#even if Lucine still says shes an assistant
cherry-dr0p · 1 month
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Experimenting! 🧪
Wanted to do a little doodle with Lucine! This was mainly an excuse to doodle Carrie (C.A.D) but I got a little carried away ^3^''
Alternative doodles
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WIP Sketch
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nariism · 6 months
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across the violet sky — lyney
"you look beautiful in the moonlight."
synopsis. all that fretting was over nothing, because he's looking at you now and the only thing he can think of saying is...
wc. ~1.5k
— for @rintosei smooch 🫶🫶 | event masterlist ✉️
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"You did what?"
Lyney flinches at his twin's harsh tone, the words seething out through her grit teeth. He pauses in his rummaging, deflating with his hands hovering over the open box.
You had originally agreed on helping them set up for their next show, even going so far as to personally arrange for all the props to be transported to the Opera Epiclese. But you're nowhere to be found now, leaving the magician sweating under the cold gaze of his dear sister.
"Lyney—" She sighs, fingers pinching at the bridge of her nose. And he knows he's messed up big time to elicit such a powerful emotion from her. "How could you do that? Y/N has been nothing but amazing in helping us through all of this."
It was true that you had been supportive to a fault ever since you first stumbled into a performance way back when. Since then, you'd always looked at the pair with stars in your eyes, perhaps hoping that one day your beloved would pull you onto the stage despite his repeated worries about props misfiring or sabotage.
He had never worried about that sort of thing until he was framed. He'd be damned if you were to be injured during one of his shows.
So he banished you to the audience, swore to himself that he would never endanger you by pulling you into the spotlight of the stage. And he upheld that promise to himself, until you finally broke him down with such honeyed smiles and even sweeter words.
Because he was weak when it came to those he loved, he caved in just to see the joy shining in your eyes. He didn't have time to regret his decision—not when you were already leaping into his arms with a chanting prayer of thanks on your tongue.
And now...
"I know, I know..." he huffs in frustration, resuming in busying his hands with the contents of the box. "But what was I supposed to do? I owed Father's friends a huge favour and this—"
"Are you really choosing Father's approval over your relationship?"
He stops again, eyes cast solely on the props in his hands. One of the associates of the House demanded that his child be put into the show as an assistant. You were visibly hurt when he had informed you of the last minute change, and hadn't heard from you since.
While he would have normally chased after you in such a moment, he was too preoccupied with preparing everything for the changes made to the performance to worry about where you'd gone or the extent of how upset you were.
"What would you have me do?"
Lynette saunters over to her brother's side, crouching down beside him. Her hand gently guides his own down to place the props back into their spots.
"Making sure they're okay would be a good place to start."
The magician makes a face, lip jutted out in a half-pout as he considers it. Yes, he would be distracted if you were on his mind this way after all. It would be better to clear the air before the show started. His sister was always the more level-headed of the two of them—the soft yet stern voice of reason when he was being careless.
"You're right," he concedes. Lynette was always right.
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He doesn't find you at your home.
After knocking at the front door until his knuckles hurt, he deems that you must not be here. Clutching the bouquet of Rainbow Roses carefully to his chest, he makes his way to his next destination: the Fountain of Lucine.
With nearly everyone tucking away for the night, there's hardly a peep in the plaza. He approaches slowly, watching your figure come into focus.
Ah, of course you'd be here. You always came here when you needed to think.
There were a thousand things he wanted to tell you. He'd practiced on the way here: how to apologize, how to grovel for forgiveness even though you were so kind that he was sure you'd accept it in a heartbeat.
Still, you were the love of his life. He seldom expressed his vulnerability to you, but he truly did feel horrible for bailing you out of the show last minute—especially when you seemed so excited to finally be a part of it.
"Sweetest," he calls you. You don't respond, instead opting to quietly swish your bare feet around in the shallows of the fountain. His heart plummets at your lack of interest, so he takes a cautious step forward. "It's late. You'll catch a cold sitting out here."
Again, you're silent. He swallows, trying to think of a way to get you to even look his way.
Lyney has always been good with words—talented at misdirection and deceit. But he has no reason to be like that with you, to be dishonest or closed off or misleading. It leaves him tripping over his own tongue.
He loves you with all his heart, yet he doesn't even know how to talk to you without making a fool of himself.
His whole life has been about buttering up an audience, making a spectacle of words and dance and magic. But you're real. How does he handle that?
Slowly, he sheds his coat before draping it over your shoulders. He sits beside you facing away from the running water, the paper holding his beautiful bouquet together rustling with each movement.
