#even though she legit said she didn't actually want to be a doctor during the Hospital arc
avidvampirehunter · 9 months
So he really never learned to stop pushing people away, huh. Never a happy middle of not being too clingy, and not pushing them away "for their own good." Nope. Never learned it. 'Kay.
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simptasia · 3 years
Sorry I'm a bit late, but here's some Lost nonsense from my brain:
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
And on top of that.
How come no one really tried to mess about with time in the 70s? I know there was a bit of "ahh don't effect the future" but like, if I was stuck in the past I'd have a go at screwing around with time. I'd be like suck it universe, there's no Internet and I've got people in the present I care about. I know alot of the Lost people had reasons not to, like Jin's trying to keep his family safe and Sawyer doesn't really have anyone outside of the island. But Julie's sister? Kate needing to find Claire? WHY WASNT THERE A DANIEL FOCUSED EPISODE ABOUT HIM TRYING TO CHANGE THE FUTURE AND SAVE CHARLOTTE THAT JUST MADE THE FUTURE HAPPEN MORE SO THAT THEN WHEN SAYID SHOT CHILD BEN I COULD HAVE BEEN ALL LIKE nah bro thats no gonna help, when instead I thought there was gonna be some funky timeline nonsense that I'm always here for AND THEN THERE WASNT. Also more Daniel.
Last thought (sorry I can't shut up)
Now I'm thinking about it, why was everyone's reaction to Sayid shooting child Ben as a bland "this is bad" ?? Im not trying to say it was good, but its like the whole 'go back in time and kill Hitler as a kid' argument? I thought characters would at least have thoughts? Like no one even talked about it beyond face value?? Or even had an emotion?? Everyone was just like: "this is bad, but let's leave him with his abusive dad" ???????????????
Epilogue Thought: i genuinely thought when Kate handed child Ben over to the Others she was doing to say something to him along the lines of what adult Ben said to her at the beginning of series 3 when they had breakfast together. (My memory is so bad, but it's something like "I wanted you to have a nice memory to cling onto because a lot of bad is going to happen.") And then it was gonna be like a weird time loop thing of who really said it first, like Ben doesn't remember them properly or anything (but it might help why he didn't just ask Jack for surgery help when they first crashed.)
lost spoilers ahead
Okay, first of all, how the fuck did you send a message this long. Whenever I send messages, I'm given a character limit???
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
"Adopted", yes that the's word for it. And yeah... yeah. The entire plot of LOST, down the drain. Isn't it ironic, this show is known for so much daddy issues and all of this fuss was caused by mommy issues
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
Short answer: Because Anthony Cooper is a cunt
Longer answer: it's pooossible that anthony genuinely didn't wanna spend any time with locke at all. as you pointed out, this isn't pragmatic on his part. but he's a dick. he also has a history of not sticking around the people he's conned
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
I've had this same thought. Offense to Eloise, but I'm different.
like, yeah, even if it turns out to not be possible, there's merit in fucking trying to prevent this. like, morally, emotionally, i'd respect eloise if she'd fucking TRIED to not kill her baby boy :(((
legit, same, if i knew i was destined to kill my boy, i'd be like "no"
and at the very fucking least, i'd give the best life possible! which, paradox or no, is what a parent is SUPPOSED to do, eloise!!
not only does eloise not even try to not do this, what makes it so much worse is that she didn't allow him the life he wanted. you know he's gonna die young, bitch, let him have love and piano!
HES NOT EVEN ASKING FOR MUCH. free will??? please???
i Cannot talk about eloise without going on this rant, it seems
and the rest of ur message, i won't copy paste, but what ur saying about time travel. i'm kinda indifferent to a possiblity of them trying to change more but thinking about it, it's odd that they didn't Try more. however this can chalked up to like, not enough run time. but yes i'm all in favour of the characters ties to other characters mattering more. and charlotte mattering more. grrrr
oh boy the ben thing. well, i don't blame them for the This Is Bad thing. because it is. it's very bad to shoot a child. i wanna say, sayid is so fucking out of character when he does this. the writers mishandled sayid pretty bad in seasons 5 and 6, sigh. personally i don't believe its anywhere near okay to try to kill somebody because they're gonna be a bad person One Day. but yeah i am surprised there wasn't more of a debate about this in canon. we have people of different morals here... plus, it's a debate in real life. i'm in the "punish the people who have actually done something wrong" camp
it's fucked that he has to stay with roger though. i don't put that on our losties tho, overall i blame the others. because they could have accepted ben into the others way sooner and they really should have. richard could see this kid was suffering and they let him stay with his abusive dad. that's awful. then again, charles was in charge during this time period so that makes THAT make more sense but ugh
and finally. inch resting... i always saw kate's sympathy for little ben as 1. he's only a child, he's Not big ben. and 2. she grew up in an abusive home too so she sees a kindred spirit
regarding ben's memory, it annoys me how the writers felt the need to erase some of little ben's memories to supposedly Make It Make Sense but i felt that was unneeded. i think it's perfectly viable for ben to remember all the stuff that went down in season 5 but he never mentioned it because why the fuck would he. for one thing, he was henry gale at first, he's hardly gonna be like "oh hey are you the guy who shot me when i was a kid??" no, he'd keep his memories to himself. i think ben keeps a lot of things to himself for tactical reasons so i think the lost writers employed a get outta jail free card when they really didn't need to
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bethanys-adventure · 5 years
Hey there! For the OC ask: 34-38. I didn't know you had a new story!
Yes! I started (officially) writing for a new piece and published it yesterday! To be fair, I had mismatched chapters but nothing in order! Here is the link: x (I’m also going to add links to the main character summary and also an informal introduction so everything makes a little more sense!)
