#even though none of their usual distinguishing marks or colors are clear
mccoyquialisms · 2 years
I love when they do the Glowy Ninja Eye thing in Rise no I cannot explain
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ryebonez · 7 months
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Name:  Faena Ayra
Nickname: Fae, Missy (rarely), wolf-girl
Gender: female
Race: Elf (high elf)
Age: 189 years (quite young for an elf)
Height: 4’10 (shorter than most?)
Weight: 175 pounds or 79kilos
Hair: Usually in a ponytail of some sorts; her hair is a beautiful greenblue mixed with a smoky campfire grey color. When pulled back it may look almost green at some moments. When down it is past her shoulders and in her face — thus why a ponytail is always up.
Skin: Her face seemingly is clear of most blemishes, other than her makeup and tattoos painting her skin.
Distinguishing marks: Her face sadly had been scarred when young; from each side of her face. Her eyebrows slightly uneven from the blades used to slice her skin. Her lips never really healed normally, scarring over if those looked closely.
Eyes: Her left eye stands to be a beautiful emerald color; much like the grassy forests. Looking closely none would guess her right eye is a fake, a magic fake but fake all the same. Almost matching her left eye with its bluish green tint.
Clothing: Most days among adventuring she can be seen in a thick medium armor. Though heavy she is able to move quite efficiently. It’s older and worn down but it does it’s job perfectly. To the point she had even had it dyed a certain red color — which happened to nicely suite her profession. (Adventuring)
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goshdangronpa · 2 years
Makoto naegi
For the ask thing? Here ya go! And please bear in mind that it's been a long while since I've experienced Trigger Happy Havoc, which I only encountered by watching a walkthrough that didn't do any of the free time events.
Favorite thing about them: He's not the smartest - both Byakuya and Junko probably has hive beat in terms of sheer intellect, and Kyoko could almost certainly solve the cases on her own. Even so, he's no idiot, and he succeeds by combining careful reason with a level of kindness and faith in his fellow human that none of those three can match. His decision to trust that Kyoko is lying for a reason is what ultimately exposes the mastermind and saves the survivors' lives. It's all too easy for mystery genre protagonists to set aside emotion for cold, hard logic - that's the impression I get from Kyoko (whom I like a lot, to be clear). Makoto won't play that way, and that's awesome.
Least favorite thing about them: playing Ultra Despair Girls taught me that a character can be a total normie and somehow make that a hilarious and fun personality to follow. Makoto can't even match his sister in that regard. Not that he needs to be quite like that, though. Saying my least fave thing about any DR character will still end in their favor.
Favorite quote: it's the most obvious pick, but as someone who'd never even heard of the games before watching THH's playthrough, I can't emphasize enough how much of a kick I got from him interrupting his classmates' lies and conjectures with the blunt and plainly rude "NO! THAT'S WRONG!" So friggin' funny. Makoto is nice, but he does not tolerate bullshit!
BroTP: Is it unusual to be a fan of Yasuhiro? I, for one, would enjoy a straight man/funny man duo between this overconfident yet easily spooked moron and his level-headed yet polite friend who pulls him out of jams.
OTP: I once followed a wonderful Tumblrite who was the world's foremost expert on Chihiro Fujisaki. He shipped her with Makoto and invented such a wonderful narrative for them, along with plenty of sweet art, that I was converted. They're so cute.
NoTP: I don't think much about ships, not enough to reject many with any intensity. Let me think ... every nice guy has their limits, and I can only imagine that Makoto would draw the line at the notion of dating Toko. She's a fantastic character in UDG, but such an unrepetantly irritating piece of work in THH. I like to think that he's skeptical, to say the least, of her ability to be a good partner toward Komaru when he first hears about them.
Random headcanon: this isn't the hairstyle he actually wants, he just can't figure out how to tell the barber what he wants done.
Unpopular opinion: what are the popular ones, anyway? Uhhh how about this. Blank-slate audience avatar characters get a lot of flack among writers and critics because they're usually just so functional (give the audience someone to relate to and follow) and boring (outshone by more colorful castmates). Makoto stands out in a franchise defined by titanic personalities just by taking everyone as they are, having the smarts to solve complex murder mysteries, and being a chill and friendly guy. He proves the value of the archetype and shows that characters of this stock can distinguish themselves.
Song I associate with them: https://youtu.be/AFfmNQbcucw (I had to resist putting Mark Morrison's "Return of the Mack")
Favorite picture of them: so good that I actually drew it myself
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gullethead · 4 years
Writing In Eternian
Hey! I made a post about a little season 5 easter egg yesterday (not linking it here because for some reason it blocks the post from showing in the tags)and while I was poking through the tags, I noticed that a lot of people want to learn how to use First Ones writing! Writing and orthography are actually things I'm really interested in, so I decided to make this guide for people. It's a bit more in-depth than the official press release, so if you just want to use that, feel free!
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Here’s the original tweet from the She-Ra Twitter account, which has more examples: twitter. com /dreamworksshera/status/1055474341553623040
Here we go! Putting it under a break so it doesn't eat up your whole screen.
So first of all, we need to start with a brief introduction to the IPA. (If you’re already familiar, you can skip to the next big heading.) Lots of languages use a lot of different letters or other characters to represent certain sounds, but when you're working with linguistics, you need to be able to say exactly what you mean. So, we made the International Phonetic Alphabet. This is a long list of individual letters and markings that represent very specific sounds, and you use them by placing them between slashes, like /d/, and sometimes to distinguish, you place the actual writing between corner brackets, like <d>. So for instance, /t/ and /h/ make the same sounds that <t> and <h> make in English, but <th> (usually) makes either the /θ/ or /ð/ sounds. These change based on where you live, but in general the consonants are the same for all English speakers.
Knowing this is important, because something I love about the First Ones alphabet is that it isn't just a letter substitution! Many "secret language" alphabets I've seen in kid's series (like Artemis Fowl, for instance) are just simple one-to-one substitutions for the Latin alphabet we use. But First Ones writing is actually very different! It uses the actual sounds made in the word. So if you wrote "cat" in the First Ones script (which I'm gonna call Eternian, after Eternia from He-Man, which flows better than "First Ones script"), it would actually look like "kat", because the letter c can be used for the sounds k or s, so it doesn't translate.
The alphabet we're using right now was created for the Latin language, derived from the Greek alphabet, which itself has a very long history behind it. English is NOT descended from Latin - it's a Germanic language, and the Germanic family is only kind of related to the Romantic family that developed out of Latin. However, a lot of our vocabulary has a Latin infusion because of mixing with Old French in the 1000s-1100s, and even before that, we used the Latin alphabet because it was the most common. This means that in order to express all the sounds we have, English speakers writing English had to combine different letters together; this, plus over a thousand years of different spellings and dialects, means that our orthography - our way of writing the sounds we say - is FUCKED. The Eternian alphabet is actually a much more efficient way of writing these sounds!
This is the total list of English consonants:
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A few notes here:
To make sure you're not lost, /ŋ/ is <ng>, /j/ is <y>, /θ/ and /ð/ are <th>, /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ are <sh> and <zh> (the French <j>, not usually distinguished in English writing) respectively, and /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ are <ch> and the English <j> respectively.
Most consonants can come in voiced and unvoiced versions (although, because English is weird, these are called "fortis" and "lensis" because we pronounce them with different amounts of energy). /b/ is /p/, but pronounced using the vocal chords. Only the nasal sounds, the "approximants", and /h/ don't have pairs in English, although /h/ DOES actually have a common voiced pair, and you can technically pronounce the others voiceless in some languages although it's very rare.
The /x/ sound, famously the end of the Scottish word "loch", is only found in Celtic accents (Scottish, Irish, Welsh) and in the South African accent (because of influence from Dutch). Other English speakers realize it as /k/.
The /r/ sound is weird. What /r/ technically represents is a trill, like in the Spanish <rr>. However, in English, that trill is very rare; what we use <r> for is called a "postalveolar approximant", [ɹ̠]. However, it is usually easier just to write the letter r, so that's how we transcribe it for English's IPA.
English also sometimes has what are called "syllabic consonants", which are consonants that can act as the center of a syllable in the place of a vowel. In English, these are mostly /l/, /m/, and /n/. For instance, the word "bottle" is technically pronounced [ˈbɑɾl̩] in General American English, and the same goes for words like "rhythm" and "button"; however, because this would complicate things a lot, phonologists consider it to include a very small vowel, so with the example of "bottle", it would be /ˈbɑtəl/ instead.
The vowels are a bit more weird than the consonants. Our alphabet was originally created for Latin, which only has ten vowel sounds, long and short a, e, i, o, and u (although technically the short vowels are /a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/ instead of /a e i o u/, because fuck it I guess). However, we have a MUCH different vowel "inventory" in English - instead of the uniform 10 paired Latin vowels, in General American English we have anywhere from 11-13 vowels depending on your interpretation along with three diphthongs (combinations of two vowels used as a single vowel):
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If you look at the British (Received Pronunciation) chart it's much different from that, which is why the accents are so distinct; however, Eternian is made with GA English in mind, so I'm just going to focus on that.
More notes:
/ə/ (a schwa, like in "uh"), /ɜ/ (very similar and hard to distinguish in writing), and /ʌ/ (something between an "uh" and an "ah"), are all very close to each other and sometimes interchangeable, especially between the first two.
/oʊ/ is usually simplified to /o/, and /eɪ/ is sometimes simplified to /e/, since the normal versions of those sounds don't show up so we don't have to make the difference clear.
A lot of accents in North America make /ɔ/ sounds (similar to "aw" or "au", like in "caught") into /ɑ/ sounds (the o in "hot").
Now, let's move on to the alphabet!
The "letters" of the Eternian alphabet, in my opinion, are better described using the more general term "glyph". This is because, while they are distinct shapes that mean specific sounds, they are used kind of artistically and variably within one large interconnected word-shape called a "sigil", much different than we would consider letters in the English alphabet. These glyphs are organized in words by lines starting at the basic shape of the sigil and stringing them together in order.
Eternian glyphs are split into two major categories that differ by shape: consonants and vowels.
The system of glyphs for Eternian consonants is actually very easy to remember, once you get the shapes down! Let's go back to the voiced/voiceless pairs. English has eight pairs of these, four plosives (made by quickly starting and stopping air with your mouth) and four fricatives (made by constantly moving air through your mouth). These eight pairs - along with another pair for /r/ and /l/ even though they aren't voiced/voiceless, because they're also closely related - make up most of the sounds in English and most of the consonant glyphs in Eternian. In each of these pairs, the voiceless (and /l/) have a basic, empty polygon shape; the voiced pair (and /r/) use the exact same shape, but with a dot in the middle. Like so:
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Outside of this, English has four more vowels - /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, and /h/ - and two "semivowels", which can be used either as a vowel or a consonant. One of these semivowels, /j/ (the English y), is used as a vowel in Eternian, while the other, /w/, is treated as a consonant. Except for /w/, these remaining consonants are all marked by the fact that they’re solid color; they also all use the same basic shapes as many of the others, but aren’t related to the sounds which share their shape:
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Pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Excuse the messiness; if you want a more precise rendering, you can reference the original release at the top.
I'm pretty sure this is all accurate, but there's one thing that seems weird to me. In English, <th> can be used to express either voiceless /θ/ or voiced /ð/. However, in Eternian, they gave us a "dh" glyph. I assume that this is meant to represent /ð/. However, in Wrong Hordak's "Smooch The Chef" apron, "the" is spelled with the glyph used for /θ/. But honestly I'm just assuming human error on that one, especially because /ð/ is very rare at the beginning of words except for articles or pronouns like the and these, most cases of <th> at the beginning of a word are /θ/ like in "thorn".
Now, for vowels!
Like I said earlier, this bit is much more complicated to get than the consonants, but luckily, this is actually much better for English than Latin letters!
Eternian vowel glyphs are divided, seemingly at random, into two subsets with a single exception. First are line-glyphs, which are formed by altering the connective line between two geometric glyphs. The others are circle-glyphs, the ones used for /ɛ/, /i/, /u/, and /o/. These function in the exact same way as the consonant glyphs, except that they are all circles where none of the consonants (except /n/) are.
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There's a few issues here with transcribing words, but they mostly come out of simplifying English's horrible vowel fluidity. For instance, there's no distinct letter for writing the schwa /ə/, but it can be folded into the letter for /ʌ/. That, and combining /ɔ/ with /ɑ/, simplify 16 sounds into 13 letters. The last letter, /j/, is the other semivowel I mentioned above; <y> in English can be used for either /j/ or /aɪ/ and /ɪ/, but this letter specifically represents the /j/ sound like in "yes" or "yak".
This is where things get very interesting. Let's start with the basics, walking through how to write the word "Adora".
Eternian, as a writing system, is much more artistic by design than Latin, and words and sentences can be constructed in many ways which are all read the same way. Eternian words - better called "sigils" - are read right-to-left, like Hebrew, Arabic, or traditional Japanese and Chinese. We form the sigils starting with a line sloping down in that direction book-ended with dots. The exact angle and length doesn't matter, but the right side is always noticeably higher than the left, like this:
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We then add two additional decorative lines built off of that base, which end in dots:
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These flourishes can be curved, geometric, or a mix of both, and often inform a lot about the "personality" of both a sigil and its writer, and can distinguish one sigil from another. They're like the sigil's signature. They can be any shape or length, but never overlap with themselves or other lines.
