the slave as Sena bent over her, chewing her lip as she tried to decide what to do. Maker, she was bleeding everywhere.  
"She's not going to make it," he told her.
"Why? Why would anyone do this? What sort of sick pleasure do they get from this?" her voice was hoarse, but crackled with unbridled fury. "Can you hear me? Hello?"
The slave girl's eyes fluttered open for just the briefest of moments, unfocused, pupils blown as she let out the faintest cry of shock. Of course. Two Mandalorians were hunched over her while she was bleeding to death. Gritting her teeth, Sena placed her arms under the slave and lifted her, taking her over to the bed instead of the damp corner she'd been bludgeoned in. Setting her down, dismayed by how much the human weighed, she pulled the blankets up and tenderly wiped away the spittle and other fluids from her face. Continuing to clean up what she could, she sat in the chair beside the female and waited, observing each rattled breath until the slave opened her eyes again.
"What... are you doing?" she asked weakly.
"I'll stay here with you," Sena promised, clutching her knees to keep her hands from shaking as the scenes replayed in her head over and over again. Primal, animalistic, and disgusting.
"P-p-please. Can you finish it? It hurts... so bad... it hurts..."
" Vod , I'll do it-" Paz stepped up.
The slave whimpered at the sight of him and Sena snapped her head up. "Take him out of here. I'll help her. She's afraid of you."
Paz's shoulders sagged slightly, gripping the quarry by the cuffs and dragging his limp body out of the room. When the door snapped shut again, Sena turned back to the young woman and let out a shuddering breath. "Is there... anyone you want me to tell about you? Family? A friend?"
"I've always been a slave. N-n-no one," she answered quietly, closing her eyes against and shuddering. "Be-before you do... Can I see your face? S-so I know?" Know who saved her and put her out of her misery. That was her request.
The question shocked her, shaken to her core by the question to see her face. Aside from her aliit , no one had seen her since she left Genmaris. No living thing could see it or she'd have to kill them. Drawing her blade, she knew what she had to do. Sena was discreet, hiding it on the outside of her thigh as she reached up with a trembling hand and disengaged the seal of her helmet. Setting it down, her eyes rapidly adjusted to the dim room, glowing faintly in the reflection of the lamp.
Eyes widening, the slave sputtered slightly at what she saw, the tanned countenance of a young female. Then she softened, resigned to her death, a faint smile creasing her frothing lips. A secret she would take with her to the grave and the only luxury and honor she'd been spared in her entire life. "Th-thank yo-you," the slave muttered as Sena bent down, almost in the way a mother would crane to her child to kiss their brow before bed time.
Smoothing the mess of hair from the female's face, Sena's eyes burned as she maneuvered the blade carefully, out of sight and mind. "Go to a better place. You will be safe there and no one will harm you, mesh'la ," she promised, sliding the blade up into the girl's ribcage. Her lids snapped back, before a long winded sigh parted her mouth and she eased down into an eternal slumber. Dragging the pads of her fingers down, Sena closed the slave's eyes and withdrew her tanto, wiping the blood off on her pants. Taking her helmet, she placed it back on and cleared her throat, finding it constricting on her as she stared at the girl - who might've been sleeping peacefully if not for the dark scarlet stain in the fabric where her heart had been pierced.
I will remember you, Sena promised, spinning on her heel and storming out of the room to find Paz waiting. The quarry was coming to, eyes still rolling into the back of his head. She'd probably given him a concussion.
" Vod ?" Paz was even toned, entreating her to see how she was faring.
"Let's return to the ship."
The silence between them was thick enough to cut and Paz was worried. While talking outside the privacy of the Kote or their covert was not necessary, he saw the stiffness in her shoulders and the fists she balled her gloves into. He'd only caught what had happened at the end, but had been able to see quite clearly that she had found the quarry torturing the slave. Kriffing Tatooine. Absolute hellhole of a place. This was why he had been worried about coming here. It was no place for a 16 year old and now she'd seen too much.
Sena paid the mechanic in the hangar, following Paz closely as he dragged the charge who was starting to become more lucid. He was about to thrust the bastard into cryo when his sister caught his arm. "No. I'm not done with him," she informed him, preventing him from sealing the Twi'lek in carbonite. Any normal person might've been sickened by the suggestion, the idea that she was going to torture him as he'd tortured the slave. But Mandalorians often abided by the rules of an eye for an eye. The quarry needed to be alive, but they'd never said he couldn't be scarred.
He left her, heading up to the cockpit just as she secured the trembling Twi'lek to a chair and pulled out one of her knives. Just as he closed the door to the cockpit, he heard the first guttural scream, silenced quickly by some article being stuffed into his mouth. The creature deserved it. He deserved every lasting mark that Sena would place on him. Being a master of blades had always encroached on this territory - Paz just wondered how long it would be before she actually wielded them in this manner. He'd been hoping she would be older, but he couldn't change fate. No, he just worried about what his vod'ika had seen.
Shabuir - motherfucker Buir - parent Vod - comrade/brother/sister Lek - Yeah Ne'johaa! - shut up! Shebs - ass Murcyur - kiss Ori'vod - big sibling Su'cuy - Hi Kal - blade Kal'e - blades (i made the plural up) Nayc - No Jate - Good Ad'ika - daughter/son (affectionate) Aliit - Clan Cyar'ika - darling, sweetheart Vaar'tur! - Morning! Ad - son/daughter Kyramud - assassin Vaar'ika - pipsqueak Koor - Deal Hut'uun - coward (a very heavy weighted insult in Mandalorian) Ori'jagyc - bully; one who picks on someone smaller than themselves Kandosii! - Well done Vu'traat - special forces Riduurok - marriage vows Oya - Stay alive ! Cheers ! Ni dinu - Take it or leave it
End Author Note: Dear Readers, absolutely all my resolve has vanished and I am now hopelessly writing a romance fic. Heck. 
My original intention was to really drag out growing up, but I like the vein I've traveled down more. The biggest point to take away from this is that Din is very inexperienced (and he's reserved) whereas Sena is very outgoing and popular (with the addition that she's not in an Anaxian's adolescent form yet, so relationships of a sexual nature are still weird to her). 
We've got that awkward in between phase in tandem with Sena's distaste for what happened on Tatooine. Our poor little bird isn't gonna be ready for an intimate relationship for a while and Din is hopeless anyways since he doesn't talk.Anyways, I'm really excited to publish the next chapter in a week. There will be a lot of timeskips before getting to present time of Season 1.
Additionally, Paz will eventually also have a love interest in a few chapters. I couldn't forget him completely when Din and Sena's ship sails. 
Tags will change once those chapters are published.Publishing day will be Sunday - no specific timeframe.
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kolhearted-archived · 4 years
WANT. || So this is my copying-Lia post about the things that I really want to do! If you have any interest in doing any of these sorts of things, let me know! 
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BODY JUMPER AU. || I have two body jumper AUs which take place and diverge directly at Kol’s death in TOs2. The show doesn’t take into account that Kol had made friends with a lot of witches, and in fact, may have had one of the best relationships with the witches out of his family, even in modern times. These AUs take this into consideration and play out with there being a handful of New Orleans Ancestors who are willing to give him one last chance at life. They find the supernatural being in NOLA who died the closest to Kol’s death and placed his soul inside, giving him a second lease on life. In these arcs, Kol generally stays away from his family, not wanting to get sucked back into their dysfunction. This is the first time he’s alive that there isn’t someone putting a shackle around his ankle.  These arcs also don’t by default use the Kolvina arc; he doesn’t go looking for her right away ( unless plotted otherwise )
Crescent Wolf Arc: the creature who died soonest after Kol was a Crescent wolf named David
Quarter Witch Arc: once again, Kol’s in the body of a Quarter witch, though this time, he doesn’t know how tangled he wants to get into his family’s dysfunction.
REINCARNATION AU. || One of my faves! — I say that about everything. Anyway, this diverges in TOs3 when Davina sacrifices herself to take down the Ancestral hold on the living, after Freya had sabotaged her resurrection. In this, Kol refused to leave Davina’s side when she asked him to, and helps her take down the Ancestral hold while their souls are caught in the backlash. The amount of cosmic power created by an Original soul being damaged while the Original body was not was enough to get the attention of bigger entities, and they chose to give Kol and Davina a second chance. About nine months later, give or take, two Salem witches are born in Massachusetts. Kol is reincarnated as Adrien Harwood, a direct descendant of powerful Salem witches who had come from Celtic witches traced back to at least a thousand years.  Because his soul is, in fact, so old, the cosmic wall between this incarnation and his last has been beginning to crumble down, and Adrien is beginning to understand who he was in another life. 
He doesn’t know 100% about Kol, but he’s been having more and more vivid dreams about his past life due entirely to the fact that his soul was alive in one incarnation for a thousand years, and the walls between lives were not made to hold that much information back.
The Davina reincarnation doesn’t have the same issue, or has not had it yet. 
Only character who is locked down in this verse is @seesgood​‘s Caroline as Adrien’s aunt. 
HERITAGE AU. || Based on this prompt, Kol was never Esther and Mikael’s to have. He found out when Mikael had been hunting his family, but he had a block put up in his mind in order to continue the charade for his own safety. When he was killed in TVD and resurrected in his original body in TO, the block was broken. He kept this secret until a strong magic broke the blood bond that had been put on him at the time of his birth, allowing his true heritage to show through. Now... he has to deal with it.
This verse can take place before the blood bond breaks or before, depending on plot
In this verse, Kol was born to a young Celtic couple; his mother had asked Esther and Aya to midwife her birth as she had had a difficult pregnancy. She had died during the birth, and Aya had convinced Esther to use the baby to heal her crumbling marriage. Esther blood-bound Kol to Elijah — why they look the most physically similar in the family — and used magic to convince everyone that she had been pregnant that summer. She told Kol’s biological father that the baby had died with the mother during the birth. 
Mikael found out about this when he was Turned, the memory spell on him breaking ( though it did not break on the others since they had been so young when it was placed on them ) which was why, when Kol was traveling with himself, Mikael didn’t care. Kol wasn’t his to worry about, but he also wasn’t a symbol of Esther’s infidelity. He just wasn’t his. 
ASGARD AU. || When Kol was born, she dedicated him to the Norse god Loki, one of the gods of magic. And the god had accepted. When Kol was turned, desperate to find magic again, he went in search of his patron. After a forever of looking, Loki came to him and, recognizing his own blessing upon the vampire, realized that they were both in a bit of a predicament. Kol was neither fallen, nor mortal, nor had a place in the hall of warriors. So he instead brought Kol to Asgard as his ward. Kol has been in and out of Asgard since this time, studying every kind of magic, of man and beyond, in any realm that will allow him in. His ultimate goal? Return to humanity and to magic itself. 
Not tied to Marvel Loki, thanks. 
Fudges mythology in that Loki is not tied up in a cave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
Kol often acts as a messenger for Loki or other gods, though there are no stories written about him. 
His family assumed he was dead until he showed back up in the 1700s with no explanation for where he had been. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? lol lucky people. No I don’t have one of those. Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? Well it’s more significant today because we had our virtual graduation this morning... so I’ll go with my graduation sash. Ever since I started university I’ve always wanted to wear my own sash in a physical ceremony so again, it sucks that our batch got affected by the pandemic. Do you use Google? For just about everything, yeah. Would you like to go swimming right now? That would be soooooo so nice. I’ve been going through old vacation photos and I really miss the beach. Can you play electric guitar? Nope.
