#even if all we've done is sit in bed and ramble to a couple of people who were very chill about it
thethingything · 2 years
for the last couple of days our brain has kind of felt the way it does when we've not had any caffeine and our ADHD gets really bad and we start getting distracted all the time and having racing thoughts and being generally unhinged, except we've been drinking energy drinks so I know it isn't that.
our psychosis definitely started flaring up as well because we've had the usual stress induced hallucinations we get (usually just spiders and little orbs of light. it's whatever) but also really intense paranoia over how people perceive us, but it's combined with the racing thoughts and we keep just rambling and jumping from one thing to another while freaking out about doing exactly that.
so yeah anyway if I talk to anyone and it looks like I'm typing stuff really frantically or it doesn't make sense properly, that's probably why. I just felt like this was worth clarifying in case anyone noticed and wondered what the hell was going on
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i am attempting "light therapy" to help fix my sleep schedule and i'm cranky about it
my aunt, who's a neuropsychiatrist (one of the few women in her field and fairly well known at this point, don't know if anyone's heard of Dr. Jo Cara Pendergrass but damn she's cool) was in town this week to look after her mom post-cataract surgery
Cara is probably the smartest person in the family, all things considered
(my brother and I give her a run for her money but neither of us intend on getting a goddamn PhD lol) (also my dad wouldn't appreciate me saying that, he is also pretty smart. but like. he's got intelligence, he's just lacking in wisdom)
ANYWAY. of all the people in the family, Cara is the person i rarely have to explain my illnesses to. usually, i have to tack on a brief description of it anytime i say "yeah i have EDS and fibromyalgia and IBS and--"
but last time i saw her over Christmas, i told her the diagnosis and had my script prepared to explain, but she just went "Oh yeah Ehlers Danlos -- wait. Oh."
her face did the thing where she was processing new info at light speed by blinking and cycling through several expressions as the pieces of the mystery that is my chronic ailments settled themselves in place
unfortunately i wasn't at the point where i was comfortable enough to tell anyone how miserable and in pain i was, that was something i put off another couple of months before i confessed to Nana that i'd become a grocery thief and was on my way to being homeless. that's also around when my brother asked my permission to share my story with the family, because he knows how difficult it is for me to admit how much i'm struggling.
i'm rambling tbh but only to keep me awake and sitting outside long enough
so Cara was here this week. i went to visit the other night. we always have really interesting conversations about our brains and genes and family shite, i don't think anyone other than my brother and i can actually hold a conversation with her about that kind of shit.
i did NOT go there just for advice, but when i told her how much trouble i've had getting out of bed before evening, she gave me a couple of tips that i'm now trying out
1). the 24-hour sleep deprivation strategy
it sounds like a nightmare to me, but apparently has supporting evidence that, at least in the short term, resets your circadian rhythm.
if you've ended up awake hours past your desired bedtime, then instead of simply going to bed late, it's advised* to keep yourself awake throughout the rest of the day until the next bedtime.
the reason this is supposedly effective is that the longer you stay awake, the higher the sleep pressure becomes (sleep pressure is just your body's signal to go the fuck to bed, which is something i'm intimately familiar with as it's a constant companion of mine regardless of sleep hygiene). the higher the sleep pressure the easier it is to fall asleep and, ideally, the better your sleep becomes.
Cara did emphasize that as far as we know, it's only a short term strategy. either we haven't done enough studies or we haven't figured out how to apply it to a longer term solution.
2). Light therapy
i was already somewhat aware of this but not to the extent that Cara explained.
the trick here is to force yourself out of bed (if you're able) and sit outside. preferably on sunny days. she said this even works if you end up falling asleep outside anyway, you're still absorbing sunlight.
there's no immediate change, as it does take a few days or more to notice any improvements (this checks out, as i am still drowsy as fuck) but doing this daily or semi-daily gradually convinces the body and brain to be awake earlier.
it's one of those things that a lot of disabled folk like me, especially those with fucked up sleep, would hear and get annoyed with, because we've tried so many different strategies that have each failed one way or another. and hearing "go outside" just reminds me of my mother and every yoga enthusiast insisting on all natural medicine, which understandably raises my metaphorical hackles.
but Cara, again, is the smartest person i know. i'm much more willing to take the advice of a neuropsychiatrist over a yoga mom, despite them actually agreeing on something.
and also? i do miss the Sun, quite terribly.
so if, by sometime next week, i'm magically able to wake up earlier with less struggle, i will let y'all know. i'm gonna be cranky about it, especially if it actually WORKS, but as the neighborhood mascot of Sleep Deprivation i think i'm a pretty good indicator if something like this is legit or not.
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sweettodo · 4 years
we're your best friends.
jean kirstein x freader x eren jaeger.
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includes : smut, threesome, swearing, innocent / naive y/n, taking virginity.
word count : 3,4k
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a / n , thank you for 400 ( 450 as of 3 / 8 / 21 ) , i love you all <3 you're all so special to me and i’m grateful for you. i hope we can grow together as a big ole’ happy family !
"Do you guys ever stop?!" you bellow, your bedroom filled with the shouting amongst the two men in front of you, their rough voices which completely washed away any interjections you gave.
Sighing, you grab one of your notebooks from your desk, winding up your shoulder, and throwing it at Eren. The book slaps him in the face and he shouts, his hand rubbing his face.
"The fuck y/n!" He screeches, Jean, shutting up right after Eren, hair messy from tugging at it out of frustration. You wondered why a simple conversation about who would be the better gentleman; the better man. We had commenced in the formal meeting area- your room- hours ago, to study; hence the notebook used to bonk Eren's pitiful face, "you don't get it." He huffs.
"You two better stop acting childish before I kick you out." Walking between them and plopping down on your bed, pleased to see that the battle had now dwindled from your -very- empty threat. You couldn't kick them out even if you wanted to.
Everyone at school was very well acquainted with the fact that Jean and Eren both had a persistent problem of rivalry, they fought about everything; from who had the better penmanship, better wardrobes, better walk, to who was prettier.... yes, prettier.
Eren stubbornly sits on one corner of the bed, traversing his legs with his back pressed against the wall, Kerstein made himself relaxed in your desk chair, "as I was saying, before I was so impolitely interrupted-" you snort, glancing at the two men, "you both are gentleman, but it's more than just how you talk to a girl."
"Yeah don't be ridiculous, I'm good at more than you think y/n." Jean boasts, smirking and tauntingly glaring at Eren who returns the glare, hair seeping down his shoulders as he rolls his eyes at the cocky Kerstein.
"I'm a sex god, I can sex anyone up, anytime- anywhere." Jean lunging to his feet and stupidly rocking his hips side to side like the fuck-boy he knows he is, virtually wearing it like a badge. Eren and you snickered at him.
Jean grunts, finger in the air tauntingly, "alright! It's not that funny anymore! Quit laughing!" tears brimming your eyes, chest aching from laughing, the blonde now taking into account that you two were more laughing at him, rather than with him.