The next step is to begin adding the sounds. Much like the flourishes, these are constructed differently for every sigil, although again they are all read from right-to-left and the symbols are placed with that in mind. These are strung down from the sigil's base, connecting with straight lines. Let's start by placing the a-sound in "Adora" near the right-side edge of the line (this is the /ʌ/ line-glyph, like the u in "fun"):
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Because the /ʌ/ glyph is a line, it replaces the normal connecting line. Let's finish this syllable line with the /d/ glyph:
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...and then add another line with the glyphs for /orʌ/:
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Generally, when a cluster ends with a line-glyph, it connects back to the base line. Clusters not at the end cannot end on a line-glyph (though I'm not sure about what to do for line-glyph-only words like "I" or "a" - perhaps the base line is changed, the line curves in an arc, or it ends at the changed portion?). Additionally, line-glyphs are always turned in the direction they're going - the beginning and ending /ʌ/ glyphs are flipped from each other, because the ending glyph is turned upwards going towards the base line while the beginning is stemming from it.
The important thing to remember is that sigils can be formed in a variety of ways - the flourishes, line angles, how you structure the syllables, all of these are dependent on the writer, so long as they follow those general rules. I constructed that sigil “AD.ORA”, but it could just as easily be “ADO.RA”, and in larger words there’s much more potential for structural changes.
Sigils in a sentence are connected through lines which meet the word next to each of the flourishes, and which bend to fit the shape of the sentence. Sentences are not read in any specific direction, but words are clustered in aesthetically pleasing ways and sentence order is shown by these connecting lines. However, The initial word in a sentence only has a line connecting on its left side, the final word only has a line on its right side, and words in between connect to the previous word on their right and the next word on their left.
Let's try extending this to a simple sentence - "Adora is She-Ra." We already have the She-Ra sigil from canon, so we just need to connect them with the word "is".
First, let's write the next word, below and to the left:
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And connect the two with a line:
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And then repeat with the "She-Ra" sigil.
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...and finally...
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There we go! You've officially written a sentence using Eternian glyphs! I hope you have fun with it! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an ask. Thanks for reading!
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investigatingaj · 3 years
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Character’s full name: Adora Jane Mary-Anna Darke Reason for name and/or meaning of name: Adora Jane is her first name... yes, both names. All of her names come from family except Adora, because her mother always loved that name and She-Ra. Jane comes from her paternal grandmother, Jane Darke and Mary-Anna is her maternal grandmother’s name. Character’s nickname: AJ, Little Darke (to a small few) Reason for nickname: Her parents have called her AJ since she was a kid, she’s always preferred it to her full name. Older people around town have taken to calling her Little Darke since she was a kid, because she looks like her mother and because she’s the youngest member of her family, naturally. Birth date: August 30, 2000
Physical appearance Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart Gender: Cis woman Height: 5′8 Build: Slim and relatively fit Eye color: Green Glasses or contacts?: No Distinguishing marks/scars: She has a couple of small, faint scars on her arms and legs, most of which her parents assumed were from her childhood as she had a tendency to scratch herself during her nightmares. She has a very faint collection of freckles on the bridge of her nose and at the tops of her cheeks. She also has quite a few beauty spots/freckles on her arms. Hair color: Blonde Type of hair: Long with a slight wave, has some layering to it and is mostly nice due to her mother taking her to get it done whenever she’s home. Hairstyle: Typically she wears it half up half down, though she’ll often do a low ponytail or just have it out too. Voice claim: Lili Reinhart but without her singing voice... AJ cannot sing at all. Physical disabilities: N/a Clothing style: Mostly can be found in pants, ranging from thick, coloured corduroys, to jeans, to suit pants and at times, even the occasional pair of overalls. She’s often not caught dead without her favourite leather jacket, passed down by her mother from the 90s and still in quite good condition. She loves to wear button up dress shirts, vests and blazers. She’s typically in something belted and high-waisted. She also frequently wears boots and sneakers most often. She’s at all times wearing a crucifix with a built in blade and caries a worn shoulder bag. AJ tends to favour shades of brown, grey, black and green. Make up: If she’s had a late night, she might put on some concealer. If she wants to look nice, she’ll add eyeliner and maybe a tinted lip balm.
Personality Good personality traits: Quick-witted, loyal, intelligent, resourceful, charming, adventurous, amicable, playful, broad-minded, brave, determined, imaginative. Bad personality traits: Headstrong, secretive, compulsive, impatient, resentful, manipulative. Mood character is most often in: Contemplative but hiding it, usually wearing a smile Sense of humor: AJ loves to be sarcastic, she loves wordy, stupid jokes, also doesn’t mind a good pun Articulation: She’s fairly well spoken and tries to always pick her words carefully, she was really into giving speeches in middle school after she finally got some confidence... she then realised how embarrassing that was Character’s greatest joy in life: Being with her friends, uncovering new information with them and putting it all together Character’s greatest fear: Not being able to help or protect her friends and somehow losing them to her own ignorance Character is most at ease when: In her element, researching or putting together the board in Scooby HQ Most ill at ease when: She’s stuck on one particular thing and can’t get past it. She’s not good at putting things down and moving on, ever. Enraged when: Someone hurts one of her friends or lies to her Depressed or sad when: Her mother leaves for another trip Priorities: Unravelling the supernatural shit in Bridgemead, her friends, her family Life philosophy: Almost nothing is impossible Greatest strength: Her determination and strength even when things feel so much bigger than her Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her tendency to push down and hide her emotions
Goals Drives and motivations: The search for knowledge, being able to keep herself and others safe Immediate goals: Solving each mystery/helping each person as they come along Long term goals: Becoming a fixture in her town, being appreciated beyond her circle
Childhood Hometown: Bridgemead, MA Type of childhood: From the ages of about 4-8, AJ was plagued by nightmares that seemed so incredibly vivid that they made her a very anxious, exhausted and grumpy little girl. Her parents tried to give time and energy to helping her, after it became clear that ignoring the problem wouldn’t help. Professional help is what they swore saved them all. Despite some of the more horrible stuff in her childhood, her parents did their best with her even if they weren’t really the most affectionate or naturally empathetic people. They never took her fears seriously, though. She formed a much closer bond with her mother, clinging to her even more when she started travelling again. She gained a lot of independence as she got older and when her parents noticed it, it gave them the confidence to let her do as she pleased, but it also let them pull back a little as parents, guilt free. Pets: Her dad is allergic to both cats and dogs, so they had a particularly large tropical fish tank instead. AJ didn’t name them because she liked calling them their scientific names instead and she liked watching them. Most important childhood memory: The first time her mother took her to the lookout tower 40 mins out of Bridgemead. It was towards the end of her struggle with the nightmares and she was feeling exhausted and sad, so her mother told her to get on her snow gear and took her out to look at nature as the sun went down. It was beautiful and probably one of her nicest memories from this time. Dream job: Private detective, but maybe the supernatural kind Religion: Her parents raised her as Christian, technically, but they never went to Church
Present Current location: Bridgemead, MA Currently living with: Still with her parents in North Bridgemead Pets: None, she wants a dog Religion: Athiest Sexuality: Not straight, but unsure Politics: Very left learning, always votes but struggles to stay up to date with everything Occupation/education: Graduated from high school, currently an assistant for her aunt, Delia Darke Mode of transportation: Baby blue Mustang Convertible, passed down from her grandmother, the family has paid to keep it in good condition
Family Parent one: Harrison Darke, doctor at Bridgemead General Hospital Relationship with them: Though AJ and her father are always in the same house, they kind of end up being two ships passing in the night, for the most part. He’s a workaholic and so is she, in a sense, though if he ever heard what she actually did outside of working for Delia, he’d be pissed. The two of them barely speak and their relationship only worsened when AJ came home unexpectedly early one day after a Scooby Gang and found her father with another woman in his study. He asked her not to tell her mother, so she asked for cash. He’s been paying her monthly ever since. Parent two: Clara Darke, travel writer Relationship with them: AJ’s mother is quite the flighty type, she hates staying in one place too long and is a social butterfly intensified by a hundred. She loves her job and sometimes spends months out of the country. She’s a little famous for her writing if you’re interested in travel. She tried a little harder to be a good mother when AJ was younger and they have a good bond when she’s around, but it’s mostly because AJ never wants to be ruining her moments with her by getting upset/complaining. They only really talk about superficial stuff, nothing deep and while she feels bad not telling her about her dad, she tells herself there’s no reason to ruin everything. Siblings: N/A Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Cordelia ‘Delia’ Darke, great aunt and her father’s aunt... often referred to as just ‘aunt Delia’
Favorites Color: Dark green Music: Moody 90s indie and rock music, she loves Fiona Apple and Hole Food: Steak Film: Heathers or Hellraiser Drink: Screwdriver, probably Form of entertainment: Does research count? She likes true crime documentaries and podcasts, too. Most prized possession: Her car
Habits Hobbies: Very early morning runs, research, puzzle games, sketching, journaling Plays a musical instrument? Only a little bit of acoustic guitar Plays a sport? She used to run track in high school, but that’s it How he/she would spend a rainy day: Probably cooped up in the library or her bedroom with several books in front of her, music playing, a scented candle lit and coffee. Spending habits: She tries to save as much as she can, despite the money coming in from two sources now, it’s not actually that much. She doesn’t splurge, mostly because she also doesn’t need to let anyone know about the whole blackmail thing. Smoking/drinking/drugs?: She drinks occasionally, if everyone else is doing it. Smoked once at sixteen, never again. Extremely skilled at: Research, gently manipulating people/getting what she wants, keeping secrets/hiding what she’s thinking, talking to people, thinking outside the box. Extremely unskilled at: Opening up to others, being sensitive enough to not choose the logical option, getting eight hours or sleep, patience. Nervous tics: Her stare typically intensifies in annoyance/anger when she’s nervous. Usual body posture: She has pretty good posture, always walks with her shoulders back and her head high. Mannerisms: She tends to get lost in thought, noticing things when maybe she should be listening. She folds her arms over her chest a lot or scratches the back of her neck when she needs to think quickly and feel stressed. Peculiarities: She sometimes won’t allow herself to do certain things until other tasks are done. Like, if they order pizza, she can’t have a slice until she finishes a task.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Somewhere in the middle Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Depends on the situation, she leans towards cautious Logical or emotional? Leader or follower? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? There’s method to her mess, okay? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? She thinks they’re okay
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: AJ is confident in herself because she knows her abilities and thinks she’s capable of a lot... but she also knows that she’s not really a good person, even if she justifies the things she does for the sake of the group or someone’s wellbeing. One word the character would use to describe themselves: Strong What does the character consider their best trait?: Her quick wit What does the character consider their worst trait?: Her inability to let things go What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: Her legs What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: She never bought into the whole women hating their bodies thing, but she wishes she had more muscle definition How does the character think others perceive them?: She thinks people see her as strange, charming and determined. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She’d like to be stronger.
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: She thinks most people are blissfully clueless, but she doesn’t hate them for it. Opinion of the Scooby Gang: She’s protective of every member. She thinks they all have something to offer, but she also cares about them and considers all of them her friends. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Absolutely, she’s not into sharing things unless they need to be shared. Most important person in character’s life: She would hate to answer this question. She’d say her aunt or her mother or even Arabella, but maybe it’s... herself? Best friend/s: Arabella Byrne, Dylan Frye and Kody Pierce. Dating experience: Literally none. AJ doesn’t date and claims loudly that she’d never want to date. One time a guy tried to ask her to a dance in middle school and she got so freaked out that she kicked him in the balls and ran away. That being said, her first kiss has happened and it was Arabella, but that’s not really a romantic thing. It was just the only person she trusted enough to do that with at the time and they were quite young. Romancing: First of all, AJ would probably bury those feelings so hard and avoid them so she’d never even go about romancing anyone. If she were really trying, or at least subtly trying, though, she might just do little extra things for them, leave them small gifts. It would be subtle. She has no active interest in dating.
Extra Physicality: AJ keeps relatively fit, but she doesn’t have fighting skills outside of self-defence just yet. She’d like to learn some. She also has started occasionally lifting weights to build up muscle. Species: Human How do they feel about it?: Part of her always feels a little uneasy because of how vulnerable she is, but she’s not sure she’d be lining up to be anything else just yet.
