#even tho it happened in the most beautiful and content way it’s still devistating
tutuandscoot · 2 years
1:50: “I will attribute a lot of my passion for the sport to scott”.
13:20: “I would NOT have felt comfortable (commentating the Olympics) without Scott”.
- references to fist bumps and winks also
25:40: (Is skating for fun something she makes time for) “It’s not. It’s never made sense to…just go public skating- I would do that if I could do it with Scott, that would be so fun”.
I’m sorry I just need to say this and don’t @ me coz it’s 💯 % true coz she just said it and it is in the context of what she said:
Skating for fun, for enjoyment, for the love of it is something they ONLY DO AND SHARE TOGETHER. It is that special to them. They are that special to each other. Yes they both find enjoyment in coaching/mentoring others but her (and I’m certain his as well) love of it only exists when it is with him and in memory of their partnership. She would not have done this at all had it not been for him. That is so amazing and and so magical. That this huge part of their lives is still only something they share. I preach this every single day yet I still cry hearing it coming straight from them. Someone pass me the tissues.
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