#even though ideally it should be a game w/o the presence of the other tales legacy characters
alteredphoenix · 2 years
I still think the biggest mistake Bamco made with Crestoria, and one I find that still affects it to this day, was listening to that part of the fanbase that complained that there weren’t going to be any legacy characters in the game and ultimately caving in to put them in anyway under the auspice that a cast of all-new original characters wasn’t going to be as effective as having familiar names to elicit interest in the long-time fans and bring in new players to join the fanbase.
Idk maybe it’s because of the differing mindsets between a Console Tales Game and a Mobile Tales Game (at least, there’s a very obvious - and understandable - reason for those mindsets in the West), but you don’t really see this kind of backlash in the former. Whereas in the latter introducing an all-new cast without legacy characters a’la Crestoria and Luminaria you’re going to have your dissenters (and your doubters) question whether or not it can have that same draw on people regardless of the narrative premise.
Setting aside the obvious pitfalls that plague mobile gaming, including legacy Tales characters into a game that was originally not intended to have any has the same reaction of shooting yourself in the foot and never bothering to patch it up because now you have a manga that’s going to be adapting the material - without the legacy characters. And there is no guarantee it’s going to include the plotlines or the sudden cliffhanger(s) that were alluded to in the game. Which leads to another problem because if it does it’s going to result in one of two things: expys of the legacy characters - which I don’t think parts of the fanbase are going to jive with because they won’t be those characters - or all-new characters that’ll have nothing to do with the legacy characters but will take those plotlines for themselves because DINGDINGDING the game is no longer available. And if those plotlines get resolved? There’s still no way to guarantee they would arrive at the same conclusions under the legacy characters had it continued in a visual media format.
What I’m saying is, Bamco should’ve just stuck to their guns and kept Crestoria as a legacy-free Tales title in the same way Luminaria was (although I do wonder if they would have included legacy characters in the same way Genshin Impact brought Aloy from Horizon over - make them playable in but have no effect on the canon story whatsoever - had it continued) because the decision to change course is going to feel like a black mark on Crestoria’s history.
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