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yasmine-arslan · 4 years
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( melisa pamuk, female, she/her. ) — see yasmine arslan (murray) ? that’s the broken bird of fairview . the twenty-nine year old has been a resident on wisteria lane for four years and currently works as a registered nurse (rn). yasmine confided in rose with the death of her son and grew close enough to her to help her cope with the his loss. since the news broke, any progress they’d made toward yasmine becoming a person again has sent her into regression. her returning-optimism has seemingly been replaced by a dark, cynical sense of humor cracking under the surface. maybe it’s the fact that a dark cloud in the form of one or two secrets is hanging over their head. they are described as smelling of ysl’s black opium, having a bronze-glow with enticing eyes and dark, long tresses with full lips and being able to save a life just as quickly as they can take one. // (jessy, she/her, twenty-four, cst). + disciplined, resourceful - cunning, perfervid
tw: child death, miscarriage, depression.
short version:
yasmine arslan comes from a wealthy family, primarily involving the shale or oil companies they own. she didn’t want to follow in her four older siblings’ footsteps (with yasmine being the youngest) and continue delving into the family business. she joined the military at a young age and became a medic for the u.s. marines with her family’s full-support.. it was meeting adrian that encouraged her to wrap up her contract and become honorably discharged from the marines seeing as fraternizing was forbidden. however, her devotion to helping people didn’t cease and she accepted an offer as an rn in the hometown they decided to settle into.
it came to little surprise to either of them, even after a miscarrige, when yasmine became pregnant with their little boy, josiah. those around her were shocked to see her excel at being a mother seeing as she seemingly didn’t possess a single maternal bone in her body, but motherhood changed her. she adored her son and josiah was absolutely adored to bits by both of his parents.
adrian had been in the military a lot longer than yasmine and had a lot more blood on his hands than she did. he had a harder time adjusting to the civilian lifestyle than she had and ultimately decided to cope by becoming a mercenary. he was a loving husband and father by day, but a killer, gun-for-hire by night. all of the killing began to take a toll when he sloppily allowed one of his marks to get away. he didn’t think it would come back to haunt him until it did. their four-year old son was killed in cold-blood in their arms, forever changing their lives and their marriage.
yasmine was never a warm person, by any means, but she lived for her son and her family. his death forced herself into a recluse unable to do much other than autonomously meander throughout life.
instead of separating, the family moved to wisteria lane to try and start over and discuss the idea of trying for another child. despite her cold demeanor, nursing is her passion. she seldom shows her emotions and really only allows adrian in long enough to get a glimpse of a person beyond her beautiful, bronzed, cold demeanor. she doesn’t know her husband is responsible for the death of their son because heaven forbid. when she isn’t in her nurses scrubs or work uniforms, she’s seen in designer attire. very little people know of josiah’s existence because no one is allowed in their home. those who are hardly make it far enough to see his room or any lingering pictures of him.
TW: Miscarriage, PTSD, Drug and Alcohol Usage, Child Death, Divorce, Infertility, Depression
☾ ━ Portrayal By: Melisa Pamuk ☾ ━ Full Name: Yasmine Arslan-Murray ☾ ━ Nicknames: Yas, Yaz, Yazzy, Mina, Arslan. ☾ ━ Age & Birth Date: 34 / 17 April 1993. ☾ ━ Sex & Pronouns: Female / She & Her. ☾ ━ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. ☾ ━ Marital Status: Married (Complicated).   ☾ ━ Current Location: Fairview, Illinois.  ☾ ━ Place of Birth: Ankara, Turkey. (Central Anatolia Region). ☾ ━ Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX, USA. ☾ ━ Ethnicity: Turkish & Italian.  ☾ ━ Race & Nationality: Middle Eastern & Caucasian / Turkish (birth) & American (naturalization). ☾ ━ Languages Spoken: Turkish, English, Italian, and Spanish.  ☾ ━ Religion: Non-practicing Muslim.  ☾ ━ Occupation: Assistant (previously) / Registered Nurse (currently) / Medical Assistant (formerly).  ☾ ━ Education: High School Diploma / Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi.  ☾ ━ Affiliation: Unapplicable. 
☾ ━ Parents: Nina & Yousef Arslan.  ☾ ━ Siblings: Yousef Arslan (brother; 39), Zayn Arslan (brother; 40), Maha Arslan (sister; 19).  ☾ ━ Significant Other: Adrian Murray (husband; on-again, off again). Yasmine met Adrian in Corpus Christi while she was still in nursing school. (Insert their complicated history/timeline here). Eventually the duo became married, and had a son together. Later, after their son’s death, she attempted to separate herself from him after being unable to look past blaming him for Josiah’s death, but can’t seem to be without him.  ☾ ━ Children: Josiah Zayn Russel-Arslan. Adrian (an ex-military, gun-for-hire mercenary) and Yasmine lost their son brutally for reasons unbeknownst to her, though Adrian knows who is responsible and why. They’d meant to shoot her or Adrian, but their son got caught in the cross fires. He died shortly before his fifth birthday.  ☾ ━ Pets: 3 Coy fish, 2 dogs (Lilly; pitbull) & (Saguaro; german shepherd), 1 snake (Rose; mud snake). ☾ ━ Familial Ties: ☾ ━ Others Worth Mentioning: ☾ ━ Height: 5”4’. ☾ ━ Weight: 119lbs.  ☾ ━ Eye Color & Shape: Deep brown & almond shape.  ☾ ━ Hair Color & Style: Dark brown; naturally wavy with thick curls. Usually worn either curly, straight, up or tied back with two braids and loose tresses.  ☾ ━ Complexion: Golden-bronze.  ☾ ━ Distinguished Features: Two small beauty marks on the right side of her chin and cheek, prominent jawline, big, sultry eyes, a subtle accent.  ☾ ━ Style: When she wasn’t wearing her military or nursing attire, Yasmine is found wearing any series of designer jeans or other bottoms including skirts and pants. Silky camisoles, satin blouses, plain tees, oversized sweaters, and over-the-shoulder shirts dominate her closet. She also wears dresses, sundresses or bodycons and anything in between, and even dual-utilizes her blazers as dresses. Yasmine can also be found wearing her ex-husband’s tees and jackets when she isn’t wearing her own cardigans, denim or leather outwear, or workout gear. Bralettes are always fashionably seen poking out of her shirts. She mostly wears neutral or minimalistic hues such as black, white, nude, baby pink or blue, gray, and any variations of these shades. Her obscene shoes are a vast collection of chunky booties, long boots, heels, wedges, and flats, mostly black with the occasional color. She can always be found wearing a designer bag and accessories. Her ears only wear one singular set of diamond earrings, while she wears a small cross around her neck that she interchanges with a lock that consists of a photo of her son, Josiah. She still wears her wedding bands and no other rings.  ☾ ━ Physical Description: Barely standing at five and a half feet and a little over a hundred pounds, Yasmine can be described as petite. She is often underestimated as she can put anyone on their ass before they can anticipate it. Her go-to makeup look consists of a natural look unless she’s purposely going for a subtle glam look. Either way, her lipstick choices are subtle nudes, pinks, browns, and the occasional red. Mostly, she sticks to matte lips or clear glosses. Her lashes are thick and long without mascara, but she piles it on to accommodate her thick eyebrows and full lips. Now that she is no longer in the military or nursing, she can be found wearing black pants, booties or heels, and blouses. When she’s summoned to aid one of the Bianchi members or associates with medical attention, she will wear her nursing outfit if she can, but she always keeps her nursing bag handy that she mostly substitutes with her handbags.  ☾ ━ Tropes: The Healer, The Grieving Mother, The Vengeful. ☾ ━ MBTI: ENFJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging). ☾ ━ Temperament: Choleric ☾ ━ Zodiac: Aries - The Ram. ☾ ━ Alignment: Chaotic neutral. ☾ ━ Element: Fire.  ☾ ━ Sin: Wrath.  ☾ ━ Hogwarts House: Slytherin.  ☾ ━ Greek Goddess: Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom.  ☾ ━ Negative Traits: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive. ☾ ━ Positive Traits: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate. ☾ ━ Personality: She hadn’t had an easy childhood and it hardened her from an early age. Although she’s a nurse, her personality doesn’t fit the bill of a healer. She’s cold to nearly anyone initially other than her patients and her son before his death, and her ex-husband pre-divorce. She has a cold, dry sense of humor that consists of sarcasm and beration of others. She is easily set off and has been known for her violent outbursts, none of which she’s ever lost because she’s underestimated. While she can come off as neurotic and moody, Yasmine can be loyal to a fault and always puts the physical wellbeing and needs of others before her own. She was born from a wealthy family and has always chosen to help others in need, despite her lack of compassion. Losing her son only made her more aggressive and passionate, closed-off and even malicious. Few get to see past the fortress she’s created around her heart.  ☾ ━ Fixations (Likes): ☾ ━ Aversions (Dislikes): ☾ ━ Vices: Red or white wine, tequila, the occasional cigarette, prescription anti-anxieties and opiates.  ☾ ━ Medical History: Two pregnancies (one unsuccessful via miscarriage, one successful), fertility issues, a broken arm, two bullets in her shoulder, chicken pox, occasional seasonal allergies.  ☾ ━ Psyche: Yasmine was diagnosed with a mild case of PTSD following her two tours overseas, but was easily cured with therapy and an antidepressant. She despised taking medications until she was diagnosed with a slight case of postpartum before giving birth to her son instead of after birthing him. Josiah was the light of Yasmine and Garrett’s lives, completely curing her of any depressive state she might’ve been in as she had always considered herself mentally strong. Since his death, she’s been unable to recover from the pit of despair and meanness that consumes her life. The only person capable of even coming close to making her feel a sliver of emotion is Garrett. She abuses prescription drugs, especially opiates, to cope with the loss. Occasionally she becomes roped into a state of mind where she seeks comfort in Garrett and sleeps with him, subconsciously trying for another child despite her aversion to exposing another child to their childhood. 
➤ Yasmine was born in the country of Turkey into a strict household that consisted of three additional siblings (two older brothers, one younger sister), four including herself. Her parents own a shale corporation within the country and gave their children trust funds to jump start their educations and futures. For a better chance at a future, she was sent to live with an aunt and an uncle who raised her in Texas. They’d always envisioned their daughter as a doctor, but nursing was her passion. They were proud of her for graduating with honors and still continuing to work her way up the ranks in the medical field. 
➤ She spent the entirety of her career easily surpassing the people around her at every milestone and every skill while healing those around her. She witnessed death until it desensitized her and tried to heal anyone, enemies and allies alike. 
➤ Yasmine met Adrian Murray early-on in her nursing schooling career. He was infamous, more than a man but less than a God as far as other soldiers were concerned. After years of despising men and swerving them at every turn, she became infatuated with him despite the differences in their age. Garrett Russell was a Force Recon Marine, Scout Sniper, 2nd Lieutenant, and was a Silver Star recipient, with over a decade and a half of military experience under his belt. He reciprocated his feelings for her and chose to continue their relationship after he retired. Not shortly after she graduated, Yasmine became a nurse at a local hospital in Corpus and they began to see each other.
➤ After many false positives, difficulty with their fertility, and a miscarriage, Adrian and Yasmine successfully conceived a son, Josiah Zayn Murray. He was the best parts of his parents, the only good thing either of them were capable of. Adrian became a mercenary to support his family, even though Yasmine had her trust fund to keep them living a comfortable lifestyle. Regardless, he chose to funnel his energy and skills into something he was good at rather than let the trauma of his experiences as a soldier consume him. 
➤ Their family was the epitome of picture-perfect, of happiness. It was enviable to watch a beautiful family live such a quaint, charmed life, despite Yasmine’s opposition to her husband’s occupation. She tried to focus on being a good mother and a supportive wife, but often found herself resenting him every time he’d come home covered in blood, smelling of gunpowder or burnt flesh. He was an attentive father, but became lost in the bloodlust aspect of being a mercenary and it eventually came back to haunt them.
➤ Shortly after completing a job, Adrian inadvertently left a loose end behind, or so she assumed.. Said ‘loose-end’ eventually found his family and remorselessly attacked them, spraying their home with bullets, leaving both of them unscathed. Their son, however, was shot repeatedly and died immediately and gruesomely in their arms. It took her awhile to figure out he was to blame, despite having her suspicions, but she resented him beyond her ability to remain married to him. They became separated because she couldn’t see him without thinking of Josiah, the spitting image of Adrian, but she refused to officially divorce him.. 
➤ Eventually, they moved to Fairview at the recommendation of a family friend and settled into the quaint neighborhood of Wisteria Lane, hoping for a chance at a fresh start where they could hopefully work on their marriage and try for another child. 
➤ She doesn’t allow anyone to publicly see her grieve, choosing to break down on her own or amid her husband’s presence. Her coldness only amplified and she’s recently become more violent, hitting Adrian and throwing anything at him while purposely instigating so he’ll defend himself against her. 
➤ She purposely finds and puts herself in situations that could cost her her life, unafraid of death and the morbid possibility of meeting her son soon.
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risrielthron · 4 years
Who We Were
This took a good long while because there was a retcon in November of 2015 that kinda forced Risri into hiatus. When I brought her back for the paper in 2016, some details changed but still this was an eye-opening exercise of how I’ve grown as both an RPer and a writer. Anything that does not have brackets is the same.
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Take a trip down memory lane, pull up the oldest ‘about’ post you can find for your character, and annotate what has changed and what has stayed the same in {Curly brackets}. 