Do you have an HDTV? My parents do. When was the last time you drank something through a straw? Around a month ago when my dad bought milk teas for me and my sister. Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? I didn’t teach myself per se, but I have tried my hand learning Spanish on Duolingo several times. It always comes in phases – I get passionate about learning and use the app for weeks, then it kinda burns out after a while. Right now I haven’t used it since I got sick in May. How long was your last phone call? A little longer than an hour, I think. It was pure silence though; we just wanted to hear each other’s surroundings. Do you need to repaint your nails? No, I never get it painted. Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? Psh. Are you a fan of industrial metal? Holy shit I feel so stupid right now. I thought this was referring to a literal kind of metal and I thought, that is such an odd thing to be a fan of...Google quickly taught me that it is in fact NOT a material for building infrastructure jdsskfjskf. Anyway, no I am not a fan. Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Yeah, occasionally. I don’t like how one piece loses flavor all too quickly so I go ahead and pop two in. Do you have a wall calendar? Not since 2008. We only had a wall calendar in our old house; when we moved here we started to rely on digital clocks and our phones to tell the time. Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? I haven’t had a calendar like that, so no. I’ve done this with magazines though. Can you handle the cold? Hahaha no, I can’t. I was already in so much pain in 20ºC weather in Sagada, and I fared much worse in 12ºC Japan weather. I would still pick living in a colder climate in a heartbeat over a tropical one, though. Have you ever been to Canada? Nope.  Do you believe in superstitions? Just one superstition involving my university that doubles as an inside joke, so it’s not like I take it 100% seriously. It’s a generations-old joke that’s impossible to ignore if you’re a student, so I just jumped in. When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? It was from the airport to back home, but I forgot where we landed from. Bohol I think? Palawan? I don’t even know anymore. It was so inconvenient I begged my dad that we stop using taxis as transportation for our future trips. Would you ever join the army, airforce or navy? No. How old is the person you last kissed? 22. Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I don’t think so. When it comes down to it they all have their own different things going on and I can’t just call them whenever and expect them to come to me, and that’s okay. Generally though, I think my most reliable friends are probably Andrew and Angela. What was the most embarassing thing you've had to buy? I’ve never felt embarrassed by anything I had to buy, but it can get a little uncomfortable trying to buy napkins when my dress or pants are already soaked. I get over it quickly though, since menstruations are normal lol. Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? When I was a kid. I haven’t tried it in a while. Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurences? They’re fun to think about, sure, and I do enjoy watching the supernatural episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved where they go ghost-hunting. I like to think that they somehow exist, but I still also very much maintain my skepticism at all times. Have you ever mistaken a person's gender? I’ve used the wrong pronouns accidentally but I always correct myself and apologize once I’ve noticed my blunder. What was the most expensive thing you've broken? My old iPhones. I’ve also sported a few dents on my car, but I wouldn’t say I broke the car. Has anyone texted you yet today? Not text, but online chat. We had our virtual graduation this morning so my inbox was swamped with congratulatory messages and such. Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? I did, but I mean I was 11 and had no clue how serious it was supposed to be. I remember cheering when they suspended classes for a week because of a local swine flu case, so yep – still ignorant back then. Is there a light on in the room you're currently in? There is, but it isn’t turned on. Are your feet touching the floor? Nope, they’re on the bed. Have you ever been in a car accident? Mild ones, nothing too life-threatening. Do you usually make back-up plans? Yeah man I’m so anxious I always have at least plans A-C lined up in my head and ready to go whenever necessary. Can you focus well in high-stress situations? Usually. Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? I do. I get compliments on it all the time too. I didn’t realize it was apparently a nice feature to have until more and more people pointed it out haha. Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? Yeah I have a playlist that’s lined up with all of my favorite loud, angry punk rock music specifically for when I’m pissed off. Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? I can, particularly whenever I feel like it’s not worth it to blow up. Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? Not really. Aya’s pretty weird but I wouldn’t call her extremely odd. Is there anyone you dread going into public with? My mom when she’s mad. Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? For the most part, I wouldn’t say so. If I write a run-on sentence it’s almost always in an informal setting where I’m more loose with punctuation, like if I’m chatting on IM or writing an answer on here. Still, I try to avoid them and I never do it in a formal situation. Graffiti: an art or an act of vandalism? They can be both. Some people who genuinely just want to fuck around vandalize, like how I’ve seen “Mark <3 Erica” in spray paint on public walls or some similar shit lol. But a lot of graffiti are art as well; many have important messages or symbolisms to say. Do you buy things online? I’ve done it a few times. Not regularly. I like being able to see and touch something before buying it. Are you easily frightened? I definitely am but at the same time I’m really into horror movies and serial killers and a ghost-hunting series? Hahaha it’s weird. I guess I enjoy the thrill that comes with having those interests. Do you have a favorite model? Over the years I’ve loved Elizabeth Jane Bishop, Kiko Mizuhara, Taylor Marie Hill, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and (controversial pick!) Kendall Jenner. Have you ever watched Titanic? So many times. Honestly, one of my favorites. What's your current facebook display picture of? It’s my official graduation photo wearing my graduation sash! :) I finally changed it last Friday after I got the email saying I’m on the list of graduates. How about your IM display picture? My main IM is my Messenger, which also uses my Facebook photo. Is there anyone whose hair you envy? Gabie’s for one. Hers is really smooth and silky and wavy. Would you act in a movie if it offered a role? If I was going to be a mostly unseen extra in a blockbuster film and still be paid like $600 for it, then I don’t see why I wouldn’t take it. Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? Only if there’s going to be an unscripted aspect to it that’ll make me have to come up with answers on the spot, like miting de avances or thesis defense. If I have a script or even just a general gist of what I want to say, I have no problem improvising and speaking in front of a crowd. Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? It makes me sick but it hasn’t stopped me before. Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? I’m the extremely shy person... Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? I felt that way with Gab at first when she wanted to have sex like two months after we started dating, though I was scared mainly because it was going to be my first time and I wanted to make sure I was comfortable. Now that I’m a little older, two months seems like a healthy amount of time. Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? Sounds terrifying. It could be fun, but only if we’re in the middle of nowhere where there’s loads of space to go that fast and no chance of crashing. Everyone has a weakness, what's yours? Food. Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? I had classmates in high school who had accounts but I’m not sure if they still have it, or if Deviantart is even still as active as I knew it to be. Thoughts on the Dunkin Donut commercial that says "America runs on Dunkin'"?  It’s a creative slogan but if I was American I wouldn’t want a doughnut place claiming to represent my country. It cute though. Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I watch them on Netflix, which is still technically like buying them since we pay for the subscription anyway. Do you listen to Daughtry? No. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? I don’t. Waxing looks so painful to me. How do you take your coffee? Lots of creamer or milk, a little sugar. I like trying out different coffees, but when I’m simply relaxing I do want my coffee as least bitter as possible.  If you have a dog, what breed is it? I have an aspin mix, though we never figured out what Kimi’s other half is. And I also have a beagle. Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? I don’t know if 'unconditionally’ is possible but yes, I do have people who make me very happy. Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? Not anymore. Jo used to dye her hair like every month though and she must have been able to go through the entire rainbow. She looked sooo good in each of the colors. Would you swap names with a friend? I love all their names but I don’t see why that would be necessary. Do you plan on going to university? I did. I graduated today. Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? Idk man, they can wear whatever they want. Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? No. I liked some of her singles when I was younger, but I’m not a fan in that I have her albums and know her lesser-known songs. Do you make playlists on iTunes? I used to, when I still used iTunes. I make playlists on Spotify now. Have you ever forgotten someone's birthday? I don’t think so. Are you scared of being left behind? Yessir. I’m super competitive, so I hate the feeling. Do you remember your last dream? No. I’m really bad at remembering them unless they’re nightmares or insanely strange. I do know that I dreamt while we were watching mass earlier on the television though, hahaha. Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? So many people in my circle are. Is politics something you don't care about? No. If there’s anything I give tons of fucks about, it’s that. What's a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? I’ll go with the first things I thought of...in that order: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before; Stranger Things (it’s good, but not as good as people hyped it to be); I don’t really read anymore; and what do you mean by series? Just realized I only gave 2 out of 4 answers lol oh well. Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? I don’t like how its physical features are still unrealistic; but I appreciate their attempts at diversity. I can’t say it was upsetting seeing a Filipino-themed Barbie :) Is there a pet that you desperately want? All I ever wanted were dogs, and now I’ve got two of them. Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? Nope. Are you musically talented? Hahahahaha Have you ever shot a gun? Not a real one, so no. Athenna’s dad had this practice gun he used for target practice (duh) and I messed with that a few times. Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? That’s Gabie. She’s lucky she’s my girlfriend and that I love her, because it’s actually a big pet peeve of mine. Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? Yup. The only time I don’t say it out loud is if it’s unnecessary and if it’s going to be simply disrespectful. An example would be when my uncle offered to make me a carrot cake for my grad gift, and I just said yes because it was already generous enough for him to offer me a free cake when he runs a food business. In reality it’s not my favorite cake at all; it wouldn’t even be in my top 20. Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? Yes, I definitely overwork myself to the point of exhaustion and burnout. But I honestly prefer doing things and being busy than sitting around. Is there a word that you will always find humorous? Bubbling. Because Drake and Josh.
Do you frown upon immature people? Typically. Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? This may have happened to me once or twice when I was still regularly visiting the ice skating rink at the mall. People were always super nice and helped me get up, though. Do you try to have an intimidating impression? I don’t try. Apparently it’s naturally the vibe I give off. Living in the big city or chilling in the country? BIG CITY. Always the big city. I’ve gone to the country/province so many times; I already know what it’s like there. I’ll always prefer a noisy city. No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? Hahahaha a lot seem not to. I know so many high school kids who’ve had a drink before turning 18. Do you like your country's flag? Sure. I like that we can switch up the colors depending on if we’re at war or not. Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? I’ve never even seen snow before. Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? No. Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? BEHIND If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? Traditional, yes. Religious, no. Do you feel you’re slowly losing one of your friends? No. But now that I’m no longer in school, I really hope I’ll continue to be friends with my orgmates. I’ll certainly keep in touch as much as I can. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? Everything about it. Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? No. I do know my friend’s sister had already moved and started her new job in California, but when the pandemic started she had to go back here. This virus is just ruining so many great things for everyone, man... Allergic to anything? Nope. How many cars have you owned? Zero. I drive one; can’t say I own it because my parents bought it. What are you going to do after this? Maybe take another survey.
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chaoticgeminate · 5 years
This is the third part of the Outfoxed Series, my Lila Salt series that I started on a whim and got a ton of notes and likes. This is the last bit following the main plot of the series, which is the exposure of Lila and the fallout of that exposure, but I may consider exploring other POV’s like I did with Mrs. Rossi in the side story ‘Shattered’ posted to AO3.
The link below is to the AO3 page of this story, if you don’t want to deal with the Read more button.
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Lila's arrest sent shock waves through Collège François Dupont, from the sexual harassment charges to the truancy and even the unlawful photography, anyone associated with her on a friendly level was scrutinized and that meant the class of the former teacher Caline Bustier.
Thanks to the school board there had been numerous counselors and therapists on site, to combat potential akuma victims from the accusations and anger that were sure to be part of the fallout, with a new security system installed with no blank spots in any hallways or rooms. Excluding bathrooms, of course, but there were cameras above bathroom doors pointing straight down to track who entered and when.
Nino wasn't at all surprised when Adrien was transferred out of their class, his Father definitely blamed them for playing a part in the mess and the teen DJ couldn't fault him for once, it was easy to see from the glimpses in the halls that his best bud was happier than ever now. He had managed to apologize to both Adrien and Marinette, telling them he wasn't asking forgiveness but that he wanted them to know he now realized he screwed up and had to work on some things, the pair had thanked him and that had been it.
As much as he wanted to go back to how things were, when they were all together and Alya was scheming her plans to hook them up, Nino was more than aware that if he wanted them to trust him again it had to be on their terms and he was okay with that. He'd believed in Lila because Alya did, no matter how strange the stories sounded, his girlfriend always researched everything so if she wasn't questioning then he didn't have a reason to.
Or so he thought, but Alya wasn't perfect and he'd made a mistake by not questioning it himself, Nino had promised he would do and be better for himself and his girl as well as his friends.
Alya walked into the room late, sliding a note onto their teacher's desk, after her blow-up in the cafeteria at Adrien the school put her on mandatory counseling sessions. For as tenacious and driven as she was, something he admired, Alya was stubborn and quick-tempered; in this case, though, she refused to allow any blame on herself. Lila was the liar in this and Alya had been loyal, Marinette hadn't told her the whole truth, Adrien hadn't told her the whole truth; but it was still Alya that hadn't done her research or trusted her friend.