The noise makes you look his way, eyes curious as ever. It was what he adored so much about you.
For a second, he sees the undeniable softening of your expression—a small but unmistakable smile gracing your face before it vanishes again.
"You'll catch a cold," you scold.
"That's okay."
Your gaze flickers between his eyes and his lips. He can feel the heavy tension melting away with every shameless glance up and down, smugness firing through his veins when he realizes you've missed him despite your avoidance.
"I'm sorry I made such a big deal about all this," you whisper, tearing your attention back to the way the water ripples with each movement.
Lyney reaches over quickly, hand swiftly turning you to look at him again by the cheek. "Don't apologize," he argues. "I was being stupid."
You nod, mouth opening then closing as you wait for him to continue.
He doesn't. He can't.
The whole walk here he had planned out exactly what he wanted to say, all the ways he wanted to tell you that he only gets so protective because his work can be dangerous. There were a million ways he planned to apologize, a dozen scenarios where he imagined you would walk out of his life for being so careless with your feelings.
But all that fretting was over nothing, because he's looking at you now and the only thing he can think of saying is...
"You look so beautiful in the moonlight."
You blink at him in surprise, instinctively burying your face into the warmth of his palm as you lean forward. There's a knowing in the way you look at him, as if able to read the words in his heart that he can't seem to get out.
"You're not trying to butter me up, are you?" You ask teasingly, an attempt to relieve his racing mind.
"Just being honest," he laughs. Another silence fills the air before he continues, "I'm really sorry. Next time, I promise to drag you onto the stage with me."
You stifle a giggle, pulling away to watch your feet prod at the surface of the water. "It's alright. I know I'm not exactly cut out to be a star."
The magician shuffles closer to you until your shoulders are bumping, then he places the bouquet of Rainbow Roses in your lap.
"You are a star," he mumbles. "The brightest star in the sky."
Dancing in the moonlight, bathing in it so beautifully. Lynette would hurl at him admitting something so corny, though.
"Really?" You ask with a laugh in your breath.
"Really really."
You hum softly, hand settling over his. Your bodies are turned opposite ways but he can imagine the smile spreading across your face, the warmth of it. You were always poor at hiding when he flustered you.
The soft sound of streaming water fills the comfortable silence. It's a stark contrast to the applause he's grown so accustomed to but he would choose this a million times over.
Your hand squeezes his. He realizes, then—you're a star no matter which spotlight you're under, whether it be under the weight of a thousand eyes or just for him under the quiet moon.
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("Stop gagging! It wasn't that cheesy!"
"A star?" Lynette pales further, placing her head into her hands. "A... A star?"
"Oh, quit with the dramatics already!"
"I have a lovesick idiot for a brother... I'm going to throw up."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Lucien - ‘I want to look at you and not feel hurt’
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You thought he was your soulmate, that you honestly met the man you wanted to spend the whole of your life with. That was until his attitude changed towards you, his sweet, charming personality became distant and harsh, pushing you away and you didn’t know what you had done.
“Lucien please!” You whined as he was ignoring you as he sat at his desk, typing away.
It would carry on for a few more weeks until you finally snapped.
“Will you tell me what is happening with you Lucien! I can’t take this anymore,” You sobbed, as he came in late once more from work. You took his hand and he finally, for what felt like forever looked down at you, but his eyes were cold, not like the warm ones you had grown to love.
“Lucien, please just tell me what is wrong, this is killing me,” You tremble. He takes your hands and sits on the sofa, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“I made a mistake, a really big mistake,”.
“Why, did something happen at work?” He chuckles ever so softly at your response, you hadn’t heard him laugh for weeks.
“You're too perfect, you know that,” As he squeezes your hands, “No, I have been a fool,”.
“Lucien, what is wrong?”.
“You remember that night we had argument…”. How could you forget? It was brutal, the pair of you at each others throat, yelling, screaming and crying. You had forgotten what it was about as it went on for so long, it was something about how much time Lucien spent at work and researching, how you never enjoyed yourselves together anymore. He had stormed out of your apartment, he re-appeared in the morning with a bunch of flowers. 
“Well… I wasn’t truthful where I went,”.
“Oh?” He took a gulp before holding your hands tightly.
“You know Cindy, my lab assistant…” He started and your heart almost stopped beating, praying what you thought wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
“I- I spent the night with her…” He trailed off, not at hers, but with her. 