(I borrowed this from @alyssa-ward​​ because what a cool exercise)
Originally posted October 4, 2015
Character’s full name: Risri Elthron Reason or meaning of name:  combination of Mother's best friend's name (still alive) and her mother's sister who died - Rislana (best friend) and Kiari (sister). The Elthron family have mostly played a back seat in the history of the Kaldorei. {Both of these origins have kind of changed. Risri’s name became a place that her parents named her after, something that was important to her father’s family in an RP with her aunt. The last name Elthron was chosen by Risri during her exile her original family name is Kal’serrar.} Character’s nickname:  Ris Reason for nickname: just a short form of Risri
Physical appearance
Age: 403 {she has aged 1 rl year each year since 2015 she is currently 408 years old} How old does he/she appear: to a human about 20ish {I actually think now she probably seems a little older to people) Weight: We don't ask ladies this! Though she looks healthy and toned. {I figure she’s whatever the average weight is for female elves} Height: Average for a Kaldorei {This has changed a bit. I have her just a tad shorter than Dragaur in human form so she’s 6’2” which apparently is short for an elf} Body build: She's not a body builder but her activities keep her in shape. Shape of face: Typical Kaldorei {She did not have a face claim at the time nor did she have art.  Her face looks like this art the most.}
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Eye color: White {I list it as silver now} Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: light purplish Distinguishing marks: Claw tattoo (gained during her Druid initiation ceremony) Hair color: Purple Type of hair: Long Hairstyle: up in a ponytail or straight down her back {when I first made Risri I had her in the pigtail hair style. I quickly didnt like how it looks and changed it to the long style she sports now. It has not changed since} Voice: typically soft {I imagine her voice and accent a bit like Gal Gadot’s natural voice} Overall attractiveness: again not really caught up in her appearance so someone may need to tell her and even then she will more than likely blush and stammer a thank you. {This has changed so so much from when I first created her.  She knows she is lovely and she will probably think you want something from her if you flatter her appearance.} Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: For events: dresses...she has discovered she likes pretty pretty dresses.  For class: simple black pants and a simple shirt  {So this too has changed from when I first created her.  She aims for comfort and style. She most often will be found in one of these} Favorite outfit: Dresses, she found a lovely gold and white dress that has become her favorite {I dont even know what dress this was but Im sure it was something from my early days on wra-I would say her favorite outfit is probably one of the ones above} Jewelry or accessories: She wears a button on a string around her neck. She fondles it every so often. {The button on a string has actually moved to her bag, she now sports a ruby necklace from Dragaur, her bracelet with several charms on it, and always has her camera}
Alignment: Good {I think I would classify Risri now as more neutral these days} Good personality traits: Loves animals, children, books, meeting new people (even though she can be shy, she enjoys it), giving, loyal  {This is all true except for the shyness, I don’t actually rp Risri as shy. She may be standoffish but thats cause IRL I am shy but Risri most definitely has no fear of talking to people} Bad personality traits: shyness can sometimes stop her from joining in, when she is caught up in research she may ignore others not to be hurtful she just gets caught up  {I think this one goes with the other, as for bad traits today, I usually say she can be stuck in her ways at times and can be over protective} Mood character is most often in: happy {I would say this is still true but she’s had her share of pain} Sense of humor:  silly things make her laugh {Not so much silly things but she definitely has a more snarky is funny sense of humor} Character’s greatest joy in life: running in the forest as a cat {Taking pictures and being a druid are equal} Character’s greatest fear: the death of her mother {This has actually come out in RP as a fear of mind control.  She would fear the death of her mother but mind control tops it.} Why?  Her mother and her are very close (unusual for Kaldorei, as they grow up communally typically), travelling with her mother in her formative years they relied upon each other What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Ris would be devastated if something happened to her mother  {I think the death of Latilda, and then when she thought Dragaur was dead, and subsequently the death of Suzi in the office are three of the most profound things that made Risri change some. Her fel contamination would come a close fourth Currently, if something was to really happen to Dragaur, Sky, or Selise it would mess up Risri for a while} Character is most at ease when: Researching {Funnily enough this might still be true, but I would say taking pictures is probably more} Most ill at ease when: at war {This is true, but as she found out both at Darkshore and recently when there are forsaken involved she has no hesitation in killing.} Enraged when: witnessing senseless destruction of sacred places or artifacts {I completely forgot that I chose that, but I would say it has not changed. She also does not stand for people she cares about being hurt, this one is tricky though and I often have to tame it down because of interactions with others.} Depressed or sad when:  she is a pretty positive individual, depression and sadness are fleeting if they happen at all. {This has matured over time. She gets very introspective at times and definitely will seek alone time when she is sad.} Priorities: Learn about as many cultures as she can, current focus is Treants. {So long ago… Her priorities currently are her studio, Dragaur, and helping the Kaldorei still homeless.} Life philosophy: Learn, Learn, Learn then share it all!  {This was definitely written back in my Stormwind University days. Her philosophy “Be kind. It’s worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them.”} Character’s soft spot: her Sprite Darter "Flutter" {Also a certain worgen} Is this soft spot obvious to others? Sometimes {while I dont play it up too much she is very attached to Flutter. As for the worgen, yes when they are together it is clear she has a soft spot for the gruff one} Greatest strength: Passion for learning {This is probably still true but I would say she also is a pretty good photographer and a loyal friend.} Greatest vulnerability or weakness:  Naivety of how the world really works even though she has travelled the two main continents extensively she has been sheltered by her mother. {This was one of the things I retconned out of her when I brought her back for the paper. Risri may be unknowing of some human interactions but she is far from naive in most cases.} Biggest regret: That one time at band camp...seriously she is young so right now she doesn't have one but this may play into her development and story later. {HUGE change here... in fleshing her out in RP the biggest regret is and always will be the incident that forced her out of the Sentinels but not the results because it let her become a druid so its a double edged regret} Minor regret: she forgot to tell her mom about the time she ...oh that might not be appropriate for here {Again a change that came about from RP, that she threatened Dragaur with turning him in. She would never do that and she said it in a moment of frustration with him during a fight. It hurt them both too much.} Biggest accomplishment: coming soon  {Running the paper. Opening her studio. either} Minor accomplishment: joining the University! {so many things, her writings, some of her photographs, saving people at Teldrassil, helping the Kaldorei in Stormwind.} Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: she was almost not able to become a druid...story for another time {This also changed with the retcon, but I would say the time she spent before coming to Stormwind would be something she would not want others to know about and will probably not talk about to anyone.} Why?  She loves being a druid so not being one… {I have thoughts about what she was doing but its not fleshed out. Maybe someday and I can revisit this.} Character’s darkest secret: She is a pretty open book. Maybe later she will have a "dark" secret.  {So this dark secret is the fact that she killed 10 Sentinels. That also came with the revamp.} Does anyone else know?  {Several people.}
Drives and motivations: Curiosity unusual for a Kaldorei and need to have answers to questions  { I would say this is somewhat still there and aided her when she was a reporter, but her drives and motivations are deeper now and the result of RP. She wants to make amends and sees her work with the Kaldorei refugees as part of that.} Immediate goals: Make friends with the treant she met at the Grove of Ancients {Keep her business running, aid the Kaldorei} Long term goals: Become an expert in as many cultures as she can {Live} How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Locate writings and interviewing others, spending time with treants ((her contact will be sending her around Azeroth and Draenor to meet with others)) {So her plan for her immediate goals are tied together. She takes a good portion of her profits from the studio and the two books she’s published to fund her relief efforts} How other characters will be affected: may be pestered for any little detail they have about treants  {Most of the people she interacts with in RP would not be impacted.}
Hometown: Darnassus  {God I was such a noob.  Feralas is her home.} Type of childhood: travelled both continents with her mother {so noob. She spent her youth in Feralas, Ashenvale, and Darkshore.} Pets: Sprite Darter named Flutter and a curious little white kitten {I retconned the kitten. Its only Flutter} First memory: Leaves above her (could be why she is fascinated with the treants...) {I think I’ll leave this one.} Most important childhood memory: Her and her mother on a ship talking into the night {This can stay too} Why?  The closeness she felt to her mother {Because of this reason}
Current location: Elwynn Forest, Jazimina Amberstill's "Ranch" {Stormwind City, either Dragaur’s apartment or her studio} Currently living with: Jazimina Amberstill and Ritti {Dragaur} Pets: Sprite Darter "Flutter" Religion: Follower of Elune {no change, add wild gods} Occupation: Researcher {Photographer} Finances: moderate {no change though she has more wealth than she lets on}
Mother:  Kahrysta Elthron  {Oh wow I totally changed her mother’s name.. Its Alistra Kal’serrar } Relationship with her: good {excellent} Father: Brezlin Elthron Relationship with him: vague memories, he died when she was still a child Siblings: none Relationship with them: Spouse: none Relationship with him/her: Children: none {though she briefly adopted Ritti before they found the gnome’s family} Relationship with them: Other important family members: Mother's best friend Rislana is like an aunt  {her aunt Tara, cousins, and another aunt I dont have a name for.}
Color: Green and Purple {blues could be added} Least favorite color: Orange {sorry Drag, but I dont think its true anymore} Music: any Food: Chocolate Cookies {See answer here} Literature: Any Form of entertainment: stories {plays, dances could be added} Expressions: "Indeed!" {Its not often I get to use it but I do like it} Mode of transportation: Winterspring Frostsaber, given to her by her mother when she hit adulthood (about 50 years ago) or flight form  {Flight form.  The frostsaber went away in the retcon} Most prized possession: her journal {Camera}
Hobbies: Dabbles in alchemy {more than dabbles now} Plays a musical instrument? No Plays a sport: no How he/she would spend a rainy day: reading a book, any book {taking pictures} Spending habits: thrifty {for herself this is probably true, for others she can be extravagant} Smokes: no  Drinks: not normally  {no change, but she will drink} Other drugs: no What does he/she do too much of? Read  {Take pictures} What does he/she do too little of?  Socialize just for fun {This is probably more true now since giving up the paper} Extremely skilled at:  Keeping a team alive when faced with challenges when exploring  {Photography, writing could be added} Extremely unskilled at:  a lot of things but she does hate cooking {LIES...I retconned this. She loves to cook. I don’t know...but I am sure there is something. It would probably be something she doesn’t do and has no desire to do.} Nervous tics: not sure someone may need to point that out to her  {She plays with the bracelet on her wrist when she’s nervous. } Usual body posture: relaxed and happy Mannerisms: polite {extremely so} Peculiarities: …  {hmm, I am sure there are some that have manifested over the five years I’ve been RPing her. Perhaps how she will always address a human as their full name unless she has been asked not to and will still use Ms. Mrs. Miss. Mr. with that name unless she feels close to you.}
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist Introvert or extrovert: Introvert until she gets to know you then she might not be quiet {I would say shes more mixed now.} Daredevil or cautious?: A little of both Logical or emotional: Emotional  {probably more mixed now though she can be emotional she just normally doesn’t let it show unless she is very comfortable with you} Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: somewhere in between, depends on how wrapped up she is in her research but she does have a habit of cleaning up if there is a mess  { I would say she is very neat. Sky drives her crazy.} Prefers working or relaxing:  working {definitely would say this is still true} Confident or unsure of himself/herself: unsure internally, others probably see her as confident  {a little of this still lingers but unless you are close to her you wont see it} Animal lover: indeed
How he/she feels about himself/herself: an introvert who is more bookish than social  {This is still kinda true.} One word the character would use to describe self: shy  {Quiet} One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: A passionate learner and studier of peoples, loves animals, enjoys outdoors, and exploring is exciting.  {A memory keeper, lover of animals and the outdoors, her passion for photography as a way to preserve memories is high.} What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? her passion for learning  {her compassion for others} What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? her shyness ((its all in her head too, she really can be quite un-shy when meeting new races or investigating something though in social entertainment type situations she is at a loss)) {so retconned, she would say her possessiveness when it comes to the people she cares about.} What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? She is unaware of her appearance most of the time  {She likes her hair.} What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? She hates her feet...not really  {I’ll keep this if only cause I dont know} How does the character think others perceive him/her: She sometimes thinks too much about this and sometimes it doesn't bother her at all  {She is very conscious of being a Kaldorei business woman in a human society. She strives to show that her people are trustworthy and kind.} What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: her shyness  {Since I retconned the shyness...I don’t know...Risri believes she can be a better person but its something that you work on each day.} 
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: opportunity to learn  {She is still curious about others and likes people watching. She thinks most people are good at heart.} Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others: hmm, I think this will depend upon the relationship and situation  {Oh most definitely, this was honed during her time as a reporter where she hid a lot of her thoughts about things.} Person character most hates: no one (yet)  {Elyza Morrowbranch} Best friend(s): her mother / Jazi  {Sky Stoneseat} Love interest(s): none (yet)  {Dragaur} Person character goes to for advice: her mother / Dean Crowelley  { Dragaur, Sky, Selise} Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Ritti  {Dragaur, Sky } Person character feels shy or awkward around: cute boys...oh ok anyone in an entertainment social situation, when she is meeting others for what she calls "research" she emulates her mother's ambassador ways as much as possible  {So such a noob.  She really doesn’t except older Kaldorei...she worries what they know of her past.} Person character openly admires: her mother and Rislana Silverwind  {Who is Rislana Silverwind omg I totally forgot this was a thing. Will have to think of someone else as Rislana is a Draenei now.  As for who she admires?  Her mother, Selise, Sky, Eilithe, Feyawen, Anegorn, and a few others.} Person character secretly admires: Dean Crowelley {I don’t think there is anyone she secretly admires, if she likes you, you know.} Most important person in character’s life before story starts: her mother  After story starts:  Ritti, Jazi, and the university faculty  {Dragaur, Sky, Selise}
If you made it here thanks for looking at the changes of Risri over the course of the last five years.  Its been a long, strange, crazy trip but I wouldn’t change much about it. If you want to do this, I encourage you to! And tag me cause I wanna read!