He slid a note onto her desk, a simple love poem he'd found, he wasn't ready to give up on her as a girlfriend and he knew that once she accepted she'd made a mistake that she'd do the right thing and at least apologize.
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He was a sweetheart, someone truly amazing that was far too mature for his age, Nino's poem made her heart race even if she'd seen it on Juleka's facebook page two weeks earlier. For the first time in a long time she felt lighter, her pocket no longer weighed down with her cellphone, the device submitted for evidence for her own lawsuit against Lila.
Aya wasn't an idiot, she hadn't believed a damn thing Lila Rossi was putting out, but she was too quick tempered and had moved far too quickly against the Italian. Giving the new girl a chance to fess up had led to a rabbit hole of trouble, Lila hadn't even tried playing clean and as soon as she had her ammo it was over, Alya hadn't thought the girl would follow her around for months in secret while she'd supposedly been traveling.
Lila had gotten video proof of Alya sneaking around with Nino, steamy make-outs in fairly public (though not in the open) places while they were supposed to be babysitting, and worst of all she'd gotten a series of photos with Alya and Nino in a VERY compromising position in the school.
'All I want is your support, you don't have to believe me but you do have to make the others believe me, I won't tell anyone or show these otherwise.'
It sucked but Alya had danced to Lila's song and done what she asked without question, it would ruin her and Nino's records and their parents would have a meltdown, she expected Lila to eventually make a mistake after all and even if Alya supported her that didn't mean one of the others was trapped by her web. Alya had tried hard to support Marinette, Lila's chosen target she soon learned, but after the first attempt at getting the designer expelled had failed Lila wasn't giving any leeway.
The second attempt worked far too well, after Lila took the picture of the funeral right from Alya's phone, and the reporter found herself doing the unspeakable at Lila's behest. Every article had her in tears and the public backlash made her sick to her stomach, if she wasn't terrified of the result from Lila it might've been easier to delete the Ladyblog entirely, and finally it all drew to a close with Lila's arrest.
Finding out Adrien had known all along, that he'd just said nothing, had ignited a fire in Alya that she couldn't extinguish and she tore into him for his inaction; the entire time he could have done something, he could have saved her from her own ruin. But now, finally, Alya had come clean on every last detail to her parents and the school; her parents, as disappointed and hurt as they were, contacted the AGRESTE lawyers with their own evidence of blackmail to add to Lila's charges once they spoke with Officer Raincomprix.
Nino was still in the dark, though not for long since his parents were contacted too in regards to the nature of the pictures and video, and several people had said her intentions to protect her boyfriend were noble even if she had done wrong. But Alya had a long way to go in order to forgive herself before she'd ask forgiveness of anyone else, she started with hand-written letters to be mailed out to a lot of people, her phone and computer taken and she was under house arrest for quite a while per her parents.
Focusing on the board, as their teacher talked about their assignment for geography, Alya scribbled her notes as the rest tapped and typed away on their tablets.
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As of Wednesday, we have word that more charges are being added to the already extensive list for Lila Rossi. The Italian student, living in France on a VISA due to her mother's work, has already been accused of a long list of charges by both the Agreste family and the Dupain-Cheng family as well as the school board. Sexual harassment, truancy charges, unlawful photography, bullying a French citizen, and now there is evidence surfacing of blackmailing a French citizen.
The Césaire family have come forward with very serious evidence that indicates Alya Césaire, the founder of the Ladyblog, was being blackmailed by Lila Rossi the entire span of her time at Francios Dupont and during the period she was skipping classes. E-mails, text messages, and threatening messages through Facebook and Snapchat depict Rossi as having compromising photographs and videos of Césaire and her boyfriend that could result in their own criminal charges.
When we asked Otis Césaire his thoughts on the matter he had this to say:
"My daughter was wrong in her actions, I will not try and say she was only a victim because she could have come to us before this started and we would have helped her, but I am appalled that the school officials were so easily fooled and allowed a girl to come in and manipulate them so thoroughly. They were supposed to protect their students, regardless of how much money the families of those kids have, but I see that their concern was elsewhere."
Alya Césaire herself is being reviewed for her own criminal charges based on the content of the photographs that were found on Lila Rossi's devices and has asked that any charges that might be applied to her boyfriend be dropped as she was the primary instigator for each incident. The AGRESTE legal team is asking that any other students, parents, or parties victim to any schemes of Lila please step forward so that they can compile a full list of charges and get this case closed."
The voice of Nadja Chamak played softly in the background of the office as Mayor Armand D'Argencourt adjusted his tie and looked around the bleak space, it was only a matter of time before the school board pursued the Mayor for his own corruption and Andre had paid out a hefty sum to avoid prison before being removed from office, the new election had come and Armand had taken post over Madam Lauren Richards.
As one of the few teachers not involved with Rossi, aside from Physical Education, he hadn't been questioned much and even then he never once allowed her any special treatment; if she cited an injury he made her go to the nurse, any conditions she claimed he would ask Miss Kensington for proof and there never was any. But his claims and reports to Phineas had gone unanswered and blown aside, as any with Miss Bourgeios often had, his reports to the school board had been added to the Dupain-Cheng case as had Priscille's own reports.
A knock on the door made him clear his throat. "Come in." He left the office door open, unlike the Mayor had, the knocking was just a courtesy. His secretary, Monsieur Hemsley, held a stack of papers and folders.
"I'm afraid to say there is a lot more of this, sir, but this is the start of what Mayor Bourgeios cited as unnecessary for Paris." The man looked apologetic and Armand shook his head, accepting the stack of things with no ill-feelings.
It was a new challenge. "I want to start with everything from the past year, Thomas, I've no doubt there were plenty of things he ignored or blew out to keep his hotel running and himself in office." Finding the corruption was the first step, all the business owners with an in that were paying into the Bourgeios to keep themselves on top, Armand wasn't going to fail his family's post or his city.
He glanced at his calendar. "Remember to keep tomorrow afternoon clear, I've got fencing to teach at the Agreste manor after school hours tomorrow." Thomas nodded and went to bring the next batch of papers to him.
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"It's been quiet."
Sitting on top of Notre Dame, legs swinging freely as the lights illuminated the dark city below, Chat couldn't help but hum in agreement to the soft statement his partner whispered. With Lila's arrest and the continual charges being brought forward against her, as well as the fallout from the students, he'd expected much more in the way of akuma. "It's worrying, as much as I don't want it to be." He wanted it to be a good sign that there hadn't been problems with Hawkmoth, he wanted it to be an indicator that they were due for some peace and quiet, but they couldn't relax.
Ladybug's eyes were focused on the light at the Town Hall where his fencing instructor, now Mayor, was working diligently through years of corruption from Chloe's father in office. "I've been talking with Tikki and the other Kwami, they all agree that something feels... off. We have a lot of theories but nothing concrete, if I wasn't so afraid to bring the Miracle Box out in public I'd have brought it tonight with me." He almost choked with how deep a breath he drew in, that was not at all what he'd expected.
"You want- but you're the Guardian. Why would my-"
"Your thoughts and opinions are always important to me, Chat, we're partners. You just have horrible timing to be a flirty tomcat as well as an issue with the word no."
He opened his mouth to argue but didn't, she was right, he had no valid excuse for his behavior in the past. "I, uh, you don't have to worry about that LB. I have a girlfriend, outside the mask I mean, I won't tell you her name but she's incredible and I'm really happy with her." Chat could feel her looking at him and her expression was soft, fond and friendly, love without the romantic aspect of it.
Such a familiar look and he didn't even know why. "I'm really happy for you, Chat, you deserve someone who brings you happiness." He felt his cheeks warm, Marinette made him more than happy, he felt loved and like he was home when he was by her side.
But his expression schooled into something playful as his partner looked away, her own face pink. "Oh, is that a blush? Thinking of your own special boy?" Her scowl was lacking any real anger or annoyance and it twisted into a bright grin.
"The boy I like, the one I told you about, he asked me out and we're together now." At one point that would have hurt him, made his chest ache, but it just indicated how incredible Marinette was that he didn't feel anything but happiness.
His mouth spit out the phrase before he could even stop it. "Oh? So, the Bug has her Boo? I guess when you're on a date you're Bugandboo?" Her squawk of outrage had him laughing as he got up to run, delighting in just being able to play, a few people who were still awake cheered him on while others admonished him playfully for irritating the heroine.
By the time patrol ended he was sporting a sore arm, a hoarse voice from laughing, and the annoyance of being filmed falling off a roof into a dumpster when one of Monsieur Ramirer's pigeons flew in his face. But it was a good night and he promised to keep his eyes open for trouble in the form of butterflies.
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Marinette knocked and waited for an answer, meeting surprised expressions, her own lips a flat line. "Can I...?" The nod was gentle as Marlena hugged her, whispering an apology of her own, but Marinette didn't blame her at all. Nora's hug was more like a wrestling move, cracking a few joints too, the twins were subdued for once. Walking to the open door, since Alya wasn't allowed to have her room closed off at all, Marinette knocked on the frame.
"Just cleaning my- oh." Alya emerged from her mess of clothes, the closet's contents emptied on the floor and sorted into piles, her expression guarded but somehow open.
Before she could lose her nerve, the designer cleared her throat. "I'm angry at you, for not telling me the truth about what was going on and then attacking my parents when you could have come clean before it got that far, but I'm sorry that you were a victim to her schemes too. I can't forgive you, at least not right now, but I respect you for trying to protect Nino even if I was the sacrifice because I don't know if I would have done anything different in your situation." Alya's eyes were watering and Marinette knew she was close to crying too, she'd decided that she wasn't going to hold onto grudges or anger any longer and had spent the day visiting her former classmates.
Part of moving on was deciding what emotions to hold onto, Wayzz and Longg had helped her come to terms with her lingering doubts and hurt emotions, she refused to be chained by the betrayal and hurt more than she needed to be. "Thank you, I always could trust you to be honest with me, for what it's worth I am sorry that I hid the truth from you." Marinette nodded at Alya and her grip on the doorframe tightened a little.
There wasn't a lot to say between them. "I want to trust you again, Alya, you inspired me to be better and to stand up for what was right and in a weird way you tried to protect me and Nino. Please do better so I can have my best friend back." Marinette's eyes watered and Alya's tears slid down her cheeks as she nodded, the designer opened her arms and the hug was everything she expected when Alya nearly tackled her, but it was what they both needed.
After their impromptu cry session, monitored by Nora to watch for butterflies, the two students said their farewells. Sliding under her Papa's arm as she exited the building, he'd insisted on coming with her to visit her former classmates, Marinette wiped her eyes with the offered handkerchief. "Feel a little better, dumpling?" He had been skeptical of this whole thing but supported her choice to do it.
"Yea, Papa, I do. I really do."
"Good, I'm glad. Now, I know you like to make all your clothes and for good reason, I've got a secret assignment of my own. You see, your Maman and I agreed I would know just what sort of dress you need to take Adrien's breath away for your date tonight. So, dumpling, we're going shopping." Marinette wanted to be upset but it had been a long time since her parents ever got to buy her clothes, a really long time actually, so she didn't argue as he caught a bus to the shopping district for them.
But she had to admit she didn't expect some of the choices he handed her to try on. Marinette might have accused him of asking Gabriel for help if not for the fact that all of the choices were all colors her father knew she liked and not things that were considered complimentary to her skin tone. After trying on what felt like hundreds of dresses, even if it was only twenty according to Tikki, Marinette and her Papa found one they both liked.
Pale rose in color with a fit and flare shape, the bodice was solid color with very short sleeves made of the same georgette lace that covered the knee-length skirt, she felt really cute in it and it wasn't too short or revealing. Marinette had white, round-toe, heels that she could wear with it and wanted to wear her hair down with loose curls. Her Maman, on their return home, admitted that out of the two of her parents it was her Papa that had an artist's eye and had often picked all of the dresses that Sabine herself wore on their dates.
Marinette hadn't known, though she decided it wasn't that surprising given her Papa's decorative skill, but she was glad that her Papa was happy for her relationship. "You have two hours to get ready before Adrien gets here, dumpling." That made her rush up the stairs and hurry to get ready since this was their first unsupervised date.
