#I cry listening to her gush about how much she loves Scott and is so proud of him and still just his biggest fan
tutuandscoot · 2 years
1:50: “I will attribute a lot of my passion for the sport to scott”.
13:20: “I would NOT have felt comfortable (commentating the Olympics) without Scott”.
- references to fist bumps and winks also
25:40: (Is skating for fun something she makes time for) “It’s not. It’s never made sense to…just go public skating- I would do that if I could do it with Scott, that would be so fun”.
I’m sorry I just need to say this and don’t @ me coz it’s 💯 % true coz she just said it and it is in the context of what she said:
Skating for fun, for enjoyment, for the love of it is something they ONLY DO AND SHARE TOGETHER. It is that special to them. They are that special to each other. Yes they both find enjoyment in coaching/mentoring others but her (and I’m certain his as well) love of it only exists when it is with him and in memory of their partnership. She would not have done this at all had it not been for him. That is so amazing and and so magical. That this huge part of their lives is still only something they share. I preach this every single day yet I still cry hearing it coming straight from them. Someone pass me the tissues.
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roxy206 · 1 year
Lost In Scott’s Eyes With Trixie & Katya — 09/05/2023
watch here | listen here
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Listennnnn I am so damn behind & I am usually big on catching up in order but I simply MUST watch this pod episode today!! Also I’m fighting the urge to fall asleep before 8:30pm so I can’t make any promises that this post won’t be unhinged
Katya looks so cuuuuuute stoppppp
Okay but the background decor 🥺
Well, who’s here to fuck me?
I think you can though! — I love her so much. The laughhhhhh
This honestly just might turn into me gushing about how much I love these two idiots & how much I’ve missed themmmmm
Ohh, shut up. Shut up. Shut up, you whore
Omg Trixie bringing up SVU … you know what, what I was going to say could be an entire post on its own so nevermind
I don’t think we should touch each other at work — I know what she means but out of context this is so funny bzzt bzzt
High key curious what this training was though because it sounds way more comprehensive & useful than any training I’ve had at any job
My job as a drag queen is to give you that moment where you see queer sexuality screamed into a microphone … to offset the rest of the 23 hours a day when you’re in straight spaces where it’s like, y’know? Don’t let them know you’re gay, they might burn you at the stake
I find I’m more entertaining off camera than I am on We all think so
Yesterday I was at your house off camera. Was it yesterday? Two days ago?
I was like, god she is funny — 🥹
Please send help because why does it make me so fucking giddy that Trixie is asking Katya about something so mundane as CORD MANAGEMENT. It’s just so fucking domestic
Are you pursuing a romance? No, sex
Oh my god, this face, this face
You give that heart away & you know you can take it back on your own terms — !?! !!!
Katya presenting Trixie with the award 😭😭😭
Why is Trixie giving Katya a gift 😭
I am so sorry to my neighbors for the amount of screaming I have done during this episode already
I’m so horny for this
I thought this was your color but I guess it’s a little brassy
It gives Good Burger It gives bad burger. It gives horrible burger
Stoppppp both of them defending that the other is just outright hot PLEASE
Oh! I’m gonna love this! — 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Perhaps it was a gesture of friendship & love? — what if I cry. What if I cry.
THE BIRD BOOK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my gosh. I’m gonna love this
I’m having feelingssssssss
It’s really amazing & I really appreciate you — WHAT IF I CRYYYY THIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET
I am about to lose it over this candle 🥹
I’ve been vulnerable
I also need to tell the people about what happened when you came over on Saturday — fucking loving this hanging out for enjoyment & friendship era
No but Katya always being the one Trixie turns to when she’s having a rough time 🥺🥺🥺
I need to come over & cry — 🥺🥺🥺
I said, come right away, I’ll get the tea ready She said, I’ll come get you — 😭😭😭 come on
Trixie is really fucking going through it with s2 huh
That stuff doesn’t work on me anymore. I just wouldn’t put myself in those situations
You made me watch Dune the other day
Not Katya saying “mid”
I think you’re right I know I’m right
Pleaaaaase Trixie teasing Katya 🥹
Oh my god the pod is my favorite fucking thing 💕💕💕
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Pack x Reader
Request Summary: You're Scotts twin sister and make a sacrifice for the good of the pack
Warnings: death, panic attack, angst, murder described, death described, reader death; I know for a fact I've missed some and this one is pretty fucking rough, as always read at your own risk.
A/N: This one is angsty, and just a tad longer than normal, consider it my apology to nonnie for taking so damn long on this request. I hope you guys love it, and again, this one is rough, read at your own risk.
You're able to grab one of the fucking resilient demonic ninja's off of Isaac. You could smell his pain, his blood, and you could smell Allisons determination. The second one on Isaac was shot with Allisons arrow, it's glowing green, fighting with the clear pain it's experiencing. With a split decision you're next to Allison, pushing her out of the way, a sharp pain through your chest, and then you're numb.
Allison's face is rampant with fear, her shirt holding a tiny cut that didn't grace the skin. Good, she's okay, and then you're falling.
You don't hit the ground though, your brother, Scott, holding your face with a stray tear falling down his face. You reach up and wipe it away, "It's okay Scotty, it doesn't hurt." Scott chokes back a sob, his hand gently rubbing yours, "Is everyone else okay?" Scott starts to speak, his voice betraying him, sounding mangled, "Yeah, everyone is okay Y/n, you're gonna be okay too." You shook your head, "Not in the way you think I am," Scott finally releases a sob, "no, no, big brother," he tries to laugh, trying to give you a little peace with your joke that even though he's minutes older, he's still older, "it's okay, yeah? Me and you, fighting tooth and nail. This was the best gift I could've ever gotten, I love you, and I love the pack. This is okay." You reach behind him, fingers tangled into his hair, you pull him to you and kiss his forehead. "Don't let them blame themselves, and don't blame yourself," another kiss to his cheek, "I love you big brother."
Scott's memories with you flashes before his eyes as the color in yours goes out, how did we get here?
"Scott! You okay?" You look over his body for injuries, he hisses at you making contact with his torso. "Scott, what's wrong? Did you get bit by something too?" Scott's eyebrows raise, "What do you mean 'too'? Did you get bit?" You roll your eyes and turn around, shirt stained with blood, "Yeah, I managed to get away from the fucker while rolling down some hill, now let me see yours." You swat him away, lifting his shirt and taking a good look at the bite mark, "Okay, not too bad, you fix me up and I'll fix you up? Not a word to mom, got it?" Scott nods, walking with you into the house to take care of the bite marks.
Scott can't feel anything, surrounded by you, your lifeless body. His anger, no, pain, soars through him as his eyes glow, a roar deep within him. The only thing anyone in his pack can hear is the scream from Lydia's lips and the roar of pain from Scott.
Isaac barely notices the sound around him, only his own heartbeat in his ears as he listened to yours fade away.
"Isaac you fucking idiot!" You slapped Isaac on the back of the head, he looks at you with lost, glowing, puppy dog eyes, "Sorry, Y/n." His eyes dull to his normal brown and you frown, "You've gotta do better honey, you can't lose control like that, you'll kill someone and I know that's not what you want." Isaac sits on the metal bench in the locker room, head in his hands, "I don't know that I'll ever be able to."
You sigh, sitting next to him with your hand rubbing his back, "You will, just give it time, until then, you've gotta find something that works for you, something that prevents you from breaking someone fucking ribs Isaac." You voice becomes elevated again towards the end, irritated at Isaac's recklessness. "Yeah," he leans his head down to your shoulder, "I know firecracker."
Scott is blind to the feeling on his bloody hand, only noticing it when Allison's tears hit it. Allison brushes a hair out of your face, you looked peaceful, she's eternally grateful for you, for what you did for her tonight and what you've done for her up until this point.
"Allison, fuck," you huff, pulling yourself up from the ground, "let's do it again, I know that this isn't you, your aim is perfect, let it all go and focus on me okay?" She sighs, shaking the bow in her hand, "Maybe the fact that I could actually hurt you isn't helping." You're eye to eye with her, both hands on her face, eyes glowing, "No, you won't hurt me, I'm invincible remember?" She laughs, shaking her head, "Alright, last time." You grin ear to ear and took off running. Allison brings the bow up, listening to you run. She sees glimpses of you, through the trees, and the arrow is gone. She sighs, she didn't hit you, she's shouting at you "I told you! I can't do it!"
You touch her back, startling her, she lets out a small yelp and turns to you. Her eyes go wide when she sees the arrow sticking out of your shoulder. "Oh, Jesus Y/n," her bow drops and she's bringing her hands up to try and get it to stop bleeding. "Oh quit being a pussy and pull it out," you rolled your eyes, grabbing her wrist and bringing it to the arrow in your shoulder. "I'm so sorry I hit you-" she pulls it out and you let out a long groan, already feeling better with the object dislodged. "Don't be sorry, you hit me, let's do it again." Allisons eyes widen, if that's even possible, and shakes her head, "No, absolutely not." You laugh, "Lighten up buttercup, I'm invincible remember? And this time I'm not going easy." She scoffs at you, "Easy? Oh I see how it is, run little wolf, run." With that, you take off running, Allison laughing at your excitement.
Kira is frozen, she feels like she died, you were her best friend. Over anyone else, you'd been the first to accept her, the first to fight for her, the first one she'd confided in.
"Kira, what the hell are you saying?" You're sitting with your arms crossed at a picnic table, nose in your homework. "I-I know that we were friends first, so I was going to tell you first, before I said any-" You slam your hand one the table, "Kira, baby, spit it out, fuck." This is the you realize that Kira's scent holds fear and anxiety. "Kira, what's wrong?" You're more serious now, waiting for the bomb to drop that there's another fight to be had. "I like Scott, like like him, Jesus please don't be mad." You burst into full laughter, tears streaming from your eyes.
When you calm down Kira is staring at you, piddling with the strings on her sleeves. "Oh, my god," you laugh again, trying to calm yourself. "You're not mad?" You laugh harder, smacking the table a few times, "Jesus Christ no, I can't believe-" you stand up still laughing, hugging her. "I don't give a shit," rubbing her back, "you had nothing to worry about, as long as you don't get mad if I fuck your dad." Kira jerks back, shock on her face, "Y/n!" You laugh harder, "I'm fucking kidding, jeez," you sit back down, "fucking sit down and gush to me about my brother."
She shakes herself out of it when she feels her mother enclose her in a hug. Tears finally falling.
Lydia's scream has finally ended, and she's inconsolable. Memories flooding through her head as she lays her head on an unconscious Stiles.
"Lydia god dammit," you truck to the pool, "did you find another one?" You stop at the strong scent of blood, rushing to Lydia, Stiles right behind you. "Are you hurt?" Lydia shakes her head, staring at you, "I already called 911." Stiles looks hurt, arguing with Lydia over why she should call him before the police, but you push him to the side. "Heya honey," you wrap your arms around her waist, "it's okay, don't listen to Stiles grumpy ass, let's me and you go sit." You're not sure why you aren't phased by the body next to you, but you let Stiles do whatever he needs to do for Scott while you try and get Lydia's head back down to Earth.
"Hey Lyds, dontcha think you're a little overdressed to come to the pool?" She lets out a small chuckle and you relax a little, "This can't be my new normal, Y/n. Finding dead bodies? I can't take this." You hold her hand, sighing, "None of us asked for this Lydia, I'm so sorry. If you want I can stay with you for a few days, follow you if you zonk out again?" Lydia just nods, and she feels for the first time that you're as much her best friend as Allison.
Lydia can't stop crying, Scott is trying to get ahold of himself, Kira is crying with her mother, Isaac is breathless and in pain, and Allison is held by her father.
"She did it for me dad," Allison sobs, her father already made sure she wasn't hurt, "she did it for me and I don't know why." Chris shushes her, running his fingers through her hair, grateful for your sacrifice so his beautiful girl could live. "She did it because she loved you," Allison sobs harder, "I know sweet girl, but listen, we have to deal with this. You can cry, scream, break things later, but now? Now we get our stories straight." Allison nods, and her dad is off to Scott to prep him.
When Stiles finds out, it's like every cell in his body failed him. Scott caught him and pulled him into a hug, tears streaming down his face. "I know. I know brother." Stiles can't breathe, it's been a long time since he's had a panic attack, but here he is, without you, panicking.
"Stiles," you sigh, throwing a ball against his ceiling and back into your hand, sprawled out on his bed, "you've gotta stop." Stiles shakes his head, "No, no there is something here!" He tosses the books to the floor, you get off the bed, wrapping your arms around him from behind, "You'll find it but you're not going to without sleep. Come on." You tug him back to his bed, "Let's nap, and then we'll come back to all," you gesture to his board covered in multicolored string, "this." Stiles sighs heavily, letting you pull him to the bed. It's not the first time, and certainly wouldn't be the last, that you've convinced him to sleep. He crawls in next to you and you throw your arm open, allowing him to lay his head over your heart. He falls asleep to the lull of the thump thump thump.
Stiles shakes himself out of the memory, remembering that he'll never hear that beautiful sound again and vows to hold onto it. He lets out a pained, choked sob, "Scott-" Scotts arms are around him still, Scott can smell the guilt coming off of the small man, "Don't - It was not your fault Stiles. It wasn't anyone's fault." Scott lets Stiles cry, mourn his best friend, the woman he's come to love like his own sister. "Have you told Derek?" Scott sighs, Stiles already knows the answer.
When they get to Derek's place, Derek opens the door, already smelling them and their horribly displaced emotions. "What is it?" Scott lets himself in, Stiles following close behind him and he's checking for his little flame, and when you're nowhere to be found, his heart sinks. "Where's Y/n?" Derek can smell the grief coming off of Scott in waves, not missing the anger that hides beneath it. "Fuck, my little flame," his voice sounds broken, barely audible to the human boy who stares sorrowful at him.
"Derek Hale!" You kick the door open to home, "Derek Hale! Get your ass out here!" Derek almost materializes behind you, but you're just as quick as he is. "Derek Hale! I oughtta kill you, you son of a bitch!" You march to him, taking him off guard by your fist that collides into his face. He's knocked back a couple feet, staring at you with glowing eyes. Your eyes match his, "I am not afraid of your eyes, wolf boy! You turned three people!" Derek shrugs, "So what if I did?" You go for a second punch, this time caught by Derek, he can't smell a single ounce of fear, only fury.
"They knew what they were getting into," Derek lets go of your hand. "Oh, fuck you, Derek," you shove him back, "you can spin that stupid story to whoever you want, but you and I know better." Derek shrugs, "So what? They're better now, stronger, and they like it." You let out a deep growl, "Did you tell them about the death?" You step forward towards him, "Did you tell them how they'd be pulled into every murder in this town?" You shove him back again, following his step backwards, "Did you tell them of the pain? Did you? Of course not." Your hand grasps his chin, squeezing painfully with your claws out, making him look at you, "Hear me Derek Hale and hear me good. If anything," you squeezed him harder, bringing a hiss from him, "and I mean anything, happens to them, I will hurt you." You back away and head out of his house, stopping at his door, "And trust me, I'm a fire you can't put out." He laughs, watching you walk away, but mumbling just where you can barely hear, "I have a feeling I don't want to be burned by your flame."
A growl explodes from his lips, pain filling his entire being. You've been the glue that holds them all together, bringing them back from the brink again and again. How could they survive without you?
Months after your death, they've settled back into the groove of things, nothing ever feels the same without you though.
They talk about you all the time, Stiles has a tendency to try and calm people down like you did. Trying to help keep everyone grounded. He's nowhere near as good at it like you were, but he's trying. Allison keeps your memory around by never changing her lock screen, a picture of everyone in the pack resting on the screen she checks every five minutes. Isaac has found a new anchor, with Scott's help, using himself to be able to control the rage that flurries inside of him after your death. Lydia lives for adopting your fire, absolutely never keeping her mouth shut much to everyone's dismay, but it's a way to keep your image around. Kira has become closer to Allison and Lydia, but she knows they'll never replace you. They don't laugh at her like you did when she talks about Scott, and it's a painful memory. Derek's become much more involved with Scott's pack, dedicated to doing what he can for not fighting by your side the right you died, a debt he'll never repay. Scott finds his peace in his pack, but the hole in his heart for his sister will never fade, like the newly placed fire tattoo on his forearm will never fade.
They are all eternally grateful.
They all know it'll never be the same.
They all hate your sacrifice.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Intense Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is 16-17, also ive really never written anything about team iron man so this was weird, someone needs to tell me i dont need every single movie detail in here
prompt: takes place from cacw and smhc
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
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after the events in sokovia, you set up the relief fund for displaced sokovians and dealt with physical clean up while the avengers...
well, they had to deal with the press—and the governments of the world
getting to know your new suit AI, JOSHUA
briefly looking for bruce; no luck there
you ended up doing the MIT september foundation presentation with tony
and ending the presentation after pepper’s name popped up on the screen
“it’s probably best we get out of here”
you were his entire support system while he was going through his break with pepper
meeting charles spencer’s mother, who really gave your dad a piece of her mind
“my son died, but your daughter gets to live on. if you lost her, maybe you’d show some sympathy for murdering my child”
*awkward silence from you*
*awkward silence from tony otw to the compound*
HATING the sound of the sokovia accords, yet understanding why they’re being ratified
being torn between signing them or not and having a huge argument with the other avengers
“y/n, why dont you listen to your dad for once and sign the damn thing”
“uncle rhodey, you know why i dont want to sign. if they have us, they have access to our suits. you really think the UN should be telling us how to use them?”
“your defense doesn’t even make sense. i had the war machine or iron patriot or whatever the hell you want to call it, but the military was calling the shots”
“and look where you are now”
“right, well i wouldn’t expect a kid to understand”
“are you kidding me, rhodes? you’re gonna play the ‘im older than you’ card?”
comforting wanda while she feared being taken
and as soon as you heard about what happened in lagos
“think about it, maximoff. if you didnt do what you did, do you know how many more casualties there may have been?”
“but i killed innocents”
“no, rumlow killed innocents. you contained that blast better than anyone else could have and you prevented a whole bunch of deaths, give yourself some credit”
okay, so you weren’t the best at talking someone down while they were upset
staying in berlin with your father while the whole bucky thing began to get sorted out
but he sent you out to stay with nat while he had some “private time” with steve
tony keeping you close to him during the power outage at the base
until it turned out you brought your suit and tony did not!
everyone was looking at you to take down bucky, but it just seemed like a bad idea, you didn’t want to hurt him because you didn’t want to hurt steve
stalling to try and buy steve time to subdue his friend
“y/n, come on, for christ sake!”
“got it, dad! i know what im doing!”
“i dont think you do!”
feeling your stomach drop when bucky shot into your dad’s hand, if it wasn’t for his latest invention, he may have gotten seriously hurt
you had a slight change of heart after that, you couldn’t bare to lose your dad. not after all those close calls...
getting yelled at by secretary ross and the wonderful 36 hour ultimatum you, nat, and tony received
“i have a plan”
“don’t say the spider boy”
“fine, i wont say it”
a nice trip to queens :)
when this parker kid finally got home, tony left you to socialize with his aunt
small talk is sometimes unbearable
“so, what’s it like being tony stark’s daughter?”
“honestly? im always tired”
peter becoming a tagalong on your mission, which you didn’t really think was appropriate
“dad, i dont really think we should’ve brought the kid...”
“why? you’re about the same age as him, its not much different”
“um...no, i meant this isnt his battle. i don’t care how old he is”
face off between tony and cap where you literally just swallowed all your pride and apologized because you couldn’t handle the fact that the team was being ripped apart like this
team ups with Spider-Man
“so, uh, do you hate me or something?”
“hey, kid? we’re kind of in the middle of something, i’ll get back to you on that”
“it’s a yes or no question, y/n”
so, things didn’t exactly go as planned...
your (former) teammates were taken to the RAFT and you couldn’t pull it together in front of them
they were pretty pissed at you
“im sorry, im so sorry, i should’ve done better”
they ignored you (up until scott lang)
“all you stark’s are the same”
“stay out of this, bugboy”
taking to the remote hydra base in another famous father/daughter teamup
“just like the old days, right kiddo?”
“i guess so”
“hey, cheer up, it’s not all that bad”
waltzing right in there to meet your friend and foe
seeing the video of your grandparents dying
*being killed
absolutely stunned by seeing such a gruesome thing
even after all you’ve seen, this really got to you
you were robbed of ever meeting them, which made you angry, but you couldn’t stay angry because there were so many things out of everyones control
realizing that this was a good time to hold tony back
“JOSHUA, lock down y/n’s suit. protocol: baby gate”
apparently your dad still had some old protocols in your suit that you hadn’t found yet
“JOSHUA? reboot! override protocol: baby gate”
“i’m sorry, miss y/n, but i cannot do that”
watching your father attempt to get revenge
and get critically injured
simultaneously working on opening the suit back up for a bad plan
finally getting the emergency release and stumbling out of your suit, rushing towards the conflict and throwing yourself in the middle of it
“please, dad. enough damage has been done.”
“y/n, get out of the way”
he saw you shaking and crying and he realized what he was doing
attacking the only family you guys really had
getting shoved out of the way so that they could end this fight once and for all
JOSHUA finally rebooting and bringing the suit over to shield you while you helplessly watched the end of this fight
when bucky and steve left, your suit disarmed and you crouched down beside your father
“come on, let’s just go home”
“im sorry”
“i know, it’s okay”
trying to comfort your dad after his defeat
you picked up cap’s shield and returned to your suit, it was time to go home
after a brief time of recovery (while you helped work on uncle rhodey’s prototype prosthetics), there was a slight change of plans for you
“okay, so for your punishment after what you pulled during my...divorce with cap, you’re going to babysit the spiderling so you gain some perspective”
“hold on, what?! what do you mean ‘perspective?’”
“i mean you dont know what it’s like to be in charge of the life of a teenager, so now you get to find out! congratulations on your promotion!”
it was not fun at all because peter kept blowing up your phone and you kept having to tell him there was nothing for him to do
Y/N: I’ll let you know when there’s a spider-level threat, kapeesh?
P. Parker: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
peter going behind your back to do some “superhero work”
and you having to swoop in to fix everything last second
“come on, you stole my thunder, y/n!”
“no, peter, i saved your life. next time you have a lead, call me first”
and then he didn’t 😌✨💕
“Y/N, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“put him through, JOSHIE...hey dad, how’s dubai?”
“taking care of a kid is harder than it looks, isn’t it?”
“don’t start with me”
damage control ahahah 🤡
“peter, why cant you just call me in? you don’t stop texting me for months but for this you go radio silent? you almost died. and you put a bunch of lives in danger! do you want me to have to go to your aunt and tell her you died?”
“im sorry! i just...i dont want to be a sidekick”
“kid, you’re gonna have a long time to make a name for yourself...but not if you’re dead!”
he started crying and you were very uncomfortable so you tried to hug him? it helped.
letting him off easy (just like your dad did to you growing up)
but apparently tony came back and took the suit anyways and you were pretty pissed about it
avengers moving day :) yes, part of your punishment was helping happy with moving day and hearing him gush about how you were “growing into such a responsible adult”
“happy i dont know if you noticed but ive basically been an adult since i was 12”
“keep telling yourself that, kiddo”
seeing an explosion and immediately knowing it was peter
“i’ll see you later, happy, love you!”
investigating the crash site and whaddaya know, there’s peter and his first bad guy, you were kind of proud
“peter, you okay?”
“okay, cool”
more damage control lmao (a/n: yall sick of damage control yet?)
a congratulatory call from your dad
“hey! you did pretty good, all things considered. why don’t you take the kid to the avengers compound for his special surprise?”
“aye aye, see you soon.”
“love you, kiddo”
“you too, dad”
quick fast forward to peter rejecting the position as an avenger while the press was outside, yes, you were surprised
but then your dad finally proposed to pepper, it was a pretty cool engagement announcement
“y/n, will you be my maid of honor?”
happily ever after (a/n: until the next part is up)
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confusedweasleys · 5 years
Elemental Desire (Part One) - Stiles Stilinski x Reader
A/N: YO what is up kiddos?? I’m so happy to be back writing on here! And I’m on break so that means tons of stories for you lil ones! This is my first series that I’m writing and I’m super excited lol! (Also sorry I didn’t get to the prompt, that will come in later chapters hehe). Also, for the person who requested this, I decided to make it a series with Stiles (Teen Wolf)!
Request: @sry-stlinski
Prompt: “What a shocker, you have an excuse? (#142)
Triggers: Cursing, Mentions of Drinking, Panic Attack
Word Count: 2,573———————————————————————————————————
    “Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!” I jerked awake as someone gently shook my shoulder. 