Defensively, he shouts, "Keep laughing, virgin." Jean grins, squatting back down in the chair dramatically.
"I can name plenty of girls who want to get with me." Eren retorts. Laying your back against the headboard, listening as Eren spews stories about the 'countless sexcapades' he has with girls every week and the 'countless' girls who plead to fuck him on the daily.
"So childish, especially for a couple of university students."
You're dismissed again, "Y/n, who do you think would be better in bed, be honest!" you evaluate the question as much as you could, not to mention how hard it was to even imagine.
Simply putting it, you were a prude.
They wait hastily for your reply, curious to what you had to say, the silence provoking them to shuffle in their seats.
"I think... hm, Jean." Eren groans out in defeat, Jean cackling and throwing his head back, Eren pouts and crosses his arms, huffing out.
"You know what, how the fuck would you know anyway, huh?" rolling your eyes, Jean who is taking his sweatshirt off and hanging it off your chair, heeding to Eren, who is still weeping, "Jean, that doesn't count, she's never gotten with either of us, to begin with, her judgment doesn't count." Declaring matter-of-factly, Jean rubs his chin with his thumb and index, looking into the distance like he was contemplating to speak.
You watched as Eren stands in annoyance, his arms still crossed, "I mean, we could show her, but-"
"-We should, then it'll be fair."
Left in utter shock, were they insinuating you do something so delusional and sinful with your two closest friends? wouldn't that ruin years of friendship? Have they no morals? And to think Eren would have a little more decency.
"No, no way, don't be ridiculous."
Jean sucks his teeth, leaning in his chair so his elbows sat on his knees, the energy in the room had drastically changed, they were now watching you, making your hands anxiously tremble, their eyes scanning yours, while you tried to look at anything but them, heart out of your chest and now in your throat, they sat so relaxed, so casual like the proposition of sex didn't even phase them.
"C'mon, I want you to tell us who's better, you're our best friend, you're the best one to determine who's best." Jean pouts, this was a very clear-detectable manipulation, and you were not inept.
"Are you trying to manipulate me, Kirstein?" he shakes his head, leisurely stretching back into the chair, "because if you are it won't work on me." Jean peeks over to Eren, looking to be affirmed.
Eren plays with the hem of his shirt, a smug look on his lips, looking down to attempt to hide it.
Both men have talked about getting you to become their little toy, countless times at dinner with all the other cadets to embarrass you- or during the summer when you wore shorts to practice with your gear, sparring with a tank top, they both imagined unholy things, things you would believe to be appalling. "How about- better kisser?" tilting your head, that wasn't so much worse.
"Yeah, we've nearly kissed before too," Jean interjects, he saw your eyebrows scrunch, looking mindless, eyes so naive, his head full of vile thoughts, ways he and Eren could corrupt you, tear you open, and leave you begging for more. But they clearly couldn't let you know what they talked about.
So innocent.
"Sharing drinks," nodding slowly, the boys internally prayed you would loosen up only just a little, just a foot in the door so they could kick the fucking door down and break you in- they both figured it was about time anyways; you were a college student and hadn't done anything?
But you had not even a clue, that dumb little head of yours, how could you not comprehend their tactics. This was their way to get your legs open? This was laughable to them; too easy.
Dragging your ass across the bed, not leaning on the wall anymore; you sat criss-cross in the middle of the mattress, center of their attention, "I guess you're right." Mind racing, Jean would never talk to you again if you had said no to at least kissing, and Eren would probably get upset with you, not eager in being your friend, most likely following in his friend's lead.
Jean rolls closer to the side of the bed in your chair, not even a foot away from you.
"I can go first, Eren?" Eren nods, he was beyond delighted, this was fucking crazy. Truth was, Eren, who was seldom nervous over this type of thing; yet he was envious that Jean could be so... persistent; wishing he could be the same. With Jean grabbing your chin, such a pretty face you had, especially when you were anxious.
Easy to mold, easy to manipulate you; to do whatever he wanted with a bat of his eyelashes and a polite smile.
And here he was- in the back of his head - telling himself that he needed to teach you not to be so susceptible from now on.
He squanders no time, capturing your lips with his own, moving in a swift and low action, you kiss him back. He was incredible, it was at the perfect pace, the residing taste of mint gum that filled your mouth.
No wonder the girls loved Jean so much.
His thumb caressing your cheek which sent little cringes of anxiety throughout your body- realizing you had to kiss Eren after this, this was going to make you so dirty, but how could you kiss Jean and leave your other friend out? How unreasonable that would be.
Eren's abrupt words make you jump, "alright horse face, stop hogging and share." Jean pulls back, lips light rosy pink, even a little swollen, he rolls backward in the chair, the other young man sits up in front of you while still comfortable on the bed.
Instead of Jean's approach, Eren tilts your head, kissing your jawline first, tensing up from the ticklish feeling, soft lips establishing morale towards your choice in agreeing to do what they asserted; it wasn't that terrible after all.
He kisses up to the corner of your mouth and then slowly kisses you on the lips, eyes fluttering closed, drunk off his smell, stomach doing backflips.
Gradually pulling back, he's smiling like a fool before scooching backward back to his spot.
"Who do you think was better?" Jean rushes, blushing and looking to your lap, thumbs playing with each other, subconsciously hoping they would do a little more.  You didn't know who was better, they both were so good, too good.
"I don't know, you both are really good,"
Jean was going mad, you tasted so fucking good, and he didn't know how much longer he could contain himself, trying to remain relaxed.
Eren's dick twitching in his pants when he heard you finally say his name instead of Kerstein's, he was ecstatic...
Jean stands and scoffs, "alright I'll give him that, but I'm good at everything else. Eren s' a fucking virgin boy." biting your tongue, you felt guilty, Jean was really good, telling yourself 'maybe I should stop being so uptight, they would never actually hurt me.' Eren sees you ponder, looking into space while you stewed on your sentiments, Jean with no awareness as he rambles on and on about how experienced he is.
Gnawing on your bottom lip, anxious, you needed to make the first move- you needed to make this right.
Slowly, making sure they're both watching, you begin to unbutton your blouse, bottom-up.
"What are you doing?"
"You two wanted to show me who was better?"
Jean's eyes bug out of his head, smile growing across his face, Eren stands, embarrassed from your suggestion, they were nearly jumping for joy, "but I don't know ho-"
Jean jerked your shoulders, "relax," He whispers, out comes a shaky breath when his hands waste no time to finish unbuttoning your top. "You trust us, you wanna' feel good, right?"
The room was silent besides the pounding of your heart; could it have been any louder?
Blouse wide open for both of them to see your chest. Eren, who sat inches from you tugged at the fabric on your right shoulder, "so pretty- look at these Eren," Jean's large hands cupping your tits, sitting pretty in your bra, your throat grows increasingly dry, the feeling in between your legs tingling, though, you had no idea how to interpret it.