Because I like pushing myself when it comes to fics and I have 4 main OCs, I might as well answer the questions for all of them! 
(Obvs Under ‘Read More’ as this will be a lot!)
34)  What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession?
Eliza: Eliza is a pretty busy person. She’s a media personality - she starred in a recently ended travel show that went on for 3 seasons/years. Though now that she’s graduated from university she wants to take a bit of a break from all of that (before maybe going back to showbusiness) and gets an internship as a curator in the Natural History Museum. Her dream job, though, is an author.
Sami: Technically, Sami is an influencer. He has gathered a large enough following because he kept roasting Eliza on social media. However, his actual job (another internship) is at Twitter, he helps out at advertising. He never really had a dream job, when he was a young boy he wanted to be an astronaut but that was about it.
Tim: Tim is doing his dream job. He’s a palaeontologist at the Natural History Museum. Part of him finds it a shame that the only place that would offer him a job in his field (while he was working for his doctorate) required him to move to England. 
Matt: Matt works in publishing. It’s not exactly his dream job - like Eliza he would rather be an author or a screen-writer. After all, his BA is in Creative Writing and his MA is in Script Writing - it would be a perfect match!
35)  How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
Eliza: Let me talk about how she got into show business because she’s 21 and it’s not really that usual for someone from her background to get famous. So Eliza was in her first year at University and among her housemates, she got close with two in particular: Darcie and Evan. They kept making up stories and joking around with “hey, what if we got famous?” and whatnot. One day, Darcie states that she has a distant family friend at Netflix and may be able to pull a few strings. 
So it happens. They are first sent around the US for their first trip during their summer break and they can’t explain how but after the first week it blows up. It’s actually overwhelming. Evan drops out after the first series (as he legit dropped out of university and goes off the grid) so two Youtubers are brought in for the last two series’ - which opens them up to a new audience, their fanbases. It had positives and negatives - the negatives included privacy invasion, an event which causes a breakdown in her last relationship (I have actually written this!) so once it ends all Eliza wants is a break.
Sami: Sami got his internship the same way Eliza got hers - entered a graduate scheme and got in.
Tim: Tim loves dinosaurs, he always has done. He has worked so hard to get where he is. His parents wanted him to go into business (like his father) so naturally, when he said he wanted to be a palaeontologist he instantly lost their support, His job - the only job that would take his lack of a doctorate - required him to move nearly 3,500 miles away from home. It was a struggle leaving everything behind, but it was one he had to make.
Matt: Matt always thought that he could work his way up, if he started at small newsletter writing jobs in his home county of Kent then he could make it eventually as a writer. Though, he seems to be a little stuck when he got into publishing. He never made it further than there. it wasn’t that he didn’t work hard - he really did - but rather there was nothing really further for him to go.
36)  What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
Eliza: Eliza is conflicted. She loves her role in the media but three years of balancing a degree alongside a show started to get to her (alongside al the social media hate) so she had to take a break. She wants to return but she’s all burnt out. She’s also not the same person she was 3 years ago, part of her wants to make a name for herself professionally using her degree. Which is why she enjoys her work as a curator. Sure there are some stressors but it’s like that with literally any other job.
Sami: Sami isn’t sure. He wanted to work in social media (as per his degree) and he is. Which is great! He works in advertising but he’s not really on terms with any of his workmates. It’s all just the small talk and project work.
Tim: He. Loves. His. Job. Yes, it can be stressful but he’s surrounded by everything that he loves.
Matt: Matt’s content with his job, but really wouldn’t mind working his way further up the career ladder.
37) What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Eliza: To be truly happy. She’s been through some shit that she can never unsee. She has suffered some pretty nasty mental health episodes. She just wants to forget it all and focus on being happy.
Sami: For someone who (jokingly) gives Eliza so much shit, he wants a more tolerant world. Sami’s a gay man (who has an autistic, bisexual older twin) who is in a relationship with another man. There are going to be people who very strongly disagree with his existence.
Tim: He’s very self-conscious about the scars on his body after he got in a nasty car accident at a young age. He wishes that people won’t look at the marks on his hands in a funny way or whispering as he walks past. He just wants to be accepted and loved for who he is rather than the accident that could have killed him.
Matt: Matt comes from a (slightly) conservative family. Long story short, he’s not out as pan to many people he knows. They know nothing about Sami, they know nothing about anything on the side that he does outside of work. Matt wants to be just as free with his loved ones as he is with everyone else.
38) How does your OC react to and handle stress?
Eliza: Surprisingly badly. Eliza’s autistic so any severe amounts of pressure results in a sensory overload (even small amounts of pressure combined with other triggers can set a similar response). She’ll need to isolate herself for some time and blast the music related to her special interest if she can feel one approach.
Sami: Much better than his sister. You can’t tell if Sami is stressed on the outside but he will internally be freaking out. As to how he handles it, he takes it out on a sharpie marker and a piece of paper.
Tim: After some push, he will crack under stress. He’s a tiny bit ashamed to admit that he’s a cryer, but he only does so when he’s in the privacy of his own apartment and around those he trusts. If not, he gets more fidgety and irritable and more likely to break all over again.
Matt: Like Sami, Matt appears so laid back that he seems incapable of stress. But he does feel it. He had to create a whole new identity (Which will later be referred to as “JustMattThanks”) just so Eliza’s fanbase wouldn’t know who he really was. Like Tim, he gets more irritable but completely isolating himself from the situation works wonders.
Wow. That took me so long to write, but hey! It was fun. Thanks for the ask Kat!
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