#screenshot redraws here I come!
mccoyquialisms · 2 years
I love when they do the Glowy Ninja Eye thing in Rise no I cannot explain
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revrads · 1 year
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I keep forgetting to post this oops
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Bloo and no words vers or somethin
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lothbats9000 · 5 months
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It's official! I love the 2003 turtles SO MUCH! Like, just look at him! He got excited and jumped into this goofy pose and I love it so much! He looks so happy, and it's making me happy!!
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Also I kind of just took a really low quality picture in the moment and then decided to try and see how close I could recreate it. So sorry this screenshot is so grainy. Someday I'll figure out how to take good screenshots without just taking a picture of my computer screen
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bonestrouslingbones · 6 months
oh there's the first episode of the 3rd season of the current sonic cartoon up on youtube early. yeah its the one with a big emphasis on shadow and sonic with some of the most references to shipping that specific ship there has ever been in offical sonic media. yeah this is gonna be so fucking bad for my edgepuff brain this is my warning to you
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arleniansdoodles · 11 days
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Freya Allan recently dropped a screenshot of a deleted scene from Kingdom, so here's my contribution to the redraw pile! XD Ironically, out of all the fanart I've done for this movie, I think this painting is the one I'm least satisfied with; the colours weren't coming out right and it was hard drawing Noa's face at this angle without a reference ... But I still like how everything turned out nevertheless! :D
I've left Freya's screenshot below so y'all know I'm not making this scene up lmaoo
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tenoart · 2 months
Hello Teno! You said for mutuals to give you drawing recs on your Codfather Jimmy art so here I am-
Perhaps Codfather Jimmy meeting LimL!Scott? I want to see how the fishy boys react to each other. Or maybe just Mean Gills art in general :o
If not, let’s play a little game- go to the last mcyt video you’ve watch, randomize a number, go to that time in the video, and draw whoever is seen/heard in that frame/scene! Or, screenshot/thumbnail redraw if the other one sucks!
Okay there are my ideas- feel free to take them or ignore them! Have fun drawing and creating your usual amazing, wonderful, spectacularly beautiful art ^^
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I love the idea of this duo also cause they come from such DRASTICALLY different worlds. Scott would be surprised that Jimmy doesn't hate him and Jimmy would be surprised about literally everything else.
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harryzroze · 2 months
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Week !!! cheers to the fav lesbians
Close up image, screenshot reference I used and image description under the cut below!
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Ruby and Sapphire from the show "Steven Universe" in a forest scene, a redraw of the scene in the episode "The Answer" moments before they fuse for the second time. My drawing has more paint-like texture due to the brushes I used, with dark blue shadows of trees in the middle-ground and background to frame around the two characters. There is a darker tree shape in the foreground that frames the brightly lit forest scene. Streams of water are flowing around the two gems and rays of light are coming from above the forest shooting downwards to hit the streams of water, making the areas glow. There are soft pink lights spread out in these glowing areas. I also added 2 frogs in the bottom right corner as a nod to the moment in the episode where Ruby catches a frog when they explore the surface together. Sapphire and Ruby are holding each other before they dance in this scene. Sapphire has her left hand on Ruby's right shoulder, Ruby's right hand gently hesitating at Sapphire's left elbow. Ruby's left hand and Sapphire's right hand (their respective gem hands) are holding each others hands in the back of the drawing, filling the small empty space between them. Sapphire is leaning forward slightly with a soft smile and Ruby has her eyes closed in a content, happy-like manner.
If you haven't heard of these characters before, here's a general description of them:
Ruby is on the left side of the drawing, she has scarlet red skin with dark red shorts, and a sleeveless dark red shirt with a lighter red triangle in the middle of the shirt heading downwards. her hair is a very red colour (almost black) in a square like shape that frames her face. She has a thick build and appears bulky and strong. She has a ruby gem integrated into her left palm.
Sapphire is on the right side of the drawing, she has light blue skin and a bright blue dress that hides her legs and feet. The torso of the dress is a dark blue with a light blue triangle shape in the front going downwards and two smaller white triangles alongside this. Her dress has big white puffy shapes at her shoulders, and she wears white gloves that go to her elbows. She has light blue long hair (the colour lighter than her skin), that curls down to around her hip area, and she has a fringe that covers up her singular eye. Her thinner arms indicate she may have a slimmer build than Ruby, but they are the same height. She has a sapphire gem integrated into her right palm.