“Y-you and Cindy…? You, did you?” You ask, your hands shaking and his silence gives you your answer.
“But the flowers… we, we had sex when you came home and you’d been with her hours before!” You yell, taking your hands away from his, tears falling from your eyes.
“I know and it was stupid of me, thats why I’ve been so distant, I don’t feel like I deserve you at all,” He whispers, his voice trembling slightly.
“I want you to leave,” You say closing your eyes not able to look at the man in front of you.
“Please leave,” Is all you can manage as you watch him stand up before leaving.
You waited until you heard the door shut before you burst into tears. He owned your heart and broke it into two, not only by cheating on you but also by treating you so coldly after, he made you feel like you had done something wrong when really it was him. Your heart was throbbing, replaying the previous five minutes in your head, all you could imagine was Lucien and her together. He touched her in places he touched you, he made her cry his name as you did, he gave her the pleasure that he only gave you and it crushed you. It hurt you beyond words.
It explained his cold attitude to you, why he had been so distant lately for reason but it didn’t justify it. You had never felt so alone, so hurt, you felt an anger toward Lucien like none before. You clutched the pillow tightly to you, sobbing against it before you passed out from exhaustion. It wasn’t until a buzzing woke you up the next morning.
“Kiro?” You answered wiping your stinging eyes, forgetting briefly the events of last night.
“Miss.Chips! How are you, are you almost ready? It’s the day of the festival,” He cheerfully yelled down the phone. Shit you completely forgot.
“Kiro, I’m really sorry but I cant,” You say and you feel your voice waver before the tears start once more.
“I’m going to go now, I’m sorry,” You say, trying to hold back your tears before ending the call and crying once more. It felt like someone had stabbed you in the heart and was constantly twisting the knife, it left you numb. You had been positive Lucien was the love of your life and this betrayal, it just hurt you in pain you never knew. You saw the paper crane Lucine had made for you, he had made you write your wish on it before folding it into shape, your heart instantly shattering. Grabbing the nearest thing that reminded you of him, a teddy bear he won for you at a festival, and threw it against the wall with a scream. You were angry and hurt, you had no idea how to cope with this feeling. 
You pulled yourself into the shower, scrubbing yourself of any of his scent and touch but it didn't work, you could still feel his touch ghosting over you. Drying off there was a knock at the door.
“Lucien, I dont want to see you!” You yelled.
“It's me Miss.Chips!” The sweet voice of Kiro yelled and you opened the door, there he stood with dozens of snacks in his hands, you almost couldn’t see his head over the pile in his arms. You let him in and explained everything, crying once more for the 100th time within 24 hours. Kiro vowed to cheer you up, you spent the day playing games, watching cheesy movies and eating your feelings. 
“Maybe you should speak to him?” Kiro finally talking about Lucien and you shook your head.
“I’d rather sit and eat my ice cream,” As you spooned another mouthful into your mouth as he chuckled.
“I just want to get away from all this,” You add, looking around your apartment, knowing Lucien practically lived here and when he didn’t he was only meters away next door. 
“Why don’t you come on tour with me! It’s perfect, we’d be travelling across Europe together, what do you say Miss.Chips!” He says with his eyes wide.
“I can’t just pack up my jobs Kiro, as nice as it would be!” You smile and chuckle.
“Well do you have holiday? Oh please Miss.Chips, I’d personally pay for you to come and stay with me,” He insisted as you opened a bottle of wine, you needed it to numb your senses of Lucien. 
By the end of the night you was passing out on your sofa, Kiro helped you into bed, admiring the sight of you peacefully sleeping. He knew you was hurting deeply and it hurt him to see you so broken and lost, not his usual Miss.Chips. He sat on the sofa and pulled out a blanket from behind, he wanted to stay and ensure everything was okay. 
You woke to a wave of nausea and a throbbing head, how much did you drink? You ran to your bathroom before throwing up, you felt dreadful. You froze when you saw Kiro was in your kitchen, did he stay over?
“Morning Miss.Chips!” He cheerfully sung and you groaned in response, everything hurt.
“Too loud,” You groaned as you covered your head with your arms as you sat the kitchen counter, trying to block out any light and noise. You was too sensitive for this. 
“Ah, ah Miss.Chips, today we’re going to speak to Mr.Li to sort out this tour,” He chimed and you lifted your head up slightly.
“You was serious about that?”.
“As serious as I am about making you a delicious breakfast,” You couldn’t help but cringe watching him make a sugary concoction. You got into the shower and freshened up as Kiro worked on breakfast.