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'That boy needs his Dad. Not his Father, Gabriel, or his boss. Adrien needs you in his life and if you don't shape up then I will report every last shred of truth on how you break labor laws and pull him from school illegally for photoshoots.'
Leonard's threat had hung heavy between the two men since the initial stirrings against Lila, the black eye Gabriel had sported for two weeks had been hidden with make-up but the bodyguard hadn't feared repercussions or assault charges, as a parent Gabriel respected Leonard and as a friend he respected him even more for doing what he'd done. Watching his son smooth down the jacket of his suit, planning to take his girlfriend to a restaurant known for their private settings so they could avoid the spotlight for some time, Gabriel was proud of Adrien and knew now that he had missed quite a bit.
Leonard met his gaze as the teenager rambled about his nerves, Nathalie busy reassuring him that Marinette would be thrilled to bits, the very slightest of nods from the man expelled most of the tension. Gabriel handed Adrien something he'd kept for his son, for quite some time, a delicate silver chain with loops for charms waiting. "You are under no pressure to accept this, or do what I had done, but I know you're nervous and hope that maybe this will help you with your own ideas for Marinette." Adrien's eyes were just as curious and warm as Emilie's were, it was both heartbreaking and so very amazing.
"Emilie had a book that she bought, I gave her a single flower on every date, she would press the flowers to preserve them; this is the start of a charm bracelet, I think perhaps Marinette would like something she can wear as a reminder of your affections." It was a guess but the girl proved to be very affectionate, though not incredibly handsy in public and it was a trait he appreciated, with her own anxious tendencies it would be best to have something tangible she could carry. Adrien grinned and nodded, looking at the time on his watch.
A smile on his face and a tight hug, Gabriel was nearly bowled over with the strength in his son's sudden motion, Adrien thanked him with a teary smile. "I already have plenty of ideas, thank you so much Dad!" Gabriel managed to hold off until Adrien left but the moment he was gone the tears started, it had been so long since he heard that title, Nathalie's hum was soft and Gabriel appreciated her quiet comfort. After a moment or two, managing to calm himself down, the man looked at Nooroo as the Kwami peeked out from behind the hall.
"Nooroo, if I were to give you back your Miraculous would you be able to find the Guardian?" The Butterfly hesitated but nodded, looking miserable to even admit that much. Gabriel removed the brooch and Nathalie only nodded as she took Duusu's brooch too, the two Kwami accepted them back with curious looks. "Nooroo and Duusu, I release you to be free and return to the Guardian. I am truly sorry that I allowed my grief to blind me to what I was losing and led me to abusing you as I had." The Butterfly Kwami offered a wavering smile, gratitude visible on his face as Duusu fluttered about energetically.
The Kwami nuzzled him. "I knew you were a good man, Gabriel, you just lost your way for a little bit. Thank you for setting me free." The two Kwami disappeared through the door and Nathalie followed him to what once was his lair, the butterflies and cocoons had disappeared, leaving just an empty garden and the glass chamber. Emilie had been embalmed in private, following her death, which was the reason she was in the state she was in now. Nathalie left him then to give him time to say goodbye, for the last time, Gabriel had no more tears to give and only apologized for losing his way.
"I will always cherish what we had, Emilie, I will never forget you; but I won't disappoint you any longer, I cannot allow myself to cling to us and continue to put Adrien in danger or push him away." As he placed his hand on the top of the glass, chest heaving with a deep breath, he contacted the burial company that had done the embalming. They hadn't thought much of his basement being a mausoleum of sorts, it was not new to plenty of the upper-class, once he activated the tinting on the coffin it looked just like any other.
Within the hour his wife was buried in her family plot, with the rest of the Graham de Vanily, and Gabriel gave himself the night to grieve. Free of the burden of the brooch, the burden of being chained to the past, and free to pursue a future beside his son once more.
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Sabine laughed as Tom and Gabriel battled, with Adrien and Marinette on their date the two had contacted him and agreed to have him over, Leonard and Nathalie were on either side of her nursing hot drinks and their own chuckles. Having the man request to learn how to play Ultimate Mecha Strike had been a shock but he admitted that he wanted to be able to play with Adrien, he didn't know what his son was really fond of doing and needed a gateway of sorts, Sabine hadn't been able to help hugging the poor man and promising to help.
Watching him now, as he grunted with his hair free of styling products for once, she could tell there was something a little different about him this time; he ran another hand through his hair as he got locked into an animation sequence as Tom's mech unleashed a combo. "Take that you old pincushion." In the past she might have been worried but Gabriel never ceased to surprise her.
"Keep talking, you stale cream puff, once I figure this game out I'm going to make you eat those words." Gabriel was competitive, not that she was surprised by that, fashion was a cutthroat industry; but he wasn't to the point that he was a sore loser. In fact he appeared to be having fun and it warmed her to see a man trying to do better, especially after subjecting his son to harassment by that horrid little liar, Sabine glanced at her phone as it chimed.
Marinette and Adrien had both sent a picture, an adorable selfie of the two of them at the theater, they had done dinner and Adrien had gotten tickets for them to see Wicked together since it was currently playing. "The kids just reached the theater." Earning two non-committal sounds from the men, once again not surprised, the woman responded with a 'have fun' before leading Nathalie to the kitchen as Leonard continued to read his comic books.
"I've never seen him this relaxed, your family is quite amazing."
Sabine met the woman's gaze and smiled. "I like to think so too, shall we prepare some light snacks?" Nathalie nodded and Sabine was pretty happy to relay the ongoing news that Nadja learned from the interviews and messages flooding TVi.
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“You mean-“
“I think he’s found it more important to prioritize what he has over what he’s lost.”
Chat Noir was quiet as Nooroo sat in his hands, Duusu perched on Ladybug’s shoulder quietly, the two Kwami had appeared in Ladybug’s room and she’d called him the following evening in order to give them time to rest. “I don’t understand why he’d do what he chose to, though I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same since I don’t know how I’d react, but I guess I’m glad he’s decided enough is enough.” Ladybug heard the sigh as she leaned on her partner’s arm, her own face wet with tears, she had taken one look at the tome that the two had brought with her and knew exactly where they came from.
Something she’d have to tell Chat Noir, she trusted him and didn’t want to keep him in the dark, but she knew how hard he’d taken it when she theorized her idol and boyfriend’s father as Hawkmoth the first time around. “I know who he was, these two coming to me only confirmed it, I am going to respect his request for a second chance. For me to have this make sense, Chat, you’ll have to know that I was one of Caline Bustier’s students at Collège François Dupont.” His eyes widened and he held out a hand for a moment, silencing her, then he cupped her chin and made her look at him.
Ladybug didn’t know what he was looking for. “Princess?” The hope in his voice sent a touch of warmth through her, making her throat tighten as she licked her lips.
Words escaped her then as she waited for his reaction, his pupils blowing wide and round, her heart thundering as her hands started to shake. She felt vulnerable and exposed, weightless as his silence kept her teetering on the edge of delight or misery, a part of her theorized who he was ever since Chat Blanc and she needed to be right. His mouth curved into a wide smile and his eyes glistened as green formed around him, leaving Adrien in his place, she’d never been happier to be right. “It’s you! It’s always been you! No wonder you’ve been wearing gray and pink a lot, you sneaky little bug mouse.” His weight crashed into her as she dismissed her own transformation and Tikki giggled above her as Plagg rolled his eyes, her mouth meeting Adrien’s in a frantic kiss.
Once they both laughed over how badly they had danced around each other, with promises to tell each other everything, Marinette knew it was time to finish what she’d been saying. “They brought me a book too, Adrien, the book Lila stole from you that got you pulled from school.” Adrien’s arms tightened on her waist and she squeezed his body a little, to remind him she was here with him, but there wasn’t any sort of anger on his face.
A weak acceptance, exhaustion, maybe some hope. “You want to give him a second chance?” Marinette nodded and cupped his cheek.
“I think we can do that, now that we know the truth, Chaton; he deserves that much, he’s been trying hard to be there for you.” He was learning how to play video games, the two were taking cooking lessons, Marinette had seen him at every photoshoot and he promised dinners with her family every other week as well as an appearance at the Parent’s Dinner the school was having for this year’s graduation award presentation.
Adrien’s eyes watered. “Thank you, Bugaboo.” He kissed her again and she giggled.
“I told you to stop calling me Bugaboo, Chaton, I like Princess more.” His eyes twinkled and he nodded as he cradled her close. “I’m glad though because I thought I liked two boys, I’m really happy it’s just one.” His chuckle into her collar made her giggle.
But he had a warm mischief in his gaze when he let her go. “Isn’t Chaton a little telling, I’m sure Aurore will connect the spots quickly.” Marinette poked his nose with a wink.
“I’ll just have to call you mon Chevalier.” He flushed and she transformed with a grin. “But, for now, I have to go to bed; I have school and I recall being promised fancy coffee and a wake-up kiss.” He tried to shout after her but she swung away with a whoop. The real surprise came nearly half-an-hour later, after a shower and changing, when her Maman said she had company.
Adrien had an overnight bag and a grin as he joined her in her room, the door left open per her parent’s request, they snuggled under her comforter and she cuddled Plagg as the cat Kwami snuggled against her neck. “A cat could get used to this, I’m moving in too Sugarcube.” Tikki’s giggle made Adrien hum as he agreed softly, cradling her close to him as Marinette felt her eyelids droop.
“So what now? No Hawkmoth or Mayura, you have all the Miraculous, just patrol and stop petty crime?”
Marinette grinned. “We learn how to be Guardians, not all threats are corrupt holders, I think there might be something bigger on the horizon now that the circle is closed again.” Adrien hummed as he nodded against her head, promising to study hard, sleep drawing them in and peace making it easy to feel at ease.
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bobowhooo · 5 years
Potent Savages
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Genre: Drama/ Angst/ smut/ Trigger warningsss/ exo, oc, and blackpink gang au!
Summary: Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast-paced lifestyle, but for these young, rich savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 16: Searching to destroy
Why did you leave such a beautiful woman like me behind? Are you fucking crazy?
“Hurry up!” The woman in all black yelled at the other girls. It was their only chance to escape from the very exclusive Exo pool party. The woman and her sisters felt like they've been running for hours even though it’s only been 15 minutes. Her adrenaline was pumping and a smile was on her face. She feels alive under this night sky. This is the first time she has ever stolen anything and the fact that it was from the infamous Exo gang makes it all the more amazing. Stone cold hundred dollar bills filled the wallets of the Exo men she took them from. The watches they slid off their wrists and into their purses were dripping with vvs diamonds. This is the best night of her life. She heard her younger sisters giggling as they ran behind her, This was it. They were going to get out of this hell of a city once and for all. Escaping through the woods that made the Exo mansion so obscure, they were going to run until saw the end of them. She wished she would have stolen a car while she was at it though. 
“Bad idea, ladies!” She heard an unfamiliar voice before a gunshot went off right beside her head. Her body stood still before her survival mode kicked in. She began to reach for her sisters but her hand was shot so quickly she didn't even realize it until a few seconds after it happened. “Oops.” The unfamiliar voice said. She saw her sisters shivering and scared to move as tears streamed down her face from the pain in her hand. Finally, a beautiful girl with a golden glock stepped out of the darkness with a pout. “You know, a little while ago I would have let you run your little asses into the fucking sunset. But I don’t do charity anymore, unfortunately for you.”
“P-please. Don’t h-hurt my sisters.” The woman stuttered. By the looks of that glock she knows this has to be aya of blackpink. 
She tilted her head. “Well, gorgeous. I wouldn’t have to if you had just enjoyed the fucking party instead of being little snakes in the grass.”
The woman began to sob at the thought of her sisters getting hurt because of this stupid idea she had. She looked up at her sisters, silently begging them to please run. She can’t catch all of them right? “Are you just going to sit there and fucking cry!? Run bitch!” Aya yelled at them all and they immediately got up. The woman held her wounded hand close as she ran and her harsh tears began to dry from all the wind. Fear was all she felt while her sisters ran close behind her. In the distance, she could hear a click of a gun. The sound it makes before the trigger gets pulled. The sound it makes before someone gets hurt. 