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genericpuff · 27 days
oh boy it's that time again
when rachel posts 'video progress' of her work and we proceed to dissect it like a frog in 9th grade science class
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like ok first the caption of "is persephone the chicken and hades the egg" makes no fucking sense except to anyone who overthinks it and goes "wait is that a reference to the popularly-perpetuated version of the myth where persephone went down to the underworld willingly and hades didn't actually exist???" because if it is ima scream lmao
Here's the transcript of what she's saying in the video:
"I think I've always wanted to write Hades' and Persephone's story because obviously I really like them. It's like very much a chicken and egg situation because I think in the beginning I thought that I was going to use a very abstract black and white style, and I realized it wasn't very enticing or fun for me, um... and I started drawing these very like vibrant characters and as I drew them I understood more about the story the more that I explored the art style, um and I guess an example of that is, y'know, Persephone is like a very bright color um, and the Underworld, is a very dark dark blue, and so when she says she really sticks out so it's just environmental uh processes like that that really helped inspire the direction of the story."
(despite her expanding on the "chicken and the egg" bit it still doesn't make sense imo lmao)
But what we're seeing isn't S1 LO, it's actually from S3 of LO:
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But um... you notice anything interesting about the screenshot I just showed you?
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That literally looks NOTHING like what we see in the final panel. At the VERY least I think this goes to show how overcooked it becomes in post-production, when they add the canvas layer and hypersaturate the shit out of the colors, but even the blending technique just isn't matching up?
A lot of what she's doing in this video also feels very... non-existent, like she's brushing her pen around but very little is happening so it feels more like her just putting down random brush strokes to try and make it seem put-together but really she's just kind of pushing colors around and/or doing nothing. Especially when, again, what she's painting here looks nothing like the final picture (so at best it's a lot of wasted work??)
And knowing what we know about the assistants drawing the characters separately so that Rachel can rearrange them in the final episode layout... I don't wanna call foul play here, but this feels like yet another attempt on Rachel's behalf to make her process seem more involved than it is by simply redrawing a scene for the performative aspect of it all. It's like the "sketches" in the books looking way too 'clean' for the final product and giving the impression that she just sketched over the final panels to make them look pretty enough for print.
I also wanna mention that for some reason she's drawing this on her iPad when she owns a Cintiq. It could be because she was drawing this while abroad in the US for her conventions last fall, but despite clearly being ahead of schedule, she still wound up drawing the final episode the night of-
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Oh yeah and btw there are like a million clipping layers for what looks like just a simple drawing of Demeter. And this lines up with our previous theories about her using like 128549021809 layers for literally one character.
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And aside from all that her commentary, as always, is very nothingburger, just a bunch of word salad. Like she's literally trying to explain LO's color theory as "well Persephone is bright pink and the Underworld is dark blue so she sticks out! That's all you need to know!"
IDK, I'm not coming to any sort of ironclad conclusion based off this one video, but it does feel like yet another desperate attempt to prove that she does work on LO and doesn't just leave it all to her assistants to do at the last minute. But like... she's kind of screwed in that argument either way, because even if she draws the majority of panels in LO, that just further proves the argument that she's stopped trying.
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n0bluev · 3 months
redraw(ish) link
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Um. Actually, ☝️, Geto is fun. (No offense but skill issue, Gojo. (☝️.))
Very random impromptu god gojo AU thingy ??? I got the idea 5 seconds before drawing this (: brain empty….!! big eyes !!!eyes… GOJO? Gojo has eyes…- "BIG" eyes……..,'God' coded? Lets go with that.) and only thought a little while drawing so theres not much lol
But uhm.; So gojo is a young god ™ (around 20yo, typical gojo.) but despite that, he’s been overpowering other gods who have been there for thousands of years since the moment he was born (breaking the balance of the world as he does) so thats fun -- gods are immortal but he "doesnt count" yet right? his existence is an insult to the rest of the world. ‘Elders dont like him’ (that goes both for old gods AND old worshipers.) [<—aka ‼️OVERPOWERED YOUNGSTER OLD PEOPLE DONT LIKE ✅ (CHECK!) VERY GOJO!]