“Kiro, shall we just grab something out?” You asked as he presented you with a bowl of cereal topped with biscuits, candy chunks and sugar, even looking at it made you feel sick from sweetness. Kiro chuckled and agreed.
“Soooo, what did he say!” Kiro beamed as you came out of Victors office.
“Okay so I have the rest of this week off,” You had booked it off to spend time with Lucien, “Then I can take a few months off, if you let me document the tour with you and produce a segment documentary for it”. You wouldn’t tell Kiro but you broke down in-front of Victor when he commented how broken you looked, maybe he pitted you which is why he let you have this time off. He despised Lucien and vise versa, both of them stating how bad the other way for you, so maybe he was letting you go to free yourself from Lucien?
“Okay the last step for today is,” Kiro says, as he takes your hand, “You need to talk to Lucien” but you shook your head.
“Kiro, we only broke up two days ago,”.
“Bella, you need to just talk to him, besides you need to get rid of this,” He says as his hands reach up and graze the necklace you were wearing. You forgot about it, it was what Lucien had brought you and your hand clutched to it. 
You stood in front of Luciens office, taking a deep breath before knocking and entering.
“Luci-,” You said as you walked in, seeing Lucien with her sitting opposite him. Anger took over and your stomach looped in knots, you never expected to see her. 
“Bella wait!” Lucien called after you as you went to turn back. You stepped into his office, unable to look at either of them, you bit your lip hard to stop the tears from falling from your eyes. It hurt to even look at him. He dismissed her, she was also crying and sniffling as she left the office.
“What did you pet want,” You hissed, folding your arms over your chest.
“I actually fired her,” He responded and your arms dropped. You shut your eyes before opening them and in front of you stood Lucien, you almost got lost in his scent, you could feel his breath inches away from your face.
“Bella, I’m so sorry,” He whispered, his eyes searching for yours until they met. His charcoal eyes were broken, you could see the pain in them.
“I, I’m going away for a few months,” You said with a swallow, “I’ve already packed your stuff into boxes, they're ready for you to just move them,”. 
“Your going away?” And you nod. 
“Please don’t, stay we can work this out,” He whispers as he cups your face, the tears cascading down your cheeks as your eyes meet.
“I want to be able to look at you, and not feel so hurt by you,” You say with a deep breath before taking his hand and placing the necklace in his hand, wrapping his fingers over it, “Goodbye Lucien”. 
The next five months were the best time of you life, you and your best friend travelling and touring across Europe. You got a backstage pass to every concert, taking remarkable footage and interviews for your work. The days Kiro was off you spent it enjoying your free time, mainly exploring the area, historic landmarks, theme parks and all the food you feast your eyes upon. It was difficult at first, you were still heartbroken over Lucien and cried yourself to sleep a lot, until Kiro couldn’t bear it. He knocked on your door one night and you let him in, he coddled you as you cried into his chest and from then on you never slept alone, Kiro shielding you from the pain.
 At first it was innocent your time together, until one day you was sat on the beautiful beach front of a private beach in Greece when Kiro snuck up behind you.
“Hey Miss.Chips, you enjoying the sun?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s proper lush,” You smiled before gasping slightly, feeling something around your neck you look down, Kiro had placed a blue gemmed necklace on you.
“Kiro…” You whispered, tearing up slightly and turned to face him. He was sat there, pure love and admiration beaming from his eyes as he looked at you before leaning in. You leaned into him and you shared a sweet tender kiss between you. 
From then on you became the ultimate couple, best friends and lovers, any trace of Lucien was left behind. That was until you returned home.
“Don’t run Kiro! I have the key to get in!” You giggle as the pair of you run up the stairs to your front door.
“I win, now where my prize?” He chuckles as he pushes you against the door, your lips meeting and you wrap your arms around his neck. A light cough interrupted you, Kiro turned and held you behind him to see Lucien standing outside his door.
“Your back?” He asks.
“We are,” Kiro answering for you. 
“I was talking to Bella,”.
“She has nothing to say to you, anything you want to say can be said to us both,”. Your heart raced, but not for Lucien, for Kiro. Lucien had betrayed you with a co-worker after an argument, treated you awful for weeks as if it was your fault! Kiro, Kiro was perfection, he lived to make you happy, he could never do enough for you. 
“Honey it's okay,” You perk up and stroke Kiro’s arm giving him a sweet smile.
“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for everything… I kept the memory crane I made you...” Lucien trailed off. 