“Ehg! Stiles get off me,” I said, slapping his hand away. “Why did you wake me up?” I groaned. 
“If you wouldn't fall asleep in class, I wouldn't have to wake you up,” he said cheerfully. He grabbed my bag. “Come on come onn,” he whined. “Let’s go, it’s lunchtime and I'm hungry.” I groaned. Why did I fall asleep? I really didn't want to have lunch with him today. With any of them really. But Stiles was already out of our history class with my bag. Slumping my shoulders in resignation, I followed him into the hall. “Come on I’m hungry,” Stiles whined, waiting for me to catch up with him. I huffed. 
“Stiles, I have homework to do.” 
"See that is just not true,” he said, smiling at me. “We take all the same classes, and I know for a fact that essay we just handed in was your last assignment before winter break. So not only do you have lunch free, you are also free all of winter break,” he finished. Stiles looked at me with a satisfied smile. I groaned again, knowing he was right. 
“Fine,” I said, following him to our lunch spot. Recently, the little pack had taken to sitting outside. Although I’d been avoiding everyone lately, I did enjoy the change from the stuffy cafeteria. I trailed behind Stiles as we reached the group, wincing. They don’t want you here Y/N. The voice was in my head again. No one wants you here. Leave before they notice you. I pushed the voice out of my head and walked towards my friends. I settle between Stiles and Kira, resting my head of Kira’s shoulders. 
    I wouldn’t say that I’m good at making friends, but something about Kira and I clicked. From the first day I met her, she was always there for me and I was always there for her. That was just how it worked. Even with the comfort of my best friend, I felt anxious as I looked around the group of people laughing and talking. You aren't welcome here. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down as I noticed the dirt start to shift below me, and the breeze pick up ever so slightly. Kira seemed to notice my shift in demeanor and looked over at me as the voice returned in my head. They don’t want you here. He doesn't want you here. The wind picked up even more, to the point where a few of Lydia's papers flew away. I sat up abruptly and grabbed my backpack from Stiles' lap, trying to stay calm and shut the voice out at the same time. “Shit guys, I forgot to turn in my essay!” I exclaimed as I rushed into the school building. I barely made it into the girls’ bathroom before the voice broke through into my head. They don’t want you. They don’t like you. You are nothing. You are nothing. You are nothing to them. You are nothing to him. I squeezed my eyes shut. Stop, stop, stop, please stop, I thought. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. "Stop please stop!” I screamed out loud, feeling a rush of power through my chest. I felt a wave of water drench my entire person. Opening my eyes, I realized the entire bathroom was soaking wet. What the fuck. Did I do that? I started mentally panicking. Was there another monster or demon in this town. We had had a weird year last year certainly, but everyone had agreed that it was over. What is going on? I groaned and wiped the tears and water my face off with a few paper towels. Crying was common enough. Being completely drenched from head to toe? That might catch a few more stares. 
    I tried to clean myself up as best as I could before leaving the girls' bathroom - and running directly into someone. “Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking-” 
“Why are you soaking wet?” he asked, blinking his eyes in confusion. “It’s freezing outside. Are you ok?” 
“Oh I’m fine,” I lied. “What are you doing going into the girls' bathroom,” I said, attempting to quickly change the subject. 
“I wanted to see why you just lied and ran away from our friends,” he said, raising his eyebrows at me. “But now I’m more curious as to why you’re soaking wet,” he said. 
“The girls’ bathroom was soaking wet, and I slipped and got completely drenched.” Another lie slipped out of my mouth. 
“Y/N, I’m not stupid. Your hair is soaking wet,” he said. 
“I told you, the bathroom was drenched.” 
“Fine. There was a huge puddle,” he said with his trademark sarcasm. “But I'm going to drive you home because you are completely drenched.” I bit my lip. I did not want to spend 15 minutes in the car alone with him. 
“Stiles you have class right now.”
“So do you,” he said cheerfully. “Come on we’re going,” he said, grabbing my shoulders and steering me out of the school before I had another chance to decline.
    I had decided the key to avoiding the topics I didn't want to talk about (basically boys and the supernatural) was to keep him continuously talking about literally anything else. Which meant I had to initiate the conversation. We got to his old jeep and I tossed my soaked bag in the back. “Feel like telling the truth yet?” he asked me. 
“I already did Stiles,” I said in a singsong voice. There goes that plan.
“So that would be a no,” he said, rolling his eyes and starting the car. “So what do you want to do tonight?” 
“Um, study,” S said, hoping to steer away from that topic as well. I really did not want to be hanging out with the group right now. With the scary supernatural voice in my head and well, her, the group wasn't exactly my happy place at the moment. 
“Yeah no, I don’t think so. It’s the first night of break. You will come ice skating with us and you will have fun. Then we will get drunk and you will have even more fun.” 
“Stiles,” I said, rolling my eyes. 
“Not taking no for an answer,” he said, swerving the car into a sharp left - the opposite direction of my house.
"Stiles where are we going?” I asked with an exasperated sigh. 
“To my house.” 
“I need clothes.” 
“No. You'll leave if I take you to your house.” 
“Fine. I’ll come out if I can get clothes and shower first. If you haven't noticed, my clothes are sopping wet and it’s 5 degrees outside.” Stiles eyes lit up as he smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. This boy has way to much control over me. 
“Well that sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.” We talked for the rest of the drive back to my house, and we laughed and joked like we normally do. And even though I tried to hide it, I still heard the voice in the back of my head. he doesn't love you.
    Eventually, I was able to shower and get changed into very warm clothes. And I was dreading ice skating. I didn't think I would make it through the night with Lydia slightly flirting with Stiles while he looked at her like a puppy dog. It honestly made me sick to my stomach. So I made my way downstairs in a tee shirt and Christmas pajama bottoms, with the full intention of telling Stiles to go without me. I wasn't feeling well I would say. I walked to the living room where Stiles was laying on my couch hugging a pillow to his chest. “Nope,” he said, not even looking at me. 
“Go change,” he said, turning to face me. “You are feeling perfectly fine, and we are going to go have fun,” he said. “Now go change,” he said, throwing the pillow at me. I huffed and stomped back upstairs to quickly change. Fuck. How does this boy know me so well? 
    We drove to the small ice rink at lightning speed. Stiles informed me that because of my “little stunt”, everyone had beat us there. 
“Well if you hadn't forced me to come, you would be on time wouldn't you?” I said. 
“On time and alone. And sad,” he said, twisting his face into a look of mock sadness. I laughed and unbuckled my seatbelt as we reached the ice rink. It was a quaint little sight. The ices rink was full of skating families, couples, and friends, and decorated with every sort of Christmas lights. It looked like it should be on a Christmas card. Stiles and I grabbed our skates and went to lace them up. I smiled at my penguin socks as I laced up my skates at a much faster pace than Stiles. 
“Come on slowpoke, you made me come,” I said, poking his arm and putting. I skated, very clumsily I might add, to a familiar pair in the middle of the rink. “Kiraaaa,” I said as I skated right into her. Kira fell onto her butt. 
“Hi Y/N,” she said, laughing and groaning as Scott hauled her off the ice. "Where's your boy toy?” she asked me looking behind me. For a split second, I was confused, until I followed her gaze to a very clumsy Stiles making his way over to us. 
“The overgrown child, who is not my 'boy toy' I might add, is over there.” 
“Who’s not your boy toy?” Stiles asked winking at me. I rolled my eyes 
“Doesn't matter,” I said, grabbing Kira’s arm. “Come on, we're here to skate anyway. Sorry Scott, I'm stealing you girl,” I added. Kira, blushing like a madman, tightened her grip on my arm and rather forcefully led me away. She groaned as we skated away from the two boys. “Uh-uh-uh, payback,” I said, cutting her off before she could complain. Kira had known about my crush on stiles for pretty much the entire course of our friendship. I, in turn, had listened to her gush about Scott for the entire course of our friendship. Aside from repeatedly almost dying together, talking about our crushes on the two brunette boys was a key factor in our developing friendship. One year later, and things were still pretty much the same. Although, I was pretty sure Scott and Kira had hooked up. Whenever I asked her about she changed the subject. 
    Kira and I skated around the rink a few times, me seemingly getting worse over time, before deciding to rejoin the boys. After about ten minutes of searching for them on the small, crowded rink, Kira spotted them in line at the hot chocolate stand. Typical. Kira and I tugged off our skates before walking up behind them. “I just don't know what to do,” Stiles was saying to Scott. “There is absolutely no way she feels the same way.” 
“What's up guys,” Kira interrupted as my heart twisted in my chest. Of course Stiles would be talking about Lydia when she wasn't even here. that girl had a hold on Stiles so strong I was surprised he didn't literally fall at her feet. Her, not you. And right on cue. My lovely evil voice friend was back in my head. Get out, I thought back. Now is not the time. I tried to turn my attention back to the conversation, which just consisted of Scott trying to cover up whatever the two had been talking about while Stiles stuttered incoherently. I wonder if any of your friends actually like you. The voice pushed its way back into my head. Maybe they feel sorry for you like Stiles does. Everyone has someone in their life that is more important than you. Scott has Kira. And Stiles - 
“Stop it,” I said out loud. My three friends turned their heads towards me. “N-no not you guys,” I said, laughing shakily. I pointed my hand towards a kid a few yards away. “That kid was about to cut himself on his skates.” I lied through my teeth. Only Scott looked convinced. “Crap guys, it's almost nine!” I said, pretending to check my watch. “I forgot I was supposed to tutor someone tonight at 8:30. I'll see you guys later.” I turned around before anyone could respond and hurried to return my skates. 
“Thank you, thank you! I said hurriedly, giving the rental man my skates back. “Y/N,” Stiles said catching up to me. “What the fuck is going on? I know you’re lying about having to trust someone tonight, and I know you were lying earlier today. What the fuck is going on?” he asked again.
“I’m not lying Stiles, I'm just stressed. It’s just making me a little crazy.” 
“You're lying again,” he said, clearly frustrated. 
“I’m not lying! Why do you even think I’m lying?” I said walking away from him. 
“Because I know you. You don’t rush off to random places or forget about appointments. You don’t forget to turn in assignments. And when you lie, you don’t make I contact.”
“That’s not true,” I mumbled looking at my hands. Stiles stared pointedly at me. 
“Come on,” he said, pulling me back to the car. I resigned to getting into the passenger side, and he drove away from the crowded area. We drove in silence until he pulled off the road on the edge of the woods.
“I don't understand what you have going on in your life that is so bad or complicated that you can't tell me about it. We’ve always told each other everything. And now you’re acting weird and I don’t know how to help you,” he said. 
“I don't have anything going on!” I exclaimed, fling my arms into the air. “And I’m not acting weird! I’m fine.” I watched the air outside start to swirl. Fuck I need to get out of here. 
“If you won’t tell me what’s bothering you and you need some time that’s fine. Let's go do something. Just the two of us. We can at least take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out.” 
“Nothing is stressing me out,” I said, growing more agitated. He doesn't actually care about you. He feels bad for you. “Stop, stop, stop!” I said, feeling something build inside me. Outside the car, the air swirled more intensely as it was joined by flurries of snow. Stiles looked at me, bewildered. 
“Yes, you are obviously the epitome of fine,” he said sarcastically. “You need to calm down,” he said, turning serious in an instant. “I think you're having a panic attack,” he said. 
“No no no,” I said. “I-I need to go,” I said. 
“What?” he said even more bewildered. “Where?” 
“I-I was supposed to be home a half-hour ago,” I said, clenching my fists. Stay calm. 
“What a shocker, another excuse,” he said dryly. His sarcasm quickly turned to real concern again as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. “Y/N what is going on?” he asked again in a pleading voice. “Please,” he said quietly. “Talk to me.” Don't talk to him. He doesn't really care. 
“I need to go,” I said, fumbling for the door. Stiles tried to lock the doors, but it was too late. I scrambled out of the car and into the woods. 
“Y/N no!” he shouted. “No, come back!” He ran out of the car after me, but I had a huge head start. He wouldn't catch up to me. I ran through the woods as a sob wracked through me. Violent wind and snow swirled around me so powerfully I couldn't even control the direction of my momentum. And like a mantra, the voice began again. Unloved. Worthless. Friendless. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. 
“Stop! STOP!” I screamed. I felt a huge weight burst from my chest as wind and snow swirled seemingly straight from my body and into the sky. And then I passed out in the snow.
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libertyreads · 4 years
Best and Worst Books of 2020
This has been a mess of a year for everyone, but I actually managed to get a lot of books read. I decided to repeat this post from last year because I enjoyed going back through all the things I read and remembering how I felt about them.
I’ll try to avoid any repeats, but I’m sure it’ll happen at some point. If you want more info about my feelings on these books, check out my ratings and reviews on GoodReads.
Best Sci-Fi: This one was such an easy pick for me. All Systems Red by Martha Wells. This whole series just knocks it out of the park. The Murderbot Diaries is a series about a Security Bot who hacks their governor module so they can just watch their shows all day. Too bad the humans they’re assigned to protect are getting into trouble left and right. Worst Sci-Fi: Starstruck by Brenda Hiatt. I remember this being a free e-book that I picked up this year. I explained it to my husband as a sci-fi version of Twilight. You get a small town nerdy girl with few friends who suddenly becomes important when this alien boy pays attention to her. It was definitely a book of its time. Best Fantasy: A Fantasy that I really enjoyed this year was Fable by Adrienne Young. It is about a girl whose pirate father leaves her stranded on a deserted island after her mother dies. If she can survive, she can find her way back to him and receive her inheritance. It goes in depth about family and friendship. Plus found families. Am I right? Worst Fantasy: The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Oh boy. How do I get into it with this one without regurgitating my review? I had a problem with the author taking all of the best known magical stories of all time and twisting them throughout this dense book in order to point out that magic is a problem to be dealt with and not all unicorns and rainbows--just to rip that point out of the reader’s hands in the last four pages of the novel. Please read my review I go so in depth there. Best Contemporary: Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. I think this was mostly just that I read this book at the right time. This book is about a family who is going through a hard time when the father is diagnosed with terminal cancer. They decide to spend one final summer at their cabin on the lake before he passes. I distinctly remember crying my eyes out at the end of this one and it hitting me so hard. Worst Contemporary: Girls in the Moon by Janet McNally. This was a Book of the Month pick for me at a time when they had less variety in their options. I felt like I couldn’t keep pushing back my picks every month. It’s a story about this rock band family who divorced in the late 90s and the fall out for their two children while one moves to New York to pursue a music career. A lot of fluff and almost no substance. Best Mystery: This is the year I realized that I like YA Mystery novels and not a lot else in the mystery genre. I had a three way tie for best Mystery and they call came from the YA Age Range. The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson, In the Hall with the Knife by Diana Peterfreund, and The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. These were all done so well and all taking the things I love about mysteries and twisting them. Worst Mystery: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I had heard so many amazing things about this book, but it fell so flat for me. I hate unreliable narrators. Why are they necessary in this genre? I feel like if you need an unreliable narrator to write a good mystery then you’re a bad mystery author. Best YA: Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton. This is book 2 in the Rebel of the Sands series. It’s a desert Fantasy that is written so well. The world building is fantastic. We have a rebellion, magic, and some amazing characters. In book two we see Amani thrust into court politics. I marathoned this whole series in a couple of weeks and loved the adventure. Worst YA: The worst YA book I read this year was Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke. I felt like the story went no where and the writing was overly flowery. I’m sure it does good things for some people but it’s the polar opposite of what I love in books. Best Adult: For this one we have a two way tie. The first book is House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J. Maas. Is this the next great American novel? Of course not. But I had an amazing time reading this book. I felt so many feelings and the world building was fantastic. The second book is In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren. I read an ARC of this for my Christmas in July and enjoyed it so much I had to read it again right before Christmas. It was perfect for getting in the Christmas spirit.  Worst Adult: This category is also a two way tie. I read The Broken Girls by Simone St. James and thoroughly disliked the mystery aspect of the story. I felt like it was left too open ended and it completely put me off. The second is a book of poetry called Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. It felt like a lot of these poems were incomplete thoughts. Maybe it’s how open it is too interpretation again, but I really did not like this at all. Best New Release: This feels like the hardest category to pick from. If we’re going based on ratings, Check, Please! Volume #2: Sticks and Scones is the highest rated new release that I read this year. But I also have a couple of YA Mystery novels that I read this year that I loved and that stuck with me throughout the year. The first is The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson which is the third book in the Truly Devious series and finishes out that mystery arc. The second is The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes which I have been raving about since I read it this fall. The Inheritances games is the first book in a new series that is like a combination of Knives Out and Clue plus puzzles minus a few murders. It’s just so good. So, a top three for this category I guess. Worst New Release: The Bookweaver’s Daughter by Malavika Kannan. This one was easy to pick hands down. I felt like this book brushed over some major events that happened. As well, there’s a major lack of world building in this novel. I think with some polishing it could have made for a good middle grade novel but was sold as a YA novel. Best Backlist: The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. I’m normally not huge into Adult Fantasy, but I feel like the author does a good job of making the world accessible to the reader even though it’s vast with a lot of political machinations. Probably one of the best series I read start to finish this year. Worst Backlist: The Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom. I was going to put in Wink Poppy Midnight here again, but technically I gave The Cruelty the same rating and I wanted to avoid repeats. For this one, I gave a LENGTHY review about my problems with the book. I wanted to like it, but the author’s internalized ableism and misogyny really ruined the party here. Best 2021 ARC: This was a two way tie between “You Have a Match” by Emma Lord and “Shipped” by Angie Hockman. I had no idea I enjoyed these equally because they’re such different books. Both are contemporaries but “You Have A Match” is YA Contemporary about families and secrets while “Shipped” is an Adult Contemporary about a hate to love romance and work/life balance. Worst 2021 ARC: “The Castle School (for Troubled Girls)” by Alyssa B. Sheinmel. This one is more of a problem about what the publishers sold the book as. Because the book summary wasn’t correct when it came to the whole point of the book. So I went in with completely incorrect expectations. I think because of the plot twist I would have still rated it lower than the other 2021 ARCs I read, but it would have been a closer contest. Best Standalone: I Hope You’re Listening by Tom Ryan. This is a YA Mystery that came out this Fall that I really enjoyed. It’s about a girl who is present when her friend gets taken from the woods. Years later she still has trouble dealing with being the child left behind so she starts a podcast to help people solve missing persons cases. It also had a surprise cult element that I wasn’t expecting and really enjoyed. Worst Standalone: Meet Me at Fir Tree Lodge by Rachel Dove. This one is a bit blurred in my brain. I think that really speaks to how I feel about this one. It is about a girl whose life falls apart after a skiing accident and how she tries to put it back together. But it involves a romance with an Alpha Male character which everyone hates at this point. I wanted it to be sweeter and softer and more heart wrenching than it was. Best Book in a Series: All Systems Red by Martha Wells. I scoured my spreadsheets to try to find a book I hadn’t already gushed over, but there’s a reason this one is in the top of so many categories. I love Murderbot and following all of their misadventures. The Murderbot Diaries is a series about a Security Bot who has hijacked their Governor Module and just wants to watch their serials all day. But those pesky human’s they’re hired to protect keep getting themselves in trouble. Worst Book in a Series: I found the book in a series that I gave the worst rating to and I had to go over my review to try to remember what it’s even about. I read Legacy of Ash by Matthew Ward which is the first book in the Legacy Trilogy. And I still don’t remember much about it. I remember it being dense and hard to read without getting a lot out of the book in reward for my effort. It was a hard slog and clearly not great if I can’t remember what it’s about less than 9 months after I read it.
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thorne93 · 5 years
Stan Lee University (Part 19 - FINAL)
Prompt: What would the Avengers be like in college, more importantly, what would they be like if Y/N existed around them?
Word Count: 3850
Warnings: language and “adult themes”
Notes: This is based on a HC from @carryonmyswansong. They helped brainstorm and write part of this series. In this AU, no one will have powers, everyone is a normal human. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong. 
Just before spring break, Wanda had approached you after work and sat you down. 
“Hey, I want to apologize for what I did. About this whole job and internship nonsense. I was a real bitch, and I shouldn’t have been.”
All you did was slowly nod as you listened.
“Look, I only did it because I really needed it and I figured you’d find another internship easy, but this was looking like my only option.” 
You didn’t say anything and she started to get desperate.
“You’re some tough competition, alright? I only did it because I’m threatened by you, doesn’t that make you happy in some way?”
You shook your head. “Wanda, I didn’t want some stupid internship to come between us. So no, I’m not happy you felt like you had to dick me over to get an internship. If you’d just come to me and said you wanted it, I would’ve backed off.”
She bobbed her head, biting her lip as she played with her fingers. “So, still mad?”
“I was never mad. I was hurt. That our friendship meant less than an internship.”
“Well, to be fair, I only said that you were busy, not that you weren’t qualified, if that helps,” she offered, a smile slowly growing on her face. 
You couldn’t resist smiling back at her. 
“I suppose that’s true, and I do work there now, so… I forgive you.”
“Oh, thank you so much. I’m so sorry,” she cried as she hugged you tight. “It’ll never happen again.” 
“As long as we’re friends again,” you said, happy to hug her back.
Following that spring semester, you and Stephen spent all of your time together. If you weren’t at his house, he was at yours, or you were out doing something together. His whole family went on a vacation to the Bahamas and took you with them, then when you all got back from that, your family went to Hawaii, and he came along. 
The sex, after your first time together in the lab, only grew better, somehow. You weren’t entirely sure how it could get hotter or better but it did. There was a deep connection every time, and there was always something new, something fresh, something exciting. He wasn’t a selfish lover by any means, and you had no problem repaying that feeling. In some ways, if you weren’t being affectionate, it was hard to keep your hands off each other. Whenever he was overtly kind to your loved ones, whenever he impressed you with science, whenever he did something completely responsible, you were rearing to go. Because like your friends had said long ago -- you have a type -- the successful type. That’s what Stephen was. Mature, well-adjusted, goal oriented, intelligent, funny, and sweet. He filled all the roles you wanted in a partner and more, and how could that not turn you on?
Since senior year was approaching, so were MCATs and med-school applications, so you two discussed your options. Stephen had his sights set on Columbia, whereas you were gunning for Johns Hopkins. Of course, you both applied to every medical college east of the Mississippi. 
At first, you agreed that you should go where your careers would take you, that you shouldn’t sacrifice for the other. It felt right to both of you that if you were going to dedicate yourself to this line of work, it needed to be at the place that fit you best, not a place to compromise on. 
But when the acceptance letters started coming in, decisions had to be made. 
Stephen brought over all of his letters to your house and you were in the dining room, trying to discuss where to go. 
“Well if I went to IU, and you went to Columbia--”
“Y/N,” he started, staring at you. You were pacing, talking to yourself, while he sat at the dining room table.
“But then I think it’d be closer if I went to--”
“Y/N,” he said again. 
“But then we need to consider.”
“Y/N, I got accepted to Johns Hopkins and I’m going,” he finally said, hoping you heard him. 
Still rambling and rattling, his words finally registered with you and you stopped, turning only your head to him. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I got accepted to your school and I’m going to go with you.”
“What? No, no that’s not what we agreed on. We agreed we shouldn’t sacrifice our careers for each other, we’d never do that.” 
He stood from the table and put his hands on your biceps. “I’m not. We sacrificed time with each other so I could study abroad. You did that for me, so I could have opportunities like this. I’m repaying you. Johns Hopkins is where you want to go, and I want to be with you. I can’t stand the idea of us living states apart for four years, and that’s not including residency.” 
“But what about Columbia? What about neurosurgery?” 
“Is all at Johns Hopkins. I can do that anywhere. What matters to me is that you’re happy. It’s not like Hopkins is exactly a downgrade.”
You half smiled. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to wait and look down the road ten years and resent me for this.”
“I’m making this choice, not you. I’m not going to resent you. I’m still getting my degree, it’s no big deal.” 
You nodded. “Okay, only if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure about us, about you, the rest is just details.” 
He kissed your forehead, then rested his against yours. 
“So we’re really doing this? Med school? Together? For four years?”
“Hopefully it’s longer than that.” 
Four years later….
You had just graduated medical school, about to go into your residency. The graduation ceremony had just ended and your parents and sister found you, along with Stephen’s parents and his brother.  
“Oh, get together you two for a picture!” your mom gushed, trying to not cry any more. You two held up your diplomas, smiling proudly with your caps and gowns on. 