Eren stands back up, standing shoulder to shoulder with his friend, his hand caressing down your back and gripping at the flesh of your skin.
Looking at them as they stare at your chest, their hands all over you. "Do you know how to do anything at all?" Eren asks, shaking his head, he looks at Jean and pulls his hand back, "Jean and I are gonna ake care of you."
"Yeah, okay." Jean pushing you on your back, legs barely open, unbuttoned your pants, tugging them off hungrily. Both looking at you with lust-filled eyes, they had never seen you like this; so bare. Your legs are propped up so Jean and Eren can both stand before them. Their hands trailing up your jittery thighs.
"I'll get you ready, yeah? I don't want to hurt you." Responding with a simple nod, Jean is crouching down so his head is leveled to your clothed cunt, Eren sits back on the bed and slides his hand under your back; with one hand, he's unclasping your bra and peeling it off your body, his soft hands massaging your tits, nipples sensitive when his thumbs spend extra time on them.
Nerves doubling over when Jean's hands now pulling down your matching panties, head snapping up, legs shutting to deter them, Eren pushing you back down. "Calm down, you'll be fine." He reassures.
Eren feeling the soft skin, under his hands, rolling your nipple in between his fingers, Jean dragging his large hands in between your thighs, "have you ever fingered yourself y/n? Made yourself cum?" beyond embarrassed, the way they were taking their time on you, slowly feeling you up, you were almost becoming frustrated. Shaking your head, Jean clicks his tongue, "this might feel weird, but you trust us, right?" An audible gasp is shot out of your mouth when his middle finger is raking up between your folds.
Hissing out as he adds another finger, both of them running up and down your slick pussy, pressing down on a bundle of nerves, "feels- weird!" the more he played around with your sensitive clit, the more your leg twitched, the ticking feeling filling up your stomach, core flexing as he repeated his offense, the same sensitive rubs as his two fingers curled and fucked into you.
"Jean-” He was going so slow, making sure he didn't stretch you out too much, he needed to save that for later.
"Here, come taste."
Eren's grabbing Jean's hand, your tongue lolling out, his coated fingers dragging down your tongue, lips wrapping around his digits, tasting the juices from your cunt.
"Tastes good, right?" fingers still deep in your mouth, you're nodding like a fool, Jean smiling at the sight of the reaction bestowed on your face, the taste of your cum tainting your tastebuds; "of course she likes it, look at her, she wants more."
Eren nods in return, he leans down over you, soft hair falling on your chest as he leaves wet little kisses down your chest, peppering you with his lips down to your belly button.
Watching Jean, who is getting on the bed beside you, his knees next to your head, Eren jumping into action to take his best friends place, his sweats falling low just blow his v- line, he pushes them down, craning your neck to look up at Jean who his also pulling down his pants.
Your throat squeezes shut, lifting your head, "I don't you think that I-" Jean's hand grabbing your hair to silence you, jerking your neck up.
"Don't worry, I told you we'll help you."
"Jean, chill out a little." Eren mumbles, your head getting dropped back onto the bed, eyes fixated on Eren's wide torso, the tent in his boxers which made your mouth water, "I'll go slow, okay?" Palming his cock through his boxers, he holds your legs from under your knees, his boxers just under his cock, sliding his hand down and removes the little bit of coverage he had left. Your eyes widening, he spits in his hand, stroking his throbbing tip a few times with his thumb before adjusting forward and rubbing his raw cock up against your slicked pussy.
The feeling of Eren's thick tip squeezing inside of you makes you cry out in pain, the stinging pain of Eren taking his time to slide into you, fitting into you as much as he can.
Jean pinning your arms up above your head, tears spilling from your eyes, "h-hurts!" you whine, Jean beside you pumping his cock in his fist.
"So fuckin' tight, no wonder it hurts so bad." His hands pinning your legs open and up, he pulls out.
Without warning, he picks up speed, your body curling up from the pressure.
“I forgot what virgin pussy feels like, so tight-” he mumbled, his eyes rolling to the back of his head from the way he could feel his heartbeat in his cock, he needed this so bad.
The pressure soon becomes desirable, wanting to feel it everything he thrusts into you, your complaints soon turn to moans, looking at jean through your eyelashes while he's fixated on the way your boobs bounce while Eren dives deeper into you.
"Don't forget to help Jean out, remember?"
You're situating yourself up on your elbows, turning your body so your head is between Jean's thighs, he's pushing your hair back and holding it in a loose but sufficient grip, "let me guide you."
His thumb swipes down your bottom lip, opening your jaw, tongue sliding past your lips to wrap around his cock like it's instinct.
"Good, just like that," he groans, his hand on the back of your head guiding you further down the base of his cock, Eren fucking you slowly, savoring the feeling of your walls clench around him, sucking him in, he could stay like this forever.
Your neck uncomfortably stretched to pleasure Jean made it all the more painful when he started pushing down the back of your throat; harder to catch your breath, harder to swallow the saliva that was seeping up the back of your throat, trying not to cough around his length.
"Been waitin’ too long for this,” Eren grunts, the lewd noises of his hits snapping against yours on one end while your nose is barely brushing against Jean’s hair around his stomach.
Jean slowly pulls out of your throat, drool following, giving you the chance to speak, “Eren, h-hot!” you cried, your stomach twisting, pussy squelching around his wide cock, head dizzy as you begin to feel like your floating.
Jean sees your body shake from beside him, while he pumps his cock in his free hand, his other hand is kneading your tit in his hand. “Oi, I think she's gonna cum- c’mon it's gonna feel so good, you're so close, pretty girl.” Eren drilling into you with your legs pinned open, moaning and gasping for air as you feel your hole spasm, body tingling as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“C- I'm cumming!” your hand on Eren’s pec, pushing against him to ease the pressure of his cock buried fully inside of you, “f-fuck! Fuck, Eren!” his body sticky on top of yours, thighs uncomfortably stuck to his waist.
“God, can stay like this all day.” You panted like a dog, blinking the blurred vision out of your eyes from the blinding orgasm.
Jean’s getting off the bed, slapping your thigh to sign for Eren to get off of you, “I hope you can take it, pretty girl.” The brunette pulling up his boxers and sitting on the bed where Jean was just seated.
A panting mess, Jeans tearing you from your spot and pushing you on your hands and knees, Jean presses against the small of your back, pushing you into a deeper arch, abused pussy mere inches away from another cock.
Eren picks your head up by your hair, an evil smile growing on his face as he sees your face twist with pleasure, Jean pushing into your cunt, a mixture of his best friends’ cum already leaking out of your cunt, “gonna fill you some more, just stay still for me, okay?”
He holds your hips in place, the further his cock sunk into you, the more it hurt, the more he stretched you out, the more you were split open by the intimidating of him.
“If you keep squeezin’ me like that, ” he spits, unable to finish his sentence.
He thrusts into you from behind, held grounded in place as Jean ruts into your pussy mercilessly, Eren watching you cry and beg for stupid little nothings.