“This will only hurt a little bit.” Aya said.
“Separate!”  Was she could get out before she was shot in the leg. She fell to the ground yelling out in pain as she looked at her sister on her left get shot in the arm and the one on her right get the same. The girl with the gold glock walked up to her with a hand running through her hair. “The next time you decide to be a damn thief, make sure it’s from someone who doesn’t have perfect aim and an itchy trigger finger, gorgeous. You understand?”
“Y-yes, yes i do!” The woman yelled out while crying. 
“Good. Now, lights out.” She sang, before her boot-clad foot kicked the woman in the head. “Somebody get this one some medical help.”
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“They’re going to be alright.” I said to rosé. She looked at me with low eyes and i widened mine. “Don’t look at me like that. Be glad I didn’t shoot with the intent to kill.” I reasoned while chanyeol and kai rounded up the three ladies. Now that that's all over, welcome back. I'm glad you didn’t run away. The last time you saw me i was a mess. But that’s all in the past. I’m not that person anymore and i never will be again. It’s been about two weeks since that has happened anyways, what would I look like still hung up on that. On him. He’s gone and there’s no way I'm going to cry about it now. No need to press on why it hurt me so much. I won’t explain myself. I guess you could say a piece of me left with him though. You know, the part that gave a fuck about the world and it’s wonderfully shitty people, The part that wanted to love and wanted to be happy, The part of me that stopped me from doing a lot of really fucked up shit. In other words, the cold-hearted bitch you know and love is back and colder than ever. 
“Someone’s deep in their thoughts,” Chanyeol said to me. “Kai and rosé took off with the girls, so we should go back to the mansion.” 
I exhaled and licked my lips as he stared at me. “What?” I asked.
“Do you ever even realize what you’re doing?”
He paused and then turned away. His head shook as he walked and I made a confused expression. I ran to catch up to him before matching his pace. “You know, baekhyun is the biggest idiot I've ever met.” Chanyeol said. “Who?” I asked. Chanyeol looked at me with a smirk. “The real petty queen.” I laughed at his comment and pushed him softly. “Shut up.” He grabbed my arm before throwing his over my shoulders. “Why do you think he’s an idiot though?”
“He left your amazing ass here. Even though I understand why he did it. And I get to watch over you while he’s gone. Which is, of course, a big plus.” Chanyeol said. 
I raised one eyebrow before removing his arms from my shoulders and creating some distance. “Don’t get all weird on me, chanyeol.” I said to him. 
“Right. Sorry.” He said quietly. 
We walked back to the mansion through the woods in silence. When we arrived I saw that all the people that came over for the party had left. Chanyeol left silently from my side and I plopped on the couch. The cold gun on my body pressed into my skin so I jumped to remove it from its place and put it aside. I closed my eyes and let tonight's events wash over me. 
I was on sober patrol with kyungsoo and a few of the others because someone stealing in this environment is almost inevitable. Whoever is ballsy enough to party with us is usually ballsy enough to steal from us. We are pretty tempting targets though, I must admit. I mean how could you resist when these idiots keep carrying around so much cash and flashing their diamonds everywhere. Then again, I think they’re daring someone to steal from them. They’re troublemakers like that. 
I genuinely flirted with someone who isn’t baekhyun for the first time in a while tonight, but only because I was bored and sober. I had to have some kind of fun. And nothing is more fun than making a man drool just by a few smiles and hair flips. Well, actually there are a few things that are more fun. But still fun regardless. Anyways the party was chanyeol’s idea since his way of coping with the things that have occurred is drinking and smoking and loud music. I was worried about people finding out that suho and baekhyun weren’t here. I thought that once they did, everyone and their fucking mothers were going to think of it as a weakness and try to attack or wage a war. But it was under wraps well enough that we won’t have to worry about that. I think.
“Ahhh! Chanyeol!” My eyes snapped open and straight to the top of the staircase as jennie ran away from chanyeol half-naked. Her face lit up with an adorable excited smile. Chanyeol was just as naked as her while he chased her around. weird pairing, but they look happy. I turned away and shook my head. “Chanyeol! Stop, aya is right there!” She yelled at him cutely when they got to the bottom of the staircase and he snatched up her waist in his arms. I looked at them again. “Yeah, I'm right here.” I agreed with a nod. Chanyeol started to stare at me for some reason with his arms still around jennie and i tilted my head. “It’s not what it looks like,” Jennie said with a tiny bit of nervousness. “I mean, it is. But it’s not serious.” She claimed. I remember saying the same thing to myself when me and baekhyun started getting physical. I gave them a small smile and got up from the couch. 
“Okay, sure. Anyways, have fun you two.”
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Two weeks to find the bitch. Two weeks to devise the perfect plan of action and execute it, And two weeks to get the cops of phoenix to turn a blind eye to this whole fiasco. I probably won’t need a whole two weeks for that last thing but that’s at most. I already began with carrying out my plan of action. I’ve been watching this lady for about a week now. I reminded myself as i pushed the binoculars closer to my eyes. I watched her undress through the window of a little obscure apartment she thought she could hide away from me in. I know this is what she wanted all along. For me to hunt her down like an animal, for me to watch her in the night with no sleep. Only thinking of her. She thinks the moment i find her that I'll come to her. I’ll go straight for her with my mind all screwed up by the death of a loved one. I’ll mess up and make mistakes. Fire some inaccurate shots at her. I’ll cry and ask for her comfort. Hate sex maybe. Well, maybe I'm the one thinking of hate sex but anyways, I know how her mind works. I successfully played her like a violin for months. How would I not know? 
None of that is going to happen though. I’ll follow her everywhere she goes, stay in the shadows, make her think I never even came or at least I just haven’t yet. I'll scare the shit out of her. Everything around will start to crumble, then when she’s at her lowest point, I’ll watch her burn just like she should have that night in the hideout. All in a week. Karma is an asshole this time around, and his name baekhyun. Si yeon flipped her hair so it came out of the collar of the shirt she just put on. I never thought I could hate someone so much. I scoffed then sighed. It kind of reminds me of when I never thought I could love someone as much as I love aya. Weird connection but accurate. She really rocked my whole fucking world, and she probably hates me now. Shit, that might even be an understatement. Of course, I can’t regret what I did because I was so stubborn about it. I kind of have to stand by it. But I miss my baby. I have no right to say that but I do. I miss that little smile of hers, and how she says my name. Her eyes and her lips and her hands. Fucking everything. Especially when she would grip my hair and my chin in such a possessive way I couldn’t think straight.
“Fuck.” I whispered under my breath.
“What's she doing?” Minseok asked in confusion.
“N-nothing at all. I just was thinking about some things.” I threw the binoculars at him and stood up out of the chair i pushed close to the window of our hotel suite. “Here, keep watch. I can’t stand it anymore.” My mind is all over the place right now and i can’t have that. I walked into the bathroom and paced around with deep breaths. I reached for my phone and looked through it for any pictures of aya that could satisfy this urge to see her. See her with that sexy little attitude she wears in front of people she doesn’t know. I wonder if she's struggling as much as i am. I found a picture of her sleeping as i was scrolling through my album and smiled. Her cheek was smushed up against my silk-clad pillows, her hair was all over the place and her lips were soft and slightly opened. I could see my shirt on her body all wrinkled up and covering her torso. She looks so perfect. 
“Baekhyun! She’s on the move!” Minseok yelled from outside the bathroom.
“Shit.” I got up quickly. And to think i was about to put my dick in my hand. I pushed minseok out of the way and grabbed the binoculars. She looked around with a paranoid expression as she walked to her new car. This is her second one this week. I must admit she’s very good at being thorough. High-end hotels then low cheap apartments. Renting a car one week, then buying one the next. She stays on her toes definitely. But she could never have gotten away from me no matter how good she is at this. 
I smirked and sat back into the chair. “pull up the tracker and let’s haul ass.”
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I closed my left eye while focusing my right on the target. It moved side to side slowly, which made this a bit too easy. I pulled the trigger three times firing two to the stomach and one to the head. My aim is off. Really off. I sighed and let my arm drop to my side. 
“Something on your mind?” Chanyeol asked.
“I can’t seem to think or aim straight. I had a dream about that bastard last night. He’s still lingering in my stupid head.” I expressed with a pout. 
“Well, what did you expect? To completely forget about someone that important? Already?” Chanyeol said as he aimed for his next target. 
“Yeah.” I whined.
“No.” He laughed after hitting his target in the head perfectly. “That’s not how this works. Also, are you really going to hate him forever? Even if he came back would you completely not want him? After everything?”
“Ughhhh, shut up! Stop making sense!” I whined more. When the man laughed again my phone began to ring. The caller ID read, baekyum, with a heart. This happens every week. I get one call from that stubborn asshole and I always decline it. Well, sometimes I just stare and let it ring, other times I decline it. When I think about it, chanyeol is right. I don’t know what I'm going to do when I see him again. If I see him again. I don’t know what I would say, or how I would react. I know I'm mad at him right now. But what about when he gives me that “I'm home, babydol” smile. Will I melt? will I set him on fire?
Can I do both?
I looked up at chanyeol after realizing my phone stopped ringing. His phone was to his ear and the hand holding the gun was pointed at the target still, but with no intentions of shooting. I threw daggers at him with my eyes and he smiled at me. 
“Oh, everything is good actually.” He answered the asshole while putting him on speaker. 
“That’s good to hear. I hope you’re looking over aya well.” I scoffed while listening closely.
“I definitely am.” Chanyeol said. A mischievous smile plastered all over his face.
“Don’t get too comfortable though. The job is almost done. I’ll be back soon.”
“That’s great, baekhyun.” Chanyeol answered in a lower voice than before. Maybe even a little disappointed.
“chanyeolll.”  Baekhyun whined into the phone. I widened my eyes at his behavior while chanyeol just answered calmly. “I miss her sooo muchhh. It’s killing me.”
“Try to stay alive. I'm sure she wants to kill you herself when you get back.”
“Is it bad that I can’t wait for that?” 
“Not at all. I know how you feel. Trust me.”
“Alright, i have to go. Thank you again, chanyeol.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome, man. Be careful out there.” chanyeol said before hanging up.
I felt like my heart was so cold before this one phone call set it on fucking fire. I bit my lip while staring at the gun in my hand. “How could he?” I said. It’s coming back. All the feelings I tried to push away. It’s all just replaying.
“How could he just say those things? How could he just make me feel like this!?” I screamed at chanyeol. Letting out my feelings wasn’t up for debate at this point. It all was just coming out on its own. All because of one phone call. 
“Aya, I'm sorry.”
“No, none of this is your fault so don’t apologize! Don’t try to make up for the mess he made of me! Stop watching over me and stop comforting me! I just want to be left alone!”
“I’m not watching over you because he told me to! I’m not comforting you for that reason either!” He yelled back, finally. “I'm doing this because I want to! Because it makes me happy.” He walked over to me slowly. “It makes me happy to make you happy. To see you happy.” Before I knew it I was surrounded by him. His arms felt huge and heavy while they were wrapped around me. He’s big and warm, but he felt almost nothing like baekhyun. And he never will.
“Don’t say anything. I don’t want you to.” Chanyeol spoke quietly into my ear. “Just let me have this.”
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AUTHORS NOTE : WHOA THIS MIGHT BE MY WORST CHAPTER LMFAO. i rushed it because i wanted to get through this part....ill do better in the future!!! I hope lol
kissess <3333333 ~lailaa
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banditthewriter · 6 years
The Pact - 6
Well... I guess I should apologize ahead of time?