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rebeccaxdavenport · 4 years
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Full Name: Rebecca Dior Davenport
Reason for name: Her parents wanted a “moneymaker”
Nickname(s): Becca, Becks, (never Becky)
Date of Birth: November 12, 1992
Age: 28
Gender + Pronouns: cis female, she/her
Place of birth: Los Angeles, California
Parents: William & Evangeline Davenport (adoptive)
Siblings: Luxthren Davenport (biological)
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): She never talks to her parents unless absolutely necessary, and has the typical ‘big sister, little brother’ relationship with Lux
Height: 5′3
Build: petite, curvy
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: white
Distinguishing Facial Features: high cheekbones
Hair Color: blonde
Usual Hair Style: straight down, pulled back behind one ear
Eye Color: blue
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks, scars): very clear, blemish free skin, tends to be pale
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): none
What do they consider their best feature?: Her legs
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: There was an unfortunate incident with a foster parent that left her with a broken wrist.
Favorite outfit: any combination of a skirt, tucked in top, and heels.
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses
Personal Hygiene: She showers everyday religiously
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Only has ears pierced, but enjoys wearing all types of jewelry to compliment her outfits
What does their voice sound like?: She has a soft, sweet sounding voice, which catches people off guard when she starts getting mean.
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Articulate, even, sometimes quiet.
Accent?: Basic “American” 
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: brushing off invisible crumbs/dust from her clothes, playing with her hair
Left handed or right?: ambidextrous
Do they work out/exercise?: Does yoga everyday for strength and flexibility, kickboxing for self-defense skills
Known Languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin, American Sign Language, French
Zodiac: Scorpio
Gifts/talents: Practiced playing cello and piano as a child, ballet
Religious stance: None
Political stance: None
Pet peeves: Loud talking, people who talk down on here because she’s a woman, cleaning up her brother’s messes, people assuming she’s sweet and defenseless based on her appearance
Optimist or pessimist: Realist
Extrovert or introvert: Strong introvert
Relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: She’s under the impression she’ll be single forever
Ever been in love?: yes
What’s their love language?: Acts of service, words of affirmation
Most important person in their life?: Herself
Level of education: doctorate in astrophysics
Profession: astrophysicist
Past occupations: None
Dream occupation: Her current profession
Passions: Animals, the environment
Attitude towards current job: She loves it
Spender or Saver? Why?: Mostly saves, except when it comes to her wardrobe and necessities
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Both
Phobias: Spiders
Life goals: To have a family and settle down, though she wouldn’t say so
Greatest fears: rejection, being alone forever
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Probably something her brother did to embarrass her, which happens too often to name
Something they’ve never told anyone: She’s lonely a lot of the time
Biggest regret: None
Compulsions: wringing her hands when she’s nervous
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Clean, though she has a file due to being in the foster care system as a child
Vices: caffeine, getting involved with people who are usually bad for her
Hobbies: spending time in nature, visiting Puhlman Ranch to see the animals, reading, skating if you can convince her
Favorite color: Green
Favorite smell: old books, fresh cut grass, fresh flowers
Favorite food: homemade lasagne, cheesecake
Favorite book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Favorite movie: The Sound of Music
Favorite song: Original of the Species by U2
Coffee or tea?: both
Favorite type of weather: clear, sunny skies
Most prized possession: a small rabbit she was given as a child
Most used word or phrase?: No.
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minicoopdetat · 4 years
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Hey is that [GREGG SULKIN]? No, that’s just [AUGUST COOPER]. They’re [TWENTY-THREE], and have spent [THREE MONTHS] in Dayton. I hear that they’re kind of [OPTIMISTIC], but also [OBNOXIOUS]. Did you hear their vices are [PARTYING & SEXTING]? Can’t wait to see [HE/HIM] at the next party! 
full name: august levi cooper 
nickname: cooper. mini coop. coop de tat
age: twenty-three
date of birth: april 2
place of birth: dayton, ca
zodiac: aries
gender: cis-male
nationality: american
sexual orientation: heterosexual
romantic orientation: heteromantic
relationship status: single *
height: 5’10
weight: 166 lbs
hair color: brunette
eye color: hazel
need glasses/contacts? yes
tattoos: he has seven ‘dragon balls’ in various places ( 1:inner wrist, 2: inner wrist, 3: shoulder blade, 4: hip , 5: behind his ear, 6: back of neck 7:ass); nightwing symbol (ankle); squirtle squad shades ( coming soon )
distinguishing marks: scar on his right leg from crashing his moped 
hometown: salinas, ca
current residence: dayton, ca
past residences: salinas, ca
living arrangement: family home; phaedra’s old place
spoken languages: english, japanese, vulgar words in various languages 
financial status: loaded by proxy
education level: high school, college ( BA biological science )
occupation: vet tech
father: maxwell cooper
mother: elizabeth cooper
siblings: maxwell cooper jr (36), summer cooper (34; heartborn), dawn cooper (32), buzz cooper (30; heartborn), willow cooper (28), skye cooper (26; heartborn)
children: none
pets? Satoshi; “foster” dog
other: phaedra cooper; grandmother
positive traits: loyal. optimistic. passionate. outgoing. confident
negative traits: loud. tactless. gullible. dramatic. reckless 
likes: nightwing, late nights. martial arts. dbz. music. animals ( all kinds ). parties. soccer. hockey. movies. sex. pokemon. learning new things. tarot. philosophy. sunny days. tiger king ( joe exotic ). social media. tik tok. family gatherings. sexting. 
dislikes: waiting. twitter. strategy games. opera. reading. bullies. people who go out of their way to make someone else feel stupid. injustice ( the video game...and the other thing he guesses ). seeing other people treated like shit. sad sacks. clutter. messy landscaping. carol fucking baskin. animal abuse. 
quirks: knows karate and aikido. Has a 3rd degree black belt and used to teach in college. owns and drives a moped. loves to record himself ( mtv cribs style ). is really great with kids. surprisingly organized, his place is pretty spotless. doesnt wear shoes unless absolutely necessary. has a skin care regiment. 
moral alignment: neutral good
Cooper was born August Levi Cooper to Elizabeth and Maxwell Cooper on April 2nd twenty-three years ago in Salinas, CA.
His siblings like to refer to him as the family’s April fools surprise.
One reason being is he was very much an accident. The plan was always 3 biological and 3 adopted children. A large loving family blended with those born from blood and those from the heart.
While Cooper was unexpected, he never felt it growing up. A family consisting of nine different personalities is bound to have disputes and there have been a lot over the years, but they’ve always loved each other deeply. Family was important, a top priority always, and Coop grew up surrounded by love.
As a kid, he was always going a mile a minute. Always jabbering on, always into something. His mother, Elizabeth, never seemed to mind. If anything she embraced it using a somewhat free range approach to raising her children. She let them do as they pleased as long as they practiced reflection and responsibility after. The consequences were theirs whatever decisions were made.
So if he wanted to take apart the toaster, fine. He had to put it back together. If not? He would be working to pay for a new one. Want to stay up all night watching anime? Fine. If he fell asleep and failed his quiz the next day? The tv was gone.
It was a process for Cooper, who multiple teachers recommended that he take some form of medication for his outbursts and inability to follow directions without being distracted or derailing the entire class. His mother refused, but she did begin to focus on helping him regulate and make better choices.
Did it work? Eh. But he managed to scrape by.
But where he lacked impulse control, Cooper made up in kindness. He always the first to volunteer to help, whether it involved the teacher or another student. He’d give away  his lunch money to someone he thought needed it or sit with the kids that seemed alone, talking their heads off about the latest thing he saw on late night tv. 
He was the kind of kid you dreaded and loved all at once and if you ask him, he’ll tell you his childhood was a wonderful thing.
Some highlights include, starting Karate at age 5. Martial arts was one, if not the only way, to really get Cooper to slow down and focus. It was and still is a passion for him. He earned his black belt by age 9, his second degree by 11, and his 3rd by 14, making him one of the youngest in the county to have a 3rd degree blackbelt.
Began learning Japanese at age seven. It started as self teaching, but eventually his parents brought in a tutor. 
As he hit his preteen years, Cooper began to play sports. Soccer was his poison of choice and he was good...but some of the other kids found him to be odd. He was the youngest of seven, so there were always jokes made about the rag tag crew or about how he spent more time talking about japanese cartoons, comics and superheroes than he did the sport or the usual topics. Small, he was picked at, but Cooper? He never really noticed.
He was the butt end of jokes, but always the first to laugh. He was confident, even then, that the things his ‘friends’ did were often in good fun and never to take advantage of him or be malicious. Even when his trips to the principal's office became more frequent and his detentions began to pile up, he insisted things were fine. He was loyal and they just had different ways of showing their friendship to him.
He was sixteen when a new kid moved to town and his friends turned their attention to him. Coop thought they were looking to welcome him into the fold, he was a bit quiet, always reading, kinda awkward, but the more time they spent with him, the more Cooper started to notice the shit way they were treating him. The jokes they had used on Cooper, they were funny to him, but this kid? Not so much. It didn’t take long before he began to see their relationship with this kid and their relationship with him? They weren’t harmless and in one very explosive day, Cooper not only stood up for the kid, but may have broken his best friend’s jaw.
He was ousted from the soccer team. Fine. He needed new friends. Fine. He had one and that was fine with him. He took it all in stride. Stayed confident and though he had a nasty mark on his record, his parents were proud he finally stood up for himself and someone else. In the end, his dad able to make it go away, but still.
That summer, on a mission to be his own man and less of a sheep, he began frequenting the local game shop. He’d play in the pokemon league, try out various boardgames and chill. It became a home away from home and where he met Callum ‘Goodie’ Goodrich, the closest person to a little brother he’s ever had. 
They started as rivals, which some might consider odd considering the age difference, but Coop respected the kid and his skill. It was never an angry or aggressive thing. Goodie had a sense of humor and Coop was too easy going and before long they were exchanging tips and just hanging out for the sake of hanging out.
When things began to get rough for Goodie, Cooper didn’t ask. It wasn’t his business, but he began to notice a change...so he began inviting Goodie home for dinners, hang out sessions, etc. His family didn’t mind, if anything they enjoyed having him around and soon Goodie became an honorary Cooper.
In the three years that followed, Cooper juggled a lot of different things. He began helping at his dojo as well as the local animal shelter and his partying streak started up.
At eighteen, he was granted access to the ‘family ranch’, his parents attempting to let their children get whatever they needed out of their system. Rather than sneak around and drink or smoke or fuck, the ranch was available. It was a risk, especially for his father, a judge, but as loving and great as his family was? Their moral code wasn’t quite in line with the rest of society. His father had no qualms as long as they had some common sense. Were there hiccups? Yes. But they managed. There were six before him, so by the time Cooper came around, they knew what guidelines to lay down.
It was wild year, definitely one of the most fun he’d ever had. His grades though? They suffered. School wasn’t exactly top priority and to him, that was fine. Why did a bunch of numbers have to dictate his life?
It wasn’t until he decided he wanted to help animals for a living did he realize good grades were probably a good thing. But by then it was too late to get in anywhere prestigious. Which was fine. He made his bed and he was quick to figure something else out.
He decided on taking a gap year so he doubled down on volunteering and started learning aikido while continuing his partying and hanging with Goodie.
Or at least until he disappeared. One day he just...stopped coming in. Cooper figured he was sick or just rough off, but when he couldn’t get in touch with him, he genuinely began to worry. He even went as far to check the news...and saw the headline. It hit him hard and his dad, despite being in the court system, had no info. That whole summer, he had to just, keep checking out the shop and hope he’d run into him. But as the days went on, it became clear his friend was gone… hopefully to some situation that was much better.
Cooper finished up the summer and went off to school the next August.
Not that he went far. He spent four years at a college between his home town and Dayton, CA. Phaedra, his grandmother, and his grandfather helped him pay for his schooling so he began visiting Dayton during the summer. He spent most of it in Salinas but he’d spend a few weeks in Dayton.
His time in Dayton was mostly spent helping Phaedra or working at the local shelter. But by the time he hit 21, partying was added to that roster.
One bachelor’s degree and a certificate later and here he is. Vet school is something he’s thought about but his grandfather passed away last year and Phaedra needed some assistance with the house. 
So while she’s off jet setting to ease the pain, Cooper’s taking responsibility for the upkeep of her Dayton home. He has no clue about home repair, but he’s more than happy to squat, make sure she’s not robbed and start work in a town that’s always kept him hype.