It was a long, grueling road, but you made it. Both of you made it out with MD-PhDs, somehow, by some crazy miracle. He was guaranteed a fantastic residency, as were you. 
“Oh, we’re so proud of you,” Beverly said, coming over and hugging you two at the same time. 
“Thank you,” you gushed. 
“Oh, wait, shit,” Stephen suddenly said, checking his pockets. “I think I dropped my class ring. It was in my pockets. Hang on,” he said and you started to look around on the ground. He got down on his hands and knees and started to look around, patting the ground.
You turned around to talk to your family for a second, giving him time to look. Then suddenly, he said, “Ah, here it is.” 
“Oh, did you find it--” you started to ask, whirling back to face him, only to be stunned when he was on one knee, a ring box opened. 
You gasped, throwing your hand over your mouth, you nearly dropped your diploma. Your eyes flashed to the Strange’s who were merely grinning, they must’ve known this was coming, but your family seemed just as shocked as you. 
“Y/N, I could list all the ways I love you. From your amazing laugh, to your intelligence that at times, can put mine to shame, putting my ego back in its place. But know that it’s your kind heart, your driven mind, your stunning humor, and overwhelming love that made this decision easy for me. So, Y/N, you started out as my lab partner, how do you feel about being my life partner? What do you say? Will you marry me?” he asked with a giant grin.
“Yes!” you all but screamed, and he laughed, standing so you could hug him quickly before giving him a huge kiss. He slid the ring on your finger and you kissed him again. Then hugs and kisses from both sides of the families went all around. Congratulations were in order and everyone went out for dinner to celebrate a day of fond endings and bright beginnings. 
Three years later....
You and Stephen weren’t thrilled at the idea of waiting to actually get married, but you agreed you wanted to have your careers before having a marriage. You waited until you completed your residency and gained licensure and then you’d get married.
Which is where you were today.
The ceremony had already happened, with Stephen in a sharp tux, Victor as his best man, Clint as your Man of Honor. You found a stunning wedding dress that was adorned in every clear crystal on earth. 
You wore your mom’s veil, and borrowed Beverly’s bracelet. You got married under an oak tree older than even your grandparents. A garden as your backdrop, with a beautiful crystal ballroom and garden area for the reception. 
You had a smaller-ish wedding with only about 65 in attendance, but this felt better to you. Of course, most of your families were there, along with several people from med-school, as well as colleagues at the residencies. 
The vows were all said, the vendors were all paid, the dancing was all done. 
The sun was just now setting, letting the air cool slightly, but not enough to give a chill at all. Stephen and you were sitting on a little bench that swung, a nice cushion on it, your hand laced with his, your wedding bands shiny and new. 
All around you, filling out a little concrete slab under another oak tree, and the end of a small path through the back garden, were your friends. 
Tony and Pepper were sitting together, an engagement ring on Pepper’s finger. Clint and Nat together, wedding bands on their hands, and Nat’s baby bump starting to show. T’Challa and his younger sister Shuri were there. Steve and Sharon, a girl he met at his new job. Bucky, Scott, and Sam were all there. Wanda and Pietro were there. Wanda had brought a date, a guy named Paul who had blonde hair who was inside currently. And of course, Peter was there. 
Stephen and you had found a moment alone, and stole it, but then Tony found you, and soon after that, everyone else did. 
Fourteen people, all but two you’d shared most of your life with. Up until medical school, these people were your family, by every sense of the word. Sure there were bumps, bruises, fights, but after everyone had grown up, you all stayed in contact. 
Tony already amassed an empire, leading in engineering. Bruce was working independently on biomolecular research, but every once in a while, he teamed up with Tony to pioneer some project. Bucky and Peter were on his design team, with Scott heading up the mechanics and running a few independent projects. Pepper was Tony’s right hand and they did a wonderful job together. Clint and Nat opened up a training ground for agents for the government -- if they were CIA, FBI, or otherwise, they went to their camp. Steve was head of operations for a finance firm but got in some art in his free time, even selling some of his work. Wanda worked as a psychologist out of Manhattan. Pietro went on to be an Olympic athlete, winning four gold medals for four different categories of running. Sam got work with the Air Force, helping to design and implement their aircrafts. T’Challa went on to be elected as mayor for his hometown. He was the youngest in history, but his ratings were also the highest. 
And now, they were all here, to support you two. 
For the past hour, you’d been explaining how you and Stephen met, what all had gone down that year, and how everything had transpired to bring you two here.
“Wait, so that’s how you two met?” Sharon suddenly asked. 
“Yeah. Kind of dorky, isn’t it?”
“I think it’s cute,” she noted.
“Wait, Tony, you knew Y/N and Stephen were having sex in the lab?” Bruce suddenly demanded, making nearly everyone laugh. “And you just sat there with music playing?!” he questioned, clearly horrified.
Tony grinned. “Hey, what do you want me to say? I wanted to see how far these two love birds would take it with me in the room.”
You two just shrugged, smiling. 
“How often did this happen?!” he questioned. 
“Well to be fair,” Stephen suddenly said, his cheeks a little pink as you peered up at him lovingly, “that was our first time together.” You scooted a little farther into his open arm, happily remembering the first moments together.
“And you decided to desecrate my lab in doing so,” Tony scoffed.
“Oh, don’t even pretend like you never did that in your lab, Stark,” Sam shot, a shit eating grin on his face. 
“That’s besides the point. It’s my lab.”
“Actually, it was the school’s lab, and it was just once,” you assured, laughing. 
“Ugh, now I’m going to have nightmares,” Bruce said, shuddering, sitting back in his lawn chair. 
“I still can’t believe Loki did that shit to you,” Steve noted, looking down at his beer bottle. 
You shrugged. “Hey, the way I see it now, I was a challenge.” 
“Still shitty,” Scott noted. “You deserved better.”
“Hey, Debbie Downers, look around, she got ‘better’,” Nat defended and you smiled at her. She winked back at you. 
“And clearly you two did too,” you noted. Clint and Nat did get married right after senior year but this was their first baby, and all of you were so thrilled for them. 
“Yeah, little guy here is going to make things interesting, right, Daddy?” Nat asked, signing the question to him. 
Clint nodded and signed back, “Absolutely, I’m so excited.” 
“Shit, I forgot I dated that chick, Molly,” Sam suddenly said, his mind drifting back a few years. 
“Yeah? How’d that turn out?” Steve wondered.
“Clearly not well. She ain't here,” he said with a serious face. “Nah, I think she was a little too spacey. Nice girl though.”
“Aren’t they all?” Bucky asked with a teasing tone before Sam slightly shoved him. 
“What a wild ride,” Sam noted, thinking. “It seems like forever ago that we were in sociology together,” he noted.
“I know,” you agreed. 
“I can’t believe I was such a bitch to you,” Wanda commented. “I don’t what was wrong with me,” she said with a sour face. 
“Small town, lots of competition,” Bucky reminded. “Besides, clearly it worked out anyway, if Y/N got to be your boss.”
“Oh yeah, those first few months were just fantastic. Don’t let Y/N fool you, she totally threw her weight around for the grief I gave her,” Wanda informed to the group, pointing at you.
You nodded humbly. “Hey, can you blame me?”
A resounding “No,” hit your ears and everyone laughed. 
“God, you guys,” Pepper suddenly said, “where has the time gone? It’s like just yesterday we were all juniors, just 21--”
“Or 19,” you corrected with a mischievous grin.
“Or 19, and now we’re approaching our 30’s. We’ve got careers. We’re getting married…” she stated, looking around and everyone slowly nodded. 
“We graduated together almost a decade ago,” T’Challa remarked, his eyes going wide. “So much has happened. So much time has passed.” 
“Where are we going to be in another ten years?” Steve asked as his eyes settled on everyone in the circle, but obviously no one had an answer.
Finally, you spoke up, “Exactly where we want to be.” 
“Let’s hope so,” Bucky said. 
“Let’s make a pact,” Tony suddenly said, standing up, raising his champagne flute. Everyone else stood as well. “We meet in ten years. No matter where we are, what we’re doing. Life gets busy, and I’m sure we can’t always meet every year, we can agree that on Y/N and Strange’s tenth anniversary, we can get together, just like this.” He paused a second, looking around. “While some of you are brand new to the group, and others have a few more miles than the others, and some of us have been around since the beginning, I think it’s important we keep this group together. Yeah?” 
Everyone agreed and raised their glasses.
The rest of the evening, you spent reminiscing, talking about your time back in college, your time growing up in that town, and everyone’s lives since they left. It was the happiest you’d been since Stephen proposed. Your family was back together again. 
The old gang did get back together ten years later at your anniversary party at your mansion. 
Not much had changed for anyone. Tony and Pepper still ruled a technological empire, whom you often worked with to get top of the line medical gear and equipment. Bucky, Scott, and Peter all still working for Stark Industries. T’Challa had moved on to Governor and was talking about running for President, which you fully supported. Clint and Nat left their training program in capable hands and actually joined a private sector for work. Steve and Sharon had married and had children, in fact, so did Tony and Pepper. Peter met a girl named MJ at the company, and they were engaged now. Wanda and her boyfriend, Paul, from the party got married about four years back, and their first baby was on the way. Pietro had retired from Olympics but now he taught and trained other athletes and thoroughly enjoyed it. 
Stephen had turned into the nation’s highest paid and sought after neurosurgeon. He was on the front of every discovery, every progressive and innovative surgery, every life saving method. 
You were the nation’s highest paid and sought after psychiatrist. You were the pioneer for a deeper look into the human mind and psyche. 
Both of you were invited to speak at symposiums, lecture halls, Ted talks, and conferences. You’d both been approached at different points to write books and while Stephen declined, you accepted the offer. 
You had three kids, and they were just as bright as you and their father, maybe even more so. Curiosity burned in their veins and solutions lied on their tongues. Two boys, and one girl -- Donna.
After your careers got up and going, you offered to move your families out near you so that you could keep going with your work but not be far from family. Stephen’s parents said they’d move closer but refused financial help. Your parents accepted a small gift to help on a down payment but that was all they’d take. 
Claire and Victor actually worked in the area as well, so they lived nearby, so you had everything you’d ever wanted.
Life couldn’t get any better. Every day with Stephen was full of love, adventure, family, and work. Your careers were never a competition, and no matter where the roads took you, you supported each other without ultimatums, expectations, or conditions. Each day was a blessing and more. You’d each given the other a life you’d always dreamed of, and that’s all you could ask for in a life partner. 
Now, you stood in your living room with everyone, the kids in the parlor being entertained with the grandparents. 
“Well, we made it another ten years,” Tony remarked. “Any regrets, anyone?”
Everyone shook their head as they looked around the room. 
“So, everyone’s good? All the kids, all the gray hairs, all the stress?” he pressed. 
“Yeah, man, no complaints from me,” Sam remarked. 
“Same here,” Scott agreed.
“Wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Peter concurred.
“I’m living the life,” Wanda said happily as she put her head on her husband’s shoulder. 
“So that’s it, huh? We all made it?” Tony asked. “Impressive. I was sure that it was touch and go there for a while with Scott and his run ins with the law. And let’s not forget Nat and Clint going total CIA.”
Everyone chuckled. 
“No, I think everyone is exactly where they want to be,” you noted, holding Stephen’s hand and looking up at him lovingly. “I know I am.”
He smiled down at you before kissing you quickly. 
“Me too,” he agreed.
“Oh, get a room, lovebirds,” Tony joked.
“You mean like your lab?” Stephen shot back before Tony shook his head.
“That’s never going to leave my mind…” 
Just then, your mom said it was time to cut the anniversary cake. Everyone nodded and began to leave the living room before Stephen tugged your hand.
“Hey, hold on one second. I want to give you your gift now, in private,” he said.
“Oh?” you said, intrigued. 
He nodded and walked over to a box that you hadn’t noticed before. It wasn’t wrapped at all, it was natural, dark wood. 
“What is it?”
“Open it up and see, genius,” he quipped with an eye roll. “Honestly, two doctorates and I still have to instruct you on how to open a gift.”
“I’m about to open a can of whoopass on you so hard that not even you will be able to stitch it back up, doctor,” you shot, working on unclasping the box. 
As soon as the lid was up, you recognized the contents, well, they were familiar at least. You reached in and pulled out a bundle of letters. 
“Letters? Are these the letters from your time abroad?” you asked, leafing through them. 
“Actually… these are new. A letter for every year. One on our wedding anniversary, one the day I proposed, one on the day we graduated SLU together, one on the day I got back from abroad, and every other year was one letter on your birthday.”
“You didn’t,” you said, happy tears immediately rolling down your cheek.
“I did,” he said with a cocky grin, reaching up to thumb away the tears. “And I’ll keep doing it.” 
“I love you more than anything in the world,” you said in a hushed tone as you stared at him with admiration. 
“I love you more than myself, and that’s saying something,” he said with a chuckle. You laughed too before leaning in to wrap your arms around him. 
“Where’s my gift?” he asked. 
“Oh, it’s right here.” You went to the coffee table and pulled out a loosely wrapped bundle. “Careful, it’s not in a box.”
“I gathered that much,” he shot back. 
“Wasn’t sure you could deduce that, Sherlock,” you said, rolling your eyes.
He just smiled as he tore open the bag. “What is this?” he asked, pulling it out. 
“Well, you once asked me if I wore a cape, being a superhero. I only thought it was right, then to give you this. You save lives every day, you deserve a cape. But most importantly, all those years ago, in my dorm, you saved mine.” 
“This is cheesy,” he remarked before leaning down to kiss you. “But perfect. I love it, and I love you. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.”
“Happy anniversary, darling,” you cooed back. 
The two of you leaned forward, your lips brushing together for a kiss to signify ages of love past, and to come.
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Steve Rogers
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Hello again everyone! This is another ‘short’ story about my lovely muse Scott! Another sad memory from him, in this case about the night he lost his family. This is a sad mess, just a warning, dealing with marital issues. There’s going to be more of these as I love to write about this guy! Anyways, happy reading!
It all started during the small party they had for Dantanian’s first birthday. While his birthday had been about a week past, Scott and Tristan were only now both able to clear their busy schedules to invite various friends over to give gifts for the baby. It was nothing as big as most of Scott’s parties, instead being a much more intimate and private event, after all, it was for the baby. He had been happy to entertain his guests, showing off his now one-year old son to every visitor that had made their way into the manor.
The night was calm mostly, carrying his son around, going from person as he gushed to each one about how perfect his boy was. The guests had given him various gifts ranging from new clothes to various toys for the infant. By the middle of the celebration, everyone had given gifts and birthday wishes to Dani and cake had been distributed as people mingled together, small chats filling the rooms. Now as much as he enjoyed small talk with his guests, it had been some time since he had actually seen his wife around. Eventually he had caught sight of Tristan in the group, talking with an old college friend of theirs before catching his attention. “Well, well, well there’s a handsome guy, oh and you look nice too Scott.” He chuckled, eagerly picking his nephew out of his arms, “It really is a cute look, but I must say, it looks better on Dani here, isn’t that right baby?” He cooed, the infant giggling as he reached up for his face.
Scott had thought of the wonderful idea of them wearing matching outfits for the party, going out of his way to order custom suits that had fit the both of them. They both wore a lavender dress shirt with gray pants and a royal purple pair of suspenders with a bowtie to match. “Oh well look at me, he’s got his looks from his father, hm? Then of course his mother is certainly a looker as well, and his uncle…” He teased, a smirk on his face. “Speaking of, have you seen your sister? I do not believe I have seen her for some time now…”
“Cynthia? Hm… I… I think I last saw her by the cake, check around there. If not, I would ask William, he may know where she is.” He spoke, kissing his nephew’s forehead, only for him to spit and coo back at him, “I assume you want him back… Do you want dada, Dani?”
The boy looked to his father, his arms reached out to him as he giggled, repeating his words, “Dadaa! Daaadah! Dada!” He cheered, making the harpy grin as he took him back into his arms. “Ah yes, tell your dada all about it, lets go find your mama, eh?” The baby spoke gibberish to him, as if he was having some kind of deep conversation that no one else could understand.
Tristan chuckled lightly, brushing the baby’s short black hair back, “He loves to hear his own voice, wonder where he gets that one from…” He spoke, glancing up at Scott with a small smirk. “Go find my sister, I’m going to talk to the others, bye Dani!” He spoke as they had separated.
Making his way towards the cake table, he saw his wife’s face come into view, talking to his brother. Now while Scott was a bit of a territorial person, he never had a problem with Will, since he was family, but it wasn’t hard to notice how much they seemed to talk, more than what would be expected. Lately, it had been getting the better of him, making him question their interactions. The harpy quietly walked to the couple, seeing his wife glance over to him. She seemed… Annoyed by him coming over. He really needed her to talk to her, if something was bothering her, he wanted to console his wife. The mustached man glanced up to Scott, giving a small smile, “Hello, Scotty, why hello little man.” He spoke, leaning down to the infant’s height, gently squishing the baby’s cheeks.
“Hey Will, well hello my beautiful wife.” He spoke with a purr, eagerly wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her in close. He leaned in, moving in an attempt to kiss her lips, though she turned her head, instead only getting a peck on the cheek. Scott was many things, but he wasn’t dumb. He frowned, leaning in a bit to her, “Cyn… Can we talk please...? Tell me what’s on your mind?” He asked, biting his lip. By then, William had walked off, going to grab drinks for the three of them.
She gave a small sigh, shaking her head, “It’s nothing, Scott… Just… Do we need to have all of these people here...? It seems too much… I think it would have been nice to have just Tristan, William, you and me…”
He rose an eyebrow, “What do you mean? Everyone adores him! They are all giving him so much! We have to show off a bit with our handsome man! As good looking as his daddy!” He smirked, trying to tease her. However, she did not seem to take too kindly to it, giving a scoff as she took the baby into her own arms.
“Dammit Scott. Can you worry about anyone else besides yourself for once in your life? This isn’t about you having to show off to all these people. This is m… Our son! He’s not some toy for you to just throw around! It’s always about you and your ego… And to think you want a family…” She then swiftly turned around, starting to walk away.
Well that was. Sudden. What the hell could have gotten into her? Though he wasn’t going to give up that quickly. He can’t just let her walk off all pissed off, it would only make things worse. “Wait what… Cynthia! Wait a minute!” He spoke, grabbing her arm, “Come on, you don’t want to show everyone Dani? He’s adorable, the world would love to see him! You can’t say that you’re not proud of him!”
Cynthia sent a glare his way, rolling her eyes at his words, “Of course I am proud to have him, that doesn’t mean I’m going to parade him around as if he’s some kind of attraction. He’s just a child. You have a lot of nerve even talking like this, as if you’re this amazing parent, showing him off as if you’re a great father. You’re barely even with him! Leaving us all the time for fame… You should be ashamed of yourself…” She growled, pulling her arm out of his grasp.
“Hey! Don’t even go there, I’m not around as much as I would like to be, but goddammit, it's to keep the money coming. You wouldn’t know that since you’ve never worked a day in your life! You’ve always had everything you’ve ever wanted given to you on a silver platter! Besides, you’re not that alone are you? William is always here… You two have become quite close may I add…” He threw in there, her last comments getting a bit on his nerves. He supposed that was one of the more unfortunate things about marriage, you know the things that would hurt your partner the most.
“Oh, fuck you, Scott! You wouldn’t be anywhere near as rich as you are now if it wasn’t for my money! You are nothing! You always go off and act all big and tough as if your shit doesn’t stink! Well guess what you are a piece of shit! All you are is just a pathetic little, poor boy that knows if you didn’t have the money that I gave you, then no one would even care about what your name is then you’d be the one who’s all alone, won’t you?” She spoke, venom clear in her voice. “Grow the fuck up, Scott, maybe if you actually acted like a man then you could be a decent father…”
Now that one hurt. It felt as if she had stabbed the knife into his chest and twisted the blade. She really knew how to get him going, but did he know how to send it right back at her. “You know maybe if you weren’t such a frigid bitch all the time you wouldn’t be alone? But that’s not want you want huh? Should I ask my brother how warm it is between your thighs? I’m sure your dad is really proud that his heir is just some whore that did nothing with her life besides spread her legs for anyone who’ll give her attention since you’re too much of a cunt to have people actually want to stay! At least they don’t have to deal with your attitude anymore!” He yelled, resulting in the baby beginning to cry, various onlookers glancing over at the scene, including Tristan.
There was not a moment of hesitation as his wife sent a sharp slap across his face, glaring up at him. He realized that he had fucked up the moment those words came out of his mouth, but it was far too late now. Looking into her eyes, he could see a mix of anger and hurt, tears brimming up as she tried to hold them back. “Do not dare talk about my father again. You will never be even a sliver of the great man he was… Dantanian deserves so much more than the scumbag he got…” She spoke, turning away from him and angrily walking away, seeing Will follow close behind. Tristan had walked up to him, a look of concern and confusion on his face as he placed a soothing hand on his shoulder.
By time morning had come, all the regret had completely taken over, leaving him with an uneasy stomach. The bright sun beamed in through the window, hitting his eyes, causing him to awaken. That night, they had both slept in the same bed, but neither of them had dared to face the other, a cold empty space between them. Now, with the steam blown over, the harpy figured it was a good time to talk about what had happened. “Cynthia… I… What I said last night… It was stupid, some of the stupidest shit I have ever said in my life… Listen, I’m… I’m sorry for everything I said… I just… I love you dear, and I don’t want to lose you… Not now nor ever… Can we… Can we just talk about this and…” He started to trail off as he rolled over, seeing the empty spot in the sheets compared to where his sweetheart had normally slept. “Dammit…” He mumbled under his breath, simply standing up and tying his robe around his waist.
He wandered around the bedroom and master bath, seeing if she had been in one of those rooms, finding no sign of her at all. He walked to the crib, expecting to find his baby boy inside, only to be met with nothing. That was… Odd to say the least. Maybe she had simply gone downstairs with him? As he left their bedroom and proceeded to walk through the hall, he caught a glimpse of something outside the windows. One of his cars had been parked outside, one that he had gifted to his brother from what he could see, William packing various bags and such into the backseat. What starstruck him the most was to see his wife and son, seemingly preparing to get into the car. Where the hell were they going? Yes, they had fought the night prior, but it had been the first of its kind in several months. She wasn’t… Leaving, right? She couldn’t be! That was insane!
Whatever he believed; it didn’t make it any easier to watch his family get into his brother’s car. Maybe it was innocent, he had some very nasty things, maybe she simply needed time to relax, cool down after everything that had happened. Though something inside of him was going off… It didn’t feel right. Though he felt worse when he saw his brother peering back at him. Was that...? Guilt…? Why would be look so… No, it couldn’t be. His overreacting before had gotten him in trouble, he couldn’t go giving in now. He watched them intently, eyes gazing down as every move they made. It only made him feel worse… As he watched the car begin to drive away, that sense of unease washed over him again. Well then, it wouldn’t hurt to look to see how much was left behind. Everything may be fine, however… Just in case, he should at least look. As he walked back into the room, it finally hit him, falling onto his knees with a loud thud, his hands cupping his face in sorrow.
Sitting on the bedside table laid Cynthia’s wedding ring, although it wasn’t as fancy and luxurious as most things in his home, it held so much more power. It only hurt more to see it left behind, just like him.
Tristan had gotten home late that night, wanting nothing more than to go to bed and relax. Though once he had walked in through the door, he was caught off guard by most of the staff waiting for him in the main hall. The butler, Nicholas had come right up to him, taking his hand between his own, “Master Tristan…” The older man spoke, “Thank goodness you are home!” While normally he wouldn’t mind the greeting, it was clear to the twin that something was wrong. The frantic way that Nicholas spoke, the worrisome looks on the staff’s faces. Before he had a chance to ask what was happening, the butler began to urge him to follow up the stairs, starting to explain the situation, “Lady Cynthia, Master William and Master Dantanian are all gone. They seemed to have left early in the morning, before any of us would have been on duty… Master Scott is here, but he had locked himself in the master bedroom and seemed to push something in front of the door, we were unable to move it out of the way. We tried giving him meals throughout the day but he refuses to eat, refuses to leave the room… We do not know what to do… We figured he may be more open with you here…”
His head was spinning at his words, his sister was gone with his nephew? Why would Will be gone too? While he knew they had a fight this seemed a bit too much. “I… Alright… Call the groundskeeper up here, he would have tools correct? Take the door off of its hinges so we can get in… I need to make a quick phone call…” He ordered as he walked off, pulling out his phone and calling his sister. It was quick to send him straight to voicemail, worrying him on what the situation could be. He then tried William only to be met with the same response. He tried them both two more times, leaving frantic messages asking what was going on and where they were. “Dammit…” He mumbled under his breath, going to check on the situation. He watched as the groundskeeper unscrewed the hinges off the door, several of the staff all helping up move it. “Scott!” He called, immediately going inside, climbing over the dresser that had been pushed in front of the door.