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif is mine*
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When you stepped into the hallway the next morning, Frank was hovering nearby with a strange look on his face. He smiled when he saw you though. The wedding was the next day and you still hadn't figured out what you were doing. "Hey. Karen's friends are coming in today and she's spending some time with them. I thought you might want to ditch Bill and spend some time with me." You looked over your shoulder at your hotel room door and frowned. Billy had barely gotten any sleep the night before, staying up on the couch dealing with something overseas he said, and you weren't sure you wanted to ditch him. But one look at Frank told you that you needed to. "Let's go," you said as you joined him. The walk ended at the beach. Somehow you'd be in Florida for over a week now and you hadn't done more than look at the beach. The two of you walked slowly, enjoying the breeze coming off of the water. The weather was perfect and you smiled as you turned your face into the sun. "Things been okay with you?" At your curious noise, Frank touched your wrist and you stopped moving. "I don't know, you've seemed off since you got here. Once I found out about you and Bill I thought it might have been that, but you're still acting weird." You dug the toe of your shoe into the sand. The problem with having known Frank for most of your life was that it was ridiculously difficult to hide things from him. Whenever you tried, it usually came back to bite you in the ass. Like now. "Is it because I didn't tell you? Because I wanted to apologize for that. I really am sorry Y/N, I just—" "You can't marry her," you blurted out, looking up at Frank with wide eyes. He hesitated a bit before he tilted his head. "Why not?" You inhaled deep and exhaled out everything you had learned from that file from Billy the night before. As you told him about her being involved with drugs and how it was on file that she was the reason her brother died, you could feel your stomach turning. Even the words felt like poison on your tongue. Frank's face was unreadable. In the time you'd known him, you didn't think there had ever been a time when you weren't sure how Frank was going to react to something. You swallowed thickly and nodded your head a bit. "Say something Frankie," you whispered. He started to shake his head, turning away from you for a moment. When he looked back, there was a smile on his lips but it didn't look friendly. You had a feeling this was how he looked in the heat of battle sometimes. "I knew all that already. What, you think I was marrying a woman and she hadn't told me about her tragic past? Jesus Y/N," he said as he looked you from head to toe, "what is wrong with you? Why in the hell are you looking into Karen?" The problem was that he was looking at you like he didn't recognize you. It felt like your world was ending and you didn't know how to make it stop. "The pact," you finally croaked out pathetically, clearing your throat and sniffling when you realized you were crying. "We made a pact and I—" "Jesus, is that why you're doing this? Some pact that two drunken kids made? The point of the pact was if we didn't find other people but we did. I have Karen and you have Billy." "No," you cried, your arms wrapping around your stomach. "I don't have Billy. You don't understand. It's just pretend. It's... he... we're not together. I'm alone." It seemed like there was a crush of emotion that went over Frank at that. You waited to see which emotion would win out and by the look at his face when he stepped towards you, you had to think that it was anger that had won the battle. "So you wanted to ruin my happiness just because you're alone? How the fuck is that fair?" You wiped at your eyes, trying to keep straighten your spine. At some point you had been hit the realization that you had been a complete idiot and now you were just on damage control. As if it was that easy. "It wasn't just that," you said as you swallowed, calming yourself down a bit. "I... I love you?" It shouldn't have been a question. You knew that. Love should be a declaration, not like you were seeking reassurance. And those words that you had been carrying around since you got the invitation felt honest, but not in the way you’d been thinking. What had you done? "I thought you did," he said as he turned and started to walk away. You hurried after him, desperate to get him to stop and listen to you. You needed to explain, to try to make him understand that you'd been wrong, that you were sorry. You needed the chance to apologize. He spun around and you had to quickly back pedal to keep from running into his chest. "I didn't tell you that I was marrying Karen because I was scared. I was scared because I didn't want it to mess with what you and I have. I didn't want to tell you because I didn’t want things to change and for us to not be us anymore." He shook his head with a humorless laugh as he turned to continue away from you. "It's almost laughable looking back." You could have kept after him, but you didn't. Instead you slumped over into the sand. It'd gotten away from you. You'd gotten so caught up in everything that you'd forgotten the most important thing. That Frank was your friend. Your best friend. And now? Now you'd be lucky if he ever spoke to you again. ------ You didn't run into Frank at the hotel and you weren't sure if you were glad for it or not. The elevator ride to your floor was riddled with anxiety as you tried to think of what you could say if you did come across him. Or Karen. Key card in hand, you unlocked your hotel room and stepped in. Next to the closet was Billy. You opened your mouth to say something, because it'd been a horrible morning and you needed help, when you noticed what he was doing and quickly went silent He looked over his shoulder at you and shook his head before he went back to stuffing his clothes into his bag. "Got an interesting phone call a little while ago. I told you that someone would get hurt if you used that information," he said as he dropped the bag and moved over to the bathroom to finish gathering his things. "You're the one that gave it to me. You knew what I was doing and you were helping me," you defended as you moved further into the room, stepping back when he came storming out of the bathroom. "Yeah, because I thought you'd see that she was just a troubled girl that grew into a wonderful woman who our friend loves. And I never thought you'd actually go through with it. I wasn't helping you; I was trying to sabotage you." He was trying to sabotage you sabotaging them. The thought was almost funny but you didn't laugh. You couldn't even if you wanted to. "Billy, where are you going?" He picked up the bag and zipped it harshly before he glanced at you. "You did it, didn't you? You succeeded in ending their relationship and he's going to marry you instead, right? I mean, there's no way that you just blew up the ground you were standing on without it going perfectly. Obviously you don't need me here anymore. You've got sabotage down to an art form." He hefted his bag over his shoulder and started towards the door. You hurried to intercept him, wrapping your hands around his wrist. "Billy, I need help. I need to fix this." He looked between your face and your hands on his wrist before he sighed. He opened the door but didn't step through it immediately. "Frankie always said that you would do whatever you wanted, damn the consequences. It was the highest praise from him, right? I guess none of us really realized how true that was going to be." He sighed and looked back at you. "You broke it Y/N; maybe you should fix it yourself." He pulled out of your grasp and started into the hallway. You chased after him, grabbing the strap of his bag and calling his name before he could get too far away. "Billy, wait," you began, not sure what you could say to make it better but knowing you needed to try. "I'm done waiting," he mumbled before he turned around, pressing you against the wall. His eyes searched yours but you weren't afraid of him. Of course he wasn't exactly going for fear just then. Before you could say anything, he ducked in and kissed you. It started rough, him reaching up to hold onto your cheek as his lips moved over yours. And then he softened in to a barely there caress. When he pulled back, you were too stunned to react. He shook his head solemnly and turned away from. All you could do was watch him go into the elevator. He didn't even turn to look out so all you could see was his back as the doors slid shut. You didn't have to wonder why it hurt worse to see him walk away from you than it had to watch Frank walk away. You were pretty sure you knew the answer. What had you done?
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
WIP Week 2019 [Day 6]
Question: What is your favorite comment you’re received on any of your fan works (WIP or Complete)?
It’s not an actual comment or anything but I’m always happy if people like what I wrote specially for them! <3 I’m always super nervous about that ;w;
Your Most Popular WIP
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs Shipping: Soukoku [Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai] Notes: My most popular online WIP is my School AU “Between Lies and Love” but offline it is the Civilian Chuuya x Mafia Boss Dazai AU. I once wrote a chapter 1 for the story I planned! [WIP: 18th Sep. 2018]
Shifting the two small bags from one hand to the other, Chuuya left the convenience store. He held his free hand in front of his face to protect it from the autumn sun shining right into his eyes. An old lady entered the shop while he stood in front of the entrance and he greeted her with a friendly smile. She responded with a nod and then she was out of sight. Starting his way home, he stepped forwards. Luckily the way was short, he would not even need ten minutes home, because he hated letting his daughter alone at home. 
Chuuya passed a few other stores and looked through the shop windows before he turned into a lost alleyway to shortcut his way home. The moment, he wanted to walk around the corner, to get back to the main street, Chuuya bumped against someone else. He stumbled a step backwards, his hand holding his hat and looked up. "I'm-", he wanted to apologize but he stopped when he felt the murderous glare on him. 
"Where are you looking, you bitch?" His gaze wandered over Chuuya and the man was at least two heads taller than him and behind him where two other guys with a similar building. All three were staring at Chuuya and then their eyes suddenly lightened up in a way, Chuuya couldn't describe, when they looked at each other. 
"Boss, I think he-" The only blond one under the men spoke up but before he could finish his sentence, he laid straight on the floor, a man with black hair and a completely black outfit standing him, pressing his face down on the street with his booted food. 
After that, another man appeared in the alleyway and looked around, seemingly to analyze the situation they were in. His hair was brown and he was wearing all black too. Then his gaze fell on Chuuya and a smile appeared on his face but that didn't quite catch his eye - the other one was covered under bandages. Chuuya looked straight back at him when the man started to speak with a really soft voice. "You should leave for the best." 
The man who arrived a few seconds before him grabbed his arm and wanted to pull him out of the alleyway but Chuuya snatched out of the grip. "He is right, leave this place." His voice sounded less patient with Chuuya and his glare was his dark eyes sent chills down his spine because he never saw someone looking so angry at him for literally no reason. 
"You two are pretty full of yourselves," Chuuya said and dodged a fist from the man he bumped into a few moments ago and with a smooth movement, he threw him over his shoulders, his bags clashing against his own body. "It's a three on three if I join you." He put the two groceries bag aside and rolled the sleeves of his sweatshirt jacket up like he was doing that as an everyday duty. 
The other two men of his spontaneous formed group are exchanging looks but the moment the brown-haired man shrugged his shoulders, the other one exhaled exasperated and rolled his eyes. He didn't seem amused about him joining the battle but the other man probably had the upper hand about decisions between them. 
It wasn't like the other three men gave them any other opportunities to discuss their further on-goings because the blond one, having now a bloody and bruised nose, attacked the black-haired man and was complaining about how he could dare to destroy his beautiful face and he would definitely pay for it.  
"Don't stay in the way, Chibi~" The brunette said, laying one hand on his shoulder. With a feathery jump and his hands in his pockets, he kicked the until now unharmed third man right into his face and tossed him against the wall. 
"Hah, as if!" Chuuya exclaimed and jumped over Dazai's shoulder by supporting himself on his shoulder with one arm and knocking out the one man he bumped into by kicking both of his feet in his face probably breaking one or two of his teeth. He himself landed elegantly like a kitten on his feed in a crouching position. Behind his back, the black-haired man punched the third one on the ground before he was able to attack Chuuya from behind. 
The one the bandaged man had kicked, got up from the ground and ran towards Chuuya and the other man. His attacks were easy to dodge for Chuuya but the other one got his fist right into his face. Chuuya snickered and let the enemy trip over his long leg. "So? Who's standing in the way, huh?" Chuuya teased him with a smirk on his face. 
"Don't be so cocky just because you broke a few teeth out of him," he answered and held his cheek with his hand. He rubbed over it and spout a few pained groans. "That was nothing."
Chuuya only shrugged his shoulders as an answer and turning his back to him. "You have to know." With fast movements, he ran towards one of the enemies and hit one of them with his fist. Through his blood ran only adrenaline at the moment - it almost felt like fighting back then in his High School days. "Look out!" 
Hearing the shouting of Mister Angry Boy, Chuuya turned around only to dodge a thrown brick last second. Though, Chuuya lost his momentum and fell backwards on his butt. "Ohw." He rubbed the aching area and with a back-flip, he got up from the dirty ground, dusting off his hands and pants. The bandaged man laughed. "Clumsy, aren't we?" 
A slight blush appeared on his cheeks and he clicked with his tongue. "At least I don't need ten kilometer bandages."
It took them a few more kicks and punches before these three idiots were beaten and weren't able to get up from the ground, groaning from pain of there broken bones. They looked miserable and a look on his watch told Chuuya, the fight didn't take long, just a few minutes. He dusted his clothes off and turned towards the other two. "Though-" He turned around to the place he expected his groceries to be but the bandaged man - with the black-haired man behind him - already gave him the bags. "Thank you." He took them with a huffy movement. "I'll have to go." 
Only turning around, when he felt the grip of the other man around his wrist. 
“What's your name?" 
Confused, Chuuya looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him and the smile irritated him even more. "Nakahara. Nakahara Chuuya," he introduced himself and when the grip around his wrist loosened, he let his arm sink down. It wouldn't hurt when these two men knew about his name, the chances that he would meet them again were pretty much against zero anyway. 
