#even more wealth status and power—the company as his real baby he prides over his own children in all the bells say
concoulor · 1 year
the intersection of business and familial love in succession is so interesting— the kids think being crowned ceo is the ultimate expression of Logan’s love for them and he sees it only in terms of the business. from his point of view they have no idea what they’re doing because everytring has been handed to them, and kn their point of view being shut out of the company is him rejecting them, literally denying the love roman offers (what have you got in your hand, I don’t know fucking love). logan knows he can use the ceo position to put the kids against each other but I’m not sure if he knows he’s made it into the only way in their minds to know he really loves them. it’s probably a mixture of both—logan loves them and would like to give it to his favorite but from his pov they all fucking suck in their own way
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oliverdone-johnson · 4 years
Context of contemporary fine art practise, Lecture 5: Fons Americanus notes
Below is my typed up notes from Wednesdays context of contempory fine art practise lecture that focused on Kara Walkers Fons Americanus sculpture at Tate Modern. I have added it to my Tumblr page for my protest project due to its relevance to protest. The notes below explain Walkers link to protest through her work. 
“I am and shall continue to be the monster in your closet. Prodding at your
tightly wound arsenal, your history.
Let me out.
And. You. shall. seek. to. put. me. back. in.
And together we will: in and out and in and out together HAHA!”
Kara Walker 2000
Overview of the piece
Kara Walkers work is a focus on the institution Tate Modern. She focuses on the history of the institution and what secrets they sometimes do not want to be spilled to the public. Fons Americanus is in the Turbine hall inside Tate Modern. The term Fons Americanus could mean all things American’ or it could also mean ‘American Bum hole Fountain’ according to Stuart. The sculpture also comes with an announcement plaque, the announcement is written to be a fun ready and provides entertainment, but the subject matter on the announcement when ready covers a very dark story. This could be showing Kara Walkers sense of what art is, art is there to provide entertainment at certain times in peoples lives i.e. going to a gallery on the weekend. But she is also looking at the cost of art in life- she is pointing towards slavery that was the main fund of these institutions through the sugar or coffee industries.  As over 1.5 million are known to have died being transported by boat in slavery going from Africa to nations like the UK and USA. Therefore, showing how in this piece there is much more of a focus on the content rather than the materials used. She is focusing on how it is the cost of the lives lost to create these institutions and how institutions are often made from wealth and corrupt powers, so wealth is key.
Kara Walkers early work focused on making playful cut outs that portray slavery, the artwork is presented in a way to show quite entertaining and sometime funny images i.e. a man farting but this is met with much harsher undertones and aspects of her work. Showing the balance between entertainment with the content of the project. Her work tackles serious subjects but is still inviting to an audience.
Fons Americanus was based of Queen Victoria’s Memorial monument at Buckingham Palace and was opened in 1911. The memorial shows Victoria’s life and how she commanded the largest empire in history. It also has a very nautical appearance as the navy and oceans were key to the empire. After the death of Victoria slavery was abolished.  But Kara Walker uses her own statue to show the darker side of the empire and all the aspects that were forgotten in this memorial, such as slavery which was key to Victoria’s empire.
Slavery operated in a triangle between Europe, especially countries such as the UK, Portugal and Holland, America and Africa. The slaves would come from Africa and travel to the UK and USA in exchange for exports of goods. Kara Walker is also known to have taken inspiration from packaging and images from the past such as Cotton plantations in South Carolina, 18th century tobacco adverts and One of Ten Views in the Island of Antigua 1823.
The boats that transported the slaves were more like prisons that housed the slaves under deck with thousands being crammed in. Turner painted a piece called- Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhoon coming on 1840. That shows a slaver throwing the slaves overboard as a way to claim insurance as he would not get money if they died on the ship but would if they drowned of the ship. Therefore, murdering hundreds of innocent humans just because their slaves.
In the Fons Americanus exhibition there is not just the large sculpture and plaque but also a Shell Grotto that depicts a man crying inside. The Shell can be shown to link to Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus 1484-86 and Voyage of the Sable Venus. The link can be shown from the shell as the shell is used in both just like Venus to popularise the slave trade and make it seem pure but Voyage of the Sable Venus was originally published for the book: History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. The text of the book was written by a British politician Bryan Edwards who justified slavery on the grounds of the huge economic benefits for England. The crying figure inside the shell is linked to Sierra Leone as during slavery it was a very advantageous location due to the many islands surrounding it, they were used as various slave keeping prisons and camps. Bunce Island was the most notorious due to its Hole of the brave, which was a giant hole that slaves were thrown into to die if they refused to board the ship, hence why Walker portrays a man crying out of what seems to be a hole.