Cream covering his cock, feeling your walls tighten around him, he snakes his hand over your thigh, and to your clit, rubbing lose and light circles around the bud, your legs quivering, back jolting up from the overstimulation, “hm, what did I say about stating still?” ripping away from your clit, you whine and your back is pushed back down.
Jean mere inches away from climax, hips sputtering against your backside as you feel your juices drip down your thigh, sticking to his stomach.
Your head drops into the mattress.
“Pretty girl, we're far from done with you,” Eren’s purring into your ear, “dont give up now, we haven't gotten to the best part.”
The pad of Jean’s thumb is pressing against the rim of your tight, pretty virgin ass, “you can trust us, we haven't hurt you yet, have we?”
Nodding, this was only the beginning of a very- very long night. One of many, actually.
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sparxymcfly · 2 years
Hiiii I know we've never really talked before but I love your blog so much <3
Please ramble about Marty and his relationship with Einstein w/ me it's a crime how much lack of Marty and Einie content there is
So I think Einie is very very protective of Marty and he's the best doggo comforter, like, ever
YOU. YOU DRAW THE MARTY AND DOC HUGS. You've done other things also but I'll be frank you're doing the world a service every time. Actually I don’t recall if I’m following your art account on this one I’m gonna fix that if I’m not. I AM, good. Also I mean hey!! Journey of a thousand miles, friendships start somewhere, yada yada Heya ^^ And it's always so cool to hear people like what I put out! Random nonsense and all.
Einstein and Marty.... oh you have Wonderful taste. Let’s hit this let’s Hit this. I’m gonna use bullet points to hopefully maybe make it more organized <3
I’VE SEEN THAT... or perhaps just made the connection myself when I’ve seen people write or otherwise talk about it, but Einstein lying on top of Marty for comfort and it’s both dog cuddles and akin to a weighted blanket for stress relief/anxiety. Marty passed the Einstein test, we Know this dog absolutely loves this kid- cuddles and protection... yes.
Personally, I like to imagine Einstein is always the first to know when Marty’s arrived. Even past Doc just having, eventually, a general window in mind for when Marty is bound to get there- of course, allowing for obligations Marty’s mentioned, the potential for detention, that kind of thing. Einstein always knows. As far as every time we’ve ever seen him, Einie hasn’t come off as a very vocal dog when there isn’t danger afoot- the terrorists arriving, or Edna.... y’know, in general. Einstein was right <3
But, setting a potential scene- Doc’s working in his lab as per usual, perhaps there’s music playing from the jukebox, and Einstein’s dozing away in his dog bed. Marty’s barely touched the gate and our dear boy Einie’s already sitting up, eyes glued to the door as he waits for Marty to walk inside. How else will he be the first to greet him? Einstein’s never missed a visit and he’s never been wrong. I imagine it’s usually just watching, sometimes walking up to get a pet, but Einie’s got a sixth sense for when Marty’s had a particularly bad day. Even when Marty’s not ready to talk about it yet, Einstein’s at the Ready to sit by for any cuddles, soft fur for petting, and in especially dire circumstances, face licks to help Marty gather himself back up.
I also think Marty absolutely feeds Einstein french fries when they bring back Burger King. He was Einstein’s favorite little guy before then but this was icing on the cake. He pretends to be slick but Doc absolutely knows he’s doing this- the couple weeks he let Marty live thinking he was sneaky were just very amusing.
OH YES AND WALKS. Marty and Einstein on walks is I think just a very good experience. Einstein’s a well-trained dog and doesn’t pull or bark too often, so they’re usually pretty peaceful affairs! I think the funniest mental image is that it’s actually not really Einstein that pulls along to random things or derails the walks, but Marty who will sometimes make an impulsive decision to walk the opposite way today, or take a long way around to burn some energy or because he wants to admire that sick four wheeler again. Einstein follows along obediently of course, because he loves the walks and also because he’s stuck to Marty’s side like glue anyway, this is just a new environment. In my head I can also easily imagine an occasion where Marty might’ve wandered off where he shouldn’t have, or perhaps they stayed out a tad too late, or what have you that led to what could’ve been a dangerous encounter... were it not for dear faithful Einstein being suddenly very scary and loud! Einstein is ride or die and he says it won’t be Marty who dies, so it sounds like anyone who messes with them is sorely out of luck.
Sometimes when Doc is out for whatever reason when Marty arrives after school- perhaps off to pick things up, perhaps just in the backyard- and Marty’s had a bad day, he won’t wait to tell it to Doc. Einstein is a very good listener- he’s listened to Doc’s many many rambles and rants and ‘taken part’ in conversations, and he’s listened to every single name under the sun Marty’s used to describe Strickland, Biff, and any number of other unfortunate encounters of the day. Oh, if dogs could talk. Well, Einstein probably wouldn’t say terribly much, I think he’d still be a bit of a listener.
A boy and his [best friend's] dog :) man this is a really fun thought exercise it’s making me smile a lot.
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POV: You are 17 and your heart is soft. Your french fries are forfeit.
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Lost A Bet: Positions
Totally stole this from @ggidolsmuts and @nsfwzy-askgames​ without even getting tagged for it.
So you lost a bet and posted that you wanted to try out some sex positions and were looking for volunteers. As soon as you were allowed, you were going to go delete it, but then you looked at the replies. Who said they wanted to do each one with you?
How it works:
Go to “Random.org”.
Click on “Lists & More” and then “Lists Randomised”.
Enter the names of 18+ people/characters.
Use the first 10 to find out who volunteered for each one.
So here you go. A bunch of mini-fics:
Missionary - Choerry
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"Oh! Pick me! Pick me!"
Soft hands on your shoulders pull you from your seat and upstairs. It seems Choerry had been reading over your shoulder just before you had the chance to delete the post.
"Alright already! I pick you! Which one are you so excited about?"
"Missionary! I've never done that one before!" she shouts as she lays back on the bed, pants flying off.
You hesitate. "Choerry… We've done missionary dozens of times."
"Hmmm. I don't recall. Will you help me remember what it's like?"
Choerry pulls up her shirt and spreads her pussy, smiling as if she hadn’t just physically performed the opening scene of a common porno. It's so simple, so basic, and yet you can't say no.
Doggy - Chaeryeong
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Chaeryeong's strong legs threaten to knock you over with every thrust back into you. It's all Dita can do to help hold you upright.
"You should really…" SLAM, "just ask next time…" SLAM, "instead of just implying…" SLAM, "Because I wouldn't have guessed…" SLAM.
It's like a bumper car game without the bumpers.
Somehow Chaeryeong, while she's certainly feeling the pleasure based on the bright red of her cheeks (unless she's actually embarrassed, since that's a distinct possibility), continues to ramble about how she'd have agreed to join in on this challenge if she knew it was happening.
"H-hey Chel?" Dita asks from behind you, "Could you slow it down just a little?"
The pounding stops instantly. "S-s-sorry."