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steviemillcr · 4 years
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Hey is that [DIANA SILVERS]? No, that’s just [STEVIE MILLER]. They’re [TWENTY-FOUR], and have spent [ONE YEAR] in Dayton. I hear that they’re kind of [OPEN-MINDED], but also [COMPETITIVE]. Did you hear their vices are [VIDEO GAMES & ECSTASY]? Can’t wait to see [SHE/HER] at the next party!
full name: stevie monroe miller
nickname: mills . 
age: twenty-four
date of birth: nov 8th
place of birth: tampa, fl
zodiac: scorpio
gender: cis-female
nationality: american
sexual orientation: pansexual
romantic orientation: homoromantic
relationship status: single
height:  5″7
weight: none of your business
hair color: brunette
eye color: hazel
need glasses/contacts? nope
tattoos/piercings: power button behind her right ear and a triforce on her left ankle. clit piercing
distinguishing marks: freckles.
hometown: tampa, fl
current residence: dayton, ca
past residences: nyc, ny ( college )
living arrangement: apartment
spoken languages: english
financial status: average
education level: college; bachelors of fine arts ( graphic design ) 
occupation: youtuber / twitch streamer / freelance gd
father: jason miller. 40.
mother: unknown
siblings: none.
children: none.
pets? black cat named felix
other: none.
positive traits: open-minded, creative, honest, intuitive
negative traits: aimless, competitive, insensitive, finicky
likes: reds. oranges. warm colors. chocolate. morning dew. citrus. watercolor paper. flannel. hot chocolate. milk. white russians. legend of zelda. kirby. slasher films. the scream trilogy. serial killer documentaries. sketching. animal crossing. aqua. raves. ecstasy. sex. 
dislikes: blatant stupidity. button mashing. most rom coms. shitty headphones. asmr sounds. trolls. bein told what to do. campers. waking up early. high nasally voices. 13 yr old boys who talk shit. 
quirks: - coming soon - 
stevie is a fairly laid back individual. she grew up with thick skin and a sharp tongue. but underneath it all she’s not so bad. she comes off as closed off and introspective, which for the most part is true. she doesn’t just go up and start a conversation with a stranger unless she has a reason. she will sit and sketch one though.
online, she is much more extroverted. that’s not to say she feels safer there. more like she cares less. on one side, she knows the people she plays with are people-- but the fact she can simply shut off the game when she’s pissed and not have to explain or do shit? it’s much easier. she cares less what people may think of her which, wasn’t much to begin with.
she’s blunt. painfully so. to everyone. friend and stranger alike. though if you are a friend, she’ll find a way to apologize if she came off too harsh. she’s not afraid of being humbled and in fact appreciates it more than having things sugar coated.
She doesn’t go out of her way to be a bitch. sometimes it just happens.
she holds grudges. a. long. fucking. time. she still hasn’t fully forgiven her father/brother/jason for his betrayal even though she knows he was doing what he thought was best. 
when she’s on molly, stevie is a very different person. touchy feely lovey dovey. she’s a hot mess and she’s had her fair share of nights that left her in awkward positions.
Stevie isn’t shy about sex. Shell try just about anything once and she’s usually pretty good about keeping her feelings out of the equation. 
But hasn’t had a lot of great experiences in the bedroom. She knows it can be fun and it has been a handful of times, but more times than not, it’s just...something to do. That doesn’t mean she goes out and picks up people whenever she gets bored, but when she has an itch, she’ll scratch it and that’s all it usually is. An itch.
was raised believing her father is actually her older brother
her grandmother raised her along side her father  brother in tampa, florida
the household was a close one and between her ‘mother’ and ‘brother’, she knew she was loved.
she was often the object of teasing in school. she was too odd or too mean. her mother was too spacey and her brother too hot. but she took it in stride, learning to weaponize her words ( and sometimes her fists ) and after a while, learned to ignore it, even when it got out she was pansexual and in love with her best friend
the feelings were unrequited, she made that clear, though her friendship only grew stronger
she went to nyc on scholarship, choosing graphic design as her major specializing in motion graphics
the stress of the work often left her zapped and working in a computer lab all night? not helpful. so when she had the chance to go out and party she would.
her fesitivities mostly consisted of underground / secret raves. the music, colors, and atmosphere did a lot for her. she kept things pretty tame, only drinking and smoking pot occasionally.
but when her mother passed, her world was flipped on its head. as per his mother’s dying wish, her brother came clean. he admitted that he allowed her to believe she was abandoned...unwanted by both parents, because lets face it, there was no way she was biologically her grandmother’s daughter. she spent her whole life believing she was forsaken and it was the one person she loved more than anything that let her
going back to school had been hard. she was angry. so so angry. and sad. her grandmother, the only mother she’d ever known was gone and her brother-- dad? she wasn’t talking to him. so she pushed. she worked harder and she played even harder
she took her first taste of ‘e’ three nights after arriving back in nyc and it was the most elevating thing she ever experienced. nothing in the world felt wrong. everything was amazing. more than that. exhilarating.
it became a regular thing, though she took care. only after her school work was done and her schedule was clear. what was the harm in it if she were careful? what was wrong with wanting to feel good, to erase that crippling anger just for a night?
when she finished school, she moved home. almost. she couldn’t go back to Jason, not even after two years. she loved him, yes. she appreciated his sacrifices, yes. but she couldn’t look at him, let alone forgive him. not yet. so she went to orlando to look for work.
the field was full of competition, which she often enjoyed but somehow she was getting lost in the shuffle. unmotivated. she got a few freelance things, but most of her time she spent online, chatting with friends from college or destroying teenage boys at call of duty. 
it got to a point she wasn’t leaving her apartment. she’d order food, do some minimal sketching and just...play.
it was a friend that suggested she make a youtube channel. she played enough and her perspective was nothing if not interesting...so she figured she may as well. youtube gave way to twitch and patreon and before she knew it she was receiving checks for fucking around online. not literally. well maybe once.
about a year ago, she came to dayton for a gaming convention. it was a small thing, targeted at twitch streamers. lots of big names in the game so of course she came. she just...decided not to leave.
she loved the chaos Dayton offered, their parties, and especially their molly. she doesn’t make it a habit but as her life continues to plateau, she keeps a regular stash to make things interesting.
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sassylavellen · 6 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
original post here
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Evelyn Lavellan (Rutherford) Reason or meaning of name: “desired” Character’s nickname: Evie (common), Ev (Holli, Moira), “Sassy” (Varric) Reason for nickname: Shortened from Evelyn, Varric’s nickname based on her personality. Birth date: 3rd of Guardian (February 3rd)
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Physical appearance
Age: (at the time of Inquisition) 27 How old does he/she appear: 22 Weight: 125 lbs (most of it muscle, she’ll have you know) Height: 6ft 2in (188 cm) Body build: tall and slinder Shape of face: pointed Eye color: hazel Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: pale, but heavily freckled. Distinguishing marks: scar on her forehead above her left eye, vallaslin on her face. Predominant features: large eyes, large ears, and long nose Hair color: Auburn Type of hair: wavy Hairstyle: Various, starts with her hair long and wild, then large messy bun, then gets it cut to shoulder-length, then in ponytail when it starts growing back out, then finally braided up. Voice: loud, thick Starkhaven accent Overall attractiveness: Again, somewhat objective but I’d say Evelyn is a 8.5/10. I mean... those muscles tho Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: whatever. She’s not known for having consistant or relevant fashions. Favorite outfit: a sleeveless top and leather trousers Jewelry or accessories: Not normally.
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Good personality traits: Caring, determined, selfless Bad personality traits: impatient, can be aggressive if pushed. Mood character is most often in: "what is my life” Sense of humor: a VERY sharp sense of humor, she is famous for her wit Character’s greatest joy in life: her friends Character’s greatest fear: heights Why?: It makes her legs hurt. Also she’s fallen off cliffs a few times. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? I mean, the conclave exploding changed her life forever. Character is most at ease when: After a mission, relaxing and recovering from an adventure. Most ill at ease when: when put in situations where she has to be completely serious Enraged when: Facing discrimination Depressed or sad when: Thinking of her friends who didn’t live through the events of Inquisition. Priorities: Saving the world. No big deal. Life philosophy: Life’s too short not to enjoy it along the way. If granted one wish, it would be: To have a re-do on her childhood. Why? She had a rough relationship with her father, and even though she doesn’t regret running away from her clan, she does feel guilty that she wasn’t a better daughter. Character’s soft spot: whisky Is this soft spot obvious to others? Not usually. Greatest strength: physical strength Greatest vulnerability or weakness: subtlety Biggest regret: Lots of little things. Minor regret: Living in Kirkwall that one time Biggest accomplishment: Defeating Corypheus Minor accomplishment: Saving the Trevelyan siblings and their family name. (that’s in my fic I’m writing) Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: She messed up a pretty important job once when she was working as a merc in Kirkwall. Why? She messed up pretty royally. Character’s darkest secret: She may be an elf, but there is a part of her deep down that hates being an elf. Does anyone else know? It was more obvious in her youth.
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Drives and motivations: To fix the world. Immediate goals: Probably to go to bed. She hasn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in ages. Long term goals: She doesn’t know anymore, she doesn’t plan that far ahead. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Again, not much of a planner. How other characters will be affected: She would do her best to make sure other people are affected in the best ways.
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Hometown: In a forest in Starkhaven Type of childhood: Very rough, she had a very rocky relationship with her father. Pets: None First memory: building mud castles with another child in her clan. Most important childhood memory: Teaching Moira to walk Why: Her sister is the most important person to her Childhood hero: There was a human named Fredrick Glenn that rescued her from dwarven slavers when she was seven years old. Dream job: A warrior defending her clan (a dream she herself later hated) Education:  Mainly self-taught Religion:  She was mostly non-religious growing up Finances: Always one coin away from starving
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Current location: Skyhold Currently living with: Her husband Cullen Pets: Cullen’s mabari named Thane Religion: Andrastian Occupation: Full Time Mother Finances: Rich
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Mother: Neera Relationship with her: Decently close Father: Revan’nain Relationship with him: Extremely rough Siblings: Ezra and Moira Relationship with them: Strained with Ezra, close with Moira Spouse: Cullen Rutherford Relationship with him/her: In many respects, they are the opposites of one another, but they are somehow perfect for one another. Children: Cullen Jr and Holli Relationship with them: She’s the cool mom Other important family members: By the end of Inquisition, she only had Moira left. Moira married Stephen Trevelyan and they had four children, and Evelyn is also the cool aunt.
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Color: Purple Least favorite color: orange Music: anything upbeat Food: apples Literature: She’s not much of a reader. She more or else had to teach herself to read and it was very difficult for her. Form of entertainment: anything humor related Expressions: “It wasn’t me. Okay, yeah it was me but... I didn’t mean it” Mode of transportation: horseback riding Most prized possession: Her sword, Cullen’s coin
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Hobbies: Making others laugh Plays a musical instrument? Violin and lute Plays a sport? Is fencing a sport? How he/she would spend a rainy day: Doin’ whatever she wants. It’s just rain. Spending habits: Once she became Inquisitor and had money to spend, she started shopping a little frivolously  Smokes: No Drinks: Casually. Other drugs: none What does he/she do too much of? tell the same jokes because she still thinks they’re funny. What does he/she do too little of? sleep Extremely skilled at: Swordplay Extremely unskilled at: writing Nervous tics: her ears twitch and she clears her throat often when uneasy. Usual body posture: She is very muscular and isn’t afraid to stand in such a way to make you notice. Mannerisms: She isn’t super expressive with her movements but she has a very expressive face. Peculiarities: Scratching her leg
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Optimist or pessimist? She’s a little cynical. Introvert or extrovert?   extrovert Daredevil or cautious?   A little of both Logical or emotional? definitely emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?   A little of both Prefers working or relaxing?   Relaxing Confident or unsure of himself/herself?   confident Animal lover?   yes
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How he/she feels about himself/herself: She always pushes herself to be better One word the character would use to describe self: Brash One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I became who I am because I had to make myself who I am. If you can’t laugh at yourself, you can’t laugh at anyone else. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her wit What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her temper What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? She’d be blunt about it... she’d say her ass. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her large pointy ears How does the character think others perceive him/her: Before being Inquisitor, she would try to hide her elven features because no one would take her seriously. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Not so much anymore, but she would have loved to have been anything other than an elf.
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Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She used to believe the world was out to get her, but as she grew older and became Inquisitor, she started to learn to trust others. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others It depends on who she’s with. Person character most hates: Solas. She takes betrayal VERY seriously. Best friend(s): Lace Harding, Dorian, Stephen, Varric, Sera, Cassandra Love interest(s): Only Cullen Person character goes to for advice: She has several friends she will go to for advice, the more obvious ones being Cullen, Leliana, and Josephine, but she will aslo go to Cassandra, Vivienne, Varric, and (betrayed her) Solas for advice Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Moira Person character feels shy or awkward around: She did have a little bit of hero-worship for The Champion of Kirkwall Person character openly admires: Cullen, Leliana, Cassandra Person character secretly admires: Sera Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Herself After story starts: Moira
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found here
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megaragalanis · 6 years
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What is your full name?
Megara “Meg” Loukritia Galanis
Where and when were you born?
A looong, looong time ago in Greece
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Her father’s Creon, King of Thebes and her mother is Philomena, the King’s mistress and the daughter of one of Creon’s advisers. She never really got to meet her father and was majorly mistreated, leading to her living a life on her own, mostly.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
 Megara has two brothers, Arcadius and Dion next to a bunch of half-brothers and half-sisters. She believes none of them have survived the Exodus.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
She lives in Fabletown, a city she uses as her new playground, a new chance, a new life to start over after having been dead and brought back to life -- but sadly she’s still involved with Hades. She enjoys the people, the food, the different stories she gets to experience, though she remains for herself, guarded.
What is your occupation?
Personal assistant of Holden Kasabian 
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
She is standing at 5′6 ft, dark hair and pale blue eyes -- she likes to dress accordingly for work (pencil skirts, blouses, dresses, high heels) and likes to wear rather loose clothes for her personal agendas, depending on the location and occasion.