Breakdown of the sculpture
At the top of Fons Americanus stands Venus with a cut through her neck and breasts that both shoot water. Walker said that this represents the blood and milk of the Black Atlantic, becoming a reminder of the lives lost due to slavery. Walker is also known for studying in Rome where she observed Piaza Navona and the Trevi Fountain, these being two historic fountains in Rome. Below the statue of Venus there are 4 smaller characters: The Captain, The Tree, Queen Vicky and the kneeling man.
The captain represents many figures both real and fictional it has been perceived there are influences from Marcus Garvey (Jamaican 1887-1940) Political activist and entrepreneur who encouraged a sense of pride and self-worth among Africans and the African diaspora amid widespread poverty, discrimination, and colonialism. And Toussaint L’Ouverture (French 1743-1803) Revolutionary leader who helped transform the slave insurgency into a revolutionary movement. As well as Captain Paul Cuffee & The Emperor Jones (fictional) A synthesis of real & fictional heroes/characters who fight against colonialism whilst revealing contradictions – desire for their own power.
The tree represents the thousands of trees used for slave hangings and lynching’s and Walker draws upon how these hanging locations had become tourist hubs just like her monument. Trees are innocent, wordlessly submitting to the weight of injustice, witness bearing.
The Kneeling man represents the ideology of self-obsess, where people sucked up to traders i.e. black traders to improve their own financial situation over helping their people, it represents greed. “He begs a slave owner an amalgam of European Colonial Interests, full of Capital and Promises and Religion Lies, deceit and corruption.”
Queen Vicky is placed in the piece as she was the reigning monarch through slavery and profited of it the most, and because Kara Walker based her statue of Victoria’s memorial. Victoria is shown in the image to be holding a coconut and it is unclear weather Vicky is about to hit the person below her or feed them. This can represent the argument of her rule. She is a Maternal character, holding a coconut. Is it a fruit of life, or could it fall on the head of the man beneath?
 Lower down on Fons Americanus there is a rowing boat surrounded by sharks. The rowing boat is linked to Winslow Homer the Gulf Stream 1899 that depicts the dangers of the waters. The sharks are also a notable link to Damien Hirst, but it is unclear weather this is appreciation of his work or a critique. Kanye Wests initials are also used on the bottom of the boat to link the past the present and show how sucking up and greed can elevate a person to a position of power.
Kara Walker could be linked to artists like Andrea Fraser and Hans Hucker with her evidential critiques in the art world.
History of Henry Tate and the Tate institute
Henry Tate 1819-1899 was a remarkably successful businessman. At the age of 50 he owned a sugar refinery company. In his later years he donated his paintings to the government. Th building that resulted was Tate Britain which was opened to the public in 1897. The institution would not be a thing if it were not for Henry Tate’s wealth. Tate is known for being involved with the sugar business, which is where Tate Lyle comes from. The sugar trade was built from slavery. And even though he did not start in the sugar trade until after slavery was abolished but he did profit from its history, which was built from slavery. The Tate recently started a project looking back at its origins and history, which is why they invited Kara Walker to create a sculpture for Tate Modern.
In 2014 created a sculpture titled ‘A subtlety or the marvellous sugar baby’ At the Domino sugar factory in Brooklyn NYC. Walker was offered an old sugar factory, so she made a giant sphinx sculpture that was covered in sugar. The sphinx was also heavily sexualized to link its humanity to other aspects such as greed and power. In this exhibition there was also smaller sculptures which were of child slaves made completely out of sugar. This represents ‘Subtlety’ as in the past little sweets were shaped to look like important people such as royals, it is a power play. So, Walker made these subtleties of slave children as a way to relook at this concept in a much darker light.
When you contrast Walkers first quote about being a monster with her invitation from the Tate it seems like a brave thing for the institution to do. As Walker unearthed and reminded the nation of much worse times and put a negative shadow over Tate and its origins. And although it could be shown as very noble of Tate to respect the artist and allow her critique of there institution Tate has since had other critiques in articles, such as there wage inequality for lower paid staff such as security and shop workers. Showing a stark difference within the institution of how they are willing to allow attention to some aspects of corruption, but others struggles such as modern-day wage inequality is shrouded in secrecy.