What he had seen inside the room was shocking to say the least. It was in complete disorder, furniture thrown and flipped over, cabinets emptied of all their contents and scattered all over the floor. The grand painting they had done of the four of them was ripped to shreds, the only faces in tact being his and Scott’s. The room was dark as well, no light in the slightest. The canopy bed along the wall had its curtains closed, so it wasn’t hard to figure out where the other had been. He looked at the staff, giving a small sigh, “I will talk to him… Give us some space please… Tell Chef to make us some gourmet hot chocolate, please..? And if he thinks of anything else that would be comforting just make it.” He told the butler as he walked towards the bed. “Scott..? Hey… It’s me, Trist…” He spoke quietly, turning on the bedside lamp and opening up the red curtains.
He was greeted by a sad sight, seeing his friend laying flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling before he had noticed him walk in. “How did you…? Oh… Trist…” He spoke, seemingly taking a moment to recognize who he was. He slowly sat up, giving a soft groan as he did so. Looking into his eyes, it was clear what he had been doing, being red and puffy as he tried to wipe some leftover tears. “I… Cynthia left… If uh… If you were looking for her… Or something… I… Sh-She’s gone… With William…” He spoke, moving to pull his knees to his chest, moving so he did not have to look back at him, “She… She was right… I’m nothing… I deserve to be stuck here alone… She deserves better… Dani deserves better…”
Tristan frowned, sighing softly, “Scott… She’s… You don’t know if she’s gone forever… Maybe she just needed to blow off some steam or…” He trailed off, seeing Scott pick up the ring that his sister had left behind. Before he had the chance to say anything, he could hear his friend start to sob, his body shaking violently as the situation took him over again. He didn’t hesitate to climb into the bed, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around him, trying his damndest to calm him down. “Shh… It’s alright… You’re not alone… I’m here, and there’s no way in hell you’re not going to be seeing your son… He deserves to be around his father… But… Just forget about her now, ok? She’s not right, you are fine the way you are, my sister can just be too picky for her own good…”
The harpy whimpered, listening to his words as he held on tightly to him. His head leaned on his shoulder as he tried to relax himself. Tristan’s gentle hands running up and down his back was soothing already, but he was still worried. “Trist… I… I don’t wanna be alone… You… You’re not gonna leave me too right..? Please god I don’t…” He whimpered, looking him in the eyes as tears openly streamed down his cheeks.
“Hey… I told you already, you’re never gonna be alone… I’m right here for you… I’m not leaving…” He told him, moving to cup his cheeks as he wiped his eyes. “I promise… I’m not going to leave my best friend…” He told him, smiling sadly. The harpy looked back at him, sniffling as he leaned his forehead against his. He was glad that it was too dark to notice the blush on his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him close as he felt small sniffles against his shoulder again. He was hurt now, but he was going to be ok, he would be sure to make him happy again, he cared about him too much to see him so distraught. Things were going to be ok, he was sure of it.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Despite all the accolades, I think the magnitude of what VM achieved is underrated. Probs bc they were GOATs for so long and achieved so much, people got used to their excellence and that diminished the shock- awe that their success might have generated. Also: too much BS about their relationship (the story of their comeback is so much more interesting to me). Which is why I loved your post about why their achievements are unlikely to be repeated. I’ve just listened to the Rodcast (which, btw, was gorgeous - how relaxed and sweet and just them were they? Also damn they looked good. Also Scott’s hair. Mmmm). His comment about being more open to discussing their love now that they both have a SO was quite telling (but not for the reason some of the VM crazies might think). A major part of their success and longevity, along with their work ethic and sporting ability, was their partnership. So a big downside to the VM madness post PYC is the fact we haven’t been able to delve into the psychology of that + why it was so powerful. Maybe it is just a one off - an alignment of the stars that can never be repeated. Or maybe there are other partnerships like that - and I’d like to learn about them too. My point is, imagine if everyone had a someone like S + T to spur them on to great things. Wouldn’t the world be a better place? And I don’t just mean sport, I mean across disciplines and inter-personal. That’s why I want to know more about them. And if the tinfoil hat VM brigade could shut the fuck up and chase some other conspiracy, maybe we could find out more? Sorry about the rant but I am deep in the feels on this and your post has really set me off!
I won’t share a pic of me currently crying but this made me cry.
Big same mate, when are we NOT deep in our feels over these precious dorks. (Prepping a ‘comeback story’ post coz big big same).
I too even more than their phenomenal athletic and artistic… amazingness… is the psychological side.. it’s just so damn fascinating because as you said that’s what facilitated their greatness along side their athletic talent and that is so damn underrated and the more I think about it not just being clever or strategic of them to deflect the ‘relationship’ question every time with ‘but our business partnership’ and ‘we care so much about each other’ is because it was THE GOD DAMN TRUTH and every tin hat or white coat with a problem with that can as you say find an actual bullshit conspiracy to obsess over. Their partnership legit needs to be studied properly coz everytime I come back too, well what makes them different, both in the sport but just as *PARTNERS* it’s that. I neeeed to know more it’s what I’m obsessed with them I need to get inside their heads.
*needs to catch my breathe* 🥵
And YES I wasn’t gonna post about it coz I cbf with cringy anons but the ‘we can talk about our real genuine love now coz we have other people’ was so telling and more than anything it’s sad it took that for them to feel they can speak freely about their love because it was right there in front of us how much they love each other and they just couldn’t say it publicly just has me throwing a thousand middle fingers to everyone who made them feel like they had to suppress their feelings about each other- but as I said they found ways to by gushing about the amazingness of each other in every facet of life, and that’s clearly what they are still doing, how much they love working together (AND STILL PLAN TO) I kid you not the amount of times a squealed listening to the RODcast- him calling her ‘kiddo’ or her LITERALLY OPENINLY SAYING SHE WOULD NOT HAVE SKATED IF NOT FOR SCOTT SHE OWES EVERYTHING IN HER LIFE TO HIM/TO EACH OTHER 😭😭😭😭 is the real fkn love story we should be talking about..
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jjmaebank · 6 years
Justin Foley Imagine - You’re sexually assaulted
Description: You and Justin are best friends but he has always liked you. At Bryce’s party your drink gets spiked and Bryce and a few other guys try to take advantage of you. Justin finds out and tries to find you, confessing his feelings when he does.
Warning: This imagine contains swearing and depictions of sexual assault
You arrived at Bryce’s with Justin a bit late seeing as most people were already there and drunk as hell. The loud music blasting through the house and the sound of girls squealing followed by splashing sounds set the party mood and you decided to go get a drink with Justin following you.
“Jeez there isn’t that much left to choose from,” you laughed.
“You know Bryce, he gets the best shit and it gets finished twenty minutes in,” Justin chuckled, “but someone will probably do a beer run at some point so don’t worry.”
You smiled and started to make yourself a drink with the remaining booze left. Justin grabbed a beer and walked towards Bryce and Zach, gesturing for you to follow.
You and Justin had been close friends since freshman year but you weren’t fans of his jock friends so you rarely hung out with him when he was with them. You followed him shyly, not wanting to talk to arguably the nastiest guys at Liberty.
“Yo Justin, took you long enough to get here brother,” Bryce said, slinging his arm around Justin’s shoulder, “Nice to see you Y/N.”
Bryce always had an arrogant smirk that you didn’t like plastered on his face, making you feel uncomfortable as he looked you up and down.
You nodded in response and looked around to see if there was anyone you hung out with at school or whether it was simply just the popular dickheads and the cheerleaders.
You spotted Liberty High’s star baseball player, Jeff Atkins, getting himself some food so you left Justin and the jocks to go speak to him.
“What’s up Y/N?” He said, shoving some tortillas in his mouth.
“Just trying to avoid Bryce and his gang but Justin won’t leave their side,” you said, taking a sip from your drink.
“Good call, I mean I play ball with them but they have no respect for girls, most of them at least.”
Jeff and you talked for a bit but you kept catching Justin glaring at you two.
“Alright, well I gotta go find my girl Leah, stay out of trouble Y/N,” Jeff chuckled and left you sitting on the counter top, sipping at your drink, which actually tasted quite foul due to your awful mixing skills.
“Hey Y/N.”
You looked up and saw Montgomery De La Cruz and Scott Reed standing in front of you.
“Uh, hi Monty?” You said, finding it rather strange as you never spoke to these guys.
“You look good tonight,” Scott said, sweetly, coming across much more genuine than Monty.
You blushed and thanked him, looking around for Justin then seeing him talking to Jessica Davis, making your heart sink slightly.
You felt hands wrap around your waist and looked back, seeing it was Bryce, making your stomach churn. You remove his hands from your waist and turn back to face Monty who was suspiciously putting a bag of pills back into his pocket. 
You looked over at Scott and he seemed rather nervous and somehow apologetic. You thought nothing of it and got up, leaving with your drink, not wanting to be around those boys.
As the night progressed you began to feel rather faint and dizzy, not knowing why as you’d only had one drink. You began to stumble and the room began to spin but you felt hands stop you from falling, but they definitely weren’t Justin’s.
You look up to see Bryce’s face smirking down at you and some other jocks behind him.
“Don’t worry Y/N we got you, we’re just going to take you upstairs so you can lie down a bit.”
Your brain couldn’t process any of what he was saying or the nature of the situation. You felt yourself being helped up the stairs by Bryce and who you assumed to be Monty, but you began to slip in and out of consciousness.
You felt yourself being placed down on a bed and you immediately relaxed, curling up into a ball, trying to fall asleep.
You could hear laughing and then felt hands unbuttoning your jeans. You began to feel alarmed but your brain was still all over the place and your attempts at getting him to stop were lousy and futile due to the little energy you had left and your state of mind.
All you could do was lay there and let the boys undress you. You couldn’t move or scream or do anything, you couldn’t even see or think straight, all you could feel was hands roaming around your body which made you feel sick to the touch.
You began to feel a burning sensation in between your legs before you lost all feeling and everything went black.
Justins POV:
I was talking to Jess for a while, seeing as the last time I’d checked on Y/N she was with Jeff and I knew for a fact that guy was trustworthy.
I was in the middle of a conversation with her when Scott Reed interrupted me.
“What do you want Scott?” I spat, annoyed he’d interrupted my conversation.
“Y/N’s in trouble,” He said in an alarming tone.
“What? Where is she? What the fuck Scott? Where is she!” I yelled. I’d always secretly liked Y/N but I knew nothing could ever come from it as she wouldn’t feel the same way for someone with such a messed up life, but I cared for her deeply and hearing she was in trouble made everything else in the world disappear.
“Last I saw Bryce, Monty and a few of the other guy took her upstairs, I’m really sorry Justin, they roofied her I think, I don’t want people to think I’m a rapist just because I play baseball with them,” Scott gushed.
I’d stopped listening after he’d told me where she was and began to sprint upstairs, checking every room in Bryce’s big house.
I burst into one room and saw Y/N sprawled out on the bed, only in her underwear, completely unconscious. My blood began to boil, I’d never been this angry in my life as I saw Bryce trying put his fingers inside her.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON,” I yelled, tackling Bryce but then feeling Monty yank me off and punch me.
“We were just trying to have a little fun Justin, chill,” Bryce chuckled, getting up from the floor.
“LIKE HELL YOU WERE, THAT’S Y/N NOT SOME FUCKING TOY,” I spat at Bryce, not being able to tackle him again due to Monty holding me down.
“Aw does Justin have a little crush?” Monty laughed, causing me to spit in his face, only angering him more.
“Justin don’t worry, you can have your turn too, no one has to be left out, what’s mine is yours brother, remember?”
“You’re disgusting, get the fuck away from her before I beat the shit out of you!” I yelled.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Bryce chuckled.
“With us,” Zach said, bursting into the room with Scott and Jeff.
They got a few punches at the guys before Bryce put his hands up in surrender and walked off down stairs, followed by the others, not even concerned about the shit he could get in for what he did.
I ran over to Y/N, taking my hoodie off and putting it on her to cover her up. The sight of her laying there, unconscious, having no idea what was about to be done to her made me tear up.
“Justin you should take her home, she can’t stay here, we’ll take care of Bryce,” Jeff said.
I nodded at Jeff, Zach and Scott, taking Y/N into my arms and carrying her down stairs, and into my car. I laid her down across the back seats and began to drive to her house.
You woke up in Justin’s car, dressed in Justin’s sweater with a massive headache. You groaned and the car came shortly to a stop. You sat up as Justin pulled over and looked back at you.
“Fuck, Y/N you’re awake, are you okay?” Justin said, worry laced in his voice and sorrow evident in his eyes. He parked the car and climbed over into the back seats with you.
The memories started to flood in, the feeling of hands on your body and the burning sensation. You started to sob as you realised what happened. Justin let out tears as he saw you cry and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m s-so stupid,” you cried into his chest.
“Fuck no, Y/N, this is not your fault, it’s mine, I should’ve been keeping a better eye on you,” He sniffled.
“They raped me didn’t they,” You said, almost feeling empty inside.
“No, no, I got there before any of that happened, Scott told me in enough time,” Justin said, caressing your face.
“Thank you, Justin, I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been there.”
“Don’t even think of that, I will always be there, I can’t imagine what I’d do if I was any later and I am going to fucking murder them for laying a hand on you.”
You sat there in a comfortable silence as Justin stroked your hair and you embraced each other.
“I-I uh,” Justin stuttered.
“What is it?” You pulled away from his face, looking him in the eyes.
“I can’t pretend like I don’t have feelings for you anymore Y/N, fuck I love you, I love you so much and it’s been killing me that I haven’t been able to say it for so long.” He gushed.
You sat there in absolute shock, but complete and utter awe at the boy who loved you.
“And I know I come from a damaged family, and I do terrible shit, and I wish I didn’t and I get that’s why you’d never be with someone like me but I just couldn’t keep i-,” he continued but you cut him off by smashing your lips onto his.
At first he didn’t kiss back, but as soon as he realised what was happening he held your face in his hands and began to reciprocate. You’d never felt this way about anyone and you knew this boy would never hurt you.
You pulled back, resting your forehead on his, looking into his eyes and said, “Justin Foley, I love you too.”
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pcyheartgirlx · 7 years
In The Bleak Midwinter [CH11]
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Genre ;; Angst/Smut/Fluff/Romance
Pairing ;; Chanyeol x Reader x Seokjin
Word Count ;; 9.5k
Summary ;; “We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.”
You own a multi-billion dollar company, servicing the biggest names in kpop, in more ways than one. Under the name “Starlight Catering”, you, your best friends, Damon and Maya, and your hundreds of workers provide stress relief for idols.
You have partially retired, not because you didn’t want to, but because Chanyeol was your muse. He was all that you had time for and all you needed. Until Jin came along.
So what happens when you mix fire and ice?
You get smoke and all the lines are blurred.
A/N ;; The aftermath of Chapter 10. Well at least from one side. This is kind of a Jin chapter and I didn’t even mean for it to be that way. I realized that if I wrote everything I wanted to write, this chapter would have been like 30k long. I mean, does that bother you guys? Let me know! I’m always down for writing longer chapters if you guys will wait for me...till the end of time...get it? like in the story? Okay my jokes are lame, I’ll stop rambling and let y’all get to reading <3
[PLAYLIST] [BACKSTORY] [PROLOGUE] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6] [CH7] [CH8] [CH9] [CH10] [CH11] [CH12]
‘No arms or legs is basically how you live right now, Kevin. You don’t do anything.”
A loud pair of laughter followed Michael Scott’s line. You and Damon couldn’t stop cackling when Kevin gave him the saddest reaction.
“I fucking love this show,” you belted out, wiping the tears from your eyes. “The Office can literally make anything better.”
“Aw so you’re feeling better?” Damon said as he laid on his stomach to face you. The two of you were laying on your bed, using your laptop to watch The Office. You shrugged and pushed the used tissue that was on your keyboard to pause the show.
“I mean a little bit, I think it’s just cuz I’m feeling sleepy,” you replied as you took another spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. Damon opened his mouth, signalling him for you to give him a bite.
“I mean,” he said swallowing the ice cream you fed him. “Do you still feel like your heart is coming out of your chest?”
“And you’ve stopped crying, no?”
“I guess.”
“Well alright, step one is done!” He closed the laptop and put it on your nightstand. “You can’t expect everything to go away now, (Y/N).”
“No I know. I just...can’t believe I fucked up this much,” Your head started to hang low as you thought about the events that unfolded that night. The way Jin looked at you as he said “Don’t touch me”. Then the words that cut into you the minute they flew out of Chanyeol’s mouth. “I’m not going to pay you anymore, (Y/N).” Even though you already answered this question a million times you couldn’t help but wonder.
Where did I go wrong? What exact moment?
The minute you let your heart make decisions for you, dumbass.
“You’re right. But it already happened. And maybe it needed to happen,” Damon pulled covers over him and got comfortable. “Either way, we’re going to get through this.” You eyed him as he turned over and yawned.
“Are you...sleeping in here tonight?” You asked quizically.
“Don’t act like you don’t want me here. I’m your best friend and I know that when you’re upset you hate sleeping alon--”
“You don’t feel like getting up do you?”
“Nope.” You rolled your eyes at him and started to collect the tissues and empty ice cream cartons that littered the bed.
“You know, I say it all the time but Damon, I’m really happy you’re my best friend. I don’t think anyone can do as good of a job dealing with me like you,” He turned to you as you threw the trash away.
“I know,” he pipped, smiling at you sweetly. You laughed and smacked him on the ass before you got comfortable next to him.
“Goodnight, Damon.” you said, snuggling into your pillow.
“Goodnight, puta.”
Your phone went off for what seemed like the 5th time. There was no way you were moving, either. Figuring it was Ronnie calling so you could give him the final rundown of the numbers, you kept sleeping hoping he would get the hint.
“Pick it upppppp!” Damon yelled groggily. You turned to him and elbowed him.
“Why are you yelling?”
“Because your phone has been ringing for like an hour, pick it up! I’m trying to sleeeeep,” Damon whined, putting a pillow over his face. You groaned and reached for your phone on the nightstand next to you. Not even looking, you picked it up.
“(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK!” Maya’s shrill screech pierced your eardrums. Pulling the phone away from your ear for a second, you brought it back to your face as you cringed.
“Why the fuck are you yelling for?”
“Because you’re an imbecile,” Damon chimed.
“Shut up!”
“I didn’t even say anything!” Maya defended.
“Not you! Damon!” You groaned. Accepting that you weren’t going to get back to sleep now, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. “What’s up though? Why are you blowing up my phone?”
“(Y/N)...I’m...kind of stuck,” she grimaced painfully. You sighed as you pulled the covers off you.
“Did you slip in the shower and throw your back out again?”
“NO!” She screeched once more, bringing the phone away from you again. “I’m...well...what happened is…”
“Out with it, Maya!”
“Okay!...I’m um...not home,” Your eyes widened at her statement.
“You’re not...h--Where the fuck are you?!” Damon turned to you and glared at you as you screamed into the phone.
“Don’t be mad at her!” You heard Jimin’s voice in your ear. “It was our fault! We let her nap after...uhh…”
“You can say it, Jiminie. It’s not like she doesn’t know what we did last night,” Maya purred. You could almost feel Jimin blushing through the phone.
“Wait a minute, Am I on speaker?!”
“It was Maya’s idea, Y/N,” Yoongi interjected. A sigh escaped your lips as you threw your hand up in frustration.
“That’s great. Really, Maya. I--” you stopped yourself before you could continue. As much as you wanted rip Maya a new one, cursing and yelling while Jimin and Yoongi were listening wasn’t exactly a good look for you or your business. Especially after the events from yesterday, you wanted to keep your image. “I’m disappointed. But not mad.”
“See!” Jimin chuckled. “I knew she was reasonable. (Y/N) is so sweet.”
“I wouldn’t say all of that now,” Maya responded flatly.
“Anyway,” Yoongi interrupted once again. “I sincerely apologize, (Y/N). Really, we fucked up big time. But can you give us a hand? I’m not sure how we can get her out of here without anyone seeing her.” Rubbing your temples, you started thinking of a plan.
“Let me speak to Namjoon. I’m sure he can help me come up with a plan,” There was a silence after your words, but you could hear a faint lull of whispers. “Hello? I know you’re there.”
“You see, (Y/N), Namjoon isn’t here. And we kinda want to keep this between us for now...just so he doesn’t um…”
“This is dangerous territory,” you warned Yoongi. “I at least think we should have Jin help. He might know what to do.” Saying his name was difficult. As much as you didn’t want this to be the way you crossed paths with him after last night, you knew that he would be able to keep the boys calm and devise a plan that would keep this under wraps from the leader.
“Hyung is sleeping. He was up late last night…” Yoongi said cooly, guilt creeping up the pit of your stomach.
“Ah, I see. Well, don’t worry. I’ll think of something. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll call you back,” you lifted yourself up from you bed and started toward your closet.
“Thank you so much, (Y/N)! You really are the best!” Jimin gushed.
“We owe you one,” Yoongi followed.
“Maya,” you said sternly. “We’ll talk later.”
“Fineeee,” She groaned, hearing the sound of the call ending right after. You threw your phone on the bed, accidentally hitting Damon with it as he tried to sleep.
“Fuck you, hoe!” he cried out as he writhed under the sheets.
“I’m going to kill that girl,” you snarled as you pulled out a pair of True Religion jeans. “How am I going to get her out of there? Is she nuts?! It’s practically almost noon! There are people everywhere!” Damon yawned and turned over.
“I have a plan,” he mumbled as he stretched. “Call Goyangi Catering and place an order for pick up, get some pastries or sandwiches, something easy and quick for them to make. Then ask them for a uniform, put it on and “deliver” it to them.” You blinked your eyes at him in amazement.
“That’s fucking fantastic but how do I get her out?”
“Easy,” he snuggled back into the bed facing you. “Tell her to go out back while you come out the front. Attention will still be on you!” he made a motion with his hand as if he had a pen and paper handy. “Delivery girl, was it BTS? What does their dorm look like? Are they recording? What do their pajamas look like? Can you tell us anything at all?” Bringing the covers up to his neck, he shrugged and made a face of accomplishment. You shook your head almost in agreement. Granted it was risky, there could always be someone waiting in the back. But if there was anyone in the front, crazed fans or press, they would see you go in and come out, taking any suspicion away from Maya. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was the only plan.
“I guess that’s what we’re gonna do,” you agreed, plopping on the bed looking through your contacts. A smile crept up your face as you found Goyangi catering. “Wait…” you stopped suddenly and turned to Damon. “How did you come up with that so fast?” He scoffed at you and rolled his eyes.
“See, Unlike you bitches, I ain’t messy. First of all, this would never happen to me. I’m responsible,” you laughed out loud as he playfully smacked you. “Second, if it did, there’s no way I’m going unprepared for the worst. I got a back up plan for my back up plan.” He snapped in your face causing you to lean back a bit. At this point, you had no time for his sass. You pressed the screen and brought the phone up to you ear.
“Goyangi Catering? Yes it’s me! Great job last night...the food was fantasic! The focal point of discussion throughout the whole night, I heard! No...no actually I called to place an order...Yes, I’ll hold…” you looked over at Damon and pointed at him. “This better work!”
“It will! It will!” he reassured. You shot him a doubtful look as you waited on the line patiently.
You pulled up to the nearest parking spot by their dorm. Gripping at your steering wheel, you looked over to their dorm that was down the street, studying the people outside. It didn’t seem too crazy. A sasaeng walked by acting as if they were a pedestrian, knowing damn well they were waiting for a glimpse at one of the idols, and a few reporters chatted amongst themselves, exchanging notes. You figured they were waiting for Namjoon to get back, and ask him about his whereabouts today. Sighing to yourself, you gazed over at the box next to you.
“I really want one of these pastries, Damon.”
“Bitch, get your life together. How’s it looking out there?” his voice filling the car as it came through the speakers.
“One crazy, 3 reporters.”
“Not too bad,” he spoke into the car radio. “Don’t be nervous. Those people can smell it like fucking dogs.”
“I believe it,” you pursed your lips as you examined them a little more.
“How does the uniform look on you?” Damon sniggered. You glared at his name on the display screen.