To which social class do you belong?
Uncertain since she’s bound to Holden. I’d say middle-class
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
allergies? men
Are you right- or left-handed?
right handed
What does your voice sound like?
melodic, a bit hoarse, seductive
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
she likes to give people pet names 
What do you have in your pockets?
a picklock, some money
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
eyes rolling, crossed arms.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Difficult to unbearable. She grew up as an outcast considering she’s a bastard. She was never fully recognized as a princess and never expected to be one, so she started to gain her own reputation and she started dating her first boyfriend at a young age, at 16.
What is your earliest memory?
Waging up in a strange home -- an orphanage, after passing out at a festival. her mother dropped her off after she couldn’t provide for her anymore.
How much schooling have you had?
None, everything is self-taught, street-smarts.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
Self-taught and a few friends
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
The Greek Goddess Athena comes to mind -- the Goddess of war and wisdom.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Not really, because they were all living apart
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
either a writer or a designer for Kings and Queens
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
running, pulling pranks, stealing food, taking hot baths, sneaking into plays
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
stubbornness, recklessness, wit, temperament, energy, courage.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
She didn’t have many friends, but she considered them to be her actual family, people she could rely on. They fed one another and made sure each and every one of them is safe and had a relatively filled stomach.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
With Lysander, her first boyfriend. She was fifteen at that time, at the peak of creating herself and realizing her own dreams. He was the one she loved and adored.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
She lost her virginity to Hercules later within the story.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Selling her own soul to Hades in order to save Lysander.
Who has had the most influence on you?
Hades/Holden in terms of bad influence, Hercules and Aladdin/Ali in terms of good influence.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Saving Hercules’ life.
What is your greatest regret?
selling her soul to Hades
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Betraying and lying to Hercules
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
Not that she is aware of.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
The moment she died and the moment she thought she’d lost Hercules forever.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Being exposed for lying.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Again, signing the contract and saving Lysander’s life even though he didn’t deserve her pity. 
What is your best memory?
her first major connection to someone else than Hades/Holden, kissing Hercules for the first time.
What is your worst memory?
Dying, selling her soul
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
mostly realistic, actually. With a tendency to pessimism. 
What is your greatest fear?
Never regaining her freedom
What are your religious views?
She believes in the Greek Gods (naturally, she technically serves one), so she’s Hellenistic.
What are your political views?
Equality, feminism and liberal.
What are your views on sex?
Preferred to love, it is the freedom to choose what you want to do with your body, it combines pleasure with consent if applied correctly.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
Killing would be acceptable in order to save your friends, family and loved ones. Could Meg kill? possibly
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Permanently damaging someone else, either through words, actions or gestures.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
She believes in soul mates, yes.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
freedom, creativity, self-expression. Love.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
She isn’t necessarily honest. She likes to be blunt and outspoken, but that doesn’t include her emotions except at a time of complete frustration, for instance if Holden annoys her and really gets to her.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Men can be pretty shitty, people in general can be backstabbers, so she tries to hide a part of her.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Betray Hercules again. it broke their heart the first time around, she’s trying to steer clear of them, in fact.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Hercules and a few friends like Goldie and Ali.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
She is usually polite, but keeps people at a distance. She likes to use wit as a form of barrier between her and others, though she is never extremely rude.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Hercules has shown her the way, that love isn’t a weakness, that it’s worth fighting for. Her rather difficult upbringing was devoid of love, but her life didn’t have to be. She lives in Fabletown knowing that open your heart can sometimes lead to something better and greater than she has anticipated -- and they have shown her the kind of worships she’s after.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Herself -- she might sound conceited, but that’s just how she operates. She tries to remember her self-worth, especially around Holden/Hades. 
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
If she’d have to name her best friend, then it would be Ali. They’re both in the same position on opposites sides, share a connection that his unrivaled and reminds Megara of her friends back home. She respects and trusts him and while she does have a handful of friends, it is Ali she returns to every time.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
Not at the moment, no. Ever since her arrival in Fabletown she’s been distant, also due to her involvement with Holden. She fears Hercules will get too close and will get them both into loads of trouble. Megara works on a solution, however -- on returning to love and its beauty. One day, definitely.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
Lysander, a soldier who made the wrong choices, whose debt and moral compass were out of balance, causing him to make a deal with the devil, in that case Holden Kasabian, or Hades as he knew him. She loved Lysander more than she loved herself, so Megara sold her soul to Hades to protect him from a life in the Underworld as a condemned soul. Lysander moved on and she was forever trapped in a gilded cage. The end.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
Strength, independence, prestige, humor and someone who is unapologetic about who he is.
How close are you to your family?
Not close at all and even if she wanted to; they’re probably dead.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
She has not and yes, she wants to start her own family and give them the love they deserve unlike her own treatment from her own parents.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
If she can’t help herself, she’ll either ask Ali or the one who is most suited for the job.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
Not anymore. It used to be Hercules, but since she wants to steer clear of them she’s unsure if they’d be a good fit for that role. Clearly they are, but on a personal level they aren’t. Protection leads to love.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Probably Holden, no doubt.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Holden Kasabian. The way he has no remorse and how he wants to be powerful, how he uses her as a pawn.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Arguing in one of Megara’s specialties. She’s not actively after conflict, but to get your point across a little bit of arguing is definitely worth it. 
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
She’s not as social as one would expect. Though she could potentially take on the leadership role if needed.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
no -- trust issues.
Do you care what others think of you?
Mostly yes, but she knows some people have their mind set on one specific image of her.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Megara is fond of going out, have a few drinks, go shopping, she also likes gambling and theater. She loves to be around her friends and likes to change the way her own story is written out for her -- and make it her own.
What is your most treasured possession?
A ring she once got from Lysander before he left. She doesn’t really cherish the ring, but it’s something that reminds her of how important self-love is, above everything else.
What is your favorite color?
Purple and teal!
What is your favorite food?
Burger and grapes. Also ice cream.
What, if anything, do you like to read?
She likes to read psychology journals and non-fiction books in general. She does like a few fictional novels, like The Hunger Games, but she rarely has time to read.
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
A glass of good quality wine, a handful of her closest friends, shit-talking about Holden. A bit of dancing at the end of the day, maybe a movie -- preferably a drama.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
She doesn’t smoke, but she drinks occasionally, whenever she wants to. Megara drinks, because it relaxes her and is generally something she has never stopped doing because it’s not frowned upon and is socially obligatory.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
If she’s with Holden, then it’s mostly helping Holden in whatever he needs and as long as she wants to -- if not she at least TRIES to protect. If she has the way off she’ll either be alone in her little apartment or out running her own little deals and causes mischief.
What makes you laugh?
Dry humor and Schadenfreude, mostly.
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
People not appreciating her, others taking her for granted and not realizing the sacrifices she’s made -- here’s lookin’ at you, Lysander.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
Either play a video game, exercise or watch a documentary about history.
How do you deal with stress?
She handles stress fairly well. If one deals with Gods she sure as hell can deal with a bit of stress every now and then. She compensates the troubles with a bit more “me-time” on the next day.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
She’d rather plan ahead, but that’s not always achievable.
What are your pet peeves?
people spitting on the floor, seemingly “flawless” individuals, men in positions of great power.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
Megara wakes up at 6:30 AM, showers, puts on make up and a dress and eats breakfast. She brushes her teeth and leaves the house at around 7:30 AM to accompany Holden to wherever he wants to go. If desired she stops at a café and grabs some coffee and something to eat. The time she works each day varies greatly on what Holden has in mind, but after she’s done working she’ll cook something, clean, go grocery shopping and then get out again to further her own goals. She can survive on relatively low sleep, but on the weekends she prefers to sleep a lot longer (~10 hours). She usually doesn’t expect to have a routine. Each day is already expected to be different.
What is your greatest strength as a person?
Perseverance. Empathy.
What is your greatest weakness?
Love and pessimism,
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
She’s like to be less isolated sometimes, more open-minded. Not everyone who crosses paths with her is trying to destroy her.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
good: acting, snarky remarks, leaving an impression bad: decipher her own emotions, underestimates others sometimes, she tends to be headstrong and therefore has a hard time accepting someone else’s opinion but her own.
Do you like yourself?
Most of the time, yes.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Be free again. Be happy
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully free of the agreement and somewhere warm and safe.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
In the arms of the one she loves.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
Try and sabotage Holden, spend all her money on helping out Al and Hercules and lastly confess her love to Hercules once again.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
She wants to be remembered as the woman who fought against the odds and prevailed.
What three words best describe your personality?
bold, flirty, determined.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
witty, brave, seductive.
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coyote-brainbabies · 6 years
Profile: Yateveo
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been away for a while on a family trip but I’M FINALLY BACK so here’s a bastard to celebrate
Basic Information
Full Name: Yateveo Nicknames/Aliases: Veo, the Bloodroot Title(s): None/tba Age: Unknown (adult) Gender: Cis Male Orientation: Homosexual Species: Root Birthday: Unknown Occupation: None Powers: Regeneration, blood absorption Living Family: None Hometown: Unknown Current Residence: Traveling
Physical Characteristics
Height: 10'2” (minus the branches) Skin Shell: Shades of ash brown Hair: N/A Eyes: Red Body Type: Sleek and vaguely feminine Distinguishing Marks: None Left or Right-Handed: Left Quirks/Habits: Humming/singing to fill silence. His branches also thrash around wildly when he gets angry enough. Voice/Voiceclaim: Possibly the Chesire Cat from American McGee's Alice.
Medical Information
Addictions: None Aids/Augmentations: None Allergies: None Conditions: None Physical Abnormalities: None Blood Type: ??? Mental Illnesses: -tba?- Other Notes: None
Mental/Personality Attributes
Known Languages: Common, -others tba, maybe- Positive Traits: Resourceful, clever, observant, loyal Neutral Traits: Protective, quiet, stoic, effeminate, proud Negative Traits: Sadistic, amoral, unpredictable, aggressive, dangerous Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert Fears: Things out of his control, burning to death Secrets: Generally keeps his softer side under wraps, only expressing it around his traveling party, particularly his lover.
General Likes: Causing chaos and unrest, singing, flowy clothing, rain, warm colors, flowers, clear night skies (bonus if there's a full moon), hot springs, calligraphy, silk fabric, staying up late General Dislikes: Naivety, tryhards, narrow spaces, sports, cold weather, cowardice, running, his soft side being pointed out, losing his composure, feeling scared Favorite... Animal: -tba- Color: Red Food: Blood by default, since it's the only thing he CAN “eat” Music Genre: -tba- Season: Spring
Best Friend(s): Witiko Other Friends: Vrases, Xavia, Uzziel, Tzofiya, Simeon Acquaintances: None Significant Other(s): Zerta Rivals: None Enemies: Opaline Pets: None
Meaning of Name: Yateveo comes from ya-te-veo, a Spanish phrase meaning “I see you”. Religion: None Astrological Zodiac: Unknown Chinese Zodiac: Unknown Celtic Zodiac: Unknown Element: Fire MBTI Type: ISTJ Hogwarts House: Slytherin Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Despite Yateveo's usual stoically cruel demeanor, he's very affectionate and gentle towards his lover Zerta, and shows genuine patience and kindness towards Witiko and Vrases' children.
Yateveo tends to wear clothes made for women, simply because he doesn't like the style of most men's clothing he finds.
Yateveo is a lot stronger than he appears.
Yateveo has a terrifying smile. His laugh is also unnerving, even if it's over something harmless.
Yateveo doesn't necessarily need to drink blood or water through his mouth; he's capable of simply absorbing it through his branches.
Though Yateveo has lived for a very long time, he's still considered “young” by Root standards.
In the distant future, Yateveo will take root in the ground just like the White Lady. Unlike her, however, Veo doesn't plan on restraining himself...
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LF Connections: Y’nea Monhi
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NAME: Y’nea Monhi
AGE: 21
RACE: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon/Seeker of the Sun Hybrid
GENDER: Female
SERVER: Mateus
physical appearance ––––
HAIR: Long, thick, a mess of waves. Dusty rose in color, bordering on pink or brown in different lighting.
EYES: Golden
HEIGHT: 4′10″
BUILD: Lean, Slender
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: The only notable mark on the Miqo’te is a brand on the back of her neck in the shape of a Dahlia. It stays covered with her hair at all times and is the chief reason she never wears it up.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Potions, small bottles of various salves/herbs, teabags and sugar, a golden Dahlia that she keeps in her hair.
personal –––-
PROFESSION: Healer for The Wounded’s Rest clinic; Freelance Healer/Medic
HOBBIES: Weaving, Cooking, Singing, Gardening
RESIDENCE: The Goblet, currently at The Wounded’s Rest Hospital
FEARS: Tight Places, Barred Rooms, Branding Rods, Fire ( to a lesser degree)
relationships –––-
PARENTS: Okha Monhi (Estranged - ???), Y’Raali Nunh
SIBLINGS: Too damn many, obviously all half siblings
OTHER RELATIVES: Tonnes, Known PC relatives include Y’shalva Rhatli
traits –––-
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
additional information –––-
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
possible hooks –––-
If you fight in any of the tournaments hosted on Mateus it’s likely you’ll see this girl hanging around, either to watch or help out where healing is needed. OR
Injured and need/want a clinic to take care of you? The Wounded’s Rest in the Goblet is open to those who need it and Nea is a healer there, she even lives there so she’s up at all hours for anyone who needs it!