Theres a worship system thing going on in this AU ; A lot of people are very religious and follow these gods and whatnot (but there are probably groups that reject this lifestyle, or that sought out taboo methods instead, staying away from places where strict laws rule) [hashtag insert worldbuilding] —— GETO (born same year as « gojo ») HAS BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THIS SYSTEM SINCE A RELATIVELY YOUNG AGE AND IS FULLY EDUCATED ABOUT THE MANNERS AND RITUALS HE SHOULD DO AND BLABLABLA. Theres a hierarchy in the church/cult thing so theres higher ups for him to dislike while politely kissing ass (amen). Idk what he thinks of the gods (it’s between him being a model worshiper that truly has faith in them & him secretly having something against them for some reason, only believing in his own gatekeep girlbossness or something¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
EITHER WAY. he goes to meet gojo at some point. Probably because he has been asked to. Maybe the story is about (/or at least starts with) elders ™ deciding they want to find ways to control / restrain gojo (idk), leading to satosugu eventually teaming up to say fuck that.
Something something geto being « favoured by a god [gojo] » thus having a definite place in this world and gojo feeling like geto’s existence « grounds him » and gives him proper meaning in what to use his strength for and whatnot. Whatever (i doubt im going to write this so im not gonna elaborate lol sorry (i love me some character psychology but 💤💤)) Something something they are a destined cosmic pair your honour. Hashtag soulmates in every universe including this one HAh
Kind of an afterthought but: Gojo adopting megumi is definitely canon here too so 👍👍👍👍 (megumi is probably human but idk, as long as theyre wholesome im sold <3<3) SO LIKE, SOME PLOT HAS TO HAPPEN TO MAKE THEM FAMILY YKNOW - but deal with that yourself 😌(💤) (unless i come back to this idea with some deranged brainrot i didnt ask for + the will to create & share it✌️)
(Ps i decided gojo can change size so he can be human sized (oooo sneaky!), but ‼️‼️he can also be pocket size‼️‼️(i think thats the most important to note thank you v much), hes not stuck on giant mode yay :D)
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Everythings so sketchy haha, BUT GETO YOUR HONOUR! ah…no earring on this screenshot tho mybad
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sal-ami-a · 4 months
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It's been awhile since ive been on tumblr, but im having a come back ig
Here is this silly screenshot redraw that i recently did
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
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so... ive been seeing everyone draw stuff for ninjago "ending" but, i kind of refuse to believe its over, cause its not (is in denial) (i cant wait for ninjago united im BRRR I WANNA KNOW MOREEE) SO, instead, i did a screenshot redraw! so here's to this era of ninjago ending, and looking forward to the future. i'll always keep the memories with me, this show was my childhood, and now coming back to it in the past few months has made me so happy, and pulled me out of some REALLY REALLY tough times. so hey, thanks ninjago, until next time i guess!! hope this art and all the aus ive been working on with @shadesofvermillionvoid are enough, and i hope to stick around some more while we're waiting for united to come, who knows what the future's gonna hold! can't wait!
[og screenshot under cut]
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Rise of Lyric has by far some of the most consistently expressive character animation of any 3D Sonic game ever, and frankly I think Frontiers should be embarrassed that it isn't at minimum on the same level as it, if not better.
Because here's the thing: RoL still looks awkward at times. Mouth shapes can feel a little weird, the eyebrows don't always seem to know what they're supposed to be doing, little things that give off the impression that it wasn't quite as polished as it wanted to be. But it's still LEAGUES above Frontiers, even with the progress it's made over other mainline games.
And look, I really can't claim to know how the models they're using work because I don't have the ability to mess around with them myself, but at this point I'm starting to wonder if they're just... not particularly stretchy by nature?? Because I can't imagine any other reason for them to be so stiff even when the animators are doing their best.
To prove my point, let's compare a very similar expression and pose of Sonic's from Frontiers and RoL respectively.
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In both of these scenes, Sonic is expressing determination to fight in order to save his friends. In Frontiers, this is from the Final Horizon update, right after Amy, Tails, and Knuckles sacrificed their corporeal forms in order to bring Sonic back from corruption. Sonic is currently feeling the weight of that sacrifice full-force, lamenting that they gave up their chance at freedom for him, and uses that pain to push himself forward to really save them this time.