Dita crawls around to Chaeryeong's face and gives her a sweet peck on the cheek. "Don't be sorry. Here, let me help."
Cowgirl - Dita
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Now that Chaeryeong is asleep, having exhausted herself by doggy style snu snu, Dita is taking her turn with you.
"She's right, you know."
"Hm?" you (sort of) ask, still recovering.
"We saw the post you liked. The one about our bodies."
This time, you blush. You could have sworn your likes were private.
"We were flattered, but it felt like a consolation since you haven't fucked either of us in so long."
You rub your neck. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be neglectful or anything."
Dita calmly lowers herself onto your dick. You may be sore, but it's very welcome regardless.
"Hey, same goes for you that applied to Chel. Don't be sorry. Or… at least make it up to us for the rest of the night."
You laugh. "Alright. That, I can--"
You're interrupted by an adorable snore coming from Chaeryeong, curling up against your arm.
"Okay, maybe just make it up to me." Dita giggles.
69 - LE
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LE's butt easily consumes your entire range of vision. She grinds her pussy very slowly on your chin while you grind your tongue against her perfectly clean asshole.
"Mmm, I like this challenge," she says, her voice deep and tangy.
"Challenge?" you pull away with what little room you have to ask.
"The one you posted about with the positions."
"Face sitting wasn’t on the list."
"This is a sixty-nine."
"But you're not blowing me. That's part of… that's what sixty-nining is."
LE leans forward, just slightly, and grabs hold of your dick, stroking it slowly but roughly. "I think this is close enough."
"Not really…" you sigh. LE has never been particularly good at following rules to the letter.
"Hey," she says, bouncing her round ass cheeks a couple times, "if you don't want to eat my ass and call it a win, I can go."
You give her rosebud a lick of protest. "You better not."
You can hear her devilish smile in her tone. "Kay kay then. I guess you're one down on the challenge. Sure hope I don't hear about you doing this with anyone else before you announce victory."
Downward Dog - Jane
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"I'm telling you, it's not a sexy thing!"
"Lots of yoga is sexy, and downward dog is just like extreme doggy style."
Jane huffed. "It's just exercise!"
The two of you had been arguing for nearly half an hour. Something about seeing "downward dog" on your list really set her off.
"Maybe workout sex is a thing," you say, refraining from blabbing about Yeri's favorite sexual activity.
"No way." Jane gets up from her seat and bends over, right into the discussed position. Her yoga pants stretch until they're see-through. "See? This isn't a sexy pose."
You stand up and move behind her, pressing your hard on against her ass. She looks back and makes eye contact. For good measure, you stroke her hips.
Jane blushes and looks back down.
"Okay… I fucking get it. It's kind of hot. Hurry up and fuck me…"
Side Saddle - Umji
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Another spoonful of shaved ice melts down your throat. It’s way too hot out, so you’re hanging out in the house with the best AC in town. Umji’s legs are draped over yours as you lounge around.
“So have you done them all yet?”
“Dammit Umji, you too?! How many people saw that post?”
“I mean, you lost the bet while you were here. I was waiting for you to post it.”
You roll your eyes. She wasn’t in the room at the time, but Yerin wasn’t exactly quiet about your loss. “... I’ve done the first five.”
“Well number six was the side saddle. And we’re more than halfway there already.”
You’re no longer surprised by Umji’s eidetic memory. “I take it you’re volunteering?”
“I am,” she says, pulling down her shorts. You follow suit.
She was right about how close you were to being in the side saddle position. It’s barely thirty seconds before you’ve both made the minor adjustments and your cock is inside her.
“God dammit, what’s wrong with using a bed?” Sowon surprises you with a sudden appearance from her room. You freeze, but Umji continues to grind on top of you.
“It’s a nice couch,” says Umji, “Are you going to join us or what?”
Sowon sighs, pulls off her top, and yanks the spoon out of your hand. “As soon as I finish your shaved ice. It’s fucking hot today.”
Umji smiles at you and performs a full body roll, sending shockwaves up your spine. Sowon’s right. It’s fucking hot today.
Throat Swab - Miyeon
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The muffled, meek gagging noises coming from somewhere deep inside Miyeon were concerning, to say the least. You'd pull out, but you weren't even the cause of the gagging.
"See what I mean, you fucknut? She can take whatever you can throw at her with that straw you call a penis."
It seems Eunbin's habit of insulting you at least once per sentence wouldn’t go away even when she was trying to be helpful. She glares at you with her gigantic eyes while she pumps an obscenely long dildo into Miyeon's mouth.
"Come on and give it a try, if you ain't fucking chicken."
She pulls the dildo out in one swift, slurping motion. Miyeon gasps, and gasps, and gasps, as if she hasn't been able to breathe for minutes, which isn't far from the truth.
You wonder if it was a mistake for Miyeon to so enthusiastically offer herself up as tribute for the throat swab position while within earshot of Eunbin. Her shy, slobber-tainted smile clears up a little bit of doubt. Her croaky words clear it up a bit more.
"Come fuck my throat, please?"
Miyeon seems… mostly okay. Her dopey smile opens wide the moment you approach. You can’t deny how oddly satisfying it is to watch her pretty, tiny nipples rise as her chest heaves and her back arches.
Through it all, her tongue just keeps working the top of your dick.
Pearly Gates - Siyeon
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Siyeon stretches her whole body without warning. Her hair dips into your mouth. She twitches and apologizes with a laugh at your sputtering.
“O-oh shit! I’m sorry dude!”
You swipe the hair out of your mouth and click your tongue to try getting rid of the awkward tickling sensation. You’d be upset, but the situation is a little too humorous. “What was that about?” you ask with a chuckle.
Siyeon plants her hands on either side of you and stretches again, her butt cheeks pinch at your stomach. “I… think I dozed off for a second there.”
“Dozed off?!”
“Yeah! You know. I’ve never tried this pearly gates thing before. It’s… unexpectedly relaxing.”
“Relaxing to lay on top of someone who’s fucking you?”
She shifts to the side so she can turn over her shoulder to kiss you on the cheek. “Yes baby yes. And if you do it some more I’ll help you cheat and do cowgirl so you can be the one to lay back and relax.”
“Already got that one covered with Dita.”
“Ah… How about I blow you then?”
Now that’s a deal you’re willing to take. But you might want to try spicing things up a bit to keep her from literally falling asleep again.
Stand and Carry - Winter
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It’s frankly amazing how little Winter weighs. The distribution of the weight in your arms still makes holding her up a little difficult, but not nearly as much as you’d have expected. Her arms and legs are wrapped around you in an especially convenient way too.
“Have some experience with this, Winter?”
She scowls at you from millimeters away. “Yeah, once or twice.”
“I feel like I could hold you up with my dick alone.”
“Don’t you dare try it.”
“Try what? This?” You loosen your grip on her ass for the briefest moment, enough to both scare her and drop her down a bit further onto your cock. Her frightened screech morphs into a moan, but she doesn’t give you a particularly pleased expression.