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blograzorwit · 7 years
Jest A Minute (16/11/2017) from Subroto Mukherjee
Innocent Putin---------------------- Trump says he is convinced Putin had no hand in influencing the US presidential election. Right, he didn't. Putin had no hand in making Trump the UP President. But Putin did have a leg in the process -- a leg used to trip Hillary. *** India's Most Popular Party----------------------------------- Videos have surfaced showing Hardik Patel in the company of boozing buddies. So what's the big deal? Who doesn't booze? You know what these videos have done? They have only lifted Hardik's status as leader and made him look like a leader who belongs to the biggest party in India -- the Cocktail Party! *** Hard Work Pays-------------------------- Enterprising, no? In Mumbai, bank robbers dug a 40-feet tunnel underground to enter a bank and clean out its vault. It is said that crime does not pay. Oh yeah? Well, tell that to these bank robbers who just reaped a fortune overnight! OK, it is also said that hard work pays. Have to agree with that. After all, it does take hard work -- real hard work, days and nights of hard work -- to dig a 40-feet tunnel under the ground! *** Now these bank robbers are flush with cash and the wife of one robber asked her hubby to explain the windfall. He innocently replied, "Oh, I just withdrew some money from the bank (when it was closed for the night, of course. Hee hee hee)!" *** Hell Raisers------------------ I am clueless. Totally clueless. About the importance of queen Padmavati in our history. I am no less clueless why some people are hell-bent to raise hell over this film. Now I realize that, when I was a student, I should NOT have slept through the history classes. Which accounts for my bottomless ignorance about history. Padmavati is a historical drama. But thanks to those protesting against this film, this has now turned into quite a hysterical drama! What with protesters even threatening to torch the cinemas showing this film! But the film's makers, cast and crew are doing the right thing. Inviting people to see the film before damning it. Right, I'd have done the same thing. Request one and all to come see the film -- especially all the fire fighters from Mumbai's Fire Brigade! *** Berry Berry Good------------------------- Halle Berry was in Kerala for some ayurvedic treatment. Out in God's own country, she was introduced to the wonder berry, the Indian gooseberry called amla. And boy, this berry was so berry berry good, I bet Ms Berry gushed about how the potent tangy taste of this gooseberry gave her the goose bumps! *** The Pull of Roots--------------------------- Suddenly Rishi Kapoor has been reminded of his family roots across the border and he says he wants to visit Pakistan. Rishi-ji used to be quite a dreamboat in his time, you know. No doubt all his fans in Pakistan can't wait to welcome this former dreamboat. Hey, come on, so bloody what if today he looks less of a DREAMBOAT and more of a DRUM-BOAT?   *** Versatile Vidya------------------------ I have always hailed Vidya Balan as a versatile actress, an all-rounder. And, hey, in her new film Tumahari Sulu, hamari Vidya even looks it -- all chubby cheeks, roly-poly and plump. ALL ROUND! *** King Cong or Comic Cong?------------------------------------- Sitaram Yechury feels Sonia-ji is the GLUE that binds all the liberal parties across this land. I beg to differ. To me, it's more like the King Cong Party is doomed because they are stuck with this super glue.   *** Of Mass and Amass---------------------------- You know, in our country, it's a given that a mass leader will amass great wealth overnight. But Sasikala-ji was no mass leader. She was only a PA to a mass leader. So credit certainly goes to her for amassing such a fabulous fortune. But poor Sasikala-ji. Now, from her lock-up, she is watching on TV how all her assets under lock and key are being unlocked by troops of tax hounds. *** Arthur Road Jail Awaits Mallya. Welcome, Sir!------------------------------------------------------------- Before extraditing Mallya to India, the Brit courts want to know how good the facilities are in our prisons to house Mallya. Huh? What? Hey, who do they think Mallya is -- the great emperor of Mallyasia? And why such British concern for a big con? Where, by the way, does Great Britain house its crooks -- in great 7-star hotels? OK, we acknowledge that our Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai is no Paris Hilton or London Regency but, hey, it's no Rat Palace or the Royal Roach Hotel either. (Or is it? Heck, How would I know? I have never been there!) *** Flying Into A Rage-------------------------- Seen that viral showing the ground staff of an airline giving boxing and wrestling lessons to a passenger? Pretty damning for the airline, eh? In keeping with the way it treats a passenger, the airline should change its name from IndiGo to IndiGoons! I tell you, no other airline can beat this one when it comes to beatings on the tarmac in broad daylight! I bet no other airline offers such extra services -- like a full-body massage to a passenger out in the open! Taking this airline has to be quite an experience in flight -- or rather FRIGHT! I don't know about a good flight but they sure offer a GOOD FIGHT! *** Holy Smog!