"It was nice to meet you, Chuuya~" The man said and the way he drew every single syllable of his name gave Chuuya goosebumps. "Right, Akutagawa-kun?" Akutagawa just glared at Chuuya and didn't respond in any way. 
"Yeah, yeah- whatever you say, Mister Bandage." Chuuya shook his head while rolling his eyes and was about to leave the alleyway. He had really no interest in getting caught by the police for the brawl and he left his daughter alone at home for more time than he was comfortable with. "I really have to leave, I hope you clean that shit up here." 
“We do." Akutagawa snapped and went to the dead looking bodies, kicking them with his feet like they were worthless trash. "There was no reason for you to interfere anyway." 
"It's not like I expect a thank you." Chuuya rolled his eyes and turned towards the bandaged man. "Just to make things complete. What's your name?", Chuuya asked a little curious which men chased through the town to beat a group of punks up. Of course, he was aware of his help without asking for any reasons but he didn't help especially them out rather he wouldn't come out without fighting. 
"Dazai," he answered and his lips still formed this stupid unreadable smile. 
"Then- whatever you do with them- Have fun?" Without waiting for an answer, Chuuya left the alleyway and sped his steps up to get home fast. He only went groceries shopping because he needed some stuff for his daughter otherwise he wouldn't even have left the apartment on his day off. 
It didn't take long until he was in his own four walls again and put away the things that survived the fight. A few things, like the eggs he bought for his dinner, didn't survive. After he had put the few things away, he walked into his daughter's small room. "Little princess, I'm home," he greeted her and listened. She was still asleep so Chuuya just walked in with the light of the hall to not wake her up. 
Her chubby, light red cheeks, the light orange hair, still thin and short. Her pink babygrow with cute sheep on it he bought for her first birthday a few weeks ago - all made her so adorable and Chuuya smiled at her. She was all the trouble worth. 
The growl of his stomach made Chuuya realize that he should eat something because he didn't eat since hours. A look on his phone told him it was dinner time anyway. He sighed, gave Aya a kiss on her forehead and left her room. It wouldn't take long until she would wake up to get her food too. 
On his way to the kitchen he answered a message from his friend Tachihara and in the kitchen he put on the playlist of his favorite rock band while doing dishes and turning on the rice cooker. After what had happened, Chuuya wasn't in the mood to cook so he would go simple with rice and stir-fried vegetables. 
The moment he put his plate down on the table, he heard Aya's cry. It took him only a few seconds to get next to her bed and take her out of it to comfort her. "Sssh- Everything is fine, little princess," he whispered while he rocked her in his arms. He hummed her favorite melody and until she calmed down. 
Aya grabbed Chuuya's longer hair strands with her short, thick fingers and put them into her mouth, drooling on them.
"They aren't food, Aya." Cautiously he put his hand around his own hair and freed it from the biting with her small baby teeth. "What does my little princess wish to eat?", he asked her and put his hair behind his shoulder before Aya was able to grab them again. As an answer, he only got cooing and giggling sounds. "So you want some vegetables from your papa?" When the little girl hid her face on Chuuya's neck, he put his hand in her hair and ruffled her short locks, smiling. 
With his daughter in his arms, Chuuya left the room and entered the kitchen. While his stomach growled for food, he put Aya in her high chair, belted her up and prepared some food she was able to eat with her fingers like she loved doing over the last two weeks. A lot of it landed on herself but it was a really cute picture when she grabbed the food and put it into her mouth while her eyes shone like the sun itself. Chuuya took a few photos of her with his phone before he started to eat next to her. 
If he overlooked the fight he had today, he really had a peaceful life he couldn't complain about. Of course, there was no place for a lot of luxury with having to take care of a one-year-old child and being a single-parent but he loved her with all he had and would give up everything for her.
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hq-vbc · 5 years
it’s you part 14
it’s you masterlist
pt. 13 > pt. 15
a/n: a long ass writing part. I’m not done with this one but I thought that instead of posting the whole thing all at once, I will post things that are happening in between this part! like what akaashi and bokuto are up to!!
“for the first time ever I realized that I was alone. I know this sounds pretty depressing because no one is really alone but I truly was.”
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“here”, oikawa says while placing the cup of tea he prepared in front of you.
after bokuto sent the message “let’s end this friendship”, he turned off his phone.
neither akaashi nor you were able to reach out to him that’s why you decided to wait at akaashi’s and bokuto’s dorm for his arrival.
however, he didn’t come and it was getting late.
akaashi told you to go home and even though you didn’t want to, he blocked your actions by telling you that if it gets too late, he would have to walk you home and if bokuto came home around that time, he will lock himself up in his room. thus, the two of you would have waited in vain.
you listened to your best friend under the condition that he calls you right away the moment your other best friend sets one step in the dorm.
when you left you didn’t want to be completely alone and therefore went to your boyfriend instead.
but you should have thought this more through, though. now that you have calmed down, you realize how late it is and that you must have woken up your boyfriend.
“sorry”, you mumble, your voice reflecting exhaustion.
“you can make up by telling me what happened”, oikawa answers calmly.
you have to muster courage to look at him. his eyes show concern for you. you let out a sigh.
“it’s just that... how should I put this in... well, you see, bokuto said that he doesn’t want to be friends anymore?”, you rather ask than state. as if oikawa would have an answer. your boyfriend doesn’t reply yet, waiting for you to continue.
you try again: “bokuto ended our friendship. if you want to, I can show you the messages. I think that reading them, will make it more clear what happened”, unlocking your phone.
he nods and starts reading. it doesn’t take long until he reaches that one painful message.
“so, this aya girl is dating bokuto and akaashi including you don’t like her. bokuto can’t comprehend your reaction and feels left out by you two and kinda broke up with you guys?”, oikawa summarizes.
you chuckle. “yes, bokuto broke up with us.”
imagining how you three are like a couple, brings back the days you were together most of the time.
“I really want to understand you better but I’m not quite sure if I have already grasped your exact relationship to bokuto. I think it must be the same with iwaizumi and me but I just want to make sure that I’m not mistaken”, oikawa explains.
“do you really have the time to listen to the story why akaashi and bokuto are the two people I cherish the most?”, you ask him, keeping in mind that your boyfriend has done more than enough for the night.
he comes closer to you and gives you a deep hug.
after it, you feel much better, lighter and especially more understood.
“I’m you boyfriend. we don’t know much about each other yet that’s why I would love to get to know more about you” he beams, laying down on your lap.
you smile at him, stroking his soft hair while feeling so relieved to be with oikawa right now than anyone else.
you take a deep breathe to empty your head as much as possible.
then, you collect yourself and start telling your story: “it’s kinda complicated. I moved to tokyo when I was in middle school. pretty impressive, right? imagine a middle-schooler completely alone in this big, anonymous capital of japan.”
for now, oikawa listens to you with a smile.
“my parents never cared much about me- maybe they do care about me, however they never show it. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted. it felt like I only had two people that were my guardians, they were the people I called “mom” and “dad” but they never felt like what these two words are supposed to be.”, you stop. you are afraid that what you were saying is complicated but oikawa understands what you say.
you continue: “as I said, I was allowed to do pretty much everything, so when I said I wanted to move to tokyo, they agreed. now you may ask yourself why I would want to move places, right? I don’t know exactly why. maybe I just wanted to see the reaction of my parents... and the moment they agreed to this ridiculous idea, I planned to seriously move out. I was angry and throughout the whole progress I was crying lots, because my parents never tried to stop me or show concern that their young daughter wants to move out.”
remembering all the nights you were sitting in front of your computer, looking for inexpensive apartments in tokyo while planning how to transport your stuff, you feel like they were endless nightmares.
although you were under much stress, your parents never offered a helping hand.
“after all, I ended up in tokyo. I found a middle school near my apartment. my parents paid my bills. we were never short on money that’s why all of this doing was possible. however, when I tried to contact my parents, I couldn’t. I tried to call them every day and even sent letters but I never got a reply. one day, I decided to go home and there they were, sitting in the living room. I gave them a call while standing in front of our house. I saw my mother’s phone ringing but she didn’t pay attention to it. she ignored my call on purpose. I did the same with my dad but his reaction wasn’t much different from my mother. and then I realized: my parents were cutting me off.”
after that sentence there is silence. oikawa stands up and looks at you. you give a small smile. it’s not like you want to hide your pain but whenever you feel uncomfortable you just try to make the situation better, even if it means to put on an act.
“for the first time ever I realized that I was alone. I know this sounds pretty depressing because no one is really alone but I truly was. I left home and moved away, knowing no one in tokyo. yet, my parents took the best chance they had to erase my very existence. I was alone.”
immediately after, you can hear oikawa whispering: “I understand your pain.”
you wonder what you heard was true but your significant other just tells you to continue.
although you feel a bit uneasy because you want to ask what he meant, but you try to continue. you give yourself an inner note to ask him some other time, though.
“um, so... that’s how I got to know akaashi? I was in a pretty big lump, I felt so helpless and out of place. I think akaashi just kind of noticed me because we were in the same class. that’s why, I’m really glad the both of us went to the same school and I was lucky enough to be his classmate.”, you smile because of it. you truly appreciate what akaashi did for you.
“one day, when we had lunch break, he came to my table and put a sandwich on it. I was surprised that someone was actually approaching me. I can still remember his words to this day: ‘you never eat at school and you lost much weight. just eat this sandwich.’ his words didn’t have a deep meaning but it just showed me that there was someone who kept an eye on me. I ate that crappy tuna sandwich with too much mayonnaise although I didn’t like tuna and mayonnaise, expect for that day. on that day I loved tuna and mayonnaise more than anything.”
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nikky-the-writer · 6 years
Come Home
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Pietro Maxioff x Reader
Summary: AU
Will reveal of Pietro's secret tear his marriage apart?
Warning: cursing
You were always one of those people who was called cynics as you would often say that true love or soul mates don’t exist. Mostly you said it because you believed that there was nobody for you; however you never even tried. You were a pretty reserved person and most would say that you were shy, but you didn’t really like the presence of strangers and that was why mostly you were alone. You had no parents, no family, not even a pet as your building didn’t allow them, but it didn’t mean that you didn’t go to the animal shelter when you had time to play with animals.
And as to most people you seemed unapproachable just as those you were working in a pastry shop however to one of them you didn’t seem like that. His name was Pietro, he was already working there before you got hired and as you would like to say that you hit it off immediately, you didn’t. You haven’t spoken to each other for more than four months and then one day Pietro started talking to you as you have been friends for years and you didn’t mind it. After that, a year of good friendship turned into a relationship which after more than a year and a half turned into marriage.
Now you were both married for eighteen months and you couldn’t be happier, you are both more than comfortable with each other and you love one another. You are also a good friend with his sister and everything was going great for you, you even opened your own bakery, so after all that happiness it was meant for the happy bubble to be pierced.
You were watching confused as a young woman was talking to Pietro. She actually walked over to your table in the dinner a moment ago and acted as she knew Pietro. You weren’t jealous just confused, however, you soon realized what was happening and you almost got angry at him.
“God, I watched you almost every day, my friend and I were so sad when you stopped,” she said pouting before smiling again as she said quickly how much she liked his videos and she quickly excused herself.
During the conversation, you failed to notice how Pietro’s body stiffened and that his lips were pressed into a thin line as your attention was on the overexcite girl.
“You are really a jerk, you know that?” you said pretending to be serious and you notice how the color in Pietro’s face was drained now.
“What?” he managed to ask as his leg couldn’t stop tapping onto the ground.
“I have been talking about it for months,” you said thinking that he finally knew what you were talking about, but he somehow didn’t seem completely present.
“You…you wanted to do what?” his voice was like a whisper and you couldn’t understand the sudden change in his behavior he almost looked ashamed of something.  
“A baking tutorial, what else?” you said a bit more firmly than intended.
“No, no that’s what I was thinking, yeah…” Pietro said quickly before drinking water from his glass to calm himself down.