“Oh it’s like that, huh?” Winter releases her grip over your shoulders and pushes herself back from your chest. You’re immediately thrown off balance and you topple down with her. She lands with a bounce on the bed, but even after you catch yourself your knees still crash against the footboard.
“Fuck! Ow!”
Winter’s laugh is truly evil. “You mess with the snowy skies, you get the painful cries!”
You glare down at her. “Guess I’ll try this again the rough way.”
Her evil laugh downshifts into a nervous giggle. “B-bring it on.”
Spooning - Suyeon
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“You know we don’t have to, right?”
Suyeon backs up against you, pulling her bikini to the side. “What? Fuckin on the beach doesn’t sound fun to you?”
“I mean we could do something that’s less likely to get sand in your vag, like in the dressing room or the van or something.” You mock her harsh tone.
“Oh that’s not gonna happen. Unless you’re gonna try using sand for lube. And besides, you got one last position to do, and it’s perfect for this kind of sneaky shit. Look around. Who’s gonna know?”
She fumbles around with your swim trunks. Both of you are keeping a vigilant watch for anybody looking in your direction.
“I don’t know. Maybe everybody? We’re right in the middle of a public beach.”
“Yup. That’s been established.”
Suyeon’s dexterous fingers manage to get your dick out without making it obvious and guides it between her thighs and inside of her pussy. You take a sharp breath, suddenly very conscious of the amount of sound that comes from it.
“Just… keep an eye out,” you hiss.
That's it. That's the end. @eeezeepeecee and @panchatea! Your turn
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neo-culture-mafia · 4 years
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Girl, I know you love me
Even though your parents
They don't fucking trust me
Typical story of good girl meets bad boy. You were working at an ice cream parlor when he walked in. You didn't know he would change your life forever.
He held so much command and power in his walk. His presence demanded respect. Yet, the rowdy group of boys he was with made him seem just a little more approachable.
"Hello, welcome to ___ ____ ice cream shoppe. What can we get started for you today?" Your coworker smiled, his gaze still stuck on you. Your body was situated behind your coworker and to the side where you were refilling some toppings. You tried to turn away and keep to yourself, but you felt his line of vision blow holes into your back.
"Can I please have 6 chocolate sundaes and 1 peach shaved ice?" His voice was like liquor. It was warm yet made you a little tipsy in the head.
"Of course, ₩19,500 please." His hand reached out. A black card being dangled in his fingertips. "We will get those out to you as quick as we can." She smiled as she returned his card.
The group sat down at a large table. The shoppe was still bare for a hot summer night. The quietness made it that more enjoyable.
You pretended to wipe down the corner as you couldn't help googly eyes toward the boy who sat at the head of the group's table. He seemed like a natural leader. He had taken his jean jacket off to reveal a cuffed T-shirt with tattoo ink spilling out of the sleeves.
A red and black dragon laid on his arm, snaking up his bicep as if it was trying to introduce and make itself known. A sinister smirk laid on the face of the Beast you were taught to fear.
You left the counter and went over to your working coworker. You hit her arms and she groaned looked over to you. "They're apart of Neo Culture." You babbled and she looked at you as if you had grown 15 heads. "No way-" "Look at his tattoo." You whined quietly and you watched the fear grow into her eyes slowly.
"Oh my God." Her figure became stiff and you just stood there, afraid of moving wrongly.
"If I have to tell you guys to shut up one more time, I'm putting you all in the car and driving all the way back home." The boy's voice boomed through the small space and made your coworker drop her metal scoop and grabbed you to shield her.
All eyes were on her and you. "You guys okay?" One of the shorter boys asked and you nodded quickly. "More than okay. Perfect, actually. Absolutely wonderful." You nodded and they chuckled to themselves.
"Pull yourself together woman!" You scolded as you hit her arms again.
"Get them their desserts. Just...be calm." You said and she got back to a steady pace of work.
It was like an instant and she had all of them done and ready to go out. "I'm not doing it. The one who goes closest is the one who gets killed first." She said shoving you toward the tray.
You just rolled your eyes and picked it up quickly.
You walked around the corner and all of their chattering abruptly stopped once you approached silently.
"wow you were quiet." The tattoo'ed boy said with a chuckle. "I get that alot actually." Your laugh came out a little rushed. "Who had the shaved ice?" You asked and the boy with a pink tinged head of hair raised his hand. You handed it to him and passed out all the ice cream.
You were walking back when you thought you were home free. "Miss. You dropped this." You turned around and were met face to face with Mr. Liquor himself.
His hand held a piece of paper and you took it kindly. "Thank you so much." You smiled and you both turned and separated.
You watched as he walked back and put his coat back on. "y/l/n is gonna come any second." Your last name falling off his lips so suddenly and smoothly.
Some of the boys groaned as they all got up. As if on que, your dad walks through the front door of the shoppe.
"I said don't come back here, Mark." His smile fell once he saw the tattoo'ed boy. "I was just treating my boys to a sweet surprise. Nothing more, y/l/n." He raised his hands in defense.
"Why did you serve them?!" Your dad's anger was now being pointed towards you.
"Hey. Leave her out of it. She didn't know who we were." Mark's voice became more elevated and commanding as your dad's face grew more red. The heavy feeling of doing something wrong growing in your chest.
"Don't tell me how to speak to my daughter." Your dad's finger pointing in Mark's face. "Daughter?" He asked as if it was surprise. "This makes it even better." A cocky smirk replacing his stone cold glare.
"I told you to stay out, you and your flea-ridden gang." You've never heard your father use such harsh words towards another human. Your dad stepping close to Mark and the rest of his group. Yet, Mark didn't back down as he handed his ice cream to his friend.
"I didn't bring trouble this time. We've been paying our dues for a while now-" "That doesn't mean shit. I told you and your leader that I didn't want anyone of you coming in and messing with me or my business...or family." Your dad said coming around the counter to the register.
"We get it. We'll leave." They were headed out the door, Mark trailing his group when your dad had another slick comment. "You and your Neo Culture rats need to know your place. Might as well sell his land to another group." He said and you thought you could hear the rubber of Mark's shoes screech on the concrete.
He turned around, his friends continuing without him. Your dad knew he fucked up as the door slammed and Mark locked it.
"Excuse me?" He asked, sauntering over to the counter. "Wanna run that by me again?" He asked, his fingers motioning your frozen father to repeat his last words.
Mark had the coldest glare that could make the devil run in fear. "Say it with your chest...or not at all." He growled and gave one last look to you; a softness becoming apparent in his stare.
He unlocked the door and walked across the street to an all black SUV. Getting in, he sped away with a look of hatred to the shoppe.
Your father gulped loudly, still frozen in fear and shock.
"Don't get wound up in mafia drama, girls. It'll only make you lose sleep and safety." He grabbed a pint of ice cream and retreated to the back room.
Your hands unfolded the piece of paper in your hands and was met with neat handwriting.