“I’m glad it happened, otherwise I’d still probably be sat wondering what I did wrong,” You say shaking your head, Lucien looking hurt at your words. 
“Anyway, we need to get going, we need to pack up someones things before the moving truck gets here,” Kiro chuckles, his hand moving to hold your waist. 
“You're moving?” Lucien asks, slightly shocked and you nod.
“In with me,” Kiro adds before picking you up bridal style and carrying you into your apartment for the first and last time before the pair of you emptied your apartment. Lucien suffered in silence the whole you was away, he tried to reach out to you but it was impossible as you had blocked his contacts. He was shamed and humiliated for what he did to you and how he treated you. Knowing he let you slip away from him made it unbearable to go. He had waited for you to come back, keeping the memory crane as a symbol of his love for you and hope you could fix the mess he had caused. If he was scientifically smart enough to know it was impossible, he would have said his heart stopped beating the minute he let you fall from his side. But hearing Kiro’s words and seeing you so happy with him, almost did make his heart stop from the pain. All he wanted was to have you back by his side, he would do whatever it takes. 
“Well then, welcome home Miss.Chips,” He beamed as he picked you up and again and carried you into his, now yours, apartment.
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ofmoonbeams · 4 years
introducing: moonbeam
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full name: noemi elara calliso
nicknames (if any): emmy, no (at least that’s what her mother always says to her)
gender / pronouns: cis female  / she, her
classification: human
abilities (if any): n/a
age: twenty-six
occupation: nursing assistant
traits: selfish, insensitive, eager, determined, ambitious, adventurous, gregarious, unreliable
mbti: estp - the entrepreneur 
zodiac: cancer sun, leo moon, gemini rising
hopping fences, staying in the shadows, black coffee, skinned knees, moonlight reflecting off a lake, vanilla and vetiver candles, your throat being raw from screaming into the void, wind in your hair, the fresh sounds and smells of a place you’ve never been before, desperately trying to remember places you have.  
noemi was born to young human couple in district three, lucine and lee perrine. lee and lucine worked at the factory, but once lucine became pregnant with noemi, lee and her brother steven basically forced her to stop working, worrying that she would injure herself or lose the baby. so, she became a freelance tailor, repairing torn trousers or sewing buttons back on a coat. money was tight already when it was just the two of them, but once noemi was born, it was impossible to survive off of their income alone. 
so, lucine’s brother steven (who was known to dabble in the black market as it was), decided to go full force, scavenging the drylands and beyond for anything that was worth anything. practically all of the money earned from these endeavors went to raising noemi, and steven loved her as if she was his own daughter. 
lee hated this, he already didn’t like steven mostly because his wife always defended him (he was her little brother, after all). but it also hurt his sense of pride - the breadwinner with no bread, he hated the fact that he couldn’t support his family.
this continued for a few years, and when noemi was two years old, the callistos were on the hunt for two perfectly human babies. why two? greed, maybe. maybe so that when they wanted alone time, their children could entertain each other. maybe they just liked even numbers. anyway, lee was at dinah’s on his night off, after he got into a fight with lucine about finances, her brother, etc. the callistos, on their hunt for babies, overheard him venting to his friends about his situation, and gave him and offer: for a modest amount of money, they would take noemi and raise her as their own. lee didn’t agree right away, he said he’d have to talk to his wife about it and they would consider it. as one can imagine, lucine shot him down immediately. 
the callistos knew that their main source of income and the only thing keeping them afloat was steven’s dealings on the black market. so, they tipped off one of the watchers, and bribed him to make steven disappear. 
lucine waited by the window for three days after he said he would be back, but finally she realized that he was dead, and they couldn’t feed noemi. lucine was so distraught that she laid in bed for days, crying and ignoring the pleas of her toddler. lee took noemi and went to dinah’s, where he handed her off to the callistos. 
when noemi first arrived to her new home, she was confused. sure, she was pampered and fed beyond anything she had ever experienced, but she always asked where her mama was. trying to dispel the notion from her mind, the callistos always shot her down, telling her that they were her parents, and they loved her. and in their own way, at least at first, they did. they never harmed a hair on her head, they gave her anything she wanted that could be bought. but what she wanted most was her mother to tell her that she was proud of her.
noemi and saffira had the same tutors, did the same extracurriculars, and were always together. no matter how hard noemi tried, she just wasn’t as good as saffira at anything. she enjoyed piano, painting, learning languages (which she wasn’t half bad at), dancing. but slowly, her mother’s constant disappointment in her performance chipped away at her enjoyment of these hobbies, until she despised them all with a passion.