Nea is also a frequent of Ul’dah, if she’s not working at the clinic she’s usually wandering the city streets in even the shadier parts of town to offer what succor she can to those that can’t afford it. The same goes for the refugee camps still scattered around the walls.
If you’re a Y Triber from the Southeast Sagolii or really a Seeker from the Sagolii at all, Nea grew up there and had a penchant for roaming, until she was about 16.
If you’re looking for something darker; Nea was part of an underground migratory gladiator ring for roughly 5 years of her life. There’s a myriad of connections that could spring from that. The group that ran it was a collection of merchants, gangs, and even wealthy Ul’dahns that would often abduct or buy their fighters. The matches were always to the death. Which leaves that connection open to; fellow fighters, any of the ‘sponsors’ involved, or even spectators. The ring was broken up when a group of the fighters managed to stage a coup and set their locale on fire. Not everyone made it, sponsor and fighter alike.
what I’m looking for ––––
Really anything at this point! Friends and connections both new and from the past would be wonderful. I’m more than happy to work around others if you think Nea might fit into something or you might want your character to have played some part in her past. I’m happy to answer any and all questions on her backstory for that purpose! Nea’s romantic status is complicated, she has some clear lack of understanding when it comes to actual romance, but in the end she’s a tribal and having left her tribe is not adverse to multiple partners. She doesn’t have any but one at the moment but likely would not be opposed if the spark is there. So...I’m happy with all kinds of RP themes! I love me some angsty and dark themes, but I also love light hearted and light themes just as much, I just want to go on a journey and see where it takes us!
oocly, I am ––––
American, CST. Right now my availability is pretty much late morning/afternoon to early evening but that could change.
I do have a Discord and am not opposed to giving it out privately and doing RP over that medium if it works best for others!
My writing length can vary but I usually end up with at least a paragraph if not more. I try not to get carried away though and annoy my partner, and I don’t mind writing with all styles!
I can be a bit shy so if I don’t poke you immediately after we talk that’s just because I’m being shy about doing it. I love to talk to anyone and everyone, and I adore plotting!
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kittyvaltersen · 6 years
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TASK #002: Character Development 
“it’s a very difficult era in which to be a person, just a real, actual person, instead of a collection of personality traits selected from an endless automat of characters.”
― gillian flynn
FULL NAME: katherine mae valtersen
NICKNAMES: kitty, kitty kat
AGE: twenty-two
BIRTHDAY: july 4th, 1996
GENDER: cis female
PRONOUNS: she/her
MOTHER: astrid valtersen
FATHER: even valtersen
PARENTS: astrid & even valtersen
FAMILY: astrid watson (mother), timothy watson (step-father). even valtersen (father), holly north-valtersen (step-mom), kristina malki (step-sister), sylvia valtersen (biological sister)
SIBLINGS: sylvia & kristina, though kitty doesn’t acknowledge krissy as  being a “sister”.
CHILDREN (if any): n/a
FACECLAIM: madchen amick
HAIR COLOR: light auburn
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: typically, she keeps it natural. so, because she has thick and semi-curly hair, it’s pretty frizzy but voluminous.
EYES COLOR: dark blue.
HEIGHT: 5′3″ ft. / 1.6 m.
WEIGHT: 104 lbs. / 47.2 kg.
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: her style varies like none other. one day she’ll look like she just walked out of a 1990′s mystery-horror tv show (wink, wink, cough, cough, twin peaks), another day she’ll look like a very ethereal fairy or enchanting witch. depends greatly on her mood, tbh.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS (SCARS,MOLES): she has quite a bit of softer scarring on her inner wrists, seeing as she has dabbled with self-harm when she was a preteen. she has a huge “battle scar”, as she likes to call it, on her right knee from surgery to fix it’s dislocation. there’s also varying little scars throughout her body from childhood nonsense. 
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: people tend to think kitty is very child-like with a bubbly and sweet but almost complex ditzy way. if that makes sense?? lmao. because she’s usually really stoned when first meeting people, they often write her off as a bimbo. however, she’s very philosophical, has assets and layers to her personality that no one would have guessed, and she’s much more wise than your average person. she beats any label anyone wants to place on her with charisma because she has so many facades and contradictions within her that no one can get a clear read, including herself.
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: kitty kat has a very groggily voice that’s a bit scratchy and sultry. however, depending on her mood, she can either be very comical and animated in her voice or she can be very deadpan and quizzical. 
TATTOOS: tons. not to the point where she’s covered in them, but she has a few which are neatly hidden. most notably, she has a hand holding a blood-dripping knife on the meaty bit between her index and thumb in black and red ink on her right hand, a fairy behind her left ear in faded pink and green (her first tattoo), a intricate and quite large red and black rose on her thigh, and a white mandala on her upper back right below her neck and shoulders.
PIERCINGS: she has her ears pierced nine different ways to sunday on each ear, lmao. she also has a septum piercing.
HOMETOWN: technically oslo, norway.
VEHICLE: doesn’t have one. uses buses or her bike for transportation. 
PHONE: iphone 6s
PETS: has a pet rose-haired female tarantula named karma.
HIGH SCHOOL: dropped out and took the GED.
MAJOR: n/a
CAREER/OCCUPATION: con artist first and foremost, but also gunsmith for the reapers.
EMPLOYER: her step-father/the reapers?? idk, lmao.
YEARLY SALARY: under 60k a year. 
RELIGION: agnostic/pagan.
BELIEFS: she doesn’t have a strict belief system. she follows a lot of what most pagans believe, but she breaks the bounds of following any sort of tradition.
DRUGS: smokes marijuana, nothing else.
ALCOHOL: rarely.
AVAILABILITY: emotionally unavailable. 
LOOKING FOR: nothing.
PHOBIAS: prev. phobia of the dark      
HOBBIES: reading tarot, conspiracy theories, spiritual research, history, painting, sculpting, drawing, writing.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aloof, depressed, self-loathing, insecure.
POSITIVE  TRAITS: loving, quirky, giving, wise.
QUIRKS: taps nose when in thought, picks at cuticles, bites lower lip, grinds jaw when nervous, talks to self, paces, fidgets leg/hands.
LOCATION: on a highway overlooking the city.
SPORT: none.
MUSIC: loooooves, absolutely loves the cranberries.
SHOWS: murder mystery, deadline, stranger things.
MOVIES: cruel intentions, any halloween movie.
BOOKS: TONS! gone girl, girl with the dragon tattoo, this is how you die, sharp teeth, supernatural enhancements, a series of unfortunate events, the diary of sylvia plath, i could go on lol.
FOOD: shawarmas. 
BEVERAGE: grapefruit or pineapple soda.
COLOR: emerald green.
MORAL ALIGNMENT:  chaotic good.
MBTI:  infj.
ENNEAGRAM:  type four: the individualist. 
TEMPERAMENT:  phlegmatic. 
PRIMAL SIGN: seahorse.
TAROT CARD: reversed would be the magician, upright would be the star.
TV TROPES: deadpan snarker, cute witch, perky goth, the ophelia, the manic pixie dream girl.
SONG: she wants by s.o.s
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › sophia bush. cis woman. she/her. . ╯ have you met matilda chambers yet ? this thirty four year old aries has been living in the seattle area for ten years. she makes a living as an emergency room doctor, which is best suited for their compassionate, composed, defensive, and stubborn personality. rumour has it by adele is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers.
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: matilda helena chambers.
nickname(s): mats, tilly.
age: thirty four (34).
date of birth: 28 march 1987, libra.
hometown: san diego, california.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: caucasian.
nationality: american.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she/her.
orientation: i’m so sick of filling this out.
religion: questioning.
political affiliation: democrat.
occupation: emergency room doctor.
living arrangements: suburban house.
language(s) spoken: english, spanish.
accent: american.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: sophia bush.
hair color: brunette.
eye color: green.
height: 5 ft 7.
weight: irrelevant.
build: slender.
tattoos: you’d have to find out.
piercings: ears.
clothing style: depends on the mood - girl has range.
usual expression: warm.
distinguishing characteristics: dimples.
physical ailments: none.
neurological conditions: none.
allergies: strawberries.
sleeping habits: fluctuates.
eating habits: tries to be good.
exercise habits: tries to be good.
emotional stability: about a seven.
sociability: friendly, likes to socialise.
body temperature: usually cold.
addictions: none.
drug use: none.
alcohol use: wine is her bff.
positive traits: compassionate, composed.
negative traits: defensive, stubborn.
fears: losing everything she’s worked for.
weather: actually likes the rain.
colour: probably something bright and cheerful.
music: anything she can have a dance to.
movies: little miss sunshine.
sport: softball.
beverage: white wine, caramel latte.
food: could eat an endless bowl of pasta.
animal: had a weird obsession with parrots growing up.
matilda was born to parents who were both medical professionals, who made no secret of how much they wanted one of their kids to follow in their footsteps at least. at times, matilda felt as though she was being pushed into the medical field, and although she knew that she could say no at any point, she couldn’t quite bring herself to.
she excelled in school, again as was expected of her. she tried to be the picture perfect daughter, and fit into the picture perfect family that she had been so destined to be born into. a picture perfect family filled with cracks that she had been too young, or too naive, to see.
matilda had never been one to suspect that anything untoward might have been happening in the walls of her family home. she’d been so focussed on what she needed to do to fit in, to be just right. 
learning that her father had been cheating on her mother tore the family apart. she didn’t understand how he could have done that not just to her mother, but to the whole family. she didn’t understand why her mother couldn’t see it happening either, even though she had been just as oblivious. the picture perfect family was torn apart while matilda was in high school, and she couldn’t have been more thankful to escape for college when she did.
matilda attended the university of washington for pre-med, where she fell in love with seattle. it was a stark contrast to san diego, and that was the majority of the appeal for her. it was far from the life she’d lived before.
matilda had to move for med school - attending baylor college of medicine. texas hadn’t been her first choice, but for her it was just a stop-gap onto the road she had been paving for herself. and besides, anywhere was better than risking going back to california and facing what was inevitably a messy divorce that was occurring between her parents.
as soon as she was able (and matched), matilda hopped on the first flight back to seattle. she couldn’t explain what the pull to it was, but it was there and it just felt right for her. the feeling stayed as she continued to learn at seattle presbyterian.
while working at seattle presbyterian, matilda met the person that she would then go on to marry. if you’d asked matilda, it was everything that she’d thought her parents marriage had been - two people in love, with nothing that could come between them.
ever the optimist, matilda thought that was it - that she’d met the person she would spend her life with, and that was that. apparently the picture perfect life she’d always wanted was a reality.
or so she’d thought. they’d only been married for a couple of years when the rumours started - that they weren’t as committed to matilda as she was to them, and that there was a side to their relationship that matilda didn’t want to admit existed.
for the most part, that mentality had worked, but ignoring the signs became increasingly harder the more when they were pointed out to you, clear as day. matilda told herself that it couldn’t be so - that they were happy. 
finding a blonde in their bed hadn’t been part of the plan - and was impossible to ignore. then med student laurel davis wrapped up in the sheets that she had picked out, in the house that she had made a home? for the first time, the resentment matilda had felt for her mother for not being able to see what was going on dissipated, and left matilda feeling even more like a fool. 
matilda went straight back into her mode of denial. it was just one person - one slip, that she had caught in the act, and they would be fine. but one slip was never the case, and matilda couldn’t let it go as much as she wanted to. she became more paranoid, questioning of every person in their lives wondering if maybe they had been in her bed too.
matilda was at first determined not to let this break their marriage. she was better than that, or so she told herself, better than her mother. and ultimately, that was where this all stemmed from - making sure she didn’t turn into the same person she had so resented. 
matilda had them doing marriage counselling, retreats when they could get away, anything they could possibly to do to make things better. she couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t working, and that she was only driving her spouse to be all the more sneaking about their extra-curriculars.
a year ago, matilda moved to work at seattle grace with best friend maya rodriguez, on the advice that maybe the pair working in the same hospital and living under the same roof might be more pressure than needed, and could give them more of a chance. matilda didn’t buy it, seeing it as giving them more opportunities to cheat, but she kept it to herself. she was willing to do anything. 
as she suspected, it hadn’t worked in the way that they had hoped. matilda was still worried, and with a frank conversation with the therapist, she and her spouse came to the decision that they would take a break. they were, for all intents and purposes, strangers to one another. and that was how they had to act. matilda would stay in the house while the spouse moved out, so see if time apart could heal what had gone on.
it’s been a month since their break began, and matilda would be lying to herself if she said that she could see them coming back from this - and she’d be lying even more if she wasn’t still wondering just how many people around her knew the truth, especially seeing laurel in the halls of seattle grace.
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
the spouse give us that DRAMA, maybe wanting to make it work or make it worse  (or someone to convince her to leave the spouse for GOOD ya know 👀, or even just a good time for a hot minute in between pls she been through a lot)
someone stop me what if it’s like callie/mark/arizona vibes and her good time gets her pregnant when the spouse wants to work things out lord who am i
all sorts of friends and good vibes would be 10/10
i would be open to her having some family members knocking around
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