In Rise of Lyric, Sonic is staring down a robot army led by Metal Sonic as the door in front of them closes. He's already ushered Amy, Tails, and Knuckles behind him into a suspicious temple of sorts, but he's prepared to fight in case it doesn't close fast enough. He was told twice not to open the door in the first place, but he was concerned for his friends, and decided to prioritize protecting them over their own desires to keep fighting.
With such similar framing, it's hard not to see how Frontiers' expressions fall short. Both Sonics have their eyes narrowed, the bridge of their eyebrows scrunched down to separate them into two distinct shapes, and they're holding their fists up. But in Frontiers, it's not very clear what emotions he's feeling just by looking at him. Sure, he looks kinda determined if you squint, but at a glance, he looks almost more neutral than anything.
And it just gets worse the more you think about it because by all accounts, he should be having a MORE intense expression than the one in Rise of Lyric! I mean come on, the guy practically died five minutes ago and is gearing himself up for another round of Titan fights. He should be looking exhausted and utterly spent but like he's still gonna keep going somehow.
It got to the point where, halfway through writing this, I decided that it wasn't enough to just talk about what his expression should have looked like, and that I was going to put my money where my mouth was and redraw it myself.
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I scrunched his eyes and brows down closer to how they are in the Boom screenshot for the determined look, made him look upwards with his irises instead of staring blankly ahead, and pulled up his lower eyelids to add an edge of desperation to him.
I kept his mouth in the same position, but tried to make it look a little more... angry? by curling it up on one side and showcasing his top teeth more. Finally, I changed the position of his body and arms a bit, to make it look like his whole body was tensing up along with his face.
These are all Extremely Doable in 3D animation - the only part I'm uncertain of is the mouth, since I tend to draw mouths with a very 2D mindset. But on principle, it should not be hard to shape his eyes to match his emotions. That is the absolute bare minimum of what you want your character models to be capable of in a professional setting.
And it's driving me nuts that Frontiers, savior of the Sonic games' credibility among the masses, is still being outclassed by what's considered the "second 06" of the franchise. What is happening over there that this keeps being a problem
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imaginative-joy · 10 months
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“I want adventure in the great wide galaxy! I want it more than I can tell…”
As much as Belle loves the stories told on the holocrons in the Jedi Archive she helps guard, what she really wants is a real Jedi adventure as told in the legends she knows so well. Her chance comes from a distress signal on a remote planet in the Outer Rim. Thankfully, she makes a droid friend, CHIP2-D2, who explains that the inhabitants of this planet are cursed…
Another redraw of an older piece! Jedi Belle and CHIP2-D2 were originally drawn back in 2015. Belle has always been the hardest Disney Princess for me to draw, so I took an extra long time studying model sheets and screenshots so I could get her just right. With the updated version, I wanted to add more embellishments to both Belle and Chip and include references to the movie with the rose and stained glass. I’m quite happy with the final result, but I must admit that I was getting tired of looking at this piece for so long 😅
(Prints available here!)
Merida/Prints Mulan/Prints Moana Raya
Closeups and original 2015 version below the cut!
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grooviestsadpapaya · 9 months
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Sorry I’ve been gone for so long! Here’s something to hold you over until the next SOH update comes out ;] I love doing screenshot redraws when the art block is rampant in my tiny brain
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myth-blossom · 3 months
Celebrating Hitman Fanworks
Since I missed International Fanworks Day, I’m posting about it now 😁
The Hitman fandom is comprised of so many amazingly talented people. Their passion in celebrating the Hitman series goes to incredibly creative lengths, including (but certainly not limited to) animations, let’s plays, GIFs, screenshots, fanfiction, fanart, playlists, crafts, and more. I wanted to make a post recognizing many of these wonderful people and link some of my favorite fanworks of theirs through the years. (Please note: Tumblr kept breaking with so many links, so I had to paste some fanart links as plain text!)
And I know there are more awesome people out there still for me and others to discover—comment/reblog and let us know who they are! ❤️
@cartoonishly (Cartoonishly Animations) - Hitman 3: The Masterful Mendoza SASO
@outsidexboxofficial (outsidexbox: Let’s Plays) - Hitman 3: Lust Escalation
bigmooney06: Let’s Plays - Hitman 3 is changing in a BIG way
The Stupendium: Music - The Apex - Hitman 3 Rap feat. NemRaps! 
