#even sqh tries to warn him not to try to save lqg bc he knows that trying to help will only make things worse for sj
rainbowpui · 1 year
I realized that if SJ was selfloving selfish manipulative scum he would've survived so easily in pidw... Imagine if he asked YQY to get him out of prison or told LBH that he was "sorry" for what he did
yeah... that part of what makes him so tragic for all that haters like to call him "evil", its his acts of kindness that doom him. he saves shi wu and shi wu rats him out and has him sold to a sadistic pervert he drags qht to safety and she comes back to accuse him in the trial he tries to save lqg from qi deviating and gets accused of killing him
its like.... lbh has a protag halo where no matter what its impossible for him to fail, but it seems like sj has the absolute reverse. no matter how hard he tries things always come back to blow up in his face and everyone ends up thinking the worst of him there are worse characters in the novel. SQH and MBJ lead to the deaths of multiple ppl with the IAC invasion (AFTER SJ TRIED TO WARN ALL THE OTHER PLS THAT SQH WAS SUS), but no one ever blames them for that or calls them evil. opm is a pervert that lusts after and then ends up killing sxy, but people barely bat an eye at that. people love zzl even though he led to so many deaths in the plague arc and literally murdered gyx..... ive even seen people defending QJL..... the literal SLAVE OWNING SADIST PERVERT.... and saying sj should be GRATEFUL after being horrifically abused by him.... but somehow sj is the character that gets the most hate?
sj... the CHILD SLAVE ABUSE SURVIVOR sj is only set up as the 'villain' at the start of the novel to make a point about how sy is WRONG about him (and therefore, perhaps isnt as much of an 'expert' on everything else in the sv world as he originally thinks) .... like.... the whole POINT is that 99% of his crimes get proven to be untrue or misunderstandings !!!
ironically i feel like if he was an actual unrepentant evil villain people would like him more
instead, hes misunderstood by all the characters in the book AND by the fanbase. just for the crime of being an ACTUALLY realistic survivor
people say they want realistic and complex survivors in fiction, but then when we actually get them they go absolutely insane saying they were born evil and are inherently unlovable. even when mxtx was CLEARLY setting it up for all of that to be disproven... and even gives him his own extra to drive home the point...
like bro... he really was not that evil. hes a traumatized and complex character that tries his best to do good in a world where he absolutely is not rewarded for it
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