#even tho I put it on a public post that anyone on tumblr dot com can read
carpisuns · 2 years
sometimes I kinda wish tumblr had something akin to a twitter circle or Instagram close friends list. bc sometimes I kinda wanna say something but not necessarily to Everyone. i feel like tags are almost equivalent bc they’re like the Secret Whisper-Rant Place except anyone can see them. Which adds some fun flavor I suppose. Tumblr close friends circle except it’s whichever of ur followers cares to read your tinytext ramblings
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ecaliqy · 5 months
Notes to Followers
I'm pro:
2nd amendment (in a very rightwing sense)
ukrainian assistance (fuck putin)
choice (10000% bodily autonomy)
black lives (in fact) matter
lgbtqia+ (all this transphobic nonsense is just that)
I'm against:
bigotry (in generally, tho i do despise religion, i try not to let that translate to the practitioners. call me out if i do.)
vaccine mandates (10000% bodily autonomy)
prohibitions, generally
oligarchy (corporations are NOT people)
I consider myself wokeish. Honestly, sometimes I'm a bit like the accidentally PC guy with the straw in his mouth, leaning up against the truck: I'll probably get the concept right, but call someone a retard while doing it.
Bernie would've been my president for the last two terms. He points true north 99% of the time.
I absolutely will talk with terrible people. The worst, sans pedos (to the chipper you go; no, I’m not part of the trans panic and don’t call normal people “groomers”). Sometimes I'll even repost them, if I agree. Having a terrible history isn't a deal breaker for an accurate specific post, to me. Beyond that I watch what _everyone_ is saying... good people and bad people alike.
If I go of the rails, please feel free to call me out. Or call me out on ideological inconsistencies and hypocrisies... I want to be consistent.
There's nothing centrist about me. I'm very long on unions. Unions all day long. I want universal healthcare and to raise the minimum wage. Palestine _deserves_ statehood, simply for existing, like Israel _deserves_ to exist now that it does (going back, I wouldn't have had the US participate in forming an ethnostate, but intentions were different and context was fresh, back then).
Tax payer subsidized higher education would be nothing but good for us. At very minimum anything offered at a community college should be an extension of public schools (though I also think our public schools suck, due to lack of funding). I'd like to shift some military spending to better pursuits, absolutely... BUT I _do_ LOOOOVE our military supremacy. I don't want anyone else to have it (maybe that makes me a neolib, or whatever I am with neolib characteristics, but idngaf).
Anyways, I just wanted to put a clear advisory here... if you follow me with any thought that your followers will be in an echo chamber, I'll probably repost Rothmus or Kim Dot Com or Elon the next time they say something sane (sometimes they do).
Why is this on Tumblr? Because I'm not giving that shit bag $8/mo. I may end up paying for Tumblr, but Elon will never get a dollar from me.
Ultimately, it boils down to: I'm pro freedom and I think for myself and, though I watch, you'll notice I FOLLOW no one (on platforms that have lists anyways, on platforms that don't I follow everyone, lol).
Mostly, you're going to get a mix of left-wing reposts, me shit posting on right-wing accounts, and some AI and computer stuff.
Ah, one more thing... capitalism has been quite good to me. I don't think we could keep communism on the rails, just based on our nature. Some industries should be socialized, not because of theory but because of our experience with them. Some should have a nationalized competitor, to keep greed in check.
Most other things that can simply be well regulated, obviously, should stay in the freeish market. Maybe this is inconsistent with your notion of freedom, but I'd rather restrict corpos than pay my life to the company store, if you get my drift.
Oh! One more crucial thing: I periodically purge my followers. It's a vibes thing. "I don't need them." No, it's more like I don't need to think about them and the numbers fuck with me. I'm screaming into the ether, jerkin' it with the engrams, if you catch my drift. If you want to actually follow me, put me in a private list... or public (i'm not the boss of you)
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