her and saffira debuted at the same time, but upon seeing that her mother paid absolutely no attention to her at all (indifference is worse than hatred, after all), noemi ran away to district two, where she stayed at dinah’s all night, watching and listening to people, even engaging in light conversation with them. it was magical to her, but on her way back home, she was accosted by a mutant, and it scared her so badly that she didn’t go back until a few years later.
noemi hated being bad at everything (or not being as good as saffira), and she was desperate to have something of her own. she begged her parents to let her get a job, and finally, through their connections with the hospital, they got her the position as a nursing assistant. now, noemi is not good at this, and her bedside manner is awful because she just asks questions that pop in her head and can be quite insensitive. but still, when you’re injured, a pretty young face can do wonders for morale. 
her experiences at the hospital made her want more, and soon enough, she started sneaking out again to go to districts two and three (though it took some time to build up enough courage to go to district three).
as of now, she still lives with her parents and saffira, but their lives are fairly separate. she holds a lot of resentment to all members of her family, but she still craves their approval. mostly, she just wants something that’s her’s, and that can’t be tainted by her parents or stolen by saffira.  
the secret history: noemi’s entire life, she wonders who her true family is; of course, whenever she asks, her parents go on a long diatribe about how she was left alone, to starve and wallow in poverty, and how they saved her. but from what she remembers (which is very little, especially now that she is older), it was nothing like that at all. i think part of her doesn’t want to know what happened to her family, because she really doesn’t want her adoptive parents to be right. however, I do want her to eventually find out what happened to her family, whether they are dead or alive (could be interesting). perhaps someone recognizes her from when she’s little , or knew the family in some way? perhaps a childhood friend (who would have to be a bit older) sees her and something clicks?
radicalize me, baby: noemi has been going to district three more and more lately, and while her time is confined mainly to the boneyard and her visits with peter, she ventures out occasionally. she is incredibly curious about mutants, and wants to know more about them. i want someone to open her eyes to how awful it is to be a mutant, because all she sees is a different life than the one she has, which is incredibly restricting. it’s a bit “the grass is always greener on the other side” deal, and i want noemi to take her passion for mutants, and turn it into something more...destructive. she’ll be reluctant to at first, because her parents’ approval still (unfortunately) means a lot to her, but she’ll give it up eventually.
the parent she never had: noemi needs someone who believes in her, who sees her for her potential and her present. her mother is a master at chipping away her self esteem and making her want to do better to gain her approval at the same time. i want someone who could be a mother (or father) figure to noemi, who loves her (or will) unconditionally, because she deserves it. also someone to give it to her straight and try to make her more realistic and take care of herself, because the girl can be reckless.
teach me: this ties in to the wc above, but i want someone to teach noemi something she doesn’t know, or does know but is “bad” at. someone to really take the time to help her, and give her more confidence in her own capabilities. this could be anything from fighting to painting. i just want her to feel like she’s good at something (aside from sneaking around). 
ex flames, ex friends, flames, friends, people at dinah’s she’s talked to before, someone who knows she’s from district one, someone who doesn’t know or doesn’t care. her found family.
dinah’s is the first place noemi went to outside of district one, and the warmth and friendliness and the life she encountered there made her feel at home for the first time. it’s a very special place to her, and probably her favorite place in metropolis.
used to play “hide and seek” with her mother when her mother’s friends would come over, basically ensuring noemi was out of sight and silent. her mother would then come up and find her and tickle her and noemi loved the game because it was a special thing she had with her mother. then, one night she snuck downstairs and saw saffira was allowed to engage with her parents’ friends, and she was heartbroken. still, she wanted to play the game because it made her feel special, and she loved getting the attention from her mother (sad hours).
noemi wants more than anything to be a mutant. she has hope that her family were mutants, and that her powers are simply dormant. spoiler alert: she isn’t. she’s completely human. this will tear her apart, especially when she finds out saffira has abilities (much much later). 
writes in a secret journal that she keeps under her mattress.
loves peter pan and would always play dress up with her sister where she was peter pan and saffira was wendy.
in general, her and saffira would dress up and play pretend and have little “adventures,” a memory noemi clings on to. she misses her sister, but years of (unfair) resentment towards her keep blurring that, and she could never admit it. 
loves sour gummy worms. 
got a tattoo out of rebellion, of course it’s a crescent moon on her hip. of course. 
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