“Go fuck yourself, I look like a bum.” You looked down at the plain white t-shirt that was 2 sizes too big. The Goynagi Catering company logo was obnoxiously adorned on the front.
“Well I’m sorry delivery girls don’t go around dropping pastries off in Versace dresses.”
“Fuck off, Damon,” you spat as you grabbed the box. “Alright I’m going to get out there and get this shit over with. See you soon.”
“Byeeee,” he chimed, using your free hand the press the call end button on the steering wheel. Taking a deep breath in, you pulled the keys out of the ignition and walked out of the car with your box of pastries at hand. The minute you approached the dorm, reported fled to your side as you began walking in.
“Are these for BTS?” one asked immediately. You just shrugged as you approached the door.
“Who are they from?” a second one asked, pushing the first reporter to the side. Again, you shrugged at them as you walked into the building. They said a few choice words about your manners before you walked away from them. Fucking vultures, you thought to yourself as you got to the front desk. Usually at night, you were in different attire so the concierge didn’t recognize you. Either that or it was so late, he wasn’t even there. It was better that way. If he did recognize you, he could mention to Namjoon that you had visited the dorm while he was away, causing problems for the other members as he questioned your appearance there.
“Good afternoon! I have a delivery for Bangtan Soeyondan on the 3rd floor,” the man scribbled something in his notepad before he reached for the box.
“Namjoon-ssi isn’t here and their manager didn’t mention anything to me about a delivery so I’ll just take these and he can take it up when he arrives,” he replied. Fuck, you thought to yourself. I have to get up there.
“Sir, this order was made by Yoongi actually. Surely you can let me up just to drop these off. He’s not feeling well. Last night, the poor thing pulled his...hamstring...yea his hamstring during their performance,” you lied, hopefully the concierge bought it. Slowly, his eyebrows furrowed and a look of pity played on his face.
“They work so hard too…” he looked around and sighed. “Alright, I could get into a lot of trouble for this but go ahead and bring it up.” You smiled sweetly at him and took the box in your hands again.
“That’s really kind of you. Don’t worry, we’ll keep this our little secret,” you winked. The man blushed and nodded as you walked away.
“Hey, I believe I know you from somewhere,” he called out to you as you waited for the elevator. Fuck, I almost got it, you cried internally. You looked to him and shrugged.
“You know I get that all the time! I must have a distinguishable face, right?” you laughed nervously as the elevator chimed, the doors opening at the perfect time. “Well thank you again have a good day!” You said in one breath as you rushed inside, pressing the button for the 3rd floor violently.
That was so fucking close, oh my god.
Usually when you walked down this hall, the sound of your heels clicking accompanied you. Today you were left in silence with your own thoughts. Your palms began to sweat with every step you took. It wasn’t the situation that gave you anxiety, it was the possibility of seeing Jin. You didn’t know what you were going to say to him if you did see him. Planning that out probably should have been included in this strategy. Instinctually, you only scrambled a solution for what seemed more important. Protecting your business. Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you knocked on their door and waited for a response. It wasn’t long before Taehyung opened the door and appeared in the doorway.
“(Y/N)...you look…”
“Don’t even start--”
“Cute!” he doted.
“You look so normal! Come in, come in! Oh and let me take that for you,” he said excitedly as he pulled you inside with one arm and grabbing the box with the other. You were taken aback by his kindness. He was always a sweet kid but after last night and the way he looked at you nervously, you weren’t exactly sure what you were expecting. But this was the opposite...not that it was a bad thing.
“I brought pastries!” You chimed sweetly as you both got into the kitchen. “I hope you guys like them.” He put the box down on the counter and opened them, his eyes twinkling at the sight.
“These are for all of us?” he asked innocently.
“Yes of course! Dig in, Tae,” he smiled at you as he grabbed a pastry and stuffed it in his mouth. It was hard not to giggle as he chewed, his eyes squinted in satisfaction. You walked toward him slowly and sighed.
“Hey, Tae. I just wanted to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused for your group last night. I really hope that doesn’t affect the way you guys think about me or anything. I truly fell in love with you guys. You’re one of the sweetest group of young men I ever had the pleasure of meeting and I want to...stay friends with you.” Tae put his pastry down and turned to you. Your words made his cock his head at you and frown.
“It’s okay, (Y/N). I’ll admit, last night was pretty shitty but you’ve been nothing but nice to us. What ever happens with you and Jin, that doesn’t effect our friendship. Not unless you hurt him purposefully anyway. But I know you wouldn’t do that,” he picked up the pastry once again and leaned on the counter. “Plus, if I stop being your friend, I don’t get the benefits of free food every once and a while.” The both of you laughed as he took a bite.
“(Y/N)! You’re here! Finally!” Jimin said in relief as he walked in. The expression in his face changed to one of curiosity as he peered at the box on the counter. “Are those pastries? Tae, you have powder on your face. Those are pastries!” he ran excitedly toward the box and marveled at them just as Tae did previously. Another giggle escaped your lips as you walked up to the both of them, handing Tae a napkin to clean the powder on his face.
“Yes, pastries are great and all but…” you put a hand on his shoulder and gripped it tightly, digging your nails into his skin. A smile crept on your face as you watched him writhe in pain. “Where’s Maya?”
“This is how I show love when I’m angry,” you cocked your head at him and kept your face kind and sweet as you let him go. He rubbed his shoulder and looked at you in confusion.
“I thought you were reasonable!” he cried. Taehyung chuckled in the background as he took the pastry Jimin was about to take.
“I am reasonable. I’m not telling Namjoon about this little fuck up and you’re still alive aren’t you?” His eyes widened as he nodded. “Well, let’s get to it then. Where is she?”
“In the bathroom,” you heard Yoongi from behind you. “She’s hungover and…” Suddenly, the sound of gagging and coughing echoed through the hallway. “Yea...so that’s happening.” A look of embarrassment and horror crept up your face.
“I’m so sorry about that. She usually doesn’t...well she does...but,” Yoongi chuckled at your expense and shook his head.
“Don’t be. We had a lot of fun last night. Right, Jimin?” Jimin blushed at Yoongi’s statement and he nodded shyly in agreement.
“Jiminahhh! Don’t be so shy now!” Tae teased. “You were the one giggling and moaning the loudest. Maya knows her name. I don’t think you had to remind her every 3 seconds.” Jimin’s mouth dropped at him, his face getting a deeper shade of red.
“Hey Tae,” Yoongi chimed softly. “Didn’t I hear a small, little moan a few night ago coming from Jungkookah’s room? It sounded a lot like your voice…” The color in Tae’s face drained as he looked at Yoongi with terror.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said defensively as he grabbed another pastry. “I just remembered, I have...something to do.Thank you for the food, (Y/N). You’re the best!” He ran out of the kitchen and back into his room. Jimin shook his head and laughed.
“You didn’t have to do that, hyung. That was mean.” Yoongi shrugged at Jimin and looked to the side.
“He’ll be fine. We all know anyway. I don’t know why they try and hide--”
“And I don’t think I should be hearing this conversation!” You interjected, putting your hands up to your ear. “I’ll be...uh...helping Maya out.”
“Oh, (Y/N)! Come on! You can’t possibly tell me you didn’t know either,” Jimin cried out to you. You shrugged as you walked away.
“Hey, I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.” They both looked at you with annoyance as you darted toward the bathroom. Of course you knew about Tae and Kookie. It was painfully obvious. But you dealt this situation before with Kyungsoo and Jongin. When they are ready, the two of them will come foward to their members about their...relationship. But for now, you thought it was best to let the two men explore each other and be sure of what they had. Even if Tae’s comment to Jimin was rather funny, you knew your place in this situation.
“Maya?” you said sweetly into the bathroom door. “Are you okay?”
“Fuck off, you wank! I know you’re just being nice because we’re here. You’re going to kill me when I get out of here!” she said sloppily through the door. You sighed as you put a hand up to the door.
“Yes, you may be right. But you’re kind of throwing up and I don’t think this is the right time to kill you...I don’t want to get puke on me.”
“Very funny, bitch...hold on,” her thought was cut off by her gag reflex and the sound of her throwing up echoed in the bathroom and down the hall.
“Ew, gross,” you said to yourself as you backed away. The sound of a door down the hall clicking open caught your attention causing you turned your head to the sound.
“Honestly! Who is making all that noise!? I’m trying to fuckin--” Jin’s stopped as he saw you. He was about to walk down toward you before he noticed your presence in the hallway making him to stop in his tracks. Your heart raced at the sight of him. Just seeing him in his PJs, his hair tousled every which way and his face still slightly puffed from his slumber. The blood was rushing to your face, causing you to blush at how enchanting he looked.
“Jin…” you said breathlessly as you turned to him. He licked his lips and turned back around, heading to his room. “Wait!” you called to him, trailing behind him. “Can we talk? Please?” Without saying a word, he closed his room door leaving you outside. “Jin...I’m..I’m sorry. I just want to talk...just give me 5 minutes?” He said nothing. “Okay 2?” you chuckled. Still not receiving a response, you leaned up against the door and sighed. “Alright, I get it. I’ll just...go.” You pushed yourself up and walked back to the bathroom, knocking at the door impatiently. All you wanted to do was get out of there at this point.
“Maya!” she responded with a grunt.
“That was painful to hear,” you heard Hobi say from down the hall. You looked over to him and smiled.
“Hey Hobi! I’m sorry if this...noise is interrupting anything or bothering you,” you said to him apologetically as he raised his eyebrows reluctantly.
“Oh no. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about,” he raised a finger, pointing to Jin’s door and you. “That.” You frowned at him and rubbed your arm.
“Oh,” you said awkwardly. “Yea...it’s...yea.” There weren’t any words you could think of to respond to that. Hobi noticed the trouble you were going through and walked toward you.
“I know, Jin. He’s just mad right now. He said it himself last night, more than likely he’s going to call you later,” he put an hand to your shoulder reassuringly. Your eyes brightened at the thought of Jin talking about you last night. Whether it was good or bad, you needed to know because it was obvious he wasn’t going to tell you now. Curiosity taking over you, you decided to inquiry more about it.
“He said that?” Hobi nodded. “What...what else did he say?” You asked frantically. He cocked his head to the side and inhaled sharply.
“Well, I don’t want to tell you too much without him getting upset but he did tell us not to be mean to you. That it wasn’t your fault. It’s just a shitty situation he put himself in. But we weren’t going to be mean to you anyway!” he said quickly. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). I know you care about him. Even if it doesn’t seem like it to him now. Honestly, I doubted you. But when I saw his present, I knew I was wrong…” Nodding at his words, you smiled sweetly at him.
“Thank you, Hobi. It means a lot…” He pulled you into a hug, taking you back a bit as you hugged him back. “Hey wait a minute! You doubted me?”
“Welp, I heard there were pastries in the kitchen,” he quipped as he pulled away avoiding your question. He started rubbing his hands together and licking his lips excitedly. “So I’m going to grab some of them and you can have fun with,” he motioned toward the door and made a face of disgust. “That.” You chuckled at him as he walked away, leaving you to deal with Maya.
After a few more tries, Maya gathered herself together and slumped out of the bathroom. If you didn’t want to kill her before, you certainly wanted to kill her then. Instead, you gathered her things and reminded her of the plan. Yoongi and Jimin described to you two where the back exit was. You suggested to have her meet you a block away so you were able to pick her up in a low key location. Yoongi looked at you and nodded.
“You’re real slick, (Y/N),” he said in amazement. Maya put an arm around you and pulled you close to her.
“I’m told you guys. This is the definition of a boss bitch,” you shook your head at Maya as she spoke.
“Yea, yea. Can we get back to this please?”
“Hey (Y/N),” Jimin looked over you. “You never told me if you ever killed anyone.”
“Can you let that go?” Yoongi snarled. You and Maya just laughed and proceeded to go over the plan one more time.
“We ready?” you asked as you put your sneakers on. Maya nodded and flattened her dress.
“Let’s do this,” she nodded.
“Alright, say bye to your...men,” you said weirdly as she walked over to Yoongi and Jimin, planting both of them a soft kiss on the lips exchanging their goodbyes. You sighed and looked away, getting lost in your own thoughts, your own jealousy.
“Fuck yes! We did it!” Maya cheered as you two walked into the apartment. You trailed behind her and followed it into the kitchen.
“Yea, we did,” you exhaled as you plopped on the stool by the marble island. She opened the fridge and pulled out a bowl of fruit, placing it on the island.
“I know you’re mad,” She walked over to you and sat next to you, taking a piece of pineapple from the bowl. “So go ahead, yell at me, beat me, throw me away into a cold, wet dungeon. I’m ready for it.” She took the fruit in her mouth and backed away defensively.
“To be honest Maya, I’m exhausted and all I have in me is this; fuck you. That was irresponsible. Don’t let it happen again,” your voice was flat and unwavering. She crept back toward you and looked at you in bewilderment.
“That’s it?” she said warily. “You’re not gonna kill me?” You shook your head as you took a grape from the bowl. “Wait...oh shit sweetie, I almost forgot!” You felt her bring you into an embrace, almost knocking you out of your seat. “I heard what happened last night. They were talking about it while I was waiting in Yoongi’s room. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine, really. Wait...you heard them?” you said shocked, pushing her away slightly. “What did they say!?” She crossed her legs and brought a hand up to her chin.
“I don’t remember much. I just remember him telling them what Chanyeol did. And then what Hobi told you in the hall.”
“Oh,” you said defeatedly.
“But,” you turned to her, your eyes twinkling in eagerness as she continued. “He did mention going through with his original idea. Whatever that means. They all seemed to be supportive of him too. They really like us.” You cocked your head in confusion as you crossed your arms. Original idea? A vibration in your back pocket took you away from your thought. You reached for it and pulled it out, examining the screen. It was a notification from your bank account, stating that a deposit had been made into your personal account. Puzzled, you open your transaction history and examined the account number and name that came from.
“What���s up?”
“Jin just made a deposit in my account,” she looked at you emotionless.
“Okay so?” she asked almost uninterested. You pursed your lips at her and narrowed your eyes.
“Well, he’s not due for a payment or anything. I didn’t do anything with him last night...so,” Maya interrupted you by taking your phone. “Hey!”
“Why don’t you just call him and ask him?” she began scrolling through your contacts. You snatched the phone from her swiftly, shaking your head violently.
“No! He clearly doesn’t want to talk to me right now! Maybe it was a mistake!”
“Bullshit!” She called out as she took her own phone out.
“What are you doing?” Your voice was frantic as you leaned in to look at her screen. She pulled her arm back away from you.
“As the head of accounts payable for Starlight Catering--”
“Since when?”
“Since you’re too pussy to call him and ask,” she brought the phone up to her ear. “I will.” Your eyes widened as she took another piece of fruit in her mouth.
“No! Stop it! Don’t--”
“Relax, bitch. Matter of fact,” she brought the phone down and put it on speaker. “So you can hear him too.”
“Maya stop if you don’t hang up--” you growled trying to reach for the phone as she pulled it away from you again.
“You’ll do what?” she scoffed.
“I’m gonn--”
“Yoboseyo?” Jin answered. You shot her a deadly stare as she stuck her tongue out.
“Seokjin! Hi! It’s me, Maya,” she said sweetly into the phone.
“Oh hey Maya. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Thank you for asking,” she inhaled and looked over to you. “The reason I’m calling though, is because I was looking at our financials and I see you posted up a payment into one of accounts a few moments ago.”
“I did, yes.”
“Right well, according to our records, you’re all caught up and you don’t owe us anything. What is a mistake? Because I can refund you right--”
“It wasn’t a mistake, Maya.” She shot you a look of satisfaction making you inch to the edge of your seat. You listened intently as the two spoke. “I’m assuming she’s with you right now?” His statement shocked you both a bit. Waving your hands frantically in the air, you shook her head signalling for her to deny your presence.
“Well right no--”
“And you have me on speaker right?” he cut her off. The color from her face drained as she continued.
“I--...well...you see--”
“(Y/N). 11pm. I’ll see you later tonight.” With that, he ended the call, leaving both of you stunned at what had just happened.
“I feel so stupid.”
“You know,” she started. “This wouldn’t have happened if you just called him.”
“Fuck off, Maya,” you said as you twiddle your fingers, not sure if you were terrified or excited about facing Jin tonight. He doesn’t completely hate me, you thought to yourself. A smile danced across your face at your realization.
“That boy adores you, (Y/N),” she doted at you, leaning her hand up against the counter. “He’s not going to let you go that easily.” You exhaled heavily and crossed your arms.
“That’s not the impression he gave me before,” you pouted. She sighed and put her hand on your back. “Yea...I heard that while I was barfing. But obviously, he still wants to see you. So just think of this morning as residual anger. I mean, you did go back to Chanyeol after he got punched in the face.” Bringing your hands up to your face, you groaned into your palms loudly.
“Don’t remind me!” You groaned into your hands one more time before you looked up at her and sighed.
“Remember a few weeks ago, you were jealous because Jin had called me and Yoongi hadn’t called you?”
“And because Chanyeol was your boo. Yes I remember and trust me honey, I’m not jealous anymore,” she brought her hand to your lap and smiled at you. You grilled her before continuing.
“Well...I was kinda jealous of you, Yoongi and Jimin...this morning…”  She looked at you with a confused look as you spoke. “Its just because I--...it’s...not to sound weird…”
“You want that with Chanyeol and Jin?” Maya stated simply, not expecting those words to sound as strange as they did when heard out loud.
“That’s so fuckin weird...and bad…” you groaned admittingly. “How does that even make sense?” Maya made a hphm noise as she shrugged.
“It’s actually a thing. Polyamory. But I don’t think--”
“Not. Helping.” you snarled.
“Right…” she said hesitantly as she tapped her fingernails on the counter. “Well, its hard because both of these men love you. Jimin doesn’t love me. He’s just kinky and curious. Yoongi…” she stopped and looked down. “Yoongi has a weird way of showing his emotions. I don’t know what he’s thinking half the time…”
“Does that bother you?” You asked, not minding the sudden change in topics. You didn’t want to dig deeper into your shameful fantasy and if there was one thing Maya loved more than anything, it was talking about herself.
“Sometimes. I don’t know. You know I’m a sucker for emotional sweethearts,” she gushed as her head hang low.
“What about Yixing?” She snapped her head up at you and she bit her lip.
“He left so…”
“Yea but he’s coming back…”
“But he hasn’t even spoken to me since he left!” her voice filled with sadness. You inhaled deeply and scooted closer to her. “Guys are rubbish.” You scoffed and put you arm around her.
“Yes the fuck they are.”
The day went by fairly quickly. You and Maya decided to get some work done a little earlier than usual, tallying up the numbers from the night before. Impressively enough it was one of your best nights yet. The both of you were left in shock. When you called Ronnie, he took a jab at you and said the night went well because you were gone for most of it. You ignored his comment and sent him his cut immediately. It was about 9:30 when you got ready to head back to the BTS dorm. You hadn’t heard from him all day, neither of them actually. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to text either of them. It’s that you physically couldn’t. Your chest would start to hurt as you typed and you just put your phone away swiftly. Doing this all day took a toll on your nerves. On top of thinking about what you wanted to say to Jin, you were surprised at how functional you actually were.
As you applied your make up, you mentally rehearsed what you thought you should say. One of the things you wanted to express was yes, you did love Chanyeol. And yes, you did love him too. Wait...what? No. No. That’s wrong. You liked him. Yea. That’s what you meant. Anyway. This is about business. Having everything you ever wanted. Along the way, you met Chanyeol and he treated you with decency. He asked if you were okay. If you ever wanted to take a break from the world, escape with him for a moment and getting lost in passion, in affection. Until that moment wasn’t enough anymore. He aches for you when your away and worries about you endlessly. He is someone who protects you, so you weren’t afraid. You found bliss. But then you met Jin, and he treats you like a queen. He’s absolutely captivated by you. He wants to find you, and explore the world with you hand in hand. He believes there’s strength in your weaknesses and vows to prove it to you. When you’re away, he prays that you are taking care of yourself and thinks about the next time he’s going to see you. You found purpose.
But I can’t say that, you thought to yourself as you applied your final spray of perfume. Letting out a deep sigh, you grabbed your purse and headed for the door.
“Guys! I’m out!” Maya poked her head out her room and waved.
“Damon’s not here but good luck baby girl!” You nodded as you walked out, disappearing behind the elevator.
“Right here is good?” The cab driver asked as he pulled up to the curb.
“Yes! Here’s fine. Thank you! Have a goodnight,” you sad as you got out of the cab and started walking down the street. Okay, Practice.
“Jin, I’m sorry. Don’t take it personal. I didn’t go back to him because he means more...no that sounds terrible,” you scolded yourself. You walked into their building, looked over at the empty concierge desk and made your way for the elevator.
“Jin,” you pressed the button and sighed. “You know how much you mean to me. I care about you so much and...I don’t know where I’m going with this,” The elevator dinged as you groaned. You walked in and had a sense of dejavú as you pressed the button for the 3rd floor. I don’t have much time, focus!
“Jin, Tesoro mío, there isn’t anything a good blow job can’t fix!” You said with a finger up in the air. Quickly smacking yourself after and sighing. “That was the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, (Y/N).”
There was no more time for rehearsals as you finally reached the 3rd floor. Mentally collecting yourself, you walked out into the hall. The loud clicking of your heels was a relief. Your focused on your pace, drowning out any thoughts as you made your way to their door.
Knock. Knock.
“Jungkook!” You said delightfully as he opened the door. Looking at him strangely, he made his way into the hall and close the door behind him. “What are you doing?”
“(Y/N) I just wanna thank you for helping Yoongi and Jimin this morning,” he confessed rather quickly. You just nodded, still gazing at him strangely.
“Oh, kookie it really was no problem. Any time you ever need help, even if it’s not Starlight Catering related, just know that I will always be there,” you reassured him as you put a hand on his and squeezed it lightly. He smiled at you and scratched the back of his head.
“Why are you so nice to us, (Y/N)? I mean, Jin is the only one you have to impress.”
“Oh don’t say that!” You crosses your arms and looked at him dotingly. “I was and still am a fan of BTS. You guys have done so much for the music industry and for your fans. Truly, anything I can do to give back to angels like yourselves.” Jungkook’s eyes widened at your words. He started shifting in place, shyness overtaking him.
“I wouldn’t say angels…”
“Come on, Kookie. Let’s go inside before Jin starts yelling,” you giggled as you both walked in.
“Hyung is actually in the shower. He told us to let you into his room so you could wait there. Or you can come with us in the Big Room while we play with our dogs! Jin won’t like that very much because he swears we take you away from him,” he laughed as you two walked down the hall and stopped in front of his room door.
“As much as I would love to hang out with you guys, I think me and Jin need to talk,” you tapped your two pointers together and slouched a bit.
“Oh yea…last night…” you nodded at his statement. He sighed and shrugged. “Don’t even worry about all that. He’ll get over it. But I’ll see you later, (Y/N). You’re welcome here anytime.”
“Thanks, Kookie. It means a lot,” you snickered as you walked into Jins room, thinking to yourself, that boy is going to be trouble when he gets to Jin’s age.
You closed your eyes and inhaled as you stood in his room, taking in his scent. The mix of the freshness in his cologne and the sweetness in his natural scent was intoxicating and distinct. When your eyes fluttered open, you scanned the room, your (e/c) orbs darting everywhere but stopping in one place in particular.
You saw the gift you had bought him on his desk. The glass casing was off to the side and there was a screwdriver next to it. Curiosity getting the best of you, you walked over and decided to examine it. There wasn’t anything that could have prepared you for what you discovered. There was an addition made to the gift. Next to the iridescent Mario was a Princess Peach to match it, screwed in tightly next to him. There wasn’t a possible explanation for this. You don’t remember the package coming with Peach. You even swore that the picture advertising the figure didn’t have a Peach either. Your fingers slowly made their way toward the two figures. Just as you were about to graze the rainbow opal, a voice from behind you startled the life out of you.
“I bet you’re wondering where I got that piece, aren’t you?”
You turned to him and your mouth slightly dropped. Jin stood there, his upper bare body glistened, droplets of water still trailing down his torso. The towel around his waist barely hung at his hips. You stared at his narrow waist then up his defined chest and broad shoulders. Even though his cheeks were slightly pink, his skin was radiant and almost blinding. The way his dark hair clung onto his forehead seemed to bother him, so he ran his fingers through them, revealing those deep dark eyes that fixated in your direction. You wanted to speak, but it took almost all the energy in you to say anything.