'hope to see you here more often ;) -mark'
You know you shouldn't love me
Sneaking around with Mark was hard. From having him spend the night at your house without your parents knowledge to you sneaking back in right before your mom called for breakfast.
Mark taught you how to feel new emotions. Like guilt...and lust...and love.
"You need to find someone else." His words were hesitant as your fingers traced over his dragon tattoo for what felt like the millionth time.
You sat up, his arm coming from around you to behind his head. You looked down at him, his figure laid on your bedding so nicely.
"What?" Your voice was laced with confusion. "You know you shouldn't love me, y/n." His hand came up to put a piece of hair behind your ear.
"But I do." Your voice was soft and silky. "That's not just going to change because you say so, Mark." you reasoned as you turned to sit facing him.
It was your turn to now play and move his black hair out of his face. "It needs to though." He sat up along with you.
"no." Firmness was your only option at this point. "What?" His dumbfounded expression had you rethinking your approach.
"why do you want me to find someone else?" The question was met with a surprisingly clear answer. "I don't deserve you. You can do way better than me." His words were soft yet held a powerful blow.
"I'm only going to get you hurt-" you broke off his rambling with a kiss. He didn't hesitate...telling you all you needed to know.
"I'm in this with you. Not just because I'm bored." You said, barely backing away. He nodded, his eyes still trained on your lips.
"And really? You really thought I would listen to you? Find someone better? You're ridiculous."
Looking for God,
Put you Down on your knees,
I'm all what you want...but not what you need
"For God's sake just kill me already!" You screamed at the men who had taken you away from your happiness. It had been 4 days of agonizing torture of your freedom being stripped away like it was nothing.
The tears had been never ending as they teased you with death. At this point, it looked like the freedom you were craving.
"Please." You begged but the small group could only laugh.
The concrete corner of the room had become home to your broken and tired body. "We're not going to be killing anyone." One of them spoke from the small table. "Well, not you atleast." He waved you off.
"Then who?! You fucking-" "your little boy toy." The tears had dried up to your core. "no." Disbelief had washed over your body.
"now we found what gets to her." the three of them congratulated themselves with another shot of liquor.
"he should be coming any minute now, actually." "and he's gonna beat all of your asses." And as if on que, mark along with a couple of his fellow associates walked into the big concrete room.
"Mark!" You screamed even though he could see you as soon as he walked through the old door. He could only smile very small. "Okay you can release her now. Tie him up." The 3 words sent you reeling back into the corner so they couldn't touch your restraints.
They pulled at your body but you kicked and bit, screaming bloody murder to have them not take the zip ties off.
Then it was all over. All the kicking and the grabbing. Mark.
His soothing presence had calmed you down so quickly. "Come on, you need to get out of here." He pulled at you carefully. "And then me and you can go be together." You stated but he never met you with the confirmation you were craving.
"You need to leave, y/n." He hugged you once the zip ties were off. Your arms held onto him as if he was a god himself.
"you're coming with me." you stated but you felt the shaking in his chest.
"leave. y/n." he ordered, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you into reality. His puffy and red eyes told you that you would be leaving alone.
"I am not leave-leaving. I'm not leaving without you, Mark." You grabbed him equally as hard.
"This is reality, y/n. Only one of us can leave alive. That was the deal." He grabbed your face. "All. Or none." You countered.
"They don't care about you-" "tick tock." They spoke. You saw the two other associates sitting on their knees. They were muttering to themselves. Absorbed in self-reflection and asking any higher being to forgive them before their confirmed fate.
"but I do. And I am making sure you are leaving here alive." He started pulling you up. "it's meaningless without you-" "not time to be poetic and shit, y/n." He started pushing and pulling at you but you wouldn't budge and started fighting against him.
"30 seconds and nobody is leaving alive." The man barked. Tears started to fall from Mark's eyes. "Please. My dying wish. Please. Leave." He begged, grabbing your hands and trying to pull.
"no. Mark." You started slapping his hands.
He just stopped and stared at you. "I told you, Mark." You said calmly, grabbing his face. "I'm here with you." You smiled very weakly.
"and I'll be with you forever." the next moments were as if you were looking at you both from an aerial view. you were ripped away from eachother and kicked down to your knees.
"face eachother." you both moved quickly to see eachother's tear streaked faces.
"any last words?" you heard the click and felt the cool metal on your head.
this was it.
you weren't going to get your paycheck this week.
you were never going to see the new action movie with mark like you had planned.
no more lasted night snacks turning into early morning breakfasts.
you wouldn't exist in the next 5 minutes.
but you were okay. you were getting your wish.
your last waking moments were looking into the beautiful eyes of your soulmate. you were already in heaven.
"I'm sorry...and I love you." He choked and the eyes were rolling from the captors.
"You?" You felt a nudge from the metal and you could only open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. "I love you too. Please wait for me on the other side."
He sighed, nodding lowly and grabbing the man's barrel. He repositioned it from the side of his head to his crown. "Please make it quick." Mark swallowed his pride, seeing you tremble in fear from your death wish being granted. You were fucking insane...but he was happy he wasn't dying alone.
"please let her go to a happy place." was his last wish.
"for all the brothers we lost along the way, and for the ones that will be lost because of these deaths. we pay respect to you."
You took a deep breath and clenched your teeth for impact...it was all cold.
You woke up in a huff, grabbing the sheets next to you. It was bare...yet warm.
"Mark?" You called out roughly. The warm sun streamed through your window in long rays.
"Mark?!" You called louder, getting out of the warm sheets and running out of the familiar feeling bedroom.
There he was. In the kitchen, making breakfast. "Oh look at sleeping beauty." His crisp white tee shirt and unscathed face had you reeling in disbelief. "It felt so real." You choked quietly.
"huh?" He looked at you with a face that would usually send you laughing.
"it was a dream?" The question had him suddenly putting down the cooking utensil. He only stood infront of you and looked at your confused face in adoration.
"we're okay." his voice sounded strained. He grabbed your hand, swallowing the lump in his throat, he had the guts to look in your eyes.
"we turned out okay in the end."
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dolsfeels · 5 years
Take Care - Colby Brock
AN: this isn’t Dolan twins related but enjoy if you want
Warnings: talk of abusive relationship, some cursing
Word count: 1,790
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"So what's new?" My friend Colby ask with a large grin. I roll my eyes with a soft smile across my face. "Absolutely nothing. What about you mister LA boy." I tease. This earns a chuckle from him.
He's finally back home in Kansas. He tries to visit fairly often but his line of work keeps him busy I suppose.
"You still with josh?" He ask quickly. All I do is offer a nod as I grab my drink from the barista. My sleeve rides up slightly as I reach for the warm cup.
"What happened to your wrist?" Colby ask quickly. I glance down at my wrist to see the slight bruising. I quickly pull my sleeve down to cover it. 
"I don't know. I think it happened when I was sleeping. You know I toss and turn a lot." I say as convincingly as possible.