------------------ For a moment, Duchess Camilla and Prince Charges must have felt that they had landed on a smoggy alien planet, with weird-looking aliens moving about. When they landed in New Delhi and found the people moving about wearing gas masks in the great smog. *** Toxic Trip------------------ Hey, if you think Rahul Gandhi''s doggie Pidi is cute and smart, then my pet doggie Baby Doll is super cute and smart! Just listen to the poem my pet has penned on the Delhi smog : SMOG so thick, can't see a thing in the soupy toxic FOG! Better not step out to JOGyou might trip over a DOGdrop and crack your TOPon a ROCK! Forget your JOBwhy work and SLOGwhen you can stay homeeat like a HOG and sleep like a LOG? Why the heck go out in Delhi FOG and croak like a FROG? (Yeah, yeah, I know it's terrible! But if I say that, my doggie will bite me.) *** Hey, You Dying To Go To The US?--------------------------------------------- Almost everyday we hear of some horrendous mass shooting somewhere in the US and I think of all the Indians here who can't wait to go and settle in wonderful US. And I think, much like us, the Devil has already done so : moved to the US, settled there and he is successfully running his Devil's Workshop in the US! The Devil's Workshop, did I say? OK, make that the Devil's Formidable Gun Shop. ***   Let The Treasure Hunt Begin!----------------------------------------- Yeah, sure, the Paradise Papers have done it -- blasted quite a few prominent names out of the water! Names of kings, queens, world leaders, tycoons, magnates, power brokers, film stars -- you name it! Ah ha, including, to our great pride, as many as 700 names from India! Oh yeah, sure, the Paradise Papers have caused a buzz and a flutter. But will this actually spell trouble in the paradise of the world's rich and famous? After all, it's the done thing, isn't it? Those who have all the money to BURN -- truckloads of cash and trainloads of black money to BURN -- they don't actually BURN the money, you know. Ha, in fact, quite sensibly they BURY the money in offshore tax havens. Hey, look at it this way : the rich and famous can be divided into two groups. Those we consider our national treasures. And those who are our international treasures. Because that's where they hide their amassed treasures -- in foreign parts. *** Crown Price and Clown Prince------------------------------------------ What's common between the Saudi CROWN prince Salman and our own Bollywood CLOWN prince Salman? They both play the hero. One plays the hero on the screen. The other is right now engaged in playing Saudi Arabia's anti-corruption hero.   One is in show business.  The other has made it his business to consolidate power. On the pretext of cracking down on corruption in Saudi Arabia, he has been busy sweeping all potential rivals out of business! *** This Calls For Prayers Indeed--------------------------------------- In Mumbai, a teenage boy lost his life to cancer a few days ago. But his family is yet to bury the poor boy. Why? Because this family has great faith -- ABSOLUTE BLIND FAITH -- in a faith healer who has promised to raise the boy from the dead! And how, PRAY TELL, will this faith healer raise the boy from the dead? The faith healer claims he can perform such a miracle through PRAYERS. Boy oh boy, when I hear of such things, I certainly start PRAYING. I PRAY for better sense to prevail on such people. *** Hawking's Pressure Cooker--------------------------------------- The iconic scientist Stephen Hawking predicts that, at the rate our planet it warming up, it will turn into a fireball in a couple of  centuries. I think Mr Hawking is way -- way -- way off the mark here. But that's only because he lives in the UK. Forget the Earth heating into a fireball later. If Hawking were living here today in the heat wave of Mumbai, he'd surely conclude that our planet has already turned into a Hawkins pressure cooker! *** Dope Test----------------- Should our cricketers be made to take the dope test? Of course not. On the other hand, our cricket fans should of course be put to the dope test. They are such dopes. Going batty over a mere game of bat and ball. And for all we know, the matches are rigged, anyway. Don't these dopes realize it's no longer CRICKET but CROOKED? *** And oh yes, the Ryan School has proved it. That no other police force can BEAT the Haryana Police. When it comes to BEATING a confession out of some poor innocent scapegoat! ***  
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