The whole atmosphere was changed during your meal; Pietro was unusually quiet and seemed as he wanted to run away from there. You also noticed that he kept glancing towards the table where that girl was sitting and you would think that he knew her, however when the girl approached the table she wasn’t sure if it was him and it didn’t seem they really knew each other. You were starting to freak out as Pietro never closed himself from you like this. He just stared at his food and ate not even once trying to talk to you. Finally, after you both finished and paid Pietro excused himself to go to the bathroom; he just needed to collect himself. You took the time of his absence to approach that girl. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, it was that he never lied to you and now the whole conversation seemed like a lie.
“Hi,” you said approaching other two girls at the table and the one from earlier smiled widely at you and you couldn’t tell why.  “I’m really sorry to bother you, but about what kind of videos were you talking about?”
“Cam boy,” she said. Her smile quickly disappeared as she realized what she said. She just assumed as if you were friends with him or whatever that you would know.
“A what?” you asked as you weren’t familiar with that expression.
“That is when people make videos where they are doing something sexual and they get paid for it.” The girl’s friend answered.
“So porn?” you asked already feeling the sting in your eyes as they were getting watery. Your fingers instantly moved to the ring on your finger.
“No, they,” the first girl started not finding really the right words. “In a way, yes, but it’s mostly one person in a video and th…Oh my God…” her eyes went wide as they fell to your hand immediately set on the wedding band around your finger. “Did I just destroy a marriage?” she asked quickly while her hand was already covering her mouth.
You could see that she was feeling guilty, but in your eyes, there was nothing that she did wrong, “When was the last time he did that?” you asked ignoring her question about your marriage.
“Look I’m really sorry…I don’t want to come in between…”
Tears were already rolling down your cheeks as something inside you told you that what you were about to hear won’t be what you need to hear. “Please…”
“Around a year and a half or more…”
“Oh my God…” you said as you realized that he was doing that behind your back as you were already in a relationship then.
“Y/N?” Pietro asked as he came closer to you, but you only stepped away not even looking at him. “Y/N, please talk to me,” he came closer reaching for you and you flinched from his touch.
“Don’t touch me,” you said loud enough for the whole dinner to hear. “Don’t fucking touch me, I can’t believe I ever trusted you,” you said disappointed before running away.
It took you longer than you intended to get home and you were sure that he was already there waiting for you. You have stopped crying half way there and came to a realization that you can’t actually lean on anybody that you were destined to be alone and that was why you decided to leave him. You didn’t want to be in a relationship poisoned by his lies you didn’t need that in your life.
“Please, talk to me,” it was the first thing Pietro told you as you walked into your home.
You headed to your bedroom ignoring his please and grabbing your suitcase before throwing your clothes inside.
“Please, don’t do this,” Pietro tried to take the clothes away from you and you let go of it looking straight at him.
“You lied to me,” you said while observing his sad face, his eyes were red maybe even more than yours and he was still crying.
“I was ashamed of what I did, but I needed the money and I couldn’t lose you.”
“I don’t care what you did or why. You lied to me…you...you cheated on me…” you forced yourself to say those words as you still couldn’t believe that he actually did that to you.
“I have never cheated, please listen to me,” he begged you and his voice cracked at the end.
“When was the last time?” you asked wanting to give him a chance to say that he didn’t lie, you wanted to give him a chance so badly.
“Last time?” he asked a bit startled with your question.
“When was the last time you made a video?” you asked quickly and he looked away.
“A week after I proposed,” his voice came out as a whisper but you heard him and you only got even more disappointed and sad.
“I can’t believe this, the week when we opened our bakery together…” you mumbled in disbelief.
“I did it because of it,” he tried to reason with you although he already knew that he was the one wrong in the fight, he should have been honest with you from the start.
“Don’t put the blame on me, I don’t care what you did, you lied,” you said firmly before putting your attention in filling your suitcase.
“You have to understand that I never wanted to do it, but I worked a lot of hours at that bakery and I needed more money when Wanda got sick and to save for my own bakery.”
“For how long?” you stopped your actions looking at him, you would understand if it was for a few months to earn quickly, but his answered stunned you.
“Four years…”
“I can’t do this right now,” you zipped your suitcase with half of your stuff not inside and some peeking out.
“Please, I will tell you everything you want to know,” he said standing in front of the doors stopping you from leaving the bedroom.
“Don’t you think is too late now? I have your ring on my finger and I didn’t know what a random girl on a street could know about you. I...I can’t even look at you right now,” you said pushing past him leaving him broken, but he wasn’t the only one who was broken.
“Please don’t walk away,” it was the last thing he told you and that you heard. His number was blocked on your phone and only times he could hear your voice was while watching videos on his laptop of you two while letting his heat shatter more with every minute passing by.
He gave you time, the one thing that you asked for. And then a week passed by and another after it and after another one passed he start losing hope. He started thinking that there was no amount of time that could pass by and bring you back home.
 A/N: Thank you guys for reading this!!!! Please leave feedback!!
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yootaesowlwrites · 5 years
The Angel Demon Hybrid Chapter 12;
Chapter 12 - The Angel Demon Hybrid Series.
First Season.
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Alex appears in the church behind one of the witches, Alex wraps her arms around the witch's neck and snaps it, she looks up at Hayley as smirk grows on her face, she had gained everyone attention, she turns around to face the other witches.
"I would like to extend my thanks for inviting me to the party," Alex says. "I love a good party!" The witches focus all their energy on Alex trying to harm her. "Oh, wow, are you trying to hurt me? tsk tsk, naughty witches." Alex glances at Hayley and temporarily blinds hr.
"What the hell?" Hayley questions, Alex raises her arms into the air and a blinding light flashes through the church, knocking the entire witch coven into unconsciousness. "Holy shit." Hayley's sight returns to her, Alex sees Camille and Jackson lying on the ground unconscious.
"What happened?" Alex asks as she turns to face Hayley.
"They're after my heart," Hayley says, Aya strides into the church. "I thought I smelled arrogance." Alex turns around to face Aya.
"I think you meant confidence, but I can understand how the uneducated are apt to confuse the two." Aya confidently says.
"You want to tell me what your dead-eyed drones want with my heart?" Hayley questions.
"It's nothing personal, I  just value my life above yours," Aya says as she rolls her sleeves up, she launches herself towards Hayley, Alex appears in front of Hayley taking hold of Aya's neck, stopping her from attacked Hayley.
"Shall I remind you about the first time we had met? I warned you to stay away from if you did value living, that included Hayley, Jackson and the entire Mikaelson family, even Camille." Alex says, her voice dangerously low.
"And why would I listen to a little girl?" Aya questions.
"You should have," Alex says. "But I'm so glad you didn't because I have been waiting for a test dummy." A devilish smirk formed on Alex's lips. "Let's see if I have this correct, Vampirism is basically dark magic, Hayley, did I get it right?"
"I believe so," Hayley says, Alex nods her head.
"Oh, fantastic," Alex says. "And wouldn't you know it, I control the darkness." Alex placed her other hand on Aya's chest. "This might hurt or this might kill you, I've never done this before." A dark purple mist appears from underneath Alex's hand and Aya begins screaming out in pain.
"LET GO OF ME!" Aya screams, she struggles against Alex's grip.
"All right, if you insist," Alex says, she releases the grasp she had on Aya's neck letting her fall to the floor, Aya places her hand on her chest as she breathed heavily. "Well, what do you know." Aya glares up at Alex. "It worked."
"What have you done to me?" Aya demands.
"Oh, you know, the usual," Alex says. "Manipulating the darkness, turning you human." Marcel enters the church and sees Aya on the floor he speeds towards her and helps her to her feet.
"What happened?" Marcel demands to know, Alex looks at Marcel.
"Consider this a warning, I suggest you tell your cult of vampires and witches that if they ever try to harm Hayley or Jackson again, they'll all be dead," Alex says, she glances at Aya. "And may I suggest you go buy her some human food, she'll need it."
Alex locks the door to her penthouse and turns around, she sees Kol smiling wide at her from the couch.
"How did your day go?" Kol asks. "Besides for Davina sending you an emergency note."
"Well, I saved your brother, and Aurora appears to be a complete lunatic," Alex says, she unzips her jacket and Kol spots the dried blood on her neck.
"What the bloody hell happened?" Kol asks, he stood from the couch and walks up to her.
"Aurora shot me in the neck," Alex says, Kol nods his head as he examines her neck. "The bullet is destroyed."
"All right, good, but you're all right?" Kol asks, Alex nods her head as she removes her jacket. "You bled a lot."
"Really? I didn't notice when my shirt became soaked with blood." Alex says, Kol rolls his eyes. "Oh, before I forget the best part, I manipulated the darkness as well."
"And who was the test subject?" Kol asks.
"Aya," Alex says.
"Aya, Aya from the Strix?" Kol asks, Alex nods her head.
"She's very much human now," Alex says.
"Oh, you're getting stronger and stronger each day," Kol states, a knock on the door interrupts them. "That's my brother." Alex turns around seeing as she hadn't had the chance to walk away from the door, she unlocks the door and looks up at Elijah.
"Look who's still alive," Alex says, Elijah chuckles but stops once he spots the dried blood on her neck. "How did you know where I stayed?"
"Hayley confessed," Elijah says, Alex nods her head.
"So, what can I do for you?" Alex asks.
"I'm here to thank you," Elijah says.
"Well, go on, I'm all ears," Alex says, a smile growing on her lips.
"You've become quite confident." Elijah states.
"Because I'm braver now," Alex says. "I'm not a fragile little human anymore."
"Right." Elijah softly says. "Thank you, for not only helping my brother and me but Hayley as well." Alex nods her head. "She said that you stripped Aya of her vampirism?"
"I've been itching to test that out on someone," Alex says, It became silent for a moment, neither of them saying a word.
"For the love of it, just kiss already!" Kol loudly says, Alex moves one of her arms behind her back and shows him the middle finger. "Rude."
"Was there anything else?" Alex asks.
"Yes, about this morning." Elijah begins, Alex lifts her hand to silence him.
"No, no," Alex says. "You said enough this morning."
"You did not allow me to say anything." Elijah states.
"Silence speaks louder than words," Alex says.
"You caught me off guard," Elijah says, Alex lets out a sigh.
"All right, fine, I'll allow you to answer the question," Alex says.
"Thank you," Elijah says. "You were not a lost cause, not were you a charity case for me, you weren't a plaything either and you were not there to be entertainment when I became bored." Alex slowly nods her head. "But I will admit, at first it was an experiment, but then I genuinely wanted to help you, I did not want somebody with so much life in them to kill themselves with narcotics and alcohol poisoning."
"Your words didn't help much," Alex says.
"And I will never forgive myself," Elijah says. "When I returned, you were gone."
"I was an experiment to you?" Alex asks. "What kind?"
"I wished to see why humans invest so much time with a human being that was slowly killing themselves," Elijah says. "I wanted to see why they bothered trying, and slowly, I started to actually care."
"You know, that's almost just as horrible as being a charity case or entertainment," Alex says, she was hurt by him. "What did you discover?"
"When I showed up to your home, and it was empty, I thought you had died," Elijah says. "It dawned on me that I grew attached to you, and I did not want you to be dead, I grew to care about you, and realized that, that is why humans help others."
"Because they care for each other, and they don't want to see somebody closer to them suffer, silently destroying themselves," Alex says, Elijah nods his head.
"I did not want to see you suffer anymore, I hated seeing you hurt, destroying yourself," Elijah says.
"It's going to take a while before I can forgive you," Alex says. "Especially now that I know that I was an experiment."
"It was not my intentions to hurt you," Elijah says, Alex nods her head. "What happened after you left?"
"I moved to Las Vegas, finished my school year there, before attending university," Alex says.
"What were you studying?" Elijah asks.
"Veterinarian," Alex says. "But I was killed, and never got to finish."
"I want to know everything that had happened to," Elijah says. "What you are, what you can do, I want to trust you, and I can't do that without knowing what you are."
"Trust? Elijah, I don't trust you right now either." Alex says. "But I'll tell you what I am."
"Invite him in," Kol says.
"We're going to have to work together, I might still care about you, but my trust will have to be earned this time," Alex says, Elijah nods his head. "Would you like to come in?"
"I would love to," Elijah says, Alex steps aside and Elijah enters her apartment, Kol becomes visible to him. "Kol?"
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