Never in a million years would I tell him the truth. He's been my best friend since second grade. He tends to be a little protective of me. So he'd flip his lid if he ever found out josh got a little too heated during one of our recent arguments.
I must've been convincing enough because he drops the subject as we find a seat.
"So what's this I hear about you and sam taking a break?" I ask tentatively. He nods as if he knew I'd ask that question.
"We've recently got into some legal trouble and on top of that we were put into a couple dangerous situations. We thought it'd be best to take a step back before we push our luck a little too much." He answers honestly. I nod. Him and Sam always seemed to do stupid shit.
He watches me closely as I take a sip of my hot coffee. It's a little chilly outside so the warm drink feels nice.
Our silence is interrupted by my phone ringing. "Don't worry about it." Colby says quickly but I ignore him as I take a glance at the text from josh.
Josh: where are you?
Me: I just grabbed some coffee with a friend
Josh: why don't you come over so we can talk
The last text makes my eyebrows furrow. What could there be to possibly talk about.
"Josh?" Colby ask as he looks down at his drink. He swallows hard as I sigh. "Let me guess. You gotta go." He says with pure disappointment.
"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise. You're still here for a couple of weeks." I ramble as I kiss him on the cheek in a friendly apologetic way.
"Text me later." He says sternly. "Yeah yeah." I say as I swing the door to the coffee shop open.
I shove my hands in my pockets as I make my way to my car. What could he want to talk about? He's so unpredictable these days. He never used to be that way.
I drive way faster than I should but I don't care. The anticipation is eating at me.
As soon as I get to our apartment I get this weird feeling. Something tells me this isn't going to be good and I should just leave but I shake it off.
As soon as I step into the apartment he's in front of me ready to talk.
"What friend were you out with?" He ask sternly.
"Colby." I say honestly. He knows about Colby. We've been best friends since second grade. There should be nothing to worry about.
"Why the fuck were you with him?" He ask raising his voice a little. This threw me off guard.
"He's been my friend for years!" I say, matching his volume.
"You shouldn't be out with other guys. Especially him. He totally has a thing for you." He says getting closer, waving his finger in my face.
"Oh fuck off." I roll my eyes at his stupidity.
My judgement is knocked loose when I feel a sharp sting on my cheek. It brings tears to my eyes instantly.
I grab my cheek as I look at him. There was not an ounce of remorse on his face and that saddened me even worse. This isn't the person I fell for. This past month has been a living hell.
I pick my keys back up from our small table and swing the door open without a second thought. He follows me out into the hallway.
"Where do you think you're going?" He ask as he grabs my wrist. Just like last time he's all too forceful. At this point the tears are falling freely down my face.
"Stop." I say as forcefully as I can but it all just sounds pathetic. His grip hurts so bad.
I do all I can think of and bring my knee straight into his groin. This without a doubt sets me free so I quickly put some distance between us as I make my way to the elevator.
I pull out my phone and call the one person I trust the most, Colby.
The elevators quiet but my breathing is so loud. My sobs catch on my breath every once in a while.
"Hello?" He says with curiosity. "Colby can I come over?" I ask with a wavering voice. He can tell I'm crying because he instantly gets ten times more serious.
"Yes of course. I'll come get you alright. I don't want you driving right now." He says as I hear him rustling around.
"Colby he's still here." I say with a soft voice as I reach the parking garage.
"Get in your car, move to another area in the parking garage,and lock your doors. Don't unlock them until you see me ok?"
"Yeah ok. I can do that." I sniffle.
"I'll be there as soon as possible alright." He says sympathetically. With that he ends the call.
I do exactly what he said to do and I just wait. I cry practically the whole time and I feel stupid for it. It makes me feel weak.
How can one person destroy my confidence like this?
It seems like forever before Colby comes to get me. It was about 45 minutes and he scares me when he taps on my window.
I unlock the door and he helps me out. "Come on. Let's get you to bed yeah?" He says softly as I grab his hand. I just nod.
As we get to his car he swings the passenger door open for me and I glance at his hands to see his knuckles are a little busted up. "Are you okay?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.
"Don't worry about me right now." He says as he closes the car door behind me. I fasten myself in and he's quick to take off.
"Thank you Colby." I say sincerely as we make our way to his house. He just flashes me a soft smile. I'm sure he'll have me talk as soon as we get to his house.
Once we get to his house I'm almost as quick to get out of the car as he is. "Are you hungry. I can get you something." He gushes.
"No I'm fine. Thank you though." I answer as he leads me to his room I'm all too familiar with.
I sit on the edge of his bed as he squats in front of me so we're eye level. His thumb is soft against my cheek but it's tinder and he can see my discomfort.
"I'll get you some ice okay? Is there anywhere else?" He ask. I don't say anything I just lift my sleeve to show him my purple wrist and lower forearm. "Jesus. I'll be right back. Go ahead and grab something comfortable to change into. Anything's fine. The closet is yours sweetheart." He says with a soft smile. The small name makes me smile too.
As he leaves I jump up to search for one of his shirts. I pick a simple black one and begin to take all of my stuff off. I'm very mindful of my wrist when it comes to my jacket.
Colby comes back just as his shirt sits in middle of my thighs. He smiles at me.
"What?" I chuckle. "Nothing. I like it." He says simply. This makes my cheeks heat up slightly.
He sits in the center of his bed and pats the area in front of him. I reach up to pull my hair up into a bun before I sit next to him and his eyes drift to my thighs and then back up to my face but I don't mention it.
He's gentle when he places the ice to my cheek. "Is this ok?" He ask softly. I just nod.
We're silent for a while but my cheek feels so much better. I can't help but look down at my ugly wrist though.
"Colby?" I say breaking the silence. "Yes?" He answers.
"Did you go up to my apartment before you came and got me?" I ask as I look at him timidly. He swallows hard as he thinks before answering.
"No one hurts you like this and gets away with it. You know that." He says as he takes the ice off of my cheek and takes my wrist into his hands.
He's right. Any guy that's ever in anyway been a threat to me, he's always been there to take care of it and make sure it never happens again.
"Why do you do that for me?" I ask. He's careful about answering this one. In fact he takes a while.
"Because if you love someone they're always worth fighting for." He says as he keeps his eyes on my wrist and the ice. This makes me swallow hard. So josh was right.
How could everyone see it but me?
"I'd never hurt you." He says, breaking the silence. I don't know what to say.
"You're far too beautiful." He says as his free hand caresses my unharmed cheek. I swallow hard as his eyes glance down at my lips.
He leans in and I meet him half way. I'd be lying if I said I never thought of this.
His lips are soft. He makes sure the kiss is very gently given my current situation.
It's gentle but it still takes my breath away. As we pull away I breathe harshly.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that right now." He rambles with a nervous smile.
"No no. It's okay. It wasn't half bad." I smirk.
"Well in that case, you wouldn't mind another?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Not at all." I send him an inviting smile.
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