“I didn’t even know she was supposed to be there...it looked…”
“Complete?” Jin cut you off as he walked toward you. “I admit, it looked great the way it came, jagi. But I just had to.” He stared at Rainbow Road for a minute, noting the amazement that glossed over his eyes as he studied it. It brought you a sense of closure almost. He loved the present. At least you did one thing right.
“Where did you get her in such a short time?” you asked as you bent down to look at Princess Peach. “I mean, You only had it for like a few hours, Jin.”
“Oh, I’ve had her for a while now. In fact, I was almost convinced I would never have the whole thing,” he said admittingly, looking over at the glass casing that was sitting on the desk.
“Are you serious? Nah, you’re pulling my leg. There’s no way…” you stood up straight and backed away.
“(Y/N), remember when I told you everything in life has meaning?” He turned to you and adjusted his towel. The nerve of him.
“Yes, I do,” you croaked, trying not to stare too much. He chuckled as he noticed and you started blushed.
“Well, I think there was some meaning behind this. Even if it’s not intentional,” You cocked your head at him. Not sure exactly what he meant. He chuckled again, causing a warm burst to travel up your core at the sound. “To put it simply, we were meant to find each other...at least that’s what I think…” When his voice trailed off, you took that as initiative to approach him. To be honest, you didn’t know where this sudden act of bravery came from but the way Seokjin looked in a towel was magnetizing.
“Even after last night, you believe that?” Your voice was soft and timid. It was a question you were scared to ask. Truthfully, you didn’t want to know the answer. You just wanted to stay in this moment. Replay it over again and hear those words again. But he took you away from that as you felt his hand cup your cheek, forcing you to stare into those deep dark eyes that you had admired from a far before.
“Especially after last night,” he breathed into you. Blinking a few times to make sure this was really happening, you tried to lean in to your lips would meet his but he stopped you.
“Let me get dressed,” he smiled as he walked away to his closet. The sudden lack of his warm skin against yours almost froze you over where you stood. But instead, you walked behind him as he approached his closet. Jin was infectious that night. The minute he touched you, it was like you gained a hunger you’ve never felt before. It was insatiable and the only thing you to calm it was the taste of his flesh. Tonight, you didn’t want Jin. You didn’t crave him. You needed him.
You started at his shoulders, trailing kisses everywhere in the space between them. He exhaled slowly, letting his head fall back slightly as he clung to a piece of clothing in his closet for support.
“(Y/N), you’re making this...ahhh,” he couldn’t finish his sentence as you moved your tongue along the crook of his neck up to his ear. Your hands roamed the front of his body as you held him close to you.
“Jin,” you whispered in his ear, your hands stopped at the towel.
“Hmm?” he said, biting his lower lip as you grabbed at the fabric around his waist.
“Do you still want me?” you purred into his ear as you stuck your fingers in through his towel, running them along the skin at his hip. Jin grabbed your wrist and removed your hand. He turned around so that he was now facing you.
“(Y/N),” he groaned as you felt his hands run down your back, cupping your bottom so he could pull you into him. “Want isn’t even the word.”
His hands traveled down your thigh as he pulled your dress over your hips. The space between you disappeared as your lips collided against each other, overlapping each other glacially. You moaned into him as you felt his hand slide down the bare skin on the back of your thighs. His other hand mirrored the action and suddenly, you couldn’t feel the ground beneath you. He picked you up and threw your legs around him. You cupped his face with one hand and with your free arm, you held on to him for support. The sound of both of you moaning and panting filled the room as he carried you over to his computer chair.
As he plopped down, you adjusted your self, straddling him while your other hand cupped his other cheek. His hands fell down to your bottom again, gripping onto you as you continued to taste each other. Your tongues danced together, lapping feverishly against each other. Jin pushed your dress up your stomach, past your breast slowly as he ghosted his hands over them. You pulled away for a second so he could successfully extract the dress off you but continued that minute he glimpsed at the way you looked in your undergarments.
“It’s been...so long,” you said amidst the messy kisses. “I can...I can’t wait.” He chuckled at you as his mouth moved from your lips to the space in between your breast. Jin started kissing and licking against your skin as his hands reach around you and started undoing the clasps of your bra. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, letting your hand run through the hair behind his head as he devoured you. When he successfully undid your bra, he slid the straps down your arms and discarded it across the room. Jin’s hands cupped at your breasts and he brought them down to him. Pushing them together, he looked up at you as he ran his tongue over your nipple, swirling around it lightly before darting to your other nipple. His tongue working on that nipple before darting back to the other. Then back again. The sensation of him alternating back and forth quickly caused your heat to throb. He did this slowly at first, loving the way you rocked your hips against him. You could feel his erection through the fabric of the towel, wanting to rip it off him and feel that member inside you.
His motions became faster, sucking and licking at both your breasts in intervals. At first you were panting and moaning softly at his touch, but as he bite at you softly, you let out a small whimper that put him over the edge. He pulled the towel off him from under you and he placed two fingers against your heat, feeling the juices that soaked through your panties.
“Do I make you this wet, (Y/N)?” he growled as he pushed the fabric aside, running a finger against your entrance. You groaned needily and collapsed on him, your head resting on his as you held him tightly to you. “You don’t want to wait?” he whispered into your ear.
“I can’t wait,” you whined as he teased you, moving his thumb against your clit. “I need you, Jin. I need you so bad.” And those words were true because you couldn’t wait. Your hand coasted down between  you two. Without haste, you grabbed his cock pushed his hand aside as you brought it to your entrance.
“Look it how wet you made me,” you cooed as you started to pump him slowly, rubbing the tip of his cock along your soaked essence. He twitched underneath you and mumbled a few curses under his breath. Jin’s hands traveled back to your bottom but this time he grabbed at it firmly, as if trying to hold himself up. “Do you really want to, tesoro?” he whimpered as you teased him, picking up the pace in your wrist. “You want to fuck me?”
“No,” he grunted, grabbing your hand away from his length as he jerked his hips forward. He slipped inside you aggressively, stretching you out without warning. You threw yourself forward into him, moaning loudly into his shoulder. At first, he was guiding your hips slowly. The pain of his member piercing inside you was being dulled down by pleasure. You shifted on him and directed his head against your spot.
“Jin...you’re fucking me now aren’t you?” your voice was shaky as you found your rhythm and started grinding against him. His lips parted and his head rolled back as you rolled into him. Jin ignored your question as he got lost in you. Your breast moving and bouncing as you rode him, the way your hair brushed against his face. You could feel him throbbing inside you lightly. He was close, but he was holding back. You started tantalizing him, bouncing on him instead. The way your womanhood suctioned around him as your body eased in and out of him caused him to grip at your waist, pushing you up and down him a little bit faster.
“(Y/N)...” he husked as you tightened your walls around him. “I can’t fuck you…” your eyes met and locked before he spoke again. “Because...uhhh...you aren’t,” his cock slammed into your spot again, causing you to moan loudly. You felt his length twitch inside you again at the sound. “You aren’t a fuck...I lov-ahhh fuck…” The walls of your womanhood started to tighten unwillingly around him. You bounced on his cock faster and with more force, constantly crashing against your spot. Instantaneously, he started to bring his hips up and push himself into you.
“Come with me, jagi...come with me,” he begged breathlessly as he brought you down to him, embracing you as you bounced your bottom up and down. Your fingernails dug into his back as you felt pure euphoria blast through your whole body, setting all your nerve receptors on fire.
“Jin,” you chanted over and over again as you gushed all over his thighs. He grunted lowly as your muscles twitched against him, bringing him to his climax. A loud moan escaped his lips as he shot his load inside you. His body quivering and shaking underneath you as you rode out his and your orgasm.
The both of you sat there for a minute, panting heavily and sighing loudly. Jin’s hands rested at your bottom and he leaned his head against your arm. His lips brushed against your inner bicep and he kissed the spot repeatedly as you regained your breath.
“Jagi,” Finally breaking the silence, he ran his hands up and down your back lightly. “I’m sorry.” Taken aback by his words, you sat back and looked at him quizzically.
“Sorry? For what?” you uttered breathlessly. He brought his hands up to your hips and looked at you with sincerity.
“For creating a scene yesterday, putting you in an awkward position. I should have walked away earlier. There are things I shouldn’t have said to him. Not because they aren’t true but because they caused everything to escalate. This whole thing should have been settled more maturely...and for that I’m sorry.” As he spoke, you couldn’t help but furrow your eyebrows and run a hand through his hair.
“I see,” you raked your fingers through his hair again, loving the way his wet locks felt against your palms and between your fingers. “Well apology not accepted. You have nothing to apologize for, Jin. I think if I was in your position, I would have handled things similarly or...stupidly,” he cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips as you spoke. His eyes threatening to close as you continued to comb through his hair. “You handled everything better than anyone else probably would. I mean, you’re here with me now. Who would want to see me after last night?” Jin sighed and grabbed the hand that was working into his hair. He brought it down to his mouth and kissed your wrist lightly.
“You might be right. But I can only speak for myself. And I’m not proud of how I acted. Chanyeol shouldn’t be either but I digress,” his face scrunched up as he uttered his name.
“So you’re not mad at me?” you asked timidly. He raised an eyebrow and kissed your wrist again.
“No, I wouldn't say I’m not mad. I’m just coping with it,” he let out a sigh and grabbed your other hand before he continued. “When I met you, I knew what pretenses they were under. What you were about. The things you wouldn’t tolerate…” he licked his lips and looked at you tenderly. “Your fear of falling in love...and that’s all okay. It’s fine. Ultimately, it’s my fault for making it out to be more than what it was and making it about love.”
“Jin,” you stopped him abruptly. “Making what about love? What are you saying?” He blinked at your several times, you saw his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard.
“Right…” he sighed and bit his lip, putting his arms around your waist bringing you closer to him. “Jagi, there was something I wanted to tell you yesterday, do you remember?” You shook your head at him, nervously.
“Yes, I do.” For a second, he stopped breathing and his hands trembled against your hips. He looked down momentarily, as if trying to find the words to say in between your naked bodies but then he looked up at you. The silence was giving you anxiety.
“(Y/N)...” he brought a hand up to your cheek and looked deeply into your eyes.
“I...I love you.”
A/N ;; Guy pleaseeee don’t forget to check out the playlist. It definitely sets the mood for this story. Even if you listen to the first 4 songs on the list. Anyway, let me know what you guys think in my inbox or on here. Stay tuned! <3 Thank you for reading you beautiful person you.
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drunkonnjealousy · 7 years
My Reputation Secret Session Experience
(an abbreviated version to keep confidentiality)
I got a DM from Taylor Nation before the London SS had happened, so I honestly had no idea what the “secret event” was. They called me and said the event was in Rhode Island, and I mean the only thing there is her house but I didn’t know what the event entailed. Knowing Taylor, I was like she’s gonna make it so fun and so detailed and so personal whatever it is.
I was not able to focus on anything for two weeks because I was just thinking about taylor and rhode island. I took a train from NYC to Rhode Island the night before. Wednesday October 18, 2017 was such a GORGEOUS day. The water was SO BLUE. THE SUN WAS SHINING. and there was a helicopter hovering in front of taylor’s house which annoyed me but yeah I’ll try to get over that. Fast forward to being at her house. First of all, her security detail is hilarious. They are so nice and funny and were cracking jokes the whole time. The very first person I talked to was none other than Scott Swift, the man the legend, wearing a striped sweater only a dad would buy and his pockets overflowing with 1989 guitar picks. I spent a good chunk of time chatting with him on the deck he’s amazing—we stan forever. Also I legit hung out and excitedly mingled in Taylor’s kitchen so long that I forgot it wasn’t normal to be in her kitchen. There was a huge spread of Chick-fil-a nuggets, pizza, chips, custom Rep cookies and M&Ms, Smart Water and Diet Coke. *side note i’m a vegetarian but if taylor would have offered me a nugget i would have forgotten my vow against meat* I was so comfortable and having so much fun that it just felt like I was at my friend’s house party, which I was. But then like every 30 minutes it would hit me that to the outside world, she was THE Taylor Swift, and I was in her kitchen… Fast forward to Andrea coming down to also hang out and mingle with us. She smelled amazing (so did the entire house). She came up to me and Sol and said hello with a huge smile on her face and then pulled us both into a tight hug at the same time and said “YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS.” and honestly I just wanted to hug her ten more times and be like THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE MADAM PRESIDENT. Side note, the kitchen has adorable childhood pictures of Taylor and Austin and pictures of the family on the beach and its all v cute. Also I saw the mermaid, I MEAN THE MERMAID that taylor and selena posed by and i was like wow this iconic. ALSO as many of you know i’m not only a taylor stan, but a huge todrick stan, and i have been for years. so i died a little when i realized that i was leaning against the same kitchen counter that they were sitting on during thanksgiving and i was like wow its cool i’m fine we’re fine EVERYTHING IS FINE. Fast forward to Austin also coming downstairs to mingle. He’s adorable and I love him. I didn’t get to chat with him bc it was kind of crowded but he was smiling and laughing and looked genuinely happy to be there. Tree was also floating around the kitchen here and there and let me just say she’s GORGEOUS. (also she was the MVP later when I needed to pee) Okay fast forward some more and it’s time to move into the living room. There are cushions on the floor and I’m sitting with all of my friends, including several of us who are from NYC. There are people setting the room and Andrea, Scott and Austin just look so excited that we’re there and that made me so happy. After what felt like centuries of people opening doors, stomping upstairs and shutting the curtains, it was time for the queen to make her entrance. The door to my right flew open and that tall drink of water in black thigh high boots and blonde curls and a huge smile entered the room and collectively we all made noises that probably sounded non-human. She said “Hi, I’m Taylor” as she sat down in this throne of a chair and crossed her legs that are collectively longer than the great wall of china. She said “you’ve done your detective work right (my detectivey heart fell out of my detectivey ass) and you are at the Reputation Secret Sessions”
**and that’s where the cone of silence comes on and what happened for the next several hours at the secret sessions STAYS at the secret sessions.**
So after I DIED because she obviously played us every track of the album. It was time for picturesssss. As I walked in to see Taylor, I didn’t even make it to her yet before she strutted toward me and scooped me into a hug so tight that I said “hey i’m kelsea” into her hair ;askdjflskfj She pulled away and was like “yeah I know, and you spell it S-E-A right?” AND LEMME TELL YOU i’ve gone my entire 24 years of life with my name spelled wrong, even people I’ve known for years will spell it Kelsey. and I replied to Taylor, “UM YEAH” and she got so excited she fist pumped and then put her hand up for a high five and we literally had the most epic high five of my entire life I’m pretty sure they heard it in Australia. ok. At this point Sol walked in and I introduced her to Taylor too. She loved Sol so much. so so much. Then I asked Taylor if she found me on Tumblr or Twitter, and she immediately replied “Tumblr” with a nod. and then she goes “I KNOW you love TODRICK, and I LOVE that.”  and I’m pretty sure that was the moment my brain short-circuited.
and i was like “OKAY well TN contacted me via Twitter and I was real confused because my handle is  @ toddyownsmyass” and her face lit up, her mouth dropped open, she grabbed my hand and laughed and said “OH MY GOD HAHAHHA”. 
Next I told her about our annual NYC July 9th party. I was like listen taylor, the entire reason i met sol is because we’re tumblr friends and we have this party every year at sofia’s apt in the upper west side where we stay up until 1:58 AM listening to Last Kiss and then she was like “AWWWW” and I remember her face just looking at the two of us in pure amazement. OKAY now it was time for pictures and Taylor was like “we’re gonna take a group shot first and then we’ll do individuals ok?” and during our group photo she hugged both me and Sol so tightly. 
She looks at me and I put my hands together and I’m like “Okay, I want to recreate a photo you and todrick did on the couch” and she got so excited she was like “GREAT but I’m not doing the splits again” as she walks over to this gorgeous white couch. and i was like “nah girl i CANT do the splits, i wanna do that back to back one” and she was so invested it was adorable. It took us a few minutes of sitting back to back and discussing our knee placement, our hand placement, and both of us kept turning and looking over our shoulders to make sure we were matching and coordinating our bodies right. and then right before the picture taylor goes “what should we do with this hand? oh i know lets hold hands” and she grabbed my hand and held it so tightly. i’m pretty sure you can see in my facial expression how much that meant to me—i’m BEAMING. out of all forms of social interaction, hand holding is one of the most intimate,it’s not something we do with very many people if you really think about it. after the picture is taken, we are still sitting back to back on the couch, holding hands, and she turns to look at me and goes “that’s the cutest pose i’ve ever done” and i’m all “Awwww thanks!” thinking she’s just being a sweetheart. and then her expression is happy but a little more serious, and she goes “No, I’m being serious, like I’ve never done anything cuter.” and ladies that’s probably the moment I was like “HI I’M KELSEA AND I WELCOME DEATH WITH OPEN ARMS”. It was going to be time to leave because we had already taken our pictures but Taylor grabbed me and Sol again and squeezed us and gushed “you little FLOWER buttons” and at the time my brain was like ???? I thought maybe she was going to say we were flowers, and then halfway through changed her mind to buttons…well ANYWAYS she reblogged that photo of us later and clarified that she believes sol and i embody the aesthetic of tiny adorable little flower-shaped buttons and now i will no longer look at flowers nor buttons the same way and Sol and I text each other randomly “FLOWER BUTTONS” just to make each other cry it’s great. okay moving on… It was time to leave and right before i walked away, I yelled to her “TAYLOR, YOU’RE INVITED TO OUR JULY 9TH PARTY ANYTIME, UPPER WEST SIDE, NYC, SEE YOU THERE!” and i did some mix between dabbing and pointing that can only be attributed to all of the time i spent in college with frat boys. and with this big grin on her face she yelled back “THANKS! LOVE YOU GUYS!” and i stumbled out of the room to pick up the Reputation merch bag Taylor gave all of us (GET YOU A WOMAN). As her security guard let us into a van to be taken back to our car, I asked what time it was and it was so late Sofia and I had missed our train back to Manhattan. We didn’t care. We were stranded in Rhode Island but WHO CARES BC TAYLOR SWIFT LOVES US. Ali from TN was like, “you guys have friends at your hotel right? like you have somewhere to go?” so sweet i love ali– we stan her forever. Sofia and I went back to our hotel, which we had already checked out of mind you, and sat in the hallway, dazed and happy, from 2-4am. Sofia posted a photo of us on tumblr and taylor liked it and i was like wow taylor knows we’re stranded that’s hilarious i bet she’s laughing. We ended up calling a car service to pick us up in rhode island AND DRIVE US BACK TO NEW YORK CITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I got back to my apt on the upper east side at 5am and took a nap and then got up for work and tried to be an adult but it was a very sad attempt. This is a very abbreviated account of what happened that fateful day Taylor welcomed me into her home for 8+ hours. A lot of it has to stay secret and confidential until the album comes out on Nov 10. Even more of it will likely never leave the walls of that gorgeous house by the sea. I will cherish these memories always and I know I am forever changed as a person from the Reputation Secret Sessions.
Thank you @taylorswift for EVERYTHING. I’m so proud to call you a friend.
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the bachelorette, season fourteen, episode two: let’s pretend i didn’t forget i didn’t post this recap, okay?
Thank god Queen Rachel showed up to save this episode, otherwise I don’t think I’d have much to say1.
We’re in Venice Beach, California, and it’s Becca’s first date as the Bachelorette and since Arie, which isn’t saying a lot considering she basically had an hour between their breakup and her crowning. The beeftestants are all ready for the competition to begin and to get their first date card. The Devil Incarnate Chris Harrison arrives for a solid 30 seconds to ask the guys about how they feel about Becca. We see David without the chicken suit for the first time and god, that venture capitalist does it for me. I hate myself for it too, but he honestly looks like if Scott Wolf and Matthew Fox got together on the set of Party of Five and made a baby, and I AM ABOUT IT. David probably drinks old fashioneds and wears boat shoes. My Mortal Enemy Chris Harrison talks about how serious Becca is about the entire experience, and tells them to relish in the time they get with her.
Remember, these people get, in total, around 48 hours with the person they’re going to marry if they make it that far, most of which is spent with an entire camera crew and production. I hate to say it, but Chris Harrison might be right.
Aside from a brief moment of correctness, what else does Chris Harrison have?
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A DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!!
Clay, Nick, Chris / Perez Hilton, Venture Capitalist/Chicken David, Jean Blanc, Jordan, Connor, and Lincoln are on the first group date of the season.
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The guys pull up and Becca’s there in a wedding dress, and Jordan’s feeling confident because he’s a model2 and beating good looking dudes is basically how he makes his bread and butter, so he’s not concerned. I love that Jordan’s entire personality is just being a Good Looking Guy. No one ever explained to Jordan that looks aren’t everything, and if they did, he wasn’t listening. Becca wants to “pamper” the men the way she was on her first date with Arby and I love that Becca thinks men’s idea of pampering is wearing tuxedos and drinking champagne. I mean, that’s my ideal man, but what do I know? I’m the kind of person who thinks Jack Donaghy was right here:
Becca pretends not to be ogling these men because I would be ogling these men. Without shame. I decided in 2018 I’m going to be as shameless about wanting to sleep with men as men are about wanting to sleep with me and it’s pretty great. I haven’t taken a full left turn into catcalling just yet, but I really have just embraced my inner Guy Checking Out A Girl Meme this year.
Jordan does his various modeling runway walks, and honestly, I so preferred this last week on the Vanderpump Rules Secrets Revealed episode when it was Tom Sandoval. Tom Sandoval actually had variation in his poses, where as Jordan is verging on the Zoolander “THESE ARE ALL THE SAME LOOK I FEEL LIKE I’M TAKING CRAZY PILLS” type of modeling. Jon Kortajarena is offended. Jordan is comfortable wearing clothes because he does it for a living. He tells Becca the best way to get dressed is to put her confidence on first. Becca invites the guys to go get rough and there we see
This is a variation on the challenge we had last season that starred Mila Kunis and the Jar Of Douche she married, but instead of babies, it’s a wedding themed obstacle course. It’s a stretch, but it’s basically guys in tuxedos doing a Mud Run, something I can guarantee 85% of the men on this show have participated in. The first obstacle is strapping an ankle bracelet with a ball on it to the next obstacle.
Because ball and chains. Get it? Marriage? Women are carriers for men’s baggage?
Moving on.
The next is “Cold Feet”, which is basically dunking yourself into a vat of cold water3 for a period of time. The next is “slippery slope”, running up some slippery steps. Then “Get Over Your Exes” where they have to crawl on the ground to get a bouquet. The stretchiness is so real, it’s like a rubber band. They’re really trying this.
Finally, it’s “Cake Tasting”, which basically has the guys chomping through some cakes in order to find rings. This is all made worth it for Rachel telling the guys to “find out what that mouth do,” which I think should be a much better catchphrase than “do the damn thing”. The final two have to race to the altar to find Becca.
The obstacle course is kind of boring. Clay DGAF about the ice buckets, meanwhile Lincoln is miserable. All the guys notice that Lincoln got in the tub after them, but was out before them, and are pissed. Meanwhile, Lincoln is slipping and sliding all over the place4 and he gets a huge headstart. However, he misses the vase that bouquet of flowers is supposed to go in, so he must go back. By that point, David’s caught up and is face first in cake5 and they’re neck and neck until Lincoln nudges David, and he falls. Lincoln is the one to meet Becca at the aisle and “propose”, and the guys are all pissed.
There is a difference between competitiveness and playing dirty. Lincoln was playing dirty - leaving the tub before his time was up, knocking David over - that’s not a fair playing ground and yeah, Connor (I think?) is like, “wow, that says a lot about him as a person if he’ll cheat on a game like THIS.”
At the After-Party, Becca is wearing a red lace dress and Lincoln is being obnoxious. He keeps calling Becca his wife and the guys are barely in their chairs before Lincoln is taking Becca aside. Lincoln keeps saying “you bring out the best in me,” and Becca wants to know why. I love Becca’s line of questioning. These dudes can’t say empty, false platitudes because she’s gonna ask why. Becca gives him a portrtait of the two of them on their “wedding day” and Lincoln… kisses it. He’s gushing and all over her and they finally kiss in a manner that’s not covered in mud.
"Kissing Becca is like flying to the moon on the wings of a Pegasus while dancing with unicorns on a pot of gold.” - Lincoln actually says this. I have never hated anyone so much.
Back at the house, there’s a...
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DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!
It goes to Blake, who honestly, if you replaced him mid-season with Miles Teller, I wouldn’t realize.