@issytheamateurnerd - “All of us on Tumblr be like”
@dianaburnwood: Absolution was peak storytelling
@tobiasrieper: HITMAN locations: Chongqing, China
@itspapillonnoir: Sapienza
@cajunandfire: Hitman Characters: Diana Burnwood
@arthur-edwards: Hitman 3
@lucas-grey: Diana in Mendoza
@tvfreak56: We’ll always have Paris
@diana-fortyseven: Lust DLC
@a-gromova: Brick by brick
@darkyu-yj: Diana/47
@cabbi3: Diana/47
@apricotbones: Hitman Paperback
@ellenchain: Vacation Time
@evilhellcrow: Diana/47
@magentasteam: Lucas Grey
@glass-of-malbec: “Hold me. I’m the monster that you’ve carved out of stone.”
@theserlingbucket: You’ve given me too much to feel.
@rieper-for-hire: New Contract Available
@lone-pylon: Mendoza doodles
@hndcrm: “summer’s kiss to electric wire” fanart
@cartoonishly: “He is a polite one, isn’t he?”
@excellentwork47: Is it the season of lust yet? 
@grumpynora: Musée du Louvre WIP
@tsuyuus: Agent and Handler
@spookiiwookii: Yearly redraw time :3
@naho-natsumaki: Diana/47
@qpneuma: mendoza dianas https://www.tumblr.com/qpneuma/707446302762483712/mendoza-dianas
@a-gromova: “One last tango, 47" (https://www.tumblr.com/a-gromova/641313052416000001/one-last-tango-47)
@krazyyy: 47 and Diana just need to hug, plz IO. (https://www.tumblr.com/krazyyy/632341649653153792/47-and-diana-just-need-to-hug-plz-io)
@nihilnovisubsole: we know who the real power player is in this series (https://www.tumblr.com/nihilnovisubsole/90643653125/we-know-who-the-real-power-player-is-in-this)
@krn-art: Diana/47 (https://www.tumblr.com/krn-art/642321124290674688/hitman-fanart-coming-through-one-side-move-it)
@vodissey: “Madame Diana” (https://www.tumblr.com/vodissey/643885298271600640/madame-diana-her-appereance-in-hitman-3-directly)
@fassbender-mcavoyobsessed: Blueberry Muffins fanart (https://www.tumblr.com/fassbender-mcavoyobsessed/691517386799611904/ive-been-very-uninspired-lately-but-i-recently)
@diana-fortyseven: They Would Always Have Mendoza (https://www.tumblr.com/diana-fortyseven/722847902962155520/they-would-always-have-mendoza-deviantart)
@cicaklah: cicak - another day down here in paradise (explicit)
@diana-fortyseven: Diana47 - Little Red Riding Hood (explicit)
@cajunandfire: Spicyfuego - A Private Show (teen and up)
@peridotglimmer: SugarsweetRomantic - Box Dye (teen and up)
@postalninja: Postal_Ninja - Coming Home (general audiences)
@skylightpirate: New1Romantic - Does Your Husband Know The Way The Sunshine Gleams From Your Wedding Band? (explicit)
@issytheamateurnerd: Nerding_Amateurly - I could never be ready (teen and up)
@air-tuna-art: air-tuna-art - Daises on your night stand (teen and up)
@greengoldfish: greengoldfish - Ordinary Days (explicit)
@r-kaye: R-Kaye - y2k (teen and up)
TheAntiHero - Condo 1202 (explicit)
@nihilnovisubsole: akfedeau - Death and Orchids (mature)
@arthur-edwards: Fan-furniture
@urarakawarabi: Diana/47 Plushies
Please be sure to check them out and show them some love! ❤️
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bellacatt-art · 1 month
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I think I'm getting somewhere with my rendering maybe hehe 👀 it seems to be coming along nicely :)
So this is yet another screenshot redraw from the Doctor Who TV Movie from 1996! I'm still yet to watch it but it looks so silly and fun, and Paul McGann seems like a brilliant Doctor I just wish he had more screen time :D (pls give him at least one season BBC I'm begging you 😭)
I can't think of what else to write here, but I hope you like this piece! ♡♡
(Original photo:)
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