We see the montage of Becca connecting with the guys, of course. Meanwhile, Lincoln is literally talking to his “wedding portrait”, kissing it, all kinds of obnoxious behavior. The guys are annoyed because he keeps propping the picture up and rubbing it in their faces, and it’s not something any of them are cool with. I mean, same? Connor (I think?), who clearly is being manipulated by a producer, keeps moving the picture, even when Lincoln continues to display it. Connor (I think?) tosses the photo on the ground after Lincoln’s like “where would I put it?” Of course Lincoln is the type to get hyped up on semantics. Lincoln props up the frame one more time, and Connor (I think?) ’s completely normal, pratcial reaction is to fling the photo across the pool, shattering it.
This reaction is so over the top, and I hate Lincoln, so that’s saying a lot. Lincoln was wrong, but his incorrectness was basically harmless. Connor (I think?) ;has been there for one day at this point. It is entirely unacceptable that he reacted like this… after one day. It’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one.
Meanwhile, Jean Blanc, my mom’s dream husband for me, is making Becca swoon. Honestly, he talks about needing love in his life and how he gives her butterflies. They kiss and it’s nice. I'm glad Becca is giving the black guys a real shot at this.
Meanwhile, Lincoln is lurking a stairwell waiting because he “needs a new picture”, and he’s crying. He’s “rattled” because Connor (I think?) broke his picture and tells Becca that it’s becuase he didn’t like the picture. All the guys are like “tattletale”. Lincoln calls Connor (I think?) aggressive6 and says he doesn’t know why Connor (I think?) destroyed the photo. Becca points out that yes, this is aggressive and extreme, and is frustrated that it’s this early in the season and this is already happening. Becca goes to talk to Connor (I think?) , and Connor (I think?) really doesn’t see anything wrong with how aggressive he got straight away, which is scary. Rightfully, Becca asks him if this happens often, because girl has right to know if this dude is going to slaughter her in her sleep. Becca admits that what Lincoln did wasn’t right, but she wants someone respectful. Becca’s frustrated because it’s already too soon for this drama to start.
Remember what Chris Harrison said about using your time wisely? This is what he meant, Connor (I think?). Your time with Bex was spent talking about another dude.
Back with the group, Jean Blanc gets the group date rose. Of course.
Back at the house, Lincoln is still upset about his picture and Garrett, Andrew Keegan and the rest of the 90s Villains are all telling him it’s okay for him to be upset about it. I mean, kind of? It’s not worth crying over. I bet production can get you another copy, they just need to go to Michaels and get a Michaels coupon for 50% off frames first. They go to Jordan, where he’s sititng with the same Andrew Keegan from before, and Andrew Keegan is like, “dude, why are you CRYING over a photo where you don’t even look good?!”
Andrew Keegan, asking the right questions. No wonder you started a cult. Jordan thinks Lincoln’s accent is fake, and normally I’d be like “pfft, who would fake an accent?” But then I remember the Emmy-worthy performance Lincoln is putting on and I remember... it’s guys like Lincoln who put on a fake accent. It’s like Emily Mortimer on 30 Rock, but instead of fragile bones, Lincoln has a fragile ego.
They make an entirely uneventful transition to Blake on his date with Becca. I went to high school with a billion dudes who look just like Blake, and that is probably the source of my tiny crush on Blake? I mean, Blake is likely as trash as the rest of these men but he’s trash in a sweater?7 Honestly, looking like Miles Teller and not having the personality of Miles Teller already is a win for Blake. It’s Blake’s first limo ride because last week, he rode in on an ox. And before that, a horse. Blake does not like enclosed spaces. Becca has no idea what’s happening on the date today, only that it’s been left in Chris Harrison’s hands.
A List of Chris Harrison’s Date Ideas:
Making you into a human candle
Slaughtering babies
Going to a Speculum Museum
Creating enemies
Drinking mimosas from human skulls
This is why they haven’t let this man plan a date on this show before.
They meet Chris Harrison at what only be described as a Murder Warehouse8 and he’s holding a sledgehammer. In case you’re wondering what my nightmares are like, it’s this. Chris Harrison in a button-down and jacket with no tie, holding a fucking sledgehammer. Basically, the entire premise is “Becca, you say you’re over Arby, but production isn’t quite yet, so why don’t you smash some of his shit with sledgehammers?” Y’all, did you know Arby and Becca broke up? There are TV monitors playing her proposal like some demented Truman Show, the couch he broke up with her on, and Arby’s racecar. We get it, production. The metaphor has been handed to us on a stick.
Also, this is a dream date of mine, but with just general shit. I want to smash stuff.
Then Lil’ Jon shows up and I yelled “GIVE HIM THE ROSE, BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!” I have no idea why Lil’ Jon is there other than to DJ the destruction. It’s perfectly scored to “Turn Down For What” because this show really is permanently in 2014. Regardless, Becca and Blake are getting along. Their arms are sore! Becca was nervous but not because of Blake. They already knew what they were in for and so they were relaxed. Becca points out that this show is a lot like dating in reverse - basically, you’ve already picked this person as your life partner, now get to know them - and how that created an environment where she fell for someone quicker than she thought possible. What a fascinating dynamic, honestly, and it’s amazing how simply summarized the concept of this show is. People always say “How do they do this so quickly, how can they say they’re in love after a few days?” When you’re isolated with nothing else to do but think about the possibility of a life with the only person in your vicinity, combined with someone coming into your room to talk to you only about that One Person and your relationship with them, you’d do the same. This is why distractions are good in love. When you first fall in love, keep yourself busy9.
Blake unleashes his trauma - he fell for a girl who said she loved him early on, and then everything changed and she broke up with him out of the blue not even a week later. Damn, that’s savagery. He can appreciate her being there and opening up again after her heartbreak, because he’s struggling with that. Blake gets the first one-on-one rose.
Back at the house, there’s a...
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DATE CARD!!!!!!!!!
Garrett, Rickey, John, Ryan, Alex, Christon, Trent, Leo, Wills, and Colton are on the date card. Which means none for Andrew Keegan / Jason or Mike.
The guys on the group date head onto a school bus and head to a field, where Becca is waiting for them. Colton confirms his virgin status by talking about how good Becca smells - she looks good, but smells better? What? Shut up, Colton. Your facial hair isn’t enough for your chin.
They head into a gymnasium, where the men are immediately greeted by eight-year-olds throwing balls at them. The kids are there to show them dodgeball and make sure they know how to dodge a ball like Becca dodged Arby. My absolute favorite is these kids just reading these grown men to filth. One of the boys calls the men trash and asks if Becca wants trash, and I literally laughed for a solid hour.
The pink team takes the strategy to hide behind Becca because no one’s going to hit The Bachelorette, right? Wrong. Christon is just pelting her with balls. Dodgeball is a serious sport, despite what these people think. We get another occurrence of Fred Willard, who I really hope was adequately paid for this appearance because he looks like he’d rather be in bed. As quickly as the game starts it devolves into this year’s NBA finals - Leo vs. the Green Team, if Leo is Lebron James and the Green Team is the Golden State Warriors.
CAN I GET A MOMENT AND A PAT ON THE BACK FOR MY SPORTS KNOWLEDGE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I’LL WAIT. I’LL WAIT. I know y’all are shocked.
Becca’s shocked Leo, who is a stuntman, is good at dodging injury in dodgeball. Becca. Come ON. But the audience is living for Leo, the Last Man Standing. Eventually he’s defeated and the Green Team is the victor, but Becca’s got her eyes on him, so that’s what matters.
At the After-After Party, the guys are all on top of the world. It’s the opposite vibe from the other group date, so of course someone’s gonna come in and fuck it all up. Garrett and Becca talk about whether it was weird to get the First Impression Rose and then be sequestered into Group Date category. Garrett talks a lot about himself and calls himself the male version of Becca. Wills has the best sense of fashion out of the house, full-stop. They do rapid-fire questions, my favorite form of getting to know someone. Becca wants a relationship like her parents, and Wills does too. Wills gets emotional talking about his parents and his family, and I love Wills!!!!!!!
Is Wills my new Wells?
Colton and Becca sit down and Colton’s got something big to reveal to Becca. He tells Garrett that before filming started he had a fling with Tia from Arby’s season. I love the underlying message here: I was dating the girl who probably would have been The Bachelorette if Arby hadn’t smashed Becca’s heart. Colton, without a doubt, is there because he thought Tia would be The Bachelorette.
We’ve had the dynamic of “they hung out before and came on the show to date this person”, namely in the case of Kaitlyn Bristowe and Nick Viall. There’s no doubt in my mind this was the intentions of everyone involved - Tia, Colton, and production. There were rumors of Luke Pell, when he was still a contender for The Bachelor, taking previous Bachelor contestants and various women that if they came on the show for him, he’d guarantee them a spot in the final four and they’d get the chance to “date” while on the show. This is what cost Luke the position as The Bachelor. Colton either a) went on the show for Tia and stayed along for the ride with the hopes of getting to Paradise and (likely) dating Tia or b) is there for the Instagram followers and the fame that comes with it. The timeline doesn’t make any sense.
Colton tells Becca that he dated her friend for a few months and that it fizzled out because it was getting too serious too quickly even though they had a connection. Which is why he proceeded to go on a show where the end goal is a quick engagement? Get the fuck out of here with that logic, Colton. You also dated Aly Raisman - you’re a starfucker. He takes a long pause when he says “I’m here…. To get to know you.” He’s not, he’s there for the Instagram ads. Becca doesn’t send him home immediately like I would. He’s basically admitting to not being there for The Right Reasons, Becca!!!!!! You already had one dude choose another girl over you, and you’re into the one who has a high likelihood of doing the same thing? It’s salting a wound that already exists. Becca feels sick to her stomach about it, but doens’t sent him home on the spot.
To me, that’s production intervention. But that’s just me.
My New Boyfriend Wills gets the group date rose, but it’s begrudging.
At the cocktail party, Becca arrives in this gorgeous cobalt blue sparkly dress that is easily on par with my favorite Bachelorette Look, Joelle from The Final Five Elimination form her season. She looks gorgeous. More of this, less of the red lace, blarg.
Clay takes Becca outside and teaches her the Art of the Celebration Dance. Sometimes Clay comes off a little robotic, and I wonder if he’s just got a lack of experience with women. Which isn’t a bad thing. For a professional football player, it’s a little shocking. He’s so smooth though, because he uses what would be a “helmet bump” with his teammates to parlay a little smooch in there.
Venmo wrote Becca a poem, and he is too good to last. Venmo, call me. Connor (I think?) gives Becca a picture of himself from the mud date and they both fling his picture across the pool in order to make peace. Meanwhile, Jordan is trying to set himself apart from the other guys. He really wants Becca to know his personality, so he decides the best way to show her that is to get naked and parade through the mansion.
I mean, thus far, Jordan has done a great job of teling us his personality is basically just Being Good Looking, so this is one way to show your personality. Jordan also thinks that nothing attracts women more than being comfortable next to a sexy man, which is a very simplistic way of thinking. I’ve been comfortable around sexy men, but barely. Also, they were fully clothed at the time.
He parades past the other men in his boxer briefs and interrupts Becca’s time with David, who immediately gets his feathers ruffled10. Becca is amused, but David feels disrespected. Jordan doesn’t want Becca to get the wrong idea of him - he likes to live life on the edge, he likes to be a classy gentleman, which is why he’s sitting next to her in his skivvies on the couch. Meanwhile, David’s rattled and is immedaitely questioning Jordan’s intentions. Jordan is the kind of guy who wants to pass his name along to his son and wants to call his son Jordi, which I’m pretty sure is the name of a porn star.
What David hasn’t realized, though, is that every season has a Jordan - the guy who pushes buttons just by having a personality - and every season there’s a guy whose skin he gets under and that becomes their main focus. I’m sad it’s my boyfriend David, but I also have Venmo, Wills, and Blake in my back corner for moments like this.mp3. Last season it was Whaboom and Blake. The season prior? Alex and Chad. David also got upset earlier in the episode when Lincoln cheated and didn’t feel the need to say anything then, even though he had a legitimate reason to. Be more assertive, dude. Don’t try to approach an irrational person with rationality like you do Jordan. He doesn’t care what you think, and clearly none of the other guys are as butthurt about Jordan’s annoying behavior as you are. Jordan knows what his purpose on the show is, and he’s not going to be shamed because he literally cannot feel shame.
Also, David - you came in wearing a chicken suit last week. You’re kinda the last guy who has a leg to stand on when it comes to this.
Becca sits down with Colton and they try to unpack their conversation from prior. He wants to make sure Becca knows the reason that he’s there - to get to know her / Instagram ads - and she can trust him.
Becca talks to Chris Harrison for the thirty seconds he’s allowed for himself to be on set that day and basically tells him it’s been a hard week, but he’s like “okay, it’s time to send someone home so I can go home!!!!”
The rose ceremony starts.
Chris, Andrew Keegan / Jason, Venmo John, Clay, Mike, Connor (I think?), Leo, Chicken Daddy Bae David, Garrett, Nick, Ryan (Who I think is Mystery Bae from last week, good GOD he is fine), Christon, Jordan - with a bonus struggle to pin the rose to his blanket because of course someone in production didn’t have him change, Lincoln, and Colton are all safe.
That means bye to my mom’s dream man, Rickey, Trent, and Alex, who gives us some drunken man tears on his way out that are unintentionally hilarious.
Next Week: We’re playing some football! Jason / Andrew Keegan and Chris get some private time! Tia, Sienne, Kendall, Bekah, and Caroline are all there from Arby’s season to help the guys, and of course that’s why Colton was allowed to stay for another week, because they want to show us the love triangle of Tia/Colton/Becca. Tia totally seems liek the kind of girl who would flirt with your man in front of you. David’s white knighting Becca about Jordan. And oooh, there’s an ambulance? Someone’s fucking hurt.
See you next week!
Random Assessments from the Desk of Amanda:
So many of these guys look the same. Oh my god. Someone tell me the difference between Connor and Garrett. I really think they put them on separate group dates so Becca would remember they’re not the same person.
My mom’s picks for men this season:
Jordan is trying to be this season’s Corinne and I am not about it. I wasn’t about her, either, though.
I really don’t like the narrative that these guys are solely here so Becca can forget another guy. Why does she have to forget him? She doesn’t even have to forgive him. It’s a part of her story, of who she is as a person. You’re as much of a person because of the pain you’ve felt as the great parts of your life. Arby is rubbish, but we must at least acknowledge his place and impact on her life. Also, replacing one trash dude with another doesn’t help.
Of course Jordan describes himself as an alpha.
I really think the reason I don’t like Lincoln is because he really does act like one of those black guys whose entire idea of success is a white wife. Like, achieving whiteness is his ultimate goal. He’s so phony, so calculated, and I don’t trust him.
I’m really struggling with coming up with a nickname for Becca. Like, I tried Bex, but I feel like Bex is going to be better served for Bekah Martinez on Paradise and her disappearing ass. Gimme suggestions in the comments.
Becca looks like June Diane Raphael, fully confirming that The Bachelorette and Burning Love are the same show.
Chris looks like Perez Hilton, 90s-era Adam Goldberg, and Ben Stiller in Dodgeball all rolled up into one rat-like person. Like, his face is permanently in “I smelled something bad” mode.
Related: Ben Stiller should get some residuals considering this season is basically full of men based on characters he has played.
I do want to take back a lot of that harsh things I said about Bryan last season. Yes, he had too many fillers put in and I did just have a thing for Peter ripping off his sweater in his breakup with Rachel, but damn. Those two have stood the test of time (or at least a year, longer than a lot of these other relationships have) and here we are. Their Instagram stories are my favorite. He loves her so much. She got him to stop putting so much filler in his cheeks. It’s all good. Plus, damn. He was lookin FINE in this episode. Get it, Rachel. ↩︎
Between him and Christina from America’s Next Top Model 24, I never want to hear the phrase “I’m a model” again. PS: Have you heard my podcast yet? ↩︎
Connor calls this a “good little bathroom break” - dude, are you advocating peeing yourself on a date? DUDE. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. ↩︎
I swear to god this show is trying to kill people. ↩︎
This is what Rihanna was singing about. ↩︎
Is this the first time anyone can think of where the black guy is calling the white guy aggressive and scary? This is refreshing. ↩︎
You know how my type is just Shoulders? Yeah, my type is definitely Shoulders in Sweaters. Yum. ↩︎
It’s an off-shoot of the Men’s Warehouse - you take the Toxic Masculinity Tunnel to get there. ↩︎
I actually just rewatched the episode of The Office where Michael thinks he has herpes and contacts all of his exes, only to realize he has a fantasy problem and a problem with romanticizing relationships with a revisionist history of what truly went on. Much like Michael, I understand wanting your life to be an epic story, including the Happily Ever After. But after thinking about this… I mean. If Michael had been more focused on his job like he should have been, maybe it wouldn’t have worked out for him that way? Then again, he might have married Jan. ↩︎
Come on, you know I had to. It’s an easy joke. ↩︎
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mccall-appreciation · 7 years
how beautiful it was to be anything at all.
word count: 4,222 warnings: none summary:  Scott goes off to college to try and live a normal human life, and thinks about home and what it means to him. ao3 link: [ x ] a/n: under the cut.
a/n: okay i’m going to try and not ramble, but this is my sort of... goodbye fic, goodbye something to this beautiful sweet boy we have all grown to love and adore. scott is so special to me, and his friendship with stiles is precious to me, so this is a lot of sciles references but also a lot of pack references, and there’s some mentions of allison and even kira. i tried to add a little bit of everything i loved in this fic. i figured that at some point scott will go off to college, and this fic takes places when that happens. i hope you all enjoy it. and talk to me if you want after (if you do read it) and we can gush about scott or sciles or teen wolf or anything. this has no beta so all mistakes are mine, but thank you for following this blog, and for reading this story.
It’s a mountain top in Scotland, more specifically it’s called Arthur’s Seat. Their taxi driver had gotten them as close as he could get before letting them out. For two guys that often ran from danger walking up the hill to the mountain top seemed to be extremely strenuous, with ragged breathing and reaching out for the water bottle that the other was carrying. Other people were making the trek too knowing that it was about to rain on them any second. Scott had pushed Stiles’ butt repeatedly as a joke, but mainly because they needed to keep going.
“I think this is good here,” Stiles said, breathing heavily, squinting at the view before turning to Scott.
“Yeah, this is good,” Scott agreed, grabbing the water bottle and taking a drink of it, and then grabbing his phone to send pictures to his mom later. “Come here,” he said after snapping a few photos, Stiles had squished his face next to Scott and they had taken one serious photos and then a couple of silly ones and placed his phone back in his pocket.
The trip was last minute -- they had bought the tickets to London literally a week before and had no idea if their passports were even valid but they were committed. It was a last trip before Stiles going back to FBI school and Scott to college in the Sacramento area. There would be a distance between them again and the thought had terrified both of them but they hadn’t talked much about Scott going to school, and leaving Beacon Hills for good (or until they all inevitably headed back for the holidays).
Scott had sat down on the wet grass and Stiles followed with him, and both had looked out at the view. It was cloudy, you could see the neighbourhood surrounding the area but it looked like specks and then you could see the ocean. They were leaving tomorrow, having spent only a week in London, Scott making jokes about there being a werewolf in London, and Stiles pushing him while they crashed in a hotel airbnb and Stiles getting wasted while Scott carried him home. There last day would be spent here before heading back home tomorrow.
“Is it weird that I kind of don’t want to go home?” Stiles had started to pick at the grass beneath him. There was a strange feeling in Scott’s chest hearing it. The feeling had been there a while but he just didn’t want to deal with it. After everything the pack had been through, and finally having a moment to rest it felt like the beginning of a new chapter, but there were many nights where Scott would wake up in a panic, think if it was right for him to go to college, if it was the best choice. What would Beacon Hills do? What about Liam? The thought of changing out of his normal routine had terrified him, but he was so ready. He was so ready to feel a little normal again. He had to grow up so quickly it wasn’t fair to any of them in the pack who had just wanted to live a normal life -- and yet, they were trying.
They’d all be splitting up and going different directions. Some following others, and others staying in Beacon Hills. It was inevitable. Growing up.
“I don’t want to go home either.” Scott had placed a hand on Stiles’ shoulder, a gentle squeeze, a reminder that he too was scared of what they’d come back to. “I want to stay here for a while.” In this moment, with his best friend, looking out at an incredible view of Scotland. Here he didn’t worry about what would happen to him, there was no one attacking them, he almost felt his age.
“You know what’s one of my favourite memories?” Scott stretched his legs now, and Stiles shook his head.
“The summer you got your license. We had made these plans to like go across America, our first stop was going to be Vegas, obviously, because we were clearly old enough to gamble and drink, and then Arizona to watch the sunrise over the Grand Canyon.” They had gotten out a map and everything, marked places on the map with a sticker of where they were going to go. Just the two of them. The reality was they didn’t have money and their parents had thought that it wasn’t the best idea, instead Melissa ended up taking them to South Lake Tahoe and they camped out for a few days and made s’mores instead. They had gone skinny dipping one of those nights, Stiles had gotten bit in the ass from something in the water and ran quick out of the water and Scott hadn’t seen Stiles run that fast ever in his life. They could laugh about it now but at the time it seemed terrifying.
Stiles had thrown his head back and laughed, “Now look where we are.” They were a little bit older, had some saved money in the bank, and were heading off in directions with their life.
“That’s one of mine too.” Stiles had taken another drink of the water and then felt the first drop of rain on his pants.
“Change is scary,” Scott finally said.
“Yeah, it is.”
There’s a barbecue at Scott’s house the last day before everyone goes off their separate ways. The older adults are huddled together drinking beer, it’s rare to see Sheriff Stilinski without his uniform on but he looks relaxed, is Scott’s first thought. There’s a feeling in the air, for the first time in months he feels like he can actually breathe. He knows that deep down this is how it’s supposed to be the night before big changes, you’re supposed to be surrounded by the people that you love. Though there’s a few people missing. The one’s that couldn’t make it, due either to death or because they had already left, but it’s enough. This is enough for him.
His phone vibrates and he sees that it’s a text message from Derek.
Good luck Scott
He smiles down at it, he’ll answer it later. He doesn’t really feel like crying right now. Though he can feel it in the back of his throat, threatening to spill over.
There’s laughter in the air, happy tears because they’re laughing at something Liam had said that was meant to be serious but taken in a funny way because he doesn’t even realize it yet. Stiles cracks a joke at Liam who can’t help but look down and smile because he won’t admit but he’ll miss him too and all of his friends are leaving, and he knows that he’ll stay in touch but he’s scared too.
When Liam does look up Scott’s already staring at him and nods his head, because he was there once upon a time too. Scott has enough empathy to go around, and he has enough knowledge of pain to understand of what it was like to lose a group of people who mean a lot to you.
Malia holds Scott’s hand as they’re surrounded by the fire pit, taking turns with the s’mores. “I can’t remember the last time I had a s’more,” Malia says, there’s something in her pitch that makes Scott think that she’s probably thinking of her mom and sister, a memory that was a lifetime ago but savored as she takes her first bite. She leans against the boy and he strokes her shoulder.
“You’ll call me right?” Malia asks quietly.
Scott nods his head, “Of course.” Her plan was to go to the community college in Beacon Hills, maybe get a part time job somewhere, she had thought about volunteering at the animal shelter until she figured out what she wanted to do, it seemed like a good idea to Scott too.
He knows that people will start leaving soon, the conversations had started to die down, and they were all collectively sitting in comfortable silence listening to the sound of fire crackling.
“Should we toast?” Scott suggests, looking around at the people in his life -- the people that he had grown to love, to trust. These were the people that had helped shaped who he was as a person, they challenged him and stood by him during times that seemed unbearable. They all had a darkness inside of them because of things they’ve seen and witnessed and felt, but that wasn’t always a bad thing. Scott still felt it sometimes, and he had explained how it felt before, like looking into a heart of immense darkness, but he found that even though the art of letting go was hard, and even sometimes difficult, he knew that his friends had felt it too and they could rely on each other.
They had all lifted their cups and Scott had tried to think of what he could say because he had so many thoughts, so many good memories he wanted to reflect on, but all he could think of was how goddamn lucky he was to have these group of people in his life.
“I know that I should say something long and dramatic, but uh, if I do I’m afraid I’ll cry or something,” he chuckled, “so, I guess I just want to say- thank you guys for- for everything. And I’ll see you all at Thanksgiving, back in my backyard,” he made a point to look at everyone directly, and they laughed and nodded their head, of course they’d come back. “So to us,”
Raymond Carver had once said, “I could hear my heart beating, I could hear everyone’s heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.” With red cups in the air, tapping against the person closest and reaching over a crackling fire they toasted to them, an accomplishment all in itself. Things were changing, but it was okay.
Scott had gone through a line of hugs, Melissa had cried, hugging all the kids that had become her pseudo children, she had wished them all good luck. Malia had hugged Scott for a long time, and told him that she’d call him tomorrow.
Then there was Stiles.
They had stood there looking at each other until Scott had made the first move. They had wrapped their arms around each other. It was always the worst part, leaving your best friend. It didn’t help that Stiles was his person, and that by now they should have been used to saying goodbye. It didn’t make it any easier. Whenever Stiles was away Scott had felt something in his stomach, that went up to his chest, and got stuck in his throat. He’d think about his best friend and the fond memories that he had. Once upon a time they were just two kids searching for a body in the woods with terrible haircuts and clothes.
“I hate this,” Stiles had laughed into Scott’s sweatshirt.
“I know,” Scott said, mirroring the other boy. He felt it then. He hadn’t cried in so long but he felt the first tear roll down his cheek onto the other’s shoulder.
“I’ll come visit you or you’ll come visit me,” It wasn’t a question, it was a promise. Scott didn’t break promises.
“Okay,” Stiles says, wiping his own face and looking at Scott, “Okay.”
Eventually the last car leaves and Melissa goes to bed but not without hugging her son, she tells him to get some sleep, they have a long drive tomorrow.
When he knows she’s asleep he grabs his coat and goes to the backyard and to his mother’s garden that she’s attempting to have again and he tries his best to clip some flowers off without killing the plant but he knows he probably has and he knows that his mom will forgive him.
He doesn’t take his bike, instead he runs. It’s not that far and he knows a quicker way to get there.
There are days when he can go without thinking about it. Tonight just didn’t seem right if he didn’t at least go for one last time until the next time. He didn’t know when that would be.
Allison’s grave is under a tree that’s just starting to really grow. It’s been a long time since Scott had come and he can’t help but smile at the growing tree. He had found it fitting when he saw it being planted by her grave, it would give Chris some shade when he would come and catch her up on his life. It just hurt too much for Scott to visit as much as Chris, but he came. He came for her birthday, for her dad’s birthday, for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Valentine’s Day when he could remember because she’d always be his girl.
He placed the flowers on the grave and had sat down cross legged. He wanted to tell her everything that happened, but he liked to think that she had been there and that she already knew. Instead, he tells her about his trip to the United Kingdom with Stiles, and he tells her about his favourite memory, and how she would have loved the scenery and the sea. He tells her that he’s going to school tomorrow and how terrified he is, and how he wished that she could be there with him. He tells her about Lydia, and Lydia with Stiles, and says that she probably already knows because Lydia must have told her but he wanted to confirm. He talks about Malia, and how he isn’t sure- and how he’s scared of loving someone else, but he knows that he has enough love in his heart too, anyway.
He wishes she were still here.
When the wind starts to blow he swears he can smell her perfume.
He places a hand on her grave and he tells her that he’ll see her soon.
When he gets home he texts Kira. He’s not sure if it’s even her number anymore but he tries anyway.
I hope you’re well. I’m sorry for not keeping in contact, I should have. Thanks for being there when you were. I miss you loads. -Scott
The drive to Sacramento isn’t that long, but they wake up early for it anyway. They had already loaded a lot of stuff yesterday before the barbecue. Scott’s room looks empty, and it makes him feel a little weird seeing all of his posters taken down and wrapped away to put on a new wall in his dorm room.
Liam had come over early in the morning since he had already started school to say bye to Scott one last time. He helped put the last boxes in the car and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously before he sighed and wrapped his arms around Scott.
“I’m scared, Scott,” he says against him and Scott holds him a little tighter.
“Liam, you’re gonna to be fine. I believe in you.” Scott messes with his hair and smiles at him. “Believe in yourself. Beacon Hills is going to need you more than ever. Man the ship while I’m away,” he teases him and yet he knows that must have terrified Liam a little bit.
“You have a whole group here, you’ll be okay. I’m just a phone call away.” When he looked at Liam he saw for a second, the first memory he had with him, he was so angry, hating the world that had done such horrible things to him, but Scott still knew that he had a chance, he just needed someone to believe in him.
“You need to get to school but I’ll call you later.”
Liam hugs him one last time and waves him goodbye.
Melissa looks over at Scott as they pass by the places that Scott calls home, it was funny for him to think of how badly he was dying to get out of Beacon Hills, but driving pass the sign, ‘You are now leaving Beacon Hills. Come again soon!’ makes him feel small.
She reaches over to squeeze his hand and Scott smiles at his mom. “I’m okay.”
Melissa cries when the last box hits the ground in Scott’s dorm. She repeats her words, she can’t believe her baby is finally off to college. She knows that he’s not far away. It’s only a couple of hours away, he could probably run fast enough and be there within the hour. She’ll still miss him.
“You are the best part of me,” the one thing that she got right. She smooths his hair over, and hugs him one more time, and when she tries to pull away he doesn’t let her. He had always considered himself to be a strong person. Someone who could be self sufficient, but there were moments -- like these, when anxiety was the only thing he could feel, he was far enough from home to already feel homesick, surrounded by people he didn’t know, and his mom was about to leave, it had just reminded him that even people like Scott McCall still needed his mom and the reassurance that he’d be okay.
“Remember Scott, be your own anchor,” she kisses him on the forehead and waves goodbye.
“Text me when you get home,” he calls out to her and she nods.
He’s alone.
He goes over to his window and he looks out at the families saying goodbye to their children, and he smiles. Knowing that he wasn’t the only one who felt this way was comforting, even though he missed his friends. He would make new ones.
It had been a long time since Scott felt human. So he welcomed these emotions that he was feeling gladly. Because he didn’t think that he’d get to feel homesick for Beacon Hills, or homesick for friends and lovers back home, he didn’t think that he’d even be able to leave. He didn’t think that he’d get to have this feeling of nervousness for the first official day of school. He was enjoying being human.
When his roommate starts to move in he offers to help, they had talked over Facebook not too long ago it was nice putting a face to the boy named Levi other than the few profile pictures he saw of the guy. He seemed friendly enough.
He makes a few jokes with his roommates parents, and they tell, Levi that he has a pretty cool roommate and Scott can’t help but crack a smile. He leaves them alone as they say goodbye and when he comes back they figure out how they want to set up their new room. Levi has speakers and they bond over 90’s music, but particularly Blink 182.
Scott puts his corkboard up with the limited tools that he brought and gets his pictures out to tack on the board. Levi looks over and walks a little bit closer.
“Are these all your friends?”
Scott smiles, looking at all the pictures he’s pinned on the board already.
“Yeah, let me tell you about them,”
So he does.
At least as much as he can tell him about them.
“Alright, so your girlfriend is?”
“Best friend is?”
“He’s the FBI one, yeah?”
“And they both dated each other?”
“It’s complicated.”
So far, that’s all he knows, but they’re going down the list of friends he has one by one, because Scott wants him to know what his friends mean to him. They pause to get something to eat at their dining hall, the food isn’t his mom’s, and it’s not the mexican place that Isaac and Scott found by accident, but it’ll do.
When they walk back to their dorm they don’t run out of things to talk about and Scott takes it as a good sign.
Scott FaceTimes with Malia and tells her of the trip up to Sacramento and how he’s liking the campus, but he has to go soon because he promised that he’d call Stiles and his mom. They’ll be in touch tomorrow.
Scott calls his mom and they talk briefly but she has to go to work tomorrow early in the morning, but she says that she loves him and the house doesn’t feel the same and it makes his heart ache a little bit.
Stiles is still up by the time Scott calls him and they chat for an hour, they’re both settling into their new lives, and Scott introduces Levi to Stiles and Stiles says to take care of his buddy.
It doesn’t hurt as much now that he’s here. After the first day coming to a close he feels like he can do this and he’ll be okay.
Liam updates him every couple of days on what’s happening in Beacon Hills, but he misses Scott and it’s not the same, but he was right -- it was nothing that he couldn’t handle. He just can’t wait until he comes back.
He misses Beacon Hills in the way he misses an old friend.
Scott ends up exploring Sacramento and finds that he quite likes Old Sacramento with the train museum and the view of the river and Tower Bridge. If you go across the street there’s a dock area to take pictures of the river and the freeway in the distance. It’s his favourite place to go during sunset. It’s a drive to get to Sacramento but he’s figure out the bus transportation well enough to make the trip. He takes pictures and sends them to his mom who quickly responds back, “pretty!”
When he looks back on the pictures he’s taken, he’s sitting back in his dorm room on his bed and when he’s reached the end he slides past the pictures he took when Scott and Stiles were in London and Scotland.
He shoots Stiles a quick text telling him he misses him.
They’re all settling into their lives now, communication isn’t as much as it used to be but it’s enough to let everyone know that they’re thinking of each other.
Lydia sends cooking recipes in a group chat that no one will ever try but they all appreciate it anyway.
Liam starts the countdown to Thanksgiving break a month in advance with a lot of emoji’s.
Scott stresses over tests, exams, and professors.
He’s never been so glad to be stressing over school than anything else.
Liam, Mason, Corey, and Malia take a day trip to see Scott, he shows them his favourite places in Sacramento, and tells them about his classes, but mainly he wants to know what’s been going on in Beacon Hills. So they tell him over a diner by his school, and it almost feels like home.
Scott’s last day of school before Thanksgiving break is a hectic one but he’s so glad to be done for a couple of days and be able to go back to see his family. His dad is even coming over for dinner.
Levi and Scott say goodbye and that he’ll text him over the break.
He thinks it’s his mom who’s picking him up, but when a familiar jeep rolls up to the parking lot Scott nearly drops his suitcase.
The drive back is filled with laughter and catching up and Scott barely realizes they’re passing, ‘Welcome to Beacon Hills! Enjoy your stay!' sign, and the familiar tall trees, he rolls his window down just to really get the scent of home. It was amazing how comforting the smell of the familiar pines was.
Scott had once had to explain what home had meant to him. The most simplest answer was to say obviously the home that he had grown up in with the neighbours that had lived next to him his entire life. Now as an adult he had time to think about that answer again as they passed by all the familiar places of Beacon Hills. He didn’t understand the complexity of the question at that age, and if you were to ask him again what home meant to him he’d tell you it was a jeep with his best friend blasting New Radicals, he’d tell you that home was a town filled with over 30,000 people yet his small group of friends were the one’s that made the heart of it, and that there’s this mexican place off Fourth and Pine that’s to die for, and that for a lot of his high school years he spent quite a bit of time at the local veterinary and had been taught a lot of harsh life lessons in the back room but it still felt like home. As did the park by his house, and even Lacrosse field at Beacon Hills High. He had realized that home wasn’t so much a place, even though, yes, technically it was, but it was also the people in the place that made it home.
When they parked in front of his house he could already tell from the familiar faint smell of his friends and seeing their cars that they were already here for his welcome back.
He was home. This was home.
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chapter six opens with scott and allison STILL making out listen they absolutely let jackson the kanima get away when they were banging in season 2 and like this is just such a pleasant jolt of nostalgia for me they're being ridiculous and smooching when serious shit is going down and i couldn't be happier for them
like i can't even quote every dumb sappy wonderful thing scott says about her because it would just be the entire book
allison's like SCOTT BEHIND U and there's the white wolf again, staring really really hard at scott
so they stand there for a few minutes frozen solid bc what if it attacks them? and then it finally leaves
and then allison starts absolutely gushing about how beautiful it is and scott's reaction is like making me REALLY emo:
Scott moved her hair away from her forehead. "The wolf," he said. "You, you thought it was . . . beautiful?"
She nodded. "All that hair, or fur, or whatever you call it. And those sleek muscles underneath its pelt. Did you see its eyes, Scott? It looked . . . wise." She made a face. "Okay, now I'm romanticizing it. Let's just say it was really cool to see a wild animal up close like that, and leave it at that."
She couldn't know how much her reaction meant to him. Derek's sister, Laura, had looked like a wolf in death. Maybe eventually he would look like that. And if Allison saw him, she would think he looked beautiful.
And not like the monster he changed into now.
i am c r y i n g like i legit got a little misty
like this ties in SO nicely with "you're not a monster you're a werewolf" and scott’s journey of how he sees himself
also i'm so sad we never got full shift scott i really really wanted him to get there someday
he's always been afraid of this power hurting his loved ones and it took such a long time for him to see & accept that maybe it could be used to HELP his loved ones (though i think that fear will sort of live in the back of his head forever - the worst-case scenario - not at all LIKELY, not anymore, logically he knows that, but always possible, and always the thing he wants the least, what he's most afraid of)
they start to leave but allison feels guilty about not looking for jackson, so she checks their little find-my-phone map again and scott realizes he smells smoke
then his phone rings, it's stiles, we switch to stiles pov while theyre talking
"My new best friend and I are at the hospital," Stiles said, twirling the listening end of a stethoscope in a little circle. So far he had been unable to hypnotize Derek with it. Nice werewolf, watch the watch . . . Maybe you needed a real watch to hypnotize people. Or a real person.
FUCK god damn it okay i really really dislike the ship but honestly they are so funny together
especially in season 1 bc derek is like perpetually so entirely Done with everything and it takes the form of like this monosyllabic worn-out #mood and stiles is EQUALLY done but it's this high-energy frustration like it really does play incredibly well
FUCK stiles like "you CAN get past hospital security if you wear a white coat and carry around a clipboard" "Derek grunted. He was the one holding the clipboard, but he had passed on wearing a lab coat."
stiles then realizes scott can't candidly discuss wolfie matters and reports as such to derek. then: "Because he's with her," Derek said, looking even more dour than usual. Stiles had never realized there were so many degrees of the brood until Derek Hale had come into their lives." 
a sterek shipper definitely wrote this like im sorry but this reads just like sterek fic
oh my god derek fucking stole the phone from him to ask where scott was and then just demand he leave ldfjgh
switch to derek's pov as he stalks out and says stiles can't come with him
oh my G O D
"Derek took a tiny bit of satisfaction in the way the human had to trot along to stay abreast. He was sick to death of taking the weaknesses of humans into account while formulating his plans. He respected power, and few humans had any. The Argents did. But what he felt for them was not respect." ok this is a little ooc maybe bc i dont think derek respects power in s1 i think he covets it and fears people who have it over him but also, he's still afraid of the argents, all of them, then by the end of the series he's lowkey buddies with chris like not even on a shipping level i am crying about it
anyway stiles wants to go with him bc derek cant just run up to them and say he SCENTED them out, it makes more sense for stiles to explain he tracked them with the app. derek naturally threatens to rip his throat out if he doesn't do as he's told which leads to him recounting a bit of his past: "Threats like that had produced perfect results in the past—at Derek's command, Stiles had almost cut off his poisoned arm rather than suffer his wrath. Luckily Scott had arrived with the antidote—a bullet he had stolen from Kate Argent. She had a box of ammo filled with Northern Blue Monkshood—wolfsbane. Derek had used the wolfsbane to cure himself. Just another reason to hate Kate with all his soul."
i like how in derek's pov there's some small part of his brain kind of always thinking about kate look at this
"I had a nightmare, Derek thought, and huffed to himself. There was no way he was telling Stiles that. Werewolves didn't share information with humans, ever. Except for him, Derek Hale. He had shared information with a human. He hadn't meant to. And the results had been disastrous."
derek finally relents and says they can take stiles's jeep but he still NEVER TELLS HIM about the weird fire dream god derek doesn't trust anyone he really really REALLY doesnt it was such a hard-learned lesson
then we get a paragraph about how jackson is lost - he bolted from the campfire because he's "good at reading signals" and his instincts told him to get the hell out of dodge
derek's scratches are really bothering him! ha ha
anyway he texts lydia so he "won't be spending night number two alone" and there ends our chapter
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superteenwolftrash · 7 years
Never Forget You/Stiles Stilinski Fluff/Damon Salvatore Fluff
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Most of these are taken from my Wattpad account! (Twtrash01)
Send me requests for the following Fandoms: Teenwolf, Vampire Diaries, Dolantwins, OUAT(Peter Pan, Robbie Kay, Supernatural, Suicide Squad, The 100. Basically I’ll write for any fandom. I’ll write non-smut as well. Be specific in what you want! *I DON’T OWN ANY GIFS*
Request:  Can you do imagine where the reader is dating stiles and one day she saw him cheating on her with lydia so she leaves the packs and go to mystic falls and mets elena and all then she get turned to a vampire so ahe no longer this geek nerd but this badass girl . So she goes backs to beacon hills with damon and Stefan and all them and the pack see how happy she is . Stiles see how happy she is with damon her boyfriend so the pack have a plan to get her to forgive them.
I’ll tell you this. I have no Idea what the hell this is. 
"I just can't believe that it's almost a year now" I gushed to my best friend Scott. "Come on it was a matter of time before you guys got together." Scott commented, I couldn't help but smile. I had been Friends with Stiles and Scott since I was five and here we were in high school and Stiles and I were dating. Our anniversary was coming up and I was super excited so Allison, Scott were helping me plan a surprise for Stiles. It was the day of Stiles's and I's one year anniversary and I had Scott keep Stiles out of his house so Allison and I could set everything thing up. Once I was pleased with the way the fairy lights and candles were placed I thanked Allison who wished me a good luck and she left. I texted Scott and he told me Stiles was on his way back, I heard the front door shut and I felt my nerves starting to pick up. I was so in love with Stiles and I wanted everything to be perfect. The door was pushed open, I saw Stiles. But I didn't expect his lips to be glued to Lydia's. A gasp left my lips, I was shocked to say the least. "Y/N?" Stiles spoke, wiping his lips. Lydia looked around the room and then to the ground. "What are you doing here?" Stiles asked, his voice was frantic. "It's our one year anniversary." I spoke quietly, I watched Stiles eyes dart around the room. "Y/N please let me explain!" Stiles said, stepping towards me and grabbing my hands. I'm such a soft spoken person, I hate confrontation. I pulled my hands from his, tears welling up in my eyes when it really set in what I just witnessed. "It's always been her." I whispered, pushing past Stiles and Lydia. There were desperate calls from the both of them but I kept going. The next day I had asked Scott to call a pack meeting since I had some news. We were all gathered around Scotts kitchen island, Stiles looked like he didn't sleep a wink. My eyes were raw from crying and it was clearly visible, Lydia wouldn't even look in my direction. I got a vibe from all of them, "You all knew?" I asked quietly, when they didn't answer I got the message. "I thought you should know that I'm leaving." I told him, everyone perked up. "Leaving? Where?" Stiles asked, Scott glared at him. "I have some family I'm going to stay with. Not here." I explained, "Y/N just because I'm an idiot doesn't mean you have to leave." Stiles stated, "I don't want to be here anymore." I said softly, "When are you leaving?" Allison asked quietly, "Today." I told her, "I'm actually here to say goodbye." I announced, she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry." Allison sobbed, "It's okay." I told her, then I moved to Scott. "Y/N." He said softly, I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be okay." I told him, hugging him tightly. The only two left were Stiles and Lydia, there was a honk outside. I quickly wiped my tears, "That's my cab." I stated. "It's not forever." I told Allison and Scott who both had tears in their eyes. Stiles and Lydia both had tears falling from their eyes. I made my way to Scott's front door when a hand on my arm stopped me from leaving. "Please don't go." Stiles whispered, "I can't stay." I told him, pulling my arm away from him and going outside. Wherever I went never seemed to run out of Supernatural creatures. But I suppose it never would not that I'm one myself. I moved in with my Aunt and cousin Caroline, Care and I were super close growing up and we still were. After a few months of being there I grown close to a particular vampire who goes by the name of Damon Salvatore. Let me say that it didn't take long for me to fall head over heels for that charming guy. I was so hurt from what Stiles had done and Damon I guess you would say he put me back together. He didn't want me to become a vampire but some unforeseen circumstances lead to it. And by unforeseen circumstances I mean Katherine, she wanted to get back at Damon and I just happen to be the way to do it. Good things did come from it don't get me wrong. I'm much stronger, I'm not a scared little girl anymore, I don't take shit from anybody, I can take care of myself. But I also have Damon and this amazing group of friends. It was like a whole new pack, but vampires don't like to be compared to werewolves. My parents wanted me to come back to visit for a bit, they knew I was much happier in Mystic falls and they were planning to move there pretty soon. Although I'd have to compel them not to, it's a dangerous place even more so than Beacon hills. Damon of course wouldn't let me go alone so he decided to make it a road trip. Bringing along Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan. The ride there was full of us bickering, laughing, and just enjoying one another. "You nervous?" Damon asked, taking my hand in his as he drove. Damon and I took his car, Elena and Stefan took another and Bonnie and Caroline took theirs. "A bit." I told him, looking at the familiar buildings. "Don't be." Damon said, kissing my hand softly. I smiled at him as we pulled into my driveway, Stefan and Caroline pulling in behind us. We all got out and stretched, I took in a deep breath of the familiar scent. Then I got something else, my eyes snapped across the street. Of course I didn't forget that I lived right across from Scott, but I was hoping I wouldn't run into them. That wasn't a very good plan considering they were all literally across the street on Scotts porch. I had so many memories on that porch, "What the hell is that smell?" Damon asked looking around, "Smells like dog." Caroline commented, "You're in a town of werewolves what do you expect?" I asked them, "Y/N!" I heard from across the street, "I'll be right back." I told them, I went to walk away but Damon grabbed my hand. "I'll be okay." I told him, "I know you will." He said, pressing his lips firmly to mine. I smiled against his lips, "I'll be right back." I repeated, "You guys go inside and get settled in, my parents aren't home yet." I told them before walking across the street. "You're back?" Scott asked, stepping forward to hug me. I took a small step back, he looked at me a bit confused. "What happened to you? Who are those people?" He asked me, "What happened to me was I got better and those are my friends." I explained, Allison came down Scotts steps and didn't hesitate in wrapping her arms around me. "I missed you!" She said, hugging my tightly. Then Derek, Lydia, Stiles, and some tall blonde boy I didn't recognize came down the steps. Allison pulled away from me, I could see the blonde trying to figure out what I was. Just then I heart my friends coming out of my house, "Come on Y/N we're hungry!" I heard Bonnie yell, "Vampires." Derek gritted, Stiles's eyes widened. Just then I felt an arm wrap around me, I noticed Stiles's jaw tighten. "Listen we're not here to bleed anyone dry so no need to go all sour wolf." Damon spoke, I elbowed him. "What?" He groaned, "We'll be on our way then." I announced, quickly pulling Damon with me across the road. "I was about to become a vampire and drink Caroline's blood from how hungry I am." Bonnie joked and we all laughed as we got into our car and drove into town. We were all out at dinner when I got a text from Scott, 'Pack Meeting. My house. 9pm.' I hadn't gotten a text like that in a while, I checked the time and it was nearing 9. I told the table what I was doing and Damon was very hesitant to let me go but I needed to do this. I got to Scotts house at exactly 9, I knocked on the door gently and it opened right away. "I got your text." I told Scott who only stepped aside. It revealed Allison, Stiles, and Lydia. "What the hell is this?" I asked Scott, "Please we just want to talk." Scott pleaded, "Five minutes." I told him, he stood there for a second. "I need to be invited in." I told him he nodded and quickly invited me in, he closed the door. "So who wants to go first?" Scott asked, Stiles lifted his head. "Oh please." I rolled my eyes, "Y/N just listen. I am so sorry for what I did to you, it was stupid and idiotic and I'm a terrible person. Every day I regret what I did, after you left I realized that I couldn't live without you. I am completely in love with you." Stiles spoke, I felt angry. "You realized after I left that you loved me?" I asked with a dry laugh. "I realized something too." I said stepping forward, cupping his face in my hands. "I realized that I don't want to look into those cheating whiskey brown eyes of yours for the rest of my life." I whispered in his ear, "I'm going to move on with my life-" I started but I stopped when I heard the floorboards creek. "One more step Scott and I'll snap his neck right here." I stated, "I'm going to move on with my life, without you in it. Without any of you in it, because I have friends who actually give a damn about me. Not I'm not a monster so I'll let you move on with your life, but will always remember me. You'll always remember the pain you caused me, you'll never get over it. Sure you'll fall in love but you will never forget me. and you will never cause anyone the pain you've caused me ever again" I said staring into his eyes, "I'll never forget you." Stiles repeated back.
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